

11.10.2013 13:57:54

Quick Walkthrough

1.Purpose of this level is to found out basic information about whats going on, close the 5
anchors and find the 5 cogs to activate the Star Galley to leave. Almost everything can be
done without any conversation with monsters but it does reveal some things.
2.Find a Doht sigil of entry (2-3 mobs have them). There may be one on the path from Point A
to M and near Point I.
3.Close the anchors found at Points D, E, G, and O (close means the blue things are together).
If you have all the anchors open you die (I'm pretty sure).
4.Find the 4 cogs at Points F, I, N, and O.
5.Open secret door at Point P and talk with Clarentavious.
6.Go and kill the Dremora Methats and Point H and take his pauldron.
7.Enter the teleporter and use the password "boustrophedon" to enter the locked door.
8.Get the last cog and close the anchor and Point Q.
9.Return to Clarentavious for the Typho Sophias (optional?).
10.Place the cogs in the control at the center of room P, open door and walk onto galley to
Level 2.
Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
After a disorienting trip through both time and space you arrive at Battlespire here,
supposedly for training in the art of magic. You don't see any friendly welcoming party but you
assume it's merely part of the course.

Point B
Your thoughts of all this being 'part of the training' is quickly dissolved when you find a
battered corpse of a once powerful mage nearby, surrounded by scamps. You find too scrolls
undisturbed near his body...perhaps they will say something of what is happened. It appears
that a daedra prince has forced entry into Battlespire and taken over the place. This is
certainly not good news, especially since you left your daedra prince killer sword at home.
You read the other scroll in hopes it will shed more information. It is from an friend of yours
name Vatasha. She gives you some helpful advice on survival but not much in the way of
news. You attempt some conversation with the local Scamp and manage to persuade some
not to attack you (for a a while) by swearing not to hurt them if they help you out. They tell
you that you can leave by the 'boss' sigil, assumably the one preventing you from leaving, or
go with a boss (not a viable option at the present) or by the magic boat. This must be the Old
Star Galley you read about in the first scroll. You decide that attempting to search out this
galley should be your first course of action.

While adventuring you soon find out that there are three main opponents to be faced. The
Scampi are pesky creatures that can sometimes be 'bribed' to not attack but are easily
dispatched if they do. The Vermai are very tough creatures and communication is all but
impossible with these animals. The Dremora are a true threat since they can cast powerful
spells to weaken you as they approach. They seem very intelligent, although not as smart as
they think they are. By being extremely humble and polite you can occasionally avoid combat.
They despise failure and rudeness and will attack immediately if they see either.

You also find many sigils being carried by the various level occupants, all Doht. Most are
useless and appear to only serve as a mark of identification. When one is used you appear to
turn ethearal for a short period of time. You do find at least one sigil of entry. If the scrolls and
creatures you talk to are correct, the entry sigil will allow you to pass warding sigils of the
same type. You continue carefully through the dungeon, collecting various useful items lieing
around such as potions, weapons, and armor. You also find several more scrolls, some
general knowledge, and more useful ones giving you more insight of what happened here and
how correct it.

Point C
After a terrible battle with a group of fiends you discover a number of important things here.
First are two small bluish gems hovering in mid-air. Taking advice from a scroll you
discovered nearby you find that they do indead heal your health or mana (whichever is lessor).
They disappear after use but you soon discover that they reappear after a short while
providing you with a good supply of health and mana which you certainly need.
You also discover a cog wheel carried by a late Scampi. The wheel is well crafted and
glimmers of magic and most likely provides an important use somewhere so you decide to
hang on it.

Point D
You come to a small room with a very interesting device. On closer inspection the control
panel for the device has a small plaque which reads
For the edification and admonition of all that should pass through this hall.
Know that this is one of the five great Anchors that moor the Battlespire in
its place and retain it in the life-flood of sustaining Mana, without which
there is no light, no life, no Being.
In their o'er-reaching wisdom, the Powers have required me, against my every
protest and complaint, to affix to it a dreadful device, which you see before
you, whose purpose is to sunder and divide this anchor and imperil the Spire
and all who inhabit it.

Never divide the Anchor. It is the rock on which all our lives are founded.

All Anchors must be conjoined to assure the safety and stability of the Spire.

Above all, never allow them all to be unloosed. Sure destruction shall follow,
as the Battlespire departs the flux that keeps all sides of nature in unity.

Now avaunt, and quit this chamber, lest the imp of temptation, or some unhappy
humour overcome you, and lead you onto the path of certain annihilation.


Ah, so one of the five great anchors for the Old Star Galley which you are searching for.
Since you learning in a previous scroll that releasing all five anchors is a bad thing you decide
to active the now open anchor and keep it closed until you learn furthur information. The other
anchors can be found at Point E, G, O, and Q.

Point E
You find another anchor here.

Point F
After entering into the large and pitch black room and eliminating the various creatures
residing therein you find a wonderous site...the skeleton of an ancient dragon! You find a
scroll under the skeleton beside the corpse of another mage which tells a little more of the
taking of Battlespire. You also find another cog wheel in a bag underneath the dragon and
add it to your collection.

Point G
In the upper room you find another of the anchors.

Point H
You find a large enclosed circle in this room and after a little searching discover a group of
buttons allowing you to do so. Inside the circle you find Lord Methats (who you previously
read was the leader around here). You attempt to converse your way out of a fight but fail
miserably. After a long and intense battle you emerge victorous, reaping the prize of a magical
Methats pauldron. You also recognize the symbol in the center of the circle floor as being a
teleporter. Not knowing exactly what to except on the other side you decide not to risk it at
the moment.

Point I
Another cog is found in here on a Scamp. You begin to wonder what their purpose is.

Point J
There are two more of those wonderful healing crystals in this room. One is found up top after
you discover the lift buttons.

Point K
You immediately sense that there is more to this room when you enter it. Upon closer inspect
you find that the North-East wall opens to another room with monsters and a button. After
many exhausting fights you reveal all the hidden rooms and a passage to the west.

Point L
You find a particularily interesting room with floating 'islands'. With some trepidation you
successfull cross them to another room in the north with walkways suspended above lava.
After dispatching the Dremora in this room you find the center platform is indeed an elevator
which takes you to a loft with many useful supplies. After, returning to the floating islands
room you notice a switch, chest, and a passage leading south. You barely make the jump to
the button which raises a platform nearby. Making another great jump you reach the southern
passage. While this area was fraught with dangers it provided you with many useful supplies.

Point M
This area has several rickety and old wooden bridges suspended high over a field of lava.
You carefully navigate over them since they have no hand rails to hold or prevent one from a
fiery end. The first bridge has a guarding Doht ward which you pass through, having picked
up a Doht entry sigil eariler. You shudder to think what would have happened if you didn't
have that sigil.

Point M
In this area you find two more healing crystal floating in a small shrine and a Dremora standing
nearby. The Dremora doesn't attack imediately and you attempt to strike up a conversation.
Speaking carefully and politely you avoid combat with the Dremora...until you backstab the
poor sucker as he turns to walk away (all is fair in love and war they say). You find another
cog in his possesions.

Point O
You find another anchor here.

Point P
Your trained senses picked up something wrong with the southern wall in this room when you
passed near it. Sure enough, upon closer inspection, you open it to reveal a secret room.
Inside the secret room you find the battlemage Clarentavious Valisious hiding. You find out a
number of important things from the mage. He tells you to go to his chambers through the
teleporter (Point H) and gives you the password 'boustrophedon' to enter it.

Point Q
This is Clarentavious' chamber, accessed through the teleporter and from the password found
at point P. You find several important things here.
1.Another of the cogs.
2.Another anchor.
3.There are five cogs which are needed to use the Star Galley.
4.There are five anchors which need to be active to use the Galley.

Return to Point P
You return to Clarentavious' secret hiding chamber after visiting his chambers at Point Q. The
mage seems to think the only hope is too release all the anchors and drift endlessly (and
harmlessly) through the void. You have a differing opinion (knowing that severing the anchors
would be killing yourself) and wish to use the Star Galley to furthur adventure into
Battlespire. Taking the fives cogs you found (points F, I, N, O, and Q) you insert them into
their positions in the control in the center of the room at P. Once this is done the door to the
east opens to the Star Galley. Talking furthur with Clarentavious you find out that he indeed
has the Typho Sophias and he requires you to kill Methats and get his magical pauldron. Since
you have already accomplished this feat (by no means an easy one either) Clarentavious gives
you the Sophias without question.

Point R
Here you find a simple ship named the Star Galley. Entering this ship will take you on towards
Level 2, and your ultimate fate.
2Quick Walkthrough

1.On this level you learn more about what happened as well as the politics of the Daedra. You
must find the Meht entry sigil and the piece of the voidguide to continue. This level contains
quite a few good magical items, Scamps, Vermai, Dremora, and many powerful Spider
2.You arrive from Level 1 at Point A.
3.Make your way to Point E, click on the coffin against the wall to reveal a level/switch. This
opens a door behind you.
4.Enter this secret room and talk to the Daedra Spider Yorn. Kill him (he's quite powerful) and
get the Meht entry sigil.
5.Go down into the pit at Point D and activate the lever using the password "bell tower". A
book of riddles and answers can be found at Point C. The lever creates a bridge above you.
6.Cross the bridge and move onto Point J. Activate the lever on the South-East wall (it does
either 34 or 1/2 your total health damage, so heal up first). Take the voidguide piece from the
secret which opens in the north wall.
7.Take the voidguide piece to the little Daedra at Point K. After some conversation she should
give you a Zyr entry sigil. Enter the door behind her with the password "horse".
8.Enter the teleport to move on to Level 2a.

Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
You make your trip abord the Star Galley without incident from Level 1. As soon as you
enter Level 2 of Battlespire you suddenly realize the way back has been appear
to marooned here, at least for the moment. You take a quick look around and notice a body
and scroll nearby. The scroll contains some very useful information from your friend, Vatasha.
Bad News:

1.Wizards & guards dead with no prisoners found
2.Daedra everywhere. Scamps are weak, but sneaky pack fighters. Vermai are stupid and
very tough.
3.Paxti Bittor is the traitor. Daedra may have some codes and keywords. Many
unaccessible rooms.
4.Teleports don't work.
5.Floating symbols are magic sigils, and deadly!

Good News:

1.Boss daedra is named Sumeer and has a mass teleportation artifact.
2.Vatasha is sticking close to Sumeer and will try escape.
3.Command and security are sloppy possibly due to politics.


1.Teleporter to north near tiger rug has a password which may be nearyb.
2.Find out how daedra got here. Bittor was master of teleportation and voidgates.
3.Search for codes and keys and clues and weapons.
4.Search for more clues from Vatasha

You also find some healing magics nearby left by her...hopefully she's surviving a little better
than you. As you adventure around you find that monsters are carrying four different runes,
Zyr, Meht, Web and Roht.

Point B
You find a magical door here which is bound to the riddle:
Some live in me, some live on,
And some shave me to stride upon.
I rarely leave my native land.
Until my death I always stand.
High and low I may be found
Both above and under ground.

Have all but failed the riddle course back at the academy you attempt a few guesses before
stopping, fearing that there maybe a protection device worked into the door as well.
Fortunately you find a book of riddles nearby (Point C) which gives you the answer to this
riddle ("Tree") as well as a few others...a wonderful find. The password successfully opens
the door and you find a item recharging device inside. You can't quite make out how it works
from a scroll nearby, but not having any good magical item to recharge, you pocket the scroll
for later use.

Point C
You find a book of 4 riddles along with there answers here. All four riddles are used
somwhere on this level so keep this close to you (Points B, D, G, and ?).

Point D
You come across a large pit-structure with a door on the other side. You contemplate
jumping but you know you would never make. On a more careful inspection you find a small
level in the pit, unfortunately along with several Vermai. The level is also protected with a
I rise above the roofs below
Finger up-raised to heaven.
I speak in clear tones
That aim for others
To gather where I call.

Whipping out your book of riddles you found at Point C, you find the answer to be a "Bell
Tower". Now pulling the level you find that it produces a bridge across the pit to the door.

Point E
In your travels you come across a coffin lying up against the wall. On closer inspection you
notice some sort of device just behind. You touch the coffin and activate some sort of spell,
moving the coffin to the side, revealing a button. You cautiously press the button to reveal a
secret entrance on the opposite wall.

Point F
Through the secret chamber you found at Point E, you find a Daedra Spider. After some futile
conversation you find that it appears to know the location of one of the void guide pieces.
After a little convincing (the hard kind) you manage to find a Meht sigil of entry among his
possessions. You find later that this was a powerful daedra named Yorn.

Point G
You come across yet another door bound by a riddle:
Armor bright
Gleaming white
A single rank
Their faces blank
Now hid by night
Now bold by light
Bright red the land
Where soldiers stand

Looking in your trusty riddle guide you found at Point C, you find the answer to be "teeth".

Point H
You come across a large room with two healing crystals and a female daedra starting at you
from above. She doesn't appear to be menacing to you (yet at least) so you approach for
more conversation). You learn from her that Yorn has a Meht sigil of entry (Point G) that you
need to find one of the voidguide pieces (Point ?). Furthur attempts at conversation don't go
so well. She accusses you of being the wanted Vatasha Trenelle. When you try to explain thay
you aren't she threatens to summon her 'minions' to have you destroyed and disappears. No
minions appear and you're left alone. A furthur search of this room yields several quality
magical weapons.

Point I
You find another corpse of a Battlemage here, along with a scroll seeking vengence. Nearby
you find various magical items, once possessions of the mage.

Point J
Here you find a Meht warding sigil. Using the entry sigil found at Point G you pass through
without getting hurt. Inside you find a Dremora (who looks like a Vermai?) who gives you
some Meht sigils once you give an 'oath' to serve him. Unfortunately he attacks anyways and
you are forced to defend yourself. Quickly glancing over the room you notice a level on one
wall. You pull it and get hit with a powerful defense spell which practically kills you. You
make a mental note to be more careful around levels next time. The lever opens a wall to the
north revealing a piece of the voidguide!

Point K
You come across a strange site here, a small girl, you'd guess around 10 years in age, stands
here. She is quite human except for her skin color which is very orange. Talking to her you
find she is looking for a lost voidguide which appears to be needed to operate some sort of
device. She says she will reward you 'well' if you return it too her. Elsewhere in the level you
find that the voidguide was taken and hidden in various places by Scamps. You also notice
that the door behind her is protected by a riddle once again:
Loadbearer, Warrior
Spirited, Brave
Fleet-foot, Ironshod
Faithful One, Slave

with the answer being "horse" as found in the riddle book at Point C. Inside you find a teleport
pad protected by a Zyr warding sigil. You give the little Daedra the voidguide you found at
Point J and you are rewarded with a Zyr sigil of entry, allowing you to pass through the
teleporter behind her and into the 'secret' parts, as she calls them. You can pass through the
teleporting bringing you to Level 2a.

Point L
Using the Tyr entry sigil you received at Point K, you enter this room to find a decent stash of
magical items. You also find a lever hidden behind some boxes on the west wall which reveals
another switch in the floor when activated. This switch opens a secret door on the east wall.
This room also has a healing crystal.

Point M
This room is protected with a Roht warding sigil. Unfortunately with your best efforts you
cannot seem to locate any Roht entry sigil on this level but you make a mental note to return to
here when possible.
Quick Walkthrough

1.This level is a continuation of Level 2 since you don't get any stat bonuses, although there
doesn't appear to be any way to return at the moment. There are a number of things to learn
here through conversation and scrolls, in particular about the mage named Scourge. You must
find the mace, four void guide pieces and a Web entry sigil to continue on to level 3.
2.You teleport in from Level 2 at Point A.
3.Enter the first door to the south and click on the mace above the door (Point B). Go into the
secret room at the south and get the Scourge mace. The lion statue activates the lift.
4.Go into the library at Point E and find the scroll about the Scourge mace (optional).
5.Kill the spider daedra at Point H to get the Web entry sigil.
6.Talk to the daedra Wonshala at Point I to learn more about the Scourge mace.
7.Grap the four voidguide pieces found at Points C, D, G, and F. Go talk to Sumeer at point J
and put the pieces into the device in front of him. This activates the teleporter at point K which
brings you to Level 3.
Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
This is the destination from the teleporter at Point K on Level 2. You are encountered with a
great force from all sorts of creatures but you fight bravely and come out relatively unscathed.

Point B
Searching this room you find nothing of interest except a mace apparently stuck above the
door. Attempting to remove it you trigger a secret which reveals a room to the south. Inside
you find a wonderful lion statue (which activates the lift) and a powerful magical mace named
"Scourge, Blessed of Malacath".

Point C
This room appears to be a normal barracks occupied by a number of scamps. A careful
search reveals a secret lift beneath the intricately designed carpet. It leads to a secret room
which contains one of the voidguide pieces.

Point D
This appears to be some sort of training or study room. Given the number of secret rooms
you have discovered nearby you search carefully and indeed find one. The bench to the
North-West rises to reveal a secret chamber with another piece of the voidguide.

Point E
A small library is found here as well as a Dremora who wishes to speak. After a relatively
long conversation you acquire a scroll from him before he disappears. The scroll outlines the
various motivations and forces behind the various monsters and is rather useful. You also find
a number of other scrolls in the library and in particular one describing the Scourge Mace you
found near Point B. It seems like the mace is capable of banishing a Daedra in one hit.

Point F
You find yet another piece of the voidguide lying on a table.

Point G
You find another piece of the voidguide in this room.

Point H
A Web guarding sigil bars the way here. Fortunately there _was_ a spider daedra here who
decided to give you a Web entry sigil.

Point I
Here you find Wonshala Keriayn. She is interested in acquiring the Mace called Scourge,
which you found at Point ?, as well as the keyword which unlocks its powers. For the
meantime you agree to do so.

Point J
Here you find the daedra Sumeer Jabran, who seems to be the one in charge around here.
After a brief talk you agree to return the voidguide pieces in exchange for safe passage
through Battlespire. Using the four pieces of the voidguide found lying around in this level
(Points C, D, F, and G) you put them into the glowing blue device in front of Sumeer.

Point K
The device you activated at Point J caused some sort of large teleportation device to function
here. Stepping bravely forward, you move on towards Level 3, and parts unknown.
3Quick Walkthrough

1.On this level you again learn a little more here and there, mostly from two Battlemages turned
into wraiths. There are ghosts, wraiths, and Morphoid Daedras to combat on this level, all
quite tough to defeat. To exit you must find the Oht, Ahem, Hekem, and Yoodt entry sigils
and the three control rods to go on to Level 4, Shade Perilous.
2.You start out at Point A. Pick up scroll from Vatasha at point B.
3.Get Oht entry sigil from Daedra at Point C.
4.Read sixth plaque on left at Point D for answers to riddles.
5.Talk to prefactor wraith at Point F. Agree to perform ceremony and get a hero gem (healing).
6.Go into water and turn wheel at Point H. Continue swimming to area near Point I.
7.Kill the daedra at Point I to get the Ahem entry sigil. Turn the two wheels here.
8.Enter boat at M to visit Paxil Bittor wraith at N and get Yoodt entry sigil and another note
from Vatasha.
9.Get Hekem entry sigil from Daedra at Point K.
10.Open coffins and talk to ideal masters at Point L (Chapel of Love). Get rod in North-East
11.In room with rotating thing near Point O, grab another rod in South-East corner.
12.Get last rod at Point Q.
13.Talk to ideal master at Point S to get details on how to activate gate.
14.Goto to Point T, turn on mana streams, put three rods in pedestal up top, and operate the
gate using the words 'Shade Perilous' to go to Level 4
Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
This is the destination from the great teleporter at Point K on Level 2a.

Point B
Near where you arrived here you find another scroll from Vatasha. She warns you to stay
away from the wraiths since apparently they cannot be killed. Not being that smart you decide
to take that as a challenge and attempt to kill the next wraith you see. After the longest and
most grueling fight you've ever been in you emerge victorious. Soon you find that there are
other, better and much easier ways, to get the wraiths to stop attacking you. You find that
calling them 'mad as a loon' seems to cause them to ignore you for some reason. Also, you
are able to utterly destroy some wraiths by turning them with powerful words, although this
doesn't always work.

Point C
Here on the upper level, you find an Oht sigil of entry in the possesion of a Morphoid Daedra.

Point D
This hallway has many plaques devoted to the history of the Soul Cairn. On careful inspection
you notice the sixth one on the left is different. It contains some sort of clues to something and
First Coffin: Grave
Second Coffin: Life
Third Coffin: Boat
Forth Coffin: Pig
Fifth Coffin: Coffin

This will most likely come in useful futhur on.

Point E
A pair of Oht warding sigils float here, denying passage to anything beyond. Fortunately you
found an Oht entry sigil previously (Point C) so you are able to pass freely.

Point F
Past the sigils at Point E you find another wraith. Attempting to converse with it you soon find
out that this was, or is, Kirel Aman, the Praeceptor Superior of Battlespire. He was captured
and forced to tell all by the Daedra and then sentenced to an eternal death as a wraith. He
also tells you of possibly the only way to kill a wraith (other than to kills its creator and
mastor). You agree to perform the ceremony and Kirel's soul is destroyed, leaving behind a
Hero Gem (heals health with many uses).

Point G
These hallways are blocked by Ahem warding sigils. Not being able to find the appropiate
entry sigil neraby it looks like you'll be going for a swim. You are careful that you aren't
carrying to much weight, otherwise you'd sink like a rock and drown. You find the entry sigil
later on at Point I.

Point H
You find a wheel deep underwater and turn in it hopes of it bringing a dryer setting. You find
out later that this most likely caused a platform to rise in a room nearby (near Point I).

Point I
You go up a lift in this large room and confront a Morphoid Daedra. After an exchange of
blows you find that he is carrying an Ahem entry sigil. Turning the wheels next to where he
was found several platforms rise up to form a path across the room.

Point J
On one side of these rooms you find a cupboard which does not open when you try it. A
more careful search reveals a mechanism on the opposite side of the room which does open
it, revealing some useful items.

Point K
You come across a Morphoid Daedra here who is carrying a Hekem entry sigil which you
gladly relieve him of.

Point L
You find three coffins in this room, two of them protected by riddles. Using the answers from
a plaque you found at Point D you know the two answers to be "grave" and "pig". Inside each
coffin you find some items as well as a bluish crystal that, when touched, begins to speak.
Each gem appears to be the soul of a master, leaders of this Soul Cairn. They are uninterested
in helping you until you perform some strange ritual. Not liking the sound of it you decide to
move on, but remembering what the souls told you. You also find a pilot rod in the north-east
corner of the room which you take, although you aren't quite sure what's it's use is.

Point M
You find a boat here, tied to the dock. Having just got try from your last swim you decide to
not swim for it this time. It takes you a little while to get use to steering it but you manage fine
with a little practice.

Point N
You find a small alcove here with several items and the wraith of Paxti Bittor, the traitor who
caused this whole mess. You listen to his story and you find that, in turn, the Daedra betrayed
him, killing him and turning him into a wraith (how fitting you think). He mentions the name of
Sirran Angada, the Daedra who betrayed him and had a hand in taking over Battlespire.
Unfortunately this Daedra uses a transmorph spell to appear as anyone it wants to, making
him difficult, if not impossible to find. Among the items on the dock are another letter from
Vatasha. She seems to be barely surviving as you but she did leave you a Yoodt entry sigil
which will be useful. You decide to avenge the deaths of the battlemages by ending whatever
life Bittor has left in him, and after a long and arduous battle you succeed.

Point O
A pair of Hekem warding runes float here. Using the entry sigil you found at Point K you pass
through them unhurt. In the room behind is a strange rotating device. Not knowing exactly
what is does you decide to leave it alone...for now. You find a rod poorly hidden in the
south-east corner of this room.

Point P
There is a Yoodt warding sigil here which would be blocking your path had you not found the
entry sigil left by Vatasha for you at Point N.

Point Q
In the north west corner you find a rod cleverly hidden near a column.

Point R
In this small room you find another coffin lock by a riddle. Using the answers you found
previously you find the answer to be "boat". Once again you fail to get any sort of useful
information from the soul within.

Point S
A similar coffin and soul are in this room, but with no password protection. After a good deal
of discussion the ideal master tells you in detail what is required to activate the teleporter in the
chapel of love (Point L). You need to collect the 3 rods (Points L, O and Q) and insert them
into the pedestal between the two mana beams (which you must first turn on). Then the gate
will take you to any destination in the outer realms, provided you know its name. Pulling out a
scroll from Vatasha you find the next location is called 'Shade Perilous'.

Point T
Here you find the device mentioned by the ideal master at Point S. Following his instructions
you turn on the mana streams and put the three rods into the pedestal. You activate the now
operating gate by requesting to travel to Shade Perilous, Level 4.
4Quick Walkthrough

1.You make a few new 'friends' (if you can call them that) on this level, mostly the Dremora and
Seducers. You also get friendly with the Fire and Frost Daedras but they still attack you. The
real menace on this level are the Dark Seducers. They have many spells, hit for large amounts
of damage, have high hitpoints, and there are quite a few of them. In order to finish the level
you need to find the Nocturnals Jaciel and Deynira, find the Ekem, Jeb and Quam entry sigils,
activate the 4 levers, touch the hand, find the book of wheels and enter the sacred code a few
times. This is by far the longest level yet so patience is in order.
2.You start out at Point A on this Level.
3.Pull the chain at Point C.
4.Get the passphrase "The Gerent of Dagon Rules Here" from the Fire Daedra or the scroll in
the cage at Point E to open the door near Point F.
5.Talk to Deynira for a while at Point F. Touch sword in South-East to reveal lever in center or
room. Activate this lever and the ones at Points G and J.
6.Get the Jeb entry sigil from the Daedra at Point G and the Ekem at Point H.
7.Goto the Point I and talk to the Seducer to get the keyword "dusk" (also found on a scroll in
this room). Touch the hand to make it disappear (optional???).
8.Go through teleporter at Point K to end up at Point L.
9.Talk to Dremora at Point N to get a Quam entry sigil.
10.Go to the points P,Q,R,S and press the letters to spell the word "dusk". A wrong button
causes around 40-50 points damage.
1.Point P: Letter U is 4th from Left
2.Point Q: Letter D is 4th from Left
3.Point R: Letter K is 4th from Left
4.Point S: Letter S is 1st on Right
This raises the four platforms into the center.
11.Turn the four wheels at the center, Point T.
12.Enter the now opened door at Point U, find and activate last Lever at Point V
13.Talk to Jaciel at Point X.
14.Return and talk to Deynira at Point F.
15.Return and talk to Jaciel at Point X.
16.Touch torch thing at Point Y to raise platform.
17.Enter energy field at Point Z via the password "djemekweh". Talk to Daedra and enter
18.Enter the well thing at Point 2 to exit and continue to the Chimera of Desolation, Level 5.
Detailed Walkthrough
Point A
This is the destination from the gate at Point T on Level 3.

Point B
You meet a talkative Frost Daedra here who reveals a lot of information. It appears as though
either Xivilia Moath or Faydra Shardai is the one in charge around here. Imago Storm is the
leader of the Dremora and is in charge of the invasion force. You also learn that the frost
daedra aren't too fond of their fire counterparts. In exchange for a pair of magical greaves you
enter an agreement with the frost daedra to kill all fire daedras for them.

Point C
You find some sort of device with a pull chain. Activating it you find it opens a door you
passed previously at Point D.

Point D
Returning to this door which you opened via the device at Point C, you make conversation
with a Dremora and learn many things. First he says, in order to rescue your friend (I take it
he means Vatasha?) you must pass beyond Shade Perilous into the Chimera of Desolation
and finally on to Dagon's Pleasure Palace. The exact route of which is beyond the Dremora's
knowledge, although he says that Jacial Morgen would know the way. Jacial is one of the
Nocturnal lords who was overthrown by the fire and frost daedras released by Xivilai and
Faydra to capture Nocturnal. The Dremora goes furthur to say that all the fire and frost
daedra must be eliminated and order restored here so that Dagon will not be upset. This may
be possible by mentioning Xivilai or Faydra to the daedra and using their hatred against them.

Point E
Here you find another informative enemy, this time a fire daedra. You learn that the two
Nocturnal lords, Jaciel Morgen and Deyanira Katrece were captured and are being held
prisoner. Jacial is in the farthest cell in the southern block on this level. Her cell can be only
opened by the words "The Gerent of Dagon rules here". Deyanira is being held elsewhere.
You also make another pact with the fire daedra to kill all frost daedra and receive a magical
helmet in return. You will see that pitting the frost and fire daedra against each other as
mentioned by the Dremora at Point D will be easier than you had first thought. There are two
healing crystals in the room where you found the daedra.

Point F
You find a door here which opens when you use the phrase "The Gerent of Dagon rules here"
which you got from a fire Daedra at Point E. Inside you find Dayenira Katrece being held
prisoner. She asks you to free Jacial from imprisonment from the night portal. To do so you
must start the nocturnal mana to flow again by letting the magical tourbillions begin to turn
again. To do this the wheels of heaven must read the appropiate code. She doesn't know the
code but tells you to seek the Book of the Wheels of Heaven. She also mentions something
about solving the riddles of stools but you don't quite understand that. She also mentions four
secret levers which must be pulled to release Jacial from the Nightportal. One is near a
podium, another in a secret underwater grotto, another under a table and the last in a storage
room. You find the one under the table in the center of this room by touching a large sword on
the south wall. Certainly not an easy task to do everything that is required, but you gave your
word to help.

Point G
This must be the secret underwater grotto Dayenira told you about at Point F. You find a
lever in the floor here and the Fire Daedra here was carrying a Jeb entry sigil.

Point H
A Fire Daedra was carrying a Ekem sigil of entry in this room.

Point I
This room is protected by a Jeb warding sigil and you pass through using the entry sigil you
found at Point H. The Daedra Seducer in this room directs you to the Book of Wheels which
gives you the sacred code "dusk". There is also a large hand protected by sigils in this room
which you can't figure out at the moment. Not being that bright you touch it anyways and it
disappears (you finish the level without really knowing what it did). A coffer of restoration also
resides in this room.

Point J
Another lever for unlocking the Nightportal can be found in this room, hidden behind the
bench along the eastern wall.

Point K
You pass through these Ekem warding sigils with the entry rune found at Point H. The
teleporter pad here takes you to Point L.

Point L
Destination from teleporter pad at Point K.

Point M
This teleporter pad returns you near to Point K.

Point N
You find a mysterious Dremora at the end of this hallway who gives you a Quam entry sigil
without explanation and disappears.

Point O
This hall is blocked by a Quam warding sigil which you pass using the entry sigil aquired at
Point N.

Point P
There are 5 Daedric letters on the wall here, from left to right: Z, W, V, U, T as well as a
coffer of restoration. You press the letter U for the codeword 'dusk'.

Point Q
There are 7 Daedric letters on the wall, from left to right: A, B, C, D, E, F, G. You press the
letter D for the codeword 'dusk'.

Point R
There are 5 Daedric letters on the wall, from left to right: H, I, J, K, L. You press the letter K
for the codeword 'dusk'.

Point S
There are 7 Daedric letters on the wall, from left to right: M, N, O, P, Q, R, S. You press the
letter S for the codeword 'dusk'.

Point T
Pressing the all the letters to spell dusk at the Point P, Q, R, and S raises the four platforms
towards the center. You can now turn the four wheels of heaven to restore the flow of
Nocturnal mana.

Point U
After pressing the appropiate letters at and turning the wheels at Point T this previously
blocked entrance turns into some sort of energy field. Approaching it you find it is bound to a
riddle whose answer is "dusk" once again.

Point V
You find the last of the four levers here in the north-west corner of this room.

Point W
These passage is opened by pulling the four levers at Points F, G, J, and V.

Point X
At the end of this tunnel you find the Nocturnal ruler Jaciel Morgen. Unfortunately she
appears to be in such as state of depression that you are unable to get anything useful out of

Return to Point F
You return to Deyanira Katrece in hopes that she will be able to help once again. She is
thrilled that you found Jaciel and says that only a deeper loose than that of losing Shade
Perilous will revive her. She then suggests that the only possible way would be for herself to
be thrown into Oblivion. You reluctantly agree and perform the required ceremony.

Return to Point X
You return to Jaciel to tell her about Deyanira. She becomes very enraged and you fear for
your life. You manage to calm her down eventually and she tells you how to move to the next
level. You need to to cross the Rock Sail to a gatel which opens by the word "djemekweh".
There is then a lesser portal and beyond that you will find a gate which takes you to wherever
Dagon has set it to go.

Point Y
You carefully cross these partial bridges. You find a flaming blue torch near a frost-daedra
which turns out to be a switch. This raises a platform allowing your travels to continue.

Point Z
You find the gate Jaciel mentioned, a large blue-white glowing energy field of some sort. It
opens via the command "djemekweh". Beyond this you find a Dremora who you talk to a bit,
providing you with much useful information. Unfortunately Dagon has captured Vatasha and
taken her to his hunting lodge. Also, much to your distress, on the next level, Chimera of
Desolation, you will be hunted as prey in a game. There are rules to this hunt and the Dremora
suggests you use them to your advantage. You should also seek hidden resources and something that was a man
with the mantle of distinction. He does not provide any more detail
on the subjects and you're left with more questions that you started with. The teleporter pad
here takes you to Point 1.

Point 1
This is the destination of the teleporter at Point Z.

Point 2
You enter the gate here, moving on to Level 5, the Chimera of Desolation.
5Quick Walkthrough

1.You don't learn much on this level, and anything you do is from the old man. You're primary
concern here is survival. There are some 250 monsters on this level and all want to kill you.
Fortunately there are many resources such as potions and healing crystals. To exit, you'll need
to find a Yehk entry sigil, 6 gatekeys, 6 pieces of the saviors hide and the spear case. There
are mostly Frost and Fire Daedras on this level. You can't kill the Herne without the spear so
run from them at first. Inside the waterfall there are also many Dark Seducers so tread
carefully there.
2.You start off at Point A. Grab the piece of the hide under the dock. Talk with the Seducer
and read the nearby scroll for info.
3.Find a Fire and Frost Daedra nearby and talk to for more info. Kill Fire Daedra and grab
Yehk entry sigil.
4.Grab the 5 gatekeys at Points B, F, H, J, and K.
5.Get the spear case from Point F as well.
6.Grab the 5 other Saviors Hide pieces at Points D, G, L, N, and O.
7.Go talk with Old Man Chimere at Point P (be patience and ignore the spoon/cat quests
etc...). Learn that part of Dagons true name is "Lehkelogah".
8.Put on the six hide pieces to get him to open spear case and get Spear of Bitter Mercy.
9.Go kill the hunter Herne Egahirm at Point Q. Get entry sigil and last gatekey from his corpse.
10.Enter Great Horned Temple at Point S. Walk onto crescent moon platform above you to exit
and move onto Level 6.
Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
This is the destination from the gate at Point 2 on Level 4. You find a scroll nearby which
briefly explains your situation. It appears that you are the 'hare' on some sort of hunt
conducted by the Daedra. To exit the level you will need to find the six gatekeys to open the
great horned temple to the east. The scroll also suggests that you seek the stranger to the
cottage to the north. With some patience and persistance he will be of great help. There is
also a Dark Seducer floating nearby. Talking with her yields slightly more information.
Looking underneath the dock you find a piece of the Savior's Hide, some sort of powerful
magical armor left there by its owner.

Many Points
In your travels you find many Frost and Fire Daedra wandering around. You find that the
Frost Daedra were blamed for the loss of Shade Perilous and have since been 'demoted',
now ranking less than that of the Fire Daedra. Needless to say they aren't too thrilled with this
so when you mention that you know the truth, that the Fire Daedra were also involved, the
Frost Daedra encourage you to tell the Dark Seducer at Point A. You also gather some more
information about this hunt. The laws for this hunt are apparently posted before the Chapel of
Innocent Quarry (Point ?). These laws protect the hunter and the huntsman from all mortal
weapons and spells. It may be possible to use the spear of Bitter Mercy to kill them but you
are given no directions as where to find one. Soon after, speaking to a Fire Daedra this time,
you learn that the hunter is a Herne named Egahirm. You also find a scroll detailing the hunt
and a Yekh sigil of entry in the possesions of most Fire Daedra. You also encounter several
Herne hunting you. True to what the Frost Daedra said, your weapons and spells do no
damage to these creatures.

Point B
Up in this tower you find one of the gatekeys and two healing crystals.

Point C
Word of warning, whenever I entered this house the game crashed with some error.

Point D
Inside this crypt you find a secret passage under the southeast coffin (activated by touching
the coffin). This leads to a small underground dungeon which contains another piece of the
savior's hide as well as 2 healing crystals.

Point E
This the alternate exit/entry to the dungeon at Point D.

Point F
This large green-thing, also known as the Chapel of Innocent Quarry, is protected by Yehk
warding sigils. You pass through by using one of the entry sigils acquired from a Fire Daedra.
Inside you find a number of useful items, among which is another gatekey and a spearcase
(which you cannot seem to open). You also find a scroll stating that the sixth key is on
Egahirm which is directly contradictory to the rules of the hunt.

Point G
You find another piece of the savior's hide outside this windmill.

Point H
Enter the towers in the corner of this small fort and activate the buttons to raise the platform in
the center. This reveals 2 healings crystals and a gatekey.

Point I
In this area you find a remarkably tough Scamp. By all its appearances it is a Scamp but it
simply won't die, no matter how many times you hit it. Attempted conversation fails and after
an incredibly long (but boring) battle you finally succeed in sending it to oblivion.

Point J
Inside this building you find another gatekey and 3 healing crystals.

Point K
You find another gatekey and two healing crystals inside this building.

Point L
You find a wonderful waterfall here, cascading serenly over a cliff. Looking closer you find a
secret passage behind the waterfall. This leads to a large carvern and a small tower. Inside the
tower you find a piece of the saviors hide on the first floor. On the second floor you find a
secret on the leftmost bookcase which gives access to a coffer of restoration.

Point M
A ballon sits here, waiting to be used by a brave adventurer. You may use this to access the
island to the north.

Point N
You find a large boot moored here. Taking the the elevators on the end of the dock up, you
find another piece of the saviors hide at the top.

Point O
In the second floor of this building you find a piece of the savior's hide.

Point P
You find the Old Man's Chimere small cottage sitting here. Conversation with him is difficult at
first since it is apparent that he has not seen another human in a long time. Eventually, after
ignoring many of his 'fake' requests, he calms down and begins to provide useful information.
It turns out the Saviors Hide was created by the old man in an attempt to defeat Dagon
(whose true name used to be Lehkelogah). The armor redirects incoming blows back to the
attacker but makes the user vulnerable to magic. The armor also allows use of the powerful
Spear of Bitter Mercy. Putting on the six pieces of the Hide found at Points A, D, G, L, N,
and O, you ask the man to open the spear case you found at Point F. Open it he does and
you are given the spear which, you learn, can kill the protected Herne hunter and huntmans
with one blow.

Point Q
On the top of this building you find the hunter Herne Egahirm. Having aquired the spear at
Point P you easily defeat him. You find the last gatekey and a Geth entry sigil.

Point R
This belltower is protected by a Geth warding sigil. It is to be rung when the hunted (ie, you)
is killed. Since you just killed the hunter at Point Q you decide to be arrogant and ring it

Point S
Here is the Great Horned Temple. You need the six gatekeys found at Points B, F, H, J, K
and Q to enter. Inside, jump onto the large crescent moon symbol above you to exit the level
and continue on to Level 6.

Point T
A boat wreck can be found in this area, containing some useful items.
6Quick Walkthrough

1.All you learn in this level is the neonymic for Dagon which will hopefully help defeat him. It is a
relatively simple level although you must be careful of the Daedra Lords and Counts for they
are powerful foes. There are also many Clannfear and Herne wandering around but they are
easily dismissed. To exit you must find the Iya, Payem, and Tayem entry sigils and the 3
gatekeys. The sigils can be found on a number of mobs, not just the ones listed here.
2.You start at Point A.
3.Push over the nearest 'log' to the door at Point B to open it.
4.Kill one of the Daedra Counts near Point C to get an Iya entry sigil.
5.Push the two buttons on the platform at Point D.
6.Kill a Clannfear here to get a Tayem entry sigil.
7.Goto Point H and talk to Lord Imago. Get the three neonymics and a gatekey.
8.Talk to Xivilai at Point I. Threaten him with banishment and he'll give up a gatekey.
9.Enter the western mirror at Point J to teleport to Point K. Kill the mobs around to get a Cess
and Payem entry sigil.
10.Enter the southern mirror at Point J to teleport to Point L. Talk to Faydra at Point N. Banish
her to get another gatekey.
11.Return to Point H and insert the three keys into the green latern to activate the gate. Enter the
gate to move on to Level 7, Dagon's Hunting Lodge.
Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
This is where you start, arriving from Point S in Level 5

Point B
You find a large door in this area which can't be opened by normal means. You suddenly get
an idea and you push over the nearest pole to the door. The pole crashes against it and opens
the door.

Point C
You find a Daedra Count in this area who carries an Iya entry sigil.

Point D
On a platform in the middle of this large room you find two buttons which open the doors to
the east and west.

Point E
You notice two secret doors in this area, leading to a grand stash of weapons and armor.

Point F
In this room you find a Tayem entry sigil on the body of a Clanfear.

Point G
You find the mortal wizard Sirron Angada in this room, one of the traitors to Battlespire. After
watching him beg for his life for sometime you decide to avenge the deaths of the battlemages
and end his wretched life.

Point H
In this small castle you'll find the Daedra Lord Imago Storm. To enter you can sneak behind
the gate or open it by the switch(s) on either side (I snuck by, so I'm not 100% sure how it
opens). Using the Iya entry sigil you found at Point C you enter the elevator to the west. This
brings you to Imago who you converse with for a while. He tells you the neonymics of Dagon,
Xivilai and Faydra, allowing you to banish them to Oblivion for some time. He also tells you
that you need three gatekeys to activate the gate and leave this level. He gives you one key,
while the other two are on the Daedra Lords Xivilai and Faydra.

Point I
Here you find the Fire Daedra Lord Xivilai Moath. After threatening him with his neonymic
you received from Imago he gives you immunitity from his clan and one of the gatekeys.

Point J
In this room you find three mirrors which radiate strong mysticism magic, indicating that they
are some sort of teleporters. The southern one leads you to Point ?, the western to Point ?
and the northern to Point ?.

Point K
You arrive at this point from the western mirror at Point J. In this area you find a Herne
carrying a Cess entry sigil and a Clannfear carrying a Payem entry sigil. Return to Point J
through the mirror here.

Point L
You arrive here from the southern mirror at Point J. The mirror here also takes you back to
the same point.

Point M
A Payem warding sigil blocks the way here. You pass through using the entry sigil acquired at
Point K.

Point N
The Frost Daedra Lord Faydra Shardai is found here. After unsuccessfully trying to threaten
her with her neonymic acquired from Lord Imago you are forced to banish her to Oblivion.
She leaves behind another gatekey.7

Return to Point H
Returning to this gate with the three gatekeys, you insert them into the green lantern activating
the gate. You enter the gate and travel to Level 7, Dagon's Hunting Lodge.

Point O
(Note: This is optional but you can get some good items). You arrive at this point from the
northern mirro at Point J. The mirror here takes you back to the same point.

Point P
You find a trapdoor and a sign "Intelligent" Test here. You discover that the trap door leads
down to a deep pit filled with water. If you had fallen in without a teleport anchor set you
would have been doomed to a watery grave.

Point Q
Entering these two rooms, guarding with Cess warding sigils, with the entry sigil found at Point
K, you find a wheel in each room. These wheels open the room to the south which contains
two healing crystals and a good stash of magical items.
7Quick Walkthrough

1.This is the final level where you encounter, and hopefully defeat, Dagon. Proceed carefully
since there are many powerful opponents and you may fall/be pushed into the lava. To finish
you'll need to get the Sword of Moon Reiver, the Savior's Hide and the Lyr, Seht, and Neht
entry sigils. There are a few Dark Seducers and many Daedra Counts and Lords to face on
this level, so be prepared.
2.You start out at Point A. Read the scroll nearby for useful information. You don't the magical
items described but they are nice.
3.Jump across to Point C and kill the Dark Seducer there for the Sword. Make use of Jumping
potions helps.
4.Make your way to Point H. Say "Lehmekweh" to lower the bridge.
5.Activate the crossbow device at Point I to cross the chasm.
6.If you don't have the Saviors Hide from Level 5, talk to the Wraith at Point J.
7.Make you way to Point K. One or several of the mobs up there has the Iyr entry sigil so you
can pass.
8.Inside the building find the Neht and Seht entry sigils. They can be found on the mobs on in
some of the chests possibly.
9.On the top level touch the purple balls to activate the teleporter. This brings you to Dagon's
10.Put on the Saviors Hide and wield the Sword of Moon Reiver. Talk to Dagon. Attack him as
soon as you finish or you will die. That's it, enjoy the ending sequence.
Detailed Walkthrough

Point A
This is where you start, arriving from Point H in Level 6, you find a scroll here, presumably
from the Dremora. It contains a number of useful things: description of some powerful magical
items found on wraiths, that a Dark Seducer is Dagon's body guard and carries the Sword of
Moon Reiver which you'll need to banish Dagon. Also that the three Lieutenants of Dagon
carry the three entry sigils you will need to reach Dagon. Vatasha is being guarded by Dagon
himself, and the scroll warns of some sort of trap. It turns out you'll need the Saviours Hide,
the Sword of Moon Reiver as well as Dagon's neonymic and the help of your two nocturnal
daedra friends (btw, if you left the Saviours Hide armor back on Level 5, don't worry, you
can get it back again here).

Point B
You find a wraith here carrying the Long Bow of Heaven's Hail. By the scroll you found at
Point A you know the bow is deadly accurate with both arrows and spells.

Point C
On this 'island' you will find Dagon's bodyguard, a Dark Seducer carrying the Sword of
Moon Reiver. I got here by jumping with the help of a potion of jumping. I'm not sure if there
is any other way.

Point D
You find a wraith here who carries the Boots of Peace. By the scroll found at Point A you
know that these greatly enchance the hand-to-hand skill (with other items I got up to 150%
hand-to-hand, 23-25 points damage).

Point E
You find yet another wraith here, carrying the Helmet of the Poor. According to the scroll
found at Point A this helm makes the user resistant to magical attacks. The tower at this point
appears to serve no useful purpose.

Point F
Coffer of restoration.

Point G
Another wraith is found here, carrying the Helmet of Light Within. this helm is supposed to
allow the user to draw spell points from his opponents but it didn't work that well. There are
also two healing crystals alongside the tower here.

Point H
There is a switch here which is bound to someones name. On a whim you try the Protonymic
of Dagon, "Lehmekweh" (which you also find on a number of scrolls on this level). The bridge
descends allowing you to pass.

Point I
There is large crossbow device sitting here. When you activate it you find it shoots a rope
across the cavern allowing you to pass safely. You may jump back across on use the
teleporter later on to return. Watch the 'thorns' later on near here, since they do damage (I
was thrown into the lava several times).

Point J
You find a strange wraith here, unlike the others. Talking to it you find it is some sort of agent
from you Daedra friends. It gives you the complete set of the Savior's Hide if you forgot to
bring it with you.

Point K
You find a large force of Daedra on the top plateau here. Among them you find a Lyr entry
sigil. The teleporter pad here brings you to Point L. Passing through the Lyr warding sigils
here brings you very close to Dagon. After killing the several Daedra Lords you should find a
Neht and Seht entry sigil allowing you to pass to the lift. The lift brings you to another room
which contains a teleporter which can be activated by touching the floating purple balls.
Stepping into the beam brings you to the room containing Dagon and Vatasha. Put on the
Saviors Hide armor and wield the Sword of Moon Reiver. Talk to the Lord of Daedras.
After, your two Nocturnal friends should appear. As soon as your done talking attack Dagon.
It only takes one hit to kill him, end the game...and enjoy the finishing sequence. If you don't
attack right away you will die after a few seconds (you can do nothing to prevent this).

Point L
Destination of Teleporter at Point J.

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