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"Conquering the world of Dune"
Unofficial Dune FAQ
For PC/DOS Only
Version Last
By Beno Jange
Email: beno_jange@hotmail.com
I. Disclaimer ................................................. 0100
This FAQ is intended for personal use only. It can't be used for any
profitable purposes nor can it be published in any forms. No one are
allowed to update, edit, translate, HTMLize, reproduce or do anything
with it without my permission. If you like to add it on your site, pls
ask my permission first. If I agree with you then keep it unaltered and
up to date by checking the newest revision on GameFAQs once a month. If
you want to take some parts of it, give a credit where it is due. Any
offenders will severely dealt with. Furthermore, it is protected by US
Copyright Law and the Berne Copyright Convention of 1976.

Dune logo, characters (C) 1984, 1992 Dino de Laurentis, Virgin Games,
CRYO Interactive Entertainment System.
Unofficial Dune FAQ, logo (C) 2000-2001 Beno Jange.
All copyrights and trademarks (if any) are acknowledged.

II. Table of Contents .......................................... 0200
I. Disclaimer ................................................. 0100
II. Table of Contents .......................................... 0200
III. Revision History ........................................... 0300
IV. Author's Note .............................................. 0400
About This FAQ .......................................... 0401
How to Get the Update ................................... 0402
How to Contact Me ....................................... 0403
V. Introduction ............................................... 0500
VI. Characters ................................................. 0600
VII. Walkthrough ................................................ 0700
Prologue ................................................ 0701
Chapter 1 : The Search for the Spice .................... 0702
Chapter 2 : The Search for the Fremen Leader ............ 0703
Chapter 3 : The Vegetation on Dune ...................... 0704
Chapter 4 : Battle for the Fremen and the Atreides ...... 0705
VIII. Tips & Tricks .............................................. 0800
1st Spice Shipment ...................................... 0801
Some Unexplore Sietch ................................... 0802
Spice Troop Equipment ................................... 0803
Improving Your Fremen ................................... 0804
Easy Way to go to the Sietch ............................ 0805
Easy Way to Search for Enhance Weapon ................... 0806
Improving Your Vision ................................... 0807
Fremen Dress Color ...................................... 0808
Finding Chani ........................................... 0809
Some Useful Spy Informations ............................ 0810
Some Useful Battle Informations ......................... 0811
The Book Information .................................... 0812
Better Troop Occupation ................................. 0813
Last Spice Shipment ..................................... 0814
Discouraging the Harkonnens ............................. 0815
The Things That You Should Avoid ........................ 0816
IX. Frequently Asked Questions ................................. 0900
X. Credits .................................................... 1000

III. Revision History ........................................... 0300
v0.8 - 10/17/2000 - First Release.
- Finished the walkthrough.

v1.0 - 10/20/2000 - Edited the FAQ logo.
- Edited the Disclaimer.
- Edited the Email Policy.
- Edited the Introduction.
- Edited the Characters.
- Added the Prologue in the walkthrough.
- Rewrote some parts of the walkthrough.
- Removed misplaced contributor.
- Added some tips & tricks.
- Corrected some grammar errors.
- Corrected some spelling errors.

v1.1 - 12/29/2000 - Edited the Table of Contents.
- Edited the Author's Note.
- Edited the Characters.
- Removed the Email Policy.
- Corrected some grammar errors.
- Corrected some spelling errors.

v1.2 - 01/23/2001 - Reformated the FAQ lay-out.
- Rewrote the Table of Contents.
- Rewrote the Author's Note.
- Rewrote the Introduction.
- Changed the Characters lay-out.
- Some small changes.

vLast - 08/25/2001 - Revised the Disclaimer.
- Revised the Author's Note.
- Revised the Introduction.
- Updated the Tips & Tricks.
Thx to Aniahchan .
- Updated the Frequently Asked Questions.
- Updated the Credits.
- No more updates will be made towards the guide.

IV. Author's Note .............................................. 0400
About This FAQ ................................................... 0401

I played this game loooong time ago (in 1995). Since the internet not
so popular at that time so I can't find the FAQ for it. Now, as I check
on GameFAQs, there is one good FAQ. But that FAQ didn't cover what I
expected. That's why I wrote this FAQ.

In this update, I revised my Disclaimer, Author's Note. Also I revised
my Introduction for more in-depth reviews. Thx to Aniahchan aol.com> for providing tips about how to discourage Harkonnen from
attacking Carthag area. Some questions and the answers have been added
in the Frequently Asked Questions.

OK, I laid in the previous revision so this will be the last revision
that I will made. No more updates will be made towards the guide. For
easy searching, just highlight the keyword number on Table of Contents
and press Ctrl+F. Pls excuse for my poor English.

How to Get the Update ............................................ 0402

The newest revision of this FAQ can always be found at:
- GameFAQs http://www.gamefaqs.com

This FAQ can also be found at:
- Game Advice http://www.gameadvice.com
- DLH.Net http://dlh.net
- The Cheat Empire http://home.planetinternet.be/twuyts
- ActionTrip http://www.actiontrip.com
- Fresh Baked Games http://www.fbgames.com
- The Spoiler Centre http://www.the-spoiler.com

How to Contact Me ................................................ 0403

Any questions, requests to post this FAQ, critizisms, contributions,
suggestions, etc (no spam please) are welcome as long as you state
"Dune" as a subject of your letter and tell me where you read this FAQ.
Tell me your website name and address if you request to post this FAQ.
Before sending me any questions, make sure that you've searched my FAQ
thoroughly and you still can't find the answer. If your questions are
already covered in this FAQ then I will tend to ignore it. Also please
understand that you won't get your reply very soon since I check my
email not every week (at least once once a month).

NOTE: I am not hiding secrets or any other information, i.e. everything
I know about Dune is in this guide.

V. Introduction ............................................... 0500
Do you remember the movie which was made by Dino de Laurentis in 1984.
Yess, it was Dune starring by Sean Young. Virgin Games has made a game
for it which is called the same as the movie title. The quality of the
graphics and the sounds are good and even "impressive" compare to other
game at that year (1992). This game can be categorized as strategy RPG
game. That means you should follow the story and use your brain to
defeat the Harkonnen. If you love Dune then you'll love this game.

I have to say that the graphic is amazing compare to other game in that
era especially when you see our characters expression when they speak.
Also the battle field map looks like 3D eventhough it was made in 2D
graphic. It seems that the music can influence our feelings about the
situation of the game. Well, not much SFX in this game but the SFX such
as flying ornitopther is great. I wish if the game features voice
acting too.

The storyline adopts the original movie and add it with the battle
field strategy. You are Paul Atreides, son of Duke Leto Atreides - long
time enemy of Harkonnen. You have been sent to Dune by Emperor Shaddam
IV. However it's not only Atreides family on Dune but also Harkonnen.
You with your family try to gather as much fremen as possible to crush
the Harkonnen domination on Dune. When you are in battle field, you can
command your fremen to attack, espionage, etc.

It is really cool! Well, of course playing this game is very fun.
You'll like to know what happen in the next. Also you will experience
about attacking Harkonnen in the battle field. The innovation in this
game is great since it has books, maps, worms, orni, etc. The game
features a clock that continously runs, whether you do anything or not.
You'll see the day turn from morning to noon to night. The game will
keep tracking about how many days that you'll beat Harkonnen.

As you progress through the game you'll find out that you're not only
need to gather as much as spice but also to find as much as sietch. At
last you should win the battle with Harkonnen. The difficulty of this
game can be considered as easy. Since managing your fremen is quite
difficult 1st and you should follow the story so I rate the difficuly
to medium. If you enjoy the story line and strategy game, then you
should buy this game.

Well, here's my rating for this game:
- Graphic : 8.5/10
- Music : 9.0/10
- Sound : 8.0/10
- Storyline : 8.5/10
- Game Play : 8.5/10
- Innovation : 8.5/10
- Overall : 8.5/10
- Difficulty : Medium
- Buy/Rent : Buy

VI. Characters ................................................. 0600
WARNING: This section possible contains some spoilers. Do not proceed
if you don't want the game to be spoiled.

Paul Atreides - The son of Duke Leto Atreides and Jessica Atreides.
With his diplomacy power, he can recruit the fremen.
He has vision power which is inherit from his
mother, Jessica. Soon he'll become a ...

Jessica Atreides - Mother of Paul. He has a supranatural power in which
can be used to find hidden room or door.

Duke Leto - Father of Paul, the Emperror of Atreides. A long
Atreides time enemy of Harkonnen.

Gurney Halleck - The teacher to Paul. He taught Paul the art of
combat and weapon.

Duncan Idaho - The expert of spice. He supervise Atreides spice
production. He helps Paul to send spice shipment to
the Emperror Shaddam IV.

Harah - A widow which is his husband died during war. She
helps Paul to find Stilgar.

Thufir Hawat - A mentat, skilled in communication and finding the
traps. Soon he will help Paul to launch the final
attack for Harkonnen.

Stilgar - A fremen leader who helps Paul to recruit all of the
fremen in Dune. He also teaches Paul how to ride a
worm and ...

Chani - Daughter of Liet Kynes, a beautiful lady who has
impressed Paul for the first sight. Soon she'll be

Liet Kynes - The expert of ecologyst who makes the fremen dream
come true with the vegetation on Dune.

Fremen - The troops which is settled in hard to spot sietch.
They help Paul in produce spice. Soon they help Paul
to make a vegetation on Dune. And ...

Smugglers - The trader who sells orni, harvester, weapon to both
Atreides and Harkonnen. In their mind are only
profit ...

Emperror - The Emperror who send Paul, his father and mother to
Shaddam IV Dune to produce spice for him. Soon he is discovered
as ...

Feyd-Rautha - A brother of Barron Harkonnen which is a long time
Harkonnen enemy to Atreides. He even kidnap ...

Barron Vladimir - The leader of Harkonnen and the cruelest among the
Harkonnen other. His ambition is to crush the Atreides.

VII. Walkthrough ................................................ 0700
WARNING: This section contains many spoilers. Do not proceed if you
don't want the game to be spoiled.
Prologue ......................................................... 0701

In these times of the future, man has explored many worlds, travelling
through space by the use of the spice.

SPICE, the most precious substance, can only be found on one planet in
the whole universe.
This planet is Arrakis, better known as Dune.

It's a dry desolate planet with vast deserts. There's never a drop of
rain on Dune.

You're PAUL ATREIDES, son of Duke Leto Atreides.

The HARKONNENS, long time enemies of your family have come on Dune to
control the Spice production, in their brutal way.

But the Emperror of the Universe has allowed you and your Atreides
family to go on Dune too.

You are determined to use this opportunity to drive the Harkonnens out
of Dune, with the help of the few natives, the FREMEN.

The story begin as you've just arrived on Dune, in an empty palace
located at a safe distance from the Harkonnen fortresses.

Chapter 1: The Search for the Spice .............................. 0702

As you enter the palace, you'll meet your father, Duke Leto Atreides.
He will ask you to find Gurney Halleck. Go outside by chosing down
arrow. Speak with your mother to find where Gurney Halleck is. Go to
that place (Carthag Tuek) using ornitopther.

As you meet Gurney Halleck in the sietch, he will ask you to recruit
the fremen chief. Speak with the fremen chief and ask him to work for
you then give this fremen specialize in spice. Now Gurney will suggest
you to visit the other sietch. Ask Gurney to come with you.

Fly your ornitopther to Carthag Harg. Do the same steps you do to the
1st fremen. Fly your ornitopther to Carthag Timin. Do the same steps
you do to the 1st fremen. Unfortunately, he will refuse to work for
you. There's nothing you can do now. Back to the palace.

In the palace, you'll meet Duncan Idaho, the spice expert who will
supervise all of your spice. Talk to him to know your current spice
status. Meet Duke and he will tell you about stillsuits. Speak with
Gurney and he will tell you about the place (Carthag Tuek). Go to that

As you meet the fremen chief, he will mention a sietch eastward from
their sietch. Go to your ornitopther cockpit and choose eastward
direction. Suddenly, Gurney will mention a sietch, go to that sietch.
Recruit this fremen and give him specialize in spice. Go to two other
sietch and do the same steps too. If you talk to Gurney, he will
mention there could be one prospector. Now, go to the sietch (Carthag
Timin) in which the fremen refuse to work for you. Now, he will agree
to let his troop work for you. Give him specialize in spice. Now move
him to prospect other sietch. Go back to the palace.

Meet your father. He will mention that there's a hidden room or door in
the palace. Go up and ask your mother to come with you. When you go to
stillsuit room (green room), she will notice a hidden room in the left.
It's a communication room. Talk to your mother. Speak with Duncan, he
will mention that it's best to use spice harvester to increase spice
production. He ask you to go to the sietch (Tuono Tabr) in which you've
found one harvester.

Go there and ask the fremen. He will tell you that there's a sietch in
north east direction. Go to that direction. Suddenly, Gurney will
mention a sietch, go there. You've seen no fremen in this place. But
you'll see some harvester here. Go to two nearest sietch to ask the
fremen to search for equipment. Go back to the palace.

As you speak to your father, he will mention a message in communication
room. Go to communication room and view the message. Emperror Shaddam
IV will ask for the spice shipment soon. Speak with Duncan, he will
mention about area rich in spice which is told by the fremen who give
you the stillsuits. Talk to Gurney, he will give you more detail.

Go to Tuono Tabr, speak with the fremen. He will mention a sietch in
south eastward direction. Fly your ornitopther to that direction. As
usual Gurney will mention you the sietch. In this sietch you meet
Harah. Ask her to come with you. Now, as Harah with you, you'll know
more sietch. Go to these sietch, recruit the fremen and give them
specialize in spice. Unfortunately the fremen chief in Habbaya Tabr
will refuse to work for you. Go back to palace.

Speak with Duncan. He will tell you about the danger of the worm. Go to
Tuono Tabr and speak with the fremen chief. He will tell you about the
sietch in the eastward direction. Go there. As you explore the sietch
you'll find two ornis. Go to the two nearest sietch which was the
fremen is equipped with harvester. Ask them to pick the ornis. Go to
Chartag Tuek and speak with the fremen chief. He will tell you about
the sietch in the south westward direction. Go there. Go to the two
nearest sietch and ask them to pick the stuffs. Go back to palace.

As you met your mother, he will ask you to go the desert alone. Do so
and wait until you have a vision that the message has arrived. Go to
the communication room and view the message. Emperror has asked you to
send the spice shipment. Talk to Duncan and accept his request then ask
him to come with you. Now go to the communication room. Meet your
father. Suddenly Gurney has disappeared. Your mother will tell you that
you can contact the fremen in certain range. Try it. Now, try to find
Gurney with your mother. As you explore the room with your mother,
you'll find the hidden room on the right. Gurney has been trapped. Meet
your father and he'll ask you to meet Thufir Hawat, your mentat in
communication room. Ask him to come with you and go to the trapped
room. Thufir will ask you to find Fremen Leader.

Chapter 2: The Search for the Fremen Leader ...................... 0703

Speak with Harah, but Harah can't remember the leader name. Go to
Carthag Tabr and speak with the fremen. Eventually he will tell you the
leader name, Stilgar. Speak with Harah and she will ask you to go
westward direction from the palace. Do so and wait until your orni see
the sietch, go to this sietch. Speak with Harah again and she will tell
you that you must fly your orni in north west direction. Do so and
enter the sietch. Speak with Stilgar and ask him to come with you. Now,
with Stilgar with you, you can recruit all of the fremen in Dune (of
course you have to find the sietch). Visit four other sietch and
recruit the fremen. Go back to the palace.

Meet your father. Meet Thufir. He will suggest you to use Gurney as an
instructor in handling arms. Meet Gurney in weaponry room (trapped
room) and talk to him. He will offer you to teach the fremen the art of
combat by bringing him to one of the sietch. Ask Gurney to come with
you. Bring him to one of the sietch and leave him there with the fremen
specialize in army. Suddenly, you'll have a vision that your father
find some terribled on the palace. Go back to the palace.

Meet your father. He will notice you about the new message in the
communication room. View this message. Speak with your father. He will
plan a punnitive expedition with personnal guard. Speak with Thufir. He
doesn't agree with Duke. Suddenly a new message has arrived. View this
message. Thufir will suggest you to attack Harkonnen in the Stilgar's
native area (Ergsun). Speak with your father. But Duke is so stubborn
... Speak with Duncan. He'll tell you about the smugglers in which you
should find. Speak with Harah. She will mention about the tale "the
village in fish mouth". Speak with Stilgar for more detail. Go to your
Orni cockpit, you should see a fish-shaped on it.

Fly your orni to this fish-shaped mouth. You'll find the village (Oxtyn
Pyons). Talk to the smuggler if you want to buy some stuffs. Harah will
ask you to bring her back to Tuono Timin. Do so. Speak with Stilgar
when you've left Harah. Stilgar will ask you to meet someone. He will
ask you to go to Oxtyn Tabr. Do so. Enter the sietch. Go up. You'll
meet Chani. Ask her to come with you. Go to the desert. Wait until
evening. Speak with Chani. Well ... Chani know two other sietch in the
south. Visit these sietch and recruit the fremen. After you visit these
sietch, you'll have a vision about your mother who ask you to come to
the palace. Btw, don't forget to visit two more sietch (Oxtyn Timin and
Oxtyn Tuek). Go back to the palace.

Your mother will tell you that your father is dead. Speak with Thufir
for more detail. Thufir will mention another means of transpotation.
Speak with Stilgar. Stilgar will ask you to ride worm. Do this by going
to the desert and call the worm and go to other sietch. Speak with
Chani, she will ask you to tell this thing to Thufir. Speak with
Thufir. He will tell you that you still lack something. He said that
the answer is in this place. Speak with your mother. She will tell you
that you can contact the fremen in wider range. Ask your mother to come
together to explore other hidden room. Go to armory room, you'll find
another hidden room on the right. Go to this room. Speak with Chani.
She will mention her father, Liet Kynes, planaetologyst. She prefer
Stilgar to come with you.

Chapter 3: The Vegetation on Dune ................................ 0704

Go to Oxtyn Tabr. Chani will ask you to fly plain west. Do so. You'll
see the sietch. Enter the sietch. Speak with Liet Kynes. He will ask
you to bring him some fremen to help him build bulbs. If you go to the
left you will see "the water of life". You can drink it if your
charisma has reached level 50 and above. If your charisma level hasn't
reached 50 and above you should wait until Jessica explain it to you.
After you drink it, speak with Jessica. Now, you can contact the fremen
on entire Dune. Visit these 4 sietch (in which Liet mention), recruit
the fremen and give them specialize in ecology. Move these troops to
Sihaya Tuek.

Suddenly your troops will report that they get strange disease. Go to
this sietch and leave Chani here to cure them. Wait until you have
vision about Chani that has managed to cure the fremen. Pick her up.
But she's disappeared. Suddenly, you've got a new message from your
vision. Go back to the palace. But don't forget to check your troops on
Sihaya Tuek. If their job is finished, give them the bulb to start the
vegetation on Dune. Also you can send this troop to other sietch to
start the vegetation. If the sietch already has a wind-trap, the troop
will automatically start the vegetation. But if the sietch doesn't have
a wind-trap, you should ask your troop to assembly the wind-trap.

View the new message. Not good, Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen has kidnapped
Chani. Thufir will doubt that Chani is in one of the Harkonnen
fortresses. Thufir will suggest you to send the spy to find where Chani

Chapter 4: Battle for the Fremen and the Atreides ................ 0705

I suggest that your army troops are on these three sietch. One in
Chartag Harg, the other one in Ergsun Tabr and the last one in Ergsun
Tuek. Bring Gurney to these sietch. Leave him for a while to teach the
fremen the art of combat. Equip your army troop with krys, laser gun
and weirding module and make sure that they've reached Expert level.
Send your spy from these sietch. According to the spy information
attack the Harkonnen fortress. It's best if you use more army troops to
attack the enemy sietch. Remember this calculation, three troops
equipped with krys for one army troop equipped with laser gun, three
troops equipped with laser gun for one army troop equipped with
weirding module and so on.

Don't forget to take care of your spice production since the Emperror
will ask for the spice shipment. If you can't send him what he ask for
then you'll loose this battle. Keep your prospector busy by prospecting
other sietch. Also you should search for smuggler village since they
sell you the WEAPON which is really crucial for this battle. Eventually
you will find Chani on one of the enemy sietch.

When Stilgar say that there are no more Harkonnen fortresses on Dune,
it's time to navigate the final battle. Stilgar will tell you to ask
Thufir to come with you in one of the sietch around the Harkonnen
palace. Speak with Thufir and ask him to come with you. Leave him in
one of the sietch around the Harkonnen palace. He will ask you to
gather Chani, Jessica, Gurney, Stilgar. When you gather all of them,
talk to Thufir and he will tell you that you need 10,000 Fremen, split
into the three sietch around the place, equipped with Atomics to
attack the Palace. Do so. Now, you can launch the final attack. Speak
with Stilgar to do that. Accept his offer. Wait until you have a vision
that the shield is down. Now you can go to the Harkonnen palace and ...


Well, watch the credits roll ... See you on my next FAQ ...

VIII. Tips & Tricks .............................................. 0800
1st Spice Shipment ............................................... 0801

When your mother ask you to go to desert alone, it's better if you
wait until the prospector has prospect all of the sietch in which
you've met 'cos when you go to the desert alone soon the Emperor will
ask for the 1st spice shipment which is about 2000 spice. So be sure to
have enough spice to spend for.

If you can't send what emperor ask for and you send less than what the
Emperror expected then the next shipmet will be sooner. If you don't
send the spice shipment to the Emperror, then the Emperror will send
his warning. If you ignore this then you'll be dead.

Some Unexplore sietch ............................................ 0802

If you go to the sietch and speak to the fremen chief, some of them
will mention other unexplore sietch. Here are the examples :
- a smuggler village on south eastward of Tuono Clam which sell laser
gun and weirding module.
- a smuggler village on westward of Ergsun Tuek which sell weirding
- a sietch north eastward of Oxtyn Timin which has 3 krys.
- a sietch westward of Chartag Tuek which has one harvester.
- a sietch eastward of Oxtyn Tuek which has one harvester and 4 krys.

Spice Troop Equipment ............................................ 0803

It's better if you equip your fremen troop in which specialize in spice
with harvester and ornitopther. Harvester will improve your spice
production. Orni will watch for the worms which is can swallow your

Improving Your Fremen ............................................ 0804

Giving Orni to the fremen will improve their speed of walking
especially for prospector since his job is moving from one sietch to
another sietch.

Easy Way to go to the Sietch ..................................... 0805

The easy way to go to the sietch is by choosing the sietch and choose
"Go there flying an Orni" on "See Dune map". The advantage of this way
is you can choose the sietch eventhough you're still inside the sietch
but not too deep in the sietch. Btw, if you can ride worm, go to the
desert, choose the sietch and choose "Call A Worm" on "See Dune Map".

Easy Way to Search for Enhance Weapon ............................ 0806

The easy way to instruct the fremen troop to search for the enhance
weapon is by equiping them with the weapon 1 level lower than the
weapon you want to get. For eg. krys for laser gun, laser gun for
weirding module and so on. Make sure that your fremen troop is around
the place in which has the weapon you want to search for equip (for eg.
smuggler village).

Improving Your Vision ............................................ 0807

When you go back to the palace don't forget to speak with your mother.
Sometimes she will tell you that you can contact the fremen in wider
range which surely improve your vision. If you've drunk "the water of
life", speak with your mother. She will tell you that you can contact
the fremen on the entire planet and your charisma level will increase
by 20.

Fremen Dress Color ............................................... 0808

Did you notice that the color of fremen dress are blue, brown and
green. In my opinion blue is for specialized in spice, brown is for
specialized in army and green is for specialized in ecology. I mean
"specialized" here is that they can improve that occupation level
quickly. But I haven't tested it yet. Somebody pls confirm this to me.

Finding Chani .................................................... 0809

In my experience, I've found out that Chani is usually in one of the
Harkonnen fortresses near the Atreides palace. Send your army troop to
Chartag Harg then send the spy to make sure that Chani is in one of the
Harkonnen fortresses.

Some Useful Spy Informations ..................................... 0810

When you send your spy you'll get these informations:
- "Looks like there're no
Harkonnen troops around"
The enemy troop has left the sietch.
- "They might be dangerous Muad'Dib ..."
The enemy troop is equipped with krys.
- "They ARE dangerous Muad'Dib ...
AND they've got arms, indeed."
The enemy troop is equipped with laser gun.
- "Armement is impressive here.
We can see that ... well trained, too"
The enemy troop is equipped with weirding module.
- "Muad'Dib, We've got here the toughest
Harkonnen, armed to the teeth"
The enemy troop is in expert level and possibly equipped with atomic

Some Useful Battle Informations .................................. 0811

When you attack the enemy troop you'll get these informations:
- "There is much confusion among the Harkonnens ...
It's going to be easy rout them"
Your troop will win.
- "Harkonnen forces are impressive ..."
Your troop will loose.

The Book Information ............................................. 0812

As you progress through the game you can read some important
informations which is left by you from the books. Click on the books
and choose the topics.

Better Troop Occupation .......................................... 0813

If your freemen troop has many member (for eg. 2000 and above), you
should give them specialize in army and send them to Gurney for
increasing their level. If your fremen troop has a less member, you
should give them either specialize in spice or in ecology.

Last Spice Shipment .............................................. 0814

When you've defeated all of Harkonnen troop and you still have the
Emperror message ask for the spice shipment. Don't send him the spice
shipment since he won't ask you for the spice shipment anymore.

Discouraging the Harkonnens ...................................... 0815

Whenever you plant with an ecology troop, make sure it's in a place
with no spice left. Sihaya Tabr, Kynes's sietch, is hopeless. Move
them to Carthag Harg as soon as possible, it discourages Harkonnens
from attacking the army base there. (Thx to Aniahchan com>)

The Things That You Should Avoid ................................. 0816

Below are the things that you should avoid in Dune:
1. You see the water of life (with Stilgar) in one of the sietch then
you ask Stilgar to stay and leave the water of life area.
2. You don't send any spice shipments to the emperror.
3. You battle Harkonnen with less troop and less powerful weapon.
4. You go to Harkonnen palace before winning the battle against all of
Harkonnen fortresses.

Well, that's all folks ...

IX. Frequently Asked Questions ................................. 0900
Q: How do I load, save, quit, see the results?
A: You just have to select "See Dune map" and select the left "globe".
Now you should see these options.

Q: How do I send the spice shipment to the Emperror?
A: When you get the new message asking for the spice shipment. Speak
with Duncan and he will offer you to make a spice shipment. Accept
it. Ask him to come with you to the communication room. As you
deliver the spice, you'll get a message which is tell you when will
the next message come.

Q: How do I instruct the fremen to search for the equipment?
A: Speak with the fremen then select "Give Orders to Troop" then choose
"Change Troop Occupation". You should see "Go & Search for
Equipment", select this. Btw, your troop should be around the place
in which your troop want to search for.

Q: How do I give or take away stuffs to / from the troop?
A: Simple, speak with the troop and select "Give Orders to Troop" then
choose "Modify Equipment". Click on the stuff in the "equipment:" to
take away the equipment or click on the stuff in the "sietch:" to
add this equipment to your troop.

Q: How do I pay the smuggler?
A: Speak with Duncan. If you buy the stuffs from several smugglers, you
should speak with Duncan several times too.

Q: How do I assembly the wind-trap?
A: Speak with your ecology troop. Select "Change Troop Occupation",
choose "Assembly Wind-Trap".

Q: How do I attack the enemy troop?
A: Speak with the fremen and move your troop to the enemy sietch. Btw,
your troop should be an army troop.

Q: How do I make the spy to attack the sietch?
A: Simply choose "Change Troop Occupation", select "Attack".

Q: How do I send spy to the enemy sietch?
A: Well, speak with the troop and choose "Give Orders to Troop", select
"Change Troop Occupation" and lastly choose "Espionage". Btw, your
troop should be an army troop and should be on the "edge" sietch.

Q: I'm glad you wrote this FAQ for I was having trouble with the game.
I wish to print out the guide to help me through the game when I get
stuck. Since you asked that I ask permission first, that is what I
am doing.
A: Permission is granted as long as you don't use it for any profitable

Q: I have taken control of 63% of the Dune. Is 100% possible? Have you
found all the sietch?
A: That are tough questions. IMHO there should be a way to achieve 100%
but until today I still can't find the way. I didn't count about how
many sietch are there besides there isn't any informations about the
exact number of the sietch so it's hard to say that I've found all
the sietch.

Q: How many ranks are there for the fremen in Dune?
A: Basically there are 6 ranks for fremen in Dune (worse on top):
1. On Trial.
2. Novice.
3. Average.
4. Efficient.
5. Skilled.
6. Expert.

Q: Are there any known glitches in the game?
A: I've found only one glitch at the time, i.e. you won't get Duke Leto
died scenario. To get this you should ignore your father request to
come to the palace when he said "something terrible has happened in
the palace". Wait until you get the emperror message which request
you to send him the spice and view that message. By doing so, if you
speak with your father, he won't angry and he won't plan to do a
punnitive expedition so you will save Duke Leto eventhough the game
itself actually think that Duke Leto has died. You will hear Jessica
comment which said that Duke Leto has been killed by Harkonnen when
you try to launch the final attack.

X. Credits .................................................... 1000
Appears in alphabetical order:

Al Amaloo
- The webmaster of Game Advice.
- Thx for hosting all of my FAQs.
- Thx for asking my permission to host my very 1st FAQ in the 1st

Agus Ngadiman, Benny, Benson, Handhy Perayoga and Henry Julianto
- Thx for being a good friend of mine.
- Thx for the nice days which we spend together.

- Thx for telling me how to discourage Harkonnens from attacking
Carthag area.

Charles MacDonald
- Thx for some parts of the Disclaimer.

Dan Simpson
- Thx for some parts of Author's Note section.

Dingo Jellybean
- Thx for some parts of my previous Author's Note section.

Jeff "CJayC" Veasey
- The webmaster of www.gamefaqs.com.
- For his dedication and hard work to www.gamefaqs.com.
- Thanks for hosting all of my FAQs.
- Thanks for some parts of the Disclaimer.

Jim Chamberlin
- Thx for some parts of Author's Note section.

Michael Simpson and Michael Gater
- For making Dune walkthrough before me.
- I use their DUNE walkthrough as my reference.
- Thx for telling me about how to drink "the water of life".
- Believe me, I've finished this game long before I read your FAQ :).

My Brother, Father and Mother
- Thx for all of your support.

Scott Ong
- Thx for some parts of the disclaimer.
- Thx for some parts of the email policy.
- Thx for the searching method.
- Be sure to check his page at:

Whoever on creating WordPad.
Whoever on ISTP, you know me right?
Whoever on reading this FAQ.

Yee Seng Fu
- Thx for inspiring me on making this FAQ.
- Be sure to check his page at:


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