Anno 1404

Anno 1404

18.10.2013 02:40:44
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Author: Warfreak
Version: 0.4
Date Started: 30/8/09

NOTE: This Guide will Contain Spoilers. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!


*('@')~~~~~~Watch In Awe, Watch In Awe, Aeria Gloris, Aeria Gloris~~~~~~('@')*

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Table of Contents
§1 Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History

§2 Basics of Anno 1404
[2.01] Goals of the Game
[2.02] Game Basics
[2.03] Playing the Game

§3 Characters
[3.01] Lord Northburgh
[3.02] Grand Vizier Al Zahir
[3.03] Hassan ben Sahid
[3.04] Rivals

§4 Citizens
[4.01] Peasants
[4.02] Citizens
[4.03] Patricians
[4.04] Noblemen
[4.05] Nomads
[4.06] Envoys
[4.07] Beggars

§5 Resources
[5.01] Fertilities
[5.02] Deposits
[5.03] Production
[5.04] Production Ratios

§6 On The Map
[6.01] Neutral Powers
[6.02] Ships
[6.03] Armies
[6.04] Quests
[6.05] Special Projects

§7 Other Bits and Pieces
[7.01] Attainments
[7.02] Special Items

§A Appendix A
[A.01] Building List
[A.02] Ship List
[A.03] Army List

[A] Contact Information
[B] Credits
[C] Webmaster Information
[D] Copyright Notice

*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Now, Let the Guide Begin~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*
[1.01] Introduction

Welcome to my 54th guide, these guides are starting to rack up into a big
rolling ball. This is for the game Anno 1404, Dawn of Discovery, where you
are a budding ruler, building up an empire on a chain of islands. This is
an interesting game, mainly because it is by itself in terms of historical
period and it's genre, empire building with a dash of real time strategy

As a side note, with the manual as pathetic as it is, and don't bother suing
me, because it is, and I have no money, you should play the campaign, by
yourself, to learn the basics, you can pick up many things there that you
don't need me to go over.

I will assume that you have played the campaign and grasp the general basics
of the game, because if you don't and email me, I will get every angry, and
no one wants that.

Anyway, without further nonsense rambling from me, let us begin. And the
ASCII is the best I could do with the title screen.

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.0 [30/8/09]
Setted up the template, started the guide.

Version 0.1 [28/9/09]
After canning a project and finishing another, I've finally got time to start
on this guide. Finally.

Version 0.2 [30/9/09]
Completed section 4.

Version 0.3 [5/10/09]
Completed all the way up to section 7, which is getting there. It should be
finished by the end of the week.

Version 0.4 [6/10/09]
Finally completed another guide. This makes another one complete.

[2.01] Goals of the Game

Mildly put, this game is one where you need to build an empire, well, sort
of, a bunch of cities on a string of islands. You need to build housing for
your citizens, and then you need to build up a massive supply chain to supply
your citizens with resources.

You build a city, and then you supply the citizens in it with some resources.
They develop into wealthier citizens, and the cycles goes on. Basically, it is
making money and keeping people happy.

How, besides the many resources you have, there are two main resources that
are used universally. Gold, and Honour. Gold is well, the currency you get
paid in, the currency you purchase things in, etc. Honour is the currency you
use to purchase special items and abililties.

Now, for those who have played the previous game, Anno 1701, you will
remember that there were two types of islands, the Northern and the Southern
islands. These islands are important, certain resources can only grow in the
Northern islands, and certain resources only grow in the Southern. It is the
same in this game, there are Occidential and Oriential islands.

Now, what is the whole aim of the game? It does have a small goal, you need
to wipe out all your competitors. You will have access to an army late in
the game, but the smart way of winning to end an enemy is to defeat them
using a powerful navy. More on that later. However, once you have beaten them,
the game can still go on.

Basically, it is free play, you set your own goals, everything. At the start
of the game, you can set the conditions for all the perimeters of the game.
But that is pretty self-explanatory, and would be in the manual, if the manual
was any good, which it isn't.

[2.02] Game Basics

First, you need to get to understand the basics. Seeing I hate going through
campaigns, ?I won't make an exception here, but there should be enough that you
can win the campaign without too much drama.

Basically, there is campaign, scenarios and continious game. Campaign is
basically, well, a campaign. You get the idea. Scenarios are one off missions,
you complete it, everyone is happy.

Continious play is a bit more different. It is where you will choose what you
want in the game. When you customise it, your first screen will allow you to
choose who you want to fight. They will have their difficulty listed, to make
it easier to choose. You will also get to choose what relationship you have
with the Corsairs, and your relationship with the AI players.

Next is the map itself. You get to choose what size map you want, the size
of the islands, how many fertilities, that is, growable resources are
available on an island. You also get to pick the difficulty of the islands,
that is, how much room you have to build on the island. You need to pick the
amount of raw materials, which you will need for production, and finally, you
will need to pick neutral powers, more on that later. You can create a random
map with those features with that little button on the bottom.

Next is the environment of the island. The first is when you destroy a
building, how much is refunded. Nothing, half or all. Next are the disasters
that cna hit your island. You can choose whether you want the plague, a
thunderstorm, fires, tornados and sandstorms enabled. Of course, enabling
those will cause more work. Finally, you need to choose how often you will
get quests.

Page 4 is the start conditions of your game. What you start out with. It will
also allow you to choose how much money and honour you will start off with,
special items, and whether or not the map is fully revealed for you or not.

Finally, Page 5 are the victory conditions. You can have a continious free
play game without needing to achieve any objectives, or you can set objectives
for you to complete. Those are up to you.

[2.03] Playing the Game

Now we get onto playing the actual game, rather than setting it up. This
is quite easy, it is basically build and plop, and provided that you have
enough material, the game will build it for you.

Basically, the menu that you want will be on the bottom right hand corner of
your screen. From there, you can choose a variety of options that will allow
you to play the game.

The House Button will the most important, mainly because it is your build
menu. The Pickaxe will be your demolishing button. The Group button is your
Diplomacy button, Star is for your trade routes, Medals is for your honour
attainments and Gears is the central menu.

In the central menu, you get even more confusing buttons. From here, you can
access the quest log, play around with the lists of all your cities, ships
and warehouses, and your standard menu allowing you to load ans save, etc.

For this is actually in the manual. Surprising, something in the manual...

[3.01] Lord Northburgh

Simply put, this guy is your boss. He will be the one on the central island
all the time, and basically the main source of trade income, both buying and

He is your line of contact to the Emperor, so basically, you need to be
following what he says. He will give quests, helpful advice, and you will
always be at peace with him.

With more honour, you can access more and more items and trade goods with
Northburgh. But that isn't all that you can do with him. You can also trade
money and honour with him. You can demand honour in exchange for money, or
you can loan money from him (without the need to repay) for the cost of some

You can also call for an auxillary fleet, in which you can ask to have some
combat ships for a small fee. This is useful in a pinch if you need some
strength to fight the enemy or some pirates.

This guy is important, he will trade you items, for the cost of honour, that
will increase your reputation with the Grand Vizier, which is very important
and I shall explain later on.

Needless to say, you are always at peace with him.

[3.02] Grand Vizier Al Zahir

This guy is basically the Lord Northburgh counterpart for the Orient. However,
there is a reputation that you can have with this guy, that is improved by
doing some quests, but mainly through the items that you can purchase from
Northburgh and give it to the Grand Vizier.

This is important because it is used to unlock new buildings to build in the
Orient. As you have found out no doubt throughout the game, buildings in the
Northern Islands are unlocked when you reach a certain population level, but
in the Orient, it all depends on your reputation with the Grand Vizier. So it
is advised that with the honour that you receive early on in the game, you
use it to improve your repuation.

Again, like Northburgh, you can trade money for honour, and likewise, honour
for money. Also, you will have the aiblity to call an auxillary fleet, but
this time, it will be oriential warships that will be sent, and they have
their own perks.

Again, you will always be at peace with him, and for someone who can tell you
what to build or not, it isn't a good idea to take him on.

[3.03] Hassan ben Sahid

Unlike the previous two guys, this is one character that will you will
encounter in games that have corsairs. Hassan is the leader of the Corsairs,
and they are basically a bunch of pirates. They will start off at peace or at
war with you, more often than not, at war.

To stop this war, you can find their home island and ask for peace, and it
will come at a cost, it normally amounts of 10% of your total gold reserves
that you are holding. It isn't cheap, to say the least. However, the only
action that you can perform diplomatically is to cancel the treaty and
declare war.

However, if you do stay friends with him, he will, after a while, ask for
more money, and it is up to you to decide whether you have a large enough
navy to take him on and defeat him.

But bear in mind, while you are at peace with him, he will send his ships to
trade with you, which is very useful if you need a trade partner, and at his
lair, you will be able to purchase ships off him, and sell ships to him for
gold. Useful if you don't want to build a fleet yourself.

[3.04] Rivals

Your rivals are the ones that you have to watch out for. These guys can be
your friends, or your enemies, it is up to you which one want to be at.

Basically, there are 4 states that you can be at with your rivals. You can be
at peace, which is obviously, at peace, so no attacking on either side. A
higher level would be trade alliance, they will be at peace with you, and they
will trade with you at your ports, likewise at theirs. The highest state of
peace will be alliance, they will trade and not attack you, and attack your
enemies. Which is useful.

Or you can be at war, where you basically shoot and take out their ships with
relative impunity, as long as they don't sink your ships first. It is at
this stage when all punches are pulled, kiddy gloves off, and all that.

There are several actions that you can perform diplomatically towards your
rivals. You can declare war on them obviously, or you can cancel a treaty or
alliance that you have when then, AND THEN declare war on them.

You can also demand or pay tribute to your rival, and this will raise your
relationship, or alternatively, decrease your relationship with them at the
cost or gain of a small amount of money. If you can't figure that out, paying
means you boost the relationship, demanding will lower it.

Finally, you have the ability to intimidate and ingratiate your rivals. This
will either decrease your reputation or increase your reputation towards that

The state of your relationship is up to you, you want to be at war, or at
peace? I smell a Leo Tolstoy novel.

[4.01] Peasants

Peasants are the basic occupants of your northern islands. Build a peasant
house, and peasants are what you get. Each house holds 8 peasanst, and they
have really basic needs.

When you build a peasant house, they will slowly move in, and they only have
4 needs that you need to provide. They will need a source of food, and they
will be fish from the sea. They need drink, which will be cider. They need
Company, which a Marketplace will provide, and finally, they will need faith,
and only a Chapel will do.

The Marketplace can be built straight away, and it will take some time for
you to build up enough fisherman huts and cider farms. However, you will only
get access to the Chapel after you have 90 peasants living in island empire.

These Peasants are the basis of your entire economy, for you to have a
magnificant city, you will need a large amount of peasant houses. When you
provide all the needs, they will advance into Citizens, and while only a
certain number of households can be citizens, the rest will be promoted later
when you develop more sophisticated citizens.

Basically, for those who do not know how this system works, you start off with
a whole load of peasants. Completely satisfy their needs, and they will
advance to the next civilisation level. However, only a certain amount can
advance to that level, the rest need to stay on that level. Given that
there are 4 levels, a lot will move later on. Quite easy to understand, but
hard to express in words.

[4.02] Citizens

Citizens are the advanced peasants. The house will be upgraded, provided that
you have enough material to upgrade their house, which rounds up to the cost
of 1 Wood and 1 Tool resource. With this upgrade however, it will increase
the capacity, the Citizen house will contain enough space to hold 15 Citizens,
which is more tax money.

Again, when it is upgraded, it will not be completely full of citizens, so
you will need to wait for some time before it will be fully occupied, provided
that you are satisfying their requests and not pissing them off but setting a
very high tax rate. You should learn about the tax rate, tax too much and they
will leave, tax little and they'll move in, but your cash takes a hit.

As you progress, the needs of your people stay the same, they still require
fish and cider, but their importance in their overall mood turns less
important, because they develop new tastes, they will have new needs that you
need to satisfy in order to have them advance.

Therefore, Citizens still need food. They will require fish, but they will
also want you to provide Spice. They will also need drink, company and faith,
but they will develop 2 new needs. They will want Clothing and Amusement. You
need to develop a chain producing Linen to satisfy their clothing needs, and
you need to build a Tavern to satisfy their amusement.

You will not need to satisfy any requirements to start your Linen production
chain, but you will need a total population of 355 citizens on your island
before you will be able to build a Tavern.

Spice is interesting, you will need to take over a southern island and start
producing spice there, and then shipping it to your home base to make your
citizens happy. Originally, a few farms, probably 4, is more than enough, but
as your population grows, it won't be enough.

Finally, when you satisfy all their needs, from Company to Amusement, they
will start to advance into the next class.

[4.03] Patricians

The next class are the Patricians. Your Patricians are exceptionally
demanding. To upgrade from Citizen to Patrician, they will require 1 Wood, 1
Tool and 4 Stone resources. This is another upgrade though, and their
houses will hold a total of 25 Patricians, which means even more money.

Their needs are getting extremely sophisticated, and harder to get. They will
developed a taste for new food, Bread. They will want new drinks, such as
Beer. They want new clothing in the form of Jerkins, a concept of property,
in the form of Books and Candlesticks. Their faith will require you to build
a Church and security in the form of a Debtor's Prison.

However, note that to advance to the next level, all the needs need to be
taken care of, except for Candlesticks, you do not need to complete that since
it is more of an Envoy requirement, but forget that, furfil the needs are

Bread will be available straight away, you need a chain, and bread is a three
tier production chain. However, you need to have a total population of 510
patricians before you need to satisfy their beer and church requirement. You
need a total of 690 patricians before you can start a Jerkins chain. You will
need to have a population of 940 patricians before your Patricians start
demanding books. And finally, there will be a requirement of having a
population of 1190 patricians before you can build a debtor's prison.

Satisfy all that, and they will advance to noblemen. The reason why
Candlesticks are not originally counted is simply because you need to have a
population of 3000 NOBLEMEN before you can start building the necessary
structures to build candlesticks.

[4.04] Noblemen

This is the highest level for your northern islands, and they are the final
developed forms of your humble peasants. They will require 1 Wood, 1 Tool, 3
Stone and 3 Glass resources before they can upgrade their homes, and this
will have a total capacity of 40 people, which is rather handy, don't you

Their needs get even more refined at this point. They will require new food,
in the form of beef. They require new drinks in the form of wine. Clothing
gets even more complicated, they will want fur robes as well as brocaid
clothing. And finally, to top off their property requirements, they will
demand glasses, for some strange reason.

Beef is the easiest one to take care off, it will be available to you straight
away once the first nobleman moves in. However, you will need a total of 950
nobles before you will need to provide then with fur robes. A total of 1500
nobles are required before they will start to demand wine from you. 2200
noblemen are required before you can start production of glasses. And
finally, you will need a total of 4000 nobles before they will need some new
brocaid clothes.

There are no more levels to advance from here on, so you can tax them a bit
more harshly, enough so they new nobles will move in, but not so little that
your economy takes a hit for providing their needs. Generally, tax enough so
that they don't leave, and then lessen the tax when there is room for more
nobles to move in.

[4.05] Nomads

Nomads are basically the inhabitants of the souther, oriential islands. They
will have their little huts, and they similar to the peasants of your northern
islands. However, given the ranking system, you will require different
levels of reputation with the Grand Vizier before you can build some of the

The needs will appear after you have reached the building requirements in
terms of population, and this happens regardless of whether you have or not
met the rank requirements, or reputation requirement of the Grand Vizier,
done through purchasing special diplomatic items from Northburgh and giving
them as a gift to the Grand Vizier.

Your Nomands will start off requiring company, in the form of a Mosque and
food, in the form of dates. However, they will soon demand property in the
form of carpets, faith in the form of a Mosque and drink in the form of

Company and Food you can satisfy straight away, but milk will require a
total population of 145 nomads before you can build a goat farm in which
will provide milk. You will need to satisfy the need for carpets when you
have a total of 295 nomads, but you will need to be at the second level
with the Grand Vizier before you can purchase it. Finally, you will need to
satisfy the need of faith, and you will need 440 nomads before you can build
a mosque to gratify that need. However, you need to be a the third level
to satisfy that need.

Satisfy all of those needs, and they will advance to the final level, which
is also the second level, the envoy.

[4.06] Envoys

Envoys are the second level of citizens in the orient, and they are the same
as the citizens. They will require 1 Wood, 1 Tool and 4 Mosaic resource before
they can build their houses, which will house a total of 25 envoys.

These envoys have very advanced needs. They will need new food in the form of
Marzipans, drink in the form of Coffee, property in the form of Perfume and
Pearl Necklaces and amusement, which is provided in a Bathhouse.

The first to be fulfilled is the Coffee need. It is available for you without
any population requirement at Level 4, so that is easily taken care of. Also
at level 4 is the Pearl Necklace need, but you will need a total of 1400
envoys before you will be able to take care of that need.

The Bathhouse and the Perfume need will be taken care of both at Level 5, and
you will need a total of 2600 envoys before you can build structures to
fulfil both of those needs. Finally, the Marzipan need, which is quite
complicated, and will require a total of 4300 envoys before you will be forced
to provide that need AND you need to reach Level 6 with the Grand Vizier.

Again, they are the same as the noblemen, they are the final level in the
forms of population, and as such, you should do the same in terms of taxing
them. Tax them enough so that they will pay as much as they can without
leaving the town, and adjust it when there is room for more envoys, and then
change it back when they are fully occupied.

[4.07] Beggars

Beggars are a whole different ball game. They are not citizens that they will
pay tax. However, they are immigrants from a different land. A ship will
arrive at your docks during the Citizen phase of your city, and in it will be
a bunch of beggars. They will ask you if they can stay in your city, and it is
up to you whether you make that choice.

If you say yes, they will take up your city streets and beg for money, and
this will cost you money. However, say no, and they will leave, and they will
return as pirates, attacking your ships, and that is something you don't want,
or perhaps want as target practice.

If you do let them stay in your city, you can, at the Citizen level, build an
Alm house. It is similar to Peasant hut, they will require company in the form
of a Marketplace, Cider, Fish and Faith. However, a Alm House will house a
total of 500 beggars.

What the whole point of letting beggars stay in your city is that it will
allow for your peasants to move up. With beggars being at the bottom of the
social scale, they will increase the amount of peasants allowed to turn into

Don't understand? You see, the advancement system is a percentage scale. Only
a percentage of your northern island population can be noblemen, the others
patricians, citizens and peasants. With beggars, you are bumping up the number
of people living in your northern cities, and as such, more peasants can

[5.01] Fertilities

Fertilities are basically crops that can be grown on an island. Basically, an
island, be it occidential or oriential, will have a maximum of 3
pre-determined crops that you can grow on the island, and there should
normally be a single slot which you can determine by a special item, but more
on that later.

Basically, the fertilities that are shown on right where the island name is
are the crops that will grow. Any other fertility that can be grown but not
listed will not grow. Therefore, this more or less forces you to expand your
chain of islands. For a fully functioning island chain, you will need to have,
ideally, 2 islands for the Occidential fertilities, and 2 islands for the
Oriential fertilities, but more often than not, you will need 3.

Now, the mysterious ? fertility. Basically, this allows you to purchase a
seed from Lord Northburgh that allows you to grow a fertility of your choice.
Which makes it a lot easier, so you get choose a nice island to cover the
fertilities that you will need first, using the mysterious slot to boost
the number, giving you time to settle down and resources to expand.

Also, fertilities are specific to the northern or southern islands. Therefore,
you cannot take spice seeds from the Orient and then grow them in the
northern Occidential islands. That isn't allowed.

Now, for the list of fertilities. I'll list them in the order that they are
needed by your citizens.

Occidential Islands

1st - Cider
2nd - Hemp
3rd - Wheat
4th - Herb
5th - Grapes
6th - Beeswax

Oriential Islands

1st - Dates
2nd - Spices
3rd - Indigo
4th - Silk
5th - Coffee
6th - Sugar
7th - Almonds

Remember, to expand your empire, pay attention to what islands can produce
what harvestable.

Also, whilst the Occidential islands can have farms all over their islands
due to the lush green fields, it is completely different in the Oriential
islands, farms can only be built on land that is green. Since that is not a
lot, you will need to build norias, they will irrigrate the land around the
noria, allowing you to build your farms there.

[5.02] Deposits

Deposits are basically the same as fertilities, but they can come in a large
number. Deposits are all over the island, though they are typically found near
mountain ranges. Basically, it looks like a mine, and depending on the
resource, you can either build a building on it or right next to it.

Again, the deposits available largely depend on what islands you are playing
on, there are Occidential and Oriential differences, except for 2 resources,
iron and coal. They are available on both sort of islands.

Deposits are distributed differently, unlike the fertilies where you can have
a limit, it is not uncommon that you can have all the deposits you need on a
single island. However, the amount of deposits for each resource maybe a bit
different. Basically, the more valuable the resource is, the less of it there
will be.

Below are a list of deposits found on the islands, and I'll list them in
from the most common to the rarest.

Occidential Islands

Common - Brine
- Bear Cave
- Stone
- Iron
Rarest - Coal

Oriential Islands

Common - Quartz
- Reef
- Stone
- Iron
- Coal
- Copper
Rarest - Gold

It is a good idea to keep an eye out for deposits. Even though you may not
completely need all the deposits to make a fully functioning production
chain, you can sell of the excess for good bucks.

And as a side note, it is possible to refill the amount of available
resources on a deposit. If it looks like one of your mines is running low
on whatever they are gathering, for a small price on gold, you will be able
to completely refill it back to 5000 of that resource.

[5.03] Production

Production, this section will be basically what will make what. As you can
see, having a whole bunch of hemp sitting around will do basically nothing,
but having the correct buildings will transform that useless resource into
something more useful, like rope. This section will outline all the different
resources that you can acquire in the game, and how to obtain it.

--==Peasant Goods==--

Resource = Cider
Obtained by = Cider Farm
Requires = Cider Fields

Resource = Fish
Obtained by = Fisherman's Hut
Requires = Coastline

Resource = Wood
Obtained by = Woodcutter's Hut
Requires = Trees

--==Citizen Goods==--

Resource = Coal
Obtained by = Coal Mine, Charcoal Burner's Hut
Requires = Coal Deposit / Trees

Resource = Hemp
Obtained by = Hemp Plantation
Requires = Hemp Fields

Resource = Iron
Obtained by = Iron Smelter
Requires = Iron Ore + Coal

Resource = Iron Ore
Obtained by = Ore Mine
Requires = Iron Deposit

Resource = Linen
Obtained by = Weaver's Hut
Requires = 2 Hemp

Resource = Rope
Obtained by = Ropeyard
Requires = Hemp

Resource = Tools
Obtained by = Toolmaker's Workshop
Requires = Iron

--==Patrician Goods==--

Resource = Beer
Obtained by = Monastary Garden
Requires = Wheat + Herbs

Resource = Beeswax
Obtained by = Apiary
Requires = Bee Fields

Resource = Books
Obtained by = Printing Press
Requires = Paper + Indigo

Resource = Bread
Obtained by = Bakery
Requires = Flour

Resource = Brine
Obtained by = Salt Mine
Requires = Salt Deposit

Resource = Candles
Obtained by = Candlemaker's Workshop
Requires = 2 Beeswax + Hemp

Resource = Candlesticks
Obtained by = Redsmith's Workshop
Requires = 2 Candles + Brass

Resource = Flour
Obtained by = Mill
Requires = 2 Wheat

Resource = Glass
Obtained by = Glass Smelter
Requires = Quartz + Potash

Resource = Herbs
Obtained by = Monastary Garden
Requires = Herb Fields

Resource = Hides
Obtained by = Pig Farm
Requires = Pig Fields

Resource = Leather Jerkins
Obtained by = Tannery
Requires = Hides + Salt, River Crossing

Resource = Paper
Obtained by = Paper Mill
Requires = Wood, River Crossing

Resource = Potash
Obtained by = Forest Glassworks
Requires = Trees

Resource = Salt
Obtained by = Salt Works
Requires = Brine + Coal

Resource = Weapons
Obtained by = Weapon Smithy
Requires = Iron

Resource = Wheat
Obtained by = Crop Farm
Requires = Wheat Fields

--==Noblemen Goods==--

Resource = Barrels
Obtained by = Barrel Cooperage
Requires = 2 Wood + Iron

Resource = Brass
Obtained by = Copper Smelter
Requires = Copper Ore + Coal

Resource = Brocaid Clothing
Obtained by = Silk Weaving Mill
Requires = 2 Silk + Gold

Resource = Cannons
Obtained by = Cannon Foundary
Requires = 2 Wood + Iron

Resource = Copper Ore
Obtained by = Copper Mine
Requires = Copper Deposit

Resource = Cows
Obtained by = Cattle Farm
Requires = Cattle Field

Resource = Fur
Obtained by = Trapper's Lodge
Requires = Bear Cave

Resource = Fur Coats
Obtained by = Furrier's Workshop
Requires = 2 Fur + Salt

Resource = Glasses
Obtained by = Optician's Workshop
Requires = Brass + Quartz

Resource = Gold
Obtained by = Gold Smelter
Requires = Gold Ore + Coal

Resource = Gold Ore
Obtained by = Gold Mine
Requires = Gold Deposit

Resource = Grapes
Obtained by = Vineyard
Requires = Grape Fields

Resource = Meat
Obtained by = Butcher's Shop
Requires = 4 Cows + Salt

Resource = Provisions
Obtained by = Provision House
Requires = Varies

Resource = War Machines
Obtained by = War Machines' Workshop
Requires = Wood + Rope

Resource = Wine
Obtained by = Wine Press
Requires = 3 Grapes + Barrels

--==Nomad Goods==--

Resource = Carpets
Obtained by = Carpet Workshop
Requires = Indigo + Silk

Resource = Clay
Obtained by = Clay Pit
Requires = Clay Deposit

Resource = Dates
Obtained by = Date Plantation
Requires = Date Field

Resource = Indigo
Obtained by = Indigo Farm
Requires = Indigo Field

Resource = Milk
Obtained by = Goat Farm
Requires = Goat Field

Resource = Mosaic
Obtained by = Mosaic Workshop
Requires = 2 Clay + Quartz

Resource = Quartz
Obtained by = Quartz Quarry
Requires = Quartz Deposit

Resource = Silk
Obtained by = Silk Plantation
Requires = Silk Field

Resource = Spice
Obtained by = Spice Farm
Requires = Spice Field

--==Envoy Goods==--

Resource = Almonds
Obtained by = Almond Plantation
Requires = Almond Fields

Resource = Coffee
Obtained by = Roasting House
Requires = Coffee Beans

Resource = Coffee Beans
Obtained by = Coffee Plantation
Requires = Coffee Fields

Resource = Marzipan
Obtained by = Confectioner's Workshop
Requires = 2 Almonds + Sugar

Resource = Pearls
Obtained by = Pearl Fisher's Hut
Requires = Reed

Resource = Pearl Necklace
Obtained by = Pearl Workshop
Requires = Pearls

Resource = Perfume
Obtained by = Perfumery
Requires = Roses

Resource = Roses
Obtained by = Rose Nursery
Requires = Rose Fields

Resource = Sugar
Obtained by = Sugar Mill
Requires = Sugarcane

Resource = Sugarcane
Obtained by = Sugar Cane Plantation
Requires = Sugar Cane Fields

[5.04] Production Ratios

This is basically the ratios of what buildings you need to produce all of the
goods. Not all resources are produced in one to one ratios, sometimes you will
need for one unit of a resource will require multiple varying amounts of
lesser resources. And here are the ratios.

1 Unit OF Requires =

--==Citizen Goods==--

Iron = 1 Coal + 1 Iron Ore
Linen Clothing = 2 Hemp
Rope = 1 Hemp
Tools = 0.5 Iron

--==Patrician Goods==--

Beer = 1 Herb + 1 Wheat
Books = 1 Indigo + 0.5 Paper
Bread = 1 Flour
Candles = 2 Beeswax + 1 Hemp
Candlesticks = 2 Candles + 1 Brass
Flour = 2 Wheat
Glass = 0.5 Potash + 0.5 Quartz
Leather Jerkins = 2 Hides + 0.5 Salt
Paper = 2 Wood
Salt = 1 Brine + 1 Coal
Weapons = 1 Iron

--==Noblemen Goods==--

Barrel = 0.5 Iron + 1 Wood
Brass = 1 Coal + 1 Copper Ore
Brocaid Clothing = 1 Gold + 2 Silk
Cannon = 1 Iron + 2 Wood
Fur Coats = 1 Fur + 0.5 Salt
Glasses = 1 Brass + 1 Quartz
Gold = 1 Coal + 1 Gold Ore
Meat = 2 Cows + 0.5 Salt
War Machine = 2 Rope + 2 Wood
Wine = 1 Barrel + 3 Grapes

--==Nomad Goods==--

Carpet = 1 Indigo + 1 Silk
Mosaic = 2 Clay + 1 Quartz

--==Envoy Goods==--

Coffee = 2 Coffee Beans
Marzipan = 2 Almonds + 1 Sugar
Pearl Necklace = 1 Pearl
Perfume = 3 Roses
Sugar = 2 Sugarcane

Now, to make it even easier, I'll write down the exact number of buildings
that you will need to build a successful chain. So for a chain for tools, I
will write down what buildings you will need. Of course, some will not be
practical, like salt mines, iron mines, coal, etc.

These Buildings REQUIRES =

--==Citizen Goods==--

Ropeyard = 1 Hemp Plantation
2 Toolmaker's Workshops = 1 Coal Mine + 1 Iron Mine + 1 Iron Smelter
Weaver's Hut = 2 Hemp Plantations

--==Patrician Goods==--

Bakery = 2 Crop Farms + 1 Mill
2 Glass Smelters = 1 Forest Glassworks + 1 Quartz Quarry
Monastary Brewery = 1 Crop Farm + 1 Monastary Garden
2 Printing Presses = 4 Indigo Farms + 2 Lumberjack Huts + 1 Paper Mill
Redsmith's Workshop = 4 Apiaries + 2 Candlemaker's Workshop +
1 Coal Mine + 1 Copper Mine + 1 Copper Smelter +
2 Hemp Plantations
Tannery = 2 Pig Farms + 1 Coal Mine + 1 Salt Mine +
1 Salt Works
Weapon Smithy = 1 Iron Mine + 1 Iron Smelter

--==Noblemen Goods==--

Butcher's Shop = 2 Cattle Farms
Cannon Foundary = 1 Coal Mine + 1 Iron Mine + 1 Iron Smelter +
2 Lumberjack's Huts
2 Furrier's Workshops = 1 Coal Mine + 1 Salt Mine + 1 Salt Works +
2 Trapper's Lodge
Optician's Workshop = 1 Coal Mine + 1 Copper Mine + 1 Copper Smelter +
1 Forest Glassworks + 2 Glass Smelters +
2 Quartz Mines
Silk Weaving Mill = 1 Coal Mine + 1 Gold Mine + 1 Gold Smelter +
2 Silk Plantations
War Machines' Workshop = 2 Hemp Plantations + 2 Lumberjack's Hut +
2 Ropeyards
2 Wine Press = 2 Barrel Cooperages + 1 Coal Mine + 1 Iron Mine +
1 Iron Smelter + 2 Lumberjack's Huts + 6 Wineyards

--==Nomad Goods==--

Carpet Workshop = 1 Indigo Farm + 1 Silk Plantation
Mosaic Workshop = 2 Clay Pits + 1 Quartz Mine

--==Envoy Goods==--

Coffee = 2 Coffee Plantations
Confectioner's Workshop = 2 Almond Plantations + 2 Sugar Cane Plantations +
1 Sugar Mill
Pearl Workshop = 1 Pearl Fisher's Hut
Perfumery = 3 Rose Nurseries

[6.01] Neutral Powers

Neutral Powers are people that you can find on the islands, these are people
you can interact with, and depending on the power at hand. What you need to
do in order to interact with them is that you need to settle on the island
and then build a path, connecting your marketplaces with the building site.

Note that you need to settle on the island relatively early on, if you do not
act on it, islands with neutral powers, their buildings will turn into ruins
and once they are gone, they are gone.

There are neutral powers for the Occidential and Oriential regions. And they

--==Occidential Powers==--

Cumo von Rembold / Excavation Site

This guy runs the excavation site, where if you provide provisions and wood
resources, he will run an excavation, and if you are lucky, he may find
something. You will note that there are three levels of provisions you may
provide, the more you provide initially, the better your item that you will
get in the end.

Barnabas / Robber Baron Castle

This guy will, if you provide him with certain goods, he will authorise you
to have a robber baron army. After you have their encampment, you will be able
to use them in battle.

Hekata / Old Tree

This guy is only useful if you have the plague enabled. If you do, you will
be able to get some items from him in which they will reduce the effects of
the plague on your people.

Brother Hilarius / Mountaintop Monastary

This is a trader, if you link up with him, he will be able to sell you some
goods, which can be useful if you need them in a pinch.

Benedicta / Place of Pilgrimage

This man will require the bread resource, which means you need a massive
chain, since you need to feed your own people, but for this, you will be
getting some honour in return, which is useful if you need it.

--==Oriential Powers==--

Karim / Caravanserai

This is the same as Brother Hilarius, he will trade you some goods at the
cost of some money. This is again useful if you need the resources in a

Al Rashid / Assassin Fortress

This is the same as the Robber Baron Castle, in which you provide some goods
and they will allow you to build an assassin's encampment, and from there,
you can send them into battle.

Izmir / Alchemist Tower

This guy is an interesting man, he will require you to bring him some goods
and he will turn them into something else. Good if you have plenty of excess
goods that you don't seem to need.

Ibn al Hakim / Academy of Wisdom

This is another interesting man, if you supply him with dates and milk for
survival, he will speed up the construction speed of all your Big 3 projects,
more on that later, and will sometimes give you some special items for your

[6.02] Ships

Your ships will be the fighting force of this game, you will have little need
for your army in this game, they are more of a weapon of self defence rather
than an offensive weapon. Why?

Because the main way of obtaining money in this game is through tax income,
and if your opponent has patricians and noblemen, you will be able to
effectively strangle your opponent. How?

Because the upper class citizens will want some exotic goods, they want items
like spice. If you build up a strong enough navy, you will be able to blockade
your enemy's ships from the Orient and the Occident, and as such, you will be
able to take out their tax money.

Basically, a normal enemy will have 2 islands with residents, one for the
Orient, and one for the Occident. Those are the two islands that you will
want to concentrate your navy on. If you manage to blockade their ports on
those islands, you will be able to deny them the goods necessary to make their
population happy, and as such, they will suffer a massive drop in tax money,
and you will slowly kill them as they run out of money.

Ships are used in both their military and trading roles. Most ships have a
trade role, they can carry cargo back and forth, for trading in between
ports, selling and purchasing from Northburgh and the Grand Vizier,
resupplying the ports. But you'll figure that out in game.

The method of strangling your opponent isn't a quick one, but it is effective
and brute force isn't required.

[6.03] Armies

Armies are units that are on the ground. Except this is different. You can
only build the encampments, the bases for the units. From there, you can
control what they do.

Basically, there are several encampments that you can build. From the
encampment, you can gain control of an army group, and you can send them
around the island, or send them onto a ship and transport them to the islands
of your enemies.

When they land, they will establish a castle, where you can defend your
position with your troops until you can establish a front and spearhead an
attack. Also, when you capture a market, you will take over all the
buildings inside the market's control, which gives you an upper hand.

Otherwise, your armies can only attack enemy armies and defensive structures,
though cannons, sappers and trebuchets will be able to target all enemy
buildings, which is far more useful. Sappers are different, they will tunnel
through an enemy's wall, allowing you to send in units to take out the enemy
within those walls.

Finally, this is where the effects of provisions come in handy. If a nearby
market has access to provisions, the army within the range of the market will
heal twice as quickly with provisions on hand.

Ultimately, armies can do a lot of damage on the ground, but it is a costly
exercise to send in troops, when your navy can do a much better job.

[6.04] Quests

Quests are basically jobs that you can receive from other players, the Emperor
and Lord Northburgh, the Grand Vizier and the Sultan, and from the Corsairs.
Basically, do something for them, and they will reward you. Basically, do
the job they want you to do, and they will pay you in money, and in honour,
with special items on the line as well.

Basically, it is in your best interests to do these quests. They normally
pay well, and the quests are generally easy. And if you have a strong navy
to play with, these quests are quite easy. They come in a variety of flavours,
and I'll list down on how you will complete them.

--==Delivery Missions==--

These generally require you to bring a set amount of goods to the quest giver
or to a ship at sea. These are the easiest missions, as long as you have the
necessary goods to deliver it. However, the time limit that you are given will
be more than enough time to set up production to complete the quest.

--==Supply Missions==--

This is a mission where you need to carry goods and deliver them to an island
for a nice reward. This is another easy mission, sort of like the delivery
mission, but you generally need to deliver them to several islands.

--==Search Missions==--

This is where you need to carry cargo on your ship, and search several islands
to find a person or an item. This is one mainly on luck, you need to carry
provisions to search 3 islands, but you might get lucky and get the item or
person on your first try, which saves you some cargo.

--==Collect Cargo at Sea==--

This is where you need to recover some items that are the signs of a wrecked
ship. The game will mark out for you the items that you need to collect and
what area they are found in. This requires no real input from you, you just
need to tell your ship where to collect the cargo the quest requires. Then you
deliver it to the quest giver.

--==Sink Fleeing Ship==--

A ship is fleeing and it is your job to stop the ship. You need to sink the
fleeing ship and from there, collect the evidence that you sink the ship and
deliver the item back to the quest giver for the reward.

--==Sink Enemy Armada==--

This is where there is an enemy fleet inbound, and it is your job to destroy
all those ships. You need to sink all the ships, and collect the evidence to
present back to the quest giver. This is often harder, because you will lose a
few ships. Often, you need to retreat some ships that are taking fire in order
not to lose them.

--==Sink Enemy Blockade==--

This is where a port is blockaded by an enemy, and it is your job to sink that
blockade. This is the same as sinking an enemy armada, but the problem is that
they are stationary, but the good thing is that they are often weaker and they
are easier to sink, somewhat. And you can plan your attack more effectively.

--==Protect a Ship==--

The quest giver has a ship that needs to leave the map, however, it will come
under enemy fire. You will need to assign a ship, or two, to protect the ship.
The good thing here is that the enemy will normally attack the ship, they will
ignore the ship that is attacking them, so you can use this to your advantage,
bit remember that the ship you are meant to be protecting cannot take too much
punishment before it is sunk.

--==Find a Person / People==--

This is a hard mission, not because you need to do hard work, you don't need
to deliver cargo or sink a ship, but rather, you need to search your city
streets for a person or people. These people are required by the quest giver,
so you need to find them, and from there, you need to click on them to send
them to your warehouse. Then send them on a ship and deliver them to the quest

This is a hard mission because you need to comb the area outside the housing
on your island, and look for them. They are highlighted in blue, so you can
see them against other citizens. Remember to zoom in on your city streets, so
you can get the best chance to find the people and click on them.

[6.05] Special Projects

Special projects are buildings that aren't built immediately, rather, these
take time to complete. Think of them as the Wonders from Age of Empires, or
the Wonders from Civilisation. These are large projects that aren't built
instantly, rather, you can plop down the foundations, and then provide the
necessary resources and build up the structure.

There are three special projects, 2 of them for the Occidential islands, and
1 for the Oriential islands. These are the Historic Warehouse, Imperial
Cathedral and the Sultan's Mosque. The first two are for the Occident, the
latter is for the Orient.

The Historic Warehouse is important. It will boost the speed and cargo hold
of ALL trading ships, which is exceptionally useful, as well as boosting
the storage of the island it is built on by a nice 300 units.

The Imperial Cathedral and the Sultan's Mosque serve the same function.
They will act as a Marketplace, they will provide company and allow you to
build housing around it. When completed, it will also provide all the needs
of the citizens that are provided by buildings.

For example, the Imperial Cathedral will provide the faith normally provided
by a Church or Chapel, it will provide the Security from a Debtor's Prison and
Entertainment from a Tavern.

The same applies to the Mosque, it will provide the faith from a normal Mosque
as well as the entertainment from a Bathhouse.

Those buildings will also allow you to talk to the Sultan or Emperor. The
Imperial Cathedral will allow you to accept quests from the Emperor, whilst
the Sultan's Mosque allows you to accept quests from the Sultan.

[7.01] Attainments

Attainments are abilities that you can purchase at the cost of a little
honour. These abilities will effect a variety of things, they can increase
the trade capacity, access to new items, they have a large amount of effects.
You need to look carefully, as they may have some requirements before you can
access them.

There are 3 different classes of attainments, there are those available from
Lord Northburgh, the Imperial class, there are those from the Grand Vizier,
the Arabian class, and those from Hassan, the Corsair class. Each have their
own effect.

There are 3 levels of attainments, Bronze, Silver and Gold. As you can guess,
the better the colour, the more useful that attainment will be.

--==Imperial Attainments==--

The Emperor's Trade Edict

- Bronze Attainment
- This basically allows you to purchase goods and cargo from Lord Northburgh
for Citizen, Patrician and Nobleman goods.

Treasures of the Occident

- Bronze Attainment
- This is the same as the Emperor's Trade Edict, instead, it will allow you
to purchase items at the Citizen, Patrician and Nobleman levels.

Imperial Merchant Fleet

- Bronze Attainment
- This attainment allows Lord Northburgh to have more ships in his trading
fleet, which means that he has more ships to trade with you, as well as the
ship carrying more gold coins, so he can purchase more cargo off you,
making you richer.

Royal Armada

- Silver Attainment
- This attainment effects the auxiliary fleet that you can summon from
Lord Northburgh, which means that when you call for an auxiliary fleet, you
will get stronger and more ships to play with.

The Regent's Seal

- Silver Attainment
- This attainment will effect the abilities of Ingratiate and Intimidate
that you can perform on the AI players, it will increase the reputation
gained or lost, and it will increase the probability of success of the
action that you have chosen.

Occidential Shipbuilding

- Silver Attainment
- This attainment will upgrade all small and large trading ships, it will
increase the amount of cargo that they can carry, the amount of hit points
that the ship has, making it harder to kill, and boost the speed of the
ship, making it faster on the map.

Court Architecture

- Gold Attainment
- This nice attainment is useful when you are fighting, as it will boost the
amount of hit points that all buildings, walls and towers will have, making
them harder to destroy and they will need to take more damage before they
can be destroyed by the enemy.

Imperial War Technology

- Gold Attainment
- This will increase the damage that all your armies of the Occident will
be doing, and this effects your small and large encampments, the
trebuchets and the robber baron armies. The higher this technology, the
more damage that they will do.

Imperial Arsenal

- Gold Attainment
- This will increase the maximum number of ships that you can have in your
fleet, the higher level this attainment is, the more ships you will be
allowed to have.

--==Arabian Attainments==--

Extended Trade Treaty

- Bronze Attainment
- This will basically allow the Grand Vizier to offer you Citizen, Patrician
and Noblemen goods at his port.

Treasures of the Orient

- Bronze Attainment
- This will be the same as the Extended Trade Treaty, it will allow the Grand
Vizier to offer you Citizen, Patrician and Noblemen items, rather than
goods, at his port.

The Grand Vizier's Merchant Fleet

- Bronze Attainment
- This is basically the same as what Northburgh has offered you, it will
increase the number of ships that the Grand Vizier can send out to trade
with you, and each ship will carry more gold, which means you will get more
business from the Grand Vizier and he will purchase more, which is a good

Oriential Shipbuilding

- Silver Attainment
- This will upgrade all the Oriential ships, all the trading ships and the
Caravel will have a larger cargo hold, they will have more hit points so
they can withstand more damage, and they will be faster, which is useful
so that can flee a lot faster.

The Sultan's Naval Forces

- Silver Attainment
- This will increase the size of the Sultan's auxiliary force, he will give
you more warships when you ask for the auxiliary fleet to come in and give
you a hand at the task at hand.

The Nomads' Secret

- Silver Attainment
- This will increase the amount of water that a Noria will store, and this
is quite useful for the smaller Norias, which cannot hold that much water,
whilst it is not as useful, but still useful, for the large Norias, which
means you don't need to worry about water too much.

Diplomatic Tact

- Gold Attainment
- This attainment will increase the chances of success when you are using
the Tribute diplomatic action. The probability of success is a bit higher
and the hold that you will receive will be more as well, which is useful
if you have a large fleet and a dwindling money supply.

The Saracen Art of War

- Gold Attainment
- This will boost the Oriential encampments and the effectiveness of their
armies on the battlefield. The Sappers / Miners, Oriential Encampments
and the Cannons will be stronger on the battlefield, which means that it
will deal more damage on your enemies.

The Envoys' Favour

- Gold Attainment
- This is useful for ascension rights, those are the little things that say
how many of each class you will have. As such, you don't need as many
envoys as before to allow for a citizen to advance into a patrician. This
is useful, which means that you can have more patricians with the same
amount of envoys.

--==Corsair Attainments==--

Secret Goods Storage

- Bronze Attainment
- This is the same first attainment as all the other factions, it will give
you access to Citizen, Patrician and Noblemen goods, which can be useful
in a pinch.

Hassan bin Sabid's Strongroom

- Bronze Attainment
- This is the same as the one above, it will give you access to the Citizen,
Patrician and the Noblemen items, rather than goods. The strange thing to
note is that there are only 2 bronze attainments for the Corsairs, rather
than the usual 3.

Tacit Agreement

- Silver Attainment
- This is quite a useful attainment, if you have a treaty with the Corsairs,
they will be able to trade with you, and as such, this attainment will
increase the amount of trading ships that they have and the amount of gold
that they carry, which means you will get more traders and more money as
a result.

Blinding Handshake

- Silver Attainment
- As with the Bronze Attainments, there are only 2 silver attainments for
the Corsairs. Anyway, this attainment will reduce the price of all the
ships you purchase from the Corsairs by a set percentage, which is useful
if you can't be bothered to call for an auxiliary fleet or build them
from your own shipyard.

Unconditional Loyalty

- Gold Attainment
- This will increase the amount of military units you can hold, and this
is useful late in the game when you plan to take on your enemy with a nice
large army. Of course, you do need to take into account the amount of money
it will take in order to maintain your ground armies though.

Dishonest Methods

- Gold Attainment
- This is a nice boost, it will upgrade all your warships, every single one
of them and your flagship with more hitpoints, meaning it will serve you
better in battle, alongside with more damage, which is useful, for a
warship and more speed, to catch an enemy.

Beggar Prince

- Gold Attainment
- This is a very useful attainment. Why? Because it will mean you need less
beggars to promote your peasants to citizens, and as such, you get more
citizens, less peasants, at the same amount of beggars. The region why
this is useful is that beggars come in large numbers, so with a decent
sized army of beggars, you will have literally no peasants, only citizens
at the lowest level.

[7.02] Special Items

Special Items are basically ability enhancers. There are basically two
categories of items, there are those that improve the ability of ships and
there are those that are used in the warehouse.

Items that are used by ships will improve the ship. You will notice that there
are item slots, most ships will have 1, some will have 2. This will allow
the ship to gain a variety of abilities. There are some that will increase
the damage, others will increase the amount of hit points that the ship will
have. There are also some that will give your ship new abilities, like having
a Boarding Crew that will allow you to take over another ship.

There are a couple of ones that will see quite often, and I'll list them.

Crew based items are exactly that. They will provide many abilities, such as a
skilled sailor, who will speed you up, or a master gunner, who will give you
the ability to reload your guns faster. Or a boarding crew, which allows you
to board another ship.

There are items that will boost the ship. Cannons will obviously boost the
amount of damage that you cannon will dish out, sails will boost the speed
and new hulls which boost the amount of hull points that you have.

There are two specific items that I need to mention. The first is the Letter
of Marque. This will allow you to attack and sink any ship that you will
see, regardless of what relationship you have with the other. So you can be
completely at peace with the AI, and still sink their ships.

The second item is a Treasure Map. This requires you to bring in some
provisions, which you will need, and there you will be able to somewhere,
off screen, in the search for treasure, which basically is another item,
which may be rare or not.

Now, the warehouse based items, again, there are a set few, and whilst you
can store a lot in the warehouse, you will only be able to use a few. You
need to choose which ones you want for your island.

There are items what will boost the productivity of an industry. Like how
wooden vats will improve the output that the Cider farm will produce, or
how certain tools will increase the output of your mines.

There are other items, such as the tariff goods, which means when a person
will trade with you, you will get some extra goods as a bonus, which is
quite useful if you need more of that specific item.

Then there are seeds which allow you to have a new fertility, or those
which will increase the storage of your warehouse.

Finally, there are the attacking and defensive items. There are new
cannonballs which improve the damage that your defensive structures can
dish out, weapons which improve the attacking strength of your armies,
and armour which improves the defence of your armies. And that's about it.

[A.01] Building List

Below is a building list, of all the buildings that are found in the game.
Of course, if there are upgrades, or in the case of special projects, more
stages, they will be listed.

Of course, given the style of this guide, it will be listed in the class

--==Peasant Buildings==--

Building - Peasant House
Gold - 0
Wood - 2
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upgrade To:
Citizen House - 1 Wood, 1 Tool
Patrician House - 1 Wood, 1 Tool, 4 Stone
Nobleman House - 1 Wood, 1 Tool, 3 Stone, 3 Glass
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Provides basic housing for your citizens.

Building - Marketplace
Gold - 400
Wood - 5
Tools - 3
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 10
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Provides Company for your citizens.

Building - Small Market Building
Gold - 200
Wood - 2
Tools - 3
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upgrade To:
Medium Market - 200 Gold, 3 Wood, 1 Tool, 3 Stone
Large Market - 300 Gold, 3 Wood, 1 Tool, 3 Stone, 2 Glass
Upkeep Cost - 10 / Medium = 20 / Large = 30
Population Requirement - 0 / Medium = Citizens / Large = Patricians
Function - Serves as a warehouse, higher levels means more carts
to collect and deliver goods.

Building - Dirt Road
Gold - 5
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Allows you to build paths that are necessary for
your citizens to travel and carts to deliver goods.

Building - Fisherman's Hut
Gold - 100
Wood - 3
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Allows you to harvest and catch the Fish resource.

Building - Lumberjack's Hut
Gold - 50
Wood - 0
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 5
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Allows you to harvest and cut down trees for Wood

Building - Tree
Gold - 5
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Makes the town a bit more pretty, it is a decoration

Building - Cider Farm
Gold - 100
Wood - 5
Tools - 1
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 100 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 60 Peasants
Function - Produces Cider for your empire. It requires fields to

Building - Chapel
Gold - 1500
Wood - 12
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 90 Peasants
Function - Provides Faith for your citizens.

Building - Village Fountain
Gold - 500
Wood - 2
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 2
Population Requirement - 90 Peasants
Function - It is a decoration to make your town more pretty.

Building - Small Warehouse
Gold - 300
Wood - 3
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upgrade To:
Medium Warehouse - 150 Gold, 2 Wood, 3 Tools, 4 Stone
Large Warehouse - 350 Gold, 2 Wood, 1 Tool, 3 Stone, 2 Glass
Upkeep Cost - 10 / Medium = 15 / Large = 20
Population Requirement - 0 / Medium = Citizen / Large = Patrician
Function - Gives a boost to your warehouse capacity, so you can
store more goods.

--==Citizen Buildings==--

Building - Hemp Plantation
Gold - 200
Wood - 5
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 200 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Produces hemp from the fields.

Building - Weavers' Hut
Gold - 400
Wood - 5
Tools - 3
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 25
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Requires hemp and turns it into Linen Clothing.

Building - Stonemason's Hut
Gold - 400
Wood - 2
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Requires a stone deposit, and then produces Stone.

Building - Cobblestone Street
Gold - 20
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 1
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Serves the same purpose as a road, but carts can
travel faster on them.

Building - Ore Mine
Gold - 900
Wood - 12
Tools - 2
Stone - 2
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 240 Citizens
Function - Requires an Iron deposit and uses it to produce some
Iron Ore.

Building - Charcoal Burner's Hut
Gold - 250
Wood - 3
Tools - 2
Stone - 2
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 10
Population Requirement - 240 Citizens
Function - Requires trees nearby and burns them to make Coal.

Building - Iron Smelter
Gold - 600
Wood - 10
Tools - 5
Stone - 2
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 240 Citizens
Function - Requires Iron Ore and Coal to produce Iron.

Building - Toolmaker's Workshop
Gold - 500
Wood - 8
Tools - 5
Stone - 5
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 240 Citizens
Function - Turns Iron into Tools

Building - Ropeyard
Gold - 700
Wood - 12
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 240 Citizens
Function - Turns Hemp into usable Rope

Building - Small Shipyard
Gold - 680
Wood - 10
Tools - 5
Stone - 4
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 10
Population Requirement - 240 Citizens
Function - Requires a coastline. It will be able to produce
ships using specific resources.

Building - Fountain
Gold - 800
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 2
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 5
Population Requirement - 240 Citizens
Function - Serves as a decorative items for the town.

Building - Harbour Master's Office
Gold - 1580
Wood - 3
Tools - 5
Stone - 14
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 10
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - Allows for more ships to dock at new piers, makes
trading faster and more efficient. Built on the

Building - Quay Wall
Gold - 20
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 1
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - Extends the size of the harbour for new buildings.

Building - Small Storehouse
Gold - 1020
Wood - 4
Tools - 4
Stone - 1
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - Increases the size of capacity that your warehouse
can keep. build on the harbour.

Building - Repair Crane
Gold - 1020
Wood - 5
Tools - 5
Stone - 9
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - Built on the harbour and is used to repair your
ships when they are damaged.

Building - Harbour Defence Tower
Gold - 1520
Wood - 2
Tools - 8
Stone - 12
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30, 3 Military
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - Used to defend your harbour area from enemy ships
within range.

Building - Carpenter's House
Gold - 200
Wood - 5
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - It is used when your town is hit by disasters and
buildings need repairing.

Building - Fire Station
Gold - 200
Wood - 5
Tools - 5
Stone - 10
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - It serves to put out fires when fires break out due
to emergencies.

Building - Tournament Arena
Gold - 2000
Wood - 10
Tools - 10
Stone - 40
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - It will allow you to gain honour in exchange of some
goods. Honour is based on the amount of citizens on
your islands.

Building - Tavern
Gold - 2000
Wood - 15
Tools - 8
Stone - 20
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - Built to provide Entertainment to your citizens.

Building - Large Statue
Gold - 1000
Wood - 0
Tools - 5
Stone - 10
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 5
Population Requirement - 355 Citizens
Function - Used as a town decoration.

Building - Alms House
Gold - 200
Wood - 5
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - Beggars in Town
Function - Houses 500 Beggars and puts them off the street.

--==Patrician Buildings==--

Building - Crop Farm
Gold - 200
Wood - 8
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 150 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 5
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Use the fields to produce Wheat.

Building - Mill
Gold - 800
Wood - 8
Tools - 4
Stone - 4
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Used to gather Wheat and produce into Flour.

Building - Bakery
Gold - 700
Wood - 5
Tools - 5
Stone - 5
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses Flour and produces it into Bread.

Building - Weapon Smithy
Gold - 1500
Wood - 3
Tools - 5
Stone - 10
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses Iron and creates Weapons.

Building - City Wall
Gold - 100
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 1
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Builds a nice wall to keep out enemy invaders.

Building - Watch Tower
Gold - 850
Wood - 4
Tools - 4
Stone - 5
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 5 Weapons
Upkeep Cost - 15, 2 Military
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Defensive structure used to attack nearby enemies.

Building - Gatehouse
Gold - 1000
Wood - 8
Tools - 8
Stone - 10
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 7 Weapons
Upkeep Cost - 15, 3 Military
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Used on Walls to set a gate allowing friendlies in
and keeping enemies out.

Building - Large Shipyard
Gold - 2120
Wood - 20
Tools - 25
Stone - 4
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 510 Patricians
Function - Built on the coastline to produce and build all the
Occidential ships.

Building - Monastary Garden
Gold - 200
Wood - 5
Tools - 2
Stone - 4
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 400 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 10
Population Requirement - 510 Patricians
Function - Uses the fields to produce Herbs.

Building - Monastary Brewery
Gold - 600
Wood - 5
Tools - 4
Stone - 6
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 510 Patricians
Function - Uses Wheat and Herbs to produce lovely Beer.

Building - Keep
Gold - 5000
Wood - 20
Tools - 20
Stone - 30
Glass - 20
Other Costs - 15 Weapons
Upkeep Cost - 50, 10 Military
Population Requirement - 510 Patricians
Function - Used to build encampments, effectively, train armies.

Building - Forest Glassworks
Gold - 500
Wood - 6
Tools - 4
Stone - 8
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 510 Patricians
Function - Uses nearby trees to produce Potash.

Building - Glass Smelter
Gold - 1200
Wood - 10
Tools - 5
Stone - 12
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 510 Patricians
Function - Uses Quartz and Potash to produce Glass.

Building - Church
Gold - 5000
Wood - 30
Tools - 10
Stone - 40
Glass - 25
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 510 Patricians
Function - Provides Faith for your finer citizens.

Building - Salt Mine
Gold - 800
Wood - 11
Tools - 4
Stone - 5
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 690 Patricians
Function - Requires a Salt Deposit and is used to produce

Building - Salt Works
Gold - 900
Wood - 3
Tools - 5
Stone - 6
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 25
Population Requirement - 690 Patricians
Function - Requires Brine and Coal to produce Salt.

Building - Pig Farm
Gold - 400
Wood - 4
Tools - 3
Stone - 3
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 400 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 690 Patricians
Function - Uses the fields to produce Hides.

Building - Tannery
Gold - 700
Wood - 7
Tools - 3
Stone - 8
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 690 Patricians
Function - Built on a river crossing, uses Hides and Salt to
produce Leather Jerkins.

Building - Pier
Gold - 540
Wood - 2
Tools - 2
Stone - 2
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 10
Population Requirement - 690 Patricians
Function - Allows for another ship to dock at your island and
trade with you. Built on the harbour.

Building - Paper Mill
Gold - 1500
Wood - 5
Tools - 5
Stone - 12
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 50
Population Requirement - 940 Patricians
Function - Requires Wood and is built on a river crossing, and
produces Paper as a response.

Building - Printing Press
Gold - 1800
Wood - 5
Tools - 5
Stone - 12
Glass - 10
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 50
Population Requirement - 940 Patricians
Function - Uses Paper and Indigo and produces Books in return.

Building - Debtor's Prison
Gold - 7000
Wood - 20
Tools - 30
Stone - 60
Glass - 24
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 1190 Patricians
Function - Provides Security to your upper class Citizens.

Building - Magnificant Square
Gold - 100
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 1
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 1190 Patricians
Function - Makes your town more pretty by upgrading Cobblestone
Roads but provides no speed boost beyond that.

Building - Apiary
Gold - 500
Wood - 7
Tools - 3
Stone - 9
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 600 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 3000 Noblemen
Function - Uses fields to produce Beeswax.

Building - Candlemaker's Workshop
Gold - 1600
Wood - 7
Tools - 6
Stone - 10
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 3000 Noblemen
Function - Uses Beeswax and Hemp to produce Candles.

Building - Redsmith's Workshop
Gold - 1800
Wood - 9
Tools - 7
Stone - 15
Glass - 10
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 60
Population Requirement - 3000 Noblemen
Function - Uses Candles and Brass to produce Candlesticks.

--==Nobleman Building==--

Building - Cattle Farm
Gold - 600
Wood - 8
Tools - 2
Stone - 6
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 650 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 25
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses fields to produce Cows.

Building - Butcher's Shop
Gold - 1000
Wood - 5
Tools - 7
Stone - 8
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 50
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses Cows and Salt to produce Beef.

Building - War Machines Workshop
Gold - 3000
Wood - 3
Tools - 5
Stone - 10
Glass - 8
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 60
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses Wood and Rope to produce War Machines.

Building - Coal Mine
Gold - 3500
Wood - 12
Tools - 10
Stone - 16
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Built on a Coal Deposit and produces Coal in return.

Building - Surgery
Gold - 1500
Wood - 5
Tools - 15
Stone - 20
Glass - 7
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Built so that during a plague, it will decrease the
amount of casualties.

Building - Fortified Tower
Gold - 1100
Wood - 0
Tools - 8
Stone - 10
Glass - 8
Other Costs - 5 War Machines
Upkeep Cost - 30, 3 Military
Population Requirement - 0
Function - An upgrade to a normal tower, where it can provide
fire support against enemies.

Building - Fortified Gatehouse
Gold - 1200
Wood - 0
Tools - 16
Stone - 20
Glass - 16
Other Costs - 10 War Machines
Upkeep Cost - 30, 4 Military
Population Requirement - 0
Function - An upgrade to a gatehouse, it will open and lock the
city gates, and is harder to knock down in return.

Building - Trapper's Lodge
Gold - 900
Wood - 7
Tools - 2
Stone - 4
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 950 Noblemen
Function - Uses Bear Cave Deposits and produces Fur.

Building - Furrier's Workshop
Gold - 1600
Wood - 5
Tools - 8
Stone - 10
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 90
Population Requirement - 950 Noblemen
Function - Uses a River Crossing to turn Fur and Salt into Fur

Building - Provision House
Gold - 10000
Wood - 20
Tools - 20
Stone - 35
Glass - 25
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 950 Noblemen
Function - Uses a variety of goods to produce Provisions.

Building - Cannon Foundry
Gold - 6000
Wood - 24
Tools - 15
Stone - 30
Glass - 24
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 100
Population Requirement - 950 Noblemen
Function - Uses Wood and Iron to produce Cannons.

Building - Large Storehouse
Gold - 2030
Wood - 0
Tools - 4
Stone - 6
Glass - 4
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 950 Noblemen
Function - Used to increase the amount that your warehouses can

Building - Historic Warehouse
Gold - 25180
Wood - 40
Tools - 20
Stone - 59
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upgrade To:
Timberwork - 180 Wood, 120 Tools
Masonry - 300 Stone, 200 Tools
Upkeep Cost - 200
Population Requirement - 950 Noblemen
Function - Mentioned Above

Building - Harbour Statue
Gold - 3000
Wood - 0
Tools - 5
Stone - 10
Glass - 5
Other Costs - 1 Weapon
Upkeep Cost - 10
Population Requirement - 950 Noblemen
Function - A decorative item placed on the Harbour.

Building - Vineyard
Gold - 800
Wood - 8
Tools - 4
Stone - 10
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 1000 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 25
Population Requirement - 1500 Noblemen
Function - Produces Grapes from the fields.

Building - Barrel Cooperage
Gold - 1000
Wood - 7
Tools - 5
Stone - 8
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 1500 Noblemen
Function - Produces Barrels from Wood and Iron.

Building - Wine Press
Gold - 1800
Wood - 7
Tools - 7
Stone - 14
Glass - 9
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 50
Population Requirement - 1500 Noblemen
Function - Prodices Wine from Barrels and Grapes.

Building - Cypress
Gold - 100
Wood - 1
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 1500 Noblemen
Function - A decoration for your town.

Building - Princely Square
Gold - 200
Wood - 0
Tools - 1
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 1500 Noblemen
Function - The best kind of road that can be built, but is only
as fast as a Cobblestone Road.

Building - Imperial Cathedral
Gold - 50000
Wood - 80
Tools - 40
Stone - 100
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upgrade To:
Timberwork - 300 Wood, 160 Tools
Masonry - 540 Stone, 360 Tools
Windows - 270 Glass, 720 Tools
Upkeep Cost - 300 / Timberwork = 500 / Masonry = 600 / Window = 750
Population Requirement - 2000 Noblemen / Timberwork = 2000 Noblemen /
Masonry = 2500 Noblemen / Windows = 3500 Noblemen
Function - Mentioned Above

Building - Hedge
Gold - 25
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 2000 Noblemen
Function - Another decoration for your town.

Building - Copper Mine
Gold - 1500
Wood - 10
Tools - 8
Stone - 12
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 2200 Noblemen
Function - Built on a Copper Deposit to produce Copper Ore.

Building - Copper Smelter
Gold - 1200
Wood - 9
Tools - 5
Stone - 12
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 2200 Noblemen
Function - Uses Copper Ore and Coal to produce Brass.

Building - Optician's Workshop
Gold - 1800
Wood - 8
Tools - 6
Stone - 14
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 2200 Noblemen
Function - Uses Glass and Brass to produce Glasses.

Building - Gold Mine
Gold - 2500
Wood - 20
Tools - 13
Stone - 12
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 50
Population Requirement - 4000 Noblemen
Function - Built on a Gold Deposit to produce Gold Ore.

Building - Gold Smelter
Gold - 2000
Wood - 14
Tools - 11
Stone - 16
Glass - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 4000 Noblemen
Function - Uses Gold Ore and Coal to produce Gold Bars, not
gold that you can use.

Building - Silk Weaving Mill
Gold - 1500
Wood - 5
Tools - 8
Stone - 12
Glass - 15
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 80
Population Requirement - 4000 Noblemen
Function - Uses Gold Bars and Silk to produce Brocaid Clothing.

--==Nomad Buildings==--

Building - Nomad House
Rank - 1
Gold - 0
Wood - 1
Tools - 1
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upgrade To:
Envoy House - 1 Wood, 1 Tool, 4 Mosaic
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Housing for your Oriential residents.

Building - Bazaar
Rank - 1
Gold - 400
Wood - 5
Tools - 3
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Provides Company for your residents.

Building - Oriential Market Building
Rank - 1
Gold - 700
Wood - 8
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 25
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Serves as a market building for the Orient.

Building - Small Noria
Rank - 1
Gold - 1000
Wood - 5
Tools - 3
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses water, that can be replenished, to create
fertile ground to build farms.

Building - Date Plantation
Rank - 1
Gold - 200
Wood - 3
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 125 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 45
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses fields to produce Dates.

Building - Goat Farm
Rank - 1
Gold - 200
Wood - 5
Tools - 1
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 150 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 145 Nomads
Function - Uses fields to produce Milk.

Building - Spice Farm
Rank - 1
Gold - 500
Wood - 5
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 100 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 145 Nomads
Function - Uses fields to produce Spice.

Building - Oriential Warehouse
Rank - 1
Gold - 400
Wood - 3
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Increases the storehouse capacity of your

Building - Silk Plantation
Rank - 2
Gold - 350
Wood - 5
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 500 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 25
Population Requirement - 295 Nomads
Function - Uses fields to produce Silk.

Building - Indigo Farm
Rank - 2
Gold - 400
Wood - 5
Tools - 2
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 500 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 295 Nomads
Function - Uses fields to produce Indigo.

Building - Carpet Workshop
Rank - 2
Gold - 400
Wood - 5
Tools - 3
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 60
Population Requirement - 295 Nomads
Function - Uses Silk and Indigo to produce Carpets.

Building - Palm
Rank - 2
Gold - 150
Wood - 1
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 0
Population Requirement - 295 Nomads
Function - Use this to decorate your Oriential paradise.

Building - Clay Pit
Rank - 3
Gold - 800
Wood - 7
Tools - 4
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 440 Nomads
Function - Built on an island with Clay to produce Clay.

Building - Quartz Quarry
Rank - 3
Gold - 1000
Wood - 10
Tools - 6
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 440 Nomads
Function - Built near a Quartz Mine to produce Quartz.

Building - Mosaic Workshop
Rank - 3
Gold - 1000
Wood - 15
Tools - 8
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 0
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 440 Nomads
Function - Uses Quartz and Clay together to produce Quartz.

Building - Oriential Shipyard
Rank - 3
Gold - 3000
Wood - 20
Tools - 30
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 20
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 440 Nomads
Function - Built on the Harbour to build ships.

Building - Mosque
Rank - 3
Gold - 3500
Wood - 15
Tools - 10
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 20
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 440 Nomads
Function - Used to provide Faith to your Nomads.

--==Envoy Buildings==--

Building - Large Noria
Rank - 4
Gold - 2500
Wood - 0
Tools - 8
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 30
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 1040 Envoys
Function - An upgrade to the small Noria.

Building - Coffee Plantation
Rank - 4
Gold - 500
Wood - 2
Tools - 4
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 6
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 1000 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 20
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses fields to produce Coffee Beans.

Building - Roasting House
Rank - 4
Gold - 1100
Wood - 5
Tools - 10
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 15
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 45
Population Requirement - 0
Function - Uses Coffee Beans to produce Coffee.

Building - Pearl Fisher's Hut
Rank - 4
Gold - 1200
Wood - 14
Tools - 7
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 11
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 1400 Envoys
Function - Built near a Reef to produce Pearls.

Building - Pearl Workshop
Rank - 4
Gold - 1800
Wood - 8
Tools - 8
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 16
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 70
Population Requirement - 1400 Envoys
Function - Uses Pearls to produce Pearl Necklaces.

Building - Oriential Square
Rank - 4
Gold - 200
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 1
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 5
Population Requirement - 1040 Envoys
Function - Built as an upgrade to dirt paths, fast as
Cobblestone paths.

Building - Oriential Statue
Rank - 4
Gold - 5000
Wood - 0
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 10
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 5
Population Requirement - 1040 Envoys
Function - Used to decorate the town.

Building - Oriential Fort
Rank - 5
Gold - 4500
Wood - 20
Tools - 20
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 15
Other Costs - 15 Weapons
Upkeep Cost - 50, 10 Military
Population Requirement - 1400 Envoys
Function - Used to create encampments for an Oriential army.

Building - Oriential Fountain
Rank - 5
Gold - 800
Wood - 0
Tools - 0
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 2
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 5
Population Requirement - 1400 Envoys
Function - Used to pretty up the town.

Building - Rose Nursery
Rank - 5
Gold - 900
Wood - 10
Tools - 5
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 12
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 1500 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 30
Population Requirement - 2600 Envoys
Function - Uses fields to produce Roses.

Building - Perfumery
Rank - 5
Gold - 2500
Wood - 12
Tools - 9
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 24
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 60
Population Requirement - 2600 Envoys
Function - Uses Roses to produce Perfume.

Building - Bath House
Rank - 5
Gold - 6000
Wood - 40
Tools - 17
Stone - 30
Mosaic - 25
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 50
Population Requirement - 2600 Envoys
Function - Used to provide Entertainment to your Citizens.

Building - Sultan's Mosque
Rank - 6
Gold - 50000
Wood - 40
Tools - 80
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 100
Other Costs - 0
Upgrade To:
Timberwork - 144 Mosaic, 180 Wood
Floor - 432 Mosaic, 240 Tools
Window - 648 Mosaic, 270 Glass
Upkeep Cost - 300 / Timberwork = 300 / Floor = 350 / Window = 400
Population Requirement - 1740 Envoys / Timberwork = 1740 Envoys /
Floor = 3840 Envoys / Window = 5240 Envoys
Function - Mentioned Above

Building - Sugar Cane Plantation
Rank - 6
Gold - 800
Wood - 5
Tools - 3
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 9
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 500 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 35
Population Requirement - 4300 Envoys
Function - Uses fields to produce Sugar Cane.

Building - Almond Plantation
Rank - 6
Gold - 500
Wood - 4
Tools - 6
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 10
Other Costs - 1 Field costs 600 Gold
Upkeep Cost - 15
Population Requirement - 4300 Envoys
Function - Uses fields to produce Almonds.

Building - Sugar Mill
Rank - 6
Gold - 800
Wood - 7
Tools - 6
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 10
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 40
Population Requirement - 4300 Envoys
Function - Uses Sugar Cane to produce Sugar.

Building - Confectioner's Workshop
Rank - 6
Gold - 1500
Wood - 5
Tools - 12
Stone - 0
Mosaic - 24
Other Costs - 0
Upkeep Cost - 100
Population Requirement - 4300 Envoys
Function - Uses Sugar and Almonds to produce Marzipan.

[A.02] Ship List

Below is a list of all the ships, and all the starting stats of all the

Ship Name - Small Trading Ship
Built At - Small Shipyard
Build Cost - 1500 Gold, 15 Wood, 20 Rope
Ship Limit Cost - 1
Naval Upkeep - 20
Cargo Hold - 3
Items Held - 1
Attack - 0
Hull Strength - 400

Ship Name - Small Warship
Built At - Small Shipyard
Build Cost - 2000 Gold, 30 Wood, 30 Rope, 20 Weapons
Ship Limit Cost - 1
Naval Upkeep - 30
Cargo Hold - 1
Items Held - 1
Attack - 6
Hull Strength - 500

Ship Name - Large Trading Ship
Built At - Large Shipyard
Build Cost - 4000 Gold, 60 Wood, 60 Rope
Ship Limit Cost - 2
Naval Upkeep - 50
Cargo Hold - 6
Items Held - 1
Attack - 0
Hull Strength - 1000

Ship Name - Large Warship
Built At - Large Shipyard
Build Cost - 4500 Gold, 70 Wood, 70 Rope, 20 Cannons
Ship Limit Cost - 2
Naval Upkeep - 60
Cargo Hold - 2
Items Held - 1
Attack - 14
Hull Strength - 1200

Ship Name - Caravel
Built At - Oriential Shipyard
Build Cost - 2500 Gold, 30 Wood, 20 Rope
Ship Limit Cost - 1
Naval Upkeep - 10
Cargo Hold - 3
Items Held - 2
Attack - 0
Hull Strength - 300

Ship Name - Large Oriential Trading Ship
Built At - Oriential Shipyard
Build Cost - 4000 Gold, 50 Wood, 50 Rope, 15 Cannons
Ship Limit Cost - 2
Naval Upkeep - 50
Cargo Hold - 5
Items Held - 2
Attack - 6
Hull Strength - 800

Ship Name - Large Oriential Warship
Built At - Oriential Shipyard
Build Cost - 4500 Gold, 80 Wood, 80 Rope, 30 War Machines
Ship Limit Cost - 2
Naval Upkeep - 60
Cargo Hold - 2
Items Held - 2
Attack - 10
Hull Strength - 1000

Ship Name - Flagship
Built At - Not Built
Build Cost - Not Built
Ship Limit Cost - 0
Naval Upkeep - 0
Cargo Hold - 4
Items Held - 2
Attack - 6
Hull Strength - 600

Ship Name - Corsair ship
Built At - Corsairs
Build Cost - Not Built
Ship Limit Cost - 1
Naval Upkeep - 25
Cargo Hold - 2
Items Held - 2
Attack - 4
Hull Strength - 500

[A.03] Army List

The final appendix, the armies. This will be detailing the cost of each
army, well, their encampment cost, their upkeep, attack strength and the
amount of hit points that they have.

Army Name - Small Encampment
Type - Occidential
Cost - 1000 Gold, 10 Weapons
Upkeep - 20
Military Upkeep - 3
Attack Strength - 3
Attack Type - Melee
Hit Points - 1800

Army Name - Large Encampment
Type - Occidential
Cost - 3000 Gold, 30 Weapons
Upkeep - 60
Military Upkeep - 6
Attack Strength - 6
Attack Type - Melee
Hit Points - 3300

Army Name - Trebuchet
Type - Occidential
Cost - 2500 Gold, 25 War Machines
Upkeep - 40
Military Upkeep - 4
Attack Strength - 5
Attack Type - Ranged
Hit Points - 2000

Army Name - Robber Baron Camp
Type - Occidential
Cost - 2000 Gold, 15 Books
Upkeep - 20
Military Upkeep - 3
Attack Strength - 2
Attack Type - Melee
Hit Points - 2400

Army Name - Oriential Encampment
Type - Oriential
Cost - 750 Gold, 15 Weapons
Upkeep - 20
Military Upkeep - 3
Attack Strength - 4
Attack Type - Melee
Hit Points - 1200

Army Name - Cannon Position
Type - Oriential
Cost - 3000 Gold, 15 Cannons
Upkeep - 40
Military Upkeep - 4
Attack Strength - 7
Attack Type - Ranged
Hit Points - 1400

Army Name - Miner Position
Type - Oriential
Cost - 400, 2 Wood, 20 Weapons, 15 War Machines
Upkeep - 40
Military Upkeep - 4
Attack Strength - 1
Attack Type - Tunnel
Hit Points - 400

Army Name - Assassin Camp
Type - Oriential
Cost - 1500 Gold, 5 Carpets, 10 Hemp
Upkeep - 20
Military Upkeep - 3
Attack Strength - 13
Attack Type - Melee
Hit Points - 200

[A] Contact Information

APPEARS IN g,a,m,e,f,a,q,s.c,o,m always. Remove the commas. Never on that
c,h,e,a,t,c,c.c,o,m. Remove the commas.

!Before you Email me, read everything in this Contact Information section and!
!check the guide. If the information is already listed, your email will be !
!promptly deleted. !

E-Mail Me, and for the love of all that isn't sacred, make sure that the title
of the game is smacked into place. IF THERE IS NO TITLE ON THE MESSAGE, IT
WILL NOT BE READ, AND PROMPTLY DELETED. Also, email with courtesy. If you just
hurl abuse, I will promptly hurl more abuse back, and save it so the entire
world can abuse you and see your stupidity.

When you write the Email, you have to do so in English, and English only. No
foreign languages allowed, Chinese, French, Spanish, Antarctic Penguin and so
forth, mainly because I won't be able to understand it.

There will be absolutely NO INTERNET SPEAK IN ANY EMAILS. Seriously, I will
not read emails full of lols, rofls or the like. No lazy English either. I
won't read crap like "Hw Tis in Gme" because it is lazy and inconsiderate. But
that doesn't mean you send me a business letter detailing what information you
want to know either.

Finally, if you see that there is something wrong in this FAQ, or something
that you think should be included in it, please send it in, the worse you can
do is to have it rejected, but if I think it is a good addition, I'll add it
with the next update as well as give you credit for the addition. Corrections
are always welcome.

I will also NOT RESPOND to the following:

* Phishing Sites
* Attempted Scams
* Mass Spamming
* Forward Messages
* Advertising
* Technical Issues
* Illegal Activities
* Unrelated Emails to the Game
* Emails about Another Game

All problems with technical issues to do with the gameplay such as bugs and
glitches should be sent to the developer or publisher, or look for fixes or
ways to avoid it. All technical issues with hardware should be sent to the
manufacturer of the piece of hardware in question.

The secret email address is:

hillsdragon13 [at] [] [dot] [co.m]

Now, the legend:

[at] = @
[] = Remove the .'s
[dot] = .
[co.m] = Remove the .'s

If you feel generous, you can send money via Paypal to that address. It is
completely optional, but I'm curious to see how much I can milk, I mean make
out of this. All donations are appreciated, seeing I have to pay for the
game this guide is for, and that does cost money, more since I'm faced with
the outrageous prices found in Australia.

It may be a pain in the ass, but most smart people could figure out the real
email address. The problem is that people would normally Ctrl+F to find the
email address without reading the relevant guidelines, as well spamming sites
which always find their way to my inbox.

Also, do not add me to your MSN, Yahoo or any other instant messaging system
because you will be blocked and deleted permanently. Also, I will not accept
invites to be your Facebook friend, or join any other social networking site
because all invites will be rejected.

[B] Credits

The credits section is where all the credits for the guides go. Anyone or
anything that remotely helped out with this guide goes here, and that goes
for all those people out there who have interesting information to send in.
You know, your name could be on this list as well.

CJayC, The Creator of GameFAQs, thanks for all the memories
SBAllen for administrating GameFAQs, keep up the good work
You, no point of writing if no one is reading
Ubisoft for the distribution of the game
Sunflower, Blue Byte for developing the game
ASCGen for their program making ASCII Art
Me, for a shameless piece of self promotion

[C] Webmaster Information

This is where all the sites that this guide can appear on are listed. If the
site name is not on this list, that means that either they are accepted by
me but not listed, due to logistical reasons (this is the same copyright
section as all the other guides, and no point listing a Civ 4 site on a Sims
game), or they are not allowed outright.

Anyway, POINT OUT ALL SITES NOT LISTED HERE. It will be up to me what site is
allowed or disallowed.

NeoSeeker and SuperCheats will have the guides a full day after it appears on
GameFAQs. This is because those two sites grab any new update from me from
GameFAQs itself, so if you are itching for the newest version, please check first.


Why? Because they stole some of my works before, and I will not forget that.
No amount of goodwill will be able to repair what you have done.

[D] Copyright Notice

This game is Copyright 2009 Ubisoft. All Copyrights are held by their rightful
owners as well as any Trademarks used.

This document is protected by copyright laws in many countries, so please
don't steal. This FAQ can be used for personal use, which means you can store
a copy on your home PC, your IPod, USB Drive, etc. You cannot use this FAQ to
sell for your own financial gain. Doing so is fraud, and I will promptly have
all the money gained wired for directly to me.

If you do sell it, and you are caught, I will launch court proceedings if
necessary. If a website steals this, I will have your site shut down, either
through talking to your server, Internet Service Provider, and if you are a
big site, through your advertisers. It might start with a small email of
request, but I can snowball it. In fact, I will.

You also cannot claim this guide as your own. You are not allowed to use this
guide and submit this to another website, claiming it as your own work. I will
google search random phrases from my own FAQ just to ensure that it hasn't
been stolen or hijacked by other people.

I am also not affiliated with any corporation, and I was not paid by any
developer, publisher or distributor for the production of this guide. This was
done solely out of my own free time and will, a dedication to the video gaming
industry in general.

This document is Copyright 2009. All Rights were not shipped to the Orient.

This FAQ uses the V2.03 Template.

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Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.00.1762, v1.01.2037, v1.02.2619 und v1.03.3650)

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.01 64-Bit)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.01 32-Bit)

17.Oktober 2013

18.Oktober 2013
Dt. Megatrainer (für v1.1 / v1.01.2037)

14.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (geschrieben für die am. Version)

17.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Geld, Waren und Wasser

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30.December 2013
07.Maart 2014
19.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
28.Februari 2016
11.Juni 2014
25.September 2015