Icewind Dale

Icewind Dale

18.10.2013 04:55:01
Icewind Dale (PC)
Items Listing

January 17, 2005
Version 0.91

Written by: Dan Simpson

If emailing me, use this subject: Icewind Dale Items v 0.91

(Emails that don't use this subject will be deleted, avoid using all CAPS)

Email Policy: (read before emailing me!)
If you see any mistakes, or have anything that you want to add,
please email me. I will, of course, give you full credit for
your addition, and be eternally grateful to you. Email addresses
are not posted in the guide, unless you specifically state that
you want it to be.

You will find the most up to date version of this FAQ at:

This is just an Items listing for the game Icewind Dale. I also have a
complete FAQ/Walkthrough:


What's New in 0.91:
Changed my email address and updated the format slightly.

Estimated Completion Level: 95.1%

A complete version history can be found in the Final Words... section at the
end of the FAQ.

Table of Contents:

How to Create Items


All the items are listed alphabetically based on their Item Code, the
unique code that identified that item to the game. For example, the code
BELTSTR applies to the Girdle of Stromnos. Once all the items are entered,
then I will sort the items by type, placing similar items together, belts
with belts daggers with daggers, etc.

Final Words...

How to Create Items

The first step to getting these cheats to work, is to download the latest
patch here:

Use a text editor to edit the "icewind.ini" file in the game directory. Add
the line "Cheats=1" under the "[Game Options]" section. Start the game and
press [Ctrl] + [Tab] to display the console window.

Then in the console that appears you can type in the following code, where
the "xxxxxx" is replaced by the unique Item Code.

This creates any item that you know the Item Code for. Every item from
Baldur's Gate is there (minus Drizzt's Defender), so you can get some Item
Codes from my Baldur's Gate FAQ. (Tales of the Sword Coast items are NOT in

Note: If you are creating an item that can have multiples in one stack, use
the CreateItem("xxxxxx", num) form. So to create 300 Summon Cow
scrolls you would enter CHEATERSDOPROSPER:CreateItem("scrlzz", 300)


Sample Item ------------------------------------------------------------------
| |
| 2HAXE <---- this is the Item Code |
| |
| Two Handed Axe <---- this is the name of the Item in question |
| |
| This mighty weapon consists of a haft several feet long, topped with a |
| heavy blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides |
| of the haft, or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy |
| weapon, but a skilled warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength |
| with it. |
| ^ ^ |
| |________ The description of the Item ____________| |
| |
| |
| Damage: 1D10 <---- Damage as represented by Dice. A 1D10 means that |
| you would roll 1, 10 sided dice. So the range of |
| damage would be 1-10. If it were a 2D4 the range |
| would be 2-8 and so forth. |
| Damage type: Slashing |
| Weight: 10 |
| Speed Factor: 9 <---- How fast the weapon is used, the lower the |
| Proficiency Type: Axe number the faster |
| Type: 2-handed |
| Not Usable By: |
| Druid |
| Cleric |
| Mage |
| Thief |


Mummy's Tea

Priests of Horus-Re in far off Mulhorand were the first to create this
repellant but life-saving potion. A foul smelling brew, it is made by
boiling used mummy wrappings along with naturally desiccated animal remains.
The resulting tea can then be consumed to neutralize the effects of disease.

Cure Disease


Ring of Free Action

Free Action (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell gives the affected creature an immunity to magic that impedes
movement (such as Grease, Web or Slow spells) and negates the effects of
paralysis and hold spells.


Necklace of Missiles: 'The One Gift Lost'

The naming of this necklace originates from its only owner, Ikaida Mourneve
who quested to regain his kidnapped daughter. Not many would help the
determined father, but a kind and generous mage bestowed this item on him to
aid his cause. Alas, the necklace was lost when Ikaida dropped it into the
Immerflow River while fending off bandits upon a suspension bridge.
Fortunately, it is rumored that the item was not needed to reunite the family
once again.


Range: 50 ft
Area of effect: 30 ft radius
Damage: 6D6 (save vs. spell for half)



A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Studded Necklace with Zios Gems

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Bluestone Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Agni Mani Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Rainbow Obsidian Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Silver Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Gold Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Pearl Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Laeral's Tear Necklace

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Bloodstone Amulet

Amulets are usually magical devices that are commonly worn around the neck,
suspended from a chain. The type of chain that comes with an amulet
generally increases the item's aesthetic value, not its magical properties.
Only one amulet can be dangled from the neck.


Amulet of Protection +1

Amulets are one the most favored items to enchant by mages because of their
ability to be worn without interfering with the delicate rituals of spell
casting. This particular amulet has been infused with various magics that are
designed to protect the wearer from harm.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Saving Throw Bonus: 1


Shield Amulet

This Amulet can be activated by a simple command word and a touch with each
use acting as one charge. The effect is a duplication of the 1st level
wizard spell 'Shield'. For the duration of the spell, the wearer will have a
base Armor Class of 4. This is cumulative with any modifiers due to shields
and magical devices.


Range: 0
Area of effect: Self
Armor Class: Base set to 4
Special: Bonus +2 AC vs. missle attacks
Duration: 5 turns


Amulet of Metaspell Influence: 'The Amplifier'

Known for its ability to enhance spellcasting, the Amulet of Metaspell
Influence is highly sought after by magic practitioners. It was created by
Elairdrin Mellwith who resided in the Star Mountains. His reasons for
fabricating such an item stemmed from his womanizing habits, and to this
extent the Amplifier served his purpose well. It was later taken from him by
a mage with a more destructive intent, but records detailing the change of
hands vary widely.


Special: Memorize one extra second level spell


Barrier Amulet

This powerful amulet was crafted by the enchanter Celemon of Calimport in
727 DR. He crafted ten such amulets on commission before jealous rivals
killed him and attempted to duplicate the procedure. His colleagues were not
as talented as Celemon, and destroyed their laboratory and themselves when a
mishap occurred. The formula was destroyed as well. This particular amulet
was owned by the elven warrior-mage Pelan Rainwind. It was lost when he was
killed by giants in the Spine of the World somewhere around 840 DR.


Simultaneously casts Stoneskin and Minor Globe of Invulnerability on the
Usable By:
Mage (Single, Dual, and Multi)


Badge of the Brave

This simple steel amulet was consecrated by priests of Tempus for use by a
warrior named Teln Graham. Teln was a powerful warrior, but he was easily
unnerved in large battles. This badge, which he wore over his heart, allowed
him to overcome his sudden panic attacks during important conflicts. It left
Teln's possession when the Tempurans decided that he was an unredeemable
coward. Teln is believed to have retired from adventuring to become a


Allows user to cast Emotion Control: Courage once per day.


Clasp of Bron's Cloak

This small talisman was the clasp of a cloak owned by the notoriously tough
warrior known as Bron Balhon. On at least ten different instances during
Bron's life, he was reported as dead after getting himself involved in some
horrible situation. Some enemies shot him full of crossbow bolts and pushed
him into the ocean with lead weights only to be killed by him a month later
in a tavern four hundred miles away. On another occasion, Bron's cowardly
companions abandoned him when they were attacked by dire wolves in the
wilderness. Two weeks later, Bron swaggered into their camp wearing
wolfskins. Whether all of the tales surrounding Bron are true or not, it is
known that Bron is believed to have met his end in the Spine of the World
mountains, fighting polar worms.


Gives the wearer 5% resistance to Piercing, Slashing, and Missile Attacks.


Scarab of Defense

This type of amulet takes the form of a sculpted beetle, and is typically
only found in areas around Mulhorand. This particular scarab was crafted in
Thay by Gulvak Anrak, a powerful enchanter of magical protective devices.
Gulvak gave this scarab to an apprentice, Alik Banom, who was killed by
Cormyrean soldiers in 1021 DR. According to sages, Alik started a fight with
a Cormyrean knight who insulted Thay and the Red Wizards as a whole. Even
though Alik was powerful, he was no match for the throng of Purple Dragons
that came to the knight's aid.


Gives +2 save vs. Petrification and Polymorph


Amulet of Dark Flesh

A horrible cursed item crafted by the Calishite necromancer Niri Eddin, the
Amulet of Dark Flesh is a token of disease and slow death. Eddin gave the
item to his secret enemies as gifts and reclaimed it through his thief
servants when the sickness had run its course. Niri is believed to still be
"alive" somewhere in the realms, despite the fact that he was a human born in
832 DR.


Upon donning this amulet, the wearer is paralyzed and diseased.



A small steel dagger with a shadowtop handle, Applebane was once owned by the
halfling thief Peliwen Redgrass. Peliwen was a kind but morose individual
who spent most of his time sitting in a large rocking chair that he took with
him on adventures. Before important adventures, he would just sit in his
rocking chair and eat apples with the aid of his dagger. Peliwen's blade was
so rarely used for combat that his comrades starting calling it "Applebane".


Damage: 1D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


The Argent Shield

This silver shield once resided in the Hand of the Seldarine, where it was
used to protect its bearer from harmful magic and attacks. Because of its
racial attunement, the marauding orcs and goblins left it in the tower.
Maiden Ilmadia grabbed it from the ruins.


Armor Class Bonus: 3
Resistance Bonus: +25% Magic Resistance
Weight: 5
Only Usable By:
Not Usable By:


Arrows of the Hand

Made during the golden age between the elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep. Any expert fletcher will find these to be some of
the finest arrows ever made. They are weighted and balanced perfectly and
can pierce through the strongest armor


Damage: 1D6 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage Type: Missile (Piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather Armor

This suit of heavy studded leather armor was a gift from Sister Calliana for
saving the soul of the Voice of Durdel Anatha. It was originally worn by a
Tormish thief named Rendel to repent for his crimes. The armor is made of
red leather and bronze studs.


Armor Class: 2
Dexterity: -1
Special: -25% to all Thief skills
Weight: 35
Only Usable By:
Thief (Single, Dual-, and Multi-Class)



The flight arrow, as its name implies, is built for distance. These are
lightweight arrows and are often used for hunting. Most of these arrows are
made of ash or birch and are 30 to 40 inches long.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows +1

The flight arrow, as its name implies, is built for distance. These are
lightweight arrows and are often used for hunting. Most of these arrows are
made of ash or birch and are 30 to 40 inches long.


Damage: 1D6 + 1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage Type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not Usable By:


Arrow of Slaying

This arrow is twisted and black, almost radiating evil as if possessed by
something larger then itself. It was made specifically to kill one type of
creature and one type only. In this case the unlucky being is the Ogre Mage.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: Slay Ogre Mage upon touch
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Acid Arrows

This arrow is coated in acid so that when it strikes an enemy, it will not
only pierce its flesh but also begin to eat away at the wound, enlarging and
deepening its severity.


Damage: 1D6 + 1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 2D6 acid damage
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrow of Biting

The arrow of biting was designed as a deadly compliment to the archer. With
the barbed arrow tip coated in a nasty poison that will infiltrate the
bloodstream of its victims causing agony and often times, death.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Poison: 30% of total maximum Hit Points within 20 seconds after contact
unless save vs. death made.
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows of Detonation

This arrow has a particularly debilitating effect on its victims as, upon
impact, it explodes into a huge ball of fire and shrapnel effecting all
within the area.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 6D6 explosion upon impact (save vs. spell for half)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows of Dispelling

The arrow of dispelling will remove the magical enchantments that its victim
is surrounded by.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: Dispel Magic effecting target
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrow of Fire

The arrow of fire is a magical arrow that will burst into flames as it is
fired at an enemy. The effect is similar to an arrow doused in oil and set
to flame.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 1D6 fire damage (save vs. spell for none)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows of Ice

The arrow of ice is magically enhanced so as to burst into a rolling ball of
ice and cold when fired. When the arrow strikes its victim, a shock of cold
will travel through its body, both burning and numbing to the very core.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 1D6 cold damage (no save)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows of Piercing

The arrow of piercing is long and thin, imbued with magical properties that
allow it to 'push' itself through armor, striking out towards the heart of
the victim.


Damage: 1D6
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: +6 physical (piercing) damage (save vs. death for none)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrow +2

These arrows were enhanced through magical means when they were created.
They appear slightly straighter then the average arrow, almost alive as they
effortlessly leave your bow and streak towards their target with deadly


Damage: 1D6 + 2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrow of Biting

The arrow of biting was designed as a deadly compliment to the archer. With
the barbed arrow tip coated in a nasty poison that will infiltrate the
bloodstream of its victims causing agony and often times, death.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Poison: 30% of total maximum Hit Points within 20 seconds after contact
unless save vs. death made.
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows of Ice

The arrow of ice is magically enhanced so as to burst into a rolling ball of
ice and cold when fired. When the arrow strikes its victim, a shock of cold
will travel through its body, both burning and numbing to the very core.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 1D6 cold damage (no save)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows of Ice

The arrow of ice is magically enhanced so as to burst into a rolling ball of
ice and cold when fired. When the arrow strikes its victim, a shock of cold
will travel through its body, both burning and numbing to the very core.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 1D6 cold damage (no save)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows +2

These arrows were enhanced through magical means when they were created.
They appear slightly straighter then the average arrow, almost alive as they
effortlessly leave your bow and streak towards their target with deadly


Damage: 1D6 + 2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Arrows of Fire

The arrow of fire is a magical arrow that will burst into flames as it is
fired at an enemy. The effect is similar to an arrow doused in oil and set
to flame.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 1D6 fire damage (save vs. spell for none)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Translocation Arrows

These potentially dangerous arrows are exceedingly rare, typically only
appearing as individual items. As weapons, they are abysmally poor. As
strategic tools, they are quite useful. These arrows were frequently used by
melee fighters with competent bow skills. Once they had fired off their
Translocation Arrow, they could enter melee and finish a protected target at
close range.


Damage: 1D3
THAC0: -3
Damage type: Missile (Piercing)
Special: On a successful hit, the user is transported next to the target.
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow


Breath of Auril

Kontik, servant of Auril, once wielded this blade. It has been enchanted with
several beneficial magics.


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Intelligence: +1 bonus
Charisma: -1 penalty
Resistance: 100% Cold Resistance
Resistance Penalty: -50% Fire Resistance
Special: 2 charges of Cone of Cold per day
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Battle Axe

The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in
length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle
axes are also called broad axes.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Battle Axe +1

The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in
length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle
axes are also called broad axes.


Damage: 1D8 + 1
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Battle Axe +2: 'Echoes of Dorn's Deep'

Among the many weapons forged in the shadow of the Spine of World, several
bear the mark of dwarven smiths. This magnificent battle axe is no
exception. Its steel and balance are testament to the work of a caring
weaponsmith, and the axe's edge is woven with enchantments that allow it to
wound even supernatural creatures. Like many weapons of dwarven manufacture,
the blade is light, allowing the user to swing the blade more quickly, and
the never-dulling edge ensures that the cut is always a clean one. The
dwarven runes along the haft spell out the word "Dorn's," no doubt a smith's
mark indicating where the weapon was made.


Damage: 1D8 +2
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Throwing Axe

The hand axe or throwing axe is also known as a hatchet. The axe blade has a
sharp steel tip, counterbalanced by a pointed fluke. The short handle has a
point of the bottom and the head may have a spike on the top.


Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: Missle (piercing)
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Throwing Axe +2

This throwing axe has not only been finely balanced for use as a missile
weapon but has also been the subject of significant magical enhancement. As a
result, it is both more damaging and more accurate than any non-magical
weapon of a similar style.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +2
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile (piercing)
Special: Returns to user's hand once thrown
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Throwing Axe +2

This throwing axe has not only been finely balanced for use as a missile
weapon but has also been the subject of significant magical enhancement. As a
result, it is both more damaging and more accurate than any non-magical
weapon of a similar style.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +2
Damage type (melee): Slashing
Damage type (thrown): Missile (piercing)
Special: Returns to user's hand once thrown
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bardic Horn of Valhalla

This horn was created by the respected bard of a now-dead Reghed barbarian
tribe. The bard was called Beogin, and his songs are sung by many of the
northern tribes. He carried this horn with him when he observed many titanic
battles. The chief of his tribe gave him the instrument with instructions to
blow it if he was ever in mortal danger. Beogin, too proud to ever call on
his tribesmen for help, was killed in battle, the horn hidden under his


Once a day, this horn will summon 2-4 berserkers who will attack the enemies
of the user. It is only usable by bards.


Rhino Beetle Shield

This shield was crafted from the tough exoskeleton of a giant rhinoceros
beetle. Naturally tough, it has been cured and reinforced by skilled duergar
craftsmen. It looks and functions like a tower shield crafted from wood and
metal, though it weighs much less.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 8
Not Usable By:



Girdles are generally similar to belts. Unlike belts, girdles are not used
to hold up pants and dungarees, but to carry pouches, scabbards, and the


Weight: 2
Not usable by:


Golden Girdle: 'Golden girdle of Urnst'

Created to protect a powerful wizard against malevolent warriors, this
magical garment is made of red silk strewn with golden flakes. It is
enchanted to give limited protection against slashing weapons of any type.


Armor Class Bonus: +3 vs. slashing weapons
Weight: 2
Not usable by:


Girdle of Bluntness: 'Destroyer of the Hills'

Having lost friends and loved ones to a series of raids by hill giants,
Garrar The Powerful made it his mission to cleanse his homeland of their
presence. It is not known where he acquired this item, but with it he single
handedly dispatched dozens of the creatures, all the while protected from the
blows of their clubs. The remaining giants fled to neighboring lands; lands
that lacked a similar champion and did not fare as well.


Armor Class Bonus: +4 vs. blunt weapons
Weight: 2
Not usable by:


Girdle of Piercing: 'Elves' Bane'

An infamous highwayman in his day, Pandar of Scardale made quite a name for
himself vexing the elves of Cormanthor forest. To their annoyance he
continually used the wood to escape the law; and with the aid of this girdle,
the elves' arrows as well. Unfortunately for Pandar, pit-traps and
starvation proved a slower, but effective, substitution.


Armor Class Bonus: +3 vs. piercing weapons
Weight: 2
Not usable by:


Girdle of Beatification

Priests of Helm in Berdusk consecrated this belt and gave it to the warrior
Thom Wainwright, who had performed a number of great services for the church,
including the destruction of the Unseeing Eye and the cult that followed him,
the Blinded Acolytes. Thom wore the girdle proudly until he fell into severe
debt in his later years. To his undying regret, he auctioned it off to a
well-known priest of Mask.


Wearer is under the effects of a Bless spell while equipped


Girdle of Gond

Gond, god of invention and artifice, is a deity rarely worshipped by
traditional adventurers. Some thieves, however, revere Gond for his role in
the development of locks, traps, and other complex machines. One such thief
was the burglar Jurmar the Calm, who began his career as a locksmith. Known
for his cool demeanor and steady hand, Jurmar paid priests of Gond to fashion
this tool belt for him. Whenever Jurmar was stuck in a situation where he
didn't have the right tool for a job, one of the small pouches on the belt
would supply him with what he needed.


+10 Open Locks
+5 to Find/Remove Traps
Only Usable By:
Thief (Single, Dual-, and Multi-Class)


Belt of Stones

This cursed item was created by the wicked sorcerer Valom of the Deep. Valom
often hired lone mercenaries to collect magic item components for him. When
the unlucky sellswords came on board Valom's floating laboratory, the Dim
Courser, Valom would give them the girdle as a reward for a job well done.
Once the victim would try on the girdle, Valom would kick them over the side
of the boat where they would quickly drown. Valom's luck ran out when he
kicked Herred of Procampur into the Sea of Fallen Stars. Herred had a potion
of water breathing and a Helm of Underwater Action with him at the time.
When the huge, seaweed-covered form of Herred emerged near the docks where
Valom was resting, a local priest of Tyr immediately came to his aid. Upon
discovering what Valom had done, the priest of Tyr and three paladins
attempted to capture him. Valom killed two of the paladins, but died in the
battle. It is believed that the belt was later sold to a traveling collector
who specialized in cursed clothing.


Wearer's strength drops to 6 while equipped.


Girdle of Stromnos

The enchanter Presdon of the Vast created this girdle several hundred years
ago for his bodyguard, Dendes the Wry. He named the broad belt after a hill
giant who had almost killed him when he was looking for spell components.
Dendes died defending Presdon from rival mages near Ordulin.


Raises the user's Strength to 19
Only Usable By:
Fighters (Single, Dual-, and Multi-Class)
Rangers (Singe, Dual-, and Multi-Class)


Bone Marrow Belt

This belt made of bone has an ugly color that is similar to what bone marrow
looks like. The belt itself adjusts to fit around the wearer's waist and
imbues a magical sickly look on its user. The magics in the belt protect its
wearer from slashing damage but make him a little more vulnerable to blunt


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Charisma: -2 Penalty
Resistance Bonus: +50% Slashing Resistance
Resistance Penalty: -15% Crushing Damage
Weight: 2
Not Usable by:
Good Character


A Cage of Exotic Birds

Inside this cage are several exotic birds that look like they could use a new


White Bishop

This chess piece is a white bishop, crafted from soapstone. It is one of the
many lost pieces from the fabled Chess Sets of Niri Alud. Niri Alud was a
conjurer from Tethyr who loved playing chess. He frequently traveled with
chess sets on his numerous voyages. He wanted the ability to summon allies
at a moment's notice without giving away his intention. For that reason, he
created a wide variety of chess sets of different colors that would summon
constructed, golem-like automatons to aid him in battle. Almost all of Niri
Alud's chess sets were lost when he was attacked by desert raiders in
Calimshan. The raiders, ignorant of the ways of magic, let most of the chess
sets sink into the desert sands. The chess sets that were taken were soon
separated, pieces traveling through trade and theft over hundreds of miles.
Treasure hunters search for the pieces still.


Summons a priest-like ally to heal the party. Summoner has no control of the
Bishop. The Bishop will automatically heal injured party members until they
are at full health or when the Bishop no longer has any spells to cast.


Spear of Kerish

This spear is of unusual construction. The haft is crystal clear and is made
of some unknown material. The spearhead itself appears to be an ice cycle
surrounded by an aura of frost. A fine mist of ice crystals surrounds the
entire weapon.


Damage: 1D8 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Resistance Bonus: +10% fire resistance
Special: 5% chance +1D6 cold damage
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Black Knight

This chess piece is a black knight, crafted from ebony. It is one of the
many lost pieces from the fabled Chess Sets of Niri Alud. Niri Alud was a
conjurer from Tethyr who loved playing chess. He frequently traveled with
chess sets on his numerous voyages. He wanted the ability to summon allies
at a moment's notice without giving away his intention. For that reason, he
created a wide variety of chess sets of different colors that would summon
constructed, golem-like automatons to aid him in battle. Almost all of Niri
Alud's chess sets were lost when he was attacked by desert raiders in
Calimshan. The raiders, ignorant of the ways of magic, let most of the chess
sets sink into the desert sands. The chess sets that were taken were soon
separated, pieces traveling through trade and theft over hundreds of miles.
Treasure hunters search for the pieces still.


Summons a warrior-like ally to attack enemies. Summoner has no control over
the Black Knight. The Black Knight will automatically attack the nearest
enemy target.


Plate Mail Armor

Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the
vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to
bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises of chain and leather.


Armor Class: 3
Weight: 50
Not Usable By:


Large Shield +1

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 12
Not Usable By:


Long Sword

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



Kheros the Red wore this blood-red suit of plate mail through many of the
years that he fought for the church of Tempus. He was born as the son of
humble farmers near Calaunt. When he was a young man, he set off for the
city to hire himself out as a mercenary. After a number of successful
endeavors, Kheros became a short-term member of many adventuring companies.
Along the way, despite his many victories, Kheros became disgusted and
terrified by the sight of blood.

His fear eventually spiraled out of control, consuming him with madness.
Priests of Tempus found the huge warrior and took him into safe-keeping. The
priests believed that they could cure Kheros of his fear. Over several
years, Kheros learned the ways of the Tempuran religion, eventually becoming
a priest. His final step in overcoming his fear was being submerged in a tub
of blood until he almost drowned. All the time he was held down, he never
struggled, flinched or tried to escape. In his later years, he had a suit of
armor made to remind him of his past.


Armor Class: -1
Weight: 55
Not Usable By:


Blur Deck

The secret procedure for manufacturing these cards was only recently
recovered by the sorceress Haelia. Blur Decks are thin ivory cards that are
typically kept in a strong metal case. When the owner of the cards wishes to
use them, he or she simply needs to shuffle the cards and throw one up in the
air. The value of the card (unknown to the user) determines the duration of
the effect. These cards used to be employed by the warrior minions of Porg
the Stout. Porg's reliance on the cards proved to be his downfall when a
group of adventurers, using his cards, killed him in his tower in 833 DR.


Blur effect on the user for 1-12 rounds.



Most clubs are stout, hardwood sticks, narrow at the grip and wider at the
end. This simple weapon has been used since mankind first began using tools.
Anyone can find a good stout piece of wood and swing it; hence the club's
widespread use.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Club
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for
threshing grain.


Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flail
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Flail +1

The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon has been enhanced magically,
effectively forming a bond between the weapon and its wielder.


Damage: 1D6 + 2
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 13
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Flails
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a
wooden shaft with a stone or iron head mounted on the end. The head design
varies; some being spiked, others flanged, and still others have pyramidal


Damage: 1D6 + 1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Mace +1

The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a
wooden shaft with an iron head mounted on the end. In this case, the head is
pyrmidal and seems to glow with an inner blue light, as it sits atop a
polished oak shaft.


Damage: 1D6 + 2
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Maces
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Morning Star

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
Some such weapons have a round, oval, or cylindrical shaped head studded with
spikes. Extending from most morning star heads, regardless of design, is a
long point for thrusting.


Damage: 2D4
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for
threshing grain.


Damage: 1D6 +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flail
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



Quarrels or bolts are the ammunition fired by crossbows regardless of the
weapon's size.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow


Bolt +1

Quarrels or bolts are the ammunition fired by crossbows regardless of the
weapon's size. However this bolt has been imbued with a small amount of
magical properties which enhances performance in flight, almost as if the
bolt was guided towards its target.


Damage: 1D8 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow


Bolt of Lightning

This bolt seems to crackle with energy as it is held in the hand. When shot
from the crossbow, it seems to leap towards its target leaving behind an
electical sulfuric smell. As it hits there is a crackle as the energy stored
is released into the targets wound.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 4D4 electical damage (save vs. breath for half)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow


Bolt of Biting

The bolt of biting was designed as a deadly compliment to the crossbow. With
the barbed tip coated in a nasty poison that will infiltrate the bloodstream
of its victims causing agony and often times, death.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Poison: 30 damage in 15 seconds (save vs. death for none)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow


Bolt of Polymorphing

This bolt has been enchanted with powerful magic, glowing slightly with
almost a green inner light. If the bolt finds its target once it is fired,
the target must make a save vs. poly or be transformed into a squirrel.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: save vs. petr/poly or turn into squirrel
Duration: permanent
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow


Bolt +2

Quarrels or bolts are the ammunition fired by crossbows regardless of the
weapon's size. However this bolt has been imbued with magical properties
which enhances performance in flight, almost as if the bolt was guided
towards its target.


Damage: 1D8 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow


Bone Talisman

Bone talismans are highly coveted among practitioners of necromancy. The
charm is created from a piece of bone taken from the remains of a slain
vampire. Usually fashioned into a necklace or ring, the fey magic contained
within the talisman enables the wearer to drain the life force from any
living creature he or she touches.

Casts the mage spell, Vampiric Touch (5 charges)
Weight: 3
Not Usable by:
Good Characters


Manual of Bodily Health

A typical manual of bodily health provides the reader with valuable
information regarding preventative medicine, basic first aid, and proper
muscle toning. As if this isn't enough, the manual is also magically
enhanced, thereby allowing an individual to raise his or her Constitution by
a single point. Unfortunately, the manual will disappear after a single use.


Consitution: Raised by 1 point permanently
Special: The book is consumed upon use
Usage: Place into quick item slot


Manual of Gainful Excercise

A typical manual of gainful exercise provides the reader with a strictly
regimented routine of daily stretches and tests designed to increase muscle
bulk. As if this isn't enough, the manual is also magically enhanced, thereby
allowing an individual to raise his or her Strength by a single point.
Unfortunately, the manual will disappear after a single use


Strength: Raised by 1 point permanently
Special: The book is consumed upon use
Usage: Place into quick item slot.


Manual of Quickness of Action

A typical manual of quickness of action provides the reader with a wide
variety of tips and pointers regarding the motion and coordination of one's
hands and feet. This small tome is much in demand by people from many walks
of life, including rogues wishing to improve their slight-of-hand and
paladins wanting to perfect their thrust and parry. The secret of such a
manual lies in its magical nature, as it permits an individual to raise his
or her Dexterity by a single point. Unfortunately, the manual will disappear
after a single use.


Dexterity: Raised by 1 point permanently
Special: The book is consumed upon use
Usage: Place into quick item slot


Tome of Clear Thought

A typical tome of clear thought contains a collection of esoteric and
scholarly literature, often involving obscure mathematical or algebraic
formulae or the occasional reference to inter-planar biology. Such tomes are
usually magically enhanced, thereby allowing an individual to raise his or
her Intelligence by a single point. Unfortunately, the manual will disappear
after a single use.


Intelligence: Raised by 1 point permanently
Special: The book is consumed upon use
Usage: Place into quick item slot


Tome of Leadership and Influence

One of the most popular recent tomes of leadership and influence is the
cynically entitled book "How to Win Friends and Influence People." Like
others of its ilk, it peddles a philosophy of personal ascendancy and
manipulation by charisma alone. The authors and advocates of such tomes claim
that, by drawing on the most recent theories in sociology and interpersonal
psychology, it is possible to raise an individual's charisma by a single
point. In truth, such increases in personal charisma are the product of
magical spells placed on the text as it is in the writing process. These same
spells also cause the tome to disappear after their first use. An excellent
marketing strategy, you must concede...


Charisma: Raised by 1 point permanently
Special: The book is consumed upon use
Usage: Place into quick item slot


Tome of Understanding

A typical tome of understanding contains a sober, if dry analysis of legal
battles, historic events, government policies, philosophical treatises, and
theories of magic and metaphysics. While rarely interesting to anyone outside
of their already well-educated niche market, it is said that some such tomes
have even added a single point to the Wisdom of certain half-ogres. Such
marvels, however, are the product of a potent magic placed upon the tome as
it is being written. Unfortunately, this same magic causes the tome to
disappear after a single use.


Wisdom: Raised by 1 point permanently
Special: The book is consumed upon use
Usage: Place into quick item slot


History of Calimshan:

Calimshan is older than either of the other Empires of the Sands, first
settled over 7,000 years ago by the Djen, a humanoid race from the Elemental
Plane of Air. These Djen were known to be very magical, and during the course
of their rule they developed many new spells previously not available in the
Plane of Air.

The Djen prospered for over 1,000 years in Calimshan, but their reign was
ended by an invasion of creatures and minions from the Plane of Fire. Some
say this is where the bitter hatred between djinni and efreeti started,
though others contend this was just a result of a hatred that was already
there. Whatever the cause, the battle was long and bloody, and took over 100
years to complete. The Djen finally routed the attackers, but were greatly
weakened in the attempt. They slowly declined, and the last mention of the
Djen is just under 6,000 years old.

For the next 4,000 years Calimshan was dominated by nomadic tribes of humans.
Tribes from various places - Chult, the Shaar, The Shining Plains, Chondath,
even Amn and Cormyr - took turns dominating, only to be conquered by the
next, nearly identical tribe.

Slowly, the nomadic nature of Calimshan began to change. As explorers and
traders from Amn, Waterdeep, and Cormyr discovered the wonders of the area,
some tribes began to settle down and develop new means of support, like
fishing, farming, or trading. These communities began to band together for
mutual protection, and soon a civilization was born. It was only 1,300 years
ago that the Shoon Empire (now called Iltkazar) came into being.

The Shoons were a grand and glorious empire, and their excesses were the
foundation of Calishite snobbery today. They grew wise and powerful in the
ways of magic, and ships and caravans bearing the Shoon flag traveled across
the Forgotten Realms. Shoon himself, a particularly powerful mage, created a
book of great power during this time called the Tome of the Unicorn. The
exact location of the Tome has been lost in time, but since the book is 2' by
3' and made of pure metal, it is likely to still be around... somewhere.

900 years ago the Shoon empire abruptly vanished. A great magical upheaval
was suspected at first, but learned mages of other lands dispute the claim.
A force that great, they say, would have disturbed magical powers and beings
throughout the Realms, and that didn't happen. Sages who have studied the
Shoon at great length have reached no definite conclusions, but the most
popular theories today center around a plague or disease that decimated the

Today, the Shoon impact on Calimshan is still great. The grandeur of that
empire is responsible, more than anything else, for the strong national
character of Calimshan today. The ruins of the Shoon's greatest city,
Monrativi Teshy Mir, can still be found in the wilderness to the west of the
edge of the Forest of Mir (see below for more on Monrativi Teshy Mir).

Since the fall of Shoon, no force or people has risen to soley dominate the
land. There are a half dozen or so major cities, each of which exerts its
power over its own area. About 170 years ago, a man in Calimport amassed a
large army and declared himself "Pasha" over the land. Before that army
could march, however, the representatives of each major city met and agreed
to recognize the Pasha's authority in limited areas, and to pay a small
tribute to him; enough to pay for the works the Pasha was expected to do.
The oldest son of each Pasha inherits the title; if there is no son, the
mayors of each large city select a new one. The current Pasha, Rashid
Djenispool, has ruled for over 18 years, and is the grandson of a pasha
elected by the mayors of Calimshan 44 years ago.


History of Cormyr:

Cormyr dates its years from the founding of House Obarskyr 1,342 years ago,
the first of the noble houses and the line of its kings. For the bulk of
this time, Cormyr was little more than a single city (Suzail) and a few
fortified outposts. At times the monarch was forced by rebellion and
intrigue to rule from those outposts instead of from the throne. King Azoun
is the fourth of his name and the 71st of his line.

The land has been officially at peace for many years - since Rhigaerd
overthrew the last of the border raiders. However, Cormyrean armies have
taken part in many actions in nearby regions, recently mustering its forces
to face Gondegal, the rebel of Arabel; to occupy Tilverton on the marches of
the Dalelands; and to lead a crusade against the great Tuigan horde invading
from the east. One wit has noted that "Yes, the land is at peace, but the
army has to keep busy." In addition to pursuing major actions, Cormyrean
patrols often skirmish with bandits on the roads in the north and west, and
are at present battling orcs and other creatures north and east of Cormyr in
Tilver's Gap and Shadow Gap. Both of these areas are threatened by raiders
who will menace Cormyr itself if they ever overrun Tilverton. Cormyr has
built a fortress, Castle Crag, to defend the kingdom from attacks from that
quarter, and maintains the High Horn to protect against attacks from the


History of Dambrath:

The nation of Dambrath was formed out of a barbarian kingdom almost a
half-millennium ago by a powerful alliance of priestesses of Loviatar and the
drow from the city of T'lindhet.

In 211 DR, fleeing from the destruction of the homeland by the then-great
kingdoms of Unther and Muhlorand, four tribes of barbarians entered Dambrath.
They found a coast where the dolphins danced and plains where the grass was
long. They roamed from the borders of the Walls of Halruaa as far east as
the current borders of Estagund. They soon became known as the Arkaiun, or
people of the wind.

In 545 DR a great warchief, Reinhar, arose to lead the tribes. The halflings
of Luiren were quickly enslaved, and several of the coastal cities of Durpar
were captured or razed. Estagund fell to his rule, and eventually Reinhar
turned his attention to Halruaa.

An army of 40,000 horsemen and a fleet of 50 ships mounted a coordinated
attack, and even though Reinhar was able to get beyond the Walls of Halruaa
and occupy the cities of Mithel, Galdel, and Zalsuu, their magics proved to
be more than a match for the invaders. Reinhar was finally defeated in a
great battle at Sulaziir by the archmage Mycontil and his troop of wizards.

Reinhar's son, Reinhar II, took command of the army and set out on a two
month overland retreat. He arrived home with a thousand surviving fighting
men and no shaman. Reinhar II proved to be as good a ruler in defeat as his
father was in war. He consolidated his forces and pulled home almost all of
his troops, as he knew that the defeat made them tempting prey for raiders
and encroaching monsters. This action allowed for the safe developement of
his peoples.

By the time the ninth Reinhar was king in 802 DR, the Arkaiuns were fat and
lazy. Reinhar IX, or Reinhar the Foolish as he is more commonly known,
insisted on expanding his nation to gain more gold to finance his military
campaigns. He ordered the mining of many rich lodes of silver and electrum
in the Gnollwatch mountains, but before his plans of expansion could begin,
the miners encountered the drow of T'lindher. The drow were outraged and
began a steady series of raids and attacks on the Arkaiun strongholds. Whole
villages were destroyed overnight, and no trace of the invaders could be

Reinhar IX committed the foolhardy action of attacking the drow in
retaliation. While the Arkaiuns managed to get a force into the drow city,
this action only succeeded in uniting the normally chaotic drow. For once,
the full power of a drow city was turned against an enemy.

The battle quickly moved back to the surface. Reinhar's raiders were wiped
out, leaving Reinhar with only a small portion of his original military.
This was not enough for the drow, who demanded total enslavement of the
entire surface nation. The Arkaiuns resisted valiantly, and the war went on
for three decades at tremendous cost in life to both sides.

Finally, the drow had the Arkaiun forces cornered at Malduir. Almost without
hope, the defenders were overjoyed when a group of half-elven pilgrims
appeared on the scene. The high priestess, Cathtyr Shintar, offered the aid
of her clerics to help defend the city, and Reinhar took this to be an omen
from the gods. A priestess was placed with almost every company.

Within a tenday the drow struck. The priestesses did indeed prove to be of
great aid, but to the drow. Every priestess turned on the Arkaiuns, and
Cathtyr herself slew Reinhar. The drow were still weakened by the battle,
and only the presence of the priestesses enabled them to win. Cathtyr,
realizing the unique advantage she possessed, made a deal that even the
suspicious drow embraced. Her priestesses would rule the land, and in
exchange they would provide access to the surface for the drow, trading
weapons, slaves, and supplies.

The drow were delighted with this brazen offer from a surface dweller.
Reinhar had been slain and the insult avenged, and after 30 years of war the
drow were not particularly interested in Dambrath. They did insist, however,
on taking the best captured males as slaves. Cathtyr quickly agreed to this,
seeing the males as an obstacle to her own power.

Cathtyr ruled for 205 years. She fulfilled her promise to make Dambrath, or
"The Nation of Pain," a bastion of evil in the Realms. In her time, Cathtyr
saw the priesthood of Loviatar expand to thousands, and faith in the
Beastlords previously worshiped by the Arkaiuns was nearly eradicated. Many
of the Arkaiuns were able to escape their new mistresses and flee to the
Swagdar. There they resumed their almost forgotten nomadic life.

The priestesses of Loviatar continued to enjoy good relations with the drow,
and some even took mates, creating a race of drow half-elves. These dark
half-elves became known as the Crintri, or "noble ones." Most are pristesses
of Loviatar, though many are mages as well. They consolidated their power,
learning much of the area from the Shebali, or "lower ones," as the Arkaiuns
are now called. The capital of Dambrath was established at Cathtyr, built
after Cathtyr's passing and named in her honor. Her death came at the hands
of her daughter, Filina, who had grown tired of waiting for her mother to
die. Filina ruled for only five years, however, before her own daughter,
Cathakay, assumed the throne in the same fashion. Cathakay ruled for 54
years, eventually falling in battle against a gold dragon. She died
childless, and her niece Melanith assumed the throne.

Melanith faced an increasing population, and unrest among males who longed
for a return to their prestige of old. Melanith did not return their
previous status, but she did make use of them. Fearing that the great
nations of Mulhorand and Unther might rise again, she decided that mundane
tasks, such as the defense of the kingdom, would be handled by men. She was
the first to name a male to the post of warchief. Sadalar, a Crintri, became
the queen's consort. His term as warchief was characterized by widespread
bribery and corruption. He was, however, responsible for getting many
privileges returned to the Arkaiuns. After Melanith's rule, the Shebali
were considered second class citizens, rather than slaves.

Though males were granted more power during her rule, Melanith also
solidified the split beween the sexes. While the rulers of Dambarth had been
females for over two centuries, it was more because of competence than
gender. Melanith, however, decreed that men could have no authority except
over other men. The female-led hierarchy of Loviatar was quick to back this

Many of the bravest and best men of the kingdom perished in raids on
Estagund, Durpar, the bandit tribes of Veldorn, and against the gnolls that
had returned to the Gnollwarch mountains. Some even fought at the side of
the drow in their battle with the svirfneblin city of Aventine. The deep
gnomes were destroyed, but so were the Shebali. The drow and the Crintri
were largely unharmed, and for their aid, the Crintri were rewarded with a
number of drow males to breed in to their race. Melanith took a drow male as
her consort to replace Sadalar, who had perished in the conflict. The drow,
Nym Inthigg, fathered three daughters and a son. It was at this time that
Melantih began the isolationist policy that Dambrath still follows today.

Melanith ruled for 156 years; her daughter Ausitil for 125. The current
queen of Dambrath is Yenandra; she is known there as the "Pirate Queen," for
she has sailed as far south as Zakhara on pillaging raids. Yenandra has been
ruling for 71 years, and is beginning to show signs of age. She has three
daughters as well, named Luatharyn, Meltruil, and Hasafir. While she does
remain extremely popular, especially to the Crintri, the children of leaders
in this land are not known to patiently wait their turn.


History of Durpar and Var the Golden:

Durpar and Var the Golden share a common history. Over three-thousand years
ago, these countries were both subject to the great kingdom of Raurin. When
Raurin fell in 2488DR, the countries of Durpar and Var barely survived the

Rioting, mass destruction, and hatred of nobility were rampant, and the two
countries descended into barbarism for over two millennia. Finally, after
most of the barbarian tribes were wiped out by the great empire of Mulhorand,
a leader emerged. Satama, a mere trader, experienced a divine revelation and
formulated a new philosophy All things in the world were connected, were
part of a single creation spirit, and all of the gods of the Realms were
merely parts of the same entity. Soon all the Shining Lands embraced the
teachings of Satama, and the seeds of civilization were laid in what came to
be known as the Lands of the One.

Since the Lands of the One had many natural resources, trade with Mulhorand
and Luiren became a way of life. Merchants were honored above all. In time,
the Maharajah of Durpar and the Rajah of Var were replaced with a Council of
Merchants. During this time the land suffered occasional raiding attacks
from the horsewomen of Dambrath, and had many skirmishes with the neighboring
countries of Estagund and Ulgarth.

In 1023 DR, after an armed peace had been worked out with Ulgarth, the
Council of Merchants decided that something needed to done about the raiders
from Estagund who were hurting trade with other countries. War was an
inconvenience, but interrupting trade was life-threatening.

Jeradeem, the richest merchant in the lands, was given power to negotiate a
settlement. During these negotiations he proved, at least in the eyes of the
Durparians, that he was indeed the master trader he seemed. Estagund had
just tried a foolish invasion of Dambrath. The vengeful female leaders of
that land wiped out nearly every ablebodied fighting man they sent. The
monsters of Veldorn were causing problems, and Estagund was going through a

It was here that Jeradeem showed his fine merchant's instincts. He could not
pass up such an advantage, and began bargaining the most outrageous trade of
all time. He met with the leaders of Estagund, a fearful king and his
nobles, and explained the advantages of Durparian life and the philosophy of
the Adama, the oneness of all things. He bargained for days until finally
the king made the trade. He purchased the whole of Estagund for the
countries of Durpar and Var at the price of 24 gems. He also promised
protection, and help for their integration into the Durparian way of life.
Thus were formed the Shining Lands.

Within a hundred years, the three countries shared a common way of life, and
with the added strength and resources of Estagund, Durparian merchants
increased their trading range. They roamed as far east as Kara Tur, as far
north as the Sea of Fallen Stars, and west to Dambrath and Halruaa. At the
present time, with the newly discovered lands of Maztica and Zaakhara
beckoning, the future looks bright.


History of Estagund:

Estagund history follows a different path than those of Durpar and Var. The
Gunders were conquered in 551 DR by Reinhar I, warchief of the Arkaiuns of
Dambrath. Estagund regained its independence when Reinhar was slain by the
Halruan archmage Mycontil, though the country soon degenerated into a group
of small independent city states.

Skirmishes with Var, and between the city-states, continued for several
centuries until a king once again united the country. King Bornial was a
skilled ruler, and under him Estagund began to prosper. His descendants did
not share his wisdom, and in 1053 DR, King Selkarin more than illustrated
this. He had failed to conquer Durpar, and Veldorn resisted his challenges.
An avowed mysogynist, Selkarin turned his attentions to the matriarchy of
Dambrath. He led a large fleet to attack Dambrath, taking extreme losses,
including his own life. Selkarin died childless, so his brother Seltarir was
crowned King. The new ruler faced a country with most of its fighting men
gone, and an unforseen problem: famine. The famine was caused by a blight
that wiped out nearly all the year's crops in Estagund. This made him eager
for a deal posed by the Durparian merchant Jeradeem, and in a legendary trade
the entire country of Estagund was sold. Contrary to popular rumor, Seltarir
did not trade away the country for 24 pearls. In actuality he received
diamonds worth almost a million gold pieces. The sudden wealth gave him an
instant seat on the Council of Merchants, so he retained a measure of rule in
addition to his fortune. Chaka Seltarir is still the richest chaka in
Estagund to this day. In the years that followed, the Gunders began
rebuilding their lives under their new circumstance, and now they compete on
equal footing with the merchants of Durpar and Var.


History of Gondegal the Lost King:

Arabel, long under the dominion of Cormyr, for a time became the center of a
swordsman's empire. This swordsman was Gondegal, the Lost King, who in the
Year of the Dragon (1352 DR) attempted to carve a kingdom for himself
centered on Arabel. It was to extend north to the Desertsmouth Mountains;
south and west of Wyvernwater and the farms outlying from Eveningstar; and
east to Tilver's Gap and the mountain passes.

In the years following, people would say that Gondegal's reach was no longer
than his blade. He could not hold any of the territory against the might of
Cormyr, Sembia, Daggerdale, Tilverton, and several of the other Dales -all of
whom he drew the blood and ire of in the making of his throne.

Gondegal ruled for less than a season, though he reigned officially for
scarcely eight days. The remainder of his rule was spent fighting here and
there against one foe or another in the lands he claimed. His troops were
largely mercenary, and his treasury of seized goods was small and soon gone.
One night Gondegal's force simply melted away before the advancing troops of
Cormyr, and was gone. King Azoun IV retook Arabel on that morn without
wetting a blade.

No one has ever found the body of Gondegal; he is known to have fled north
and then east via Teshwave, but then his fate becomes a matter of conflicting
rumor and legend. Some believe he still lives with a score or more of loyal
followers, keeping court in the wilds somewhere, a careful and ruthless
bandit who takes care that none survive his attacks to carry tales anywhere.
When entire caravans vanish at times anywhere between the High Dale and
far-off Impiltur, he is blamed by talk in the taverns.

Gondegal was said to be a tall, gray-haired warrior of considerable personal
skill and intelligence. His badge was a gray wolf's head, face on, with red
eyes. Caravan guards often warn merchants to beef up the escort on a
particular caravan, "else thy gold'll soon be gilding Gondegal's throne."
Gondegal was an impeccable swordsman and somewhat chaotic in his self
professed neutral alignment. If he does indeed yet live, the magic or
treasure he carries, and who his allies might be, are all unknown.

Gondegal's reign had a great influence on the King of Cormyr, at that time in
his second decade of rule. Not only was Azoun forced to put down an
effective rebellion in his own country, he was forced to pay more attention
to matters outside Suzail, to become the ruler of a nation as opposed to a
city-state. Further, the bloodless assault on Arabel was Azoun's first true
experience at the head of his army, and the joy of "freeing" the people of
Arabel is one that remains with him.


History of Halruaa:

Halruaa was settled centuries ago by wizards fleeing the Phaerimm in what was
to become the Anauroch desert. The first wizards came in unique flying ships
invented by the Netheril, and found a beautiful and rich country settled only
by shepherds and large herds of aurochs and wild rothe. It was here that the
wizards decided to make a stand, should the Phaerimm follow. The Phaerimm
never did, but Halruaa has had to defend itself from attacks by all of its
neighbors since then.

Over the centuries Dambrath has attacked and raided Halruaa's ports and
borders multiple times. Once, led by a magic resistant barbarian, the
Dambraii occupied all of the country south of Lake Halruaa. They were
defeated in battle by the great archmage Mycontil, who slew their barbarian
leader. Forty-thousand Dambraii attacked, and were stopped by 500 Halruans.
More than 200 Halruan wizards, including Mycontil, died in the battle.

The last attack upon Halruaa was less than 100 years ago, through the Telath
Pass by the power hungry king of Lapaliiya. He had allied with bandits from
the wastes, though this time the Halruans were able to field a larger force,
including fighting men as well as wizards in their skyships. The attackers
were easily routed.

Halruaa also suffered through a civil war about five centuries ago, when a
number of mages advocated beginning new experiments in magic, ones which even
the Netheril didn't approve of. The renegades were driven from the region,
but went on to found the land of Thay, or so it is said in Halruaa.

Since then, Halruaa has been at peace (they have had no declared wars),
though it still suffers raids from Dambraii pirates, bandits of the wastes,
savages from the Mhair Jungles, and any other pirate, raider, or hungry
wizard who thinks that magic and wealth grow on trees in Halruaa.

This constant raiding has made the Halruans very defensive, warlike and
traditional. The people say that since wizards have always led them, wizards
always will.


History of Luiren, Land of the Halflings:

The halflings of Luiren claim that it is the original homeland of halflings
in the Realms. Although other halflings may disagree with this, it is true
that Luiren was settled hundreds, perhaps thousands, of years ago.

Luiren's history is one of conquerors and subjugation. Throughout the
centuries the halflings have been conquered by the barbarians who used to
inhabit Dambrath, by the kingdom of Estagund, and even once by the monsters
of Beldorn. In every case, the invaders were eventually defeated because
they made the mistake of underestimating the halflings due to their small
stature. A good bit of mischief, mayhem, and general trouble-making by the
halflings also helped end the occupations.

Currently, Luiren is enjoying unprecedented prosperity. The halflings are
currently taking advantage of their relationship with the nation of Durpar;
their biggest customer and greatest competitor. Also, through these close
ties with Durpar, Luiren has protected itself against another Dambraii
invasion. The rulers of Dambrath must know that if they begin to expand to
the east, they will arouse the ire of Durpar, as well as Var and Esagund.
The threat of a trade embargo and/or military consequences have kept this
aggressive nation away from the Luireners.


History of Sembia:

The land of Sembia was settled by humans coming to the Sea of Fallen Stars
from the south, and was originally chosen for its stands of huge,
high-quality iliyr-wood timber so prized in shipbuilding. However, as the
forests were cleared over the years, the treecutters came into increasing
conflict with elves who feared the loss of their entire wood. This would
undoubtedly have occurred, had not the hastily gathered mercenary troops of
the fledgling land been defeated by the elves at Singing Arrows (884 DR).
This battle convinced distant Chondath to abandon its holdings in the region
and allow the immigrant Sembians to establish their independence (though as
little more than a collection of rival city-states, much like the Moonsea or
Vast of today). It also set the stage for the appearance of the Raven.

The young country grew strong as farms prospered in the newly cleared lands.
Craftsmen arrived from the south to take advantage of this chance to acquire
land and wealth, bringing their trades with them. Rauthauvyr the Raven
unified the city-states and towns in the face of the continuing "elven
menace," and insisted on maintaining a standing army, which he kept in
practice by policing Sembia's borders and improving its roads. At this time
(913 DR), Sembia became as a true nation.

The Moonsea's (Dragon Sea's) mineral wealth was discovered by humankind at
about this time, and pressure began to grow for a trade road through the
elven woods to make Sembia the world's gateway to all these riches. The
Raven went alone as an envoy to the Elven Court. There, he asked the elders
of their Council to approve a road, open to humans, linking Sembia to the
shores of the Dragon Sea (an earlier road had been destroyed during the
conflict and was now overgrown). Raven proposed that the elves choose the
route and retain control of it and the woods around it, so that no
woodcutting or human settlement would occur. The elves had earlier made
similar arrangements with the Dalesmen and had no difficulty with the concept
of such an agreement. However, the inhabitants of Velarsdale (now Harrowdale)
refused the proposal, not wanting or needing such a road at that time
(curious, since later a ruler of Harrowdale commissioned the disastrous
Halfaxe Trail). The elves, not wishing to offend long-time allies, refused
Raven's request.

Rebuffed, the Raven then threatened to exterminate the isolated elves in
Amothoi, the last embattled remnant of the elves in Sembia, if the Elven
Court did not cooperate. If the road was built, however, they would be free
to trade, or not trade, as they wished. The elves agreed under this
pressure, and Sembia's financial future was secured. Hillsfar, on the shores
of the Dragon Sea, became a commercial meeting ground between humankind and
elves, as did Elventree. The route the elves chose ran past the base of the
Standing Stone as a reminder of earlier, less-hostile dealings between humans
and elves. Over the years the elves of Amothoi came north to join their
brethren or slipped away to seek Evermeet, leaving their wood to gradually

Sembia grew rich under merchant leaders of increasing wisdom, such as Saer
(for whom Saerb was named) and Selgar (for whom Chancelgaunt was renamed as
Selgaunt). Before his death, Rauthauvyr the Raven saw that these merchants
had a strong standing council of merchant elders to advise them and to ensure
that no ruler could hold onto power by force of arms. Then this farsighted
man, creator of a nation, now halfblind and infirm from old war wounds, rode
north into the elven woods and disappeared. None know what happened to him
or where his bones lie, save perhaps some few elder elves.


History of Shadowdale - The Fall of Azmaer, Last Drow Marshall of the Twisted

The drow rule of Shadowdale lasted until the early 900s Dale Reckoning, when
the increased human population in the area brought the dark elves into
conflict with their now more numerous neighbors. The humans were the
Dalesmen who a millennium earlier had crossed the Dragon Reach and made peace
with the elves of Myth Drannor, settling at the borders of the great woods
that was the elven home. The drow soon found themselves under continual
attack, and most of those who held overground settlements retreated back
below. The last powerful drow leader was Azmaer, the marshall of the Twisted
Tower in its last drow-held days. Azmaer oversaw the last retreat of the
drow holdings in the face of a human uprising, and held the citadel against a
year-long siege. With supplies and slaves brought up from the Underdark
directly into the tower, the drow could have conceivably held out forever;
however, a human slave (family histories in the Dales indicate a number of
possible individuals) poisoned the well in the Tower and the citadel was
easily overrun. Azmaer's body was not found among the dead, leading some to
believe that he escaped back into the depths to rejoin his people. Noting
the fact that he would have had to explain to his matriarch how he lost
Shadowdale, it is much more likely that, should Azmaer have survived, he went
into voluntary exile, hiding from both human and drow. Given that this
occurred only 400 years ago, it is certainly possible that Azmaer still


History of Shadowdale - Ashaba Becomes First Lord of Shadowdale:

Upon taking the Twisted Tower and removing the drowish yoke from the people,
the Dalesmen had fully established the Dale of Shadowdale, with its seat of
power in the tower itself. Its first lord was a water wizard who had aided
in the final attack; Ashaba, who was great in age when he ascended, and
ruled peacefully for 40 years thereafter. It is said that Ashaba realized he
was dying and turned himself to water, merging with the river. Since that
time, the river, the ford, and the Twisted Tower all bear his name. Before
passing on, Ashaba chose one of his trusted lieutenants as the new lord of
Shadowdale. Presented to the people of the Dale, he was made the new lord by
acclamation. In an additional honor, the pendant worn by Ashaba was
thereafter recognized as a symbol of the lordship in the Dalelands, and was
possessed by each of the successive lords following.


History of Shadowdale - Joadath and the Tyrist Massacre:

The past hundred years have been an example of the best and worst of the
lords of Shadowdale. All have been nonnative to the Dalelands, though all
made the land their home. A century ago the lord of the Dales was one
Joadath, a stiff-necked agnostic who denied the power of any god, good or
evil, and used force to back up his beliefs. During this time there was a
great deal of religious persecution, including a massacre of Tyrists on
Watcher's Knoll. Joadath was eventually killed by a beast of the nether
planes summoned by parties unknown, which then proceeded to rampage through
the Dale. The beast was killed and Shadowdale rescued by the spellcasters
Aumry and Sylune. Aumry was proclaimed lord by acclamation.


History of Shadowdale - Aumry Rules in Peace:

The longest period of peaceful rule was by Lord Aumry and his wife Sylune
(better known as the Witch of Shadowdale). They ruled over the community for
forty years, a period of extended peace with their neighboring dales,
nations, and the elven peoples. It was this very peace and power which made
the Dale the target for attacks and sabotage by the Black Network
(Zhentarim). They sought (and still seek) to control the trade from the
Moonsea to the Sword coast, and desired to make Shadowdale a vassal state of
Zhentil Keep. Lord Aumry's rule ended tragically when he was assassinated by
Zhentish agents.


History of Shadowdale - Jyordhan the False Lord:

Lord Aumry was assassinated by Zhentarim agents, who in turn were captured
and killed by the warrior Jyordhan. Jyordhan, with the Pendant of Ashaba in
hand (the symbol of the lordship in the Dales), proceeded to present himself
as the new lord, and was so acclaimed by the people. It was unknown to the
people that Jyordhan was also an agent of the Zhentarim, and that the entire
proceeding had actually been a ruse.

Jyordhan abandoned the Twisted Tower, instead establishing himself in Castle
Krag east of Shadowdale. His court was soon overrun with agents of the Black
Network. When the people eventually revolted, Zhentil Keep sent
peace-keeping forces to maintain Jyordhan's rule. Sylune, Lord Aumry's
widow, now aware of the deception but a firm pacifist, did her best to keep
the Dale healthy and intact during Jyordhan's evil rule.


History of Shadowdale - Khelben Kills Jyordhan:

Lord Jyordhan's rule of Shadowdale ended when he encountered Khelben Arunsun,
also called the Blackstaff. The story at the time was that Jyordhan accepted
an invitation from Khelben to visit Waterdeep, and there he took ill and
died. In reality, Jyordhan ambushed Khelben as the mage was leaving
Shadowdale, and the Blackstaff killed him. In either case, Khelben took hold
of the Pendant of Ashaba (the symbol of the lordship in the Dales) and
returned to Waterdeep with it, promising to send a suitable candidate for
lordship to the Dales. Jyordhan had ruled for five years, and without his
advocacy, Castle Krag was abandoned and the Zhentil Keep troops routed.
Jyordhan's previously chosen successor was a Melvauntan named Lyran, but
without the Pendant this individual was considered a pretender to the throne.


History of Shadowdale - Lords Accepted by Acclamation:

This acclamation of the people has formed the basis for choosing the lord of
Shadowdale since the routing of the evil Lord Jyordhan by Khelben Blackstaff.
Usually a predecessor will step down as opposed to dying in office, and his
chosen successor will be approved by the populace at large. This system has
had its drawbacks, as will be shown below, but in general, it has served the
independent, self-willed people of the Dale very well. They have avoided the
"genetic lottery of which good bureaucracies and bad kingships are made" (a
quote from the venerable Elminster). The symbol of the lordship is the
Pendant of Ashaba, a device owned by the original wizard, and used to
determine the rightful lord of the Dale.


History of Shadowdale - The Time of No Lords:

During the period when Khelben Blackstaff held the Pendant of Ashaba (the
symbol of the lordship in the Dales), Sylune (widow of the murdered Lord
Aumry) was the de facto ruler of Shadowdale, though these years were known as
the Time of No Lords. Sylune and an adventuring company known as Mane's Band
were responsible for driving out the Zhentil Keep forces and keeping at bay
the monsters in the area. The Twisted Tower, the traditional seat of
leadership, remained uninhabited following its abandonment by the evil Lord
Jyordhan, and neither Sylune nor the companions of Mane's Band wished to
assume the mantle of leader. With time, Mane's Band passed on to other lands
and adventures.


History of Shadowdale - Doust Sulwood Becomes Lord of Shadowdale:

Three winters following his defeat of the evil Lord Jyordhan, Khelben
Blackstaff found a suitable candidate to assume leadership of the Dales, or
rather a group of candidates. They were the Knights of Myth Drannor, so
named to show their interest in the elven territories and their connection
with the elven peoples, and Khelben gave them the Pendant of Ashaba (the
symbol of the Lordship) in return for services rendered to himself and to
Shadowdale. Their leader, the ranger Florin Falconhand, refused the honor of
the lordship. It was therefore passed to Doust Sulwood, who was made the new
lord with the support of Florin and Sylune (wife of the murdered Lord Aumry),
and apparently also the secret support of Khelben as well.

Doust reoccupied the Twisted Tower, driving out the last agents of the Black
Network. He also reinstituted many of Ashaba's democratic ideals, including
the Lord's Court where all citizens may speak freely and air their grievances
without threat of reprisal. Doust ruled for five years and proved to be a
capable ruler, beloved by the people. The regular presence of the Knights of
Myth Drannor did much to ensure the protection of the area, particularly
against incursions by Lyran Nanther the Pretender. Lyran was to have been
Jyordhan's named replacement, but with the Zhentarim routed there was little
validity to the claim.


History of Shadowdale - Elminster Moves to Shadowdale:

It is of note that during the time that Doust Sulwood of the Knights of Myth
Drannor assumed the role of Lord of Shadowdale, Elminster took up residence
in the area. A semi-regular visitor up to that time, he took possession of a
low, abandoned tower at the foot of the Old Skull, and declared himself to be
officially in retirement. The nature of that retirement varies from active
involvement in local affairs to long-term vacations on other planes. The
natives of the Dale have come to the understanding that they cannot always
count on the powerful mage being in residence in times of need or danger, but
when he is present in these circumstances his aid is usually given.


History of Shadowdale - Doust Chooses Mourngrym Amcathra to Succeed Him:

Doust Sulwood, recommended to the position by Khelben Blackstaff, ruled
Shadowdale as lord for five years. "Seems like a millennium," he was oft
known to have reported, and the tedium of court life and the lure of
adventure eventually caused him to retire his position and rejoin the Knights
of Myth Drannor in regular adventuring. He handed the Pendant of Ashaba
(symbol of the Lordship) on to one of the younger Knights, a Waterdhavian
noble named Mourngrym Amcathra. Mourngrym had been dispatched by Khelben
from Waterdeep for other purposes, but Doust liked both the young man's
straightforward honesty and his willingness to shoulder the burden of
protecting the small community from myriad dangers. Time has proven this
choice a wise one.


History of Shadowdale - Shaerl and Mourngrym Meet and Marry:

The implications of Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun "choosing" the last two
lords of Shadowdale (Doust Sulwood and Mourngrym Amcathra) were not lost on
the Dale's powerful neighbor to the south, Cormyr. An agent was sent
northward to divine Mourngrym's true intentions and to guarantee the Dale's
continued good relationship with the throne of the Purple Dragon. The agent
was a rogue named Shaerl Rowanmantle, sent by Vangerdahast (though all
paperwork on this matter has been curiously incinerated in Suzail, so all is
hearsay and tale). Shaerl discovered more than she intended and fell in love
with young Mourngrym. The two married and became the lord and lady of
Shadowdale. Shaerl's loyalty is now to her husband and to the land they
co-rule. This was probably not the intention of the Cormyreans.


History of Shadowdale - Mourngrym's Rule:

Since being recommended to the position by outgoing Lord Doust Sulwood, Lord
Mourngrym Amcathra's rule of Shadowdale has been less peaceful than he had
hoped. The First Battle of Shadowdale occurred in the Year of the Prince
(1357 DR), and involved Daleland forces routing those of Lyran the Pretender.
Lyran has made repeated attempts to gain the Lordship, as was intended by the
former Zhentish puppet, Lord Jyordhan. While significant, this battle pales
when compared to the larger battle fought on the same site between Bane-led
Zhentil Keep forces and the Dales during the Time of Troubles (1358 DR/0 PR).
When the Battle of Shadowdale is referred to (without a number), it usually
means this second battle. In addition, Mourngrym has had to deal with a
large number of skirmishes, incursions, a possible invasion from below,
explosions, and other sundry disasters.

Mourngrym and Shaerl have one child, Scotti, who is now nine winters old. By
the customs of the area, he is not considered the heir apparent, and another
suitable warrior or mage may take the reins of power of the small community.
Most feel that Mourngrym will hold the Pendant until his son has reached his
maturity, then abdicate in young Scotti's favor once he takes his grown name.
If this happens, it will be the first occasion of the lordship of Shadowdale
passing down through a family.


History of Tethyr:

For the past 1500 years, Tethyr has had a single, strong royal family ruling
with absolute power. When a king died or became incapacitated, his oldest
son took the throne. As the family trees of those close to power became more
intertwined and complicated, there were the inevitable wars of succession and
bickering over which second cousin was the "true" heir to the throne. Civil
wars were brief, however, and once the fighting was over the system returned
to normal (until the next major dispute in a few hundred years or so).

The established re-occuring cycle was broken 10 years ago. The current
ruling family had been in power for over 350 years, so long that they had
dropped their own family name centuries ago (no one even remembers it now)
and simply called themselves Tethyr. King Alemander IV was comfortably
ruling from Castle Tethyr, and the country seemed happy enough, but there was
a broad current of dissatisfaction among the people of Tethyr. Non-humans
were forbidden by law to own land, and since most rights and privileges
accorded citizens were based on land ownership, they became second-class
citizens as well. Things were especially bad for elves, who were driven deep
into the Forest of Tethir by royal armies. Alemander IV took land away from
rightful owners and gave it to nobles who promised larger contributions to
the royal treasury. These social and economic inequities, coupled with
several harsh winters and bad harvests in a row, made the time ripe for a

It takes more than just a couple of lousy winters to depose a king however,
it takes treachery as well. In the case of the fall of House Tethyr it took
an ambitious general and an impatient royal heir. Prince Alemander grew
tired of waiting for the robust Alemander IV to make room for him, so he
struck a deal with General Nashram Sharboneth, commander of the king's
largest army. While Sharboneth marched his army toward Tethyr, bringing
along a sizable group of angry peasants recruited with the promise of land
reform, the would-be Alemander V downplayed alarming reports from the king's
spies and advisors, silencing the most persistent permanently through murder
or exile. By the time Sharboneth's army arrived and laid seige to Castle
Tethyr, it was too late for loyalists to help.

As Sharboneth launched a direct assault on the castle (using the expendable
peasants as shock troops), a handful of elite soldiers let in a secret
entrance by the prince would eliminate key guards and open the gates. At the
same time, the prince (one of the few people allowed to see the king
directly) would murder his father. A fire set by the elite troops would
destroy evidence of treachery; the general and the prince would emerge from
the conflagration and announce a new, joint government.

The plan was executed perfectly, but only up to a point. Sharboneth
double-crossed the prince; his men were much too efficient in setting the
castle ablaze, and Prince Alemander (along with most of his fellow
conspirators) died horribly in the fire. At about the same time, a spy
planted on the general's inner staff by the equally duplicitous Alemander
murdered the general and dissolved his body with a powerful acid before
anyone could come to his aid.

To make matters worse, everyone had underestimated the resentment the people
felt for the royal family. Once Castle Tethyr began to fall, there was no
holding back the mob. In one night, the proudest, strongest castle in all
the country was reduced to a smoking ruin. Everything of value - fine
tapestries, plates and silverware, furniture, jewelry, weapons, clothes,
armor, paintings, statues, etc.- was either stolen, burned, or just ripped
apart and stomped into the dust.

As news of the fall of the royal family spread, so did the chaos. In what is
now known as the "Ten Black Days of Eleint," anyone known (or even suspected)
of blood connection to the royal family was put to the sword. This led to
some darkly humorous moments, as social climbers who had bragged just a week
before of being a sixth cousin twice removed of a royal aunt tried in vain to
convince an angry mob that they were "only kidding."

The nobles who were the biggest supporters of the royal family also came
under attack, and some baronial keeps fell. Local leaders who had adequately
distanced themselves from the Tethyr family, or were popular enough (or
feared/strong enough), survived. These surviving nobles became the initial
players in the fight to decide the fate of Tethyr.

One thing was certain; any leader or type of government that too closely
resembled rule under the Tethyrs would not be accepted. "Royalist" became a
dirty word in Tethyr society. The power struggle continues to this day, and
there is no sign of it ending anytime soon.


History of the Bell in the Depths:

One of the great and mysterious sites in the Moonsea area, the Bell in the
Depths, is connected with legendary Northkeep, an island kingdom that was the
first great citadel of humankind in these cold lands. Northkeep was a great
and magical city, and it was under the protection of these magics that
humanity first began to press back the orc hordes and take command of the

The power of Northkeep made it an obvious target for orcs, giants, and other
evil races. However, these creatures were not inclined towards sea actions,
and Northkeep seemed safe until the day when (according to legend) 40,000
inhuman mages, shamans, witch doctors, and priests of all foul races gathered
on the northern shore of the Moonsea and began to chant, bringing the
vengeance of their gods down upon the human interlopers. The gods (at least
some of them) came and destroyed their priests for disturbing them, but also
sank Northkeep beneath the waves.

The upper reaches of Northkeep - its slender, now-broken spires - can be seen
beneath the water by boats that sail nearby. This is not attempted often,
however, as the region is said to be haunted by the original defenders of
Northkeep, seeking company in their watch over the Cold Lands. On fog-ridden
nights the bells of the tallest towers, despite being submerged, can be heard
as far away as Hillsfar.


History of the Chosen of Mystra:

The reason why Mystra, the Goddess of Magic, invested a portion of her divine
might in mortals is not known. One of the more popular theories, and one
that is gaining more support in light of the goddess' other actions during
that period, is that Mystra foresaw the Time of Troubles (and her own passing
at the hands of Helm) and chose to give some of her power to mortals in order
to ensure that her successor (the female mage Midnight, as it turned out)
would have a number of nearly immortal allies in the struggle against the
schemes of the gods (the now dead Bane, Myrkul, and Bhaal) who precipitated
the Time of Troubles by stealing the Tablets of Fate. The theory goes on to
suggest that Mystra informed Azuth at approximately the Year of the Rising
Flame (0 DR), more than 1,300 years before the Time of Troubles, that some of
her power must be put into the hands of mortals who would then become known
as Mystra's Chosen. This power would sleep within the bodies of those
mortals, allowing Mystra to call on it only with their permission. It would
give the Chosen the innate ability to heal quickly, and would give them life
spans far greater than those of ordinary mortals. Mystra speculated that
these mortals might be able to call on her power and thereby gain some
special abilities, but that these powers would not rival those of a deity.
(See "Powers" below.)

The Goddess of All Magic then began to select mortals she thought to be
suitable. One of the first was the young mage Elminster, and she also
singled out a promising wizard named Khelben Arunsun. Both have proved to be
worthy and capable receptacles of her power, but Mystra's other early
attempts to invest her power in living humans were unsuccessful, and she came
to realize that only very few mortals were of stern enough substance to
contain such power within themselves without being destroyed or corrupted.
Even though some people aside from Elminster and Khelben may have possessed
the requisite strength, it is possible that having lived for years prior to
being visited by Mystra had set them on a path from which they were not able
to deviate. Whatever the reason, the problem needed to be solved. To get
around the difficulty, Mystra devised a plan to use herself as a vessel to
breed individuals who could be nurtured and acclimated to her power from the
very beginnings of their lives.

For the father of these individuals, she picked the best example of human
stock she could find: Dornal Silverhand, a nobleman and a former Harper who
lived near Neverwinter. Mystra then possessed the body of Elue Shundar, a
half-elven sorceress whom Dornal was already attracted to. Mystra revealed
her presence and her plan to Elue, who happily and eagerly agreed to have the
goddess share her body. Elue had been reluctant, but under the influence of
Mystra the woman became a seductress, and Dornal found his advances being
suddenly returned with great fervor.

Dornal and Mystra/Elue were wed in the Year of Drifting Stars (760 DR). The
first of seven daughters, Anastra Sylune, was born the following winter.
Sylune's six sisters emerged at one-year intervals thereafter: Endue
Alustriel, Ambara Dove, Ethena Astorma (she prefers the shortened "Storm"
these days), Anamanue Laeral, Alassra Shentrantra (known today as the Simbul),
and Er'sseae Qilue. These siblings have become known in Realmsian lore as
the Seven Sisters.

Dornal, who had been kept in the dark about his wife's true nature through
the years (presumably because Mystra didn't want to risk losing his
services), was disappointed and nearly distraught by the time his sixth child
was born; he had always wanted sons as well as daughters. More importantly,
he was seeing his wife deteriorate right before his eyes. The strain of
coexisting with the goddess all these years had turned Elue into a withered
shell - in essence a lich, clinging to life only because Mystra's power was
within her.

When Elue was carrying the seventh child, Dornal consulted a priest who told
him his wife had been possessed by an entity of great magical power. To
spare both of them any further agony, he attempted to slay his wife's
physical form by severing her head from her body.

As soon as he had done this, Mystra was forced to reveal herself to him, and
she went on to explain her scheme. Just as she had worried would happen,
Dornal was aghast at how he and his wife had been used by the goddess. He
turned his back on the corpse of his wife, abandoned his lands and his
children, and vanished into the North. Mystra bore him no ill will, and in
fact protected him for the final 30 years of his life. When Dornal finally
did meet his end he called out to Mystra, and the goddess granted him
continued existence as her servant. Now known as the Watcher, Dornal
Silverhand travels the world unseen by mortals on a continuing mission to
locate candidates to swell the ranks of the Chosen and to identify possible
threats to Mystra and her minions.


History of the Dales and the Elven Court:

The founding of the Dalelands long preceded the creation of any of the
existing Dales by hundreds of years, and the year numbering system known as
Dalereckoning is actually a commemoration of humankind being given permission
to settle in the lands north and west of the Inner Sea. Most of the current
Dales are relative newcomers, the older having been abandoned, destroyed, or
overrun long ago. In those ancient days, when Suzail and Chondathan (now
called Saerloon) were mere coastal trading posts, the elves who ruled this
forest entertained a request from settlers from the East; refugees and
farmers from far-off Impiltur and Damara. This request was to farm and
settle the borders of the great forest Cormanthor, in particular the rich
delves and dales along the rivers Arkhen and Ashaba. These newcomers did not
wish to lumber or clear the inhabited forest, but only to settle on the rich
territories on its edges, and unlike some other settlers (early Sembia comes
to mind) were willing to ask permission.

The lords of the Elven Court granted that request in retum for aid from these
new Dalelanders against outside aggression, both monstrous (orcs and goblins
from the lands of Thar) and human (the rising powers in Cormyr and Sembia).
In commemoration of this pact, humans and elves raised the Standing Stone
that is now seen where the Moonsea Ride reaches Rauthauvyr's Road, the road
from Essembra to Hillsfar. It is from the date of the raising of this stone
that Dalereckoning is counted. According to the pact made, the Dalesmen
would only settle those regions that were unforested or unclaimed by the
elves. As the elven woods receded under the axes of further invaders and
settlers, old Dales perished and new ones came into being along the borders
of the woods. People, both good and bad, have raised petty nations in the
Dalelands since, though any one Dale that turned against the pact would have
to deal with the others. Each of the Dales is a large swath of farms and
fields, with a few scattered settlements and usually one central marketplace,
capital, or Dale center. These centers are often, but not always, named after
the Dales they are in, adding to the confusion as to what is a Daleland's

The Dales are not city-states, for their largest groupings of population rate
as towns at best, and they lack the defensive walls common throughout the
Heartlands. They are neither true nations in the fashion of Cormyr or
Sembia, and occupy a gray middle ground wherein they are nothing more, or
less, than Dales.

Each Dale has slightly different laws, customs, and military organizations.
Many rely on the work of charismatic heroes and adventuring companies for aid
in times of trouble, and a large number of these individuals use the region
as a base. This attraction for adventurers is further increased by the large
number of elven and pre-elven ruins in the area and the departure of the
Elven Court for Evermeet, leaving the woods open for exploration and

The history of the Dales is filled with battles and attacks on its various
members. In the Year of the Worm (1356 DR), Scardale, under the command of
Lashan Aumersair, launched a number of swift attacks, conquering a number of
the surrounding Dales. A coalition of forces from the others, as well as
Sembia, Cormyr, and Zhentil Keep crushed the invaders and occupied Scardale.
During the Time of Troubles (1358 DR/0 PR), Shadowdale was attacked by
Zhentil Keep. More recently, the Dalelands have committed forces to a
unified army under King Azoun IV of Cormyr to turn back the Tuigan Invasion
(1360 DR).



In ages past there was but one god of strife, death, and the dead, and he was
known as Jergal, Lord of the End of Everything. Jergal fomented and fed on
the discord among mortals and powers alike. When beings slew each other in
their quest for power or in their hatred, he welcomed them into his shadowy
kingdom of eternal gloom. As all things died, everything came to him
eventually, and over time he built his power into a kingdom unchallenged by
any other god. Eventually, however, he grew tired of his duties for he knew
them too well. Without challenge there is nothing, and in nothingness there
is only gloom. In such a state, the difference between absolute power and
absolute powerlessness is undetectable.

During this dark era, there arose three powerful mortals - Bane, Bhaal, and
Myrkul - who lusted after the power Jergal wielded. The trio forged an
unholy pact, agreeing that they would dare to seek such ultimate power or die
in the attempt. Over the length and breadth of the Realms they strode,
seeking powerful magic and spells and defying death at every turn. No matter
what monster they confronted or what spells they braved, the three mortals
emerged unscathed at every turn. Eventually the trio destroyed one of the
Seven Lost Gods, and they each seized a portion of his divine essence for

The trio then journeyed into the Gray Waste and sought out the Castle of
Bone. Through armies of skeletons, legions of zombies, hordes of noncorporeal
undead, and a gauntlet of liches they battled. Eventually they reached the
object of their lifelong quest - the Bone Throne.

"I claim this throne of evil," shouted Bane the tyrant. "I'll destroy you
before you can raise a finger," threatened Bhaal the assassin. "And I shall
imprison your essence for eternity," promised Myrkul the necromancer.

Jergal arose from his throne with a weary expression and said, "The Throne is
yours. I have grown weary of this empty power. Take it if you wish - I
promise to serve and guide you as your seneschal until you grow comfortable
with the position." Before the stunned trio could react, the Lord of the Dead
continued: "Who among you shall rule?"

The trio immediately fell to fighting amongst themselves while Jergal looked
on with indifference. When eventually it appeared that either they would all
die of exhaustion or battle on for an eternity, the Lord of the End of
Everything intervened. "After all you have sacrificed, would you come away
with nothing? Why don't you divide the portfolios of the office and engage in
a game of skill for them?" asked Jergal.

Bane, Bhaal, and Myrkul considered the god's offer and agreed. Jergal took
the heads of his three most powerful liches and gave them to the trio that
they would compete by bowling the skulls. Each mortal rolled a skull across
the Gray Waste, having agreed that the winner would be he who bowled the

Malar the Beastlord arrived to visit Jergal at this moment. After quickly
ascertaining that the winner of the contest would get all of Jergal's power,
he chased off after the three skulls to make sure that the contest would be
halted until he had a chance to participate for part of the prize. Bane,
Bhaal, and Myrkul again fell to fighting as it was obvious their sport was
ruined, and again Jergal intervened. "Why don't you allow Lady Luck to decide
so you don't have to share with the Beast?"

The trio agreed, and Jergal broke off his skeletal finger bones and gave them
to the players. When Malar returned from chasing the skulls, he found that
the trio had just finished a game of knucklebones.

Bane cried out triumphantly, "As winner, I choose to rule for all eternity as
the ultimate tyrant. I can induce hatred and strife at my whim, and all will
bow down before me while in my kingdom."

Myrkul, who had won second place, declared, "But I choose the dead, and by
doing so I truly win, because all you are lord over, Bane, will eventually be
mine. All things must die - even gods."

Bhaal, who finished third, demurred, "I choose death, and it is by my hand
that all that you rule Lord Bane will eventually pass to Lord Myrkul. Both of
you must pay honor to me and obey my wishes, since I can destroy your kingdom,
Bane, by murdering your subjects, and I can starve your kingdom, Myrkul, by
staying my hand."

Malar growled in frustration, but could do nothing, and yet again only the
beasts were left for him.

And Jergal merely smiled, for he had been delivered.


History of the Dragon Coast:

The history of the Dragon Coast is the history of money, particularly the
darker side of the coin. Situated on the main trade routes between the Inner
Sea and the Sword Coast, these lands never coalesced into a solid, coherent
nation, like Cormyr or Sembia. Instead small petty city-states have risen and
fallen, powered by greed and the most powerful merchant or pirate faction of
the day.

As a result, the Dragon Coast has always been the home of the smuggler, the
pirate, the rogue, and the hired killer. It has been the place where those
seeking to skirt the laws of more civilized nations to the north make
landfall. It is here that the Red Wizards gain their access to the Western
Heartlands, and where the Cult of the Dragon launches its plots to the south.
And it is here that independent secret societies and assassin guilds have
their greatest power.

The last semblance of organized resistance to this trend was the reign of
Verovan, last of the kings of Westgate. The monarchy of Westgate had long
worked closely with the various mercantile and pirate factions, but Verovan
attempted to stem the growing power of the merchant houses and petty lords.
His sudden and mysterious death without acceptable heirs in 1248 DR opened
the door for much of what now is commonplace in the Dragon Coast - corruption
and treachery.

It should be noted that while Verovan's name is still venerated in these
lands, better known is Immurk, the greatest of the Inner Sea Pirates, a brash
and flamboyant rogue who united a pirate fleet beneath him and ruled from
1164 DR to his death in 1201 DR. Such it is in the Dragon Coast, that good
people are venerated, but the power of darker rogues is imitated.


History of the Drow, The Descent:

We know very little of the Ilythiiri, or "Elves of the South," before this
crucial event. Even then they were known as "Dark Elves," for the hue of
their skins. They dwelt in the jungles and hot forests of the South. A
proud, warlike, culturally advanced (some sages of other elven peoples say
"decadent") folk, the Ilythiiri attacked all neighbors, including other elven
tribes. Their cruel raids and depredations, ordered by warlike nobility and
the clergy of their two cruel deities, Ghaunadaur and Lolth, forced elves,
humans, dwarves, and others to ally against them.

Defeated in a series of titanic magical battles, the dark elves fled into
underground warrens they had earlier discovered. This event, known as "the
Descent," marked the end of the drow as a surface-dwelling race.


History of the Drow, The Dark Wars:

The warlike drow nature did not change when they escaped their surface foes
during The Descent. In fact, they immediately launched a series of wars to
establish territories in the Underdark. They began by stealing and seizing
dwarven magical items, and using them against the dwarves - establishing an
enmity that is still strong today.

The drow then fought among themselves, noble against noble, priest against
priestess, for rule of their new realm. This all-out war ended amid great
magical explosions that brought down the roof of the largest dwarven cavern
they had seized, great Bhaerynden. The ceiling collapsed entirely, burying
many drow and the shattered dwarven cities. The cavern, now open to the sky,
became known as The Great Rift. The surviving drow nobles gathered what
people, slaves, and equipment they could seize, and fled into the Underdark
in search of places to dwell. "The Scattering" brought about the many rival,
self-interested cities where most drow live today.


History of the Fateful Coin:

Old tales tell that luck plays a crucial role in each person's life. When
each new-born baby enters into the Realms, Tymora flips a coin formed from
the remnants of the original goddess of luck, Tyche. Beshaba calls it in the
air - the moon (heads) or the cloak (tails). If Beshaba is right, that person
is cursed with misfortune for the rest of his or her days. If she's wrong,
Lady Luck smiles on that child for the rest of his or her life. For some rare
beings, the coin lands edge on - and these luckless few can forge their own
fates, for they have more freedom over their destinies than the powers


History of the Last March of the Giants:

East of the Great Rift in the Eastern Shaar once stood a land of the titans.
This empire rose at the dawn of time in Faerun, and its lords thought to
challenge the gods in their arrogance. In punishment, the powers cursed the
reigning monarch of the land with fascination and his brethren with devotion.
The powers then dropped a star onto the land. The impact of the fallen star
created a huge valley later known as the Sea of Fallen Stars. Slowly picking
up speed, the ball rolled through the titan nation and onward to the south.

Unable to contain his curiosity, the titan king ran off after the bouncing
sphere and his devoted followers dutifully followed his tracks. The meteorite
rolled on and on until it reached the Great Sea and vanished into the depths.
The monarch dove into the sea, and, lemminglike, the entire titan race dove
in after him, never to be seen again.

Ashamed at the destruction they had wrought, the powers vowed to keep both
curiosity and loyalty firmly in check to avoid such disasters in the future.
They have done so to this day, preventing both new ideas from being pursued
with any speed and the intelligent races of Toril from ever fully


History of the Moonsea:

The Moonsea has a long history as the border between the elven lands to the
south and the darker, more sinister lands of the Ride and Thar, home of
dragons and giant and ogre tribes in great multitudes. The deep sea was an
excellent barrier to the raiders, as those tribes who sought invasion had to
detour around and through the lands that would eventually hold Yulash,
Zhentil Keep, and Hillsfar.

The first true settlement in Moonsea was Northkeep, a shining citadel
established as a beacon of civilization and a jumping-off point for merchants
seeking trade with the dwarves of the North - including not only Tethyamar,
but the clans of the Cold Lands - who traded their metalwork and craft for
much-needed magic. In the end, Northkeep was sunk beneath the icy waters of
the Moonsea by the inhuman forces, and humankind suffered one of many
setbacks in the region.

So has been the nature of human habitation of this region since the
beginning. Human settlements thrive for a few years, usually through sheer
willpower and on the strength of a sharp sword, and then are overrun by
goblins, orcs, dragons, beholders, or giants. Phlan has fallen and risen
again. Yulash is a ruin where a decade ago there was a thriving town. Hulburg
and Sulasspryn are empty hulks. Each of the cities of the Moonsea seems
threatened with extinction in its turn, then is rebuilt.

This cycle may be the reason that only the strongest and the most savage
survive, even prosper, in the lands of the Moonsea. The greatest cities -
Hillsfar, Mulmaster, and the impenetrable Zhentil Keep - are all ruled by
evil people who control their lands with iron grips. The lesser cities,
Elventree, Phlan, and Thentia, may be less evil, but have a strong,
independent, almost chaotic nature. In many ways the Moonsea is a frontier,
with a frontier mentality.


History of the North - The First Flowering:

For millennia, gold elves dwelt in Illefarn (where Waterdeep now stands) and
Eaerlann (along the River Shining). From their ornate forest cities they
traded with emerging human nations like Netheril and Illusk and repulsed the
attacks of the goblin races. Meanwhile, dwarven clans united as the nation of
Delzoun, named for the dwarf who forged the union. The nation, existing
primarily underground, extended from the Ice Mountains to the Nether
Mountains. Silver Moon Pass was its western border and the Narrow Sea its
eastern shore. Orcs came from north of the Spine of the World but were turned
back in great slaughter by the elves. To this day, this is the homeland and
stronghold for orcs and similar races.


History of the North - The Crown Wars:

Humans immigrated in bands from the Shining Sea and up to the Sword Coast.
They became seafarers, striking out across the waves to the Moonshaes,
Mintarn, Ruathym, and the northern islands. Elves engaged in an unceasing
war against each other with the humans and orcs taking over the resulting
ruins. Perhaps the greatest calamity to befall the Fair Folk was the Dark
Disaster, a killing magic that took the form of a dark, burning cloud. It
enshrouded the kingdom of Mieyritar, and when it faded away some months
later, not an elf lived - nor were trees left; only an open, blasted moor:
the High Moor.

All was not dark for the elves. Although in retreat, as barbarian humans and
orc hordes grew in strength, their power rose in the Elven Court and Evereska
(remaining a stronghold to this day). They conceived of cooperation between
dwarves, kindly humans, and other elves for mutual survival against orcs,
marauding humans, and the tide of beasts (ogres, bugbears, trolls, goblins,
gnolls, and other nonhuman creatures) led by the rising power of giants.
Astonishingly, in at least three places - the Fallen Kingdoms and the cities
of Silverymoon and Myth Drannor - they succeeded with shining grace.

To the east, on the sandy shores of the calm and shining Narrow Sea, human
fishing villages grew into small towns and then joined together as the nation
of Netheril. Sages believe the fishing towns were unified by a powerful human
wizard who had discovered a book of great magic power that had survived from
the Days of Thunder - a book that legend calls the Nether Scrolls. Under this
nameless wizard and those who followed, Netheril rose in power and glory,
becoming both the first human land in the North and the most powerful. Some
say this discovery marked the birth of human wizardry, since before then,
mankind had only shamans and witch doctors. For over 3,000 years Netheril
dominated the North, but even its legendary wizards were unable to stop their
final doom.


History of the North - Recent History of the North:

In the waning summer months of 1367, an immense orc horde descended from the
Spine of the World, intent on winding its way south into the trade lands of
the North. This force of orcs, led by King Greneire, surged its way south
between the Moonwood and the Cold Wood, stopping just outside the Citadel of
Many Arrows.

King Obould, orc ruler of the Citadel of Many Arrows, was terrified at the
prospect of another orc horde, despite the fact that he knew they should be
working together against the humans of the North and the spawn of Hellgate
Keep. His tribal shamans, however, had been predicting a treacherous fall of
the citadel - and they'd told the king that he'd be deposed by other orcs.

Thus, it was a dark day when King Greneire and his horde of 150,000 orcs
appeared on the plains outside the Citadel of Many Arrows. King Obould
announced to his followers that this horde had been sent to dislodge them
from their home and send them out to be scavengers among the plains. He vowed
that, with Gruumsh as his witness, the Citadel of Many Arrows would slaughter
these treacherous orcs "like elves during a festival."

For four months, the 40,000 orcs within the citadel held their ground.
Assault after assault was mounted against the high walls of the garrison, but
the attacking orcs were losing far more than the defenders. Still, the living
conditions within the walls - never too good to begin with - created losses
of their own.

The battle for the Citadel of Many Arrows culminated during the first week of
Uktar. As another light blanket of snow sought to bury the gathered orcs,
King Greneire threw his entire remaining army at the citadel, bursting its
gates and pitting orc against orc in a flurry of swords. As the two orc kings
sought one another out along the ramparts, the citadel began to burn.

The orcs that survive the battle still speak of the superhuman prowess of the
two kings as they battled one another before their troops. Finally, however,
King Obould ran Greneire through with his long sword, but Obould was severely
wounded by the time Greneire had breathed his last breath. The orcs erupted
into battle once again, and no one is quite certain what became of King

It was through the smoke and snow that the victors of the conflict emerged:
the dwarves of Clan Warcrown along with a contingent of troops from
Silverymoon. Charging in through the shattered gates, these new attackers
quickly routed the exhausted orcs of the citadel, sending them scurrying off
into the wilderness.

King Emerus Warcrown now rules the Citadel of Many Arrows, though the dwarves
now call the city by its old name of Felbarr. Most in the North still tend to
refer to the city as the Citadel, however, waiting to see if it can withstand
the next orc horde. King Warcrown has put out a call for all dwarves to help
defend the citadel, and news of a new vein of gold and silver is spreading
rapidly through dwarven communities.


History of the North - The Elven Exodus:

This era left behind elven strongholds ripe for pillaging by humans and orcs.
When elves chose to leave the North and travel to Evermeet, their works
quickly disappeared, leaving only places like the Old Road and a ruined port
in the High Forest to mark Eaerlann's passing. And yet it was not only the
elves who would disappear from their long-held homes; the human nation of
Netheril also stood on the brink of history.

Doom for Netheril came in the form of a desert, devouring the Narrow Sea and
spreading to fill its banks with dry dust and blowing sand. Legend states
when the great wizards of Netheril realized their land was lost, they
abandoned it and their countrymen, fleeing to all corners of the world and
taking the secrets of wizardry with them. More likely, this was a slow
migration that began 3,000 years ago and reached its conclusion 1,500 years

Whatever the truth, wizards no longer dwelled in Netheril. To the north, the
once-majestic dwarven stronghold of Delzoun fell upon hard days. Then the
orcs struck. Orcs have always been foes in the North, surging out of their
holes every few tens of generations when their normal haunts can no longer
support their burgeoning numbers. This time they charged out of their caverns
in the Spine of the World, poured out of abandoned mines in the Graypeaks,
screamed out of lost dwarfholds in the Ice Mountains, raged forth from crypt
complexes in the Nether Mountains, and stormed upward from the bowels of the
High Moon Mountains. Never before or since has there been such an outpouring
of orcs. Delzoun crumbled before this onslaught and was driven in on itself.
Netheril, without its wizards, was wiped from the face of history. The
Eaerlann elves alone withstood the onslaught, and with the aid of the treants
of Turlang and other unnamed allies, were able to stave off the final days of
their land for yet a few centuries more.

In the east, Eaerlann built the fortress of Ascalhorn and turned it over to
refugees from Netheril as Netherese followers built the town of Karse in the
High Forest. The fleeing Netherese founded Llorkh and Loudwater. Others
wandered the mountains, hills, and moors north and west of the High Forest,
becoming ancestors of the Uthgardt and founders of Silverymoon, Everlund, and


History of the North - The Spread of Humankind:

The adaptable humans made use of magic they could seize or learn from the
Proud Peoples to defeat all enemies, breaking (for a time) the power of
giants and orcs. Waterdeep was founded. The last of the pure blood elves died
out, a result of continued marriages with humans.

In the far west, men also dwelled - wise, clever primitives called the Ice
Hunters. They lived simple lives on the coast since time beyond reckoning,
countless generations before Netheril's first founders set foot on the Narrow
Sea's western shore. Yet this peaceful folk fell prey to another invasion
from the south: crude longships that carried a tall, fair-haired, warlike
race who displaced the Ice Hunters from their ancestral lands.

This race, known as the Northmen, spread farms and villages along the coast
from the banks of the Winding Water to the gorges of the Mirar. Northmen
warriors drove the simple Ice Hunters farther and farther north, forced the
goblinkin back into their mountain haunts, and instigated the last Council of
Illefarn. Within 500 years of the Northmen's arrival, Illefarn was no more -
its residents had migrated to Evermeet.

From the Coast, Northmen sailed westward, claiming and establishing colonies
on the major western islands of Ruathym and Gundarlun, eventually spreading
to all the islands in the northern sea. Others migrated northward, past the
Spine of the World, and became the truly savage barbarians of Icewind Dale.

In the centuries that followed, Ascalhom became Hellgate Keep when it fell
into the hands of fiends, and Eaerlann collapsed under the attack of a new
orc horde. The elves fled southeast, joining with Northmen, Netherese
descendants, and dwarves to form what would later be known as the Fallen
Kingdom. This realm was short-lived and collapsed under the next orcish
invasion - though in dying, it dealt the goblin races a blow from which they
have yet to recover.


History of the North - The Might of Men:

Along the coast, in what was once the elven community of Illefarn, humanity
was once again rising in power. Merchants from the south, tribesmen from the
North, and seafarers from western islands had created a village around a
trading post on a deep-water harbor, first known as Nimoar's Hold after the
Uthgardt chieftain whose tribe seized and fortified the ramshackle village.
Nimoar and his successors, known as War Lords, led the men of Waterdeep (as
it had become known to ship captains) in a slowly losing battle against the
trolls. In a final, climactic battle, the trolls breached the aging palisade
and all seemed lost - until the magic of Ahghairon of Silverymoon turned luck
against the trolls, destroying and scattering them.

Ahghairon, heir to the heritage and learning of Netheril, stayed in
Waterdeep, and in his 112th year he again saved the city - this time from
itself. In so doing, he created the Lords of Waterdeep. The city grew into
the greatest in the North, possibly in all Faerun. With Waterdeep as a firm
anchor, civilization forged cautiously into the wilderness. Illuskan (now
Luskan) was taken from the orcs. Loudwater, Llorkh, Triboar, Longsaddle,
Secomber, and other towns were settled by pioneers from Waterdeep, sponsored
by Waterdhavian merchant families.

Though it's been centuries since the last orc invasion, there's still
constant strife. Barbarians harass merchants, travelers, and towns, the seas
swim with Northmen pirates, and wars have marred the land in recent years.
Luskan, now a fierce merchant city known to harbor - and support - pirates,
waged a war with the island realm of Ruathym over an act of piracy against
one of the few legitimate Luskan merchant ships. The war raged for nearly a
year, with Ruathym slowly losing ground. When it appeared Luskan would
finally win the naval war and land on the island itself, the Lords' Alliance
entered the fray. They threatened war against Luskan if the skirmishes didn't
stop immediately. Unable to fight a two-front war efficiently, Luskan
canceled its invasion plans.

Tensions between Luskan and Ruathym are still high, and their ships are often
seen taking potshots at each other as they pass, often just a wave or two
away from each other. The government of Ruathym has recently been sending
adventurers into the hills of its island realm, looking for mercenaries who
are killing merchants, farmers, and woodsmen. Ruathym believes Luskan still
has a presence on the island, trying to win through subversion and terrorism
what it could not accomplish through war.

To the far north, the Ten Towns have finished rebuilding after being nearly
destroyed by the monstrous forces of Akar Kessel. With help from the tundra
barbarians living nearby, they've built and repaired their cities, replanted
the sparse foliage, and - most importantly - replenished the morale of their
citizens. A recent trader who passed through the area carrying 17 wagons of
rare oak lumber said that it was nearly impossible to determine who's a
barbarian and who isn't. "They're living together!" he reported in amazement.


History of the North - 1368, Year of the Banner:

As the dwarves settled in for the winter in their reclaimed city of Felbarr,
a group of Zhentarim-sponsored adventurers broke into Great Worm Cavern,
slaying Elrem the Wise, shaman leader of the Great Worm tribe. As the tribe's
warriors descended into the ranks of the evil adventurers, teleportation
magic spirited at least three of those responsible - as well as a vast amount
of treasure stolen from Elrem - to safety.

According to Themrin, the tribe's present shaman, Elrem promised to "watch
over the tribe in spirit now that my mortal form is destroyed." Despite the
reassuring words of Elrem, the tribe suffered through an oppressive winter
that included both heavy snow, scarce game, and low morale.

Trusted visitors to the barbarian encampment report that Themrin and Gweshen
"Ironhand" Talistars are wearing some form of armor made from the scales of
Elrem. This use of their former shaman's body as "protection" was supposedly
ordained through a dream vision. The armor appears as little more than a
supple leather armor, but seems to deflect blows and protect as well as full
plate mail.

Nesme reported a drastic rise in the number of troll attacks in the
Evermoors, and various sources confirm that something is driving the trolls
out of the moors. Whatever is behind the trolls' exodus is destined to remain
a mystery for the remainder of the year, as adventuring parties expend
themselves against the never-ending supply of trolls that are fleeing the

In the most surprising move of the year, the Blue Bear Tribe, led by the
shaman/chieftain Tanta Hagara, marched on the fiend-ridden fortress of
Hellgate Keep. While a brief struggle for political control of the city was
reported by various sources, Tanta Hagara emerged as the new ruler of the


History of the North - 1369, Year of the Gauntlet:

The tumultuous climate of Hellgate Keep continued to provide adventuring
activity. A group of Harpers infiltrated the city using cloaking magic and
revealed that Tanta Hagara was actually an annis. This revelation did nothing
to hamper the Blue Bear's respect for their powerful chieftain however, and
the city responded to the unmasking by attacking caravans en route to
Sundabar. In addition, a few expeditionary forces of tanar'ri were sent to
harass the Citadel of the Mists, Sundabar, and Silverymoon. Tanta Hagara
informed her "loyal troops" that gates existed in these cities that could
allow other tanar'ri to "join us in the glorious battles to come as we take
control of all of the North!"

Alustriel cast powerful magical spells in the defense of Silverymoon against
the raiding tanar'ri, and the city itself suffered no damage from their
attack. The Mistmaster of the Citadel of the Mists likewise aided in the
defense of his citadel, though reports still rage about the assistance of the
treants of the High Forest.

Sundabar suffered from Hellgate Keep's attack, as the fiends broke through
the walls and raised havoc along the city streets. While adventurers battled
the fiends, Helm Dwarfriend led a large contingent of the city guard to drive
the remainder from Sundabar. Still, the fiends from Hellgate Keep left the
city with the satisfaction of knowing that it was burning in their wake.
Within two days, however, the fires were extinguished, and Sundabar has since
rebuilt from the attack.

By mid Eleasias, rumors that Turlang, the powerful treant who resides in the
northern High Forest, was actively defending the woodlands near the Citadel
of the Mists reached the ears of Tanta Hagara, the hag-ruler of Hellgate
Keep. News that Turlang was aiding the Mistmaster did not escape her notice,
and the belief that the Citadel of the Mists was holding an extra-planar
artifact only added to the hag's interest.

Tanta assembled a large force consisting of more than 100 tanar'ri and other
fiends as well as 500 members of the Blue Bear tribe to raze the Citadel of
the Mists. But as the evil forces marched their way into the High Forest, the
Mistmaster put his own plan into motion. Two Harper agents, a bard named
Cryshana Fireglen and a priest of Mystra known as Spellviper, infiltrated
Hellgate Keep disguised as members of the Blue Bear tribe. Each carried with
them part of an extra-planar artifact called the Gatekeeper's Crystal.

The Gatekeeper's Crystal is an artifact shaped like a three-pointed star that
is made of onyx and an unknown metal that entwines itself through the gem.
Each point of the star is a separate piece that can be combined together to
create the artifact or separated to form three powerful magical items. While
the crystal can be used in different manners, it was primarily created to
bring down wards, including mythals and other powerful protections. According
to legend, it was created by a powerful lich who used it to render clerics
powerless, stripping them of their ability to turn undead and nullifying
necromantic magic within a 50-mile radius.

The Mistmaster had a different use for the Gatekeeper's Crystal, but he
needed volunteers to aid him in placing two shards of the crystal at precise
locations within the warded city of Hellgate Keep. In particular, he needed
two people who would be willing to trade their lives to exterminate the
fiends of Hellgate Keep forever. Spellviper and Cryshana agreed to the
suicide mission. Holding the pieces of the crystal, the two Harpers waited
for the Mistmaster to activate the magic with his third piece, initiating the
magic that would tear Hellgate Keep asunder. When a blazing beam of purple
energy illuminated the skies over the keep, no one within the fiend's
stronghold had time to wonder what was happening.

The power of the Gatekeeper's Crystal forced the wards to cascade upon the
city, causing an implosion that shook the ground for more than 100 miles. As
quickly as the wards surrounding Hellgate Keep collapsed, the crystal
released the magical energy in an explosion that leveled every building in
the city, leaving nothing but fist-sized chunks of rocks where Hellgate Keep
once stood. Not a living creature stirred in the remains; all was silent and

The force of tanar'ri from Hellgate Keep was unsure what had happened but had
felt the tremor when the Gatekeeper's Crystal had been activated. They were
fighting for their own lives, however, as the treants, korred, centaurs,
satyrs, dryads, and other creatures of the High Forest - including defenders
of the Citadel of the Mists - battered them into the moist earth. One of the
North's most notable rulers fell in the battle, however, but he took at least
six tanar'ri with him to his grave. Faurael Blackhammer, the lord protector
of Triboar, fell alongside his troops near the conclusion of the conflict.

Within weeks after the final battle with Hellgate Keep, treants blocked
passage farther north at the joining of the Heart-blood and Delimbiyr rivers.
While the treants care little for hunters and adventurers passing through the
area, all caravans seeking passage north to Sundabar have been repulsed - and
this is not a matter that the treants wish to negotiate.

In another mishap blamed on Turlang, Tumstone Pass was blocked by a
tremendous avalanche. This final calamity sealed the Upvale from any major
force of men. Travel into the area formerly occupied by Hellgate Keep is now
limited to adventurers and other brave travelers.

The Mistmaster has been questioned repeatedly by some of the most powerful
wizards in the Realms, including Elminster of Shadowdale and Khelben Arunsun,
about the current location of the Gatekeeper's Crystal. Most sources claim
that the pieces of the crystal have been scattered amongst the planes again,
but no one is certain.

Near Nesme, the source of the trolls' exodus is revealed. Fog and cloud
giants have taken up residence in the moor, driving the trolls from the
giants' new "homeland." While it's unknown how many giants have taken up
residence in the High Moor, estimates range up to several hundred. A thick
mist continually hangs in the air of the Evermoors now, even more persistent
and thick than the mist before the giants' arrival. Many believe that these
new mists are the work of the cloud giants, but none can be certain.

Alustriel of Silverymoon sent a detachment of guards to investigate the
eastern borders of the moor, and the guards returned with news that a
gathering of around 20 fog giants who were "of good nature and quite
friendly" had taken up residence in a formerly troll-infested area.

Guards from neighboring Nesme were not so fortunate, however, running into a
clan of violent, boulder-hurling fog and cloud giants who nearly decimated
their unit. In addition, a group of adventurers crawled into Nesme with
terrible burns, reporting that they had run into a black dragon at a fog
giant encampment. Overall, it appears that both good and evil giants now call
the moor their home.


History of the North - Return of the Beast (1367 - ?):

Sages, philosophers, historians, and priests alike feel an ill-boding in the
chill air. They predict a slow change over the next decade, but within the
lifetime of men born on the first day of this age. They believe that the
beasts that once ruled the land plan to return to claim what's rightfully
theirs, imprisoning and enslaving the crowns. Where elves once reigned, men
now rule, but their hold - as true for all civilizations before - is tenuous
at best.


History of the North - 137O, Year of the Tankard:

Even before spring has graced the Savage North, reports of treants massing in
the High Forest have reached all of the northern cities. It seems that all of
the creatures of the forest have mobilized to restore the High Forest after
the fall of Hellgate Keep. Something must still reside below the ruins of
Hellgate Keep, however, for the Company of the Jaded Heart never emerged from
the depths below the city. The treants have since blocked entrance into the
ruins, sealing whatever evil still lurks within far below the sight of man.

But there is other activity in the North as well. Luskan still flirts with
war, tempting neighboring cities and yet staying just below the wrath of
Waterdeep. The barbarians still brew in the north, quick to take offense at
innocent incursions into their sacred holdings. Rumors of Zhentarim agents
scouring the Fallen Lands for powerful magic from long-lost Netheril continue
to circulate. And adventurers still abound in the Savage Frontier.


History of the Red Ravens:

One of the few long-standing mercenary companies that operate in Cormyr, the
Red Ravens have a strength on paper of 110 swords, but can easily triple that
number with new hires if they get a sufficiently large contract. They have
been kept on retainer by the government of Cormyr with the stated purpose of
cleaning out the Stonelands to the north. They have been moderately
successful in this goal, but the Stonelands are still far from being a safe

The Red Ravens are commanded by Rayanna the Rose, a veteran of the Horde
crusade. They are noted for their honesty and trustworthiness, as they do not
wish to jeopardize their royal charter. Most of their troops are armed with
studded leather and carry long swords. They charge 200 gold pieces per week
for the services of their 110-being unit. Their symbol is a red raven amulet.


History of the Sisters of Light and Darkness:

This was the birth of the world and the heavens. After Lord Ao created
Realmspace, there was a period of timeless nothingness, a misty realm of
shadows before light and dark were separate entities. Within this dim chaos
stalked 13 lords of shadow, the Shadevari - whether they came form elsewhere
or are children of the shadow itself, none can say.

Eventually this primordial essence coalesced into twin beautiful goddesses
who were yin and yang to each other; they were so close they thought of
themselves as one being. The Two-Faced Goddess created the heavenly bodies of
the crystal sphere and together infused them with life to form the
Earthmother, Chauntea. (Although Chauntea has since contracted her essence to
encompass only Abeir-Toril, in the beginning she embodied all matter in
Realmspace.) This new universe was lit by the face of the silver-haired
goddess, who called herself Selune, and darkened by the welcoming tresses of
the raven-haired goddess, Shar, but no heat or fire existed within it.

Chauntea begged for warmth so that she could nurture life and living
creatures upon the planets that were her body and limbs, and the two
sisters-Who-Were-One become divided, as for the first time they were of two
minds. Silvery Selune contested with her dark sister over wheter or not to
bring further life to the worlds. During this great conflagration, the gods
of war, disease, murder, and death, among others, were created from residues
of the deific battle. At one point during the battle, Selune seized the
advantage and reached across time and space to a land of eternal fire.
Fighting the pain of the blaze, which burned her sorely, she broke off a
fragment of that ever-living flame and ignited one of the heavenly bodies so
that it burned in the sky and warmed Chauntea.

Incensed, Shar redoubled her attack on her injured twin and began to snuff
out all light and heat throughout the crystal sphere. Again Selune gave of
herself and tore the divine essence of magic from her body, flinging it
desperately at her sister in defense of life in the sphere. This essence
entered Shar, ripped an equal portion of energy from her, and reformed behind
her as the goddess of magic, known now as Mystra, but then as Mystryl. Though
Mystryl was composed of both light and dark magic, she favored her first
mother Selune initially, allowing the silver goddess to win an uneasy truce
with her more powerful, dark twin. Consumed by bitterness at her defeat, Shar
vowed eternal revenge.

The twin goddesses contested for eons as life struggled into existence on
Toril and the other planets under Chauntea's watchful gaze. Shar remained
powerful, but bitterly alone, while Selune waxed and waned i power, often
drawing strength from her allied Daughters and sons and like-minded immigrant
deities. Over time, Shar grew strong again, aided by the shadevari who
preferred night to blinding light and who stalked the Realms seeking to meld
light and dark into shadowy chaos once again. Shar's plot to reform the world
after her own desires was undone when Azuth, the High One, formerly the
greatest of all mortal spellcasters and now consort to Mystra (incarnate
successor to Mystryl), found a way to imprison the shadevari in a
pocket-sized crystal sphere located beyond the edges of the world by creating
the illusion of a realm of shadows. The Lords of Shadow were drawn to
investigate, and before they discovered the trick, Azuth imprisoned the
shadevari with the Shadowstar, a key of shadows forged by Gond. The High
Lord then hurled the key into the endless reaches of the cosmos allowing life
to flourish on in Chauntea's loving hands.


History of the Unicorn Run:

Bards and sages pass down the tale that the headwaters of the Unicorn Run
are, in truth, the Font of Life, and a cradle of fecundity. Each natural race
is said to have emerged from the womb of Chauntea onto Toril at the river's
source, and then traveled down the Unicorn Run to the outside world. Some say
that a daughter of Chauntea resides at the river's source to usher the
newborns into the world, while others claim that Shialla midwifes the

Regardless of the truth, the elves, korreds, and halflings all agree that the
Unicorn Run is sacred to life and a site of incredible purity. As a result,
all three races have strong taboos about extended trips up the run, for if
the river is ever fouled, then no new races will ever be born on Toril again.


History of the Valley of the Gods:

It is said that even the powers must cavort and amuse themselves once in a
great while. Far to the north of the Spine of the World is the Valley of the
Gods. A paradise unequaled on this world or in the planes, this playground of
the gods is not meant for mortals. Any mortal who reaches the Valley becomes
a deity, for only deities may exist in the Valley. Far too many mortals with
delusions of grandeur have thrown away the pleasures of this side of the
Spine and their kingdoms in this world, only to break their backs searching
for the legendary Valley of the Gods.


History of the Vast:

Two millennia ago the Vast was Vastar, the orcish lands. These were the
breeding grounds of the goblin hordes that would spill eastward and cross the
Dragon Reach in ramshackle boats to raid the elves. The orcs were overthrown
by invading dwarves, who established the Realm of the Glimmering Swords. It
was during this time that the first humans came to the Vast, including the
mage Maskyr.

The rule of the dwarves occurred against a backdrop of constant war with the
orcs, such that there were perhaps only 40 years of true peace for the Realm
of the Glimmering Swords. The dwarves were overrun by the orcs, and they
escaped extinction only through the aid of human and elven allies. The
remaining dwarves left the region to the newly arriving humans and retreated
to the east, to the south, and to isolated and hidden communities within the

The most successful of the humans were the adventurers whose hunger was sated
by gold and whose thirst was slaked by great deeds. This was the Time of the
Glorious Fools, and there are those who will argue that it is still that age,
as adventurers still rule the cities of Calaunt and Ravens Bluff. The orcs
today are contained, if not conquered, and trade has grown up in the lands of
the Vast. However, for many individuals with adventuring blood, it is still a
wilderness in which one may prove one's worth.


History of the Western Heartlands:

The history of the Western Heartlands is a history of endless battles and
destroyed empires. In ancient times these were the lands of the Fallen
Kingdom of Illefarn, the Lost Kingdom of Man, and rumored Netheril. In more
recent history, the land has been fertilized with blood and bone as forces
from the Empires of the Sands surged northward, the evil peoples within
Dragonspear and the Goblin Marches spilled forth, and mercenary companies
moved to and fro in the service of one petty warlord after another. Recent
battles leveled the Way Inn and threatened Daggerford. Even the Time of
Troubles did not leave this desolate land unmarked - Bhaal himself perished
at Boareskyr Bridge, and the waters it passes over have remained poisoned to
this day.

The cities of the Western Heartlands are strong, independent, and varied.
They are also strongly motivated by trade, and listen harder to the ringing
of gold than the call of battle. But something else prospers in the open
land - freedom and opportunity. No nation lays claim on the Westem Heartlands
to land beyond that which their armies can control, and no warlord can make
demands beyond the swing of his axe. Small holds and castles regularly spring
up, only to be knocked down by invading forces, or abandoned after a
generation or two. Lost dungeons and secret citadels lie scattered throughout
the land, and this rugged frontier presents more than enough opportunities
for adventurers.


History of the Zhentarim, Two Zhents' Worth:

Much confusion exists in the Realms regarding Zhentil Keep and the (not-so)
secret society known as the Black Network or Zhentarim. The two are closely
tied, such that a speaker may refer to one when meaning the other and still
be clearly understood. In general, both mean trouble.

Zhentil Keep is a walled, independent city on the western shores of the
Moonsea. It is one of the most evil cities in the Realms, a blight on the
North, and a haven for Evil groups, plotting manipulators, dark religions,
and foul practices. Its rulers seek to dominate the lands around it,
including the Dragonspine Mountains, Yulash, Voonlar, and the neighboring
Dales. The city of Zhentil Keep and its armies (known as the Zhentilar, to
make matters more confusing) have destroyed Teshendale, come close to
destroying Daggerdale, and for a long time had an agent ruling Shadowdale.

The Zhentarim is an organization of evil priests, wizards, and inhuman
creatures bent on controlling all the trade and power between the Sword Coast
(meaning Baldur's Gate and Waterdeep) and the Moonsea (including the
intervening lands of Cormyr and Anauroch). Its aims in the Moonsea area are
the same as Zhentil Keep's, and the two factions work hand-in-glove, often
sharing the same membership. The Zhentarim have a more far-reaching effect
than Zhentil Keep, though, and have agents throughout the North.

In addition, the Zhentarim are not limited to Zhentil Keep itself, and
maintain a number of fortified outposts. Their rulership has spread with the
passing years. In addition to being the dominant force in Zhentil Keep, the
Zhentarim control the Citadel of the Raven and Darkhold, two important castle
complexes. Over the years, more power has been moving away from Zhentil Keep
(filled with a lot of unknown and untrustworthy flunkies) and into these more
secure areas.

Within the Dalelands area, Zhentarim smells of Zhentil Keep and vice versa,
but in reality not every Keeper (yet another name for a native of Zhentil
Keep) is of the Black Network, and not every agent of the Zhentarim is from
Zhentil Keep. Adventurers should watch who they trust as a result.


History of Ulgarth:

Ulgarth was settled by the great empire of Raurin, in the height of its
power. When the empire was destroyed, it endured centuries of barbarism.
Warchiefs united the country several times during this period. They fought
many skirmishes with other barbarians, particularly those in Durpar and Var
the Golden. In 202 DR, the barbarian tribes were nearly wiped out by the
forces of Mulhorand.

In 348 DR, a group of outlaws, fleeing the justice of the priest-kings of
Mulhorand, came to Ulgarth. There they found a fertile, almost unoccupied
land. They settled down, and began raising children and crops. This new
society in Ulgarth gradually grew in power, while its neighbors grew apace.
But while Durpar grew as a result of its commerce and its philosophy of
balance, Ulgarth concentrated on agrarian pursuits. The Ulgarthians developed
a highly structured caste system of lords and peasants. In 1002 DR, the
centuries' long skirmishes between Durpar and Ulgarth came to an end, as the
two countries finally reached a balance of power. There were too many
centuries of warfare between the countries for them to completely trust each
other. With their mutual border well defended on both sides, both countries
have given up on the idea of conquering the other.

Trade between the Ulgarth and the Shining Lands has become a vital factor to
both nations. Ulgarth produces many of the items that Durparians trade
throughout the world. In return, Durpar trades many exotic items to Ulgarth.
Of course, the Durparian merchants usually get the better of any trade. The
current king, Drasna the Fortunate, has continued his predecessor's policy of
non-aggression with the Durparians.


History of Amn:

Amn has the good fortune to have abundant natural resources; some would say
Amn is the richest land on the continent. This has worked in Amn's favor for
generations, because even if they were conquered, the new masters would be
gentle, looking to gain wealth from the land, rather than to put it to the

Amn has been a center of trade and commerce for as long as anyone can
remember. Oral traditions handed down from father to son tend to support the
theory that Amn has been a trade center for at least 800 years.
Unfortunately, written records are difficult to find and often incomplete. It
would seem the typical Amnish citizen was too busy trying to fill their
coffers to write down events of the day.

Amn has always been more interested in the present and the future than the
past, and this makes an accurate history difficult. The best records, the
business papers of the oldest trading companies, are jealously guarded. The
fear of revealing "trade secrets" is stronger than the call of history, so
the average citizen knows very little about Amn's past.

It appears that the Amn of 100 years ago was very much like the Calimshan of
today. Each major city was basically an independent entity, banding together
for defense when necessary, and fighting for control of territory and
profitable trade routes the rest of the time. A particularly brutal trade
war began 24 years ago, with each city exacting prohibitive tariffs on goods
imported from the others. The trade war escalated, and city troops began to
raid caravans sponsored by other cities. In a matter of months commerce was
brought to a halt, a number of cities were under siege, and war threatened to
engulf the entire region.

Into the breach stepped a young merchant named Thayze Selemchant. Thayze was
smart, charismatic, and very well connected (the Selemchant trading house was
one of the oldest and richest in Athkatla.) He secretly contacted
representatives of the five other richest merchant houses in Amn, and started
to plan.

The first part of the plan involved the careful sprinkling of rumors about
outside threats. One involved a pirate invasion from the Nelanther, another
was about a massing of orcs just on the other side of the Cloud Peaks. Thayze
even started a rumor about an elf army in the Forest of Tethir, ready to
pounce on a divided Amn. None of the rumors were true, but they began to
turn people's thoughts toward unity, not war.

Thayze knew that if he and the other members of his council were to take
control of Amn, they would need broad-based popular support. Tensions between
cities and merchant houses were still high, so to get that support,
Selemchant and the others agreed to drop their family names and never use
them again.

When news of a "Council of Six" spread throughout the land, many people
accepted their rule. A group that would unite Amn under one rule, governing
for the benefit of all instead of one city or trading company over another,
was indeed a welcome change. The Council raised an army (at great personal
expense) to quell the few pockets of resistance that remained, and have been
in total control of Amn for the past 22 years.


History of Waterdeep:

Waterdeep was used as a trading site for trade activities between northern
tribesmen and southern merchants more than two millennia ago. By 1,000 years
ago, permanent farms had sprung up in the area. The first mention of a
Waterdeep (not as a city, but as a collection of warlords) occurs only 400
years ago. The city was truly established as a going concern by 1032 DR, the
year Ahghairon became the first Lord of Waterdeep, and the date from which
Northreckoning is counted. The city grew spectacularly, such that by 1248 DR
both the City of the Dead and the guilds had been developed. The guildmasters
seized control soon afterwards, ushering in a period of unrest and bitter
conflict known as the Guildwars. The Guildwars ended only when the two
surviving guildmasters brought in their own period of misrule. It was only in
1273 DR that the present system of government (or lack thereof) was
instituted. This was the year that the Magisters were established and the
secret Lords of Waterdeep were firmly reestablished. Since that time, the
city has continued to grow and prosper. Humankind and other races come from
all over the Realms to earn hard coin in the City of Splendors. Over the
years these successful merchants have set up guilds and themselves become
nobility, supporting the secretive Lords of Waterdeep who police the city
fairly, yet with a light hand, by means of the superb city guard (soldiers),
city watch (police), and over 20 black-robed magistrates. As a result,
Waterdeep is a place tolerant of different races, religions, and lifestyles.
This in turn has encouraged commerce, and Waterdeep has grown into a huge,
eclectic city.


History of Waterdeep - Age 0, Tuabemoots and Pioneers:

Few now know the true history of this great city, which had its beginnings
over a thousand years ago, when the North was truly what Southerners still
sneeringly call it: "the Savage North." In those days, most of the North was
covered with vast, tall forests of ancient green, and inhabited by dwarves
and goblinkind (in the most northern mountains and foothills) and elves (in
widely scattered forest enclaves everywhere else). A few primitive human
tribes lived along the Sword Coast, fishing, hunting and gathering in spring
and fall to trade their furs with vessels sailing in from the south for
merchant's jewelry, metal tools, and the occasionally-available weapon or
two. In the spring, these vessels came primarily to cut and take huge trees
for shipbuilding, trees being no longer available in such large sizes farther

In the fall, the vessels came in to cut timber for their own repairs, or to
take on a cargo of wood if the misfortunes of trading had left their holds
low or empty. Most of these trademoots were at a certain place where there
was a great natural deepwater harbor, protected from the sea by a rocky spur
of land, an arm of an isolated coastal crag, or a rocky island beyond it.


History of Waterdeep - Age I, The Rise of the Warlords:

Over the years, the forest was cut back farther and farther from the shore,
and tribes began to stay most of the year there, farming the cleared land.
The wiser among them claimed and controlled some of the timber in order to
trade for more weaponry and tools. Such claims angered many who found the
squatters rich from frequent trade, and brought attacks from land and sea,
the more warlike tribes slaughtering the more sedentary settlers. Noted among
these tribes was that led by Nimoar, a chieftain who ordered his people to
seize the farms, crude wooden docks, trading sheds, and storage barns built
up around the bay. They settled there themselves, and erected a log palisade
within an earthen embankment to protect the holdings. After several abortive
pirate and tribal raids, Nimoar's people thrived in their new home, a
fledgling town referred to as "the town of Water-deep."

Farther north, orc tribes had outgrown their mountain strongholds. Attempts
to expand underground met with fierce dwarven resistance (although many small
gnomish colonies were overwhelmed and wiped out), and the orcs spread out on
the surface of the land, coming south and down out of the mountains, hurling
their seemingly endless numbers against all who stood in their path. Here and
there elven enclaves held out, but the push southward displaced many other
northern inhabitants, including the "everlasting ones" (trolls), who came
down into the newly-cleared lands northeast of Nimoar's Hold, those lands now
known as the Trollmoors. Nimoar died of old age during this time of
increasing danger. Younger War Lords led the men of Waterdeep (for so the
ship-captains called the harbor) in battles against the trolls. There were
many bloody struggles between men and trolls for a decade, until the magic of
a Northem youth named Ahghairon turned the fortunes of war against the
trolls, and the "everlasting ones" were destroyed or scattered. Ahghairon
rose slowly in skill and power with the passage of years, until he became a
great mage. He discovered a supply of potions of longevity (or learned the
art of making such), for he lived on, still physically a man in his prime,
for decade upon decade.

Fearing further attacks, the men of Waterdeep raised a small keep on the
slopes of Mount Waterdeep above their farms, where fire arrows from on high
could defend against attacking trolls. Many outlying tribes who had come to
the settlement for safety from the trolls stayed, and expanded the walls with
new farms several times. War Lords ruled the Free City of Waterdeep, holding
it independent and increasingly wealthy as years passed.


History of Waterdeep - Age III, The Bloody Reign of the Guildmasters:

There was great turmoil in the City as the Guildmasters argued amongst
themselves as to who should govern the City, and more than one merchant of
power was found murdered. Groups of liveried bodyguards appeared openly armed
on the streets, accompanying their masters, and two very troubled months
passed as they bickered and parleyed (and occasionally dueled in the
streets). At last, they decided that all Masters should rule Waterdeep
together, in a council. The lesser nobles and many townsfolk protested,
saying that the Lords ruled by right and by the people's consent. The
Guildmasters, however, said that the Lords had not been seen since
Ahghairon's death, and that they must have been golems or zombies, controlled
by Ahghairon to conceal his lone rule -- and indeed, the Lords were silent
and unseen, and continued to be so.

In truth, the Lords were real men and women whose identities had been
compromised, over the years, by certain curious Guildmasters who had ordered
them slain by their own closemouthed, loyal servants following Ahghairon's
death. The only Lords still surviving (those who had remained secret) were
Baeron, a woodworker, and Shilam, an apprentice wizard. These surviving Lords
kept very quiet, and waited. The Guildmasters thought all the living Lords of
the City had been eliminated, and took firm rule over Waterdeep.

The Guildmasters ruled Waterdeep for only six years ere their self-interested
squabbling led to bloodshed. Open quarrels and a few murders quickly erupted
into a brief but vicious series of street fights and midnight attacks. This
strife, oftimes termed "the Guildwars" by sages (although it was never as
long-drawn-out or so formal as to be called a "war" when it was taking
place), left all but two Guildmasters dead, most of the City's best minds
stilled, and much of the City's gold wasted or plundered with the Guilds in

The surviving Guildmasters were Lhorar Gildeggh of the Shipwrights and Ehlemm
Zoar of the Gemcutters. These two - ruthless manipulators both - were
well-matched and could not overcome each other, though their private armies
clashed often in the streets. At length, they sickened of bloodshed, after
many from both families were dead in the gutters, and agreed to rule together.
Two thrones were set up in Castle Waterdeep, and from then the two argued
bitterly over this and that, and the City was a place of tension and fear.
All matters, including the recognition of new Guildmasters to rule the
"headless" guilds, had to come before the Two Lords Magister, as Lhorar and
Ehlemm were called. Few matters were settled.


History of Waterdeep - Age II, The Lords' Rule Begins:

In his 112th winter, Ahghairon had a sharp disagreement with Raurlor, who was
then Warlord of Waterdeep. Raurlor wanted to use Waterdeep's acquired wealth
and strength-of-arms to create a Northern empire, with Waterdeep its capital
(and Raurlor its ruler), and gathered armies for the purpose. Ahghairon
defied him before all the people, and Raurlor ordered the mage to be chained.
Ahghairon magically struck aside all who sought to lay hands on him. In a
fury Raurlor struck at the mage with his own blade. Ahghairon rose into the
air, just out of reach, and, as the infuriated Warlord slashed repeatedly at
his rising feet, gestured. Raurlor's blade transmuted in his hand, from steel
into a hissing serpent, which promptly bit him. The Warlord died of the venom
before the shocked people assembled there. Ahghairon then gathered all the
captains of Waterdeep's army, and all the seniors of the families of
Waterdeep. While runners sought to bring them to the Castle, flames roared
and crackled in the Warlord's empty chair-of-state at Ahghairon's bidding, so
that no one sat there. Then at a gesture from the mage, the flames were gone
as though they had never been, leaving the chair unmarked. Ahghairon seated
himself, then, and proclaimed himself the first Lord of Waterdeep, saying
that henceforth wisdom and not armed might would rule in the city. He would
gather some few - in secret - to rule as Lords with him, masked and disguised
when they appeared to the people, but equal to him in authority and free of
coercion by any, himself included. These Lords were to be drawn from all
walks of life in the city, and could serve as long as they wished.

The people heard, and agreed, and for the next two hundred years, Ahghairon
ruled Waterdeep with his unknown fellow Lords. Over the years, the masked
Lords were a group of sometimes five, six, or seven, who appeared seldom and
said little. Some whispered that they were Ahghairon's servants, or even
magical automatons controlled by the Old Mage. Still, Ahghairon's justice was
swift and fair, his laws good, his guardsmen polite and just as ready to help
as apprehend, and the people approved. The years passed in peace and
prosperity. The North was opened to humans. Roads built under Ahghairon's
direction linked it together, from the ruins of "the Fallen Kingdom," which
had been shattered by goblin races' attacks before men were numerous in the
North, to the cities that would later become Amn. Waterdeep grew fivefold in
size and wealth. From all over the Realms, folk began to come to the "Crown
of the North," drawn by money - and among them came those who rob, cheat, and
steal. When word of doings extending beyond simple theft to
deception-in-workmanship and the appearance of many fly-by-night impostor
craftsmen reached Ahghairon's ears, he called together the senior merchants,
"the Noble Ones," and suggested that they form guilds as was done in the far
South to police the unscrupulous of their own professions. Some resisted, or
were furious, but most saw the advantages of such an arrangement,
particularly if they were free to set matters up themselves, and not have
less favorable arrangements forced upon them. The Guilds were created
forthwith. Twice more the city walls were expanded, as Waterdeep continued to
grow in size and prosperity. Its merchants traveled the world over, bringing
back exotic goods from afar, and spreading word of the city's wealth to
remote lands. In the South, some listened with an eye to conquest or at least
plunder, but swords were already out in those southern lands in a time of
widespread strife, and no invaders came.

Ahghairon's health eventually failed and he died. He was buried with ceremony
in his tower, which was secured against thieves and fools. Those who learned
the arts arcane from the Old Mage cast the most potent protective magics
known upon his home and resting-place (which, many believe, remains inviolate


History of Waterdeep - Age lV, The Return of the Lords:

One day to the Courts of the Lord Magister came two people masked and robed
as the Lords of Waterdeep of old. Where they came from no one knew, but they
appeared in the Castle's Great Hall where the Courts were, and commanded the
Lords Magister to leave the city forthwith. Laughing, the Lords Magister
refused, whereupon the shorter of the masked intruders (the lady Shilam,
apprentice to Ahghairon and his undeclared heir as first Lord of the City)
blasted them with lightning and fire, and their very thrones were shattered
and toppled.

The taller of the two intruders (Baeron) then called for the heads of the
noble houses to come to them, or leave the city forthwith and forever, if
they cared not to come by nightfall. All in the Courts heard, and the news
was cried in the streets.

The surviving nobles came, reluctantly and with bodyguards, expecting such a
summons to be a trap. Baeron spoke to them and the crowd of curious townsfolk
that had also come, saying, "this must not happen again." If Waterdeep was to
be safe once more, he told them, all must support what he and his fellow Lord
now planned, as they had supported Ahghairon in the past. The two would
choose others to be Lords as before, he said, and they would rule in secret,
as before - save for himself. He removed his mask, and said, "I am Baeron. I
would be Lord as Ahghairon was before. I would be safe in this my city
again." And the folk of Waterdeep there agreed. Shilarn, still masked,
commanded that the houses of the Two Lords Magister be Outcast. There was
protest, and she raised her hands that had blasted the thrones, and it was
still again. And the house of Gildeggh and of Zoar were outcast.

Peace returned to the city, and Waterdhavians to their labors. To inhibit
discovery of who the Lords were, Baeron selected certain men of character
whom he knew well, and appointed them Magisters ("Black Robes," they were
soon called, from their robes of office) under the Lords, to judge and apply
the laws of Waterdeep in daily affairs. These Magisters he paid well, to
raise them from temptation, and gave lodgings to those who feared for safety
to dwell among the people. To so serve, he told the city, was a burden, not a
proud misuse of authority, and if any wished to no longer serve, or were
found wanting, they were not to be vilified, but accorded respect. And over
the Magisters the Lords sat in their Court, to correct and overrule the
judgments of the Magisters. Baeron told the people that none were to decry or
belittle any judgments of Magisters that the Lord saw fit to alter or cast
aside. If any thought ill of the offices or those who held them they could
turn back to the rule of sword and whim, and perish as had those before them.
Before the Lord's Court Baeron encouraged people to speak freely for the
length of a short candle's burning, without fear of chastisement or reproach
from the Lords for anything said, as long as they spoke openly and answered
questions or opposing views put to them by any there. Thus, he held, just
grievances of folk would be heard, no matter how small the matter or lowly
the speaker. And so it was. Slow to take hold, until people knew it for
careful justice, but enduring beyond Baeron's time, and beyond Shilarn's
time, and beyond the time of their daughter Lhestyn "The Masked Lady," who
wed Zelphar Arunsun of Neverwinter, and was mother to Khelben "Blackstaff'
Arunsun, a Lord of Waterdeep today, who knows the secrets of long years as
Ahghairon did. And as the years have passed, Waterdeep has grown in size and
variety, flourishing with good trade under the tolerance and protection of
strong defenders and good government. The years passed not without troubles,
varying from the Godswar (when Waterdeep played host to gods dying and
ascending) to such occurrences as a green dragon assailing the Field of
Triumph (part of a plot by the Knights of the Shield to overthrow the Lords'
Rule), but the city and her peoples survived and prevailed against all
strife. The Lords' Alliance provides continued safety for all the settlements
of the northern Sword Coast and those inland, with Waterdeep as the heart of
the alliance. Though it can be matched in size or commerce, there is no city
the Realms over that compares to the sheer variety of life and experiences
found in fair Waterdeep, Crown of the North.


History of the Nether Scrolls

The writing in this text is completely indecipherable and resists any such
attempts at comprehension through normal magic or any other means.


Yago's book of curses


Animals Are Your Friend

An excerpt...

"One of the first steps towards living in harmony with animals is learning to
respect our ever-changing relationship with animals. Many people think of
humans and demi-humans as being superior to animals. However, as I've already
stated, the criteria for 'superiority' is very subjective. For this reason,
we must view our relationship with the animals of the wild on a personal and
ever-changing basis. Give the creatures the respect they deserve, but always
remember that predators are predators, no matter how much you respect their


Lore of the Bladesingers
By McComb and Pryor

An elite group of elven fighter mages, the blade-singers are dedicated to the
defense of the elven nation, and many of them journey back to Faerun to help
defend those elves who stayed behind or have yet to join the Retreat.

Bladesingers are terrifying weapons experts and spellcasters. On Evermeet
they are organized into small warrior lodges, each specializing in a
different weapon. They are even more dedicated to the ancient ways and styles
of dress than other Silver elves. They often tattoo themselves with old runes
and symbols and their armor and weapon are all of great antiquity and
beautiful craftsmanship.


Code of Training in the Seldarine's Hand
By Kaylessa

The Code

Death to all who oppose our cause
Battle is the test above all
Bring glory to the Hand of the Seldarine


Every person under my tutelage will be instructed as follows:

You will learn every aspect of the melee weapons I present to you. You will
become familiar with the strengths and weaknesses of each weapon and learn
how to utilize it effectively.

You will also learn the ways of archery. Patience, discipline, and focus will
be your guide. This promise will be your commitment to hitting any target no
matter the difficulty.

As a soldier serving the Seldarine's Hand, you will conduct yourself in a
proper manner befitting an elf at all times. Disobedience will not be


My Oath

What these values represent is your commitment to the Seldarine's Hand and

The promise I make is to hone your skills, both physical and mental, to bring
honor to our brothers and sisters.

For the glory of the Hand,


Elameth's Compendium
By Elameth

This is a technical book containing sketches of various magical artifacts. It
details some of the plans and processes used by the elven enchanter, Elameth,
and the dwarven smith, Karador during the time of cooperation between the two


Ancient Lore on Corellon Larethian
By Master E. L. Boyd the lore goes, many great battles were fought between Corellon and
Gruumsh. As Corellon's blood flowed, it mingled with the tears Sehanine shed.
And in this mixture of blood and tears, Corellon's children, the Seldarine
were born.

Corellon embodies the highest values of that which is elvenkind. From the
gentle aspects of art and poetry to the hasher aspects of war and magic, he
is venerated by all the Fair Folk, except that of the drow. Vigilant over his
creations, it is told that Corellon will wander the elven lands, observing
his people and defending what is theirs.


Engineering Manual

This ancient work is a treatise on dwarven engineering techniques. Although
it is written entirely in the dwarven language, someone has inserted
translated notes in several places throughout the book. This particular
volume contains a detailed analysis on the construction of suspension


Diary of Evayne it has come to this. The orc and goblin forces grow stronger with each
victory. Where they attained the weapons of the alliance is still a mystery,
but I believe in my heart that it was not through the dwarves. We have
succeeded in stifling their advances but it wont hold for long. We have taken
severe casualties and our forces are dwindling rapidly.

Negotiations are over with our former friends. We are now in open conflict
with them. As much as I love my father, I blame him for this. Ever since we
found the weapons in the horde's possession, father has been completely
irrational. Any discussions had with our former friends ended in bitter
accusations and resentment. He adamantly believes that the dwarves betrayed
us and listens to nothing they have to say in their defense.

Am I the only one who sees that both sides are going to die horribly if this
continues? Father does not see reason in putting aside hostilities with the
dwarves so that we may unite against our common enemy. I spoke to him of
going Dorn's Deep to approach our old friends. He lashed out at me in anger
and sent me out of the astrolabe.

I now make preparations to leave home and ride to Dorn's Deep myself. I know
in my heart what must be done and this is the only way. Perhaps I have more
of my father's stubbornness than I thought.


Fish on the Sea of Fallen Stars

An excerpt...

"The Grand Raik is easily recognizable by its distinctive hooked jaw and the
blue and white spots on its fins. Typically the size of a human adolescent,
Grand Raiks are capable of putting up a great fight against the fishermen who
seek them out. Unlike Lesser Raiks, Grand Raiks are very aggressive towards
fellow fish in their territory, rarely stopping until they die or the
intruders have fled. Grand Raiks have been known to attack fish three times
their size. One fisherman from Selgaunt even claimed that he saw a Grand Raik
attack and kill a Mottled Sidi Octopus..."


The Folly of Fury

An excerpt...

"... our principle stance is one of rejection. The fundamental beliefs of the
churches of fury are anathema to our own. The Gods of Fury stress everything
that is selfish, physically abusive, and destructive. The Malarites care only
for proving their temporal power through the senseless butchering of animals.
The Aurilites seem to delight in causing death by freezing whenever possible,
removing every shred of heat from their domains. Priests of Talos simply
revel in destruction for its own sake and their own personal pleasure. Our
brothers and sisters in the church of Umberlee cause havoc with the waves for
the sole reason of terrifying travelers and fishermen into bowing before
their childish god. As much as we Eldathyn might denounce the beliefs of
these religions, there is an even greater question to be asked. What kind of
afterlife can these self-serving priests expect to find in the domains of
their self-serving gods?"


Hippogriff Riders of the Hand

Stationed atop Sheverash Tower are the proud hippogriffs of the Seldarine's
Hand. Along with their riders, these mounts serve primarily as scouts but are
sometimes used for missions requiring the utmost of speed.

Both rider and mount are trained rigorously to work as a team. Upon hatching,
hippogriffs are domesticated to be used as mounts. They are trained in what
to eat, various combat routines involving aerial and ground attacks, and to
respond to the commands of its rider. The riders are educated in the ways of
grooming and caring for its mount, how to work effectively with his
hippogriff, and also in the ways of aerial and ground combat.

As a unit, they have proven excellent aerial support in our ground battles
and are a proud symbol of the Seldarine.


Tending Ivy

An excerpt...

"I am simply an amateur when it comes to botany, but I dare say that I know
my way around a patch of ivy better than the next man. Most botanists will
attempt to tell you 'rules' about how one should care for their ivy.
Unfortunately, these bumbling buffoons haven't spent enough time researching
all of the different types of ivy to learn their subtle differences. Why,
just the other day, some fool on the hill told me that Jangling Bell Ivy
should be planted in relatively moist soil next to Blossoming Garters. As any
ivy scholar worth his weight in dirt knows, Blossoming Garters require such a
huge amount of water that one would drown the Jangling Bell just by tending
to the Garters. 'Moist' does not mean 'soaked.' I ask you, what will it take
to educate these comical jesters of the scientific community?"


Ancient Lore on Labelas Enoreth
By Master E. L. Boyd

Labelas Enoreth is the elven god of longevity and time. At the creation of
the Fair Folk, Labelas blessed the elves with long lifespans and decreed that
their appearances would not be marked by the passage of time. The lifegiver
cooperates with Sehanine in overseeing the lifespan of elves and their growth
away from and beyond the mortal realms. He measures the lives of the Fair
Folk and decrees when they should be ended, allowing passage to Arvandor. As
Lord of the Continuum, Labelas governs the orderly passage of time and guards
against those who would alter the path of history. Labelas confers wisdom and
teachings on young and old alike, and although he is rarely invoked, the
Lifegiver is often praised. The Lifegiver knows the future and past of every
elf, faerie, or sylvan creature. Labelas is worshiped by sages, historians,
philosophers, librarians, and all those who measure the changes wrought by
the passing of years.


Ancient Lore on Sehanine Moonbow
By Master E. L. Boyd

...Sehanine Moonbow is the elven goddess of the moon or, more specifically,
the full moon. She governs divinations, omens, and subtle magics and protects
against madness. She watches over the dreams of the elves, keeping them from
harm while in reverie and sending omens to protect them from future dangers.
Sehanine watches over the passage of the elven spirits from the world, and
she is protectress of the dead...

...Alternately called the wife and daughter of Corellon, Sehanine is the
mightiest of the female powers in the elven pantheon. Identified with the
mystic power of the moon, Sehanine's tears are said to have mingled with
Corellon's blood and given life to the elven race.


Mythal Theory
By Schend and Melka

... Aside from the High Mages, none are certain about the true nature of
mythals, no matter how well versed they are in ancient elven lore of old or
current debates on magical theory. Many agree that a mythal is alive, and is
a huge web of magical forces woven together by magic and the lifeforces of
the casters. The mythal is believed to be sustained by the natural mechanisms
within and around it, from the wind to the current of a brook or a
temperature shift from the energy of sunlight. Given the ties to life and
Faerun, mythals can hardly be common wizardry, no matter what may have been
said in the past. The mythals and their magic are tied directly to the Weave,
the source of all Torillian magic...


Philosophy of Kara-Tur

A story...

"Two chaste shukenja were walking down the road in the rain when they came
across a beautiful young woman taking shelter under a tree. She called out to
the monks to carry her across a small stream. The first monk immediately
moved to help the woman while the second silently protested. The first monk
scooped the beautiful lady up in his arms and carried her across the stream,
promptly setting her down and continuing on his way. The second monk remained
silent for several minutes as the woman disappeared from view. Finally he
spoke to his brother.

'We shukenja are not supposed to have contact with women! Why did you pick
that woman up so casually and carry her across the stream?'

The first monk replied,

'Brother, I set the woman down long ago. Why is it that you have not?'"


Great Pottery of Lurien

An excerpt...

"... the industrious halflings, however, see nothing wrong with this. To
them, utility is the chief purpose of their craft. It must be stated that the
discovery of very elaborate Lurien pottery set with lapis and malachite is
exceedingly rare. Most of these pieces are believed to have originated from a
specific period in Lurien history around 750-830 DR. In general, the halfings
of Lurien make simple pots that are bottom heavy and constructed of common
brown-red clay. Glaze, when used, is typically ochre or bright green in
hue... "


"Rock Eaters", They are Not

...contrary to popular belief, our Dwarven friends do not exist on a diet of
rocks and dirt. I was recently invited to visit their wonderful stronghold,
Dorn's Deep. In this architectural wonder, hidden away in one of the most
beautiful forests in the North, I entered figuring to be covered in soot from
some filthy underground mine unbefitting a High Elf of my stature. Much to
my surprise, my eyes were instead treated to amazing works of beauty and
craftsmanship. Our Dwarven friends proceeded to take me on a tour, pointing
out each piece in thorough detail. I smiled. Impressed that one of the
lesser races had such talent in them to create such works. Of course, they
paled in comparison to what our Elven artisan's can do, but this was not the
time to point out their flaws...


Ancient Lore on Shevarash
By Master E. L. Boyd

Shevarash, who embodies the hatred the Fair Folk hold for the drow, is the
elven god of vengeance and military crusades. He is venerated by the elves
and half-elves who have suffered the loss of loved ones through violence,
particularly those who burn with revenge against the drow, and by those who
have sworn to destroy the Spider Queen and the other evil gods of the dark
elves. Some elven theologians speculate that Shevarash serves to gather in
the bitterness and hatred that has riven the elven race since the Crown Wars,
thus keeping the contagious evil of the Spider Queen from spreading to the
elven population at large.


Ancient Lore on Solonor Thelandira
By Master E. L. Boyd

Solonor Thelandira is the elven god of hunting, archery, and survival in wild
and harsh places. The Great Archer's prowess with the bow is unmatched by any
other power venerated in the Realms. Solonor is concerned with the integrity
of nature and the balance between exploitation and agriculture on one hand
and fallow, wild terrains on the other...

...He instructs the Fair Folk in the art of hiding in and moving through
natural foliage so as not to be detected as well as the art of archery and
hunting. Solonor is primarily revered by elven and half-elven rangers,
hunters, woodsmen, and fighters. In particular, elven hunters appeal to him
for better catches of game and elven warriors trapped in hostile territory
call on him for aid...


Secret Societies

An excerpt...

"The Kraken Society

Recently established near the Ruins of Ascale, the Kraken Society is a group
of criminal information gatherers spread across the north. Their organization
is said to consist mostly of thieves and priests of Umberlee who work for a
mysterious overlord. Often referred to as the 'Heralds of the Sea,' the
Kraken Society employs torture, kidnappings, and assassination in its efforts
to be in the know. Their symbol is a many-tentacled purple squid."


Ecology of the Unicorn

Unicorns are herbivores, living on tender leaves and grasses. Their only
enemies are griffons and those creatures that destroy forests, in particular
red dragons and orcs.

The life span of unicorns has never been recorded but is known to surpass
1,000 years. They are believed to maintain their youth until death is only
weeks away. The secret to this longevity is the strong magical nature of the
horn. Unicorn horns are maliciously sought after, since possession of one is
a sovereign remedy against all poisons.


On Non-Violence

An excerpt...

"... we Eldathyn believe that the only real way to live honestly is to resist
the temptation to strike out in anger when things are against us. Violence
arises from suffering and, as a result, can do nothing but cause more
suffering in its occurrence. Some of our critics point to the state of nature
to invalidate our philosophy. Some believe that the existence of storms and
tremors in nature proves that nature is inherently violent.

There is a simple argument against this, however. Nature is a gift from the
gods, but it functions as an independent system, a science, if you will.
Nature is not inherently violent because disposition towards violence is a
property only thinking beings possess. While there are violent acts in
nature, nature is not inherently violent. Nature is simply nature... "


Worship in the Hand of the Seldarine
By Denaini in and day out, the Elves of the Hand worked diligently to further the
cause of the Alliance. Although dedicated to their work, they always remained
devout to the elven gods. A shrine was created within Solonar Tower that
would allow us elves to offer simple worship with what spare moments were

A beautiful flower garden can be found on one end of this level. With care,
an elf would take a flower from the garden, approach the appropriate statue
of the god they wished to pray to, place the flower in the statue's pond, and
pray for however long they had.


Boots of Speed

These boots have been magically enhanced so that wearer is able to travel at
twice the normal speed. They are much prized by those whose profession
involves traveling long distances.


Boots of Stealth: 'Worn Whispers'

In ages past, a king named Rhigaerd was renowned for the spies he kept. So
skillful were they, that no nook or cranny escaped their eyes and maps were
held for entire castles and towns. Eventually betrayed from within, the tools
of their trade were taken and dispersed, ensuring that none could amass such
a band again.


Stealth bonus: +35%
Weight: 4
Not usable by:


Boots of the North: 'The Frost's Embrace'

Stranded by his company for a sack of gold, Daviol the Frozen was left for
dead in the midst of the Great Glacier. His dying curse echoed across the
barren wastelands to the ear of Auril, Goddess of Winter. She smiled upon
him, and his bare body was protected and preserved by his newly enchanted
boots of the north. With them he crossed the ice land in pursuit of his would
be murderers. Driven by rage, Daviol took his revenge upon his previous
friends as they warmed themselves in a tavern of the closest city. After his
thirst for blood was quenched, he continued to travel the frozen land, never
to be seen again.


Cold resistance: +50%
Weight: 4


Boots of Avoidance: 'Senses of the Cat'

The magic of these boots was specifically designed to detect incoming
missiles and aid the wearer in avoiding them. They were originally
commissioned by the instructor of an archery academy, who had tired of
suffering "accidents" at the hands of his inexperienced students.


Armor Class bonus: +5 vs. missle weapons
Weight: 4


Boots of grounding: 'Talos' Gift'

Untold years ago, the Fortress of the Starspire Peninsula was placed under
the direct torment of Talos when a favored Stormherald was murdered there.
Talos promised the destruction of the city by earthquakes, its isolation by
tidal waves, and the death of its citizens by storms. One pair of these boots
was bestowed to ensure that none but a single man would survive to tell the
story of his wrath. Later, travelers seeking fortune in the ruined city came
upon an aged man, maddened by the continuous destruction around him; the
boots he wore would carry to many a distant land the legend of a city
consumed by a god's rage.


Electricity resistance: +50%
Weight: 4


Worn Out Boots

Boots are normally hand-made by cobblers. Common boots are made by using a
form, but good boots are designed for the foot of an individual.


Weight: 4


Boots of the Forgotten Ones

These wrinkled, rough boots were made from the scalps of dead orc shamans
from the Stinking Paw tribe. The power hungry religious leader of the tribe,
Algrash Who-Watches-In-Darkness, ordered his underlings to make the boots by
digging up the corpses of his predecessors. Algrash was killed when he
provoked a fight with a gang of ogres. His boots were left at the scene of
the battle.


Allows the wearer to cast 2 extra first level spells and 1 extra second level
Only usable by:
Cleric (single, dual, & multi-class)
Druid (single, dual, & multi-class)


Boots of the Fox

These gaudy red and green boots were worn by the rogue Elpham of Perrywine.
Elpham was a pickpocket of exceptional talent who pressed his luck by
taunting his victims shortly after taking their loot. After being caught
twice, Elpham invested his money in having these boots made. Of course,
Elpham came to an untimely end when he picked the pocket of the notoriously
ill-tempered Red Wizard of Thay, Xain Morobdel. Elpham stole a pouch full of
gems off of Xain's waist and danced off into the crowd shouting, "Why don't
you try to chase me back to the Priador, baldy? Ha ha!" Xain, quietly
fuming, promptly summoned four invisible stalkers and commanded them to,
"Kill the idiot in the red and green boots."


Increases the wearer's movement rate by 40%.
+1 Bonus to Armor Class


Boots of the Many Paths

Created by a gnomish illusionist in 931 DR, the Boots of Many Paths have been
worn by a number of adventurers who have sold the items through legitimate
means for many, many years. According to their maker, Weldy Baker, the boots
rely not only on the power of illusion, but the power of "potential time
weave cutting and microscopic changes to minutiae in the environment that
have macroscopic effects."


User can cast Blur on themselves once per day.


Boots of Moander

These patchwork boots of red and black leather were created by cultists of
Moander, an ancient god of rot and decay. The boots were used by a number of
the Darkbringer's faithful when they fought against Moander's numerous foes,
many of whom worshipped nature deities. The boots were last claimed by
Aldarra of Chauntea, who in turn gave them to a half-elven ranger friend,
Liberon Twelvetrees.


Wearer is immune to Entangle.


Quiet Boots

These well-worn leather boots were frequently used by the thug and part-time
killer Renny the Fist. Renny, a former escape artist, liked to tell people
that all he needed to kill them was a reason and "some quiet boots." He would
then raise his boot up to eye level and say, "I'm already halfway there.
Don't push me." Renny stopped doing this when a quick-thinking dwarf slammed
his war club into the thug's groin. While Renny writhed on the ground, the
dwarf removed the "quiet boots" and quickly left town.


+7% Bonus to Stealth
Only Usable By:
Ranger (Single, Dual-, Multi-Class)
Thief (Single, Dual-, Multi-Class)


Composite Long Bow

Composite bows are long bows or short bows whose staves are made from more
than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility, and thus better
range. These were developed after the normal long bow.


Damage: +2
To Hit Bonus: +1
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 15 required
Not Usable By:


Composite Long Bow +1

Composite bows are long bows or short bows whose staves are made from more
than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility, and thus better
range. These were developed after the normal long bow.


THAC0: +2
Damage: +3
Weight: 9
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 15 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. It has two advantages over the
short bow: better range and hence, it is much more accurate.


THAC0: +1
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow +1

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


THAC0: +2
Damage: +1 (missile)
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Short Bow

Short bows were the first to be developed, although they were not called
such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a
long bow. Short bow staves are about 5 ' feet long on the average. As the
years passed, attempts were made to increase bow ranges. Bows were either
given longer staves or flexibility was increased with no change to the
length. The former resulted in what is now called the long bow.


Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Bow +1

Short bows were the first to be developed, although they were not called
such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a
long bow. Short bow staves are about 5 ' feet long on the average. As the
years passed, attempts were made to increase bow ranges. Bows were either
given longer staves or flexibility was increased with no change to the
length. The former resulted in what is now called the long bow.


THAC0: +1
Damage: +1
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Bow of Marksmanship

This bow is enchanted to enhance its damage and boosts the users aim.


THAC0: +3
Damage: +2
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:

BOW08, BOW99

Eagle Bow: 'Protector of the Dryads'

In order to protect their community from an encroaching orc logging
encampment, the hero Hannable the White was given this magnificent bow by the
dryads of Gulthmere Forest. A deadly confrontation followed when the loggers
dared to try and cut down a great oak tree, nearly killing the dryad linked
to it. With the help of powerful forest animals Hannable slew entire bands of
orcs before any more damage was inflicted upon the wood. The orcs were forced
to abandon their plans, lest they suffer the continued wrath of Hannable and
the forest. Needless to say, the hero who aided the grateful dryads lived
happily . . . nay, VERY happily ever after!'


THAC0: +2
Damage: +2
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Bow

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. It has two advantages over the
short bow: better range and hence, it is much more accurate.


THAC0: +1
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Messenger of Sseth

This wicked bow was crafted thousands of years ago for a powerful yuan-ti
archer named Apali. The number of men, women, and children Apali killed with
the aid of the bow is almost unbelievable, as the soldier waged war against
humans for hundreds of years before he was finally laid low in Chessenta by a
priest of Assuran, god of vengeance. Apali had killed the priest's
great-great grandfather in Chult over a hundred years earlier. The item is
easily recognized because of the red and black banding on the grip and the
carved snake heads at the ends of the bow. The red and black bandings
represent Apali's family, from a caste of priests. The snake heads represent
Sseth, the god of the yuan-ti.


Damage: +1
THAC0: +2
Special: Extremely fast
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Bracers of Defense AC 8

Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or
tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is instilled in
bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help protect the
wearer from injury, or improve chances to strike at an opponent. Exceptions
do exist, though such specialized items are rare at best.


Armor Class: 8
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Bracers of Defense AC 7

Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or
tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is instilled in
bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help protect the
wearer from injury, or improve chances to strike at an opponent. Exceptions
do exist, though such specialized items are rare at best.


Armor Class: 7
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Bracers of Defense AC 6

Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or
tied to a character's forearm. Generally, the magic that is instilled in
bracers is good only during combat, since most bracers help protect the
wearer from injury, or improve chances to strike at an opponent. Exceptions
do exist, though such specialized items are rare at best.


Armor Class: 6
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Bracers of Archery: 'The Dale's Protector'

During a dangerous meeting with a rival ruler, the King of the Great Dale
requested the protection of his best archers in addition to his usual guard.
The archers, each equipped with an enchanted bow and bracers, hid within
range of the gathering. As predicted, enemy troops attempted to seize the
King and force their will over his rule, but none had anticipated the amazing
accuracy and lethality of the hidden archers. The King was able to escape
unharmed; in fact, none of the ambush members even lived to approach him.


THAC0: +2 (missle weapons only)
Weight: 2
Not usable by:



Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or
tied to a character's forearm. They are normally used for added support and
protection of the forearms and wrist areas of the body.


Gauntlets of Ogre Power: 'Hands of Takkok'

The Hands of Takkok are exactly that; his very hands. He lost them when he
attacked a strange man crossing the Spine of the World. The mysterious man
turned out to be a mage of incredible power, and he used Takkok's hands to
create this pair of ogre skin gauntlets.


Strength: set to 18/00
Weight: 2
Not usable by:


Gauntlets of Dexterity: 'The Brawling Hands'

This pair of gauntlets was likely developed in Kara-Tur to aid masters of the
martial arts. Legends speak of such masters from the Far East bringing these
items with them on their journeys, though details remain sketchy.


Dexterity: set to 18
Weight: 2
Not usable by:


Gauntlets of Fumbling: 'Elander's Gloves of Misplacement'

With mischief in mind, the impetuous Elander set out to craft these cursed
gauntlets to best a rival. It turns out his malice got the best of him, when
he mistook these gloves for another pair.


THAC0: -10 penalty
Dexterity: -2 penalty
Weight: 2
Special: Can only be removed by a 'remove curse' spell


Gauntlets of Weapon Skill

These magical gauntlets aid the wearer in the use of weapons. Even an
unfamiliar weapon may be used with some skill.


THAC0: +1 bonus
Weight: 2
Not usable by:


Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise: 'Legacy of the Masters'

Highly sought after among novice warriors, these items were once the property
of the royal family of Threskel. Imparting a portion of the prince's
legendary skill, these gauntlets grant the bearer mastery over all forms of
melee weapons. The majority of their many previous owners seem to have come
to bloody ends though; the gloves grant the ability of experience, but not
the wisdom.


THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage: +2 bonus
Weight: 1
Not usable by:


Briath's Journal

The great monument was completed today, and it is a wonder to see. If there
is any doubt to the significance of my role within the Dorn community, let it
now be laid to rest! There are those who find pride and glory in the chase,
traveling above and underground to ensure the good fortune of our home, but I
am not one of them. I must admit, I too would take up the arms should my name
be called to protect those around me, but until that day, I feel myself far
more resourceful creating the weapons than wielding them.

In honor of our new marvel, I have created a special blade that I will place
with the other items commissioned for the monument receptacle. Should the day
come the our way of life is defended by a sole survivor, he will fight with
the will of many knowing that I have provided him with weapon worthy of such
an honor. May this blade never be weilded, and if one day it is, may it
server its owner well.



A bullet is simply a rounded, well-balanced stone.


Damage: 1D4 + 1
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Sling


Bullet +1

Magical currents are embedded inside this bullet so that it seems a little
more balanced and lighter as it jumps towards an opponent.


Damage: 1D4 + 2
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Sling


Bullet +2

Magical currents are embedded inside this bullet so that it seems a little
more balanced and lighter as it jumps towards an opponent.


Damage: 1D4 + 3
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Sling


Black Wolf Talisman

This crude talisman appears to be nothing more that a flat piece of stone
with a wolf's paw painted on it. Despite its simple appearance, the Black
Wolf Talisman contains powerful beneficial magic.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: +10 to Max Hit Points
Resistance Bonuses
+10% Cold Resistance
+1 Save vs. Breath
Weight: 1


Cairn Blade

Named for its ability to lay warriors low, the Cairn Blade was used by the
mercenary Adal Kerrn. Kerrn was a skilled heavy infantryman. He and his
company, Kerrn's Breakers, hired themselves out to all sorts of warlords,
bandits, wizards, and religious leaders. They were typically placed at the
front of the battlefield where they would intercept charging heavy cavalry
units and break their formation. Kerrn died in 1054 DR when he accidentally
killed the horse of a heavily armored foe. The horse fell on top of Kerrn,
killing him. In the madness of the battle that followed, most of his comrades
were routed. Though Kerrn's body was never found, the group that had employed
him at the time, the church of Helm, recovered his distinctive sword.


Damage: 1D10 +4
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 20
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Great Sword
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Dead Cat

This appears to be a dead cat. It is extremely well preserved and looks as if
it is sleeping. Hopefully, this animal was already dead before it was put
into the bag, as living animals tend not to fare very well within the magical
confines of the bag.


Two Handed Sword

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations.


Damage: 1D10
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


The Celebrant's Blade

This beautiful axe was carefully made by Briath Silverhand, a master
craftsman and devoted worshipper of Moradin. Briath created the weapon to
celebrate the completion of a glorious monument to his god, the father of the
dwarven race. He placed it in the monument should a hero need it to liberate
Dorn's Deep at some future date.


Damage: 1D8 +4
THAC0: +4
Damage Type: Slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Baleful Mail

This armor was crafted in 1221 DR by a duergar smith working for a vengeful
priest of Bane named Alerri of West Waterdeep. During Alerri's early days in
the priesthood, he frequently provoked and attacked agents of Sune.
Unfortunately for Alerri, Lady Firehair's followers employed charm magic to
cease the Banite's antics. Once he had been charmed, Alerri was commanded to
perform all sorts of embarrassing actions in the streets of Waterdeep. After
many years, Alerri decided to honor his god of hate by creating a suit of
armor that would protect him from charm magic. He communed with the spiritual
minions of Bane to discover the materials and rituals necessary for the
suit's creation. Following his master's instructions, he murdered thirteen
married couples and had their wedding rings woven into the hem of the mail.
He then killed thirteen elves and bathed in their blood, uttering prayers for
thirteen hours. When he was finished, his armor protected him from the magic
of the Sunites and filled him with irrepressible hate. Alerri went on a
crusade against the agents of Sune, Llira, and Hanali Celanil for three
years. His killing spree ended when elven archers and priests of Corellon
Larethian laid a trap for him on a road going north from Waterdeep.


Armor Class: 3
Immune to Dire Charm, Charm Person, Confusion, Command, Rigid Thinking,
-2 Charisma while worn
Weight: 45
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Chainmail Armor

Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a
layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the
impact of blows.


Armor Class: 5
Weight: 40
Not Usable By:


Chainmail +1

Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a
layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the
impact of blows.


Armor Class: 4
Weight: 20
Not Usable By:


Chainmail +2

Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a
layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the
impact of blows.


Armor Class: 3
Weight: 10
Not Usable By:


Splint Mail

Splint mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are applied
vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather than
horizontally as in banded mail. Since the human body does not swivel in
mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is more restrictive
in battle.


Armor Class: 4
Weight: 40
Not Usable By:


Splint Mail +1

Splint mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are applied
vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather than
horizontally as in banded mail. Since the human body does not swivel in
mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is more restrictive
in battle.


Armor Class: 3
Weight: 20
Not Usable By:


Mithril Chainmail +4

This is the personal armor of Drizzt, the famous dark elf ranger. It was
forged for him by his friend Bruenor.


Armor Class: 1
Weight: 7
Not Usable By:


The Cittern of War

One of the only musical instruments actively approved of by the church of
Tempus, the Cittern of War was constructed by a halfling instrument maker
named Relias Blackseed. Priests of Arvoreen the Defender blessed the cittern
with its impressive power. Relias never intended to play his magnificent
creation. He eventually sold the ruddy instrument to a bard named Gallow
Deely. Gallow was a lanky, slender man often found in the company of
adventurers. Though ill-suited for battle, Gallow was exceptionally gifted at
putting tales of heroism to music. With the aid of the cittern, he helped the
Company of Frozen Trees defeat a young green dragon in 1013 DR. His song,
commemorating the occasion, was a rollicking tune called "The Fight of Green
Thirteen." It is played in central and western taverns to this day.


This cittern casts Emotion: Courage, centered on the user.

Only Usable By:


Composite Long Bow of the Hand

Made during the golden age between the elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep.

Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +2
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-Handed
Minimum Strength of 15 required
Not Usable By:


Cloak of Protection +1

This simple cloak has been imbued with some small magical properties to help
protect its wearer. It does so by affecting both saving throws and armor
class. It is ideal for mages and others who cannot wear bulkier or more
restrictive types of armor.


Armor Class: +1 bonus
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Cloak of Protection +2

This simple cloak has been imbued with some small magical properties to help
protect its wearer. It does so by affecting both saving throws and armor
class. It is ideal for mages and others who cannot wear bulkier or more
restrictive types of armor.


Armor Class: +2 bonus
Saving Throw: +2 bonus
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Cloak of Displacement

The Cloak of Displacement is a magical item that causes subtle shifts in the
image of its wearer. It has the power to actually shift an individual's image
by as much as six inches in any direction from their actual location. Aside
from being an effective defense in combat situations, it has also been the
cause of serious eyestrain amongst fellow party members.


Armor Class: +4 vs. missle weapons
Saving Throws (death, breath, wand): +2 bonus
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Cloak of Balduran

This cloak was reputedly worn by Balduran, the founder of Baldur's Gate.
Though it was never used in combat, it provides protection worthy of any
great leader.


Armor Class: +1 bonus
Saving Throws: +1 bonus
Magic Resistance: 25%
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Cloak of Non-Detection: 'Whispers of Silence'

Reportedly created for a lineage of the greatest burglars ever to walk the
night, this cloak was apparently a success. No record exists of previous


Special: Non-detectable by magical means such as detect invisibility and
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Nymph Cloak

The fabled Nymph Cloak is renowned for its ability to increase the Charisma
of even the most surly dwarf. A Cormyrean noble hoping to make her
politically convenient marriage more palatable apparently went to great
expense to obtain one for herself and another for her husband.


Charisma: +2 bonus
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Algernon's Cloak

Algernon's cloak is imbued with magical properties such that the wearer will
seem to shine with an inner glow.


Charisma: +2 bonus
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Mage Robe of Cold Resistence

Mage Robes of Cold Resistance are a common sight in the Sword Coast region,
especially as one travels north towards Neverwinter and the Icewind Dales.
Many young mages receive it as a gift from their instructors upon
successfully completing their first five years of study. As with other such
robes, they can only be worn by those of the wizardly profession.


Cold Resistance: +20% bonus
Weight: 3
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Mage Robe of Fire Resistence

Due to the extremely volatile nature of most magics, Mage Robes of Fire
Resistance are not uncommon among young acolytes and their wizardly tutors.
As with other such robes, they can not be worn except by mages


Fire Resistance: +20% bonus
Weight: 3
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Mage Robe of Electrical Resistence

While seen with less frequency than some other Mage Robes, those of
Electrical Resistance can hardly be considered a rarity. Some are worn by
paranoiacs seeking protection from a ragged mountain storm but many more are
worn by mages seeking to protect themselves from the intrigues of others of
their kind. As with all such robes, a Mage Robe of Electrical Resistance can
only be worn by those of the wizardly profession.


Electricity Resistance: +20% bonus
Weight: 3
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Knave's Robe

A favorite among thief-mages, the Knave's Robe has been enchanted to shield
its wearer from the blades and poisons of any darkened alley. As with others
of its type, however, its use is restricted to students of the arcane.


Armor Class: +1 vs. slashing weapons
Save vs. death: +1 bonus
Weight: 4
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Traveller's Robe

This Mage Robe has been perfected for use by any rambling, itinerant mage
that travels from town to town. Its enchantments provide protection from the
bandit's arrow and from the jealous thief-mage that lies in ambush with his
Stinking Cloud. As with other robes of its kind, the Traveller's Robe can
only be worn by mages.


Armor Class: +1 bonus vs. missile weapons
Saving Throw: +1 bonus vs. breath
Weight: 4
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Adventurer's Robe

This robe has been specially enchanted to meet the eclectic needs of the
adventuring mage. Aside from protecting the wearer from various forms of
crushing damage, it also provides protection from the basilisk's petrifying
gaze and polymorphing powers of rival mages. As with other such robes, the
Adventurer's Robe can only be worn by those engaged in the wizardly


Armor Class: +1 bonus vs. crushing weapons
Saving Throw: +1 bonus vs. petrification/polymorph
Weight: 4
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Robe of the Good Archmagi

This powerful Mage Robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack
while at the same time increasing one's magical resistance and saving throws.
Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by mages of good


Armor Class: 5
Magic Resistance: 5%
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Weight: 6
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)
Good-aligned characters


Robe of the Neutral Archmagi

This powerful Mage Robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack
while at the same time increasing one's magical resistance and saving throws.
Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by mages of neutral


Armor Class: 5
Magic Resistance: 5%
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Weight: 6
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)
Neutral-aligned characters


Robe of the Evil Archmagi

This powerful Mage Robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack
while at the same time increasing one's magical resistance and saving throws.
Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by mages of evil


Armor Class: 5
Magic Resistance: 5%
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Weight: 6
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)
Evil-aligned characters


Cloak of Burdened Spirits

This incredibly heavy cloak was a gift from Sister Calliana for saving the
soul of the Voice of Durdel Anatha. It was originally worn by a penitent
necromancer who was ashamed at how he had abused the souls of the dead. The
cloak is dark grey and made of five layers of thick, heavy wool.


Weight: 80
Wisdom: +1
Only Usable By:
Good characters


Mithran's Cloak

This elven cloak, woven from silk and wool, was worn by a powerful wizard
from Myth Nantar named Mithran Lightpetal. Mithran was well known for his
love of travel and his acceptance of the "N'TelQuessir," or "not people," the
non-elven people of the world. The cloak was actually the cause of his doom,
for it was woven and enchanted by his dark elf lover, Rauva Vrinn. The style
of the black and midnight-blue cloak was so obviously non-elven that his
associates became suspicious.

Eventually, an acquaintance of Mithran, an elven drow-hunter named Gaedel,
discovered Rauva's secluded hiding spot in the forests surrounding Myth
Nantar. With a small band of warriors, Gaedel stormed her hut and quickly
killed her. When Mithran discovered what had happened, he went berserk with
fury. The mad mage assaulted the hunting lodge of Gaedel and his brothers,
killing them all and leveling the lodge. Gaedel's family eventually attempted
to take vengeance for the act, killing Mithran at loss of most of their
house. Mithran's cloak was recovered by his close friend, the dwarven warrior
Hael Bronzelake. Had it not been, it would have been swallowed up under the
waves with Myth Nantar when that proud city was drowned in the Sea of Fallen
Stars several years later.


Armor Class Bonus: 3
Saving Throw Bonus: +2


Berduskan Black Brew

This dark drink was named after the merchants from Berdusk, who concocted
this brew. Berduskan merchants were always in a hurry to complete their
various deals and felt hampered by the effects of fatigue and the need to
sleep. Upon drinking this brew, the effects of fatigue and weariness
disappear, letting the drinker continue with whatever he was doing.


Removes fatigue as if user has had a full nights sleep.


Caravan Contract

This wrinkled piece of parchment appears to be a written contract of sorts:


Deliver these five crates of supplies to the emporium in Easthaven. Make sure
to get a fair price from that unscrupulous Calishite weasel, Pomab. Use the
profit to aquire three barrels of uncarved scrimshaw from Gaspar's warehouse
there in Easthaven. Return to Caer-Dinival with the three barrels and you
shall have your agreed upon payment. Keep your eyes to the tundra. There
have been reports of orcs in the hills outside of Easthaven. It might be wise
to use your advance payment to hire on some extra caravan guards.

Safe journey,

Ilmus Gallaway of Caer Dinval


Symbol of Corellon Larethian

This magical symbol of the elven god, Corellon Larethian was given to many of
the warriors in the Hand of the Seldarine. This symbol is a reminder of the
epic battle Corellon fought against Gruumsh One-Eye. Anyone wearing this will
find special focus while battling orcs.


THAC0: +2



The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a
knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger.


Damage: 1D4
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Dagger +1

The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a
knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger.


Damage: 1D4 + 1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Dagger +2

This is an extremely well crafted dagger. Special enchantments have been
placed on it to keep the edge from dulling. A person could chip thru stone
with this dagger and the edge would still remain razor sharp. There is a
slight warmth to the handle and when used, the dagger will adjust its weight
and balance to each individual user.


Damage: 1D4 + 2
Damage Type: Piercing
THAC0: +2 bonus
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Dagger +2, Longtooth

Daggers of this type are very uncommon and are mostly used by specialists.
They are easily identified as they are much longer than ordinary daggers.


Damage: 1D6 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Throwing Dagger

The typical throwing dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as
opposed to a knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the
dagger. Unlike a dagger, this one has a smaller handle and is balanced


Damage: 1D4
Damage type: Missle (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Nester's Dagger

The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a
knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger.


Damage: 1D4
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Kylee's Dagger

The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a
knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger.


Damage: 1D4
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Hentold's Dagger

The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a
knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger.


Damage: 1D4
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher.


Damage: 1D3
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Dart +1

The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher.


Damage: 1D3 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Dart of Stunning

The dart of stunning looks like any other dart other then the fact that it
seems to pulse slightly when held in the hand. The true effects can be seen
when one strikes an opponent and they fall to the ground stunned.


Damage: 1D3
Special: Save vs. spell or be stunned for 7 rounds
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Dart of Wounding

This dart is coated in a deadly poison that will immediately seap into the
bloodstream if striking an opponent, with very deadly results.


Damage: 1D3
Poison: 20 damage in 20 seconds (save vs. death for none)
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


The Sword of Days

This short sword was crafted by highly skilled halfling weapon smiths in
conjunction with three priests of Urogalan, the Black Hound. The priests of
the god of the dead commissioned and enchanted the sword for a famous
halfling adventurer named Eriadon Oakhollow. Eriadon was well known for his
fight against those who would defile the tombs of his people. The sword has
a dull, even blade with deep engraving on one side. The engraving is in
Thorass and lists, in various tables, all of the days of a tenday, months of
the year, cycles of the moon, major halfling festivals and observances, and
the years of Eriadon's life. The other side of the blade simply features
the maker's mark, a black hound's head, and the words "THE SWORD OF DAYS."
Tarnished silver in the engraving lines keeps the words and images dark.
Upon Eriadon's death, the sword was passed on to a traveling priest of
Arvoreen the Defender who is believed to have died fighting goblins in the
High Moor.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Wielder immune to Haste and Slow
25% chance target is Slowed
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Short Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



A powerful weapon created by the wizard Retland of Westgate, Dazer was
typically used by thugs in said wizard's employ. Despite Retland's high
education, he was little more than a racketeering boss and thug. His gang,
the Cobble Boys, intimidated and oppressed various neighborhoods of Westgate
for a decade until a wizard in service of Tyr, Alistar Lavell, rallied his
allies against Retland's cronies. When Alistar defeated Retland and his
gang, he turned Dazer over to the church of Tyr, where it was given to a
traveling priest.


Damage: 1D6 +1
Special: 5% chance to Stun target on hit
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Clubs
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Ring of Dwarven Bone

These rings are commonly found among one of the more twisted orcish clans in
the north. Orc shamans would gather dwarven remains, take some bone, and
carve a ring out of it. They then enchanted it with darker magics that would
grant its wearer a boon of strength.

Strength: +1
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Spell Diver

The sellsword Naradon of Thesk was known for his ability to quickly and
efficiently defeat enemy mages even when outnumbered. He earned this
reputation with the help of three items: Potions of Speed, Boots of Speed,
and his trusted short sword, Spell Diver. Unlike many other magical weapons,
Spell Diver does not have a dark, murderous history. Naradon retired from
adventuring when he was thirty-two. His fondness for Potions of Speed caught
up with him when he died of old age four years later. His only heir had no
desires to be an adventurer. He sold the weapon to a known cat burglar a few
years after his father's death. The sword can be recognized by the
kingfisher stamped into the ricasso.


Damage: 1D6+2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 50% of all hits nullify the target's ability cast spells for 2
Resistance Bonuses:
+1 to Save vs. Spells
+5% Magic Resistance
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Black Dragon Scale

This armor was crafted by the dwarven smiths and priests of Clan Battlehammer
when one of their own, Bruenhal, led a band of heroes in the defeat of a
black dragon far to the south. Some dwarves turn up their noses at the
thought of wearing armor made from the remains of a dragon, but Bruenhal
proudly wore the armor until the end of his days.


Armor Class: 4
Resistance Bonus:
+25% Acid Resistance
+2 Save vs. Spells
Weight: 10
Not Usable By:


Dver's Note

This trap has left me for dead, but it's just as well. I have felt the evil
within me since the moment I stepped foot in this crypt. My actions no
longer my own, my thoughts confused, my will gone. Perhaps another will
discover the disturbance before it manages to overcome them.

I found another route through a gaping hole in one the prison cells in the
orog infested area above this chamber, but that led to yet more of their foul
kind and a large, grotesque beast that I could have sworn was speaking with
me. Perhaps the evil was within my mind even then.


Apsel's Dagger

This dagger was created by Apsel the Scrimshander, a resident of Easthaven.
The dagger has a keen edge and the grip is made of intricately carved
Knucklehead Trout bone.


Damage: 1D4
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Eidan's Legacy Ring

This simple silver ring bears an inscription on the interior. It looks like
the inscripton was carved there by an expert silversmith. "To the people of
Kuldahar; should evening fall upon me, and my life be no more, I leave the
Evening Shade to you. Please care for her as I did - Eidan, last of the line
of Kaivon."


Elven Sewn Boots

These boots have been made from the highest quality leathers and furs
available in the land. Hand sewn by talented elven tailors, these boots were
very common among the people of the Seldarine's Hand. Outsiders have also
found these boots appealing as they provide ample warmth and protection from
the harsh cold of the North.


Resistance Bonus: +5% Cold Resistance
Weight: 3


Elven Chainmail of the Hand +3

During the Golden Age between the Elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
Dwarves of Dorn Deep, special version of the illustrious elven chainmail were
made that added protection against the harsh weather conditions of the north.


Armor Class: 2
Resitance Bonus: +20% Cold Resistance
Weight: 15
Not Usable By:


Elven Sewn Cloak

This cloak has been made from the highest quality cloth and furs available in
the land. Hand sewn by talented elven tailors, this cloak was very common
among the people of the Seldarine's Hand. Outsiders have also found it
appealing as they provide ample warmth and protection from the harsh cold of
the North.


Resistance Bonus: +5% Cold Resistance
Weight: 3


Elven Sewn Gloves

These gloves have been made from the highest quality cloth and furs available
in the land. Hand sewn by talented elven tailors, these gloves were very
common among the people of the Seldarine's Hand. Outsiders have also found
it appealing as they provide ample warmth and protection from the harsh cold
of the North.


Resistance Bonus: +5% Cold Resistance
Weight: 2


Elven Healing Wine

This bottle of elven wine also has the properties of a healing potion.
During one of the elven festivals, the priests of the Seldarine's Hand
imbibed too much that day and accidentally added a barrel of elven wine to a
mixture that was intended for healing potions.


Heals 2D8 hit points


Elisia's Token of Faith

These clear, teardrop shaped gems streamed from Elisia's hands like water
when you asked for a physical token of her good intentions. The gems seem to
ripple in the light, and their color reminds you of Elisia's skin.


Robe of the Hand

Created during the golden age of the elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep, it was worn by the elven wizards of Hand. Although a
very cumbersome robe, it provided its wearer protection against the elements
of Cold, Fire, and Electricity.


Armor Class: 9
Dexterity: -2 penalty
Resistance Bonuses:
+40% Cold Resistance
+40% Fire Resistance
+40% Electrical Resistance
Weight: 10
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Erevain's Journal

An excerpt...

"Tomorrow I will attempt to climb through the mountains near Kuldahar Pass.
In a way, I feel like I should help Hrothgar and the others in their
investigation. After all, they have very little protection should monsters
be in the area. Bah! Perhaps my brothers are right. We elves were not
meant to interfere in the world of men. These lands may once have belonged
to our people, but that was long ago. It is the territory of the wild Reghed
barbarians and the Ten Towns now. Why resist the tide against us? Those who
do often turn to the darkness of war and conquest to reclaim the lands that
we once ruled. It is an endeavor doomed to failure. Oh, there I go again.
Corellon help me, I'm starting to sound like cousin Xan!"


Erevain's Broad Sword

This broad sword used to belong to Erevain Blacksheaf, a wandering elf from
Evereska. It was made in 1221 DR by Evereskan Greycloaks. Erevain's sword
was unusual among his people, who normally favor lighter swords.


Damage: 2D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage Type: Slashing
Resistance Bonus:
+2 Save vs. Wands
+10% Acid Resistance
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Large Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Journal of Evayne

The last few weeks have been a blur but I will recount as best as I can.

Arriving at Dorn's Deep in the middle of the night did not lead to a warm
welcome by the dwarves, especially with what had come to past between both
our races. As expected, the dwarves were very apprehensive to what I had to
say. There were too many fresh and open wounds between both our people.
Situations like this are never easy but I consider myself as good a diplomat
as father, perhaps better.

Each day spent in council did not end until late evening and always in pure
exhaustion. We argued and bickered over the recent past events. Athough we
still continued to spend countless hours in council, the dwarves began to
trust that I hid no maliciousness behind my words. The dwarves agreed to a
treaty in the name of the greater good for both our races later that week. I
had been successful in my part. I saw hope for the first time in many

The only thing left was to return home and convince my own people that this
was our only chance at true salvation. The hardest part would be to convince
father but he will listen. He must listen; else let our people face death.

The next morning almost made the last few weeks' work in vain. A dwarven
scout arrived and told of the largest orcish army he had ever seen was only
hours away. With little time to prepare, our defenses were overrun and the
orcs began to pour into Dorn's Deep.

We began our retreat into the depths of Dorn's Deep. Key passages were
collapsed to cover our movements and buy us time. Even in such dire
conditions, this allowed the dwarves to control when and where we would
fight. Every battle cost the orcs dearly as the dwarves fought on their
terms but we were still being driven farther and farther back. Even now, we
make preparations to retreat further into Wyrm's Tooth Glacier.

Even as grim as this sounds, I still hold hope. Hope that I will tell father
of how I fought side by side with our dwarven friends as in days of old.
Hope that he will hear the tales of the dwarves who sacrificed their lives so
that I may return home someday to reunite both our people. Hope to see my
father's stubborn face once again.

For my people and the Seldarine's Hand,


Potion of Extra Healing

When wholly consumed, this potion restores 18 hit points to the person. The
effect is instantaneous and the potion is destroyed in the process.


Fire Kiss

This thick blade was originally crafted by derro deep beneath the surface of
Faerun. Owned by Savant Dabant, Fire Kiss was rarely put to use. Dabant
relied upon magical traps and torture to amuse himself instead. Eventually,
Dabant was killed by a mob of hook horrors who kept the dagger in a pile with
all of their other refuse. Thirty years later, mind flayers destroyed the
hook horrors and took the dagger back to their community. The merchant Nym
traded deep gnome slaves to the mind flayers in exchange for the dagger,
which was eventually sold to Malavon.


Damage: 1D4+3
THAC0: +3
Special: 5% chance the target is hit with Shroud of Flame
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Knucklehead Trout

A knucklehead trout. Found only in the lakes of Icewind Dale, the bones of
these enormous fish yield precious scrimshaw that is used to make elegant
carvings and sculptures.


Forge Key

This bronze key is extremely worn with age and heat, and actually feels very
warm to the touch. A deep inscription at the base of the key reads "Tooth".


Faith Killer

This deceptively mundane looking battle axe has a short but strange history.
According to philosophers of magic, Faith Killer was enchanted by the
non-belief of its owner, the warrior Erion the Skeptic. A rarity in Faerun,
Erion was a man who denied the existence of holy magic and the gods
themselves. He was known for his attempts to prove that priests were
charlatans and holy magic was, in actuality, a different form of standard
magic. Sages believe that Erion's intense opposition to holy men and women
actually generated sympathetic magical powers in his weapon. Priests of
Selune in Westgate confiscated the axe when they killed Erion in
self-defense. It is currently believed that Erion is one of the unbelievers
used as a building block in Myrkul's Bone Castle.


Damage: 1D8 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage Type: Slashing
Special: 5% chance to Dispel Magic on a successful hit
Resistance Bonus: + 5% Magic Resistance
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Flaming Oil

Inside of this glass pot is an expensive mixture of oil and other chemicals.
When this mixture is set ablaze, it burns for several seconds at a very hot
temperature. Flaming oil is sometimes difficult to use because it takes a
long time for the user to properly throw it. Adventurers often carry oil
with them to deal with trolls in the unfortunate event that they are


When thrown at a target, the glass pot breaks, spreading flaming oil over
everything within a 5' radius, doing 2-16 points of fire damage.


Fire Seeds

Created through the Fire Seeds spell, these innocuous seeds are imbued with
explosive fiery magic.


When thrown, all creatures within 5 feet of the point of impact take 2-16
points of damage, with a saving throw for half damage.


Gauntlets of Elven Might

These slender steel gauntlets were crafted by the elven smith Idrial Ashleaf
and enchanted by his brother, Beldan. The pair gave the gauntlets to their
cousin, Galain, when he alone returned from a failed quest to destroy a
venerable green dragon in the forests of what are now known as Amn. The
three elves made a pact to avenge their kin in ten years time. The
subsequent adventures of the trio were immortalized in Merador of Waterdeep's
epic "Three Avengers" ballads. The songs, sixteen in number, tell all of the
adventures that the group went on. From the Ballad of the Goblin King to the
Ballad of Green Night, every deed is retold. Unfortunately, the history of
Galain's gauntlets end with the final bars of Green Night. The rest is
shrouded in mystery.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Strength: 18/51
Saving Throws: +1
Only Usable By:
Multi or Dual Classed Fighters


Gauntlets of Infernal Damnation

Cursed by a malefic priestess of Beshaba, goddess of bad luck, these hard
black leather gloves affix themselves to whoever tries them on. Despite the
extremely nasty nature of the gloves, wealthy adventurers sometimes buy the
distinctive gauntlets to place in their treasure hordes, waiting for a greedy
thief to try them on.


Shroud of Flame on the wearer



Created by the Goodberry spell, these simple looking blueberries will heal
five points of damage for each bunch of berries eaten.


Genek's Journal

I have occupied this empty tomb for several days now, and I will be
attempting to cross the cemetery once again tomorrow morning. The door to
the outside passage is locked, and I know the key rests within in a container
built into the side of the forge monument. With some stroke of luck or
higher intervention, I was able to avoid the attention of that dreadful lich
on my last trip across, but upon inspection of the forge I was able to locate
the receptacle. It seems likely that the monument will need to be restored
to its original working state before the container's whereabouts could be
determined, but I have been unable to locate anything remotely resembling a
switch, lever or the like that would activate it. I can only assume that the
lich is responsible, and as long as he is present within these chambers I
will be unable to find the key, and unable to escape. I have found powerful
magics within these tombs, but even if by some amazing stroke of luck I was
able to dispatch the foul creature, he undoubtedly hidden his life force
container beyond these walls. Without its destruction, his absence from this
world is purely temporary, and upon returning I do not dare dwell on the
horrible fate that would be stalking me.


The Giving Star

This black and silver morning star was created by a Cormyrean necromancer
called Dameth the Wan. Although it appears to be a sinister weapon, the
unadorned surfaces of the morning star mask its dreadful power. The weapon
was sold to a priest of Myrkul who put it to good use in his battles against
adventurers. Eventually, however, the priest was overcome by a paladin of
Lathander who confiscated the item. When the mountain temple where the
morning star was contained was sacked by giants in 1190 DR, the history of
the weapon ended.


Damage: 2D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Special: 10% of all hits cast Cure Light Wounds on the user and give a +1
bonus to Strength for 5 rounds.
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 9
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Good characters


Glimglam's Cloak

This heavy cloak was once owned by the gnomish warrior Glimglam. A rare hero
among his people, Glimglam scoured gnomish lands for giants and goblins,
felling them all wherever he found them. This particular cloak was made for
him by his wife, Enetta, and blessed by the church of Garl Glittergold. When
Glimglam was killed by a Fire Giant king, Enetta stitched a crude red heart
onto the breast of the cloak. He was buried with it. Twenty years after
Glimglam died, human thieves robbed his grave and stole the cloak. Those
thieves later sold the cloak to ogres in exchange for wine and traveling
rights through a particularly dangerous portion of the High Moor.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Weight: 4


The Glory of Suffering

This armor was a gift from Sister Calliana for saving the soul of the Voice
of Durdel Anatha. It was once worn by a humble paladin of Ilmater named
Idstan the Simple. Donning the armor is a painful process, as it drives
small spikes into the flesh of the wearer and weighs an incredible amount.
In exchange for this sacrifice, the armor protects the wearer from attacks on
his or her person. The armor is shining silver, but there is always fresh
blood staining its surface, even when it is not being worn.


Armor Class: -3
Special: The wearer's maximum hit points are reduced by 25. While wearing
the armor, the wearer has a +10% bonus to resist all Slashing,
Piercing, Bludgeoning, and Missile attacks.
Weight: 80
Not Usable By:
Evil or Neutral characters


Ring of the Gorgon

A powerful mage enchanted this ring to prevent petrification under the breath
of his prized herd of gorgons. Zilzanzer the Magificent raised gorgons for
their blood, which he sold to safety-conscious castle owners who used it to
block ethereal travel. Zilzanzer was petrified over a dozen times, each time
being brought back by his faithful assistant's use of Stone to Flesh scrolls.
Zilzanzer eventually decided that he should make an item to protect him from
petrification. The result was the Ring of the Gorgon. Sages believe that
Beshaba must have smiled upon Zilzanzer when he was born, for he was turned
to stone when he put on the ring. His assistant dutifully read the Stone to
Flesh scroll, bringing Zilzanzer out of his stone form. Unfortunately,
Zilzanzer died in the process, this time forever.


Wearer is turned to stone


Giant's Sleep

This weapon was used by the human ranger Althax Grom. Althax hated the
giants that plagued his homeland and was trained to exterminate them from a
young age. Although Althax originally fought his foes using the sword and
bow, he quickly decided that those weapons were not effective enough against
his huge foes. His druid friend, Eladan, enchanted this large hammer for
him. The reputation of the weapon grew as legends of Althax grew. Even
though the warhammer has passed through many hands since Althax's untimely
demise, Giant's Sleep will always be remembered as the weapon of that
powerful warrior.


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



By far the oldest and most often used pole-arm, the halberd consists of a
cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff averaging six feet in length. The
axe blade is balanced at the rear with a fluke, and surmounted by a sharp
spike, usually of quadrangular design. The fluke is sometimes replaced by a
hook used to dismount cavalry. A halberd can be best described as a cross
between a spear and an axe.


Damage: 1D10
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Halberd +1

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor.


Damage: 1D10 + 1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Halberd +2: 'Suryris' Blade'

Suryris, a white minotaur who traveled the Orsraun mountains in Turmish,
lived for nothing but the thrill of combat, and encouraged warriors to
challenge him for his magical weapon: a powerful halberd. Despite his
aggressive nature, he was an honorable combatant and never slew opponents he
could overpower. Suryris met his superior only once, in a battle that lasted
hours and had the minotaur often fearing defeat. The contest ended when his
opponent's sword broke, but Suryis knew he likely would have been bested had
it continued. He presented his weapon to the astonished man, who thereafter
told of this noble creature to anyone who would listen.


Damage: 1D10 + 2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Halberd (?)

This cursed spear will appear as a magical spear, however when a combat
situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and backbiter will attack
the wielder. For every attack made, backbiter will attack the foe and also
the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in
the end. The only way that backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 3 (piercing) damage inflicted upon the wielder upon every
successful hit
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer

Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback,
and as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they
may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two previous
examples of this - the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is
the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with
rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. Rondels are small disks of
metal, often shaped into decorative designs. The shaft is about 18 inches


Damage: 1D4 + 1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer +1

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 + 2
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer +2

This hammer is a by product of a gnomish inventors practical joke.
Apparently, an industrious little gnome was able to create a special alloy
that was capable of retaining a sizeable electric charge. He cleverly wove
metal strands of this alloy into his leather work gloves and greeted guests
with hilariously shocking results. That is until he shook the hands of a
passing dwarven weaponsmith. Rumors say, the shock was so intense that the
poor fellows beard caught fire. In exchange for his life, the gnomish
inventor relinquished the secret to his special alloy to the dwarven
weaponsmith, who now makes a comfortable living fashioning various weapons
using the alloy.


Damage: 1D4 +3 (+1 electrical)
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


The Heartstone Gem

A large, amber colored gem the size of a child's head. The Heartstone Gem is
allegedly a Silvanite artifact that used to rest in the town of Kuldahar. It
reputedly has great powers of divination, but you have no idea how to use it.



This class of open-face helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers
most of the head, save the face and neck. These helmets commonly provide
protection for the nose.


Armor Class Bonus: None
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Helmet of Opposite Alignment

The cursed Helm of Alignment Change is a truly fearsome item. As its name
suggests, it has the power to alter the fundamental ethical framework, nay,
the very identity of anyone unlucky enough to wear it. It can ruin homes,
friendships, even entire cities or nations. Should the legions of evil ever
force one onto the head of a benevolent Solar, the multiverse, as we know it,
will surely meet an abrupt and painful end.


Armor Class Bonus: none
Alignment will become opposite
Protects against critical hits
Can only be removed by a 'remove curse' spell
Weight: 2


Helm of Glory: 'Helm of the Noble'

Named for its original owner, Sir Tain the Noble, this helm saw many great
battles in his possession. It was eventually passed on to Sir Tain's squire,
who had served him faithfully for almost ten years. Alas, the young man had
neither the strength, nor the skill to uphold his master's legacy. It is
rumored he lost his life in the pursuit of a worthy, but ultimately futile
cause, and the helm has had many owners since.


Armor Class: +1 bonus
Charisma: +1 bonus
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Helm of Defense: 'Gift of Peace'

Prized for its noble origin as much as for its benefits to the wearer, this
helm was originally intended to be a simple gift. There was no great crisis
at hand, nor dangerous evil to be overthrown; just a wish for friend to give
a gift to another. It could just have easily been a good book or bottle of
wine, but adventurers are eminently more practical in their gift giving. The
helm has seen many great battles since its creation, but the simple virtue at
its core is what has always been remembered.


Armor Class Bonus: none
Saving Throws: +1 bonus
Electrical resistance: +20%
Cold resistance: +20%
Fire resistance: +20%
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:


Helm of Infravision: 'The Eyes of Truth'

Being a scavenger of a sort, Babette Maelestrom had this helm created to aid
her in her dungeon excursions. She would later attributed her gathered
wealth solely to its power, though likely it was as much her keen eyes as


Armor Class Bonus: None
Protects Against Critical Hits
Grants wearer infravision up to 120 ft
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:


Helm of Charm Protection

As its name suggests, the Helm of Charm Protection protects its wearer from
any magical attempts at emotional manipulation. As a precaution, some
high-profile mercenary groups regularly equip their members with such helmets
to ensure that they can perform their prescribed duties without external


Armor Class Bonus: None
Protects Against Critical Hits
Wearer is immune to charm
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:


Helm of Balduran

The fabled helm of Balduran, legendary founder of Baldur's Gate, has long
been rumored to wield powerful protective magic. The exact nature of this
magic, however, has not yet been determined.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Hit Point Max: +5
Saving Throws: +1 bonus
THAC0: +1 bonus
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 1
Not Usable By:


This class of open-face helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers
most of the head, save the face and neck. These helmets commonly provide
protection for the nose.


Armor Class Bonus: None
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Dead Man's Face

These ancient helms were once common among the Reghedmen barbarians who came
to what is now known as Icewind Dale. The design of the armor is relatively
simple: a plain iron helm with a hinged faceplate. Once the basic
construction of the helm had been finished, craftsmen would tool the image of
a dead warrior onto the faceplate. The name of the warrior and a one word
description of his death were carved into the forehead of the mask. The helm
was then left in the dead warrior's funeral pyre. The priests believed that
the mask would hide the dead man's fear of the afterlife when he was judged
by Tempos. After a month had passed, the helms of particularly valiant
warriors were recovered by the priests. Over the next few years, the priests
praised the valiant warriors by name in their daily rituals. According to
legend, if Tempos found the warrior to be truly valiant, the helm would gain
the power to make the wearer immune to fear. This particular helm bears the
ancient name "Siglef" and the word "Axe".


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Protects Against Critical Hits
Immune to the spells, Horror and Cloak of Fear
-2 Charisma while worn
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:


Helm of the Trusted Defender

This helmet was worn for four hundred years by halflings and gnomes in the
small and virtually unknown community called Shepherd's Valley. Each dawn,
the Night Watch captain would hand the helmet over the Day Watch captain.
Each dusk, the Day Watch captain returned the helm. This cycle continued
without fail until Pheldon Tock, a Night Watch captain, decided to trade in
the helm for another. The helmet probably would have remained in Gibling
Armstrong's Curious Armor Shoppe for quite some time if a bored dwarf hadn't
bought it and set it on his mantle in distant lands.


Armor Class Bonus: 3
Special: User is immune to Sleep and never suffers from Fatigue
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:
Only Usable By:


Ilian's Hunting Helm

This helm was worn by the great elven hunter Illian Willowdusk. It was
constructed by a group of well-intentioned halflings when Illian hunted down
and killed a priest of Malar and his bloodthirsty trained animals who had
been plaguing the halfling shire. The helm served Illian well until he went
hunting a great stag on Cinnaelos'Cor, an elven holiday. When the stag leapt
into a thick patch of vines and briars, Illian followed. As Illian leapt
through the tangle, the huge horns of the helm became caught, jerking his
head violently. He was found dead the next day with a broken neck.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:


Blessed Helm of Lathander

This well-crafted helmet has a short history. A priestess of Lathander named
Iraeni of Suzail had it constructed for the champion of her church, a warrior
named Beldan Miller. Beldan employed the helm frequently, as Iraeni was
often attacked by agents of Myrkul. After twenty years of serving Lathander,
Iraeni decided to step down from her office, as did Beldan. They were
married shortly after. Beldan gave the helm to an errant paladin of
Lathander, who is believed to have died fighting a lich near the Battle of
the Bones.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: User can cast Cure Moderate Wounds, Neutralize Poison, and Remove
Paralysis once a day.
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:
Only Useable By:
Good Characters


Patriot Helm

This helm was worn by the dwarven warrior Danel Silverfrost, king and martyr
of the lost dwarven city-state of Silverrock. Danel's deeds are not as
well-known as those of many other heroic dwarves, but that is perhaps because
his kingdom died with him. His nation suffered heavy losses when trolls and
giants attacked it over a thousand years ago in the nearly-forgotten "War of
Curdling Blood." The war between the tribes of monsters and the kingdom of
Silverrock was waged over fifteen years. Danel never attempted to flee his
kingdom, seek the aid of neighboring countries, or abandon his people.
Despite the fact that many of his subjects did, indeed, flee, Danel remained
in Silverrock until the very end. Before the final battle of the terrible
war, Danel told his people, "When ye see this plume on me head fall, I want
ye to make sure that our people don't bow, like gold, but that they break,
like iron."

Almost as soon as the battle was joined, Danel charged to the front of the
fray and leapt into the talons of a dozen trolls. The moment his plume
disappeared from sight, every man, woman, and child remaining in Silverrock
poured out of the fortified caverns and dragged down as many trolls and
giants as they could. Barrels of flaming oil were dumped all over Danel's
palace and the common areas of the city, consuming as many dwarves as trolls
and terrible frost giants. In the end, the monsters had achieved a Pyrrhic
victory. The dwarven city was a smoldering ruin from which little treasure,
no slaves, and no food, could be taken. Many trolls died of starvation that
winter, and when they turned on their giant allies for sustenance, the entire
army fell into disarray forever.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:


Sune's Laurel of Favor

This wreath of laurel leaves and roses was a gift from the church of Sune to
the priestesses of Hanali Celanil at the Hand of the Seldarine. The
representatives of the human goddess of love and beauty were well received
and the high priestess of Hanali Celanil wore the laurel whenever humans were
visiting the Hand. The orcs discarded the laurel as useless trash when they
sacked the priests' tower.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: +1 Charisma while worn
Weight: 1
Not Usable By:


Rhino Beetle Shell

This is a portion of the carapace of a dead rhino beetle. Their natural body
armor is known for its incredible resilience.


Umber Hulk Hide

This umber hulk hide consists of chitin plates and tough skin of a dark brown
hue. Even off of the umber hulk's body, it looks thick and impenetrable.


Holy Chaos! Deck

"Holy Chaos!" is a little-known card game played between priests of chaotic
gods. Priests of Tymora and Umberlee are particularly fond of it. The game
features four suits: Smiling Ladies, Black Bessies, Storm Queens, and Joy
Bringers. The "rules" of the game are incredibly complex and are revised
every year in an edict by the church of Beshaba. Winners of annual
tournaments receive magical versions of the deck, such as this one. The
decks are despised by the churches of Tyr and Helm.


Casts a random beneficial spell, centered on the user.

Not Usable By:
Lawful Characters


Holdfast Arrows

Employed almost exclusively by Eldathyn rangers in the western heartlands of
Faerun, Holdfast Arrows are prized for their ability to subdue a target with
little harm. The arrows are commonly used on rampaging animals but are quite
effective against malicious humanoids. They are typically adorned with blue
and green ribbons and flowers to show that they were created by the
peacekeepers of Eldath. This makes them somewhat less effective in combat.


Damage: 1D6-1
THAC0: -1
Damage type: Missile (Piercing)
Special: Entangle effect on the target for four rounds
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow


Jester's Bag of Holding

A bag of holding is an ordinary bag that has been enchanted so that the
interior of the bag opens on a nondimensional space. This nondimensional
space is considerably larger than interior of the bag and allows the user to
store and retrieve objects without becoming encumbered. Bags such as these
are rare and are especially useful for adventurers for obvious reasons.
Unfortunately, the magic on this bag is failing and any attempt to put an
item into the bag fails. However, violently shaking the bag seems to cause
various items to fall out of it.


When used a random object will appear in inventory.
Bag may only be used once per day.
Must have an empty inventory slot to be used.


Holy Symbol of Myrkul

This holy symbol depicts a white human skull face-on against a black field.
The skull appears to be carved ivory and it is set into a black onyx field.


Barrel of Holy Water

This barrel contains water which has been blessed by the priests of the
Seldarine's Hand.


Rotted Honey Leather

This used to be a highly prized piece of honey leather. Honey leather is a
really light canvas used by the elves to protect against rain and dampness.
Although it tears very easily, elves use it to make tents and to protect
their camping gear.


High Quality Two Handed Long Sword

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations.


Damage: 1D10
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Arrows

The flight arrow, as its name implies, is built for distance. These are
lightweight arrows and are often used for hunting. Most of these arrows are
made of ash or birch and are 30 to 40 inches long.


Damage: 1D6
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


High Quality Battle Axe

The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in
length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle
axes are also called broad axes.


Damage: 1D8
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Bolt

Quarrels or bolts are the ammunition fired by crossbows regardless of the
weapon's size.


Damage: 1D8
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow


High Quality Bastard Sword

Also known as the hand-and-a-half sword, the bastard sword derives its name
from the fact that it is halfway between the two-handed sword and the long
sword. The bastard sword has a double-edged blade and a long grip, which can
accommodate both hands if preferred. The overall length of the bastard sword
ranges between four feet and four feet ten inches.


Damage: 2D4
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Composite Long Bow

Composite bows are long bows or short bows whose staves are made from more
than one type of material. This gives greater flexibility, and thus better
range. These were developed after the normal long bow.


Damage: +2
To Hit Bonus: +2
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 15 required
Not Usable By:


High Quality Dagger

The typical dagger has a pointed, usually double-edged blade, as opposed to a
knife, which has a single edge and is a bit shorter than the dagger.


Damage: 1D4
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Halberd

By far the oldest and most often used pole-arm, the halberd consists of a
cleaver-like axe blade mounted on a staff averaging six feet in length. The
axe blade is balanced at the rear with a fluke, and surmounted by a sharp
spike, usually of quadrangular design. The fluke is sometimes replaced by a
hook used to dismount cavalry. A halberd can be best described as a cross
between a spear and an axe.


Damage: 1D10
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality War Hammer

Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback,
and as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they
may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two previous
examples of this - the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is
the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with
rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. Rondels are small disks of
metal, often shaped into decorative designs. The shaft is about 18 inches


Damage: 1D4 + 1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Heavy Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +3 bonus
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Long Bow

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. It has two advantages over the
short bow: better range and hence, it is much more accurate.


THAC0: +2
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


High Quality Long Sword

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.


Damage: 1D8
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Light Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


THAC0: +3 bonus
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Mace

The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a
wooden shaft with a stone or iron head mounted on the end. The head design
varies; some being spiked, others flanged, and still others have pyramidal


Damage: 1D6 + 1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Morning Star

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
Some such weapons have a round, oval, or cylindrical shaped head studded with
spikes. Extending from most morning star heads, regardless of design, is a
long point for thrusting.


Damage: 2D4
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Short Bow

Short bows were the first to be developed, although they were not called
such. This is more of a default term that refers to anything which is not a
long bow. Short bow staves are about 5 ' feet long on the average. As the
years passed, attempts were made to increase bow ranges. Bows were either
given longer staves or flexibility was increased with no change to the
length. The former resulted in what is now called the long bow.


THAC0: +1
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


High Quality Short Sword

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting.


Damage: 1D6
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



The flight arrow, as its name implies, is built for distance. These are
lightweight arrows and are often used for hunting. Most of these arrows are
made of ash or birch and are 30 to 40 inches long.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Battle Axe

The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in
length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle
axes are also called broad axes.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


The mace is a direct descendant of the basic club, being nothing more than a
wooden shaft with a stone or iron head mounted on the end. The head design
varies; some being spiked, others flanged, and still others have pyramidal


Damage: 1D6 + 1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Bow

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. It has two advantages over the
short bow: better range and hence, it is much more accurate.


THAC0: +1
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Chainmail Armor

Chain mail is made of interlocking metal rings. It is always worn over a
layer of padded fabric or soft leather to prevent chafing and lessen the
impact of blows.


Armor Class: 5
Weight: 40
Not Usable By:


Splint Mail

Splint mail is a variant of banded mail in which the metal strips are applied
vertically to the backing of chain, leather, or cloth rather than
horizontally as in banded mail. Since the human body does not swivel in
mid-torso as much as it flexes back to front, splint mail is more restrictive
in battle.


Armor Class: 4
Weight: 40
Not Usable By:



The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher.


Damage: 1D3
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer

Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback,
and as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they
may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two previous
examples of this - the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is
the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with
rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. Rondels are small disks of
metal, often shaped into decorative designs. The shaft is about 18 inches


Damage: 1D4 + 1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



This class of open-face helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers
most of the head, save the face and neck. These helmets commonly provide
protection for the nose.


Armor Class Bonus: None
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:



This class of decorative helmet, made of reinforced leather or metal, covers
the face and head. Eye slits and breathing holes come highly recommended.


Armor Class Bonus: None
Special: Protects Against Critical Hits
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather Armor

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 7
Weight: 25
Not Usable By:



This long sword was crafted for the well-traveled ranger Kelhanion of Soubar
in 1272. Wearing light armor and no shield, Kelhanion wanted a weapon that
would protect him in combat. Intercession was made for him by an
acquaintance, the wizard Peth of Elturel. The weapon itself is rather
mundane in appearance, which is exactly how Kelhanion wanted it to look. It
has a plain steel blade that meets a similar guard. The grip of the weapon
is wrapped in dark, oiled ogre skin. The sword has a mild form of empathetic
instinct, turning in the wielder's hand to impose itself in the path of melee
weapons. Intercession was lost with Kelhanion when he was slaughtered by
over a dozen trolls in the Trollbark Forest.


Damage: 1D8 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage Type: Slashing
Special: +2 to AC (except Missile)
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Plate Mail Armor

Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the
vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to
bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises of chain and leather.


Armor Class: 3
Weight: 50
Not Usable By:

IPLAT05 (cursed, can't be removed)

Full Plate Mail +1

Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance and
protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to
deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich
engraving and embossed detail. With its magical enchantments, this suit of
full plate is ideal for warriors.


Armor Class: 0
Weight: 35
Not Usable By:


Potion of Healing

When wholly consumed, this potion restores 9 hit points to the person. The
effect is instantaneous and the potion is destroyed in the process.

ISHLD02 (strangely can't be equipped)

Small Shield +1

A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with
the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the
user to carry other items in that hand, although he cannot wield or carry
another weapon.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: No Missile Weapon Protection
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:


Medium Shield

A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the
small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using his
shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium
shields are usually made of metal, range from 3'-4' in diameter, and can be
of any shape, from round to square to a spread dragon's wings. A typical
medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Weight: 7
Not Usable By:


Short Sword

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Joril's Axe

This mighty weapon consists of a five- to six-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe is double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft. It
is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled warrior can strike blows of tremendous
strength with it.

Joril Frostbeard, the frost giant leader, wielded this axe. The weapon has
been enchanted with several beneficial magics.


Damage: 1D12 +3
THAC0: +3
Constituion: +1 bonus
Dexterity: -1 penalty
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Shattered Blade of Aihonen

This shattered blade lay in the breast of Icasaracht, the last of the white
dragon matriarchs that ruled the Spine of the World. It was wielded by
Aihonen, a distant ancestor of Jhonen the fisherman in Easthaven - the sword
has lain at the bottom of the lake for almost a century, waiting to be
returned to one of its wielder's bloodline.


Weight: 3


Restored Blade of Aihonen

This once-shattered blade lay in the breast of Icasaracht, the last of the
white dragon matriarchs that ruled the Spine of the World. It was wielded by
Aihonen, a distant ancestor of Jhonen the fisherman in Easthaven - the sword
has lain at the bottom of the lake for almost a century, waiting to be
returned to one of its wielder's bloodline. How it has been restored to its
original state is unknown, but whatever the reason, it looks like a powerful
weapon that can help you free Easthaven from Brother Poquelin.

The blade seems to draw its strength from Lac Dinneshere itself. As long as
the wielder is within a dragon's flight distance of the lake, the blade is a
fearsome weapon.


Damage: 1D8 +1, +5 within a dragon's flight distance of Lac Dinneshere
THACO: +1, +5 within a dragon's flight distance of Lac Dinneshere
Damage Type: Slashing
Special: +5 Maximum Hit Points within a dragon's flight distance of Lac
Resistance Bonuses:
+25% Cold Resistance
+25% Fire Resistance,
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Large Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Joril's Badge

This black steel plate bears a gold engraving of Joril's sigil, the double
bladed axe.


Kalabac's Journal

I'm afraid I may have been duped. Bandoth indicated where I might find the
door to the forge, but I was unable to find any trace of it. I was prepared
to search later on this evening, but a group of Ettins have encamped in the
passage north of where I am now, and I am in no condition to be running past
them. Hopefully I will get another opportunity to search the old meeting
hall of the dwarves. Earlier I uncovered some writings regarding a room
within these walls that leads to the lower segments of this complex, and I
can only assume that this room lies behind the door I have yet to find. To
make matters worse, the same writings inferred that this room contained a
puzzle that was designed to keep the invaders from discovering and
desecrating the Cemetary and Forge. Perhaps Bandoth can provide some more


Kaylessa's Bow

This bow belonged to Kaylessa, weapons master of the Seldarine's Hand. Her
prowess in archery only bested by her beauty, Kaylessa was devoted to hone
the battle skills of any elf under her. If there were any heroes at the
Battle of Seldarine's Hand, Kaylessa was one of them. She was a shining
example of courage in the face of impending doom as she fearlessly led her
people against orc and goblin hordes. Even after the fall of the Hand, her
commitment to battle and her people remained strong. Her last wish was to
die in glorious battle.


Damage: +3
To Hit Bonus: +3
Dexterity: +1 Bonus
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 15 required
Not Usable By:


Chainmail Armor

This armor was worn by Kaylessa, weapons master of the Seldarine's Hand. Her
prowess in archery only bested by her beauty, Kaylessa was devoted to hone
the battle skills of any elf under her. If there were any heroes at the
Battle of Seldarine's Hand, Kaylessa was one of them. She was a shining
example of courage in the face of impending doom as she fearlessly led her
people against orc and goblin hordes. Even after the fall of the Hand, her
commitment to battle and her people remained strong in her. Her last wish
was to die in glorious battle.


Armor Class: 2
Dexterity: +1 Bonus
Resistance Bonus: +20% Cold Resistance
Not usable by:


Kaylessa's Gloves

Worn by Kaylessa, weapons master of the Seldarine's Hand. Her prowess in
archery only bested by her beauty, Kaylessa was devoted to hone the battle
skills of any elf under her. If there were any heroes at the Battle of
Seldarine's Hand, Kaylessa was one of them. She was a shining example of
courage in the face of impending doom as she fearlessy led her people against
orc and goblin hordes. Even after the fall of the Hand, her commitment to
battle and her people remained strong. Her last wish was to die in glorious


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Dexterity: +1 Bonus
Weight: 3
Not usable by:


Kaylessa's Ring

This ring belonged to Kaylessa of the Seldarine's Hand. Her prowess in
archery only bested by her beauty, Kaylessa was devoted to hone the battle
skills of any elf under her. If there were any heroes at the Battle of
Seldarine's Hand, Kaylessa was one of them. She was a shining example of
courage in the face of impending doom as she fearlessly led her people
against orc and goblin hordes. Even after the fall of the Hand, her
commitment to battle and her people remained strong. Her last wish was to
die in glorious battle.


+15% to Hide in Shadows Skill
Only Usable By:


Silver Bracers of Kedl

This mage, who made his home in Phlan, was known as "Kedl of the Three
Rings," for it was said that he perfected a technique whereby he could wear
three magical rings simultaneously. An enchanter of items, he was well known
for his discriminating taste in clothing, jewelry, and other accessories.
His polished silver bracers were a constant part of his wardrobe. Kedl
eventually sold his bracers when he needed the money for some powerful rings.
Unfortunately, Kedl died in an orc attack on Phlan several years later.


Armor Class: 2
Weight: 2
Not Usable By:


Albion's Key

This large steel key used to belong to Albion.


Conlan's Key

This iron key used to belong to Conlan, a blacksmith from Kuldahar.


Dugmaren's Key

This is a plain silver key with a compass embossed on the hilt.


Gate Key

This is a large iron key. It appears worn with age and shows signs of rust.


Mausoleum Key

This key is carved from yellow ivory. The handle is shaped into a human skull
with two small red gems for the eyes.


Plain Key

This is a key. It is quite unremarkable.


Priest's Key

This is an ornate golden key with a black onyx gemstone in the handle. Closer
inspection reveals a small skull has been carved into the gem.


Sanctum Key

This is an ornate silver key with a red gemstone in the handle. Closer
inspection reveals a small skull has been carved into the gem.


Watchtower Key

This huge iron key used to belong to Fengla, a deep gnome slave girl.


Kresselack's Sword

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations.

This sword was once wielded by Kresselack, the barbarian king. The weapon has
been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Special: Cold Resistance
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Kresselack's Sword

Kresselack, the barbarian king, once wielded this sword to aid him in his
conquest of the northern lands. It is not known, however, how he originally
acquired the weapon. Most scholars believe Kresselack simply found the weapon
in one of his many conquests. However, rumors do persist that the sword was
the creation of some powerful wizard and was commissioned by Kresselack
himself. The truth of the matter will never be known.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1 Bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Resistance Bonus: +10% Cold Resistance
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Krilag's Badge

This black steel plate bears a red engraving of Krilag's sigil, an open palm
with a sphere levitating directly above.


Bone Kris of Black Ichor

Oddly enough, this shard of bone is shaped in a form similar to a Kris. What
is even more unique is that the hilt of the Kris will occasionally secrete a
black poisonous ichor.


Damage: 1D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Special: Upon the player scoring a hit with this weapon, there will be a 20%
chance that the target will be poisoned. Save vs. paralyze, poison,
or death magic to counter effects.
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Not Usable by:


Symbol of Labelas Enoreth

Created during the golden age between of the elves of the Seldarine's Hand
and the dwarves of Dorn's Deep. This ring was created to empower young
wizards with greater focus to cast their spells more effectively. Although
the elder wizards of the Hand were some of the most powerful in the realm,
they were always involved in various research or experiments that prevented
them from joining less critical battles or expeditions.


Intelligence: +1 Bonus

Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Girdle of Labelas

A remnant from the holy shrine of Star Mausoleum in Myth Glaurach, this
girdle was blessed by the avatar of Labelas Enoreth, elven god of time and
longevity. The high priest of Labelas typically wore the girdle in
day-to-day activities as well as battle. Made of alternating bands of bronze
and gold, the fine belt was a prize even without its magical properties.
When orcs sacked Myth Glaurach, this girdle was one of the most prominent
items stolen.


Free Action on the wearer
Haste on self once per day


Leather Armor

Leather armor, despite the popular misconception, is not soft and supple like
the leather used to make a ranger's boots or a druid's robe. That kind of
leather offers no better protection than common clothing.


Armor Class: 8
Weight: 15
Not Usable By:


Leather Armor +1

Leather armor, despite the popular misconception, is not soft and supple like
the leather used to make a ranger's boots or a druid's robe. That kind of
leather offers no better protection than common clothing. Magical
enchantments enhance the protective abilities of this leather armor.


Armor Class: 7
Weight: 10
Not Usable By:


Leather Armor +2

At first glance this appears to be an ordinary suit of leather armor, a
closer inspection reveals subtle clues of various arcane enhancements. The
rivets holding the various pieces together shine brightly as if polished. The
leather pieces are soft and supple to the touch, but instantly become rigid
when struck with a heavy blow. And when worn, the creaking and stretching
noises normally associated with such armors are mysteriously absent.


Armor Class: 6
Weight: 5
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather Armor

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 7
Weight: 25
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather Armor +1

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 6
Weight: 15
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather +2: Missile Attractor

This odd looking suit of studded leather cannot be removed once put on,
except under intervention by a sorceror. While improving the protection
against all melee weapons, this armor actually becomes a target for missle
weapons, and hence so does its wearer. The choice is simple, deadly arrows
or deadly swords.


Armor Class: 5 (15 vs. missle weapons)
Weight: 8
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather +2

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 5
Weight: 8
Not Usable By:


Shadow Armor

Shadow armor is studded leather armor created for use by the Shadowmasters of
Amn. The Shadowmasters are of the highest order within the Shadow Thief
hierarchy. It is +3 studded leather armor that melds into shadows.


Armor Class: 4
Special: +15% Hide in Shadows
Weight: 8
Only Usable By:
Thief (single, multi and dual class)



This plain piece of parchment contains a list of equipment ranging from
lengths of rope, to rations and torches. A short note has been scribbled on
the back of the list:


Seeing as you have seen fit to "volunteer" to outfit our expedition to
Kuldahar, I have written down a list of items we will be needing. I trust
the equipment you will provide will be of quality, unlike the shoddy junk you
foisted off on my last expedition.

- Hrothgar


Lonesome Road

This was the weapon of a cursed soul, doomed to wander the length and breadth
of Faerun for his crimes against the elves of Myth Drannor. Denell Harband
was a human involved with the creation of the "Halfaxe Trail." Under the
orders of his commander, Halvan the Dark, he forged ahead through elven
forests despite protests and repeated attacks. When he was finally captured
by the elves, he stated emphatically that he was free of guilt because he was
just following his orders. The elven council deemed that Denell be placed
under a High Geas to carry his axe from the Sword Coast of Faerun to its
borders in the east, and from the Great Glacier to Lurien. It took Denell
thirty years to complete his task. When he finished, he was an accomplished
warrior, weathered and beaten by years on foreign roads. On his way back to
his home, he passed by Harrowdale and saw a wooden statue of Halvan the Dark
raised proudly in a small town square. With a single-handed blow, he lodged
his huge axe into Halvan's forehead. Never breaking stride, he returned to
his hut where he lived out the rest of his days as a reclusive farmer.


Damage: 1D10 +3
THAC0: +3
Special: +1 to Constitution while equipped
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Cleaver

This weapon was commissioned by the eccentric nobleman Pelp Cadari. Pelp was
a friend of all chaotic priesthoods, frequently donating money to whomever he
fancied at any given time. His associates and servants always kept their
distance, as his wild mood swings could take him from joyous euphoria to
miserable melancholy or furious rage at any moment. He paid over forty
thousand gold pieces to have this halberd made, despite the fact that he only
used the item to "cut" his fowl at his long dinner table. When Pelp died, he
left the weapon to his pet goat, Azuth. In case of Azuth's death, the weapon
would then be passed on to the first girl wearing a blue dress who entered
his study. Twelve years after Azuth died, Pelp's niece, Amara, went into his
study to find a book. The chamberlain of Pelp's mansion gave Long Cleaver to
Amara when she turned sixteen. She sold the weapon to finance her entry into
an academy of magic.


Damage: 1D10 + 4
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Sword of the Hand

Made during the golden age between the elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep. The swordsman of the Seldarine's Hand wielded this
weapon with pride, as it was a symbol of strength and unity between the two


Damage: 1D8+3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bren Muller's Crossbow

Not much is known about the owner of this weapon, save that sages believe it
is from another world, called "Eibrancha." Plane-traveling wizards who have
investigated life on "Eibrancha" report that it is dull, commonplace, and
ordinary in the extreme, a place where heroes are rare and the populace is,
by and large, incredibly average. This might explain the virtually
non-existent body of recorded information about the place. The only thing
known about the weapon's owner is that he was an educated man. The purple
wood that the crossbow is constructed from is believed to be from a unique
type of tree in Eibrancha.


Damage: +2
THAC0: +5 bonus
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Crossbow
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Lyre of Progression

The Lyre of Progression was created by the bard Sedini Paletto. Sedini was a
teacher of young aspiring bards during difficult times. This instrument,
held close at all times, helped Sedini fight off those who would attack him
or his students. When Sedini grew old, he passed it on to his best student,
Galwen Alaman. Galwen continued teaching for a few years before setting out
into the wilderness on a life of adventure. It is believed that he lost the
lyre when he accidentally dropped it in a marsh.


Held under the left arm, this instrument allows a bard to memorize two extra
second level spells and an extra third level spell.

Only Usable By:


Ring of Invisibilty

Invisibility (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell turns a creature invisible and makes it undetectable by normal
vision or infravision. Items dropped or put down by the invisible creature
become visible, items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or
pouches worn by the creature. The spell remains in effect until it is
magically broken or dispelled, until the recipient talks to or attacks any
creature, or until 4 hours have passed. Thus the invisible being can open
doors, eat, climb stairs, etc., but if he attacks or casts a spell, he
immediately becomes visible (although the invisibility enables him to attack


Ring of Barkskin

Barkskin (Alteration)
Level: 2
Sphere: Protection, Plant
Range: Touch
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Barkskin causes a creature's skin to become as tough as bark, increasing its
base Armor Class to AC 6, plus 1 AC for every four levels of the priest:
Armor Class 5 at 4th level, Armor Class 4 at 8th, and so on. In addition,
saving throw rolls vs. all attack forms except magic gain a +1 bonus.


Ring of Mirror Image

Mirror Image (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Range: Caster
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 6-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
When a Mirror Image spell is invoked, the spellcaster causes two to eight
duplicates of himself to come into being around him. These images do exactly
what the wizard does. Since the spell causes a blurring and slight distortion
when it is cast, it is impossible for opponents to be certain which ones are
the illusions and which is the actual wizard. When an image is struck by a
melee or missile attack, magical or otherwise, it disappears, but any other
existing images remain intact until struck. The images shift from round to
round so that an enemy must first hit every image before being able to hit
the wizard.


Ring of Blur

Blur (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Range: Caster
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Blur causes the wizard's body to become blurred, shifting and wavering. This
distortion gives the wizard +1 to all saving throws, and all missile and
melee attacks have a -3 to hit him.


Ring of Free Action

Free Action (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell gives the affected creature an immunity to magic that impedes
movement (such as Grease, Web or Slow spells) and negates the effects of
paralysis and hold spells.


Ring of Haste (the description here is false)

Ring of free action: 'Edventar's Gift'
This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar,
by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the
"Pirate Queen" of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though
Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Special: The wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that
effects mobility in any way, although can still be hasted. Be aware,
however, this will also protect the wearer from beneficial effects such as
those received from the boots of speed.



A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.



Bracers are thick bands of metal or leather that are strapped, belted, or
tied to a character's forearm. They are normally used for added support and
protection of the forearms and wrist areas of the body.


Maiden Ilmadia's Badge

This black steel plate bears a green engraving of Maiden Ilmadia's sigil, the
unicorn head.


Mail of Life

This armor was crafted from meteoric iron by dwarven and elven smiths during
the Time of Cooperation. A high priest of Moradin and a high priest of
Labelas Enoreth enchanted the armor with its powers. Unfortunately, no elven
or dwarven warrior ever wore the chain mail. When troubles arose between the
Hand of the Seldarine and Dorn's Deep, the dwarves locked the armor in a
vault, refusing to use anything the elves had a hand in creating.


Armor Class: 2
Weight: 40
+10 Hit Points
Wearer Regenerates 1 hit point per turn
Not Usable By:


Malavon's Badge

This black steel plate bears a red engraving of Malavon's sigil, the
unsleeping eye.


Mantle of the Coming Storm

This seemingly threadbare robe had become "dormant" upon Lysan's command, so
as not to expose herself as a priestess of Auril. When as much as a single
snowflake falls upon the robe, it transforms into a scintillating cloak of
white that allows the wielder to float above snow drifts and walk through
even raging rivers with ease. Most merchants will not wish to purchase this
item, or will do so at a very low price, as they see it as a sacred item of
Auril the Frost-Maiden and likely to attract her followers... and her

Created during the ceremonies of the Coming Storm (the onset of winter) to
Auril, these robes are specially created to resist flames and allow the
wearer to resist any attempt to stop or hold them. Although the priestesses
of Auril are naturally resistant to cold and can move through snow and icy
rivers with ease, these cloaks amplify the protection of the goddess,
allowing the wearer additional cold resistance (which allows a wearer already
immune to cold to absorb its power) and even goes so far as to leach the heat
from fire attacks directed at the wearer. In addition, the robe may be
invoked to allow the wearer to pass over or through any obstacle designed to
hold them, whether Web spells, ghoul paralyzation, Hold Person spells and the


Special: Casts 'Free Action' (3 Charges)
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonuses:
+1 Save vs. Paralyzation
+30% Cold Resistance
+30% Fire Resistance
Weight: 1
Not usable by:


Mantle of Hell's Furnace

An extremely vivid piece of clothing, the Mantle of Hell's Furnace was woven
from the beards of fiery Azer. It was worn by a high priest of Kossuth named
Ullabem for fifteen years before he was killed fighting a priestess of
Ishitia. When the priestess attempted to destroy it, efreet allies of
Ullabem tracked her down and killed her. One of the efreeti kept the cloak
until it was requested of him by a clever thief who summoned the genie out of
an enchanted block of sandalwood. It is believed that the cloak retains its
powers until they are used a certain number of times. Once that point is
reached, the cloak is summoned back to the elemental plane of fire.


Allows the user to cast Agannazar's Scorcher, Burning Hands, or Charm
Elemental Kin.


Marketh's Badge

This black steel plate bears a gold engraving of Marketh's sigil, the miner's


War Hammer

Mounted knights cannot effectively use long pole weapons while on horseback,
and as a result, many weapons have been fitted with shorter shafts so they
may be wielded with just one hand. Maces and flails are two previous
examples of this - the war hammer is another. The horseman's war hammer is
the descendent of the Lucerne hammer. It is made entirely of steel, with
rondels protecting and strengthening the grip. Rondels are small disks of
metal, often shaped into decorative designs. The shaft is about 18 inches


Damage: 1D4 + 1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


The Merry Shorthorn

The Merry Shorthorn was once owned by the half-elven bard Prophia Copperfire.
She took the small instrument everywhere. Despite its rather meager powers,
the Merry Shorthorn is among of the most well traveled magic items in Faerun.
It is believed that Prophia took it with her on a number of Elemental Planes,
to Elysium and Baator, and from the Spine of the World to the distant reaches
of Wa. It entertained pashas in Calimshan, quelled the anger of holy slayers
in Zakhara, and bolstered a crew of sailors in the Sea of Fallen Stars. The
Merry Shorthorn was lost when Prophia accidentally dropped it somewhere in
the great desert Anauroch.


When played, this instrument casts Bless, centered on the player.
Can be used once per day.

Only Usable By:


Cradle of Mielikki

A lesser-known weapon, historically only used by rangers serving Mielikki,
this blade has a very humble and simple background. The Cradle of Mielikki
was originally blessed by a triumvirate of druids for a ranger named Kell
Pathwalker. Kell led a peaceful life, fending off the occasional orc or
goblin who might wander into his lands. When he died of old age, the druids
had no one to pass the blade on to. The oldest of them, Bimon, held onto the
scimitar, but never used it in battle. When Bimon and his associates left
their grove for an extended period of time, a wandering mercenary robbed the
hollow tree of its riches. He carried the scimitar north to the Spine of the
World, where he died of exposure.


Damage: 1D8 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Proficiency type: Large Sword
Speed Factor: 4
Type: 1-handed
Not usable by:


Mirek's Family Heirloom

A necklace is a piece of ornamental metal jewelry usually made of silver,
gold, platinum, or other precious metal, and adorned with gems. A necklace
is always worn on the neck and can be of any length.


Winter Wolf Pelt

The pure white pelt of the winter wolf is soft and luxurious. It is often
sewn into garments as diverse as the rugged vests of the northern Uthgardt
Barbarians and the delicate and fashionable winter stoles worn by noblewomen
throughout the Sword Coast region.



Friendly Arm Inn


Small Box

Friendly Arm Inn


Bassilus' Holy Symbol

Bassilus' Holy Symbol, a depiction of the evil god Cyric.


Gold Piece

Gold is the standard of currency, commonly called Golden Lions throughout the
Realms, though only the Cormyan coins carry the figure of the lion on the
coin (Sembian gold coin designs vary from year to year but always retain a
five-sided shape). The most common in the southern regions are the Amnite
danter, though there are a number of other golder coins from Tethyr and Thay,
as well as a number of private mints (including some adventuring parties).


Ankheg Shell

The Ankheg is a burrowing insect-like creature between 10 and 20 feet long,
found mainly in forests or choice agricultural land. They are covered with
plates or shells made out of a substance called chitin which is extremely
tough and very light. The size, weight and strength of the shells make them
highly sought after in many situations, including the creation of armor.



This is the body of Samuel.


Fire Agate Gem

Fire Agate is the name given to chalcedony which contains thin lines of
iridescent goethite. When properly cut, the iridescence displays red, brown,
gold, and green hues, and the finest specimens are partly translucent.


Lynx Eye Gem

Lynx Eye is a specific type of labradorite (a feldspar gemstone).
Labradorite as a class of stones is pale to dark gray and has patches of
colored reflections. This "flash" is most commonly blue but can be of all
shades. "Green flash" labradorite is called lynx eye in the Realms.


Sunstone Gem

Sunstone is a feldspar gem, closely related to moonstone, and more properly
known as oligoclase. Sunstone can be colorless or faintly greenish and of
facet grade, but most common by far is its softer (cabochon) variety. This
yields gemstones that have bright red or orange spangles (minute crystals)
suspended in a nearly colorless background in a parallel fashion, giving the
whole a rich golden or redish brown color.


Turquiose Gem

Turquoise is an opaque aqua stone with darker mottlings, and is found in the
more arid reaches of the Realms. Horsemen will often place a sliver of this
stone in a horse's harness as a sign of good luck.


Bloodstone Gem

Bloodstone is a dark greenish gray variety of quartz flecked with red crystal
impurities. Ninety percent of the bloodstones in the Realms come from the
Galena Mountains in Damara, and most of those from a single mine in
Bloodstone Pass. The border pass is heavily fortified and guarded as
bloodstones are the chief export for this region.


Skydrop Gem

Skydrop is the common name given to clear or lightly colored tektite
material; fragments of glass of celestial (meteoric) origin, found in the
vast shifting sands of Anauroch and other deserts.


Andar Gem

Andar is hard and durable, yielding translucent gems ("Andars") that flash
green-red or brown-red when properly faceted.


Jasper Gem

Jasper is an opaque quartz found in reds, browns, and blacks. Very rare
specimens are blue or have bands of blue against the other colours. Jasper
can be crushed and used in making potions and magical devices which protect
against poison.


Tchazar Gem

Tchazar is the common name given to aragonite, a straw-yellow gemstone found
in elongated, prism-shaped crystal form. It is soft and fragile, and
requires skilled cutting to yield faceted gems.


Zircon Gem

Zircon is a brownish crystal found in igneous (volcanic) rocks. Zircon
attains its pale blue shade with heating and cutting (usually facet-cut).


Iol Gem

Iol is actually short for Iolite (cordierite), although a common nickname is
"violet stone" even though its overall hue is usually blue. Iols are usually
cut into faceted gems to best display the stone's color change as it is
viewed from different directions. Small, cut iols can be clear, but larger
specimens usually contain silky inclusions of another substance such as
hemitite crystals, which give the same rich golden flash of color as in


Moonstone Gem

Moonstone is an opaque, white feldspar gem polished to a bluish sheen. Old
legends say that the sight of a moonstone would cause a lycanthrope to revert
to his animal form. Whether or not this is true is unknown as anyone close
enough to find out apparently hasn't lived to tell the tale. However
moonstones have been used in spells that effect this particular curse.


Waterstar Gem

Waterstar is also called achroite or colourless tourmaline and is rare in the
Realms. This stone is riddled with flaws and inclusions and hence only a
small portion is fit for cutting.


Ziose Gem

Ziose is the name given by sages to a particular facet-grade variety of
ziosite; a rare mineral that yields cut stones that flash three vivid hues
depending on how the light catches them; purple, blue, and red, or purple,
green, and red. Very large (fist- or foot-sized) gems are found and are
prized for use in pendants and brooches.


Chrysoberyl Gem

Chrysoberyl is a hard, transparent, green gem which is usually facet- cut.
It is said that Chrysoberyl has ties to the outer planes and hence its use
with battling demonic possession and the undead.


Star Diopside Gem

Star Diopside is the most prized form of a hard, durable gemstone that is
rarely found in attractive colours. It is usually too dark for beauty,
however mountain and streambed-pebble crystals of a pale green hue make
attractive stones such as diopside. When a gem is found that is darker green
it can be cut in such a fashion so to produce four- or six-rayed stars.


Shandon Gem

Shandon is another name for natrolite in the Realms; its slender, colourless
crystals yield tiny faceted gems used often in veils and robes in order to
capture the beading effect of water glistening upon the material.


Aquamarine Gem

Aquamarine is a hard, transparent form of beryl, blue-green in colour. These
sought after gems are found primarily in the barbarian tribes that roam the
northern tundra.


Garnet Gem

Garnet is a general class of crystals ranging from deep red to violet in
colour. A typical cut for this rare isometric gem is 12 to 24 sides, with
the very rare 36 sides being known from time to time. It is rumored that a
48-sided garnet exists although none have ever been able to track down its


Horn Coral Gem

Horn Coral, which is also called night coral, is a deep black coral, similar
to angel's skin save for its solid color. It is incredibly difficult to work
with, and is used in jewelry as a polished twig or branch of material, or is
cut cabochon.



Pearls consist of layers of aragonite agonizingly formed around a bit of grit
or other irritant inside oysters and other mollusks. The resulting pearl has
a rich, deep luster. Most pearls in the realms are white, but there are
rarer varieties, such as rainbow and black.


Sphene Gem

Sphene is a soft, brittle gemstone (and, like scapra, easily worked by
unskilled cutters) of various yellow to green shades, the most prized of
these being a fine emerald green.


Black Opal

Black Opal has a greenish hue with black mottling and gold flecks. Usually
found in ancient hot springs, the gem is tumbled smooth and cut cabochon.
The phrase in the north "Black as an opal" is used as a subtle form of praise
for kind-hearted rogues and the like.


Water Opal

Water Opal is a colourless, clear opal with a play of colour. It is rare and
valuable in the Realms, where it is used in scrying devices.


Moonbar Gem

Moonbar is a pearly white, opaque gemstone, usually pale blue with green and
gold mottling. Related in type to fire and black opals, but is only slightly
more common.


Star Sapphire

Star Sapphire is a precious variation of the sapphire, however is more
translucent, with a white star highlighted in its center. A star sapphire
has been known to ornament devices which protect against magic.



Diamond is a hard clear gem which can be clear blue-white, rich blue, yellow
or pink. The hardest of all the gemstones, and among the most valuable.
Diamonds are usually found in the northern mountains by underground races,
and then traded to the surface world.



An Emerald is a brilliant green beryl, cleaved along straight box like lines,
with rectangular cutting in the finished gem. Emeralds are often connected
with health, and so are used ornamentally for such a purpose.


King's Tears

King's Tears are very rare and found only in the Realms where they are
sometimes called frozen tears. Clear, teardrop-shaped, smooth surfaced, and
totally unbreakable so far by any means. These stones are said to be the
crystallized tears of long-dead necromancer kings. In each gem can be seen
that which the weeping king loved long ago. Their true nature is unknown but
suffice it to say that sages prize these gems above all others.


Rogue Stone

A small, shifting, rainbow coloured, irridecent gemstone. The fluid shades
of colour appear almost liquid under normal sunlight, it is truly a beautiful
sight to behold. Rogue stones are extremely rare and are used for the
gemjump spell, hence one of the most sought after gems in the Realms.


Golden Pantaloons

The Golden Pantaloons did surely see the very beginnings of our realm; though
I must press that they "saw" this formative time by their simple presence,
and not through some vestigial eyes that might have erupted through a rear
pocket perhaps concealing teeth and other improbable extremities. I am sure
that the various owners of the pantaloons can attest to the general lack of
animated digits or ocular sensors, as evidenced by the continued sanctity and
privacy maintained by their respective buttocks.

Lyric pantoums of an age long since out of print speak of "trousers that were
as metal, though soft about the shanks." While it might be easy to jump to
the seemingly inevitable conclusion that the trousers rose while Netheril
fell, it is doubtful that the pantaloons were the garments of which they
speak. One must clarify these oft-misquoted verses with knowledge of the
Pantechnicon, an ancient bazaar once prized for Silver Pantalets. Fine these
may have been, but golden they were not. Nickel Panties are also said to be
currently available, though the dockside establishments that claim to offer
these products are beyond my meager experience, and thus I can make no

The purpose of the Pantaloons is as mysterious as ever, and will likely
remain so until the Pantocrator himself returns, though some properties can
be divined though intimate observation. The "uplifting" properties of the
gusset very nearly defy gravity, shaping quite nicely both the front and
rear. This improved contour would likely increase self-esteem for a wearer of
either sex. I would hazard a guess, however, that this continuing self
delusion might actually hamper cognitive functions, and care should be taken
in the wearing of any pantaloons of golden nature.



This idol depicts Kozah the Stormstar, a long-extinct god who was venerated
and feared among the less-powerful strata of ancient Netherese society.
Worship of this god of storms, earthquakes, strife, and rebellion was
outlawed by many of the civilization's powerful archwizards. Many Kozahyn
shrines and temples were therefore built in secretive, underground locations
where the devout were better able to escape detection.


Melicamp the Chicken

Chickens are flightless, domesticated birds valued not only for their tender
meat but also for their eggs, a daily morning delicacy in many farms and
cities throughout the Sword Coast region.



This appears to be the skull of another human being.


Lock of Nymph's Hair

While nymph's hair has no magical properties of its own, it is an important
component in a variety of charisma-related spells and items, not the least of
which is the fabled Nymph's Cloak.


Wyvern Head

The severed head of a wyvern is both a fearsome and a reassuring sight.
Gruesome as its fanged maw and blazing eyes may be, there is consolation in
the knowledge that they can be conquered by mere and lowly mortals.


Bowl of Water Elemental Control

This magical bowl holds great power in that it grants the owner a certain
degree of control over magical creatures known as water elementals. As is the
case with all elemental forces, this control can be turned towards either
good or evil, law or chaos. One would therefore be well advised to use
discretion when dealing with any such creatures.


Child's Body

This is the body of a child.


Duke Eltan's Body

Duke Eltan is extremely weak and lies here unconcious.


Broken Weapon

The iron crisis sweeping across the Sword Coast region seemingly knows no
mercy. This once fine weapon now lies in a jumbled heap of metal shards
before you.


Broken Shield

The iron crisis sweeping across the Sword Coast region seemingly knows no
mercy. This once fine shield now lies in a mangled heap of wood and metal
before you.


Broken Armor

This suit of armor, once a prized possession, is no longer fit for even a
skeleton. It has been pierced in several places and crushed in others. The
wearer could not have survived the blows that caused such damage.


Broken Miscellaneous

Whatever this once was, it is now mangled beyond recognition.


Spider's Body

These gigantic spiders are even more disgusting dead than alive. Their
bulbuous, crystalline eyes stare vacantly in your direction and, every now
and then, one of their eight chitinous legs twitches spasmodically.


Bottle of Wine

The label on this wine bottle reads "Marsember Blush - Fine Vintage" and
claims to be a fruity blend of spices and dew-flower fragrances. The vinyards
of Marsember are well known for their firm grapes which draw their flavor
from the fragrant salt air of the Sea of Fallen Stars.


Dead Cat

This unfortunate cat appears to have ventured too close to the tumultuous
waterfall in which you found it. Its wet and battered form is devoid of all
signs of life.


Chew Toy

Rufie's chew toy consists of moist and ragged scraps of flesh hanging from a
mangled bone of undiscernable origin. You think you can detect a few metal
fragments amidst the gore but it is hard to be sure.



While the physics behind a telescope have been well-known for some time, the
glass-grinding skills required to actually construct one are still quite
specialized. The lenses of this telescope are finely made, however, and its
collapsible tubing has obviously been wrought by someone well-versed in the
delicate art of jewel-setting and metalwork.


Brage's Body


Farmer Brun's son (DEAD)


Brun's Dead Son


Abela the Nymph


Helshara's Artifact Fragment

This item is a spell component required to create a Halruaan Skyship.


Delorna's Statue

This item is a spell component required to create a Halruaan Skyship.


Delorna's Spellbook

This item is a spell component required to create a Halruaan Skyship.


The Claw of Kazgaroth

Little is known about this item, other than that the claw itself was taken
from the corpse of the great beast Kazgaroth. It has multiple enchantments
that all become activated when the claw is worn as a ring. The image of the
wearer become blurred and more difficult to hit with weapons or target with
spells. It has one drawback however, as it seems to fuel its power with the
blood of its wearer. Because of this, the wearer of the claw will often be
more sickly and therefore more susceptible to poisons.


Armor Class: +1 bonus
Missile Armor Class bonus: +4 bonus
Save vs Death: -4 penalty
Save vs Wands: +3 bonus
Save vs Polymorph: +3 bonus
Save vs Breath: +3 bonus
Save vs Spells: +3 bonus
Constitution modifier: -2 penalty


The Horn of Kazgaroth

This horn is thought to be made from one of the tusks of the great beast
Kazgaroth. Who imbued it with enchantments is unknown, but it is a very
potent item. When blown upon, no sound issues from the horn. Instead the
user of the horn is incased in a globe of power for a short duration. The
bubble gives the user partial magic resistance and a saving throw bonus, as
well as partially deflecting incoming missile attacks. The effect only lasts
18 seconds, and the horn draws from the life force of the user everytime it
is used.


Immunity to first and second level spells
Save vs Death: +2
Save vs Wands: +2
Save vs Polymorph: +2
Save vs Breath: +2
Save vs Spells: +2
Armor Class bonus vs missile attacks: +5
Damage done to user: unknown
Not Usable By:
Cleric (any combination of cleric or druid cannot use this item)


The Candle


Dagger of Venom

The dagger of venom is a potent blade favored by assassins all across the
Realms. This particular dagger of venom was created for use by the Shadow
Thieves of Amn. Everytime it hits an opponent it secretes a venom into the
blood stream of the creature. The venom works quickly and efficiently.


Damage: 1D4 + 2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Poison Damage: 6 points per round
Up to a total of 15 damage
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


The Dream Potion

Very few of these potions were ever manufactured, and the methods by which
they were has been lost. Created during the times of Netheril for the upper
echelons of the churches, these potions would strip one of fortitude for an
increase in priestly abilities.


Constitution: -2
Wisdom: +1
Duration: Permanent
Only usable by:
Clerics and Cleric Sub-Classes


Skull of Kereph



This is an invitation to the Inauguration of the newest Grand Duke of
Baldur's Gate. It will be held at the Duchal Palace. Present this
invitation to the guard at the gate and you will be allowed entrance.

(This looks to be an important note, one that you should hold on to.)


Female Body

This is a dead body.


Male Body

This is a dead body.


Ancient Armor

This rusted set of armor must be centuries old. From what you make of it, it
must have once been a magnificent set of plate armor.


Key to River Plug

This key is a magical instrument used to bypass the arcane glyphs that seal
the river plug on the first level of the mines.



Boo is a fuzzy little hamster. While Minsc believes that Boo is a miniature
giant space hamster, you are rather certain that the tiny rodent is just a
normal hamster.


Mulahey's Holy Symbol.

Mulahey's Holy Symbol. The symbol is a representation of the god Cyric.


Bandit Scalp

This is the scalp of a bandit. Perhaps worth money to the right person.


Contaminated Iron

This iron looks to be coated in some sort of toxic substance. Though just
speculation, you wonder if this could be what's been contaminating the iron
of the region.


Rabbit's Foot

This is Alora's lucky rabbit's foot.


Edwin's Amulet

This is Edwin's birthright, inlaid with his family stone.


Chelak's Body

This is the body of Chelak


Plate Mail Armor (looks like a Girdle, equips as armor)

This cursed spear will appear as a magical spear, however when a combat
situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and backbiter will attack
the wielder. For every attack made, backbiter will attack the foe and also
the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in
the end. The only way that backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 3 (piercing) damage inflicted upon the wielder upon every
successful hit
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Symbol of Sehanine Moonbow

This magical symbol of the elven goddess, Sehanine Moonbow was given to those
elves of the Hand of the Seldarine who explored various nearby areas. The
wearer has the limited ability to cast divine magic, traps, and discern the
alignment of anyone or anything in the area.


5 charges of Find Traps
5 charges of Know Alignment

Not Usable By:


Staff of Moradin's Breath

This staff was used sparingly by priests of Moradin during their darkest
hours. Enchanted by several high priests, the Staff of Moradin's Breath has
resurrected some of the greatest dwarven heroes of Dorn's Deep. It was last
used to resurrect Creed Dorn, killed by elven archers and mages during a
battle near Kuldahar Pass. The staff was hidden in Lower Dorn's Deep to
prevent it from being stolen by orcs when they finally overran the dwarven


Damage: 1D6+2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
Special: Can cast Resurrect
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staves
Type: 2-handed
Only Usable By:


Mordenkainen's Sword (the only spell effect that I've listed)


Mystery of the Dead

This front of this huge steel shield is decorated with black enameled
patterns and a single skull set in the center. The interior of the shield is
etched with encrypted ancient writings. The only legible words are at the
top, and read, "AND WHAT OF THE DEAD?" The history of the item is completely
hidden from divination.


Armor Class Bonus: 4
+1 vs. Missile Weapons
Special: Bearer is immune to Finger of Death and Power Word: Kill
Weight: 20
Only Usable By:
Not Usable By:


Staff of Nature's Wrath

A particularly militant group of Silvanite druids created this iron-shod
staff to mete out nature's punishment on those who defile forests and show
disrespect towards druidic orders. Silvanites typically used the staff on
priests of Malar and the other Gods of Fury.


Damage: 1D6 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Special: Can cast Entangle or Flame Strike
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staves
Type: 2-handed
Only Usable By:


Note to Kerish


Kreg Frostbeard is dead, no thanks to you, and I now hold his badge of
office. I, Joril Frostbeard, am now numbered among the six chosen of the
master! Once my plans have come to bear fruit I will have access to the
master himself. You would do well to remember that from this day forward,

Also know that your lack of aid has not gone unnoticed. Only your silence in
not reporting this to the master has kept you alive. When the time is right
*I* will tell the master that I have taken my father's throne. Until then
you will remain silent or you will die. Those walls you hide behind will not
save you from my wrath. Betray me and I will crumble them about you and crush
the life from you!



Note to Krilag

Chief Krilag

As you know by now, your master and creator is gone. Malavon, Saablic's
associate, will now be handling all magical affairs in the dome north of the
Artisan's District. You are the strongest of your kind, and thus it is to
you that I extend Saablic's badge of lieutenancy. Use it as a symbol of the
authority that I have loaned to you. If ever you and the others need to have
audience with me, you must bring your badge with you. Think of it as a
key -- one of six keys to a lock. Do not lose it.

I am placing you and the other orogs in charge of defending the upper reaches
of Dorn's Deep. It is your new home. Do with it what you wish, but always
submit to my will and to the will of Ilmater. Your nearest peer is Kreg
Frostbeard in Wyrm's Tooth. If you are in need of assistance, call upon him
and his kin for aid. Defend the stronghold with your lives, for if you
survive in failure, your suffering will be monumental.

If you have trouble understanding any portion of this letter, have Adinirahc
or one of the other drow mercenaries explain it to you.

In the Blood of Our Father,


Nym's Dagger

Nym had this dagger made with nineteen others just like it when he brought a
bundle of unicorn horns, or alicorns, to a powerful dark elf enchanter in
Menzoberranzan. The dark blue blade has no hilt, but the pommel is a large,
silver skull. Dyed black illithid skin is wrapped around the handle, and
small sapphires are set into the skull's eyes.


Damage: 1D4+2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Nym's Rhino Beetle Shield

This shield was crafted from the tough exoskeleton of a giant rhinoceros
beetle. Naturally tough, it has been cured and reinforced by skilled duergar
craftsmen. It looks and functions like a tower shield crafted from wood and
metal, though it weighs much less. Dark elven sorcerers have also added
enchantments to this particular shield, making it exceptionally resistant to
blows and fire.


Armor Class Bonus: 3
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Resistance Bonus: +15% Fire Resistance
Weight: 5
Not Usable By:


Orrick's Rhino Beetle Shield

This shield was crafted from the tough exoskeleton of a giant rhinoceros
beetle. Naturally tough, it has been cured and reinforced by skilled duergar
craftsmen. It looks and functions like a tower shield crafted from wood and
metal, though it weighs much less. Orrick, a wizard from Kuldahar, enchanted
this shield to withstand an incredible assault.


Armor Class Bonus: 4
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 5
Not Usable By:



A tough bartender in Westgate named Righteous Tad commissioned the creation
of this weapon to deal with his rowdier patrons. Tad would normally pound
the club against the bar if things got out of hand, but he frequently had to
join the brawl to restore "order." He is said to have clubbed so many
thieves over the head with the stick that no major criminal in Westgate could
honestly claim they had never felt Peacekeeper's sting. One such criminal, a
thug named Hellpin, took offense at the beating he received. Hellpin trained
his dogs on Righteous Tad one foggy night. Tad managed to kill more than
half of the canines before he was overborne and done in. Hellpin kept the
club as a trophy in his hangout as a warning to those who might cross him.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Clubs
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Peasant's Reward

While serving Lord Geldon Adari at the Battle of Hollow Hills, an untrained
peasant soldier named Kallin fought bravely to overtake and capture an
important enemy wizard at extremely high risk to his personal safety. As a
reward for such incredible, selfless daring on Kallin's part, Lord Adari had
an ally enchant a magical halberd for Kallin. The soldier also received a
small plot of land, which he oversaw as yeoman for the rest of his days.
When Kallin turned sixty, he passed the magical weapon to his young nephew,


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Halberd
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


The Dire Old Lute of Pellon Kay

Pellon Kay would never appear in history books for his musical talents. If
it wasn't for his famous lute, no one would have remembered him at all. Born
in Sembia and raised in a musical family, Pellon Kay never took his
performances seriously. Kay made dozens of enemies everywhere he went
because of his acidic wit and appetite for confrontation. Sages believe that
Milil frowned upon Pellon's antics, but that Talos found Pellon's attitude to
be quite amusing. The avatar of Talos watched Pellon start a fight with over
twenty men in a bar one night. As a gift for such destructive entertainment,
Talos touched the lute that was laying next to Pellon's unconscious body.
After that night, Pellon discovered that he could make men go berserk just by
playing his lute in their direction. He took great delight in setting
mercenaries and sailors against each other for several weeks. Eventually,
Pellon Kay was laid low by a grim-featured warrior with a crossbow who didn't
let Pellon get close enough to employ his magical lute. The unknown warrior
threw the lute into the Sea of Fallen Stars.


When played at a target, this lute casts Dire Charm.

Only Usable By:


Brother Perdiem's Badge

This black steel plate bears a silver engraving of Brother Perdiem's sigil,
the dove.


Philter of Purification

This elven concoction will purify the drinker of any diseases spreading
through his body.


Cures Disease


Piece of Broken Machinery

This seems to be a broken piece of some elaborate machine.


Weight: 25


Piece of Broken Machinery

This seems to be a broken piece of some elaborate machine.


Weight: 25


Piece of Broken Machinery

This seems to be a broken piece of some elaborate machine.


Weight: 25


Piece of Broken Machinery

This seems to be a broken piece of some elaborate machine.


Weight: 25


Plate Mail Armor

Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the
vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to
bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises of chain and leather.


Armor Class: 3
Weight: 50
Not Usable By:


Plate Mail +1

Plate mail is a combination of chain armor with metal plates covering the
vital areas such as the chest, abdomen and groin. Similar in construction to
bronze plate mail, true plate mail comprises of chain and leather. In
addition, this suit of plate mail is enchanted and gives additional bonuses
to the wearer's armor class.


Armor Class: 2
Weight: 20
Not Usable By:


Mithril Field Plate Armor +2

Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance and
protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to
deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich
engraving and embossed detail.


Armor Class: 0
Weight: 70
Not Usable By:


Full Plate Mail +1

Full plate armor is the best armor a warrior can buy, both in appearance and
protection. The perfectly fitted interlocking plates are specially angled to
deflect arrows and blows, and the entire suit is carefully adorned with rich
engraving and embossed detail. With its magical enchantments, this suit of
full plate is ideal for warriors.


Armor Class: 0
Weight: 35
Not Usable By:


Ankheg Plate Mail

This plate mail has been expertly crafted for you by Taerom Fuiruim of
Beregost. Sheathed in the chitinous scales of the ankheg, it provides a
greater degree of protection than traditional plate mail and is not
succeptible to rust. As any world-weary adventurer will tell you, however,
the best appreciated aspect of ankheg mail is its light weight and low
encumbrance. Monsters come and go but fatigue is a constant enemy.


Armor Class: 1
Weight: 25
Not Usable By:


Oil of Null Effect

This potion is the result of derro savants meddling in magical unguents.
When it is smeared over the body of a living creature, it will nullify all
magical effects, including all curses, contingencies, and geas spells.


Vial of Mysterious Liquid

This small, green vial contains a small quantity of an unidentifiable liquid.
The thick and syrupy fluid seems to be somewhat congealed, yet is both
colorless and odorless.


Puny's Poker

Puny was the smallest goblin of one of the most pathetic goblin tribes know
to ever exist.

Although short, he made up for his lack of height in his cleverness. During
a goblin raid of a merchant caravan, he found a magic spear within one of the
wagons. He took the spear and made some modifications that would inflict
deeper wounds upon striking its target.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: Spear
Not Usable By:


Portrait of Marketh

This is a rolled up portrait of Marketh done in charcoal. His pose is that
of an elegant statesman.


Sack of Potatoes

This sack of potatoes was taken from the palace in Dorn's Deep. The potatoes
have a few eyes sprouting from them, but otherwise look edible.


Potion of Fire Resistance

This potion bestows upon the person drinking it magical resistance to all
forms of fire. All damage that is applied from any fiery effect is reduced
by an extra 50%. This is on top of any other resistance the person might
have. The effect lasts for 10 turns, or until dispelled.


Potion of Hill Giant Strength

This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion is
consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and damage
while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for 10 turns.


Strength: 19 (Hill Giant Strength)


Potion of Frost Giant Strength

This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion is
consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and damage
while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for 10 turns.


Strength: 21 (Frost Giant Strength)


Potion of Fire Giant Strength

This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion is
consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and damage
while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for 10 turns.


Strength: 22 (Fire Giant Strength)


Potion of Cloud Giant Strength

This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion is
consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and damage
while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for 10 turns.


Strength: 23 (Cloud Giant Strength)


Potion of Storm Giant Strength

This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion is
consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and damage
while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for 10 turns.


Strength: 24 (Storm Giant Strength)


Potion of Healing

When wholly consumed, this potion restores 9 hit points to the person. The
effect is instantaneous and the potion is destroyed in the process.


Potion of Heroism

This potion is imbued with a powerful enchantment, which will simulate a
temporary increase in level. The effect lasts for 10 turns which makes this
potion a powerful ally in a deadly combat. This potion may only be used by


Hit Points: +10% (base only)
THAC0: Set to 90% of current base
Duration: 10 turns
Only usable by:
Warriors and warrior subclasses (multi and dual also)


Potion of Invisibility

This potion confers invisibility similar to the second level wizard spell of
the same name. Actions involving combat cause termination of the invisible
state. Barring combat, the effects will last for 12 hours.


Potion of Invulnerability

This potion confers very high resistance to all attacks, while giving bonuses
to all saving throws. The effects of the elixir last for 5 turns but can
only be used by warriors.


Armor Class: set to 0
Saving Throws: +5 bonus


Potion of Stone Giant Strength

This potion can be used only by warriors. When a giant strength potion is
consumed, the individual gains great strength and bonuses to hit and damage
while using any hand-held or thrown weapon. The effect lasts for 10 turns.


Strength: 20 (Stone Giant Strength)


Oil of Fiery Burning

Once exposed to air, this oil will immediately burst into flame, inflicting
5D6 points of damage (save vs. breath for half) to all within the immediate
area around the potion. It can be hurled up to around 40', at which point it
hits the ground and immediately explodes into a ball of fire.


Oil of Speed

This oil increases the movement and combat capabilities of the imbiber by
100%. Thus, a movement rate of 9, becomes 18, and a character normally able
to attack once in a round attacks twice. This does not reduce spellcasting
time however. The duration of the effect is 5 turns.


Red Potion

Close examination reveals this liquid to be very peculiar in nature. It could
be a sorcerors dream, but that would depend entirely on who you asked. After
ingesting the mixture, the drinker becomes the weakest, most unwise, yet
incredibly intelligent person to have ever lived, with an innate 50% magic
resistance as well. The effects remain for an entire 24 hours, so think
carefully before unplugging the cork.


Intelligence: set to 25
Wisdom: set to 3
Strength: set to 3
Special: +50% resistance to all magical damage
Duration: 24 hours


Violet Potion

This is one of the oddest potions you have ever examined. Once drank, this
mixture causes one's muscles to immediately bulge to completely inhuman
proportions, titan like actually, while dexterity and constitution are both
reduced essentially to that of a slug. The effect lasts for a full 24 hours,
so think carefully before quaffing this suspect drink.


Strength: set to 25
Dexterity: set to 3
Constitution: set to 3
Duration: 24 hours


Elixir of Health

The Elixir of Health is a powerful healing mixture designed to cleanse the
body of all impurities. First it cures all poisons, then once the system has
been purged, the imbibed is cured by 10 hit points to speed the recovery


Potion of Absorbtion

This potion, as would be expected, will absorb external attacks once it has
been consumed. All blunt attacks made against the imbiber are cushioned, so
that only the strongest get through. Also there is 100% immunity to all
electrical based attacks for the duration of the effect, which in this case
is 10 turns.


Armor Class: +10 bonus to crushing attacks
Electrical Resistance: 100% immunity
Duration: 10 turns


Potion of Agility

This potion will raise the dexterity of the imbiber to 18, effecting armor
class and missle attack adjustment for the duration of the effect, in this
case 15 turns.



As the name implies, this potion will neutralize any poison of which the
imbiber is currently suffering the effects. The cleansing is instant and the
potion may only be used once.


Potion of Clarity

This potion will maintain clarity and order from encroaching chaos and
insanity. After drinking this potion, the embiber feels an overwhelming
feeling of calm and purpose, such that he will be unaffected by threatening
influences such as feeblemind, confusion and charm. This feeling will last
for the duration of the enchantment or until dispelled.


Special: Prevents feeblemind, confusion, fear, and charm
Duration: 5 turns


Potion of Cold Resistance

This potion will confer to the imbiber a 50% resistance to all cold based
attacks for the duration of the enchantment, in this case 10 turns.


Oil of Speed (cursed)

This oddly murky oil would appear increase the movement and combat
capabilities of the imbiber by 100%. Thus, a movement rate of 9, becomes 18,
and a character normally able to attack once in a round attacks twice. This
does not reduce spellcasting time however. The duration of the effect is 5


Potion of Defense

This potion is similar to the potion of invulnerability in that it improves
the armor class of the imbiber. The effect lasts for 10 turns.


Armor Class: set to 0
Duration: 10 turns


Potion of Healing (cursed)

When wholly consumed, this oddly murky potion appears to restore 9 hit points
to the person. The effect is instantaneous and the potion is destroyed in
the process.


Potion of Explosions

This potion is a vial of pain as it will explode into a burning ball of fire
upon impact. Keep it in a safe place lest ye meet an untimely end.


Damage: 6D6 (save vs. spell for half)
Area: 40 ft radius


Potion of Firebreath

By drinking the potion of firebreath, it magically transforms the throat so
that it is capable of a giant breath of fire spewing forth in an arc. The
effect does 6D10 damage to the target with a save vs. breath weapon for half.


Potion of Fortitude

Once consumed, this potion will cause a surge of energy to travel through the
body raising the drinkers constitution to 18. This provides all the bonuses
of having a high consitution such as hit points for the duration of the
effect, which is 15 turns.


Potion of Genius

Very much as the name implies, this potion will increase the intelligence of
the imbiber by 4 points up to a maximum of 25. The effect will last the full
duration which is 15 turns, or until dispelled.


Potion of Infravision

This potion will grant the person drinking it the ability to see in the
infrared spectrum up to 120 ft, namely infravision. The effect will last for
20 turns or until dispelled.


Potion of Insulation

This potion will embue the person drinking it with 50% resistance to
electrical damage. The effect will last for 10 turns or until dispelled.


Antidote (cursed)

As the name implies, this potion appears to neutralize any poison of which
the imbiber is currently suffering the effects. The cleansing is instant and
the potion may only be used once. Although the color seems strange somehow.


Potion of Magic Blocking

This powerful elixir imbues the drinker with immunity to all spells up to and
including 5th level. At the same time all spell effects of 5th level and
lower are removed from the embiber. The effect will only last for 5 rounds
however, so careful timing is necessary.


Potion of Magic Shielding

This potion will leave the drinker with 50% resistance to all magic, which
can be a blessing or a curse. The effect will last for 10 turns or until


Potion of Magic Shielding

This powerful elixir embues the drinker with 50% resistance to all forms of
magical damage. The effect lasts for 3 turns, making this potion slightly
more battle specific.


Damage: +50% resistance to all forms of magical non-physical damage
Special: All saving throws are made automatically
Duration: 3 turns


Potion of Master Thievery

This potion will temporarily transform the drinker into a master thief. The
skills that are effected are picking locks and picking pockets, which are
increased signifigantly. The effect will last for 3 hours, however only
thieves and bards may use this potion.


Lock Picking: +40% bonus
Pick Pockets: +40% bonus
Duration: 3 hours


Potion of Mind Focusing

This potion will imbue the drinker with the ability to focus the mind
unerringly towards any task that needs to be performed.


Intelligence: +3 bonus
Dexterity: +3 bonus
Duration: 12 hours


Potion of Mirrored Eyes

This potion will protect the drinker from all forms of petrification
including gaze attacks. The effect will last for 10 rounds or until


Potion of Perception

This potion heightens the sensory perception of the drinker, which allows
delicate tasks to be performed better. The effect is to make certain
thieving skills more likely to succeed.


Find/Remove traps: +20% bonus
Pick pockets: +20% bonus
Pick locks: +20% bonus
Hide in shadows: +20% bonus
Duration: 6 hours
Only Usable By:
Thief(Single, Multi, Dual)


Potion of Invulnerability

This potion confers very high resistance to all attacks, while giving bonuses
to all saving throws. The effects of the elixir last for 5 turns but can
only be used by warriors.


Armor Class: set to 0
Saving Throws: +5 bonus


Potion of Power

This powerful elixir is similar to the potion of heroism in that it
effectively raises the embibers level and it can be used by all character
classes. This affects hit points, THACO and thieving abilities although it
does not raise the backstab multiplier. This effect is applied to the base,
before any attribute modifiers are added.


THAC0: Set to 80% of current base
Hit Points: +20% temporary (base only)
Hide in shadows: +20% (base only)
Pick pockets: +20% (base only)
Pick locks: +20% (base only)
Find/Remove traps: +20% (base only)
Duration: 4 turns
Not usable by:


Potion of Regeneration

This is a powerful elixir that imbues the drinker with the regeneration
ability similar to that of a troll, wounds literally closing over and healing
as you watch. The effect, which lasts for 3 turns, is to regenerate 2 hit
points per round.


Potion of Insight

It will be as if a higher being had stepped into the drinkers head, filling
it with intuitive thoughts and amazing insights. The effect is to raise the
wisdom of the person to 18 for approximately 6 hours or until dispelled.


Potion of Strength

This potion will give the drinker a surge of energy such that the muscles
will seem to ripple and bulge, coursing with magical energy. The effect is
to raise the strength of the imbiber to 18 for approximately 20 turns, or
until dispelled.


Potion of Freedom

This potion acts like the spell free action when consumed. The drinker
becomes completely immune to any effects which hinder action or movement
whether it is magical in origin or not. The duration of the potion is 10


Potion of Stone Form

Drinking this potion is much like the transformation one would go through if
she were turned to stone. Skin color, stiffness, even the feeling that is
received from the body, stone.


Armor Class: set to 0
Saving Throws: +3 bonus
Dexterity: -3 penalty
Duration: 5 turns


Marek's Potion of Antidote

Marek's potion looks to have 10 uses. More powerful than a normal potion of
antidote, this potion would neutralize even the most lethal of poisons.


Vial of Mysterious Liquid

This potion contains a strange green substance similar to residue you have
seen in some of the mining carts. The liquid inside appears to very slightly
discolor iron that it comes in contact with, and is likely related to the
mysterious "plague" that renders smelted weapons and tools brittle. The
Kobolds you killed must have tainted all the ore leaving the mine, though it
is unlikely they would have concocted this plan themselves.


Potion of Clear Purpose

Very few of these potions were ever manufactured, and the methods by which
they were has been lost. Created during the times of Netheril for the upper
echelons of the churches, these potions would strip one of fortitude for an
increase in priestly abilities.


Constitution: -2
Wisdom: +1
Duration: Permanent
Only usable by:
Clerics and Cleric Sub-Classes


Marek's Potion of Antidote

Marek's potion looks to have 10 uses. More powerful than a normal potion of
antidote, this potion would neutralize even the most lethal of poisons.


Presio's Dagger

Presio's dagger was obviously only for ceremonial functions, as her unholy
vows prohibited her from using edged weapons in combat. She received this
weapon as a gift upon attaining the rank of Most Debilitating Holiness. The
blade has been enchanted to make it especially sharp and venomous.


Damage: 1D4 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Special: Target is poisoned when struck (Save vs. Death none)
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Necromancer's Robe

This robe's plain nature hides the power that the item imparts to its wearer.
The Necromancer's Robe was previously owned by a wizard from Luskan who was a
member of the Host Tower of the Arcane. He created the item to protect him
as he went in search of exotic items for his research. Its power did not
save him when he got into an argument with a high-ranking member of the
Plague Rats, an organization of vile thieves and assassins in service of
Talona. Presio bought the robe from the murderer several years later.


Armor Class: 8
Magic Resistance: 3%
Saving Throw: +3 bonus vs. paralyze/poison/death magic
Weight: 6
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Potion of Power, Wizard (these tend to crash the game!)


Potion of Power, Priest


Potion of Power, Rogue


Potion of Power, Warrior


Potion of Power


Presio's War Journal

A list of scribbled notes...

* Marketh - Leader of an unconfirmed slave force. Formerly a thief and
assassin occasionally working for various mercenary companies.
* Malavon (Many Eyes?) - Sorceror of great power. Usurper. Drow?
* Shikata - Beast from the elemental plane of fire. Relationship unknown.
* Arundel - Spiritual "leader" of Kuldahar. Archdruid. To be removed before
he seeks aid.
* Hrothgar - Effective leader of Easthaven. Could be trouble. Suspect Old
Enemy may remove him.
* Everard - Priest of Tempus in Easthaven. Hard to read. May need to
remove. Could incite barbarians and locals to fight.
* Frost Giants - Relationship unknown. Believed to be making deal with Old
* Maiden Ilmadia - Elven warrior (virgin?) Strange. Seen skulking by the
Severed Hand.
* Orrick - Mage from Kuldahar. Secretive. Probably no threat.
* Brother Poquelin - Traveling priest of Ilmater. Strange icons on clothes.
Relationship unknown.

Roster: 1 score lizardmen, 1 score trolls. 3 score cold wights, 5 undead
lieutenants, 5 histachii, et al.


Container of Razorvine Extract

This container is almost completely pitch black, with a slight translucency
that reveals what appears to be an equally dark liquid contained inside. An
inscription, barely readable from wear to the bottle reads "Container of
Razorvine Extract / Property of Mourns-for-Trees".


The Snow Maiden's Reaver

The only material parts of this icy weapon are the hilt, grip, and pommel,
wrought from shining silver and steel. It was created in 1099 DR by the
chosen of Auril, Ihanora the Merciful. Ihanora roamed the north, leading
ruthless attacks against all those who attempted to find solace from the cold
or fight its effects. She traveled with a motley crew of yetis, polar worms,
frost giants, and a white dragon, freezing everything in her wake. Ihanora
was defeated in 1108 DR by the notorious Red Mask Brigade, headed by the
ruthless killer known as Bitter Harley.


Damage: 2D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Special: 2% chance of turning the target to solid ice
Damage Type: Cold
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Great Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer: 'Redemption'

This war hammer was enchanted by the church of Torm to return charmed wayward
combatants to their standard allegiance. High priests of Torm typically held
the hammer in battle, keeping an eye out for anyone who might be swayed to
attack his or her comrades through magic. Redemption was lost when the last
high priest to hold the weapon, Ardo Meller, was killed in the Battle of
Black Lawns, 1230 DR. It is believed that agents of the draconic god
Tchazzar dragged the weapon from the scene.


Damage: 1D4 +5
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Crushing
Special: Dispels Charm and Dire Charm effects on creatures hit
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Reznath's Journal

I knew not of fear until today. It was not taught in my youth, nor acquired
through my years. Yet, somehow, it has suddenly arrived at my door, ready to
consume all that which I have valued, and all that I have loved. The humans,
the elves... only they capable of such character, only they able to bend when
those around them needed them the most, only they. I cannot face my people
now, for I am a changed man, and I will not return to accept that of which I
am undeserving. Please forgive me.



A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Ring of Fire Resistance

This magical ring grants the wearer partial immunity to damage by fire.


Fire Resistance: +40%
Not usable by:


Ring of Animal Friendship: 'Druid's Ring'

A druid order in Cormanthor is said to cautiously guard the secret to the
construction of these rings, which have never been seen in the possession of
anyone outside their immediate membership. How this particular ring escaped
the protection of their forest is unknown, but there are rumors that an
outcast could have brought it into exile with him.


Special: Charm animal unless save vs. wands
Range: 40 ft
Area: 1 animal
Duration: 10 turns


Ring of Clumsiness: 'The Jester's Folly'

The most notorious owner of this ring made a substantial living exploiting
its cursed nature. Gregoria the Foole, a jester by trade, would use his
incomparable sleight of hand to switch this ring with that of a patsy taken
from his audience. The rest of his performance would involve the mocking of
the newly clumsy individual, much to the delight of their comrades. The ring
was removed (by a method known only to the wily Jester) only once the stooge
had promised no reprisals for the treatment he had received; though Gregoria
frequently still had to make a hasty retreat. His last known performance was
rumored to have been an ill-humored mage in Zhentil Keep; a show from which
he did not flee quite fast enough.


Dexterity: reduced by 50%
Stealth: reduced by 50%
Spells: 75% casting failure
Special: can only be removed by a 'remove curse' spell


Ring of Invisibility: 'Sandthief's Ring'

Held by a master thief for the better part of a generation, this ring was put
to bold use in the markets of Waterdeep. Working a crowd in broad daylight,
the rogue would steal countless numbers of purses from nobles, replacing them
with bags of sand so the theft would go unnoticed. His identity was never
known, but the name "Sandthief" was cursed loudly in its stead. It is rumored
he retired, and now lives among the nobles he used to rob.


Special: Wearer becomes invisible until an attack is made, then the ring must
be removed and put on to become invisible again.
Not usable by:


Ring of Protection +1

This magical ring provides the wearer with additional protection.


Armor Class: +1 bonus
Saving Throws: +1 bonus
Not usable by:


Ring of Protection +2

This magical ring provides the wearer with additional protection.


Armor Class: +2 bonus
Saving Throws: +2 bonus
Not usable by:


Ring of Wizardry: 'Evermemory'

Long ago, a grand wizard from Amn was rumored to have defied Mystra's
limitations on the magical arts. Legends spoke of this wizard being able to
cast spells without the limitation of memorization. In the end it was found
that his powers stemmed from the several magical rings that he had made for
himself. His proclaimed "everlasting memory" was a hoax, though his rings
continue to be one of the most sought after items in the Realms.


Spells: Doubles the amount of 1st level spells a mage can memorize
Only usable by:


Ring of Free Action: 'Edventar's Gift'

This ring was given to the reef scavenger and hunter known only as Edventar,
by a group of aquatic elves long his friends. His help in routing the
"Pirate Queen" of Dambrath was instrumental in their survival, though
Yenandra continues to be feared anywhere the water meets land.


Special: The wearer is immune to everything, magical and otherwise, that
effects mobility in any way, although can still be hasted. Be
aware, however, this will also protect the wearer from beneficial
effects such as those received from the boots of speed.


Gold Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Silver Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Onyx Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Jade Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Greenstone Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Bloodstone Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Angel Skin Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Flamedance Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Fire Opal Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Ruby Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Ring of Energy: 'The Victor'

Crafted by Drow mages of the Underdark, this weapon was used in an arranged
battle between two rival houses. Each combatant was allowed to use a single
magic item to aid his efforts. This ring was the weapon used by the victor
of the contest, though he never laid hands on it. It was worn by his sibling
and fired from the crowd, striking his opponent squarely in the back.
Everyone witnessing agreed it was a brilliant interpretation of the rules.


Damage: 2D6 (no save)
Range: 120 ft
Area: 1 creature


Ring of Infravision: 'Topsider's Crutch'

Merchants that dare the risks of trading with the Drow of the Great Rift are
often given these items to aid in their movements underground.


Special: The wearer gains the ability of infravision up to 120 ft


Ring of Holiness: 'Honorary Ring of Sune'

Rings of this type were given to faithful priests of Sune who demonstrated
actions of astounding integrity and kindness.


Spells: Grants an extra spell of each level from 1st to 4th
Only usable by:


Ring of Folly: 'Discipliner'

Oft the bane of the careless mage, this ring was actually used to promote
humility. Hergat Norin, a grand wizard of Narfell, would give the
Discipliner to his most skilled, and most egotistical, students. Through
their blind arrogance they would mistake the ring as a reward for their
"obvious brilliance," and not the punishment of a disapproving teacher.


Intelligence: set to 3
Wisdom: set to 3
Special: infects the wearer with feeblemind
can only be removed with a 'remove curse' spell


Koveras' Ring of Protection

Ring of protection +1: This magical ring provides the wearer with additional


Armor Class: +1 bonus
Saving Throws: +1 bonus
Not usable by:


Copy of Marketh's Ring

This ring is almost identical to one that Marketh wears. It was constructed
by Norl, a hobbled gem cutter in Dorn's Deep.


The Elfbone Ring of Kiran-Hai

Upon cursory examination, this ring appears to be made of ivory. Study
reveals that the thick band is actually made of well-tooled elf bone. It
bears the repeating angular geometric patterns that the long-dead craftsmen
of Myth Lharast were known for. Considered plain by modern elven standards,
the ring was a gift to Kiran-Hai, Circle Singer of Angharradh and Ward
Mistress of the Arboreal Tombs in Myth Lahl. The name of its creator has
been lost. It is believed to have been stolen from the Arboreal Tombs some
time after Myth Lharast fell.


+2 to Save vs. Paralyze, Poison, and Death Magic
Immunity to Finger of Death and Death Spell
Not usable by:
Evil Characters


Ring of Fire Resistance

This magical ring grants the wearer partial immunity to damage by fire.


Fire Resistance: +40%
Not usable by:


Joia's Flamedance Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Joseph's Greenstone Ring

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession.


Kontik's Ring of Wizardry

Kontik, a powerful wizard in the service of Auril, claimed this ring from a
defeated enemy wizard, Nill the Infernal. An archmage who specialized in
fire magic, Nill created the ring over a period of five years. The powerful
item aided Nill in his far-ranging travels. Unfortunately for Nill, it did
not protect him from Kontik's powerful minions and spells. It is constructed
of an extremely unusual grayish-white metal called tungsten.


Doubles the amount of 1st level spells a mage can memorize
Doubles the amount of 2nd level spells a mage can memorize
Only usable by:
Mage (Single, Dual-, and Multi-)


Ring of Pain Amplification

This cursed ring fuses itself to the wearer's finger, only coming off if a
Remove Curse spell is used on the wearer. While it is in use, the wearer
suffers extra damage from all melee attacks. Lovitarians are known to create
these items and distribute them throughout the realms for their own


Resistance Penalties:
-20% Slashing Resistance
-20% Piercing Resistance
-20% Crushing Resistance


Robe of Agony

These heavy robes were a gift from Sister Calliana for saving the soul of the
Voice of Durdel Anatha. They were originally worn by a repentant evil
sorcerer who had destroyed a village for his own dark purposes. They are as
white as snow and appear soft and supple.


Armor Class: 5
Special: User is always under the effects of a Symbol of Pain, as though
being pierced by thorns at all times. +15 hit points while
Weight: 35
Only Usable By:
Good characters
Cleric (Single, Dual-, and Multi-)
Mage (Single, Dual-, and Multi-)


Robe of the Good Archmagi

This powerful Mage Robe offers protection from all forms of physical attack
while at the same time increasing one's magical resistance and saving throws.
Due to the nature of its enchantment, it can only be worn by mages of good


Armor Class: 5
Magic Resistance: 5%
Saving Throw: +1 bonus
Weight: 6
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)
Good-aligned characters


Acid Storm
Level: 7
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell unleashes an acidic downpour on the area of effect, doing 1-4 hit
points of damage each round for the first three rounds, 1-6 hit points for
the next three rounds, and 1-8 hit points for each round thereafter. Moving
out of the area of effect does not stop the damage - the acid adheres to the
skin, and any creatures in the area of effect when the Acid Storm is cast
continue to suffer damage as long as the spell duration lasts. Creatures make
a saving throw vs. spell every round after they have been hit by the
cloud - if successful, they only take half-damage (for that round only).


Antimagic Shell
Level: 6
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell surrounds the caster with an invisible barrier that moves with
him. This barrier makes the wizard immune to any magical attacks, but it
prevents the wizard from casting spells out of the shell.


Mind Blank (Abjuration)
Level: 8
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 Day
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
In the interests of one's self-control and privacy, Mind Blank shields a
creature's mind from almost any mental effect - Charm, Command, Domination,
Fear, Feeblemind, and any scrying by crystal balls or other divination


Beltyn's Burning Blood
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 rounds
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell turns a target's blood to flame, doing 3-12 hit points of damage
every round. The target gets to save vs. spell every round at -3; if
successful, the spell is cancelled. This spell does not work against undead
or extraplanar creatures that do not have blood (such as elementals). If the
creature is resistant to fire, this resistance will lower or nullify the
damage from this spell.


Conjure Earth Elemental
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to summon an elemental from the Elemental Plane
of Earth and bind it to his will. This elemental will fight on behalf of the
caster until the spell duration expires or the elemental is destroyed.


Conjure Fire Elemental
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to summon an elemental from the Elemental Plane
of Fire and bind it to his will. This elemental will fight on behalf of the
caster until the spell duration expires or the elemental is destroyed.


Chaos (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special
The effects of this spell are identical to the 4th level spell Confusion in
all respects. The victims wander around as if in a daze, sometimes wandering
away, sometimes attacking, either friend or foe. If the victim is 4th level
or lower, he does not receive a saving throw versus the effects. However if
the victim is 5th level or higher, he receives a save vs. spell at -4. The
spell lasts for the duration or until a successful dispel magic is cast.


Chain Lightning
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell releases a burst of electrical energy at a target; unlike the
Lightning Bolt spell, however, once the bolt strikes the initial target, the
electricity then jumps to the next nearest creature (friend or foe), losing a
small amount of energy with each additional strike until it is expended. The
bolt initially inflicts 1-6 hit points of electrical damage/level of the
caster, to a maximum of 12-72 points of damage. Each 'jump' the bolt makes
reduces the damage by 1-6. Each creature that is hit is allowed a saving
throw vs. spell for half damage.


Emotion: Courage
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 5 turns
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates the emotion of courage within the area of effect. All
creatures affected by the spell gain +1 to hit, +3 to their damage rolls, and
+5 temporary hit points (which can put them above their maximum hit points).
This spell nullifies all fear effects within the area of effect at the time
of casting.


Conjure Water Elemental
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to summon an elemental from the Elemental Plane
of Water and bind it to his will. This elemental will fight on behalf of the
caster until the spell duration expires or the elemental is destroyed.


Level: 2
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a staff of force in the caster's hand. It is treated as a
magical weapon, doing 1-6 hit points of damage per hit, and it can hit
creatures immune to normal weapons. It is a staff, however, so if the caster
does not have a proficiency in staff weapons, then the Decastave is used at a
penalty. The staff also has the power to drain a target of 1-2 hit points on
the first strike. These hit points are added to the caster's, but they can
only heal damage the caster has taken; they will not raise his hit points
beyond his normal maximum.


Death Fog
(Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 15 rounds
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius Fog
Saving Throw: None
This spell brings forth a billowing cloud of acidic fog. This fog does one
hit point of acid damage to creatures (living or dead) on the first round of
contact, two hit points on the second round, four on the third, and eight on
the fourth and succeeding rounds. Any creature caught in the area effect that
fails its saving throw moves at 1/2 speed until they exit the cloud.


Disintegrate (Alteration)
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
The spell makes a creature... vanish. When cast, a thin green ray shoots
forth from the caster to the target, who will be disintegrated unless they
make a saving throw vs. spell. This spell works on undead creatures.
Disintegrated characters cannot be resurrected - they are gone forever.


Demi-Shadow Monsters
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20-foot cube
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the 4th level wizard spell, Shadow Monsters, except
the summoned creatures are much more powerful, with 40% of the hit points of
their real-world counterpart.


Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 12 hours
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
The domination spell enables the caster to control the actions of any
creature while the spell is in effect. This control is maintained through a
telepathic link between the caster and the victim. Unlike the 4th level
priest spell mental domination, the target has no option for release, even if
made to do something against his morals, except of course a dispel magic.
The target gets a saving throw vs. spell at -2 in order to avoid the effect.


Death Spell
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell snuffs out the lives of creatures in the area of effect. The
weaker the creatures, the more are affected. For example, this spell could
kill 4-80 goblins within the area of effect, 2-40 lizard men, 2-8 ogres, or
1-4 trolls. This spell does not affect undead creatures. Characters slain by
a Death Spell cannot be resurrected - they are gone forever.


Emotion: Hope
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 5 turns
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates the emotion of hope within the area of effect. All
creatures affected by the spell gain a morale boost, and +2 on their saving
throws, attack rolls and damage rolls.


Emotion: Fear
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 5 rounds
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates the emotion of fear within the area of effect. All
creatures affected by the spell flee for 5 rounds.


Feeblemind (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg
This spell turns a target into a gibbering idiot,which lasts until a Dispel
Magic is cast upon him. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spells at
-2 to resist being stupefied. Feebleminded individuals cannot cast spells.
The priest spell Heal will remove Feeblemind from an afflicted character.


Finger of Death
Level: 7
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
The caster utters the finger of death incantation, points his index finger at
the creature to be slain, and unless the victim fails a saving throw vs.
spells, the victim dies instantly. Even if the save is successful, however,
the brush with death still inflicts 3-17 points of damage. Characters slain
by a Finger of Death cannot be resurrected - they are gone forever.


Flesh to Stone (Evocation)
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell turns a creature to stone. They are allowed a saving throw vs.
spell to avoid the effect. The effects of this spell may be reversed with
the 6th level wizard spell, Stone to Flesh. This spell works on undead


Globe of Invulnerability (Abjuration)
Level: 6
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the 4th level wizard spell, Minor Globe of
Invulnerability, except that it protects the caster from 4th level spells as


Hold Monster
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell holds 1-4 creatures of any type (except for undead creatures) in
place unless they make a save vs.spells. The effect is centered on a point
on the ground selected by the caster, and any other creatures within 5 feet
of the target has a chance to be affected as well.While paralyzed, the target
is helpless and cannot defend themselves from attacks.


Emotion: Hopelessness
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates the emotion of hopelessness within the area of effect. All
creatures affected by the spell just stand and do nothing for the duration of
the spell.


Icelance (Evocation)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell fires a magical lance of ice at a target of the caster's choosing.
It automatically hits, inflicting 5-30 points of damage and forcing the
target to make a saving throw vs. spell or be stunned for 1-4 rounds.



The scimitar is closely related to the sabre, a single edged curved sword
with protective hilt. The blade has a greater curve to it and is tapered to
an elongated, sharp point. The origins of the scimitar are largely unknown
however they have been very popular in the southern region of the Forgotten


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Proficiency type: Large Swords
Speed Factor: 5
Type: 1-handed
Not usable by:


Incendiary Cloud
(Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 8
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 4 rounds + 1-6 rounds
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell brings forth a dense, smoky cloud in a 10-foot radius. For the
first two rounds it's harmless, but on the third round, it begins to spark
and flame, doing 1-2 hit points of damage/level of the caster. On the fourth
round, it inflicts 1-4 hit points/level of the caster, then drops back to 1-2
hit points per level on the fifth round. If creatures make a saving throw vs.
spell, they take only half-damage from the cloud's effects.


Invisible Stalker
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 hours
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell summons an invisible stalker, a creature native to the Elemental
Plane of Air. This creature will obey the orders of the caster and remain
until the spell duration expires or it is slain.


Power Word: Kill
Level: 9
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Similar to Power Word: Silence and Power Word: Stun, Power Word: Kill is
perhaps the deadliest word of power. It kills one creature with up to 60 hit
points, or multiple creatures with 30 or fewer hit points, up to a maximum of
120 hit points. The hit point checks are done against the creature's current
hit points, not their maximum, so it will affect extremely tough creatures
that have been wounded.


Lich Touch
Level: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Special
This spell confers the powers of a lich's touch and a lich's immunities upon
the caster. The wizard gains immunity to paralysis and fear while the spell
is in effect, and his hands glow with an unearthly green radiance that does
1-10 hit points of damage to a target and paralyzes them unless a saving
throw vs. paralyzation is made. This spell has no effect on undead.


Malavon's Rage
Level: 7
Range: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Malavon's Rage was created by the dark elf sorcerer Malavon. It shoots darts
of pure energy out from the caster's body in all directions, harming friend
and foe alike. The small wedges of magic do 20-80 points of piercing damage
to everything caught in their path. This spell is especially useful when a
mage is surrounded by enemies.


Greater Malison (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell causes all enemy targets in the area of effect to suffer a -2 on
all their saving throws as long as the spell is in effect.


Mass Invisibility
Level: 7
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
An improved version of invisibility with battlefield applications, Mass
Invisiblility can hide all creatures within its area of effect. Unlike
improved invisibility, the invisibility is broken as soon as a target


Mordenkainen's Sword
Level: 7
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a shimmering sword of force that can be mentally wielded
by the caster. It strikes as if it were being used by a fighter at half the
level of the caster, and despite the fact it is held in the hand, it can hit
creatures anywhere within the sight of the caster. Although the sword has no
bonus to attack, it can hit creatures normally hit only by +2 weapons or
greater and inflicts 5-30 hit points with every strike.


Monster Summoning IV
Level: 6
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the wizard summons 1-3 4th level monsters.
These appear within spell range and may be commanded to attack the caster's
opponents until the spell duration expires or the monsters are slain.


Monster Summoning V
Level: 7
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 6 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the wizard summons 1-3 5th level monsters.
These appear within spell range and may be commanded to attack the caster's
opponents until the spell duration expires or the monsters are slain.


Monster Summoning VI
Level: 8
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 7 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the wizard summons 1-3 6th level monsters.
These appear within spell range and may be commanded to attack the caster's
opponents until the spell duration expires or the monsters are slain.


Monster Summoning VII
Level: 9
Range: Special
Duration: 7 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 80 yard radius
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the wizard summons 1-2 7th or 8th level
monsters. These appear within spell range and may be commanded to attack the
caster's opponents until the spell duration expires or the monsters are


Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
(Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell fires an orb of cold at a creature that inflicts 3-6 points of
cold damage/level of the caster. If the target makes its saving throw,
however, they have dodged the orb and avoided all damage.


Otiluke's Resilient Sphere (Alteration)
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 7 rounds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
When this spell is cast, the result is a globe of shimmering force that
encloses the subject creature (if it fails to successfully save vs. spell).
The resilient sphere will contain its subject for the duration of the spell.
The sphere is completely immune to all damage; the only method of removing
the sphere is by the use of a Dispel Magic spell. Hence the creature caught
inside the globe is completely safe from all attacks, but at the same time is
completely unable to affect the outside world.


Prismatic Spray
Level: 7
Range: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 70 x 15-foot spray
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes shimmering rays of light to flash from the wizard's hand,
in a cone 70 feet long and 15 wide at its end. Any creature touched by the
rays may be inflicted with a random effect depending on the color (see
below), but any creature less than 8 hit dice is blinded for 2-8 rounds,
regardless of any additional effect. The colors of the prismatic spray do the
following: red (inflicts 20 hit points of damage, save vs. spell for half),
orange (40 hit points of damage, save vs. spell for half), yellow (80 hit
points of damage, save vs. spell for half), green (save vs. poison or
die - survivors still take 20 hit points of poison damage), blue (save vs.
petrification or turn to stone), or indigo (save vs. wand or go insane).


Power Word: Silence
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 rounds
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to utter one of the words of power. When spoken,
Power Word: Silence can be invoked against any creature in range, preventing
them from making a sound. No saving throw is allowed.


Remove Curse (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell, the wizard is usually able to remove a curse on an
object, on a person, or in the form of some undesired sending or evil
presence. Note that the Remove Curse does not remove the curse from a cursed
shield, weapon, or suit of armor, although the spell typically enables the
person afflicted with the cursed item to get rid of it. Certain special
curses may not be countered by this spell, or may be countered only by a
caster of a certain level or more.


Protection from Acid

A Protection from Acid scroll offers protection to the target from all forms
of acid, be they of a natural or magical nature. The effect is not permanent,
however, and will wear off after 12 hours.


Acid Resistance: +50% bonus
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 12 hours
Not usable by:


Protection from Cold

A Protection from Cold scroll offers protection to the target from all forms
of cold, be they of a natural or magical nature. This effect is not
permanent, however, and will wear off after 12 hours.


Cold Resistance: +50% bonus
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 12 hours
Not usable by:


Protection from Electricity

A Protection from Electricity scroll offers protection to the target from all
forms of electrical damage, be it of a natural or magical nature. The effect
is not permanent, however, and will wear off after 12 hours.


Electricity Resistance: +50% bonus
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 12 hours
Not usable by:


Protection from Fire

A protection from fire scroll offers protection to the target from all forms
of fire, even that of magical or elemental nature. The effect is not
permanent, however, and will wear off after 12 hours.


Fire Resistance: +50% bonus
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 12 hours
Not usable by:


Protection from Magic

A Protection from Magic scroll invokes a very powerful, invisible globe of
anti-magic in a 3' radius from the target. No form of magic can pass into or
out of it but physical matter is not hindered. This will remove spell
effects that the caster is currently under. The effect is not permanent,
however, and will wear off within 10 turns.


Spells: Cannot be cast
Magic: Does not funtion within sphere, with the exception of magical
Special: Dispel all current magical effects upon casting
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 10 turns
Not usable by:


Protection from Poison

A Protection from Poison scroll offers protection to the target from all
forms of poison, be they of a natural or magical nature. The effect is not
permanent, however, and will wear off after 6 hours.


Poison: Will not effect the target
Special: Removes poison already in the targets system
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 6 hours
Not usable by:


Protection from Undead

A Protection from Undead scroll invokes a 3' radius circle of protection
around the target. It protects the person within from all physical attacks
made by undead such as ghasts, ghosts, ghouls, skeletons, wraiths, zombies,
etc. It does not offer any protection from magical attacks, however, and will
wear off with the passage of 10 turns.


Special: Immune to all undead
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 12 hours
Not usable by:


Cursed Scroll of Weakness

This scroll is cursed. It would be unwise to read it, as the effects could
prove fatal.


Cursed Scroll of Clumsiness

This scroll is cursed. It would be unwise to read it, as the effects could
prove fatal.


Cursed Scroll of Foolishness

This scroll is cursed. It would be unwise to read it, as the effects could
prove fatal.


Cursed Scroll of Ugliness

This scroll is cursed. It would be unwise to read it, as the effects could
prove fatal.


Protection from Petrification

A Protection from Petrification scroll offers protection to the reader from
all forms of attack, magical or otherwise, that turn flesh into stone. The
effect is not permanent, however, and will wear off with the passage of 6


Special: Target is immune to petrification
Range: 30 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 12 hours
Not usable by:


Cursed Scroll of Petrification

This scroll is cursed. It would be unwise to read it, as the effects could
prove fatal.


Cursed Scroll of Ailment

This scroll is cursed. It would be unwise to read it, as the effects could
prove fatal.


Cursed Scroll of Stupidity

This scroll is cursed. It would be unwise to read it, as the effects could
prove fatal.


Agannazar's Scorcher (Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 2-foot by 60-foot jet.
Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell a jet of flame appears at the caster's fingertips and
shoots toward a target of the caster's choice. The flame causes 3-18 points
of fire damage to the target, no saving throw allowed -- anyone in the
flame's path takes 2-16, but they are allowed a saving throw vs. spells for
half damage.


Ghoul touch (Necromancy)
Level: 2
Range: Caster
Duration: 6 rounds
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Neg.
When the caster completes this spell, a green glow encompasses his hand. If
the wizard makes a successful melee attack against a creature, the creature
must make a saving throw vs. spell or be paralyzed for six rounds.


Clairvoyance (Divination)
Level: 3
Range: Special
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
The Clairvoyance spell empowers the wizard to see in his mind the
geographical features and buildings of the region he is currently exploring.
It extends to a great range, but cannot reveal creatures or their movements.
This spell does not function indoors or underground.


Dispel Magic (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
A Dispel Magic spell removes magical effects upon anyone within the area of
effect. This includes the effects of spells, potions and magical items. It
does not, however, affect magical items themselves.


Flame Arrow (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to hurl fiery arrows at his enemies. Each bolt
inflicts 1-6 points of piercing damage, plus 4-24 points of fire damage. Only
half of the fire damage is inflicted if the creature struck saves vs. spell.
The caster can fire one bolt for every five experience levels (two bolts at
10th level, three at 15th level, etc.).


Fireball (Evocation)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
Fireball is one of the reasons that mages gained acceptance in the field of
adventuring. To cast it, the wizard points his finger and speaks the range
(distance and height) at which the fireball is to burst. A streak flashes
from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid
barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into the fireball
(an early impact results in an early detonation), delivering damage
proportional to the level of the wizard who cast it: 1-6 points of damage for
each level of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10-60). Those who roll
successful saving throws manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, taking
only half damage.


Haste (Alteration)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Haste doubles the base movement and attack rates of all friendly creatures
within the area of effect. (Spellcasting and spell effects are not sped up.)
All affected by the Haste spell must be in the designated area of effect.
Note that this spell negates the effects of a Slow spell. This spell is not
cumulative with itself or with other similar magic.


Hold Person (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell holds 1-4 humans, demihumans, or humanoid creatures immobile for
five rounds or longer. The Hold Person spell affects any bipedal human,
demihuman, or humanoid of mansize or smaller, including dwarves, elves,
gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins,
humans, lizard men, orcs, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter
could be held, while an ogre could not. The effect selects the enemies
closest to the target and holds them. Enemies making their saving throws are
totally unaffected by the spell. Undead creatures cannot be held. Held
creatures cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them
and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held does not
prevent the worsening of the subject's condition due to wounds, disease, or


Lightning Bolt (Evocation)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
Upon casting this spell, the wizard releases a powerful stroke of electrical
energy that inflicts 1-6 points of damage per level of the spellcaster to
each creature within its area of effect (maximum damage of 10-60). A
successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half (round
fractions down). When the lightning bolt intersects with a wall it will
rebound until it reaches its full length - hitting the same enemy multiple
times, or even members of your own party.


Monster Summoning I
Level: 3
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the wizard summons 2-8 1st level monsters.
These appear within spell range and may be commanded to attack the caster's
opponents until the spell duration expires or the monsters are slain.


Non-Detection (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 7 turns/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell, the wizard makes the creature or object touched
undetectable by divination spells such as Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Locate
Object, ESP, and detect spells. It also prevents spells that reveal a hidden
or invisible (such as Detect Invisibility and Invisibility Purge) from
working on the target.


Protection From Normal Missiles
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell gives a target total invulnerability to hurled and projected
missiles including arrows, axes, bolts, javelins, small stones, and spears.
This spell does not provide protection from magical attacks such as
Fireballs, Lightning Bolts, or Magic Missiles.


Slow (Alteration)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
Slow causes creatures to move and attack at 1/2 of their normal rates. It
negates Haste, but does not otherwise affect magically speeded or slowed
creatures. Slowed creatures gain +4 penalty to AC, and suffer a -4 to attack.
To make matters worse, creatures save at -4 vs. this spell.


Skull Trap (necromantic)
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
Upon casting this spell, a skull is thrown by the caster at the target area.
The skull floats in the area until a creature comes within 5 feet of it. When
this happens the skull is triggered and explodes, damaging everyone within a
10-foot radius. The damage inflicted is equal to 1-6 hit points per level of
the caster. When casting this spell it is wise to set it far away from the
party, lest they set it off accidentally. Resting or leaving the area
the Skull Trap is in will make it disappear harmlessly.


Vampiric Touch
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When the caster successfully touches an opponent in melee, the opponent loses
1-6 hit points for every two caster levels, to a maximum drain of 6-36 for a
12th-level caster. These hit points are added to the caster's total, with any
hit points over the caster's normal maximum total treated as temporary bonus
hit points. The temporary hit points last for an hour.


Dire Charm
Level: 3
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 turns
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell is similar to the Charm Person spell. However, the affected
creature goes into a berserk state, wanting no one to harm his master (the
spell caster). Thus, the creature will fight enemies of the caster, even
former allies. The spell is limited in the same manner as Charm Person Spell.
The spell can affect any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size or
smaller, such as dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves,
halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, lizard men, orcs, troglodytes, and
others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter could be charmed, but an ogre could not.


Ghost Armor
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a magical field of force with the strength of plate armor
(AC 3). It is cumulative with Dexterity effects and, in the case of
fighter/mages, with the shield bonus. The Ghost Armor spell does not hinder
movement, adds no weight or encumbrance, nor does it prevent spellcasting. It
lasts until dispelled or until the duration runs out.


Confusion (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes confusion in one or more creatures within the area,
creating indecision and the inability to take effective action. All creatures
within the area of affect are allowed saving throws vs. spell with a -2
penalty. Those successfully saving are unaffected by the spell. Those who
fail either go berserk, stand confused, or wander about for the duration of
the spell. Wandering creatures move as far from the caster as possible; any
confused creature that is attacked perceives the attacker as an enemy and
reacts accordingly.


Dimension Door (Alteration)
Level: 4
Range: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell transports the caster to any place within the visual range of the
caster. When the spell is cast a dimensional portal opens up in front of the
caster, which he immediately steps through.


Improved Invisibility
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the Invisibility spell, but the recipient is able to
attack, either with missile, melee weapons or spells, and remain unseen.
However, telltale traces, a shimmering, allow an observant opponent to attack
the invisible spell recipient. These traces are only noticeable when
specifically looked for (after the invisible character has made his presence
known). Attacks against the invisible character suffer a -4 penalty to attack
rolls, and the invisible character's saving throws are made with a +4 bonus.


Minor Globe of Invulnerability
Level: 4
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere around the
caster that prevents any 1st-, 2nd-, or 3rd-level spell effects from
penetrating (i.e., the area of effect of any such spell does not include the
area of the Minor Globe of Invulnerability). This includes innate abilities
and effects from devices. However, any type of spell can be cast out of the
magical sphere with no penalty. The globe can be brought down by a successful
Dispel Magic spell.


Monster Summoning II
Level: 4
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the wizard summons 1-6 2nd level monsters.
These appear within spell range and may be commanded to attack the caster's
opponents until the spell duration expires or the monsters are slain.


Animate Dead (Necromancy)
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 8 hours
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates the lowest of the undead monsters,skeletons or zombies,
usually from the bones or bodies of dead humans, demihumans, or humanoids.
The spell causes these remains to become animated and obey the simple verbal
commands of the caster.The undead remain animated until they are destroyed in
combat or are turned; they cannot be dispelled. The caster can animate one
skeleton or one zombie for each experience level he has attained.


Cloudkill (Evocation)
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell generates a billowing cloud of ghastly yellowish green vapors that
is so toxic as to slay any creature with fewer than 4 + 1 Hit Dice, cause
creatures with 4 + 1 to 6 Hit Dice to roll saving throws vs. poison with - 4
penalties or be slain. Holding one's breath has no effect on the lethality
of the spell. Those above 6th level (or 6 Hit Dice) must leave the cloud
immediately or suffer 1d10 points of poison damage each round while in the
area of effect.


Cone of Cold (Evocation)
Level: 5
Range: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 35 feet long, 20 foot diameter
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell releases a cone-shaped blast of extreme cold from the caster,
doing 2-5 hit points of cold damage per level of the caster. The cone is 35
feet long and 20 feet in diameter.


Monster Summoning III
Level: 5
Range: 40 yards
Duration: 4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
With the casting of this spell the wizard summons 1-4 3rd level monsters.
These appear within spell range and may be commanded to attack the caster's
opponents until the spell duration expires or the monsters are slain.



[Clue in library]Why does a chair have arms and legs like a man but cannot
walk or hold things.


Gorion's Note

[Gorion's Note]Hello ,
If you are reading this, it means I have met an untimely death. I would tell
you not to grieve for me, but I feel much better thinking that you would.
There are things I must tell you in this letter that I might have told you
before. However, if my death came too soon then I would have never been
given the chance. First off, I am not your biological father, for that
distinction lies with an entity known as Bhaal. The Bhaal that I speak of is
the one you know of as a divinity. In the crisis known as the Time of
Troubles, when the Gods walked Faerun, Bhaal was also forced into a mortal
shell. He was somehow forewarned of the death that awaited him during this
time. For reasons unknown to me, he sought out women of every race and
forced himself upon them. Your mother was one of those women, and as you
know, she died in childbirth. I had been her friend and on occasion, lover.
I felt obligated to raise you as my own. I have always thought of you as my
child and I hope you still think of me as your father. You are a special
child. The blood of the Gods runs through your veins. If you make use of
our extensive library you will find that our founder, Alaundo, has many
prophecies concerning the coming of the spawn of Bhaal. There are many who
will want to use you for their own purposes. One, a man who calls himself
Sarevok, is the worst danger. He has studied here at Candlekeep and thus
knows a great deal about your history and who you are.



[Letter from Sarevok to Slythe]

The time to strike is now. When the party commences on the night of my
coronation, you will join up with my doppelganger assassins at the sewer
entrance to the palace. You are to insinuate yourself into the crowd in the
ballroom. When I am finished my speech you will strike. If you aren't there
my doppelgangers will proceed without you, and your payment will be forfeit.
Make sure to keep a leash on your little bitch of a wife. An invitation to
the party is included with this note.


(This looks to be an important note, one that you should hold on to.)


[Letter from Slythe to Sarevok 1]


I have received your letter and am quite overjoyed by your proposition. I
have told my wife, and she is as excited as I am. I accept your mission and
think that your payment is very adequate. This will be our greatest feat
yet! To kill three Grand Dukes of Baldur's Gate! We will be arriving in
Baldur's Gate within a week, and should be taking up our usual residence at
the Undercellar. If you wish to contact us, you will find us there. Use
the access points through the sewers.

Joyfully yours,


[Letter from Slythe to Sarevok 2]


I must say that our first victim was not the challenge that my wife and I had
expected. The foppish idiot had only the most token of defense. However, I
can assure you that Entar screamed quite deliciously all the way to the end.
I hope that this next mission is much more difficult; from what you have told
me it would seem to be. Assassinating two Grand Dukes in their own palace,
while they harangue the high nobles of Baldur's Gate no less! I can't wait!
You still know where to find us. You should come down and enjoy the
pleasures of the Undercellar for yourself; but if I know you, that'll never

Your obedient servant,


[Message from Sarevok to Prat]


My schemes have come together in a most satisfying manner. The mercenaries
who have plagued my every step are now imprisoned, accused with the murder of
Reiltar, Brunos and Thaldorn. Learn as much as you can about the fate of the
mercenaries and then meet me back at Baldur's Gate. I apologize for leaving
you here alone, but it was necessary to return to the city so as to take
Rieltar's position as chief of operations. If things proceed smoothly I will
be a Grand Duke within a few weeks.



[Message from Sarevok to Zorl 1]


I am glad to hear that you were successful in disposing of Zorl. With his
identity you should be able to infiltrate more of your kindred into the
Merchant's League. Kill Irlentree as soon as possible and then that fop

Your Friend


[Message from Sarevok to Zorl 2]


As long as Aldeth lives he is a great threat to all of us. He is friends
with the mercenaries who have been stirring up so much trouble in the south.
If he were to confide his fears with them, it could be disastrous. Kill him,

Your Friend


[Message from Sarevok to Zorl 3]


It pleases me that you now count Irlentree among your number, but you must
kill Aldeth Sashenstar. He is a foppish dilettante, with no skill and little
intellect. It confuses me that you have not killed him yet; have your skills
withered? Write back soon - when you have killed Aldeth.

Your Friend.


[Message from Sarevok to Rashad the doppelganger]


I must commend you for a job well done. Without your careful ministrations,
Eltan would have remained my most potent foe. I must now ask for another
favor. Some of your brethren are gathering at the sewer entrance to the
palace; they are preparing to assassinate Grand Duchess Liia Jannath, and
Grand Duke Belt. I need you to assist them in their efforts, for you are the
craftiest of your kind. This is the moment I have long waited for, as I hope
you have as well. The bloodshed that will result when I declare war on Amn
will be most glorious. Meet Krystin and Slythe at the Undercellars, they are
my best assassins. There are many access points to the Undercellars through
the sewers.



[Note for Daveaorn 1]


I have received your request for extra slaves. They will be sent as soon as
possible. Events go well in Baldur's Gate. We have purchased one of the
western noble estates to use as our base of operations. It is an ancient
building, most likely constructed before the erection of the second wall.
Its construction makes it very defensible against those who would thieve it.
Remember to ask Yeslick if he enjoys his new accommodations.

Alturiak, 1367


[Note for Daveaorn 2]


Our plans go smoothly. Sarevok has arrived from our headquarters in Ordulin.
He brings news from our superiors; they are pleased with our progress so far.
I plan to place Sarevok as the commander of our mercenary forces in the
region. He has already sent his subordinate, Tazok, to the Wood of Sharp
Teeth to take command of the forces located there. Things go apace here in
Baldur's Gate. We have placed our first agent among the ranks of the Seven
Suns trading coster.

Flamerule, 1368


[Note for Daveaorn 3]


As you have probably heard, the iron poison has begun to take affect around
the coast. With the majority of iron imports being disrupted by Tazok,
almost all of it comes from the tainted source in Nashkel. The Sythillisian
uprising in Amn has ensured that no forces from that nation will be able to
take action against our mercenary forces. However, the Flaming Fist has
caught several of the Black Talon mercenaries. All of those captured have
claimed allegiance with the Zhentarim and have thus shifted any suspicion
away from the Iron Throne. I have sent Tranzig to work with the mercenaries
in transporting the iron to your base in Cloakwood. He has brought several
bags of holding so that he, alone, will make trips into Cloakwood, thereby
lessening the chance that Flaming Fist trackers might find your stronghold.

Elient, 1370


[Note for Mulahey 1]

My servant Mulahey,

Your progress in disrupting the flow of iron ore does not go as well as it
should. How stupid can you be to allow your kobolds to murder the miners? !
With your presence revealed you should be wary of enemies sent to stop your
operation. Your task is a very simple one; if you continue to show that you
can't do the job, you will be replaced. I will not send the kobolds you have
requested as I need all the troops I possess to stop the flow of iron into
this region. With this message I have sent more of the mineral poison that
you require. If you have any problems then send a message to my new contact
in Beregost. His name is Tranzig, and he'll be staying at Feldpost's inn.



[Note for Mulahey 2]

My servant Mulahey,

I have sent you the kobolds and mineral poison that you require. Your task
is to poison any iron ore that leaves this mine. Don't reveal your presence
to the miners or you will find yourself swamped by soldiers from the local
Amnish garrison. My superiors have recently hired on the services of the
Black talon mercenaries and the Chill. With these soldiers at my disposal, I
should be able to destroy any iron caravans entering the region from the
south and east. I don't want to deal with iron coming from the Nashkel mines
so don't fail in your duty.



[Note for Tranzig]


I am perplexed as to why Mulahey has not communicated with us in some while.
You are to go to the mines and find out the condition of his operation. You
are also to collect any iron that may have been stolen by the kobolds. Our
next raid will most likely take place at Peldvale, or Larswood, so visit
either of those areas and track us back to our camp.



[Note from Davaeorn to Tazok 1]


I hope that everything moves along smoothly. I have written to give you
instructions from our superiors. I have been told that a small band of
mercenaries might cause the Iron Throne some trouble in the future. You are
to insure that they don't live to upset our operations. Obtain the services
of the assassin Nimbul, he should serve you well.



[Note from Davaeorn to Tazok 2]


I have noticed that your shipments of iron have slowed as of late. It is
imperative that we receive another ton of ore. Step up your raids, and get a
shipment to our base in Cloakwood within the next week. We need to stockpile
as much ore as possible before our ultimatum is given. Also, Sarevok wants
to know what has happened with the band of mercenaries. Have they been
killed? You had better insure that they have been, as Sarevok will not take
kindly to any other news.



[Note from Sarevok to Reiltar]


I received your letter, and I can assure you that the mercenaries led by
will no longer trouble our operations. I have dealt with them
personally. Before dying, they were most forthcoming in their revelations;
it is as you had surmised; they were agents of the Zhentarim. I am also
writing to tell you that I cannot attend the meeting at Candlekeep. Some
problems have arisen with The Chill and the Black Talons. They have had
trouble working with each other, and I am needed there to smooth over any
dissension. I am sorry that I will not be at your side.



[Note from Tazok to Nimbul]


The money you have received from Tranzig should cover your usual fee. Your
assignment is a difficult one, but I'm sure that you are up to the task.
There is a group of mercenaries who should be coming through Nashkel in the
next few days. They are led by a whelp named . You are to kill
, and all that travel with them. I warn you; they might not look
like much, but they are very dangerous. Good hunting!



[Note from Tuth to Reiltar]


My superiors are intrigued by your proposal. I would like to discuss it
further, but not through correspondence such as this. The Harpers and Zhents
have been very active in this region as of late; it would be very unfortunate
if they tried to disrupt an alliance between our two organizations. If you,
Bruno, and Thaldorn were to meet with us in the safety of Candlekeep, my
superiors would be much relieved. Please send a response ASAP.



[Prophecy found in library book]

During the days of the Avatars, the Lord of Murder will spawn a score of
mortal progeny. These offspring will be aligned good and evil, but chaos
will flow through them all. When the Beast's bastard children come of age,
they will bring havoc to the lands of the Sword Coast. One of these children
must rise above the rest and claim their father's legacy. This inheritor
will shape the history of the Sword Coast for centuries to come......


[Prophecy found in library]

The spawn of the Lord of Murder are fated to come into their inheritance
through bloodshed and misery. It is the hope of their father that only one
shall remain alive to inherit his legacy. I foresee that the children of
Bhaal shall kill each other in a bloody massacre.


[The Personal Diary of Sarevok] Diary

14th of Eleint, 1367: Today Cormyr has instituted a ban against the Iron
Throne from operating within their borders. While this is a great blow to
the Iron Throne, it is the perfect opportunity for Reiltar to approach the
Throne high council with his proposal. If things go well, we could begin the
operation within the year.

25th of Marpenoth, 1367: Davaeorn has sent a message to Reiltar, informing
him that the mines at Cloakwood have been drained and are ready for use.
This revelation should help greatly in convincing the Throne high council.

2nd of Nightal, 1367: The Iron Throne council has agreed to support
Reiltar's plan. He has been given all the resources he needs, as well as
leadership of the project. I have expressed interest to my 'father', and he
had promised to include me within the operations along the Sword Coast. He
mentioned mother in our conversation: how I wasn't to be unfaithful to him as
she had. He made it clear that I would suffer her fate if I was. His
threats are weak and hollow, and I shall listen to them for only so long. I
have decided to take this time to make my visit to Candlekeep. I have waited
a long time to research the prophecies of Alaundo, and I must know if the
dreams speak the truth. I will not believe the words of phantoms without
proof, and the Priest of Bhaal I confronted gave me nothing. He was old and
died quickly in my grasp. If the words are true, I shall surely groom
stronger acolytes than this.

11th of Ches, 1368: My research has gone well. The monks here at Candlekeep
have been quite helpful. From what I have read, it would seem certain that
the blood of Bhaal does indeed flow through my veins. His prophecies are (of
course) ambiguous, but I think I understand them. He foresaw his coming
death, and seeded his essence across the land. The children born as a result
bear the marks of chaos, have power with no direction, and shall feel the
blood of a god within them. The deaths they bring shall awaken the father,
and through them he will rise. It does not explicitly say, but obviously this
means that death wrought by the children will cause them to ascend. Fitting,
and since the father was the Lord of Murder, proving one's worth must involve
an act in accordance with his portfolio. I begin to see what I must do.
Death on a god-like scale.

3rd of Tarsahk, 1368: The monk Gorion troubles me. He seems to have taken
an interest in my readings. I must be careful to be more clandestine in my
research. I wish I could simply kill him, but I doubt I could safely murder
him within this damnable library.

11th of Tarsahk, 1368: I had a dream this night. My mother was talking to
me, but as she did her face became bloated and discolored. Her voice became
weaker as she spoke to me, telling me to save her from Reiltar. I could see
the garrote cutting into her neck, but I did nothing. It was only a dream.

27th of Tarsahk, 1368: I take my leave of Candlekeep now, and not a moment
too soon, for I am sure that Gorion has perceived my heritage. One thing
that I am certain of: is, in actuality, one of Bhaal's brood as
well. has all the markings, and it would explain Gorion's
curiosity of my studies. Though there is nothing I can do now, I will have
to make certain to return and kill the little brat. It would be foolish of
me to let one of my siblings live, especially one being brought up by the
Harpers (and I am sure that is where Gorion's allegiances lay).

5th of Mirtul, 1368: Today I met with Reiltar in Baldur's Gate. The fool
still insists on calling me his son, and for now I will let him. He assumes
that I am loyal to him because he raised me. Well, loyal I am, but only as
long as he is useful. He's set up a base in the mansion of a destitute noble
family and says that everything is running smoothly. Mulahey has established
himself at the mines of Nashkel, and his kobold minions should be already
busily contaminating the iron ore. Only a few slaves have begun to mine out
the ore at Cloakwood, though Reiltar assures me that once the bandit raids
begin we'll have a steady supply of new slaves.

8th of Hammer, 1369: I met with the leaders of the Chill, and Black Talons.
I have little liking for Ardenor, the leader of the Chill, but Taugosz seems
to be a man of his word. It is a good thing, as I'll have to work with these
mercenaries for the rest of the year.

3rd of Tarsahk, 1370: Everything proceeds well. The ore coming from Nashkel
has started to deteriorate, and my mercenaries have been doing a fine job at
destroying any iron caravans on route to Baldur's Gate. Though some of my
mercenaries have been captured, most think they work for the Zhents, so no
trouble has fallen on the Iron Throne. I am sure that the Zhents at Darkhold
won't be pleased to know that their name has been falsely used. I will have
to be wary for Zhentish agents in the coming months.

28th of Tarsahk, 1370: I think I now have the time to deal with that old
codger Gorion, and his little whelp. I will have to inform my men that I'll
be gone for the next few weeks.

? of Myrtle
No time to write, but I must not neglect my journals so. The future dead
must know of how the Lord of Murder again came to them. I shall hire a
scribe when time allows. Things have not gone completely as I have planned,
but I will still be able to salvage the situation. is on the move
to Baldur's Gate; if I could maneuver the whelp to Candlekeep, then I would
have the perfect scapegoat for my plan. My mortal 'father,' Rieltar, is
there to meet with the Knights of the Shield. He has been blocking all my
attempts to escalate the hostilities between Amn and Baldur's Gate, and these
meetings will only serve to smooth relations. I must rid myself of them all
and assume control of the Iron Throne myself. I cannot allow petty business
and monetary concerns to interfere. Terribly sorry, 'father,' but my true
parentage calls and you are in my way. I shall be sure to instruct the
dopplegangers in the exact manner Reiltar should die. I think a garrote
would be perfect for the task.

This diary looks to be important. You should probably keep it on your


Vocalize (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
The recipient of this spell can cast spells with a verbal component without
having to make any noise, so long as the casting takes place entirely within
the duration of the Vocalize spell. This spell has no effect on other noises
or speech - it simply removes a spell's verbal component. This spell is a
great counter for Silence 15' Radius.


Protection From Evil (Abjuration)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at
a distance of one foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has two
major effects: first, all attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures
against the protected creature receive a penalty of - 2 to each attack roll,
and second, any saving throws caused by such attacks are made by the
protected creature with a +2 bonus.



My dearest Mirianne,
The road has been difficult but I have arrived safely here in Amn. I think
it would be wisest if I returned by sea, however, perhaps sometime after
the first snows have fallen. I trust this letter reaches you. The halfling
I hired to carry it struck me as an honest enough chap.
Always and forever,


Gorion's Scroll

My friend Gorion,

Please forgive the abruptness with which I now write, but time is short and
there is much to be done. What we have long feared may soon come to pass,
though not in the manner foretold, and certainly not in the proper time
frame. As we both know, forecasting these events has proved increasingly
difficult, leaving little option other than a leap of faith. We have done
what we can for those in thy care, but the time nears when we must step back
and let matters take what course they will. We have, perhaps, been a touch
too sheltering to this point.

Despite my desire to remain neutral in this matter, I could not, in good
conscience, let events proceed without some measure of warning. The other
side will move very soon, and I urge thee to leave Candlekeep this very
night, if possible. The darkness may seem equally threatening, but a moving
target is much harder to hit, regardless of how sparse the cover. A fighting
chance is all that can be asked for at this point

Should anything go awry, do not hesitate to seek aid from travelers along the
way. I do not need to remind thee that it is a dangerous land, even without
our current concerns, and a party is stronger than an individual in all
respects. Should additional assistance be required, I understand that
Jaheira and Khalid are currently at the Friendly Arm Inn. They know little
of what has passed, but they are ever thy friends and will no doubt help
however they can.

Luck be with us all.
I'm getting too old for this.



Cure Serious Wounds (Necromancy)
Level: 4
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell is a more potent version of the Cure Light Wounds spell. When
laying his hand upon a creature, the priest heals 17 points of damage. This
healing cannot affect undead or extraplanar creatures.


Free Action (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Sphere: Charm
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 7
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell gives the affected creature an immunity to magic that impedes
movement (such as Grease, Web or Slow spells) and negates the effects of
paralysis and hold spells.


Neutralize Poison (Necromancy)
Level: 4
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it immediately
neutralizes any poison and restores 10 lost hit points.


Cure Critical Wounds (Necromancy)
Level: 5
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: Creature Touched
Saving Throw: None
The Cure Critical Wounds spell is a potent version of the Cure Light Wounds
spell. The priest lays his hands upon a creature and heals 27 points of
damage from wounds or other injuries. The spell does not affect creatures
without corporeal bodies, those of extraplanar origin, or those not living.


Flame Strike (Evocation)
Level: 5
Sphere: Combat
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 5-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
When the priest casts Flame Strike, a vertical column of fire roars downward
onto a victim chosen by the caster. The target must roll a saving throw vs.
spell. Failure means the creature sustains 6-48 points of fire damage;
otherwise, the damage is halved.


Raise Dead (Necromancy)
Level: 5
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Sight of the Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
When the priest casts a Raise Dead spell, he can restore life to one of his
companions. Note that this spell does not work on elven characters, and the
corpse to be raised must be intact (if the party member suffered an explosive
death, then raising is impossible). The person has but 1 hit point when
raised and must regain the rest by natural healing or curative magic. Raise
Dead will not work on someone killed by a Death Spell, Finger of Death, or

Note that when this spell is inscribed on a scroll, its power and range is
diminished. A scroll of Raise Dead only works when invoked at the place
where the target died; if the caster leaves the area and attempts to Raise
his companion, the scroll will not work.


Grease (Conjuration)
Level: 1
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 5-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special
A Grease spell covers the ground with a slippery layer of a fatty, greasy
nature. Any creature entering the area or caught in it when the spell is cast
must save vs. spell every round or have their movement rate slowed to a crawl
as long as they are in the area of effect. Those who successfully save can
move normally.


Armor (Conjuration)
Level: 1
Range: Caster
Duration: 9 hours
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the wizard creates a magical field of force that
serves as if it were scale mail armor (AC 6). It is cumulative with Dexterity
and, in the case of fighter/mages, with the shield bonus. The armor spell
does not hinder movement, adds no weight or encumbrance, nor does it prevent
spellcasting. It lasts until successfully dispelled or until the duration
runs out.


Burning Hands (Alteration)
Level: 1
Range: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: 1/2
When the wizard casts this spell, a jet of searing flame shoots from his
fingertips. The flame jets are five feet in length and spread out in a
horizontal arc of about 120 degrees in front of the wizard. Any creature in
the area of effect suffers 1-3 hit points of damage, plus 2 points per level
of experience of the spellcaster, to a maximum of 1-3 + 20 points of fire
damage. If the target saves vs. spell, they only take half damage.


Charm Person (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 person
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell affects any single person it is cast upon. The term person includes
any bipedal human, demihuman, or humanoid of man-size or smaller, such as
brownies, dryads, dwarves, elves, gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves,
halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins, humans, kobolds, lizard men, nixies, orcs,
pixies, sprites, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter could be
charmed, but an ogre could not. The person receives a saving throw vs. spell
to avoid the effect. If the spell recipient fails his saving throw, he
regards the caster as a trusted friend and ally to be heeded and protected.
The caster may give him orders, and the charmed individual will carry them
out as quickly as possible.

If the caster harms, or attempts to harm, the charmed person by some overt
action, or if a dispel magic spell is successfully cast upon the charmed
person, the charm spell is broken. If two or more charm effects
simultaneously affect a creature, the most recent charm takes precedence.
Note that the subject has full memory of the events that took place while he
was charmed. Also note that you cannot have a charmed creature leave the area
where he was charmed.


Color Spray (Alteration)
Level: 1
Range: Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 5' x 20' x 20' wedge
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a vivid, fan-shaped spray of clashing colors to spring
forth from the caster's hand. From one to six creatures within the area are
affected in order of increasing distance from the wizard. All creatures in
the area above the level of the caster or ones that have greater than 6 Hit
Dice (or are greater than 5th level) must make a saving throw vs. spells. The
spell's effects depend on the caster - creatures with Hit Dice/levels less
than or equal to the caster are knocked unconscious for 2-8 turns, those with
Hit Dice/levels one or two greater than the wizard are blinded for 1-4 turns,
and any other creatures are stunned for 1 turn.


Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 8 hours
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell blinds its target. A saving throw is allowed, and if successful,
there are no harmful effects. If a victim is blinded he receives -4 to his
attack rolls, and a -4 to his Armor Class.


Friends (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: Caster
Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Special
A Friends spell causes the wizard to temporarily gain 5 points of Charisma.
While cast, those who view the caster tend to be very impressed and will
generally make an effort to help him.


Protection from Petrification
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Target
Saving Throw: None
This spell grants the recipient immunity to all petrification attacks. This
includes basilisk and medusa gaze, cursed scrolls of petrification, etc.


Identify (Divination)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: Special
Area of Effect: 1 item
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is memorized, the caster may identify the magical properties
of one item in the caster's inventory. Go to the history page of an
unidentified item and press the identify button to use the spell. The chance
of identifying the item is 100%. The spell identifies the item's name, what
it does, and if it is cursed.


Infravision (Divination)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 8 hours
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
The recipient of this spell gains the ability to see with infravision, just
as an elf or dwarf.


Magic Missile (Evocation)
Level: 1
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Use of the Magic Missile spell, one of the most popular first level spells,
creates up to five missiles of magical energy that dart forth from the
wizard's fingertip and unerringly strike their target, which must be a
creature of some sort. Each missile inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage. For
every two extra levels of experience, the wizard gains an additional
missile - he has two at 3rd level, three at 5th level, four at 7th level,
etc., up to a maximum of five missiles at 9th level.


Protection From Evil (Abjuration)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at
a distance of one foot. The barrier moves with the recipient and has two
major effects: first, all attacks made by evil or evilly enchanted creatures
against the protected creature receive a penalty of - 2 to each attack roll,
and second, any saving throws caused by such attacks are made by the
protected creature with a +2 bonus.


Shield (Evocation)
Level: 1
Range: Caster
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, an invisible barrier comes into being in front of
the wizard. It sets the caster's Armor Class to 4 against normal weapons, 2
against missile weapons and makes the wizard immune to any magical missiles
cast at him.


Shocking Grasp (Alteration)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When the wizard touches a creature while this spell is in effect, an
electrical charge will deal 1-8 + 1/level of the caster damage to the
creature. The wizard only has one charge, and once an opponent has been
touched the spell's energies have been used. The spell always hits unless the
mage is disrupted.


Sleep (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 1
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg
Sleep causes a comatose slumber to come upon 2-8 hit dice/levels of creatures
(other than undead and certain other creatures specifically excluded from the
spell's effects). All creatures to be affected by the Sleep spell must be
within 30 feet of each other. Monsters with 4+3 Hit Dice (4 Hit Dice plus 3
hit points) or more are unaffected. The center of the area of effect is
determined by the spellcaster. Though it's not the stuff of which legends are
made, magically sleeping opponents can be attacked with substantial
bonuses - although they will awaken after the first hit.


Chill Touch (Necromancy)
Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: Neg.
When the caster completes this spell, a blue glow encompasses his hand. This
energy attacks the life force of any creature upon which the wizard makes a
successful melee attack. The touched creature must make a saving throw vs.
spell or suffer 1-4 points of cold damage and receive a -1 THACO modifier for
one hour after being struck. If the creature is an undead creature, they are
affected by panic for 1-4 + 1 turns per level of the caster. Undead suffer no
damage or to hit penalty from Chill Touch.


Chromatic Orb (Evocation)
Level: 1
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell creates a 4-inch-diameter sphere that can be hurled unerringly to
its target. The orb's effect depends on the level of the wizard: a 1st-level
sphere inflicts 1-4 damage and blinds the target for one round. A 2nd-level
sphere inflicts 1-6 damage and inflicts pain upon the victim. A 3rd-level
sphere deals 1-8 damage and burns the victim. A 4th-level sphere deals 1-10
damage and blinds the target for four turns. A 5th to 6th-level sphere deals
1-12 damage and stuns the target for three rounds. The 7th to 9th-level
sphere deals 2-16 damage and paralyzes the victim for 13 rounds. A 10th to
11th level sphere turns the target to stone if they fail their saving throw,
and slows them for five rounds if they succeed. A 12th level sphere causes
death if the target fails their saving throw, or paralysis for four rounds if
they succeed. Unless stated otherwise in the above description, a save
against this spell negates both the damage and the other effects.


Larloch's Minor Drain
Level: 1
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
With this spell the wizard drains the life force from a target and adds it to
his own. The target creature suffers 1-4 damage, while the wizard gains 1-4
hit points. If the wizard goes over his maximum hit point total with this
spell, he loses them after a turn.


Blur (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Range: Caster
Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Blur causes the wizard's body to become blurred, shifting and wavering. This
distortion gives the wizard +1 to all saving throws, and all missile and
melee attacks have a -3 to hit him.


Detect Evil (Divination)
Level: 1
Range: Current Area
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Sight of Caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the 1st level priest spell, Detect Evil. Any evil
creature within the range of the spell will glow red briefly.


Detect Invisibility (Divination)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: Sight of Caster
Saving Throw: None
When the wizard casts a Detect Invisibility spell, he dispels any
invisibility and reveals any hidden characters in the area of effect (i.e.,
thieves using stealth). Note: if an invisible creature enters the area of
effect after the spell has already been cast, the creature will remain


Horror (Necromancy)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
All enemies within the area of effect must save vs. spell or flee in terror.
Certain creatures, such as undead, are immune to this spell.


Invisibility (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell turns a creature invisible and makes it undetectable by normal
vision or infravision. Items dropped or put down by the invisible creature
become visible, items picked up disappear if tucked into the clothing or
pouches worn by the creature. The spell remains in effect until it is
magically broken or dispelled, until the recipient talks to or attacks any
creature, or until 4 hours have passed. Thus the invisible being can open
doors, eat, climb stairs, etc., but if he attacks or casts a spell, he
immediately becomes visible (although the invisibility enables him to attack


Knock (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Locked door or chest
Saving Throw: None
The Knock spell opens locked, held or wizard locked doors. It opens secret
doors, as well as locked boxes or chests. It does not raise barred gates or
similar impediments.


Know Alignment (Divination)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
A Know Alignment spell enables the mage to read a creature's aura. If the
creature rolls a successful saving throw vs. spell, the caster learns nothing
about that particular creature from the casting. Certain magical devices
negate the power of the Know Alignment spell. Evil creatures will glow red,
neutrals blue, and friendly creatures will glow green for a brief period.


Luck (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 3 rounds
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
The recipient of this spell gains superhuman luck for the next 3 rounds. He
receives a +1 bonus to his saving throws, attack rolls, thieving skills, etc.


Resist Fear
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 hour
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special
This mage spell instills courage in the spell's recipients, raising their
morale to maximum. The recipients' morale will gradually reset to normal as
the duration runs out. If the recipients are under the effects of magical
fear, the effect is negated.


Melf's Acid Arrow (Conjuration)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a magical arrow that speeds unerringly to its target. The
arrow has no attack or damage bonus, but it inflicts 2-8 points of acid
damage. (There is no splash damage.) For every three levels the caster has
achieved, the acid lasts another 1 round, inflicting another 2-8 points of
damage. So at 3rd-5th level, the acid lasts 2 rounds, at 6th-8th level, the
acid lasts for 3 rounds, etc.


Mirror Image (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 2
Range: Caster
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 6-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
When a Mirror Image spell is invoked, the spellcaster causes two to eight
duplicates of himself to come into being around him. These images do exactly
what the wizard does. Since the spell causes a blurring and slight distortion
when it is cast, it is impossible for opponents to be certain which ones are
the illusions and which is the actual wizard. When an image is struck by a
melee or missile attack, magical or otherwise, it disappears, but any other
existing images remain intact until struck. The images shift from round to
round so that an enemy must first hit every image before being able to hit
the wizard.


Stinking Cloud (Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 10-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special
Stinking Cloud creates a billowing mass of nauseous vapors up to 30 yards
away from the wizard. Any creature caught within the cloud must roll a
successful saving throw vs. poison or be reeling and fall unconscious for the
next round. Those who make successful saving throws can leave the cloud
without suffering any ill effects, although those remaining in the cloud must
continue to save every round.


Strength (Alteration)
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 hour/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Upon application of this spell the target's strength is magically increased
by an amount depending on its class. Clerics and Thieves gain 1-6 points,
Fighters gain 1-8 points, and Mages gain 1-4 points. For Fighters only, all
points above a strength of 18 are converted into a 10% bonus for each extra
point, to a maximum of an 18/00 strength. For other classes 18 strength is
the maximum.


Web (Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 15 rounds
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: Special
Web creates a many-layered mass of strong, sticky strands, similar to spider
webs, but much larger and tougher. Anyone in the area when the spell is cast
must roll a saving throw vs. spells every round. If failed, the creature is
paralyzed for one round. If the saving throw is successful, then the creature
may move normally.



To and friends, with love.

Larry, Darryl, and Darryl.



We have need of your services yet again, Drasus.

We are expecting an incursion at our mine location in the Cloakwood.

You are to accompany Daveorn to the site and prevent entry or assault by
anyone that is foolish enough to challenge you.

Your standard fee shall be doubled in this instance. If all goes well you
should look forward to more of the same.



Geas Removal Scroll



Be it known to all those of evil intent, that a bounty has been placed upon
the head of , the foster child of Gorion.

Last seen in the area of Candlekeep, this person is to be killed in quick

This offer has been extended to all appropriate guilds.

Those returning with proof of the deed shall receive no less than three
hundred and fifty coins of gold.

As always, any that reveal these plans to the forces of law shall join the
target in their fate.



Be it known to all those of evil intent, that a bounty has been placed upon
the head of , the foster child of Gorion.

Last seen in the region of Beregost, this person is to be killed in quick

The subject is to be considered a formidable foe, and is likely to have
well-equipped traveling companions.

This offer has been extended to all appropriate guilds.

Those returning with proof of the deed shall receive no less than six hundred
and eighty coins of gold.

As always, any that reveal these plans to the forces of law shall join the
target in their fate.


Stone to Flesh Scroll

This scroll will remove the effects of petrification from anyone to be
afflicted by such an unfortunate condition. Simply return to the area where
the victim has been turned to stone, read the scroll and target the portrait
of the afflicted person.



Be it known to all those of evil intent, that a bounty has been placed upon
the head of , the foster child of Gorion.

Last seen in the area of Candlekeep, this person is to be killed in quick

Those returning with proof of the deed shall receive no less than two hundred
coins of gold.

As always, any that reveal these plans to the forces of law shall join the
target in their fate.



I enter battle tomorrow with a heavy heart, knowing I may well not survive.
Such is life, and many a fool has risked as much for less gold than I will be
paid. Still, I cannot bear the possibility of losing the treasures I have
worked so hard for. To prevent this, I write this note to myself as a
reminder in case I suffer an injury that would impair my faculties. Any
battle against a mage always carries such a risk.

Quenash, my beautiful fallen saint, holds my cloak as a reminder of me. My
helm I will trust only to my guile in hiding it. It rests where people rest,
in a building that may as well have been named for the purpose. The cloak
should be with it, but that would only be expected. I shall not make their
theft easy.



I have a task for you and those you have selected.

You, the first of the faithful, are to stand ground in my stead.

Be assured that I would not belittle your devotion with simple guard duty.
This chore is of particular interest to me, and thus, to you.

has become as a thorn in my side. I wish it removed.

Do so, and you shall please me greatly.

Such is your charge.

Do not fail in this.



Summon Cow (Summoning)
Level: 2
Range: Visual range of the caster
Duration: Instant
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 Creature
Saving Throw: None
The spell speaks for itself baby!



If you are reading this note, then obviously you are a thief come to rob me
of my hard won riches. Sorry to disappoint you. Did you really think I
would keep my valuables in such an obvious and unguarded place? Consider
this note a warning. I do not care much for those who would poke their nose
where it doesn't belong, and anyone caught practicing thievery in the town of
Easthaven shall answer to me.

- Hrothgar


Shadow Monsters
Level: 4
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20-foot cube
Saving Throw: Special
This spell shapes material from the Demiplane of Shadow into illusionary
monsters. These monsters are randomly summoned one by one with Hit Dice
between 1 and the level of the spellcaster, until the summoned creatures' Hit
Dice total the spellcaster's level. (For example, a 15th level wizard could
summon a 10th level creature one round, then the next round the next creature
appearing would have 1 through 5 Hit Dice, and so on.) These shadowy
creatures have only 20% of the hit points of their real-world counterparts,
although their attacks do full damage.


Shades (Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 20-foot cube
Saving Throw: None
Shades is similar to Shadow Monsters and Demishadow Monsters - it allows the
caster to shape material from the Demiplane of Shadow into illusionary
creatures. These shadows are tougher than the shadows summoned by Shadow
Monsters and Demishadow Monsters, and they will obey the caster until the
spell expires or they are slain.


Shroud of Flame
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell causes a creature to burst into flames if they fail a saving throw
vs. spells. The creature will burn for 2-12 points of damage every round
(although they are allowed a new saving throw every round after the first to
avoid taking further damage) and as long as the spell is in effect, gouts
of flame erupt from the burning target causing any creatures within ten feet
of the burning creature take 1-4 hit points of damage from the flames. This
spell is particularly useful in dispersing packs of trolls and frost


Snilloc's Snowball Swarm
Level: 2
Range: Sight of caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time:2
Area of Effect: 25-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2 Damage
This spell causes a flurry of snowballs to erupt from a point within range.
These snowballs will hit everything within the area of effect, doing 1-3 hit
points/level, up to a maximum of 8-24 hit points at level 8. Against
fire-using or fire-dwelling creatures, it inflicts 1-6 hit points/level.


Spirit Armor (Necromancy)
Level: 4
Range: Touch
Duration: 3 turns
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell is very similar to the 3rd level spell Ghost Armor in that it
creates a corporeal barrier around the targets body for the duration of the
spell. This spell however, actually taps in to the targets life force in
order to create the barrier. The armor itself is weightless, and does not
hinder movement or spell casting at all. The Spirit Armor does not work
cumulatively with any other armor, however dexterity bonus' still apply as
well as magic rings and a shield. While in effect the AC (armor class)
of the recipient will be 1, as if he was wearing plate mail. Also, due to
the magical nature of the spell, he will also recieve a +3 bonus to save vs.
magical attacks. There is a danger however, as when the spell runs out the
external portion of the spirit is temporarily lost, inflicting 2d4 points of
damage upon the target.


Summon Shadow
(Conjuration/Summoning, Necromancy)
Level: 5
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 10-foot cube
Saving Throw: None
This spell summons one shadow for every three levels of the caster. This
shadow will obey the orders of the caster, attacking his enemies or
performing tasks until the spell expires or the shadows are slain.


Stone to Flesh (Evocation)
Level: 6
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
This spell turns a petrified creature back to normal. If one of your
companions has been victimized by a basilisk or a medusa, this spell will
restore them to normal health.


Stoneskin (Evocation)
Level: 4
Range: Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Arguably one of the best defensive spells ever, Stoneskin makes the affected
creature virtually immune to any cut, blow, projectile or the like (although
spells and spell damage will still affect the creature as normal). The next 1
to 4 attacks (+1 attack/2 levels of the caster) that strike the creature will
simply bounce off with no effect. Casting this spell multiple times does not
have a cumulative effect.


Ice Storm
Level: 4
Range: Sight of caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, shards of ice smash down on all targets in the area
of effect, doing 3-30 points of cold damage.


Power Word: Stun
Level: 7
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Similar to Power Word: Silence and Power Word: Kill, Power Word: Stun is
another of the words of power. When uttered, it stuns any creature the caster
targets, causing them to reel and be unable to think coherently. Creatures
with less than 31 hit points are stunned for 4-16 rounds, those with 31 to 60
hit points are stunned for 2-8 rounds, those with 61 to 90 hit points are
stunned for 1-4 rounds, and those more than 90 hit points are unaffected. The
spell checks the creature's current hit points, not their maximum, so even
the toughest creatures can be affected by this spell if they are wounded.


Tenser's Transformation
(Alteration, Evocation)
Level: 6
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
Mages need not always be mages -- Tenser's Transformation changes the caster
into a heroic fighter, doubling the wizard's hit points, and gives him a +4
bonus to his armor class. All damage the caster sustains takes away from the
bonus hit points first. All the wizard's attacks have the same chance to hit
as a fighter of the same level, and the wizard is allowed to attack twice a
round with +2 damage per attack.



These seeds come from some of the rarest of tropical plants that seem to be
able to grow in very unfavorable climates and conditions.


Oil of the Serpent's Scales

The creation of this useful oil is quite dangerous, involving the extraction
of venom from five live ophidians and the removal of twenty or more scales
from each of the same. The scales are left to soak in a mixture of venom,
ground poppies, and a variety of other strange ingredients for a full month.
At the end of this time, the scales are burned and rolled in another mixture
of oils and powders until it takes on the consistency of thick butter. A
variety of spells are then cast upon the mixture to give the oil its full
powers. When used, the target's skin becomes tough, green, and scaly. While
the oil is extremely useful, it takes a full round to adequately smear it
over the recipient's body.


Target has +2 AC for six rounds (non-cumulative)
Takes a full round to use


Serrated Bone Blade

Emanating a faint blue aura, this gigantic weapon is a serrated two-handed
sword made of bone. It will occasionally strike with a shocking force of
cold, chilling the player to the bone.


Damage: 1D10+3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 20% chance +1D10 cold damage
Weight: 25
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-Handed
Note Usable By:


Ring of Shadows

Priests of Mask made this plain silver ring in order to help their more
generous worshippers. In return, the thieves who borrowed the ring gave a
portion of their earnings to churches of Mask. The ring left the church's
ownership when an ungrateful thief name Jennick decided to run away with the
prized item. The church of Mask hired assassins to hunt down the man and
kill him, but he was never captured. It is believed that Jennick retired in
Waterdeep and lived out the rest of his days in peace.


+15% Stealth Skill
Wearer under the effect of the spell, Non-Detection
Only usable by:


Owain's Lullabye

Owain's Lullabye was created by a disturbed bard named Owain Piper. Piper
was a worshipper of Auril, born in the town of Silverymoon and raised to
embrace the frigid environment of his homeland. He traveled extensively in
the Moonsea, where he met a mage named Pelham of the Moor. Owain and Pelham
became good friends and stayed in contact for over a decade. Pelham
eventually enchanted Owain's Lullabye for the bard in exchange for a small
sum of money. Owain rarely used the instrument in battle, typically
employing it when he found late-migrating geese lounging on a lake. He would
blow the horn in such a way that the geese heard it as the sound of their
cousins heading south for the winter. As the geese would attempt to take
flight, Owain's horn would freeze them in mid-stroke, where he would leave
them to die.


When played, this instrument casts Cone of Cold for 10d4+10 points of damage.

Only Usable By:


Shadowed Boots

Upon closer inspection of these boots, the fabric seems to be made of some
corporeal material. Wearing these boots causes the user to take on an almost
shadowed or ghostly appearance. Additionaly, sound becomes eerily muffled as
if heard from a distance.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: +15% Stealth Skill
Weight: 5
Only usable by:
Thief (single, dual, & multi-class)


Shadowed Cloak

Upon closer look at this cloak, it is more of a shroud that consists of an
unknown corporeal material instead of fabric. Upon it being worn, it will
make the wearer appear as shadowed as the cloak is.


Special: +15% Hide in Shadows
Weight: 5
Only usable by:
Thief (single, dual, & multi-class)


Symbol of Shevarash

This magical symbol of the demipower, Solonar Thelandira was given to those
who would do battle for the Hand in the dead of night. The wearer would be
given infravision stronger than normal elven eyes.




Small Shield

A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with
the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the
user to carry other items in that hand, although he cannot wield or carry
another weapon.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: No Missile Weapon Protection
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:


Small Shield +1

A small shield is usually round and is carried on the forearm, gripped with
the shield hand. Its light weight as compared to a medium shield permits the
user to carry other items in that hand, although he cannot wield or carry
another weapon.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: No Missile Weapon Protection
Weight: 3
Not Usable By:


Medium Shield

A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the
small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using his
shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium
shields are usually made of metal, range from 3'-4' in diameter, and can be
of any shape, from round to square to a spread dragon's wings. A typical
medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Weight: 7
Not Usable By:


Medium Shield +1

A medium shield is carried in the same manner as a small shield. Unlike the
small shield, however, its weight prevents the character from using his
shield hand for anything other than carrying the medium shield. Medium
shields are usually made of metal, range from 3'-4' in diameter, and can be
of any shape, from round to square to a spread dragon's wings. A typical
medieval shield resembles a triangle with one point facing downward.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Weight: 6
Not Usable By:


Large Shield

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 15
Not Usable By:


Large Shield +1

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 12
Not Usable By:


Large Shield +1, +4 vs. Missiles

This large shield has been enchanted to protect the wearer against missiles
of all types.


Armor Class: +2 bonus, +5 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 12
Not Usable By:



A buckler, also known as a target shield, is a small round shield of wood or
metal that fastens to the forearm. Because of it's size it is light and can
be worn with very little restriction to movement.


Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: No Missile/Piercing Attack Protection
Weight: 2
Unusable By:


The Bitch Queen's Envoy

Representatives of Umberlee, the so-called Bitch Queen, were given this
shield to display to the court of Ishtishia on trips to the Elemental Plane
of Water. It protected its bearers on numerous occasions. The envoys of the
Queen of the Sea rarely abused the powers of the device, but it only took one
mischievous priest to lose the item. Legends say that Herren of Umberlee
used the shield's sanctuary to attack and destroy a number of elementals
before the water lord Ishtishia shifted the priest to the paraelemental plane
of ice, where he froze to death. From there, it is believed that the shield
floated around the planes for many years, only recently resurfacing in


Armor Class Bonus: 3
Special: Water Elementals ignore the bearer in combat
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:
Lawful Creatures


The Red Knight's Shield

Divination about this item reveals little, save that it once belonged to a
woman called the Red Knight, a devoted worshipper and soldier of Tempus. A
cult to the Red Knight exists in a few places around Faerun. The little
information that is known about the religion indicates that the Red Knight is
a quasi-deity representing strategy and tactics in war. The faith consists
entirely of a small groups of Tempurans who favor the Red Knight's emphasis
of military structure and order. The shield is plain in design and
construction, with a small icon of a horse's head carved into the back rim of
the item.


Armor Class Bonus: 4
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:
Chaotic Creatures


Shield Ring

This highly prized ring is made from simple jade to hide its powerful magic.
Crafted by the wizard Bil, the shield ring is plain and functional. Bil, a
sardonic mage of otherwise small repute (creator of such spells as Bil's
Fantastic Ale and Bil's Blasting Ball), found the ring to be incredibly
useful against the enemy mages he frequently fought. When Bil disappeared
from the Realms twenty years ago, his ring was one of many items he left
behind to his friends and associates. Because many of his friends and
associates were larcenous thugs, it is assumed that the ring was sold to the
highest bidder as soon as possible.


Shield spell on wearer
Only usable by:


Plate Mail Armor

Upon closer look at this suit of plate mail, its metal seems to be in a
corporeal state, hence its shadowed look. Upon it being worn, it will make
the wearer appear as shadowed as the armor is. It will also provide extra
protection against missile weapons while the wearer is in its shadowed state.


Armor Class: 0
Special: +3 AC vs. missiles
Weight: 20
Not usable by:


Shadowed Robe

This robe is made up of some unknown corporeal material that gives its wearer
a shadowed look. Besides giving excellent protection, it also provides some
resistance against magic.


AC: 4
+15% Magic Resistance
Weight: 5
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Shield of the Hand

Made during the golden age between the elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep. Etched with elven runes across its face, this shield
was made from some of the strongest metals to ever come from Dorn's Deep.
Any bearer of this shield is confident in the fact that this shield will
deflect any blow brought upon it.


Armor Class Bonus: 3
Special: +1 vs. Missile Weapons
Weight: 8
Not Usable By:


Short Sword of the Hand

Made during the golden age between the elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep. The craftsmanship of this short sword is of
exceptional dwarven quality and is laden with elvish runes across its glowing
blade. There were swordsman within the Seldarine's Hand who preferred the
quickness and balance of a short sword. This was made to accommodate those
swordsmen who preferred to deliver death through quickness and grace rather
than brute strength.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Staff of the Hand

Made during the golden age between the elves of the Seldarine's Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep. This staff was carved and shaped with the utmost
care, and then etched with elvish runes across its length. Although most of
the Hand's wizards chose not to engage in melee combat, they wielded this
staff as a symbol of power and unity.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staves
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:



A fallen paladin called Matthain "Blackwatch" used this weapon to kill one
hundred and one knights of his former king. Matthain's family, Chamberlain,
had a long tradition of producing paladins of Tyr. Matthain's father,
Garlan, slew a powerful high priest of Bane who had been posing a threat to
the kingdom. The priest's evil magic brought him back from the dead. This
priest, called "The Chamberlain Haunt," cursed the Chamberlain family to only
produce stillborn children until he had been appeased. Matthain, as the heir
to the family, took it upon himself to remove the curse. The Chamberlain
Haunt told Matthain that he must kill one hundred and one knights of the

Matthain began his grim task, slaughtering every knight he came across. He
brought the skull and shield of each warrior to the Chamberlain Haunt as
proof of his deed. The king dispatched bands of knights and heroes to kill
Matthain, but he proved too difficult a foe. Finally, after three years of
murdering, Matthain had killed one hundred knights. He told the Chamberlain
Haunt that it was time to end the curse. The Chamberlain Haunt corrected
him, reminding the fallen paladin that he had to kill one hundred and one
knights of the king.

Overcome with misery and regret, Matthain nodded and immediately threw
himself on his own spear. With Matthain and Garlan dead, and the letter of
his requirements fulfilled, the curse was ended and the Chamberlain Haunt was
called to Acheron by Bane, screaming all the way.


Damage: 1D6 +5
THAC0: +5
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Edley's Sling

The halfling warrior-rogue Edley Bramble was the owner of this fine weapon.
Edley was a villain to some, but a hero to many more. Despite the fact that
most halflings publicly regard Edley as a scoundrel and bad influence on
halfling culture, many secretly revere and admire him. Edley's pranks and
adventures among humans and elves are recorded in some of the folksongs
created by Waren Blackbird.


Damage: +2 (Missile Damage)
THAC0: +3
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



Slings have existed since the beginning of recorded history. The basic sling
consists of a leather or fabric strap with a pouch for holding the missile.
The weapon is held by both ends of the strap and twirled around the wielder's
head. When top speed is attained, the missile is launched by releasing one
of the strap's ends.


Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Sling +1

Slings have existed since the beginning of recorded history. The basic sling
consists of a leather or fabric strap with a pouch for holding the missile,
however this one has been imbued with a small magical enchantment. The
weapon is held by both ends of the strap and twirled around the wielder's
head. When top speed is attained, the missile is launched by releasing one
of the strap's ends.


Damage: +1 (missile damage)
THAC0: +1
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Symbol of Solonar Thelandira

This magical symbol of the elven god Solonar Thelandira was given to many of
the archers in the Hand of the Seldarine. Wearing it would increase the
archer's prowess to strike true on its target.


THAC0: +2 (Missile Weapons Only)

Not Usable By:


Spendelard's Protector

The wizard Spendelard was famous for his extremely utilitarian spells. While
he was not threatened a great deal during his life, his rare but far-reaching
travels often took him into dangerous situations. A staff of his making
protected him on those occasions. He eventually acquired a staff, which he
found more to his liking and sold his worn Protector to a traveling druid of


Damage: 1D6+1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonus +1 Save vs. Spells
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staves
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:



One of man's earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times,
the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end.
When man mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. Having
reached this end, weaponers began experimenting with different types of spear
heads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Spear +1

One of man's earliest weapons, dating back to the most primitive of times,
the first spears were simply wooden poles or sticks sharpened at one end.
When man mastered metals, spearheads were made from iron and steel. Having
reached this end, weaponers began experimenting with different types of spear
heads, thus leading to the development of certain polearm types. This spear
is slightly different though, as it has been imbued with certain magical


Damage: 1D6 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Spear +3, Backbiter

This cursed spear will appear as a magical spear, however when a combat
situation arises, the wielder will attack an enemy and backbiter will attack
the wielder. For every attack made, backbiter will attack the foe and also
the wielder. This is a powerful spear, but one must ask if it is worth it in
the end. The only way that backbiter can be removed is by a Remove Curse


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 3 (piercing) damage inflicted upon the wielder upon every
successful hit
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:



The ghastly name of this weapon is taken from its first owner's fondness for
burying it in the backs of his enemies. The long stiletto blade of this
weapon was designed specifically to punch through armor. The assassin
Beledor of Calimport used this weapon to kill dozens of people before he
succumbed to the poison of an easily bribed servant.


Damage: 1D4+1
THAC0: +5
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Spirit Essence

This valuable potion is made by capturing and distilling the spirits of
trolls. Normally only attempted by powerful necromancers and enchanters, the
process results in a powerful healing potion able to instantly regenerate
even severe wounds.


Heals 25 hit points


Cure Light Wounds (Necromancy)
Level: 1
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When casting this spell and laying his hand upon a creature, the priest heals
8 points of damage to the creature's body. This spell has no affect on
undead or extraplanar creatures.


Entangle (Alteration)
Level: 1
Sphere: Plant
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 20-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
When this spell is cast, grasses, weeds, bushes, and even trees wrap, twist,
and entwine about any creatures in the area of effect, holding them fast for
the duration of the spell. A creature that rolls a successful saving throw
vs. spell avoids entanglement. Entangled creature can still attack, even
though they can't move.


Remove Fear (Abjuration)
Level: 1
Sphere: Charm
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
The priest instills courage in the spell recipients, raising their morale to
its highest. The recipient's morale will gradually reset to normal as the
duration runs out. If the recipients are affected by magical fear, this is


Aid (Necromancy, Conjuration)
Level: 2
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
The recipient of this spell gains the benefit of a Bless spell (+1 to attack
rolls and saving throws) and 1-8 bonus hit points for the duration of the
spell. These bonus hit points can exceed a character's maximum hit points,
but the bonus hit points are lost when the recipient takes damage; they
cannot be regained by curative magic.


Chant (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 2
Sphere: Combat
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
By means of the Chant spell, the priest brings special favor upon himself and
his party, and causes harm to his enemies. When the Chant spell is
completed, all the priest's allies in the area of effect gain +1 to attack,
damage, and saving throws, while the priest's enemies suffer a -1 penalty to
their attacks, damage and saves. Multiple Chants are not cumulative. This
spell requires a moderate amount of concentration by the caster, so the
priest cannot cast any spells for the Chant's duration, and his movement is
slowed by half.


Find Traps (Divination)
Level: 2
Sphere: Divination
Range: 10-foot path
Duration: 3 turns
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Caster
Saving Throw: None
When a priest casts a Find Traps spell, all traps - concealed normally or
magically, of magical or mechanical nature - become apparent to him, as if he
or she were a thief.


Hold Person (Enchantment/Charm)
Level: 2
Sphere: Charm
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
This spell holds 1-4 humans, demihumans, or humanoid creatures immobile for
five rounds or longer. The Hold Person spell affects any bipedal human,
demihuman, or humanoid of mansize or smaller, including dwarves, elves,
gnolls, gnomes, goblins, half-elves, halflings, half-orcs, hobgoblins,
humans, lizard men, orcs, troglodytes, and others. Thus, a 10th-level fighter
could be held, while an ogre could not. The effect selects the enemies
closest to the target and holds them. Enemies making their saving throws are
totally unaffected by the spell. Undead creatures cannot be held. Held
creatures cannot move or speak, but they remain aware of events around them
and can use abilities not requiring motion or speech. Being held does not
prevent the worsening of the subject's condition due to wounds, disease, or


Silence, 15' Radius (Alteration)
Level: 2
Sphere: Guardian
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 15-foot-radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
Upon casting this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. All
sound is stopped: conversation is impossible and spells cannot be cast. Each
creature in the area must make a saving throw vs. spells; if the save is
failed then they are silenced for the duration of the spell. Note that this
spell does not continue to affect the area after being cast; only those in
the area at the time of the casting are affected by the silence.


Slow Poison (Necromancy)
Level: 2
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it slows the effects of
venom. This spell does not neutralize the poison, just slows it down enough
so you can get real healing at a temple or from your party's priest.


Cure Moderate Wounds
Sphere: Healing
Level: 2
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
A stronger version of the 1st level priest spell Cure Light Wounds, Cure
Moderate Wounds heals 11 points of damage to a living creature.


Dispel Magic (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Sphere: Protection
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
A Dispel Magic spell removes magical effects upon anyone within the area of
effect. This includes the effects of spells, potions and magical items. It
does not, however, affect magical items themselves.


Glyph of Warding
(Abjuration, Evocation)
Level: 3
Sphere: Guardian
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
A Glyph of Warding is a powerful inscription, magically drawn to prevent
unauthorized or hostile creatures from passing, entering, or opening. It can
be used to guard a small bridge, to ward an entry, or as a trap on a chest or
box. Any creature violating the warded area sets off the glyph. A
successful saving throw vs. spell enables the creature to escape the effects,
but if the save is failed, the glyph deals 1-4 points of electrical
damage/level of the caster to the victim. Resting or leaving the area the
Glyph of Warding is in will make it disappear harmlessly.


Protection From Fire (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Sphere: Protection, Elemental (Fire)
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 6
Area 'of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When the spell is cast, it confers complete invulnerability to normal fires
(torches, bonfires, oil fires, and the like) and significant resistance to
exposure to magical fires such as fiery dragon breath, spells such as Burning
Hands, Fireball, Fire Seeds, Fire Storm, Flame Strike, etc., absorbing 80% of
all the damage dealt by such magical sources.


Remove Curse (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Sphere: Protection
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell, the priest is usually able to remove a curse on an
object, on a person, or in the form of some undesired sending or evil
presence. Note that the Remove Curse spell does not remove the curse from a
cursed shield, weapon, or suit of armor, for example, although the spell
typically enables the person afflicted with any such cursed item to get rid
of it. Certain special curses may not be countered by this spell, or may be
countered only by a caster of a certain level or more.


Remove Paralysis (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Sphere: Protection
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
By the use of this spell, the priest can free one creatures from the effects
of any paralyzation or related magic (such as a ghoul touch, or a Hold Person


Prayer (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 3
Sphere: Combat
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 60-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
Prayer bestows favor on the priest and his allies, and curses their enemies.
All attacks, damage, and saving throws by friendly characters gain +1, while
enemy attacks, damage rolls and saves are all penalized by 1. Any creatures
caught in the area of effect when the spell is cast will continue to be
affected by the spell when they leave the area, so if the fighters want to
chase down that fleeing goblin, the effects of the Prayer will follow him.


Cure Disease (Abjuration)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Sphere: Necromantic
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is placed on a diseased individual, it immediately cures them
and restores 5 lost hit points.


Neutralize Poison (Necromancy)
Level: 4
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is placed upon a poisoned individual, it immediately
neutralizes any poison and restores 10 lost hit points.


Protection From Lightning (Abjuration)
Level: 4
Sphere: Protection, Weather
Range: Touch
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Casting Time: 7
Area 'of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When the spell is cast it confers complete invulnerability to electrical
attacks such as dragon breath or magical attacks such as Lightning Bolt,
Shocking Grasp etc. The protection will last for the duration of the spell
or until successfully dispelled.


Static Charge (Alteration)
Level: 4
Sphere: Weather
Range: Caster
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Sight of Caster
Saving Throw: 1/2
Static Charge is similar to call lightning except it can be used indoors.
This spell allows the caster to generate a static charge around any creature
within the area of effect, doing 2-16 points of electrical damage, plus an
additional 1-8 points for each of the caster's experience levels. The charge
keeps going off, once every turn, for the duration of the spell.


Raise Dead (Necromancy)
Level: 5
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Sight of the Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
When the priest casts a Raise Dead spell, he can restore life to one of his
companions. Note that this spell does not work on elven characters, and the
corpse to be raised must be intact (if the party member suffered an explosive
death, then raising is impossible). The person has but 1 hit point when
raised and must regain the rest by natural healing or curative magic. Raise
Dead will not work on someone killed by a Death Spell, Finger of Death, or

Note that when this spell is inscribed on a scroll, its power and range is
diminished. A scroll of Raise Dead only works when invoked at the place
where the target died; if the caster leaves the area and attempts to Raise
his companion, the scroll will not work.


Champion's Strength (Alteration)
Level: 5
Sphere: Law
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 2
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast,the priest effectively draws on the strength of his
god and lends it to the target creature, in effect creating a champion. The
target's strength is increased to 20-23 for 1 turn. As soon as the spell is
cast, the spellcaster becomes fatigued, suffering a penalty to all his/her
rolls. The drawback to this spell is that the priest must concentrate on the
connection between the target and his god for the duration of the spell,
hence losing the ability to cast any additional spells during this time. The
effect lasts for one turn or until dispelled.


Insect Plague (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 5
Sphere: Combat
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 15 rounds
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 25-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a swarm of creeping, hopping, and flying insects. All
creatures within the swarm suffer 1 hit point of damage every round,
spell-casting is impossible, and any creatures of 2 Hit Dice or less will
immediately attempt to flee the cloud as quickly as possible - creatures of 5
Hit Dice or less must make a morale check to remain with the swarm.


Spike Stones
(Alteration, Enchantment)
Level: 5
Sphere: Elemental (Earth)
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 12 rounds
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell warps the surrounding rock, reshaping the terrain into spiked
projections that blend into the background. Any creature entering the area
takes 2-8 hit points of damage every round.


Fire Seeds (Conjuration)
Level: 6
Sphere: Elemental
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell creates four grenade-like missiles in the priest's inventory that
can be hurled at any target up to 40 yards away. (These missiles last only
for the spells duration, so don't horde them.) When they land, the seed
explode, doing 2-16 points of damage to everything within a five-foot radius.
A creature struck directly by the seeds receives no saving throw, but
creatures hit by the splash damage are allowed to make a saving throw vs.
spell for half-damage.


Heal (Necromancy)
Level: 6
Sphere: Healing
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Heal wipes away disease and injury from a target creature. It cures
blindness, diseases, feeblemind and restores the target to maximum hit points
if they have been injured.


Sol's Searing Orb (Invocation)
Level: 6
Sphere: Sun
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to hurl a brilliant, searing flash at a target.
When it hits, it explodes in a flash of light, doing 6-36 of fire damage to
the target and blinding him for 1-6 rounds if a saving throw vs. spells is
failed. If the saving throw is made, the target only takes half damage and is
not blinded. Undead creatures are particularly vulnerable to this spell -
they take double damage and are blinded for twice the duration as other
creatures, even if they make their saving throw.


Creeping Doom (Conjuration/Summoning)
Level: 7
Sphere: Animal, Summoning
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 turn
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Creeping Doom summons a mass of insects in a 20 foot square area that will
promptly spread out and attack the player's enemies. The swarm is composed of
various beetles, spiders and other creatures, each of one will sting once and
die - as a result, the swarm will generally kill any creature not immune to
normal attacks before the swarm is destroyed.


Fire Storm (Evocation)
Level: 7
Sphere: Elemental (Fire)
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 1 round
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 25-foot radius
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell causes the area of effect to be covered in roaring flames, doing
2-16 +1 hit point/level of the priest to anything within the area of effect.
Creatures are allowed a saving throw vs. spells to take half-damage from the


Sunray (Evocation,Alteration)
Level: 7
Sphere: Sun
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 4 rounds
Casting Time: 4
Area of Effect: 15-foot radius
Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to evoke a dazzling beam of light from the sky
that lasts 4 rounds. Creatures in the area of effect must make a saving throw
vs. spells or be blinded for 1-3 rounds. Undead or fungoid creatures in the
area of effect also take 8-48 points of damage (half damage if they make a
saving throw vs. spell).


Resurrection (Necromancy)
Level: 7
Sphere: Necromantic
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: 1 creature
Saving Throw: None
Restoring life to the dead is one of the priest's most powerful spells.
Resurrection can restore a character to life with full hit points; the
deceased character must be in the party for this spell to work. Resurrection
will not work on someone killed by a Death Spell, Finger of Death, or
Disintegrate. Unlike Raise Dead, Resurrection will work on elven characters.

Note that when this spell is inscribed on a scroll, its power and range is
diminished. A scroll of Resurrection only works when invoked at the place
where the target died; if the caster leaves the area and attempts to
Resurrect his companion, the scroll will not work.


Symbol of Pain
Level: 7
Sphere: Guardian
Range: Sight of Caster
Duration: 2-20 turns
Casting Time: 3
Area of Effect: 60-foot radius
Saving Throw: Neg.
All creatures within 60 feet of the Symbol of Pain when it's invoked must
make a saving throw vs. spell. If failed, they are overwhelmed by pain,
suffering a -4 to their attack rolls, a -2 to Dexterity and a -2 to their
Armor Class.


A Cage of Squirrels

With this cage are two cramped squirrels.


Ring of Sanctuary

Created during the golden age between the elves of the Seldarine Hand and the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep, it was given to those clerics that were sent into
battle against the orc and goblin hordes. Its power provided sanctuary to
the cleric while he was calling forth the power of his faith.


Special: Casts the Priest spell, Sanctuary x 5

Usable by:


Quarter Staff

The simplest and humblest of staff weapons, the quarterstaff is a length of
wood ranging six to nine feet in length. High quality quarterstaves are made
of stout oak and are shod with metal at both ends. The quarterstaff must be
wielded with both hands.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staves
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Quarter Staff +1

The simplest and humblest of staff weapons, the quarterstaff is a length of
wood ranging six to nine feet in length. High quality quarterstaves are made
of stout oak and are shod with metal at both ends. This one is particularly
special as it has been imbued with magical properties.


Damage: 1D6 + 1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staves
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


The Summoner's Staff

A powerful weapon and tool, this staff was created by the powerful archmage
Ubath of the Celestial Sign. Originally of Algarond, Ubath commanded great
respect for his skills as a summoner of beasts and elementals.
Unfortunately, Ubath's desire for power drove him to extreme lengths. His
conjuring of extremely powerful entities from the lower planes is what
eventually did him in. This staff is his most prominent legacy. It was left
behind, slightly blackened, when he was dragged away to Acheron.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Special: Allows the user to cast Monster Summoning IV or Invisible Stalker
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Quarter Staves
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:
Mage(Single, Dual, Multi)



This small shield was created as a gift from the leader of Clan Battlehammer
to one of his trusted servants. The servant, Wurdar Stoutbrew, protected the
clan leader's family from being killed and eaten by yeti. Wurdar wore the
shield proudly for ten years before he was killed by orcs in the Spine of the
World. His sacrifice allowed a few key members of the Battlehammer clan to
escape to safety.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: No Missile Weapon Protection
Weight: 4
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword

Also known as the hand-and-a-half sword, the bastard sword derives its name
from the fact that it is halfway between the two-handed sword and the long
sword. The bastard sword has a double-edged blade and a long grip, which can
accommodate both hands if preferred. The overall length of the bastard sword
ranges between four feet and four feet ten inches.


Damage: 2D4
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword +1

Also known as the hand-and-a-half sword, the bastard sword derives its name
from the fact that it is halfway between the two-handed sword and the long
sword. The bastard sword has a double-edged blade and a long grip, which can
accommodate both hands if preferred. The overall length of the bastard sword
ranges between four feet and four feet ten inches.


Damage: 2D4 + 1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 9
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword +1, +3 vs. Shapeshifters: 'Kondar'

At a first glance, this sword appears much like any other. In the presence
of any shapeshifting creature however, the blade becomes warm as its power
stirs. Its namesake was the original owner of the weapon, and his tale,
though mostly long forgotten, was wrought with treachery and deceit. Rumors
persist that he paid a fearsome price for this blade, but with it he revealed
the true identities of those that sought to betray him. Their names and
crimes however, are long since lost to history.


Damage: 2D4 +1, +3 vs. Shape Shifters
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 8
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Sword

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Sword +1

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.


Damage: 1D8 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Sword +2: 'Varscona'

Blades of this type were long used by Sharran priests during the sacrificial
rites of "Feast of the Moon" ceremonies. Legends say that, when she passed
on, the remains of this sword's wielder were mummified and the blade was
placed within her chest as a symbol of power. In the first stage of a long
forgotten ritual, she was to have been exhumed in a season, born again in
some new form. Unfortunately, cult wars killed the few that knew of her
existence; her tomb became a prison where she was forgotten, and there she
developed a rage that bordered on insanity. Her grave was eventually found,
but it was deserted and gave no indication of her whereabouts. Some venture
to say that her anger was so concentrated, she became one with the very blade
of her weapon. Regardless, after hundreds of years surrounded by constant
hate, the sword harvested a power of its own. It is now exceedingly deadly
in combat.


Damage: 1D8 +2
Special: +1 Cold damage
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword +1

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting.


Damage: 1D6 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword +2: 'The Whistling Sword'

Amidst the plains of the Eastern Shaar there lived a small human blacksmith,
whose nearly dwarven height did not do his soul justice. Though a skilled
weaponsmith, his true gift was his ability to whistle a heartfelt song that
could cause a grown man to cry like a newborn. Only a reclusive mage shared
and enjoyed time with the diminutive man, however, as others could only see
his small size as a source of amusement. Deaf to the smith's song because of
their own prejudices, their ridicule slowly grew into cruel torment which
eventually persuaded the light-hearted man to leave his home forever. Before
he left he forged this weapon as a gift for his one friend, who also
enchanted it during the making. Thus the blade sweetly whistles to its
wielder when unsheathed. It was not long after that the mage also deserted
the small town in disgust, taking the sword with him on his journeys.


Damage: 1D6 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword of Back Stabbing: 'The Shadow's Blade'

The Shadow's Blade was created to be the perfect assassin's tool. It is
highly sought after by any who settle differences with a blade, and many that
possess it do not do so for long.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Flame Blade (spell effect)


Hull's Long Sword

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



This potent weapon was created by the smiths of ancient Myth Drannor.
Moonblades are used in the long process of selecting a ruler for the isle of
Evermeet. A Moonblade chooses its owner, and in the case of this sword it
has chosen the elf, Xan. Only Xan can use this blade, anyone else who tries
will find themselves unable to lift the sword. This particular Moonblade
gives resistance to fire and gives its user a bonus to his armor class.


Damage: 1D8
Damage type: Slashing
Bonus to hit: 3
Bonus to damage: 3
+1 bonus to Armor Class
+50% Fire Resistance
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Everyone but Xan

SW1H14, SW1H98

Short Sword +1

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting.


Damage: 1D6 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Scimitar +3, Frostbrand

The scimitar is closely related to the sabre, a single edged curved sword
with protective hilt. The blade has a greater curve to it and is tapered to
an elongated, sharp point.The origins of the scimitar are largely unknown
however they have been very popular in the southern region of the Forgotten
Realms. This is the magical scimitar +3, Frostbrand.


Damage: 1D8 + 3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Proficiency type: Large Swords
Speed Factor: 2
Type: 1-handed
Not usable by:


Perdue's Short Sword

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting.


Damage: 1D6
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Sword of Chaos

(not usable)


Sword of Balduran

(invisible, can't use?)

SW2H01, SW2H01B, SW2H05

Two Handed Sword

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations.


Damage: 1D10
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +1

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +3, "Berserker"

This is a cursed sword which performs perfectly under every test, save the
heat of battle. Upon entering combat, the wielder will immediately go
berserk, killing everything within reach until either calming down or falling
unconcious. A very powerful sword, but one must decide whether or not it is
worth the risk. Even once the battle-fury has ended, this sword can only be
removed via an exorcism using a remove curse spell.


Damage: 1D10 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Causes the wielder to go berserk
Can only be removed with a 'remove curse' spell
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Spider's Bane

Spider's Bane was originally forged by the dwarves of the Orothiar tribe in
Cloakwood. They created the blade to help foster good will between them and
the Grand Dukes of Baldur's Gate. Wielded by the Grand Dukes for about a
century, the sword was eventually lost, ironically in a fight against
ettercaps and spiders. Who wields the blade is now unknown, but its recovery
would aid greatly in fighting the current spider infestation that plagues the


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Special: Free Action (while equipped) - protects the wielder from any
magics that effect movement such as hold and web.
Damage Type: Slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not usable by:


Two Handed Sword +3, Berserker (?)

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations.


Damage: 1D10
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Black Swan Armor

This armor was made by the dwarven smith Karador and an elven enchanter known
as Elameth of Five Trees. During the time of cooperation between the Hand of
the Seldarine and Dorn's Deep, many wondrous items were produced. This suit
of armor was one of them. Exceptionally light and beautiful, the armor was
originally worn by a female elven marshal in the Severed Hand, which is why
the orcs didn't take it when they sacked the towers. The armor was later
stolen from the Hand by Maiden Ilmadia.


Armor Class: 1
Weight: 20
Charisma: +1 bonus
Resistance Bonuses:
+10% Fire Resistance
+10% Cold Resistance
+10% Electrical Resistance
+10% Acid Resistance
Not Usable By:


Terikan's Phylactery

This phylactery stores the life force of Terikan, the evil lich that has
disturbed the dwarven cemetery in Upper Dorn's Deep. Most liches create
phylacteries to store their life forces, protecting themselves from
annihilation should harm come to their physical form. Merely possessing this
item brings an overwhelming sense of dread to the holder.


Moth Ridden Thistledown

This used to be a very fine quality, grayish material before the moths began
to eat through it. Thistledown is a high prized material from which cloaks of
elvenkind are fashioned. It is very light and does not snag easily on
branches. Due to its high quality, the elves had very little trouble
enchanting it.


Terikan's Journal

Evening Nineteen

This portion of the Deep has been a pleasant surprise, to say the least. Not
only do the ancient dwarven deterrents provide me much seclusion for my work,
I have gained the ability to have their spirits become my unwilling servants
in knowledge. Soon I will begin my final transcendence, and my ascended
existence within this region will ensure that my power is without challenge.
My new minions, unable to ever find their peace as long as my thoughts occupy
what is left of their minds.

Morning Twenty-Three

A curious experience today. I finally managed to open the door to Jamoth's
tomb, and upon entering I was overcome with fatigue. At first I felt as
though I may have unintentionally sprung a trap, but upon revisiting the tomb
later I discounted that possibility. I felt as though life itself was
leaving my body, and twisting my coherence. I will need to investigate this
room further in the future, and exercise caution. I feel as though there may
be something within those chambers that would challenge my occupation of
these halls.

Morning Twenty-Six

I have given up attempting to open the door to Wyrm's Tooth. I'd hoped to
have visited the area to gather some necessities for my rite of passage, but
it appears to be impossible to move the door in any way without its key. I
know from my readings of the lore scattered about here that the key was
placed in or around the dwarven monument outside of the cemetery, but its
hiding place appears to be impossible to find in the forge's current state.
I'm afraid that without certain resources, the process will render me weaker
than I'd originally intended, but I appear to have no choice but to use what
I have.


Terikan's Key

This key is made of a translucent metal and feels extremely cold to the
touch. There is an odd curving towards the end of it that appears to be
shaped like a fingerbone.


The Salamander's Tongue

A wicked-looking dagger with a dark history, the Salamander's Tongue is
prized both for its use as a weapon and its hidden magical powers. The blade
appears to be an exotic looking dagger with a kris-like wavy blade ending in
two small points. A small portion of a slimy, bright red living salamander's
tongue is somehow embedded in the heart of the blade, near the grip. It
pulses and writhes randomly without intervention from the owner.

The exact origins of the blade are unknown, but it is believed that the first
owner of the weapon was a respected and feared gnomish thief and assassin
from Westgate named Turlam Shallowhill. Turlam was killed in a fight with a
rival, a halfling called Deder Seven Fingers. Deder kept the weapon as a
trophy, not knowing its powers until after it was stolen by an underling, a
fellow halfling named Kreshinal Blackhound. Kreshinal fled to Selgaunt with
the dagger for five years, relying on its powers to hide him from divination.
Kreshinal lost the dagger in a botched gambling scam, and was killed by
Deder's agents within the month. Deder attempted to reclaim the dagger from
the Sembian criminals who had captured it. He succeeded at routing the
thieves and reclaiming his dagger, but he focused so much attention on the
blade that he didn't notice that the Sembian criminals had employed a priest
of Mask to infiltrate and break down his interests in Westgate. The ensuing
war between the Westgate and Selgaunt factions ended when the priest of Mask,
Pieter the Feeble, made the two sides so paranoid that they ate themselves
away from the inside. Pieter grabbed the dagger when he had the opportunity
and escaped to Hillsfar, confident that the unorganized demihuman supporters
of the late Deder Seven Fingers wouldn't follow him to a place so hostile to
their kind.

In yet another scam, Pieter sold the blade to a Mulmaster Hawk while luring
other potential buyers to an auction in Hillsfar. Pieter and his associates
murdered the buyers at the fake auction and made off with the cash, hiding
under the cover of an Amulet of Non-Detection. The Mulmaster Hawk who
purchased the blade was supposedly killed by priestesses of Umberlee who were
angry at the assassin's refusal to pay tribute to the Bitch Queen. Years of
factional fighting between the Umberlants are believed to have transported
the blade as much as three thousand miles away from its humble beginnings in
Sembia. The whereabouts of Pieter the Feeble and his goons are currently

Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Resistance Bonuses:
+10% Fire Resistance
+3 Save vs. Poison
20% of all hits do +1D4 fire damage
User under the effects of the spell, Non-Detection
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 0
Proficiency Type: Daggers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Tranquil Bolt

These crossbow bolts are easy for magic scholars to recognize because of
their purpose and their colorful decoration. The infamous Band of the Key
was a group of occultist fighters who dedicated themselves to taking evil
magical texts out of the hands of those who would use them to cause harm.
The Band favored using crossbows over bows for their ability to remain cocked
and ready for long periods of time. The leader of the Band, a thin,
mustachioed man named Heglyf, enlisted some Deneirian priests to craft these
special bolts in large quantities. They can be easily recognized by their
distinctive yellow and green fletching.


Damage: 1D8+1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Missile (Piercing)
Special: Bolts cast Silence on target
Weight: 0
Launcher: Crossbow



Crafted in 1021 DR for the warrior Makael the Lean, Turodahel has a bloody
military history. Makael was a mercenary who sold his services to anyone
with the right amount of coin. Shrewd and crafty by reputation, Makael
applied his skills and the power of Turodahel carefully for over three
decades. It wasn't until after Makael died of a magical disease that legends
about the man started to spring up. It is believed by modern sages that
Makael is likely to have killed over five hundred men with his sword over the
years. It was widely known that Makael was neither especially strong nor
tough. People assumed that it must have been the power of the sword that did
his deeds. Makael's grave was robbed within a few years of his burial.

For the next few decades, warriors and thieves from all over the Moonsea and
Dalelands schemed and murdered to get hold of Makael's legendary sword. One
priest of Bane, curious about the sword's powers, stole Makael's skull for
divination. When questioned about the magical abilities of the weapon,
Makael's spirit answered from beyond the grave with one word, "turodahel."
The Banite searched through his books for months before he discovered the
origins of the word in a Netherese lexicon. Roughly translated, "turodahel"
is a compound noun meaning "the power of discretion."


Damage: 1D8 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage Type: Slashing
Special: +1 to Intelligence
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Sanctified War Hammer +1

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +2
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Special: Memorize 1 additional 1st level Priest spell
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Cleric (single, dual, & multi-class)


Corrosive Hammer

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 30% chance +1D4 acid damage
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer of Sparks +2

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
50% chance +1D3 electric damage
10% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer +3: Life Giver

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +4
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 20% chance to Heal 1D4 to self
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Sanctified War Hammer +3

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +4
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Memorize 2 additional 1st level Priest spells
Memorize 1 additional 2nd level Priest spell
Memorize 1 additional 3rd level Priest spell
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Cleric (single, dual, & multi-class)


War Hammer of Greater Phasing +3

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +4
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
15% chance of target being Phased
25% chance +1D4 cold damage
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer +4: Defender

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +5
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Crushing
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonuses:
+15% Piercing Resistance
+15% Slashing Resistance
+15% Crushing Resistance
+15% Magic Resistance
+3 Save vs. Spells
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Flawless Battle Axe

The most common version of the battle axe is a stout pole about four feet in
length with a single-edged, trumpet-shaped blade mounted on one end. Battle
axes are also called broad axes.


Damage: 1D8
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Charged Battle Axe +2

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D8+2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
50% chance +1D3 electrical
15% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Poisonous Battle Axe +2

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D8+2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 25% chance target is Poisoned
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Good Alignment


Battle Axe +2: Defender

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D8+2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonus: +10% Missile Resistance
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Battle Axe +3: Fatigue

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D8+3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 20% chance target is Slowed
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Benorg's Truth

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D8+4 (+1D6 crushing)
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Slashing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: 10% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Massive War Hammer

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft.


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: -2 penalty
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Minimum Strength of 18 required
Not Usable By:


Sanctified War Hammer +2

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
Memorize 2 additional 1st level Priest spells
Memorize 1 additional 2nd level Priest spell
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Cleric (single, dual, & multi-class)


Star Forged War Hammer +4

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +5
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage type: Crushing
Resistance Bonuses:
+10% Magical Resistance
+2 Save vs. Spells
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


War Hammer of Phasing +2

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Crushing
10% chance target is infected with Disease
15% chance +1D4 cold damage
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Demon's Breath

Like others of its type, this warhammer is made entirely of steel, with a
bone-crushing hammer mounted upon an 18" shaft. It has also been bestowed
with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it more
effective in combat.


Damage: 1D4 +4
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Crushing
20% chance to cast the Mage spell, Fireball
50% chance +2D3 fire
Resistance Bonus: +50% Fire Resistance
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammer
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Flawless Two Handed Axe

This mighty weapon consists of a four- to five-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft,
or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled
warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it.


Damage: 1D10
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Fire Axe +1

This mighty weapon consists of a four- to five-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft,
or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled
warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it. Dwarven runes have
been etched into the giant blade to further enhance the axe.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 50% chance +1D3 fire damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Infected Two Handed Axe +2

This mighty weapon consists of a four- to five-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft,
or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled
warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it. Dwarven runes have
been etched into the giant blade to further enhance the axe.


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 15% target is infected with Disease
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Axe +2: Life Giver

This mighty weapon consists of a four- to five-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft,
or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled
warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it. Dwarven runes have
been etched into the giant blade to further enhance the axe.


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 10% chance to heal +2D3 hit points to self
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Axe of Greater Phasing +2

This mighty weapon consists of a four- to five-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft,
or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled
warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it. Dwarven runes have
been etched into the giant blade to further enhance the axe.


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
15% chance of target being Phased
25% chance +1D4 cold damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Axe of Resistence +3

This mighty weapon consists of a four- to five-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft,
or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled
warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it. Dwarven runes have
been etched into the giant blade to further enhance the axe.


Damage: 1D10 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Resistance Bonuses:
+10% Magic Resistance
+10% Slashing Resistance
+10% Piercing Resistance
+10% Crushing Resistance
+10% Missile Resistance
+2 to all saving throws
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Foe's Fate

This mighty weapon consists of a four- to five-foot haft with a very heavy
blade. The axe may be double-bitted, with blades on both sides of the haft,
or it may only have a single blade. It is an unwieldy weapon, but a skilled
warrior can strike blows of tremendous strength with it. Dwarven runes have
been etched into the giant blade to further enhance the axe.


Damage: 1D10 +4
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
25% chance target goes Berserk
25% +1D6 electric damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Hammer Arrows

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D2 (+1D6 crushing)
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Confusion Arrows +3

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 10% chance target becomes Confused
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Hammer Arrow +1

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D2 (+1D10 crushing)
THAC0: -5
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 10% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Piercing Arrows +1

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D6+1 (+4D2 piercing)
THAC0: +5
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: Targets resistance to piercing reduced by 15% for inflicted damage
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:


Inferno Arrows +2

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 1D6+2 (+1D10 fire)
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Launcher: Bow
Not usable by:



This uniquely made Bastard Sword is imbued with an ever present supply of
acidic venom. While not poisonous, the venom will burn upon contact if it
contacts directly with flesh.


Damage: 2D4
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 25% chance +1D3 acid damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Phasing Bastard Sword +1

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 15% chance of target being Phased
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Flaming Bastard Sword +1

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 25% chance +2D3 fire damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword +2: Life Giver

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 5% chance of healing 1D10 hit points to self
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword of Action +1

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 1 extra attack per round
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword +3 Defender

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Slashing
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonuses:
+10% Slashing Resistance
+10% Piercing Resistance
+10% Crushing Resistance
+10% Missile Resistance
+1 to all saving throws
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword of Greater Phasing

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 15% chance of target being Phased
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bastard Sword +2: Conflagration

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 10% Chance a 5HD Fire Ball is released
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Cancerous Bastard Sword +4

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +4
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 15% chance target is infeceted with Disease
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Good Alignment


Bastard Sword +3: Incinerator

Besides its superb craftsmanship, tiny runes of power can be seen etched all
along the surface. It's obvious a lot of time and effort went into its
creation and although not apparent at first, a slight blue glow can be seen
emanating from the runes.


Damage: 2D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Slashing
50% chance +1D8 fire damage
10% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bullets of Fire +2

A bullet is simply a rounded, well-balanced stone.


Damage: 1D4 +2, +2
Damage type: Missile
50% Chance of 2D6 fire damage (save vs. spell for none)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor:
Proficiency Type:
Not Usable By:


Fire Dagger

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade.
It has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 15% chance +1D4 fire damage
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Phase Dagger

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade. It
has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 15% chance of target being Phased
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Static Dagger +1

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade.
It has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 50% chance +1D3 electrical damage
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Mage Dagger +1

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade. It
has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Memorization Bonus: +1 1st Level Mage Spell
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Fire Dagger +2

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade. It
has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 50% chance +1D4 fire damage
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Mage Dagger +2

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade. It
has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Memorization Bonus:
+1 1st Level Mage Spell
+1 2nd Level Mage Spell
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Life Dagger +2

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade.
It has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
15% chance to Heal 1D6 hit points to self
+5 hit points
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Chaos Dagger +3

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade. It
has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 20% chance target is infected by Disease
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Lawful Characters


Mage Dagger +3

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade.
It has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Memorization Bonuses:
+1 1st Level Mage Spell
+1 2nd Level Mage Spell
+1 3rd Level Mage Spell
Resistance Bonuses:
+20% to Normal and Magical Fire
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Mage Dagger +4

Like most typical daggers, this dagger has a pointed, double-edged blade. It
has also been imbued with magical abilities which have increased its


Damage: 1D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Memorization Bonuses:
+1 1st Level Mage Spell
+1 2nd Level Mage Spell
+1 3rd Level Mage Spell
Resistance Bonuses:
+3 Save vs. Spells
+15% Magical Resistance
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Hammer Darts

The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher.


Damage: 1D3
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 15% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Berserker Darts

The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher.


Damage: 1D3
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 10% chance of going Beserk
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Fire Darts +2

The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher. Tiny silver runes have been carved
into the surface to enhance the performance of these darts.


Damage: 1D3 +2 (+1D4 fire)
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Blinding Darts +2

The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher. Tiny silver runes have been carved
into the surface to enhance the performance of these darts.


Damage: 1D3 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 25% chance target is Blinded
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Static Darts +3

The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher. Tiny silver runes have been carved
into the surface to enhance the performance of these darts.


Damage: 1D3 +3 (+2D3 electric)
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Inferno Darts +4

The dart is a small, easily concealable missile weapon that is thrown rather
than fired from a bow or other launcher. Tiny silver runes have been carved
into the surface to enhance the performance of these darts.


Damage: 1D3 +4
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Missile (piercing)
Special: 20% chance +2d6 fire damage
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Crooked Flail

The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for
threshing grain.


Damage: 1D6 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 50% chance +1D4 piercing damage
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flails
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Hammer Flail +2

The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for
threshing grain. This flail has been enhanced magically. Runes can be seen
glowing on every surface.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 15% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flails
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Fast Flail +2

The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for
threshing grain. This flail has been enhanced magically. Runes can be seen
glowing on every surface.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 1 bonus attack per round
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flails
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Fire Flail +3

The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for
threshing grain. This flail has been enhanced magically. Runes can be seen
glowing on every surface.


Damage: 1D6 +4
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 50% chance +2D6 fire damage
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flails
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Shocking Flail +4

The flail is a sturdy wooden handle attached to an iron rod, a wooden rod
with spikes, or a spiked iron ball. Between the handle and its implement is
either a hinge or chain link. The weapon was originally used as a tool for
threshing grain. This flail has been enhanced magically. Runes can be seen
glowing on every surface.


Damage: 1D6 +5
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Crushing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
50% chance +2D3 electrical damage
20% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 15
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Flails
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Halberd of Sparks +1

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 15% chance +1D10 electric damage
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Diseased Halberd +1

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 10% target is infected with Disease
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Finest Halberd

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Resistance Bonus: +10% Slashing Resistance
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Giant Halberd

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 2D8
THAC0: -1
Armor Class Penalty: 2
Damage type: Piercing
Weight: 21
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 18 required
Not Usable By:


Halberd +1: Defender

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Piercing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonuses:
+10% Piercing Resistance
+10% Slashing Resistance
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Darig's Rest

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Special: +10% chance target will Sleep
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Life Halberd +2

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 10% chance to heal 1D6 hit points to self
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Doom Halberd +3

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
50% chance +2D3 fire damage
15% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Star Forged Halberd +3

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Dexterity: +1 bonus
Special: 15% chance target is Stunned
Resistance Bonuses
+5% Slashing Resistance
+5% Piercing Resistance
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Great Halberd +4

Like others of its type, this halberd consists of a cleaver-like axe blade
mounted on a staff approximately six feet in length. It has also been
bestowed with a small number of magical properties, however, thus making it
more effective in combat. Its keen blade, for instance, will shear through
your opponent's flesh to find the bone while its barbed tip will seek out
gaps in their armor. This halberd has had various enchantments placed on it
to increase its effectiveness in battle.


Damage: 1D10 +4
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 50% chance +2D3 acid damage
Resistance Bonus: +10% Magic Resistance
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Halberds
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Finest Heavy Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Heavy Crossbow of Defense

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt). A slight blue glow can be seen emanating from
the crossbar.


Damage: +4 (missile)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonus: +10% Missile Resistance
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Heavy Crossbow of Speed

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt). A slight blue glow can be seen emanating from
the crossbar.


Damage: +4 (missile)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Special: 2 attacks per round
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Reinforced Heavy Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt). A slight blue glow can be seen emanating from
the crossbar.


Damage: +7 (missile)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Special: 2 attacks per round
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 18 required
Not Usable By:


Repeating Heavy Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt). A slight blue glow can be seen emanating from
the crossbar.


Damage: +5 (missile)
THAC0: +5 bonus
Special: 3 attacks per round
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Huge Long Bow

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. It has two advantages over the
short bow: better range and hence, it is much more accurate.


Damage: +3 (missile)
Armor Class Penalty: 1
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 18 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow +1: Protector

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


Damage: +1 (missile)
THAC0: +2
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow +2: Defender

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +3
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonus: +2 Save vs Spells
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow +2: Protector

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +3
Resistance Bonuses:
+15% Missile Resistance
+5% Magic Resistance
Weight: 3
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow of Action +2

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +3
Dexterity: +1 bonus
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow +3: Repeater

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


Damage: +3 (missile)
THAC0: +4
Special: 3 attacks per round
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow +3: Defender

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


Damage: +3 (missile)
THAC0: +4
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonuses:
+3 Save vs Spells
+15% Missile Resistance
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Long Bow +4: Hammer

The long bow is similar to the short bow, except that the staff is about as
high as the archer is, usually 6 to 6.5 feet. Even though the longbow is
slightly slower then the short bow, it has more range and is more accurate.
This one has been enhanced with magical properties, giving it an air of


Damage: +4 (missile)
THAC0: +5
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Special: 4 attacks per round
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Bow
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Dexterity of 17 required
Minimum Strength of 12 required
Not Usable By:


Finest Long Sword

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting.


Damage: 1D8
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Fine Long Sword +1

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +1
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Spiked Long Sword +1

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 25% chance +2D6 piercing damage
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Flaming Long Sword +2

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +2 (+1D3 fire)
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Bonus Resistance: +10% Fire Resistance
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Sword of Confusion +2

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 25% chance target becomes Confused
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Life's Gift

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 15% chance to heal +1D3 hit points to self
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Sword of Action +2

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Dexterity: +1 bonus
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Hold Fast

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Special: 15% chance of casting Hold Person
Resistance Bonus: +15% Slashing Resistance
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Long Sword +3: Enforcer

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Resistance Bonus: +5% Magic Resistance
Memorize 1 additional 1st level Mage spell
Memorize 1 additional 2nd level Mage spell
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Only Usable By:


Long Sword of Action +4

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +4
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonus: +15% Slashing Resistance
Special: +1 bonus attack per round
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Bhaal's Fire

These swords are usually referred to as doubled-edged swords, war swords, or
military swords. In many cases, the long sword has a single-edged blade.
There is no single version of the long sword; the design and length vary from
culture to culture, and may vary within the same culture depending on the
era. Among the most common characteristics of all long swords is their
length, which ranges from 35 inches to 47 inches. In the latter case, the
blade is known to take up 40 inches of the total length. Most long swords
have a double-edged blade and a sharp point at the tip. Despite the tip, the
long sword is designed for slashing, not thrusting. The blade of this sword
is covered with all sorts of arcane symbols.


Damage: 1D8 +3 (2D4 fire)
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 15% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Finest Light Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


THAC0: +4 bonus
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Light Crossbow of Defense

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt). A slight blue glow can be seen emanating from
the crossbar.


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonus: +10% Missile Resistance
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Light Crossbow of Speed

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt). A slight blue glow can be seen emanating from
the crossbar.


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +4
Special: 2 attacks per round
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Repeating Light Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt). A slight blue glow can be seen emanating from
the crossbar.


Damage: +3 (missile)
THAC0: +5
Special: 3 attacks per round
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Umber Hulk Plate

The hard plates that protect umber hulks are reasonably easy to craft into
humanoid armor. This dark suit of armor was fashioned into plate mail by
duergar smiths. The dark dwarves, skilled in handling umber hulk
exoskeletons, cured and reinforced the armor.

Armor Class: 2
Special: +1 vs. Slashing Weapons
Weight: 40
Not Usable By:


Morning Star of Confusion +1

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 10% chance target becomes Confused
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Lesser Static Star +1

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +1
THAC0: +1
Damage type: Crushing
50% chance +1D3 electrical damage
10% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Morning Star +2: Hammer

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 20% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Sanctified Morning Star +3

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Special: Memorize 2 additional 1st level Priest spells
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Only Usable By:
Cleric (single, dual, & multi-class)


Morning Star of Lesser Phasing

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Crushing
15% chance of target being Phased
25% chance of +1d3 cold damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Morning Star of the Gods

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Wisdom: +1 bonus
Memorize 2 additional 1st level Priest spells
Memorize 1 additional 2nd level Priest spell
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Only Usable By:
Cleric (single, dual, & multi-class)


Static Star +3

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Crushing
15% chance target is Slowed
25% chance +2d3 electrical damage
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Morning Star of Action +4

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +4
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Crushing
15% chance target is Stunned
1 additional attack per round
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Morning Star +4: Defender

The morning star is a wooden shaft topped with a metal head made up of a
spiked iron sheath. Morning stars have an overall length of about four feet.
This particular one is mounted with a golden head that has been magically
enhanced so as to improve performance and escape the malleability of gold.


Damage: 2D4 +4
THAC0: +4
Damage type: Crushing
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonuses:
+15% Magic Resistance
+20% Slashing Resistance
+20% Piercing Resistance
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Ring of the Warrior

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


THAC0: +1


Ring of Lesser Resistence

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Resistance Bonus: +2 Save vs. Spells


Greater Ring of the Warrior

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


THAC0: +1
Armor Class Bonus: 1


Ring of Missile Deflection

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Resistance Bonus: +10% Missile Resistance


Ring of Resistence

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Resistance Bonuses:
+10% Missile Resistance
+10% Fire Resistance


Ring of Strength

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Strength: +1 bonus
Dexterity: -1 penalty


Ring of Intelligence

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Intelligence: +1 bonus
Constitution: -1 penalty


Ring of Reckless Action

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Armor Class Penalty: 2
Special: 1 additional attack per round


Ring of the Protector +2

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonus: +10% Magic Resistance


Ring of Aura Transfusion

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Special: Increased Regeneration
Resistance Penalties:
-5% Magic Resistance
-2 Save vs Spells
Only Usable By:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Ring of Greater Resistence

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonuses:
+25% Crushing Resistance
+3 Save vs. Spells


Ring of the Warrior Thief

A ring is a small band of precious metal that is used as jewelry. Some rare
rings have had enchantments placed upon them that confer various magical
abilities. These rings are highly sought after, especially by those of the
adventuring profession. For no apparent reason, this ring feels warm to the


Strength: +1 bonus
Special: 1 additional attack per round
Only Usable By:
Thief (single, dual, & multi-class)


Robe of Enfusing

Since the age of Netheril, mages have learned to bestow a wide variety of
magical properties upon the everyday objects that surround them. A favorite
item of such enchantment is the common robe. It is lightweight, affordable,
and holds its enchantment well, thereby making it ideal equipment for a mage.
Due to their magical heritage, however, only single-, dual-, and multi-class
mages may wear these enchanted robes.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Resistance Bonus: +5% Magical Resistance
Lore Bonus: +5
Special: Memorize +1 additional 1st Level Mage Spell
Weight: 4
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Reinforced Large Shield +1

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: +1 AC vs. Missile Weapons
Resistance Bonus: +10% Slashing Resistance
Weight: 12
Not Usable By:


Large Shield +1 of Missile Detection

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: +1 AC vs. Missile Weapons
Resistance Bonus: +10% Slashing Resistance
Weight: 12
Not Usable By:


Reinforced Large Shield +2

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 3
Special: +1 AC vs. Missile Weapons
Resistance Bonuses:
+15% Fire Resistance
+15% Crushing Resistance
Weight: 12
Not Usable By:


Great Shield +3

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 4
THAC0: -2 penalty
Special: +1 AC vs. Missile Weapons
Resistance Bonuses:
+15% Slashing Resistance
+15% Crushing Resistance
+15% Piercing Resistance
Weight: 18
Minimum Strength of 18 required
Not Usable By:


Large Shield of Strength +1

The body shield, also known as the kite or tower shield, is a massive metal
or wooden shield reaching nearly from the chin to the toe of the user. It
must be firmly fastened to the forearm and the shield hand must firmly grip
it at all times. Naturally, this precludes use of the shield hand for
anything but holding the body shield in place.


Armor Class Bonus: 2
Strength: +1 bonus
Special: +1 AC vs. Missile Weapons
Resistance Bonus:
+10% Slashing Resistance
+10% Piercing Resistance
Weight: 12
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather +1: Shadowed

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 6
Special: +15% Stealth Skill
Resistance Bonus: +5% Magic Resistance
Weight: 15
Only usable by:


Reinforced Leather +1

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 6
Resistance Bonus: +35% Crushing Resistance
Weight: 15
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather +2: Shadowed

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 5
Special: +20% Stealth Skill
Resistance Bonuses:
+15% Piercing Resistance
+15% Slashing Resistance
Weight: 15
Only usable by:


Studded Leather of Resistence +3

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 4
Resistance Bonuses:
+15% Piercing Resistance
+15% Slashing Resistance
+15% Fire Resistance
+15% Electrical Reisistance
+2 Save vs. Spells
Weight: 15
Not Usable By:


Studded Leather +4: Shadowed

Studded leather armor has little in common with normal leather armor. While
leather armor is a hardened shell, studded leather armor is soft and supple
with hundreds of metal rivets affixed. The rivets are so close together that
they form a flexible coating of hard metal that turns aside slashing and
cutting attacks. The soft leather backing is little more than a means of
securing the rivets in place.


Armor Class: 3
Special: +30% Stealth Skill
Resistance Bonus:
+20% Piercing Resistance
+20% Slashing Resistance
+20% Fire Resistance
+20% Electrical Resistance
Weight: 15
Only usable by:


Potion of Action Transference

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +1 Charisma
Permanent -1 Dexterity


Potion of Resistence

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +5% Crushing Resistance


Potion of Greater Resistence

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +5% Slashing Resistance
Permanent +5% Piercing Resistance


Potion of Magical Resistence

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +5% Magic Resistance


Potion of Constitution

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +1 Constitution


Potion of Strength Transference

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +1 Dexterity
Permanent -1 Strength


Potion of Arcane Absorbtion

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +10% Magic Resistance


Potion of Life Transference

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +1 Strength
Permanent -1 Constitution


Potion of Aura Enhancement

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +1 Intelligence
Permanent +5% Magic Resistance


Potion of Dissipation

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +15% Magic Resistance


Potion of Holy Transference

Potions are typically found in ceramic, crystal, glass, or metal flasks or
vials. Flasks or other containers generally contain enough fluid to provide
one person with one complete dose to achieve the effects of the potion.


Permanent +2 Wisdom
Permanent -1 Dexterity


Flaming Short Sword +1

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Special 50% chance +1D3 fire damage
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword of Lesser Phasing

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +1 (+1D2 cold)
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 10% chance of target being Phased
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 10% chance target is Slowed
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Some God's Lesser Promise

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 5% chance to heal +1D6 hit points to self
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword of Action +2

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Dexterity: +1 bonus
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword of Shadows +3

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Armor Class Bonus: 2
Special: +15% to Stealth Skill
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Only usable by:
Thief (single, dual, & multi-class)


Static Short Sword +3

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +3 (+1D4 electric)
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Armor Class: +1 bonus
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword of Health +4

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +4
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 15% chance to heal +1D6 hit points to self
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Short Sword +4: Hammer

The short sword is the first type of sword to come into existence. In the
simplest of terms, a short sword can be considered a dagger with a blade so
long that it can no longer be called a dagger. The term short sword does not
exist in sword classifications. However, it has come to be used to describe
a double-edged blade about two feet in length. The sword tip is usually
pointed, ideal for thrusting. Inscriptions of power can be seen etched on the
surface of the blade.


Damage: 1D6 +4 (1D3 crushing)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 20% chance target is Stunned
Speed Factor: 2
Weight: 3
Proficiency Type: Small Sword
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Flawless Two Handed Sword

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations.


Damage: 1D10
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Giant Two Handed Sword

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +4
THAC0: -1 penalty
Damage type: Slashing
Armor Class Penalty: 1
Weight: 18
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 18 required
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +1: Hammering

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 20% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword of Resistence +1

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +1
THAC0: +1 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Resistance Bonuses:
+5% Magic Resistance
+1 Save vs Spells
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +2: Hammering

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 20% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Minimum Strength of 18 required
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +2: Defender

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +2
THAC0: +2 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Armor Class Bonus: 1
Resistance Bonus: +10% Slashing Resistance
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +4: Backbiter

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +4 (+1D6 piercing)
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 25% chance user takes +1D4 piercing damage
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +3: Bane

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +3
THAC0: +3 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Special: 25% chance target is infected with Disease
Resistance Bonus: +10% Magic Resistance
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Static Two Handed Sword +4

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +4
THAC0: +4 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
50% chance +2D3 electrical damage
25% chance target is Stunned
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Two Handed Sword +4: Life Giver

The two-handed sword is a derivative of the long sword. Weaponsmiths have
always looked for ways to improve existing weapons. In an effort to improve
the long sword, the blade was lengthened. Eventually, the handle had to be
extended and two hands became necessary to properly swing the sword. The
primary function of two-handed swords is cleaving mounted knights and
breaking up pike formations. This one is particularly good at its job as it
has been enchanted with a few magical properties.


Damage: 1D10 +4
THAC0 +4 bonus
Damage type: Slashing
Increased Regeneration rate
5% chance to heal 1D20 hit points to self
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:



This legendary blade was wielded for a short time by the warrior Ilban of
Elturel. It is from his exploits in Calimshan that the weapon gained its
name. Before Ilban, however, Valiant was in the possession of a holy slayer
from distant Zakhara. According to sages, the light sword was crafted to
serve an order of assassins. Valiant's owners survived through many
incredible ordeals, mostly because of the magic of the weapon. The weapon
was lost in Calimshan when a holy slayer pursued a pasha's blasphemous agents
to Calimport. The scimitar remained in the hands of Baris Cabal for about a
dozen years before the band was broken up by Ilban and his companions.
Ilban's exploits took Valiant into battle against sandmen, giant scorpions,
desert raiders, evil sorcerers and the demonic servants of Celan Harad.


Damage: 1D8 +2
THAC0: +2
Special: Extra Attack Per Round
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 4
Proficiency type: Large Swords
Speed Factor: 0
Type: 1-handed
Not usable by:


Viol of the Hollow Men

This instrument is also known as "Tallow's Violin," but that moniker is
rarely spoken among musicians, as mentioning the name of Nikolai Tallow is
considered bad luck. Nikolai was born in The Vast, near High Haspur, the son
of a chandler. Because of the intermittent traffic through the region,
Nikolai was introduced to many different cultures. One of the travelers he
met was an elven musician named Relev Thinriver. Relev introduced Nikolai to
the violin and taught him for several years as he wandered through the area.
Relev knew that Nikolai was an incredibly gifted child, with quick fingers, a
keen mind, and a passion for all things in the world. Relev also recognized
that Nikolai was exceedingly proud and arrogant. In spite of Nikolai's
shortcomings, Relev taught him everything he knew.

After Relev was killed by a band of orcs, Nikolai began to practice on his
own throughout the Vast. Despite his travels, he always returned to the
isolate peaks of his mountain birthplace. He became famed throughout the
Vast, the southern Moonsea and Sembia for his incredible talent and
passionate performances. Eventually, news of the proud young virtuoso spread
to the ears of a nearby thug from Calaunt named Tremble Ghon. When Tremble
and his gang traveled through the Elvenblood Pass, they stopped at the Elf in
Armor Inn and demanded a performance from Nikolai, who happened to be present
and eating dinner with his father at the time.

Nikolai refused to perform for Tremble and his men. He called them stinking
oafs and attempted to leave with dignity. Tremble assaulted Nikolai's pride
by claiming that Nikolai was afraid of performing because he'd be heckled out
of the inn for his incompetence. Nikolai shot back that his skill with the
violin was so great that he could raise the dead from their graves.
Satisfied with a proposed challenge, Tremble immediately grabbed Nikolai's
father and stabbed him in the heart. When a number of other villagers
attempted to intervene, they were also killed by the bandits.

Tremble defiantly stood over Nikolai's dead father and said, "Where's your
big mouth now, fiddle player?" Without a word, Nikolai pulled his violin and
bow out from underneath his arms and began to play a melody that none of the
residents of High Haspur had ever heard before, and no one in Faerun would
ever hear again. Nikolai played with unbridled passion and fervor.
Onlookers later remarked that he appeared to be a madman, thrashing about in
ways that people didn't think were possible. At the climax of his frenzied
piece, Tremble and his gang watched in horror as the souls of the men and
women they had just killed rose from their corpses and dove, shrieking, at
their murderers. The bandits died horrible deaths, chilled by the shadows of
their victims. Nikolai himself continued playing, dancing through the
streets and back pastures of his alpine home until every man, woman, child,
and beast ever buried in the region rose from its resting place and milled
about until Nikolai and his music disappeared into a far off valley, shrouded
in a mysterious fog that vanished as quickly as it had appeared.

Legends say that on misty nights, the ghost of Nikolai Tallow returns to his
homeland, playing a phantom violin with a host of dancing dead trailing
behind him in the moonlight.


Summons 1D4 Shadows to attack a target, once per day.

Only Usable By:


The Voice's Bones

These are the mortal remains of the Tormish paladin who became the Voice of
Durdel Anatha.


Wand of Fear

A Wand of Fear strikes terror into the heart of any creature within its
target area. This panic is not universal, however, as the stout of heart have
been known to resist its magic. Like all wands, the Wand of Fear can only be
used a limited number of times before it is destroyed.


Special: Cause enemies to run in fear unless they save vs. spells
Range: 100 ft
Area: 20 ft radius
Duration: 15 rounds
Not usable by:


Wand of Magic Missiles

When activated, the wand will eject a missile of magical energy that darts
forth and unerringly strike its target. This includes enemy creatures in a
melee. The target creature must be seen or otherwise detected to be hit,
however, so near-total concealment, such as that offered by arrow slits, can
render the spell ineffective. Against a creature, the missile will inflict
1d4+1 points of damage.


Special: 1 magic missile will strike target
Damage: 1D4 +1
Range: 100 ft
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by:


Wand of Paralyzation

When used, this wand shoots forth a thin ray of bluish color to a maximum
range of 60'. When a creature is touched by the ray, it must roll a save vs.
wands in order to avoid being stunned for 10 rounds.


Effect: Stun target unless save vs. wands with -4 penalty
Range: 100 ft
Area: 1 creature
Duration: 10 rounds
Not usable by:


Wand of Fire

The wand will cough forth a huge, burning ball of fire that streaks out to
the desired range (to a maximum of 120') and bursts in a fiery, violent
blast, just like the fireball spell. The fireball inflicts 6d6 points of
damage, but all 1s rolled are counted as 2s. The victim(s) may make a save
vs. wands in order to take only half damage. The second ability of the wand
is akin to the spell 'Agannazar's Scorcher' in that a column of flame will
streak towards the victim inflicting 6D6 +6 damage, with a save vs. wands for


Ability 1:
Effect: shoots out a Fireball
Damage: 6D6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 90 ft
Area 30 ft radius

Ability 2:
Effect: Agannazar's scorcher
Damage: 6D6 +6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 90 ft
Area: 1 creature

Not usable by:


Wand of Frost

White crystalline motes spray forth from the wand in a column towards the
victim striking square in the chest with numbing force. The temperature
inside the column is deadly, and damage is 8d6 (treating all 1s rolled as
2s), with a save vs. wands for half.


Effect: Column of Ice
Damage: 8D6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 100
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by:


Wand of Lightning

The possessor of the wand can discharge a bolt of lightning. As it passes
through a creature, it does 6d6 points of damage (treating 1s rolled as 2s),
with a save vs. wand for half damage. The bolt will continue through the
target and proceed to 'rebound' until expended.


Effect: Lightning bolt
Damage: 6D6 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 100ft
Area: Path of bolt
Not usable by:


Wand of Sleep

This wand will emit a gold beam of energy at its targets up to a maximum
range of 60', effecting a 40' cube. If the target creatures fails their save
vs. wands, they will fall into a deep, comatose sleep for 5 turns.


Effect: Sleep unless victim saves vs. wands
Range: 90 ft
Area: 20 ft radius
Duration: 2 turns
Not usable by:


Wand of Monster Summoning

This wand will summon 12 HD of monsters, which appear within the area of
effect and attack the user's enemies. They remain until the spell duration
expires, or the monsters are slain. These creatures vanish when slain. If no
opponent exists to fight and the wizard can communicate with them, the
summoned monsters can perform other services for the summoning wizard.


Effect: Summon 12 HD of monsters
Range: 20 ft
Duration: 2 turns
Not usable by:


Wand of the Heavens

This wand will cause a pillar of flame to shoot out of the sky and strike the
target of the invoker. The flames will do 6D8 damage to the target (with 1s
taken as 2s), unless the target makes a save vs. wands in which case it will
take half. The wand only has a certain amount of charges and will be
destroyed when they are used.


Effect: Flamestrike
Damage: 6D8 (save vs. wands for half)
Range: 120 ft
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by:


Wand of Magic Missiles

When activated, the wand will eject a missile of magical energy that darts
forth and unerringly strike its target. This includes enemy creatures in a
melee. The target creature must be seen or otherwise detected to be hit,
however, so near-total concealment, such as that offered by arrow slits, can
render the spell ineffective. Against a creature, the missile will inflict
1d4+1 points of damage.


Special: 1 magic missile will strike target
Damage: 1D4 +1
Range: 100 ft
Area: 1 creature
Not usable by:


Wand of Armory

Often confused with another wand of the same name, the Wand of Armory is used
to cast protective spells on the user. Unfortunately for the creator of this
Wand of Armory, trolls are persistent creatures.


This wand can be used to cast Shield or Ghost Armor on the user.
Not Usable By:


Wand of Corrosion

A trio of wizards worked on this wand using a number of material components
they had available to them and more that were relatively easy to acquire.
Otterly the Rotund, Mabdek of the Seventh Star, and Yrgon the Moron only
crafted the wand so they could sell it. Their long-term goal was the
construction of a vast magical research facility based on the designs of the
Naturalist Guild in Myth Drannor. Their wand was a greater success than
their research facility.


The user of this wand has the choice of casting Death Fog or Acid Storm.


Wand of Freezing Death

This deadly wand was crafted by the wizard Hegthen to protect him from his
rival's fire-using minions. Hegthen made frequent use of the wand during his
protracted war with his enemy. After ten years of hounding, Hegthen decided
to take the battle to his rival, defeating him in one of the most spectacular
magical duels ever seen in Suzail's history. As his terms of victory,
Hethgen demanded that his enemy's name be magically snuffed out of the memory
of all who knew him. His enemy accepted, and later went on to become the
Cloaked Flame, a dangerous terrorist, killed by Cormyrean Purple Dragons and
War Wizards in 1212 DR.


The user of this wand has the choice of casting Snilloc's Snowball Swarm,
Icelance, and Ice Storm.


Pemby's Wand of Many Missiles

Merry by reputation and promiscuous by nature, the half-elven enchantress
Pemby Cloudsilk created a great number of wands and staves in her time on
Faerun. Pemby kept this wand for herself for personal protection. When she
was killed by a jealous lover in 1103 DR, she left the wand to one of her
many other suitors, the thief Tamlock of Waterdeep. Tamlock avenged Pemby's
death several years later when he killed her murderer with an imperceptibly
poisoned blade in a duel.


This wand casts Magic Missile at a target of the user's choice.


Wand of Trap Detection

This wand was once in the possession of the half-elven rogue mage Illep the
Watchful. Illep, a native of Myth Drannor, used the slender ebon wand to
locate the snares and springblades he often encountered during numerous
burglaries. Illep was well liked by most people, but a human warrior named
Brammel took offense to Illep's foppish manner in a tavern one night.
Despite Illep's skill with daggers, the lithe rogue could do little to
recover from the axe wound to the upper chest and neck that Brammel dealt
him. Brammel was arrested by town guards and the wand was to be returned to
Illep's family in Myth Drannor. The small caravan transporting the wand was
sacked by human bandits and disappeared from history.


This wand can be used to cast Find Traps for the wielder.

Not usable by:


Robe of the Watcher

Made for a dark elf wizard from Rilauven, the Robe of the Watcher is
recognized among drow as a sign of great power. It is traditionally worn by
the most talented practitioner of divination magic in Rilauven's academy of
sorcery. Malavon was awarded the robe when he was still in good graces with
his city.


Armor Class: 3
Magic Resistance: +10% bonus
Saving Throw: +2 vs. Spell
Immunity to Umber Hulk Gaze
Weight: 5
Only usable by:
Mage (single, dual, & multi-class)


Barrel of Pure Water

This barrel contains some of the purest water in the land. Melted from ice,
it contains no impurities that would be found in normal sources of water.


Spear of White Ash

Consecrated by Malarite priests hundreds of years ago, this spear was used on
High Hunts in preparation for their bloody feasts. It was last in the hands
of Old Hunter Wellin, who is believed to have died when he foolishly hunted
dryads near the Cloakwood. The weapon is made from a single piece of ash
wood topped with a cruel spearhead.


Damage: 1D6 +3
THAC0: +3
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 5% of all hits cause an additional 1d6 points of damage from the
barbs on the spearhead
Weight: 2
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Spear
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Bottle of Wine

This is a local brand of wine made and used by the local residents of
Easthaven. The actual ingredients are a mystery, but the liquid contained in
the bottle has a slightly fishy smell to it.


Ol' Withery

The original name of this odd blade is lost in the murky depths of the Sea of
Swords. Crafted of magically-strengthened sahuagin bone, the weapon is
believed to have been used by kuo-toa in bizarre rituals. The handle is
crafted from coral wrapped in sahuagin skin. At one time, it was owned by
Lockhart, a prominent adventuring thief and smuggler on the Sword Coast. It
was he who gave the blade its current name.


Damage: 1D4+2
THAC0: +2
Damage type: Piercing
Special: 2% chance of casting Finger of Death on target
Weight: 1
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Dagger
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Heavy Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +2 bonus
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 10
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Heavy Crossbow +1

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


Damage: +3 (missile)
THAC0: +3
Weight: 12
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy: 'The Guide'

A favored siege weapon of King Shastir Longeve, crossbows of this type were
designed for the systematic removal of defensive forces thought safe behind
the battlements of castles. Scant few of these weapons survive to this day,
mainly due to the eventual annihilation of the king's forces by a coalition
of subjugated lands.


Damage: +2 (missile)
THAC0: +7 bonus
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 7
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Light Crossbow

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


THAC0: +2 bonus
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Light Crossbow +1

A crossbow is a bow mounted crosswise on a wooden or metal shaft, the latter
called a tiller. The bow is usually made of ash or yew. The crossbow fires
a quarrel (also called a bolt).


Damage: +1 (missile)
THAC0: +3
Weight: 6
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Light Crossbow of Speed: 'The Army Scythe'

A short-lived outpost of humans in the Frozen Forest unearthed this weapon,
and many others, from the ruins of an ancient settlement deep within that
cold land. Never knowing the names of their extinct benefactors, the
colonists used these "tools" to carve a large territory for themselves,
though in the end it was for naught. Crushed by a superior number of
Hobgoblins, these unfortunate souls have joined the ancients in their


Damage: +1 (missile)
THAC0: +3 bonus
Special: 1 extra attack per round
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Crossbows
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:


Yeti Pelt

These thick pelts are valued for their incredible durability and warmth.
Locals from the Ten Towns pay good money for the pelts, as few would be so
bold as to hunt the yeti in their homeland. Some of the Reghedmen barbarians
hunt yeti as a rite of passage into manhood.


Mace of Weal and Woe

Even without magical enchantment, this particular piece of weaponry could
fetch a healthy price for its exquisite craftsmanship. The shaft of the mace
is a bronze cylinder reinforced with a steel bar down the center and six thin
bands of polished steel, three above the haft and three below the head. The
head itself is egg-shaped and made of red-stained cherry wood reinforced by
decorative arcing bronze bands. Steel flanges stick out from the head in an
asymmetrical pattern. The two largest flanges bear extensive etching. One
is a classical image of Tymora with the word "WEAL" in Thorass. The other is
an image of Beshaba with the word "WOE." Despite the delicate materials used
in the mace's construction, it is exceptionally sturdy. The history of the
mace is largely a mystery.


Damage: 1D6 + 2, +3 vs. Lawful Creatures
THAC0: +1, +2 vs. Lawful Creatures
Damage type: Crushing
Special: +1 to all Saving Throws, 13% of all hits cause Curse
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Mace
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:
Lawful Characters


Pale Justice

This sword was made with one purpose: to destroy evil. Though a powerful
weapon, Pale Justice has humble beginnings. The plain sword was crafted by a
devout worshipper of Tyr named Renold. Renold spent thirty years of his life
perfecting the metalworking techniques that allowed him to craft an almost
flawless blade. As soon as Renold had completed the unadorned weapon, he
turned it over to the church of Tyr. The priest who received it placed the
naked blade on his monastery's altar. He asked his brothers to join him in
praying to Tyr to ask their god to bless the weapon with holy power. The
brothers never touched the blade, nor did they speak of it. After ten years,
despite the fact that all of the other brothers lost faith in the blade ever
becoming enchanted, the original priest, Edan, continued his prayers in
silence. Another twenty years passed, and there was still no sign from Tyr.
Visiting priests of Helm scoffed at Edan's blind devotion to the blade. It
was then that, without warning, Edan walked up to the altar and gently
removed the dust-covered blade from the altar.

The priest of Helm asked Edan if he had finally come to his senses. Edan
replied that he had, that he had been expecting the wrong thing from Tyr the
entire time. He stated that Tyr had done his work long ago.

The priest of Helm laughed out loud at Edan's claim and asked his bodyguard
to draw his sword. The magnificent weapon in the hand of the Helmite had a
gilded guard set with pearls. Runes were etched along the blade, with a
small cluster of fine rubies set in the ricasso. The priest of Helm laughed
again and spoke. "This is truly a sword blessed by the gods. Your weapon
looks like an ordinary soldier's blade. It pales in comparison."

Edan calmly grabbed the blade by the tang and swatted at the guard's weapon.
The priest of Helm's laughter cut off quickly as he stared down at his
retainer's broken weapon. He stood there speechless as Edan set the blade
down and began to reply.

"Justice always pales in comparison to vanity and ostentatious displays of
power. I expected Tyr to manifest his divine will in this blade with
lightning and fire. I should have remembered how the blade was given to
me... with simple charity and humility. Justice is the right of every man,
no matter how rich or poor, no matter how educated or ignorant. It should be
found as often in the fields of farmers as it is in the fields of battle."

Edan took the blade to a local weapon smith and had him put a wooden, leather
wrapped grip on it. He then gave it to a fledgling paladin and asked him to
always remember the potential for charity and kindness in the human race.


Damage: 1D8 +4, +7 vs. Evil Creatures
THAC0: +4, +7 vs. Evil Creatures
Damage Type: Slashing
Special: Immune to Cloak of Fear, Horror, Dire Charm and Symbol of
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 1
Proficiency Type: Large Sword
Type: 1-handed
Only Usable By:


Conlan's Hammer: 'Anvil's Twin'

This seemingly ordinary workhammer is imbued with a specialized enchanment
that enhances its ability to shape metal, particularly the treated ore used
by mages to create iron golems. Originally intended as a tool to be used in
the creation of such guardians, it is equally proficient in dismantling them
should the need arise.


Damage: 1D4 +2, +5 vs Iron Golems
THAC0 Bonus: +1, +4 vs Iron Golems
Special: Able to hit all creatures that require magical weapons to hit
Damage type: Crushing
Weight: 4
Speed Factor: 3
Proficiency Type: Hammers
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



This long sword is part of a matched pair of weapons, the other being the
short sword Malamion. Alamion's blade is slightly thinner than a typical
long sword blade and features a thin fuller down the center. Acid-etched
snowflake patterns are scattered along the length of the blade, most of them
concentrated towards the hilt. The hilt of the sword is made of bronze
sandwiched between two off-white pieces of ivory carved to show clouds
unleashing winds and snow. The grip is covered with mother-of-pearl lashed
securely into place with bronze wire. The pommel of the weapon is a solid
bronze globe with the snowflake lozenge of Auril etched into the bottom.

The full history of this blade and its brother have been well documented.
Roughly two hundred years ago, a wizard from Shannath named Obren the
Left-Handed was hired to make a pair of swords for the glory of Auril. Obren
reluctantly did so, producing Alamion ("Frost Daddy") and Malamion ("Frost
Baby") over a five year period. After a dispute about Obren's fee, priests
of Auril tried to take the sword from him by force. The exact outcome of the
battle is unclear, but Obren's swords did not end up in the hands of Auril's
faithful. Thirty years later, a warrior named Berdino in Procampur bragged
that he had a blade that could kill demons in a single strike. Berdino was
found dead on the shore two tendays later, the victim of many poisoned
crossbow bolts.

The new owner of Alamion was a vain, egotistical thief called Pellas the
Fair. Pellas had acquired Malamion, quite by accident, fourteen years
earlier and strongly desired its brother when he learned of its existence.
Pellas held onto the swords until he died at the hands of a paladin named
Garijon Renold of Torm. Garijon found the blades invaluable in his battles
against the fiery denizens of the outer planes and the two swords were passed
on for generations from paladin to paladin.

Heleban of Ithmong, a paladin of Tyr, was the last warrior known to have used
the swords. His battles against slavers and pirates on the Sword Coast are
believed to have brought him to an untimely end.


Damage: 1D8 +3, +5 vs. Salamanders
THAC0: +3, +5 vs. Salamanders
Damage Type: Slashing
Resistance Bonus: +10% Fire Resistance
Resistance Penalty: -5% Resist Cold
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 2
Proficiency Type: Large Swords
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Giant Killer

A halfling warrior named Kim Marchwatch used this potent weapon against the
giants that frequently plagued his homeland, hitting them in the head with so
many rocks that they fell over in pain or ran away. When Kim was replaced as
shire-reeve of his homeland, he became a reluctant adventurer. He is
believed to have been swallowed up by the dreaded Fen Mists of Acallo in
760 DR.


Damage: +1, +4 vs. Giants
THAC0: +1, +4 vs. Giants
Weight: 0
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Missile Weapons
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Selune's Promise

A weapon once owned by a grief-stricken high priestess of the Moonmaiden,
Selune's Promise has a short and sad history. Fassa the Melancholy (as she
is now known) was the head of a band of Selunite adventurers dedicated to
destroying undead wherever they found them. The band was initially quite
successful, rarely suffering any casualties. Tymora's luck could not stay
with them forever, though.

In 1156, Fassa and her band entered the Sepulcher of the Dim. The band knew
the Sepulcher was rumored to contain a "leak" to the Negative Material Plane,
but they had no idea just how many undead creations were inside. Mixed in
with the seemingly harmless poltergeists and phantoms were powerful spectres
and wraiths. Over a short and chillingly quiet period of several minutes,
almost all of Fassa's allies had their vital energy drained away. Fassa and
her remaining companions fled and tried to form a plan of attack. When they
returned on the following night, all of Fassa's former companions had been
turned into slave spectres under the control of the master. She and her few
remaining comrades destroyed the master spectre and eventually destroyed the
souls of her tormented bretheren. In the end, Fassa was the only one left

Fassa returned to her temple in misery and prayed to Selune that she never
forget the agony of that night. Selune granted her request by causing a
ghostly white and blue mace to appear on her bed when the next full moon
rose. Carved into the shaft of the weapon were two words: Never Forget.

Fassa became almost fanatical in her undead hunting in later years. At the
age of thirty-three, tired and bitter, Fassa fell into decline. On the night
of a full moon, she renounced her faith to Selune in front of her superiors
and fellow clergy. Hours later, she threw herself into the Moonsea from a
high cliff. The mace was found in her room and reluctantly kept in the
church. Many years later, the new high priest of the temple decided that the
weapon had an unpleasant legacy and should be thrown into the Moonsea. The
history of the mace ends with this event.


Damage: 1D6 +2, +4 vs. Spectral Undead
THAC0: +1, +3 vs. Spectral Undead
Damage type: Crushing
Special: 2% of all hits cause Morale Failure in the wielder.
Weight: 7
Speed Factor: 6
Proficiency Type: Maces
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Misery's Herald

This flail was consecrated by priests of the great orc god Grummsh for use
against the various elven and dwarven foes that his armies fought against.
It was held by the high priest of the Bone Legion until he fell while leading
his people against the elven forces at the Hand of the Seldarine. The flail
is simple in design. The shaft is crafted to resemble an elven femur, wrapped
in tanned elf skin. A stout chain connects the shaft to a spiked ball. The
entire creation is forged out of meteoric iron. It is a testament to the
potential of orcish craftsmanship.


Damage: 1D6 +4, +5 vs. Elves
THAC0: +3, +4 vs. Elves
Damage type: Crushing
Special: Causes Horror on 10% of all hits, Cold Iron
Weight: 13
Speed Factor: 5
Proficiency Type: Flails
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:


Guktok's Chopper

This huge axe belonged to Guktok, an orc chieftain. Guktok was infamous
among his kind for his victories against several dwarven outposts in the
north. He was also known for his extreme cruelty that he expressed if any
dwarf was unlucky enough to be his captive. He met a horrible end when the
dwarves of Dorn's Deep ambushed and annihilated his clan. They captured
Guktok, beheaded him, and placed his head on a pike as a warning to any orcs
entering the region.


Damage: 1D8 +2, +4 vs. Dwarves
THAC0: +2, +4 vs. Dwarves
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 10
Speed Factor: 8
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: Battle Axe
Not Usable By:
Good Characters


Trollkiller, Longsword +1, +5 vs. Trolls


Axe of Caged Souls

Like many prominent dwarven weapons, this axe was enchanted by the prayers
and devotion of dwarven priests. The Axe of Caged Souls was created as a
defense against the resuscitated corpses of their foes and allies that dark
elven sorcerers and priestesses would continually drive at dwarven defenses.
It was used in combat by Jamoth Stonetree at the Battle of the Dead, where a
group of twenty veteran dwarven warriors held off ten drow mages and their
army of zombies, ghouls, and wights.

An inscription along the eternally sharp blade reads, "With each stroke,


Damage: 1D8 +3, +5 vs. Cadaverous Undead
THACO: +3, +5 vs. Cadaverous Undead
Damage Type: Slashing
Weight: 5
Speed Factor: 4
Proficiency Type: Axe
Type: 1-handed
Not Usable By:



Priests of Lathander created this weapon to fight the hordes of undead
created by Myrkulites across Faerun. The massive blade has changed hands
frequently as it is needed in different regions at different times.
Somewhere along its history, the notched sword fell into the hands of a
Zhentilar soldier who was, not surprisingly, unwilling to return it to the
church of Lathander. The heretofore nameless soldier used the blade to
defend himself against rival priests of Bane and wizards in the Zhentarim
until he was killed in battle by a triad of wizards. They sold the weapon to
the highest bidder a month after his death.


Damage: 1D10 +1, +3 vs. Skeletal Undead
THAC0: +1, +3 vs. Skeletal Undead
Damage type: Slashing
Weight: 14
Speed Factor: 9
Proficiency Type: Great Swords
Type: 2-handed
Not Usable By:

Final Words...

This FAQ was written entirely using the GWD Text Editor: (shareware)

Special Thanks: (Credits)
Ken Baker (Founder of TeamBG) for making some of the best BG & IWD Utilities
CJayC for posting this FAQ
Anyone who emails me with nice things to say, you are appreciated!
Black Isle for making such a great little game!

Shameless Self Promotion:
I am Dan Simpson ( and have also written FAQs for:

NES: Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
Final Fantasy -- Magic FAQ
The Legend of Zelda
SNES: Aerobiz
Aerobiz Supersonic
Utopia: Creation of a Nation
Genesis: StarFlight
PSX: Thousand Arms -- Walkthrough
-- Forging/Dating FAQ
PS2: Madden NFL 2001
XBOX: Star Wars: KotOR II: The Sith Lords -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Influence Guide
PC: AD&D Rules FAQ, 2nd and 3rd Editions
Baldur's Gate & Tales of the Sword Coast -- FAQ/Walkthrough
NPC List
Creature List
Baldur's Gate II & Throne of Bhaal -- FAQ/Walkthrough
-- Items List
-- Class FAQ
-- Creature List
Civilization III (incomplete)
Colonization -- the Single Colony Strategy Guide
-- the Cheat Guide
Drakan: Order of the Flame
Dungeon Hack
Icewind Dale & Heart of Winter -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items List
Kresselack's Tomb Map (JPG)
Burial Isle Map (JPG)
Shattered Hand Map (JPG)
Icewind Dale II -- Items List
Master of Magic (revision)
Pharaoh (currently being edited by Red Phoenix)
Planescape: Torment -- FAQ/Walkthrough
Items Listing
Rollercoaster Tycoon
Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri
The Sims
Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
Ultima 7: The Black Gate
Ultima 7 Part 2: Serpent Isle
Ultima Underworld -- Keyboard Commands
Ultima Underworld II -- Keyboard Commands
-- Spell List
All of my FAQs can be found at:

Version History:
Version 0.1 August 9, 2000 247k

Version 0.2 August 9, 2000 252k

Finished filling in all the Item Codes, which just leaves a LOT of Item
Descriptions to be filled in. Moved the right margin in by one character.

Version 0.3 August 11, 2000 337k

Added more item descriptions. Although I'm into the M items now, I'm not
halfway finished since S has the most of any letter (what with the magic

Version 0.4 August 13, 2000 378k

Added more item descriptions, getting into the P's now.

Version 0.5 August 14, 2000 526k

Added more item descriptions, and am now all the way into the Priest

Version 0.6 August 19, 2000 559k

Changed a few item descriptions, one was just inaccurate, while others
needed some extra information.

Added a few new items, from the Priest spells to the standard 1 handed

Version 0.9 September 16, 2000 703k

Finished filling in all of the items, all that is left now is to start
sorting the items.

Version 0.91 January 17, 2005 690k

Changed my email address and updated the format slightly.

This Document is Copyright 2000-2005 by Dan Simpson
Icewind Dale is Copyright 2000 by Black Isle/Interplay

I am not affiliated with Black Isle, Interplay or anyone who had anything to do
with the creation of this game. This FAQ may be posted on any site so long as
NOTHING IS CHANGED and you EMAIL ME telling me that you are posting it. You
may not charge for, or in any way profit from this FAQ.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Character Creation Guide
Engl. Leitfaden

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

18.Oktober 2013
Die komplette Item-Liste - ziemlich ausführlich
Engl. Hinweise

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

14.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Hinweise im UHS-Format

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format (Achtung: 1.7 MB)

18.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Lösung im Word-Format

18.Oktober 2013

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

29.September 2013
Gamehack Gold-Trainer

14.Oktober 2013
Die komplette Codesammlung (engl.) im PDF-Format (Acrobat Reader)- Version 4.2

14.Oktober 2013
Mega-Trainer - kann 15 Eigenschaften verändern (für v1.5)

17.Oktober 2013
Savegame-Editor (1.4mb)

18.Oktober 2013
Gold-Trainer für die dt. Version 1.3.0.

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