

01.10.2013 15:44:08
TRINITY Walkthru

World tensions seem to be running high, but so what else is new? Darned if
you're going to let that get in the way of enjoying the last day of your
vacation. You don't get over to the east side of the Atlantic often and
there's no reason for angry rhetoric to spoil a stroll through Kensington
Gardens. It's a spot you will have to learn to love, since you're doomed to
passing through it forever. But the good news is you're going to become an
integral part of the space time continuum. But that's for physicists; let's
get on with the game!

As in any game, make sure to map. The mapping is especially fun in this
game, since it shows great symmetry with the props included with the
package, particularly, the Sundial. You start off at the Palace Gate,
getting ready for a stroll through the park. The first place to go is off
to the northeast, The Wabe. Here you'll find an object that is the central
theme for the whole game, a Sundial. If you examine it, you'll notice that
the gnomon, the piece that casts the shadow, is loose. Hmmm. UNSCREW
GNOMON. It falls to the ground. TAKE GNOMON.

From the Wabe go southeast to the Flower Walk. But what's that in the
bushes? A soccer ball. TAKE BALL. (There are very few red herrings in this
game.) Go north from here. I'll meet you at Lancaster Walk.

There is water on two sides of us here. First try going east toward the
Long Water. Whoa! That's some tough grass. But notice what an easy time the
bicyclists have. Well, let's head off to the West. This is the Round Pond,
a quaint European scene. Take a look at the boats. What's this, a paper
bird? TAKE BIRD. Look at the bird. There's some writing. OPEN BIRD. READ
PAPER. Take a look at your watch. Four p.m. isn't far away. You're going to
have to find a way across that grass.

Go northwest. This is the Black Lion Gate. Some irresponsible nanny has
forgotten her perambulator. (Don't worry, you can call it a pram.) OPEN
PRAM. Whew! At least she didn't forget the child. This has wheels, kind of
like bicycle tires. Better bring it with you. PUSH PRAM SOUTH.

Here at the Broad Walk you see an old woman selling crumbs. At least she
isn't on the dole. Patronize the woman; BUY CRUMBS. She offers the bag and
your change: TAKE BAG AND COIN. Put the coin and the paper (from the bird)
in your pocket. Might as well give some crumbs to the birds. FEED BIRDS.
(Once, and only once. You'll notice that the wind shifts.) What's this? A
Ruby? Try to take it. Beep Beep! A Roadrunner in England? These crumbs are
going to be useful, so take care not to spill them.

PUSH PRAM NORTHEAST. Here you are at the Iverness Terrace. There is a
typically preoccupied British youth listening to his walkman and blowing
bubbles. Don't antagonize the fellow, just remember the scene for future
reference. PUSH THE PRAM EAST.

Here at the Lancaster Gate you'll see a woman struggle with and lose her
umbrella. Oh, the poor woman, look at her face. Before you can help, she
has left and her umbrella is in the tree. Well, maybe you can give it back
to her at some other time. THROW BALL AT UMBRELLA. Down it falls. TAKE
UMBRELLA. PUSH THE PRAM SOUTH, back to Lancaster Walk.

Time is running out. GET IN THE PRAM. (Don't you feel silly? You certainly
look silly.) Now how to get this thing moving? Remember the wind? OPEN
UMBRELLA. Ayiee! When you get up you'll notice you will have dropped
everything. TAKE ALL. (Don't worry about the pram.) When you read the
description, you'll notice that the rhetoric has turned into war and the
first missile is on the way. Fortunately, a door appears over the water.
ENTER WATER. ENTER DOOR. (And yes it is a good direction!) You're on your
way to the other side!

You find yourself in a meadow. A shadow lies across the room. You will
become very familiar with the shadow. Also here is a gigantic mushroom.
There are six others like it in this part of the game. Five of them must be
solved before the sixth one can be solved. (If you haven't yet done so,
save the game and have a look around and then continue here.) The only way
out of this room is to the north. You are now at the Summit, and have seen
or will see a meteor fly through the sky and hear it hit the ground. From
the Summit go northeast to the South Bog.

Amid the bog if a decaying log. It sparkles as it decays. Most adventurers
recognize a potential light source when they see one, and this is certainly
one. KICK LOG. TAKE SPLINTER. No need to worry about grues or other such
creatures now. Go East, to the Bottom of the Stairs. Go up twice, to the
Top of Vertex, and notice the temperature. EXAMINE HOLE. EXAMINE RING. Try
to screw the gnomon in the hole. The threading doesn't match. You'll try
again later. Go down twice.

From the bottom of the stairs go south, to the Trellises and southwest to
the Arborvitaes. Go east to the Arboretum and notice the statue. Go north
to the North Arbor and then up to the Top of Arbor. Here you'll see an axe.
TAKE AXE. It will be an extremely important piece of equipment. Go down (to
the south if they ask) and you'll be in the South Arbor. Go down into the
Arboretum and once again notice the statue. The name is sdrawkcaB!

Go west and then northeast to get back to the Trellises and then north
again to the Bottom of Stairs. Go up twice. Now SCREW GNOMON IN HOLE. It
works this time because the threading (and everything else) has been
reversed. EXAMINE THE RING again. Notice that the symbols on the ring are
the same that are on the sundial in the game package. Also note that they
are present in the "Illustrated Story of the Atomic Bomb" in the game
documentation. You'll notice a lever has popped up, too.

Go down twice, south, southeast, west, south, up, down (north if they
ask), and down. You will have gone through the Arboretum again and will
have re-reversed everything so the name on the statue should be back to
normal. This makes the orientation much easier. (Make sure the name is
normal.) Now go back to the Vertex by going west, northeast, north, up and
up again. PULL LEVER DOWN. You'll see a nifty effect. TURN RING TO FOURTH

Go down twice. From here go northeast to Under Cliff. You will see a bee
hive here. Go east to the Crater's Edge and east again into the crater.
Here is that meteorite that you saw earlier. You can't take it now,
however, because it is too hot. You will have to find a way to cool it
down. Go west and then northwest to the Bluff. Here is a cottage. OPEN
DOOR. Go east into the Cottage. Examine the surroundings, they are
interesting and amusing. LISTEN TO THE BIRD. Get the whole recipe; be sure
of it by WAITing enough times so that bird repeats the first thing you
heard. (Not including "Awks!" or other bird-type sounds.) Now you have a

OPEN THE BACK DOOR. Go east to the Herb Garden. You'll see some mushrooms,
one with a door, and a refuse pile. SEARCH PILE. TAKE GARLIC. You now have
one of the necessary ingredients. Go west back into the cottage and DROP
THE GARLIC (not in the cauldron). Go west again to the bluff and then
southwest to the Chasm's Brink. You'll see the shadow here and a big tree.
In order to cross the chasm, you have to fell this tree. Fortunately, you
have your axe with you. CHOP TREE WITH AXE. Make sure the tree falls where
you want it to: PUSH TREE NORTH. The tree will bridge the gap and you can
go north to the Mesa. When you get there you will see another mushroom, but
the white is open. ENTER DOOR.

If you've noticed the correlation between the sundial and the
documentation, then you know where you are. Climb down from the Scaffold.
OPEN BOX. TURN ON SWITCH. You can listen to the final procedure checks.
PUSH BUTTON. Now you can get out as the doors open. Go south to the South
Beach. You can walk around a bit, but better just to go northwest to West
Beach. You can see a small islet a short way off shore. Try to enter the
water. Owww! Don't bother trying to placate these crabby creatures, it
can't be done. If you simply WAIT a few turns some interesting things
happen. You will see a large dark fin approach you and you will see a
coconut fall from a tree on the islet.

Don't back away from the fin; just prepare yourself for...a dolphin! He's
friendly and intelligent and, sadly, probably soon dead. When the tide has
risen so that the coconut is afloat, POINT AT COCONUT. The clever dolphin
understands you and sends it to your feet. TAKE COCONUT. You must now take
leave of the dolphin and go back through the door. Go southeast then north.

You are now back on the Mesa. Go south and then northwest. You see the boy
again, but now he's huge. You'll get back to him. Go south. This is the
North Bog, directly north of the South Bog. Notice the Venus Flytrap. Go
southeast to the Bottom of the Stairs. DROP UMBRELLA here. Go northeast.
This hive is no doubt the place for the honey. This is no time to stop
taking risks: PUT HAND IN HIVE. Now you've done it. You need a defense. The
Flytrap! Without hesitation go west twice. The bee will get sidetracked
(permanently) and you can go back for the honey. Go east twice. PUT HAND IN

From here you must go back to the cottage to get rid of this honey which
is stuck to your hand. Go east then northwest, then east again to enter the
cottage. You were daring to get the honey, now be daring to get rid of it:
PUT HAND IN CAULDRON. That's one down, three to go. DROP COCONUT. CRACK
two to go, and the garlic is right here on the floor. But what about the
lizard? DROP THE COCONUT and let's find it.

Go west, southeast, west and southwest to get back to the Bottom of the
Stairs. Go up twice and TURN RING TO THIRD SYMBOL. Go down twice and west
twice until you reach the Waterfall. Go north to the Cemetery, noticing the
crypt, and then north again into the Barrow. You'll see a barrow wight
here, but he'll not bother you so long as you have a light source. You will
also see a small hole in the wall. Go north again and you'll be in the
Ossuary, surrounded by those less fortunate then yourself. SEARCH THE BONES
and you should find (appropriately enough) a skeleton key. TAKE KEY. The
mushroom here has its white door open. (The shadow from the enormous gnomon
is the key to the doors; by changing the position of the gnomon by turning
the ring, you direct the shadow from the suns toward a particular door.
While the shadow touches the door it remains open (until you pass back
through it). By keeping the lever down the suns are prevented from moving.)

This area is the Underground. You'll notice a small thermonuclear device
waiting to be detonated. You will also see a lantern. TAKE LANTERN. Go
west. TAKE WALKIE-TALKIE. A skink is a small lizard, by the way. Go west.
By now you have probably noticed that the skink is afraid of light. To get
it out of the crevice, PUT SPLINTER IN CREVICE. The skink then runs by to
the east. Time to corral that li'l critter. Go east. TURN ON LANTERN. DROP
LANTERN. Go west and there is the confused and bewildered skink running
around at you feet. TAKE SKINK. PUT SKINK IN POCKET. This is no time to be
squeamish. Go east and TAKE LANTERN. Go east twice, the second time being
back through the door.

Now that you are back in the Ossuary, you have to get out of this creepy
place but those bars are there to see that you don't. Go south. Remember
that hole? PUT KEY IN HOLE. TURN KEY. Just go DOWN to get out to th Ice
Cavern. First thing to do is TURN OFF LANTERN. You will need it again
later. In fact, LOOK AT LANTERN. It is now time for some inventory

Go east to get to the Waterfall and then east twice more to get to the
Bottom of Stairs. DROP WALKIE TALKIE AND LANTERN. Those two items and the
umbrella should now be here. Return to the Ice Cavern by going west three
times. LOOK AT CEILING. There are icicles there, just the thing to cool a
hot meteorite. THROW AXE AT ICICLES. One falls to the ground. TAKE AXE AND
ICICLE. Save the game here. (I hope you have been doing so regularly.) Take
the icicle to the Crater using the shortest possible route.

Oops, didn't quite make it, eh? A detour is in order. From the Ice Cavern
go east three times to the Bottom of the Stairs and up twice to the Vertex.
(Remember that it's cold in thin air.) While you're here, TURN RING TO
SECOND SYMBOL. Now that the icicle is refrozen, go down twice, northeast,
and east twice to get into the crater. No time to lose, PUT ICICLE ON LUMP.
You can feel its pull on the axe, so you know it is a magnet of sorts. TAKE
LUMP. It is now time to visit the bubble boy.

Go west three times and then northwest to get back the Promontory. GET IN
WATER. WAIT until you are swept up into a bubble. You do not have to worry
about any special means of guiding the bubble, simply give directions
normally. Go south, then southwest and finally IN. The bubble freezes and
you are floating in space. When you read the description, you will notice
that the moon, in crescent form, is coming into view. TAKE SKINK. KILL
SKINK. Soon you will collide with a satellite (the kind Cap Weinberger
dreams of) due to the force of the magnetic meteorite. Save the game. When
the satellite brings you VERY close to the white door, BREAK BUBBLE WITH
AXE. This will propel you into the door and send you back to the Waterfall.

You now have the last ingredient for the potion the bird described. Go
northeast, east, northeast, and east to get back into the Cottage. Open the
cage door and let the bird go. PUT SKINK IN CAULDRON. TAKE GARLIC. PUT
GARLIC IN CAULDRON. EAST. WAIT. After the Boom you can go back into the
cottage. The book and pedestal and map are all destroyed. However, if you
look in the cauldron there is an emerald there. TAKE EMERALD. That leaves
three mushrooms to go.

TAKE CAGE then go west, southwest, southwest again, and east back to the
Bottom of Stairs. You can now DROP ALL BUT CAGE and go up twice. SET THE
RING TO FIFTH SYMBOL and go down twice. Go west, northeast, northeast
again, east, and east again. This will bring you back to the Herb Garden
where the door in the mushroom is now awaiting you. ENTER WHITE DOOR. This
brings you out onto the Platform in Siberia. Go down to Under Platform.
Eeek, what's that? WAIT a turn and you'll see that the ground is covered
with rodents which are racing to the northeast.

May as well follow them so go northeast twice. At the Cliff Edge you
recognize these rodents as lemmings. They are so thick underfoot that they
almost obscure the fissure beneath your feet. EXAMINE FISSURE and sure
enough, there is a lemming in there just waiting for you to take it. TAKE
LEMMING. PUT LEMMING IN CAGE. CLOSE CAGE. That's what you're here to get so
go southwest twice, up, and ENTER DOOR to exit back to the Herb Garden.

Go west twice, southwest twice, and east. Now go up twice and SET RING TO
east twice to the Moor where another mushroom with an open door invites you
in. ENTER DOOR and ooops...where's the ground? Pretty far down so you'd
better OPEN UMBRELLA. Once again you seem to have dropped everything so
TAKE ALL. Go east into the Shelter and TAKE SPADE. Go west back out to the
Playground and examine your surroundings to be sure you know where you are.

WAIT for a little while and a girl will appear and be very interested in
that umbrella of yours. It's clear she would like it but maybe you should
charge her for it. You'll need a way back up to that white door in the sky.
If you could only fly. Did you see anything in the school windows that gave
you an idea what to do here? Perhaps one of those paper birds is the
answer. Of course, you still have your own paper bird, don't you? Oh, it's
a little ruined? So refold it. YOU can't. GIVE PAPER TO GIRL. Now we're on
to something. GIVE UMBRELLA TO GIRL. See, you knew something magical would

BOARD BIRD and once it stops just ENTER DOOR. Now it is time to use the
spade. From our map we know that the seventh mushroom must be across the
river, but if you've ever tried to board that dory while you were alive,
you know you can't. If you've never tried it, go ahead, it doesn't hurt and
may yield a smile. From the Moor go west four times and then north.

Here in the Cemetery is that crypt whose lid you may have tried to pry
with the umbrella or axe. Neither of them worked; but if you examine the
spade, you'll see that it looks sturdy enough. PRY LID WITH SPADE. LOOK IN
BANDAGE and then LOOK IN MOUTH. TAKE SILVER COIN. Looks like we're ready to
cross that river now.

But wait, that silly corpse is wearing a green boot and a red boot. TAKE
in handy. Go south and then east twice. You can DROP BANDAGE AND SPADE. You
ready for the seventh mushroom. Don't forget to go up twice, SET RING TO
SEVENTH SYMBOL, and go down twice before you set out for the river.

Go southeast and WAIT. Once the real ghosts take a seat you can BOARD
DORY. Because you have covered up those tourist shorts with a shroud you
should have no problem with this. GIVE SILVER COIN TO OARSMAN and you're
off on the final leg of your journey.

From the Sand Bar, go south. You should be greeted by the roadrunner with
that ruby. ENTER DOOR after the roadrunner and emerge in New Mexico. You
are in the Shack and because of the voices outside it seems prudent to stay
here for a while so let's read a little. DROP CAGE. TAKE BOOK. READ BOOK.
It's not very interesting so DROP BOOK and TAKE SLIP OF CARDBOARD. EXAMINE
the diagram each time you play because the diagram is different each time
and its information is critical to your success. DROP SLIP OF CARDBOARD and

It sounds as if the men have left so go west and then down twice. Here's
the roadrunner and that ruby. Hmmm, we already have an emerald. That makes
a red gem and a green gem! There must be some connection then between the
gems and the red and green boot. EXAMINE GREEN BOOT. Yup, looks like that
emerald would fit into that recess. PUT EMERALD IN GREEN BOOT.
Interesting,and probably useful. TAKE RUBY. PUT RUBY IN RED BOOT. Looks
like you are ready for some speedy traveling and that is essential because
time is short.

From your Illustrated Story of the Atom Bomb you know that the bomb will
be tested at 5:30. (With the wings on your boots you can cover one move in
the desert in 15 seconds but without the wings it will take you 5 minutes.
Brewing up that emerald was a required part of the game!)

Go northwest three times and you will be at the Paved Road near the jeep.
the slider on your walkie-talkie pretty well so let's SET SLIDER TO X where
X is the number the radio dial is set to. (This number varies with each
game you play.) OUT. Don't worry about that wallet, you don't need it.
RAISE ANTENNA and TURN ON WALKIE-TALKIE. There just may be some useful
information to overhear. Go southeast five times and then east once. Now go
south and then west.

There are two doors here. Let's OPEN RIGHT DOOR and go west. Yipes, this
looks like trouble. I would leave fast, so go north. Boxed yourself into a
closet, huh? Well, first CLOSE DOOR. Whew! Safe for now. But what can you
do now? Maybe if you distracted the snake with another prey, it would be
satisfied and leave you alone. OPEN CAGE and OPEN DOOR. Perfect! Just as
planned. Go OUT. MOVE PAPER, DROP CAGE, and TAKE SCREWDRIVER. Go south and
then west. TAKE KNIFE. You really don't have time to explore the rest of
the house but you now have all that there is for you here.

Go east, north, east, east again, and southeast. DROP ALL BUT BAG AND
LAMP. (Never, ever drop that bag unless you want to use it -- that
roadrunner is hungry!). Go up and DROP BAG (I guess it is safe here). Go IN
and DOWN. TURN ON LAMP. (I hope you saved as much of the power in this lamp
as possible.) DROP LAMP and go UP and OUT. Now go down, northeast, and up.
TAKE BINOCULARS and oops! Here we go again! But we've prepared in advance
so just go DOWN and TAKE BINOCULARS. Now go UP and OUT a TAKE BAG (wouldn't
want those tasty crumbs to get wet). Go down and TAKE WALKIE-TALKIE,
SCREWDRIVER, AND KNIFE. Go northwest, north, west, and then northwest

Let's explore the south road next. (If you've been listening to your
radio, you know that time is getting short. Or you can check your
wristwatch, it is working again.) Go south four times until you are Behind
the Shed. WAIT a bit until your friend the roadrunner arrives then EXAMINE
SHELTER WITH BINOCULARS. That bird sure is nosy, isn't he. Put him to work
by typing POINT TO KEY. DROP BINOCULARS, TAKE KEY, and then go north four
EXAMINE PANEL. OPEN CIRCUIT BREAKER. Listen carefully to what you hear,
especially the part about the "kid" and the line he may have forgotten to

Now in your next move CLOSE HANDLE or they will come to investigate.
Again, listen carefully to what they say because the timing of the final
puzzle depends on what you hear. OK, you now know what you need to do. If
you can somehow disconnect the line that the crew thinks is faulty, and you
do it AFTER the autosequencer starts, they will chalk it up to a "wet line"
and let it go. You know which line it is because the kid is worried about
it. I can't tell you which one it is because it changes from game to game.

It will be the positive, ground, informer, or detonator. These are
abbreviated as POS, GND, INF, and DET on the slip of cardboard you found in
the book. Remember that panel in the Shack? You now have the screwdriver
you need to open it and you have the knife to cut the proper wire (the slip
of cardboard will translate the name of the wire into the color of the wire
you need to cut). All you have to do now is go up into the Shack, open the
panel, wait for the autosequencer to start, and then cut the correct wire.
Oops, there is that searchlight, isn't there? Maybe we should take care of
that first.

Then it should be safe to climb back up into the Shack. Go southwest four
times and you will be Outside Blockhouse facing a big dog who is sleeping.
Perhaps you have looked on this dog as a problem but he is, in fact, the
solution to a problem. The searchlight is mounted on this blockhouse. Have
you ever disturbed the dog or allowed the roadrunner to disturb him? Notice
that when the crew comes out to investigate, they turn the searchlight from
the tower to the blockhouse area. This is what we need to use to our

Also, have you studied the actions of the roadrunner here? He's been
hungry all during the game. The dog seems to provide a good dinner table
but not for long. If you could just find a way to have the roadrunner
disturb the dog when you were at the tower, you could climb the tower while
the searchlight was aimed at the blockhouse area. So, here is what you can

After arriving at Outside the Blockhouse, WAIT for the roadrunner. As soon
as he jumps onto the dog, DROP BAG. Whew, he is more interested in the
crumbs; but when he's done, he will probably go back onto the dog and alert
the crew. After dropping the bag, immediately go northeast four times. If
you haven't wasted any crumbs along the way, you should see the searchlight
sweep away from the tower just as yo arrive (you are still listening to
your radio, I hope).

We're almost there now but no time to linger. Go up twice and then east.
on your lamp. Oh, that's in the reservoir? OK, just TURN ON THE BULB that
is conveniently in the Shack. That's better. Now LOOK IN PANEL. As you
suspected from the diagram, there are four wires which are red, blue,
striped, and white. Using the card and the information regarding the "wet
line" you gaine after you opened the box, you now know which wire to cut
with the knife. But DON'T do it until AFTER the autosequencer starts at
T-45. WAIT as long as needed. CUT xxxx WIRE WITH KNIFE.

CONGRATULATIONS! Perhaps their next test will be a little less ambitious
and you will survive your London vacation after all. To get the final
messages from the game (now that you are back in Kensington Gardens at the
Palace Gate), go east, north, and north again. EXAMINE WOMAN and read your
final rank.

TRINITY is published by Infocom, Inc.

This walkthru is copyright (c) 1986 by James Donnelly, Bob Konecny

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