Arcania: Fall of Setarrif

Arcania: Fall of Setarrif

18.10.2013 01:49:18
ARCANIA: Gothic 4.

The opening dungeon is in a dream. You will not die or get injured.

Run down the passageway to the iron gate and open it. Defeat the fallen
townsmen. Continue around the large boulder and defeat more fallen townsmen.
Continue straight toward the red torch. Defeat all as you go to each torch.
Eventually defeat militiamen and knights. Continue and defeat the arch demon at
a blocked passage.

Continue forward and defeat more paladins and mages. Keep moving through the
passage and defeat the arch demon again and awaken from the dream.


Speak with Ivy to begin quests A Gothic Tale and A Harsh World. Enter the hut
and get all from the chest. In exploring the world, pick up everything that can be
picked up, and there's tons of plants. Before entering the town gate, to the right is
another chest.

Most buildings in town have items and chests. Enter town and speak with the
beast Orruk sitting on the ground. Continue forward to the house and speak with
Gromar to start The Bridge to Knot's Farm quest and Melgan's dagger quest.
Continue north to the bridge and speak with Knot to begin The Molerat Hunt.

The fields ahead have a few healing plants. Defeat the molerats along the way and
enter Melgan's Tomb down in the cave. Continue forward defeating molerats to
complete the quest. At the intersection, head north and get Melgan's dagger. Back
at the intersection, head east to the outside for one final molerat. Return to Knot to
finalize the quest, then go talk to Gromar to begin A Smuggler in The Forest

Go west out of the village to find Diego. Speak with him, then head down west to
the beach and defeat two goblins and open the chest. North end of the beach is an
Alma's Best potion. Go talk to Diego again. There's a few apples lying around.
Go back to the village and speak with Gromar to complete the smuggler quest and
begin the Bow quest. Talk to Ivy at the west gate, then go through straight to the
hut ahead. Inside, get the bow ans supply of arrows. Outside, use the stairs to the
third floor to find an Alma's Best.

Continue west, don't get too close to the deer. Draw your bow and hold, then hit z
to zoom before releasing the arrow. Shoot the required amount and get their
inventories. Back in town, speak with Gromar to complete the Bow quest and start
For Ivy and Ancient Relic quests. Speak with Halwen just outside. Now go talk to
Orruk to begin his mushroom quest. Go through the west gate and back to where
you hunted deer. Go into the cave via the western most entrance.

Continue down the passage to find the first blue mushroom. Just south, defeat a
goblin. In the western alcove is a chest. Continue south, picking up more
mushrooms. After defeating more goblins, to the south is another chest. Deeper in
this location are several edible items. Continue the main path to the end of the
cave. Head back to town and speak to Orruk at the main gate.

Go speak to Halwen to complete For Ivy and begin the token of love quest and
Itchy Feet. Now go speak to Ivy again. Go back to the western forest where first
speaking to Diego. Knut stops you and begins A Jealous Farmer quest. Defeat him
and start the Itchy Feet quest. Continue through the forest to the cave by the
waterfall to the north to find Diego to complete the Itchy Feet quest and start
Witch in the Woods quest. .

Explore the cave for all kinds of items and a chest. Go out the east door. Head
north along the wall to find a small cave. Several dirt crawlers attack. In the cave
is Orruk's Shame and a chest. Exit the cave and go east to Lyrca's hut. There's
healing plants in the small garden. Speak with her to start Vermin's End quest. In
inventory Scrolls, drag the Lightning Bolt spell to a quick slot.

Move west through the cave. Tiny sand crawlers slow your movement. Use melee
weapons on vermin to put them in their shells, then attack with a Lightning Bolt
spell, then use melee on them again. Halfway through, Lyrca shows up in case you
need more spells.

Continue east and ignore the north path. Go around the long way to find a chest.
Once all vermin are dead, defeat the queen and the Cleaved Maiden quest begins.


Speak with Diego.

***Cheat: there are a couple of small mods available. One mod sets enemy
damage to zero on you, making you invulnerable in battle. However, you can still
die by falling from high places. Another mod causes several different critical
items to appear on the map as colored dots, even underground. These mods can be
found at

Head up east to the main gate of the Inn and speak with Grengar. NE inside the
stable is a chest on the south wall. Enter the Cleaved Maiden and speak with the
owner Murdra. If she's not behind the bar, she's upstairs in the first room on the
left. Upstairs, continue down the hallway through the opening to the left, then into
the next room on the right to find Daranis.

Speak with him to complete the Cleaved Maiden quest and start New Friends,
New Foes. An Innos and Beliar Artifacts information are on the table. Pick up
both of them to start the quests. There's a chest in this room. Head out of the room
and go south in the hallway and enter the next room on the right with a chest by
the door. Go downstairs and SAVE.

Speak to Murdra again, first tell her you'll get the mead for her to begin Two
Kegs of Mead. Out the back door is a shallow cave with two chests you can open
and a locked chest for much later. It belongs to Rauter. On the southeast side of
the Inn, next to the stables, an Innos Statuette1.

At the gate, speak to Grengar again. Take the southwest road, towards an old
tower. Head up to the old tower and talk to Rauter downstairs. Behind him is a
chest. Go upstairs and speak with Lorn to start The Lost Leg quest. Back down
and talk to Rauter again. Head down and straight across the road to Garv's hut and
speak with him. You can fight, or pay 200 gold for the two kegs of Mead.

On the hut porch are apples, bread, and a chest. In the hut is an old knife on the
table. On the north side of the hut is a rusty saw. Down the short south road to the
end is an Ancient Relic1 behind a small boulder against the north cliff. Back at
the hut, on the north side head up north to a vagabond camp and a chest.

Continue up to the Cleaved Maiden front gate. Follow the road directly east to an
intersection with wild boars. Take the small short path NW (shown on the mini-
map) to the end and 3 or 4 boars. An Ancient Relic2 is at the base of the large
tree that's between two small trees.

Back on the main road, continue east. Watch out for goblins along the way.
Ulfrich awaits at the next fork in the east road. Speak with him to begin the
Goblin Squatters quest, then head north and defeat one Shaman of the Bugeater
Tribe and two Bugeater Tribe Warrior Goblins.

An alchemical recipe for the Nighteye Elixir can be found at their camp, along
with a chest.

TIP: in scrolls section of inventory, right-click all plain scrolls to learn abilities.

Head back to Ulfrich and talk to complete his quest. Continue south uphill. The
path curves sharply around left to skeleton bones and a couple of items. Continue
south. After passing between large boulders, at an almost hidden intersection
(very small) bear left onto a small path and follow it along the cliff edge to 4
goblins (one on the cliff to the right). A chest on the left side of the road.

When you reach another small east path off the main road, head east on the small
path to the end to three goblins and a chest. Just SW from the chest is an Ancient
Relic3 by a tree. Back at the intersection, SE against the cliff is a Beliar
Artifact1. With the cliff on your left, follow it due SW to find a skeleton by the
cliff, goblins attack from the right. There's several items, including a Ranger Key.
You must have the Ranger Key to open a chest in the cave behind the Cleaved

A little farther west down the road, as it turns north is a healing potion and a
chest. Continue heading up due north to an intersection, then continue north.

Eventually the road turns sharply west to a goblin camp on the cliff above an
underground entrance. Here in the camp is a chest with Lorn's wooden leg. A
bread on the NE barrels. Continue the road north to the intersection, then jump
down and continue west to the inn. Go behind the inn to the shallow cave and
unlock the ranger's chest. From the inn's front gate, head SE a few steps, then
south uphill (goblins) and SE on the road to the mine entrance.

This is the north entrance to Digger's abandoned mine. Go in and speak with
Digger to begin the mine quest. Move out of the mine and take just a few steps
west until you can head south. Continue to the south to find a chest on the right
side. Head down the road to the south entrance of the mine.

The Abandoned Mine.

***Tip: pick up 3 iron boletes if you come across them in the mine (difficult to
see if you're not next to them). They are needed for a quest you receive later from
Murdra in the Cleaved Maiden Inn if you agree to her method of getting through
the bridge gate.***

Just outside, watch out for bloodflies. Inside, three goblins await in the first room.
Three vials at the south wall. Open a chest on the east side of the room. There's an
Innos Statuette2 a little further to the east. Two Demon's Caps can be found on
the north side of the room. Pick up all the items and head down the northern path.
Molerats attack along the way from an alcove to the west. In the alcove are some
demon caps.

Continue down the path to the next alcove and move to the southern side to find
Diggers Alembic and the Mages Graves (now you can start digging up forgotten
graves), and an Ancient Relic4 behind the table. Keep heading down the path,
jump down and again speak with Digger. Now move NE to the rubble and access
it to remove the blockade to complete the abandoned mine quest. Continue down
the corridor to an iron lode on the right just past the first passageway. Continue
down the corridor getting other iron lodes.

Follow the path clockwise around in a circle, then head straight northwest to reach
the rest of the mine. Defeat molerats and continue down the path, ignoring any
other corridors until you reach the Forgotten Grave1 in the middle of the room
on the south side of the column. In the grave are iron shards needed for a quest.
Explore the circular area around the grave to find several molerats, two pickaxes,
iron lodes, and an Iron Bolete (poison mushroom), and a torch for one of your
quick slots.

Head north out of the circular area until you can turn right down another corridor.
Defeat the tiny cave crawlers and pick up any items and ore deposits. Head east
down the new corridor into the open area. Move onto the upper wooden area at
the end to find a great hammer, iron lodes and demon caps. Leave the circular
area. At the intersection, head west and around to the next open area.

Head NW and around to the next area and a chest. Head out NW to a skeleton and
Gulthard's Hatchet, a battered money box (quest item), and a coal lode. Continue
on to some glowing crystals with another Iron Bolete.

Continue down the corridor and defeat a den of molerats. Now break the rubble
blocking the way. Drop down and open the three chests if you didn't already. One
is locked but you can open it with the Ranger Key you found near a skeleton a bit
earlier. Head outside to the rear of the Cleaved Maiden.

REMEMBER; if you want to side with Lorn for a password to the gate bridge,
DON'T agree with murdra to poison some mead to give to the gate guards.

Go inside and speak with Murdra to give her the mead. Don't say anything else,
just end the conversation if you want to try Lorn's password for the bridge gate.

Zyra talks to you.

Forgotten Grave Side Quest.

Leave the Cleaved Maiden and head SE up towards the north mine entrance. Just
before there, off the left side of the road, left of a tree stump, is a Forgotten
Grave2 with fireflies around it. Go back to the Cleaved Maiden and head SW on
the same road towards the old watchtower. At the first intersection, head west to a
goblin camp with two chests. Across the road left of a boulder is a Forgotten
Grave3. Back up to the main path, then south.

When you reach the fork in the road, that leads to the tower, just before there stop
at the huge boulder on the left side of the road and explore around it to find a
Forgotten Grave4. Head directly SSE to the beach. On the SE end is a Forgotten
Grave5. NW on the beach is an Ancient Relic5 behind the left large rock.

Return to the old watchtower. Near the front entrance, go down the small north
path to the beach. A Coastal Goo (looks like a turtle) guards a chest on the south
end. Coastal Goos each contain a pearl and meat. Another chest on the north end
of the beach. Back up to the Cleaved Maiden.

Head NW from the Cleaved Maiden, activate the stone circle and continue down
and activate another stone circle near the beach huts. On down to the pier and
speak with Lorn (at night he's in the hut) to complete the lost leg quest, and give
him the battered money box if you did not get iron boletes for Murdra.

Directly from the pier, explore the northern hut for bread on the porch and a knife
inside. Move north along the beach to find a chest. Head back SW on the beach,
explore the other house for a blunt knife. Past the last house, climb the west rocks
for a Beliar Artifact2. Use the nearby teleport to get back up to the Cleaved
Maiden and trade the wooden leg for a key, back down to Lorn to open the box
and get a password. From the stone circle, follow the road due east and speak with
Jilvie. She might be sitting at a large boulder well back from the gate.

Continue to the gate and speak with Hiulad. Siding with Lorn; give him the
password. Or siding with Murdra; give Hiulad, then Henk some poisoned mead.
Eventually the gate is opened. Go through and defeat Dartan and his brigands.
Search all of them. Head into the hut to find a chest.

Behind the hut is a Beliar Artifact3, by a tree on the upper side of the big rock.
Continue north through the gate and across the bridge to speak with Elgan the
merchant to complete the quest and begin Road to Stewark quest.

Follow the cliff edge west till it turns to the north. A Beliar Artifact4 is on the
edge of the cliff sticking out over the water. Head back directly east, on the edge
of the plowed field, and continue NW on the road to reach a locked chest, on the
right, just before the barn. In the barn is a chest. Activate the stone circle just
west. Head west and down to the beach.

On the north end watch out for a couple of Coastal Goos and Forgotten Grave6.
Go back up to the stone circle. Continue north on the road. A side road leads SE
into a cave with three cultists.

There's three chests, two are locked. On a table is a potion. South of the table is
an obsidian deposit. Head out of the cave to where the small path joins the main
road. Jump up the rocks to the SE to find a Beliar Artifact5. Continue north on
the main road.

At Stewark to the west, activate the stone circle, then head across the drawbridge
and speak with Dak. Through the gate, go slightly left into the inn. Speak with
Ingor the innkeeper about Diego.

Back out the north door and just around left to the alchemist guild. Speak with
Worgan (upstairs at night) to begin a quest. Upstairs is a chest. Back out the
guild's north door and go due north to the blacksmith shop. Speak with Rhonda.
There's an oak shield and a chest. Upstairs is a chest. Exit the shop, head right up
north stairs to get two vials.

Back at the main gate, go down the north steps and go speak with Gerrick. There's
a chest behind the desk at the NW window. Go out the NW door. The next door is
locked but jump around the rocks on the north side of the building to the balcony
window and crouch so you can jump inside. There's a chest downstairs with a
latch key. Upstairs is a Beliar Artifact6 and an Ancient Artifact6 on the west
wall. Downstairs, now you can exit the door and back through Gerrick's shop.
Again at the main gate, go up the south stairs and enter the door on the left. Speak
with Chuck, defeat him. There's three locked chests.

Back out at the main gate, head west up the wide stone steps. Head north at the
top and go up the long wood staircase directly ahead. Enter the door and head up
again. Defeat three beliar cultists. There's a Beliar Artifact7 at the east shelf and
a locked chest behind you.

Outside, head south and down the wide stone steps. Go back to Gerrick, north of
the main gate to complete the quest and learn all other things. Go out SE. At the
main gate, go up the wide steps to the west, then slightly left and up again. Speak
with Gorn to complete the Road to Stewark quest and begin the Diego quest. Go
back past the stairs you just came up and south over to another long wood
staircase and go up. Go up again, get a scroll from the table. And an Innos
Statuette3 in SE shelf.

Outside, head a little north and down the SE stairs, turn slightly right and south
down the next flight of stairs. Keep going down again and speak with Aldrich at
the prison. In the prison is a knight sword leaning against the barrels.

Speak with Diego and he gives you lock picking tools, for all those locked chests
you've come across. Go out the east door, down steps and left to a locked chest.
Go back west through the prison and head up all stairs to the west to find Winstan,
immediately SAVE. Before talking. Be certain you get the Ancient Relic7 in a
small alcove by the wagon wheel.

When talking to Winstan, you have two options based on your conversation;
siding with Lord Hertan or siding with Lord Renwick. Both give same results, but
the Renwick part has much more to do.

Side with Lord Hertan (or skip ahead to the Siding with Lord Renwick to do that

Speak with Winstan to continue the Diego in Trouble quest. Go through all the
options, and at the final two options, select "Hmm. Maybe you really are telling
the truth". Go up both east steps, then slightly left and ahead back to the citadel
and speak with Gorn again. He walks you over to Liuven's living quarters. As you
enter, there's a chest to your left. Another chest is on the second floor with a quest

Back down and out the door, head around right and up small steps to a room. Go
up again and get an apple brew on the table. A healing potion in small shelf.
Down next stairs to green apple on left at bottom. A blunt knife on east table. Out
the door, head around left and down west steps, then right and down the first north
steps, stop by at the Bowyers on the right and talk.

Continue down north and around left to a rundown building and enter with the key
you just found. Upstairs, speak with Liuven on everything to complete the Diego
quest and start the Treacherous Baron quest. Go back out and use the wooden
plank to the west and go around the building to find a chest.

Go back and speak to Gorn again to explain what you decided to do. Go down to
the inn and speak to Ingor to start the Sweet Loot quest. Exit the main gate, cross
the bridge and speak with Silvie if she's there. Now go directly east to the fields
and collect at least 6 beehives from the small trees (there's more at an upper
level). There's a few green apples throughout the orchard.

Watch out for Marauding Fieldraiders (several on the highest part of the orchard),
killing any will help in another quest for 10 of them. Head back west to Stewark
and speak with Ingor at the inn to complete his quest. At the main gate, go up the
south stairs and open three chests in Chuck's room.

Go west up the wide stone steps, head north and up the long wood staircase to a
room, continue up again to the locked chest. Back down the wood stairs, head
west up small steps and upstairs to 4 chests. Back out the east door and through
another east door for a chest in next building. Back out the main gate, cross the
bridge and south to the small SE path on the left to a cave with two locked chests.

Farther south to the stone circle opposite the barn, take the path west to the beach.
Head to the south end of the beach (watch out for two Coastal Goos) to a wooden
casket for the Baron quest. Back up on the main road, a little farther south to the
locked chest on the left just past the barn.

Head back just north to the stone circle and teleport to Stewark. Talk to Jilvie if
you haven't already. Head directly east on the small middle path through the
fields. At the first intersection, head south then east on the small path till you see
Hem standing out on the cliff side. Just west of Hem is a Beliar Artifact8. Speak
with Hem to continue Alkaloid Derivatives.

Follow Hem down the winding path. About half way down is a Forgotten
Grave7 on the right by some budding mana plants. Hem waits at the bottom on
the edge of the farm lands.

Kill the five field raiders in the fields and rob them, then talk to Hem again. He's
probably still waiting near the bottom of the winding path where you left him.

Head back up the winding path and go north to the farm house. Speak with Ogtar
just outside to begin Blood on the Fields. Find and kill 10 Marauding Field
Raiders in the fields south of the road. They're marked with exclamation marks
(on the mini map they are shown as moving circles). Go to the farmhouse and
speak with Ogtar again.

Head around the side of the farm house till you see the stairs to the second floor.
There, find a locked chest and in the SW corner an Innos Statuette4. Downstairs
a bread on the table. Outside, on the north side of the house, a scythe and hayfork.
Go back west to town and speak with Worgan the alchemist. Back out at the stone
circle, head directly east on the small path through the fields. At the third
intersection, head south on the upper side of the fence.

Continue south till you reach a large boulder that splits the road. Take the path to
the right to find a Forgotten Grave8 and some plants. Continue south over the
rocks and fight scavengers. Follow the road south to an intersection just SW of an
old tower. In the tower downstairs is an Ancient Relic8 and upstairs is a chest.
Back down at the small intersection, enter the hideout and head northeast to speak
with Clargor. There's an apple on the table.

Make your way around the wooden barrier, then south to a table with applebrew
and a vial. Just north of the table is an engraved vial and SE of the table are two
sour apples. Due north between 2 large rocks is an iron lode on the west wall. Just
around SW, speak with Lord Hertan to complete the Baron quest and begin No
Man Left Behind. Next to him is a chest.

Continue past Hertan and follow the path to the west. Just before the next small
area, there's an ore on the left wall. In the next small opening on your right is a
battered pickaxe. Over to the left is a pickaxe and a helm. The far west side has an
iron lode. Head down the northern passage, drop down and examine Ricklen for
his key. Head east and defeat two Sentinels and Wards. A little farther east is an
open crypt on the left with a healing potion. In the next area, an iron lode in the
NE corner. Through the wood barrier are 4 wards.

Get the Cold Hatred weapon from the Beliar shrine. Up the next ramp is a mana
potion. Back out west to the intersection and continue NW to the next large area.
At the middle crypt there's 4 enemies (one hides behind a column). In the south
cubby hole is an iron lode and two chests. Go out the west exit door and continue
SW and jump down to exit. Head back to the Stewark stone circle and talk to
Jilvie about Ricklen.

Enter Stewark and speak to Ingor the innkeeper to complete his quest if not
already. At the wide stone steps, speak with Zyra. Go to the citadel where you first
spoke with Gorn. Go inside and talk to Lord Hertan to complete the No Man Left
Behind quest and begin the Silverlake Border quest. Choose your new armor.
Make your way upstairs to find a locked chest and an Innos Statuette5 in the NW
corner from the bed.

Take care of any unfinished business in Stewark then head east along the main
road to Ogtar's farm house, through front gate and out the other gate. Slightly left,
continue past the large boulder on your left and up to a cave entrance (you can't
enter, it's for the Lord Renwick quest). Against the NE cliff side west of the
entrance is a Beliar Artifact9 behind a small pile of rocks. Head back south to
the second tree past the big rock on the left. Just off the left side of the road is a
Forgotten Grave9.

Continue south on the road and you can see the Silverlake gates. Skip ahead to the
Silverlake Gates section.

Siding with Lord Renwick.
Before talking, make sure your melee weapon is selected, and be sure you get the
Ancient Relic7 in the alcove by the wagon wheel.

Speak with Winstan to continue the Diego in Trouble quest. As you go through all
the text options, be certain your final choice is "I've had enough - I'm not
interested.... Tell me where......", resulting in a fight. Defeat Winstan to complete
the Diego quest and begin The True Culprits quest. Head up both east steps, go
straight and talk to Gorn again.
Back down at the main gate, go up the south stairs and open three chests in
Chuck's room. Speak to Chuck. From the main gate, go west up the wide stone
steps, head north and up the long wood staircase to a room, continue up again to
the locked chest.

Exit down the wooden stairs, head west up small steps into a house. Upstairs are 4
chests. Downstairs and back out the east door. East through another door for a
chest. Back out west door, west past small steps and through another west door.
Continue out the other door. Stop by on the right and speak with the Bowyer.

Continue on down north and around south to a rundown building. Use the wooden
plank to the west and go around the building to find a chest. Go back to the inn
near the main gate.

Speak with Ingor the innkeeper to start the Sweet Loot quest. Exit the main gate
and speak to Jilvie if she's out front. Continue to the fields directly east and
collect at least 6 beehives. Watch out for Marauding Fieldraiders, killing any will
make a later quest easier. Return to town and speak with Ingor to complete the
quest. Exit the main gate again, cross the bridge to the stone circle and head south
on the main road to the small SE path into the cave with two locked chests.

CAUTION: If you see Zyra or Rauter south on the road, DON'T speak to either
one. They are not supposed to be there (bug in early version of game) and
speaking to Rauter causes you to appear back north in town at the inn where you
talk to him. Then you have to head back south again.

Continue south on the main road to the stone circle opposite the barn. Continue
south a short way to the locked chest on the left side of the road. Back north a
short way and teleport back to Stewark. Head directly east through the fields on
the small path. At the first intersection, head south then east till you see Hem
standing on the cliff edge. Just west of Hem is a Beliar Artifact8 on the edge of
the cliff.

Speak with Hem to continue Alkaloid Derivatives. Follow Hem down the winding
path, accessing the Forgotten Grave7 about halfway down on the right by some
budding plants. Hem waits at the edge of the fields. Kill the five field raiders out
in the field, they show up as exclamation marks (!). Rob them. Go talk to Hem
again. He's probably still just north at the bottom of the winding path.

Head back up the winding path and go north to the farm house. Speak with Ogtar
just outside to begin Blood on the Fields. Find and kill 10 Marauding Field
Raiders marked with an exclamation (!), then speak with Ogtar again. In the house
is a bread on the table. On the north side of the house is a scythe and hayfork.

Head around the side of the farm house till you see the stairs to the second floor.
There, find a locked chest at the first bed on the right, and in the SW corner an
Innos Statuette4. Go back west to town and speak with Worgan the alchemist.
Again head out the main gate and across the bridge. Follow the main road east,
past Ogtar's farm house, then NE to the cave (do not head due north or you end up
at the wrong cave). Make sure you take the NE road. Defeat the rebel outside, then
enter the cave.

Three more attack inside. Deeper into the cave, access iron lodes as you come to
them. Rebels attack in the next open area. Deeper still along the long north path,
three rebels and Clargor. The SW structure has a chest. Continue the western path
to the next open area with several items and a chest south of the beds. Continue
the western path to a barred door. Through there, defeat the Master of Inquiry and
search him for his keys. Through the eastern barred door, speak with Mermund on

Continue west and out the gate. Straight ahead is a Beliar Artifact9 behind the
second rock. Go south to the second tree past the big rock on the left. There's a
Forgotten Grave8 just off the road. Continue due south to just before Ogtar's
farm and head west through the lower group of trees to the cave entrance just west
of Ogtar's farm house. Talk to Winstan outside, then head inside the cave.

Defeat three rebels in the first open area. Items and ore deposit here. Down the
next passage south to next open area. A chest up the east ramp. Down the ramp
and east is a chest and vials nearby. Due west towards the torch and behind the
rock is a chest.

Continue down the SW passage to more rebels and Hertan. Defeat everyone and
search them, then head down the western passage. In the opening to the south are
two chests and a potion on the table. Continuing west down the long main path
and drop into area below. There's items and two chests in the south cubby hole.
Head out the west exit.

Go back up to the citadel in Stewark and speak with Gorn just outside to complete
wrong hands quest. Go inside and speak with Lord Renwick for new armor and
begin the Silverlake Border quest. Upstairs is an Innos Statuette5 and a chest.

Take care of any remaining business in Stewark, then exit the main gate, cross the
bridge and head east along the road past Ogtar's farm house, then SE to the
Silverlake gates. Before going up the stairs, follow the path south uphill along the
side of the fence line. Head south till you reach a large boulder that splits the road.
Take the path to the right to find a Forgotten Grave9 and some plants.

Continue south over the rocks and fight scavengers. Follow the road south to an
old tower. In the tower is an Ancient Relic8 downstairs and upstairs is a chest.
Back north to the Silverlake Gates.

Silverlake Gates.
Go up the stairs and speak with Kastor to continue the silverlake border quest.
Move past Kastor and examine the trap door for a cut-scene and begin the Too
Much Honor quest. Proceed up the road SE and east, engaging wild scavengers
along the way. At the small settlement to the east, talk to Gilthor on the porch of
the north house.

Go into the house to find a bow next to a bed, an eagle eye elixir on a shelf
nearby, and a chest to right of the fireplace. Go outside and upstairs to find
another eagle eye elixir on the floor straight ahead, and a moldy short bow on
some boxes to the right. At bottom of stairs, a battle axe on the boxes.

East of the house, activate the stone circle, then move over to the porch of the next
house to the south to find a stewark militia crossbow. Go inside to find a mana
potion on the barrels to the left, and a chest at the foot of a bed.

Head to the southern most house and talk to Gunda outside to begin the A Bitter
Nut to Swallow side quest and browse her items. Go inside the house to find a
chest in the SW corner, next to the barrels and another chest in the NW corner. An
eagle eye elixir is on the shelf in the SE corner.

Take the road north toward Thorniara and stop at the house on the left, just
outside the settlement. Inside the house is a chest in the SE room. Speak with
Alzar to begin the secret ingredient side quest. Inside the house is a chest in the
SE room. NW of the house is an Innos Statuette6 behind some barrels under a
small shead on the lower side of the large rocks. You might see one of four
lurking wolves nearby that's for a later quest.

Back at the house, continue NE along the road till you reach the battlefield.
There's a battle axe at the beginning of the destruction. Straight ahead, there's a
Forgotten Grave10 on the other side of a large boulder slightly to the left. On the
battlefield are several items, including a chest and a skull quest item at an old
wagon, another quest skull near another wagon. There's several deadly morels
(only 3 are needed for the secret ingredients side quest). Deadly Morels are a light
shiny blue color.

Speak with Craglan (wears regular clothing) to start the lost soldier side quest,
then speak with Doran (in uniform) to continue the Too Much Honor quest. Head
southeast on the dimly marked path, shown on the mini map, towards the northern
goblin cave. Many goblins along the road. At the first large boulder you come to
on the right, there's a Beliar Artifact10 on top of it. Go down the road south of
the cave.

After the sharp bend in the road, there's a small clearing on your right with
goblins. South across the road is a Forgotten Grave11 to the right of a small tree

Head back north to the cave and enter. Defeat goblins in the first open area.
There's two iron lodes in this area. Continue north and defeat goblins in the next
open area. Look around the NW side of the area to find an Innos Statuette7 and
several other items on some boxes. Continue east down the path and further into
the cave as it swings south, passing two iron lodes and a coal lode.

When you reach the next open area to the south, defeat more goblins. Head down
the eastern path at the beginning of the open area to find a coal lode. A chest is
just on the other side of the rock in SE corner. In the middle of the area is
Gawaan's Standard needed for the Too Much Honor quest. Just south of the
Standard is an iron lode. Jump down and head south to reach the beginning and
exit the cave, then head right.

Follow the small path back west and NW to the battlefield and speak with Doran.
Follow the main road SW.

Along the way south towards the Castle, stop at the intersection and speak with
Alzar to complete the secret ingredient side quest. Then choose "How about a
skull...." if you've got them. No matter what you say, you must defeat him to
complete the quest. However, if you don't have the skulls from the battlefield, just
say "You're beyond help. Die, you sick bastard!" to avoid delaying the quest.
Search him.

Got any plain scrolls you haven't right-clicked on yet?

Back on the main road, continue south through the village. Kill at least six pigged-
out black boar along the way and examine them and take the items for A Bitter
Nut to Swallow quest.

Hatred's Reaper Side Quest.
Just before the fork that leads to a cave to the east, there's a series of rocky cliffs
to the west. Keep the cliffs on your left and follow them west as far as you can.
On the edge of the cliff is a Beliar Artifact11. Head back east to the road.

When you reach a fork in the road, talk to Jilvie to begin the golden arrowhead
side quest and tell her about Craglan. Head east towards the cave. Just south of the
entrance is a chest. Enter the cave and follow the path till you reach the first open
area. Defeat goblins and a black wolf. Continue down the southern passage.

Just as you reach the next area, explore the western side of the room for an Innos
Statuette8 behind some barrels. On the SW corner wall is a coal lode. Follow the
path to the south into the next open area and defeat several molerats. A ranger
chest is near the eastern wall. An Obsidian deposit is on the southern wall. An
Ancient Relic9 is slightly NW of the obsidian.

Head back north to the previous room and continue north to the original entry
room. Follow the north path as it curves around to the south. Another coal lode is
found as the path curves. There's also an iron lode a little farther down on the
southern wall. In an opening, just after the iron lode, a little south are several
opponents. A chest and iron lode are on the eastern wall. Head south to battle
more foes.

In the room where goblins attack, there's a chest at the SE corner at a fire and 3
small drums. A chest near the southern corner, and just SW is a chest with the
golden arrowhead you're looking for. On the north side of the big rock is a chest.
Head out of the cave the way you came in and talk to Jilvie just outside.

Out on the main road, continue south toward the Gorge of the Penitents. When the
road begins to go uphill, take the fork to the west to find a stone circle. Between
the circle and the water is a rusty axe. On the other cliff by a wagon wheel is a
light crossbow.

Head back to the main road and continue south up the hill to Silverlake Castle and
speak with Norman to enter. Just as you enter, to the left speak with Welgard the
blacksmith. Head SE to the women merchants and speak with Semele for
information. Speak with Gunda to complete the A Bitter Nut to Swallow quest.
There's an old saw and plyers on the rocks to the left. Head toward the citadel on
the east side. Go inside and speak with Kardor. The short stairs to the north leads
to a chest.

In the same room, continue up the next stairs to find an axe, and other items and
an Innos Statuette9 among some boxes. Go through the south door and speak
with Gilthor to complete the Honor quest, and begin an Orcs quest. There's empty
scrolls and sausages on the table. To the south is a locked door. Head down stairs
on either side of the room and back out into the courtyard. On the south side talk
to Semele again to begin a pondweed quest. On the other side speak with Welgard
for a Dark Business quest.

On the south side of the courtyard, go up the stairs and north to the room to find a
chest and other items. Continue up the next stairs to a room with items. Go down
the stairs and through the door at the bottom to find a chest in the next room.
Continue through the north door and move onto the covered path on the left for an
elixir on the north end. Beside the covered walkway, continue north into the next
room for some items.

Go through the east door and into the large room ahead for hunting arrows and a
torch. Go up the stairs in the room to find a couple of arrows. Back down and
head through the SE door and back down the stairs into the courtyard. There's 2
or 3 hunting arrows at the targets on the north wall. Just SW at the table is a rusty
saw and plyers. On the lumber pile are a couple of items. Around the wagon are 2
sausages. Near Welgard is an executioners axe.

Head out the main entrance, go forward a few steps, go SW and south to a bridge
for a cut-scene with Pip. Then continue over the bridge and down the southern
road. An old wagon on the right has several items. When the road forks, there's a
health potion on the boxes to the right. Take the SE (left) path towards a tower.

Kill any bandit orcs of the silverlake tribe (5 total, one is Harg the Butcher,
another is Ur-shul the cruel) walking around. Killing them helps in a later quest.
Harriers attack just before the tower on your right. Go up towards the tower and
speak with Shurak. Defeat him to get Welgard's Sketchbook. Inside the tower is
an Innos Statuette10. Upstairs is a chest.

TIP: in this area, you might see at least five orc warriors of the silverlake tribe
wandering about, sometimes down as far as the water. One of them will be labeled
Harg The Butcher, and another Ur-shul The Cruel. Killing all of them helps in
completing another quest.

From the tower, follow the path east. Activate a stone circle and continue to the
orc cave gate. Speak with Ogbosh to begin the Scabooze and Soul Seekers quests.
Go west, across the grassy fields, to the road then SE to a bridge. Before reaching
the bridge, take the high ground to the east over the rocks a little way then SE
towards a tall tree, to find an Ancient Relic10 and healing potion on the ledge
behind the tree and near the waterfall.

Go back NW to the road and cross the bridge to a big tree on the left. Other side
of road from it, a Forgotten Grave12. Goblins and lurkers wait near the
waterfront. Continue south till the road forks. Take the right path towards the hut
and activate the stone circle. Inside the hut speak with Melog to continue a quest,
and speak on all options. Speak with Lester. The two tables have some items.
There are two chests, you can open Lester's chest at this time. In the SE corner is
an Innos Statuette11.

Follow the main road to the west, toward the old cult site to speak with Irrigh, on
the north side of the road, to continue a quest. Continue a little west, then south on
the main road to a woodpile on the left next to the cliff side. Head east past right
side of wood pile, to a large tree. On top of a large rock there, an Ancient

Head back north on the road, past a rock on the left, then east on the road to a very
large tree on the left edge of the road. Head south to a small trail up the cliff side.
Go on up to a chest. Back a few steps from the chest, climb rocks to the west to
find a Beliar Artifact12, on a white rock below the green rocks.

On the road, head back east to Melog's hut and follow the southern road to find
another Forgotten Grave13 just off the left side of the road, just before a very
large tree. Continue to follow the road around south to find a pond with the 3
weeds you need for a quest, and guarded by 3 lurkers.

Continue following the path SW until you can speak with Shalog to continue the
Soul Seekers. Defeat him, talk on all, then head back east on the road till you
reach Melog's hut. From there, follow the SE road past the teleport to the Toad
Cave. Near the entrance, goblins attack from behind.

Enter and defeat some goblins. In the east side of the area is a Forgotten
Grave14. Down the southern path to another open area with goblins, coal lode
and shadow caps. Head east through the cave, and farther through a narrow tunnel
that swings around west, till you come to a fork in the path. Go west to another
fork in the circular path, take the northern way for a ruby deposit on the east.

Beyond that is a lizard that Shalog called a Toad. Defeat it and open a chest in the
NW corner for Irrigh's Soul quest item. Head back out of the small area, past
glowing crystals on your right, and continue NE at the fork. After the tunnel
swings west, there's a lode on the left side. In the next open area, take the northern
path straight to a lode. Continue west down the path and through a long narrow
west path to a lode and open a chest before you drop into the entrance room.

Head west out of the cave and NW back to Melog's hut. Speak with Irrigh to
complete the quest and begin Me Boss, You Not. Now talk to Melog on all.
Finally talk to Irrigh again. You must borrow his Soul Amulet. Since you now
have Melog's key, you can open his chest. Outside, use the stone circle and
teleport to the north orc cave.

Speak with Ogbosh to complete Scabooze and continue Claws of the Orcs. Finish
all options. Through the gate, talk to Darruk and finish all talking. In the cave,
head east at the fork, then east at the next intersection to a large room. The wood
structure on the right has a chest and other items. Follow the NW path out of the
area to another room and head around right to a wood platform with items and a
Beliar Artifact13 behind a shelf. Head out of the area to the west and around
north to find 3 vials and an elixir in the next small room.

Head south to the second fork. Go west, and at Darruk, follow the path north. Hug
the west wall to go up the stone ramp and reach the upper area. Go to the east side
for an Innos Statuette12 and an elixir by the barrels near a fire. Continue to the
north side of the area and start a cinematic with Erhag to finish a quest and begin
another. Defeat him and the two bodyguards. Search the bodies. On the ground is
"The Boss" weapon that's powerful.

Behind the throne, head through the north door and speak with Lord Gawaan to
complete two quests and begin Erhag's Minions. You may have already killed
Harg and Ur-shul. Head back a little south in the cave and speak with Irrigh at a
campfire before leaving. You might talk to Darruk on the way out.

Leave the cave and look west and north to see Erhag's five exploring orcs,
including Harg The Butcher and Ur-shul the cruel wandering around if you didn't
get them earlier. Defeat all five of them and search the bodies. Stay against the
eastern wall and head north and Take the eastern road to Woodcutter's Vale.

Defeat Zargash and his slavers for a cut-scene with Aric. In the most north section
of the vale, there's a chest beside a couple of logs. Now head back down to the
main road, then north to Silverlake Castle.

Once there, speak with Welgard and Semele to complete quests. Go into the
citadel and speak with Lord Gawaan, either downstairs in the main room, or
upstairs, sometimes he wanders outside. Speaking to him completes a quest about
his men at the Woodcutter's Vale, and begins the ancient map quest. On the first
floor of the citadel, take the south side door down to the archives. As you walk in,
pick up an old parchment on the left to begin the Heritage quest.

Near the door on the west side is a recipe. Several other items can be found. On a
table at the southern wall is an ancient map of Argaan for a quest. Go back
upstairs and speak with Lord Gawaan to start the Tooshoo quest. He may be on
the upper level. Also on the upper level speak to Gilthor who may be out the north
door in the small room.

Continue out the NW door and all the way around to the watch tower with a
pointed roof. Just inside the doorway you will find Tronter's Key on the floor. Go
back around to the citadel's upstairs and enter the south door that was locked

Press the lever directly south, then go out the door to the west and onto the ledge.
Follow the path around to the next room to find a chest and other items. Go
upstairs to find an Ancient Relic12 and items on the roof. Head back down the
stairs and press the lever behind the chest to open the door right there.

Leave the castle, go around left outside the gate, and follow the main path south to
the stone circle near the tower and teleport to Melog's hut. Head SE towards Toad
Cave, then down the south road. Continue directly south till you reach rubble
blocking the path. Equip The Boss weapon.

Clear the rubble, defeat stone golem and continue on. After a cut-scene, take a few
steps to an open area on the left, and hug the north wall to find an Ancient
Relic13 on the edge of the swamp. Continue NE through the swamp to a large
boulder near the eastern mountain. On the south side of the boulder is a single tree
with a Beliar Artifact14 by it.

See any cobwebs? 12 are needed for a later quest. If you look for them before
talking to the quest giver, you can find at least 15. Then when you talk to the quest
giver, all 15 leave your inventory.

Back west to the road, follow the path till reaching Leboras on the bridge to start a
cinematic and a quest. Head pretty far directly due SE in the swamp (see any
cobwebs ?) to find nests holding lurker eggs for the quest. Collect the gold
embroidered bag quest item and at least six eggs for a quest.

Go back NW to the road, cross the bridge, and head right, go counter-clockwise
around the boardwalk, up stairs straight ahead (not the right ones), through small
building and out other door and down. Take the next right and over to the Tavern
slightly left. Leboras wandering around the Tavern area. After talking, back NE
and up through small building and out other door. Continue the boardwalk back to
the north side of Tooshoo and speak with Borran in the first hut.

Just left of Borran, go up the stairs into the center of Tooshoo and speak with
Gilana to continue a quest. Head down the corridor, just NW of Gilana, next to
the north exit to find the laboratory of Vultus. Speak with him to complete a quest
and start three more quests.

Go back up and speak to Gilana again to complete the Report quest and start
Power of Control. Go up the stairs next to the stone circle until no more stairs to
climb. Head west down the corridor and enter the room at the end where the
firemage lives. There's a strong healing potion on the east shelves, and on the
west side of the room by a candle is an Innos Statuette13.

Outside the room, go up the stairs just to the south to find a Beliar Artifact15 as
you enter the room. On the south side of the room is an elixir. Back down the
stairs and through the east corridor, then NE to the library for some items.
Continue out NE and around the left side behind some barrels is an Innos
Statuette14. SAVE before trying to jump on the barrels to the statuette. Now head
SE into the next room for a magic scroll in the SE corner, and speak with Calamus
to learn about Vultus and Gilana.

Head back through the library and down the first stairs just ahead in the pit. Go
through the south corridor and into the room at the west for a chest. Exit behind
the curtain to outside and into the east room for two cut vials. Go down the east
stairs from the room into the next room for a torch. East down the next stairs and
down long stairs to the SE, then up stairs at east and down NE stairs. On left is a
log, jump down there and get Ancient Relic14. Go under the walkway and jump
up rock back to the walkway. Continue north up next stairs for a chest in the

Back down, turn left and head back around near the northern entrance of Tooshoo,
past Freemonger Borran's cabin. Continue counterclockwise a short way to the
first right to reach the outer buildings on the south side. Enter the first building
you come to for a chest and a scroll. Continue south for an elixir behind barrels on
right side of path. In the next building is a weapons rack. The grated door on the
north side yields an Innos Statuette15. East to the next building for an empty
scroll and a chest.

Next go to the large building to the SE, enter the Tavern and speak with Mama
Hooqua to start the Cobwebs quest. The back room of the tavern has an elixir on
some barrels. Cobwebs are scattered around the swamp, mostly around the outer
areas. You easily see them when close enough. In wandering all over the swamp,
it's possible to find at least 15 cob webs, but you only need 12 of them. Also in
the swamp are several swamp lizards and other creatures that are rather tough.

From the tavern back room, in the next building to the east is a blunt knife, and an
Innos Statuette16 in the south corner. Speak with Nejos to begin the Water
Chalice quest. Back due west to the tavern. In the building (has anvil sign) due
west of the inn are 2 vials, and north of there is a chest in the next building. Back
south and east to the tavern.

The next building south of the tavern is empty, but on the side of the path NW of
it is an Innos Statuette17 behind some boxes.

Shakes runs around the south side of Tooshoo. Find and speak to him and begin a
Bag Full of Trouble quest. You might already have the bag found among the
lurker eggs. Now go back to the north entrance of Tooshoo and speak with
Freemonger Borran, then go back and speak with Shakes again. Sometimes you
have to defeat him, then speak to him again. Return to Borran a final time. Enter
back door of Borran's house to find 3 elixirs.

Siding with Gilana or Vultus, on the final choice later on, is not game critical.

At the WSW corner of Tooshoo, go on the boardwalk due west past a militiaman
or townsman and west at the fork to approach some ruins. To the right of them is a
Forgotten Grave15. Continue NW to reach the Lizard cave and enter. Head
around right and defeat two lizards. Continue NW to a coal lode on the right. In
the next open area three lizards attack. There's two iron lodes on the north wall
and a coal lode on the east wall.

Continue north deeper into the cave. Drop to the lower section, head around right
and south for three lizards. In the small circular tunnel are iron and coal lodes and
a chest. Head back from the circular area and continue through the cave heading
NW. In the north tip of the cave is a Forgotten Grave16 at the glowing crystals.
Turn around and head south to find a ruby deposit, iron and coal lode around the
small pond.

Back from the pond, continue south up over it and fight three lizards and find
lodes. Keep going south to the next open area and three lizards. Ahead farther
south is a pond with two lizards and a runaway snapper. The snapper has a quest
item. North of the pond are two lodes. Up the rocks on the south side for a lode,
then east out of the area and drop down to the cave entrance.

Head around right to the Goblin cave and enter. In the goblin cave, defeat two
goblins at the fork in the path. Head down the southern path, passing a coal lode.
At the end of the passage, defeat two goblins. Head into the open area to five
more goblins. An iron lode on the east side, an elixir on the north platform. On the
western platform is the Water Chalice for a quest. An iron lode on the south end
of the platform. Head down the SE path and defeat more goblins.

Continue through the cave. Just before the fork in the path, an iron lode on the
north wall. At the fork, take the eastern route to come out of the cave and find a
Forgotten Grave17 on the cliff edge. Go back into the cave and south at the fork
to three lizards at the southern tip. There's some lodes and other items scattered
around. Leave the cave at the northern exit of the two.

Head due south through the swamp (pick up cobwebs, they're big and white) to
reach small ruins, a structure and rocky ruins on the map. As soon as you drop
into the ruins, defeat a lizard and two orcs. Continue south into the ruins and
defeat a snapper and three orcs. Head SW into the next room and defeat lizards
and an orcs on the right side. There's a chest. Go NE to a circular room and defeat
three orcs and grab the Straw Hat.

Exit back outside. Head directly west till you reach the mountains, then south to
find Ancient Relic15 by the ocean's edge on the west end among large tree roots.

Have 12 cobwebs yet? Explore the entire swamp area to uncover the map. The
cobwebs are easy to see once you're near them. Once you have all 12, return to
Mama Hooqua at the tavern.

Finally head back to Tooshoo. In the first small building on the south side of
Tooshoo, just east of the Inn, speak with Nejos to complete his quest. Go speak
with Gilana to complete Power of Control. Go down the vine covered tunnel and
speak with Vultus to complete his quest.

Head due south out of Tooshoo and over the outer boardwalks area. Activate the
stone circle, then continue south to the shrine and speak with Zyra to begin
Elements Shrine quest. Drop into the shrine and pick up 4 items in SW corner of
the first room, a shovel is difficult to locate. Head south to fight three temple
guardians. Head west and defeat three temple guardians and two archers on the far
side of the room.

Continue west to the next room and defeat some guardians and a priest. Continue
farther and around the corner to a stone golem. East in the room is a torch. The
room to the south has eight guardians and a priest. Keep moving farther, defeating
more enemies.

The next room has several guardians and a priest. The next SE room has an
opponent, two chests in the NW section and a chest on each side of the NE exit.
The next NE room has two priests and several guardians. Out the SE exit, head
around the corner for an opponent on your far right corner and 2 or 3 more ahead.
Continue and drop into the next room, two enemies on left at a gate. On the north
wall an undead priest is easily awakened. Nearby is a scratched chalice. In the
north corner is a chest. East corner to a chest and opposition and items.

Head out to the east and around the corner to a room with two golems, guardians,
and servants. Go west to a guardian and three servants. In the room is a strong
mana potion in each of the large bowls on the north wall. Continue west and
around south. The next room has a stone golem and guardians. Continue west to
reach the center room and battle Okoo (use ranged or magic) and five servants.

North into the next room with two enemies on each side. West side of the room
are two chests. Middle of north wall is a chest with an ancient key you need for
that locked gate back a ways.

Back south to the large circular room, then east to a room with three guardians
and 2 priests. Continue SW, and south, then head west to the gate.

Through the gate, then west into a room to get the statue parts on the southern
wall. Continue west and around to a small room, scratched chalice at large roots
on north wall. Continue out NW, drop into the corridor and head back out SE and
around north to where you dropped in. Jump from the lowest platform to the next
higher one and work your way up out of the shrine. Talk to Zyra for another
chance to side with Gilana or Vultus.

Gilana; rain, cold, damp and dark.
Vultus; sun, scorching, arid and bright.

Either way you must defeat Zyra. Finally, examine the shrine for the final choice;
May Beliar send rain upon us. But let him not overdo the lighting, OR May Innos
send sun upon us, but no rainbows. Finally use the stone circle back to Tooshoo
and speak to whichever person you sided with. If Vultus, you still must talk to
Gilana after that for a piece of new armor.

Head up the stairs next to the stone circle, and continue up till no stairs are left.
Go NE, on boardwalk, into the library and out the opposite door. Continue SE to
the next room and speak with Calamus, then enter the door he opens for you.
Ignore the stairs for now and head south across the wooden walkway. Go through
the corridor and into the building on the left to find an elixir. Head out the NE
door and up the stairs. Continue west, down the left stairs and up the stairs
directly ahead to SW.

Follow the pathway through the corridor and up the stairs and into the room
straight ahead and speak with Merdarion to complete Welcome quest and start
Hot Lead. Speak with the other two mages in the rooms on the other side of the
tree center. Go back down to the first wood stairs, then the north tunnel and speak
with Calamus to continue the quest.

Go back out the SW Sanctum door, go left between the two staircases, through the
tunnel and down the south stairs. Just inside is a chest by the door. Speak to
Icarius to find out he's dead. Turn around and go to the door and speak with
Calamus to complete the quest and start Many Friends quest.

Head back down to the bottom level and follow the path that leads SE of Tooshoo
a long way to reach the first hut. Look behind the barrel on the north side for an
Innos Statuette18. Some items inside the hut. Continue SE to Lester's hut. Speak
with Milten. Some items in the hut. Before following the trail Milten marked, go a
little SW to the small ruins near the coast. It looks like a black dot on the mini-

In the ruins are three snappers. In the NE corner of the room get an Ancient
Relic16. Head SE to the southern tip of the coast, fight some slimes, and find a
Forgotten Grave18 at the base of the large slanted rock.

Go back NE to Lester's hut, and head south out of the hut and follow the trail of
glowing swampweed (pick them up). Once you're heading south past the
monastery gates, go to the west when you see a clear path on the cliff and find a
Beliar Artifact16. Just before the trail turns north from the beach, a Forgotten
Grave19 is just to the south by a white rock. At the end of the trail is the cave of
the bone crusher tribe. Enter the cave.

The first open area has three orcs. Down the next hallway are four snappers in
next room. Now head north to next room and two orcs. A gold lode on the NW
wall. Take the eastern path and around south to next large room and five orcs.
There's four chests and a gold lode. In the SW corner, drop down and head around
north. In the next room a snapper, a Chief and eight orcs attack.

Explore the area for lodes and items. Head east to a wood platform with a potion
and items. An orc is in the small area to the north at a shrine. Continue east in the
cave and around south to the next area. Defeat all four orcs and head over to the
SE corner to find magic ore. Continue south to find Ur'Trush and two orcs.

Keep heading south to Xesha. You fight Magrokh and three orcs. Speak with
Lester to continue Many Friends quest. There's a chest and some items. Examine
the statue to complete A Man of Many Friends and begin Monastery on the Cliff
quest. Head SW to the end and appear near the monastery gate. Pull the lever near
the gate to open it in case you later need anything in Tooshoo. A chest is just
south of the cave exit, near the lever. Just east is another chest.

Head SE from there to an Ancient Relic17 in the bushes. Head east across the
rocky bridge. The first curve on the right hides a golem. Go up the winding path
and fight warriors and a priest at the intersection. Take the southern path and
immediately head west through a small opening to find a Beliar Artifact17.
Continue on the winding road up the stairs to the monastery entrance and speak
with Ruhndal to begin the Trials of Innos quest.

Head up the small stairs on the left to a room with a chest. Leave the room and
head east a little and up the tall stairs on the left to find an Innos Statuette19.
Back down the stairs and into the covered walkway on the left for two chests. In
the middle part of the monastery fight two holy guardians. Just north of where the
guardians attacked, speak with Ruhndal and tell him "Just stop wasting my
time....." and the final option "I warned you... Defend yourself". Defeat him to
begin Two Half Truths.

Enter the room to the east, approach Hendor and Galamod to talk, tell them you're
ready, then a long cut-scene. Two chests in this room, the east and west walls. Go
out the west door and head south to the corridor. On the SW end is a chest. Head
out of the corridor and west across the monastery to another corridor with three
chests. Head into the room on the north side of the corridor and make your way
around to the NE corner and push the lever. Enter the new north opening just to
the left, behind the bookcase.

In the new room is a chest and an item. In the SE corner push a lever and enter a
room on the west wall. Get a scroll and an Ancient Relic18. Head back outside
and up the stairs just ahead by the corridor. At the top of the stairs, go west to the
end. On the left side, jump onto the roof. Continue to the next roof and cross the
wood plank. Get on the small roof and SAVE.

Head east to the edge and jump across to the wood platform below. Run across the
next roof and use the wood plank to the walkway below. At the end is a chest.
Head back to the plank but first push the lever to its right. Up on the roof to the
left is a smaller section. From there, face east and look straight down to see a
small wood awning just below. Now SAVE.

Crouch and carefully jump down to the small awning. Get Beliar Artifact18.
Stand up and jump SE across to the stone wall. Get down and go up the nearby
tall wooden stairs again to enter the room. A new opening is in the NE corner
leading to an adjacent room with a chest and a recipe.

Also in this room is a lever in the SW corner of the room. It reveals an entrance to
another room just behind you, with a recipe and a chest. Head back to the
monastery entrance, go down the winding path and north at the fork, the sign says
Black Gorges. Continue till you reach the gate to the Black Gorges. Go through
and drop down to speak with Bartur and begin Seeds for Jabo quest. Continue
NW and defeat three fire lizards. Examine the Forgotten Grave20 in the middle
of the intersection at the pyramid shaped rock.

Head west to a dead end, defeat the golem and examine it. A sulphur deposit is on
the west wall. Go back to the fork and head NW. After fighting, 3 obsidian
warriors and an archer, hug the wall to your left and fight 2 fire lizards, then find
an Ancient Relic19 in the south crevice against the cliff. Continue north
searching each side of the wide area for sulphur deposits and fighting to the next

Head west fighting to the next fork. Fight your way NW and stay left at the Y
intersection to a dead end area with several priests. There's a chest looking thing
on the side of the path. It's the quest item you need for the Seeds for Jabo quest.
On the west wall is a magic ore.

Exit the dead end back down to the recent fork and continue north. Just before the
path leading east (nothing down there but golems and fire lizards), more enemies
attack. After fighting, continue north. When the path begins to curve NE, near the
middle of the curve, at a big rock in the middle of the path, enter a small alcove on
the right to defeat a lizard to the right. An chest is here and a golem straight ahead.

Back out to the wide path intersection, continue north. Hug the eastern wall to
find an Ancient Relic20, at a small triangular opening at the base of the boulders.
Continue north and as the path starts to the east, several scavengers attack.

East of the attack is an Innos Statuette20 hidden under an overhang in the middle
of the area. Just north of there, on the right just north of a rock with smaller rock
on top, is a female refugee body. Continue north to fight four opponents. Search
the east side of the area for a Beliar Artifact19 well hidden by a leaning rock
formation at a fat leafed plant. Continue north, passing under a large overhead
structure, and speak with Ludd who moves around very quickly.

Continue north and fight a single scavenger, calling in 2 or 3 more to help. Near
the attack, on the left near a plant with very fat leaves, is a dead male refugee.
Stay close to the western wall and continue north. Soon you find a stone circle.
East of the stone circle is a Forgotten Grave21 around the large rock. Just north
of stone circle speak with Bron, then defeat him. Before entering the temple, head
north till you can go east, along cliff on your left, to a sign that shows "Jabo lives

Turn right and hug the left wall as it turns east. Defeat three razors, then head east
for a Forgotten Grave22 near the wall in an alcove. Back a little and continue
north, bearing NE when you can. Eventually you come to Jabo's camp. Speak
with him to give him the seeds and begin the Watchdog quest. There's a
Forgotten Grave23 east of Jabo, by a large tree near the wall.

Back at Jabo's camp, head north to find the Watchdog that is a Shadowbeast.
Defeat it. In the hut are a couple of items on the table. On the NE side of the hut is
an Innos Statuette21. Go back and speak with Jabo. Head back due SW towards
the stone circle and the Goddess Temple. When you enter, several crawlers attack.
Head through the barred door to continue Hagen's Spy quest. More prowlers and
crawlers. In the north tip of the room is a chest. South to the next room and defeat
more crawlers and two prowlers.

In the SE corner of the room is scratched golden chalice. In the next room more
fighting. In the SE corner is a potion. Two prowlers on the south wall. Head west
out of the room and into another room with many crawlers. Items in the NW
corner. Head south out of the room to another one with many crawlers. In the east
corner is a chest. Head east and down the hallway to the next room with three
prowlers and crawlers. A sword on the north table. Items in east corner.

Continue east and south through the temple to the next room and defeat a
shadowbeast and a prowler. There's another scratched gold chalice at the northern
wall and a chest at the south wall. There should be no more enemies. Continue
east, then south to the exit and cross the rock bridge. Head south to the cliff and
find a Beliar Artifact20 behind a tree. Continue north fighting five scavengers,
then go downhill to some monks at a stone platform.

Speak with Hathon for Dead in the Water quest. Head north downhill, defeating
two sea sludges on the right at the bottom, remember their pearls. Head east on
the beach to fight four undead paladins and an undead mate that you have to use
magic or ranged weaponry on. On down the beach more groups attack. Dead
apprentices have a few items. You must kill all undead on the beach to further the

Head to a sludge at the ship. Go on ship and speak to the injured Varald by the
mast. Examine his body after he dies. Open the chest for a rusty shield and pick
up the paladin sword and shield nearby. Jump over the hole in the deck to find a
Varantinian bow behind the next mast. South of the mast is a plank leading off the
ship. SAVE right here. Get on the plank and drop down to the next plank at the
water to find a Beliar Artifact21.

Back on ship, move to the north side and jump onto the broken railing, then onto
the land to the north. Once on the land, there's a Forgotten Grave24 straight
ahead with a scratched gold chalice and a diamond, just north of the grave is a
break in the rocks. Watch out for undead as you go back west on the beach. Head
back up the mountain and speak with Hathon again, then examine the altar to
destroy the item, then speak with Hathon a final time. Go back down to the beach,
take a few steps east, then head NE through the jungle.

Defeat three razors that attack and find the Forgotten Grave25 just NE under a
large overhang. Head NE, 3 razors. Continue NE and around right to find a camp
with four deserting orcs, kill them and explore the camp to find a Silverlake Orc, a
chest by the fire, and other items. Continue NE, stay near the wall on your right,
through the jungle to another camp on the far east side, defeat all, one uphill to the
north and a chest. There's items around camp.

Leave the camp and keep moving north. Activate the stone circle you come to and
speak to Thor, then head into the village. An Innos Statuette22 is just on the
north side of the first tent on the right. The last tent on the east side has a chest.
Head to the lighthouse on the NE cliff to find an Ancient Relic21 on the first

Go back down to the stone circle and head west to the next area. Immediately
head SW to avoid a troll. Continue west uphill to a camp of 5 Orcs. There's a
chest. Head back out to the NE, stay against the rocks to your right and follow the
tip of the rocks around to your right through a gap. At some small trees against the
tip of the outcrop, there's an Ancient Relic22. As you head north, you'll see a
huge troll to the east. Once you enter the temple to the north, SAVE. Head up the
stairs and speak with Dantero to complete Hagen's Spy. Now choose Path of Fire,
or Path of Decay.

Path of Fire.
Head to the gate on the west side and enter. Make it through the fireballs by
dodging, waiting, and running, etc.

Path of Decay.
Head to the gate on the east side and enter to an acid pit. Stand on the first stone
pillar and jump to the pillar on the left and get the healing potion. Now jump to
the pillar just ahead to the right and below you. Now jump to the pillar along the
right wall. Now jump straight ahead to the fallen pillar and onto the broken pillar.
Next jump across to the pillar ahead to the left. Finally jump to the end ledge.

Once you reach the end, go up the stairs and access the lever. Continue along and
drop into the starting room. Go up the stairs and cross the new bridge. Head
around to the NE corner of the platform for a Beliar Artifact22 on the ground
level. Back up to the wall, get a running start and jump back up to the platform.
Approach Dantero for a cut-scene. Then defeat him and three Obsidian Golems.
Pick up everything, especially what Dantero dropped.

***The remainder of the temple has tons of enemies, so make wise use of your
potions and weapon tactics.

Head through the opening behind the statue. Continue up stairs and fight a
minecrawler. An elixir by the east wall, an Innos Statuette23 near the NE corner,
a scratched golden chalice in the NW corner. North to the next room, mana potion
on the north side of the statue. Head west to the next room. Two minecrawler
workers. West path to small room and minecrawlers.

There's a chest on the west side of the room. Head out the western path and drop
into the next room with several cave creatures. A scratched golden chalice is near
where you dropped down. Out the NW passage to next area. Two workers and
crawlers. The north corner has a Beliar Artifact23. Continue out the NE path and
up stairs. Fight crawlers and go up next stairs. Just at the top, left into small
alcove for a mana potion and crawlers.

Continue to the next room and fight. Use the SE path to a room with three chests
and several items. Leave the room and continue north. At the intersection, wait
and use ranged tactics on the minecrawler worker. Another minecrawler to the
east. Take the eastern path to next room and
many crawlers. Red ore in the NW and NE corners. Leave the room and go west
at the intersection.

Fight two workers in next area and get red ore in NW corner. Continue on SW to
next area and a minecrawler soldier. Head around west to two workers. In next
open area, red ore on the west side. Continue around west to some soldiers. At the
NW side of the next intersection is a Forgotten Grave26. Head down the south
path and two minecrawlers. Some cave crawlers on far side of the room. A red ore
on the east side.

North side of the room, on south wall is magic ore. Head north at the fork into a
large room to fight two soldiers. A red ore at the west wall near the entrance and
another farther north on the east wall. At the end of the room, take out the
minecrawler queen and workers. Two magic ore lodes in the NW alcove. Just
north, go out the east path to an outside ledge with a Beliar Artifact24. Back
inside and take the norther path of intersection to leave the cave.

Head up the snow trail to engage a couple of Ice Golems. At the left entrance is an
Ancient Relic23 hidden behind the short column. Inside are enemies with
inventories. Enter the other ruins with fires at the entrance. Up stairs, try ranged
weaponry on the four enemies. Up the next stairs for two Crystal Spiders. Take
the SW (middle) path to three Crystal Spiders in the hallway and the next room.
Go the SE path to a room with four enemies. A chest behind rubble in SE corner.

Back in the larger room, the western gate has fireballs. Get to the side and near it.
Time your action and open the gate then step to the side. After next fireball,
quickly enter gate and stay on the right side of the hallway. A little way along, two
priests in small alcove on the left. In the next intersection on the right, continue
along to the north path. Fight your way to the next room with two Crystal Spiders
and an Ice Golem. Tables along north wall have items. There's a scratched gold
chalice in the SE and in the SW corners.

Down the SW path with two Crystal Spiders. Take the western path avoiding the
fireballs. Three Crystal Spiders in the next room. Down the SW path of the two
hallways on the west side. A chest near the west wall. Go back and down the NW
hallway and turn east down the next. Up the steps and on side of column in center
of the room a chest contains a key. South out of the room and north at the

Go through the gate and up stairs to an Ice Golem. Up next stairs and approach
Ixidia. After the cut-scene, defeat all enemies. A Beliar Artifact25 is on the north
side of the area, below the upper level. On the east side, go up the stone walkway
and through the north gate.

Down stairs for a cut-scene. Get the Devine Hammer in the middle of the room. In
the room is three chests, a couple of pliers, many magic ores, several red ores, and
a potion. Go down the north stairs. There should be no more enemies. Through
the gate and down the hallway to the outside. As you go down the trail, stay on the
north side as much as possible. As you near the cave, a greenish-brown ledge to
the right leads to a Beliar Artifact26.

At the end of the ledge, do 3 different small jumps down the cliff, then turn
around to find the artifact. Down once again and into a NE alcove to a Forgotten
Grave27. Go on down and make your way through the cave, middle of first big
curve are two toadstools, end of last big curve is toadstool on the right, and pick
up two toad stools before jumping down to a cut-scene with Tadoy and begin
Death of the Fields quest. Four enemies are likely to be just outside the cave.
Defeat them and go back inside and talk to Tadoy again.

There's several items around the campsite. Head south to the road, then due SE
along the road towards the Valley of Blood. Along the way is an old cart with a
shield. Farther on down are three more items. At the end of the path is an Ancient
Relic24. Head back NW on the road and west at the intersection. Head south
towards the next intersection.

To the right of the road opposite the intersection, head north down around the
other side of a big boulder for a Forgotten Grave28. Go back up to the
intersection. At the sign "Old Cave" head up that path, go to right of Tadoy, head
south down past the peasants and down the path along side of the hill.

In the village below, defeat 7 fallen militiamen, 1 undead, and Lord Sacruder.
Behind the south building is an Innos Statuette24. Search all buildings for items.
A little way down the north road, there's a Forgotten Grave29 on the left side
before a small rock mound. West of there, just before a mound shaped rock, is a
Beliar Artifact27 on top of a very tall dark rock. Go back up to the torch post in
the middle of the village. Head across the small footbridge and on SE up cliff side
path and speak to Tadoy and get a key to his chest.

Go west up behind Tadoy and into the old tunnel at the top. Inside at the first
curve is a coal lode. In the first open area defeat a shadowbeast. At the beginning
of the area is a coal lode. There's also a couple of other different lodes. On the far
west side are three chests. One has alembic to break walls.

Up the south ramp is an Ancient Relic25 on the south side of the platform. Break
the south wall there and speak to Khilian. In front of him is a lode and an Ancient
Relic26. At the tunnel exit are two items. Go outside and defeat four lurking
wolves (you might have killed at least one much earlier when you got the relic
from a nearby shed). Go back and speak to Khilian again. Just outside the cave, go
a long way due east across country, to the Valley of Blood, and speak with
Craglan in the burned out forest. Go back west to the road, then north through the
cave and down to the intersection. East to the next intersection at the village and
the north road.

Down the north road are more undead soldiers. Explore the west village for more
undead and items in buildings. Ped sits by chest in the central building . Now head
north to the castle start a cut-scene with Gorn. After going in the gate, head to the
first house on the right. On the left side is the entrance. There's a chest and other
items, including an emerald behind barrels.

Leave the house and go west, past the main gate, and up the stone steps on the
left. Head west up there to find 3 or 4 siege bolts that are difficult to see. Head
back east to a building and find a torch on the floor. Head upstairs to find a chest.
Back down and continue east to find another siege bolt along the wall. Continue
east to the next room with items and a chest. Upstairs are two chests. Back
downstairs, continue east to the end for an Ancient Relic27.

Go down to the ground and head NW through the market district to find Ningal
somewhere outside the inn or near the obelisk (it looks like a giant ancient relic).
Speak with him to continue Ancient Obelisks. Go down the stairs to north. When
you near the buildings to NW, zombies start popping out of the ground. Defeat
any that appear.

To the north, search the aspirant lying in front of the house, and there's a magic
scroll closer to the house. To the west, activate the Obelisk. To the south of it
search the house. Continue fighting while heading due south a long way. Near the
last southern house is another dead aspirant to search and a magic scroll to pick
up. In the SW corner activate the Obelisk.

The large house to the NE has a meteoric ore (quest item for later) on the north
side of the roof. Jump on the pile of rocks, on north side, between the two houses
to get up there. Climb back down. By the rock you climbed, the north house has a
chest. Go north and up the steps to speak with Ningal again. Go up the nearby
steps and around left to the Inn. Several items downstairs, 3 chests upstairs. Down
stairs and back out the east door, go through the north gate. Head across the bridge
and west, down steps and NW towards the harbor. At the low wall is a chest.

Jump over and continue north, then go left out on the wharf to the ship and fight.
Straight ahead on the ship is a Meteoric Ore quest item, then an Innos
Statuette25 on the upper deck. A chest on east side of main mast. Back along the
wharf and into the house ahead. 2 cut vials and old books downstairs. Upstairs are
many items and a chest.

Outside, go towards Diego at a barricade. After speaking to him, several items on
tables to left. A knife on the pier. Head just north to Snips and 3 or 4 siege bolts
outside the house. Go inside for two chests on the east wall, knife in north corner
and cheese in the west corner of the room. Exit, go around left to back side of the
house for a chest and an Ancient Relic28 tucked in a small corner next to the

Back in front at Snips, head NW towards an iron gate. Before there is a Meteoric
Ore quest item on boxes to the right. Back at Snips, follow the sign that shows
"Harbour Street" and go east around the buildings and past the glowing gateway.
Continue in a southerly direction through town, you come to a chest on the right
side of the path. Around right behind same building is a Halberd and broom.

Continue along and back up the stairs to find Lester and speak with him. North
from Lester is another stone circle to activate. SW from the circle, enter the
building, go upstairs to find 4 chests in different rooms by opening two doors.
Downstairs, out east door. North from the circle, enter house and turn left. At the
2 doors, turn right and through north door for a chest. Now go outside and SAVE.

You have three people to side with and use their method to enter the castle.
Siding with Daranis, siding with Jilvie, or siding with Rauter.

SIDING WITH JILVIE. Tell her "I like your plan....
Head through the door she opens and enter the cellar. The first room has two
chests. Head east through the door, then SE exit in the room to get out of the
cellar. SW to the dead end for a chest. Head back due east on the road and make
your way up the hill in a counterclockwise direction to Snaf's house with candles
in the window.

Go upstairs and speak with him. Near him is cheese and chicken. There's a chest
nearby. Leave the house through the SW door and head south. Enter the last house
on the left just before the castle bridge. Head upstairs. There's an old book on the
table at the north wall. There's also a diamond and chest upstairs.

Exit the house. Go directly WSW towards house with large dome shaped door, to
a woodpile between 2 houses and find an Essence of Immortality. Kill any undead
wandering around the immediate area (three or four with exclamation marks over
them). They show up on the mini map as moving circles. Finally, head back east
to Snaf s house, upstairs talk to him. He leaves the house, follow him to the
fortress courtyard gates.

Kill the five undead. Now speak to Snaf at the courtyard gate. Head into the castle
and approach Zyra for a cut-scene. This completes Daca and Rhobar quests and
begins Storming the Bastion quest. Skip ahead to the "Fortress Treasures".

SIDING WITH RAUTER. Tell him "I'll check out the old alley....
Head through the gate he opens. Head slightly right, then around east, and down
the south road fighting along the way. Go left at the first corner then right into an
open area. Go right at the intersection and across the bridge straight into the alley.
Take the next left and hug the north wall until you can go left again. Take a small
right, then at the north building, enter on the east side for a chest. Go out the same
door and around left.

Head east over the rocks. Go south and through the barred gate into the fortress.
Through the tunnel and up the stairs, pull the lever and enter the castle. Approach
Zyra for a cut-scene and end two quests and start Storming the Bastion quest. Skip
ahead to "Fortress Treasures".

SIDING WITH DARANIS. Tell him "Good, we'll do it your way. At night he's
in north house.
Head through the door behind him and out through the NE door. Slowly down the
hill and defeat zombies before the bottom. At the bottom, several undead and two
fallen mages await. To the left of the house at the bottom is a chest. Follow the
road NW to find the Stone Golem and many zombies. After all are dead, search
the Golem.

Head back to the stone circle where Daranis waits. Speak to him and
automatically teleport into the palace. Talk to Zyra to begin Storming the Bastion
quest. Continue with "Fortress Treasures"

"Fortress Treasures".
Starting on the ground floor at the main entrance, go into the west room and down
the stairs to a room with two chests. Back up the stairs and directly across and
down stairs into the prison and turn right. An Innos Statuette26 in the middle
cell. Back up the stairs to the ground floor. There are two staircases leading to
separated areas of the second floor.

From the ground floor, the west side stairs leads to a small north room with two
chests. Back down to ground floor, the east side stairs leads to a north room with a

Third floor.
Two chests on the south side of the tables. On the north side at the balcony,
there's a Meteoric Ore on the east side. Up small stairs west of the balcony is an
Innos Statuette27 in the SE corner. Go out the south exit and across into the next
room for a chest on its SW side. Through the eastern exit, down the stairs and
across to the next room where Zyra is. Activate the stone circle. A chest in the
side room to the NW at foot of bed.

Back in the throne room here on the third floor, on the east wall, just left of
fireplace, is a lever that controls the false wall behind the throne. It leads to west
side of the fortress. There's a chest behind the throne. There's a chest in the SW
corner near the throne.

Go outside the fortress to the stone circle in the courtyard. Head east through the
gate, cross the bridge and speak with Jilvie just ahead. Head east a little and defeat
the mercenaries. Down the first south route, just before the large boulder, in an
alcove on the left is a chest. Across the road, go between the large boulder and the
wall. Continue west to the end and head north to fight four enemies. A crossbow
and 2 or 3bolts outside the first building north at the wagon, a potion around the
side and one in the wagon. Items around the building to the east.

South of there is a large boulder next to an outside toilet with a Beliar Artifact28
on top. Back down the hill to the intersection, then south, then east and continue
east between the south most building and the wall. At the back door of the
building is a chest and vial. In side there's an emerald under the table and items in
the SE corner. Back around to the west side of the house and fight north up the

Defeat more mercenaries at the arena, then head just east around the side of the
arena to an Ancient Relic29 in the bushes on the south side. Go back down the
hill, then around left and up the stone steps to the castle wall. Head NE and speak
with the apparition of Xardas. Head back along the wall into a room ahead and
continue following the wall around to the end, fighting along the way. In the last
room, go upstairs for some siege bolts, crossbow and potion.

Outside the room, go to the opposite corner for one more enemy. Back around and
down the steps. Go west into the bastion. Defeat guards, then head through small
corridor on the right to north side for some powerful weapons and a chest with a
key you need.

On the south side of the area, open the barred door and approach the cell for a cut-
scene with Maldun. Be sure the other soldier have left. Bread on the table. Head
west out of the room and down the narrow rocky path and enter the arena gate. A
guard hides on each side and one directly ahead. Defeat the guards and continue to
Lord Hagen in a cell on the left side. Open the cell door for a cut-scene and talk
with all three, then choose new armor.

Finally, head just east and defeat the guard. Search him for a new key. Continue
east, up the stairs, load all healing potions in quick slots, then SAVE! Open the
gate and enter the arena for a cut-scene with Drurhang. Finally battle him and 14
others, mostly archers around the top. Keep moving, moving and open inventory
to pause and use potions. After victory, search Drurhang for lots of gold. The
apparition is at the exit gate. After talking, head through the gate to outside and
west into a tunnel.

There's lots of fireballs. Stay away from the south gate and the north wall. Stay in
the middle and go around the corner and SAVE! In the next hallway, the fireballs
are random with a longer pause before the next series. You can roll to the lever,
move it and make your way back to the gate. Wait till both fireballs his at the
same time and open the gate and quickly step back to the side.

After the next double hit, roll into the room and quickly step to the southern wall.
Pick up the two golden Innos statuettes. Examine Dominique's Sarcophagus to get
a key and other items. Four guardians attack. Don't let them knock you into the
fireball paths. Defeat the guardians. Safely get to the west side of the room for an
elixir. In the NE corner push the level.

Go through the gate an take the next left south. Fight your way back to the
fortress. Head all the way upstairs and approach Rhobar for cut-scene and
discussion. Afterwards, speak to Rhobar, Diego, and Hagen on everything. Head
NE into Zyra's room and talk to her. Use the stone circle to Diego's estate. Go SE
towards Mari at the sewer shed for a cut-scene, then enter the cellar behind her.
Continue all the way forward, then left to Daranis at the gate and talk.

Head through the gate to the surface with several fallen paladins. Head around to
the east and down into the catacombs to your left. Speak with Merdarion. Go
through the cleared barrier and fight in the next room. Head up the stairs to more
fighting. Up the next stairs to still more fighting. Continue east and around west
through an empty room to the next room with fighting. Swing around north into a
small room with two chests and an item at the north wall.

Go out SW and continue to a large room and up stairs. Defeat six cultists, then
SAVE so that you can try three different ways to dispel the domed force-field!

Speak with Daranis. Now you may speak to any of the other three. Talk to Ningal,
Merdarion, or Milten for their different methods. Ningal's way is the simplest, and
Milten's way is the most confusing (it is much easier if you had the
worldofplayers map mod to show the locations). There is four scratched golden
chalices in the area.

*Ningal; Grand Master of Darkness.
You must kill five Ahn Bael to automatically take their hearts. First, at the temple,
head due north out of it to find an Innos Statuette28 just west of the north corner
in the rocks. Back in the temple, head back down the nearby stairs into the
catacombs. When you emerge, kill the Ahn Bael there. Now continue to the SE
entrance to Diego's cellar.

In the long watery corridor, continue out the far end, then go right to find a chest.
Go back into the sewer and take the west passage and out the back door near the
stone circle. Head through the north house and downhill to kill another Ahn Bael.
Back up to the stone circle and through the west gate, down steps toward the
harbor. And work your way around the buildings.

At the harbor, go south and use the wooden planks to climb over and go kill the
third Ahn Bael. Back over the rubble, around through the buildings and up the
steps and back through the gate to the stone circle. Into Diego's cellar. At the
water, head right and out the southerly exit. Follow the long path around past a
gate on your right. Continue forward till you see the fourth Ahn Bael and kill it.
Just west, between two houses, is an essence of immortality.

Continue on to Rhobar's fortress. When you reach the stone circle in the
courtyard, go out the east gate and over the bridge. Continue straight forward and
kill the fifth Ahn Bael. Go back a few steps and around right to a gate sign that
shows "Temple District". To through and on down, through a NW gate. Continue
NW to an intersection. Head right and on up the main road to the Temple.

Speak to Ningal to remove the barrier. Take the Sleeper Amulet and watch a cut-
scene. Jump ahead to "Head down the western path".

**Merdarion; Grand Master of Water.
It might not be the same order in every game for the three runes. This game
playthrough first mentioned salt in the air. That referenced the lighthouse far out
on the pier at the waterfront. First though, here inside the temple, head due north
out of it to find an Innos Statuette28 just west of the north corner in the rocks.

Head out to the top of the harbor lighthouse. The first Rune is in the wall on the
NE side. Next, Merdarion's voice mentioned someone shouting orders. That
referenced the Bastion. It is the lighter shaded square block, to the SE, on the
main map. Head to the top of the bastion by way of the stairs outside and over to
the NW corner. The second Rune is wedged into the wall.

Finally, Merdarion's voice mentioned something about the marketplace or bazaar.
That references the fortress. Head over to the fortress and the third floor. Go up
the stairs in the NW corner, where some women are, and through the southern exit
where the third Rune is wedged in the wall of the castle, just outside. Return to
the temple up north and speak to Merdarion to remove the barrier. Take the
Sleeper Amulet for a cut-scene.

Jump ahead to "Head down the western path".

***Milten; Grand Master of Fire.
You have to find seven lumps of meteoric ore. One is in the fortress. One is in the
slums. Two in the harbor, and three in the temple area. The easiest is here at the
temple. Head due north out of it to find a Meteoric Ore near rocks in the corner.
Just west of the ore is an Innos Statuette28.

From the center of the temple, head out west and start down the western path
(immediately to right four enemies attack, several more at the bottom. Just before
the gate, jump over the wall. Head south and hug the wall on the right. The ore is
hidden in some bushes near a group of benches. Get it, then back over the NE wall
and continue south on the road to the first house and go around the right side to a
Forgotten Grave30 (automatically get new items).

Enter the house for several items and an Innos Statuette29 in the SW corner.
Upstairs, at the end of the hallway is a chest. Exit the east door, go right and into
the house ahead with a bookshelf.
The Meteoric Ore is on the right end. There's a couple of old books. 3 golden
innos statuettes over the fireplace. Get on the stack of firewood and jump up there.
Now, if you have 7 Meteoric Ores, return to the temple and speak with Milten to
remove the barrier. Take the Sleeper Amulet and watch a cut-scene.

"Head down the western path".
From the center of the temple, head out west and down the western path. Lots of
opposition down there.

***If you've just completed the meteoric ore quest with Milten, skip ahead to the
paragraph titled "At the intersection, continue up west".

When you reach the intersection, head south along the low wall on your right. At
the first house, there's a Forgotten Grave30 on the west side. Automatically get
new items. In the house is an Innos Statuette29 in the SW corner. Upstairs is a
chest at the end of the balcony. Also in the house are several items.

Exit the east door, go right and into the house ahead with a bookshelf. A Meteoric
Ore is on the right end. Also there's a couple of old books. Three golden innos
statuettes over the fireplace. Get on the stack of firewood and jump up there. Go
back north with the low wall on your left.

"At the intersection continue up west". Through the second cemetery gate, head
north and speak with Gorn. Before entering the tunnel, nearby due west is a
Forgotten Grave31.

***If you previously found 30 graves, this grave will not register. The game only
rewards you for the first 30 graves.

Enter the tunnel to a small room. First large room in the tunnel are several undead.
Go down the eastern path to an intersection, then north to some fallen mages and
knights. Examine both sides of the bookshelf for several old books. In the SE
room are 5 chests, a statuette, and 2 torches.

Head farther south to the n ext room and fight. There's a black diamond in the
NW corner. Head north to the next room, fight, then a chest is in the middle of the
SW wall. Head west and up stairs, fight when you are outside. Fight your way
west towards the lighthouse.

At the top of the hill is a very powerful Demon Lord. After all the fighting, head
down the SE road from the lighthouse. At the end is a red ore, and a Beliar
Artifact29 in the bushes. Head on down NE and get a Harbour Key from an
enemy. On down and unlock the gate. Go through and trade with Snip and make
sure the harbour district has nothing left to do. Head back up, enter the lighthouse
and up to the top of it. There's a mighty healing potion on the floor. Examine the
teleporter in the middle for a cut-scene.

Go north and speak with Xardas. West of him are several scrolls. There's two
chests to the west. On the east side of Xardas are more scrolls and two chests. Go
to the outside of the tower and follow the path down and around north. When you
reach the bottom, cross the stepping stones to reach the tunnel ahead. An ore is on
the right side of the entrance.

Continue due north. Just as the tunnel widens, there's a dark ore on your left. Past
the widened area and on the first curve is another dark ore on your left. Continue
till the tunnel turns sharply south to an intersection with three burning sentinels.

Head left up the NE path to a open area with a fire golem. There's a dark ore on
the SE and NW wall. Head north and jump down to a couple of burning sentinels.
A dark ore where you jumped down. Head left past a fire golem to an area with
green acid. On the left are two enemies. Farther north on same side are two
potions. In the middle of the green acid, around left is a dark ore. At the old boat
is a Beliar Artifact30. Automatically get new items.

Leave the green acid area and head left (NE) and follow the path to a Demon Lord
and 2 fire golems you must destroy. There's gold lodes all around the area and
some ores. Continue south to three hunters. Farther south is a grave stone with
two priests and a potion. Just south jump down and head SE to a smaller room
with several potions and a black ore. In a bookshelf are some ancient writings.

TIP: In your scrolls section, right click all ancient writings to learn some
important crafting.

Head out to previous room and continue out NW passage. At end of the loop
curve is a dark ore on your right. Continue out the SW exit, back to the
intersection, and head south to open the stone door. Just as you go through, there's
a dark ore on your left. Continue to the next area with a fire golem. In the north
peak of the room is a dark ore.

Farther SE is another fire golem. In the SW cubby hole is an Ancient Relic30,
automatically giving you new items. In the first north section of the area is a dark
ore. Continue SE, then south to the next large area. On the right as you enter is an
Innos Statuette30. New items again. In equipment section of inventory, equip
Innos' Blessing halo. On the east side is a mighty healing potion on a casket.
There's a couple of priests on each side of the room about mid way through.

Continue south to the next room. Be careful of two fire priests on the other side of
the south wall. They shoot through holes. In the middle of the room are several
items on the rugs and small items around the short columns. Head west, then
around north to a smaller room with priests. In the east corner is a dark ore.
Directly west to a smaller room with healing potions and ores.

Back to previous room and exit south and continue south to a room. In the middle
of the east wall are a couple of items. On the west wall is a dark ore and mighty
healing potion. In the SW corner is a mighty healing potion.

Out the south exit and around to a small elongated room. On the east wall are two
mighty healing potions in two different groups of small pottery. Between the pots
is a dark ore. On the west wall, opposite the next exit, is a mighty healing potion.
In the NE corner is a potion.

Head out the east exit to a room. On the south wall is a dark ore and items on the
table. Continue east to a round room with an Ahn Bael. On the NE side is a dark
ore. Exit south out of the round room. The next room has two burning sentinels at
the south end jail cell. In the jail cell is a dark ore. Head out the nearby west exit
to a room with four priests and a hunter.

Continue SE to a Y shaped area. Continue over NE to a room with a Demon Lord.
Head south in the Y shaped room to another room with a dark ore on the east wall.
At the stone steps SAVE. Up there are two demons and two ahn bael. Go up the
stairs and defeat them. Finally, drop out of the cave and speak with Ruhndal. Put
your mightiest potions in the quick-bar slots. Now SAVE!

As you head uphill to the monastery, you're not likely to make it on the first try.
So at least quick save when there's a pause in the fighting. In the monastery, when
you're able, go up the main south stairs and approach Hendor for a cut-scene.

Finally, drop into the hole to the south, turn around and continue a long way down
into the hideout till you see Xesha. In the fight, when she glows, quickly move
away to avoid her attacks. When she uses multiple bursts, stand behind one of the
blocked doorways to avoid damage. She eventually summons others to aid her.

When a glowing circle shows on the floor, get away quick to avoid spikes coming
out of the floor. Finally Xesha is defeated and the ending sequence starts.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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