Amnesia - The Dark Descent

Amnesia - The Dark Descent

18.10.2013 02:55:04
Title: Amnesia: The Dark Descent
Date: September 13, 2010
System: PC, Mac
Author: Adenosine
E-mail: (Remove NOSPAM@ to contact me).
Version: 1.10

V 1.10 - September 13, 2010, Added another solution to
"Escape From The Cell"

- Added "Cell Escape Solution 2"

V 1.00 - September 13, 2010

Table of Contents:

Part 1
- Introduction
- Preparation
- Basic Controls
- Basic Strategy

Part 2
I. Following The Liquid Trail
II. Secret Door in the Local History Room
III. Exiting The Archives
IV. Trip to The Laboratory
V. Chemical Hunting
VI. Creating The Acid
VII. Trip to The Refinery
VIII. Cellar Archives
IX. Back Hall
X. The Machine Room Key
XI. Elevator Parts Hunting
XII. Fixing The Elevator
XIII. Prison Exploration
XIV. Prison Northern Block Exploration
XV. Cistern Exploration
XVI. Cistern Control Room
XVII. Morgue and The Vaccine
XVIII. Sewer Exploration
XIX. Escape From the Sewer
XX. Nave Exploration
XXI. Collecting The Orb Pieces and Agrippa's Tonic Ingredients
XXII. Escape From The Cell
XXIII. Making Agrippa's Tonic
XXIV. Assembling The Orb
XXV. Facing Alexander

Part 3
- Extras
- Thanks

Part 4
- Copyright Information

Part 1


Hello once more horror fans! Welcome to Amnesia: The Dark Descent! This is
truly a game that can give you genuine fear from start to finish. You play
as Daniel, a man who wakes up in a castle and has no recollection of what
he is doing there or who he is. His only reality is that there is no other
way out and he has to explore the castle on his own in an effort to
uncover the mystery of his lost memories and the castle itself.

The game is very atmospheric. Rays of light penetrate the beautiful
windows of the castle early on, only to be replaced by an embracing
darkness as you make progress in the castle. Creepy sounds such as the
gust of wind blowing to creaking doors can be heard. Are you truly alone
in this castle, or is there someone else?

Tension builds slowly as moans and angry howls start to be heard. What
is it that is making those sounds? Why is the source getting nearer and
nearer? You know that whatever it is, you don't want to be seen by it.
Where can you hide? The darkness that is the source of your fear will
have to do as your temporary security blanket as whatever it is hunting
you passes by nearby.

Fortunately for you, there are candles and lamps that you can light up
in the castle to make your exploration less taxing, but for how long
can you keep your sanity? Were the things you heard just your imaginings?
Was that figure that saw slowly shambling around the corner just a
product of your anxiety?

Whatever happens, there is only one way to learn the truth, and that is
to gather as much courage as you can and brave on into the darkness.


The first thing that you have to know about this game is that there is no
way of fighting back against whatever thing it is that is hunting you.
Your only options are to run away or hide in a room or a closet. Sometimes,
you can also hide in the corner where there is darkness to avoid being

Sanity plays a big role in the game. The more you stay in dark areas
without a light, the worse your sanity gets. Sanity is represented in the
game by how clear your vision is and how easy you are to control. The
worse the condition of your sanity is, the more your vision tends to
blur and become wavy, and you become harder to move around, as if you're
drunk. Your sanity is sometimes forced by the game as part of an
important situation, but sometimes you can recover it slowly by staying
near lights.

Before you begin exploring the castle, it is important to make sure that
the key configuration suits you well. Make sure that the controls to
running, leaning left/right, crouching, and bringing up the lantern are
easy for you to do.

Basic Controls:

You are just a simple human being with amnesia. You have no super powers,
and you don't even know how to use weapons. Your only hope of survival is
through your stealth, agility, and intelligence.

Picking Up Objects - left click on anything where your mouse cursor becomes
a hand and you will be able to pick it up by moving the mouse.

Moving Picked Up Objects Nearer Or Away - left click on anything where
your mouse cursor becomes a hand, click on the thing to pick it up, and
then move the mouse wheel towards or away from you to move the object
the same.

Throwing Objects - pick up any object and then right click.

Moving Objects - some objects are too heavy to pick up, such as huge
rocks and wood used as framework. To move heavy objects, left click on it
and then move in the direction you want to push or pull it.

Running - simply hold down the run key as you move around.

Basic Strategy:

1. When staying in a room, always close the door behind you.

You never know when a monster might suddenly wander around nearby and
spot you. It is good practice to always shut the door behind you to
avoid being discovered. Even if a monster senses you and starts making
sounds, it'll take a few seconds for it to break down the door to your
room, giving you enough time to hopefully hide in a dark corner or
inside a cabinet.

2. Always leave one of a cabinet's door open.

When you are in a room, find a cabinet and leave one of its doors open.
If ever you hear a monster approaching, you can quickly hide inside and
wait until the monster leaves the room.

3. Always leave doors to potential hiding places open.

As you explore the castle, you will encounter long hallways. There are
times in the game when a monster will suddenly wander around and you'll
have to quickly find a hiding place. Having the doors already open will
save you time so that all you have to do is concentrate on shutting the
door tight behind you and quickly finding a dark corner or a cabinet to
hide in.

4. Conserve tinderboxes and oil.

Tinderboxes are used to light up candles and lamps, while oil is used to
light up your portable oil lamp. You will only be able to find a few of
these so don't waste them all in just one area.

5. Light up important areas.

Since you are on limited supply of tinderboxes and oil, only light up
areas that could serve as a place to regain your sanity. Good places to
light up are inside rooms where it's relatively safe so that you can
actually spend some time regaining sanity, and corners of hallways so
that you'll have a better view of what might be there.

6. Open all drawers, check behind/under grouped objects.

Some tinderboxes and oil can be found inside drawers or behind objects
that are grouped together, such as barrels. Always open and check behind
or under anything that could be moved to find these important supplies.

7. Don't panic.

It's dark and you think you saw a monster. Don't panic because it will
cause you to make mistakes or even bump into the thing. Just remember
that you have a plan for such situations, such as quickly hiding into
a nearby room which you already prepared beforehand.

Part 2

I. Following The Liquid Trail

After starting the game, we find out that Daniel is in a hazy state. He's
trying to force himself remember stuff, such as where he lives and what
his name is. He also says that his mission is the kill Alexander. After
walking around, he falls unconscious.

Later on, he wakes up and you gain control of him. Look around you.
Something will be written to your journal. Press J to open your journal
and then choose Mementos. This is where your current objectives are
listed. Currently, it tells you to "Follow the liquid trail and its

Before we follow the trail, beside you is a door. Go near the door and
left click on it and hold it. Move your mouse forward and backward to
get a feel of how to open a door. Go inside. You'll find a table with
a candle and a tinderbox on it. Grab the tinderbox. You can also try to
experiment how to hold an object and rotating it. Try it on the chair
just so you know how it works.

When you're done experimenting in the room, it's time to go back out.
From the room, turn right and head straight into the next area. It's
a hallway with suits of armor. If you go near a suit of armor, you can
actually pick up the helmet part for fun. There is a large door at the
end but you can't open it.

Follow the pink liquid trail on the ground into the next area. Whoa! a
gust of wind blows open a door! On your left is a cabinet. Open it and
you'll find another tinderbox. Now let's go inside the room that the
wind blew open.

Inside this room is a well lit area. You might want to check out the
other objects that you can pick up and play around with them. Wine bottles
break if you throw them. There's also a tinderbox on the table so grab it.

Go back out of the room and continue forward. Near the liquid trail is
another cabinet so open it. There's another tinderbox for you to take.
Continue following the trail and go through the door.

Move up the stairs and continue moving forward. Midway through the hall,
you'll hear a very loud sound and fall over. After getting up, continue
on your way and you'll find the next room where a cabinet has fallen over.
Move forward and another door will open on its own. Before that, look to
the right and you'll find a small dark room. Go in it and go to the end
where a shelf is. Another tinderbox is there for the taking.

Get out of the dark room and now go inside the room that opened on its
own. Yikes! The lights suddenly died on their own! Get out of the room.
To your right is a cabinet, open it. Too bad there's no tinderbox inside,
but it's a good habit to open every cabinet you find anyway, in case a
random spawn of tinderbox is in there.

Continue to follow the trail which leads downstairs into the Old Archives.

Old Archives

Continue following the trail, and as you turn right, another gust of wind
blows the lights out and another door opens. Enter the room and go down.
In the middle shelf just in front of the water puddle are two tinderboxes,
grab them.

Get out of the room and continue following the liquid trail into the next

Inside this room, you'll find a lantern/oil lamp, which is one of your
most important belongings in the game! Don't leave without it!!!

Upon entering this room, another gust of wind blows. Follow the trail to
the table and on the ground, you'll find a lantern. If you're facing the
table, to the left is a chest. Open it. This is the first chest of the
many that you can open throughout the game. A tinderbox is inside so take

Follow the trail into the next room. Another earthquake with a weird sound
will rock the castle. Continue moving forward and you'll find a furnace
in the room, as well as a cabinet. Open the cabinet and you'll find one
more tinderbox. You can also open the furnace. There will be furnaces
later on in the game that are not lit, and sometimes they contain
tinderboxes inside.

When you're done, follow the trail and enter the next room. You'll
automatically look at the table. You'll see two items on it, a piece of
paper and some oil that you can use to fill up your lantern. Grab the
oil and then read the paper.

We find out that Daniel apparently wrote this letter to himself. He drank
a potion that made him forget a lot of things, but reminds himself in the
letter to always hate Alexander. He tells himself that he has to kill
Alexander, who is an old guy located in the Inner Sanctum of the castle.
Strangely, the letter also states that a "shadow" is hunting Daniel down.
There is no other way to fight it, so his only choice is to hide from it.

There's nothing else left in the room to be picked up. On the left side
of the room is a level on the wall. Pull it down and a nearby shelf will
move. Move in there and go through the door to the Entrance Hall.

Entrance Hall

Move up the stairs and continue forward and to the center where a circle
is on the ground. A flashback occurs. You'll also see some red liquid
trail to the right of the circle, going down stairs. Follow it as the
flashback plays and open the door.

We learn that this is the path to the Refinery through the flashback. At
present, there's a weird red organic matter that's blocking the way. Get
near it and something will be written in the journal. Open your journal
and read the Memento for your next objective.

You'll need something to dissolve the red organic thing, so let's get back
to exploring. Exit the room, go up the stairs and turn right. Move
forward and you'll find another flight of stairs. Go up the stairs. As
you go up, you'll hear a girl panic. Don't mind it for now, it's probably
just your mind playing tricks on you.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs, turn right and move forward. You'll
find a red door to the Archives. Before we enter, if you'll notice,
there's another flight of stairs going down to the right, just before
the door to the Archives. Go down and on the stairs, you'll find a
tinderbox. Go back up and this time, we can now enter the Archives.


Upon entering, you'll notice that to the right is a door. The sign says
"Libra Rari" or "Rare Books". Enter the room and on the table you'll
find a piece of paper. Pick it up.

We find out that Daniel was on an expedition in Africa with a certain
Professor Herbert. They were looking for a tomb related to the "Tin Hinan",
translated as "The Mother of Us All".

Get out of the room and go inside the one in front of us called "Catalogi"
or "Catalogues". On the shelf in the left corner is a note. Pick it up.
It's just a 3 year contract for a man named Wilhelm, employed by

Open the drawers of the table and you'll find a tinderbox. To the right of
the room is a door. Go through it and you'll be in the hallway. Across
you is the "Studium" or "Study". Go inside.

On the far side is a table. Open the drawers and you'll find another
tinderbox. There's also a piece of paper on the table so pick it up.

It's a continuation of Daniel's expedition diary. We find out that on
that day, he took some people with him to explore the underground passage
and they found an ante-chamber. A rock suddenly blocked their way so
he ordered his men to raise it. As he got through, the rock came down and
he was trapped.

After reading, go through the other door in the room. You'll be in the
hallway once more. The door in front of you leads to "Libri Veteres" or
"Old Tomes". Go inside it.

Whoa! A book suddenly fell on its own! Behind the table is a chest and
a furnace. Open the chest to get a tinderbox and oil. Open the furnace
to get a tinderbox. Get out of the room and back to the hallway.

Turn right and you'll see another door. It's the "Historia Loci" room or
"Local History". You can't open it and something will be written in your
journal. You'll have to find another way in. Turn right and continue down
the hall into the next area. You'll be in a very large room. To your right
is a piano. Go near it. Eek! It closed on its own! Maybe it doesn't want
you touching it.

Anyway, from where you came in before you looked at the piano, turn left
and move forward. To the left is a room, go inside. Continue on your way
and you'll find a table on the right. It has a bottle of oil on top of it
so grab it. Move on and you'll find a room to the right called "Delineatae
Imagines Tabulatis", or simply the room for the "Floor Plans". Enter it.

Go to the middle of the room and look to the left. You'll find a board
with paper on it. You'll have another flashback where Daniel and Alexander
are talking about weaknesses in the structure that have to be reinforced
due to the shadow. Anyway, on the far corner of the room is another chest.
Open it and take the oil and the tinderbox inside. Get out of the room.

The next room is called "Tabulae" or "Maps". Before you can even set foot
inside, the ceiling from where you came in from collapses! Anyway, go
inside the room and check the table. Open the drawers first and you'll
find a tinderbox. On the table is another piece of paper, read it.

Daniel collapses after picking up the paper. An interactive flashback
occurs. As Daniel narrates, you'll see a glowing light in front of you.
Move forward and you'll find some sort of orb. Grab it with your hand and
it shines even more. Daniel gets up soon.

Get out of the room and look on the wall to your left. You'll notice that
on the corner it is badly damaged. Touch it and it will tell you that it
is fragile but not breakable by hand. Look around in the hallway and find
something to throw at it and it'll break open.

***ALTERNATE SOLUTION******************************************************
Instead of throwing something on the weak spot of the wall, you can simply
keep on left clicking it and it will eventually break.

After the wall breaks open, jump into the next room and another flashback
occurs. It's Daniel and Alexander talking about some secret room
mechanism in the Local History room.

II. Secret Door in the Local History Room

Now is our first real puzzle to solve. Before anything else, the shelf in
front of you has an oil bottle, so pick it up. On the far left side of the
room is another piece of paper inside a glass case. Pick up a book or
something else, and then throw it at the glass case. It will break and
you'll be able to pick up and read the paper.

On the other far side of the room is a shelf where if you get too close,
you'll notice that there's another room behind it. The way to make this
shelf move is by pulling three books fast enough.

The first book is on the shelf to the left from where you entered this
room. Don't worry, the three books all look the same and are very easy
to spot. It's the bright colored book that is simply screaming to be
pulled out. Pull the first book and you'll hear the mechanism to start

The second and third books are on the shelf facing the main door on the
other side. The second book is near the secret door, while the third book
is near the glass cases. Pull them quickly and the secret door will be

Go inside this new room and you'll notice that there is a cabinet to the
left. Open one door of this cabinet, just leave it open. Before taking
the key, check the tables drawers. You'll find another piece of paper
you can read.

It seems that Wilhelm and his gang have been kidnapping people and the
sheriff's after them. The writer of the note contemplates of locking them
up because they can't seem to stay out of the public eye and they would be
endangering his research.

After reading the note, go ahead and grab the key on the table. It's the
key to the Wine Cellar, which we'll need later on. Oh no! Something just
busted the door open! Fortunately it's nothing!

III. Exiting The Archives

Get out through the newly busted open door. Turn left and head on straight.
Yikes! Something just growled! Quickly run back to the Local History room
then into the secret room, and finally hide in the cabinet that you left
open! Wait for awhile until you think whatever it is has moved away.

Get out of the cabinet and exit the Local History room. Turn left and go
to where you heard the angry sound earlier. It's gone! Now we can exit
the Archives. Turn right to where the piano is and move forward. You'll
find another hallway to your right so go there.

You might suddenly encounter another sound from whatever it is. If you do,
quickly run back to the secret room and hide in the cabinet and then wait
a while. When you think it's safe to go out, then go back to that hallway
and then you can finally exit back to the Entrance Hall! If you are near
the exit and you hear another sound, just make a run for it!

IV. Trip to The Laboratory

As soon as you exit the Archives and arrive at the Entrance Hall, the
area around the door will suddenly transform into the red organic matter!
Don't touch it, just run forward and try to jump over it. Those things
will hurt you!

After you've gotten past them, move to the far other end, then go down
the stairs. Turn right and then go down the stairs again. You'll have two
directions to go, left and right. To the left is the Wine Cellar. To the
right is the Laboratory. Let's go to the laboratory first.


Move forward and head down the stairs. As soon as you reach the ground,
turn right and go to the left corner. Oh no, a growl! Nothing to worry
about. You'll find a bottle of oil near the fallen shelf in the corner.

To the left of the stairs you'll find some barrels and shelves in the
corner. Jump on top of the barrels and you'll find another bottle of oil
on the top of the shelf.

Go into the next room and down the stairs. To your right, you'll find
a chest hidden by the crates. Open it to get a tinderbox. Move the crates
around and you'll find another tinderbox in the corner.

Move into the main room and look to the right. There's a table with
equipment there. There's also a note on the table so pick it up. It tells
you that the chemicals in the lab have been transported to the Wine Cellar.

Before we go hunt for the chemicals, we'll need to get a few things from
the lab first. On the shelf opposite the equipment table, there's a bottle
of oil for you.

Look into the red grating on the ground. You'll have a flashback where
Alexander speaks of some ingredients. On the other side of the room is
another furnace. Open it and grab the tinderbox. Open the drawers of the
table in front of the furnace and you'll get a tinderbox. You'll also find
a strange canister which seems to act like a flashback diary.

Touch the strange canister and you'll read about somebody who wants to
go home to his lover. The person also states that while others only want
power, all he wants is fair judgment.

After "reading" the canister, pick up the Chemistry Pot on the table and
then read the note there. It's a note that says if you combine four
chemicals, you'll be able to create a strong acid.

Now that we're done with the laboratory, it's time to head to the Wine
Cellar to get the four chemicals!

V. Chemical Hunting

Get out of the main laboratory and then up the stairs, then go through
the door to the Entrance Hall. Once you are back in the Entrance Hall,
simply move forward then down the stairs and you'll reach the door to
the Wine Cellar.

The Wine Cellar's door is locked, but don't worry, we already have the
key! Press TAB and find the Wine Cellar Key in your inventory. Double
click on it and you'll notice that it has become your cursor! Click on
the Wine Cellar door and it will be unlocked!

Wine Cellar

Move forward and go down the stairs. Another weird sound! Nothing to worry
about. As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you'll hear a bunch of
Wilhelm's men being happy because of the wine despite being locked in.

Look at the wall to the right, there's a map of the place. While looking
at the map, turn right and let's enter that room.

Inside this room in the corner is an oil barrel. Use it to fill up your
lantern if you need to. On the shelf nearby is a tinderbox. On the
other end of the room is a table in the corner with another tinderbox.

There's also a fallen table and near it is one of our chemicals. Get the
bottle of chemical and another earthquake occurs. A barrel falls and
Daniel gets knocked out for a while. After waking up, you'll see that the
door is now blocked by rocks and wood. Move the rocks and the wood away
and get out of the room.

If you're interested to know what chemical we just picked up, press TAB
and we'll find out that it's called Calamine.

Anyway once you're out of the room, turn left and we'll enter that room.
Upon entering, the door to your left will start banging! Nothing to fear!
Open the door and enter the room.

You'll be greeted by pieces of strange meat on the floor. Touching them
only makes a squishy sound. Continue on and explore the room. Another
flashback occurs where Wilhelm and gang start dying horrible deaths.

Open the chest in the middle of the room for a tinderbox. To the left is
another room. Inside, you'll find a cabinet and a table with another
chemical and a note. Read the note.

It's Wilhelm's final words! He finally exposes that he's become a
kidnapper for hire, and in return, Alexander would say good things about
him that will help him get a better place in society. Unfortunately, they
all got locked up in the Wine Cellar by Alexander. Somehow, they're all
dying in weird ways, but he has accepted this as a form of punishment
for all the bad things that he has done.

After reading his touching letter, grab the chemical, which is Aqua Regia.
Get out of the room and you'll be back to where the stairs are. Move to
the map on the wall. We'll enter the door next to it.

Inside is a very simple room. There is a table and a chemical bottle sits
on top of it. Grab the chemical. It is called Cuprite. You'll hear another
weird sound, but it's nothing to worry about.

Get out of the room and turn right. Move along the wall and you'll reach
another door. Try opening it. Another weird sound is heard and the door
won't open. Just continue moving along the wall to the next door.

Enter the room. Turn left and move forward. On the shelf in the corner
is a bottle of Laundanum. Laundanum is a potion that restores your health
a little bit whenever you are damaged.

Oh no!!! After picking up the Laundanum, a monster somehow shows up! Near
the door we came from! DO NOT LOOK BACK! The more you look at it, the more
it will notice you! Turn off your lantern as well because it will attract
its attention! Just look at the wall while you're crouching in the corner
and listen for his sounds. Hopefully he'll leave you alone soon.

You can check if he's still around by quickly looking behind you, then
leaning to the right to see if he's still standing around. If he is, just
continue looking at the wall. Check back every 10 seconds or so and
eventually he'll disappear.

Once he is gone, it's time to move forward. You might want to light
one of the torches near the door to make your vision less hazy. Anyway,
move on forward to the other part of the room.

Whoa! Some stuff starts falling through the hole on the ceiling. Continue
on. To the right from where the stuff fell is a torch. In front of the
torch is a shelf with a tinderbox on top. To reach the tinderbox, move
some crates in front of the shelf to create stairs you can jump on. There's
also another tinderbox on the other shelf near to the torch which can be
easily grabbed.

Move into the next room which has a lot of wine bottles. The shelf directly
in front of you has a tinderbox at the bottom. Move forward and the
area with wine bottles to the left has another shelf with a tinderbox
near the corner. Continue on to the last corner of the room and you'll find
another tinderbox and the last chemical called Orpiment on the shelf.

Go back from where you came from and there's a door to your left. Open
the door and you'll see the stairs in front of you. Make your way up
and get out of the Wine Cellar!

After exiting the Wine Cellar, the area becomes full of the red organic
stuff! Run straight and enter the Laboratory quickly!

VI. Creating The Acid


Go down the stairs and back into the main laboratory room. Go to the
equipment table with the bottles and stuff. Now it's time to combine
our chemicals!

Press TAB and double click on one of the chemicals. It doesn't matter
which one you pick, as soon as you have chosen one, click on any of the
bottles in front of you and they'll fill it up. Do it to the rest of the

As you try to fill up all of the bottles, another angry roar is heard.
Don't worry about it and just put all of the chemicals in the bottles.

When you're done, turn the valve on the very left to the right. You can
do this by clicking on the valve and then rotating your mouse clockwise.
Suddenly, the flames will come out from under the chemical bottles.

Open your inventory and double click on the Chemistry Pot and click on
the bottles. Your chemistry pot will then be placed under a faucet
connected to the chemicals.

The final step to complete our chemical combination is the turn all of the
four valves above the chemical bottles in a clockwise direction. After
doing so, the Chemical Pot will be filled with glowing acid. Grab
it to have a pot of acid!

VII. Trip to The Refinery


From the main laboratory, go up the stairs. Oh no! You'll find that the
stairs have been destroyed due to the earthquake! There's a few possible
ways to solve this problem.

Broken Stairs Solution 1:

If you just got up from the main laboratory room, you'll see the now
broken stairs. To the left is a wall with rocks. Near it are two wooden
pieces of floor. Pick one up and put it near the torch in front of the
area without the railings above. It will automatically attach itself there
and you can climb up. Just left click when you see the ladder icon and
you will go to "climbing mode". Just move up and you'll start climbing
until you reach the top.

Broken Stairs Solution 2:

Similar to the first one, but this time, grab a wooden piece of floor
near the rocks on the wall, and then put it near the broken part of the
stairs. It will automatically attach itself and you can climb normally.

Broken Stairs Solution 3:

Some people might not have noticed the wooden pieces of floor, but there's
another way to surpass this challenge without using them. Grab some
barrels from the corner of the room and put them in front of the ground
where the stairs got broken. Next, grab a box and put it on top of a
barrel. Jump on the broken part of the stairs, then jump on the box which
sits on top of a barrel. Now you can jump forward to reach the higher
broken part of the stairs and proceed normally!

Now that you have reached the higher level again, let's exit the place and
head back to the Entrance Hall.

Entrance Hall

As soon as you get out of the Laboratory, run! Turn left and go back up
to the main Entrance Hall. Before we enter the Refinery, let's grab some
extra stuff first.

From the center of the Entrance Hall where the circle is, there's another
hall that we haven't visited yet. Check out this hall. On the left wall
is a chest. Open it to get a tinderbox and a bottle of oil. Proceed down
the hall and near the end, the last shelf has three boxes near it. Move
the boxes to reveal a hidden bottle of oil.

You can try to open the doors at the end, but suddenly those red organic
stuff will cover it. Go back to the main Entrance Hall and then move down
the stairs near the circle. Go through the door and we're back to the place
that the red organic stuff is blocking. Open your inventory, double click
on the Pot of Acid, and then use it on the red organic matter. Watch it
dissolve! Now move along and go through the door.


At least we're at the Refinery! Move forward and you'll have another
flashback of Daniel asking Alexander why it's so dark in the Refinery.

Continue moving and you'll eventually hear another weird sound. Just
move along and you'll reach an open room with giant barrels. As you enter
the room, you'll see a monster move in the next room. When it's gone, you
can continue moving forward as well.

The next room has a slightly open door to the left, with another door at
the front and to the right. Giant barrels are also here. Enter the slightly
open door to the left.

The room is just simple. The only thing of interest here is the shelf on
the left which has a bottle of oil. After getting the bottle of oil, turn
around and proceed through the next door.

It's another small room. There's Laudanum on the shelf, and a note on the
table. As you approach, the door to the next room gets blown open by
something. Nothing to worry about. Grab the Laudanum and read the note.

The note is about Daniel's return from Africa. He was forced to go back
home by Professor Herbert. He also found the broken orb, but somehow
couldn't put them back together.

After reading it, proceed to the next room. Don't bother with the door to
the left yet since we're not done with the area. Just move forward and
go through the slightly open door in front of you. The screen will turn
red and another angry growl is heard, nothing to fear.

When you're inside the new room, check the shelf on the right and grab
the tinderbox. Proceed to the next room. As you make it halfway through
the room, you'll hear an angry growl and the sound of something breaking
through a door. Nothing to worry about.

There is a table with a note on one side of the room, and there is a
shelf on the other side with a tinderbox at the bottom. Grab the tinderbox
and then read the note on the table.

We find out the Daniel's beginning to suspect something's strange about
the pieces of the orbs that he has. He asks a geologist about how rocks
change, and somehow felt at ease. Still, he finds the orb pieces bizarre.

After reading the note, go back to the previous room, and then to the
other. Go through the door and you're back to the long room where your
vision turned red. Look to the right and you'll find a bunch of boxes.
Move the boxes away to reveal a hole in the wall that you can crawl

Move forward and you'll find an oil barrel to refill your lantern with.
Turn left and continue and you'll find a trapdoor on the floor with a
rope attached to it. Don't worry about it for now.

To the left of the trapdoor is a shelf with a tinderbox. Grab it. The
left side of a room also has a chest under a torch. Open the chest and
grab two tinderboxes.

Now we're ready to open the trapdoor. Unfortunately, something is jammed
to the pulley so even if you turn the crank, it won't work. We have to
get rid of that stick jammed to the pulley.

Trapdoor Solution 1:

Grab a box and throw it at the stick that got jammed just above and front
of the trapdoor. The stick will break and you'll be able to turn the
crank to open the trapdoor.

Trapdoor Solution 2:

Get a few boxes or a barrel and make your own stairs to reach the stick.
Grab the stick and move the mouse around to break it. Turn the crank and
the trapdoor will open up!

Now that the trapdoor is open, it's time to get down there! Crouch and
fall through the trapdoor. Just keep going. You'll hear another roar but
it's nothing to be scared of. Go through the door to reach the Cellar

VIII. Cellar Archives

First Section

You are now in the Cellar Archives. As soon as you enter this room, quickly
run forward. You'll notice that suddenly the environment changes and water
fills up the room! This is not a good sign, but don't panic!

First, I'll describe the place so you'll have a general idea of what the
first section looks like. From where you begin, the hall goes straight
forward with some boxes around. There is also a room to the right which
is the first place that you should quickly go to because it has a lever
inside that opens a door at the very end. There are also books in this room
that you can throw in the water to distract the monster.

Anyway back outside, the hall continues going to the right, still with
some boxes that you can jump on to be safe from the monster. Midway there
are shelves with books that you can grab and throw to distract the monster.

The hall then continues going to the left where there is a gate at the
very end which you can only open by pulling the lever in the room near the

First Section Solution:

After the hall has been filled with water, quickly run and go into the
room to your right and immediately jump on one of the boxes! The reason for
this is that there is an invisible water monster chasing us! Your only
safe place is anywhere out of the water!

Look around the room, at the far wall is a lever, and nearby are books on
the shelves. There's only a few books that you can actually grab. Turn off
your lantern and jump on the boxes to make your way to the lever. Before
we pull the lever, it's best to know where we can grab a book from so we
won't waste time. The gate that the lever opens is only open for a limited
time, this is why we need to do everything very quick and precise!

When you're ready, pull the lever and quickly grab your book. Jump on
the boxes and make your way to the box nearest to the door. The water
monster will be following. We need to get out of the room without being
killed. Throw the book to the faraway corner of the room and wait until
the monster is near the book, then quickly get out of the room, turn right,
jump on the boxes and make your way forward to the far away box!

Now the hall turns to the right. Continue jumping from box to box. There's
a bookshelf on the left wall but there's no book there. Jump to the box
near the right wall with another bookshelf. There are some books there
that you can grab.

By now the water monster will be on your trail and you'll see water
splashing from where you came from. Throw a book there as far as you can
to distract the monster. Once it's going after the book and it's not
near you anymore, quickly continue jumping forward.

The hall now turns to the left. Continue jumping and you'll see an elevated
platform that you can land and run on. At the end of this hall is the open
gate. Quickly go through the gate!!!

Second Section

As soon as you go through the gate from the first section, quickly turn
left and jump on the box! There's another water monster in this room! For
now you're safe and you can relax a bit to calm your nerves.

It's time to describe the room again. This is just one big room with a
gate to the left in the middle part of the wall. There aren't much boxes
you can jump on, and the central area is full of water.

To the left of the gate is a valve that you have to turn counter-clockwise
to open it. This is probably going to be the toughest part of this room.

On the boxes, you'll see some dismembered human limbs, and some torsos as
well. These things can be used as bait for the water monster. What happens
is when you throw these things, the water monster will chase them and
then EAT them! When the water monster is eating them, that's your only
chance to get in the water without being chased.

The water monster spends around 10 seconds eating a limb or torso. You know
that he is already eating when you hear it munching on them.

Second Section Solution 1:

(The Portable Floor Solution)

You're now on some boxes to the left from where you entered the second
section. Grab the bottle of oil nearby. You'll also notice three floating
smaller boxes. Our idea is to make a "portable" floor.

First, carefully land on one of the floating boxes. Next, grab another
box and put it in front of you. We are building the portable floor towards
the gate at the left side of the second section! Don't worry about the
water monster yet, it can't hurt you if you're not in the water!

Don't forget to always grab the box that is behind you as we make our
portable floor towards the gate. If you need a clearer example of how
our plan works, please take the example below:

We have: Box1, Box2, Box3

1. Land on Box1.
2. Walk on Box2.
3. Grab Box1 and put it in front of Box3.

We now have: Box2, Box3, Box1

Just repeat that process until we reach the gate and its valve.

Once you have reached the gate and the valve, start turning the valve
counter-clockwise until the gate is fully open.

Before we proceed, we need to distract the monster because in the next
part, we don't need to be too careful. We just need to rush!

Near the gate is another box with some dismembered limbs and torso. Grab
one of them, and then throw them away as far back into the room as you can.
Wait for the monster to start eating it (listen to the sound it makes),
then quickly run and proceed through the gate, open the door at the end,
then shut it behind you!

We're not done yet! We're in a small room. Quickly jump on the box to the
left and check the shelf for a Hollow Needle. Jump on the boxes and make
your way to the door in the front. Open your inventory and choose the
Hollow Needle and use it on the door.

The door is now finally unlocked, go through it to get to the Archive

Second Section Solution 2:

Unlike our Portable Floor solution, this one is a lot riskier and I really
don't recommend it, but it still somehow works so I included it here.

Again, from the starting place from where you entered the second section,
jump on the box to the left and grab the bottle of oil. You'll have some
limbs you can use to bait the water monster.

Look to the far left and you'll find the gate with the valve and some
boxes near the gate. Grab a limb and throw it to a far away corner of the
room. Wait for the water monster to eat it. Quickly run towards the boxes
near the gate and jump on them. The water monster will probably be done
eating its meal.

This is the risky part. You only have around three limbs that you can use
as a bait, that means only three chances for you to open the gate in a way
that you can simply crouch, go through the gate, and then make a run for

First, grab a limb and throw it far away. Wait for the monster to start
eating and then get into the water and quickly turn the valve counter
clockwise as fast as you can. If you hear the monster suddenly chasing,
stop what you're doing and jump back on the box!

Next, throw another limb far away and simply repeat the procedure. By the
third limb you should have opened the gate high enough for you to be able
to crouch and enter. Quickly run to the door and shut it behind you!

We're not done yet! We're in a small room. Quickly jump on the box to the
left and check the shelf for a Hollow Needle. Jump on the boxes and make
your way to the door in the front. Open your inventory and choose the
Hollow Needle and use it on the door.

The door is now finally unlocked, go through it to get to the Archive

Archive Tunnels

No time to stop! That water monster is still after us! Quickly run forward
and open the door, then shut it behind you! Continue running! Open the
door again and shut it behind you!

Turn left and run! There's a door midway to the left, go inside and shut it
down! Run and jump over the obstacles!

Go through the door, turn left and run! Jump over the obstacles again and
then go through another door! Don't forget to close it!

Turn left and continue running and you'll eventually reach the Back Hall
door. Go through it!

IX. Back Hall

Congratulations! You just got through one of the most nerve wracking
gameplay moments in history ever! You are now in the Back Hall, safe from
the horrible water monster!

The Back Hall is a beautiful place that actually looks like a part of a
castle. An interesting fountain adorns the center of this place, featuring
a creature with a human baby's head spitting out water, having the body
of what seems like a centipede. Feminine legs are also part of the fountain
but it is missing its other half.

As you make your way up the stairs and to the center of the area, the door
to your left blows open. Don't worry about it yet. It just leads to the
Machine Room and the Elevator. The problem is, the Elevator is not working
and the Machine Room is inaccessible. We'll need a few parts to make the
Elevator work.

The area has four doors. While still facing the fountain, to our left is
the Elevator area. To the right is a door that leads down to the Storage.
Behind us is another level of the area, reachable by stairs. We have the
Guest Room and the Study.

Now from the fountain, look behind us. There's an area with chairs near the
stairs. Go there and you'll find a chest. Open it to get a bottle of oil
and two tinderboxes.

The first room that we'll visit is the Guest Room. Use the stairs on the
left to get up to the next level. The first door on our left is the Guest

X. The Machine Room Key

Guest Room

What a mess! As soon as you enter, Daniel gets a flashback. It seems that
his journal went missing. There's a table in front of you with a note
so pick it up and read it.

The note just tells the story about Abdullah who survived what seemed like
a very horrible massacre. As they checked on Professor Herbert's camp, they
found nobody left.

Don't forget to check the table's drawers, there's a Laudanum inside. The
second shelf to the right of the table has a bottle of oil that you can
take. Don't bother with the nearby door, it's shut tight so we'll need
to find something to open it. There's another room so go inside.

It's a bedroom! Check the table and grab the tinderbox at the bottom
and the crowbar on top. There's also a note on the smaller table so
read it.

In the note, it tells about how Professor Herbert was able to rescue
Daniel from being trapped for an hour. Daniel can't believe that he was
trapped for an hour because he knew that he was already suffocating within
minutes. It also tells that Professor Herbert got another orb, which leaves
Daniel wondering about the orb pieces that he has.

After reading, there's another tinderbox above the fireplace in the
bedroom. Grab it.

Go back to main Guest Room and now we can attempt to open the door that
we couldn't before. Open your inventory and use the Crowbar. Put it on
the door and you'll see it get attached there. Grab the crowbar and move
your mouse around until the door breaks open.

Enter the room and Daniel thinks about a key. Take note of the open
cabinet to your right! Now in front of you are drawers with a note on
top. As soon as you read the note, a monster breaks into the Guest
Room! Fortunately for you, there's a cabinet in your current room! Quickly
hide inside it and wait for the monster to leave. You'll know that he's
gone when you hear the door open and shut.

Now we have to find a key! Get out of the cabinet and look at the painting
in the room. Take the painting off the wall and a key in a bottle will be
revealed. Grab the bottle and throw it so it would break and release the
key. Take the key, it's the key to the Machine Room.

XI. Elevator Parts Hunting

Exit the Guest Room once you have the Machine Room Key.

Back Hall

Yuck! There's a torso in front of the Guest Room! That monster must have
been eating it before it tried to hunt us. Anyway, let's move into the
next room to our left called the Study.


Move forward and you'll see an open room to the right. Enter it. Look to
the left and you'll find a tinderbox on the shelf. Continue on and you'll
find a chest near the window. Open it for another tinderbox.

Get out of the room and move in to the room in front of you. There's a
note near the window on top of a table. Read it.

It's a note from a certain Agrippa, a teacher. He stole an orb and got
chased by a monster. He tried to get away and somehow, he was teleported
miles away from where he was. Whatever that was chasing him finally got
to him and took back the orb.

Get out of the room and continue on your way down the hall. You'll get to
an area where there are windows. The first window is weak, and it has
an oil bottle for you to take. Don't worry about the weak window for now.
Continue on and enter the room to your right.

It's a room where animals were killed! Turn to your right and go to the
table. A flashback occurs. In the flashback, you hear Alexander cutting
up animals.

Walk around the table at the center of the room, there's a note near the
decapitated dog's head and the candle. Read it. We find out that the
experiment is being done so that Alexander could harvest something from
the brain of humans and animals. In order to produce this, the victims must
be under fear and pain.

Go to the next room. Turn right and check the note on the table. It's just
about Alexander's frustration of not being able to get what he needs
because nobody else has tried what he's doing. Anyway, open the drawers
on the other table to get a tinderbox and a cute surprise.

Get out of the room and back into the hall. Continue on and you'll
find that the boulders are blocking your path. Now it's time to break
the weak window!

To break the weak window, just find something to throw at it, like a
decapitated dog's head.

***ALTERNATE SOLUTION*****************************************************
Instead of throwing something to the window, just keep clicking on it and
it will break, just like the crack on the wall we dealt with earlier in
the game.

Don't forget to take the bottle of oil before you go through the window!
Carefully land on the perch. There's a tinderbox on it so grab it as well.

Jump from perch to perch until you reach another open window that you can
go through.

Inside the room, there's another weird canister that glows. Touch it to
read what it has.

The author feels disappointed at a person named Agrippa, the guy who
earlier stole an orb. The author speaks about having lived for centuries
and feeling disappointed because he has done so much for Agrippa, yet
it was not him who entered the gate.

Go into the next room and you'll find an oil barrel to replenish your
lantern's supply. On the table is a note and a rod. Grab the note.

The note tells us about a certain setting to make the Elevator work. It's
8 up and 8 down. We should also look for the rods needed to make it work.
Fortunately, one is already on the table so take it. It's the Flow Cycle
Rod. It seems that we need two more rods.

Go into the next room and you'll find a chest on the left corner near
the painting. Open it for two tinderboxes.

Now it's time to exit the Study and back into the Back Hall. Get out
of the room and then go through the window, then carefully jump back from
the first window you went through. Make your way down the hall and go
through the Back Hall door.

Back Hall

As soon as you get out of the Study, turn right and go down the stairs.
Go to the fountain and you'll get another flashback. It's about Daniel
being forced to use a parasol, who feels quite embarrassed about the

Turn right while facing the fountain and go through the door. We're headed
down to the Storage room.


Go down the stairs. As soon as you reach the open area, Daniel will write
something in his journal. It's about the Storage being too dark that it
is not natural. Feel free to light some torches.

From where Daniel started writing in the journal, you'll see a table
in front of you. There are areas you can visit. To the left is a door,
in front of you (behind the table) is another hall, then there's also
one more hall to the right.

Before we go anywhere, get the tinderbox on the table at the middle of
this place.

Now let's go through the door to the left. Go to the right side of the
room and check the shelf, there's a tinderbox. Now go to the left side
of the room and in the middle shelf, you can find two tinderboxes. On
the shelf in the corner is a Drill Part. Suddenly you'll hear a monster
wandering outside! Don't worry yet.

Exit the room and go into the hall directly in front of us, not the one
to our left. Go down the stairs. As soon as you reach the ground, turn
right and move along. You'll find a door, enter it.

In the room, you'll find a table with a note on top and a tinderbox at
the bottom. Read the note. We learn that Agrippa, who is Alexander's
teacher, has prepared an explosive. The chemicals needed are in two large
vats, which are actually outside of this room. He also states that you have
to be careful of handling them because they're unstable.

Don't forget to grab the tinderbox after reading and get out of the room.
Keep moving while hugging the right wall until you reach the next room with
a slightly open door.

Enter the room and check the shelf on the left. There's a tinderbox. The
shelf on the other side of the room has another tinderbox. In the corner
of the room is a chest, open it to get a bottle of oil, a tinderbox, and

Exit the room and keep hugging the right side and you'll find another door.
Enter it and you'll find a tinderbox sitting on top of the box to your
right, and another tinderbox directly in front of you. Grab them both.

Behind the tinderbox that you just took and some boxes is another drill
part. Take it. Exit the room and keep hugging the right wall until you
reach another door.

Inside the room, the shelf on the right has two tinderboxes for you to
take. The first tinderbox can be grabbed normally. The second tinderbox is
placed on top of the shelf! To get it, just jump on the nearby table and
then jump again while aiming at the tinderbox. The moment you see your
cursor become a hand, click it and you'll be able to take the tinderbox.

Now check the other shelf and you'll find another Drill Part, the final
one that we need.

Open your inventory and then drag one Drill Part on top of another. This
will automatically assemble the completed part! Congratulations, you now
have a Hand Drill!

Exit the room and look at the giant vat to your right. It's the upright
vat that reads "Primary". Open your inventory and choose your Hand Drill.
Use the Hand Drill on the vat and it will start leaking!

Next, open your inventory and choose the Chemistry Pot! Use it on the vat
and you'll fill it with the chemical. Take the Partially Filled Pot and
we'll get the next chemical from the other vat in the room.

While still facing the giant vat that we just got the chemical from, turn
around. Behind that vat is another upright vat that we can drill. It's
called "Secondary". Drill it just like before, then use the pot to get
the chemical.

Congratulations, we now have the Explosive! Another growl will be heard
but it's nothing to be scared of. Now let's head up the stairs to where
we originally came from.

Upon reaching the top, let's head down the hall to our right, the last
unvisited area of this place. As we enter the hall, we get a flashback of
a woman crying and just wants to be left alone. Continue down the hall.

You'll find a room to your right but you can't open it so just don't
bother with it. Go down the stairs. Near the candle on the ground is a

Open your inventory and choose the Explosive. Use it on the boulders
blocking your way. You will automatically place it just below the rocks.
Grab a box or something else and go back up the stairs. Aim for the
Explosive and hit it with whatever you got. It will explode and the path
will be opened!

Continue on your path into the next area. You'll be in a room with a shelf
in front of you. There's a tinderbox there so take it. To your left near
the doorway to the next area is a bunch of barrels in a corner. Move the
barrels and you'll find a chest. Open the chest to get two tinderboxes and
a Laudanum.

Move on into the next area. You'll get another flashback and hear the girl
being harassed. Continue on and you'll be in a long room. There's a
slightly open door to your right. Enter it.

The room is full of dead pigs, or whatever they were. To the right is a
shelf with a tinderbox. In the corner are barrels. Move the barrels and
you'll find a bottle of oil. Exit the room.

As you exit the room, turn right and move on. Check the shelf on the right
for a tinderbox. Move forward. You'll see another room to your right. DO

Continue moving forward. The hall in front of us leads to the Machine Parts
area. We don't need to go there yet, we still have some stuff to collect.
Move around the table instead of going into the Machine Parts hall and
check the crates on the right side. Move them and you'll find a bottle of
oil. Look to the left where the long table is and you'll find another

Continue moving forward and check the right side, you'll find one more
tinderbox. Now we're ready to move on into the Machine Parts area!

Turn around and go to the Machine Parts hall. You'll get another flashback
of the girl, this time she's being cut and tortured. Continue on and you
will reach another area. Suddenly, the room will shake and there will be
fire in the middle. Nothing to worry about. There's a room to your right,
open the door and enter.

Move in and you'll find the last two Elevator Rods that we need on the
shelf, as well as a note. Read the note. It just talks about the first Rod
that we got from the study earlier. Take the last two Rods, the Trinity
Steam and the Four Phase Amplitude Rods.

YIKES! Suddenly you'll hear a monster get mad. Anyway, continue on in the
room and turn right. Behind the box is a tinderbox for you.

It's time to make our way back to the Back Hall, but be careful, a monster
is after us! Just a reminder, the moment we see a monster, we have to
quickly run back to the room where we got last two rods and hide!

First, exit the room where we got the last two Rods from. Turn OUT your
lantern! We don't want to be seen by whatever monster it is. Slowly make
your way forward from where the fire is and look in the hallway. Proceed
cautiously. On the part where the stairs are going down, you might see
a monster! At this point, quickly run back to the Machine Parts room and
hide for a while!

After a minute or two, slowly open the door to take a peek outside the
Machine Parts room. If the coast is clear, then get out and proceed
slowly once more. You might see the monster again and it might chase you!
Run back to the Machine Parts room then and hide in the corner! It might
even break down the door!

Check again if it's gone, then get out of the room. It might show up
again so just keep running back to the Machine Room and hiding in the
corner, even if your door has already been broken down.

After around two or three times encountering it, you might be safe for
a while. Head down the stairs coming from the Machine Parts hall and you'll
notice that the other door I warned you not to open because it has a
monster is now open! Go inside.

The shelf has two tinderboxes. To get the other tinderbox that's on the
a higher level, grab a box and jump on it to reach the tinderbox. On the
other corner of the room is another tinderbox resting with some sacks.

Get out of the room, make sure you your lantern it out just in case. Our
new hiding room would be the next room to our left after we exit the
one we are in. This is going to be the room with pigs hanging, so get that
room ready and remember where it is.

Anyway, continue on our way back up. Head up the stairs, just be careful.
If you encounter the monster again, simply run to the pig room and hide
with the dead pigs.

Another potential area where you will meet the monster is the place where
you blew up the boulders. You might see the monster just near the stairs
going up. If that happens, hide with the pigs in the pig room!

After your encounter with the monster near the stairs and you know he's
gone, just make a run for it! From where you are going out, the hall to the
Back Hall is straight ahead behind the table! RUN!!!

XII. Fixing The Elevator

Back Hall

Good job! You just got through another extremely scary situation! That
Storage area is one place where a lot of people either quit because of
fear or just stopped playing for a while.

Look around you. The castle is really transforming into something more
sinister. The beautiful Back Hall is becoming another red organic matter
world. It's time to fix that Elevator and continue on in the game.

After exiting the Storage, just run straight and open the door on the
other side. This leads to the Elevator and Machine Room. As you enter,
you'll get a flashback. It's Daniel talking with Alexander about the
wonders of the elevator.

To the left is the Machine Room and in front is the still non-functional
Elevator. Let's head left. Use the Machine Room Key on the Machine Room's
door. Enter it.

Machine Room

To your left are stairs going down, and front is an open room. Move forward
and go inside the room first. As you enter, to your left is a table with
a note on it. Read it.

In the note, Daniel states that he snuck into Professor Herbert's office
and stole some references to the matter of the orb. He also learned that
the geologist he talked to previously just died.

In the corner of the room are some boxes. There's a tinderbox on top of
one box, while another tinderbox is hidden behind the pipes.

On the wall is a machine with levers. They have roman numerals written at
the top and bottom. Remember the clue that we got from one of the notes?
It says "8 up, 8 down". Let us solve the riddle of the Pressure machine.

Pressure Machine Solution:

At the top, here are the roman numerals: III, III, V, I, II, IV
At the bottom, the roman numerals are: I, V, VI, V, II, II

The clue states that we need to have "8 up, 8 down".

This is no problem, we simply find the numbers that add to 8 together
so that there would be an 8 total above and below.

The answer is:

For the Top Part, Raise These Levers: III, III, no, no, II, no
For the Bottom Part, Lower These Levers: no, no, VI, no, no, II

Good job! Now the flow is even and stable!

After solving the Pressure Machine problem, get out of the room and let's
make our way downstairs. On the floor below, you'll find a room to the
left. Enter it.

On the right corner of the room is a chest. Open it to get two tinderboxes.
On the left side of the room is a table with a note. Read it. It just tells
about how Daniel was sent a letter by Alexander offering protection.

Anyway, on the wall at the center is another machine, and beside it is
a box with a note on top. Read the note. It's just another memo about where
the Rods were stored. Nothing important as we have all we need now.

Flow Machine Solution:

Get in front of the Flow Machine. You'll see three different shapes above
where you can insert the rods. Insert the following rods under these

Circle - Flow Cycle Rod

Triangle - Trinity Steam Rod

Square - Four Phase Amplitude Rod

The logic is easy. Cycle refers to the shape of circle. Trinity is formed
by three of something, and a triangle is formed by connecting three points.
Four Phase is the last and relates closely to the four points or sides that
a square has.

Good job, another puzzle solved!

Now, before we exit, take the orange gear that sits on top of the box to
the right of the Flow Machine. We're going to need this for another puzzle
on the floor below. Just carry the gear, go outside, then turn left, and
throw it downstairs. Grab the nearby gear resting on a pipe just outside
the Flow Machine room and throw it downstairs as well.

Go down the stairs and we'll solve the next puzzle to get this Elevator
running! Take the two gears you just threw and then throw them into the
next room.

Power Room Solution:

As soon as you enter the room with the big machine, turn left. You'll see
a barrel and a box. Behind them is another orange gear hiding. Grab it and
put it in the middle of the room with the two other gears you got.

Now that we're done with that, look at the table with the candle. There's
a note there, read it. It just speaks about Daniel's increasing fear. The
people he talked to about the orb were all killed, and he knows that
whatever it is, it wants him dead next. His only hope is Alexander.

Enter the next room. It has a lot of coal in there. Check the shelf on
the right to get a tinderbox. In the corner of the room is a barrel of
oil. Go ahead and replenish your supply.

On the ground, you'll find some balls of coal. Grab three balls of coal and
take it to the room with the large machine. Near the wall is a burner
with a lever. Open the hatch and put in the three balls of coal. It will
say that it is now full of coal. Close the hatch and pull the lever.

Next, on the other wall is a machine where it's missing the wheels. Well
you have the three orange wheels with you, so just grab the wheels and
put them close to where they'll fit and they'll be attached automatically.

To the left from where you put the wheels on the machine is a lever, pull
it. Good job! The Elevator is back in business!

Now make your way back up. The whole place will start to turn into red
organic matter! Just keep running and then get out of the Machine Room!

Back Hall

We're now back in the Back Hall. No point sticking around! Everything's
turning bad, so just head straight for the Elevator to our left! Enter it
and then pull the lever!

Unfortunately the elevator crashes.

XIII. Prison Exploration

After getting up, move forward and you'll have another flashback. Alexander
tells you that this is the prison where he keeps the criminals in. Move
forward towards the door. It's blocked by debris. Move the rocks and the
wood away so that you can open the door.

Go through the door and move forward. Something loud and frightening will
happen so quickly run back to your starting room and hide in a corner for
a while. After a while, continue on and go back into the prison hall.

You'll really be forced to light some torches or use your lantern here
since it's extremely dark. Anyway, just move forward and then take a
left. The sign above says "Area Cellas 1" Or "Cell Area 1".

You'll find three ways to go: right, straight up the stairs, or to the
left. Go left first. Move on and you'll find two doors. The one on the
right is broken. Enter it.

Inside this room with the broken door, there's a hammer under a bed, take
it. Go back outside and enter the room in front of you. You'll find a
bottle of oil in the corner. Now for the important part, remember this
room! This is going to be our hiding place if we encounter a monster all
of a sudden, so make the usual preparations for turning this room into
our hiding place.

Exit our designated hiding room and turn left. Move towards the door and
suddenly there will be a loud banging sound! Quickly hide in our room and
wait for a while. It may be nothing, it may be a monster, it's better to
be safe anyway.

Once you're ready, get out of our hiding place and go back to the place
where we can choose to either go up the stairs or into another hallway.
Don't go up yet, choose the other hallway, which we can access by turning
right a little and then we'll see that hallway.

Continue on this hallway, just remember where our hiding place is. At the
end of the hall is another blocked path, there's a tinderbox here so take
it. In the open room to the right is one more tinderbox for the taking.

Now get out of the room and head back into the hall. This time we are going
to go upstairs! Be ready for a monster encounter! First, head straight
back to where we came from, turn right, then we'll see the stairs going up.
To the left is the hall leading to our hiding room, remember that.

Move up the stairs, suddenly a monster walks into view!!! Quickly run to
our hiding place and hide for a while in the dark. Once you think you're
safe, get out of our hiding place and go back to the stairs and move up.

Once you're up there, you have two choices, you can go forward, or you
can turn right and take that hall. For now let's move forward. The chair
in front of us has a bottle of oil we can take.

Move forward and we'll have a door to our front, and a door to our left.
To the right is another hallway. Take the door to our left and enter it.
A flashback occurs. It's about some guy asking a girl where somebody went.
It seems that Daniel's involved and they're looking for a little girl who

Anyway, look at the ground and you'll find a Chipper. Go into your
inventory and combine the Hammer and the Chipper! Now it's time to get
out of this room.

Move forward and use the Hammer and Chipper on the door to the left. Go
inside. There is an oil barrel inside that you can use to refill your

Go back outside and turn left and continue on. The wind will suddenly
blow out all of the lights! No worries. You'll find another room to your
left. Go inside. You'll hear a monster growl so turn off your lantern.
In the corner of this room you'll find a bottle of oil and a tinderbox.
Wait for a while, there's a monster outside! Just hide in the dark
corner for a while.

After a minute of hiding or so, go back outside and then turn left.
There's a door here. Go inside.

Another flashback occurs. It's about a little girl from the flashback
earlier who doesn't want to escape without her mom. We also find out that
there's a hole in the floor. Push the bed aside and you'll see the hole.
Use the Hammer and Chipper to make the hole bigger then drop down.

XIV. Prison Northern Block Exploration

Prison Northern Block

You're in a tunnel. Keep moving forward. You'll reach a fork in the
tunnel. The left path is blocked, so choose the path to your right. You'll
find that the exit is blocked by rocks. Grab and throw the little rocks
away and push the bigger one outside. Get out and you'll be in the main

You have two choices, go left or go right. Choose left for now. The sign
on the wall says it leads to the Storage. Keep moving. Go up the stairs
and move along. You'll find that ahead of you is blocked by rocks, and
to your left is very dark. Move forward and you'll hear a growl. Turn out
your lantern and hide near the rocks. It could be a monster, or maybe just
sound. Anyway when you're comfortable again, go into that dark hallway.

The sign above says "Cell Area 3". Move on. You'll reach another hall
where you can go left or right. The sign on the wall points to the right
and says "Storage". Choose to go right into the storage. The hall will
turn left, and then you'll have two choices. Go straight or go right.
Choose to go right and a flashback occurs. You'll also notice that there's
an open door. Go inside that room quickly and turn out your lantern! A
monster will be bursting through the door in front of our room! Just
hide in a corner and wait for the monster to do his own wandering.

After a minute or two, it should be safe again. In the room where you are
currently hiding, check the table. There's a tinderbox and a note. Grab
the tinderbox then read the note.

The note just states how guilty Daniel feels because everybody he has
approached about the orb has died. Anyway, let's designate this room as
our hiding place for this part of the game.

Get out of this room then enter the room in front of us.

If the room in front of us still has its door intact, then the monster is
still there! In order to make the monster go away, just nudge at the door
to get its attention, then run back to our hiding place and hide. You'll
hear it destroy its door and then it'll wander around.

Inside the room where the monster was, is a wreck. There's another room
inside so go in. There's a bottle of oil inside so take it. On the far
left corner of the little room is a tinderbox. It's hard to see because
it's fallen and near a cloth.

Anyway get out of that room where the monster was and turn right. Move
on and then turn right again and continue. You'll have two options, move
forward or turn right. To the right is just a door with a strong padlock.
We can't open it with anything so don't bother going right for now. Just
go forward and move on.

You'll have two ways to go again, forward or to the right. Choose to go to
the right and move forward. You'll find two doors to your left and to your
right. Enter the door to your right. A flashback occurs. It's just about
a guy who's now regretting what he's done in prison. Under the table is
a tinderbox.

Get out of the room and go inside the room in front of you. Yikes! There's
a dead guy slumped over! He's naked too! Anyway, go check the floor and
you'll find a bottle of oil. Grab the tinderbox under the dead guy too.

Get out of the room and turn left then move on straight into the room at
the end of the hall. There's a note on the ground, read it. It just talks
about Daniel's meeting with Alexander.

When you're done reading, face the hall and move forward again. You might
hear a monster growl but don't worry, there doesn't seem to be anything

You'll have two choices again, turn left or turn right. Choose to go right.
Move along the hall and there's two ways you can go. Forward to the
Storage or right to the Kitchen. Turn right and move on. You're back
to where there are boulders blocking the path to the left, and you can
only go right. Go right and move on.

Go down the stairs and you might encounter a monster! Turn back and then
go right to the Storage. Go back to the room where we hid in when there
was another monster in the other room and it broke through the door. Let's
wait here for a minute or two.

Get out of the room that we're hiding in. Now that the Kitchen monster is
gone, we can find something that we need. From our hiding place, turn
right and move forward.

We have two options, turn left or right. Turn right and head down the
stairs. You'll find a room. Enter it.

Inside this room, to your left you'll find a chest. Open it and get one
bottle of oil and two tinderboxes. The shelf on the right also has two
tinderboxes for you. In the middle shelf is big Glass Jar. Take the
Glass Jar.

Get out of the room and go up the stairs. Careful, there might be a
monster. If there's a monster, just go back down and hide in the room
until it's gone.

When you reach the top of the stairs, turn left and move on. Turn left
again. Follow the hall and then choose to turn left. You're back to the
area with rocks on the left.

Turn right and continue forward. Continue down the stairs and move on.
We're now back to the starting area where there is a hole we crawled out
from. Move forward.

We have two choices, forward or turn right. To the right, we still can't
open the gate and the door won't budge, so don't bother. Move forward
and we're going to the Kitchen. Move up the stairs and open the door.

We're now inside the kitchen. Look at the table on the right and there's
a note. Read it.

The note speaks about Daniel being advised by Alexander on what really is
going on with the orb and the shadow. Alexander tells him that the shadow
is very slow as it hunts Daniel down, but it kills everything and anyone
who's been in contact with him. Daniel suggests about throwing it away,
but Alexander tells him that he would still be part of the orb and the
shadow will still hunt him.

After reading the note, check the fireplace to the left of the room, you
can take the bottle of oil there. As you approach the center of the room,
you will hear a loud growl! A monster is coming!

Quickly run to where the boiling green thing is at the far end of the room
and turn left. There are pigs hanging from chains again! Quickly crouch
and hide in the corner where the pigs are hanging. The monster eventually
breaks down the door to the kitchen. Just let around a minute or two pass
by as soon as the monster is inside.

Once the monster is gone, you can leave your corner and go to the boiling
green stuff in the drum. Open your inventory and choose the Glass Jar.
Use the Glass Jar on the boiling green stuff in the drum. Now, you have
a Glass Jar of Acid! We'll be able to weaken the locks and finally leave
this place!

Before leaving the kitchen, check the shelf near the boiling green stuff.
There's a Laudanum here. Make your way back and check the other shelf
in the middle of the room that you haven't seen yet. There are two
tinderboxes here.

Get out of the kitchen and move down the stairs. Move forward. Now we
have two choices, forward or turn left. Move forward. Turn right and
move up the stairs.

Turn right and continue on. We're back to where the rocks are blocking
the way. Turn left and continue. Turn right and continue to the

We now have two choices again, forward or right. Continue forward. As
we move along, we meet two choices again, forward or right. Turn right
and continue up to the end of the hall where there is a gate. Pick up
the tinderbox on the ground near the gate.

Open your inventory and use the Glass Jar of Acid on the gate. After the
locks are weakened, use the Hammer and Chipper on the gate. As soon as the
lock breaks, a monster will spot you! Quickly open the gate, close it,
then enter the door to the Cistern!

XV. Cistern Exploration

Good job on getting out of the Prison! That's another area where a lot of
people have given up on due to fear, but since you got out of it, you can
feel quite accomplished!

As soon as you enter the Cistern, you'll have a flashback of Daniel talking
to Alexander about how the sewers are being used as a means of transport.
Alexander also talks about how there are sometimes poisonous fungi at
times, but there's also a vaccine.

When the flashback is over, it's time to explore the place. In front of us
is a structure supporting a bridge above us. There are two more bridges
hanging in the air. Move forward and when you're near the center, look
to the right. There's a pipe spewing out oil. It's an "Oil Drainage".
Open your inventory and use the Glass Jar on it. It will be placed on
the ground and you can pick it up and have a Glass Jar of Oil

Continue into the hall where the "Oil Drainage" pipe is and go down the
stairs. Walk into the water and you'll find out that you can't continue.
You have to drain the water somehow.

Go back into the main Cistern room. Move around the structure at the
center and you'll find a lever and a ladder. Pull the lever. It will need
to be greased first since it's stuck. Open your inventory and use the
Glass Jar of Oil on it. After it's been oiled up, pull the lever again.
The pipe is blocking the ladder from fully going down.

Now we will make the ladder destroy the pipe! Instead of pulling down on
the lever, pull up. This will make the ladder go higher. When it's high
up there, pull down on the lever. It's working! The pipe is bending! Try
it one more time! Good job, now the ladder is working!

Click on the ladder to get on it and move up to climb. Once you're at
the top, move forward. Don't go through the door yet. To the door's left
and right are two levers. Pull them both. The one on the right will bring
the bridge down, while the one on the left is not working.

Anyway, we won't be going into the Control Room yet. Turn around and move
forward. We're gonna cross the bridge on the left. Enter the door to the


Oh no, there's a lot of water! We can almost expect a water monster around
here somewhere. Fortunately there's a lot of platforms for us to walk on
so this should be no problem.

From where we are, move forward to cross the bridge and just continue
moving on this platform. You'll get another flashback of Daniel talking
to Alexander about the water and its other uses.

Look to your right and you'll notice some red stuff floating in the water.
It leads to the stairs to the other platform. Quickly jump into the water
and then climb the stairs to the right. This leads to three boxes. A
tinderbox is on top of a box so grab it.

Turn around and then climb the other stairs up where the red stuff
leads. Continue moving on this platform and you'll need to jump from
one broken part of the platform to another. One of the easiest ways to
do this is to hold the Run key, move forward, then jump. You'll jump
while running and you'll almost always land perfectly on top of the other

There's a bridge to your left but we don't need to cross it yet. Move
forward until you reach the far wall and jump on the broken parts of
the platform again to reach the valve in the corner.

Yikes! There is a water monster below us! Don't worry about it for now.
Jump again and you'll finally reach the valve. Before you turn the valve,
read the note first. It's just Daniel talking about how great Alexander
was because he's really smart and he knows what he's doing.

After reading the note, turn the valve. This will redirect the sewer
water. Suddenly a strong wind blows, taking out all of the lights! Make
your way back to where the bridge is by jumping from platform to platform.
Be careful not to fall into the water because there's a water monster
waiting for us!

When you reach the bridge, cross it. You'll find a chest on the platform
so open it to get a bottle of oil and a tinderbox. Head back and cross
the bridge again. Turn right and then jump from platform to platform. You
will be back to where there are stairs to your left going down.

In front of you is a large area of water. Beyond are stairs going up.
From the platform, run and jump forward, and continue running until you
are able to climb the stairs! You will get hurt a bit, but at least the
water monster won't get you.

Continue moving along the platform and cross the bridge. After crossing
it, to the left you'll find a raised bridge. Go near it and check it out.
It says it's attached to a rusty chain! Simple solution, we have to hit
the chain with something hard! Find a rock nearby and throw it at the
rusty chain holding the bridge up. The rock is actually just where the
bridge is. There are some more rocks on the platform if you miss.

When the bridge is in position, cross it. Continue moving on the platform.
Jump from platform to platform again. You'll reach an area full of rocks.
No problem. Just carefully step on the rocks to reach the other platform.
After walking on the rocks, you're not on the platform again. This time,
there's a wooden plank that you can cross to the next platform, so cross

On this platform, there's a note on top of a box to the right. Read it.
It's Daniel again talking about how one of Alexander's rituals went
wrong. Those red organic matter appeared and Alexander had to cancel what
they were doing.

Anyway, turn the valve and be done with it. Cross the wooden plank,
navigate your way through the rocks, then jump from platform to platform.
Move on and cross the bridge. Move forward and make it to the edge. If you
check to the left behind the wall, there's another platform that we can
get to. We can't reach its stairs without having to go into the water
though. Since there is a water monster hunting us, grab a rock and throw
it as far away as possible in the opposite direction. When the monster is
distracted, jump into the water and run to the left area where the stairs

Now that you're on this platform, be careful of the steam blowing through
the pipes as they'll hurt you! Wait for the steam to stop, then move
forward. Do this one by one for each pipe blowing steam just to be safe.
After passing through those three steam blowing pipes, you'll find a valve
to turn them off. Turn it to remove the steam blowing danger.

Continue moving along the platform. Cross the bridge and continue on. There
is a note on the box, read it. It's just about Daniel wondering about
what else the orb could do aside from stopping the shadow.

After reading it, look at the wall to the right of the box. There's the
last valve you need to turn so do it. Another strong gust of wind blows
out all of the lights! Anyway we have no business here anymore so it's
time to head back out. Cross the bridge and just move along the platform.
There are no more steam pipes to worry about so just move forward.

Go down the stairs. Wow, the stairs in front of us to the exit is far!
Well, we have no other choice! Just quickly jump into the water and run
as fast as you can until you reach the stairs!

Whew, problem solved! Now just follow the platform back to the main

Once you're out, cross the bridge and you'll be back on the platform. We
are now going to go inside the Control Room, so turn right, head straight
and go through the door to the Control Room.

XVI. Cistern Control Room

Control Room

As soon as you move forward, you'll have another flashback. It's just about
Daniel asking Professor Herbert how they found the site and why the guy
who had the map wasn't with them. Professor Herbert seemingly didn't want
to scare Daniel and told him that plans just didn't go well.

Anyway move forward and you'll find one door to your left, one door to
your right, and a door at the front with a valve to its right. First
thing's first. The door can only be opened when you turn the valve, but
it closes on its own after a while. So that we don't waste our time, just
get two nearby boxes. Open the door so that it will be raised as high as
possible, then stack two boxes on top of each other directly under the
door. This will stop the door from going down and closing. All you have
to do is crouch to go in, but before we go through that door, let's visit
the other rooms nearby.

Let's go to the room to our right. It's a room with a control panel with
valves and chains with weights attached to them. There's also a pipe on
the ground. Move forward and go to the corner with the boxes. There's a
tinderbox there.

Grab the pipe on the floor and exit the room. Just drop the pipe in the
main room, we'll need it later on. From the room where we just came from,
enter the room directly in front of us.

We're now in a similar room to the last, except that the weights and
chains have not been positioned just like in the last room, and the control
panel with valves can be adjusted. To the left of the room is a lit candle
with a tinderbox.

Chain and Weights Solution:

On the control panel are three valves representing the three chains and
weights. Our objective is to make the chains and weights be raised in the
same way just like in the other room.

From left to right, we'll start adjusting the valves.

Important thing to take note of is that the valves have orange handles
located on its top, bottom, right, and left sections. We turn the valves
by always grabbing the Top orange part.

The solution here relies on listening to a clicking sound, which signals
that we have turned the valve and it's already in the right position. We
will be doing Valves 1, 3, and then 2 respectively.

Valve 1:
Grab the Top orange part and turn it three times so that the Top part
ends up on the Left part.

Valve 3:
Grab the Top orange part and turn it two times so that the Top part
ends up on the Bottom part.

Valve 2:
Grab the Top orange part and turn it around three times. Since we already
got Valve 1 and Valve 3 at the right position, Valve 2 will just snap
into place automatically when we turn it.

Congratulations! We just got through one of the least appreciated puzzles
in the game!

Now that we're done with this Chain and Weights puzzle, from the control
panel, turn around. There is another pipe that we can grab from the ground.
Take it and exit the room.

We now have two pipes. Grab one of them and then put them in the room
accessed by a door with a valve. Since we already put boxes under the
door, all we have to worry about is grabbing the pipes and transporting
them to the other side.

Now that we're on the other side, notice how the room is very messy!
Lots of rocks and stuff. There are three rooms that we can visit, one to
the left, one to the right, and another one directly in front of us.

Let's get rid of the two pipes we're carrying around first. We can use
these two pipes in the room directly in front of us, so take them there
and enter the room.

On the right wall are pipes already attached, while on the left wall are
holes where you can attach pipes. Take your two pipes there and attach
them. When you're done exit the room.

We still have two rooms to visit. From the room we just exited, let's
go in the room to our left.

Wow it's a big machine room! Go down the stairs and turn right, look
behind the stairs and you'll find a bottle of oil. The control panel
can't be adjusted so leave it be. To the left of the room is a table
with a tinderbox and a note. Read the note.

It's just about some guy who thinks his machine is not efficiently made
because it's too huge. Anyway, grab the pipe on the ground, we're going
back to the pipe room where we can attach the pipe. Exit the room you are
in now. To the right is the pipe room, so go there and attach the pipe.

We're now done with the pipes, even if there's still one more place for
a pipe to be put. No need to worry. Exit the pipe room and now we'll go
into the last room we haven't visited yet. Upon exiting the pipe room, it's
on our right side. Go there and enter the room.

It's another big machine room! As soon as you go in, Alexander speaks to
you, seemingly by telepathy, asking what you're doing. Don't mind him.
Proceed down the stairs.

To your right is a table with an important tool, while to your left is
the control panel for the giant machine. Check the table first and grab
the Wooden Crank.

Now, let's check the control panel, we're gonna solve this machine puzzle!

Big Machine Solution:

Look at the control panel. There are four levers that we can pull down.

First Lever: Pull Down
Fourth Lever: Pull Down

After pulling these two down, the giant thing in the middle of the room
will be fully inserted to whatever it is.

Now we can exit the Control Room! Just get out of the room where we just
solved the Big Machine puzzle, turn right, head forward, crouch to get
through the door, then continue forward to reach the door to the main


As soon as you exit the Control room, look to your right and pull the
lever. The other bridge on the right side will finally start to lower
down. Unfortunately it will get stuck midway! Something's jamming it.

Jammed Bridge Solution 1:

Since something is jamming the bridge, we'll need to hit it with something
hard to unjam it. Go to the end of the platform and climb down the stairs.
Find a rock or something on the ground, and throw it up back to the higher
platform. Climb the ladder and find the rock that you just threw. Now grab
the rock and aim for the circular thing where the chains are attached on
the bridge. This should cause it to unjam and the bridge will finally be

Jammed Bridge Solution 2:

This solution will get you really hurt and is NOT recommended. Still, if
you're the pretty adventurous type, go ahead and try this solution. Just
be warned that you'll get really hurt!

Notice that the bridge on the left is fully working, while the one on the
right is jammed? Pull the lever of the working bridge up, then run to the
still lowered bridge on the left. You'll have a few seconds to make it

As you get on the bridge, it will start going up! Wait for it to stop and
you'll notice that you're on a higher place than the jammed bridge! Now
run and jump onto the jammed bridge! Your weight will cause the bridge to
unjam, at the expense of your health!

Now that the bridge is unjammed, it's time to cross it and go through the
door and into the Morgue!

XVII. Morgue and The Vaccine

You're probably thinking about how creepy the Morgue is already, and
rightfully so! Anyway, as soon as you enter the Morgue area, you'll have
another flashback. It's about Alexander who tells Daniel that the shadow
has stopped for a little while, and they're on their way to the Morgue.
Daniel asks if there are more dead people there, and Alexander compliments
Daniel that he did well.

Anyway, move forward from where you are. You'll have two choices, forward
or turn right. Choose to go forward and continue on. You'll reach an open
room full of skeletons. A flashback occurs. It's just somebody panicking
after discovering lots of dead people.

There's a shelf on the left with important stuff, but don't worry about
it for now. Move forward in the room and go around the fallen shelf. You
will have another flashback. Somebody's trapped in the room, wishing that
he'd die in his sleep.

After the flashback, go look under the fallen shelf. Just hop on top of
the fallen shelf and you'll see a tinderbox. Grab it. Now go to the still
standing shelf and get the Laudanum and the Copper Tube.

Get out of the room and move forward. Now we're back near the start. This
time, choose to go left.

Yikes! There's a dead body on the table! Anyway, no need to panic yet. Go
near the table with the dead body and you'll have another flashback. It's
just Alexander noticing wondering if Daniel has changed his mind.

Touch the dead guy. You'll find out that he's still warm and he's just
stiff from rigor mortis. Go check the shelf in the corner of the room for
a tinderbox. There's also a note on the other shelf, so read it.

It's just about a plague that spread among the people when the sewers was
opened due to some fungi. It also speaks about a vaccine being developed.
After reading, go check the table with the candle, there's a note there.
Read it.

The note just states that the vaccine was a success, and there's no more
worry about passing the sewers. After you're done reading, check the
drawers of the table. You'll find a tinderbox and a Laudanum. There is
also one of those "memory canisters" that we've been seeing all throughout
the castle. Touch it.

The memory canister, which belongs to Alexander (how he made those we have
no idea), talks about how he saw evil in Daniel. Daniel is also tainted
by the shadow, so he wouldn't be able to pass through whatever gate he
was talking about. He also mentions that he might have to do to Daniel what
Agrippa did to him, which is cruel.

After reading that, open the door to the right of the table with the
memory canister. It's a room full of dead people in the middle of low
water. Let us assign this room as our hiding room, because later on, we'll
need to hide here! Prepare this already. The corners of this room are
dark enough to hide well, so you wouldn't have to worry if the time comes.

Exit the room full of dead people in the water. To our right is the last
unopened door. Open it and enter the room.

This room is the actual morgue where the dead bodies are being kept or
incinerated. Nothing is in here, and it's a horrible hiding place because
of the bright light at the center of the room. Exit this room and go
back to where the dead body is on the table. We are now going to get
the vaccine from the dead guy!

Getting The Vaccine Solution:

Stand in front of the dead body on the table. Open your inventory and
choose the Hand Drill. Use it on the dead guy and you will drill a hole
in his head! Next, choose the Copper Tube from your inventory and use
it on the guy. You just stuck the tube into the hole in his head! Finally,
choose the Hollow Needle from your inventory and use it on him. Oh my
lord, now you need to inject yourself with his blood. How? Touch him and
you'll ram yourself into the needle, giving you his blood!

Congratulations, you have now been vaccinated! But don't celebrate yet!!!
There's an incoming monster!!!

As soon as you're done being vaccinated, go near the exit door, but do NOT
open it! A monster will suddenly start breaking it down!

Quickly run into our designated hiding place, the room with lots of dead
people in the water! Hide in the corner before the monster breaks down the
door!!! Wait a minute or two until the monster is gone.

When everything is back to normal, exit your hiding place, turn left,
exit the room, continue moving through the hall, turn left and go back
into the Cistern.


Move forward and cross the bridge. When you're on the platform, turn
right and climb down the stairs. Turn left and head to the hall where
it was once filled with water. Go down the stairs and let's enter the

XVIII. Sewer Exploration


Move forward and open the door. Climb down the stairs. Move forward and
you'll hear a monster growl! Climb back up the stairs before it sees you.
Wait a minute or two and it should be gone.

Climb down again when you think it's gone and move forward. When you reach
the open room, there's a giant motor thing spinning in front of us, and
we can go left or right. Behind the giant motor is another area that we
have to access.

First, let's turn right and grab some supplies. Walk down the path to the
right. You can go forward or right. Just keep moving forward, to the right
has nothing.

As you are following the path, you'll see a pipe to your right. Look inside
and you'll find a tinderbox.

Continue following the path and you can turn left or straight. There is
nothing on the left, so head straight. There's a pipe about to be broken
here. Grab the pipe and move your mouse around until it finally breaks and
falls into the water. Grab the Pipe and it'll be in your inventory.

Now it's time to go back into the open room. Go back the way you came from,
it's not too far. If you still need directions, from where you got the
pipe, just turn around and follow the path, never taking left or right,
just keep going straight.

When you're back into the open room, it's time to go into the other path,
which is in front of us. As we reach the center, another flashback occurs
of a man who doesn't want to be taken away.

Keep moving forward into the new area. You'll have three choices, forward,
left, or right. Choose to go right and move on. There will be two rooms
to your left and right. The room on the left has lots of rocks, while
the room in the right has a broken ladder. Let's designate the room on
the left with rocks as our hiding place just in case.

Anyway continue moving forward. Straight ahead is a blocked path, while
to the left is the room that controls the motor spinning. Go into the
room to your left.

Inside the room is an oil barrel, so be sure to fill up your lantern. To
the right are two control panels with one lever each. We are going to
make the motor spin slowly so that we can jam it with the broken pipe.

Spinning Motor Solution:

There are two control panels with a lever. Below each lever is a drawing
of a gear, from small, medium, to large. The solution here is based on
how loud the machine is spinning. The louder the sound is, the faster the
motor spins. We need the sound to become the lowest so that the motor will
spin slowly.

Stand on the control panel to the left which has the roman numeral I. Set
the lever to the smallest gear.

Stand on the control panel to the right which has the roman numeral II. Set
the lever to the largest gear.

You'll notice that now, the sound is a lot quieter! Congratulations!

Exit the room and move forward.

YIKES! A monster will growl even before you could reach the bottom of the
stairs! Run back into the motor control room and hide behind the pipes
at the far back of the room. Wait for a minute or two until it's gone!

Go back out and move forward. Turn right and continue forward. Turn left
and move forward until you get back to the room with the spinning motor.

When in the place with the spinning motor, go near it, but DO NOT touch it
or you'll get hurt! Open your inventory and choose the Pipe. Use it on the
spinning motor and it'll get jammed!

Crouch and move forward under the motor and into the new room. There's
nothing of interest here, so continue moving forward.

Be on ALERT! In front of us is a blocked path, and to our right are stairs
going up into another room! Quickly run up the stairs and go into the room
and hide! A monster will break the blocked path and hunt us! Just run
forward inside the room and hide at the far end where the rocks are.

Is it a flashback or telepathy? Somebody talks to you and tells you to
quickly turn around because the shadow is chasing you. Anyway just
continue hiding near the rocks. Wait a minute or two until the monster is

When it's pretty safe again, turn around and move out of the place with
rocks. Notice that the entire room is full of red organic matter. In
the room are chopped up parts of a monster!

Near the entrance to the tiny area with rocks where you hid, to the right
is a Laudanum, take it.

Now we have to escape from the sewers!

XIX. Escape From The Sewer

When you're ready, exit the room we just hid in. Crouch and move down
the stairs. YIKES! The monster might just start breaking in through the
blocked path if it somehow didn't happen earlier! Quickly run back into
the room and hide in the corner at the far end with the rocks. The monster
will break down the door to your room and search, if you're hiding near
the rocks, you should be fine. Wait a minute or two.

When the coast is clear get out of the room and go down the stairs. Crouch
while in the water and we have two choices, turn left or right. Turn left
and move forward. The path has been broken, so just continue on while
still crouched.

Continue moving along the path and you'll find a room with where you can
go left or straight. Before we continue on, I'll describe the entire room
so you have an idea of what we're dealing with.

The room is square shaped. Right now, we are coming from the corner where
we can go left or straight. If we take the left path, when we reach the
end, a monster is guarding at the middle when we turn right. This is bad.

If we head straight, we will eventually turn left, then move forward, then
turn left (we just moved around the square), and the monster is still

In front of the monster is the escape path that we have to take. In other
words, we'll need to distract the monster with something so that he'll
go somewhere else.

From where we currently are, we have a choice of going left or straight.
Choose to go left while still crouching. Pay attention to the wall to
our right. We need to find a rock.

Midway our path we'll see a big rock, and there are smaller rocks above
it. Grab one rock, be careful not to drop it! After you have a rock make
your way back to the corner from where we came from.

Take the other path where we have to go straight from our corner entrance.
Before we continue on this path to go around the square room, THROW the
rock to the path on the left side! This will distract the monster and
call it there! At this point, make a run for it and go through the path
that the monster was guarding!

Head up the stairs and follow the path, open the door and shut it behind
you then continue running! Open another door and shut it, then finally
climb the ladder to the top!

XX. Nave Exploration

Nice job! That ugly monster was horrible! Anyway we're now in what is
called the Nave. We just exited through a well. Look around the well and
find the rope. Near the rope is a tinderbox, grab it.

In front of the rope is a slightly open door. Go inside and you'll find
that rocks are blocking the way. There's a tinderbox near the rocks so
take it as well. Exit the room.

Stick to the right and move forward. There's a door with red markings
near it. We're not going in there yet. Skip it and move to the next door.

Go inside and move forward. You'll find a room with two levers. To
the left is a tinderbox so grab it. There's also an oil barrel so go ahead
and refill your supply. To the right is a table with a note. Read the

The note is part of Daniel's diary. Daniel speaks about how people had
to die just to save himself. It was the only way with Alexander's ritual.

Don't bother with the two levers yet, they can't be operated just yet.
Exit the room. Turn left and we'll go through the door that we skipped

Enter and move forward. Open the door and you'll find that you're in a
place with a very long stairway spiraling down. Make your way to the bottom
of this place.

At the bottom, there's a door to our right, and an area to the left with
lots of barrels and boxes. Go to the left. Just below the first torch on
the wall is a tinderbox. Continue along this area and near the end, one
of the boxes will have two tinderboxes on top. When you're done grabbing
the supplies, go back and go near the door.

A flashback occurs. It's about Agrippa wondering if Alexander's method will
leave him paralyzed. Alexander just tells him that his life will be safe,
Agrippa couldn't do anything.

Go through the door. To the right is the Laboratory. We can't go in it
right now since it's boarded up, but remember this place because we'll
need to go there later.

Turn left and continue forward. Open the door and go down the stairs.
Don't be scared of the monster chained up near the wall. Go near it but
not too near because there are spikes that can hurt you.

As you get near the chained up monster, it will ask you to help it by
pulling the switch nearby. While still looking at the monster, look to
your right and pull the switch.

The monster will thank you, for pulling the switch. I have no idea what the
switch did though. The monster will introduce himself as Agrippa! Hey,
he's the master of Alexander! Anyway, he'll learn that you're Daniel and
he tells you not to worry about Alexander because he doesn't have an orb.
After you seemingly tell him (maybe via telepathy?) that Alexander has one,
he starts to worry. Agrippa tells you that Alexander took his orb a long
time ago but broke it by accident. He informs you that you will need the
six broken pieces of the orb if you wish to stop Alexander. The pieces of
orbs are the torture are and the Choir.

Agrippa continues to ask you a favor that if you find anything about a
Mr. Weyer, bring it to him because the information might include something
about a tonic that will help you take him to fight Alexander.

Agrippa will continue to be a talkative guy while you're in the area. If
you listen to him long enough, we find out that Johann Weyer is another
of Agrippa's students. Weyer was able to find a way to use the orb to
take him "beyond the stars", probably to another dimension or reality.
Agrippa was too scared to join Weyer before, but he's regretting it now.
Agrippa also tells us that Alexander also wants to go to wherever it is
that Weyer went. This is the reason why Agrippa's being kept hostage by
Alexander all these years. Alexander's hoping that Weyer will show up
to take Agrippa, and he wants Weyer to take him as well and not be left

When you're done listening to the story, turn left and you'll find a table.
There's a bottle of oil on it, take it. Jump on the table where the bottle
of oil was. Look up. There's a trap door on the ceiling. Open it. Jump
up and you'll notice that only one gear is working. We need to make the
other gears work. To make reaching the gears easier, grab some boxes from
nearby and pile them up on the table so you can jump on them and reach
the non-working gears. Touch the gears.

Nice, the gears are now working properly! Now get down from there and
head back up the stairs and through the door. Move forward and go through
the door to your right. Climb the spiral stairs all the way up. Go through
the door and then exit the room.

You're now back to the room with the well where you came from. Let's go
back to the room with levers. It's the room to our right, enter it. Pull
up the two levers. We're going to go back down to where Agrippa is.

Exit the room and enter the room to our left. Continue forward and go
through the door. As soon as you're back to the spiral stairs area,
Alexander will talk to you telepathically. He tells you that you've gone
too far and he'll really have to stop you this time.

Make your way down the spiral stairs and go through the door. Turn left
and move forward. Go through the door and go down the stairs. As you reach
the bottom, Agrippa compliments you for a job well done. Turn right and
move forward. We have three choices, go left, go forward, or go right.

Go left. Follow the hall and you'll find an open door. Don't go inside
just yet. All it has is a well with a water monster at the bottom. It's
safe. Just remember this room because we'll need to go here again later.

Continue moving forward. And we'll reach the door to the Transcept. Enter

XXI. Collecting The Orb Pieces and Agrippa's Tonic Ingredients


In front of us is a giant room with spiral stairs in the middle. There are
also three doors. One to the left, middle, and right. Let's go to the
spiral stairs first. As you move forward, you'll get another flashback of
a poor man being tortured by Alexander.

Climb the spiral stairs. Enter the room, wow it's beautiful! To your left
is a tinderbox on a table. The shelf in front has a bottle of oil. On
the table is a piece of string, grab it. Open your inventory and combine
it with your Glass Jar. You now have a Glass Jar On A String.

Check the drawers of the table. You'll find a note so read it. It's just
a note detailing how to effectively torture someone. There's a memory
canister here as well so touch it. It's just about Alexander saying that
his name's already been tarnished and everybody thinks he's dangerous,
and sooner or later, they will kill him.

When you're done, exit the room and climb the stairs down. As soon as you
reach the ground, head straight into the room in front of you and enter it.
Continue on and enter the room at the end. It's a torture room.

To the left is a tinderbox. To the right is a cabinet, open it. Good job,
this is your first piece of the orb! Grab it. Go ahead and touch the
torture device in the middle of the room for a memory. Look on the wall.
There's a crank you can turn. Turn it for a surprise!

Exit the room and go back to the main Transcept area. As soon as you get
out, go to the room on the left and enter it. Continue on.

A flashback occurs. A man is being set on "The Cradle" and pleads that
the bad thing he did was an accident. Daniel feels horrible but Alexander
convinces him that they are dealing with criminals and monsters.

Go inside the torture room and another flashback occurs. It's just the
man suddenly saying he's innocent and not to continue with the torture.
To your left is a chair with a tinderbox, grab it. To the right is a bunch
of sacks. Move the sacks to reveal another orb piece, take it. Touch the
torture device in the middle for another flashback.

Exit the room and go back to the main Transcept. Now it's time to go into
the last room we haven't visited. It's the room to our left, so go and
enter it.

Move in and don't worry about the crying. Enter the torture room.

The bucket to our left has a tinderbox inside. Get it. There is another
piece of orb near the ropes, so take it. Touch the red thing in the middle
of the room. It's a torture device used to punish a rapist.

Look on the ground under the red mist thing. There's a grate, open it.
There is blood but you can't reach it normally. Open your inventory and
choose your Glass Jar On A String and use it on the blood. Good job, you
now have a Glass Jar of Blood!

Get out of the room and into the main Transcept. Let's exit the Transcept
by going to the door on the left from where we exited, which is very far
from us. Go through this door into the Nave.


Just continue moving forward until we get back to the room where Agrippa
is. Agrippa will suddenly talk to us and compliment us for a job well
done. He tells us to go into the choir this time and find the other pieces.

Move forward directly in front of us to the next hall. There will be a
door to our left. Let's go inside first. The shelf on the left has a
tinderbox. On the table is a note, read it.

The note speaks of Alexander admitting to holding Agrippa hostage. It also
seems that Alexander is not from the human world, because he was banished
from wherever it was a long time ago, and the only way he could go back
home is if he releases Agrippa to Weyer. He doesn't trust Weyer that much
because he might just trick him and he'll still be stuck on earth.

Check the table for one more tinderbox. There's also a memory canister so
touch it. It's just Alexander speaking about how he has seen people grow
old and die, while he remains alive. A shelf in the corner has a Laudanum,
grab it.

Exit the room and turn left, it's time to enter the Choir.

Choir Entrance

Move forward. There are two doors, to your left and right. Open the door
to your right and enter it. It seems like a ritual room. The table on the
left has a tinderbox, grab it. Touch the torture table in the middle of
the room. Exit the room.

Enter the room directly in front of you. There's a note on the torture
table, read it. You'll suddenly have a very vivid flashback. A prisoner
is going to be in front of you, and you'll have a dagger nearby. Grab
the dagger. The prisoner will try his hardest to escape, but he can't.
Magic lines will be drawn on his chest. Touch this.

The ritual will be over and the door will open. Exit the room. You'll be
transported back to reality. Exit the room and turn left. Head down the
stairs and go through the door.

Choir Main Hall

Try not to use your lantern! There are big monsters here who will get you
if they see your light! Crouch low, this is how we will be travelling
around this place.

As soon as you enter the room, you will automatically look left. Crouch and
move to the left. Just keep hugging the wall going left. Alexander will
suddenly tell us via telepathy that it is our fault that all these
happened. If Daniel only accepted his punishment, nobody else would have
had to die.

Anyway continue hugging the wall to the left while crouched, keep moving.
You will reach a door at the end, enter it.

This is the room with the upright sarcophagus. Before going near the
sarcophagus, go to the right and you'll find an area with a Laudanum. Turn
around and head straight to the other area at the other end. There's a
tinderbox here.

Go back to the center of the room and approach the sarcophagus. It will
open, but it's nothing to worry about. Don't touch it or you'll get hurt.
There is another area to the left of the sarcophagus. Go there and pick
up another piece of orb.

It's time to exit the sarcophagus room.

Once back outside, go back into crouching position and just move forward.
After a while, you will find a bridge to your left. DO NOT CROSS IT.
There is a nearby monster on the other side, and we want to avoid all
monsters at all cost. Keep moving forward.

You will eventually reach the edge, and your only option is to turn right.
Turn right and move forward. There's a bridge to your left, cross it.

After successfully crossing the bridge, continue moving forward. The rocks
in front of you has a bottle of oil and a tinderbox, grab them.

Move to the wall and turn left. Now we'll move forward while hugging the
room to our right. Just keep moving along the wall to our right and we'll
eventually find a path going to the right, take it.

Continue on this path and we'll be able to choose between left or right.
Choose to go right. We'll reach another room. Enter it. A flashback occurs
where Daniel talks to Alexander about the victims of the torture device
called The Wheel.

Move on and enter the torture room. There's a giant wheel inside. On the
corner of the room is an orb piece, grab it. Touch the wheel. It describes
about what happened to one victim.

Exit the torture wheel room back to the main Choir Hall. Keep crouching
and move along the right wall. You'll reach the end where there's a
collapsed pillar but no bridge. Fortunately, the collapsed pillar reaches
the other side. There's a tinderbox just under the connecting collapsed
pillar so don't forget to take it.

Jump on one part of the collapsed pillar. The easiest way to do this is
to jump on the first broken piece of the pillar that you find by facing
the area where it got broken. This will let you get on top of it. After
you successfully got on top of this, jump on the connecting collapsed
pillar and cross to the other side.

Keep crouching and hugging the right wall and move along. You'll reach
another area where you can turn right. Turn right and keep hugging the
right wall, and move towards the door ahead.

Before you enter, look at the right nearby the door. There's a bunch of
mushrooms. Touch the largest one. It says that it can be broken open.
Use your Hammer and Chipper on it. The mushroom breaks open and now
you can grab the Poison Gland.

Now it's time to go through the door. Continue to move in and enter the
main room. On the upper right corner you can find the last piece of orb.
Take it. Touch the torture device in the middle of the room.

Below that Brass Bull, you can light it up. If you have a tinderbox to
spare, go ahead and light it. You'll have another surprise! When you're
done, exit the Brass Bull room. It's time to get out of the Choir!

As soon as you exit the Brass Bull room, crouch and keep moving along the
wall to the right. You'll have reach a part where you choose to go straight
or right. Go straight and you'll reach the end. At this point, turn left
and move along the edge to your right. You'll eventually reach a bridge,
so cross this and just continue moving slowly forward. You'll finally
reach the door to the Choir Entrance.

Choir Entrance

Just go up the stairs and head straight. Go through the door to get back
to the Nave.


Continue moving forward until we're back to the room where Agrippa is. As
soon as we reach this room, Agrippa will compliment us again! What a nice
guy! Anyway, we still haven't found the last ingredient for his tonic. He
requests us to make the tonic first before we put the orb back together
in order to face Alexander.

There is only one place we haven't gone to, and it's to our right, the
dark place. Go through this door. To our immediate left is a tinderbox
on the shelf. Hug the left wall and continue moving. Open the door but
there's nothing in here. Continue moving and there's another door to our
left. Nothing in here so just continue moving. Don't go up the stairs yet.

As we move to the center of the area, there's a door to our left, we don't
need to go there yet. Just move forward, then hug the wall to your left
again. Don't go up the stairs.

There's another door, open it but there's nothing inside. Continue on and
you'll find another door to your left. Open it and go inside. Finally, we
find a tinderbox inside! Grab it.

Now it's time to go up the stairs. Go up the nearest stairs (it's on our
right). Now that we're on a higher level, there's a torch burning near
us, and there's a door. Enter the door. Yikes! Oh, just a gust of wind,
nothing to worry about.

Get out of the room and continue moving forward. There's another door to
our right. Open it. There's a tinderbox inside so grab it. Exit the room
and continue on. Two more rooms in front of us on the other side.

Open the door of the nearest room and enter. You'll get a flashback about
some guy who doesn't like his situation as a prisoner. Exit the room and
move on. Open the last door to our right, nothing in here.

Continue moving forward and look at the table. There's a piece of Meat,
grab it. Go down the stairs. Let's go back to the room where Agrippa is.

In this room, we can go left or right. Remember the room with the well that
holds a water monster under it? We're going back there! From where we are
just as we got in the area where Agrippa is, turn right and move on.

Enter the room to our right and go near the well. Open your inventory and
choose the Meat. Use the Meat on the rope that's just dangling above
the well. Nice! The water monster would like to eat this one.

Look at the wood behind us for the crank and turn it all the way until the
water monster is able to eat the meat. After a few seconds, the meat would
have been devoured. That monster would've left it's saliva on the bones,
so turn the crank again to raise the rope.

You'll see that only the bone remains! Grab it and you'll have the Remains.
Good job, now we have all the ingredients to Agrippa's tonic. Let's get
out of this room and return to the room where Agrippa is.

At this point, we can go forward or turn left. Turn left to go back to the
holding cell area where we found the Meat. Open the door and continue
forward. You'll reach the door to the Chancel. Enter it.


Move up the stairs and continue on. Open the door and enter the room. Wow,
bright bluegreen lights and... YIKES!!! A bunch of monsters! It's an

Don't worry, this is actually part of the storyline. We're supposed to be
ambushed by monsters at this part. After getting knocked out, we got thrown
into a cell. I guess those monsters have some sort of intelligence after

XXII. Escape From The Cell


As we regain consciousness, Alexander speaks to us telepathically again.
He tells us that he was worried that we almost got him. He also tells us
that Daniel and him are alike. They just both want to survive from the
shadow, and they can do whatever it takes to make sure of this.

Cell Escape Solution 1:

Quickly look at the corner to your right. There's an oil bottle, grab it.
Check the bars on the right side. There's a broken bar. Grab it and move
your mouse to break it. The iron bar falls near you. Grab it and the Iron
Bar will be in your inventory.

Look to the wall to your right. There's a bare wooden bed. Pull it and
put it in front of the hole you just made through the bars. Now jump
towards the hole and crouch while you're still in the air. This will allow
you to fit through the hole, congratulations! For some odd reason, the
wall breaks down in your room! Just when you could've used a bigger hole!
Oh well.

Cell Escape Solution 2:
(Credit to Shay)

As you regain consciousness, look at the iron bars in front of you. One
of them will be broken. Grab it and move your mouse around to make it
fall. Take the Iron Bar.

Turn left and move to the left corner of the wall. Look at the middle area
of the wall until your cursor becomes a hand. If you click it, it will say
this area of the wall is loose but it can't be removed by hand. Open
your inventory and use the Iron Bar on that loose area of the wall.

The Iron Bar will be stuck to the wall. Grab it and move the mouse to the
right. The loose area will break and the Iron Bar will be back on the
ground, as well as some bricks. Take your Iron Bar.

Look through the hole in the wall that you just made. There's a piece of
wood that you can grab. Grab it and move forward to push it. A bigger
part of the wall will collapse. Push the bricks that are blocking your
way and you're now in the next cell! Exit!

Main Escape Solution 1:

Now that you're outside of your cell, turn left and move forward. There's
a cell to your left but it doesn't have anything so don't bother. Continue
moving while hugging the left side and you'll find another cell. Enter it.

There's a bottle of oil behind the overturned bed. Pull the bed and grab
the bottle of oil. There's also a note on the floor, read it. The note
was written by a prisoner who has lost hope. He also talks about a guard
who dropped a key in one of the pipes nearby.

Exit the room and continue moving along the left side. There's a broken
cell. Enter it and everything will turn black. Don't worry about this.
When the lights come back on, there's a dead naked guy on the bed near
you. Continue inside, there's one tinderbox on the right corner, and
another one near the rocks on the left.

Get out of that cell and continue moving. Enter the last cell on our left.
There's a tinderbox behind the fallen chair. There's also a Laudanum under
the bare wooden bed. Grab the Wooden Bucket and exit the room.

Go to the well in the middle of the area. Turn the crank to raise the rope.
Choose your Wooden Bucket from the inventory and use it on the rope. Turn
the crank again to lower the bucket. After reaching the bottom, turn the
crank again to raise the bucket. Now grab your Bucket of Water.

While facing the crank, turn right. Near the torch is a broken pipe. Use
the Bucket of Water on the pipe and the key will be washed down. Grab the
Rusty Key.

Main Escape Solution 2:

There is another way to get out of this place after you get out of your
cell without having to use the bucket of water. Remember the Iron Bar that
you got when you broke your cell?

Just like before, go ahead and visit all the other cells and grab the
supplies and read the notes. Now, instead of using the bucket to get
water, just go to the broken pipes in the corner of the room where there
is a small table. Open your inventory and use your Iron Bar on the broken
pipe. It will be able to push the key out of the pipe. Grab the Rusty Key.

Go to the door and use the Rusty Key on it. Open the door, and as soon
as you open it, START RUNNING DON'T LOOK BACK! Open the door and shut it
behind you. Keep running and another door will be blocked by debris!
Don't panic. Just pull the rocks away and the wood. Open the door and
shut it. That simple.

Continue running and shutting doors behind you. When you get to the part
where you have to choose between running left or right, choose to run to
the left!

This might be a random event. On my first playthrough, I remember that when
I had to choose between left or right, I chose to run left. The left path
was blocked and the path with the lit torch was open. This could be one of
those random situations.

Keep running and you'll reach an area with water. Don't panic because there
is almost no way that you'll fail now. The only hard part of this escape
were those rocks and the wood that you had to move to get through the door.
Aside from that, everything is just a straight run.

Run up the stairs and open the door. You'll be back in the Nave.

XXIII. Making Agrippa's Tonic


Congratulations! You've just gone through another thrilling chase! Now
it's time to make Agrippa's Tonic. Move forward. There's a note on the
left and a tinderbox. Grab it and read the note.

Daniel will faint and remember about the people he actually caused to
suffer. In this vivid flashback, go ahead and keep moving forward to the

After regaining consciousness, move forward and go through the door.
The castle is becoming more filled with the red organic matter. Continue
on and go through another door.

We're now back to the area where we crawled out of a well. There's a
tinderbox on top of the well, grab it. Move forward. The door to our
left is blocked by rocks. Continue forward and open the door. There's a
lot of red organic matter on the ground. Run and then jump forward, then
quickly crouch to pass under the wood. Go through the door.

We're now back to the spiral stairs. Keep moving to reach the bottom.
Remove the barrel blocking the door and go through. Be careful of the
red organic stuff.

After entering, look to the right. Remember the Laboratory? Now it's open!
Go inside the Laboratory. The shelf on left side has a tinderbox, grab it.

Mixing Agrippa's Tonic Solution:

Inside the Laboratory are three scientific tools. One on the left, one
in the middle, and one on the right. Go to the device on the right. Open
your inventory and use the Glass Jar of Blood on it. Turn the valve. When
it's done being heated, grab the jar to have the Incomplete Tonic.

Next, go to the device in the middle. It has a lever, and the square part
of the device can be opened. Open this. Open your inventory and put the
Remains inside this square thing. Close the square thing. Open your
inventory and use the Incomplete Tonic on the square thing. Now pull the
lever. Grab the Incomplete Tonic afterwards.

For the last part, let's go to the device on the left. Open your inventory
and choose the Incomplete Tonic. Use it on the device. Next, open your
inventory and choose the Poison Gland and use it on the device. Now turn
the crank on top of the device until it squishes the Poison Gland.

Congratulations! You have finally made Agrippa's Weyer's Tonic! Grab it!

Exit the room and continue forward. Go through the door and down the
stairs so that we can see Agrippa again. He will tell you that the
Laboratory might be accessible now. Of course we've been there already.
Wait a bit and he'll tell you that you can feed him the tonic and you can
decapitate him afterwards so you could take his still living head with
you to fight Alexander.

Open your inventory, choose Weyer's Tonic, and use it on Agrippa. Now
turn left and move through the new hole because we'll need to find the
saw to cut off Agrippa's head. In the new room, go to the shelf and grab
the Bone Saw.

Exit the room through the hole and go to Agrippa. Use the Bone Saw on him!
After cutting, pick his head up from the ground.

Turn right and head straight. Go through the door, we're going back to
the Chancel where we got ambushed the first time. Go through the door to
get into the Chancel.

XXIV. Assembling The Orb


Go up the stairs. Crouch and turn off your lantern. Go through the door.
We're now finally in the Chancel. There are bluegreen flames lighting up
the area. This was the part where we got ambushed.

Move forward and you'll notice that there are three interconnected bridges.
The one to the right has been broken already, although it was accessible
during an earlier part of the game. It was an optional extra trip.

In front of us, we have bridges that lead to doors to the left and to the
front. The door to the left leads to some machine parts while the front
door leads to the magically blocked path.

From where we are, cross the bridge and reach the center. We need to go
to the room to the left, so turn left and move forward. You might suddenly
see a monster shambling towards you coming from the room. At this point,
run back to where we started and go through the door and down the stairs.
Wait a minute or two and then go back up.

When it's safe, cross the bridge again up to the middle, turn left and
move towards the door. Enter the room.

In the room, there's a shelf in front of you that has a tinderbox and
a Bucket of Tar. Grab them. On the table is a note, read it.

The note is part of Daniel's diary. Daniel contemplates about how he has
killed lots of people in an attempt to save his own life. He feels like
he's become a very horrible man and he feels guilty.

After reading, grab a rock in the room and go downstairs. It's a room with
machinery, in the middle are gears. The corner in the far right is a good
hiding place in case of a monster attack. Throw the rock into the gears
to make the machine stop. Be sure you're a little bit far away since some
debris might hit and hurt you. After this, go back up the stairs and open
the door. If there's a monster here, close the door and run back down to
the machine room and hide in the corner where it is safe.

Anyway, if you don't encounter a monster, just cross the bridge back to
the middle part and turn left. We are now going to the room with the
magical barrier. Move forward and enter the room.

Inside the room, in front of us is the weakened magical barrier, but it's
still there. If you try to touch it, you'll get hurt. Look to the left
side of the room. There's an orb receptacle.

Open your inventory and use the Bucket of Tar on the receptacle. Now,
put all six pieces of the orb in the receptacle. Watch as the orb absorbs
the power of the magic barrier!

Run through the passage and enter the door to the Inner Sanctum!

XV. Facing Alexander

Inner Sanctum

Continue running down the stairs! As soon as you reach the ground, pull
down the lever on the pillar to your left! You'll notice that the entrance
on the left side will open so go through it.

You'll finally reach a room. In front of you is a table with a note, to
the left is a weird circle on the ground, and to the right is an altar.
Read the note on the table.

This is another one of Daniel's pages of the diary. In it, Daniel expresses
his anger towards Alexander because he was used by him and turned into a
murderer. Daniel couldn't take this anymore so he really wants revenge.

Turn to the right and touch the pointy altar thing. It'll prick you
and the lights will die.

Turn around and go to wall with the weird circle. The two candles beside
it will die. Stand near the center of the circle, then light up both
candles again. Be fast about it because the candles will be blown out
in a matter of moments if you don't do this.

Exit the room and head straight to the next room right in front of you.
To the left is another altar, and to the right is another weird circle.
Touch the altar to let it prick you, then stand on the weird circle and
the two candles will die again. Light them up fast.

The entire area will start to be filled with the red organic matter. Exit
the room and look to the right. Suddenly, the big door is now open! Go
through it and enter the door into the Orb Chamber!

Orb Chamber

The Orb Chamber is a medium sized circular room. Around it are three
pylons that channel magic, while in the center is a portal. At the far
end of the Chamber is the old and naked Alexander, floating in the air as
he is protected by blue magical flames.

Now is the time for you to decide which endings you'd like to see. There
are three endings, just follow the specific steps below to see the ending
that you like.

Getting The Normal Ending:

As soon as you enter this room, grab the pylon in front of you that is
channeling magic. Move around to find the direction where you can push it.
If you are facing front, just grab this pylon and move left. It will be
pushed to the left and fall over. You'll suddenly move slower, but this
is ok.

Next, go to the pylon on the left. For the sake of reference, use the same
view from where you pushed the first pylon over. In this case, if you're
facing the pylon on the left, it should be shooting out magic going to the
right. Grab it and push it forward to make it fall.

Go to the last remaining pylon to the right. Face it. It should be shooting
magic to the left. Grab it and push it to the front.

Watch as poor Alexander's plans are crushed and he gets annihilated!

Congratulations, you have just finished one of the most horrifying games
in gaming history!

Getting The Bad Ending:

Now that you're inside the Orb Chamber, simply do nothing. That's it. Let
Alexander do his thing. After a few minutes, he will succeed in going
through the portal, leaving you to die.

Congratulations, although this ending sucks, you have just finished one of
the most horrifying games in gaming history!

Getting The Good Ending:

Go to the middle of the room where the pylons are channeling their magic
to the center. This is the spot where the portal is going to open up. We
need to wait for the portal to be fully open. You'll know that it is fully
open when it becomes big and blue. At this point, open your inventory and
use Agrippa's head on it.

Watch as Alexander's plans are foiled and he gets annihilated!

Congratulations, you have just finished one of the most horrifying games
in gaming history with the best possible ending!

Part 3


Extra Ending:

At the part where you get ambushed by the monsters in the Chancel, you'll
be trapped in a cell and Alexander will talk to you via telepathy. While
in the cell, pull the bare wooden bed and push it near the broken iron bar.
Jump on top of the bed, crouch, and don't do anything. Wait around 6 to
7 minutes and you'll start hearing the voices of the previously tortured
prisoners. You'll eventually die and Alexander will thank you for your

Extra Room in The Chancel:

When you get to the part where you first meet Agrippa in the Nave, instead
of looking for the orbs right away, go to the Chancel. You'll get a
flashback. Just be careful because a monster might be wandering around.
When it's safe, go back into the main Chancel room.

In front of you will be four interconnected bridges. The three lead to
rooms. The left room is an equipment room, the middle room has the path
that is blocked by a magic barrier, while the room on the right contains
some extra supplies and looks like it has an altar.

Later in the game, you will not be able to access the room in the right
because the bridge would have been destroyed by the dying castle.

Extra Content:

Go to Program Files\Amnesia - The Dark Descent
edist folder.

Find super_secret.rar. This file can be opened by programs such as WinRAR,
WinZIP, or 7Zip.

Try to extract it. It will ask for a password.

Copy and paste this password: lke271tyr299odn314

The password is actually assembled. Each part of them, lke271, tyr299, and
odn314 are given at the end of the credits when you finish a game. You
get one of these depending on the type of ending you get.

* If you downloaded your game from Steam and you don't see the file called
super_secret.rar in the redist folder, they say you just have to restart
steam and Amnesia will be updated with the file.

The super_secret.rar file contains concept art, designs, documents, and
videos involved in the game's development.


Thanks to Shay for providing another solution to the "Cell Escape" part of
the game.

Part 4

Copyright Information:

I wrote this guide so that people can use it for FREE. You can post this
FAQ in any website as long as people can access it for FREE.

Copyright 2009 - 9999 Adenosine
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