Sid Meier's Civilization IV - Colonization

Sid Meier's Civilization IV - Colonization

04.10.2013 08:46:00

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization: FAQ/Walkthrough by Warfreak
Version 1.2, Last Updated 2008-10-26 View/Download Original File
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Author: Warfreak
Version: 1.2
Day Started: 26/9/08


Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History
[2] The General Plan
[2.01] Starting Out
[2.02] Starting Nations and Leaders
[2.03] The Right Place
[2.04] Building a Nation
[2.05] Independance
[3] Colonisation
[3.01] Setting Up
[3.02] Import/Export
[3.03] Building
[3.04] Crosses and Liberty Bells
[3.05] Natives and Other Nations
[3.06] Native Leaders and Tribes
[4] Terrain and Bonuses
[4.01] Bananas
[4.02] Corn
[4.03] Cotton
[4.04] Crab
[4.05] Deer
[4.06] Fish
[4.07] Fur
[4.08] Iron
[4.09] Silver
[4.10] Sugar
[4.11] Tobacco
[4.12] Coast
[4.13] Desert
[4.14] Grassland
[4.15] Ice
[4.16] Marsh
[4.17] Ocean
[4.18] Plains
[4.19] River
[4.20] Tundra
[4.21] Forest
[4.22] Ice
[4.23] Jungle
[4.24] Light Forest
[5] Resources
[5.01] Cigars
[5.02] Cloth
[5.03] Coats
[5.04] Cotton
[5.05] Crosses
[5.06] Education
[5.07] Food
[5.08] Fur
[5.09] Guns
[5.10] Horses
[5.11] Liberty Bells
[5.12] Lumber
[5.13] Ore
[5.14] Production Hammers
[5.15] Rum
[5.16] Silver
[5.17] Sugar
[5.18] Tobacco
[5.19] Tools
[5.20] Trade Goods
[6] Occupitations
[6.01] Colonial Jobs
[6.02] Military Jobs
[6.03] Native Jobs
[7] Colonial Units
[7.01] Normal Colonists
[7.02] Other Colonists
[7.03] Experts
[7.04] Trade Units
[8] Military Units
[8.01] Ground Units
[8.02] Naval Units
[9] Founding Fathers
[9.01] Founding Fathers
[9.02] Trade
[9.03] Political
[9.04] Religious
[9.05] Exploration
[9.06] Military
[10] Buildings
[10.01] Buildings
[11] Improvements
[11.01] Improvements
[11.02] Ancient Ruins
[11.03] Burial Grounds
[11.04] Farm
[11.05] Lodge
[11.06] Mine
[11.07] Roads
[12] Military Promotions
[12.01] Unit Promoted
[13] Independance
[13.01] Winning the Revolutionary War
[14] Constitution
[14.01] Your Constitution
[14.02] Stance on Slavery
[14.03] Stance on Land Security
[14.04] Stance on Elections
[14.05] Stance on Natives
[14.06] Stance on Religion

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright

[1.01] Introduction

Welcome to my 41st guide, and the 4th in the Civ 4 series, behind the Civ 4
game itself, Warlords and Beyond the Sword, which is probably the best
expansion pack I've seen in my life. Anyway, this is for Colonisation, a
remake of the 1994 version done by Sid Meier himself. This does not require
the base game (Civ 4) to play, so don't fret there. This is going to be a
dream for me in terms of writing, I always wanted to write for Colonisation,
the DOS version, but I'll just do the updated version now. Enjoy!

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.0 [26/9/08]
Started this guide.

Version 0.1 [27/9/08]
Started with Table of Contents.

Version 0.2 [9/10/08]
Completed Chapter 2.

Version 0.3 [10/10/08]
More on Chapter 2.

Version 0.4 [13/10/08]
Added ASCII. Completed Chapter 3.

Version 0.5 [15/10/08]
Started on the Founding Fathers.

Version 0.6 [16/10/08]
All the Founding Fathers are complete.

Version 0.7 [17/10/08]
Tidying up.

Version 0.8 [19/10/08]
Completed more about the Indian leaders.

Version 0.9 [22/10/08]
Update on the terrain and resource bonuses. Completed that as well.

Version 1.0 [23/10/08]
Completed Chapter 5 and 14. 6, 10 and 11 tomorrow hopefully.

Version 1.1 [24/10/08]
Completed Chapters 6, 10, 11 like I promised. 7, 8, 12, 13 to go, should be
finished in two updates.

Version 1.2 [25/10/08]
Guide is now complete. All chapters complete, so happy reading.

[2.01] Starting Out

Well, when you start out, you get to choose what type of map you get to play
with. I Suggest that you play on either the Western Hemisphere or the
Caribbean map.

The Western Hemisphere Map will cover both North and South America, as well
as the little islands in between. It will, essentially, cover, the continent
from the north to the south pole with pretty good detail. Though you are
taking millions of square kilometers of land in a few tiles. Imagine how much
land would be taken up by a single pixel. This is found under custom Scenarios
as you can imagine.

The Caribbean map is there with some pretty good detail as well, featuring a
good chunk of South America as well as Cuba. No sign of North America, such as
most Golden Age based games.

Otherwise, there isn't much that you can do. The other maps are more random
and harder to play with, but that is up to you. Thats pretty much it for
starting out.

[2.02] Starting Nations and Leaders

When you start, you have the choice to start from 4 large empires, the same
as last time. You get to either be in charge of the Dutch, English, French
or Spanish colonies. People were angry because Portugal weren't included, but
to be honest, they weren't in the first Colonisation game, and this is, in
essence, a remake, so I don't see what people are whining all over about.

Anyway, all colonies will start with a Caravel ship (the Dutch get a
Merchantman instead), a Colonist with tools and Soldier. The English get two
free colonists instead, a pioneer and a soldier. The Spanish get a normal
pioneer and Veteran Soldiers, and the French get Hardy Pioneers and normal

There are two leaders for each nation, who each have a different trait that
will alter how their empire is run. There is also a trait for the empire in
general, the Dutch are more enterprising, while the Spanish are a bit more

--==~~The Dutch~~==--

Special Trait - Mercantile
Market prices are less sensitive

This is a useful trait to play with because market prices, will, be a massive
source of income in the game. Once you have extremely efficient colonies, you
are able to produce more and more goods, and as you send these back to Europe
for sale, the price will drop as supply is increased and demand is furfilled.
For example, say you want 10 oranges at 2 dollars. I deliver 15. You will buy
the 10, but unless I drop the price, you don't buy any more. That will happen
in Europe. More on that later. But these prices are extremely sensitive and
if you sell too much, that price drops, and this prevents it for a while.


Peter Stuyvesant - Industrious
+25% Hammer Production in all Settlements

This is quite useful. Hammers are needed from your colonies to be used to
make buildings, which is relatively important, as you can imagine, as well
as being used to generate Founding Father points. This will increase
production by a quarter, and while that may not seem like a lot, over the
course of the game, that means 25% extra founding father points, which is
rather useful.

Thevenon Vivien sent in the following:

"I would just like to add to what you already said that the production bonus
is really great when you get founding fathers who increase hammer production
as well, especially Alexander Hamilton (+3 hammers in every colony), as it
results in all colonies having decent production even without any carpenters
or lumber; pretty convenient for the founding father points you mentioned
getting with those hammers."

Andiaen Van Der Donck - Charismatic
+100% Time between Tax Increases

When the King from your home nation sees that you have been doing rather well
and making a lot of money, he will decide that it is a good time to tax your
colony. The more money you make, the faster he will tax you. This will make
the time needed to tax your further even longer, which is even more useful
since taxes will slowly eat away at your profits. 10% taxes on 100,000 means
10,000 and that could buy you several new cannons.

--==~~The English~~==--

Special Trait - Tolerant
-25% Crosses needed for Immigration

The problem with this trait is that while it does get you more free units at
docks at Europe, the fundamental problem is that you don't know and you don't
get to control what type of people you will have at the Docks of England.
This is a nice method of getting free units, but no control of what type of
units they are is pretty annoying. You don't want any more criminals or
servants, but those experts are always sought. Problem is, do you need them,
there is no point of having an expert sitting around doing bugger all.


George Washington - Disciplined
-50% Soldier Equipment required

Well, you get the founding father for the United States, what more could you
want. Well, this is extremely useful if you are going to take on Europe for
the final push of independance. You want to arm your own soldiers for starters
because it will get more and more expensive to arm them at the docks of
Europe, and you can easily breed your own horses and make your own muskets.
This reduces the cost of arming soldiers, normally 100 of each, by 50.

John Adams - Libertarian
+25% Liberty Bells Generation in all Settlements

This is one of the best traits that you can have. Rebel sentiment is harder
to generate, and there are benefits to generating more and more Liberty Bells
such as increased production. You need at least 50% Liberty Bells in order to
declare independance, no taxation without representation. These bells take a
long time to generate, so the more the better. After all, if a show about
this man can win awards, he must be important.

--==~~The French~~==--

Special Trait - Cooperative
Natives are more tolerant towards territory encroachment
-50% time spent Living Among Natives to Learn a new skill

Well, for a nation that has been classed as everything possible, since they
apparently can't win a war by themselves to having a dead langugage, they
do have some pretty good traits. The ability to have natives no get really
annoyed that you have taken their land as well as the ability to decrease
the time needed to learn a new skill, it is rather useful. After all, some
skills such as Fur Trapping and Cotton Farming aren't available to be
purchased in Europe. And only the Natives can teach you.


Samuel De Champlain - Enterprising
+100% Conversion Rate from Missions

Well, missions are a good way to get converted natives, which are good for
field skills, such as fur trapping, but not as good as an expert. The problem
with this trait is that you don't need it when you have the experts flowing
through your colonies, and that means that you won't need this trait, the
problem with this leader is just that.

Reader Thevenon Vivien disagrees with my opinion, here it is.

"Once again, I partly disagree. In some games, it is strictly impossible to
find a specific raw material expert, and in those cases, converted natives
come pretty handy. Also, note that all the converted natives you get first
appear in the indian village they come from, so you can instantly train
them to become whatever expert the village trains. If that particular
expert isn't needed, you can always turn all those trained natives into free
colonists, so a LOT of new soldiers with this trait and a few missions.
Also, they can learn a new speciality in school faster than natives."

Louis de Frontenac - Militaristic
Free Promotion (Grenadier I)
- Mounted Units
- Gunpowder Units

While this may be useful, after all, more damage from your units are more
than welcome, the problem is that there are other traits from other leaders
that are far more useful. Practical applications for your colonies is a far
more useful ability than the promotion of a few units. But then again, the
fight for independance requires you to pull no punches.

---==~~The Spanish~~==--

Special Trait - Conquistador
+25% Attack against Natives

Well, the Spanish did have a nasty history against the Aztecs and the Mayans
when they decided that a conquest of South America as in order, and I guess
that this reflects that very nature to the core. Useful, except it doesn't
say anything about killing other Spaniards when you declare independance.


Simon Bolivar - Determined
+100% effect of Liberty Bells on Rebel Attack

Well, this means that when you attack, your units get an even bigger boost
from the generation of the Liberty Bells than before. That means, more
Liberty Bells means even more damage, which is exceptionally useful when it
comes to Independance, since you are guaranteed to have a large generation
of Liberty Bells then.

Jose De San Martin - Resourceful
-50% XP Needed for Unit Promotions

This is useful if you are going to have a very skilled but limited ground
force. You want your ground force, when you are going to kill the mother
country, to be the best that it can be, and given that the natives are only
going to give very limited experience, so you need to make the most out of
it while you still can.

Reader Theovenon Vivien has a slight disagreement with me on San Martin:

"Ha! Trust me, it is also extremely useful with a very large but totally
untrained ground force. This trait makes all your soldiers gain their
first promotion with only 1 experience point. Just one fight and they
get promoted. Even better: Use a great general in a spot where you just
put 20 free colonists freshly turned into soldiers. You will get 20
promotions. Although there are many uses for this, one of my favorites is
doing this right after getting the last military founding father, Dom Pedro.
You can then give all those new soldiers the second level of Minuteman.
In seconds, 20 soldiers with +45% settlement defense!

Also, this leader trait is your best bet if you want to get the high level
promotions. It makes aiming for level 6 Veteran with more than one unit
realistic. I often end up with a group of 5 to 8 dragoons with Veteran VI,
4 power +75%. Extremely powerful, can take over entire empires remarkably
fast, as well as quickly get rid of the fearsome royal artillery (the
only thing that can really kick your ass even if you have one extremely
well defended colony)."

[2.03] The Right Place

When you start to establish your first colony, there are some things that
you want to keep an eye out for.

The first is any bonuses on the land, such as cotton, wheat, fur, anything,
and that would make a good start, since those resources will be useful for
manufactured products. Also, since the first city needs to be a port based
city, you want to have access to items such as fish or crabs so your fishermen
from Europe, with a dock, can harvest those tiles, since they provide a good
source of food.

Also, make sure that you aren't too close to them Indians, even though they
might be nice, they will attack, sooner or later, if you aren't going to be
very nice to them. Remember, you want to be a good distance, because if you
use their tribal lands, they will fine you and you need to pay money for the
land, lest you want to fight them for it.

Finally, look for a point where you can easily control ships to and from
England. Because odds are, ships containing men are going to land here when
you declare independance. But thats the basics, look for resources and take

[2.04] Building a Nation

When you start placing more colones, while you want secure access to food,
you can easily send Wagon Trains to supply more and more food to those
colonies that are in need.

The money that you have is very important. When you trade off all your nice,
valuable goods, you will got gold for it. That gold is important, you need it
to hire specialists from Europe, to purchase new ships and cannons from
Europe, well, it is currency, and the more you have, the better. However, the
more you sell, the more the king will tax you. Remember, if you decide to not
pay the tax and have a tea party, you will never be able to trade that
commodity again, so be careful when you want to throw parties left, right and

Soon, you are going to look for new resources. Cotton fields need to be taken
for cloth, fur for coats, tobacco for cigars, and the like. But what you
really want to take over are iron mines. These are important because if you
have control of Iron, you have the ability to make tools, that are very, very
useful as well as the power of Muskets, to arm your soldiers.

You want to have Pioneers to make some roads to connect the inland cities
with the port cities so you can get rid of the goods as well, that is rather
important. Improvements should be built to make your land more productive,
and that is always a good thing. Those are the basics for a big empire, how
you build it, thats up to you.

[2.05] Independance

When all your colonies have at least 50% rebel sentiment, that is, half the
population want independance, you will be able to declare that you want
independance. Well, this is a risky more, since the King will send in his

This is quite hard in this game to win at this point since the King will
respond with overwhelming force. To win, I'll detail how to do so in its own
section, such is the complexity. At least you get a constitution to draft,
so that is rather interesting.

[3.01] Setting Up

When you set up your colony, you need to bear in mind that this is not like
the original game of Civ 4, you can only harvest 9 tiles in total for your
city, regardless of the culture of your city. Culture really doesn't do
much, except define how much land you control.

This is fundamentally different in how you gather resources. First of all, you
can only gather one type of resource on a tile. Unlike Civ 4, you don't get
to place any person to gather all. There are various resource collectors here
and they each have different abilities. Servents and criminals tend to do a
lot worse, while colonists will be the average wherever they are placed. The
converted natives are better than colonists on the field, but worst in the
manufacturing positions, and the experts are experts in doing what their
profession requires, obtaining double productivity over a colonist, but will
act like a normal colonist when placed in a profession they are not expert

Also, unlike Civ 4, you have buildings that you can place colonists in to
refine your resources. Every turn, you will get resources from your tiles
equal to the amount that your colonist can produce. That is, if your colonist
is able to produce 5 tobacco, then you add 5 tobacco to your stockpile. There
are many buildings that will turn the raw materials from the field into
valuable goods that will sell for more in Europe. In the case of Iron Ore,
tools that are produced are used by your colonies as well as the muskets that
are generated by tools.

It will be in your best interest to settle near areas where there is a land
bonus for a certain resource. Seeing a resource on the map means a very good
boost to harvesting that resource, and that means a lot more money. You will
want to develop and build new buildings, but the first is going to be the
warehouse to increase the amount of resources you can hold.

Then, depending on the type of resources that you can gather, you want to
develop more efficient and bigger buildings for processing. That is, you want
a bigger lumber mill, you want a bigger coats factory, because not only will
it suck more raw resources, which means less goes back as a waste, but you
will transform more raw resources into final, and expensive, manufactured

[3.02] Import/Export

At the start, you are going to be short on money, but you need to build up
money to purchase experts and more importantly, military equipment from your
mother country. Sure, they obviously don't suspect the hiring of several
Dragoons and thousands of horses and muskets as a bold military move. Anyway,
you need to be able to purchase and sell goods to the mother country.

First, you are going to need a colony, and given the small amount of spending
money that you have to play with, you are obviously going to need to export
something for some money. This is why it is important to settle near some
source of resources, this allows you to harvest those resources and sell them
raw back to Europe as a source of money.

When you place the items on your ship, bear in mind that it needs to be in
port in order to load up the ship, and send it back to Europe, which,
depdning on your map, may be quite a long wait, but thats a nice amount of
time to build up your resource stockpile.

What you want to pay attention to is the price of the goods that you are
able to sell.

Food, Lumber, Horses, Tools and Muskets generally sell for low prices, below
5 gold per item.

Unprocessed items, Tobacco, Cotton, Fur, Sugar and Ore generally sell for just
a bit about 5 gold per item, but not too much.

The processed items such as Rum, Coats and Cigars sell for about 10 and the
rarest item of them all, Silver, sells for nearly 20 at the start.

The game has the process of supply and demand. Over time, the price of the
goods will get higher and higher as more and more people will demand those
types of goods. However, as more and more of your goods flood the mother
country, the price will drop and drop, but you will always be able to sell
for some amount of money.

As you send more and more goods back, you need more ships as your colonies
expand. You have really, two choices. Ships of the Line are nice options
since they have 4 cargo slots and 4 movement, but the Galleon has slightly
more carrying capacity but less movement. A balance between the two should
be a good idea.

[3.03] Building

You need to build more and more colonies as you expand. You can't, however,
all have them on the coast, you are, sooner or later, going to need to
expand inland. If you do, you need two have several things.

First, you are going to need pioneers to build more and more roads for faster
travel. For what? Well you want to have wagon trains to transport goods to
your port cities so you can send your goods back to the motherland. The best
type of colony, therefore, is Silver mining. Silver mining is only going to
be found inland, where mountains are, and that is the most profitable type
of resource.

Roads make your units travel faster. Well, they don't give more moves, per
se, but they do reduce the amount of movement points that is required for
your units to travel across the tile. Therefore, it is important that you
expand, since you are not going to get silver near the coast.

Also, you want to build up your colonies. You want to build up the economy
of your colonies first, because more money means that you can hurry
production further, which will be building more and more improvements. But
after a while, you want to focus on building more and more military based
buildings. Stockades will be useful at the start to fortify your base, but
what you really want is going to be a drydock. You want to build more and
more of your ships, because when you declare your independance, you will
need to have an extremely strong navy.

Although the war, will be won on the land, control of the seas will limit
the amount of ground forces that you need to control the imperial forces.
There is also a reason that you want to send more and more colonies inland
because you will find that the king will send forces to your port cities
and if they fall, you need something to fall back on. Inland colonies will
provide resources to fall back on, as well as production on military forces
to repel the invaders. More on that later though.

[3.04] Crosses and Liberty Bells

There are two buildings that you need to keep an eye on, that is, the church
and the town hall. Why? They produce Crosses and Liberty Bells, that is very
important. But you can't sell them, you can't eat them, what do you do with

Crosses are important if you don't want to pay for new colonists and you
want a lucky pick. Colonists will be generated on the docks of Europe and
if you have enough, which can be seen on the meter on the bottom of the
Europe screen, you will get a new colonist. The problem is, you don't have a
choice on what is generated in Europe, it can be a scout, an expert farmer or
a convicted criminal, you don't have a choice. Generally, this is more or
less useful in the beginning, but in the late game time, this isn't as useful
since you get to train or hire new experts, rather than wait.

Liberty Bells are a completely different matter, and they are the most
important resource in the game. Why? Well, first, lets go through the basics.
Liberty Bells are generated from the town hall as well as the media buildings
such as the printing press. This is beneficial if you have the Elder Statesman
generating more Liberty Bells from the town hall, double the amount a normal
colonist can.

Liberty Bells are important, they will generate rebel sentiment and if you
go and generate enough, you will be able to declare independance. The rule is
that as long as that there is at least half your population that supports
the idea for independance, you can declare it.

Also, Liberty Bells will generate founding father points. These points can be
used to generate your founding fathers, special people, that will only offer
their services once to you, and to the highest bigger first, that will provide
a massive effect on the whole colony, since they effect all the colonies, not
just one.

Finally, Liberty Bells for Rebel Sentiment is important. Low rebel sentiment
will give you a disadvantage in production, while a higher rebel sentiment
will give you more productive workers since they have an idea of you working
for your country. Also, Liberty Wells is basically culture. The more you can
generate, the more land that you will have cultural control over, which is
quite important.

[3.05] Natives and Other Nations

There are many people or figureheads that you are going to be meeting over
the course of the game. First, you are going to encounter the natives. There
are many native tribes here, but where they spawn appear to be random.

Natives are going to be quite nice to you, they will trade with you as well
as head to your town to give you gifts when you start out, which is more than
helpful. However, you should send your scouts out to their burial grounds
when you have a strong military. The reason is that a strong army will be
able to defend against anything that decides to go wrong.

Natives are useful for their trade goods, but they are even more useful for
their treasure. You can sack enemy cities and their burial mounds for treasure
units. These will require you to send a galleon or borrow one of the king's
galleons to transport back to Europe for the money, but they do haul a lot
of cash.

Natives, if stealing horses and muskets, are going to be quite strong, so
don't let them raid your encampments or trade those items to them, because
the last thing you want are angry natives armed with muskets that are going
to shoot at you. You need to contain them. If you plan to attack them, send
in your troops to take down their units and use Artillery to blow up their
villages if need be. Artillery is one of the better attacking units that you
will have.

Other nations, on the other hand, are going to be harder to combat. They
will be the same as you, but they will lack the numbers in the beginning to
pose a really big threat to you, but they will build up their numbers.

It is important to figure out what happens in Europe. Wars that will happen
there will effect you since there are going to be strong odds that it will
effect wars in the colonies. That is why you should have armed forces at
all times, in case those little enemies come a knocking.

Finally, there is your king. Your king is going to be the biggest pain that
you will ever encounter. First of all, they will tax you for making money
till they can tax you no more, at 99%. Also, they will always demand tribute
which you can reject and they will get annoyed, so when you need those
military forces, they won't lend them to you.

Your king is the one that you are going to need to fight later on, so make
sure that you keep an eye on the Royal Expeditionary Force, because you
are going to have to try to match those numbers.

[3.06] Native Leaders and Tribes

There are 8 native tribes and there are going to be 8 seperate leaders for
those tribes. They all have some benefit to you. They have two traits each,
and they all have benefits for you. Since there is going to be a lot of
double dipping here, I'll be rather nice to you.


Cacique of the Arawaks


- +100% Conversion Rate from Missions

- Free Promotion - Grenadier 1
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- +100% Gold at first European contact with Native Villages

- Free Promotion - Ranger 1
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

This is an interesting leader. Basically, for you, you will get a higher
conversion rate from the missions from this guy than normal missions belonging
to the other tribes. Also, the first type of European colonist that meets this
guy will give you more gold than he will give to other Europeans when they
visit his villages.


Leader of the Tupi


- Yields +100% Treasure when villages are captured

- Free Promotion - Minuteman I
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- -50% Cost of Native Land Purchasing

- Free Promotion - Formation
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

This leader will be one that you want to be at peace first, then strike
without any sort of warning. You get some cheaper land to start off, and then
when you decide to plunder them, you get double the amount of gold. What a
life that is, so you get all the money that you spent on their land back.

--==~~Huayna Capac~~==--

Leader of the Incan Empire


- Yields +100% Treasure when villages are captured

- Free Promotion - Minuteman I
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- -50% time spent Living Among Natives to Learn a New Skill

- Free Promotion - Mountaineer I
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

This is rather interesting. Again, this is good for your colonists to live
among the natives to learn a new skill. This will be rather fast. When you
have either enough colonists to fill the vacant positions that the tribe
can help you fill or have a developed education system and have no more use
for the Incans, you can do what the Spanish did and loot them for all they
are worth, because they are worth a lot. Double gold.


Chief of the Mingo


- -50% Cost of Native Land Purchasing

- Free Promotion - Formation
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- -50% time spent Living Among Natives to Learn a New Skill

- Free Promotion - Mountaineer I
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

Another interesting set of traits that you can use to your advantage. This
is a tribe that you can to be peaceful with. You get relative cheap land and
you also get a nice set of skills from them as well, so this is going to be a
nice tribe to ally with, and not to plunder and loot from.

--==~angas Coloradas~~==--

War Chief of the Apache


- +100% Conversion Rate from Missions

- Free Promotion - Grenadier 1
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- -50% Cost of Native Land Purchasing

- Free Promotion - Formation
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

Well, this isn't as useful as Logan is, but the Conversion Rate is rather
useful for pumping out more colonal soldiers. This will mean that you get
rather cheap land, as well as a nice source of converted natives, who you
can arm with guns when they are of no more use to you in the colonies on
the field, toiling away on the land.


Aztec Emperor


- Yields +100% Treasure when villages are captured

- Free Promotion - Minuteman I
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- +100% Gold at first European contact with Native Villages

- Free Promotion - Ranger 1
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

Ah, the perfect type of native that you want to target in this game. What you
want to do, when you are building up your forces, is to use some scouts and
visit their village for the gifts that they will give you. Then, you can
epically betray them and steal all their nice loot. Ah, the art of
backstabbing is surely not lost in this game.


War Chief of the Overhill Cherokee


- +100% Conversion Rate from Missions

- Free Promotion - Grenadier 1
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- +100% Gold at first European contact with Native Villages

- Free Promotion - Ranger 1
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

See the leader of the Arawaks for the same comment.

--==~~Sitting Bull~~==--

War Chief of the Hukapapa Sioux


- +100% Conversion Rate from Missions

- Free Promotion - Grenadier 1
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units


- -50% time spent Living Among Natives to Learn a New Skill

- Free Promotion - Mountaineer I
- Mounted Units
- Melee Units
- Gunpowder Units

Well, this is one of the most famous Indian leaders that you can get.
Anyway this is an interesting leader, you want to seriously have missions
in his villages and then send in your own colonists for training. This is
one guy you want to keep at all costs since converted natives make good
soldiers and half the time to learn a new skill is good as well.

[4.01] Bananas

+2 Food

Bananas are the worst of the food bonuses, the will provide the least amount
of food alone with deer. These are found in warmer or more tropical parts
of the map. For the Western Hemisphere map, they are found in the South
America parts of the map, in particular, parts of Brazil.

[4.02] Corn

+3 Food

It is best to settle in places where this is closeby, it will give you three
food per turn, but remember that you also will see it most commonly on plains
or grassland, and also on a river, which means even more food. More on that
later, but the Corn resource is one of the most useful food resources, it is
only surpassed by one.

[4.03] Cotton

+2 Cotton

This is a bonus where you want to have. This can be used in two ways. This
should be taken by a colony where your intentions are to make it into cloth or
have access to export it to a colony so you can export the cotton to another
city for cloth production or back to Europe.

[4.04] Crab

+3 Food

This is why port cities are going to be the ones with the highest population.
There are only two bonuses for the sea, and they give the same amount of food
as the corn bonus. That being said, the sea gives a lot more food, or more
food than the land tiles in most cases.

[4.05] Deer

+2 Food

Deer should have a fur bonus as well, but the problem with that is that you
can only harvest a single type of resource on a tile at one given time, which
is one of the bad features that should have been changed, using the Civ 4
system, but it is more realistic this way. After all, a farmer can't chop
down trees, trap deer, farm the land all at the same time. Or can he?

[4.06] Fish

+4 Food

This is the best food bonus in the game. This provides the highest yield for
any food bonus in the game, and this is what you want to be looking for when
you settle, but that is provided that you can get the docks up and running
fast so you can make the most out of your food tiles when you can.

[4.07] Fur

+2 Fur

Technically, they are beavers, but anyway. The problem with this resource is
that it isn't very evenly spread. It is going to be found near the North Pole
at most times, so on the Western Hemisphere map, think Canada. Most commonly
found on Tundra tiles, which is useful for fur production as well. However,
there are rare instances where it is found all over the place, think of it as
rabbits that are the fur.

[4.08] Iron

+2 Ore

This is the product that you want when you want to think about revolution. You
somehow make guns out of tools, maybe you hollow out a hammer and use the wood
stock as a barrel, I don't know. This is going to be found in hilly tiles
or in the desert, but I hope you find it on the hills, because the desert
doesn't really support life.

[4.09] Silver

+2 Silver

This bonus is totally useless unless it is found on a mountain tile because
you can only mine silver on the mountain tiles, no exceptions. That means, if
you want silver, head to the mountains. On the Western Hemisphere map, there
is a mountain range called the Rocky Mountains. Don't know if you heard of it

[4.10] Sugar

+2 Sugar

Rum, Rum and more Rum. That is what Sugar is good for, RUM! They are more
likely to be found in the Caribbean, where Jack Sparrow loves his rum. While
this may be useful, you will probably need docks to ensure that you can
survive on the food that you will gather there since those islands don't count
as a lot of land. Cuba isn't all that big on the map you know.

[4.11] Tobacco

+2 Tobacco

Ah, the bane of society, with them cancer sticks and all. I don't mind if you
smoke them, don't give it to me. Anyway, despite my rambling, it is quite a
profitable business. Cigars are the best type of manufactured goods, but
Tobacco is normally found inland, not near the sea, so it will need to be
sent to the port via wagon train.

[4.12] Coast

+1 Food

Defending units get +10% Strength
Cannot build settlements here

Well, this is good for your basic fishing trip, I mean, you can't build
settlements on water anyway. This will be useful if you can land near these
tiles since they do give a nice boost, and they are all over the place.

[4.13] Desert

+2 Ore

Improvements take +25% time to build

This is an interesting situation you've got here. The Desert tile will make
more ore for you, BUT, if you are on desert tiles, the odds are that you
aren't going to have great sources of food, which means that you are more than
likely to export all the ore to another city to have production of tools and
muskets from ore.

[4.14] Grassland

+3 Food
+3 Tobacco

This is nice. Well, you get a choice of what type of production you have.
Generally speaking, you want this to be tobacco production since that is a
good you can sell back to Europe for a high price, but the problem is that
you might want to take this tile for the food value. But that is totally up
to you, you might use the tile to get food, then switch, run at loss of food,
make tobacco, and change.

[4.15] Ice

+2 Fur

Improvements take +50% time to build

This is a different tile to the Ice below. This ice is still a part of land
while the ice below is on the water. That is, the ice below is water with a
chunk of ice, while this one is ice on some terra firma. Anyway, this is more
common as you head north, and this is where you will be placing your colonies
for the fur and coats.

[4.16] Marsh

+2 Food
+3 Sugar

Improvements take +25% time to build

A useful place to start looking for if you are going to make some Rum. This
with a Sugar bonus on it is looking pretty damn good if you ask me. This is
quite hard to use properly though, because Marsh doesn't provide as much food
as the Plains and Grassland do, even though they have the same trade off but
for a different resource. Well, maybe growing corn on some swampy bayou isn't
a good idea.

[4.17] Ocean

Cannot build settlements here

Well, this is where your units travel to and from Europe. Technically, you
shouldn't see this in your colonies, after all, you should be seeing all the
coastline instead. Maybe you did something that you shouldn't have with the
WorldBuilder, otherwise known as cheating.

[4.18] Plains

+3 Food
+3 Cotton

A classic tradeoff between Food or King Cotton. While the land does look kind
of arid, it is good for crop growing. Again, you can just alternate between
food and cotton production. Switch to food to build up a surplus, and then
farm cotton while depleting that surplus. Useful if you are effected by the
Liberty Bell disadvantage.

[4.19] River

+2 to ANY Resource

The River is the best terrain you can have. This will give +2 to whatever
resource you are gathering on the while. After extensive testing, I've seen
that you get +2 Silver from the Mountain, +2 Food from farmland, and so on,
which is quite a boon to your economy. I suggest that this, and a mountain
range, will be extremely useful for your economy.

[4.20] Tundra

+2 Food
+2 Fur

The same as Ice, it is found in the northern areas where you get a fair amount
of fur there. This is useful for fur, and well, more useful for food
production. I am just wondering what type of crops grow in those icy
conditions, maybe potatoes?

[4.21] Forest

-2 Food
+6 Lumber
-2 Cotton
+3 Fur
-3 Sugar
-2 Tobacco

Movement Cost - 2
Defending Units get +50% Strength

Well, Forests are good if you want a lumberjack and carpenters to produce the
hammers which in turn produce the buildings and produce, well, everything,
from units and founding father points. Also good for fur production, but if
you are trying to farm crops, try demolishing the forest. Do you think it is
easy to farm crops in a forest, I mean, seriously, it isn't that easy.

[4.22] Ice


Ice is impassible, you cannot pass it, which means it will be found near the
North and South Pole. Not very useful, but then again, you shouldn't be this
far up anyway.

[4.23] Jungle

+4 Lumber
-2 Sugar
-2 Cotton
-2 Tobacco

Movement Cost - 2
Defending Units get +50% Strength

The Jungle, unlike the Civ 4 game, doesn't try to kill your population. At
least you don't suffer a food disadvantage here, but the odds are, if you
get this type of Jungle on it, you will probably find a source of tasty and
yummy BANANAS! So there's a bonus right there.

[4.24] Light Forest

-1 Food
+2 Lumber
-1 Cotton
+2 Fur
-1 Tobacco

Movement Cost - 2
Defending Units get +25% Strength

A light forest is a lite forest. You get less lumber, but you will get a nice
fur bonus for it. This is the good part, but still, if you are in a farming
community, this would be a nice thing to chop down for the time being since
it won't be useful in the long run for resource production.

[5.01] Cigars

Tobacconist's House = 3 Cigars per Citizen
Tobacconist's Shop = 6 Cigars per Citizen
Cigar Factory = 6 Cigars per Citizen
Cigar Factory = +50% Cigar Production

Cigars are used on a 1 to 1 ratio with Tobacco. Where would society be without
Cancer Sticks? Anyway, this is one of the more stable goods in Europe. The
price is consistant with the price of manufactured goods, they are about the
low teens, dipping with excess supply, but these generally sell higher than
the other manufactured goods, despite the amount of supply.

[5.02] Cloth

Weaver's House = 3 Cloth per Citizen
Weaver's Shop = 6 Cloth per Citizen
Textile Mill = 6 Cloth per Citizen
Textile Mill = +50% Cloth Production

Again, this requires Cotton to produce a manufactured good, and these will
sell for in their low teens, however, these are more prone to have their price
drop when the supply exceeds the demand from Europe. It is best to focus on
Cigar production rather than cloth production.

[5.03] Coats

Fur Trader's House = 3 Coats per Citizen
Fur Trader's Shop = 6 Coats per Citizen
Coats Factory = 6 Coats per Citizen
Coats Factory = +50% Cloth Production

Coats are the worst type of manufactured good to send back to Europe en masse
because these have the lowest threshold before the price of the item will drop
and they will drop fast. I've experimented a bit with the trading volumes, and
while I did tweak production, Coats ended up dead last. Cloth fairs a bit
better, then Rum, then Cigars. Coats, well, you should only have a single
colony that is that far north anyway.

[5.04] Cotton

Cotton is the type of crop that doesn't sell that highly when you have it
shipped back to Europe. At first, you are more likely than not to actually
IMPORT cotton from Europe, process it into cloth at your colonies and then
send it back. That is a nice tip if you want one, but they sell for their
low single digits, about 3-5 at most.

[5.05] Crosses

Church = +3 Crosses per Citizen
Cathedral = +6 Crosses per Citizen

Crosses are used for Immigration. On your Europe Screen, there is a bar on
the bottom for Immigration. It will show the amount of Crosses that you need
to generate for a new immigrant on the shores of Europe. The more that you
generate, the more immigrants that will be in Europe that you can ship over
to your colonies for production purposes. Even the criminals and servants have
their uses, and can be useful, see below.

[5.06] Education

Schoolhouse = +3 Education per Citizen
College = +6 Education per Citizen
University = +12 Education per Citizen

Education works differently. What you need to do is to send in a Colonist
without a trade, Free Colonists, Servents, Criminals and Natives to the
Schoolhouse, and they will generate Education Points for themselves. Once
they have achieved a certain amount, you can assign them a job. That job is
assigned from the available experts in the colony. So for a colony with Expert
Farmers and Fishermen, your new students will either be Farmers or Fishermen.
Thats the choice.

Of course, all other classes other than free colonists will generate their
points a fair bit lower, but that is the general jist of things, the
Civilopedia does a better job than me.

[5.07] Food

Food is one of the items that you cannot live without. Food is needed by all
your colonist. Each colonist will consume 2 food per turn, and failure to
ensure that they have their need complete will ensure in their starvation and
their death, which is not a good thing.

For a developed colony, there will be a fair amount of excess food. You need
to look at either exporting the food back to Europe for money or using the
food to produce Horses. Horses are useful, since they make normal soldiers
into the powerful dragoons. Selling the food back the Europe is really not
for a lot of money, they sell for 1 Gold most of the time, but to purchase
it, well that's just daylight robbery.

Once your colonies have reached a certain level of food in the colony, that
is, a certain level of stored food, a new colonist will be born, so to speak,
and ready for new orders from their boss. Give them some guns and make them
man the fort.

[5.08] Fur

Fur is one of the most valuable basic or raw resources, they generally sell
better than any of the crops since they have the value of being furs. The
conversion into Coats isn't so bad, but like I mentioned above, Coats aren't
there to make a lot of money, but some it better than none, isn't it? If you
have excess fur production, either find another colony to make coats out of it
or you can ship it back. They hover about 5-7, whereas the normal crops get
3-5 on average.

[5.09] Guns

Armoury = 3 Guns per Citizen
Magazine = 6 Guns per Citizen
Arsenal = 6 Guns per Citizen
Arsenal = +50% Guns Production

Guns, Guns and more Guns. These require tools to produce, they require 1 tool
for 1 gun. Don't ask on how they make guns out of tools, and nothing else, I
really don't know. You seriously don't want to sell these back to Europe. And
the reasons are twofold. First, they have a low selling point of about 2 to
3 on average, and secondly, what are your troops going to fight with. Better
to slowly arm your forces over time rather than sell the guns.

[5.10] Horses

Stable = 2 Horses per Citizen
Horse Pasture = 2 Horses per Citizen
Horse Pasture = +100% Horse Production
HORSES = +1 Horse
Ranch = +4 Horses per Citizen

Horses are the other item that you want to keep for your own colonies rather
than selling them back to Europe. They will be generated from food, each horse
will take 2 food per turn for a horse to be generated. While they sell back
at Europe for about 3, you can use these to have some Dragoons to fight for
your colonies instead. That is certainly far more useful.

[5.11] Liberty Bells

Town Hall = 3 Liberty Bells per Citizen
Printing Press = +50% Liberty Bells Generated
Newspaper = +100% Liberty Bells Generated

This is what your colonies will need to generate to declare their independance
from the Crown. "No taxation without represention" as they would say. And
Liberty Bells are important as they will increase production for your colonies
and decrease your production rate if you citizens are Tories, that is,
loyalists to the Crown. They will also provide a benefit on the battlefield,
as they will increase the firepower of your troops.

"Give me Liberty or Give me Death"

[5.12] Lumber

Lumber is one of the cheapest resources you can sell back to Europe, they
sell for quite low, but they are needed for the production of, ironically,
production itself. Production Hammers are produced by Carpenters, which
require Lumber to create. No need for tools, or anything else, just Lumber.
It will be hard for a colony to be able to find excess Lumber, it is quite
rare indeed.

[5.13] Ore

Ore is one of the strangest commodities. If you look at the trading prices, it
has a higher, if not, equal, trading price to the more developed products from
Ore. Tools and Guns both sell for roughly the same price, so if you don't have
the colonial power to manufacture the Ore into something useful, then ship it
back, but otherwise, use the Ore to make Tools, which are needed for the
production hammers, and more importantly, guns.

[5.14] Production Hammers

Carpenter's Shop = 3 Hammers per Citizen
Lumber Mill = 6 Hammers per Citizen

These hammers are produced directly from Lumber. They are on a one to one
ratio for lumber, and these are used in nearly everything. The hammers are
needed for the production of buildings, for units and for Founding Father
points themselves. This is why it is important for your colonies to have a
nice source of lumber in every colony, they need to produce new buildings to
ensure that they will be able to become self-sufficient and able to produce
useful things for the empire.

[5.15] Rum

Rum Distiller's House = 3 Rum per Citizen
Rum Distillery = 6 Rum per Citizen
Rum Factory = 6 Rum per Citizen
Rum Factory = +50% Rum Production

Rum is the second most stable manufactured good, after Cigars. It seems that
society's vices are good sellers, but warmth seems to come a distant second.
Anyway, Rum is one of the better sellers, due to the problem of actually
finding the Sugar needed for Rum. There are a lot of jokes I can make about
rum (Don't you dare tell them - SBAllen), but as you can see, I can't.

[5.16] Silver

Silver is the most valuable product that you can find. They are mined in the
Mountains, at extremely low levels, you can manufacture about 2 per turn on a
nice day, sometimes, if you are lucky, even more, which is a bonus. The low
production rate is reflected in the price, they will sell for about 19 per
Silver, but they have one of the highest dropping rates.

That is, silver will have its value drop extremely fast if you sell them in
vast quantities. I somehow rigged my city, using Worldbuilder, to get 24-32
Silver per turn, and after a few trades, whereas the price of manufactured
goods dropped about 2, the price of Silver dropped about 10, but they seem
to level out about 7-9, and they won't lose any more value after that. What
country would have Silver selling cheaper than food?

[5.17] Sugar

Finding Sugar is the problem, they are found in the more tropical areas but
once you find them, Sugar is quite useful. Rum is a good seller, and Sugar
itself generally sells for more than the other crops, such as Tobacco and
Cotton, since it takes longer to generate the same amount of Sugar as Tobacco
and Cotton, look at the Grasslands, Plains and then Marsh, and look at the
difference in Sugar and the rest.

Once you find it, Sugar is valuable. It is one of the more stable crops that
you can sell back to Europe, so if you have excess, which I doubt, but if you
do have excess, then sell it, or best, make more RUM!

[5.18] Tobacco

Tobacco, despite being a cash crop, doesn't seem to sell to highly back in
Colonization, despite what Customs keep telling us with duties and levies here
and taxes there. Tobacco should almost always be used to make Cigars, they
are a very stable manufactured product, and since that is always a good thing,
you should have extra cities to make sure all the Tobacco is processed, even
if it is just a tiny amount that is produced.

[5.19] Tools

Blacksmith's House = 3 Tools per Citizen
Blacksmith's Shop = 6 Tools per Citizen
Ironworks = 6 Tools per Citizen
Ironworks = +50% Tools Production

Tools are the most important good in the game after food. They are needed for
the clearing of forests, the crafting of roads, the production of the more
impressive buildings. However, they are even more useful to be produced into
guns, boomsticks, firesticks, whatever. That is what makes Tools so useful.
However, they have the same selling price as Guns, and that is almost always
either the same as Ore, which means that you should keep the tools here, and
not send them back.

[5.20] Trade Goods

Trade Goods are bought from Europe and they are used directly to trade with
the natives. While this is a relatively cheap commodity to purchase off
Europe and convert into more valuable items with the Natives, the problem is
that in the long run, you don't need to rely on Trade Goods for money or
trade, you can just sell off some Guns or some Horses and they'd be more than
pleased to trade with you.

[6.01] Colonial Jobs

These are a list of all the jobs in the game, and where they work, and what
they would consume. Nothing to it really. The Field technically means the 8
squares that you can send your units on, to extract raw resources.


Consumes = Ore
Produces = Tools

Works In = Blacksmith's House, Blacksmith's Shop, Ironworks


Consumes = Lumber
Produces = Production Hammers

Works In = Carpenter's Shop, Lumber Mill

--==Cigar Maker==--

Consumes = Tobacco
Produces = Cigars

Works In = Tobacconist's House, Tobacconist's Shop, Cigar Factory

--==Coat Maker==--

Consumes = Furs
Produces = Coats

Works In = Fur Trader's House, Fur Trader's Shop, Coat Factory


Melee Unit

Strength = 2
Movement = 1

Can Found Colonies
Can Only Defend

--==Cotton Planter==--

Produces = Cotton

Works In = The Field


Consumes = Sugar
Produces = Rum

Works In = Rum Distiller's House, Rum Distiller's Shop, Rum Factory


Produces = Food

Works In = The Field


Produces = Food

Works In = Sea Tiles

--==Fur Trapper==--

Produces = Furs

Works In = The Field


Consumes = Tools
Produces = Guns

Works In = Armoury, Magazine, Arsenal


Produces = Lumber

Works In = The Field


Melee Unit

Can Establish Missions
Can Found Colonies

--==Ore Miner==--

Produces = Ore

Works In = The Field


Melee Unit

Can Build Improvements
Can Found Colonies
Requires 50 Tools


Produces = Crosses

Works In = Church, Cathedral


Consumes = Food
Produces = Horses

Works In = Stable, Horse Pasture, Ranch

--==Silver Miner==--

Produces = Silver

Works In = The Field


Produces = Liberty Bells

Works In = Town Hall


Produces = Education

Works In = Schoolhouse, College, University

--==Sugar Planter==--

Produces = Sugar

Works In = The Field

--==Tobacco Planter==--

Produces = Tobacco

Works In = The Field


Consumes = Cotton
Produces = Cloth

Works In = Weaver's House, Weaver's Shop, Textile Mill

[6.02] Military Jobs

Military Jobs are those you can have your colonists become by giving them
the right equipment. After they get their equipment, they will become units
in these jobs.


Mounted Unit

Strength = 4
Movement = 2

Can Found Colonies
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonus
Requires 50 Horses
Requires 50 Guns
+30% Withdrawal Chance
+50% Attack on Cannon


Mounted Unit

Strength = 2
Movement = 2

Can Found Colonies
Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonus
Requires 50 Horses


Gunpowder Unit

Strength = 3
Movement = 1

Can Found Colonies
Requires 50 Guns

[6.03] Native Jobs

Native Jobs are those that the natives can adopt for themselves, normally
adopted because someone was kind enough to give them some horses and some nice

--==Armed Brave==--

Gunpowder Unit

Strength = 3
Movement = 1

Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonus
Requires 25 Guns

--==Armed Mounted Brave==--

Mounted Unit

Strength = 3
Movement = 2

Requires 25 Guns
Requires 25 Muskets


Melee Unit

Strength = 2
Movement = 1

Can Found Colonies

--==Mounted Brave==--

Mounted Unit

Strength = 2
Movement = 2

Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonus
Requires 25 Horses

[7.01] Normal Colonists

There is only a single type of colonist, the Free Colonist. These are the
jack of all trades. They can do everything. They can produce all types of
goods, all values in this guide are based of what the normal, or free colonist
will be able to produced, any deviations will be noted on the other units.

--==Free Colonist==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Can Found a New Settlement

[7.02] Other Colonists

There are other units that are able to produce goods in your colonies. These
are obtained from the shores of Europe or from missions. To establish a
mission, you need to send a missionary into a native village, and over time,
they will pump out some converted natives, which is listed right below.

--==Converted Natives==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Can Only Defend

Can Found a New Settlement

+1 Production on Food, Lumber, Silver, Cotton, Tobacco, Sugar, Ore, Horses
and Furs

-1 Production on Production Hammers, Cloth, Cigars, Rum, Tools, Guns, Coats,
Liberty Bells, Education, Crosses

--==Indentured Servants==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Can Found a New Settlement

-1 Production on Production Hammers, Cloth, Cigars, Rum, Tools, Guns, Coats,
Liberty Bells, Education, Crosses

--==Petty Criminal==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Can Found a New Settlement

-2 Production on Liberty Bells, Education and Crosses

-1 Production on Production Hammers, Cloth, Cigars, Rum, Tools, Guns and

These units are going to be the mainstay of your colonial production while
you wait till you get access to some experts that will make your production

Criminals aren't all that useful, they should be replaced by the normal Free
Colonist. Converted Natives are much better on the field, and they are better
at obtaining raw materials than your normal colonists, whilst the Servants
are normal Free Colonists, just don't send them to the manufacturing positions
which you leave for your Free Colonists.

[7.03] Experts

Experts are the best of their trade. They will act like normal colonists in
all respects of the game, they are normal free colonists. However, if you put
them in a building or tile where they need to perform what their job title
ensues, such as a Fisherman on an ocean tile, or Lumberjack to produce Lumber,
then they will double production. That being said, the most productive colony
is run totally by experts.

--==Expert Worker==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Can Found New Settlement

Elder Statesman = +100% Production of Liberty Bells
Expert Cotton Planter = +100% Production of Cotton
Expert Farmer = +100% Production of Food (Land Tiles)
Expert Fisherman = +100% Production of Food (Water Tiles)
Expert Lumberjack = +100% Production of Lumber
Expert Ore Miner = +100% Production of Ore
Expert Silver Miner = +100% Production of Silver
Expert Sugar Planter = +100% Production of Sugar
Expert Tobacco Planter = +100% Production of Tobacco
Expert Trapper = +100% Production of Fur
Firebrand Preacher = +100% Production of Crosses
Hardy Pioneer = +100% Production of Land Improvements on Land Tiles
Jesuit Missionary = +50% Effectiveness of Native Village Missions
Master Blacksmith = +100% Production of Tools
Master Carpenter = +100% Production of Production Hammers
Master Distiller = +100% Production of Rum
Master Fur Trader = +100% Production of Coats
Master Gunsmith = +100% Production of Guns
Master Rancher = +100% Production of Horses
Master Tobacconist = +100% Production of Cigars
Master Weaver = +100% Production of Cloth

Do bear in mind that while they are experts when they are in their field,
they will act like normal free colonists whilst they are placed elsewhere.

[7.04] Trade Units

There is really a single trade unit that belongs to the Colonial forces and
isn't military, the Wagon Train, which doesn't have any guns on them.

--==Wagon Train==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 2
Cost = 40 Production Hammers

Cargo Space = 2

The Wagon Train is pretty much essential for inland cities. These are required
for you to bring in goods, such as Food, to inland cities, that don't have
access to the ocean for extra food. They are also needed for the return trip
to take the produced materials back to the ports for either manufacture or
selling back to Europe.

It is best that you build roads between the port cities and the inland cities
because that will allow you to travel 200% further whilst not consuming
any extra turns. After all, movement is 2, while the road allows for all
movement between squares to be 1/3, which means 6 movement on roads.

[8.01] Ground Units

As a note, military units have their basic unit, which what is listed below,
and then you add in their job. That is, if you have a soldier, you add in the
benefits of Soldier, and their job, which is Soldier. So a Regular Dragoon
will need to add the stats of the Regular and the job of Dragoon.


Strength = 4
Movement = 1
Cost = 200 Production Hammers
40 Tools

Unique to all European Empires (Colonies do not get these)

Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonus

+150% Settlement Attack
+50% Settlement Defence

Can Bombard Settlement Defences (-20% a Turn)

Requires Armoury, Magazine or Arsenal


Strength = 3
Movement = 1
Cost = 200 Production Hammers
40 Tools

Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonus

+100% Settlement Attack
+50% Settlement Defence

Can Bombard Settlement Defences (-12% a Turn)

Requires Armoury, Magazine or Arsenal


Strength = 2
Movement = 1

Can Found Colonies

Can Only Defend

These are the units you get giving Guns to your Colonists

--==Great General==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 2

Can Provide 20 EXP to Units on the Same Tile

Provides Free Upgrades when attacked to a unit

These guys are generated from normal battles. The more EXP your units game
from battle, the more Great General Points that your colonies will gather.
After a certain limit in General Points, a Great General will emerge to
rally your troops. However, once they come out, the General Points are
reset and the amount needed for the General to appear are doubled.


Strength = 0
Movement = 1
Cost = 50 Production Hammers

Unique to All Native Empires

Can Found a New Settlement

+25% Marsh Attack
+75% Jungle Attack
+75% Forest Attack
+50% Light Forest Attack
+1 Production of Fur
+2 Production of Silver


Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Soldiers of the Royal Expeditionary Force

Can Found a Settlement

Doesn't Receive Defensive Bonuses

+50% Settlement Attack

Starts with Veteran I and Veteran II Promotions

--==Seasoned Scout==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Better Results from Ancient Ruins

Can Found a Settlement

Must be trained, cannot be built


Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Must be transported to Europe via Galleon

Exchaged for Gold in Europe

Found in Ancient Ruins, Burial Grounds and Plundering Villages

--==Veteran Soldier==--

Strength = 0
Movement = 1

Can Found a Settlement

Starts with Veteran I and Leadership Promotions

These Soldiers are Improved forms of Colonists

[8.02] Naval Units

Naval units are going to be the most important factor when you decide to
declare your independance from the mother country. Since all the troops will
be coming in ships, you get controls of the sea, you get control on how
many reinforcements the Expeditionary Froce are going to get.


Strength = 3
Movement = 3
Cost = 100 Production Hammers
30 Tools

Cargo Space = 2

Can Only Defend

Chance to escape to Drydock or Shipyard after losing a Battle

Requires Drydock


Strength = 8
Movement = 5
Cost = 300 Production Hammers
200 Tools
200 Guns

Can Bombard Settlement Defences (-8% a Turn)

Requires Shipyard


Strength = 5
Movement = 3
Cost = 300 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Cargo Space = 6

Can only Defend

Can be used to transport Treasure Units

Requires Drydock


Strength = 12
Movement = 4
Cost = 400 Production Hammers
300 Tools
300 Guns

Unique to the Royal Expeditionary Force

Cargo Space = 4

+50% Attack Against Frigate

Can Bombard Settlement Defences (-12% a Turn)


Strength = 4
Movement = 4
Cost = 200 Production Hammers
60 Tools

Cargo Space = 4

Can Only Defend

Chance to escape to Drydock or Shipyard after losing a Battle

Requires Drydock


Strength = 5
Movement = 4
Cost = 200 Production Hammers
100 Tools
60 Guns

Cargo Space = 2 (Goods ONLY)

Can Attack without Declaration of War

Captures Cargo of Defeated Transports

Attacks without revealing Nationality of Unit

Starts with Navigation I Promotion

Requires Drydock

--==Ship of the Line==--

Strength = 8
Movement = 4
Cost = 400 Production Hammers
300 Tools
300 Guns

+50% Against Frigates

Can Bombard Settlement Defences (-12% a Turn)

Requires Shipyard

Note that all Cargo Spaces means that it can be substituted for units instead,
except the Privateer, which can only carry goods, no units.

[9.01] Founding Fathers

Founding Fathers are significant people in history that have contributed
during the golden age, which is about 1400-1800. These people are quite famous
and some moreso than others, their names will give them away.

Anyway, you can generate founding father points from the production of liberty
bells. There are five types of founding father points, one for each type of
founding father, and these points are all generated from liberty bell
production. Your cities can also set aside production to create such points
when not building buildings or creating units.

Actions such as military actions will create extra or bonus military points,
trading will make trade points, generation of crosses will help with making
more religious points and exploration of the unknown will create more
exploration points. There is no bonus for Political points.

When you have acquired a set number of points required for the founding
father, you will be able to accept or decline the offer of them joining your
colonies. If you reject them, bear in mind that you can NEVER rehire them.
Note that the first colony to get enough points will have the opportunity to
hire them first, and if they reject, then the next person to get the points
and so forth.

Other than that, the founding fathers are extremely useful in the game since
they will provide a permanent boost to your colonies, and in some cases, make
your units more effective, or increase production. These are very useful so
you want to grab as many as you can.

[9.02] Trade

Trade Founding Fathers are extremely useful for making money, they will help
you in increasing production in your colonies, even decreasing the build
times of your buildings, extremely useful.

--==Adam Smith==--

Requires: 5610 Trade Points
3366 Political Points

"50% Faster Production of Textile Mill, Coat Factory, Rum Factory, Cigar

The writer of the "Wealth of Nations", the four factories will take half the
amount of time it normally requires, which really means that about half of
the production required is needed for the completion of the building, which
isn't all that bad. But it is only for those buildings, none else.

--==Alexander Hamilton==--

Requires: 7573 Trade Points
4488 Political Points

"+3 Hammers per Town Hall"

Well, that means that when you start a colony with Alex, you will always get
three hammers produced from the town hall. Since the town hall is given to you
from the start, which isn't such a bad idea in the first place. That can be
then used to produce more founding father points.

--==Cyrus McCormick==--

Requires: 17671 Trade Points
10659 Political Points

"+1 Food on Plots with 2 Food
+50% Sugar Production in all Settlements"

An inventor in agriculture, this guy effectively gives you more food on the
tiles that you harvest food from, which means quite a lot. Also, he is a god-
send for the sugar plantations and rum production. 50% more sugar means quite
a fair amount in the long run, enough to get more colonies in rum production
to send back to Europe.

--==Eli Whitney==--

Requires: 13464 Trade Points
7854 Political Points

"+50% Cotton Production in all Settlements"

Like the above founding father, this will pretty much increase all production
of cotton, which again, is extremely useful for weaving cloth, and more
cotton means more cloth, which then means more money for you, and if you have
access to cotton, this isn't a bad choice.

--==Jan De Witt==--

Requires: 4207 Trade Points
2524 Political Points

"-50% Tools required for buildings"

One of the more measly effects that you can have in the game, this will
pretty much reduce the amount of tools that you need, but then again, the
tools that are needed for the production of buildings is relatively minor,
but saving tools is good, use them to make muskets.

--==John Jacob Aster==--

Requires: 10098 Trade Points
5890 Political Points

"+50% Fur Production in all Settlements"

This is useful if you have settled in the polar areas of the map, where there
is plenty of Tundra to play around with that requires you to make the most out
of fur. This is quite useful since Coats is one of the more valuable resources
since they are only plentiful in the polar regions, and that means price is
going to be higher with less demand.

--==John Rolfe==--

Requires: 2244 Trade Points
1542 Political Points

"+25% Tobacco Production in all Settlements"

This isn't as useful as the other founding fathers since it is only a 25%
boost instead of a 50% boost but then again, Tobacco is quite plentiful on
the map regardless, so it isn't such a bad idea. But then again, the trading
founding fathers are all about making a lot of money.

--==Lord Baltimore==--

Requires: 3085 Trade Points
1963 Political Points

"Increases Cross production by the tax rate"

This pretty much means that the amount your are tax is the percentage that
the production is increased by. But if you think about it, tax rates are only
increased when you make a lot of money, and cross production is there for
making immigrants on the shores of Europe, so this is only useful for you
if you hope for some decent immigrants or you are low on experts.

--==Peter Minuit==--

Requires: 1683 Trade Points
1122 Political Points

"-25% Cost of Recruiting Units in Europe"

Believe it or not, 25% is quite a large amount considering the average
expert is in the thousands of gold. That means that in the long run, you can
save a lot of gold when you recruit units from Europe. Europe is really only
useful with skilled labour, since horses and muskets and free colonists you
can produce yourself. Plus, this guy was from the original DOS game.

[9.03] Political

Political Founding Fathers are some of the most important in the game, they
are useful in all aspects as well as the points that they generate, since the
political points are needed for all other founding fathers as well. The
political points are the most important type of points that you can get, so
use them well.

--==Alexis De Tocqueville==--

Requires: 44880 Political Points

"+50% Education Points Production in all Settlements
+3 Liberty Bells per University"

This is extremely useful if you want to train your workers into skilled labour
with the University, as well as the Liberty Bells production since it is
needed to generate more points for you to play with. Since by the time you are
able to acquire this guy, you will have universities everywhere, this is
quite a useful founding father.

--==Ben Franklin==--

Requires: 4488 Political Points

"+3 Liberty Bells per Printing Press
+3 Liberty Bells per Newspaper"

This is an extremely useful founding father. Printing Press and the Newspaper
are the most important boosts that you can have in the terms of Liberty Bell
production. That being said, 6 extra Liberty Bells, made from such an early
point in the game, there should be a rush to get this guy into your team. At
all costs.

--==Betsy Ross==--

Requires: 25245 Political Points

"+3 Cloth Production per Weaver's House
+3 Cloth Production per Weaver's Shop
+3 Cloth Production per Textile Mill"

This is one of the better founding fathers, or mothers in this case, because
this will create cloth for your colony, AND DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY INPUT. That
right, you get 3 extra cloth for no input, they just come out of no where,
and while a total of 9 cloth isn't a lot, over time, that means a lot of

--==James Madison==--

Requires: 19074 Political Points

"+3 Muskets per Armory
+3 Muskets per Magazine
+3 Muskets per Arsenal"

One of the best founding fathers if you do not have any access whatsoever
to iron to make muskets. This ensures that you will have muskets for your
colony all the time, regardless of whether you have access to tools because
you don't need tools to make these muskets, they're magic muskets.

--==John Jay==--

Requires: 10659 Political Points

"+25% Liberty Bell Production in all Settlements"

This is an extremely useful effect for you to have, more liberty bells
means that you get a lot more political points to play with. That pretty
much means that this guy is a must, if you can get him, you will want to
hire him straight away. Seriously, the effect is massive.

--==John Winthrop==--

Requires: 2524 Political Points

"+1 Cross Production per Town Hall"

In all seriousness, this is quite a useless ability to be honest. Why?
Because cross production is 1 cross for just having a Church, so this is
quite a lowsy boost. Also, you need experts for that kind of business, not
just small 1 cross production boosts. I suggest that you skip this guy and
head for Mr Jay.

--==Patrick Henry==--

Requires: 7854 Political Points

"+3 Liberty Bells per Town Hall"

A nice boost for you if you can get this guy, three liberty bells for
several colonies will mean quite a lot, but if you decide to skip this guy
as well as John Winthrop, you will be able to get John Jay, which is one
of the more useful Political Founding Fathers in the game.


Requires: 3366 Political Points

"Strengthens Relations with the Natives"

No, it isn't a damned Disney movie, this princess is able to improve your
relations with the natives, which is quite useful of you don't want them to
accidently fire their weapons at your colonists, but isn't going to be too
useful if you decide that their land is perfect for a new colony and you are
going to take it using a fair bit of force.

--==Samuel Adams==--

Requires: 5890 Political Points

"Increase Liberty Bell Production by the tax rate"

Quite useless early in the game where your tax rate is relatively low, but
when you get more and more money in your colony, this is a very, very useful
effect since the maximum the tax rate will get up to is 99% and near double
production of liberty bells is handy in any situation. If you can get him,
try and get him.

--==Thomas Paine==--

Requires: 14025 Political Points

"Increases Hammer Production by the tax rate"

Another useful one since the hammer production is effectively linked to your
points production since it is an option that you can choose. This makes it a
very useful situation so you should really hire this guy as well. Wow, so many
founding fathers you should hire, guess you really want as many founding
father points as fast as possible.

--==Washington Irving==--

Requires: 33660 Political Points

"+1 Liberty Bell per Schoolhouse
+2 Liberty Bells per College
+3 Liberty Bells per University"

Quite a useful ability, but if you think about it, Ben Franklin is a better
choice. There, you have the ability of two media buildings producing more and
more Liberty Bells, and that totals to 6. This also totals to 6, but these
don't normally produce Liberty Bells. This all depends on whether you decide
to use education buildings or not.

[9.04] Religious

Religious Founding Fathers are all to do with the church and add on buildings
and that is all. They will have some nifty boosts, some including liberty
bells from church, which is neat. You need Religion Points for this, but
these founding fathers are more or less, less useful than the others, in
particular, Political and Military. Political Points are what you should
be generating a lot of, no question there.

--==Bartolome De Las Casas==--

Requires: 1262 Religion Points
1122 Political Points

"+50% Native Conversion Rate from Missions"

This does sound like a good deal if you want more Converted Natives to take
over resource production given that you are short on experts, or want some
more colonists to be cannon fodder for your military, this is quite useful
if you use missions. I generally don't, but it is completely your choice.
Missions are quite useful, until they are expelled by the natives.

--==Gabriel Lallemant==--

Requires: 5329 Religion Points
4488 Political Points

"50% Faster Production of Church, Cathedral"

If you want a bigger church, then this is quite useful for you, but otherwise,
this is one founding father that is quite a useless waste of points. However,
generation of immigrants are quite useful if you need some workers, and on
the rare occasion, you might even get an expert that you desperately need,
Elder Statesman are quite useful, well, not quite, they are always useful.

--==Gregorio De Mattos E Guerra==--

Requires: 16830 Religion Points
14025 Political Points

"+2 Liberty Bells per Church
+3 Liberty Bells per Cathedral"

This is one of the more useful founding fathers in the religion section, shown
in the cost of the founding father. This allows for your church buildings to
generate more political points and Liberty Bells for your nation, which is
always welcome. However, if you want liberty bells, you might want to get Mr
Ben Franklin first, he is quite useful, well, extremely useful.

--==John Harvard==--

Requires: 9537 Religion Points
7854 Political Points

"Free Schoolhouse in Every Settlement"

This is useful if you are planning to use the Education System to educate your
colonists into skilled labour. Well, this is expected, since Mr Harvard's name
is the same copy as the name of the world's most famous University, Harvard
University. However, I don't see why he would be in the Religious section,
they must be missing an Education Founding Father. Well, 1 isn't really a lot.

--==Juan De Sepulveda==--

Requires: 1683 Religion Points
1542 Political Points

"Provides 2 Converted Natives"

If you have the points to play with, this isn't such a bad idea, because 2
converted natives, at the early stage in which this Founding Father can be
obtained, is quite useful. They will be useful in replacing the free colonists
on the field and holding their position until you will replace them with the
experts. Until then, this is a welcome addition to your colonies. After you
replace them, give them some Guns and make them hold their position.

--==Nathaniel Hawthorne==--

Requires: 22440 Religion Points
19074 Political Points

"Provides 3 Elder Statesmen"

What a wonderful ability. However, this must be measured against the points
cost. If you are able to get to him first, this might be useful if you lack
Elder Statesmen. However, by the time you are able to get this founding
father, you should have a decent income and that would allow you to hire
the Elder Statesmen from Europe. So it is completely up to you if you want
this Founding Father or not.

--==Roger Williams==--

Requires: 3927 Religion Points
3366 Political Points

"+25% Native Conversion Rate from Missions
Strengths Relations with the Natives"

Personally, I like killing the natives with my guns since they are a good
source of training, but if you want decent relations with the Natives, this
might be just the thing for you. Natives are better on the land than your
own untrained colonists, so that is an upside, and stronger relations means
that when the mother country comes along, you can have some extra firepower
on your side.

--==Sor Juana==--

Requires: 12622 Religion Points
10659 Political Points

"+3 Crosses Per Church
+3 Crosses Per Cathedral"

In my opinion, this isn't as good. The cost is quite excessive, but increased
cross production means that you will get some extra units on the shores of
Europe faster than before. However, my main issue is that it is completely
random what type of unit you get, so you really need some luck. It all
depends on what type of player you are. If you need the experts, all the help
you can get is a nice idea.

--==Thomas Hooker==--

Requires: 3085 Religion Points
2524 Political Points

"Provides 3 Jesuit Missionaries"

No, he isn't the illicit type (You're FIRED Warfreak, worst joke all year -
SBAllen) but he is quite useful. Jesuit Missionaries are extremely useful if
you are going to establish missions because they have a much higher success
rate in getting the Converted Natives to join you than normal colonists
trying to be a missionary. Up to you really.

--==William Brewster==--

Requires: 2244 Religion Points
1963 Political Points

"-25% Cost of Native Land Purchasing"

No, he isn't bribing the natives with beer (I TOLD YOU, WORST JOKES EVER,
YOU'RE SERIOUSLY FIRED WARFREAK! - SBAllen), but rather, with gold. The
problem here is that the natives demand this and that, but you are better
off using them boomsticks and pointing it at them and killing them, taking
their land, and that would be a better solution. I suppose if you want to be
nice and all, this might be useful, but military power always wins.

--==William Penn==--

Requires: 7012 Religion Points
5890 Political Points

"+3 Crosses per Town Hall
Strengths Relations with the Natives"

Well, if you really are desperate for them crosses, then this might be a good
idea, or you have seriously pissed off those natives, then this might be a
decent founding father. But in reality, I don't think that this is a good idea
at all, but it is up to you who you hire, I'm just babbling here to boost my
ego. Warfreak's Ego, colonization style.

[9.05] Exploration

Exploration Founding Fathers are generally there to provide extra units for
your colonies or little bonuses relationing to your colonies your those little
burial plots that seem to be discovered and lead to war. Hey, if I decide to
pillage your graveyard where your ancestors are buried, I think you'd try to
bomb me, I would think.

--==Alexander Von Humboldt==--

Requires: 16830 Exploration Points
7012 Political Points

"50% Faster Production of College, University"

Well, you build your Colleges and Universities faster, but this comes pretty
late in the game, and by then, your colonies are pretty much set anyway and
don't benefit from education. However, faster production, in combination with
effects that give Liberty Bells, means more liberty bells. MOAR I SAY. MOAR!
The more liberty bells the better.

--==Giovanni Da Verrazano==--

Requires: 5329 Exploration Points
2244 Political Points

"Provides 1 Caravel"

Well, ships are pretty expensive and you want to have more ships so you can
trade, so this is a pretty good for a starting colony. After all, when your
colonies grow, so does the amount of material that needs to be sent back to
Europe to make a profit, and this is a surefire way to improve your abilities
to send it back to Europe.

--==Gonzalo Jimenez De Quesada==--

Requires: 3085 Exploration Points
1402 Political Points

"Reveals all Tiles with Burial Grounds
Reveals all Tiles with Ancient Ruins"

This is one of the most useful exploration abilities that one person can have
because this will reveal all the plots you want to explore. This is because
that these plots nearly always contain something nice, but may have adverse
effects, and some are downright nasty, such as making your unit disappear into
thin air, which isn't nice. The ability to see where they are is not helped
if they happen to be in spaces where your units aren't welcome.

--==Jacques Marquette==--

Requires: 12622 Exploration Points
5329 Political Points

"+1 Movement for Scout"

I'm not too sure about this one, the Scout is pretty fast, but more movement
at that many points isn't all that good. At that point in time, you should
have more money, more than enough to stop your reliance on the pieces of
treasure that you send home on your Galleon. It is up to you, but I'd assume
that you would, at that point, have better things to spend your points on.

--==John Smith==--

Requires: 9537 Exploration Points
3927 Political Points

"-50% Cost of Native Land Purchasing==--

This is just a bigger version of Mr William Brewster, so I don't think that
this is too good of an idea. I'm more for a bigger military to take what
you want, and if anyone complains, you have a massive army to take down any
person that will complain. Land purchasing, if you take the peaceful path,
can get very expensive, so you might want to consider this if you don't like
big boomsticks.

--==Juan Ponce De Leon==--

Requires: 2244 Exploration Points
1122 Political Points

"2 times as likely to get Treasure from Ancient Ruins"

Quite useful at the beginning of the game, where treasure means a big boost
to your colonies, it is useful in addition to Quesada who can reveal where
all the ancient ruins are. However, you might want to invest in a Galleon
straight away, you don't want all that reasure that you are obtaining to go
mainly to that arrogant windbag that they call King.

--==Juan De Bermudez==--

Requires: 7012 Exploration Points
3085 Political Points

"+1 Movement for Caravel
+1 Movement for Merchantman
+1 Movement for Galleon"

This is one of the better founding fathers for Exploraiton, since you want
as much movement as possible. Depending on the map, your units will have
problems moving since there is a considerable distance between Europe and
your colonies. For example, on the Huge Western Hemisphere map, if you
start where New York currently lies, there is a long, long distance from
Europe to New York. Several turns, so any help is more than welcome.

--==Lewis and Clark==--

Requires: 22440 Exploration Points
9537 Political Points

"-50% Pioneer Equipment Required
+1 movement for Wagon Train"

Well, these should be Founding Fathers, since they were a pair. Anyway,
this is quite useful, but there is a problem. It is a long time before you
are able to hire these two, and by then, Wagon Trains are operating fine
and the pioneers have made roads everywhere. So, it is up to you, as the
player, whether you want to hire these guys or not.

--==Pedro Alvares Cabral==--

Requires: 1683 Exploration Points
841 Political Points

"-50% Travel Time to Europe"

This is one founding father that you want to hire straight away. This is
exceptionally useful, this makes it easier on your ships. Given that on
large maps, travel time back to Europe is extremely long, this is very
useful. Even on smaller maps, this is useful. This will save turns upon
turns for your ships, and you can easily turn those turns into a lot of
money, or gold.

--==Vasco Nunez De Balboa==--

Requires: 3927 Exploration Points
1823 Political Points

"+25% Defence in all Settlements"

This should be in military, but oh well. Anyway, this will improve the
defence of your colony, which makes the troops defending it stand more
of a chance against the invaders. But given that you can spend these
points on actually improving the units so they can do something on the
field, this might be more or less worthless compared with the military
founding fathers.

[9.06] Military

Finally, the military founding fathers, these guys are there for the sole
reason of boosting the raw firepower of your units, which is quite a good idea
to be quite honest. These guys are going to be more and more important as the
game ticks on and you start to build up a powerful force to keep that
demanding piece of crap that you call a king at bay. All in all, these are
guys you ultimate are going to fight for.

--==Chief Powhatan==--

Requires: 2244 Military Points
4488 Political Points

"+50% Attack Power for Converted Native"

So, when you have all those experts on the fields toiling away, making more
raw resources appear out of no where than the converted natives can, this is
one person that you want on your team, this is useful since they make decent
troops. I personally don't have any problems with using the other Founding
Fathers to get converted natives, and then making them cannon fodder. Also,
he wears a Top Hat. Come on, a Top Hat.

--==Diego Velazquez De Cuellar==--

Requires: 1122 Military Points
1963 Political Points

"Provides 3 Indentured Servants"

Well, the reason why this is in the military section is because the servants,
while they are more or less inefficient in production, they make good forms of
cannon fodder. Yep, like the episode in the Simpsons, they make damn good
Frontline Infantry. Frontline Infantry. Frontline Infantry. Well, that what
they are for. Any immigrants in Europe you don't want. FRONTLINE INFANTRY.

--==Dom Pedro I==--

Requires: 10098 Military Points
33660 Political Points

"+50% Great General Emergence
Free Promotion - Veteran I, Minuteman I
- Mounted Units
- Gunpowder Units"

One of the most useful Founding Fathers, military wise anyway, because first
of all, more promotions means that your units have the extra edge against your
enemies which is always a good thing. Also, emergence of the Great General
means stronger troops, and that is even better, stronger and better troops.
Its a battle between the hardened veteran or the fresh, green recruit. No

--==Ethan Allen==--

Requires: 4207 Military Points
10659 Political Points

"Free Promotion - Ranger I, Mountaineer II
- Gunpowder Units"

Even more promotions, this is even better. More promotions, like I said,
is good for your troops. They make them stronger and better, and in this
case, better without having to do anything but to exist. The least I can
say about this is that you want this. Your foot soldiers are going to be
the most important ground unit. Your mounted units might be powerful, but
you can't have too many of them since horses do take time. However, foot
soldiers are going to be everywhere.

--==Francisco Pizarro==--

Requires: 841 Military Points
1542 Political Points

"Free Promotion - Looter
- Gunpowder Units"

This is a nice promotion, looter does give more gold for you for burning all
that crap the enemy has to the ground. This is why this unit is pretty good
in the long run. Any fight that you have with an enemy, don't forget to
pillage their land, and make the most of your incursion in their land, here,
why don't you take some gold to remember them by?

--==Francisco De Coronado==--

Requires: 1683 Military Points
3366 Political Points

"+1 Movement for Dragoon"

This is an interesting ability. Dragoons are the mounted troops, those with
guns and horses. They are quite powerful, since they can move pretty damn
far, so they are going to serve as the powerhouse. If you want them to be
extremely powerful, this might be just the ticket for you. After all, you
can have all the foot soldiers you want, but it ain't special till the tanks
roll in.

--==Hernan Cortes==--

Requires: 561 Military Points
1122 Political Points

"Free Stockade in Every Settlement"

This is relatively useful for the small fee that you have to pay to hire
this founding father. The Stockade acts as a wall, this fortifies your
units while they are in the settlement, so this is extremely useful. You
also save on the cost of building one, so it is, in all counts of the
terms, win win. Small cost for such a large gain. Hey, even I can be a stock

--==Hernando De Sato==--

Requires: 1402 Military Points
2524 Political Points

"Free Promotion - Grenadier I
- Gunpowder Units"

Another promotion for your foot soldiers, my, if you have all these founding
fathers, your frontline infantry is going to be something to be reckoned
with, for sure. Like I said before, any boost that you can give to your
frontline infantry is a good one, regardless. And the points cost for this
upgrade isn't all that high, so a good choice.

--==John Paul Jones==--

Requires: 5610 Military Points
14025 Political Points

"Provides 1 Frigate"

Well, a Frigate is rather expensive, so this one is where you need to weigh
up the cost. If you can't afford to get a Ship of the Line, than this isn't
such a bad choice, but Frigates aren't good for anything but war, their cargo
carrying skills is poor to say the least. This is up to you, and how desperate
you are to get an extra ship. Remember, the control of the seas is EXTREMELY
important when you declare revolution.

--==Marquis De La Fayette==--

Requires: 7293 Military Points
25245 Political Points

"Increases Musket Production by Tax Rate"

Well, this is the Frenchman that helped the Americans. This is quite a
powerful ability that he has there. You see, the more you get taxed, the more
you want to declare revolution. And more you want to do that, the more guns
you want to fight off the invaders. And this helps greatly. This will increase
musket production by a fair amount, and considering that you will have a high
tax rate before revolution, this means a lot more muskets than you know what
to do with.

--==Paul Chomedey De Maisonneuve==--

Requires: 3085 Military Points
5890 Political Points

"Free Promotion - Formation
- Gunpowder Units
+1 Movement for Converted Native"

Finally, the last of the founding fathers, this man is quite useful as well.
Formation is a relatively useful bonus to have, and the extra movement for
the converted native is quite useful as well. Like I keep going on and on,
Converted Natives are extremely useful as cannon fodder, and why not give
them a good promotion to make them feel a bit safer when they go to sleep
at night.

[10.01] Buildings

Buildings are the lifeblood of the colonies, you need more and more buildings
to build more and more new items. I'll list all the buildings below and what
they will do. For the production of each item, it will require 1 unit of
input of the processing material. Read the Resources section for a clearer
understanding. You will normally start with all the House's, the Carpenter's
Shop, Church and Town Hall.


Cost = 100 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Guns per Citizen

Required to Train Artillery and Cannons

Required to Build Magazine


Cost = 900 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Produces = 6 Guns per Citizen
+50% Gun Production

Replaces Armoury, Magazine

Required to Train Artillery and Cannons

Requires Magazine, Lumber Mill

--==Blacksmith's House==--

Cost = 50 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Tools per Citizen

Required to Build Blacksmith's Shop

--==Blacksmith's Shop==--

Cost = 150 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Tools per Citizen

Replaces Blacksmith's House

Required to Build Ironworks

Requires Blacksmith's House

--==Carpenter's Shop==--

Cost = 50 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Production Hammers per Citizen

Required to Build Lumber Mill


Cost = 150 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Crosses per Citizen

Replaces Church

Requires Church


Cost = 50 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Crosses per Citizen

Required to Build Cathedral

--==Cigar Factory==--

Cost = 270 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Produces = 6 Cigars per Citizen
+50% Cigar Production

Replaces Tobacconist's House, Tobacconist's Shop

Requires Tobacconist's Shop, Lumber Mill

--==Coat Factory==--

Cost = 270 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Produces = 6 Coats per Citizen
+50% Coats Production

Replaces Fur Trader's House, Fur Trader's Shop

Requires Fur Trader's Shop, Lumber Mill


Cost = 150 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Education per Citizen

Replaces Schoolhouse

Required to Build University

Requires Schoolhouse


Cost = 25 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Water Tiles +2 Food

Required to Build Drydock


Cost = 75 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Water Tiles +2 Food

Replaces Docks

Required to Build Shipyard

Can Build Merchantman, Caravel, Privateer, Galleon

Requires Docks


Cost = 90 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Replaces Stockade

100% Defence

Required to Build Fortress

Requires Stockade


Cost = 270 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Replaces Stockade, Fort

150% Defence

Requires Fort, Lumber Mill

--==Fur Trader's House==--

Cost = 30 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Coats per Citizen

Required to Build Fur Trader's Shop

--==Fur Trader's Shop==--

Cost = 90 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Coats per Citizen

Replaces Fur Trader's House

Required to Build Coat Factory

Requires Fur Trader's House

--==Horse Pasture==--

Cost = 20 Horses

Produces = 2 Horses per Citizen


Replaces Stable

Required to Build Ranch


Cost = 450 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Produces = 6 Tools per Citizen
+50% Tool Production

Replaces Blacksmith's House, Blacksmith's Shop

Requires Blacksmith's Shop, Lumber Mill

--==Lumber Mill==--

Cost = 150 Production Hammers
80 Tools

Produces = 6 Production Hammers per Citizen

Replaces Carpenter's Shop

Required to Build Textile Mill, Coat Factory, Shipyard, Cigar Factory,
Ironworks, Arsenal, University, Warehouse Expansion, Fortress, Rum Factory

Requires Carpenter's Shop


Cost = 300 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Guns per Citizen

Replaces Armoury

Required to Train Cannon, Artillery

Required to Build Arsenal

Requires Armoury


Cost = 180 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = +100% Liberty Bells Production

Replaces Printing Press

Requires Printing Press

--==Printing Press==--

Cost = 60 Production Hammers
20 Tools

Produces = +50% Liberty Bells Production

Required to Build Newspaper


Cost = 90 Production Hammers
100 Horses

Produces = 4 Horses per Citizen

Replaces Stable, Horse Pasture

Requires Stable

--==Rum Distiller's House==--

Cost = 30 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Rum per Citizen

Required to Build Rum Distiller's Shop

--==Rum Distiller's Shop==--

Cost = 90 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Rum per Citizen

Replaces Rum Distiller's Shop

Required to Build Rum Factory

Requires Rum Distiller's Shop

--==Rum Factory==--

Cost = 270 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Produces = 6 Rum per Citizen
+50% Rum Production

Replaces Rum Distiller's Shop, Rum Distiller's House

Requires Rum Distiller's Shop, Lumber Mill


Cost = 50 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Education per Citizen

Required to Build College


Cost = 225 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Replaces Docks, Drydocks

Water Tiles +2 Food

Required to Build Frigate, Ship of the Line

Required Drydock, Lumber Mill


Cost = 30 Production Hammers
50 Horses

Produces = 2 Horses per Citizen

Required to Build Ranch


Cost = 30 Production Hammers
0 Tools

50% Defence

Required to Build Fort

--==Textile Mill==--

Cost = 270 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Produces = 6 Cloth per Citizen
+50% Cloth Production

Replaces Weaver's House, Weaver's Shop

Requires Weaver's Shop, Lumber Mill

--==Tobacconist's House==--

Cost = 30 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Cigars per Citizen

Required to Build Tobacconist's Shop

--==Tobacconist's Shop==--

Cost = 90 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Cigars per Citizen

Replaces Tobacconist's House

Required to Build Cigar Factory

Requires Tobacconist's House

--==Town Hall==--

Produces = 3 Liberty Bells per Citizen


Cost = 450 Production Hammers
100 Tools

Produces = 12 Education per Citizen

Replaces Schoolhouse, College

Requires College, Lumber Mill


Cost = 30 Production Hammers
0 Tools

+100 Goods Storage

Required to Build Warehouse Expansion

--==Warehouse Expansion==--

Cost = 90 Production Hammers
20 Tools

+200 Goods Storage

Replcaes Warehouse

Goods over capacity are sold at 50% of Europe Prices

Requires Warehouse, Lumber Mill

--==Weaver's House==--

Cost = 30 Production Hammers
0 Tools

Produces = 3 Cloth per Citizen

Required to Build Weaver's Shop

--==Weaver's Shop==--

Cost = 90 Production Hammers
50 Tools

Produces = 6 Cloth per Citizen

Replaces Weaver's House

Required to Build Textile Mille

Requires Weaver's House

[11.01] Improvements

Improvement are little things that are on the tiles that will help or hinder
your colonies. Most of these are built, but two of them aren't and they are
randomly generated by the map. Note that this is SEVERELY lacking compared to
Civ 4, but then again, this is just a stand alone version of Civ 4 as well as
a weaker one.

Also, here is where I put in one of my trivial points. On the game box, it
mentions Civ 4 not required for play. Why leave that there, sucker more people
to buy more games. Wait, we aren't dealing with another certain company that
likes money. Activision *cough*. Why Activision? They make more money than EA.

[11.02] Ancient Ruins

Ancient Ruins are little tiles on the map where you can explore with your
units. Scouts tend to have a better time here. Here, you might get anything
and everything.

You can have your units go missing, which isn't nice, since they disappear
from the game. You can have some hostile natives attack you. You can have
the ability to reveal some of the map. You can find treasure to ship home or
some gold to add to your treasury. You can also get some Converted Natives or
Colonists out of these as well. Quite nice, considered them the Pandora's Box.
You never know what you are going to get.

[11.03] Burial Grounds

These are more dangerous to play with. The sole reason is that they are Burial
Grounds, and if you are unlucky, you might suffer some adverse consequences.

The Adverse Consequences is the ability for the local Natives to get really
pissed off that you've just dug up their ancestors for their money. They will
sour relations and they will attack you on sight. That is, it is a declaration
of War if you are unlucky.

However, the good thing is that you can get some treasure out of this. The
treasure you get though, requires you to have a Galleon to ship the treasure
back to Europe. Or you could just get the King to give you a ship to get the
treasure back, but you will have to pay a significant part of the treasure to
the king for the ship hire.

[11.04] Farm

+1 Food
+1 Cotton
+1 Tobacco
+1 Sugar

Can only be built on Flatlands
Pillage yields 5 Gold on average

Farms need to be built on each farming type for the extra food. In the long
run, with an expert, you want a Farm because an expert can get an extra 2
food out of the farm, which means that you can support another person in your
colony, which surely has to be a good thing.

Also, this will increase the production of all your crops, so on your
colonies, you can produce more Rum, Cloth and Cigars because that extra unit
of raw material can mean a fair amount of money over time.

[11.05] Lodge

+1 Lumber
+1 Fur

Pillage yields 5 Gold on average

This is useful if you need a Lumberjack. This will also increase your fur
production, which means that you can get an extra coat at least out of this
little bonus. For Lumber, this is even more important because Lumber means
more production hammers, and that means more units being built.

[11.06] Mine

+1 Silver
+1 Ore

Pillage yields 5 Gold on average

This is extremely useful in the case of Silver. That extra silver can go a
long way, since Silver is the most expensive material that you can sell back
to Europe, though you need to build it on a mountain, since the silver can
only be mined from Mountains.

[11.07] Roads

Roads are useful for a single reason, increased travel. The travel on the
roads will allow for a single movement to turn into three movements to three.
That is, on a road, you only consume 1/3 of a turn on the road compared to
the usual 1 movement when travelling over terrain. Too bad you don't get the
nice railway, because that would be 6 tiles per movement.

[12.01] Unit Promoted

Promotions are granted to your unit after a period of time in battle. The more
battles that they win, the more promotions. Promotions start off with
experience. To get promotions, you need experience. For every level that you
gain on a single unit, the more promotions that you will be able to get. I'll
list all of them below, and trust me, these give your units that little edge
in combat that means victory.

Some also require a Great General to led them. For this, the Great General
needs to attack itself to a unit, and these units will have the ability to
get promotions that normal units cannot get. Also, the abilities from the
other badges stack. Remember that.


Requires = Veteran II

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* No Combat Penalty for Attacking from Sea
* No Combat Penalty for Crossing River

--==Bomb I==--

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +20% Settlement Attack

--==Bomb II==--

Requires = Bomb I

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +25% Settlement Attack

--==Bomb III==--

Requires = Bomb II, Led by Great General

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +30% Settlement Attack

--==Canister Shot I==--

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +5% Attack against Gunpowder Units

--==Canister Shot II==--

Requires = Canister Shot I

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +10% Attack against Gunpowder Units

--==Canister Shot III==--

Requires = Canister Shot II, Led by Great General

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +15% Attack against Gunpowder Units


Requires = Veteran I

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +25% Attack against Siege Weapons

--==Explorer I==--

Available to : Mounted Units

* -1 Terrain Movement Cost

--==Explorer II==--

Requires = Explorer I

Available to : Mounted Units

* +1 Visibility Range

--==Explorer III==--

Requires = Explorer II, Led by Great General

Available to : Mounted Units

* Can Use Enemy Roads
* +1 Movement Range


Requires = Veteran II

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +25% Attack against Mounted Units

--==Grenadier I==--

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +20% Settlement Attack

--==Grenadier II==--

Requires = Grenadier I

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +25% Settlement Attack

--==Grenadier III==--

Requires = Grenadier II, Led by Great General

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +30% Settlement Attack
* +10% Attack against Gunpowder Units


Requires = Led by Great General

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* Gains +100% Experience from Combat

--==Led by Great General==--

Requires = Great General

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* Free Upgrades


Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units

* +50% Gold Yield from Pillaging

--==Minuteman I==--

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +20% Settlement Defence

--==Minuteman II==--

Requires = Minuteman I

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +25% Settlement Defence

--==Minuteman III==--

Requires = Minuteman II, Led by Great General

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +30% Settlement Defence
* +10% Attack against Melee Units

--==Mountaineer I==--

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +15% Hills Attack
* +15% Hills Defence

--==Mountaineer II==--

Requires = Mountaineer I

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +25% Hills Attack
* +25% Hills Defence
* Double Movement in Hills

--==Mountaineer III==--

Requires = Mountaineer II, Led by Great General

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +35% Hills Attack
* +35% Hills Defence
* Can Attack Multiple Times per Turn

--==Navigation I==--

Available to : Naval Units

* +1 Visibility Range

--==Navigation II==--

Requires = Navigation I

Available to : Naval Units

* +1 Movement Range

--==Navigation III==--

Requires = Navigation II

Available to : Naval Units

* +1 Movement Range

--==Ranger I==--

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +20% Forest Attack
* +20% Forest Defence
* +20% Light Forest Attack
* +20% Light Forest Defence

--==Ranger II==--

Requires = Ranger I

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* Double Movement in Forest
* Double Movement in Light Forest
* +25% Forest Attack
* +25% Forest Defence
* +25% Light Forest Attack
* +25% Light Forest Defence

--==Ranger III==--

Requires = Ranger II, Led by Great General

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* Can Attack Multiple Times per Turn
* +30% Forest Attack
* +30% Forest Defence
* +30% Light Forest Attack
* +30% Light Forest Defence

--==Skirmisher I==--

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +10% Withdrawal Chance

--==Skirmisher II==--

Requires = Skirmisher I

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +20% Withdrawal Chance

--==Skirmisher III==--

Requires = Skirmisher II, Led by Great General

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +30% Withdrawal Chance

--==Solid Shot I==--

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +5% Settlement Bombard Damage

--==Solid Shot II==--

Requires = Solid Shot I

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +10% Settlement Bombard Damage

--==Solid Shot III==--

Requires = Solid Shot II, Led by Great General

Available to : Siege Weapons

* +15% Settlement Bombard Damage

--==Surgeon I==--

Requires = Veteran I

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* Heals Units in Same Tile an Extra 10% Damage per Turn

--==Surgeon II==--

Requires = Surgeon I

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* Heals Units in Adjacent Tiles an Extra 10% Damage per Turn

--==Surgeon III==--

Requires = Surgeon II, Led by Great General

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* Can Heal while Moving
* Heals Units in Same Tile an Extra 15% Damage per Turn
* Heals Units in Adjacent Tiles an Extra 15% Damage per Turn

--==Swamp Fox I==--

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* +20% Marsh Attack
* +20% Marsh Defence
* +20% Jungle Attack
* +20% Jungle Defence

--==Swamp Fox II==--

Requires = Swamp Fox I

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* Double Movement in Marsh
* Double Movement in Jungle
* +25% Marsh Attack
* +25% Marsh Defence
* +25% Jungle Attack
* +25% Jungle Defence

--==Swamp Fox III==--

Requires = Swamp Fox II, Led by Great General

Available to : Melee Units
Gunpowder Units

* Can Attack Multiple Times per Turn
* +30% Marsh Attack
* +30% Marsh Defence
* +30% Jungle Attack
* +30% Jungle Defence

--==Veteran I==--

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +10% Strength

--==Veteran II==--

Requires = Veteran I

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +10% Strength

--==Veteran III==--

Requires = Veteran II

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +10% Strength

--==Veteran IV==--

Requires = Veteran III

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +10% Strength
* Heals Extra 10% Damage a Turn in Neutral Lands

--==Veteran V==--

Requires = Veteran IV

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +10% Strength
* Heals Extra 10% Damage a Turn in Enemy Lands

--==Veteran VI==--

Requires = Veteran V, Led by Great General

Available to : Mounted Units
Melee Units
Siege Weapons
Gunpowder Units
Naval Units

* +25% Strength

[13.01] Winning the Revolutionary War

When you declare independance, which is available after you have reached the
threshold of 50% Rebel Sentiment throughout your colonies, you can declare
your independance from your mother country, and don't think that they will
take this lying down, they will send troops at you.

For this, you should build up a lot of units to defend your colonies before
you will declare your independance. You want an extremely large navy at the
least, as well as a LOT of ground forces to defend your port cities, and
more ground forces at your inland cities. You also want roads linking your
inland cities with your port cities, for reinforcement. Set all your colonies
to produce Guns, which is the most important thing at the moment, and Horses
for your ground troops. Cannons are also quite useful, but make sure that
you put most of them in your inland cities, a few in your port cities. Make
sure your cities all have Fortresses in them, that would seriously help.

Before you declare independance, you want to have the following. Good
relations with as many people as possible. A large amount of colonies, at
least one third of your colonies should be inland for protection. After all,
losing your colonies will end in failure. You also need a large navy, at least
half the size of the Royal Expeditionary Force's navy, and a large army, at
least 60% of the size of the Expeditionary Force.

At this point, you want as many soldiers as you can. All your unwanted
colonists need to bear arms and get ready to fight. Most need to head to
the port cities, and some need to defend your inland cities.

-==The Foreign Invasion==--

The first thing the empire is going to send at you are Man-O-War ships are
your colonies, most filled with 4 units inside, ready to fight. This is
where control of the Seas are quite important. You can to make sure that
your Warships, all of them, are there to attack the enemy warships first.

If you sink a Warship, you will eliminate 4 units that were with the warship
as well, so that places a smaller strain on your ground forces. Do not use
Frigates against the Man-O-War, they are more effective against Frigates,
send your Ship of the Lines at them, and then clean up with Frigates if they
still stand.

This is where control of the sea is important. It is highly unlikely that
your naval forces are going to win. The Expeditionary Force simply has too
many warships for you to even consider a victory. However, although you will
lose a navy, you will severely cripple a ground force, which is extremely
important, because war is ultimately won on the land.

--==Rally Support==--

This is the time where you need to have good relations with the other
Colonial empires and the Natives. The reason I keep stressing that you have
good relations will come out now.

Get as many people as you can to declare War on the bastard they call a King.
Make sure that you have their support, and you seriously don't want another
enemy right now, the King is tough enough as it is. Allies are need now, so
while you are fighting a naval battle, rally support. It is best to have 3
empires and a colonial force, with some natives, fighting an empire.

--==Land Forces Arrive==--

Once your navy is beat and lumbering back to the shipyards for repairs, you
will need to start fighting a ground war. The enemy will land at the closest
port city, and they will start to attack the nearest settlement. Use all
your troops to defend the city, and only move out to attack any artillery
unit that comes too close.

The reason for the defence is that the settlement has a nice defence bonus.
That means that any soldier that decides to attack the settlement is pretty
much fighting an uphill battle.

In the meantime, get several regular soldiers to that position and support
the settlement while you move your Dragoons out of the city. Why? They
don't have the pleasure of Settlement Defence, they don't have the bonus, so
you need to move them out. Move them behind the city, or use them to attack
the enemy units. Your Dragoons have the strength to beat them, beat them and
then retreat to heal.

Meanwhile, have your Cannons, well a few of them, shifted to the settlement
that is under siege. They will have an extra defence bonus while in the
settlement, so that would be rather helpful. In the meantime, get all your
colonists that are working the fields outside the settlement the right to
bear arms, and make them the last line of defence for the city.

The odds are, this city will fall or the enemy invaders will land near
another port. When your regular colonists that you have removed from the
field are sent to fight the invading forces, that is the time that you need
to get out of the city. Move ALL the colonists to another city, using as
many of the Guns and the Horses that you have, and using what is left of
your navy to get all the goods out of the colony into another colony. That
will help, for now anyway.

--==The Battle for Freedom==--

The reason you take all the colonists out of your cities and escape is
to give the invaders a city, a target to attack, but at the same time, make
sure that they get nothing. Now that a city has fallen, you need to get it

You need to arm all the unused colonists and make them useful. Meanwhile,
you need to start to heal those veterans of the battle, they are going to be
extremely useful for your colonies.

The Veterans of battles should be rested, and then used, since they are
greatly superior to your raw recruits. After the first settlement has
fallen, you need to start to use some Roadblocks, and find some more troops
for yourself.

Since you don't get to do anything after the win for victory, you should
arm all your colonists, except those that produce food, lumber, production
hammers and Liberty Bells to fight the enemy. Those that produce ore, tools,
guns and horses should stay as well. The reason for those is that you need
food for new colonists, guns and horses for the troops, and production
hammers to build new units.

You should have a lot of valuable talent right there, but its all or
nothing, and you with the inability to play after independance, use all the
troops you can.

Now, this is where your own initiative comes in. You need to defeat all the
enemy forces, down to the part where they surrender and give you what you
want, your freedom, and if you need to beat every single one of them, then
so be it.

The hard part is keeping your colonies, but if you have some good friends,
you can rely on them for some support. Other Colonies lending their troops
and ships to you is a good start and it reduces the amount of units that you
need to take down yourself.

At the end of the day, it will take a fair amount of time to win your victory
of your old country. Many players will lose at least twice before they can
win for one. You need to keep up the skeer, you need to harass and win via
unconventional tactics. Ambush from the hills, the forests, attack when they
aren't expecting it, attack when they are fleeing. But most important, attack
when you can win. You don't have unlimited forces, so you want to win when it
is possible, you don't lose settlements for no reason. If you lose your
settlement, make sure all your colonists are gone, make sure they get nothing,
and then, counter attack. And remember, if the Americans did it in real life
with a much smaller force than the Expeditionary Force, surely you can do it
as well.

[14.01] Your Constitution

When you declare independance, you will have to draft your own constitution
to determine how your new country would run, if you manage to succeed in
making sure that your motherland doesn't get too angry at you. Anyway, these
stances, well, you have two options for each stance, will effect your entire
colonial empire. Choose carefully, it will determine how you will use a lot
of the useless features in your colony since Europe is gone.

[14.02] Stance on Slavery

--==All Men Are Free==--

+2 Population per Settlement

This isn't as useful production wise, but given that you have use declared
independance from the motherland, you need one thing, troops. This population
boost will give more colonists that you can use to turn into soldiers and
defend your colonies. Give them guns, and they will become soldiers, but give
them guns and horses, and they become dragoons, albeit some rather
inexperienced ones, but dragoons none the less.


+25% Food, Lumber, Silver, Cotton, Fur, Sugar, Tobacco and Ore Production in
all Settlements.

This isn't that useful if you can use those items to trade and make money with
it in the first place. Also, you need to remember that to declare
independence, it is generally a good idea to have a big bank balance to bribe
other nations or tribes on the map to fight for you. However, if you think
that you can bribe another nation with trade goods, go right ahead, I don't
plan to stop you.


I would like the All Men Are Free stance better. Not because I dislike Slavery
per se, a production bonus is useful, but now, this part of the game is where
you are going to be fighting troops, and more troops are always needed to
replace those who have fallen for their country. Therefore, the first Stance
is more useful than the second, in my opinion.

[14.03] Stance on Land Security

--==Controlled Arms==--

+50% Liberty Bells Production in All Settlements

This is rather useful, Liberty Bells are still needed as they give a nice
boost to your fighting troops as well as provide more founding father points
as well. This is a nice bonus to your colonies, but maybe, for once, the
second stance might be a better idea.

--==Right to Bear Arms==--

+1 Strength for all Colonists

This will give an attacking boost to all your colonists. If you get the All
Men Are Free stance, you have plenty of colonists lying around and more attack
force means that you can better defend your nation. Given that your naval
forces won't be able to repel all invading Imperialist soldiers, you need
more attack to fight them off on land, and this is one such way.


The Right to Bear Arms is definitely going to be a better boost on the
battlefield, over the Liberty Bells Production. Sometimes, you need sheer
manpower and raw firepower over tactics. You can't employ the Snipers that
the American forces employed against the British during the Revolutionary
War, so you need to think about that. Though that would have been a great
addition, the colonial forces get Snipers.

[14.04] Stance on Elections


+100% Founding Father Point Rate

Well, this will generate all forms of Founding Father points twice as quick.
So where you got a single point, you now get two, which is an extremely nice
addition since by the time you can declare independance, you will be needing
a lot of founding father points to get the next founding father, hopefully,
military since you are in a military conflict.


Can continue Trade with Europe

This isn't as useful as you will think. Given that you have just declared
independance, you need all the fighting ships that you have to fight off
all the invading naval forces that are carrying troops from Europe. Also,
you should have a fair amount of Gold before you decide to declare your
independance in the first place, so make sure that you have enough gold
to have elections.


I generally prefer Elections over Monarchy, because you don't need to trade
with Europe for the money, and you surely don't need to waste all your naval
forces on trade when there is a war to be fought. However, what are you
going to do with all the excess production from your colonies. Maybe the
other colonies will buy some of your items, or maybe those natives might be

[14.05] Stance on Natives

--==Manifest Destiny==--

+50% vs Natives
Colony borders dominate native borders

Well, I really don't like this one at all. If you think about it, you are
fighting all the King's men, and you need all the help that you can get at
this point. Surely you don't have that many troops to fight both the natives
as well as the King's men? If you do, well, the Natives, I guess, are a good
source of experience for your troops, but I don't think you have that many
troops. The King does have a fair amount.

--==Native Rights==--

Strengthens Relations with the Natives

I would seriously choose this one. I would rather arm the natives with the
Muskets and Horses from my colonies if they would mean that they will fight
on my side. Of course, you're not worrying about what happens after the
revolution, but this would be better than trying to kill them. Even if the
Natives don't kill the King's Men, wounded would still be nice.


I would choose Native Rights, the sole reason is because they can help you
out when you are fighting the King, which is a seriously hard thing to do on
a good day, or even on the easy mode. Once the King makes landfall and takes
some of your cities, you want to reclaim them, and if you have some more
backup, then that is a good thing. Seriously, you don't want to have to shift
all your forces from your other colonies to defend one when the natives could
do it for you.

[14.06] Stance on Religion

--==Seperation of Church and State==--

Converts Immigration Crosses into Liberty Bells

Strictly speaking, I support this one for my religous background, that is, I
don't like religion at all, and Seperation of Church and State should always
be the case, but I'm not here to preach. Anyway, this is relatively useful
if you want the Liberty Bells, but unfortunately, the stance that I morally
hate has a better advantage. Curse you Sid Meier, why did you do this to me?
Why? (Because he doesn't like you - SBAllen)


Converts Immigration Crosses into Production Hammers

This is the better stance, even though Theocracy nowadays instantly means
countries such as Iran, which is relatively dangerous, to have a country ruled
by faith. Anyway, this is better since those Production Hammers can be used to
build more ships, more troops, more cannons to fight off the evil invaders and
send them back to their homeland, and saying they're not welcome.


Theocracy is technically the better, yet more unmoral choice. It allows for
the production of more armed forces, but all that depends on your Cross
production. If you didn't have a lot, no one working for Crosses, it really
doesn't matter where you convert them to, but if you have a lot, it is a
tough decision.

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Thevenon Vivien for the insight on the world leaders and corrections on start
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Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Colonization: FAQ/Walkthrough by Warfreak
Version 1.2, Last Updated 2008-10-26 View/Download Original File
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