WCW Nitro

WCW Nitro

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+++++ F O R T H E P C ++++++

FAQ by mrwired@yahoo.com
Version: 1.50 FINAL
Date: 5.3.2000

I am in no way affiliated with WCW, Time Warner, THQ or Inland Productions.

This FAQ may be distributed as free, public domain. Please DO NOT modify or change it in
anyway and claim it as your own. Thanks. :)

Legal Stuff
:WCW (TM) and NWO (TM) and associated characters are trademarks of
or used under license by World Championship Wrestling, Inc.

:Copyright (C)World Championship Wrestling, Inc. A Time Warner Company.

Final Revision
This is most likely the final version of this FAQ, I think I pretty much covered all the
bases... and then some. Seeing how much support WCW Nitro, a second-rate game with slow
performance, cheesy graphics and rushed gameplay has drubbed up for the past two years
is amazing. Maybe game companies should actually PUBLISH PC WRESTLING TITLES more often.
Heck, if a bunch of games where you hang around and wait for deer to shoot or fish to bite
can sell well, what about wrestling games? Well, enough crap, here's the FAQ. Bye now.

What's New?
Version 1.50 FINAL - People STILL play this game? A year later, the links section has been
updated. Look ma, my characters fit!

Version 1.40 - Added several questions to the Frequently Asked Questions section and
"movies" to the editing section. Made some corrections in the Strategies, Character
Guide, Secrets/Cheats, and Rings sections. Added and corrected some URLs in the Editing
and Web Links sections. Added a few quotes to the Character Guide section.

Version 1.20 - Added guide to rings, added "weird music" to the Secrets/Cheats section,
corrected some info in the character guide.

Version 1.00 - This FAQ! It's completely done, I've got web links and everything. The
character guide is completely done, except for a few missing quotes and real names
here and there. Send corrections to: mrwired@yahoo.com

** Table of Contents **

"Ralphus and myself would like to welcome YOU to Monday Night Jericho!" - Chris Jericho

Part 1 ---------------------- Before the Bell
Part 2 ---------------------- Game Info
Part 3 ---------------------- Frequently Asked Questions
Part 4 ---------------------- Strategies
Part 5 ---------------------- Character Guide
Part 6 ---------------------- Rings
Part 7 ---------------------- Editing
Part 8 ---------------------- Secrets/Cheats
Part 9 ---------------------- Web Links
Part 10 ---------------------- Credits

** Before the Bell **

"This is the greatest night in our sport!" - Tony Schiavone

It's only natural that the Monday night wrestling extravaganza that is Nitro have a
game based on it. This FAQ is dedicated to answering most questions about the game,
so you too can play with "the big boys" of WCW.

** Game Info **

"We bout it, bout it and rowdy rowdy!" - Konnan

Company Line
What follows is some early info on WCW Nitro for the PC. Some of the following
features didn't actually make it into the final game. Features that didn't make
the cut are marked by an *.

WCW Nitro
by Inland Productions/THQ for the PC

The most photo realistic, 3D wrestling game on the market is coming to Windows 95.
WCW Nitro builds on the success of the PlayStation version, but includes more
WCW & NWO wrestlers, more moves and even more fun.

Nitro is fast four player action with the most current WCW and NWO superstar
wrestlers, including Bret Hart, Curt Henning, and Bill Goldberg. WCW Nitro features
actual WCW and NWO theme music and rants for all of the top wrestlers. Control
"Hollywood" Hogan as you take on all comers in a multi-player "Battle Royale".

Features at a glance...

- Over 60 WCW and NWO wrestling superstars
- Complete user statistics for each wrestler*
- Tons of hidden wreslters
- WCW/NWO theme music*
- Bios for each wrestler*
- 30 man battle royal mode - each time a wrestler is defeated a new grappler runs in
to take his place
- "Quarter Up" mode allowing players to "call next game" in multiplayer matches*
- Performance options
- 3D acceleration support
- All new movies and 32 rants
- Customizable keyboard controls
- Compatibility with select force feedback controllers and game pads

System Requirements:

Windows 95
166 mhz Pentium
150 MB free HD space
DirectDraw compatible video card
DirectX compatible sound card
DirectX 6.0

200 mhz Pentium
Direct3D compatible 3D accelerator
4 MB Video Card

IPX network
TCP/IP for Internet play
28.8 Kbps modem

Game Play Modes

Tournament - select a wrestler and fight other wrestlers to get the belt. Winning
the tournament with a character unlocks a new character on the select screen.
Depending on who you choose, you may have to win as many as 10 matches to beat
the game, or as few as 3. (1 Player)

Tag Team - your basic tag team match. Tag out to regain your energy and keep a fresh
man in. No team moves and all your partner does is hang around on the apron and
wait for you to tag him in. (1 or 2 Player)

Battle Royal - not like a regular royal rumble match, four wrestlers fight it out
in the ring and eliminate wrestlers by tossing them out of the ring. When one
wrestler is gone, another wrestler runs in to take his place. 30 wrestlers participate
in the Battle Royal. (1 to 4 Players)

** Frequently Asked Questions **

"Who's next?" - Goldberg

How does WCW Nitro for the PC differ from WCW Nitro for the PSX?
It isn't all that different from Nitro on the PSX, but there are several notable
updates. First, the graphics have been improved through the use of 3d acceleration.
If you have a Direct3D compatible 3d accelerator, the graphics look quite a bit
more polished than the PSX version. Second, multiplayer play is improved. You can
now play via LAN, by modem or on the internet. Third, the roster has been
completely updated. Characters who have since left WCW such as Syxx, Jacqueline
and Steven Regal have been replaced with the likes of Chris Jericho and Goldberg.
Also, allegiance changes have also been reflected, including the splitting of the
NWO into the Black/White and Black/Red divisions. Costumes have been updated according
to the wrestler's allegiance before the game shipped. Sting now wears red face
paint and Scott Steiner dons his NWO Black and White tights.

How does WCW Nitro for the PC differ from WCW Thunder for the PSX?
Once again, there's not many major differences between WCW Nitro PC and WCW Thunder.
There's some more "hidden" wrestlers, including the Nitro girls and some other WCW/NWO
personalities, as well some non-WCW/NWO related characters buried deep in the game.
There is a steel cage mode, but without a crowd, in order to boost the frame rate.
There's also some new rings, nothing major, with the "Thunder" ring replacing the
Nitro ring. Commentary is done by different announcers, but still sparse.

The game also recognizes "alliances" which you can change for each character. When
you change a character's alliance, you also change their costume and who runs out
to help them. Wrestlers of the same allegiance help each other out. There's also
some extra FMV, with short wrestler's entrances, no big deal. Gameplay is basically
the same, there are few new moves and most characters' movesets are still wrong. There
is also an assortment of weapons around the ring, from the classic folding chair and
baseball bat to more uncommon weapons, such as a TV and a guitar. You can swing and
throw weapons at your opponent and that's about it. All in all, Thunder is just a
minor upgrade of WCW Nitro PC. The few new features aren't worth the money if you
already have WCW Nitro for the PC.

Can you change wrestler allegiances in WCW Nitro for the PC?
Well, you can change wrestler costumes to reflect allegiance changes
(WCW, NWO Black/White and NWO Wolfpac). Check out Part 8: Secrets/Cheats.

Are Ric Flair and Warrior in the game?
No. Ric Flair was in Nitro for the PSX, but all WCW games published after that in
1998 he is missing from, including Revenge, Nitro PC and Thunder. This of course is
due to the legal trouble he had with WCW in '98, in which lawsuits were filed and he
was "fired" from the company. Warrior's exclusion from the game wasn't so much caused
by time restraints as it was because of his "contractual obligations". However, both
were created by fans and are available for download at: http://utrr.tripod.com/

Why is X's finishing move missing from the game?
Most of the secret characters are missing their signature moves, mainly those
characters that weren't in Nitro for the PSX. Konnan's finishing move for example,
was replaced with Chris Jericho's "Lion Tamer" move and Wrath's finishing move was
replaced by forearm shots. This was probably due to time contraints. See Part 5,
Character Guide to see if a wrestler's move is or isn't in the game.

Why is X's costume different from what it is now?
As you know, wrestling is a sport in which things change very quickly. Naturally, it
is hard to update video games to the present when things like costumes are constantly
changing. This is probably why some of the costumes (i.e Saturn's, Scott Steiner's)
aren't the same as they are in real life.

Where's the wrestlers' entrances and theme music?
I believe the PSX version had some FMV intros, but I'm personally glad that they
weren't included in the PC version as grainy video. Revenge had intros, but no theme
music. The only wrestling game that had both is WWF Warzone. Of course, theme music
was promised for the PC version, but it looks like it didn't make the final product.
If you want theme music to play when you win or a wrestler runs in, check out this URL:

Why can't I use the hidden rings or created wrestlers?
The hidden rings and created wrestlers only work if you have a Direct3D accelerator and
you have hardware acceleration turned on in the performance options. Some author are
starting to make non-3D versions of their mods as well.

Why does the game run so slow on my PC?
WCW Nitro has been known to run slow on even the more high end computers. The only
solutions are to get a decent Direct3D accelerator if you don't already have one and
make sure that you have DirectX 6.0 and the latest drivers for your video card and
3D card installed. Also, you can turn off the jumbotron, shadows and/or the crowd to
boost your frame rate. Popping out the CD during gameplay might help, just be sure
to reinsert it when your match is finished.

I think there's a bug in the game, what do I do?
First, go to THQ.com and get support there. Be sure to download the WCW Nitro patch
as well.

Can you edit the wrestlers/rings/menus in the game?
Yes. Check out Part 6: Editing.

Is THQ planning anymore WCW video game releases for the PC?
No. THQ's license to make WCW video games should be expired by the time you read
this. For more than a decade, THQ has had a license to publish WCW games but has
not done much with it until recently. EA has officially taken over the creation of
WCW video games and is scheduled to release its first title, "WCW Mayhem" for the
PSX and N64. They do not currently have publicly known plans to publish a WCW PC

Whatever happened to those snazzy 3D collectable cards on the WCW Nitro box?
They were limited edition and only available on the first few shipments of the game.
Luckily, I was able to snatch one for myself. It has a nice hologram effect. :-)

** Strategies **

"I'm gonna rub your face in the mat and when it's time... boom!" - Scott Hall

The game is relatively easy to conquer. Here are some basic strategies to get you

1. The Big Cheese
The cheesiest way to win a match is by using the same moves over and over. Get
yourself less than a bodie's range from your opponent and perform a powerbomb or
a piledriver on him. When he's down, stomp him a few times and pull him up to his
feet by tapping towards your opponen ton your pad then pressing "action". Before
he's completely up to his feet, press the keys to do another powerbomb or
piledriver. Repeat the process till your opponent is out of energy, then go for
the pin. This could be much more tough to pull off on the "hard" difficulty
setting though.

2. The Cornering Game
Another strategy is cornering your opponent. If you can advance towards you
opponent and send him drawing back with a flurry of kicks, you will be able to
trap him in the corner. You may be able to get a few chops in while he's in the
corner without him striking back, but the safest thing to do is send him into
the opposite turnbuckle. Tap away from your opponent on your pad then press
"action" to execute a whip. Hopefully, he'll get hooked onto a corner turnbuckle.

If you're a big wrestler, the best move to use in the corner is the foot choke.
Tap towards your opponent on your pad then press "chop" two times. You will
then use your boot to choke your opponent. You can do this about two/three times
before your opponent recovers. If you're a small wrestler, then the best move
to use is the ten count punches. Tap towards your opponent on your pad then press
"punch" repeatedly. You should climb onto your opponent and punch them repeatedly.
You can do this 2-3 times until your opponent recovers. By this time, you may have
taken off at least half your opponent's energy! You can then use power moves to
drain the rest of your opponent's energy.

3. High Risk Moves
Another method of rapidly draining your opponent's energy is by using high risk
moves. When your opponent has about 1/4 of his energy drained and is on the mat,
climb on to the nearest turnbuckle. This only works when your opponent is not
blocking the turnbuckle. Get close to the turnbuckle and tap towards it on your
pad to climb it. You can press punch or kick to do an elbow or a leg drop,
respectively. A good move to use would be the missile drop kick, though. Tap down
on your pad then press "kick" to execute it. Whether your opponent is up or on
the mat, there is a 95% chance that any high risk move will hit. It doesn't
really matter what distance you are from your opponent, the move will hit as
long as your opponent isn't near an opposite turnbuckle. Doing high risk manuevers
over and over is a great way to drain your opponent's energy, as long as you're a
pretty fast wrestler, as you need to be quick to get to the turnbuckle before your
opponent can get up and counter or evade. If you're a tall, power-type wrestler,
then high risk moves should be used sparingly.

4. Defense
There aren't too many defensive strategies in the game. Keep a safe distance away
from your opponent when you're not on the offensive so that they can't perform any
power moves on you. If you're being dominated by your opponent, when you're standing,
tap your pad in any one direction twice and hold it to dash away. Keep backing away
from your opponent and taunt a few times around the ring from a far distance from your
opponent to regain your energy. You can also tap away from your opponent and then
press "kick", then "action" to toss or throw your opponent out of the ring. Then,
immediately press "taunt" several times to regain your energy. Also, remember to
rapidly tap punch and kick to kick out of pins.

5. Finishers
Finishing moves are generally useless. Most of them only take the last bit of energy
from your opponent, and then you have to go for the pin. They often leave your opponent
in a position where you can't pin him, such as near the ropes or in the corner. The only
truly useful finishers are the submission moves such as Sting's "Scorpion Deathlock" or
Chris Jericho's "Liontamer". Unlike pins, you are guaranteed that they will not be
broken, unless another wrestler runs in to attack you, which is highly unlikely.
Finishers like the Macho Man's "Elbow Drop" or Hogan's "Leg Drop" are utterly
useless, because they require that your opponent be on the ground to do them, and it
would be smarter to go for a pin. To sum up, finishers are mainly for show and don't
have much practical use in winning a match.

6. The Disco Strategy
The cheapest strategy by far is the "Disco strategy". You must set "Disco" as your
ring in your options first. Simply enter the options menu and press (in order): evade,
tag, evade, tag, block, taunt, block, taunt, then the Disco ring is selectable. During
the match, toss your opponent out of the ring by tapping away from your opponent and
"kick", then "action" and when they get to their feet, repeatedly press taunt. You will
both dance, and your opponent will be counted out if you enabled countouts.

7. Run-ins
To call for another wrestler to run in, first make sure that "Surprise Attacks" are
enabled in the options menu, then press the "Help" button during a match. Yeah,
that's what that button is for. You may only do this once during a match. Another
wrestler will come out and help you. The best time to use this feature is when
your opponent calls for another wrestler to come out and attack you. Calling for
help then would result in another wrestler coming out to attack your opponent while
you fend off your opponent's backup. Otherwise, both wrestlers could double team you.
If it's two against one, then run around the ring, climbing back in to avoid a count
out, until the opponent's help runs away.

** Character Guide **

"You can call this the New World Order of wrestling!!!" - Hollywood Hogan

All wrestlers in WCW Nitro have the same moveset, plus two or three "special" moves most
other wrestlers can't do. There are two types of characters in WCW Nitro. There are
"big" wrestlers and "small" wrestlers. Big wrestlers, like Hollywood Hogan can do almost
the same moves as small wrestlers, plus the foot choke and the gorilla press slam. Also,
they lift up and toss their opponents out of the ring. Small wrestlers, like Rey Misterio
Jr., cannot do those moves, but can do the head scissors and the frankensteiner. They toss
their opponents out of the ring by whipping them through the ropes.

All moves are done with both wrestlers standing, unless otherwise noted. Finishers are
done when the opponent's energy bar is flashing red.

Note: "Away" means tap away from your opponent, "Toward" means tap toward your opponent.

Basic Moves

Opponent Standing:
Get In/Out of Ring/Climb On TurnBuckle (near corner) - Away, Action
Hip Toss - Away, Punch
Snapmare - Up, Punch
Basic Suplex - Chop, Punch
Backbreaker - Down, Punch, Chop
Bodyslam - Up, Chop, Chop
Abdominal Stretch - Down, Chop
Powerbomb - Punch, Kick
Piledriver - Chop, Action
Vertical Suplex - Away, Chop
Drop Kick - Down, Kick
Throw/Whip Out of Ring - Away, Kick, Action
Frankensteiner (Small Wrestlers) - Away, Punch, Kick
Head Scissors (Small Wrestlers) - Up, Punch, Chop
Gorilla Press (Big Wrestlers) - Up, Chop, Action
Opponent On Mat:
Pin Attempt - Action
Elbow Drop - Punch
Leg Drop - Chop
Knee Drop - Kick
Foot Stomp - Down, Kick
Drag opponent - Away, Action
Lift opponent to feet - Up, Action

Opponent Running At You:
Irish Whip - Away, Action
Clothesline - Punch
Spin Kick - Chop

Opponent In Turnbuckle:
Elbow - Punch
Chop - Chop
Knee - Kick
Splash - Down, Kick
10-Count Punches - Toward, Punch (tap repeatedly)
Foot Choke (big wrestlers, with opponent hooked on turnbuckle) Toward, Chop, Chop

Player On Turnbuckle:
Flying Elbow Drop - Punch
Flying Leg Drop - Chop
Flying Knee Drop - Kick
Missile Dropkick - Down, Kick

Wrestler Profiles

"Hollywood" Hogan
Real Name: Terry Bollea
Allegiance: NWO Wolfpac
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "When you're in the NWO, you're in it for life!"

Hollywood Leg Drop - Up, Punch, Punch, Kick

Special Moves:
Knee Bash - Kick, Action, Action
Big Boot - Chop, Chop, Chop (Opponent running at you)

Bret "The Hitman" Hart
Real Name: Bret Hart
Allegiance: WCW(?)
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be."

The Sharpshooter - Down, Punch, Chop, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Special Moves:
Russian Leg Sweep - Punch, Punch, Punch
Atomic Headbutt - Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Real Name: Steve Borden
Allegiance: WCW(?)
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "You're dead."

The Scorpion Deathlock - Down, Punch, Kick, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Special Moves:
The Scorpion Death Drop - Chop, Chop, Action
Stinger Splash - Kick, Action, Kick (Opponent in turnbuckle)

Lex Luger
Real Name: Lawrence Pfohl
Allegiance: NWO Wolfpac
Wrestler Type: Small

Torture Rack - Up, Chop, Punch, Chop

Special Moves:
Atomic Drop - Kick, Kick, Action
Bionic Forearm (shoulder tackle) - Chop, Chop, Chop (Opponent running at you)

Real Name: Paul Wight
Allegiance: NWO Black and White
Wrestler Type: Big

Chokeslam - Up, Kick, Action, Action

Special Moves:
One Hand Press Slam - Punch, Chop, Chop
Choke Lift - Up, Chop, Punch

Diamond Dallas Page
Real Name: Page Falkenberg
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big

Diamond Cutter - Up, Kick, Kick, Action

Special Moves:
Tilt-A-Whirl Side Slam - Punch, Punch, Kick
Rotating DDP Pancake - Chop, Action, Action

Real Name: Scott Levy
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Quoth the Raven, nevermore."

Evenflow DDT - Down, Toward, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Slap/Low Blow Combo - Punch, Kick, Punch
Japanese Armdrag - Toward, Kick, Action

Real Name: Perry Satullo
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Life's a drag."

Death Valley Driver - Up, Kick, Kick, Kick

Special Moves:
Saturn Driver - Kick, Action, Kick
Gargoyleplex - Away, Kick, Kick

Real Name: Bill Goldberg
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "Who's Next?"

Jackhammer - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Spear - Down, Chop, Action, Action
Gorilla Press Powerslam - Chop, Action, Action

Kevin Nash
Real Name: Kevin Nash
Allegiance: NWO Wolfpac
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "Just too... SWEET!"

Jacknife Powerbomb - Up, Punch, Kick, Punch

Special Moves:
Side Slam - Punch, Punch, Chop
Choke Lift - Up, Chop, Punch

Scott Hall
Real Name: Scott Hall
Allegiance: NWO Wolfpac
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "Hey yo..."

Outsider Edge - Up, Punch, Punch, Kick

Special Moves:
Headbutt - Kick, Punch, Punch
Fallaway Slam - Away, Chop, Action

Curt Hennig
Real Name: Curt Hennig
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Hennigplex - Away, Chop, Chop, Punch

Special Moves:
Belly-to-Back Suplex - Up, Kick, Punch
Snap Suplex - Kick, Kick, Punch

"The Macho Man" Randy Savage
Real Name: Randy Poffo
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "OOOH YEAH!"

Flying Elbow Drop - Up, Chop, Action, Chop (Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Facebuster - Punch, Kick, Kick
Macho Suplex - Chop, Chop, Punch

Ric Steiner ("The Dogfaced Gremlin")
Real Name: Robert Rechsteiner
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

The Bulldog (Spear) - Down, Chop, Action, Action

Special Moves:
Spinebuster - Down, Chop, Action
Powerslam - Punch, Punch, Punch
Gargoyleplex - Away, Kick, Kick

Scott Steiner ("Big Poppa Pump", "The Superstar")
Real Name: Scott Rechsteiner
Allegiance: NWO Wolfpac
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Big Poppa Pump is your hookup! Holler if ya hear me!"

The Steiner Recliner - Down, Punch, Punch, Chop (Opponent on mat)

Special Moves:
Forearm Shots - Chop, Chop, Chop
Chickenwing Slam - Kick, Kick, Kick
Gargoyleplex - Away, Kick, Kick

Chris Jericho
Real Name: Chris Irvine
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "That will never, EVER happen again, thank you."

The Lion Tamer - Down, Punch, Punch, Punch

Special Moves:
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop

Brian Adams
Real Name: Brian Adams
Allegiance: NWO Black and White
Wrestler Type: Big

German Suplex - Up, Kick, Action, Kick

Special Moves:
Gorilla Press Powerslam - Chop, Action, Action
Tilt-a-whirl Side Slam - Punch, Punch, Kick

The British Bulldog
Real Name: David Smith
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Death Valley Driver - Up, Kick, Kick, Kick
(Note: Bulldog's finisher, the running powerslam, is not in this game.)

Special Moves:
Russian Legsweep - Punch, Punch, Punch
Atomic Headbutt - Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Booker T
Real Name: Booker Huffman
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Can you dig it?"

Death Valley Driver - Up, Kick, Kick, Kick
Missile Dropkick - Down, Kick (Basic Move, Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Harlem Flip - Chop, Action, Chop
Scissor Kick - Up, Chop, Punch, Chop

Dean Malenko ("The Iceman")
Real Name: Dean Simon
Allegiance: WCW, 4 Horsemen
Wrestler Type: Small

Texas Cloverleaf - Away, Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Special Move:
Snap Suplex - Kick, Kick, Punch
Spinebuster - Down, Chop, Action

Real Name: Bryan Clarke
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "It is time for a total meltdown."

Forearm Shots - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop
(Note: Wrath's pumphandle slam finisher, "The Meltdown" is not in this game)

Special Moves:
Knee Bash: Kick, Action, Action
Gorilla Press Powerslam: Chop, Action, Action

The Ultimo Dragon
Real Name: Yoshihiro Asai
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Steiner Recliner - Down, Punch, Punch, Chop (Opponent on mat)
(Note: Ultimo Dragon's finisher, the "Dragon-sleeper", is not in this game)

Special Moves:
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop

Real Name: Pete Gruner
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Evenflow DDT - Down, Toward, Chop, Chop
(Note: Kidman's finisher, the shooting star press, is not in this game.)

Special Moves:
Atomic Drop - Kick, Kick, Action
Diving Headbutt - Up, Punch, Chop, Chop (Player on turnbuckle)

Real Name: Ed Leslie
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big

The Apocalypse (Diamond Cutter) - Up, Kick, Kick, Action

Special Moves:
Knee Bash - Kick, Action, Action
Fallaway Slam - Away, Chop, Action

Chris Benoit ("The Canadian Crippler")
Real Name: Chris Benoit
Allegiance: WCW, 4 Horsemen
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "This is what it's all about."

The Crippler Crossface - Away, Chop, Chop, Punch

Special Moves:
German Suplex - Up, Chop, Action, Chop
Diving Headbutt - Up, Punch, Chop, Chop (Player on turnbuckle)

Scott "Flash" Norton
Real Name: Scott Norton
Allegiance: NWO Black and White
Wrestler Type: Big

Forearm Shots - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop
Powerbomb - Punch, Kick (Basic Move)

Special Moves:
Knee Bash - Kick, Action, Action
Fallaway Slam - Away, Chop, Action

Real Name: Charles Ashenoff
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Hola le! Arriba la raza!"

The Tequila Sunrise (Liontamer) - Down, Punch, Puch, Punch

Special Moves:
Chickenwing Slam - Kick, Kick, Kick
Saturn Driver - Kick, Action, Kick

Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart
Real Name: Jim Neidhart
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Football Tackle (Spear) - Down, Chop, Action, Action

Special Moves:
Snap Suplex - Kick, Kick, Punch
Russian Leg Sweep - Punch, Punch, Punch

Rowdy Roddy Piper
Real Name: Roderick Toombs
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "It's time to pay the piper"

The Crippler Crossface - Away, Chop, Chop, Punch

Special Moves:
Russian Leg Sweep - Punch, Punch, Punch
Back Body Drop - Chop, Action, Chop

Buff Bagwell
Real Name: Marcus Bagwell
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "I'm the stuff!"

Fisherman's Suplex - Away, Chop, Chop, Punch

Special Moves:
Reverse DDT - Chop, Chop, Action
Snap Suplex - Kick, Kick, Punch

Real Name: Chris Klucsarits
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "Who's better than Kanyon?"

The Outsider Edge - Up, Punch, Punch, Kick
(Note: Kanyon's finisher, the "Flatliner" is not in this game.)

Special Moves:
Spinning DDP Pancake - Chop, Action, Action
Football Tackle (Spear) - Down, Chop, Action, Action

Alex Wright
Real Name: Alex Wright
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "Actung, actung, hier!"

German Suplex - Up, Kick, Action, Kick

Special Moves:
Back Body Drop - Chop, Action, Chop
Tilt-a-whirl Side Slam - Punch, Punch, Kick

Eddy Guerrero
Real Name: Eduardo Guerrero
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "You can kiss my you-know-what..."

Frog Splash - Up, Chop, Action, Action (Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop

Van Hammer
Real Name: Mark Hildreth
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big
Quote: "Far out..."

Forearm Shots - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Gorilla Press Powerslam - Up, Chop, Action, Action
Knee Bash - Kick, Action, Action

Stevie Ray
Real Name: Lane Huffman
Allegiance: NWO Black and White
Wrestler Type: Big

Forearm Shots - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Harlem Flip - Chop, Action, Chop
Spear - Down, Chop, Action, Action

Scotty Riggs
Real Name: Scott Anton
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Little
Quote: "Better looking every day."

Texas Cloverleaf - Away, Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Special Moves:
Powerslam - Punch, Punch, Punch
Spear - Down, Chop, Action, Action

Horace Hogan
Real Name: Horace Bollea
Allegiance: NWO Black and White
Wrestler Type: Big

Jackhammer - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Fallaway Slam - Away, Chop, Action
Spear - Down, Chop, Action, Action

Rey Misterio, Jr.
Real Name: Oscar Guiterez
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Fisherman's Suplex - Away, Chop, Chop, Action

Special Moves:
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch

Real Name: Brad Cain
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Evenflow DDT - Down, Toward, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Gargoyleplex - Away, Kick, Kick
Saturn Driver - Kick, Action, Kick

Sick Boy
Real Name: Scott Vick
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Football Tackle (Spear) - Down, Chop, Action, Action

Special Moves:
Macho Suplex - Chop, Chop, Punch
German Suplex - Punch, Chop, Punch

Disco Inferno
Real Name: Glen Gilbertti
Allegiance: NWO Wolfpac
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "They wanna see me dance!"

Evenflow DDT - Down, Toward, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Gargoyleplex - Away, Kick, Kick

German Suplex - Punch, Chop, Punch

Ernest "The Cat" Miller
Real Name: Ernest Miller
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "I am the greatest!"

Liontamer - Down, Punch, Punch, Punch

Special Moves:
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch

Real Name:
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big

German Suplex - Up, Kick, Action, Kick
(Note: Barbarian's finisher, the "Kick Of Fear", is not in this game)

Special Moves:
Back Body Drop - Chop, Action, Chop
Knee Bash - Kick, Action, Action

Real Name: Uliuli Fifita
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big

Forearm Shots - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop
(Note: Meng's finisher, the "Tongan Death Grip", is not in this game)

Special Moves:
Headbutt - Kick, Punch, Punch
Big Boot - Chop, Chop Chop (Opponent running at you)

Fit Finley
Real Name: David Finley
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Death Valley Driver - Up, Kick, Kick, Kick
(Note: Fit Finley's finisher, the tombstone piledriver, is not in this game)

Special Moves:
Russian Leg Sweep - Punch, Punch, Punch
Back Body Drop - Chop, Action, Chop

Real Name: Ron Reiss
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big

Chokeslam - Up, Kick, Action, Action

Special Moves:
Two-handed Chokehold - Up, Chop, Punch
Sideslam - Punch, Punch, Chop

Chavo Guerrero Jr.
Real Name: Salvador (Chavito) Guerrero III
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Evenflow DDT - Down, Forward, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch

La Parka
Real Name: Adolfo Tapia
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big

Jackhammer - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Rotating DDP Pancake - Chop, Action, Action
Tilt-a-whirl Side Slam - Punch, Punch, Kick

Eric Bischoff
Real Name: Eric Bischoff
Allegiance: NWO
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Bite me"

Flying Elbow Drop - Up, Chop, Action, Chop (Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Atomic Headbutt - Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)
Slap/Low Blow Combo - Punch, Kick, Punch

"Mean" Gene Okerlund
Real Name: Gene Okerlund
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Torture Rack - Up, Chop, Punch, Chop

Special Moves:
Facebuster - Punch, Kick, Kick
Japanese Armdrag - Away, Kick, Action

Real Name: Elizabeth Hulette
Allegiance: NWO Wolfpac
Wrestler Type: Small

Flying Elbow Drop - Up, Chop, Action, Chop (Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Atomic Drop - Kick, Kick, Action
Atomic Headbutt - Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Arn Anderson
Real Name: Marty Lunde
Allegiance: WCW, 4 Horsemen
Wrestler Type: Small

Evenflow DDT - Down, Toward, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Spinebuster - Down, Chop, Action
Powerslam - Punch, Punch, Punch

Bobby Heenan
Real Name: Raymond Heenan
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Crossface Chickenwing - Down, Kick, Action, Kick

Special Moves:
Snap Suplex - Kick, Kick, Punch
Spinebuster - Down, Chop, Action

Real Name: Kimberly Falkenberg(?)
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Fisherman's Suplex - Away, Chop, Chop, Punch

Special Moves:
Atomic Drop - Kick, Kick, Action
Atomic Headbutt - Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)

Larry Zybysco
Real Name: Larry Whistler
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "It's a game of human chess."

Crippler Crossface - Away, Chop, Chop, Punch

Special Moves:
Chickenwing Slam - Kick, Kick, Kick
Forearm Shots - Chop, Chop, Chop

Sonny Onoo
Real Name:
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Where's my belt?"

Frog Splash - Up, Chop, Action, Action (Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Scissor Kick - Up, Chop, Punch
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop

Steve "Mongo" McMichael
Real Name: Steve McMichael
Allegiance: WCW, 4 Horsemen
Wrestler Type: Big

German Suplex - Up, Kick, Action, Kick
(Note: Mongo's finisher, the "Touchdown Spike", is not in this game)

Special Moves:
Back Body Drop - Chop, Action, Chop
Tilt-A-Whirl Side Slam - Punch, Punch, Kick

Kaz Hayashi
Real Name:
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

The Sharpshooter - Punch, Chop, Punch (Opponent on ground)

Special Moves:
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch

Jimmy Hart
Real Name: James Hart
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small
Quote: "Yeah, Baby!"

Flying Elbow Drop - Up, Chop, Action, Chop (Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Saturn Driver - Kick, Action, Kick
Japanese Armdrag - Toward, Kick, Action

Rick Rude
Real Name: Rick Rood
Allegiance: WCW(?)
Wrestler Type: Small

Fisherman's Suplex - Away, Chop, Chop, Punch

Special Moves:
Gargoyleplex - Away, Kick, Kick
Slap/Low Blow Combo - Punch, Kick, Punch

Mike Enos
Real Name: Mike Enos
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Death Valley Driver - Up, Kick, Kick, Kick

Special Moves:
Powerslam - Punch, Punch, Punch
Atomic Drop - Kick, Kick, Action

Real Name: Dionico Castellanos
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Texas Cloverleaf - Away, Chop, Punch, Punch (Opponent on mat)
Guillotine Leg Drop - Chop (Basic Move, Player on turnbuckle)

Special Moves:
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch

Juventud Guerrera ("The Youth Warrior")
Real Name: Anibal Gonzalez
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Small

Crossface Chickenwing - Down, Kick, Action, Kick
(Note: Juvi's finisher, the "Juvi Driver" is not in this game.

Special Moves:
Head Scissors - Chop, Punch, Chop
Body Scissors - Away, Kick, Punch

Rick Fuller
Real Name: Rick Fuller
Allegiance: WCW
Wrestler Type: Big

Forearm Shots - Up, Chop, Chop, Chop

Special Moves:
Spear - Down, Chop, Action, Action
Gorilla Press Powerslam - Chop, Action, Action

** Rings **

"Everyone knows that I can run rings around the competition." - Saturn

Whether it's in the Nitro ring or at one of the pay-per-views, be prepared for the
beating of you life in over 20 different settings.

Regular Rings
These rings are the original rings you can choose from when you first start the

Nitro - ring for the Monday night blast that is WCW Nitro. Complete with crowd,
jumbotron and Nitro Girls.

NWO - ring to the bad boys of professional wrestling, the NWO. All WCW logos are
replaced by NWO Black and White logos.

Slamboree - ring from the annual WCW pay-per-view event.

Souled Out - ring from the originally NWO pay-per-view.

WCW - old WCW Saturday Night ring.

Fall Brawl - ring from the fall pay-per-view "Fall Brawl: War Games".

American Bash - ring from the summer pay-per-view, "The Great American Bash".

Halloween Havoc - ring from the October pay-per-view of the same name.

Hidden Rings
Hidden rings are weird rings that you wouldn't normally find wrestlers fighting in.
Most of them don't have crowds, although the crowd sound still plays. Also, not all
of them have fences around the ring, but your opponent can still be sent into an
"invisible" fence. They can be unlocked using a cheat. (See Part 8: Secrets/Cheats)

Graveyard - ring in the middle of a graveyard, with a boy in the background. The
ring looks like a grave and the entrance way is some spooky building.

Spaceship - ring in spaceship, with odd devices around the ring. Aliens watch the
action and the ring is "floating".

Circus - ring in the middle of a circus big top. Ring says "WCW circus", there is
a crowd and some animals. The entranceway is a funhouse.

Hive - ring in a "beehive", complete with bees floating around the ring. There's
honeycomb all around.

Turbo - ring for WCW "Turbo" Just like the Nitro ring, except without a crowd or
visible entrance way nor any extra details in the arena. Created for people with
slow systems.

Wunderland - ring in the middle of snow-covered land. The ring has a Snowman logo
on it, there is a gingerbread house for the entranceway and there is no crowd.

Boudoir - ring in the middle of women's chambers. The ring is a bed, with bedposts
and dancing girls take the place of the jumbotron. The entranceway is a big door.

Hall of Mirrors - ring in the middle of a hall of mirrors. If you don't turn on the
jumbotron, the background is a bunch of wavy lines.

Reck Room - ring in the middle of a recreation room. A ping pong game is going on,
the stereo is on and the TV is the jumbotron. If you don't turn on the jumbotron,
the TV shows a clip of a car speeding off over and over.

Psychodelic - ring in the middle of a weird hippy drug trip. The ring is in hippy
colors and the background is the jumbotron. If you don't turn on the jumboron, the
background is wavy colors that match the ring.

Disco - ring in the middle of a disco club. There is a DJ in a toga, dancing chicks
and an audience. The entranceway is the front door to the club.

Jungle - ring in the middle of a jungle. There are some trees, some natives in masks
and a waterfall as the entranceway.

1984 - ring in the middle of space? The ring is wireframe and the background is space
with astrounauts if you turn the jumbotron off.

Quark - ring in the middle of some kind of factory. There is some machinery around the

Texas - ring in the middle of a stereotypical Texas town. The ring is a wooden platform
with the state of Texas on it and nooses around. There is are catcus, cowboys, some
cattle and a saloon for the entranceway.

** Editing **

"What is your major malfunction?" - Rowdy Roddy Piper

WCW Nitro isn't a very hard game to edit. Any part of WCW Nitro can be easily edited
if you have the right tools.

Most of the graphics in Nitro are composed of .raw and .bmp files. A good graphics
program such as Adobe PhotoShop or JASC's Paint Shop Pro can edit any graphics file
in Nitro. Here's some pointers to get you started.

Wrestlers - The wrestlers are based on three files, located in the 'Wrestlers'
subdirectory of your WCW Nitro base directory. The .hry and .pcw files make up the
models, dictating the basic shape and form of wrestler. The .raw files are the skins
that wrap around the model. If you just want to edit an existing wrestler's costume,
then the .raw files are the ones you should edit. The settings for the files are
256x256 for small wrestlers and 256x512 for big wrestlers. However, if you want to
make an entirely new wrestlers, you're going to have edit the .hry and .pcw files.
The rings are similar.

Menu Graphics - The menu graphics are simple bitmaps. They are located in the
'Menuart' subdirectory. The backgrounds for the menus are 640x480, the big graphics
224x192, the small graphics are 64x80. Save any files you make for the game in
24-bit color depth.

All sounds, including commentary and wrestler sounds are in wave format. The waves
have to be saved in 11,025 Hz, 16 Bit, Mono, wave format.

Technically, you can edit the movies in WCW Nitro for the PC. You first need a video
file in .avi format you want to put in the game. The "rant" files (rant1, rant2, etc.)
for the first 32 wrestlers should be 140x120 in resolution. The rest of the files
(intro, credits) should be 320x240. Once you have your file, now you need to get the
game to use it. This involves getting the game to read the files from your hard drive.
First, you need a program that removes the CD check from the WCW Nitro program, so you
can run the game without the CD in the drive. I can't personally tell you where to find
these things due to "legal" reasons. Then you have to copy the movies from the CD to a
directory called "movies", anywhere you want (preferably in your installation directory).
Then you would put your movie in the directory, overwriting the file you want to
overwrite. The final step would be to point the game to the parent directory where you
put the movies in by editing the registry. Whew.. that was a mouthful.

Other than wrestlers, sounds and menu graphics, there's some data in the .exe that
can only be edited by modifying the program. The gameplay modes, wrestler and menu
item names are stored in the program. They can be edited by an experienced user with
a hex editor, such as Fhreddy.

** Secrets/Cheats **

"Cheat to win." - Eddy Guerrero t-shirt

There's plenty of secrets and cheats for WCW Nitro. Here's all the codes I know.

All Wrestlers:
At Character Select screen, press Evade 4 times, Block 4 times, Tag/Focus 4 times,
and Taunt 4 times. Then press Help to open up all the characters. Be sure to save
your game and then load it whenever you start the game, because the game won't save
all the wrestlers when you exit.

Ring Skip:
At the Options Menu, press Evade, Tag/Focus, Evade, Tag/Focus, Help. Each time you
press H, the ring will advance by one.

Ring Select:
At the Main Menu, press Block, Taunt, Evade, Tag/Focus 4 times, then press Help.

Secret Rings:
At the Main Menu, press Block, Taunt, Evade, Tag/Focus, Block, Taunt, Evade,
Tag/Focus, and Help. Now you have the secret rings. Be sure to save your game and
then load it whenever you start the game, because the game won't save all the rings
when you exit.

Instant Win:
Highlight a wrestler at the Character Select screen and press Block, Evade, Taunt,
Tag/Focus, Block, Evade, Taunt, Tag/Focus, and Help.

Change Costumes:
All characters have four different costumes. They are represented by the .raw and
.bmp files in the 'Wrestlers' directory. The game uses the .raw files for hardware
accelerated moves and the .bmp files for unaccelerated mode. Each file has the
character's name and then a number after. The number 0 is the primary costume which
player 1 uses, 2 is the costume player 2 uses and 3 and 4 are for 4 player mode/Tag
Team with all the same wrestlers. Just change the numbers to switch which costume
you see when. Like if you want Nash's Outsider costume to be his regular costume,
change the number in the nNASH1.raw to "0" and the number in the nNASH0.raw file to "1".

Weird Music:
Load your WCW Nitro CD into your computer's CD player or any audio CD player. Track 1
is the data track; don't play it. Tracks 2, 3 and 4 are the in-game music. Track 5 is
a "bonus" track, a rock song without any words and Track 6 is a disco track.

** Web Links **

"Somebody call my mama!" - The Cat

Publishers of WCW Nitro for the PC.
URL: http://www.thq.com

UTRR's WCW Nitro for the PC Heaven
UTRR's site includes everything you could want in WCW Nitro for the PC coverage. It has
plenty of downloads, cheats and linkss.
URL: http://utrr.tripod.com/

WCW Nitro Ultimate Site
Loads of downloads here.
URL: http://nitro-ultimate.tripod.com/

Unofficial Home of WCW Nitro PC
The webmaster of this site made some great menu graphics for WCW Nitro. It has plenty
of great game info and downloads.
URL: http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Rink/7421/

The ZONE Wrestling Game Site
Check out the WCW Nitro PC Gaming Guide for some great info, also has some info on
other wrestling games.
URL: http://members.spree.com/sip/zonegame/

** Credits **

"We love each and every one of you." - Eric Bischoff

Game Production
THQ, Inland

Editing Info

Some Real Names

Moves I Couldn't Find
UTRR, ZONE Wrestling

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