Tie Fighter

Tie Fighter

17.10.2013 03:45:46
Tie Fighter Combat FAQ v.1.0

1.0 Introduction

Ever wonder why the Tech Room lists a B-wing as having strength 125
shields, yet you can knock them off with a single torpedo? And a Star
Destroyer is listed as having strength 300 shields, but barely gets
scratched by a heavy bomb? The answer is simple. Sometime before release,
those pesky rebels inserted random garbage into the Tech Room's computer.
The actual shield rating of a B-wing is 100, and of a Star Destroyer,

These are the *real* shield, hull, and weapons ratings of all the objects
in Tie Fighter, including those found in the extra missions in Defender of
the Empire and Tie Fighter CD.

2.0 Methodology

I loaded up various ships, mines, etc. into a phony mission, with their
systems disabled. Then I blasted them with missiles and lasers until I
figured out their shield and hull ratings. To count turbo laser guns,
turbo laser turrets, and warhead launchers, I simply cycled through the
ships components and added them up. For laser guns, ion cannons, and
missile tubes, I was forced to mostly rely on the tech room stats,
modified occasionally by observation.

3.0 Object Stats

Objects are divided into small (ships that can regen shields), medium
(ships that can't regen shields and have less than 500 shields), big
(ships that can't regen shields and have 2500 or more shields),
installations (platforms, factories), and misc (the rest). There aren't
any ships with shields between 500 and 2500.

Each object has its name, shield strength, hull strength, length, speed,
weapons, and special abilities listed. Note that it takes 1 point of
damage to decrease either shield strength or armor strength by 1. Weapons
are listed in a LIMGTW format. L stands for laser guns, I for ion cannons,
M for missile tubes, G for turbo laser guns, T for turbo laser turrets,
and W for warhead launchers. To give an example, a B-wing has 3 laser
guns, 3 ion cannons, and 2 missile tubes. See section 4.0, Weapon Stats,
for information on each type of weapon.

In addition, next to each class of object, I have noted how close you must
be to obtain a missile lock on it.

Small craft (can target at 2.5 km)
Name Shields Hull Length Speed LIMGTW Special
A-wing 50 16 10 120 2 2
Assault Gunboat 100 30 15 90 222
B-wing 100 62 15 90 332
Combat Utility Vehicle 7 15 35 22 repair/rearm
Missile Boat 120 20 15 125 1 4
R-41 Starchaser 30 15 15 100 22
T-wing 20 15 10 110 2
Tie Advanced 50 15 10 145 4 2
Tie Bomber 30 10 80 2 2
Tie Defender 100 15 10 155 422
Tie Fighter 10 10 100 2
Tie Interceptor 17 10 110 4
Transport 80 40 20 55 22 repair/rearm
Tug 5 5 10 repair/rearm
Tyderian Shuttle 100 25 20 65 4
X-wing 50 21 15 100 4 2
Y-wing 75 42 20 80 222
Z-95 Headhunter 20 15 15 95 2 2

Medium craft (can target at 2.5 km)
Name Shields Hull Length Speed LIMGTW Special
Assault Transport 200 100 45 65 22 4 repair/rearm
Escort Shuttle 120 35 30 75 3 1
Escort Transport 250 125 45 70 5 repair/rearm
Patrol Craft 145 60 150 80 5 1
Scout Craft 145 60 100 80 3

Medium craft (can target at 6 km)
Name Shields Hull Length Speed LIMGTW Special
Cargo Ferry 240 140 90 20 3 move craft
Container Transport 200 140 100 30 3
Corellian Transport 320 120 25 65 1 repair/rearm
Corvette 400 200 150 20 2
Freighter 480 120 100 16
Heavy Lifter 40 25 20 move craft
Modified Corvette 400 200 150 20 61
Modular Conveyor 280 120 150 24 3
Muurian Transport 315 120 40 90 2

Big craft (can target at 6 km)
Name Shields Hull Length Speed LIMGTW Special
C-3 Passenger Liner 2500 1600 400 18
Calamari 3840 2240 1300 10 732
Carrack Cruiser 2500 1600 350 18 5
Dreadnaught 2560 1280 600 14 541
Escort Carrier 2880 1440 500 12 141
Interdictor 2840 1420 600 8 411 no hyperdrive
Light Calamari 2560 1280 500 12 722
Modified Frigate 2560 1600 250 16 731
Nebulon B Frigate 2560 1600 400 16 641
Star Destroyer 4800 2400 1600 10 561
Strike Cruiser 2540 1600 450 18 51
Victory Star Destroyer 3200 1600 900 8 712

Installations (can target at 6 km)
Name Shields Hull Length Speed LIMGTW Special
Platform 9 3200 1600 50 1
Platform Class 1 3200 1600 250 641
Platform Class 2 3200 1600 250 661
Platform Class 3 3200 1600 250 661
Platform Class 4 3200 1600 250 641
Platform Class 5 3200 1600 250 661
Platform Class 6 3200 1600 250 631
X-7 Factory Station 3200 1600 500 81

Misc (can target at 2.5 km)
Name Shields Hull Length Speed LIMGTW Special
Buoy 4 5
Mine Type A 4 5 1
Mine Type B 4 5 1
Mine Type C 4 5 1 *
Probe Type A 4 5
Probe Type B 4 5
Satellite 4 5

* launches concussion missile when destroyed

Misc (can target at 6 km)
Name Shields Hull Length Speed LIMGTW Special
Container Type A 440 200 40 75
Container Type B 520 240 40 55
Container Type C 100 40 20 75
Container Type D 110 40 30 50
Container Type E 280 120 40 40
Container Type F 280 120 40 50
Container Type G 280 120 40 25
Container Type H 280 120 40 20
Container Type I 280 120 40 40

4.0 Weapon Stats

These are the types of weapons and warheads found in Tie Fighter, and the
damage they do to shields or hulls. As an example of how to use this, look
at the Escort Carrier above. It has 4320 total shields and hull. Down
below we see that laser guns do 4 points of damage. So it would take 4320
/ 4 = 1080 laser shots to destroy an Escort Carrier, or 4320 / 350 = 13
heavy rockets.

Laser Gun (L) does 4 points of damage
Ion Cannon (I) does 4 points of damage, damages system instead
of hull once shields are gone
Missile Launcher (L) does damage according to missile type
Turbo Laser Gun (G) Auto-targeting, does 5 points of damage
Turbo Laser Turret (T) Auto-targeting, does 5 points of damage,
fires at double rate
Warhead Launcher (W) Auto-targeting, does damage according to missile type

Missiles Damage Speed Homing
Concussion 30 240 30
Concussion, advanced 60 280 25
Torpedo 100 100 60
Torpedo, advanced 150 150 50
Heavy rocket 350 350 NA
Heavy bomb 650 650 NA
Mag pulse * 140 NA

*Disables target's weapons for 2 min, and reduces it's system to 25%

5.0 Corrections, Questions, and Updates

E-mail any corrections or questions to lemberg@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu, and
I'll respond as soon as I can. Updates will be uploaded to wuarchive,
comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.flight-sim and comp.sys.ibm.pc.games.misc.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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