Assassins Creed

Assassins Creed

17.10.2013 13:24:10
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Author: Warfreak
Version: 1.3
Date Started: 27/4/08


Table of Contents
[1] Introduction
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History
[1.03] Controls for ALL THREE CONSOLES
[2] Walkthrough
[2.01] Memory Block 1
[2.02] Memory Block 2
[2.03] Memory Block 3
[2.04] Memory Block 4
[2.05] Memory Block 5
[2.06] Memory Block 6
[2.07] Memory Block 7
[3] Moving on the Map
[3.01] Civilians
[3.02] Guards
[3.03] View Points
[4] Saving the Citizens
[4.01] Saving Citizens
[4.02] Scholars
[4.03] Vigilantes
[5] Information Techniques
[5.01] Eavesdrop
[5.02] Interrogation
[5.03] Pickpocket
[5.04] Informer - Assassination
[5.05] Informer - Flag
[5.06] Informer - Escort (PC ONLY)
[5.07] Informer - Rooftop Race (PC ONLY)
[5.08] Informer - Archer (PC ONLY)
[5.09] Informer - Merchant Destruction (PC ONLY)
[6] Flags
[6.01] Flags
[7] Templars
[7.01] Templars
[8] Weaponry
[8.01] Short Blade
[8.02] Throwing Knives
[8.03] Hidden Blade
[8.04] Sword
[8.05] Fists
[9] Moves
[9.01] Move List
[10] Memory Log [SPOILER ALERT!]
[10.01] Solomon's Temple - Jerusalem
[10.02] Masun - Masyaf
[10.03] Tamir - Damascus
[10.04] Garnier de Naplouse - Acre
[10.05] Talal - Jerusalem
[10.06] Abu'l Nuqoud - Damascus
[10.07] William de Montferrat - Acre
[10.08] Majd Addin - Jerusalem
[10.09] Jubair Al Hakin - Damascus
[10.10] Sibrand - Acre
[10.11] Robert de Sable - Jerusalem
[11] Emails [SPOILER ALERT!]
[11.01] Lucy's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 2
[11.02] Lucy's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 3
[11.03] Lucy's Outbox Emails, Memory Block 4
[11.04] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 4
[11.05] Vidic's Outbox Emails, Memory Block 4
[11.06] Vidic's Deleted Emails, Memory Block 4
[11.07] Lucy's Deleted Emails, Memory Block 5
[11.08] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 5
[11.09] Lucy's Outbox Emails, Memory Block 6
[11.10] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 6
[11.11] Conference Room Inbox Email, Memory Block 6
[11.12] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 7
[12] Achievement Guide [XBOX 360]
[12.01] Achievements
[13.01] Everything Explained

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright
[1.01] Introduction

Welcome to my 34th Guide, the guide for the Ubisoft game Assassin's Creed, a
game set in during the crusades where an assassin, Altair, changes the course
of the crusade via a few assassinations. To the name, you play an assassin
dispatching all those deemed unworthy to live, and many others along the way.

Contary to modern assassinations, you do not get to use any ranged weapons
in the game. The enemy does get the bow, but you do not. Your have a small
arsenal, no more arsenal a la GTA where you can carry a rocket launcher,
sniper rifles, assault rifles and the like all at once. You get a 3 different
blades, and that is all.

Note that this is all fiction, there are no special corporations that are
set up by the Templars to find a holy object. Or none that we currently know
of. Anyway, the storyline of this is pretty good, and you don't know really
know what is going on, even at the ending of the game. It is obviously a set
up to Assassin's Creed 2 - The Something. It is a good game, and clearly
satisfies all the hype for it. And remember the three tenets of the Assassin's

1 - Do not kill innocent civilians

2 - Always hide in plain sight

and 3, the most scared of the tenets

Never Compromise the Brotherhood.

Anyway, with that out of the way, welcome to my guide, and have fun reading,
or not. The irony if Ubisoft turned out to be run by Knight Templars.

And as a side note, Altair is pronounced Al-ta-eer, not Al-tair. It is in
Arabic you know. And Acre is pronoucned A-cre, not a-cre. The Capital A is a
different sound to a Uncapitalised a.

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.1 [27/4/08]
Started the Guide. Completed the Chapter on Saving the Citizens.

Version 0.2 [29/4/08]
Completed Memory Blocks 1 and 2 as well as controls.

Version 0.3 [30/4/08]
Completed Memory Block 3, started on the Memory Log and Emails.

Version 0.4 [3/5/08]
Added the XBox 360 Achievements. Added more for Memory Log.

Version 0.5 [6/5/08]
Completed Memory Block 4.

Version 0.6 [7/5/08]
Completed more mission logs. Completed Emails up to Memory Block 5.
Completed Chapter 8, Weaponry, about all 5 weapons.

Version 0.7 [12/5/08]
Completed Chapter 5, Information techniques.

Version 0.8 [13/5/08]
Completed Memory Block 5. Added more on memory log and emails.

Version 0.9 [17/5/08]
Complete all the Memory Blocks, and that means the general Walkthrough. To
do now is basic gameplay, flags, templars, moves and the storyline itself.

Version 1.0 [22/5/08]
Completed Chapter 3. 4 Chapters to start, 1 to finish.

Version 1.1 [23/5/08]
Completed Chapter 6 and 7, using as a nice
guide. Completed Chapter 9, the moves list. Completed the Memory Log. All
that is left is the ending explained.

Version 1.2 [24/5/08]
Completed the Guide. I hope everyone enjoys this, and I have done everything

Version 1.3 [26/6/08]
Update because of the influx of information based on the missing information
that I had on the mural, the Lorenz Attractor, etc.

[1.03] Controls for ALL THREE CONSOLES

As this guide is meant for viewing for all three consoles, It is best if I
unify the controls so everyone know what to do. Please note that I will make
use of PC the most since I have that version, but other players are not
neglected, I will accommodate for you. Can't you feel the love?

PC PS3 XBox 360
Body Controls
Legs (Sprint, Blend) Space X A
Head (Sync, Eagle Vision) E Triangle Y
Empty Hand (Push, Grab) Shift Circle B
Weapon Hand (Attack) Left Mouse Square X
Movement WASD Left Analog Stick Left Analog Stick

Other Controls
Lock Target F L1 LT
High Profile/Block Right Mouse R1 RT
Chase Camera Q L2 LB
Camera Mouse Right Analog Stick Right Analog Stick
The Map Tab Select Select

Short Blade/Knives 1 D-Pad Left D-Pad Left
Hidden Blade 2 D-Pad Up D-Pad Up
Long Blade/Sword 3 D-Pad Right D-Pad Right
Fists 4 D-Pad Down D-Pad Down

This is to help everyone ensure that they know what controls they have and
makes understanding this guide easier.

[2.01] Memory Block 1

--==Animus Tutorial==--

Welcome to Assassin's Creed, and you start off watching some cutscenes and
start with what is basic with most games, an interactive tutorial. You will
need to listen closely and pay attention to the controls, because depending
on the platform, you will have different controls. This guide will have PC in
mind, since I'm using the PC version but I will try to accommodate all users
including XBox 360 and PS3 users.

First of all, you need to go into Altair's head, and use basic vision. This
is done via the E Button, Triangle for PS3 or Y for XBox. You need to do a
complete 360 degree turn in order to complete this objective. Now, you need
to walk through a crowd of jar walkers without knocking any of the jar walkers
so they drop the jars. In order to do this, you need to gentle push them out
of the way. This is done by walking to the jar walkers and holding the Shift
Button for PC, B for XBOX and Circle for PS3. This allows you pass through
the jar walkers and head onto the goal.

Your next move is to change from low profile to high profile. Altair is always
in low profile, and to move into high profile, you need to hold the Right
Mouse Button for PC, RT for XBox and R1 for PS3. You now need to practice the
grab motion. Head into high profile, run at the target and instead of the
gentle push, the button will turn into a grab. Push the target into your
marker with the direction pad being the aim.

Your next objective is to sprint. This is done by heading into high profile
and pressing the Space Bar for PC, A for XBox and X for PS3. Your job is to
beat the other guy into the target. This shouldn't be too hard. Now, you get
to advance to the nitty gritty business Altair is in. Killing.

You need to advance to the guard and now kill him. So do it, draw your weapon
and slay him. This will prompt another guard to see you and you now need to
follow instructions and run up the roof and hide in the garden there. After
that, you learn how to blend in low profile to move past guards and how to
use Eagle Vision, which allows you to see friend from foe. This is it for
the tutorial, now for the real thing.

--==Retrieve the Artifact from within Soloman's Temple==--

The level will start to roll and you need to understand the next thing,
glitches. These are when the screen will mess up, do to the problem in the
Animus, not the game itself. It isn't a problem with your system. You need to
press any button when you see a glitch, which is symbolised with a bunch of
static across the screen. This will enhance your viewing pleasure, not
necessary to complete the game, you will still get the content, but from the
default angles, no new angles. After all, you aren't supposed to get the
memory of others. So when you see static, click on the glitch. These normally
happen in cutscenes with the blue background, but it will normally happen
with your boss and all the enemy assassination targets you kill.

Anyway, moving on, you need to move ahead in the game, you get the ability
of Free Step. You use free step by heading into High Profile and activating
your legs, which allow you to jump over the beams without falling. Do it
again and advance on the ladder and climb it. Just walk into it to do so.

Ahead is a lone guard, and you need to take him out. Use the hidden blade
and move close to him and assassinate him with the attack button, or if
that fails, attack him and get rid of him. On the ledge, jump down and
attempt to assassinate your target.

--==Return to Al Mualim==--

Anyway, after that failure, you are chucked in the next room and forced to
hear your brothers fall. You need to climb up the wooden platforms. This will
lead you to an exit and this will allow you escape from the mine and you
now gain a new memory fast-forward, into your base of Masyaf and meeting
the leader of the Assassin's, Al Mualim.

From here, move up the hill and head towards the stronghold. If you are
in doubt, up onto the rooftop of a building and see the way north. You can
always follow the GPS if you are lost. Or hit your Map button to find the way
to the fortress. Head to the fortress and a guard will approach you and tell
you that Al Mualim is waiting for you in the library. Head into the fortress
and talk to the master, who is not pleased with your results. However, the
Templars attack, and you need to defend the castle.

--==Remove the Templars from Masyaf==--

You rush out and you need to help evacuate the villagers into the fortress
while blocking out the Templars. There is no low profile here, and there is
really no point in hiding, draw out your longsword and prepare for battle.
There are Templars all over the village, so basically you need to sweep the
village clean of them. Either grab them and push them, then stab with the
sword or Counter-Kill to get rid of them. Either way, whatever you do, kill
the Templars. Soon, when they are all dead, head back to the fortress.

--==Use the Element of Surprise==--

You need to head into a nearby tower and to do so, follow the GPS, climb the
two ladders to reach your point. Move to the platform and perform a Leap of
Faith. This is basically done at a very high point from a ledge and you will
land on a haystack. To do so, high profile, run and jump. When you have to
jump and land on the haystack.

You are on a solo mission, so do so and cross the beams. This is done for
you automatically. Crossing on low profile is safer and more defensive against
enemy attack, should they come, but slower while high profile is quicker, but
vulnerable to enemy attacks. Anyway, move along and head to the tower and
climb it, sticking to the middle but keep an eye for the grooves. Head to the
top and attack the wooden support on the top to launch a surprise against the
Templars. Off they go.

That will take you out of Altair's mind and back to Desmond. Right in front
of you is a conference room and to the right is your room. As the researchers
Lucy and Dr. Vidic head into the conference room, rush to your room and
head to the bathroom to eavesdrop on their conversation. After their nice
conversation, head back to the bedroom and listen to Dr. Vidic and go and get
some rest. Interact with the bed to sleep.

[2.02] Memory Block 2

--==**Investigate and Find Masyaf's Traitor**==--

--==Go to the Market and Eavesdrop==--

You start this level stripped of all your moves and your weapons for your
recent failure and demoted to the rank of novice. Anyway, you need to weed
out the traitor and head to the gates of the fortress and meet a fellow

He will tell you to gain some more intelligence on the traitor, just like
any good spy. He will reveal that someone in the marketplace knows a little
more than they should, so your first job is to head to the marketplace,
marked out on your GPS and the map. Head to the marketplace and sit yourself
on a bench near the two men that are obviously knowing something they should
not. Sit down and lock on to one of the two men and this will allow you to
eavesdrop. With this new information, you can head onto the next objective.

--==Find the Basket Weaver and Pickpocket Him==--

You need to use your GPS or the map to find the Basket Weaver who obviously
is up to something. Find him and lock on to him from a good distance, but
not too close or too far to begin the pickpocketing mission.

When you pickpocket somebody, you need to know that these aren't your average
civilians, these people are up to something and are very alert, so they will
stop and look around them. Always note though that people you can picket will
have a pouch on their side behind them.

Anyway, when the basket weaver decides to move, you need to move with him,
following him and moving closer to him. Only pick his pocket when you see that
he is looking dead ahead, he is not looking to the side or at you. This is
done by using the empty hand function, Shift for PC, Circle for PS3 and B for
XBox. You need to hold the button to pickpocket him, because it does take
some time to dig out the goodies. If you do it correctly, the victim will
turn around the check his pouch, and find that something is missing, and he
tries to find a solution, but gives up. If you fail, you need to do it again,
so don't worry about failure. Anyway, if you have done it correctly, you will
move onto the next objective.

--==Find Masun near the Cyprus Tree and Interrogate Him==--

You need to follow your GPS or the map again to find him. He is near a
Cyprus Tree and he is preaching like a insane religious preacher. Remember
that from now on, interrogation missions all involve some crazy nut job
that needs to be silenced. Anyway, find him and lock him in and this will
start the mission. After a crazy rant, he will start to move, and you need
to follow.

Wait till the victim heads into a dark area with no one to witness you
"interrogating" him. To interrogate, wait till he heads to the well and
punch the living daylights out of him. Soon, after a few hits, he will
start to talk and gives you more information. Once he spills the beans, the
next objective begins.

--==Bring Masun before Al Mualim==--

This is a basic cutscene and will watch Masun talking about his betrayal
of the Brotherhood. However, I do not believe he was alone. But that is my
opinion. Anyway, this will achieve Synchronizing Level 1, allowing you to
get your Sword and Hidden Blade back as well as learning how to Deflect and
Combo Kills.

--==Learn some NEW Moves==--

Head outside and you are shoved into a tutorial. Practicing Blocking, which
is basically using the High Profile button in combat. The Combo Kill is just
a move where you attack in tandem with blade strikes. Every time your blade
hits the enemy, you will attack again to do a combo. Anyway, either complete
each three times or quit the tutorial to move on. You have now found the
Traitor and you have 9 names to silence.

--==**Speak with the Bureau Leader in Damascus**==--


Head to the village gates and grab a horse. Gallop away, which is high profile
running on the horse, into Kingdom. There, this is the largest area, where
it is populated by random villages. Here, there are view points, flags and
templars. I will explain each now.

View Points are represented on the map as an eagle token. There are 12 view
points in Kingdom and plenty more that are in the cities that you are going
to visit. View Points are basically towers that you can climb and you can
Synchronise with it by pressing your head button, the button for Eagle Vision.
To do so, climb to the top and head to the platform on the top, with an
eagle on it. By synchronising with it, you will gain a better view of the map
in the area and what other things are nearby. This is extremely useful because
it saves you exploring the map. More on that later. They are normally guarded
by enemy guards. You can only access 8 at this moment, the other 4 will be
unlocked at the next memory block.

Flags are found everywhere and are only there for the completion of the game,
nothing else. There are flags in each city and there are 100 flags in the
Kingdom, normally found in hiding spots or places up high. You don't really
need them, but I'll add them anyway, later on in its own section.

Templars are the enemy of Altair and there are 60 of them overall, most in
the Kingdom. What will distinguish Templars from the regular guards is
that are found alone in front of treasure cheats or corners. Also, they will
have the Templar's Cross and the helmet. They are heavily armoured, and
shiny at that rate, and will continue to chase you when normal guards have
given up.

While travelling across the Kingdom and other cities, you generally want to
take care of all the view points, and save the flags and templars for a final
go because there are so many of them and it is easy to lose track of what
you have taken and what you haven't taken care of. Anyway, take care of the
view points and gallop towards Damascus, ignoring the enemy soldiers. Use the
map to help you find your way to Damascus because it will be confusing. Head
towards the front gates of Damascus and you will see...

--==Enter Damascus==--

Ahead you will see some soldiers bullying a scholar and will not stop. It
is clear that the only option to save the Scholar from the Arab guards is
Altair himself. This is the saving civilians task. You need to lock onto a
guard and to save the civilian, you need to kill all the guards around the
citizen attacked.

Do not stray too far from the citizen because this will give a mission
failure or get killed. Right now, you do not have many attacks, so block and
combo kill all the enemy soldiers. You are lucky there aren't that many, but
unlucky because you don't have many moves. Anyway, save the citizen by killing
the guards and lock onto the citizen. This will spawn some scholars and you
can blend into them (just a sprint in low profile) and take you past the
guards. Exit from the blend when you are pass the guards a good amount.

From now on, all over the city are citizens that need to be saved. First of
all, go and complete all the view points in the Poor District of Damascus.
This will be extremely useful because by completely synchronising with all of
the view points, you will get to see all of the map, as well as all the
available missions that you can complete and the location of all the citizens
that need to be saved. You have to note that every time you complete a view
point or save a citizen from danger, you will add to your synchronisation bar.
Once you complete 15 of these, you will add an extra bar to the sync bar
which means you have more health to play with and more recklessness you can
afford to show. More on saving civilians and view points later on in their
own dedicated sections.

Now, you have 6 seperate investigations that you have to complete, but only
two are necessary. The reason why you should do all six is because it gives
all the information that you need and gives more insight to how to carry out
your assassination. One mission will differ from the console versions and the
PC port and I will point it out.

Eavesdrop - In the centre of the map is an eavesdrop mission that you can
easily carry out. Eavesdrop on the two men and this will net
you some nice info.

"The beams which cross the central courtyard can be accessed."

Interrogation - Follow your mark into a dark alleyway (never hide in the dark
alleyway) and beat him up to get some info. After that, Altair
will automatically kill him.

"Tamir is preoccupied with the production of weapons."

Pickpocket - The Northern most Pickpocket will be a hard one since the
guy will be very suspicious and therefore, you need to act

"Obtains a Letter saying Tamir plans a weapons shipment for another faction."

Pickpocket - The Eastern most pickpocket is much easier and is one of the
easiest you will get. Still, pay attention.

"Map of the Souk where the northeast roof easily connects to the central

Eavesdrop - The Southern Eavesdrop near the Interrogation will lead you
to know a bit more about friends.

"Friends (Vigilantes) are useful for a quick escape.

This is the differing one between the PC and Console versions. The mission
is different but the information in the end is the same.

Eavesdrop - The Eastern Eavesdrop and again, another easy mission.

Informer - You need to find the first informer and he will have no info
but knows someone how does. You have 90 seconds to find the
next informer, which is plenty of time. The second informer
needs you to escort him out of the city. After a short
distance, two guards will attack. Kill the guards and let him

"Tamir is within the Souk and entrance is by invitation only."

With all this information, you can go the Assassin's Bureau and the entrance
is via the rooftop. You can talk to the leader here and Altair will talk about
all the evidence you have now gathered, in short, a recount of all the
information that you should take into account when you take down Tamir. This
gives all the info you need to carry out the act.

--==Assassinate Tamir==--

Head towards your target, and take the rooftops. Above are guards with bows
and arrows and it is best if you take out all the archers first. You need to
escape later. Anyway, head to the courtyard you are meant to be in and you
will get a nice cutscene. Don't forget to hit the glitches.

Once the cutscene is over, you need to take down Tamir. The low profile
approach, but more risky and harder approach is to assassinate him from
behind. Nice and sneaky, and you can quickly escape from the guards. However,
you are more than likely to end up fighting everyone because you cannot get
too close and you need to draw your sword. Block and combo kill everyone if
you get to this stage, or get to a high point, on the roof, and simply knock
down all those who try to get up. The advantage of height I suppose.

After the fight, hard or easy depending on how you went, you will have another
glitchy cutscene with Tamir and talk about how strange it is for him to be a
target and all. Listen carefully, cause I won't recount it and move on. The
problem is now that the city is in a full alert.

You really need to run away and hide from the soldiers and not draw attention
to yourself. Any suspicious activity will alert the guards, so quickly get
back to the bureau and finish this mission. This will take you back to the
labs and the end of memory block 2.

--==Abstergo Labs==--

Here, you can just talk to Lucy here to see what you are really doing here
and such. You ask a few questions and get a few answers, but they are rather
vague. Something is not right. You can access the computer that is meant to be
guarding the Animus and read Lucy's emails. Nothing much here, but I'll put
them up later, with a Spoiler Alert.

After you go to sleep, you can wake up to Dr. Vidic again and listen to him
have a nice speech. After that, lie down on the Animus and have fun with the
longer, memory block 3.

[2.03] Memory Block 3

--==**Speak with the Bureau Leader in Acre**==--

--==New Items==--

With the next level in synchronisation, you will regain more of your abilities
and your weapons. You now get the short blade and the Counter-Kill ability.
The Short Blade is exceptionally useful, it is a faster close range attack,
and odds are, you are going to be using this over your sword. The Counter
Kill is another useful ability. This allows you to basically kill the enemy
while they are attempting to strike you. You have to deflect their attacks and
wait till they launch another one. Once they launch an attack, counter and
this should end them. Practice outside in the courtyard. Once you are ready,
head to the village gates and head to Acre.


All the roads are now open, and that means that you can collect all the flags
and kill all the Templars, and view all the view points. While the area that
you previously accessed is still under Arab control, the newer areas are all
controlled by the English, who are smarter and stronger, but with counter-kill
up your sleeve, it should prove easy to dispatch them. Anyway, move your
horse to Acre and wait outside the gates. Again, there are two ways in, one
is via the scholars that you can obtain if you save the citizen, or just rush
in, all guns ablazing and kill all the guards. I suggest that you go via the
citizens, it is safer and doesn't piss a lot of people off. Save the scholar
and move into Acre.

--==Enter Acre==--

Enter the city and straight away you need to save some civilians from the
oppression from the guards. There are also many view points that you can use
to see the map. As I have said before, it is advised that you complete all of
the View Points straight away because this will enhance the view of the map,
unlock all the available investigation missions and where all the citizens
can be saved.

Your next step should be to save all the citizens in the city. They will be
useful whe you carry out the attacks on your assassination target and you
need to escape. One of most interest are the scholars that are spawned outside
the Hospitalier fort. This is extremely useful for later, when you need to
carry out the assassination. More on that later. Anyway, there are 6
investigations that you can carry out. Depending on what version you are
playing, there are 2 Informer, 1 Interrogation, 2 Pick Pockets and 1 Eavesdrop
mission for the Console and 1 Interrogation, 3 Informer, 1 Pick Pocket and 1
Eavesdrop Mission. 1 Informer mission for PC replaces 1 Pickpocket mission.
I'll provide details on that later as well. Anyway, the six missions are:

Eavesdrop - Located in the northern gate, this eavesdrop mission is the
easiest mission that you can complete. Sit down and listen
to the guards talk.

"Several guards are absent from roof duty."

Interrogation - Located in the southern area of the city, you need to take
out the stupid wingbag who is talking about how the Doctor
is busy saving people and such. Anyway, wait till he gets
into a dark alley and beat him up. This will tell you some
information before you kill him.

"Garnier removes himself from the world while tending to the patients."

Pickpocket - You need to pickpocket a man who knows more than he really
should. This is located in the centre of the map.

"Letter linking Garnier with Tamir and Talil."

Informer - The flag challenge is basically a time limit to collect
a set amount of flags. You have three minutes to collect
20 flags. Luckily, you can basically collect this in a
really short period of time since it is all in set line.
Return to the informer for the information.

"Garnier hides behind the fortress walls."

Informer - The second informer challenge is an assassination mission
in which a brother requires you to kill a Hospitalier Knight
before he kills your brother. You also need to do this
without being seen, so you need to use your hidden blade.
Move up close to him, and follow him until you get a good
enough shot at him and take him out. Return to the informer
to finish the investigation.

"No one is allowed in except for scholars and guards."

Again, there is a mission that will differ here between the PC and Console
versions. Again, I will detail them out for you.

Informer - Your brother needs you to remove two archers in order for
him to complete his mission. This is relatively simple, all
you have to do is to head up to them and use the hidden
blade to assassinate them. Do this to both of them without
being seen to complete this mission. Return to your brother
to complete this mission.

Pickpocket - The western most pickpocket mission will net you the same
informatiom. Personally, the Informer challenge is better
because it will keep you on your toes.

"Map showing the candelabras and patients within the fortress."

With all this information, you can return to the Assassin Bureau and start
the assassination mission itself. But before you do, make sure you save
the civilian, the scholar, near the Hospitalier fort, which is the biggest
area in town. This is useful for the assassination.

--==Assassinate Garnier De Naplouse==--

Now, the hard part, getting ride of Garnier. What I don't see is why we
can't let nature take care of him, he looks rather old. Anyway, head to the
hospitalier fortress and lets begin. At the side of the fortress will be
the scholars that you have saved and blend in with them. Since your
investigations has told you that scholars are allowed entry, you can get in
without having a major problem. Now, watch the cutscene, full of glitches,
and wait till you can move again.

Anyway, move to find some more scholars inside the fortress, and this time
blend in with them. This will allow you to move around the fortress without
having any major problems. The major problem is are the mental patients
around that will shove you around, and they draws A LOT of attention to
you. This is not useful when you are behind Garnier and trying to stick a
blade in him. You can either assassinate them, but that will draw attention
as well. So, just sit on a bench and wait for Garnier to walk past. Anyway,
stay with the scholars to draw no attention.

Wait for Garnier to talk to a patient. This is the ideal time to stick a
blade in him. When he does this, intel tells us that is does not pay any
attention to the real world, allow you an easy assassination with the
hidden blade. Now, you get another cutscene, full of glitches of course,
and this will reveal more about his mission.

Now, you are on citywide alert and you need to run. DO NOT engage the guards
here, this will take a long time, and you are heavily outnumbered, the best
being about 5 to one. Just sprint out of the fortress and take to the
rooftops. Avoid the guards and sprint to the Bureau to finish this mission
for now. Drop down and deliver the feather. Fast forward the memory and
you get the option to teleport back to Masyaf. Do so unless you like to
take in the wonderful countryside views of the Middle East.


Heading back to your boss, he seems pleased that another target has been
eliminated. And with this, your Synchronisation Rank will increase to 3 and
this will bring back more toys. You get the Tackle ability and the Knives
back. The throwing knives will be one of your favourite tools, shame you only
get 5 for now. Head outside and practice on your fellow students. Still,
throwing knives is fun. They have a good range and are 1 hit kills to all
non-Templar, non-Boss units, basically, they are 1 hit kills to guards. More
on them in their own section. Anyway, when you have finished, mount your
steed and gallop full speed to Jerusalem.

--==**Speak with the Bureau Leader in Jerusalem**==--

--==Enter Jerusalem==--

The saving civilian here is not so easy, the scholar is hiding in the
graveyard being based by more guards. This is a good time to practice
with your counter killing. Assassinate the big guy and take down the rest
of the guards. Slice and dice, then blend into the scholars who appear out
of thin air and walk into the Holy City, totally unknown to be a dangerous
assassin to the guards.

With your first city with knives, you now have a new target. Thugs. These
guys walk around, and are big, burly blocks. They will have a brown armour
and they will carry knives at their back. You can pickpocket the thugs to
get the maximum number of knives, which currently stands at five, or you
can kill them for 1. Pickpocket is easier, and gives you more practice for
the real deal for your investigations.

Anyway, do the usual for any city. You need to get to all the view points
and save all the civilians. This time, make sure you do all of them as the
vigilantes will be extremely useful in this assassination. Once you have
saved all the citizens and viewed all the view points, you can move on to
the investigations.

Eavedrop - You need to head into the church, which is guarded by some
guards. Save the nearby scholar and you can now enter the
church without being attacked. Eavesdrop on the conversation
to get some info.

"Talal will shoot enemies with a bow."

Interrogation - You need to find this preacher who is annoying everyone and
you need to wait till he walks behind some houses in an
alley. Attack him there, be sure not to attack anyone else
because they might cause some problems.

"Talal holds his slaves inside a warehouse."

Pickpocket - The south western pickpocket will useful because it will
provide you a nice map.

"Acquire map of the location of Talal's guards."

Informer - The Southern Informer is a flag challenge that requires you
to collect 18 flags within a period of 3 minutes and return
to him. Do this and get the info you need.

"Talal's men will sacrifice themselves for their master."

Informer - The informer in the centre of the map will be an assassination
challenge in which you need to kill two of Talal's men. One
will be stationary, another is moving. Kill the moving one
first by sneaking behind him, using the hidden blade and do
the same to the stationary one. You must not be seen so you
need to do this quietly.

"Talal's base is in the north sector."

Another different mission between the two versions, PC and CONSOLE. Console

Pickpocket - The South Central pickpocket mission is relatively easy
compared with the PC mission.

Informer - This is an escort mission. You need to escort the informer
to safety. Once your informer turns the corner, you will
see two guards talking to each other. They will attack you
and you need to kill them. Move on and finish the escort.

"Acquire a map detail Talal's escape route if he escapes."

--==Assassinate Talal==--

With all this information, you will get the ability to start the assassination
mission, but make sure that you complete all the saving citizens mission,
especially the vigilantes nearby. Once you are ready, you can either use the
scholars nearby to sneak into the base, or attack head on. If you do attack
head on, be careful since the guards are working with Talal's men and you will
have more to deal with.

Head into the fortress, but make sure you kill all the archers here so you can
finish the assassination later. Now, enter the building and this seems all to
easy. Way to easy. And you will see why. Head inside and watch the cutscene,
clicking on the glitches that you are being watched, and you are not alone.
Voices in the dark, I don't like this feeling.

Its a trap, and as you step into the light, which you have to, Talal will
order his men to kill you. Now, draw out your short blade and kill them. It
will be too hard to counter-kill them all since there are too many of them.
The short blade will take them out quickly and efficiently, so take them out
and get to the top. We have a chase on our hands.

This guy will run quick, and any of his men still standing will gladly stop
you and die for him. However, if you have saved the vigilantes, any nearby
will stop them for you. Soon, he will have to run into a dead end or some of
your friends, and this gives you an kill. Again, you get the glitchy cutscene
and you will finish Altair's memory for now once you reach the bureau with the
feather. Notice how the bureau is manned by a person you know.

--==Abstergo Lab==--

Back in reality, you can talk to Lucy twice, and she will give you some
personal information about why she is here and works for Vidic. After two
chats interactions, you will have to head to your room, and something is not
right. Check your closet and you will find some access code. Use it on the
door to get out, and you need to head to the animus computer to take Lucy's
pen. With this, you can use the computer and read some emails. After that,
get some rest.

The next day, Vidic will take you out and talk to you, and a happy mood.
While he is drinking his coffee and watching the window, take a leaf out of
Altair's book and pickpocket him out of his pen. Now, back to the animus.

[2.04] Memory Block 4

--==**Speak with the Bureau Leader in Damascus**==--


Al Mualim will grant you to use the Grab Break and the Catch Ledge ability.
The Grab Break is the counter when the enemy is attempting to grab you,
accessed from the counter ability. This, in my opinion, is not exceptionally
useful since when you are grabbed and thrown, you generally don't be hit by
the enemies. The Catch Ledge ability is when you have jumped from a ledge
and you can cling onto another ledge that you see. Practice it out and you
will see what I mean. Once you head out of the fortress, you have a teleport
feature, which allows you to move to another area, whether on the outskirts or
at the Assassin's Bureau, straight away, without the travel. Choose Damascus
and head to the Bureau for now.


Head to the Bureau and talk to the leader. He will tell you all about the
Merchant King Abu'l Nuqoud. He will mingle with his own kind, so head into the
Rich District. Do the usual, complete all the view points and save all the
citizens. Note that it gets harder here, the guards are more alert for the
lookout of you and they are smarter, with the counter ability and defence
break, which you yet possess. Stay in the rooftops more often and less on the
ground, this might just save your life.

This memory block, and any more from now on, the public are less tolerant of
Altair and his actions. Any killing will drop the public's respect for Altair
quickly, and by completing all the saving citizen missions, don't be surprised
when jar breakers will break their jars while Altair tries to avoid the enemy
guards. Anyway, time to get on to your investigations. Note that from this
level, the amount of investigations you need to complete before you can
assassinate has risen from two to three.

Interrogation - The Northern Interrogation involves bashing and killing
another man. Follow him and bash him enough. Beware of Thugs.

"The Merchant King will come out and make a speech during the feast."

Eavesdrop - The North Eastern Eavesdrop mission is again simple. Sit down
and listen to the two blokes talk.

"The Merchant King is preparing a feast."

Pickpocket - The Southern Pickpocket involves you stealing a letter about
the feast.

"Merchant King is holding a feast within his palace."

Informer - The Northwest Informer challenge is a flag challenge that
needs you to collect 20 flags in a 3 minute timeframe. Simple
enough, isn't it?

"The Fountain in the middle of the Courtyard can be scaled."

Informer - Another informer mission, this one in the south, where you
need to assassinate 2 of the Merchant King's personal guard,
who will circle around the marketplace.

"Provides a map of the position of the Merchant King's guards."

Again, there is another difference between the PC and the Console Version of
the game. Now it's PC's time to go first.

Informer - The Northern Informer challenge is a merchant stand
destruction challenge. You need to knock down 2 stands in 3
minutes. You need to push a citizen into the stand to demolish
it, and do so ONLY and ONLY WHEN there are no other guards on
patrol nearby. Push both civilians onto the stands to finish
this mission.

Eavesdrop - This is another simple mission. In the northern area, there is
another one. No challenge here really.

"There is a path leading up to the Merchant King's Quarters."

--==Assassinate Abu'l Nuqoud==--

Head back to the Bureau and get ready for the assassination. You will go
through all the information. Read the maps if you need to get some more visual
data. Raphique will give you the feather and head to the quarters. Using the
scholars to get past the guards. Head to the central courtyard and watch the
glitchy cutscene and watch the guests. Now, the assassination.

Jump up the fountain and into the second level. Run up to him, ignoring the
enemy guards there, and continue to run. Chase him down the hall and pull out
the hidden blade and run and then assassinate. It should work, if not, pull
out the blade and prepare to fight. If that does happen, just defend and
counter-kill your enemies. This is an easier assassination, it only gets
harder from here. Watch the glitchy cutscene and it proves to be as cryptic
as the other messages you have received. Something is going on here.

Now, you need to escape and the amount of guards on you isn't funny. Take to
the skies and stay on the rooftops. Use the roof gardens to hide once you are
able to. The guards should not stay in the skies, kill archers if need be.
Head back to the bureau and tak to Raphique, who will be happy and you will
be able to head back to Masyaf to talk to Al Mualim.

--==**Speak to the Bureau Leader in Acre**==--


Al Mualim will be happy that you have killed yet another of these men, who
seem connected in some way. Al Mualim will not enlighten you and you need to
continue. You have reached Synchronisation Rank 5, and you regain the balance
and dodge ability and get sword expertise, which means more damage. Dodge
allows you dodge an enemy hit when it passes your counter. Just press your
Legs button to do so. Useful if you are not good at countering. Anyway, you
have two more targets to take down, and the next one will be in Acre. Head
to the entrance of your fortress and teleport to Acre's bureau.


You are again allowed into the Rich District of the town, this time in Acre.
The bureau leader will tell you to head into the Rich District to gather more
information on the target, William of Montferrat. Again, do what you should
do in any new district, scale all the view points of the city and save as
many citizens as you can, they are always useful when you are in trouble.

Again, the public here is less tolerant of your crimes and you're cover is
more than likely to be broken by the public. Also, the guards are tougher
here as well, they will counterattack, defence break and dodge your attacks
on them, making them harder to get rid of. Anyway, after you have your view
points and your citizens, start your investigations. Remember, you need 3
out of the 6 to complete the investigation for the assassination.

Pickpocket - The Eastern Pickpocket mission is relatively simple. Just
make sure that you aren't spotted. To get into the fort
to do the mission, you need to scale the fort's walls and
jump down. That is the hard part. The mark is also very
alert, making it a harder pickpocket mission. That or blend
in with scholars.

"A forgotten structure can be useds as a potential entrance."

Interrogation - Head to the centre of the map to do the interrogation mission.
Just follow him to a deserted alleyway and beat him up. Be
careful of the thugs that walk that alleyway, they will
protect him.

"William will be distracted today with King Richard's visit."

Informer - The Southern Informer challenge is a flage challenge, in
which you need to collect 20 flags in a period of 3 minutes.
The first one will be next to the informer. Use the GPS to
guide you.

"William will retreat back to his citadel when he is challenged by Richard."

Informer - The Northern Informer Challenge is an assassination challenge.
You need to remove two of William's knights from the face of
the Earth. Not to hard for someone like you eh?

"If the citadel doors close, the only escape is by climbing the walls."

There are two different missions between the PC and the Console version of the
game. I guess it is Console's version to go first, then PC.

Pickpocket - The western pickpocket will be the one that you need to
complete. Not exceptionally hard.

Informer - The informer mission here, in the north is another stand
destruction mission. Here, you need to break 2 stands in 3
minutes, but you are tossing guards. Make sure there are no
other guards walking past before you throw. Rinse and repeat
before you head back and finish the informer challenge.

"A Man in the Harbour is connected to William."

Informer - The South Western informer challenge is an archer mission.
You need to head to the roofs and take down 3 archers without
being seen. Needless to say, use some throwing knives to take
them out without being seen, it is the only way to do it.

Pickpocket - Again, the console version gets the easier version. If your
mark approaches the guards, make sure that you pickpocket
quickly or you need to do some climbing to avoid the guards.

"Acquire a map showing the position of William's archers."

--==Assassinate William of Montferrat==--

You need to head back to the bureau to get rid of William. Talk to the leader
and go through your plan. Now, head to the citadel where you witness a
glitchy cutscene between William and King Richard. How come he gets to ride
a horse inside the city as well as his knights? Anyway, follow him inside
the citadel, and you need to start planning your escape.

Remove the archers, according to your map. Because once you get rid of
William, the alert will go off and the doors will close, so you HAVE to get
out via the walls. The archers will hinder your movement so get rid of them
now before you have to get rid of them. Keep to the rooftop and move quietly
to William. Here, he is brooding to his men again, and you need to get in and
out quickly. You have two options, assassinate and run, or stand and fight.

Assassinate and run requries you to kill him via a leaping assassination and
running like mad to escape from his troops. This might be hard, but it is the
easiest and quickest. The most likely solution will be the stand and fight
where you need to kill the men and William via counterkills. Either way, get
rid of William and watch the cutscene.

After the glitchy cutscene, head to the walls and scale them to escape from
the citadel, and then keep to the rooftop to save yourself from any enemies
that are still chasing you. Hide in the roof gardens if need be and enter the
bureau to finish the assassination, and then, head back to Masyaf for a
meaningful confrontation with Al Mualim.

--==**Speak with the Bureau Leader in Jerusalem**==--


Altair is tired of assassinating without a reason, and Al Mualim will provide
the link between all the men that you have killed and will kill. This will
explain a lot of things. Anyway, you will reach Sync Level 6 and this means
you get extra throwing knives. You get a total of 10 knives, an upgrade from
your measly 5. Also, you get a new sword, that does nothing but look good.
Anyway, head to Jerusalem and to the bureau.


In Jerusalem, you need to talk to your good buddy Malik, who seems pleased
with Altair's change in attitude. I guess losing that arm might have changed
his view on assassination. Anyway, you have to head to the Poor District of
Jerusalem now. Not hanging with your rich buddies anymore.

You need to scale all the view points and save all the citizens in this area
just as usual. Again, the guards are tough, and there are even more of them
in this area, making it harder on you. You need to get 3 out of the 6
possible investigations complete before you can actually attempt the
assassination itself. There is only 2 difference between missions now. Good

Interrogation - Southern area. You really need to take down this guy. He will
talk to the well area and he will stop here. You need to take
him out here, despite the fact that there are thugs there to
protect him. The main fact is that there are no guards. Beat
him out to get the info.

"Majd Addin has decided to rule Jerusalem through fear."

Eavesdrop - This is the easiest mission and you certainly cannot fail this
one. I seriously fail to see how you can fail an eavesdrop.

"Majd Addin is performing an execution today."

Pickpocket - The Western pickpocket is of the harder variety. The mark will
head into an area that is protected by guards. Luckily, he
will head in a circle that you can wait and pickpocket him.

"Acquire map showing the position of the execution plaza."

Informer - The North Western Informer challenge is an assassination
mission. It is relatively simple, all you need to do is to
take down two of Majd Addin's men without being seen. Again,
use the hidden blade, up close and personal.

"Few scholars will try to enter the execution plaza."

Now, again, there are two differences between the Console and the PC port.
Let console go first, for now.

Pickpocket - Relatively simple mission, in and out. Just pick the pocket
and go.

Informer - This is an escort challenge, and you need to protect the
assassin from enemies. This is a long step from your previous
escorts. Straight away, you are attacked by two guards, and
two more, and then two more. These guards may be joined with
regular patrol units, but just wait and counter-kill.

"Acquire a map of the position of Majd Addin's Guards."

Informer - You have a southern mission which is an archer assassination
mission. You need to take down 3 archers, which you should do
via throwing knives, since it is the easiest solution.

Informer - The second informer challenge is another assassination
mission where you need to assassinate three men instead of two
men. Two men will be on the ground, and that is no problem,
but there is one of the rooftops, and that can be a problem
for you. Use throwing knives behind if you cannot get up close
and assassinate him.

"Majd Addin turns the back to the crowd as he speaks."

--==Assassinate Majd Addin==--

With all this information, head back to the bureau and go over your plan with
Malik who will present you the feather. Head to the execution plaza and
watch the glitchy cutscene. As Malik would have told you, you need to save a
brother of your from the wrath of Addin, who will call him a heretic.

First of all, before you get there, kill off the enemy archers. These are
going to be a damaging factor later on. Anyway, as Addin is lecturing the
victims, you need to get into the action. Regardless of whether you'll
quietly assassinate him or loudly, the odds are that you need to fight you're
way out.

If you are going to do it quietly, use the nearby scholars to sneak past the
guards and near the execution area, but be careful of the crazy man near the
stage that can blow your cover. Sneak up onto the stage and kill him before
he can do anything else.

Or, just attack any of the guards and fight everyone. This is just more and
more practice counter-killing. The funny thing is, even if you have killed
10 of them, they don't seemed phased that they are being swatted like flies.
Either way, kill Majd Addin before he can kill anyone and watch the glitchy
cutscene. After this glorious assassination, head back to the bureau and
finish Memory Block 4.

--==Abstergo Labs==--

Exit the animus and it appears that Vidic is not exceptionally pleased. He
will storm out, and Lucy has to as well, but not before she tells you
some important information. It seems that all the memories that Desmond is
pumping out isn't just dead memories, such things are alive. She has to go
and you need to enter your room.

Of course, it doesn't end there, you can exit the room with your access code
and given that you stole Vidic's pen and Lucy's pen, you can read both their
emails. Read Vidic's, and one of the deleted items, it is particularly
interesting. Anyway, head to your room and sleep, and then prepare for Memory
Block 5.

[2.05] Memory Block 5

--==**Speak with the Bureau Leader in Damascus**==--


The game's story is starting to be more integrated how, and Al Mualim will
will explain a fair bit, so listen up. Anyway, with the newest Sync Rank, Al
Mualim will grant you the defence break ability, which means you step and
then attack to break their defence, and that allows a short period of time to
attack again and attack them. With that, you also get a new sword, no extra
damage, but it damn looks better. Anyway, your first target is in Damascus.


Speak the the Bureau Leader and he shall suggest that you visit the Middle
District of Damascus for more information on your target, Jubair Al Hakin.
By now, you know the drill, you need to scale all the view points and take
care of all the save citizen quests. Now, the missions are harder, the guards
are in larger groups and will attack from behind, where you cannot counter.
But then again, the reward is always useful in the end. But then, look on
the bright side, there isn't that many this time around.

Eavesdrop - The only eavesdrop mission is located inside a fortified
area, and as such, requires you to use the nearby scholars to
sneak in. Sneak in and eavesdrop.

"Jubair holds daily meetings within the Madrasah."

Interrogation - The interrogation mission is the usual waiting for the enemy
to walk into a dark alleyway and punching the living daylights
out of them and getting the juicy info.

"Jubair's scholars are destroying all the books in Damascus."

Pickpocket - The Eastern Pickpocket mission is a relatively simple one. But
the problem here is that it is a crowded area, making it hard
to move close to the mark and there are A LOT of the crazy
men here, and that could be a problem.

"Letter which states that Jubair should be within a garden."

Informer - This is the assassination of 5 men within a period of 5
minutes. Again, you cannot be seen, so these all need to be
low profile assassinations. The trick here is that you need
to actually wait until the targets move past stationary and
roaming guards. Wait until they are in a crowd, and then
quickly move off. You may need several tries here to get it

"Map where Jubair will be burning the books."

There are two different differences here between the console version and the
PC Version. It is console's version to go first.

Pickpocket - This western pickpocket makes the other one look extremely

Informer - The PC version has an easy rooftop race. You have basically
90 seconds to run from one side of the district to the other
side. Relatively simple.

"Jubair is at the Madrasah Al Kallasah, surrounded by loyal men."

Informer - A Merchant Stand Destruction challenge where you need to
demolish 3 stands in three minutes. The problem is that as you
demolish one with the guards positions there, the other guards
will attack you, and you need to fend them off. Use moving
civilians to finish the mission.

Informer - Another Assassination mission where you need to eliminate
3 men in three minutes, with two on the ground and one in the
air. Take them out, but take your time and don't stuff up.

"Jubair wears rich golden robes and carries a pouch."

--==Assassinate Jubair Al Hakin==--

Head to where Jubair is and you should enter via the top of the building as
to not hassle the guards. Enter via the top and watch the cutscene and
remember to watch for the glitches for a better angle. Anyway, he will spread
out and what makes this assassination unique is that there are 6 targets, yet
there is only one Jubair.

If you have done all the information, read all the attachments and use this
to eliminate the ones that Jubair will not be in. In the end, there will be
a single viable option, the South Eastern target. Use this to find Jubair
and start the assassination.

You really have two options. The first is the leaping assassination, which
I recommend that you execute since it will give you time to escape, while
the alternative is that you run into the garden and assassinate him, but
that will instantly trigger a search and it may be hard to get out. It is
your choice which you opt, but in the end, assassinate him and return to the
Bureau, just like all other assassinations.


Talk to Al Mualim and this will increase your understanding of the situation
further. It will also level you up to Sync Rank 8 and this will provide you
with Short Blade Expertise. This increases the damage that the short blade
does and it gives you a new short blade. It is a sleek metal one, but my only
gripe is that it isn't really shiny anymore. Now, you need to ride off to Acre
and finish the second assassination.

--==**Speak to the Bureau Leader in Acre**==--


You are now able to access the Middle District of Acre, which also happens to
be Port District. You speak to the Bureau Leader that you mark will be
Sibrand, who is the leader of the Knights Teutonic. Do the usual, scale the
view points and save all the citizens that you can, again, they are useful
for a quick escape.

Interrogation - The interrogation in this mission is no different, wait until
the mark hits a soft area and pummel him into a bloody pulp
for the info.

"Sibrand will install a naval blockade."

Pickpocket - The simple pickpocket mission, which for once includes a
third person in the conversation. Pickpocket the man and
move on.

"Letter stating that Sibrand has no men on the Northern Docks"

Eavesdrop - The Eavesdrop is as simple as it was before, just sit down
and listen.

"Sibrand is hiding in the docks."

Informer - The first is an assassination mission where you need to
execute or assassinate three knights within a period of
three minutes. Relatively simple as they normally don't
face you. Hidden blade, assassinate and move off.

"Many drunken sailors populate the docks."

There are again two differences between the PC version and the console
version. Again, Console First.

Pickpocket - It isn't that hard, all you need to do is to pickpocket a

Informer - This is an escort mission where you need to escort the
assassin past 2 sets of guards, with three guards in a set.
Just defend and kill the guards and let the guy escape.

"Map showing the position of Sibrand's guards."

Informer - A simple rooftop race across the town, one of the simple
missions on parallel with the eavesdrop.

Informer - This is the assassination mission where you need to remove
5 Knights in a period of 4 minutes. Again, take your time
and don't rush, this will lead to an automatic fail. Practice
will make perfect.

"Sibrand will retreat to his private vessel."

--==Assassinate Sibrand==--

You now need to talk to the Bureau leader who will give you the go ahead to
eliminate Sibrand. First, head to the docks and your best bet, after watching
the glitchy cutscene where Sibrand sails away to his private vessel is to
head to the vessel through the South Eastern path. This path involves you
using boats as well as little posts on the sea. Use them and head to the

From here, perform a leaping assassination or a high profile running
assassination to remove Sibrand quickly before he, or his guards can have
a chance to strike at you. This will produce another glitchy cutscene and
will mean the end of the assassinations for now.

Watch as your switch off the animus.

--==Abstergo Lab==--

As you move out of the Animus, you get a cutscene of Vidic and someone else
and they don't sound happy. They want their little artifact retrieved from you
quickly. Once Vidic has decided to disappear, you need to talk to Lucy for
more information on what is exactly is going on. There is some interesting
food for thought there.

After you have successfully grilled all you can out of her, head to your
room, only to sneak out again using the access code. Access Vidic's and
Lucy's computers, and check Lucy's deleted emails, it is rather interesting
don't you think. Anyway, head back to sleep after you are complete.

The Doctor decides to wake you up, and he knows that you know what they
are trying to do. You can't do anything else, so head to the Animus to
complete Memory Block 6.

[2.06] Memory Block 6

--==**Speak with the Bureau Leader in Jerusalem**==--


Well, this is the last major memory block, Memory Block 7 is more of a
showdown, rather than an assassination. You start off talking to Al Mualim
and they is your final Sync Rank update, and you will get an extra 5 knives
to throw, making that to a total of 15 knives. Anyway, you only have one
target to kill, and that is Robert de Sable, the Grandmaster of the Knights
Templar. He is in Jerusalem, and you need to kill him. Head to Jerusalem and
into the Bureau, and talk to Malik.


Malik will greet you and tell you that it is best if you head to the Middle
District. Go to all the View Points and Save all the citizens that you can,
but the best thing is that there are only 7 points to scale and there are only
6 citizens that need saving. Guessed the guards learnt from their dead

Anyway, save all of them, and they might be useful later on. And they are
strategically placed outside the assassination area. Well, save them and
start the information gathering for the last time.

Interrogation - This is one of the easier interrogation missions, just wait
for the mark to move just a bit and into the alleyway, and
pummel him for some juicy info.

"What are Robert's true motives?"

Eavesdrop - The Northern Eavesdrop is pretty easy, and this time involves
three people instead of the actual two.

"Robert will be attending a funeral."

Pickpocket - This Northern pickpocket is rather hard because to start off
the mission, there are guards blocking the entrance, and even
if you use scholars to get in, you need to get out as well.
Also, there are a lot of the crazy men that wonder around the
area. So you really should just kill the guard arounds and
start the mission then.

"Map of the guards during Majd Addin's Funeral."

Informer - You need to assassinate 5 Templars in a period of 5 minutes.
This might be hard, but blend in and bide your time, 5 minutes
is plenty of time. Use the hidden blade and strike.

"Don't face all of Robert's men at once."

There are again two differences between the console and the PC version. I
will list out the differences for you again.

Pickpocket - The southern pickpicket is pretty much easier and should not
be too hard for you.

Informer - This is a rooftop race between two different parts of the city
and unlike previous races, you only have 60 seconds to get
around and this means that you need to hurry, because a fall
from the roof is costing valuable time. Godspeed.

"Map detailing Robert's position during the funeral."

Informer - The Archer Assassination is harder again. In the South West,
there are 4 Archers that are marked for removal. Again, use
the throwing knives to remove that element of risk that you
will face if you are going to the hidden blade kill.

Informer - Another Assassination mission, you need to take down two
Templar Knights in a period of three minutes. One is up in
the sky and another on the ground. Use the throwing knive
on the one on the roof to remove the element of risk from
upclose assassinations.

"Blend in with some scholars during the funeral."

--==Assassinate "Robert de Sable"==--

Head back to Malik for the feather and an emotional cutscene between Altair
and Malik, with apologies all around. Anyway, you need to head to the
graveyard and move into the area. The easiest way in, if you don't want to
use the scholars, is using the rooftop entrance to the area. Anyway, watch
the cutscene and use the glitches to see the real picture and your enemy,
Robert de Sable. Sable whispers something into the ear of the preacher, and
that sets things in motion, get ready.

The citizens now run, for an assassin is among them. The Templar Knights
advance towards you and they will soon sight you, and the guards behind you
will follow suit. You have a fight on your hands.

First of all, your best chance of survival against all the knights is to
use a ladder to get to the top of a relatively tall building. With that, the
enemy soldiers need to get to the top to fight you, and the only way is
using a ladder. With that, you can keep striking the enemy units off the
ladder and their deaths on the ground. That gives you a lot more breathing
space and makes it easier. Soon, kill Robert de Sable and soon, the trap
will be sprung.

This isn't Robert de Sable, it is a woman. For a woman, she fights better
than all the guards and knights there were. Anyway, you need to head back
to the bureau to give the orders to Malik and then, you need to move to
where de Sable actually is, Arsuf.


You now have the option to teleport anywhere you want, and if you want
to take the shortcut, the alternative is to ride from Jerusalem to Arsuf,
which is a long ride, you can choose the city of Acre, the closest to Arsuf.
You need to move your assassin all the way to the city gates. From here,
commandeer a horse all the way out of the city and into a place we haven't
been for a while, the Kingdom. You need to move your horse all the way to
Arsuf, and that isn't a town we have visited yet. Indeed, it isn't a
town, it is a fort.

Ride to Arsuf and this will lead you to a long path, and there are no
detours for you to take, it is a long linear path. Ride the horse to a cliff
side and here you see three archers shooting at a procession of civilians.
Push them off the cliff and kill them. Move along to a watch tower and you
need to move on foot. There are Saracen soldiers here that you need to
kill, and do so. Clear the area, and the archers and move on. Ahead, there
are ten Saracen guards here, and you need to kill them too. Counter-Kill
and Defence Break are your bet options.

From here, you need to move on and take down three guards that you jump from
nowhere and engage you. Engage and destroy. Move ahead to a large clearing,
and this is going to be one of the hardest fights. You need to take down
about 20 soldiers, in 2 waves of 10, and you are on the defensive all the
time. Defence break is too risky, so just counter kill and take your time,
and be patient.

Moving on, there is another watchtower, and that is unmanned. Move on to
see that there are a group of 10 English soldiers. Take them out too, since
they don't want to be friendly. And moving on, you see your target, Robert
de Sable, and the English King, King Richard.

--==Assassinate Robert de Sable==--

King Richard will hear your story, about the traitor and all, but he does
not accept it, nor does he believe de Sable. He believes that God will decide
who is telling the truth, and that means in combat.

Talk about fair, first of all, you need to fight off about 10 Templar Knights
who would have encircled you when you needed to talk to Richard. They will
now fight and you have no choice but to counter kill. This is because they
are too good to be defence breaked and also, they will easily stop your
second attack because they have more people than you. Counter kill and dodge
if they defence break you. Kill all of them, but the key to victory here is
that you need to keep your Sync Bar has high as possible.

After the fight is over, de Sable will join the fray and attack you. You have
no choice but to engage Robert. Just defend and counter kill him. It won't
actually kill him, and you cannot strike him on the ground, so just counter
kill 6 times and kill him. The reason against overt action is that you are
probably on low health, and he is too fast and good to be defeated by such
weak attacks. Kill him and watch the cutscene. It explains a lot, or pretty
much everything.

With that, you are taken out of the Animus and that ends Memory Block 6.

--==Abstergo Labs==--

Get out of the Animus and wait for Vidic to talk. It appears that

The Assassin's have attempted to mount a rescue effort, and it appears that
the gunfire from the assassins is outweighed by that of the Templars from
Abstergo. The assassins lose.


Wait for Vidic to leave, and talk to Lucy, who will give you a sign of her
true intentions. Head to your room, and then back out and use her computer
and access her outbox to find the code to the conference room, and that
has a computer you can access to find a single email. Important too. Well,
plotwise anyway.

Go to sleep and wake up bright and early to use the Animus for the final
Memory Block, and the most important and changes the game.

[2.07] Memory Block 7


Memory Block 7 is straight forward, you are out to get revenge on the man
who has betrayed you, your Master. Head into Masyaf to listen to a crazy old
man who is clearly lost his mind, it is possessed by the Piece of Eden.

Move towards the fortress, and you will encounter 8 of your fellow Assassins,
and none of them seem too friendly. You have no other choice but to kill them,
because it is either you or them. Counterkill or scale the nearby building
and control the situation by knocking them off ladders.

After that, you will have to face 12 to 14 more assassins who will jump in and
fight. Not good. You need to scale the building to regain control. Just hang
in and kill one or two, and then, you are saved.

Malik will arrive and explain why he had to kill the possessed men with his
own men. This will clear the path to fight your previous master. As you head
to the fortress, the doors are blocked with civilians. Gentle push past them
and head into the Paradise of Masyaf, the Garden and onto the square, to
confront Al Mualim.

Hardly a fair fight, he summons the nine Templars you have previously killed
as targets to fight you. But do not worry. They are not as strong as their
real life counterparts, and as such, they are like the weakest of the guards,
they only require one hit counterkills. Dispatch of them quickly. Move back
on the square and Al Mualim will greet you again, with nine copies of

The real target is only visible via the Eagle Vision ability, the target that
you want is in gold. But more often than not, you don't have the time to
do this so just defend and try to kill them, in hopes that one of them is the
real deal. Attack, and find Al Mualim and attack him.

Now, Al Mualim will fight you himself. However, he is pathetic and once you
have defeated him, he will disappear into another part of the garden and you
need to repeat the process. After 4 or 5 times you have counter-killed him,
he will finally die, and the Piece of Eden will reveal itself. The locations
of the other pieces are shown, and Abstergo have what they need.

--==Abstergo Labs==--

Exit the Animus to hear that Vidic is rather pleased, and so are his bosses.
Once you regain control, you can actually use Eagle Vision as Vidic and Lucy
are departing. You will see Lucy in blue, a symbol perhaps? And there are a
lot of cryptic messages on the floor. Move into your room and look on the
wall above your bed. A whole mount of cryptic messages. what do they mean?
I'll go over what I can later. And now, the credits roll. You have beaten
Assassin's Creed. Congratulations!

--==The End?==--

No, this isn't the end. You can still play as Altair in the Animus and this
allows you to collect all the Flags and kill the Templars, or relive the
important events that have occured. Also, you can read all the emails that
you please. The room is what you will want to do with it. If you want a real
challenge, try to figure out all the meanings that lie on the floor with
your Eagle Vision abilities.

[3.01] Civilians

The Civilians are the majority of the population that you will encounter in
the cities and in the Kingdom area. Most of them are your generic citizens,
who will walk around and comment on your behaviour, while there are other
specific citizens that lurk around, and they have their set behaviour. Lets go
through who you will meet.

--==Jar Bearers==--

The Jar Bearers are the ladies who carry the jars on their heads. If you knock
them too hard, they will drop their jars and that can cause a disturbance.
If you gently push them out of your way, they will not drop their jars and
don't get too bothered. They are generally found in groups of three.

These civilians are the best indication of how much the crowd and the general
population loves you. If you are in a chase with guards and are on the ground,
if the public support you, the jar bearers continue as normal, but if they do
not like you, from either too much killing and what not, they will drop their
jars, giving away your position to the guards and the chase is back on. It is
best if you are nice, but it all depends on where you hide.

--==Crate Holders==--

The male version of the Jar Bearers, they are the same as the Jar Bearers
except are male and they only appear later in the game. They aren't too happy
that you make them drop the crate, and they will make you pay. They also
appear in groups of three and behave the same as the jar bearers.


These are the extremely annoying female civilians that will move up to you
and beg your for some goin coins, because they need money to feed their
family, they are sick and dying, and you don't understand. After a while, they
will back off, but these are just plain annoying. I would assassinate them,
but I lose sync bars for that, and they ain't worth it.

So, to get rid of them, just grab them and push them. They will make them run
and they will get rid of them. However, if you do not pay them attention,
if you start to climb some buildings, they will throw rocks at you and start
to run away. When they happens, and Altair falls back, I run up to them and
kill them. I don't advise that you do, but they are just plain annoying. Just
run up and tackle them if you just don't want to deal with them altogether.


These are the male version of the beggars. They do not beg, they are just
plain drunk or mentally unstable. Because of they, when they see you, they
will push you onto the ground. These guys can be spotted because they are
wearing no shirt if they are insane, or tattered clothers if they are
drunk. Also, the insane will hold their hands on their head, while the drunk
carry a bottle of booze.

To avoid them, because if they do knock you onto the ground, it will raise
some attention, just grab them and push, but the best option is to run and
tackle them out of the way, because they way, they don't have time to push
you onto the ground. I wouldn't waste throwing knives on them, because that
would be a waste.


These guys are noticable because of their leather plate armour and the shiny
throwing knives at the back of they guy. They normally walk around cracking
their knuckles and rubbing their hands. These guys are useful for only one
thing, their throwing knives.

As mentioned in the below section, they are pickpocketable if that is a word,
and by doing so, you get 5 knives, but if you fail, which is possible, they
will pick a fight with you and start to punch you. If you knock them out, you
only get a single knife.

Also, while on an informer mission, if you bash the informer in front of these
thugs, they will protect the informer, attack you. Don't worry, in all the
fights, these guys are too stupid to use their throwing knives, so that doesn't
prohibit you from drawing weapons.

[3.02] Guards

The Guards are what your main enemies are going to look like during the course
of the game. There are two different guards, your swordsman, and your archers.
The archers are those on the rooftops, protecting the view points and
fortified areas and will shoot you if you draw a blade or get too close.
They are armed with a bow and also with their standard issue sword.

The Swordsmen are on the ground, and they are the ones that you will normally
fight. They are armed with the sword, and they will call for reinforcements.
They will normally be on the ground guarding the entrances and will formed
road blocks on later levels.

As the game develops the guards will get smarter. At the start, they will
attack you and you can attack back and get rid of them. But later on, they
are a lot smarter. They will be able to counter kill you straight off, grab
you, defence break and all the other sword techniques that you have. They will
also attack from behind, being the cheap asses that they are.

They will also try to stop you. Later on, they will form road blocks, and they
will be two to four guards standing in your path, ready and swords drawn. They
will not be able to be tackled down, so your best option is to fight or jump
up to the rooftops and avoid. This of course, happens later on.

Another thing, the guards later on in memory levels will be more alert for you
and that means, if you linger around a guard for too long, they will spot you
and attack. Also, there will be groups of 5 guards walking around the city,
and if the captain of those guards, the lead unit, goes near you, that will
also start a chase. So get ready and be prepared.

--==Guard Meter==--

There are two different guard meters, one is when you are not being chased
by the guards, and the other is when you are. The first is the eye, and the
other is the colour.

The first is when you are not being chased, that is when you are a member of
the public. If there is just the Animus symbol the crappy symbol I've drawn

/ \

That means you are not being watched by any guards. But once that disappears,
there will be an eye. The yellow means that the guards are watching you, but
they aren't paying the maximum attention and preparing to chase you. The
red eye means that they are onto you and any wrong move means that they will
attack. That means having socially acceptable behaviour. What is not accepted
behaviour is:

* Bump into Guards
* Attack Someone
* Draw a Blade
* Climb onto Buildings
* Enter a Guarded Area
* Ignore requests to move away
* Kill Someone

Just be a good boy and you hopefully won't get chased.

The second meter is the colour meter, and that is to show your current status
in regards to your chase. There are 4 colours, each meaning different things.

Red - You are currently in the line of sight of the guards and are being
chased. Try to shrug them off.

Yellow - You are out of sight of the guards but they are still chasing. Jump
into a hiding spot to avoid the guards.

Blue - You have vanished from the line of sight of the guards, but they are
still chasing. To obtain this, you are in a hiding spot, so stay

Green - The Guards have given up chase and you are now able to resume your
activities as a normal citizen.

To get away from the guards, you need to hide in a hiding spot. There are
several spots, marked by blue dots on your map during a chase. These spots

Rooftop Gardens - The four-sided "garden", marked with coloured cloth on
each of the four sides.

Hay - Whether it is in a cart or just lying in a pile, the guards
aren't smart enough to burn the haystack in their chase.

Scholars - Blending in with the scholars will provide you with some
good cover during your escape.

Benches - Sitting down next to two members of the public will help
you blend in.

Note that you can only do this whilst in the Yellow mode. If you don't, it
will not help you, you automatically jump out of gardens and haystacks and
scholars and the civilians on the benches will run from you.

[3.03] View Points

The View Points are marked on the map with an Eagle sign, and these are the
points that can be scaled. When you scale them, you can get to the top and
synchronise with the view point, and this will allow you to see the area
properly. By synchronising with a view point, the area around the view point
will be clear, even if you haven't explored the area, and will reveal all
the available missions in the area.

These are useful, however, the view points are often guarded. So you should
strive to eliminate the guards from sight because they will throw rocks or
shoot arrows and this knocks you back all the way back to square one, and
you don't want that. Scale up and get in sync.

[4.01] Saving Citizens

When you are in the cities, you will encounter some citizens that are clearly
in need of help. There are 2 ways that you can tell that they need saving.
The first, less obvious solution is on the map, in which citizens in need of
saving have a little icon that will denote that they need saving. It is the
circle with a cross in the centre. Use the Legend if you need more info on

The second, and the more obvious sign that they need a hero to save them is
that there will be guards that are there to attack them, not with swords and
such, but with their fists, and they usually chant something along the lines
of thief and such.

There are normally 3 to 4 guards that will be there around the citizen. One or
two of the guards will normally be beating up the civilian, the rest will be
keeping watch. Now, the problem is, you are heavily outnumbered, 3 or 4
against one any day isn't really a fair fight. But you are trained in the
art of killing, and they are not.

The first thing that you should do, is lock onto a guard that is acting as a
watcher and is not in on the action. Don't attract attention to yourself yet
and walk up to him, using your hidden blade as your weapon. Equip the hidden
blade and assassinate him. You can't do this to all the guards, so by
assassinating one of them, that is one less that you have to contend with.

The assassination of one of the guards will alert the other guards. This will
stop the attack on the innocent citizen and they will draw their swords on
you. This will mean you will be outnumbered and are on the defensive. Your
only option is to hold defensive (Right Click / Button 1) and then either
wait till they attack and you counter-attack, or wait until they finish and
combo-kill them. Either way, you need to be on the defensive and whittle down
the numbers.

When they are all down on the floor, you will need to lock onto the citizen
that you have just saved from torture. Depending on their type, which is
below, they will assist you in your fight against the guards, in case you are
in trouble.

Still, it is useful to save the citizens, not because it will spawn scholars
and vigilantes, it will also add to your sync count. With your sync count,
the more you save, the higher syncs you get, and that means more health

[4.02] Scholars

The guards do not like someone preaching how their religion is wrong, and
for that, they will bash up the scholars that are against them. This will
often be in the form of a man that is wearing a white robe. On the map, this
is represented by a semi-circle circumference and a dot in the middle. Sort
of like this:

If you save the scholar, you will get his protection against the guards via
a group of Scholars. You can blend into the Scholars and this will decrease
the attention you have drawn via the guards and they are currently chasing
you. Also, this will get you into areas, such as past city gates, where the
guards will normally attack you.

Even after you have saved them, the scholars will continue to wonder around
the area long after you have saved them. This provides you a mobile hiding
area because once you blend in, you are hidden, and the guards can no longer
see you. See how handy it is to save the smart nerd in the game?

[4.03] Vigilantes

The guards also seem to like to harass women. Young women I can understand but
they also attack old women. It isn't like they carry handbags around the place
so that is a bit disturbing. These citizens are more common for saving and
they are represented by a woman assaulted by guards.

Saving the woman will allow you to have a vigilante guard. This basically
means that you will have a block against guards. Once you are being chased
by guards, running into a friendly vigilante guard will let them block them
for you. That means, if you are being chased by guards and run into
vigilantes, the vigilantes will block the guards from chasing you, and allow
you to escape.

When you have saved the citizen and spawn a vigilante mob, they will also
stay there forever, just like the wondering scholars. This is particularly
useful since if you are on the run, you know where you can hide. Also, this
is represented on the map with a circle containing 4 triangles. Saving the
damsel in distress also spawns several heavies. Not bad at all.

[5.01] Eavesdrop

The investigation missions, which you are informed of by now, as ways to
gather information on your targets before you can assassinate them. After all,
you cannot assassinate someone if you don't know where they are. Anyway,
there are 5 different missions for the console version, while there are 4
extra missions with the Director's Cut for PC. Without any further ado, let
us begin.

The Eavesdrop mission is probably the easiest of the missions because you
literally cannot fail this mission. All you have to do is to eavesdrop on a
secret conversation between two people. To do so, sit down on a nearby bench
and then use the head button to listen on the conversation. The easiest of the
missions, but they only get harder.

[5.02] Interrogation

Interrogation missions are more slightly harder, because all you need to do
is to listen to a person spreading lies for your assassination target. For
example, they will spruce up how their masters are trying to help the people
and what they have done. They are normally in the centre of attention, with
people listening in as well as two guards protecting their despot spreading
lies for their master.

Once the old man has finished, and it generally is an old man, they will walk
away, and this normally leads to a dark alleyway, how cliche, and you need to
pummel them with your fists. They will fight back, but you should win. Please
note that if there are thugs around, the ones that are not guards but carry
throwing knives, they will protect the despot and attack you. However,
continue attacking the despot and ignore the thugs.

After a while, the despot will surrender and will willingly provide you some
information that you can use. This, however, will lead to their death and
that will be it. The thugs will stop attacking because that man is dead. That
is it for interrogation.

Note that you should not do this in a public place because when the body falls
down, the guards nearby will pickup on this and find you, and you don't want

[5.03] Pickpocket

The next mission and this is slightly harder. This is where you will witness
two people having a secret conversation and someone will give the other a
message to pass along to another person. After the conversation, which is
basically an advanced version of the Eavesdrop, you need to follow your

Your target will have the glow around it allowing you to lock on as well as
a brown pouch behind them which allows you to know that they are pickpocket
targets. The mission will start and your first priority is to keep a good
distance to start the target off. If you are too close to your target, they
will shoo you off and refuse to move.

When they start moving, they will constantly look behind them, like they are
expecting something. Once they have sufficently looked behind them, they
will walk straight for a good period of time, allowing you to strike and
take whatever they are holding. If you succeed, nothing will happen, they
will raise their hands in frustration. If you fail however, they will alert
the guards that you are a thief and you need to run. Best to practice this
for a few times to get the hang of this one.

[5.04] Informer - Assassination

The rest of the mission are informer missions. These missions require you to
gain information obtained by your fellow assassins, but they are need
something done for them before they help you. Therefore, help them help you.

The first informer is the Assassination, and the hardest console informer
mission that you will face. This requires you to assassinate a number of
targets before they reach the informer. This may sound easy, but it isn't,
you need to complete this entire mission without having the guards on to you,
and that means stealth.

All your targets must be killed using either the hidden blade or the throwing
knives. The throwing knives are basically only allowed when there are no
civilians around, and that basically means that you can only use throwing
knives on the rooftops. On the ground, you need to use the hidden blade.

All assassinations will need to be in low profile. If you do one in high
profile, or draw a blade or punch, it is cause unwanted attention from the
crowd and that will result in an instant fail. So, just follow your target
and assassinate, and then blend in the crowd to get away from the falling
body. Again, practice makes perfest. Remember, you cannot be seen killing
someone, do be careful.

[5.05] Informer - Flag

The most simple of the informer challenges because all you need to do is to
go and collect some flags. This is the easiest mission you will get on the
console version, and this is tied with the Rooftop Race for the PC version.

Anyway, you need to collect 16 to 20 flags within a period of 3 minutes. The
best thing about this challenge is that they are all in a row, but that is not
to say that they are all on the ground. These are normally on rooftops,
beams and platform and you need to collect all of them.

You can easily waltz this in high profile sprint because that will ensure that
you leap when you need to leap, jump when need be and such. The only problem
that I could foresee in this mission is that if you are near a guarded area
and you seem to knock a guard and they get pissed off and such. However, you
will not have your mission cancelled if you get spotted by the guards.

[5.06] Informer - Escort (PC ONLY)

The first of the four PC exclusive missions, the escort mission is basically
a baby sitting mission where you need to guard a fellow assassin. You meet
your friend and they need to get out of the city without being killed, bearing
valuable information for the assassin's cause.

You will definitely encounter enemy guards, and they will attack you. Once you
see your informer cower down, draw out your sword and start to engage. They
will always be in pairs and attack Altair first, and not the informer. You
need to guard the informer all the way to the city gates and allow them to

The amount of guards there actually are depend on what level you are on. Of
course, later levels, you will encounter 3 sets of guards. The bad news is
that once these enemy guards attack you, any other guard that happens to be
on patrol duty at the time will also attack you, and that means at least one
more to take care of. Be mindful of this, you might not have to deal with 6
guards, there may be more.

[5.07] Informer - Rooftop Race (PC ONLY)

The easiest mission possible, it is on par with the flag challenge. All you
need to do is to get from point A to point B, where there is another informer
there to provide you with the information that you want.

There is normally a time limit, and it is about 90 seconds that you need to
race across the rooftops. Depending on the memory level, the more advanced you
are in the game, the more distance you need to cover, and that means you can
make fewer mistakes.

Again, there is only one problem that I can see in this is again that you
somehow stray into a guarded area and somehow bump a guard and that sets off
a chase. But that can be easily avoided because there are such things as
roof gardens and you can hide in them. Lock on to the end informer and that
will finish off the race.

[5.08] Informer - Archer (PC ONLY)

A different kind of assassination mission, this time, you need to remove some
archers to allow your fellow assassin to either complete their mission or
run away. You have no time limit here, but you need to kill the archers
without being seen. However, it is too risky to get up close and personal,
since there is no one else on the rooftop.

And that leaves use with the weapon that we couldn't use much before, and
that is the throwing knives. Given that there enough areas on the rooftops
that will break the line of sight of the archers, you can easily get closer
and throw a knife that will kill them.

You main aim is not to allow the body of the archer that you have just killed
a chance to fall down because that would alert the people on the ground and
that will blow your cover.

The final note is that when you are going to the rooftop, please use the
socially accepted form of using a ladder rather than climbing the guards. You
don't want any more attention that you already have.

[5.09] Informer - Merchant Destruction (PC ONLY)

The final informer challenge and the final exclusive PC mission that you
will have. This basically is a challenge where you need to stop corrupt
merchants selling rotten products to customers to help their masters. You need
to demolish the stands.

The problem with this mission is the time limit. You only have 3 minutes to
demolish a few stands. At the start, it is relatively easy, but it gets

You see, to destroy a stand, you need to push someone, a civilian or a guard
into the stand that will demolish it. If you decide to use a civilian, you
will lose part of your sync bar because your mandate as an assassin in the
brotherhood means that you cannot break the tenets. Guards are better to use,
but that means not being suspicious first.

At the start, it is easy, make sure there are no wandering guards around and
push someone into the stand. But sooner, it will be harder because the targets
are roaming and you need to wait for the right moment to knock down the stand.
Given that you have three minutes for two to three stands, you need to be
patient, but you still need to get the job done. Practice makes perfect.

[6.01] Flags

Flags are all over the place and they are, well, just flags. They act as
collectables in the additional memories section On the ground, and in the
air, they are just a piece of cloth on a stick with a symbol on it. They
are found everywhere, in all the cities, in the Kingdom area as well as
Masyaf itself.

For the PC version and the PS3 version, Flags are worthless, but for the
Xbox version, it isn't that worthless since you can get some achievement
points from it. Their only use is that because they are added as a memory,
they are a portable save point, that is, by collecting a SINGLE flag, it will
save your game. Other than that, it is worthless.

I am seriously not going to list any of the positions of the flags here. It
is because it is far too difficult, both for me, and for you readers to
show the position of the flags because there are too many and not enough
distinct landmarks to help you. Therefore, I am going to recommend anyone
that wants all the flags to this site below:

The site does an extremely good job in detailing the position of the flags.
Not only does it show the point on the map where the flag is exactly, it is
an interactive map where it will also show where it is, and this is helpful
in city areas since there are many above the ground.

* In Masyaf, there are 20 flags, the Assassin's own flags.
* In the Kingdom area, there are 100 flags, and these are King Richard's
* In Damascus, there are 100 flags, all of them Saracen. There are 33 in the
Poor District, 34 in the Middle District and 33 in the Rich District.
* In Jerusalem, there are 100 flags, all of them Jerusalem Crosses. There are
34 in the Poor District, 33 in the Middle District and 33 in the Rich
* In Acre, there are 100 flags. There are 33 Hospitalier Flags in the Poor
District, 34 Templar Flags in the Rich District and 33 Teutonic Flags in
the Middle District.

[7.01] Templars

The Templars are the same "collectables" as the Flags are, except that there
are a lot less of them. In total, there were 420 Flags to collect, and there
are only 60 Templars that you have to kill. Big Difference.

Templars are just a standard Knights Templar. They are extremely strong,
compared to the normal guards, yet they are not invincible. They are easily
removed with the assassinate feature and counter-kills. They do however,
will attack Altair on sight, they will not wait until he does something
socially unacceptable.

They normally stand on a small mat and in front of a treasure chest, which
Altair has no interest in claiming. This is the reason they are normally
alone and it is quite easy to remove them from sight before the normal
guards or reinforcements drop in for a visit.

Again, use the site

for the position of the Templars, represented by the green dots on the map.
Again, there are only 60 Templars here, and that means 60 assassination
practice targets.

* A Good Chunk of 30 are located in the Kingdom area, which is handy to
since reinforcements are less likely top appear.
* There are 4 in the Poor District of Acre.
* There are 3 in the Middle District of Acre.
* There are 3 in the Rich District of Acre.
* There are 3 in the Poor District of Damascus.
* There are 3 in the Middle District of Damascus.
* There are 4 in the Rich District of Damascus.
* There are 3 in the Poor District of Jerusalem.
* There are 3 in the Middle District of Jerusalem.
* There are 4 in the Rich District of Jerusalem.

[8.01] Short Blade

The short blade is the third weapon that you will receive and it is a
complete opposite to the sword. The sword is slow but powerful, yet the short
blade is fast yet weaker. The Short Blade is ideal to attack multiple
opponents and to take them down, fast.

It functions as a sword, you can still deflect, counter-kill and such, but
its damage is weaker. In fights, you will probably rely on your short blade
if you need to get the job done, fast. It gives the enemy unit less time to
acutally counter or deflect your attack, so in a combo, you can easily wipe
out a group of them. Your attack is mainly faster than those your opponents
use at you. Their sword attacks is slower, meaning you can attack them before
their attack hits you.

The only downside in a large fight is that another guard may attack you in
that time, so in large attacks in enclosed area, don't use the short blade.
Any other time, it is okay to use the short blade. Shorter is better, heavy
hitting isn't always the best option.

[8.02] Throwing Knives

The ranged attack of the assassins, the throwing knives, you will find, are
extremely limiting. You only have a limited number, and they are extremely
fun to use.

They function as the long range attack of the short blade. Lock onto your
target and throw the knives at them. This will almost always ensure a one hit
kill, only against Templars, hardest guards and assassination targets do you
not ensure a 1 hit kill.

These are the multipurpose tool. At the start, you only have 5 knives, and
then 10, and at most, 15. You can only obtain 5 knives per pickpocket from
each thug. These guys will be highlighted as a target and you can pickpocket
them. However, if they detect you, they will fight you. In the end, if they
are dead, you can acquire one knife off them, 4 short of a successful
pickpocket. Return to Masyaf to receive a full set of knives back, but that
is a long wait for a few knives you can easily just "borrow".

These knives are best used for archers. They will normally hold an arrow and
be ready to fire when alert. Your knives will kill them faster than they can
actually react. It is also good for ranged targets, such as a save citizen
mission where you need to get any many down before you pull out a longsword
and counterattack.

But be aware, these knives cannot defy the laws of science. It cannot go
through walls. So if these is a wall between you and the enemy, it will not
kill them. And also, lock on to the target to kill. Otherwise, it will not

[8.03] Hidden Blade

What you want to use for assassinations, you use the hidden blade to silently
kill the enemy. Just walk up to them and assassinate. The guards will not have
the alarm raised until the enemy falls, and that will give just enough time
to escape without having a fight.

Of course, you can also perform high profile, or running assassinations at a
retreating enemy. This however, raises the alarm straight away and that might
be a problem.

The final type of assassination is the leaping assassination. It is where you
are at a height and you jump down. First, lock onto the target and jump to
the target. Just when you are jump above the enemy, attack quickly and then
it should perform a leaping assassination. You only have a short period of
time, so practice makes perfect. Practice on some civilians if need be.

[8.04] Sword

Your primary weapon, this is the most useful. It is slow and cumbersome, but
has many uses.

The first use is attack. It normally will deal a KO blow straight away when
you hit the enemy. Second, it gives more time to use the counterkill ability
that you will come to love. This is useful because in a massive fight, say
10 against 1, you will normally have to defend and slowly whittle down the

The third is that it is best for the defence break ability. Use it on enemy
units to see how effective it is. The fourth, which is more useful in the
early part of the game is that it will be available for attack on horseback.
So what, you can attack with a horse, but with the extreme speed of the horse
and quick abilities of Altair, you can easily hurt the enemy lines and run.

And the final thing is, the sword is so much cooler than a tiny blade. But
remember, smaller is sometimes much better than a long, cumbersome blade.

[8.05] Fists

The leasted used weapon, these is some use for it. On a small scale, it is
useful because it is low profile, and as such, it doesn't piss off the crowd
as much because you aren't actually killing anyone. So if you are fighting
guards, use fists if you can.

However, you normally cannot do so. That is because there are a large amount
of enemies. If you can, do so, it might prove useful. The second use for it is
that is can be useful if you get in a fight with civiliains or thugs, because
using your fists doesn't attract a guard's attention. Drawing a weapon
however, dopes.

[9.01] Move List

There are many moves that Altair can perform. Here is a list of all those that
are relevant as well as which key is used. Note that not all the abilities are
available at the start.

*Whilst Anonymous*

Gentle Push - Hands
This is used to move civilians and guards out of the way without making a
really large fuss. It is useful to move jar bearers and crate holders out of
the way without causing a problem.

Blend - Legs
Blending allows you to blend into a group of scholars to move into restricted
areas as well as giving you a portable hiding spot. The fact that Altair has
a massive sword on the side, throwing knives and a short blade in the back
fails to attract attention.

Scout - Head
Use this ability, when not on full health, to give a good complete view of all
that is currently around the character.

Eagle Vision - Head, Full Health
This is a useful ability, it allows you to tell friend from foe. Only useful
however, if you can't tell a guard is an enemy. Blue means Ally, Red means
Enemy, White means source of Information and Gold means Assassination Target.

Synchronise - Head, On Top of View Point
This allows you to get in Sync with Altair and this reveals the area around
the view point. You also get a nice Eagle cry.

Run - High Profile
This basically doubles your walking speed. It makes travelling around the
city much faster without drawing a lot of attention.

Sprint - High Profile, Legs
This is the fastest way to travel around the city, and this can easily make
someone fall over, which isn't exactly the stealthiest move.

Climb - High Profile, Legs, Upwards Move
This allows you to climb up. Well this is what it is meant to do. It will only
allow you to move up whilst there is something to hold onto.

Leap - High Profile, Sprint, Movement
This allows you to leap over beams and little rods to basically jump across
really quickly.

Grab - High Profile, Hands on Civilian
This allows you to grab a civilian or guard, and throw them somewhere that you
wish, indicated by the move button that you select. Great for using one guard
as a domino effect.

Tackle - High Profile, Hands, Movement
This is a Juggernaut sort of movement. It allows you to basically smash anyone
who is in the path of Altair whilst he is in this mode. Useful for trying to
get away from enemy guards.

Leap of Faith - High Profile, Jump off a Building into Haystack.
There needs to be a haystack below and you can perform a leap of faith, which
will normally remove the heat from you. Listen to the Eagle cry and jump.


Assassinate - Hidden Blade Equipped, Up close to Target, Action
You should know this move by now. Move up and assassinate, real close. You can
run and assassinate, which is more High Profile or do an aerial assassination,
where you assassinate whilst in the air.

Attack - Action
It means attack, you attack the enemy, how hard is that?

Throw Knife - Throwing Knives Equipped, Locked on Target
You can insta-kill the enemy with a single knife once you have locked on to
the enemy target. You need some distance between you and the enemy though.

Punch - Fists Equipped, Action
This allows you to use your fists to pummel someone. This is useful if you are
fighting thugs because the guards to not get involved, HOWEVER, do not try to
do this on guards, they have swords.

Combo Attack - Action, Action once Sword makes contact
Once the sword makes contact with the enemy's blade, attack straight away to
get a combo attack. This is hard to block, and makes a good kill.

Block - High Profile
This basically means that you block the enemy attacks on you. It is only
available against sword attacks, you simply are that skilled to block arrows.

Counter Attack - Block, Attack
Once the enemy launches an attack on you and you are blocking, you can use the
attack button whilst blocking to counter attack. This will normally kill them,
if not, it will knock them on the floor. In the cast of strong attacks, it
will normally lead to a kill.

Strong Attack - Hold Attack
By holding the attacking button, it will launch a strong attack which will
normally kill anything on site. Not nice of countered however.

Dodge - Legs, Block
When the enemy is attacking you and you cannot block it, the dodge will allow
Altair to jump back and dodge the attack.

Step - Legs
This allows you to move forward towards the enemy, and step towards them. This
is not useful until you get the Defence Break move.

Defence Break - Step and Attack
This means that you step towards the enemy, and straight away, you attack,
which will break their attack, and this gives you a free hit against the enemy
and might kill them.

Kick - Action, on a Ladder
This allows you to kick the enemy off a ladder when you are on a ladder and
they are beneath you. Useful in a scaling battle.

Grab Break - Block, Arm
When the enemy is making a move to grab you when you are blocking, you can
use the arm button to counter-grab them and push them onto the ground.

[10.01] Solomon's Temple - Jerusalem

Use a note, this is a spoiler alert. This will reveal information about the
game, and if you do not want to know what happens, DO NOT READ AHEAD. IGNORE

*Memory - Acquisition*

Obtained - Failure to kill de Sable

"Failure! But I am not to blame. Had Malik not restrained me, Robert de Sable
would be dead - and the artifact ours. Surely Al Mualim will see things my

*Memory - Failure*

Obtained - Returned back to Masyaf

"Malik lives. He survived the attack beneath Solomon's Temple and returned
to Masyaf with the artifact. Cold comfort, that is. It should have been me
who stood victorious before our Master."

*Memory - Guardian*

Obtained - Masyaf is under attack

"I've done the best I can, but many of our brothers have lost their lives
today. Still, were it not for me, even more would have fallen."

*Memory - Glory*

Obtained - Defeat of the Knight Templars

"The Master's words wound worse than any blade. He says that I have failed
them. That the lives lost were lost because of me. He's stripped me of my
rank and tools. Humiliated me before my brothers ... He is wrong. I am not
a traitor."

[10.02] Masun - Masyaf

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop on the conversation

"A man named Masun was the one who opened the gate. But he did not act alone.
The basket weaver handed him a letter just before the attack on the village.
He might know more about Masun's accomplice. I need to find this basket

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket the Basket Weaver

"I may not find his accomplice, but Masun himself should be at the stage,
near the centre of the village. I'm certain he will be able to tell me what
I need to know."

Attachment - A Letter


I fear our plans have been discovered and we can no longer meet. Best you
disappear before Al Mualim's men find you. They must not learn of my
betrayal or everything we've worked for will be undone. I've left some coin
for you near the dead cyprus tree. Take it and head for Damascus. Lose
yourself amongst the people there. When things have settled, I'll contact
you again.

As for I, I cannot leave here knowing Al Mualim continues to deny the
freedom of these people. A new world is coming, one without war, without
fear or pain, so I must help them anyway I can. You'll probably believe me
foolish, but I must remain in Masyaf. I'll be near the centre of the village,
on the stage, calling out to my brothers and sisters. Maybe I can make them
listen. Maybe I can make them understand.

May the Father of Understanding Guide You."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogate Masun

"Masun did betray us! He believes Robert's cause is just, and is prepared to
die for it. I should have cut his throat then and there, but it is not my
place to judge the man's fate. I will bring him before Al Mualim."

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Masun is assassinated

"Masun was executed by Al Mualim for his treason. But even at the end, faced
with the prospect of oblivion, he insisted his grievous work was just. I
know not how Robert poisoned his mind, and I worry he is but the first of
such men. The Templar must be stopped."

[10.03] Tamir - Damascus

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"So many weapons! Enough for near a thousand men! And it's the smiths of Souk
Al-Silaah who will prepare them. When this job is done, I must learn of what
I can of the one who's financed this endeavour."

Attachment - A Letter

"Brother Tamir

The time has come to prepare another shipment. I know that this is no small
thing I ask, but be assured, your dedication will be rewarded. We'll need
enough for at least a thousand men, so the support of the merchant guild
is critical if you wish to deliver on time. I trust you know how best to
persuade them, and who to see should you require additional coin. Let us hope
he has not yet spent it all on another of his lavish parties. Contact me
when your work in Souk Al-Silaah is done and we'll arrange for it
distribution to our men.

May the Father of Understanding guide you.


SPOILER - Refers to Abu'l Nuqoud of Damascus as "he" spending money on the
lavish parties.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"Tamir has little faith in the men who works for him. He oversees their work
himself. I will turn this to my advantage. He'll be too preoccupied to
notice my approach."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Eavesdrop Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Tamir has called a meeting with the merchants in his souk. Whatever he has
planned for them must be important."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"The beams above the souk's central courtyard may prove a useful point of
entry ... If I can find a way to access them."

Attachment - A Map of the Central Courtyard with Beams outlined.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"Once I've alerted the guards to my presence, it might be nice to have a man
or two on my side. They'd provide a welcome distraction, buying me time to
escape. I should seek out such men. Befriend them. Turn them to my cause."

Attachment - A Map of where you can seek out such men.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"It appears the souk's northeastern rooftops provide easy access to the
central courtyard."

Attachment - A Map of the Souk's Northeastern Rooftops.

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"Tamir is meeting his merchants within Souk Al-Silaah today, to discuss
a most important sale. Being insecure as he is, he'll be entirely
focused on his work, ignoring all else around him. Approaching him at this
point is the wisest course of action. This is when I'll strike."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the Assassination

"Tamir spoke of others. Brothers, he called them. And said that soon I'd
come to know them well. Stranger still, he seems to know the Assassins, and
referred to Al Mualim directly. I'd best speak to the Master about this."

[10.04] Garnier de Naplouse - Acre

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"Garnier's letter is quite strange. He references an arm dealer in Damascus -
most likely Tamir - and a second man in Jerusalem. What secret thing unites
these men? Men who should hate one another ..."

Attachment - A Letter


Progress is slow. We should endeavour to claim what's been taken from us, or
I fear we'll be discovered before we have a chance to act. My work on
substitutes shows some promise as certain local flora can be used to induce
a similar state. Be warned, however: the effects are only temporary and
subjects tend to develop a resistance, requiring increased dosage.

Unfortunately, they can only take so much before exhaustion claims them. I've
lost far too many in this manner and it breaks my heart.

Your man in Jerusalem should be commended for his diligence. My supplies
remain sufficient, and I am no longer forced to use locals, helping to
defray suspicion. I do worry about our loss in Damascus, though I have
sufficient arms and armour to continue for a while longer. He will need to
be replaced within the month, however, or our soldiers will be forced to
wield table knives. Which brings to my next concern.

What do you intend to do about our enemy? I fear that the losses we've
suffered are but the start. I feel secure enough within the hospital's
walls, but it would be best if we dealt with this trouble before it has a
chance to bloom. My men are yours for the task if it's required. Merely
make your desires known to me.

Your brother in peace,


SPOILER - The contact in Jerusalem is Talal and the man in Damascus is Tamir.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"Garnier hides behind the walls of the Hospitalier fortress. I doubt the
patients within afford him much protection. Killing him will be simple.
Getting into the fortress, however, is another matter entirely ..."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"Garnier removes himself from the world around him while tending his
patients one by one. This obsession will spell his end."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket (Depends on Platform)

"The Hospitaliers are replacing all the candelabras within the fortress.
I could use these to navigate the rafters. Additionally, the workers seem
to have pointed out a few of Garnier's more personal projects affected by

Attachment - A Map showing all the light fixtures and which are off.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"Garnier lets his patients roam the halls of the fortress freely. No one,
save scholars , may enter his personal workspace. Apart from the archers
defending the rooftops, slipping in should prove simple enough."

Attachment - A Map showing the way to get in.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"Some of Garnier's guards have abandoned their posts. The archers patrolling
the roof are at a disadvantage. A few seconds is all I need to clear a

Attachment - A Map showing the position of the rooftop guards.

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"Garnier de Naplouse secludes himself within the Hospitalier fortress walls,
lost within his work. I know when and where to strike."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the Assassination

"Is it possible? Was Garnier helping those inside the hospital? He spoke of
curing them from their madness using herbs and extracts. Some of them were
even grateful for the work he had done. He was a madman and a butcher. How
is it these men found good inside a man who was clearly intent on evil? What
is it that I've failed to see? I should report this to Al Mualim."

[10.05] Talal - Jerusalem

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"Talal holds his slaves within a warehouse, and later sends them to Acre.
Striking while he works within will keep me from being discovered."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Talal is rumoured to flee from a fight at the first sign of trouble.
This map I've found details possible locations in which he'll take
refuge. This is sure to help if he manages to slip away from me."

Attachment - A Map showing the possible escape routes.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"Talal is said to favour the bow. In a fight, he'll seek to put distance
between him and his enemy, try to kill from afar. I'll close the gap between
us before he's even nocked his first arrow."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"Talal appears to be a leader of slavers, and occupies an area north of here,
near the barbican. He seems wiser than those I've faced before, however,
keeping to the shadows and having his men pay the guards to turn a blind eye.
No matter how clever he thinks himself, he'll meet the same end as the

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"Talal inspect his stock of slaves daily. This map clearly shows the position
of his personal guards. Such information will prove invaluable."

Attachment - A Map showing the position of the guards.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"Talal has many loyal followers, all of whom will readily give up their lives
for the man. If they sense their master is in danger, they're sure to
intervene, giving Talal time to escape."

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"Talal, a cunning slave master, has a warehouse in the northern barbican
filled with human livestock. He inspects them daily, preparing them for
travel. Knowing exactly where his guards are, I need simply to strike
during his next inspection."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the Assassination

"Talal also spoke of a brotherhood and their designs upon the Holy Land.
However, he denied he was selling slaves and instead he was saving them.
Why would a slave trader help anyone other than himself? Al Mualim will
help me make sense of this."

[10.06] Abu'l Nuqoud - Damascus

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Invesigation

"The people of Damascus despise the Merchant King for spending their money
on extravagant parties held inside his palace. Attending one of these
celebrations should bring me close enough to strike."

Attachment - A Letter denouncing the Merchant King.

"Peace Be Upon You, Hisham:

I have done my best to balance the ledgers, but the counts show something
strange, payments to Jerusalem's regent and William of Montferrat in Acre.

I had thought this might be connected to the ransom damanded by the
Crusaders for our captive brethen, but given the way that ended (peace be
upon those poor souls), this seems unlikely. It also does not account
for the deliveries to Jerusalem. But if the money was not meant for ransom,
then what is its purpose?

You should also know that there have been extravagant parties as of late.
All held within The Merchant King's palace. This is absurd! The citizens
of Damascus starve themselves to help Salah Al'din's war efforts, but
instead, their money is being spent on feasts! They deeply despise the
Merchant King, and are powerless to stop him. Which is why I write to
you now.

Please, say nothing to The Merchant King for now. Should he become
suspicious, he'll attempt to hide his misdeeds. I'll contact you when
I've learned more."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"The Merchant King has received a vast quantity of wine. He is preparing
for another feast. He seems unshaken with his preparations, even though
wine is prohibited by his religion. If he can ignore the laws of his
Prophet so easily, one can only wonder what other impious acts he'll commit."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Eavesdrop Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Some servants spoke of leaving behind a scaffold just outside the Merchant
King's quarters. I could use the passage they took to bring to bring a
scaffold up there. It will bring me closer to my target."

Attachment - A Map of the location of the scaffold.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"A map of where the Merchant King has stationed his guards. This will
definitely prove useful."

Attachment - A Map of the position of the guards.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"There is a fountain in the middle of the Merchant King's palace where I
could climb should the need ever arise."

Attachment - A Map showing the fountain the path to second level.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"The best time to strike the Merchant King is when he addresses his guests.
The moment may be brief, but it will be all I need."

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"Abu'l Nuqoud, a corrupt man of tremendous wealth, is planning another feast
today. At some stage, he will speak to his guests, no doubt made drunk and
stupid by his gluttony. This will be my moment ..."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the Assassination

"These men I'm sent to kill are wicked. They profit from the war. And so I am
sent to stop them, and ensure that peace returns. But then why do the
Merchant King's word dig so deeply? Is it wrong for me to see a bit of truth
in them? I should return to Al Mualim, that he may help me make sense of this
and crush these seeds of doubt."

[10.07] William de Montferrat - Acre

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"William's men fear he is destined for failure, though they dare not turn to
the King for help. There is mention of a third man - one said to reside
in the harbour - though he inspires little confidence as well ...
Uncertainty rules the day. It makes men paranoid - and my work more

Attachment - A Letter about William in relation to a secret group.


Work continues in the Chain District of Acre, though we are concerned about
William's ability to see this through to the end. He takes his duties a bit
too seriously, and the people may reject him when the time comes. Without
the aid of the treasure, we can ill afford an uprising, lest it recall the
King from the field, and then your plan will be for nothing. We cannot
reclaim what's been stolen unless the two sides are united. Perhaps you
might prepare another to take his place - simply as a precaution. We worry
that our man in the harbour will become increasingly unstable. Already he
talks of distancing himself. And this means we cannot rely on him should
William fall. Let us know what you intend that we might execute it. We
remain, ever faithful to the end."

SPOILER - The man in the Harbour is Sibrand.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"At the first sign of trouble, the citadel's gates will close. Should this
happen, the only way for me to escape will be to climb the fortress walls."

Attachment - A Map showing where to scale the fortress walls.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"This map details the position of William's archers. Removing them should
clear a path for me along the rooftops."

Attachment - A Map showing the position of the archers.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"Repairs on the citadel are being handled poorly. According to this map,
a structure has bene left standing and seemingly forgotten. I will turn
their mistake to my advantage."

Attachment - A Map showing the forgotten structure.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"King Richard is visiting William today, and they're almost certain to
quarrel. Once they're finished, William will most likely return to the
citadel to brood. He'll spend the rest of the day scolding his men,
distracting him from everything else."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"William retreats to the back of his citadel whenever challenged by King
Richard's authority. The precarious relationship between the two men seems
to have spread to their own hosts, causing no small amount of tension. I
suspect William's citadel to be densely populated with men loyal to him

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"William and King Richard will meet today, and if the past is any indicator,
things will go poorly. Afterwards, William will return to his citadel and
take his frustrations out on the men within. The day's events are sure to
distract him, providing me with the perfect opportunity to strike."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the Assassination

"William of Montferrat sought to kill King Richard. I had assumed he meant
to do this for his son, Conrad, but it seems I was in error. His wish was
for the people to inherit the land, free from the weims of petty tyrants.
A 'new world' he called it. What is the meaning of these cryptic words?
I shall have to ask Al Mualim ..."

[10.08] Majd Addin - Jerusalem

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"I've found a map detailing the location of the guards attending today's
execution. This will make things much easier."

Attachment - A Map detailing the position of the guards.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Informer Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Majd Addin enjoys lecturing his prisoners before executing them. While
doing so, he turns his back to the crowd. It is the perfect moment to

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"It seems there's to be an execution today and Majd Addin will be in
attendance. In fact, he'll be performing it himself. I should endeavour
to learn where this morbid event is to take place."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"Majd Addin is rumoured to have reached his position through nefarious means.
These rumours are likely true, as those who preceded him in the position
all met with mysterious and untimely ends. The men from whom I learned this
carried a map detailing today's execution. It will occur near the western
edge of Solomon's temple."

Attachment - A Map showing the position of the execution stage.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"Majd Addin seems to have goals of his own, seperate from those of his leader,
Salah Al'din. He's executing innocent people, labeling them enemies of the
city. There seems to be no method to his madness, and so now fear grips
Jerusalem. No one knows when he or she might be dragged before his blade.
Is he simply drunk with power, or is there some greater purpose I've yet to

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"The scholars are likely to cause a disturbance at the entrance to the
execution plaza. If I time my entry properly, they could provide a nice
distraction for the guards."

Attachment - A Map showing the position of the scholars and route.

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"One of the men Majd Addin intends to execute is an Assassin. I must
conclude my search quickly and see to it no harm comes to this Brother
of mine."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the Assassination

"Majd Addin was mad. He killed because he enjoyed it. Jerusalem shall be free
of his reign, and my deed has been accomplished. Though it appears he
betrayed them, he claimed membership with the same brotherhood as the others
I have killed. What is this brotherhood? Why do they seek to control the
cities? Al Mualim will have answers. He must."

[10.09] Jubair Al Hakin - Damascus

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Informer Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Jubair is known to wear rich, golden robes and carries with him a large
pouch. From the other scholars I've seen in Damascus, not many fit this
description, making Jubair quite uniquely dressed."

Attachment - Map showing locations Jubair WILL NOT be at.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Jubair seems obsessed with destroying every written book in the city. And
every day he seems to gather more and more people to his cause. They join
him within the Madrasah Al-Kallasah. This is where he can be found,
surrounded by his most loyal men."

Attachment - A Letter detailing his location.


We are close now. Soon the entire city will be purged. Every day, more are
illuminated and come over to our cause.

Should you have further orders, send them to the Madrasah Al-Kallasah.
It is here that I now reside, surrounded by my most loyal men. I suspect
the Assassin comes for me, as he has the others. I do not fear death at
his hands. Only let him wait until our work is finished.

I will continue to keep you informed of my progress.

May the Father of Understanding Guide You.


*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"Jubair holds daily meetings within the Madrasah, to speak with his
students. The students then take to the streets, carrying the message of
their master. One of these meetings is about to begin. I think I will
attend ..."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"Jubair's students have uncovered where Jubair's wife hid some books which
are meant to be destroyed. The students suspect their master would want to
personally burn these documents. The location of this particular burning is
within a small park."

Attachment - Another Map showing where Jubair WILL NOT BE at.

"Master Jubair:

I fear your suspicions have brrn proven true. We followed her as you asked
us to, and discovered that she has indeed kept the books. We would have taken
them ourselves, but felt it best that you attend to it personally. She is
your wife, after all.

Below is a map that will lead you to her hiding place. It is a small garden,
empty save for the sundial and bench.

I am sorry it has come to this. It cannot be easy, but I am certain you will
do what is right.

Your Brother Always,


*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"Jubair's scholars are fanatics. They walk the streets, calling out to the
citizens, demanding their books and parchments so that they might be burned.
They believe that destroying all knowledge of the past will somehow allow
for a better future. But better for who?"

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"I've found a map where scholars are planning to burn books and other sources
of knowledge. Should Jubair escape me, he will probably travel to one of
these locations for aid."

Attachment - A Map showing where Jubair WILL NOT BE.

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"Jubair has declared that every text in Damascus must be destroyed. He says
the pages harbour only lies and their words corrupt men's minds. He preaches
this to his students, and they support him without question. They meet each
day inside the Madrasah Al-Kallasah. Another of these gatherings is about to
occur. I will attend as well. Not to listen to his madness, but to end it."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the assassination

"Today's work weighs heavily on my mind. Jubair swore he wished only to
protect the people from repeating the mistakes of their ancestors. A noble
goal. Still, his methods were unacceptable. He could not be allowed to
continue. To deprive people of so much knowledge ... He was not saving these
people, but blinding them. But was killing him the only solution? I should
return to Al Mualim with news of Jubair's death."

[10.10] Sibrand - Acre

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Informer Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Sibrand will soon retreat to his private vessel, believing himself safe
surrounded by water. It will be difficult to approach his ship unseen, but I
will find a way."

Attachment - A Letter of Sibrand's Move.


The situation here is dire. Stories of the Assassins and their evil deeds
continue to plague me. Our losses at their hands have been substantial - both
in Acre and our other holdings. I fear they come for me next. I have asked my
men to increase their patrols throughout the city (and especially the docks),
but they have proven quite resourceful. Can I even trust my men? How many of
them might be in league with our enemy?

I have made plans to move to sea. As soon as she is ready, I intend to board
my ship and be away. It is, perhaps, the safest course of action. Surrounded
by water, and guarded by my most loyal men, it will be difficult for anyone
to approach unseen. Shoudl you have further orders for me, now would be the
time to deliver them, before my ship arrives.

Yours in Peace,

Brother S."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"It appears the northern docks are void of Sibrand's Knights. I should have
a little less trouble making my way through there."

Attachment - A Letter and Map of the area.

"Occupant of the Northern Docks,

This will serve as your final warning.

Under order of the King, the Teutonic Knights have been given jurisdiction
over Acre's Port and all immediate surroundings. "ALL IMMEDIATE
SURROUNDINGS!" You have refused to relinquish the Northern Docks, denying
access to my men, time and time again. Such disobedience will not be

Accept the coin that's been offered to you in compensation and be on your
way. Refuse and you will leave us no choice but to seize your property
and bring charges for conspiring against the King. Such a crime is
punishable by death!

When next we come - there will be no letters - only irons."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"This map details the paths taken by Sibrand's guards within the docks
district. I should keep it close in case my travels bring me there -
and I suspect they will."

Attachment - A Map showing the guard movement.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"The only thing more dangerous than a drunken sailor is one who is also
angry. Such distractions will make my work more difficult. I should
endeavour to avoid such troublemakers at all costs."

Attachment - A Map detailing all the drunken sailor's positions.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"Sibrand plans to install a naval blockade, preventing King Richard, his
own King, from receiving reinforcements in the war against the Saracens.
What would motivate Sibrand to such treason?"

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"Sibrand is paranoid. His fear of the assassins has him cowering deep
within the docks. Reaching him may be simple, finding him may not."

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"Sibrand now hides within Acre's Port, made mad with fear. He knows the
assassins have come for him. He believes retreating to his vessel will
keep him safe. But all he's done is ensure I know exactly where to find
him ..."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the assassination

"Sibrand, like others I've slain, was convinced his brothers would bring
peace to the land by freeing the people from the shackles of faith. The
strange Brotherhood seeks the same as the assassins. But their methods
are too brutal and imprecise. I admit, I am torn. While I can appreciate
their goals, I view with disfavour the way in which they seek to realise
them. Still, this situation raises questions. If we want the same thing,
should we not be working together? Perhaps Al Mualim can explain."

[10.11] Robert de Sable - Jerusalem

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Informer Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"Reaching Robert might prove difficult, given the number of guards around.
Were I to join a group of scholars, I could make my way to him much more

Attachment - A Map detailing the path of Scholars.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Eavesdrop Investigation

"Robert and his men walk the streets of Jerusalem finely dressed, bearing
expensive gifts. They plan to attend a funeral. Were it anyone than the
monster Majd Addin being buried, I might have second thoughts. But as it
is, it seems a most fitting time to take the Templar's life."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Pickpocket Investigation

"Robert's men are working with the Jerusalem Guard to protect the cemetery
during Majd Addin's funeral. Doubling the guard would have posed a problem,
but this map will give me an advantage. Knowing where the men are stationed,
I can simply make sure I avoid them."

Attachment - A Map of where the guards are stationed.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer Investigation

"Robert's men are well prepared for battle. To fight them all at once would be
unwise. Should I lose control of the situation, it's best I make a brief
escape and return later to eliminate them one by one."

Attachment - A Map of Robert's personal guards.

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Interrogation Investigation

"They say Robert wants piece, and seeks to prove it by attending a Muslim
funeral. But I know the truth. He does not seek peace, but control. Dominion
over the land and its people. I will deny him this."

*Memory - Investigation*

Obtained - Informer / Pickpocket Investigation (Depends on Platform)

"The Jerusalem guard have set up the standing positions for the Christians
during the procession to better protect them in case the citizens take
offense to their presence. This map displays exactly where everyone is
standing, even Robert. Especially Robert.

Attachment - A Map showing the position of everyone.

*Memory - Knowledge*

Obtained - Head to Bureau after completion of all Investigations

"Robert de Sable and his men are in Jerusalem to attend Majd Addin's
funeral. He says it is to promote peace between the Christians and
the Muslims, but he has something else in mind. I shall strike him down
during the procession and find out what he truly intends."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the "assassination"

"I've been deceived! Robert has long since left Jerusalem. Arsuf is his
destination - and so it will be mine as well. I only hope I will not be
too late. If Robert succeeds in convincing Richard and Salah Al'Din we are
the enemy, the Assassins will be destroyed. We cannot withstand the combined
might of the Saracen and Crusader armies."

*Memory - Assassination*

Obtained - After the TRUE assassination

"Al Mualim is the tenth Templar? This cannot be! All these years I've looked
to him for strength and guidance. His word has always been truth. And now I'm
told it's all been a lie? No. Even in death Robert seeks to poison my mind.
Or does he? I remember the careful way in which the Master avoided my
questions - changed the subject when I dug too deep. Was it deference he
sought to teach me? Or blind obedience? Willful ignorance of the truth. There
is but one way to answer these questions: I must seek Al Mualim."

[11.01] Lucy's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 2

Again, these are spoilers and if you do not want your game spoiled, DO NOT

These emails are from memory block 2 when you first get access to the
computer that Lucy uses.

*Email 1*

From: Warren Vidic
Re : Your Pen

great. leave it @ my desk. worry less about my things and more about making
animus work. thanks


Time: Sep 2 - 22:46
From: Lucy Stillman
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Your Pen


Found your ACCESS-KEY pen again today out by the parking lot. You really need
to start keeping it IN your pocket instead of LETTING IT HANG off your coat.
Try and take better care of your things, Warren. Imagine if Security had
found it. They'd have shut us down for at least a day to reprogram all the
computer access codes.


*Email 2*

From: Administration
Classified Information

As a general reminder, all employees of Abstergo Industries are prohibited
from discussing corporate policy, proceedings, and projects. In light of
pending litigation you are reminded of sections 2.15 in your employment

"You acknowledge and agree that ABSTERGO has developed such Confidential
Information by the investment and significant time, effort and expense,
and that such Confidential Information provides ABSTERGO with a significant
competitive advantage in its business. You acknowledge and agree that a
breach of this Agreement by you will therefore result in irreparable harm
to ABSTERGO, the extent of which would be difficult to ascertain, and in any
event money damages will be inadequate as a remedy in the event of such a
breach. Accordingly, You agree that in the event of a breach of this
Agreement by You, ABSTERGO shall be entitled to injunctive, or other
equitable relief as the court deems appropriate in addition to any other
remedies which it may have available."

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your
human resources manager.

We thank you in advance for your compliance.

*Email 3*

From: Warren Vidic
Re : Leila ...

nothing. get back to work pls. we have a deadline

ps why do you sign your emails? it says right up top who its coming from


Time: Sep 3 - 21:05
From: Lucy Stillman
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Leila ...

You said "wind up like Leila" earlier. What did you mean?


[11.02] Lucy's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 3

*Email 4*

From: Nancy Nilop
Case File #1394 [Leila Marino]

Ms. Stillman,

I am sorry but I am not authorised to discuss this employee or the
circumstances regarding her departure from the company.


Time: Sep 4 - 7:48
From Lucy Stillman
To : Nancy Nilop
Subject: Leila Marino

Dear Nancy,

I am writing to enquire about the death of a former employee by the name
of Leila Marino. I don't know if you were working here at the time
(September of 2007). There was apparently some kind of accident, but I'm
not able to find any information on the subject.

The coroner's office indicated that her file has been sealed. If it was
a suicide, why is this information considered so sensitive?


Lucy Stillman

*Email 5*

From : Warren Vidic
Re: Case File #1394 [Leila Marino]

To: Lucy Stillman
CC: Alan Rikkin, Warren Vidic
Subject: Re: Case File #1394 [Leila Marino]

Ms. Stillman,

Unfortunately I am unable to respond further to your inquiry. I have cc'd
Alan Rikkin on this email. Please direct all further questions to him.
Thank you.


Time: Sep 4 - 12:02
From: Lucy Stillman
To : Nancy Nilop
Subject: Re: Case File #1394 [Leila Marino]


I don't understand why this information is so difficult to access. I've
never heard of a company having the ability to declare a coroner's
report "proprietary information". That's ridiculous. She was my friend.
I just want to know what happened to her.


[11.03] Lucy's Outbox Emails, Memory Block 4

*Email 1*

From: Lucy Stillman
Re: Case File #1394 [Lelia Marino]

Mister Rikkin:

I'm hoping you might be able to help me understand why even five years after
the fact, no one is willing to tell me what happened to my friend. If you are
concerned about sensitive information being divulgde as a result of sharing
this with me ... I think my record at the company speaks for itself.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Lucy Stillman

[11.04] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 4

*Email 1*

From: Abstergo_News_Wire_Services
Daily Headlines

Hurricane Season Ends ... But not in the way you think: increasingly erratic
weather patterns have caused the Global Weather Association to abolish the
term "Hurricane Season". Once confined to the months of June through
November, hurricane duration, frequency, strength, and location have
increased to the point where most coastal cities must now live in constant
fear of these devastating storms.

Eye-Abstergo Satellite Launch Postponed:
Citing late minute adjustments to their new All-in-One telecommunications
satellite, Eye-Abstergo have postponed the launch of their first satellite
until December 21st. They maintain that their patented technology will allow
faster, more reliable, data transmission than previous-generation satellites
which suffered from delays and interference.

*Email 2*

From: Abstergo_News_Wire_Services
Daily Headlines

Tensions Mount Over Antarctic Drilling
The U.S. and E.U. are once again facing heavy criticism for their decision
to begin construction of jointly owned oil platforms in the Weddell Sea.
Several supranational unions oppose the work, claiming it violates the
Antarctic Treaty System. The situation has been further complicated by the
presence of two naval destroyers, said to be in the region unrelated to
the construction.

*Email 3*

From: Alan Rikkin
Re: Case File #1394 [Leila Marino]

You told me she wasn't going to be a problem and here she is stirring up the
shit again. Deal with this, Warren. You vouched for her. You're responsible
for her.


Time: 5 Sep - 8:37
From: Alan Rikkin
To : Lucy Stillman
Subject: Re: Case File #1394 [Leila Marino]

I will be out of the office starting September 1st. I will return on October
4th. In case of an emergency, please contact my assistant, Aubery Jacobs at
extension 1003.


Time: Sep 5 - 8:36
From: Lucy Stillman
To: Alan Rikkin
Subject: Re: Case File #1394 [Leila Marino]

Mister Rikkin:

I'm hoping you might be able to help me understand why even five years after
the fact, no one is willing to tell me what happened to my friend. If you are
concerned about sensitive information being divulgde as a result of sharing
this with me ... I think my record at the company speaks for itself.

Thank you for your assistance in this matter.


Lucy Stillman

[11.05] Vidic's Outbox Emails, Memory Block 4

*Email 1*

From: Warren Vidic
Re : Your Pen

great. leave it @ my desk. worry less about my things and more about making
animus work. thanks


Time: Sep 2 - 22:46
From: Lucy Stillman
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Your Pen


Found your ACCESS-KEY pen again today out by the parking lot. You really need
to start keeping it IN your pocket instead of LETTING IT HANG off your coat.
Try and take better care of your things, Warren. Imagine if Security had
found it. They'd have shut us down for at least a day to reprogram all the
computer access codes.


*Email 2*

From: Warren Vidic
Re : Leila ...

nothing. get back to work pls. we have a deadline

ps why do you sign your emails? it says right up top who its coming from


Time: Sep 3 - 21:05
From: Lucy Stillman
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Leila ...

You said "wind up like Leila" earlier. What did you mean?


[11.06] Vidic's Deleted Emails, Memory Block 4

*Email 1*

From: Administration
Classified Information

As a general reminder, all employees of Abstergo Industries are prohibited
from discussing corporate policy, proceedings, and projects. In light of
pending litigation you are reminded of sections 2.15 in your employment

"You acknowledge and agree that ABSTERGO has developed such Confidential
Information by the investment and significant time, effort and expense,
and that such Confidential Information provides ABSTERGO with a significant
competitive advantage in its business. You acknowledge and agree that a
breach of this Agreement by you will therefore result in irreparable harm
to ABSTERGO, the extent of which would be difficult to ascertain, and in any
event money damages will be inadequate as a remedy in the event of such a
breach. Accordingly, You agree that in the event of a breach of this
Agreement by You, ABSTERGO shall be entitled to injunctive, or other
equitable relief as the court deems appropriate in addition to any other
remedies which it may have available."

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your
human resources manager.

We thank you in advance for your compliance.

*Email 2*




The metal orb that opened is similar to something Al Mualim shows you in a
cutscene. The Piece of Eden. What is Abstergo doing?

[11.07] Lucy's Deleted Emails, Memory Block 5

*Email 3*


From: faster cheaper meds
To : Lucy Stillman
Subjects: problems DOWN THERE?

WondEr Why It ios everyone Laughs at you? i'll Let you guess. let's just
say she's proBably gEtTing it bigger and better from someone else tHat isn't
you. how can you hope to compEte? REst asSured there are sOme gOod ways.
click the liNk to see!


Time: Sep 6 - 8:18
From: Lucy Stillman
To :



Time: Sep 6 - 8:16
To : Lucy Stillman



Time: Sep 6 - 8:03
From: Lucy Stillman
To :



Time: Sep 6 - 7:56
To : Lucy Stillman



Time: Sep 6 - 7:47
From: Lucy Stillman
To :



Time: Sep 6 - 7:34
To : Lucy Stillman



Time: Sep 6 - 7:20
From: Lucy Stillman
To :



Time: Sep 6 - 7:18
To : Lucy Stillman



Time: Sep 6 - 7:15
From: Lucy Stillman
To :



Time: Sep 6 - 7:12
To : Lucy Stillman



Time: Sep 6 - 6:58
From: Lucy Stillman
To :



Time: Sep 6 - 6:48
To : Lucy Stillman


Note that Lucy's response from this mysterious source is:


Just read out the Caps from the ones that are not capped.

[11.08] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 5

*Email 4*

From: Abstergo_News_Wire_Services
Daily Headlines

"Hundreds Hospitalised in Wake of Water Tampering Scandal:
Abstergo Holdings stands accused of secretly manipulating a small town's
water supply in roder to test a synthetic drug referred to internally as
New Fluoride.

Nation Mourns the Loss of Final Film Studio:
History was made today with the closing of the country's last movie studio.
The rising prominence of video games coupled with rampant piracy are
considered to be the leading cause of its demise."

*Email 5*

From: Security-Documents_Department



Time: Sep 6 - 16:35
From: Alan Rikkin
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Re: password

I'll call Security for you. Check your email shortly.


Time: Sep 6 - 16:32
From: Warren Vidic
To : Alan Rikkin
Subject: password

can't access the computer. wants a password.


Time: Sep 6 - 16:00

From: Alan Rikkin
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Updates


I've downloaded our analysis of your latest findings onto the secure
terminal in the conference room. It is CRITICAL that you review it and get
back to us with any additional comments.

We cannot continue with the search until you sign off.

Please make this a priority.

*Email 6*

From: Alan Rikkin
False Alarm

"It's about those idiots in the pills division. We're putting out a press
release about the satellite. Telling them launch has been delayed until the
21st so that we can make improvements to the "coverage area". Some stuff
about less dropped calls. For the "benefit of our consumers" of course. Let's
just make sure you get what you need in time to meet the new launch window.


Time: Sep 6 - 15:21
From: Jane Birkam
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Everything okay?

Wow. You been watching the news? Stock is going to take a hit from this for

Want to grab lunch today?


Time: Sep 6 - 15:18
From: Henry Liman
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Re: Classified Information

Guess the shit's really hit the fan this time. Someone managed to leak a
bunch of documents on the "Fluoride Enhancement Studies" and now the
pharmaceuticals division is under investigation by the Feds. They've shut
the entire place down. Did you see what was in those reports? What the hell
were they thinking? They pretty much poisoned an entire town.


Time: Sep 3 - 9:13
From: Administration
To : Abstergo-All
Subject: Classified Information

As a general reminder, all employees of Abstergo Industries are prohibited
from discussing corporate policy, proceedings, and projects. In light of
pending litigation you are reminded of sections 2.15 in your employment

"You acknowledge and agree that ABSTERGO has developed such Confidential
Information by the investment and significant time, effort and expense,
and that such Confidential Information provides ABSTERGO with a significant
competitive advantage in its business. You acknowledge and agree that a
breach of this Agreement by you will therefore result in irreparable harm
to ABSTERGO, the extent of which would be difficult to ascertain, and in any
event money damages will be inadequate as a remedy in the event of such a
breach. Accordingly, You agree that in the event of a breach of this
Agreement by You, ABSTERGO shall be entitled to injunctive, or other
equitable relief as the court deems appropriate in addition to any other
remedies which it may have available."

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your
human resources manager.

We thank you in advance for your compliance.

[11.09] Lucy's Outbox Emails, Memory Block 6

*Email 2*

From: Lucy Stillman
Re: conf room door



Time: Sep 7 - 9:23
From: Warren Vidic
To : Lucy Stillman
Subject: Re: conf room door

no what is it


Time: Sep 7 - 9:20
From: Lucy Stillman
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Re: conf room door

Hi Warren:

The passcode was changed last night (they change them once a week). Do you
have the new passcode?


Time: Sep 7 - 9:13
From: Warren Vidic
To : Lucy Stillman
Subject: conf room door

isn't working. remote access is down or something. can u look & see what's
wrong. don't have time for this crap.

[11.10] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 6

*Email 7*

From: Alan Rikkin
Additional Subjects?

"If this kid isn't going to get us what we need, it's time to start looking
elsewhere. I've cc'd David from our Acquisitions department. He may be able
to to provide you with a couple of additional test subjects should Desmond
be retired. In case you need reminding, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME.

This crap with the fluoride enhancement is going to put us under a LOT of
scrutiny. We need to launch on the 21st. If we wait any longer we risk
everything being frozen during the investigation. I have a feeling that none
of our friends in D.C. are going to do us any favors on this one. We'll
deal with them come election time.

We've cleaned up the mess at DIA, but I'm hearing there's some jackass
baggage handler trolling newsgroups and nutjob websites with his tales of
mass murder and corporate coverups. Where's he even getting his information
from? Your report said the Project Lead killed everyone down there before
our clean up crews arrived. I still don't understand how they managed to
botch that so badly.

Anyway, we're trying to figure out who the hell he is so we can shut him up,
but it's proving difficult. I'm beginning to wonder if he doesn't have help.
Seems there are still a couple of those Assassin bastards running lose. It
only takes one. But you already knew that. Makes me wonder if the fluoride
leak was internal after all ... And if it was, are we dealing with a whistle
blower or something worse?

I'm about ready to pull the plug on your Subject Seventeen. So either get me
results or get another team into that Animus.

- Alan"

*Email 8*

From: Lucy Stillman
Re: conf room door



Time: Sep 7 - 9:23
From: Warren Vidic
To : Lucy Stillman
Subject: Re: conf room door

no what is it


Time: Sep 7 - 9:20
From: Lucy Stillman
To : Warren Vidic
Subject: Re: conf room door

Hi Warren:

The passcode was changed last night (they change them once a week). Do you
have the new passcode?


Time: Sep 7 - 9:13
From: Warren Vidic
To : Lucy Stillman
Subject: conf room door

isn't working. remote access is down or something. can u look & see what's
wrong. don't have time for this crap.

*Email 9*

From: Abstergo_News_Wire_Services
Daily Headlines

"Mexican President Promises Better Border Security:
Concerned about record numbers of illegal immigrants entering his country,
the President of Mexico today promised to ramp up border security. The
number of troops stationed along the border is expected to triple. Opponents
are worried about an increase in violence between American refugees and
Mexican troops. Fighting between the two groups has left 300 dead and nearly
1000 wounded over the past six months."

[11.11] Conference Room Inbox Email, Memory Block 6

Access is granted from Lucy's email giving the access code to the Conference

*Email 1*

From: Alan Rikkin


The others and I have finished reviewing the Animus recordings from Subjects
12-16. While the Piece of Eden remains our priority, we must continue working
to locate and understand the remaining artifacts. I am sure you can
understand our reasoning behind this. Although the satellite is accomplished
to a fair portion of the work for us, we will certainly need to deal with
those who are either immune to - or protected from - its effects.

Please take a moment to look over our findings and get back to me with any
feedback you may have. I will summarize below:

1. Piece of Eden (no. 3) - We applaud your continued efforts to locate an
alternate artifact with the loss of no. 2 in the DIA Satellite Accident.
We understand Subject Seventeen is having trouble interfacing with the
Animus, leading to delays. As a result, we estimate another 24 hours before
your next critical update. In the meantime, we'll prepare an extraction team
and set them to standby. We're relying on you to obtain the additional
information we require. He knows where the other objects are - even if he
doesn't realize it. You MUST unlock that final memory or all of this will
have been for nothing.

2. Philadelphia Project - Data provided from Animus Subject Twelve indicates
that the ship briefly manifested in a future state for approximately 18
minutes. It is unclear whether the timeline is consistent with or parallel
to our own. Although we have recovered enough data to reconstruct and repair
the original artifact used in the experiment, Administration has refused to
move forward on the project, citing paradox concerns. Corporate policy
remains in place: any objects found to interfere with or manipulate time must
be contained. Artifact will be moved to secure storage.

3. Tunguska Incident - Now believed to be the direct result of assault by
Assassins. Research station destroyed as was artifact. Alternate wave
generation devices have been located in storage, but we have insufficient
data at the moment to initiate research. The risk of accident is too high.
Lineage Discovery and Acquisition Division should attempt to locate
descendents of any attack survivors (either Assassin or Brotherhood) in
order to continue research. Resurrecting this particular type of technology
will aid us greatly with any holdouts following the Satellite's activation.
We're putting together a team to push research in this area.

4. Grail - We are removing the Grail from our list of objectives. There is
insufficient evidence to confirm its existence. Current examination of
Subject Seventeen indicates that aside from the Piece of Eden, all other
artifacts related to Christ-figure are literary devices (or derived from
Piece of Eden) and not actual objects. Even if the object is real, its use
to us at this stage is negligible. Our resources are better used elsewhere.

5. Mitchell-Hedges Communicators - Analysis of the objects is complete.
The good news is that they work. As a result we now have a safe and secure
communication channel for use after the launch. However, they are severely
limited in number, and so we will be providing them only to our most
essential facilities. You will obviously retain possession of the one you

Warren, I cannot stress how important it is that you wrap things up with
Subject Seventeen as soon as possible. We're obviously relieved that you
seem to be closing in on the target memory, but you need to step it up.
Everything we're working towards depends on your retrieving those locations.
Without them, we've got nothing.

May the Father of Understanding guide you to success.


[11.12] Vidic's Inbox Emails, Memory Block 7

*Email 10*

From: Lucy Stillman
Subject No. 16


I've finished my report on Subject Sixteen. You should take a look when you
have some time as I believe it validates my belief that we need to be
treating them with greater care. Failure to do so will only result in further

I'll summarize things for now since I realize you're probably pretty busy.
Prolonged exposure to the Animus caused a "Bleeding Effect" within Subject
Sixteen's genetic structure. The result was a blending of genetic and real-
time memory. He was unable to distinguish his own life from those of his
ancestors, as witnessed with the incident in his room.

I believe this effect is similar to certain forms of multiple personality
and delusional disorders. People who claim to be experiencing past lives
or the presence of other minds within their own are quite possibly
experiencing a naturally occurring version of this Bleeding Effect. Through
the specific symptoms may vary from subject to subject, the end result
is the same: they lose their minds.

This is what I believe happened to Subject Sixteen. One of his ancestors
seems to have been involved in an important event in the ancient Far East.
The wall writings he left us defy any conventional explaination, though I'm
not ready to dismiss them just yet. Per your request, I've asked for a
linguist and historian to research them further in case there is some
significance. I'll let you know if they come back to us with anything.

I'll get you a full copy of the report so that you can review my findings
when you have the time. I know this is not that important to you Warren, but
it would mean a lot to me if you'd just take a look and think about it. We
don't need to push them so hard. We don't need to kill them. From a purely
practical perspective, there's no point in destroying the subjects anyway.
Once they're dead, their knowledge is lost to us forever. And we both know
how dangeroud that can be.

Thanks for your time!


*Email 11*

From: Abstergo_News_Wire_Services
Daily Headlines

"Talks Continue Regarding Aftermath of L-11 Outbreak:
Nearly 6 years later, little progress has been made in dealing with the
repercussions of what history books refer to as "The Second Plague". With
nearly 96% of its population decimated over a 3-month period, the
continent of Africa is now virtually uninhibited. Plans to divide up the
continent have met with strong resistance and claims of neo-colonialism.
One protestor has this to say: "Whether we are a hundred or a hundred
million - this is still our home and no one has the right to take it from

[12.01] Achievements

I don't own an XBox 360 and I really can't verify if these are achievements
or not. However, via multiple cross referencing and checking on the guides at
GameFAQs, I have found all the achievements. I credit neeker on
for his work on achievements on the XBox 360. These are the lists of
achievements on the XBox 360 version and what is available on them.

--==Storyline Achievements==--

*Welcome to the Animus*

Description - You've successfully completed the Animus Tutorial
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Complete the animus tutorial. This is the easiest one
that you can complete.

*Hero of Masyaf*

Description - You've protected Masyaf from the Templar Invasion
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Completing Memory Block One which involved you killing
off a Templar Invasion.

*The Punishment for Treason*

Description - Find the Traitor and bring him before Al Mualim
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - During Memory Block Two, you will have to hunt down
a Traitor and he will be brought before Al Mualim and

*The Blood of a Corrupt Merchant*

Description - Kill Tamir in Damascus
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Two, you will have to assassinate

*Blade in the Crowd*

Description - Kill one of your targets like a true Assassin.
Achievement Points - 30
Obtained By - Kill one of your targets by using the Hidden Blade
via the Assassination feature.

*The Blood of a Doctor*

Description - Kill Garnier de Naplouse in Acre
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Three, you will have to assassinate
Garnier de Naplouse in Acre.

*The Blood of a Slave Trader*

Description - Kill Talal in Jerusalem
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Three, you will have to assassinate
Talal in Jerusalem.

*The Blood of a Merchant King*

Description - Kill Abu'l Nuqoud in Damascus
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Four, you will have to assassinate
Abu'l Nuqoud in Damascus.

*The Blood of a Liege-Lord*

Description - Kill William of Montferrat in Acre
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Four, you will have to assassinate
William of Montferrat in Acre.

*The Blood of a Regent*

Description - Kill Majd Addin in Jerusalem
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Four, you will have to assassinate
Majd Addin in Jerusalem.

*The Blood of a Teutonic Leader*

Description - Kill Sibrand in Acre
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Five, you will have to assassinate
Sibrand in Acre.

*The Blood of a Scribe*

Description - Kill Jubair Al Hakim in Damascus
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Five, you will have to assassinate
Jubair Al Hakim in Damascus.

*The Blood of a Nemesis*

Description - Kill Robert de Sable in Arsuf
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - During Memory Block Six, after a nice plot twist, you
need to assassinate Robert de Sable in Arsuf.

*The Eagle and the Apple - 1191*

Description - Complete Assassin's Creed
Achievement Points - 100
Obtained By - Complete the Game by assassinating all your targets up to
Robert de Sable and defeat Al Mualim in Memory Block

--==Numerical Achievements==--

Note that these are not consecutive, you can to these over the period of the
game and is not interrupted by dying, entering different Memory Blocks or

*Enemy of the Poor*

Description - Grab and Throw 25 Harassers
Achievement Points - 5
Obtained By - Grab and Throw 25 Beggars that run up to you and beg for
money off you.

*Gifted Escapist*

Description - Jump through 20 Merchant Stands
Achievement Points - 5
Obtained By - You need to run and jump at the Merchant Stands from the
side. Easy to do.

*March of the Pious*

Description - Blend with Scholars 20 Times
Achievement Points - 5
Obtained By - This is simple, blend with Scholars and the unblend a
total of 20 times.

*Eagle's Dive*

Description - Perform 50 Combo Kills in Fights
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Head to the Courtyard in Masyaf and practice your Combo
Kills on the trainee there for this achievement.

*Eagle's Swiftness*

Description - 20
Achievement Points - Perform 100 Counter Kills in Fights
Obtained By - Just perform 100 Counter Kills. This one will be gained
over the course of the game considering the amount of

*Eagle's Talon*

Description - Perform 50 Stealth Assassinations
Achievement Points - 15
Obtained By - Just get 50 kills via the Assassinatiom method from your
Hidden Blade. Considering the amount of lone targets,
this isn't too hard.

*Eagle's Prey*

Description - Assassinate 100 Guards
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Kill a total of 100 Guards and Archers. Continue from the
Eagle's Talon achievement and move on.

*Eagle's Will*

Description - Defeat 100 Opponents without dying
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - This one means you need to fight 100 guards or thugs
without dying. This isn't hard if you assassinate your
enemies one by one.

*Eagle's Flight*

Description - Last 10 Minutes in Open Conflict
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Basically be in a fight with guards for 10 minutes
straight. Best done in early game where you can block
and the guards cannot break your block. Or bash 1 guard
and hide behind a group of vigilantes for 10 minutes.

*Eagle's Eye*

Description - Kill 75 Guards with Throwing Knives
Achievement Points - 15
Obtained By - Relatively simple seeing this is the most effective way
to kill archers and guards without being caught.

*The Hands of a Thief*

Description - Pickpocket 200 Throwing Knives
Achievement Points - 15
Obtained By - You need to pickpocket a total of 200 Knives. Depending
on your capacity, pickpocketing thugs for knives will net
you max capacity, do you can pickpocket 15 knives at once
at Memory Block 6.

*Eagle's Dance*

Description - Perform 50 Leaps of Faith
Achievement Points - 10
Obtained By - Done naturally via the view points, but perform Leaps of
Faiths by jumping from higher ground to lower ground and
landing in hay.

*Eagle's Challenge*

Description - Defeat 25 Guards in a single fight
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - This might be hard given that 25 Guards is a lot, but
taken on a group of guards, say 3 and defeat two of them
and let the third one chase you through the city,
alerting other guards, which you will defeat, then
rinse and repeat.

--==Other Gameplay Achievements==--


Description - Complete all View Points
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - Complete all the view points in the game. There are 12
View Points in the Kingdom Area, 26 in Damascus, 9 in the
Poor, 7 in the Middle and 10 in the Rich District. There
are 30 View Points in Acre, 11 in the Poor, 9 in the
Middle and 10 in the Rich District. There are 24 in
Jerusalem, 6 in the Poor, 9 in both the Middle and Rich

*Disciple of the Creed*

Description - Assassinate all your targets with a Complete DNA Bar
Achievement Points - 30
Obtained By - This does not mean synchronisation bar, it is your DNA
Memory Bar. This basically means that you need to
complete all 6 investigations, complete all View Point
and Save Citizens Objectives and speak with the Bureau
before you complete your assassination.

*Absolute Symbiosis*

Description - Have a complete Synchronisation Bar
Achievement Points - 45
Obtained By - This means having all 20 bars on your health bar full.
Therefore, complete all your investigations, your
view points and saving all the citizens to complete it.

*Hungerer of Knowledge*

Description - See 85% of all the Memory Glitches
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - This means that you click on 85% of the glitches in the
cutscenes that you will have between you and enemies.

*Defender of the People : Damascus *
* Acre *
* Jerusalem*

Description - Complete every save citizen mission in Damascus, Acre and
Achievement Points - 20 for each City
Obtained By - Saving all the citizens in the city. Check your map for
more details. Complete all View Points for a
comprehensive map showing all saving citizens locations.


Description - Go through every dialog possible with Lucy
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Talk to Lucy after completion of each memory block and
keep talking until she tells you to sleep.

*Visions of the Future*

Description - Watch the Credits
Achievement Points - 50
Obtained By - This is the simpliest and one of the more time consuming
of it. Go exercise or something.

--==Hidden Items Achievements==--

*Keeper of the Creed*

Description - Find all the Assassin Flags in Masyaf
Achievement Points - 10
Obtained By - Collect all the 20 Assassin Flags in Masyaf.

*Keeper of the Lion's Passant*

Description - Find all the King Richard Flags in the Kingdom
Achievement Points - 25
Obtained By - Find all 100 King Richard Flags in the Kingdom area.

*Keeper of the Crescent*

Description - Find all the Saracen Flags in Damascus
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Find all the Saracen Flags in the three districts of

*Keeper of the Order*

Description - Find all the Templar Flags in Acre
Achievement Points - 10
Obtained By - Find all the Templar Flags in the Rich District of

*Keeper of the Black Cross*

Description - Find all the Teutonic Flags in Acre
Achievement Points - 10
Obtained By - Find all the Teutonic Flags in the Middle District
of Acre.

*Keeper of the 8 Virtues*

Description - Find all the Hospitalier Flags in Acre
Achievement Points - 10
Obtained By - Find all the Hospitalier Flags in the Poor District
of Acre.

*Keeper of the Four Gospels*

Description - Find all the Jerusalem Crosses in Jerusalem
Achievement Points - 20
Obtained By - Find all the Jerusalem Crosses in the Poor, Middle
and Rich Districts of Jerusalem.

*Personal Vendetta*

Description - Kill Every Templar
Achievement Points - 40
Obtained By - Kill all 60 Templar Knights in the Kingdom and all
the districts of Acre, Damascus and Jerusalem.

[13.01] Everything Explained

The Storyline of Assassin's Creed is extremely cryptic and isn't as straight
forward as many people would have liked, especially the final scenes of the
game with the red drawings on the wall. This warrants a massive explaination
to explain what actually does happen. I'll just post a massive string of
question and their answers.

* Who is Desmond?
Desmond Miles is Subject Seventeen, whose ancestor is Altair, the assassin
that you play. It is reasonable to assume that Altair has fathered a child
after the events, or otherwise it would be impossible for Desmond to have
the genetic memories of Altair.

* Who is Lucy?
Lucy Stillman is an employee at Abstergo, and she is the main operator of
the Animus. However, during the events after Memory Block 6, she reveals
her true identity as an undercover Assassin. She is the one who probably
left the door code to Desmond and left her pen for Desmond to "borrow".
Also, in her deleted emails, she is the one who has continually attempted
to delay the Animus memories as well as relaying inside information to
external sources, which can be presumed as other members of the Assassins.

As such, it is reasonable to assume that Lucy was responsible for the
fluoride leak to the media that has Abstergo on the backfoot. The
possibility is mentioned from an email from Alan Rikkin to Warren Vidic
detailing to possibility that it was an internal leak, or a whistle blower.

* Who is Warren Vidic and Alan Rikkin?
Warren Vidic is the project lead on the Animus operation which uses the
genetic memory of subjects to find information about the treasures in which
the Templar seek. Vidic is the supervisor of Lucy and Rikkin is one of the
big bosses.

* Who is Altair?
Altair is an ancestor of Desmond who existed during the Third Crusades of
the year 1191. Altair was a member of the Assassins and strove to fight the
Templars, as witnessed in the story. Altair is not Desmond.

* If Desmond is not Altair, then how can he use Eagle Vision?
Desmond is able to use Eagle Vision at the end of the game, and this is due
to what Lucy names as the Bleeding Effect. This means that the genetic
memory has bled into Desmond's memory, and this could mean that he cannot
tell the difference between his ancestor's memories and his own. This
transferral of power demonstrates how Desmond can only use Eagle Vision at
the end of the game.

* What is the Animus?
The Animus is a machine that allows the Subjects to live out their genetic
memories, memories which are somehow stored on one's DNA and passed on
through the family tree. So far, the Animus has seen 17 Subjects, and
Subject Seventeen is Desmond.

* What is Abstergo?
Abstergo, which means cleanse in Latin apparently, is a massive corporation
that is actually a front for the Templars, which have existed since the
Crusades. In a sense, that are the modern version of the Templars. As you
can see through the storyline, they seek to end wars, for world peace, but
their methods are not so. They seek to control mankind through the artifacts
that they seek and kill those who are immune to the power. By doing this,
Abstergo seeks peace, and world domination.

Abstergo is a powerful organisation, and their influence is strong enough
to effect Governments in modern society. During the email about the fluoride
leak, it is mentioned that they will make their friends in Washington pay
about not supporting them about the incident, which means that they must
have some powerful friends.

* What is all the red writing on the floor at the end of the game?
The Red Writing is written by Subject Sixteen, who wrote all of it in
blood to show Desmond the secrets Abstergo now have. More on this later.

* What does the following mean:


This translates to


This is a message from Subject Sixteen, who obviously went through the
Animus, where Abstergo drained the memories, or the soul, of the
Subject. In his or her fight against Abstergo, they drained their body
to show you where they saw something, which is probably an artifact.

This will explain the red writing to be the blood of Subject Sixteen and
they literally died to show you all the information that Abstergo gained
from them, using the only ink they had, their blood.

* What does this mean?


This translates to


Another message by Subject Sixteen, who drained more of their blood to
write another message for you. This is a message that refers to Abstergo's
plan to recover a Piece of Eden, and sent it on a low orbit satellite to
control all of mankind, and kill those not controlled. This is continued
on below.

* What is the Third Piece of Eden
The Third Piece of Eden is capable of making anyone believe anything, as
demonstrated by Al Mualim in the final memory block. It was responsible for
many of the Biblical illusions such as parting the Red Sea, which did not
really happen, but the Piece of Eden brainwashed all the people in
believing that it actually did. Subject Sixteen knew all about the plans of
Abstergo, the control of mankind, by sending you that cryptic message.

The Piece of Eden has escaped Templar hands time and time again. You see in
the introduction that the Templar Treasure, the Piece of Eden, is in the
hands of Al Mualim, for his own gain. This is lead to the Templars
experimenting with different drugs, as witnessed in Garnier's assassination
that the Templars can make substitutes for the Piece of Eden, but they do
not last, or is it very effective since it requires continually dosages and
increased amounts due to tolerance.

* What does 12212012 mean?

Seperate this out like a date and you will get 12/21/2012, which is the
same as 21/12/2012 and the 21st of December, 2012. This date is extremely
important because it makes the end of the world as we know it. This is the
last date on the ancient Mayan calendar and something major is going to take
place considering this is the last date on that calendar.

When you read the emails on Vidic's computer, you will find that something
actually happens on this date, this is the date that the launch of the
satellite must be launched by, and if it is successful, it will be the end
of the world as we know it, the Templars will rule the world.

* What does mean?

Again, this is another reference to the Mayan calendar, and this is the
supposed date after the end of the world.

* What is 22:13 mean on the giant mural?

The answer is incidently in the Bible. This is Relevations 22:13 "I an
the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the
End." That basically has something to do with God, and that really means
will be explained in a sequel. Also, there are also a few Omegas on the
Giant Mural, which is in your bedroom, but there is however, no sign of
Alpha, and Omega is always, the end.

* Whats with the Chinese and Arabic?

Well, I cannot really explain any of the Chinese and Arabic that is
written on the Giant Mural, so I cannot help you there, but there are
some websites on the web that try to intrepret this.

The Arabic has been translated to "Al Zalzala", which means the shake or
earthquake. This is a reference to the Armageddon, the end of the world
as we know it, and that will be the date 20th of December 2012, the
day the satellite is launched.

There is also Hebrew on the wall. The Hebrew is translated to "Olam Habah"
which means "The World to Come". This should be a reference to the
afterlife, which is it in Judaism, but the themes in the game are far
too powerful. It probably means the world to come, the world after the
satellite is launched and we are all under the control of the Templars.

* What is the big butterfly in the middle of the mural?

The Big Butterfly is symbolism for the Lorenz Attractor, which is
basically a big butterfly. The reason for the butterfly is because it is
a concept from chaos theory called "THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT". I'm sure that
some people would have heard of this, and if the alert readers of this
guide had not emailed me, I would not have applied this.

The Butterfly Effect is that the effect of one tiny thing could have
implications on a major event somewhere else. It is based that the flapping
of the wings of a butterfly in Brazil could cause a massive tornado
somewhere else such as Texas.

The Lorenz Attractor, the Butterfly, was coined by Edward Lorenz, who
found in the 1960's that tiny, butterfly-scale changes to the starting
point of his computer models on weather could lead to sunny weather or
violent storms, in which no one could predict the outcome in the end
due to such small, insignificant factors.

The Butterfly Effect, this is the part where the game comes in, is where
you can go back in time, and make rather small changes in the past and it
could significantly alter the future. The best example, and the most common
example I could find is Back to the Future, the movie. When that betting
book is stolen of Marty whilst in the future, heading back to the past,
and then back to the future, the "present" has been radically altered.

This creates the notion of an alternate timeline, what would have the world
been if you didn't take that 10 dollars off the floor and someone else did.
However, by travelling to the past and altering the past, there were very
significant implications in the future. This brings us to the game.

The biggest effect would be the Animus. By heading back to the past, the
information noted in the Animus, used in the future, would have radical
changes, which would be the satellite the Templars would want to use.
This could lead to the possibility of time travel. One of the artifacts
that have not been secured could lead to time travel. With the butterfly
effect, an altering of that past, such as shaking a young Dr. Vidic's
hand could have radical implications in the future.

Another example of this, a gaming example, is the Red Alert timeline of
C&C. When Einstein used his time travel machine to head back to the
past and shake Hitler's hand as he exited prison, he hoped to stop the
event of World War 2. Indeed, he shook the hand of Hitler and when he
returned to the future, due to his time travelling machine, which create
a time lag of a few minutes, he noted that he was successful.

Indeed, such a small, butterfly change such as shaking hands, resulted
in World War 2 not happening, but it has a terrifying result, which is the
basis of the Butterfly effect. The terrifying effect, and a plausable
outcome was that Stalin ran unchecked and started his war of aggression,
and that resulted in a world FAR greater than World War 2.

My third example of this is a Futurama episode, Roswell That Ends Well. It
features the Planet Express crew heading back in time and ends up with
Fry being his own grandfather, and as a result, the lack of a Delta
Brainwave. Now, such a small "butterfly" act such as sleeping with his
grandmother, resulting in a significant change in the future, the defeat
of the brainspawn. Though not terrifying, it shows that a small change
can result in a very large one in the future.

This leads to the ingame change of the Philadelphia Project. A small change
in the past could lead to a big change in the present. However, the question
is, does the butterfly effect act in reverse? Does a large change in the
past have a small effect in the future, or a even larger effect in the
future? Maybe the crew subject to the Project will come back to haunt the
Templars. For more information, look up the Lorenz Attractor or Butterfly

* Whats with Zm = Zn^z+C

An math forumla, which is incorrectly been stated. It is the Mandelbrot
set, and the real equation is Zn+1=(Zn^2)+C. The m should be representive
of the function n+1. What this equation does is not provide anything new,
but look it up on wikipedia and you will see the picture of the equation
and it is VERY FAMILAR.

* Who is Emperor Jiajing'?

Emperor Jiajing, is as you'd expect, an emperor of China. He was the 11th
Emperor during the Ming Dynasty ruling from 1521 to 1567. He was far from
being a nice Emperor and what he did, that was notable was that he built
the Temple of the Sun, which is in Beijing, now a park.

He had a sin, according to Subject Sixteen and that could be that he
was greedy, he collected rare materials from all over the world and stored
it for himself. If an answer does lie in his sins, one of the rare
materials that he collected must be an artifact that the Templars are

* Who is Quetzcoaltz?

No one has that name, but it is probably just incorrect spelling of the
Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. He was the god associated with soil fertility and
that changed into the morning and the evening star, Venus. The Mayan
version of this God however, was different and their Sun God, which this
was a basis of, "demanded" ritual sacrifices to appease him and make him
let the sun rise each day.

So his hunger, therefore, would be the animal sacrifices, which would be
on top of the pyramids, and probably the hiding place of one of the
artifacts that the Templars want.

* What does this mean?


Unlike the other walls of text that Subject Sixteen left with you, this is
a straight-forward message. Yonaguni is an island off the coast of Japan,
and it is believed that they were a sort of Atlantis. Their civilisation
was ancient. yet highly advanced, and they suffered a fate similar to that
been suffered by those on Atlantis, their advanced technology destroyed
them completely.

With all the Chinese on the wall, which can be Japanese, it is possible
that an ancestor of a Subject, possibly Sixteen's, was there and somehow,
the Templar were there. The problem is, the buildings in Yonaguni are
extremely old, thousands and thousands of yets, so the question is, if
there was indeed an artifact there, how would the Templar know about it
since it was long before their time. So expect a sequel, or at least a
mention of this in the future.

* Whats with the Egyptian Symbol?

The picture of the eye is said to be the Eye of Horus, the Falcon God,
which had been associated with the power of healing that the Egyptians
draw it on the walls to allows their wounds to heal. Maybe Subject
Sixteen drew it to outline the futility of it, or maybe he wanted to be

The eye is also said that the eye could be representive of the Sun God,
Ra, who is the God of Gods. Maybe is has something to do with the anti-
semantic message that the Templars always seem to produce.

* Whats with the Eye in the Triangle?
This is a reference to the eye of Providence, the eye of God and it
represents the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Spirit. There is a
problem with this however. The game constantly says, or at least the
Templars call the Christian belief a lie and that all of it was a fake.
The email from the Conference room confirms this that the Templars believe
that all artifacts related to Christ are fictional, which is certainly the
case with the Shroud of Turin.

This fact is further encompassed with the apple on top of the Eye of
Providence, which is representive of the Piece of Eden. The Piece of Eden
is commonly seen as the Golden Apple, which is certainly the case with the
Piece of Eden that Al Mualim wields. That suggests that all the stories
about Christ are illusions made from the Piece of Eden and that it is all
a sham. Yet the reference to the Bible is still here.

* Whats with the Triangles?
The Triangles are representive of the Mayan Pyramids, and given that we
know that Quetzcoaltz's hunger has an answer, led by animal sacrifices
within the temples, it must mean that something of relevence was there
to start off with. But the question is, what?

* Whats with the Pentagram?
The Pentagram is a symbol of "pagan" traditions. This leads back to the
argument that the Christian belief stole most of the ideas of the pagans
before they were all branded heretics. Read the Da Vinci code for a
better explaination, I can't be bothered to explain so much when there is
a more popular source.

* Whats is with the picture of the animals?
There are three pictures there, the Hummingbird, the Spider and the Monkey,
although they don't look like it. These pictures are all related to the
Nazca lines, a series of lines in Peru what when it is viewed in the sky,
show giant animal forms. It may be that these lines show the way to another
artifact or contain one, judging by what Subject Sixteen left us.

* What are the Pieces of Eden?
These are apparently mythical Golden Apples from the Garden of Eden, the
Apple as a basis of original sin, the Apple Tree, the Forbidden Fruit. It
is also likely it is an apple since the Pieces of Eden are meant to be
forbidden, just like the Apple in the Garden of Eden.

Also, in Greek mythology, there were three golden apples. Given that the
second piece was destroyed, this might be the last hope for the Templars.

* What is the DIA incident?
This is the fictional Denver International Airport incident. According to
what Lucy says, the Templars were designing and preparing to launch a
satellite from the Denver International Airport before there was an
incident, killing many and destroy the Piece of Eden.

* What with all the Eagles?
The Eagle is a reference to Altair. There are too many links between Altair
and Eagles that is cannot be a coincidence. The hood of Altair is bent in
the shape of the beak of the Eagle. Every leap of faith is sent down with
an eagle's cry. The trailer shows the picture of a Eagle watching its prey,
just like Altair is watching his target. Altair's name in Arabic has
relations with flight, so a coincidence is simply out of the equation.

The Eagle references in the Achievements for XBox simply back this theory
up. All of them relate to the task, with the word Eagle in front of it.
As such, it is pretty solid evidence of Altair as an Eagle.

The Eagle Vision you use to discover the giant mural will unlock Visions
of the Future, and it certainly does, what is on the mural will certainly
give an insight of what will happen in the future. The final is the Eagle
and the Apple - 1191.

If you note, 1191 is the year that the game is actually set in. The
achievement marks the encounter with Altair and the Piece of Eden, and since
it is referred to as an apple, it makes sense doesn't it?

* Whats with the Conference Room Email?

" Warren:

The others and I have finished reviewing the Animus recordings from Subjects
12-16. While the Piece of Eden remains our priority, we must continue
working to locate and understand the remaining artifacts. I am sure you can
understand our reasoning behind this. Although the satellite is accomplished
to a fair portion of the work for us, we will certainly need to deal with
those who are either immune to - or protected from - its effects.

Please take a moment to look over our findings and get back to me with any
feedback you may have. I will summarize below:

1. Piece of Eden (no. 3) - We applaud your continued efforts to locate an
alternate artifact with the loss of no. 2 in the DIA Satellite Accident.
We understand Subject Seventeen is having trouble interfacing with the
Animus, leading to delays. As a result, we estimate another 24 hours before
your next critical update. In the meantime, we'll prepare an extraction team
and set them to standby. We're relying on you to obtain the additional
information we require. He knows where the other objects are - even if he
doesn't realize it. You MUST unlock that final memory or all of this will
have been for nothing.

2. Philadelphia Project - Data provided from Animus Subject Twelve indicates
that the ship briefly manifested in a future state for approximately 18
minutes. It is unclear whether the timeline is consistent with or parallel
to our own. Although we have recovered enough data to reconstruct and repair
the original artifact used in the experiment, Administration has refused to
move forward on the project, citing paradox concerns. Corporate policy
remains in place: any objects found to interfere with or manipulate time
must be contained. Artifact will be moved to secure storage.

3. Tunguska Incident - Now believed to be the direct result of assault by
Assassins. Research station destroyed as was artifact. Alternate wave
generation devices have been located in storage, but we have insufficient
data at the moment to initiate research. The risk of accident is too high.
Lineage Discovery and Acquisition Division should attempt to locate
descendents of any attack survivors (either Assassin or Brotherhood) in
order to continue research. Resurrecting this particular type of technology
will aid us greatly with any holdouts following the Satellite's activation.
We're putting together a team to push research in this area.

4. Grail - We are removing the Grail from our list of objectives. There is
insufficient evidence to confirm its existence. Current examination of
Subject Seventeen indicates that aside from the Piece of Eden, all other
artifacts related to Christ-figure are literary devices (or derived from
Piece of Eden) and not actual objects. Even if the object is real, its use
to us at this stage is negligible. Our resources are better used elsewhere.

5. Mitchell-Hedges Communicators - Analysis of the objects is complete.
The good news is that they work. As a result we now have a safe and secure
communication channel for use after the launch. However, they are severely
limited in number, and so we will be providing them only to our most
essential facilities. You will obviously retain possession of the one you

Warren, I cannot stress how important it is that you wrap things up with
Subject Seventeen as soon as possible. We're obviously relieved that you
seem to be closing in on the target memory, but you need to step it up.
Everything we're working towards depends on your retrieving those locations.
Without them, we've got nothing.

May the Father of Understanding guide you to success.


This does explain a lot of the events of the game. They need Desmond's
memory to complete their mission, and lets got this step by step.

The first part is that Abstergo has interviewed several subjects already
and have discovered many artifacts, all of them having different powers.
Sounds like a job for Indiana Jones. Anyway, there are many artifacts and
the good news is that Abstergo doesn't have them all. There are remaining
artifacts that are still out there that Abstergo doesn't have and they are
trying to gather them quickly before the launch. If not, these can be used
to attack Abstergo and their plan goes all crazy. If not, they will be
attacked, probably led by members of the Assassins.

The second part shows how desperate the company is for another Piece of
Eden to play around with. Like I mentioned already, the Denver International
Airport incident wiped out a Piece of Eden, the satellite as well as about
20 people. They really need another piece to place on a satellite and
control the world.

The third part is about the Philadelphia incident, where it was claimed
that a ship was subject to a top-secret experiment. This occured on the 28th
of October, 1943, the number of the Conference Room door code, 10281943.
The USS Eldridge, a destroyer escort, was subject to this experiment and
became invisible. According to what the Templars claim, it also underwent
time travel. However, the result was far from pretty. Many sailors went mad
and some parts were even fused to the ships bulkhead. This is sort of
similar to the Red Alert storyline where Einstein and Tesla used a Tesla
coil to render the ship invisible.

This email confirms the conspiracy theories that it was real, in this game
anyway, and that the Templars were behind it. The Templars however, do not
wish to continue along this path because the artifact that was used can
trigger paradoxical events and that can change the future. Messing with time
is a nasty business.

The fourth part refers to the Tunguska Incident that took place in Russia on
the 30th of June, 1908. It is believed that a meteorite made impact with the
earth and literally flattened trees and such. It had an expected yield of
2 Megatons of TNT, which is a fair bit.

This explosion, as suggested by the Templars, was actually the destroying
of a Templar research facility by Assassins and the artifact was at that
location. They are currently pushing research into this because after the
satellite is launched, they want to use similar artifacts to destroy all
resistance against the Piece of Eden on the satellite.

The fifth part about the Grail is going to be a mistake on Abstergo's part.
Given the information that Subject Sixteen has given Desmond, it is
extremely possible that the Grail actually does exist. Given that Abstergo
is so focused on finding the Piece of Eden, Sixteen believes that they
will overlook the Grail, which they certainly do. With this, it is expected
that someone will find the Grail and bring it in the fight against Abstergo,
which will be their downfall, since they do not believe in the existance of
a Christ like figure, all believing that it was a manipulation of the Piece
of Eden.

The sixth part is about the Mitchell-Hedges communicators. They were
discovered in 1926 within an ancient Mayan temple in present day Belize and
believed to be only 13 of such skulls worldwide. They are rumoured to
bestow scrying powers, powers that allow one to communicate psychically,
to those who wield it. It is now shown that the skulls are not in the
possession of the Templars, who use it as a secure communication line
between their facilities.

The problem is where does it come from? Some claim it is from Atlantis, and
that is a possible reference to Yonaguni. It is also claimed that the skulls
were carried by the Knights Templar during the crusades. If so, it would be
possible that the possession of the Skulls where passed down between the
generation of Templars and Vidic is in possession of one now.

Again, there is a problem with this. How can these skulls, if owned by
Templars, be located in Mayan ruins? It is not practical that if the
Templars actually carried these around during the crusades, it would be
found in South America, a long distance. Unless the Spanish had some
Templars and brought them to South America, and they lost it.

The final part is the sign off, and they seek the target memory, the
memory where you have to fight Al Mualim. If you remember, the orb is
dropped when you kill him and it reveals a position of the globe, along
with dots indicating the position of artifacts. This is what they want,
the position of all the artifacts so the retrieval teams can go and collect

It hope this explains everything that you need to know. If not, there are
plenty of websites out there that can do the same job that I've just done
for you.

[A] Contact Information

APPEARS IN g,a,m,e,f,a,q,s.c,o,m always. Remove the commas. Never on that
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Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then
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[B] Webmaster Information



[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either
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CJayC, Thanks for the Memories
SBAllen for the job of administration GameFAQs
Ubisoft for developing the game
Neeker for his Achievement Guide which I used as research
Xbox World 360's article on the plotline of the game, provided a lot of info
Me for making it
Hotmail for giving me the e-mail account for the ascii art for their wonderful maps
BIG THANKS TO Admiral Voo, Matthias Vanbrabant, David Delgado, William Lerner
and Omar Hazen for information on the end game mural.
You for reading it

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