Times of Lores

Times of Lores

14.10.2013 17:07:48
Times Of Lores
Complete Solve

Ok guys here is the solve to a really great game, I hope they make a
sequel to this thing..

First make your dude, I chose the Knight. Then when the game is start
go down the stairs and head for the man standing near the bar. Ask him
questions about Kingdom, and then you will have more options to ask people.
After this, go to the room to the left hand corner of the bar. Talk to the
Prior and he will ask you if you want to take a mission for him, answer yes.
Now leave the city by exiting the inn and following the path toward the north
If you keep following the path (keep close to the top of the path) you will
meet a woodsman, talk to the dude and ask him of orcs, continue asking him
questions.. go into his house and take the dagger. you can now attack from
far away.. Now continue following the path, making sure you check every hole
you can see going into the forest toward the north. Once you find it, follow
the forest path and soon you will reach the orcs clearing.. Don't be fool,
just run toward the urn in the southwest corner of the screen and take the urn.
Now head back and give the Prior what you found. (Save your game now by
going to the inn and asking for lodging.)

The Prior sould send you to the castle to the se of the city. Enter
and look for the dude sitting on the throne.. talk to him, he will send you
on a quest for the 2nd object of power, The Tablet. exit the town toward the
south and find you will find aa city ( it will take a while head toward the
east and south paths when you can). This is not really a city but only an
Inn, Save your game here. Continue east and north when you can, will take you
to another city, talk to everyone and save your game. now head toward the
south and follow the path (going east and south when possible) you will soon
reach the town. (again save your game) talk to everyone and you will soon
learn about a trap door under the cellar. Enter the cellar (behind the
Bartender) and look for a thing on the wall (in the ne alcove) , this will
allow access to the castle.. Look for the stair going up, be sure to stay
away from the guards.. Once you are on the second stair look for the tablet,
it is in a small room with no doors.. Now leave and save game

Go back to the regeant and give him the tablet, (oh if you try talking
with someone the stone will think you are talking to it, ask High King)
Your next mission is to find the assassin of the high king.. Go south from
the original city (don't follow paths) and you will soon hit water. follow
the water toward the east and north and you will find a bridge.. Pass the
bridge and head south, look for the assassin's hut - it is around here. Enter
it and ask the assassin of High King - he will give you a scroll. Now exit
his hut and head toward the water (don't pass bridge) Follow water east.
Don't worry where it turns - just follow it.. soon you will reach the Tablet
city again.. Enter the castle and go onto the 3rd floor. Give the scroll to
the dude in the throne - the warden. He will tell you there is a spy.
Exit the castle and talk to everyone and follow up on every tip. if you do
you will have an obtion to ask about spying. Wait until nightfall (wait in
castle) and go to the guard to your right. Ask him about spying he will
attack you - kill him and take the scroll. Give the scroll to the warden, he
will send you on a mission to save his son.

Head toward the north and west when possible and you will soon find
a city with a duke in one house - he will tell you the warden's son is near
the mountains. go toward the east (forget the paths) until you hit mts. now
head south, you will see a big building. Enter it, kill everyone and pick up
the scroll on the table. go upstair with the key you'll find and free the son.
He will tell you to see Arial - he is in a tower. Go find him..

Once you find him - he will tell you to go to the ruins. but first you
need to go to the inn (the one that is only an inn - nothing else) and talk to
the guy next to the bartender - he will tell you stuff, and soon you will have
an obtion for holy water. Save game and experiment with the scroll you found.
Go to every city and search out the Prior Kane, he will give you holy water.
If you happen to find a man who offers to sell you an axe in your experiment

Now go back to the lone Inn. Save game and head to the middle of the
inn (near it's south wall) Now walk straight south until you see ruins, you
will find a door in the ruins. Enter it and search around making sure you
press all those knobs on the ground. You will soon find the Evil Liche. Kill
him by using holy water. Now go back to Arial.

He will send you the the Crater. Find the Crater and enter it. Again
being sure you press all the knobs. Ok, now go find the monestary in the
mountains, enter it with the key your found in the Crater. Now go searching
around for an orb. Use the orb on the Evil Cleric and you have won the game

(P.S I will try to scan the map for you guys soon !!)

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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