

18.10.2013 05:31:48
Yserbius Hints by Sierra Inc.

Map locations.
Many of the hints for this game contain references to specific
locations. To understand these references, the maps are laid out
according to a 16 by 16 tile grid. To construct your own level maps,
draw a 16 by 16 tile grid on a piece of paper. Write the numbers 1
through 16 along the bottom squares from left to right. Starting at
the bottom and moving up the tiles, write the letters A through P.
You should have a map similar to the one found on page 66 of your
game manual. Each level map doesn't necessarily make full use of
every tile, but the furthest Southwest corner of each map will
always be at A,1. As an example of locating your place on a level
map, let's suppose a hint reveals that you should find your way to
location F,5.. F,5 would be 5 tiles to the East of the Southwest corner
(A,1) and 6 tiles to the North.

Getting started
After creating your character, enter the Volcano. Equip your
character with weapons and armor. To outfit your character, click on
the Chest in the lower middle of your screen. This opens the Item
Menu. Drag a weapon from the Item Menu to the circle next to your
character's right hand. Drag a shield to the circle next to your
left hand. Drag a helmet to the circle above and to the right of
your character's head. Drag your armor to the circle above and to the
left of your character's head.. Click on the icon that looks like a
map in the lower right hand corner of your screen. This will show you
a map of the main dungeon entrance as far as you have explored it.
As you move about, you will notice that the map clears, uncovering
the tiles you have explored. There are no monsters in the entrance
level, so feel free to experiment by moving around. There are 4 doors
from the entrance that lead further into the volcano. Go to the door
at I,5 and explore !
the mines. You will encounter ba
nds of wandering monsters and even a few friends who may give you some
clues about the Volcano. You may find it helpful to take notes.

Building experience points and stats
Pay close attention to your experience points. Stop by the Guild every
now and then to see if you have gained enough points to reach a new
experience level. Try out any items you find and see if they help
you. You can do this by clicking on your character, then clicking
on "Stats". Make a mental note of your current stats. Equip your
character with a new item. Look at the stats again. Did the stats
increase? If they did, then it is probably wise to continue using
that item. The 2 circles next to your character's legs are for
"Insignias" or "Rings". Rings or Insignias can increase your stats.
You may find rings and insignias while exploring or you may win them
in combat.

The Thieves' Key.
Enter the mines from the dungeon entrance. Move 1 square North. Face
East and cast Detect or True Seeing (you can use an Omniscient Prism if
you don't have a Detect spell). A door will appear. Go through the
door and use the teleport. You will be in the Thieves' Den. Use
Detect or just try walking through walls until you get to N,12. Face
East and cast Detect again. Go through the door. Win the fight and
move North 1 step to O,13. You now have the Thieves' Key.

The Lava Key.
Go into the mines and jump into the pit in the center of the map. Make
your way to the teleport on the left side of the pit bottom. The
teleport will take you to the Lava Cellar. Make your way to O,7. You
will find the Lava Key there.

King Cleowyn's Lock Pick.
Go to the mines and search on the left hand (or West) side of the
room. You will find Cleowyn's Lock Pick at F,2.

King Cleowyn's Key.
Go to the mines and search the North screen. You will find
Cleowyn's Key at N,6.

The Wind Knight's Key.
Go through the thieves' door from the dungeon entrance. You will be at
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through Sirocco's door at F,7. NOTE: If you
haven't defeated Sirocco yet you can fight him at E,11. Go through
the teleport at D,4. This will take you to Level 7, Labyrinth 2.
Go to E, 6 and get the Thieves' Labyrinth Key. Go to J,15 and
use the teleport. You will be at Level 6, Labyrinth 1. You can
find the Wind Knight's Key at O,6. There are many strange doors along
the way and it is easy to get lost. Keep trying and you will find the
right path.

The Cyclop's Mine Key.
Go to Level 11, the Dwarf Kingdom. Go South through the door at
F,13. Note: this door requires the Sunbeam Key. Go to I,2 and face
East towards the wall. Cast "Detect" at the wall and make your way
to I,6. Face East again and go through the door. You will find the
Cyclop's Mine Key there.

The Elfin Cave Key.
Go to the Land of the Giants and cross the water heading West and
South. You will find the key at J,14.

The King's Domicile Key.
Go to the mines and go 1 step North. Face East and cast Detect, if
you don't have a Detect spell you can use an Omniscient Prism. Use the
teleport to Level 5, the Thieves' Den. Turn around and go back through
the teleport. You will be in the King's Domicile. Make your way to
C,14. You will find the Domicile Key there.

The Thieves' Labyrinth Key.
Go through the Thieves' door from the Dungeon entrance. You will be at
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through Sirocco's door at F,7. NOTE: If you
haven't defeated Sirocco yet you can fight him at E,11. Go through
the teleport at D,4. This will take you to Level 7, Labyrinth 2.
Go to E,6 and take the Thieves' Labyrinth Key.

Voranti's Key.
Go through the Thieves' door from the Dungeon entrance. You will be at
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through Sirocco's door at F,7. NOTE: If you
haven't defeated Sirocco yet you can fight him at E,11. Go through
the teleport at D,4. This will take you to Level 7, Labyrinth 2.
Make your way to G,11 and face North. Jump in the pit. This will
take you to Level 8, Labyrinth 3. Go to E,13. Teleport to Level 7
Labyrinth 2. Go to J,14. Teleport to Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go to C,12
and jump into the pit to the North. You will be back at Level 7,
Labyrinth 2. Go to D,14. Defeat the dragons and you will have Voranti's

The Back Alley Key.
Go through the Thieves' door from the Dungeon entrance. You will be at
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through Sirocco's door at F,7. NOTE: If you
haven't defeated Sirocco yet you can fight him at E,11. Go through
the teleport at D,4. This will take you to Level 7, Labyrinth 2.
Make your way to G,11 and face North. Jump in the pit. This takes
you to Level 8, Labyrinth 3. Go to E,13 and teleport. You will be
at Level 7, Labyrinth 2. Go to J,14 and teleport. You will be at
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Make your way to A,4 and use the Wind Knight's
Key to open the door. Go to I,3 and jump in the pit to the East. You
will be at Level 7, Labyrinth 2. Go to F,8. Go to I,7 and face West.
Jump into the pit. You should be at Level 8, Labyrinth 3. Go to K,6
where you can find the Back Alley Key.

The Sunbeam Key or the Key to the Dwarf kingdom.
Note: You must have the "Blue Metal" to get this key. To find the Blue
Metal go through the Thieves' door from the Dungeon entrance. You
will be at Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through Sirocco's door at F,7.
NOTE: If you haven't defeated Sirocco yet you can fight him at
E,11. Go through the teleport at D,4. This will take you to Level 7,
Labyrinth 2. Make your way to G,11 and face North. Jump in the pit.
You will end up at Level 8, Labyrinth 3. Go to E,13 and use the
teleport. You should be at Level 7, Labyrinth 2. Go to J,14 and
teleport. You will be at Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through the Wind
Knight's Door at A,5. Go to I,3 and jump into the pit to the
East. You will end up at Level 7, Labyrinth 2. Go to O,2 and jump
into the pit towards the East. You should be at Level 9, Labyrinth 4.
Make your way to B,3 and win the fight to obtain the Blue Metal. Go to
the Land of the Giants. Cross the water heading Northeast. Make your
way to O,10 where you ca!
n find the Sunbeam Key.

The Lost Mine Key.
Go to the Dwarf Kingdom (Level 11). Go to A,1. You will find the Lost
Mine Key there.

What items are required to complete King Cleowyn's Quest?
You will need The King's Ring, Crown, Sceptre and Robe to finish this
quest. If you have the King's Bones, you will get an extra prize when
you finish.

King Cleowyn's Ring.
>From the dungeon entrance go to the Hall of Doors. Go to F,1
and use the teleport. You will be at Level 3, The Mausoleum. Go to
A,9 and teleport to Level 3, the Great Corridor. Go to O,1 and
teleport to Level 2, the Rune Room. Go to O,16 and use the North
teleport. You will be at Level 2, the Palace Corridor. Go to A,1 and
teleport to Level 2, Cleowyn's Palace. Watch out for hidden pits as
you make your way South and East to J,16. At J,16, Push the pillar
out of the way. Go through the door and head South and West to
B,5. Defeat the King to obtain his ring.

King Cleowyn's Sceptre.
>From the dungeon entrance go to the Hall of Doors. Go to F,1 and go
through the teleport. You will be at Level 3, The Mausoleum. Go to
A,9 and teleport to Level 3, the Great Corridor. Go to O,1 and
teleport to Level 2, the Rune Room. Go to I,10 and walk West to I,6. Go
to M,10 and get the I Rune Vowel Key. Go to G,8 without going through
the doors in the center of the room. Go to B,11 and follow the path
to D,14. At D,14 teleport to Secret room "C". Go one square South
and use the I Rune Key. Go East and North to the top of the room to
find the King's Sceptre.

King Cleowyn's Crown.
>From the dungeon entrance go to the Hall of Doors. Go to F,1
and use the teleport. You will be at Level 3, The Mausoleum. Go to
A,9 and teleport to Level 3, the Great Corridor. Go to O,1 and
teleport to Level 2, the Rune Room. Go to I,6 and walk East to I,10. Go
to O,1 and get the O Rune Vowel Key. Go to G,8 without going through
the doors in the center of the room. Enter the door at B,6. Follow
the path to C,3 and teleport to secret room "A". Go West and North
to the second door to the left. Use the key and go to the
Northwest corner where you will find the King's Crown.

King Cleowyn's Robe.
>From the dungeon entrance go to the Hall of Doors. Go to F,1
and use the teleport. You will be at Level 3, The Mausoleum. Go to
A,9 and teleport to Level 3, the Great Corridor. Go to O,1 and
teleport to Level 2, the Rune Room. Go to G,8 and walk North to K,8. Go
to M,14 and get the E Rune Vowel Key. Go to G,8 without going through
the doors in the center of the room. Go to F,10 and follow the path to
C,8. Teleport to Secret room "B". Go North and West. Use the E Rune
Vowel Key. Go to the Northwest corner of the map and get the King's

King Cleowyn's Bones.
You will need the Elfin Cave Key to complete this quest. Go to
the Elf Villages. Go to M,11. Use your Elfin Cave Key. Go though the
Tapestry. Go North and West to L,4. Get the King's Bones. You will
also find the Rainbow Yellow Gem at M,3.

How do I solve the King Cleowyn's Quest?
Once you have the required items, proceed from the dungeon entrance to
the Hall of Doors. Go to F,1 and use the teleport. You will
be at Level 3, The Mausoleum. Go through the door at D,8. Go to J,7
and the Crown will be taken from you. Go back to D,8. Go through the
door at D,10. Go to H,9 and face East. The Robe will be taken from you
and a door will appear. Go through the door and head to M,9. Face
North. The Sceptre will be taken from you and a door will appear. Go
through the door to finish King Cleowyn's Quest. NOTE: If you have
the King's Bones use them here and you'll receive a greater reward.

The Rainbow Yellow Gem.
You will need the Elfin Cave Key to complete this quest. Go to
the Elf Villages, then to M,11. Use your Elfin Cave Key and go though
the Tapestry. Go North and West to M,3 and get the Rainbow Yellow
Gem. You will also find King Cleowyn's Bones at L,4.

What items are required to obtain the Rainbow Blue Gem?
You must have the Harvest Horn and the Rainbow

How do I defeat the Earth Elemental?
>From the dungeon entrance go through the Thieves' door. Go to J,11
and face South. Jump into the pit and you will be at Level 7
Labyrinth 2. Go to M,16. Teleport to Level 7, the Castle Wizard Room.
Read the runes on the walls. This will allow you to teleport through
the walls. Using just the first letter in each word you read, spell
the names Arnakkian, En Li Kil and Ghost. Go to K,5 to begin spelling
Arnakkian. When finished you will return to the entrance of Level 7,
the Castle Wizard room. Go to I,4 and spell En Li Kil. When done you
will return to the entrance of Level 7, the Castle Wizard Room. Go
to K,2. Spell Ghost. When finished, go to H,6. The Ghost will take
you to Level 6, the Castle Parapets. Go to the platform at K,9..
Face South and use the Rainbow Yellow Gem. Use the Harvest Horn. An
invisible bridge will be built across the void. Walk 4 steps South,
turn East and walk 3 steps to the platform on the other side. Go
to C,14. Wh!
en you defeat the Earth Elementa
l you will get Nature's Robe.

The Rainbow Blue Gem.
After you defeat the Earth Elemental in Level 6, you will discover an
open door at L,13. Use the teleport at O,14 to return to Level 7, the
Castle Wizard Room. Go to the four corners at L7, L13, F13, and F,7.
Win the 4 battles. Go to I,10 and defeat Arnakkian to obtain the
Rainbow Blue Gem.

The Rainbow Green Gem.
You will need the Wind Knight's Key and must complete the Four
Seasons' (Harvest) Quest to obtain the Rainbow Green Gem. Go to A,4 in
Level 6 Labyrinth 1. Use the Wind Knight's Key. Go to F,2 and defeat
the South Wind. Go to B,2 and defeat the North Wind. Go to H,2 and
defeat the East Wind. Go to D,2 and defeat the West Wind. Go around
the pit to L,5. Once you have defeated the 4 Winds a door will
appear. Go through the door, then go to M,1. Defeat the Wind Knight to
get the gem.

The Rainbow Red Gem.
The Rainbow Red Gem is in the Dwarf Kingdom at P,16. You will need
a Silver Bar, Short Sword, a Green Lock Pick and King Cleowyn's
Key. Go to the Dwarf Kingdom and make your way to E,9. Go to F,7 and
face West. Use the Silver Bar. Go North 1 step, face West and use the
Short Sword. Go North 1 step and use the Green Lock Pick. Take one
more step North and use King Cleowyn's Key. The bridge will be
ready. Go to D,10 and face North. Go through the door, cross over
the pit and make your way to P,16. Win the battle and the gem is

What items are required to complete the Card Quest?
You will need the Ace, King, Queen, Jack of Spades and the Chess

The King of Spades.
Go to Level 8, the Castle Great Hall. Use the Chess Piece to reach the
King on the Chess Board at H,4.

The Queen of Spades.
Go to Level 8, the Castle Great Hall. Use the Chess Piece to reach the
Queen on the Chess Board at F,3.

The Jack of Spades.
Go through the Thieves' door from the Dungeon entrance. You will be at
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through Sirocco's door at F,7. NOTE: If you
haven't defeated Sirocco yet you can fight him at E,11. Go through
the teleport at D,4. This will take you to Level 7, Labyrinth 2.
Make your way to G,11 and face North. Jump in the pit and you will be
at Level 8, Labyrinth 3. Go to E,13. Teleport to Level 7, Labyrinth
2. Go to J,14. Teleport to Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Make your way to
A,4. Use the Wind Knight's Key to open the door. Go to I,3 and jump in
the pit to the East. You will be at Level 7, Labyrinth 2. The Jack of
Spades is at F,8.

The Ace of Spades.
Go through the thieves' door. Go through Castlegate at L,7. You
will be at Level 9, Labyrinth 4. Go to A,7. Teleport to Level 8,
Labyrinth 3. Go to C,4. Face South and use Voranti's Key. Go 1 step
South and enter the teleport on the West wall. You will be at Level
7, Labyrinth 2. Go to C,5 and cast Detect on the West wall. Go
through the door. Win the battle to obtain the Ace.

The Chess Piece.
You must have the Lava Key and King Cleowyn's Lock Pick to obtain
the Chess Piece. From the dungeon entrance go to the Hall of
Doors. Go to F,1 and teleport to Level 3, the Mausoleum. Go to A,9.
Teleport to Level 3, the Great Corridor. Go to O,8 and use the Lava
Key. Go to K,10. Use King Cleowyn's Lock Pick to go through this
door. Enter either the Harmony or the Chaos door (depending on
your character's alignment). Win the battles. Go to J,7, face North
and a secret door will appear. Go through the door and defeat
the monsters to obtain the Chess Piece.

Solution to the Card Quest.
Go to the Castle Great Hall. Cross the chessboard using the Chess
Piece to C,13. Use the King of spades to build a bridge. Cross the
bridge and go to E,13. Face West and use the Queen to open the
door. Go to H,14 and use the Jack. Don't go through that door, but
instead go to H,14 and use the Ace. Enter the door to the North and
fight your way to K,14. Use the fountain. Turn around and head back to
H,14. Go through the door to the South. Fight your way to F,14.
Drink from the fountain to complete the Card Quest.

What items are required to complete the Flex Sword Quest?
You will need the Harvest Horn, the Flex Metal and the Sunbeam Key.

The Harvest Horn.
>From the dungeon entrance go through the Thieves' door. Go through
Castlegate at L,7. You will be at Level 9, Labyrinth 4. Head North
then East to L,16. Teleport to Level 8, Labyrinth 3. Go to D,15.
Defeat the monsters and you will have the Harvest Horn.

The Flex Metal.
On Level 8, Labyrinth 3, head to D,9. Go through the teleport to reach
Level 7, Labyrinth 2. Go to C,14. Defeat the monsters and the Flex
Metal is yours!

Solution to the Flex Sword Quest.
Make your way to Level 11, the Dwarf Kingdom. Walk 2 steps East and
you'll be on a platform in the middle of a lake. Walk South 3 steps to
the platform. Use the Sunbeam Key at the tapestry and enter the door.
From here make your way to E,5 and use the Flex Metal to obtain the
Flex Sword.

What items are required to complete the Seasons' Quest?
You must have the Harvest Horn and the Rainbow Yellow Gem.

Solution to the Seasons' Quest.
Go to the Elf Village and walk to the "Aldbora Tree" at M,6. Bump the
tree by moving forward. Go to D,4. Use the Harvest Horn and you
will get the Autumn Seeds. Go to O,13. Use the Autumn Seeds to
obtain the Spring Renewal. Go to O,1. Use the Spring Renewal to get
the Winter Waters. Head South to B,10 and use the Winter Waters to
take the Summer Radiance. Go back to the tree and bump it again. Use
the Summer Radiance and right click on the Robe. When you have
completed the quest, you will have gained many new skills.

What items are required to find and defeat En Li Kil?
You will need the Four Rainbow Gems, the Flex Sword, the Moon Prism,
the Golden Boat, the Cyclop's Key, and the Hidden Mine Key.

The Moon Prism.
>From the dungeon entrance go through the Thieves' door. You will be in
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go through Sirocco's door at F,7. NOTE: If you
haven't defeated Sirocco yet you can fight him at E,11. Use the
teleport at D,4 to Level 7, Labyrinth 2. Make your way to G,11 and
face North. Jump in the pit. You will be at Level 8, Labyrinth 3. Go
to E,13. Teleport to Level 7, Labyrinth 2. Go to J,14. Teleport to
Level 6, Labyrinth 1. Go though the Wind Knight's Door at A,5. Go
to I,3 and jump into the pit to the East. You will be at Level 7,
Labyrinth 2. Go to A,3 and obtain the Omniscient Prism. Go to E,1,
face North and use the Omniscient Prism. Enter the room to obtain the
Moon Prism.

The Golden Boat.
You must have the Cyclop's Mine Key to get the Golden Boat. Go to the
Land of the Giants and make your way to J,8. Face West and use the
Cyclop's Mine Key. Walk through the Tapestry and go to I,5. Enter the
door and go to H,1. Teleport to P,3. Go West through the teleport and
you will be at J,1. Go to K,4. Win the fight and you'll have the
Cyclop's Head. Go back to the Dwarf Kingdom. Go to H,1. Give the Head
to the Dwarf and she will give you the Golden Boat.

How do I defeat En Li Kil?
Go to the Land of the Giants, J,8. Face West. Use the Cyclop's Mine
Key. Go to E,7. Use the Lost Mine Key. Go to the platform at B,9.
Go to B,8. Use the teleport to go to F,16. Teleport to A,12. Teleport
to Level 11. Make your way through the water to H,16. Teleport to
B,15. Face East. Use the Moon Prism. Go through the Tapestry. Go to
C,16. Make your way through the water to G,8. Face West. Use the Red
Gem. Go 1 North. Use the Yellow Gem. Go 1 North. Use the green Gem.
Go 1 North. Use the Blue Gem. Go to H,6. Use the boat. Go West into
the pit. You will be on the Island of Eternity. Go through the 4
rooms in order. Enter the NW door and follow the path. Win the battle
and teleport to Level 12, The Unknown. Defeat all the monsters and
teleport back to the Island of Eternity. Go to the NE door and repeat.
Go to the SE door and repeat. Select the Flex Sword as your weapon.
Go to the tile in front of the SW door and defeat the Wind
Elemental. Go!
through the SW door and win the
battle. You will return to The Unknown. Cross the bridge and defeat En
Li Kil. Go 1 step North to the fountain. Congratulation's Hero, you
have succeeded in your quest!

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