Star Wars - Battlefront 2

Star Wars - Battlefront 2

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FAQ/Walkthrough by TripleJump
FAQ Written for the PC Version
Created: December 27th, 2006
Last Updated: April 15th, 2008
Contact: triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com
Copyright (c) 2006-2008 TripleJump



I. Introduction
II. Controls
III. Units

a.) Republic Units
Clone Trooper
Heavy Trooper
Clone Sharpshooter
Clone Engineer
Clone Commander
Jet Trooper
Clone Pilot
Clone Marine

b.) Confederacy of Independent System (CIS) Units
Super Battle Droid
Assault Droid
Assassin Droid
Engineer Droid
Droid Pilot
Droid Marine

c.) Rebel Units
Rebel Soldier
Rebel Vanguard
Rebel Marksman
Rebel Smuggler
Bothan Spy
Wookiee Warrior
Rebel Pilot
Rebel Marine

d.) Imperial Units
Shock Trooper
Scout Trooper
Imperial Engineer
Imperial Officer
Dark Trooper
Imperial Pilot
Imperial Marine

IV. Heroes/Villains

a.) Heroes
Aayla Secura
Han Solo
Ki-Adi Mundi
Luke Skywalker
Mace Windu
Obi-Wan Kenobi
Princess Leia

b.) Villains
Anakin Skywalker
Boba Fett
Count Dooku
Darth Maul
Darth Vader
General Grievous
Jango Fett
The Emperor

V. Vehicles/Turrets
VI. Weapons
VII. Rise of the Empire Campaign
VIII. Galactic Conquest
IX. Instant Action
X. Awards/Medals
XII. Credits
XIII. Copyright

| Introduction |

Welcome to my Star Wars: Battlefront II FAQ. Thanks to my new computer from the
Christmas of 2006, I now have a PC that supports new games. This is great, as
now I can write for even more games. Battlefront II has been a favourite of mine
since it came out; my friend had it for PS2. We wasted hours away on it, as
well as on it's predecessor, Star Wars Battlefront. Battlefront is a sort of
Battlefield: 1942 meets Clone Wars sort of game. You choose a side in the
fight, pick a unit, then a command post and battle away. The goal is to capture
the opponent's command posts while defending yours. You can also eliminate the
enemy forces to bring the reinforcement count down. Once you hold all command
posts for twenty seconds, or the enemies are all eliminated, you achieve
victory. Failure to achieve this results in a defeat.

BattleFront II brought what the first one lacked; a real story mode. In the
mode, you play as the 501st Division of the Republic army, the most elite clone
division. You have to liberate planets, and eventually follow the story of
Revenge of the Sith and turn on the Jedi, forming the early Empire. You then
fight to dominate the galaxy. Galactic Conquest mode also returns and with a
major facelift. You now get to purchase fleets to invade planets. You also must
purchase upgrades and new unit types. Several new maps from locations in Revenge
of the Sith are in this game. However, some gems have been removed. Such as
Bespin: Platforms, it was possibly the best map in both games combined. Graphics
have been toned down to improve framerates. We have new modes, and the ability
to play as a Hero, not just get one in the level. We also get to play in space,
which is a great idea… but it came out fairly mediocre.

I had a ton of Gift Cards from Christmas relatives, which I put towards this
game, which was preowned at EB Games. 19.99. A great deal. This guide contains
the ideal strategies used to be successful at this game. If you have any other
strategies, tips, hints or anything helpful to give to the readers, please
send it to me over email. You can read up on the Campaign Walkthrough in the
Rise of the Empire section. If you are looking for strategies for single maps
on Instant Action, please take a gander at the Instant Action section. Enjoy
reading, and may the Force be with you.


Date: April 15th, 2008

Changed email.

Date: March 21, 2008

Added some more instant action strategies. Trying to finish this guide and get
it off of my conciousness.

Date: November 27th, 2007

Added a tiny bit of strategy to some maps and gave some sniping spots in them
too. This is going to be forever until it finishes.

Date: July 3rd, 2007

I added a couple things to the Death Star map.

Date: March 22nd, 2007

Added some more missions. Only two are left now, then I will tackle the instant
action things. I probably will finish by next monday, maybe later.

I finished the last two missions and started doing some instant action. I made
the section look nicer, but almost all the stuff has to be done.

Date: March 21st, 2007

I finished up the Galactic Conquest section and added about 5-6 missions. I
I also did the weapons section. Now all I have to do is 7 more missions and
revamp the entire Instant Action map section. That's gonna take a long while.

Date: March 20th, 2007

I had decided to submit it at about 3/5 completion. It's accepted, and I'm now
finishing up the primary weapons (just did) for your next update.

Date: March 11, 2007

Deciding to take this old project on as my Spring Break project. The Units are
all done, and same with the Heroes, controls and Awards. Yay! Only 3/4 of the
guide to go.

Date: December 27th, 2006

Started Guide. Put up the Introduction, headers, title, contents and started
some level strategies.

| Controls |



W: Forward
A: Strafe Left
S: Backwards
D: Strafe Right
Space Bar: Jump (Press twice to Force Jump or activate the Jetpack)
Mouse: Aim/Look/Turn
C: Crouch
Shift: Sprint
Alt: Roll (While Moving)


Left Mouse Button: Shoot Primary Weapon/Lightsaber
Right Mouse Button: Shoot Secondary Weapon/Force Power
Mouse Wheel Up: Cycle Primary Weapon
Mouse Wheel Down: Cycle Secondary Weapon
R: Reload
Q: Lock On Target
F4: Order Units (Follow Me, Move Out, Get In, etc.)
Click Mouse Wheel: Zoom in


M: Map
TAB: Player List (Online Only)
F5: Enemy Spotted! (Online Only)
F6: Medic! (Online Only)
F7: Repair (Online Only)
F8: Ammo (Online Only)
F9: Pick Up (Online Only)
F10: Follow Me (Online Only)
F11: Attack Target (Online Only)
F12: Defend Area (Online Only)


W: Forward
A: Strafe Left
S: Backwards
D: Strafe Right
Space Bar: Jump (Speeder Bikes only) Take off (in space)
Mouse: Aim/Look/Turn
Alt: Dodge (Space only)
Shift: Speed Boost
Left Mouse Button: Shoot Primary Weapon
Right Mouse Button: Shoot Secondary Weapon
Mouse Wheel Up: Cycle Vehicle Position
Mouse Wheel Down: Cycle Vehicle Position
Q: Lock On Target
Click Mouse Wheel: Zoom in

| Units |

a.) Republic Units

Clone Trooper

Clone Troopers are the standard infantry for the republic army. They are based
genetically on Jango Fett. The Clones were ordered from the Kaminoans by the
Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, ten years before he came into power. He ordered
it anonymously, as he did not want to reveal that the troops would betray the
Jedi in his master plan. The Clones are equipped for most situations. They
have a Blaster Rifle for power, and range. They have a Blaster Pistol for
close range combat, and a backup weapon for when the rifle is out of ammo. They
carry several Thermal Detonators to take out enemies, and damage vehicles. This
would be one of the best choice for everyone to choose. Beginners, intermediate
and expert.


Primary Weapon(s): Blaster Rifle
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

Heavy Trooper

Heavy Troopers provide artillery for the Republic army. They can be used on
both offense, and defence effectively. The Rocket Launcher can be used to take
down a vehicle that is pinning you down. The mines can be placed in openings to
an area to make traps. For example: Putting them in between the openings to the
Oil Refinery on Kashyyyk. I once played an online game on Jabba's Palace, where
I was Darth Maul. A Human player dropped mines as I Force Sprinted towards him,
blowing me, him and his teammate up. The moral of the story? Mines can stop
Jedi, at a sacrifice. Experts will be able to use the unit effectively. The
Heavy Trooper also comes with a Blaster Pistol, which is used in combat in
place of the Rocket Launcher. Thermal Detonators can make short work of the
ground troops, and help finish off Vehicles. I wouldn't reccomend beginners to
this position unless you are in single player mode. Online, intermediate users
can use this to clear large groups of enemies. I myself have practiced with them
and don't mean to brag, but am quite skilled with one. Mines are also the best
vehicle killing too, they 1 hit kill small assault vehicles and will damage the
heck out of AT-ATs and other similar vehicles.


Primary Weapon(s): Rocket Launcher
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

Clone Sharpshooter

Clone Sharpshooters are Snipers. Simple as that. They shouldn't be used by
beginners, unless you have some experience in other games at picking off
enemies with head shots. The Sniper Rifle is very powerful, and can destroy a
Droideka shield in a few shots. However, there are only 7 shots in each clip
of ammo. Which is bad, so you should reload whenever you have a second or two.
The Sniper also has a Blaster Pistol, which can replace the Sniper Rifle
in close quarters. The Sniper Rifle is terrible at point blank range, unless
you practice hard and train. Throwing a grenade will bring up the target,
giving you time to aim a little at the enemy before shooting. The good
news for snipers is that you can now deploy an Auto Turret nearby, so you can
have some defence against units that think it is their day to seek glory by
getting you. You also have some Thermal Detonators, which can be thrown in such
a way that they all run right where you want them, as well as provide some
cover as you reload. Keep it close to ammo droids, you will be needing to get
ammunition more often than you think. This unit can be deadly on levels such as
Kamino. I can rack up a good 30-40 kills in one life before someone notices me.


Primary Weapon(s): Sniper Rifle
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators
Auto Turret

Clone Engineer

Clone Engineers are the in-battle version of medics. They can repair your
vehicle, heal you, and replenish your ammo. They can really repair anything
that has a small enough health range. They also can slice into enemy vehicles.
Pulling out a fusion cutter and going to an occupied enemy vehicle will cause
a meter to appear that says "Slicing XX%". It goes up 4-6% every third of a
second or so. (Third, Second, where's first?). Once it reaches 100% the enemy
is out of the vehicle, allowing you to hijack it. The engineer is also equipped
with a handy dandy shotgun. The shotgun is not that great of a weapon in my
opinion, but can be very effective in levels such as Tantive IV. You see, the
shotgun, as in real life, spreads out after you shoot it. This can take care of
enemies in a hallway in a shot or two. The unfortunate part of it is that the
Shotgun has few shots in each clip, and it takes a while to be able to shoot
again. It's still okay, but I prefer a blaster rifle in open levels.
The Engineer also has a Dispenser of Health and Ammo, which you can drop to
other units and yourself. Which can be helpful when you don't have time to
repair a droid. Detpacks are also included in the package, for destruction of
targets and enemy heroes. Expert users should be this class, as Detpacks are
the most deadly weapon in the game, if used properly. If you hold down the
Secondary Fire button, it takes out a detpack but doesn't throw it. If you
release it, and run and aim up, it tosses a detpack quite farther than normal.
Detonating after release makes short work of enemies. I can rack up about 40
kills and stay ahead of the pack in a no bot Tantive Level.


Primary Weapon(s): Shotgun
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Detpack
Dispenser Health and Ammo

Clone Commander

Clone Commanders are the Purple Clones that you see on Mygeeto in Revenge of
the Sith. They are powerful warriors, and great scouts. The Commander carries a
Recon Droid, which you can remotely control. The Recon Droid can self destruct
and fire laser cannons to shake the enemy up before an assault. It can also be
stopped from blowing if shot while charging up for the blast. The Rally skill
increases the adjacent unit's defense, allowing for more durability. They also
come with a Chain Gun, one of the best guns in the game. The Chain Gun takes a
second to fire, but then fires rapidly like a machine gun. This can mow down
enemy troops in seconds. It can fire for a long time before overheating. This
would probably be the second unit of choice. Anyone can use this simple class.
The Clone Commander also carries a Blaster Pistol, which overheats a lot faster
than the chain gun, and is less powerful. But it doesn't have the lag before it
fires. Clone Commanders require 8 points in battle for you to use this
character. I'd recommend it for spread out situations with fewer enemies as
opposed to large amounts of units. The more units, the more can shoot him, as
it takes too long to fire at a group.


Primary Weapon(s): Chain Gun
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Rally (Defense Increase)
Recon Droid
Jet Trooper

The Jet Trooper is the most mobile unit for the Republic. The Jet Trooper is a
combination of artillery and infantry. The EMP Launcher is a weapon especially
effective against Droideka shields. It also can damage enemy vehicles. The
Commando Pistol on back up is slightly more powerful than a Blaster Pistol, but
fires slower, and overheats quicker. The jetpack on the back of the troop gives
him an edge over the enemy, as he can quickly traverse the battlefield,
capturing command posts before enemies. They can also "snipe" enemies with the
Commando Pistol by flying somewhere unheard of and camping out. Thermal
Detonators can provide cover as you make your airborne escape. Because you
don't have any mines to worry about, the Jet Trooper can be used by beginners
too. If you can get 10 points, that is. The Jet Trooper's EMP launcher can also
fire several times before reloading, making it a good weapon to use. It may be
weaker, but can move faster.


Primary Weapon(s): EMP Launcher
Commando Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

Clone Pilot

The Pilot class is a special class. It comes with a pistol for close range
combat, and Time Bombs to blow up enemy innards. This unit isn't that good for
taking out enemies, but it awesome at taking out innards of a ship in space.
It also has the special ability of healing spacecraft as you fly. Helping you
recover quicker. Teaming up a Marine and a Pilot will be most effective. The
Time Bomb can take out any innard of the ship in 3 bombs, 2 for the turret
control. This means that you enter an area, blow things up, reload your ammo
and continue on. The Fusioncutter will let you repair ship systems and fix the
droids for ammo and health.


Primary Weapon(s): Commando Pistol
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Time Bomb

Clone Marine

The Marine is sort of the combat unit in space. The Marine has a Blaster Rifle,
much better than that weak old pistol the Pilot has. It will be a dominant
presence in the hangar, as those pilots won't fare well. It also has a Rocket
Launcher, to rack up some damage on those ship weakpoints. They aren't that good
at the job though, which is why they should be escorting the Pilots. The
grenades are death to most enemies coming in doors, and the rifle can finish off
those pesky turrets.

Primary Weapon(s): Blaster Rifle
Rocket Launcher

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

b.) Confederacy of Independant System (CIS) Units

Super Battle Droid

The Super Battle Droid is a slightly different version of the Clone Trooper. It
has a Wrist Blaster instead of a Blaster Rifle. He also has a Tri-Blaster to
use on backup. It fires three shots in a triangle shape at the enemy. Great for
headshots. They have a rather slow rate of fire overall, but will damage more.
The Wrist Rockets are a substitute for the grenades. They are better for
removing single units, but are bad for enemy groups. The opposite of the other
grenades. The head on this unit is sort of built into the bottom and harder to
see, so snipers might clip the shoulder instead.


Primary Weapons(s): Wrist Blaster

Secondary Weapon(s): Wrist Rockets

Assault Droid

Assault Droids provide artillery for the Separatist army. They can be used on
both offense, and defence effectively. The Rocket Launcher can be used to take
down a vehicle that is pinning you down. The mines can be placed in openings to
an area to make traps. For example: Putting them in between the openings to the
Oil Refinery on Kashyyyk. I once played an online game on Jabba's Palace, where
I was Darth Maul. A Human player dropped mines as I Force Sprinted towards him,
blowing me, him and his teammate up. The moral of the story? Mines can stop
Jedi, at a sacrifice. Experts will be able to use the unit effectively. The
Heavy Trooper also comes with a Blaster Pistol, which is used in combat in
place of the Rocket Launcher. Thermal Detonators can make short work of the
ground troops, and help finish off Vehicles. I wouldn't reccomend beginners to
this position unless you are in single player mode. Online, intermediate users
can use this to clear large groups of enemies. I myself have practiced with them
and don't mean to brag, but am quite skilled with one. Mines are also the best
vehicle killing too, they 1 hit kill small assault vehicles and will damage the
heck out of AT-ATs and other similar vehicles.


Primary Weapon(s): Rocket Launcher
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

Assassin Droid

Assassin Droids are Snipers. Simple as that. They shouldn't be used by
beginners, unless you have some experience in other games at picking off
enemies with head shots. The Sniper Rifle is very powerful, and can destroy a
Droideka shield in a few shots. However, there are only 7 shots in each clip
of ammo. Which is bad, so you should reload whenever you have a second or two.
The Sniper also has a Blaster Pistol, which can replace the Sniper Rifle
in close quarters. The Sniper Rifle is terrible at point blank range, unless
you practice hard and train. Throwing a grenade will bring up the target,
giving you time to aim a little at the enemy before shooting. The good
news for snipers is that you can now deploy an Auto Turret nearby, so you can
have some defence against units that think it is their day to seek glory by
getting you. You also have some Thermal Detonators, which can be thrown in such
a way that they all run right where you want them, as well as provide some
cover as you reload. Keep it close to ammo droids, you will be needing to get
ammunition more often than you think. This unit can be deadly on levels such as
Kamino. I can rack up a good 30-40 kills in one life before someone notices me.


Primary Weapon(s): Sniper Rifle
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators
Auto Turret

Engineer Droid

Engineer Droids are the in-battle version of medics. They can repair your
vehicle, heal you, and replenish your ammo. They can really repair anything
that has a small enough health range. They also can slice into enemy vehicles.
Pulling out a fusion cutter and going to an occupied enemy vehicle will cause
a meter to appear that says "Slicing XX%". It goes up 4-6% every third of a
second or so. (Third, Second, where's first?). Once it reaches 100% the enemy
is out of the vehicle, allowing you to hijack it. The engineer is also equipped
with a handy dandy shotgun. The shotgun is not that great of a weapon in my
opinion, but can be very effective in levels such as Tantive IV. You see, the
shotgun, as in real life, spreads out after you shoot it. This can take care of
enemies in a hallway in a shot or two. The unfortunate part of it is that the
Shotgun has few shots in each clip, and it takes a while to be able to shoot
again. It's still okay, but I prefer a blaster rifle in open levels.
The Engineer also has a Dispenser of Health and Ammo, which you can drop to
other units and yourself. Which can be helpful when you don't have time to
repair a droid. Detpacks are also included in the package, for destruction of
targets and enemy heroes. Expert users should be this class, as Detpacks are
the most deadly weapon in the game, if used properly. If you hold down the
Secondary Fire button, it takes out a detpack but doesn't throw it. If you
release it, and run and aim up, it tosses a detpack quite farther than normal.
Detonating after release makes short work of enemies. I can rack up about 40
kills and stay ahead of the pack in a no bot Tantive Level.


Primary Weapon(s): Shotgun
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Detpack
Dispenser Health and Ammo


The Magnaguards are the only fully powered droids that have the ability to
think. They are also the cheapest units in the game, in my opinion. They come
with a Bulldog RLR. Which is like a mini rocket launcher that will fire several
rockets, that curve and will target enemies and usually 1 hit kill them. After
they run out of ammo with those, they will simply pull out the Radiation
Launcher, which is around 90% the same thing as the Grenade Launcher, only more
powerful because the explosion lasts longer. If you do manage to get close
enough to attack the enemy, it will use it's Secondary Weapon: Neuropoison.
Which basically lets out a "Rally" like stream that will poison enemies, making
them lose HP at a drastic rate. Lastly, the other weapon happens to be a Recon
Droid. Which doesn't help matters, considering it can now attack and scout at a
distance. Abusing these will get you many kills, but not praise from me. It
takes a meer 8 points to use this cheapbag. More on the Recon Droid, (which I
forgot to type earlier) it can shoot blaster bolts, and then self destruct.
Self Destruct is extremely powerful against human opponents, but the Droid
itself will be destroyed in seconds against a bot. It can also be stopped from
blowing if shot while charging up for the blast.


Primary Weapon(s): Bulldog RLR
Radiation Launcher

Secondary Weapon(s): Neuro Poison
Recon Droid


Droideka's are like the Clone Commander unit meets the Jet Trooper. They are
mobile, and can move quickly along the ground. Then when deployed, they can set
up a defensive shield around them for a short period of time around you. It can
take abuse while you can shoot out at the enemy clones. The Repeating Blasters
are very fast and powerful. However, there are a few flaws with this unit. The
Droideka is VERY weak when it's shield is down. The shield will be taken down
with a detpack or a rocket or two, and a mine will eat through the shield AND
kill the unit inside. When rolling, it can also be killed. Units standing next
to a Droideka will also have a problem, as the Droideka is a Grenade magnet. So
look out. It takes 10 points to use a Droideka.

Primary Weapon(s): Repeating Blasters

Secondary Weapon(s): Shield Emitter

Droid Pilot

The Pilot class is a special class. It comes with a pistol for close range
combat, and Time Bombs to blow up enemy innards. This unit isn't that good for
taking out enemies, but it awesome at taking out innards of a ship in space.
It also has the special ability of healing spacecraft as you fly. Helping you
recover quicker. Teaming up a Marine and a Pilot will be most effective. The
Time Bomb can take out any innard of the ship in 3 bombs, 2 for the turret
control. This means that you enter an area, blow things up, reload your ammo
and continue on. The Fusioncutter will let you repair ship systems and fix the
droids for ammo and health.


Primary Weapon(s): Commando Pistol
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Time Bomb

Droid Marine

The Marine is sort of the combat unit in space. The Marine has a Blaster Rifle,
much better than that weak old pistol the Pilot has. It will be a dominant
presence in the hangar, as those pilots won't fare well. It also has a Rocket
Launcher, to rack up some damage on those ship weakpoints. They aren't that good
at the job though, which is why they should be escorting the Pilots. The
grenades are death to most enemies coming in doors, and the rifle can finish off
those pesky turrets.

Primary Weapon(s): Blaster Rifle
Rocket Launcher

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

c.) Rebel Units

Rebel Soldier

Rebel Soldiers are the standard infantry for the Rebel army. They are humanoid
creatures. The Rebels are equipped for most situations. They have a Blaster
Rifle for power, and range. They have a Blaster Pistol for close range combat,
and a backup weapon for when the rifle is out of ammo. They carry several
Thermal Detonators to take out enemies, and damage vehicles. This would be one
of the best choice for everyone to choose. Beginners, intermediate and expert.


Primary Weapon(s): Blaster Rifle
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

Rebel Vanguard

Rebel Vanguards provide artillery for the Rebel army. They can be used on
both offense, and defence effectively. The Rocket Launcher can be used to take
down a vehicle that is pinning you down. The mines can be placed in openings to
an area to make traps. For example: Putting them in between the openings to the
Oil Refinery on Kashyyyk. I once played an online game on Jabba's Palace, where
I was Darth Maul. A Human player dropped mines as I Force Sprinted towards him,
blowing me, him and his teammate up. The moral of the story? Mines can stop
Jedi, at a sacrifice. Experts will be able to use the unit effectively. The
Heavy Trooper also comes with a Blaster Pistol, which is used in combat in
place of the Rocket Launcher. Thermal Detonators can make short work of the
ground troops, and help finish off Vehicles. I wouldn't reccomend beginners to
this position unless you are in single player mode. Online, intermediate users
can use this to clear large groups of enemies. I myself have practiced with them
and don't mean to brag, but am quite skilled with one. Mines are also the best
vehicle killing too, they 1 hit kill small assault vehicles and will damage the
heck out of AT-ATs and other similar vehicles.


Primary Weapon(s): Rocket Launcher
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

Rebel Marksman

Rebel Marksman are Snipers. Simple as that. They shouldn't be used by
beginners, unless you have some experience in other games at picking off
enemies with head shots. The Sniper Rifle is very powerful, and can destroy a
Droideka shield in a few shots. However, there are only 7 shots in each clip
of ammo. Which is bad, so you should reload whenever you have a second or two.
The Sniper also has a Blaster Pistol, which can replace the Sniper Rifle
in close quarters. The Sniper Rifle is terrible at point blank range, unless
you practice hard and train. Throwing a grenade will bring up the target,
giving you time to aim a little at the enemy before shooting. The good
news for snipers is that you can now deploy an Auto Turret nearby, so you can
have some defence against units that think it is their day to seek glory by
getting you. You also have some Thermal Detonators, which can be thrown in such
a way that they all run right where you want them, as well as provide some
cover as you reload. Keep it close to ammo droids, you will be needing to get
ammunition more often than you think. This unit can be deadly on levels such as
Kamino. I can rack up a good 30-40 kills in one life before someone notices me.
The odd thing is that they are called "men" when in 80% of the levels they are
women. Strange.


Primary Weapon(s): Sniper Rifle
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators
Auto Turret
Rebel Smuggler

Rebel Smugglers are the in-battle version of medics. They can repair your
vehicle, heal you, and replenish your ammo. They can really repair anything
that has a small enough health range. They also can slice into enemy vehicles.
Pulling out a fusion cutter and going to an occupied enemy vehicle will cause
a meter to appear that says "Slicing XX%". It goes up 4-6% every third of a
second or so. (Third, Second, where's first?). Once it reaches 100% the enemy
is out of the vehicle, allowing you to hijack it. The engineer is also equipped
with a handy dandy shotgun. The shotgun is not that great of a weapon in my
opinion, but can be very effective in levels such as Tantive IV. You see, the
shotgun, as in real life, spreads out after you shoot it. This can take care of
enemies in a hallway in a shot or two. The unfortunate part of it is that the
Shotgun has few shots in each clip, and it takes a while to be able to shoot
again. It's still okay, but I prefer a blaster rifle in open levels.
The Engineer also has a Dispenser of Health and Ammo, which you can drop to
other units and yourself. Which can be helpful when you don't have time to
repair a droid. Detpacks are also included in the package, for destruction of
targets and enemy heroes. Expert users should be this class, as Detpacks are
the most deadly weapon in the game, if used properly. If you hold down the
Secondary Fire button, it takes out a detpack but doesn't throw it. If you
release it, and run and aim up, it tosses a detpack quite farther than normal.
Detonating after release makes short work of enemies. I can rack up about 40
kills and stay ahead of the pack in a no bot Tantive Level. The Rebel Smuggler
gun looks ugly, so I hate being rebels and a smuggler.


Primary Weapon(s): Shotgun
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Detpack
Dispenser Health and Ammo

Bothan Spy

The first of the Rebel Units is the Bothan Spy. The Bothan isn't very useful.
Let me explain why. It comes with the Incinerator, a weapon that is rather
ineffective in groups, it can hit a few, but will probably not kill or heavily
damage most of the enemies. It also has a stealth, which makes you invisible but
drains the stamina. This is bad for two reasons. One is that it limits mobility,
if you want to run quickly to an area, and then sneak in, you can't. Why not
make a stealth bar like the Jetpack has a Jetpack Bar? The other reason it is
bad is because after you use up most of the stamina sneaking in, you will shoot,
and most likely not kill the enemy, then not be able to dodge by rolling much.
The last reason is that it is easy to see you, and if you think someone is
trying to sneak up on you in multiplayer, push Q and you can lock onto the enemy
while they are invisible. Not very handy for the Bothan. You can't shoot while
invisible, as Stealth is a primary weapon. On the plus side, the Bothan has the
Regeneration, which will heal units around you. It also has a timebomb, so you
can sneak up invisible and rig a vehicle without being seen, as it is a
secondary weapon. Overall, don't use it unless you are there for fun and not
serious play. The Bothan takes 8 points to unlock.


Primary Weapon(s): Incinerator

Secondary Weapon(s): Regeneration
Time Bomb

Wookiee Warrior

This is more like it. The Wookiee Warrior is a Powerhouse combat unit, designed
for enduring hard areas. The Wookiee Warrior has a primary weapon of a
Bowcaster, which fires out a wide stream of blaster bolts at enemies. It can be
charged up. When fully charged, it is a single, slightly oversized, superfast
powerful bolt that will almost 1 hit kill the enemy. Sometimes it will. But
wait a second, there is more! It also carries a Grenade Launcher, a heavily
powerful weapon (that both sides have, so it's fair) that will launch a grenade
great distances and blow on contact. It can also be charged up to have a fuse,
which means it won't blow on contact and it will slide a distance, which can be
launched around corners. On the Secondary weapons is the Thermal Detonator.
Which we are familiar with if you read the above. Lastly is a Recon Droid, the
Recon Droid can shoot, and self destruct, which kills nearby units. The Droids
do not stand a chance against bots, but will be good against human players. It
can also be stopped from blowing if shot while charging up for the blast.

The Wookiee Takes 10 points to unlock. Did I mention that is has around twice
the health of a normal infantryman? Hard to bring down and takes around 4-5
headshots with a blaster rifle.

Primary Weapon(s): Bowcaster
Grenade Launcher

Secondary Weapon(s): Rage
Recon Droid

Rebel Pilot

The Pilot class is a special class. It comes with a pistol for close range
combat, and Time Bombs to blow up enemy innards. This unit isn't that good for
taking out enemies, but it awesome at taking out innards of a ship in space.
It also has the special ability of healing spacecraft as you fly. Helping you
recover quicker. Teaming up a Marine and a Pilot will be most effective. The
Time Bomb can take out any innard of the ship in 3 bombs, 2 for the turret
control. This means that you enter an area, blow things up, reload your ammo
and continue on. The Fusioncutter will let you repair ship systems and fix the
droids for ammo and health.


Primary Weapon(s): Commando Pistol
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Time Bomb

Rebel Marine

The Marine is sort of the combat unit in space. The Marine has a Blaster Rifle,
much better than that weak old pistol the Pilot has. It will be a dominant
presence in the hangar, as those pilots won't fare well. It also has a Rocket
Launcher, to rack up some damage on those ship weakpoints. They aren't that good
at the job though, which is why they should be escorting the Pilots. The
grenades are death to most enemies coming in doors, and the rifle can finish off
those pesky turrets.

Primary Weapon(s): Blaster Rifle
Rocket Launcher

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

d.) Imperial Units


The successor of the Clone Trooper, the Snowtrooper on Hoth, it's none other
than the infamous Stormtrooper. If you have never heard of one, you don't
deserve to play this game. Stormtroopers are the standard infantry for the
Empire. They are based genetically on Jango Fett and other people. The Troops
were ordered from the Kaminoans by the Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, ten years
before he came into power. He ordered it anonymously, as he did not want to
reveal that the troops would betray the Jedi in his master plan. The
Stormtroopers are equipped for most situations. They have a Blaster Rifle for
power, and range. They have a Blaster Pistol for close range combat, and a
backup weapon for when the rifle is out of ammo. They carry several Thermal
Detonators to take out enemies, and damage vehicles. This would be one of the
best choice for everyone to choose. Beginners, intermediate and expert.

Shock Trooper

Shock Troopers provide artillery for the Imperial army. They can be used on
both offense, and defence effectively. The Rocket Launcher can be used to take
down a vehicle that is pinning you down. The mines can be placed in openings to
an area to make traps. For example: Putting them in between the openings to the
Oil Refinery on Kashyyyk. I once played an online game on Jabba's Palace, where
I was Darth Maul. A Human player dropped mines as I Force Sprinted towards him,
blowing me, him and his teammate up. The moral of the story? Mines can stop
Jedi, at a sacrifice. Experts will be able to use the unit effectively. The
Heavy Trooper also comes with a Blaster Pistol, which is used in combat in
place of the Rocket Launcher. Thermal Detonators can make short work of the
ground troops, and help finish off Vehicles. I wouldn't reccomend beginners to
this position unless you are in single player mode. Online, intermediate users
can use this to clear large groups of enemies. I myself have practiced with them
and don't mean to brag, but am quite skilled with one. Mines are also the best
vehicle killing too, they 1 hit kill small assault vehicles and will damage the
heck out of AT-ATs and other similar vehicles.


Primary Weapon(s): Rocket Launcher
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

Scout Trooper

Scout Troopers are Snipers. Simple as that. They shouldn't be used by
beginners, unless you have some experience in other games at picking off
enemies with head shots. The Sniper Rifle is very powerful, and can destroy a
Droideka shield in a few shots. However, there are only 7 shots in each clip
of ammo. Which is bad, so you should reload whenever you have a second or two.
The Sniper also has a Blaster Pistol, which can replace the Sniper Rifle
in close quarters. The Sniper Rifle is terrible at point blank range, unless
you practice hard and train. Throwing a grenade will bring up the target,
giving you time to aim a little at the enemy before shooting. The good
news for snipers is that you can now deploy an Auto Turret nearby, so you can
have some defence against units that think it is their day to seek glory by
getting you. You also have some Thermal Detonators, which can be thrown in such
a way that they all run right where you want them, as well as provide some
cover as you reload. Keep it close to ammo droids, you will be needing to get
ammunition more often than you think. This unit can be deadly on levels such as
Kamino. I can rack up a good 30-40 kills in one life before someone notices me.


Primary Weapon(s): Sniper Rifle
Blaster Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators
Auto Turret

Imperial Engineer

Clone Engineers are the in-battle version of medics. They can repair your
vehicle, heal you, and replenish your ammo. They can really repair anything
that has a small enough health range. They also can slice into enemy vehicles.
Pulling out a fusion cutter and going to an occupied enemy vehicle will cause
a meter to appear that says "Slicing XX%". It goes up 4-6% every third of a
second or so. (Third, Second, where's first?). Once it reaches 100% the enemy
is out of the vehicle, allowing you to hijack it. The engineer is also equipped
with a handy dandy shotgun. The shotgun is not that great of a weapon in my
opinion, but can be very effective in levels such as Tantive IV. You see, the
shotgun, as in real life, spreads out after you shoot it. This can take care of
enemies in a hallway in a shot or two. The unfortunate part of it is that the
Shotgun has few shots in each clip, and it takes a while to be able to shoot
again. It's still okay, but I prefer a blaster rifle in open levels.
The Engineer also has a Dispenser of Health and Ammo, which you can drop to
other units and yourself. Which can be helpful when you don't have time to
repair a droid. Detpacks are also included in the package, for destruction of
targets and enemy heroes. Expert users should be this class, as Detpacks are
the most deadly weapon in the game, if used properly. If you hold down the
Secondary Fire button, it takes out a detpack but doesn't throw it. If you
release it, and run and aim up, it tosses a detpack quite farther than normal.
Detonating after release makes short work of enemies. I can rack up about 40
kills and stay ahead of the pack in a no bot Tantive Level.


Primary Weapon(s): Shotgun
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Detpack
Dispenser Health and Ammo

Imperial Officer

The Imperial Officer is the funnest, probably the best unit for the Empire in
a regular game. The Officer can run around with it's Sonic Blaster, which deals
small damage at short range. When it gets really mad, it can pull out the
Mortar Launcher, which is the Grenade Launcher. It can be fired at an enemy and
blow on contact, or it can be charged up for bouncing and sliding across walls
and floors to blow up later. It's fun shooting into a closed room and watching
them run out. It also has the Status Boosting attack Rage. It carries more
Mortars than the Wookie, but is MUCH weaker. Lastly, it holds the fabled Recon
Droid. When dropped, you can control it. Shooting enemies with the blaster and
then Self Destructing it, destroying several enemies in a room. But bots will
kill it easily as soon as they see it. It can also be stopped from blowing if
shot while charging up for the blast. It takes 8 points to play as this unit.


Primary Weapon(s): Sonic Blaster
Mortar Launcher

Secondary Weapon(s): Rage
Recon Droid

Dark Trooper

The Dark Trooper is an effective unit, IF you know how to use it properly. I
myself avoid it, merely because the Jetpack isn't like the Jet Trooper. Instead
of a continous hover effect, it will cause you to jettison straight up into
midair, hard to aim. If you move forwards, it can launch you up a small distance
ahead. I prefered the other one. The Arc Caster is a lightning attack gun. If
you hold it down, it charges up and will be more powerful. A full charge will
affect multiple units nearby and damage them greatly. A good weapon, but you
need to learn how to use it well. It has a Commando Pistol on backup, just in
case. Last weapon is carries is the Thermal Detonators, used for covers on the
quick escapes, or to throw at enemies. Unlike the Wookiee, it has less health
than the normal infantry. It takes 10 points to play as this unit.

Primary Weapon(s): Arc Caster
Commando Pistol

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonator

Imperial Pilot

The Pilot class is a special class. It comes with a pistol for close range
combat, and Time Bombs to blow up enemy innards. This unit isn't that good for
taking out enemies, but it awesome at taking out innards of a ship in space.
It also has the special ability of healing spacecraft as you fly. Helping you
recover quicker. Teaming up a Marine and a Pilot will be most effective. The
Time Bomb can take out any innard of the ship in 3 bombs, 2 for the turret
control. This means that you enter an area, blow things up, reload your ammo
and continue on. The Fusioncutter will let you repair ship systems and fix the
droids for ammo and health.


Primary Weapon(s): Commando Pistol
Fusion Cutter

Secondary Weapon(s): Time Bomb

Imperial Marine

The Marine is sort of the combat unit in space. The Marine has a Blaster Rifle,
much better than that weak old pistol the Pilot has. It will be a dominant
presence in the hangar, as those pilots won't fare well. It also has a Rocket
Launcher, to rack up some damage on those ship weakpoints. They aren't that good
at the job though, which is why they should be escorting the Pilots. The
grenades are death to most enemies coming in doors, and the rifle can finish off
those pesky turrets.


Primary Weapon(s): Blaster Rifle
Rocket Launcher

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators

| Heroes/Villans |

To use a hero, you have to get a certain amount of points in the game. Once you
have it, a prompt will come up asking you. Accepting will mean you can spawn as
a hero. It won't count as a death, so if you are falling off a ledge, quickly
accept. You should go on a suicide run if you can spawn as a hero, because
dieing will make it available as you spawn. After you have it, you have a time
bar shown by the lightsaber. The more enemies you kill, the longer the bar is.
If you take damage or team kill, the bar will lower. When it runs out, you
leave. And in a chosen amount of time, it becomes available again. Heroes are
better, faster and stronger. And have only a couple weaknesses you have to
exploit. Mainly mine dropping, missles and detpacks. Otherwise, they can block
enemy attacks with the center mouse button.


Aayla Secura

Aayla Secura is an alien creature with tentacles and little clothing. She holds
two lightsabers and will devastate small areas with her sweeping strokes.
Droidekas and other heroes have a hard time escaping her, as she blows them
apart easily. She was on Felucia in the Clone Wars, but is in some other areas
in the game. She can throw one of her Lightsabers, and the other move she has
is Force Pull, where she pulls an enemy into her reach and then uses her long
strokes to her advantage. Most players choose her to duel with in duel only
games online.


Primary Weapon(s): Dual Lightsabers

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Pull


Chewbacca is a top notch Wookiee unit. He carries a Bowcaster, just like the
other Wookiee units. This weapon is the same as last time. Firing brings up a
heavy stream of fire that covers a large amount of an area, but is weak. If you
hold down the fire button, it charges up a smaller blast that does more damage
when released Chewbacca also carries a Guided Missle Launcher, which fires a
missle that you can control, then use a speed boost to come in an make a HUGE
explosion that will erradicate the enemies in the way of it. He also has a
Time Bomb, which he can drop down near command posts to blow people up as they
spawn. His last move is rage, which will increase the damage the ally units


Primary Weapon(s): Bowcaster
Guided Rocket

Secondary Weapon(s): Rage
Time Bomb

Han Solo

Han Solo, the smuggler that owes Jabba big time. He has a death mark on his
head, and is hiding out with the alliances, giving them his skills. He carries
a DL44 blaster, which is the Award Rifle with an overheat instead of an ammo
clip. His secondary weapon happens to be a Fusion Cutter, and is the only
hero in the game that can repair things or slice. So this is a very handy thing
to have around. On the Secondary Weapons, we have the Detpack, which is the
best weapon in the game if used properly, and the Rally move. Which will give
our adjacent allies a better defence. A very good unit against bots.


Primary Weapon(s): DL44 Blaster

Secondary Weapon(s): Detpack

Ki-Adi Mundi

Ki-Adi Mundi is the alien on the Jedi Counsel with the gigantic head. In this
game, he is rather fun to play with. His strokes cover a wide area, and will
stop you. While if he lines enemies up in a row, dashing and mashing the attack
button will make him do forward flips and strike the enemies ahead of him with
a hammering blow. He also has the mighty Saber Throw attack, and the Force Push
skill. Which you can use to throw enemies into the wall and then run up to
finish them off. It can also be used to buy time to fight other enemies by
pushing them against the wall, and attacking someone else. Overall he is a good
unit for single player, but you might need to choose someone else for Dueling
in multiplayer.


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Push

Luke Skywalker

Luke Skywalker, Vader/Anikan's son. Not only is he a whiny, cocky little brat,
he is a whiny, cocky, powerful SKINNY little brat. He looks like George's
Grandma from Roald Dahl's classic book "George's Marvelous Medicine". No joke.
He has a Ki-Adi Mundi style like attack, but has a different charge forward
attack. To play around with enemy units, he comes with a Saber throw, and will
chuck his girly lightsaber at the badguys. His second attack is Force Push,
which again can be used to cover yourself and to push enemies into the wall to
finish off without a serious counter attack occuring against you.


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Push

Mace Windu

Mace Windu is the only African American (or Coruscantian Geonosian.. whatever)
Jedi in history. There should be more of them. Anyway, he is powerful. He has
a slightly slower, more powerful Obi-Wan style of play, but comes with a big
bonus. When he jumps in the air, he can slam down hard on the ground, making a
huge blast appear and kill enemies nearby. He is defeated in Episode 3 by the
Emperor (with help from Anakin). He comes with Saber Throw, for range and the
common Force Push. Which we know by now can be used as cover and offense by
pushing enemies into walls to buy time or start a combo with no counterattack.


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Push

Obi-Wan Kenobi

General Obi-Wan Kenobi was a mere Jedi Apprentice when he defeated Darth Maul,
a feat that his powerful master could not complete. He then took Anakin as his
learner and did a crap job, as Anakin turned to the Dark side. In the Clone War,
he fought with the Republic as a General against the Separatists. He then
nearly killed Anakin, but let him live and caused him to survive in his suit.
His style is passive aggressive. His attacks will never leave him extremely
open, as he makes deliberate strokes instead of wild range attacks. His dash
attack will make him twirl his lightsaber, blocking fire and killing enemies at
12 o'clock. He comes with the Saber Throw, to chuck his lightsaber at a distance
at his foes. And guess what? He comes with the common FORCE PUSH! Which will
Provide cover and give you time to attack with no counter attack. How did you
know that?


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Push
Princess Leia

Princess Leia, Luke's twin sister. A powderpuff princess that couldn't kill an
enemy unless she had a Sporting Blaster and Thermal Detonators, which she does.
The Sporting Blaster is basically a Sniper Rifle with a reticule to aim with.
She comes with several grenades, good for normal levels but almost useless in
an Assault, where everyone moves a mile a minute. The Invulernability skill
is GREAT! If used on allies, they will not take damage for a short time. Which
will give you the split-second edge needed to turn the tide on the battle of
Hallway 12. Try to avoid using her in an assault, but use her in a normal


Primary Weapon: Sporting Blaster

Secondary Weapon(s): Thermal Detonators


The most prestigious member of the Jedi Order in the history of the galaxy.
Yoda is the small green guy that talks funny, but can destroy you in battle. He
is one of the few Jedi that survived Order 66. Yoda wields a green lightsaber
that is custom built to be his size. He can Push and Pull his enemies around,
and his size makes him hard to hit. His attacks are mostly aggressive, as he
is easily hit and doesn't move much when he strikes. Some consider him to be
"cheap". His force connection is unmatched and can make several jumps as he
battles for all that is good.


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Force Push
Force Pull


Anakin Skywalker

Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi that turned to the Sith. He grew up as a slave on
Tatooine and helped the Queen of Naboo get off the rock he lived on. He came
with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn to Coruscant, and was rejected by the
Jedi Counsel. They reconsidered, and Obi-Wan became his master. He had fallen
in love with the Queen he helped long ago, and eventually married her. His
attachment caused him to join the Emperor and kill almost all of the Jedi. In
the game, Anakin comes with Force Choke, a great move, and saber throw.
Another good skill. He can be a force to be reckoned with if used properly, and
has a strong force connection, allowing him to jump several times. He wields a
Blue Lightsaber and has a balanced style of attack and defense, never over
asserting himself while striking. His dash move will block oncoming fire while


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Choke

Boba Fett

Boba Fett is Jango Fett's "son". Actually, he is a Clone Trooper that wasn't
altered to make them less independant or grow faster. A regular child. He lost
his father in the first Battle of Geonosis during the Clone Wars. He had to
train alone to become better at bounty hunting than his father, and boy did he
succeed. He has an EE-3 Blaster Rifle, the equivalent of the Award Rifle (maybe
with a clip, I have to check up on it). His secondary weapon is a Flamethrower,
which when used will set enemies on fire, damaging them slowly over time. He
also has Wrist Rockets, for small enemy groups and Detpacks for large enemies
or tough enemies. He is equipped for almost ALL situations and is the best non
Jedi hero there is. He also has a Jetpack on his back, which he can fly around
in similar to a Jet Trooper.


Primary Weapon(s): EE-3 Blaster Rifle

Secondary Weapon(s): Wrist Rocket

Count Dooku

Count Dooku. Watching this guy play makes me roll on the floor laughing my head
off. Look at him. He jumps like a freak and looks creepy. His attacks are kind
of cool looking though. And his dash attacks are very cool. He has a slow Luke
style. He comes with two great Force Powers: Force Choke and Force Lightning.
Lightning can be used on groups and Choke on individuals. To really cheaply
kill someone, you can use this glitch. Start choking someone, hold down the
secondary fire button and switch to Lightning. He will choke and start using
lightning at the same time, and he NEVER runs out of Stamina until they die.
Quite a useful cheat, but will get you booted from most assault games.


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Force Choke
Force Lightning

Darth Maul

Possibly the coolest villan of the lot. Darth Maul is a sith lord trained by
Darth Sidious to kill the Jedi and capture the queen of Naboo. He failed. And
was defeated by Obi-Wan afted he felled Qui-Gon Jinn. Darth Maul wields a
Doublesaber. A Lightsaber with two sides. He has a LOT of reach and does some
neat little acrobatics. He is VERY fast and will deal a lot of damage. His
secondary attacks include Saber Throw, which is COMPLETELY revolutionized by
his gigantic Saber that will probably not miss. His last move is Force Push.
Which we know, will provide you with time, and will let you set up some combos
without a counter attack.


Primary Weapon(s): Doublesaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Push

Darth Vader

Darth Vader, formerly known as Anakin Skywalker, was brutally torn apart by
Obi-Wan's lightsaber, then burned by the lava on Mustafar. He was barely alive
when found by the Emperor, and then placed in a Breathing Suit that would walk,
breath and move for him. Though the former 1/2 of a chosen one, he still packs
a wham with his Force Powers. His style of swordplay is slow, deliberate
strokes that pack more damage than Celine Dion can do to your ears. He also has
Saber Throw, which will be the same as usual. As well as Force Choke. In which
we can use the same glitch as the one earlier, to infinite Choke them. He is
overall a powerhouse, but needs more speed. His run gives him that, and he can
also float by jumping twice in place of his force Jump.


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Saber Throw
Force Choke

General Grievous

General Grievous used to be an alien like life form. But he was brutally
injured, much like Anakin, only worse. So the Separatists took him in, removed
his organs (brain, heart, lungs) and strapped him into a droid body. He walks
around with a terrible wheezy cough, but can run like the wind and do some
fancy moves. He was also trained by Count Dooku to be like a Jedi. He has a
collection of four stolen lightsabers which he fights with. Although he wields
a lightsaber, he does NOT use force powers. Which means no Force Jump. He has
a quick leap though. His attack uses all sabers and covers his whole body, back
to front. His dash attack will have him fling sabers around wildly, killing
most of the enemies. He also has rage, to increase his ally's damage. It says
he has unlimited, but really he only has one, but it can be refilled at an ammo


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsabers (x4)

Secondary Weapon(s): Rage

Jango Fett

Jango Fett was selected by The Emperor (before he was the emperor) to be the
person the Clones were based on. He agreed and received a paycheck, as well as
a Clone for himself. He is the best bounty hunter in the Republic days. His
arsenal is a little outdated compared to Boba's stuff, but still works well.
He has a Westar 33 Blaster Pistol, which is like the Precision Award Pistol. It
can snipe and do a lot of damage. He also has a Flamethrower, to deal damage to
groups of enemies close up. He has a Wrist Rocket to blow close range enemies.
He lastly has the Time Bombs, which are less useful than the Detpacks, but can
be good against vehicles. He has a Jet Pack to fly around in like the Jet


Primary Weapon(s): Westar 33 Blaster

Secondary Weapon(s): Wrist Rocket
Time Bomb

The Emperor

The Emperor is the master of all evil schemes. His extremely elaborate plan
could probably been easier, but still worked. He was a Sith Lord, pretending to
be a Senator from Naboo. But got elected as Supreme Chancellor with his own
influences. He then tricked Anakin into becoming his friend and, and started the
clone wars. Showing Anakin the powers of the Dark Side, he got him to convert to
his side and killed the Jedi. Seizing control of the Republic, but at a physical
cost to his looks. Which were never good anyway. He stayed this way until he
decided to mess with Luke. Vader got mad and killed him. Anyway, he has a
Lightsaber that is always put away unless he attacks. He fights like Vader, but
has a Dooku dash attack. When he double jumps, he floats. And when he attacks
in mid-air, he slams into the ground and uses lightning on the enemies around
him. I have done this in Duels and won as him. He is VERY slow otherwise unless
he has stamina. He uses Force Lightning and Choke just like Count Dooku did.
To really cheaply kill someone, you can use this glitch. Start choking someone,
hold down the secondary fire button and switch to Lightning. He will choke and
start using lightning at the same time, and he NEVER runs out of Stamina until
they die. Quite a useful cheat, but will get you booted from most assault games.


Primary Weapon(s): Lightsaber

Secondary Weapon(s): Force Choke
Force Lightning

| Vehicles/Turrets |

There are 41 total vehicles and turrets in the game. They are explained below.
Note that 1 and 2 in weapons show the posistions of players and what they
control. Note also that Space Vehicles have no weak point.


Side: CIS
Weak Point: Panel on the Back
Troop Capactity: 2
Weapons: 1 Medium Blaster Cannons
Concussion Missles
2 Manned Particle Turret

This is the CIS standard support vehicle. It is larger, and more armored than
the republic IFT-X tank, but it is slower and less powerful. It is found in
Naboo, Mygeeto, Polis Massa and in Utapau. The turret on the top is mainly used
for anti-infantry in large groups, but it can take down Vehicles as well. Since
this is a medium assault vehicle, it should be on constant guard for the
Heavy troopers. The mines can blow this up in one hit. So avoid them. The weak
point is located in the back, so when fighting other tanks, try to make it so
that you face the enemy (no brainer). The AAT can hold it's own in most battle
situations, but try to get a turretman as much as possible. It will make life
easier on you.

Alliance AAC-1

Side: Rebels
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 2
Weapons: 1 Medium Blaster Cannons
Particle Cannons
2 Manned Missle Turrets

This is the Rebel support vehicle for your infantry. It is small, compact and
low health. However, it has the strongest mounted turret in the game, the
missle turret. The missles are the best part of the whole craft. If you want to
drive, you have to use the anti-infantry Particle Cannons. The turrets should
focus on other turrets and Vehicles to take the enemy down. The missles are too
strong to focus on weak troopers with. Unless they are Shock Troopers, because
the mines are again a 1 hit kill on this. There is no weak point, but like I
said, it has lower health so it balances out. It is found on Yavin 4, Polis
Massa, Felucia, Kashyyyk and Mygeeto.

Alliance Assault Craft

Side: Rebels
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 4
Weapons: 1 Heavy Blaster Cannon
Proton Torpedoes
2 Guided Rockets
3 Ball Turret
4 Ball Turret

This is the space command vehicle for the Rebels. If landed, you can spawn at
it. It carries four units. The pilot, the missleman and the two turretman. The
pilot has heavy cannons for slow moving vehicles and the proton torpedoes for
Frigate and Auto Turrets. The Guided Rockets should be fired at the Auto
Turrets, as they blow them up in one hit. The Concussion Missles are limited,
so use them wisely. The two Ball turrets give about 240 degrees of cover,
missing only some parts of the back, and can be used to get enemies off of your
tail. They work best against enemy fighters, but can be used on weak points of
ships or frigate as well. They have immense health, but almost no speed. They
cannot dodge enemy fire like the other nimble craft, but they can take around
3-4 times the damage.

ARC-170 Starfighter

Side: Republic
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light-Medium Blaster Cannons
Proton Torpedoes

The ARC-170 is the X-Wing of the past, it is fast, powerful and moderately
strong. A normal starfighter to do combat with against enemy craft. The Missles
can lock on, and you have infinite of them. The blaster cannons can make short
work of enemy scout fighters and other similar craft. They aren't going to do
much to the mobile assault vehicles. Choose this for most dogfights and for
landing individual craft into the hangar. As it will survive the enemy turrets.

Armored Tank Droid

Side: CIS
Weak Point: The back end.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Shock Rifle
Mortar Cannon

The Armored Tank Droid is powerful, fast and Armored. It still has a huge flaw
in it's design, however. The back area of it is the weak point, and since it
is flat, it will almost always stick out. The other flaw is that it can only
fire forward and doesn't strafe, meaning that once you are close up, it is hard
for it to hit you with it's weaponry. Meaning you can slice it or blow it up
with a mine. However, it is extremely powerful. The Shock Rifle is basically
mini missles that fire like a shotgun. The Mortar Cannon is a Grenade Launcher
that shoots supercharged thermal detonators very quickly. It's anti-infantry
and anti-tank. However, it needs infantry support, or it will get blow up by
enemy troops nearby. It is only found on Kashyyyk.


Side: Empire
Weak Point: The neck between the head and the body.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Heavy Blaster Cannons
Heavy Particle Cannons

The AT-AT from Hoth is toned down by a billionfold this time around. Before, it
was nearly impossible to destroy and took maybe 20 minutes of continous playing
to bring it down. This one, it can be destroyed in a matter of minutes by using
a Hoth Dish Turret. Mines are also effective against it. However, it is pretty
much defense wise perfect. If you get to close to it, it can step on you. If
you stay at a distance, it will shoot you. If you get in between, the units
spawning at it (it is a mobile command post) will shoot you. It can take down
speeders, turrets and the shield generator in no time. Well, the only time
really is the 10 minutes it takes to walk in it. It is slow, and will take a
long time to near it. Other than Dish turrets, it just has to shoot down the
enemy snowspeeders. They will be circling below trying to wrap your legs up to
trip you. They take one hit. So enjoy using this, and kill everything in sight.
As it will take infantry out easily with it's Particle Cannon and Blaster
Cannons. Jedi also have little chance, except to avoid it. Stay away from the
bases with the windows, or it will shoot inside and kill you. It is only from


Side: Republic
Weak Point: Below the cockpit, where the legs meet the body.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Blaster Cannon
Mortar Launcher

This is like the AT-ST meets the Armored Tank Droid meets the Speeder Bike. It
is weak, fast and can damage. It looks like an AT-ST without the head. Instead
is a platform for the unit to stand on, virtually unprotected. But it can move
quickly throught the battlefield and support tanks by firing supercharged
Grenades from it's secondary weapon, and it can take out infantry with the
blaster cannons. Avoid the Heavy Troopers, and grenades are your foe. But use
it if you can, it's better than nothing. It's found on Utapau, Naboo and


Side: Empire
Weak Point: The back, the part just below the head.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Blaster Cannon
Particle Cannon
2 Guided Rockets

The AT-ST is a weaker version of the AT-AT. It's less powerful, less armored,
but way faster. Not by much, but it is. The Pilot gets to shoot at the infantry
units running around below and fire cannons at other vehicles, while the
Co-Pilot can launch Guided missles in areas with infantry to weaken them for
assaults, or fire at vehicles. Try to shoot them before you get in firing range
of blasters, you can then build speed and not worry about getting hit. They are
found in Endor, Felucia and Hoth.


Side: Republic
Weak Point: The part below it's head, it's a box shape.
Troop Capacity: 3
Weapons: 1 Heavy Blaster Cannons
Heavy Particle Cannons
2 Repeating Blasters
3 Particle Cannon Turret

The AT-TE is a faster version of the AT-AT, and the AT-AT clearly came from it.
It is smaller and weaker than the AT-AT, but makes up for it in more ways to
fire. You have a main turret gunner for infantry and vehicles, a Repeating
Blaster Turret for Infantry, and the big main guns for enemy vehicles. It is
very powerful and men can spawn at it. Making it similar to defense mechanisms
as the AT-TE. The only defense against it is hitting the weak point with the
Rockets, Mines and the Vehicles that the CIS has. The turrets on that level do
not help you much, so it's even worse for them. The top turret on the AT-TE is
powerful, and if you are Count Dooku, you can stand on top of it and hack away
at the turret, killing the man on it. I read this on a guide somewhere, I'm
sure it was on GameFAQs but I can't remember which one (it was a long time ago)
so if you know which one it was, please Email me. Anyway, use it if you are a
skilled driver. But the problem is that Geonosis is more about capturing CPs,
and the only level this appears on is the Geonosis. Ah well.


Side: Rebels
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light Blaster Cannons
Homing Rockets

The A-Wing is the Alliance Scout Fighter. It is fast, deadly against normal
fighters and good at dodging. It doesn't have very much health. Auto Turrets
will bring you down easily. Best for dog-fighting. As landing it is harder when
there are turrets and other craft leaving the hangar. It can easily kill medium
fighters with it's secondary weapon, the homing rockets are deadly against the
enemy. Fire them as much as possible. It's like the Armored Tank Droid firing
homing Blast Rifles.

BARC Speeder

Side: Republic
Weak Point: The Whole Thing.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light Blaster Cannons

The BARC Speeder is here for the sole purpose of a quick getaway. Do not try
and use it as a tank. It will get picked apart by grenades, you will take a lot
of damage, as you are simply not protected and vehicles will take little damage
from this. The point of the cannon is for some slight infantry protection, fire
it before getting off. And use it only to travel otherwise. A skilled sniper
will have no problem shooting you off, so keep moving irradically. It is found
on Kashyyyk.

Beam Cannon Turret

Side: All
Weak Point: The Turret itself.
Troop Capacity
Weapons: 1 Medium Beam Turret

The Beam Cannon Turret is found on most levels like Kashyyyk. It is identical
to the Laser Turret, except it fires a steady beam instead of single blaster
fire. It can be blown up easily with grenades, and the enemies will fall. It's
mainly anti-vehicle, but can be used on infantry as well. Headshots are easy
to get on the enemies that are in these.

CIS Strike Bomber

Side: CIS
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Particle Cannon
Proton Bombs

The Bomber for the CIS is one of my favorites. It has a heavy cannon for those
auto turrets, and drops MANY bombs down on the enemy. Best suited for taking
out enemy frigate and other weak points on a ship. If you go head to head and
fly towards each other, you can launch a bomb seconds before you hit and blow
the enemy up, taking little to no damage. Handy.

Concussion Cannon Turret

Side: All
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Concussion Missle Turret

The Concussion Cannon Turret is the exact same thing in looks to the Particle
Cannon Turret, except it fires mortars instead. It will launch a supercharged
Thermal Detonator (it is affected by gravity) at the enemy. It's best to fight
against the enemy Vehicles, because of the fact that it curves. It's harder to
hit enemy infantry. If you are attacking in numbers, keep spaced out from your
other troops, or someone might shoot at you and blow you up in a couple hits.
It is still probably one of the best Anti-Tank turrets there is.

Droid Gunship

Side: CIS
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 6
Weapons: 1 Beam Cannon
Homing Rockets
2 Guided Rockets
3 Particle Cannon
4 Particle Cannon
5 Passenger
6 Passenger

The Droid Gunship is the BEST ship in the whole game. The weaponry of the pilot
is incredible, the rockets are awesome, the beam cannon can make short work of
the enemy. Hanging around the enemy ship and tailing human opponents as they
come out of the hanger is a cheap and effective trick. The missles are nearly
impossible to avoid if you shoot them from up close. This makes it simple to
take down a lot of guys in a small amount of time. It seems to travel faster
than the enemy and it's ability to hold spare passengers makes it good to land
in a hanger.

Droid Starfighter

Side: CIS
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light-Medium Blaster Cannons
Proton Torpedoes

The CIS basic Starfighter is the CIS version of the ARC-170 Republic Fighter.
It is fast, powerful and moderately strong. A normal starfighter to do combat
with against enemy craft. The Missles can lock on, and you have infinite of
them. The blaster cannons can make short work of enemy scout fighters and other
similar craft. They aren't going to do much to the mobile assault vehicles.
Choose this for most dogfights and forlanding individual craft into the hangar.
As it will survive the enemy turrets.

Droid Tri-Fighter

Side: CIS
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Repeating Blaster
Homing Rockets

The Droid Tri-Fighter is the best Scout in the game in my opinion. It comes
with the powerful homing rockets that the Droid Gunship has, and it has a
Repeating Blaster, which is one of my favorite weapons to use, as it is cool.
Easy to take down most fighters (light to medium). As well as a lot of speed
and ability to dodge. Reccomended for dogfights against weak enemies.

Hailfire Droid

Side: CIS
Weak Point: It's just below the main body.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Repeating Blaster

The Hailfire Droid is a balanced craft, with Anti-Infantry, Anti-Tank and
speed, it is very good at almost everything. The missles can be fired but they
will curve away, so you have to have SOME skill with them. It can't strafe, but
it can move on it's wheels quickly, so you can just escape and turn around. Be
careful of the Heavy Troopers with their mines, as they can hurt.

Hoth Dish Turret

Side: Empire and Rebel
Weak Point: It's the turret itself.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Particle Cannon

The Hoth Dish Turret is the Anti-Tank turret on Hoth. It will make short work
of an AT-AT or an AT-ST. The developers made them stronger than last time
around. There is one near Echo Base that is the perfect place to bombard the
AT-ATs. The only problem is that the rest of them are placed for you to be at
a disadvantage, you will need several units firing at once to keep from getting
blown from the turret. Ignore the infantry around you and leave that to the
next turret, the Defense Turret. If you can't tell, it's only in Hoth.

Hoth Defense Turret

Side: Empire and Rebel
Weak Point: It's the turret itself.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Blaster Cannon

The Hoth Defense Turret is Anti-Infantry. It is there for you to bombard the
troops on the ground with. If you are in one, ignore the AT-AT and AT-ST. It
will just draw attention to yourself. A smart AT-AT driver will take out the
turrets as soon as they can, but not everyone does that. So you might survive
long enough to kill the enemies. The turret has little health but you are
completely covered and can't be killed unless the turret goes, so you won't get
blown off by a grenade.


Side: Empire
Weak Point: The Circle on the back.
Troop Capacity 2
Weapons: 1 Blaster Cannon
Concussion Missle
2 Beam Turret

This Vehicle is by far my favorite tank in the game. It's a small, speedy,
less defensive than the AAT craft with blasters and missles. It's the perfect
weapon for infantry AND tanks. It's turretman is powerful against infantry as
well as the vehicles. It's very fast. The only real weakness is that the turret
is open, not closed. So the turretman can be picked off. The weak point is
harder to hit. Again, this is a small attack vehicle, so it can be blown up
with a mine easily. Use the concussion missles on the infantry as well, because
you have unlimited. To kill it, have a vehicle and a heavy class. While the
vehicle concentrates on the other one, blow it up with a mine.


Side: Republic
Weak Point: The Circle on the back.
Troop Capacity 2
Weapons: 1 Blaster Cannon
Concussion Missle
2 Beam Turret

This Vehicle is by far my favorite tank in the game. It's a small, speedy,
less defensive than the AAT craft with blasters and missles. It's the perfect
weapon for infantry AND tanks. It's turretman is powerful against infantry as
well as the vehicles. It's very fast. The only real weakness is that the turret
is open, not closed. So the turretman can be picked off. The weak point is
harder to hit. Again, this is a small attack vehicle, so it can be blown up
with a mine easily. Use the concussion missles on the infantry as well, because
you have unlimited. To kill it, have a vehicle and a heavy class. While the
vehicle concentrates on the other one, blow it up with a mine.

LAAT Gunship

Side: Republic
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 4
Weapons: 1 Heavy Blaster Cannon
Proton Torpedoes
2 Guided Rockets
3 Ball Turret
4 Ball Turret

This is the space command vehicle for the Republic. If landed, you can spawn at
it. It carries four units. The pilot, the missleman and the two turretman. The
pilot has heavy cannons for slow moving vehicles and the proton torpedoes for
Frigate and Auto Turrets. The Guided Rockets should be fired at the Auto
Turrets, as they blow them up in one hit. The Concussion Missles are limited,
so use them wisely. The two Ball turrets give about 240 degrees of cover,
missing only some parts of the back, and can be used to get enemies off of your
tail. They work best against enemy fighters, but can be used on weak points of
ships or frigate as well. They have immense health, but almost no speed. They
cannot dodge enemy fire like the other nimble craft, but they can take around
3-4 times the damage.

Landing Craft

Side: Empire
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 7
Weapons: 1 Particle Cannon
Homing Rockets
2 Guided Rockets
3 Repeating Blaster
4 Passenger
5 Passenger
6 Passenger

The Landing Craft is the Fleet ship that the Emperor travels in in Episode 6.
It contains 3 weapon users, the Particle cannon and a Homing Rocket launcher
is available to the pilot. The Rocket Launcher fires around 7-8 rockets at once
at an enemy as fast as it can. The Guided Rockets should be fired at turrets
and to support you attacking the ship systems. A single repeating blaster is on
the bottom and fires at the enemy ships, it gives a 180 degree view of the area
and it is very easy for you to hit enemies, as long as a human is driving. The
computer will just drive you somewhere random and terrible. The three
passengers make it great for boarding parties, but the loss is worse if you die
in the ship.

Laser Cannons

Side: All
Weak Point: The Turret Itself
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Medium Laser Cannon

The laser Cannon is in Mos Eisley, on the ship in the middle of the Arena. It
is a rather powerful turret, located in the worst location imagineable. It is
stuck up above, with no cover and room for enemies to sneak up behind you, or
to assault you from both sides. You'd need at least 3 people to man the turrets
nearby to make a defense successful. It's Anti-Infantry, as there aren't any
vehicles. If you have it as your last post, use them as the other teammates
defend the ground. Be sure to stick some snipers on the roof around it, or you
will be shot by an enemy on the roof.

Laser Turret

Side: All
Weak Point: The Turret itself.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Medium Blaster Cannon

The Beam Cannon Turret is found on most levels like Kamino and Naboo. It fires
several medium blaster fire at an enemy. These turrets are weak, as they can be
blown up by a simple grenade. The shooter is unprotected, as a rocket will kill
them, and headshots on them are easy to get with almost any weapon. Only
reccomended for infantry, as they aren't very strong. It is identical to the
Beam Cannon Turret, only it fires laser bolts instead of a steady beam. It is
also found in levels like Coruscant and Mos Eisley.

LR1K Cannon

Side: CIS
Weak Point: The Turret itself.
Troop Capactity: 1
Weapons: 1 Sonic Disruptor Cannon

The LR1K Cannon is found in Geonosis. It is the Sonic Turret that everyone both
loves and hates. It has little range, medium power and fires slowly. The turret
WILL damage vehicles. It's better to have a Republic troop steal it to shoot at
the Hailfire and Spider Droids, as they are weaker than the AT-TE. It should
otherwise be used against infantry. It can sometimes be a problem because you
will take some hits in this low class turret. But it's better than nothing,

Particle Cannon Turret

Side: All
Weak Point: The Turret itself.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Particle Cannon

The Particle Cannon turret looks identical to the Anti-Tank Concussion Cannon
Turret, except it fire a Particle Cannon. It is extremely powerful, and will
take down an AAT in a couple of hits. However, it has an extremely weak rate of
fire and you can easily be blown off. Use it as a distraction or some support
for your infantry, as it won't be much good otherwise. If you are being the
Republic, aim it at some Droideka's. It is in a bad spot, could be worse, but
it still helps. Use it for Vehicle purposes only though. It is typically found
on Mygeeto and on the Sea Wall in Kashyyyk.

Repeating Blasters

Side: All
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Repeating Gun

The Repeating Blaster is a turret used in Space Battles as the anti-aircraft
turret. This one is reccomended over the Beam turret. It fires exactly like a
chaingun, and you can lock onto enemy aircraft and blast them away. Use this if
you are not very good at flying an aircraft. It can be used to help human ally
units by shooting down other people on the tails of them. It takes a while to
overheat and you have to keep moving, but it works fairly well and comes on all
large ships.

Republic Starfighter

Side: Republic
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light Blaster Cannons
Homing Rockets

The Republic Starfighter is the Scout for the Republic. It is fast, deadly
against normal fighters and good at dodging. It doesn't have very much health.
Auto Turrets will bring you down easily. Best for dog-fighting. As landing it
is harder when there are turrets and other craft leaving the hangar. It can
easily kill medium fighters with it's secondary weapon, the homing rockets are
deadly against the enemy. Fire them as much as possible. It's like the Armored
Tank Droid firing homing Blast Rifles.


Side: Rebels
Weak Point:
Troop Capacity: 2
Weapons: 1 Blaster Cannons
Particle Cannon
2 Toe Cables

The infamous Snowspeeder is located on Hoth. It is Anti-Tank and Anti-Infantry
at the same time. It flies at low altitudes and can take out infantry with it's
main blaster cannon, then take out Turrets and AT-ST's with it's Particle
Cannons. The only real defense against AT-AT's are Dish Turrets and these, and
they can be shot down by the AT-AT in one hit, so they have to be used by a pro
to really be effective. The Gunner in the back has been toned down from last
game. I remember a game my friend and I played in Split Screen (For PS2). We
had 1 reinforcement left and the enemy had 20. So we both got in separate
Speeders and flew over the battlefield, taking out infantry. We actually won
that map 1-0. Long story short? Use it against infantry as much as possible.
The AT-AT will only spawn once and a while, and you take out few enemies when
destroying it, but you also take out a command post. Use it wisely for landing
parties, and pretty much any situation.

Speeder Bike

Side: Empire, Rebels
Weak Point: The Whole Thing.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light Blaster Cannons

The Speeder Bike is here for the sole purpose of a quick getaway. Do not try
and use it as a tank. It will get picked apart by grenades, you will take a lot
of damage, as you are simply not protected and vehicles will take little damage
from this. The point of the cannon is for some slight infantry protection, fire
it before getting off. And use it only to travel otherwise. A skilled sniper
will have no problem shooting you off, so keep moving irradically. It is found
on Endor.

Spider Walker

Side: CIS
Weak Point: The fuel cells between the legs and the body.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Blaster Cannon
Beam Cannon

The Spider Walker is a powerful Anti-Infantry Craft. It has four legs (Spiders
have eight legs though, what gives?) and a main body. The Body has a Blaster
Cannon, which is not even close to a decent weapon. It is hard to aim, does
little damage and is terrible. The second weapon, the Beam Cannon is much
better. It fires like a Beam Cannon Turret and will take out several enemies in
a single burst. It can also kill the AT-TE quickly, because if you aim at the
weak point, it will take about 1/10 of the health. It also fires very quickly,
so it will be dead soon. Not very many people will aim for the weak point, they
will aim for the body. As this Walker is hard to hit.

TIE Bomber

Side: Empire
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 2
Weapons: 1 Particle Cannon
Proton Bombs
2 Guided Rockets

The Bomber for is one of my favorites. It has a heavy cannon for those auto
turrets, and drops MANY bombs down on the enemy. Best suited for taking out
enemy frigate and other weak points on a ship. If you go head to head and fly
towards each other, you can launch a bomb seconds before you hit and blow the
enemy up, taking little to no damage. Handy. The TIE bomber also has a second
spot for a person to join in and fire some Guided Rockets at other turrets and
ship systems.

TIE Fighter

Side: Empire
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light-Medium Blaster Cannons
Proton Torpedoes

The TIE Fighter is the imperial version of the Rebel Alliance's X-Wing fighter.
It is fast, powerful and moderately strong. A normal starfighter to do combat
with against enemy craft. The Missles can lock on, and you have infinite of
them. The blaster cannons can make short work of enemy scout fighters and other
similar craft. They aren't going to do much to the mobile assault vehicles.
Choose this for most dogfights and forlanding individual craft into the hangar.
As it will survive the enemy turrets.

TIE Interceptor

Side: Empire
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light Blaster Cannons
Homing Rockets

The Interceptor is the Empire Scout Fighter. It is fast, deadly against normal
fighters and good at dodging. It doesn't have very much health. Auto Turrets
will bring you down easily. Best for dog-fighting. As landing it is harder when
there are turrets and other craft leaving the hangar. It can easily kill medium
fighters with it's secondary weapon, the homing rockets are deadly against the
enemy. Fire them as much as possible. It's like the Armored Tank Droid firing
homing Blast Rifles.


Side: Republic
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Particle Cannon
Proton Bombs

The V-Wing bomber for the Republic looks stange. It has a heavy cannon for
those auto turrets, and drops MANY bombs down on the enemy. Best suited for
taking out enemy frigate and other weak points on a ship. If you go head to
head and fly towards each other, you can launch a bomb seconds before you hit
and blow the enemy up, taking little to no damage. Handy.


Side: Rebels
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Light-Medium Blaster Cannons
Proton Torpedoes

The X-Wing is the craft that destroyed the Death Star. It is currently the
Rebel Alliance's standard and normal Service vehicles. Luke pilots this baby.
It is fast, powerful and moderately strong. A normal starfighter to do combat
with against enemy craft. The Missles can lock on, and you have infinite of
them. The blaster cannons can make short work of enemy scout fighters and other
similar craft. They aren't going to do much to the mobile assault vehicles.
Choose this for most dogfights and forlanding individual craft into the hangar.
As it will survive the enemy turrets.

Yavin Tower Turret

Side: Rebels
Weak Point: The Turret Itself.
Troop Capacity: 1
Weapons: 1 Laser Cannon

The Yavin Tower turret is a safer version of the Mos Eisley turrets on the
giant Skiff. It is high above the ground, easy to shoot. It fires like the
turrets on the Skiff, and takes a long while to overheat. They are sometimes
hard to spot, and you have to aim up to defeat them. While it takes a rocket to
kill it, vehicle drivers may not notice it. But it is more of an Anti-Infantry
turret. If you haven't noticed, the turret is only found in Yavin 4. I'd not
reccomend using it, I prefer to run out and go guns ablazing, gung ho kind of
guy. Though I hate Yavin, so don't listen to me.


Side: Rebels
Weak Point: None
Troop Capacity: 2
Weapons: 1 Particle Cannon
Proton Bombs
2 Guided Rockets

The Bomber for is one of my favorites. It has a heavy cannon for those auto
turrets, and drops MANY bombs down on the enemy. Best suited for taking out
enemy frigate and other weak points on a ship. If you go head to head and fly
towards each other, you can launch a bomb seconds before you hit and blow the
enemy up, taking little to no damage. Handy. The Y-Wing (like the TIE Bomber)
also has a second spot for a person to join in and fire some Guided Rockets at
other turrets and ship systems.

| Weapons |

The weapons are listed in the order that I could remember them. If I missed one
can you please tell me?

Max Ammo: How much ammo it can hold
Clip: The amount of ammunition fired until it has to reload
Side: The Sides that can use it.

Note that the clip and Max Ammo sizes can vary depending on the side.

Primary Weapons

Blaster Rifle

Max Ammo: 200 Bullets
Clip: 50 Bullets
Side: Republic, Rebels, Empire

The Blaster Rifle is the easiest weapon to use in the game. It is perfectly
balanced with accuracy, clip size, power and is good in almost all situations.
The regular units carry this, including the Pilots. Headshots with this gun is
pretty damaging.

Wrist Blaster

Max Ammo: 250 Bullets
Clip: 50 Bullets
Side: CIS

This is the CIS version of the Blaster Rifle. It has more ammo, but fires less
quickly. It is weaker, but much more accurate. As it is part of the arm itself
and not an external weapon. The Wrist Rockets help a lot, because it takes a
very small amount of time to fire them, because you don't have to put the gun
down to throw something.


Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Overheat Based
Side: CIS

This is the CIS version of the Blaster Pistol, it is much more powerful than
the Blaster Pistol, it fires three shots at once and can be lethal. But it
can only fire two shots (three at a time) before it overheats and needs to wait
the few seconds. Which balances it out.

Blaster Pistol

Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Overheat Based
Side: All

This weapon is a backup for almost all troops except for the Engineer Class,
the Super Battle Droid and those units who have the Commando Pistol. The Marine
included. It fires slowly, does little damage but has several shots per clip.

Rocket Launcher

Max Ammo: 7 Rockets
Clip: 1 Rocket
Side: All

The weapon is carried by the Heavy class and the Marines. It is powerful, as
one hit direct hit will kill the enemy, with plenty of splash damage possibly
killing more. It is the standard anti-tank weapon. The only problem is that it
has 1 shot per clip and reloads slowly. Making you need to use your backup
weapons and secondary weapons just to stay alive.


Max Ammo: 320 Shotgun Shells
Clip: 40 Shells, 5 Shots
Side: Rebels, CIS, Republic

All Engineers on each side carry a shotgun, the Empire's just has a unique name
to shotgun. It fires five shots in a clip and can 1 hit kill with a headshot.
It sprays out 8 mini shots and each does about 1/8 or less of damage. If only a
couple hit, little damage is done. If you hit them with all not in the head,
they barely survive. You need more skill with a shotgun than you do with a
Blaster Rifle. It fires 40 bullets per clip, 8 per shot. So ammo will run low
if you do not keep an eye on it. Note that the Max ammo for the Rebels is only

Blast Cannon

Max Ammo: 320 Shotgun Shells
Clip: 40 Shells, 5 Shots
Side: Empire

This is just a simple shot gun, Empire's just has a unique name for it's
shotgun. It fires five shots in a clip and can 1 hit kill with a headshot. It
sprays out 8 mini shots and each does about 1/8 or less of damage. If only a
couple hit, little damage is done. If you hit them with all not in the head,
they barely survive. You need more skill with a shotgun than you do with a
Blaster Rifle.

Fusion Cutter

Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Infinite
Side: All

The Fusion Cutter can't kill anyone. However, it can do multiple functions. It
will repair a destroyed Ammo/Health droid, a Vehicle or any other thing that
takes damage besides people. This means you can repair the Shield Generator in
Hoth, or internal systems in space. It will just take a while. It can also let
you hijack a vehicle. Move up to an enemy occupied vehicles (it has to be one
that all sides can go in, not a command walker) and take out the Fusion Cutter.
Stay close to the vehicle and start using it. It should say "Slicing __%". The
slicing goes up 5% every third of a second. It will eventually release 100% and
the Vehicle is electrified, ejecting the enemy out of it. You can then enter
the vehicle. The enemy can just get right back in, however.

Sniper Rifle

Max Ammo: 56 Bullets
Clip: 8 Bullets
Side: All

The Sniper Rifle is probably the most powerful GUN in the game. A single shot
with it will at least damage an enemy 3/4. A headshot is a certain death. It
can zoom in twice and pick off enemies at a distance. It has 8 shots in a clip
and they fire rather slowly, but are very strong.

Award Blaster Rifle

Max Ammo: 180 Bullets
Clip: 36 Bullets, 12 Shots
Side: Empire, Rebels, Republic

The Award Blaster Rifle shoots three bullets in one firing, so you can fire the
gun 12 times before reloading. Each shot does a little more than a normal rifle
can do, so it can be lethal to pretty much everything. The Award Rifle is awful
at fighting groups, however. It doesn't fire rapid enough to keep the enemies
at bay. So you will pick up a lot of enemy fire on you. Not helpful.

Award Wrist Blaster

Max Ammo: 144 Bullets
Clip: 12 Bullets
Side: CIS

This is the CIS version of the Award Blaster Rifle. It shoots three bullets in
one firing, so you can fire the gun 12 times before reloading. Each shot does a
little more than a normal rifle can do, so it can be lethal to pretty much
everything. The Award Rifle is awful at fighting groups, however. It doesn't
fire rapid enough to keep the enemies at bay. So you will pick up a lot of
enemy fire on you. Not helpful.

Beam Rifle

Max Ammo: 24
Clip: 4
Side: All

The Beam Rifle is the Award Sniper Rifle. The only thing it does better than
the normal sniper rifle is damage. It only has one zoom, 4 shots in a clip and
fires rather slowly. However, a hit on the leg will pretty much give you a 1
hit kill. The only thing is that you have to be close to an enemy to kill him,
close enough to get shot by an enemy.

Flechette Shotgun

Max Ammo: 252 Shotgun Shells
Clip: 48 Shells, 6 Shots
Side: All

This is the Award Shotgun. It is basically a shotgun with a larger clip, more
damage and a new color of bullets. This thing can kill someone in one hit with
a chest shot depending on the shells that hit the enemy. It is extremely strong
and only a slight upgrade from the other model.

Chain Gun

Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Overheat Based
Side: Republic

This is a fun weapon to play with. It takes a second to start up, but then will
begin firing a load of bullets super fast at the enemy, with a great overheat
time, you can fire for about 6-7 weapons and tear apart enemies non-stop.

EMP Launcher

Max Ammo: 8 EMPs
Clip: 2 EMPs
Side: Republic

This is the less powerful, more mobile rocket launcher used by the Republic's
Jet Troopers. It fires 2 in one clip, but they are less powerful with less
splash damage. The EMPs disrupt a Droideka Shield better, and can damage some
enemy tanks, but should primarily be used against infantry.

Commando Pistol

Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Overheat Based
Side: All

This is a more powerful Blaster Pistol that overheats much quicker. It is used
by pilots in space and the Jet Trooper. I prefer the normal pistol, mainly
because it comes with better units. But this one can be used for unlocking the
Award Precision Pistol, so it's better to earn Medals with as it does more

Guided Rockets

Max Ammo: 5 Rockets
Clip: 1 Rocket
Side: All

The Clip says that it is 1, but it is really infinite. Why? By the time you
regain control the launcher is reloaded. The Guided Rockets can be controlled
and is a reward for getting the Demolition medal. They do more damage the
faster they are going (hold shift to speed them up). They aren't the best
weapon in the game, but they can sure shake up the enemy. Fireworks!

Precision Pistol

Max Ammo: 96 Bullets
Clip: 16 Bullets
Side: All

The Precision Pistol is a MUCH better upgrade for the pistol. When shot, it
shoots very fast and powerful (slightly better than normal Blaster Rifle) bolts
at the enemy. They are purple and are quite precise (hence the name). It can be
used as a temporary sniper rifle in some situations, and if you have it, you
should switch to it while reloading, it's a great substitute. The only problem
is the rather small clip size and low maximum ammo, but it works well.

Grenade Launcher

Max Ammo: 15 Grenades
Clip: 5 Grenades
Side: Rebels

This is the Wookiee's Primary Weapon (besides the Bowcaster). It fires super
charged thermal detonators at the enemy, they explode on contact, or if you
hold down fire, they can be slid along the floor at the enemies and explode
after a short fuse. Devastating. The problem with the Wookiee one is that it
has little clip size, but playing smart can save you. This weapon will give you
control over your grenades, and no it doesn't sap your thermal detonators.

Bulldog RLR

Max Ammo: 30 Rockets
Clip: 6 Rockets
Side: CIS

Used by the CIS, this weapon is probably the cheapest in the game for normal
deathmatches. It fires super powerful rockets at the enemy, and will tear them
to pieces if you hit them. You have to aim AT the person, because they travel
in a straight line. They have a fast rate of fire and move fast, so you will
be needing to switch back and forth a lot between weapons to stay alive. The
rockets can be easy or hard to dodge depending on your distance from them. If
you are close to the opponent, move erradically because the rockets will be
coming RIGHT at you, jump (which usually isn't reccomended) to get out of the
way, and at a distance, roll randomly.

Mortar Launcher

Max Ammo: 25 Grenades
Clip: 5 Grenades
Side: Empire

This is the Imperial Officer's Primary Weapon (besides the Sonic Blaster). It
fires super charged thermal detonators at the enemy, they explode on contact,
or if you hold down fire, they can be slid along the floor at the enemies and
explode after a short fuse. Devastating. The problem with the Officer one is
that it has little clip size, but playing smart can save you. This weapon will
give you control over your grenades, and no it doesn't sap your thermal
detonators. The Imperial Officer also holds more grenades, but still has a tiny

Radiation Launcher

Max Ammo: 15 Radiation Grenades
Clip: 5 Radiation Grenades
Side: CIS

This is the Magnaguard's Primary Weapon (besides the Bulldog). It fires super
charged thermal detonators at the enemy, they explode on contact, or if you
hold down fire, they can be slid along the floor at the enemies and explode
after a short fuse. The Magnaguard version has a weaker, but longer lasting
explosion to kill enemies. It needs a bigger clip, because it's weapons have
reload problems, which is the key to defeating one.


Max Ammo: 210 Bolts
Clip: 35 Charged Shots, 5 Normal Shots
Side: Rebels

The Bowcaster is a unique weapon. It fires a large spray of weak bolts at the
enemy, making it easy to hit them. You can also hold down the button to charge
up a larger, more powerful single blast. It is harder to hit, but saves ammo
and does much more damage on your enemy. Use it when the Grenade Launcher runs
out of ammo, like a pistol.


Max Ammo: 150 Heat Waves
Clip: 15 Heat Waves
Side: Rebels

This is the primary weapon carried by the Bothan Spy. It fires some heat blasts
at the enemy that will totally incinerate them as long as you keep it trained
on them, using a sweeping motion will damage groups, but probably not kill
them. It is the only REAL weapon, besides the time bomb carried by the Bothan.
So you have to learn to use it well.

Sonic Blaster

Max Ammo: 35 Sonic Waves
Clip: 7 Sonic Waves
Side: Empire

The Sonic Blaster is the other Weapon that the Imperial Officer carry's. It is
like the Geonosian's weapons, it fires a short range, medium powered sonic
blast that will make a lot of noise for your trouble. Not reccomended to use
unless you absolutely have to. It is easy to dodge and you should always aim
for the upper body with it, it usually misses the head but will occasionally
hit it.

Arc Caster

Max Ammo: 25 Lightning Bolts
Clip: 5 Lightning Bolts
Side: Empire

The Arc Caster is the Empire version of a "unique weapon". It can be described
as "A lightning gun". It will fire a small little beam that does medium damage
at the enemy. It can also be held down to charge up, it will cost the same ammo
but deal almost 2-3 times the damage. It can also affect more than one person,
like force lightning. It is powerful, but not the best weapon in the game.


Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Stamina Based
Side: Rebels

The Stealth move is the Bothan's Primary Weapon, besides the Incinerator. It
doesn't damage, instead it makes you invisible. You can move around. It drains
your stamina, however and it doesn't always work properly, you can still be
seen sometimes. When your stamina is up, you will be visible. So walk when
using it, sometimes randomly it will make it so that it's forever used. But
that is a glitch. In my opinion, it would have been smarter to make a separate
bar for this. You can use this to sneak in an area and shoot an enemy from
behind. You won't show up on the map, but can still be targeted with Q.

Repeating Blasters

Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Overheat
Side: CIS

The Repeating Blasters are used by the Droideka unit, they will fire very fast
and medium powered (blaster rifle) and will overheat after a while, but can
take enemies down. The shield emitter will protect you as you start to destroy
any and all things around you with several blasts. This fires like a chaingun
that is slow and easier to hit with.


Max Ammo: 60 Flames
Clip: 20 Flames
Side: Empire, CIS

The Flamethrower is carried by Jango and Boba Fett. It is like the Incinerator,
fires the same at least. The Flamethrower can spread, and when an enemy is hit
they will burn slowly. Eventually dieing or surviving, the flame will last a
5-8 seconds and can be put out faster by rolling around. It takes a couple
seconds for the flames to be fully put out, then reload.


Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip Size: Infinite
Side: All

The Lightsaber is the elegant weapon of a Jedi, it's far less clumsy than a
Blaster. It is the most powerful weapon in the game, it can reach short and far
and do massive damage. If hit, an enemy will tumble over and (if not dead) will
take a few seconds to stand back up. Most heroes have it and can use it to
destroy the enemy. Each Jedi has a different style of play with one, so learn
the moves well to conquer the opponents. It never runs out of ammo, because you
swing it and you can do as many as you want in a "clip". The only way this is
limited is by how fast you can press the attack button.

Sporting Blaster

Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip Size: Overheat
Side: Rebels

The Sporting Blaster is carried by Princess Leia, it is similar to the Beam
Rifle, but less powerful, no clip and it overheats very quickly. It will do
some damage, about as much as the normal sniper rifle, and can zoom once to
deal a serious injury to the enemy. All it is good for is self defense and will
not serve well as an assault weapon, Leia plays more of a support class and
this should be used as such.

DL44 Blaster

Max Ammo: Infinite
Clip: Overheat
Side: Rebels

The DL44 is the Award Rifle. It shoots three bullets in one firing, and it has
no reloading due to overheating instead. Each shot does a little more than a
normal rifle can do, so it can be lethal to pretty much everything. The Award
Rifle is awful at fighting groups, however. It doesn't fire rapid enough to
keep the enemies at bay. So you will pick up a lot of enemy fire on you. Not
helpful. The name "DL44" is what Han Solo holds.

EE-3 Blaster Rifle

Max Ammo: 144 Bullets
Clip: 12 Bullets
Side: Empire

The EE-3 is the Award Rifle. It shoots three bullets in one firing, so you can
fire the gun 12 times before reloading. Each shot does a little more than a
normal rifle can do, so it can be lethal to pretty much everything. The Award
Rifle is awful at fighting groups, however. It doesn't fire rapid enough to
keep the enemies at bay. So you will pick up a lot of enemy fire on you. Not
helpful. The name "EE-3" is what Han Solo holds.

Westar-33 Blaster

Max Ammo: 128
Clip: 16
Side: CIS

The Westar-33 Blaster is a MUCH better upgrade for the pistol. When shot, it
shoots very fast and powerful (slightly better than normal Blaster Rifle) bolts
at the enemy. They are purple and are quite precise (hence the name). It can be
used as a temporary sniper rifle in some situations, and if you have it, you
should switch to it while reloading, it's a great substitute. This version of
it is better, because it has a larger clip size and more ammo, it works well.
It is the award Pistol, but named Westar-33 because Jango Fett holds it.

Secondary Weapons

"Max Ammo" for these weapons varies depending on the unit. So I'm not listing
them. Almost all sides use the weapons unless otherwise noted.

Thermal Detonators

Thermal Detonators are Grenades, they are carried by nearly all the units and
can be thrown. They have a fuse that begins on the ground, you have about 3
quick seconds to get away from it. Rolling is the best way to dodge it, and
throwing it straight at the ground causes it to stay in place, like a mine that
detonates automatically. They will also bounce off of walls, allowing for a
surprise attack. They are useful, but still not the best weapon. It can be used
as some cover by throwing them to make enemies roll away, giving you time to
aim at them.

Wrist Rockets

Wrist Rockets are used by the CIS and a couple villans in place of the Thermal
Detonators. They travel in a straight line, about half the speed of a blaster
bolt and make a mini-explosion on contact. It has enough splash damage to
throw enemies nearby off the edge, and can be used in place of the Tri-Shot
when the Wrist Blaster runs out of ammo, just fire they will fall. These can
be easy to dodge, but are usually unexpected.


Mines are the second most ultimate weapon in the game. They cause a huge
explosion when stepped on, killing enemies withing 7 feet. They can be placed
on walls, command posts and other areas, causing enemies to stand on them and
get blown away. They can destroy enemy heroes, and best of all they won't hurt
the AI units on your team, unless an enemy blows it when you are nearby. The
only flaw is that they can't kill an engineer directly. They will kill them if
someone besides an engineer triggers it and the engineer is nearby, but not
otherwise. They can be disarmed if a fusioncutter is used on it. The red glow
gives it away, but if you place it on the command posts, the enemy will see the
red CP and not the mine, then step on it. A sleazy but effective trick.

Auto Turret

The Auto Turret is used by the sniper. Only one can be deployed at a time, so
if you place one, get ammo and put another down, the old one is destroyed. It
will sit there, and wait for an enemy to come by. There is about a 1 second lag
period, but then it starts firing blaster pistol shots at the enemy. Usually
very rapidly, with a pause every once and a while. It can cause a distraction,
as the enemy has two units to deal with, giving you time to wound or kill. If
they kill you, there is a chance the turret will get them. Very handy. It can
also be used as a warning beacon, if you are camping, set it behind you a bit
and if you hear it firing, you know someone is trying to ambush you. Also, for
those who spawn kill, if you put it near a CP and hide, then hear it, you know
someone has spawned there.


The Detpack is the best weapon in the game. It can be thrown, dropped or used
as a short range explosive if TK is turned off. To throw a detpack, hold down
the secondary fire button, then move forward and hold shift. You move from a
slow walk to a brisk one. Then aim up, and let go of the secondary fire button.
The Detpack will fly quite far, depending on how high you aimed up. This can be
used to kill enemies without getting too close. There is a flaw with Detpacks
that I like to call "detlag". After using one, you have to wait a few seconds
to use another one. Which is a problem, because you are vulernable and can only
shoot. If you have detlag, keep moving, at an angle to the other player, but
just out of detpack or explosive reach. Then when it's over, blow them up. If
the opponent gets detlag, run right after them and start trying to blow them up
instead. Usually they expect you to back away. Running up to enemies and then
detonating one right next to you can kill those nearby. However, if team kills
are on you will die too. They can be used as traps, and put on the walls. Then
when someone opens a door, you can detonate it and they die. Rigging doors is a
skill. NEVER put it ON the door. Put it as close as you can to the door, but
not quite on it. That way, when the door opens it won't move up with it. You
can also place it on the wall next to the door, so if they run towards you,
they might think it safe but it isn't. To get in a rigged door, either open the
door and blow a detpack with one of your's, or open it, then back away. They
should foolishly blow it. The second is reccomended because it won't give you
detlag. This is carried by the Engineer class, as well as some heroes/villans.

Dispenser Health and Ammo

Dispenser Health and Ammo is carried by the Engineer class. You can drop it to
yourself, or an ally. Even an enemy. It can't be thrown very far, and it's only
one ammo pack or health pack. It won't refill your Dispenser Health and Ammo
ammo, so you can't expect to have infinite. You can only get more by standing
near an ammo droid. It's useful to be able to heal yourself in battle. I don't
know how many times on accident I have had my Ammo out, then tried to throw a
detpack at someone and ended up healing them, then dieing from my stupidity.

Time Bomb

Time Bombs are useful in destroying vehicles and things in space, such as the
internal systems. When placed on, it has about 5 seconds before it blows up.
You can see the time it has left by looking at it. It then makes a large BOOM!
Killing enemies nearby and damaging whatever it is. After it is placed, there
is no disarming it. It can be used to clear enemy landing craft from your
hangar. You can carry few of them. The Bothans also have it, and going into a
group of enemies with stealth and dropping one will usually go unnoticed.


Rage is used by several units. When used, it emits a wave around you, any ally
in the wave will instantly receive a War Hero bonus. You can tell because you
will be glowing red. It wears off after a while or when you die. Quite useless,
you can get more by going to the ammo droid. Grievous's inventory says this is
infinite, but it actually isn't. He can only use ONE before getting another
from the droid. It's not the most useful, but it can help you win a firefight
in a small area.

Neuro Poison

Neuro Poison is an offensive wave attack. Using it makes the wave appear, but
any enemy caught in it will receive a force choke effect. With no floating on
the spot, they can move around. It can be annoying and result in some cheap
kills, but it will clear an area fast. It lasts a while, and you can survive it
by going to a health droid, but if you are low by then, you won't make it. It
will still eat away health, so you will need to drop some health to yourself
sometime. Magnaguards carry this weapon.


Rally is used by several units. When used, it emits a wave around you, any ally
in the wave will instantly receive a Guardian bonus. You can tell because you
will be glowing green. It wears off after a while or when you die. Quite
useless, you can get more by going to the ammo droid. But it can help you win a
firefight in a small area.

Shield Generator

This is used by the Droideka. When it uses it, the shield appears around it. It
has a health of it's own. A bar is on the side, it slowly depletes, or you can
attack it to hurry that depletion up. To get rid of them, stay behind and
attack. Jedi are best at this, or you can mine it to kill the whole thing in 1
hit. But at a distance, it can defend you from most missles and attacks. This
is the only reason the weak Droideka can survive.

Recon Droid

Recon Droids are scout units. When deployed, you are completely defenseless, as
you stand still in a spot. So find a quiet location where you are unlikely to
be disturbed by the enemies. Then you can control one, if you are using first
person, you see first person from the droid. In levels like Death Star, you
will want to go third person so you don't guide it off the edge. It can then
go in areas and shoot with a gun. If you want to kill many, the secondary
weapon is self destruct. Which will kill the enemies around you. The explosion
can be escaped, but if you shoot it before it blows, it also stops. Bots will
destroy this unit. In fact, that is about all they are good for. If you move it
into a short distance from bots, they will shoot it in seconds.

Force Push

Force Push will send a wall of force at an enemy that will not hurt them, but
will send them flying, then they have to get up and will be stuck for a second,
giving you time to attack them or escape them. Units can't be pushed when
crouching, and the skilled person can block it from hitting them with the
lightsaber. It can be used offensively and defensively.

Force Pull

Force Pull is the opposite or Force Push, it will pull an enemy TOWARDS you.
Often overpulling over your head. It is easy to begin a combo with this move.
Using it as defense isn't wise, unless you are thinking that your best defense
is a good offense. Then go for it.

Saber Throw

Saber Throw is exactly as it sounds, you will throw the lightsaber at the enemy
and it will come back, allowing for double damage. It gives you some range, as
almost all Jedi have this. You can block it once, but as it comes back like a
boomerang, you can get hit from behind on the way back. Remember this, as you
can change it's flight back by moving.

Force Choke

Force Choke is used by a few of the villans, more than the ones that use Force
Lightning. It will lock the enemy in your grasp, and they will float there,
their health will slowly deplete until you run out of stamina. It can be
blocked with a lightsaber. They will stop being choked if you are attacked, or
if you look away from them slightly. It can be used forever by switching the
secondary weapon (while choking, holding down attack). This is most effective
with the Emperor or Dooku, as they can use lightning at the same time when this
happens. You can also choke someone, then run up to them and slash with the

Force Lightning

Force Lightning is used only by those most evil. It fires blue lightning at the
enemy, it can hurt several enemies as it spreads to them. It will also harm the
friendly units nearby, which is one of the reasons that the Villans almost
always lose the game in Mos Eisley assault. It will last as long as the stamina
holds. It can be blocked, however. Not completely. The enemies won't stagger
when this happens, so you have to keep moving to dodge attacks.


Princess Leia is the only person with this move. It will set a wave around you,
making all allies nearby you invincible for a short time. Using this, coupled
with Rage and Regeneration will make you pretty much win any firefight. As
normal, you can only get more at a droid.


This sets a wave around you that is the opposite of Neuro Poison. It will cause
nearby allies to regain their health slowly. It can help you win firefights and
is much more useful than some of the other wave moves. The Bothan Spy carries
it and you can only get more at a droid.

| Rise of the Empire Campaign |

The Rise of the Empire Campaign mode shows the progress of the Republic army,
as it battles the Droid Army, until Order 66 is executed and they turn on the
Jedi. You play as a Clone Trooper in the 501st division, the most elite of all
and battle on many planets the war has taken place on. During this campaign,
the enemy has infinite units. You do not have infinite, but you gain them by
completing objectives. This mode is reccomended to play because it gives you a
kick start to your medal collection.


Attack of the Clones

This Training Mission is incredibly easy, and optional. I would not do it
unless you have never played before. If you have, it will be a breeze. It also
allows you to get easy medals.

Objective #1: Follow the Yellow Arrows on the map to Checkpoint Alpha.
This objective is the easiest in the level. Simply run over to the arrows you
can see and the next objective is prompted.

Objective #2: Destroy the droid scouts in the area.
Three Super Battle Droids will appear nearby you, they are marked with some
arrows and are very easy to kill, as long as you keep fire on them. Aim for the
upper body to make it easier. After they are dead, you receive the next task.

Objective #3: Destroy the damaged Hailfire droid with your Thermal Detonators.
Walk over to the tank with the wheels and throw a Grenade onto it. It should
nearly kill it. Finish it off with the Blaster Rifle. The next objective comes

Objective #4: Capture the Downed Techno Union Ship.
The droids are heading towards you, you need a command post to hold the area.
It is nearby, the giant wreck. Stand near the object emitting the white light.
A bar appears, wait for it to fill and then get the next objective.

Objective #5: Change into the Engineer Class.
Go to the command post and press E. Then switch to the engineer.

Objective #6: Repair the Health and Ammo Droids.
They are to the left of the post (facing away from the battle). They are marked
by an arrow and on different sides of the rocks. Heal them with the Fusion
Cutter, the second primary weapon. If you have damage, heal with the health and
Ammo dispenser in your inventory. Don't wait for the droids to heal you.

Objective #7: Enter the AT-TE assault vehicle.
Turn around and head towards the giant friendly craft. It's hard to miss. When
next to it, press E to enter.

Objective #8: Destroy a Spider Walker.
There are two ahead of you. Start firing with the primary and secondary weapons
at the same time at the spider walker. Aim for the bulb thing on the center of
it. When one of the them blows it's over.

Objective #9: Change to the Jet Trooper Class.
Get out of the Vehicle and head over to the command post. Press E and change
into the Jet Trooper.

Objective #10: Aquire the Sith Holocron. Return it to Checkpoint Alpha.
Get out from the CP and fly on top of it. The holocron is on top. Get it and
go back down to the ground. Bring it down to the arrow that is back at
Checkpoint Alpha. You cannot fly while you have it, so don't try.

Objective #11: Capture the Hill Bunker.
The enemies are up on the hill. Turn left and start flying up the hill to the
enemy bunker. It should take minimum effort to capture this. Note that the CP
is OUTSIDE the bunker below it. In a normal game it is located IN the bunker.
You might have to fire some emps or throw some grenades to clear a couple
enemies, but nothing big. After you have it, you get another easy task.

Objective #12: Change to the Sniper Class.
Simply change your class here to the Sharpshooter.

Objective #13: Take out three enemy droids with the Sniper Rifle.
Use your height advantage over the enemies and shoot down on the units below.
A couple headshots work but so do chest shots. It is easier to see the enemy
by pressing "Q" to lock on.

Objective #14: Change into the Heavy Class.
Go to the nearest CP and change into the Heavy Trooper.

Objective #15: Destroy a Spider Walker with the Rocket Launcher.
Press Q on a vehicle to lock on. Wait for the circle around the enemy to turn
red and fire. It will go quicker at a distance, so you should hang out around
the ammo droid. Until you get full ammo, then keep firing at a Spider Droid.

Objective #16: Use your lightsaber to take out 10 enemy droids.
You spawn as Mace Windu. Run at the enemy and mash the attack button to kill
them. Find 10 by locking on and using the map to locate enemies. If you die,
respawn as him. You gain health by killing enemies. And lose it from taking
hits from enemies. After they are dead, the last objective comes up.

Objective #17: Capture the Enemy Bunker to the North.
Head up to the two sided bunker with the command post inside. Defend as Mace
Windu. Stay in the center at all times and throw the lightsaber out at the
enemies that are close or that fire at you. Be sure to watch both sides. When
you have it, the mission ends.

Amongst the Ruins

Objective #1: Capture the Forward Command Post.
Start moving forwards and hop into the AT-RT in front of you. Start moving
forwards and fire at the enemy droids below. Don't bother with the turrets yet,
they are out next objective. At the command post, get off and hold the area for
a bit. The AT-RT should have made it much easier for you.

Objective #2: Destroy the Particle Cannon Turrets.
Spawn as the Heavy Trooper class. Turn towards the Particle Cannon Turrets and
fire a missle at them from a medium distance. When they are hit, they explode
and are gone. Kill them both to get the next Objective.

Objective #3: Destroy the Shield Generator that powers the force fields.
You should be prompted to spawn as Ki-Adi Mundi. Do so and jump over the force
fields. If you die, go around the side in the building to get in. Reach the
force field and slash it to death.

Objective #4: Capture the Northwest CP.
Head over to the command post and start capturing it. Throw the saber at the
enemies that spawn near you. After they are dead, get the next objective.

Objective #5: Destroy the Energy Collector Core.
Destroy the two shields in the way. Head down towards the enemy generator. As
you approach, targets appear and you can start attacking them. They are around
the building, so blow them up with rockets or the lightsaber. It's not that
hard. After they are down, you can move into the center and start bombarding
the generator. If you fire rockets from farther away, it dies faster.

Objective #6: Get a sample of crystals from the Damaged Core.
Walk back to the generator and grab the crystals. It tells you to return it to
the gunship they have waiting. If you are Ki-Adi Mundi, just dash and go as
fast as you can. If you died, get a bunch of guys to follow you with F4 and
restock your ammo for the rush back. Head on the right side (where the turrets
were) and make your way back to the gunship as fast as possible. Another easy
way is to hijack an AAT and drive back to the CP (as far as you can) and kill
all the enemies and get out. Then run to the gunship.

Space Coruscant
A Desperate Mission

Objective #1: Launch into Space
Spawn as a Clone Pilot. Move up to one of the ships and get inside with E. Use
Space Bar to take off and launch into space.

Objective #2: Destroy 5 CIS Fighters
Target the enemy with Q and pursue them. When the circle around them turns
red, fire the secondary weapon to home some proton torpedoes on them. They will
die. Do this five times. It will take a couple seconds for the enemies to get
out of the hangar.

Objective #3: Destroy the Enemy Frigate.
Look around for the Banking Clan Comm Ship. Move towards it, firing lasers and
missles. Ignore the fighters around you. After a while, it will be killed. The
Frigate is marked with an arrow.

Objective #4: Bring down the enemy Shields on the Main Ship.
Start firing torpedoes at the ship. It will slowly bring the shields down. When
they are down, you get the next objective,

Objective #5: Destroy the Communications Array.
This is simple. The Communications Array is much weaker in this campaign than
in a normal Conquest. Fire 6 torpedoes at it to destroy it.

Objective #6: Land in the CIS Hangar.
Fly down and into the Blue shield. Press Space again to set the ship down in
the enemy hangar.

Objective #7: Destroy the enemy Cooling Tanks.
Head up the stairs (ignoring the enemies) and into the door. Head to the far
right and go inside. This is a room with a green glow in some pipes. Drop the
three bombs (one by one) on the green pipes. Eventually it blows up.

Objective #8: Destroy the enemy Command Bridge.
Head back outside into the Hangar and get inside a starfighter. Preferably a
fully healed enemy fighter. Fly above the ship and start hitting the bridge.
It's not really a bridge, but it's there behind where the Communications Array
was. It should be somewhat damaged. Blow it up to complete the mission.

Heart of Darkness

Objective #1: Get to the AT-TE.
Apparantly the Acklay are attacking the AT-TE. So head up to the arrows to get
the real first objective. You only have thirty seconds, so move to the AT-TE
which is damaged.

Objective #2: Kill 6 Acklay.
If you are the normal trooper, DON'T STOP MOVING. I was the Heavy Class and
killed 2 of them with my rockets, and deployed mines to three of them, and then
managed to get the last one with one rocket and a whole lot of pistol. As long
as you keep moving away and don't stop firing, you are fine.

Objective #3: Defend the AT-TE.
You only have to defend for about 2 minutes. I'd restock on my ammo and choose
a class with quick firing weapons like the Chaingun or a Blaster Rifle to give
a decent defense. This isn't too hard, you can see them all on the map and
they only come on one side. Just charge up the hill and kill them. After you
have the first wave down, a second arrives. Kill them and wait for the time to
run out, then play as Aayla Secura.

Objective #4: Acquire the Power Cell.
A gunship is downed nearby, you need the power cell to reactivate the AT-TE.
Now that you are Aayla Secura, it won't be as hard. Just go over to the flag on
the map. Several enemies will be nearby, ignore them and get the flag, then
quickly run back to finish this.

Objective #5: Destroy the CIS Defense Turrets.
The CIS is holding up a defense stand. There are several turrets set up (6 I
believe). You have to run around as Aayla to kill them. Note that one is up on
a hill. After you kill them all, this ends the mission.

Space Kashyyyk
First Line of Defense

Objective #1: Destroy the Enemy Frigate
Since this is a normal Space mission, get inside the V-Wing bomber and launch
up into space. Head over to the Frigate which is marked with arrows and start
launching bombs on the enemy craft. Go back and forth between each one and bomb
them until they are dead.

Objective #2: Destroy the Heavy Cannons.
There are two heavy cannons next to the shield opening to the hangar. Bombard
them as much as you can until they are gone.

Objective #3: Land in the Republic Hangar and grab the LAAT Gunship. Land it in
the CIS Hangar.
Do exactly as it says to do in the Objective name. Once you land, it might not
approve the objective. Wait around 10 seconds, if it still doesn't work, drive
outside and suicide bomb something. Then land another one inside.

Objective #4: Destroy the Life Support Systems and Engines.
Get weapons in hand (reccomended as the Pilot) and enter the ship. Head left to
the Life Support Systems first. Destroy the Auto Turret and ignore the other
troops in the hangar. Drop a time bomb on the Life Support Console and start
shooting at the enemies in the room until the bomb blows. Drop another one and
run back into the main room. Pick up another bomb at the ammo droid and enter
the other room with the Engine Cooling Tank. Destroy the turret and drop a bomb
on the tank. Shoot the enemies until it blows then place another Time Bomb on
it. When it blows, the objective is completed.

Objective #5: Steal the Holocron and Return it to Republic Hangar.
Move out into the Shield Generator room and DASH into the hangar. Get into the
fastest ship available at the time (whatever it may be) and take off. Move as
quick as you can to your hangar, using boosts. It should take around 5 seconds
once you are in space if you are in the Trifighter. Land in your Hangar and
head up to the Auto Turret Control. A blue Capture the Flag circle appears,
move into it to end the mission.

A Line in the Sand

The first mission that is tactically important and like a real battle. Hooray.

Objective #1: Defend the Beachhead for 3 minutes.
The big one. You have to hold the beach Command Post for 3 minutes. To do this,
mine Vehicles so you can concentrate on everyone else. You should be displacing
and switching classes a lot in this level. If you die, so be it. But respawn
ASAP. If you last this time, hopefully which you will, you get the next
objective. The next best thing to do is hop into a tank and kill everything.
But like I said before, switching classes to fit the needs of the time is a
good way to go.

Objective #2: Fall back to the Wookie Base.
The Fortifications have been made, run back to the wookie base behind the walls
and prepare yourself by refitting with ammo at the droids on the platforms.

Objective #3: Defend the Oil Refinery for 4 minutes.
This is hard (for an early level). Hop in a tank and turn and face. Kill EVERY
unit that comes in. Especially the enemies with rocket launchers. Vehicles are
the number 1 priority. If the need arises, repair the gate winch as fast as you
can if it is destroyed. It shouldn't be that big of a problem. The vehicle
should survive, and the ally troops will be crowding the refinery. Just keep
firing, using concussion missles from the tank on the enemies.

Objective #4: Capture all CIS command posts.
Press forward as Yoda and head down to the beachhead. Capture it by holding it
off, and killing any tanks that come by with the lightsaber. If you die, spawn
as your next best trooper and start taking it. You allies cannot capture the
command post, only flood it and kill the enemies. So you have to be present.
Just focus on them one by one and keep at it until you have them all. You
should get many awards in this level. The obvious route for this objective is
left and around the thing. The first cp is the hardest, so don't worry.

Underground Ambush

Objective #1: Attack the Command Post South of your position.
Head over to the command post and engage the first enemy.

Objective #2: Capture the Enemy CP.
Okay, so we now have to capture it, turn left and climb up the stairs. As a
newbie, this is the first level I failed due to lack of reinforcements, so you
have to go as fast as you can. At the top of the stairs, stay by the CP and
fire at the enemies below. If one comes next to you, dispatch it. No duh. You
can tell if they are nearby because when the CP meter is blue, it will start
flashing. It should be simple, but just incase, there is an ammo droid above
to give you strength.

Objective #3: Capture the Highway CP.
Move down the long stretch. An AAT should advance, but you will have a TON of
men with you, and each throws a grenade. Taking it out. No sweat. Head down and
jump up on to the cp, kill any enemy firing at you. When it's done, you get the
next objective.

Objective #4: Capture Hangar 10 CP.
You can now spawn as Obi-Wan. Do so and head down to the command post. Stay
near the CP and start killing the enemies around you. After you get it neutral,
it shouldn't be a problem to get the last few guys and capture it.

Objective #5: Kill General Grievous.
Grievous now appears a little way away from your position. Head towards him and
push him with the force, start attacking, he doesn't stagger, so dodge and turn
after you hit him. Repeat this. If you die, spawn as a Heavy Trooper, TK or no
TK. Then drop a mine in front of his path to you and him will die. If you
suicide doing this, oh well. Now you get the next objective.

Objective #6: Destroy the Anti-Aircraft guns.
Whether you are Obi-Wan or the heavy trooper, this works well for you. Move in
and start attacking. Four grenades will just about kill it, and a rocket does
about half damage. Obi Wan can rip through the two of them. Anyway, after it is
downed you get another objective.

Objective #7: Destroy the Energy Tower.
Hop in one of the tanks that are now spawning. Head over to the arrow, ignore
the infantry and other tanks around you and immediately fire at the pillar. If
you magically die, be a heavy trooper and shoot rockets at it. This is an easy
objective to compelete, and when it is done, the mission ends.


This is the coolest level in the game, killing the enemy Jedi in the temple.
Have fun, it's rather difficult. The enemies are mainly Temple Vanguards with
guns, but there will be Jedi here too.

Objective #1: Capture the Jedi Council Chamber.
I'd reccomend a Heavy for this job. As the enemy has many turrets that they
will hop in. Newbies will have some difficulty with this level. Anyway, take
out the turrets. There will be Jedi resistance, so be sure to use the mines and
stop them. After you are in the Council room, kill the enemies inside and the
rest will fall. After those Jedi are gone, you will be fine.

Objective #2: Go to the Library.
Follow the Yellow arrow into the library. Switch out into a Clone Commander
just in case.

Objective #3: Defend a bookcase for 2 minutes.
Pick a Bookcase near the back and defend it with your life. If you die, come
back as a Clone Commander. The Chaingun will help you in your quest. You can
also repair the bookcase, so you might want to try that. Just make sure it will
live. At the 1 minute mark, more will appear. So be sure to kill them. Attack
Jedi as they run or attack. As they will block otherwise.

Objective #4: Retrieve the Sith Holocron and return it to the Veranda.
Head up the stairs and take a short moment to defeat the Jedi nearby. Head all
the way back where you came from into the library and out into the Veranda.
This is hard and may take several attempts. Hopefully you have 100 extra
reinforcements so you won't fail in the attempts. As more Jedi appear and they
will attack out in the main area. Just remember that you should run, and you
can't fly it back as a Jet Trooper.

Objective #5: Kill the Jedi with the Holocron and return it to the drop off.
You can spawn as Anakin with a cool hood on now. So use him and move into the
main area. Quickly slash the Jedi with the Holocron, then move his
holocron back into the drop off point with Force Run. As you can't dash.

Objective #6: Kill the 3 Jedi Masters.
The three Jedi masters are marked with arrows. Kill them at all costs.
If you die as Anakin, be the Clone Commander or Heavy Trooper and use the Jedi
killing strategies you used before. Thus is the conclusion of the Republic and
the start of the missions you now get to play as the Empire!

Imperial Diplomacy

Objective #1: Capture the Plaza Security Post.
Move in to the Post, ignoring guards. They won't bring the post progress down.
Which is fitting, since there is so many of them. Just manage to capture the
post, shooting enemies and dodging to receive the next objective.

Objective #2: Capture the Plaza Command Post.
The Plaza command post is on the other side of the map. Head past the water
front area and capture the next cp. You will have some resistance, but fire,
throw and roll to the next area. Don't spend time killing guards.

Objective #3: Capture the Central Plaza Command Post.
Head into the tank they dropped for you, move into the command post. Not the
real Central Plaza, but the one nearby. Kill enemies nearby with the tank and
then get out and capture it by hand. Use the tank as cover, but look out for
grenades being thrown by enemies at it. Now turn into a heavy trooper and get
at least 1 mine.

Objective #4: Destroy the Auto Turret Defenses.
Head up the ramp to the right and drop a mine on the enemies, they are all
blown up, and the turret system goes with it. Yay!

Objective #5: Kill the Royal Jedi Guard.
Start Launcing missles at the Jedi around you, keep at least 1 after you kill
the Jedi Guards. As the Queen is still to be dealt with.

Objective #6: Kill the Queen.
You have 3 minutes to kill the Queen. So make it quick. Mines, rockets and
blasters will have to do the job for you. Ignore her guard and kill her. She is
in the central Plaza, in case you didn't know. If you have a tank, so much the
better. I managed to sneak past her guard on foot and kill her with two rockets
and a pistol. If you get her on her own, it's much easier.

Space Mustafar
Preventative Measures

Once more, you must fight the Droids, this time as the Empire. A geonosian
reactivated the army somehow. First comes the space invasion.

Objective #1: Destroy the Landing Craft and kill the enemies.
Spawn as a pilot and run at the enemy, drop the Time Bombs on it and shoot the
enemies with the pistols. If you die, then come back as the Marine and shoot
the rest with the Rocket Launcher and Blaster Rifle.

Objective #2: Kill 8 Enemy Fighters.
Launch into space as any unit, preferably a Fighter or a Scout, and start
firing at the enemy. The Majority seem to be low health scouts and will easily

Objective #3: Destroy the enemy Shields.
Land back in your ship and come out with a bomber. Keep firing them at the
ship until the shields are down. Stay on the front of the ship, where there
aren't any turrets.

Objective #4: Land in the enemy hangar, steal a bomber and return it to our
Land the ship in the hangar and get into the bomber that is chosen by the arrow
you see. Fly it into your hangar. You shouldn't die, because the bomber is
strong. Thus concludes the mission!

Tying up Loose Ends

Objective #1: Capture the Lava Observatory Post.
The door on the left is where you want to go, but it is locked. So move into
the room on the right and make your way left from there. Clear the lava room
and capture the command post.

Objective #2: Capture the Walkway.
Go out one of the two doors and head over the bridge. Restock on ammo before
if necessary. On the other side of the bridge, defend the command post and
kill the enemies. More will come through the door, so plant some mines or
throw grenades at it to stop a flood.

Objective #3: Capture the Collection Base.
Head into the door with the CIS and start fighting your way into the command
post. Defend the area as you capture it with explosives.

Objective #4: Destroy the Prototype Droid Schematics.
Move up the stairs and into the droid room. Be sure to have some ammunition.
Heavy Troopers are best. Fire rockets at the tables with the symbols floating
above them to defeat it.

Objective #5: Retrieve the Homing Beacon and plant it at the factory.
This will allow you to destroy the factory, pick it up off the ground in the
next room over. Head outside thorough the room with the plans and out the door.
Move left, staying on the top level and over the bridge. Approaching the arrow
CP will make it be placed.

Objective #6: Clear the Area.
Head back up the ramp to the top and turn around. Kill enemies attacking you
and wait for the last objective.

Objective #7: Kill Gizor Delso.
Immediately find him and blast the crud out of him. He is strong and may take
several lives. One mine will kill him, however.

Changing of the Guard

This is a unique level, you get to fight... THE REPUBLIC!

Objective #1: Gain Entry to the Cloning Facility.
Fly over to the door to get the next objective.

Objective #2: Blow the Door Panel.
Place a detpack on the door panel and detonate it. This opens the door. I
thought it said he knew the codes?

Objective #3: Retrieve a Sample of Clone DNA.
Move inside the facility and head straight ahead, fly right into the next room
and quickly avoid all the Jet Troopers. Get the DNA sample and turn around.
Roll your way back outside and head left, then up the platforms on foot to the
Gunship. Remember, don't jump off the edge to try and Jetpack, because you
can't when you have the "flag".

Objective #4: Capture the Center Platform.
Fly all the way to the platform from the one you are on. You might not totally
make it, but pretty darn close. Get on the center and turn around, shoot at
the enemies away. You should be undisturbed by anyone but enemies in a turret.

Objective #5: Destroy the Clone Life Support Systems.
Fly back to the building marked with the arrows. Enter one of the doors. You
should be met by several Rall Arc Troopers. Kill them and proceed. Enter the
room and get more ammo. Blow all the pods up with Detpacks to finish the

Objective #6: Destroy 2 Gunships.
Head towards the nearest ammo droid and get a couple Detpacks. Fly over to the
first LAAT gunship you see. Blow it up with one. For some reason this ended my
mission, I only had to kill one. Maybe the allies had blown the other one, I
don't know. Either way, the mission ends. If you die, I'm sure you can spawn
as Boba again, if not, be the Heavy Trooper. You only have 5:00 for this, which
is more than enough time.

Death Star
Prison Break

Objective #1: Meet the Squad in the Hangar.
Move down the stairs and out into the Hangar by the landing craft.

Objective #2: Defend the Hangar.
Rebels will start to come through the door at the front. Drop mines in front of
the door to stop them mainly, then shoot enemy else with rockets and the pistol
you have. After a while they will come through the other door. This is when I
switched out to an Engineer, and used the shotgun to deliver 1 hit headshot
kills. You only have to do this for 2 minutes.

Objective #3: Capture the Detention Block CP.
Press through the first door, killing the rebels as you go. As you enter,
quickly use whatever means necessary to clear everyone out of here (all enemies
that is, not you allies). Then wait and kill those who try to stop you getting
it. The AI will handle most, but you should support them.

Objective #4: Recover the Stolen Death Star Plans.
Head down the cell blocks into the open power generator room. Ignore all the
enemies except for the ones in your path. Get to him and kill him. If you need
a breather on the run back, head right and go down. You will be at the Garbage
Compacter exit. There are some droids there with ammo and health. Then continue
the run back to the cell block. It's not that hard.

Objective #5: Capture the Fire Control Room.
Since the Rebels blew out the bridge behind you, you have to run ahead and go
over the Power Generator room bridge inside. At this point I had the Flechette
Shotgun (from getting an award in Objective 2) which made it easier. Move in
and mine or detpack the enemies here. This blows almost all of them away. Now
shoot the rest down as you capture the CP.

Objective #6: Move into Hangar 85G and destroy the Shuttle.
The Rebels are trying to escape. Move out the other door and around the bend.
Make the running leap over the bridge here (not the big one) and make your way
to the top, killing rebels. As you enter the Hangar, start destroying the
Shuttle. Ignore the rebels around you and make sure it dies before you do. You
have 3 minutes I believe. It could be four.

Objective #7: Eliminate the Jedi Rebel Leader.
Another Jedi escaped Order 66. If you died from destroying the shuttles, just
briskly return and start fighting the Jedi leader. Ignore all else. I used a
rocket, which he deflected, and then mined him. It's your choice, customize
your kills!

Polis Massa
Birth of the Rebellion

Objective #1: Capture the Radar Facility.
Move out into the facility. Ignore everyone until you are inside, then use the
explosives you have to clear it out.

Objective #2: Retrieve the Holodisk.
Head towards the disk on the map. Be a Shock Trooper, their mines will be most
useful, drop mines whenever there are a huge amount of troops, which there will
be. Get the disk and head back to the command post. Killing troops with mines
as you go. It's the most useful thing I can reccomend.

Objective #3: Defend the Post until uplink.
Just attack enemies that come in. I recommend being the Engineer, the shotgun
is useful for quickly dispatching enemies. There is two minutes to defend, and
the enemy doesn't storm you. Their progress is slow, and tracked on the map.
They usually come 1 by 1 or in pairs, not a huge group. Easy to defend because
you have the bots. But watch out for grenades.

Objective #4: Destroy the Cavern Databank.
Head into the Caverns. Most enemies seem to be frozen and won't attack unless
you get them, so if you want, kill them for free kills. Anyway, head into the
caverns and stay on the bottom level, destroy the data bank on the other end.

Objective #5: Capture the Hangar.
Since the Hangar is on the other side, I reccomend killing enemies until you
die and respawn near the hangar. Now begin your assault. You will need weapons
that will clear an area, mainly detpacks and mines to survive well. Grenades
work fine too. Just kill the enemies, and be sure not to die. If you do, you
will pretty much have to start over the assault.

Tantive IV
Recovering the Plans

Before doing this mission, I reccomend playing it in instant action and
learning the locations. It will make it so much easier. In my newbie days, I
remember looking for 10 minutes trying to find the escape pod, and ended up
running out of reinforcements.

Objective #1: Capture the Barracks command post.
Wait for the door to be blown down. Head forward and immediately start placing
explosives by the enemies. Around 10 guys will come up the stairs at once, and
you can take them all out with a single mine. Then head down into the command
post and start taking it over. It shouldn't be too hard. A newbie will find
this map most difficult.

Objective #2: Move into the Tech Room.
Spawn as Vader and move into the Tech Room. It's marked on your map. I took the
time to go to the ammo droid outside and to the right of it before going in.
This made it easier.

Objective #3: Destroy the Security Mainframes.
Blow them up as quick as you can to avoid death. They are spread out and may
take two lives. If you die as Vader, be a heavy trooper.

Objective #4: Aquire the Access Codes and return them to the Tech Room.
Move out to the engine room, it's near where you started, but on the other side
of the ship. It's locked. After you enter, blow up the engine turbine to stop
the energy string. Then cross, go up and get the disk and return it back to
where you came from. Don't dally with enemies, just go go go!

Objective #5: "Capture" Princess Leia.
It doesn't say where she is, but in the Movie she is in the escape pod bay. So
turn around, go into the hall and turn right. You see an ammo droid at the end
of the hall. Turn left and enter the pod. Do some laps of it and Leia will
appear at the back. I just mined her, she doesn't move, just crouches and fires
at you. It's not that hard.

Space Yavin
Vader's Fist Strikes Back

Objective #1: Destroy the Rebel Transports.
Get into a TIE bomber and start bombing the enemy transports. There are many
of them, and you only have 3 minutes. They will harass you, but you will live.
Just be sure to move quickly to them, then slowly hover over them as you bomb.
After they are down, you have to destroy the enemy Frigate.

Objective #2: Destroy the Enemy Frigate.
Take your bomber and swing it over to the Corellian Corvettes. Start shooting
them with the Particle Cannon, then when you get in range, drop bombs as well.
Do this to both of them to defeat them.

Objective #3: Destroy 10 enemy fighters.
Start shooting down enemies with the particle cannon, it's easy enough to do.
But be quick about it, if you are bad at this, switch out. Because you only
have 10 minutes to do the next 3 objectives.

Objective #4: Destroy the Heavy Turrets.
Immediately Bomb the crap out of the four Heavy Turrets. It's essential you
have enough time left on the clock to do this last part.

Objective #5: Destroy the Enemy Engines.
You have to do this externally. Go to the back and start bombing the engines.
Remember this: You have to finish with more than 12 seconds left. Because it
will fail you even if you complete, because the MISSION has to end before then.
I cannot tell you how frustrating that was. But a skilled player will have no

Yavin 4
Revenge of the Empire

Objective #1: Capture the Fountain.
Move into the fountain on the left with the tank and get out, defend it with
explosives until you capture it.

Objective #2: Capture the Viaduct.
Get back into a tank and quickly drive as close as you can to the Command post.
The trees will probably block your path, so proceed on foot. This one is much
harder to take than the last one, and you will have to destroy ALL nearby
enemies to get it, there will be a lot of them. But try and hold out. It can
be hard to see enemies because of the bushes and the camoflage.

Objective #3: Capture the Reflecting Pool.
Get into a tank and drive it to the CP. Then physically drive it IN to the
pool. Start shooting the enemies inside and get rid of the enemy tanks coming
towards you. After your men have filled the CP, get out and capture it.

Objective #4: Defend the Reflecting Pool for 2 minutes.
I'd reccomend getting into the tank and firing at the enemy tanks and infantry
attacking you. When it is almost dead, get out and defend it on foot. Just try
to avoid death and plant some mines at the entrances to the pool.

Objective #5: Bring the Breaching Bomb to the Temple Doors.
I'd bring a tank to the location on the map (due east) because when you get
there, Rebels will appear. Go up to the top and quickly get the Bomb, then get
back into the tank. Drive up to the main temple and walk up to the door to
plant the bomb. Turn around and book it away as it will blow soon.

Objective #6: Defeat the Rebel Leaders.
Run inside and climb the stairs. Inside the main room at the back is where the
rebel leaders are. They are Bothans, so they will disappear. It's of little
consequence, because they are marked with arrows though. If you drive a tank
of theirs up the stairs after you enter, you can shoot at them through the
door, netting the easy kills. If you can't reach one, move in on foot and kill
them. It's over.

Our Finest Hour

Objective #1: Capture the Outlook Command Post.
You have 20 minutes to complete the WHOLE mission. This is plenty of time, but
some of the objectives are hard. Start by getting in the AT-AT and moving
towards the enemy command post. Start firing the Particle Cannon and main laser
at the enemy infantry. Destroy the Turrets, and continue wiping out rebels
until your imperial forces are pretty much occupying the whole area. At that
point, get out and proceed on foot. Capture the Command Post.

Objective #2: Capture the Forward Bunker.
Now it is time to get back into the AT-AT and do the same strategy as before of
assaulting the Command Post and waiting until you occupy the area. This method
is probably the most effective in the game. If the allies aren't there when
you are, which is usually the case, get out and do it anyway.

Objective #3: Destroy the Shield Generator.
Get back into the AT-AT and start firing at the Shield Generator. It's just
over the hill and is bait for your weapons on the AT-AT. After this, you are
rewarded with a Movie Clip.

Objective #4: Capture Echo Base.
If your AT-AT is extremely damaged, go on foot to Echo Base. Either way, it is
not the most difficult task in this mission. It's hard though, I went around
and got some men to follow me with F4, this made it easier to attack.

Objective #5: Destroy the Tech Console.
You can now spawn as Vader. I'd do so, but don't die, you will need him before
long. Follow the only path not blocked by shields down the back and destroy
the computer console with your saber. Do you think the Rebels may have thought
to shield the Tech Console as well?

Objective #6: Capture the Back Hangar.
Move down the paths that were shielded and over the bridge to reach the back
hangar. Start killing Rebels and making your way to the command post. There is
an auto turret on the Millenium Falcon that you should destroy. Then get the
command post. You get another movie clip.

Objective #7: Place the Orbital Strike Beacon in the hangar under the Rebel
Run over to the left (facing exit out into the snow) and get the beacon. Go
outside and Force Run as fast as you can to the Rebel Transport. Once it is
placed, you have the hardest objective IN THE GAME to perform. If you have
no skill with a Heavy Trooper, you will die. The enemy will immediately start
to flood the area with grenades in attempt to destroy the Beacon. Drop mines on
them to kill them all. Continue this until the timer runs out. If you play as
normal infantry, it will be hard. If you die, you will choose the nearest CP
and automatically spawn nearby to it. You won the campaign! Congratulations!

| Galactic Conquest |

Galactic Conquest is a new mode, you have to build up fleets and attack the
enemy, conquering planets and destroying fleets. It's a rather ingenuitive
idea. Anyway, as you click on the mode, you get four options:

Birth of the Rebellion (Play as Rebels)
The Confederate Uprising (Play as CIS)
Republic Sovreignity (Play as Republic)
Dark Reign of the Empire (Play as Empire)

Choose a side. Any side. You then begin the game with a fleet. You see a map
before you. Choose your fleet and have them move to a location nearby. If you
choose an enemy planet, you get to invade them. If you choose an enemy fleet,
you get to have a space battle against them and destroy their fleet. Prior to
Battle, you get to choose a bonus (which you purchase beforehand) to use in
the battle. These are the Bonuses:

Energy Boost - 200 Credits

All units will regain stamina at a faster rate than normal. Not reccomended.

Supplies - 200 Credits

This will make you carry more ammo. Useful if you run out lots, not really
otherwise though.

Garrison - 200 Credits

If you run low (50 reinforcements), you will end up gaining another 50 to add
on. This is the best bonus in the game and is highly reccomended for invasion
or defense.

Auto Turrets - 400 Credits

This is one of the bonuses that sounds good, but isn't as it really is. When
activated, it will put the Sniper Auto Turrets in the center of all your CPs.
Good, but still not the best.

Bacta Tanks - 400 Credits

For someone who dies often, this is handy. You slowly replenish health if you
are damaged. Can save you sometimes, still not the best.

Combat Shielding - 400 Credits

This gives you more health than normal in a level. Making you last long. This
one is good, but still not as good as garrison.

Sabotage - 600 Credits

This causes all enemy vehicles to have low health. This is very good for space
battles, because they won't be able to hold out against your turrets and

Advanced Blasters - 600 Credits

This makes you do War Hero damage amount. Which means if you have War Hero at
legendary, you get to have 3x the normal damage!

Leader - 800 Credits

You can play as your faction's hero with this. It's a good bonus that is too
costly to actually use often.

You earn the credits to pay for all of this by attacking a planet and either
winning or losing, you get more for winning though. At the end of each round,
you will get some for however many planets you hold.

You need to buy more troops, but first we need more credits. To do this, we
have to spend our money first on bonuses, then units later. Fight some battles
with Garrison and win.

Now, as you start off, you only get 1 unit for space and one for normal. The
standard Trooper and the Pilot. You can purchase the following classes for some
amount of money:

Heavy: 1000 Credits
Sniper: 1000 Credits
Engineer: 1000 Credits
Special Unit #1: 1800 Credits
Special Unit #2: 1800 Credits
Marine: 800 Credits

You should buy them in this order:

Assault, you need some form of antitank to defeat the enemy vehicles, as they
are strong when you start off with only troopers.

Engineer: We need some form of support to give ammo and health to the troops.

Marine: We need something cheap to save some money for the next unit purchase

Special Unit: ONLY ONE OF THEM. Choose which one you like better.

Sniper: Not really needed, but good to have.

The Other Special Unit.

This saves us some money. Now, you can buy more fleets to defend planets or
attack others. If you have no fleets, you can make a new one.

1st Fleet is Free
2nd Fleet 1000 Credits
3rd Fleet is 2000 Credits
4th Fleet is 4000 Credits.

And it doubles. You can spawn fleets over planets. This may seem like much now,
but it's rather easy to attack the planets. It only ends when you have all the
planets captured and secured. If the enemy has a fleet left, you have to kill
it first by defending a planet or in a space battle to finish. Good luck,

| Instant Action |


Map: Coruscant

Heroes/Villans: Clones: Mace Windu
CIS: Darth Maul
RebelS: Luke Skywalker
Empire: The Emperor

Modes: Conquest
2-Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Empire

Command Posts:

Command Post 1

The Veranda. It's the entrance to the temple. Several ways inside exist, they
are all on one side, except for the Library link to the upper floor, and the
Map Room outside link, which goes around the back. It has two turrets, which
will be the primary target for an invader, as it can bring you down. It is a
large area, and it is easy to defend in numbers. As invaders will get picked
off with your superior numbers. This command post is neutral.

Command Post 2

Command Post 2 is the Library. This is the probably most fought over command
post in the level, as both sides are near it. There are multiple entrances,
through the front door, from the Veranda and from the Tech Room. This makes it
hard to defend, but usually enemies only come from the front door. There are
multiple bookcases to find some cover behind, which can be destroyed. The
invaders will have trouble flushing every enemy out due to the tables blocking
most of the bodies of the defenders. The defenders will have a similar problem,
though there will most likely be more of them to do the job. It is a neutral
command post.

Command Post 3

This is the Tech Room. It has some computers on the wall, and is the starting
base for the Empire/Republic. It has an entrance from the Library, and the
main one, which is from the Council Room. The one from the Library is fairly
easy to defend, as it is a small door. The big one is harder. Luckily for the
invaders, the stairs form a bottleneck and make it tough to get through. The
stairs also have some cover for defenders in the nooks, but they can often get
you pinned down or destroyed by Jedi/Sith. The room itself offers little cover
and quite a bit of room to maneuver. Making it less than perfect for Jedi.

Command Post 4

This is the Council Chamber. There are three entrances, fortunately they are
all on one side of the room. Allowing for effective defense. However, sometimes
the enemy will spawn behind you if you are trying to capture it. If you invade,
throw grenades through the openings. Spread into multiple openings so you won't
all be taken down by mines. The defender can't effectively throw grenades out,
as they are on the top of a hill and will probably end up throwing it off a
cliff. This Command Post is neutral.

Command Post 5

This is the briefing room. There are three openings, one is into the main room,
one from the Map Room (outside and up the stairs) and one from the Council
chamber room (down the hall). It is neutral. It's a crossfire really, each side
gets to attack it vigorously, with troops from both sides. But the CIS is
closer to it, and will take it easier.

Command Post 6

This is the Map reading room. Controlled by the CIS or the Alliance, it has two
entrances, one from the temple, the other from outside. This makes it easy to
defend, as enemies will only invade from one point really. The hard part is
that they can take cover around the opening and throw in grenades. Invasion is
harder, because enemies spawn here like mad and come from both doors.


Clone Strategy:

Start off at the First Command post. Sprint down the stairs and take the next
left. Climb up the stairs and wait at the post to capture it. After you have
it, go down the stairs and turn left. Move down the hall, eliminating the
opposition that is sure to be there. Go down to the command post at the next
bit. Wait, killing enemies that come in or respawn. Now that you have this one,
you should be prompted to play as Mace Windu. Do so. Now go out the door of
that command post and down the steps outside to reach the map room. Defend this
vigorously as you capture it. After that, move out into the main area and turn
left. Get inside and spend your time alive on Droideka's and destroying those
turrets. Then kill off the enemies while capturing it. If you die, go to the
nearest command post and continue assaults until you can overrun the place and
take it. If the enemy got any other command posts, which is a possibility, take
it back. Lastly, move around the main area and the hallways, flushing out the
remaining enemies. Check the turrets, the areas behind stairs and the two paths
from the Library to the Veranda and the Map Room and the Veranda. Enemies
usually hide here.

CIS: Strategy:

Our strategy here is to simply counter the enemy's strategy. Head up to Command
Post #5 and start capturing it. When it is full. Head up the stairs and towards
the council Chamber. The enemy will have begun taking it, so kill them and get
it. Now you will be prompted to play as Darth Maul. Use it and go down to the
right, assaulting the Tech Room. This will be a rather narrow bottleneck and
easy to get kills as you move towards it. Capture it, now head into the library
through the upper floor, launching yourself downwards at the enemy. If you die,
do the same thing with your desired troop. Capture it, and then defeat the
enemies nearby. If you don't have the Veranda already, assault that last post.
It is the strongest and won't fall as quickly. After you have them all, check
the turrets, the areas behind stairs and the two paths from the Library to
the Veranda and the Map Room and the Veranda. Enemies usually hide here.

Rebel Strategy:

Our strategy here is to simply counter the enemy's strategy. Head up to Command
Post #5 and start capturing it. When it is full. Head up the stairs and towards
the council Chamber. The enemy will have begun taking it, so kill them and get
it. Now you will be prompted to play as The Emperor. Use it and go down to the
right, assaulting the Tech Room. This will be a rather narrow bottleneck and
easy to get kills as you move towards it. Capture it, now head into the library
through the upper floor, launching yourself downwards at the enemy. If you die,
do the same thing with your desired troop. Capture it, and then defeat the
enemies nearby. If you don't have the Veranda already, assault that last post.
It is the strongest and won't fall as quickly. After you have them all, check
the turrets, the areas behind stairs and the two paths from the Library to
the Veranda and the Map Room and the Veranda. Enemies usually hide here.

Empire Strategy:

Start off at the First Command post. Sprint down the stairs and take the next
left. Climb up the stairs and wait at the post to capture it. After you have
it, go down the stairs and turn left. Move down the hall, eliminating the
opposition that is sure to be there. Go down to the command post at the next
bit. Wait, killing enemies that come in or respawn. Now that you have this one,
you should be prompted to play as The Emperor. Do so. Now go out the door of
that command post and down the steps outside to reach the map room. Defend this
vigorously as you capture it. After that, move out into the main area and turn
left. Get inside and spend your time alive on Wookiees and destroying those
turrets. Then kill off the enemies while capturing it. If you die, go to the
nearest command post and continue assaults until you can overrun the place and
take it. If the enemy got any other command posts, which is a possibility, take
it back. Lastly, move around the main area and the hallways, flushing out the
remaining enemies. There is a turret hidden behind stairs where enemies usually
hang out. This is a good place to start.

Sniping Spots:

- If you want to snipe in this map, then I suggest you learn to be a mobile
sniper because it's kind of hard when you don't have much high ground and you
are likely to be in close quarters most of the map. Mobile Snipers specialize in
attacking from closer ranges and dodging by using rolls and no-scope sniping.

- The few parts you CAN snipe at is across halls, such as the Tech Room, across
to the other end or from the council chamber across to the Veranda and that
large area. You can try doing it at the upstairs of the Library, but it's a bit

Map: Dagobah

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Yoda
CIS: General Grievous
Rebels: Yoda
Empire: Darth Vader

Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: CIS
Galactic Civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:

Command Post 1:

This is Yoda's house. It, like almost all the command posts in this level, is
in the open. Though it has it's back to the edge of the map, making attackers
come in at 180 degrees instead of 360. It's the start point for the Republic
and the Alliancee. The only problem is that it's way at the back.

Command Post 2:

This is the cave. Remember where Luke dropped in and Vader was there, and he
sliced his head off, only to see himself? Yeah. That's it. The entrance is
hidden, but easily found by going to the map and seeing the three openings as
the dark portions around it, at the back parts. There are three, but the area
inside is rather small and easy to defend, but if attackers go in all three
openings, get busy. It's a neutral point, but near Yoda's hut.

Command Post 3:

The downed LAAT/X-Wing. It changes depending on the time era. The LAAT can be
used as cover, as you can go inside the middle, the X-Wing can be hid behind.
The CP is on a spot of land, surrounded by water. The water makes it hard to
spot mines, making it an effective minefield for when enemies come to attack
you. It's about the same distance from each side, but the CIS/Empire usually
gets there first by a slight touch. It's neutral outherwise.

Command Post 4:

This is a bunch of tree roots. There is about 220 degrees of fighting, the last
140 is with your back against a wall. The water leading up to it is another
effective minefield, and the roots will provide some cover, not much though.
This post is neutral, but near the CIS/Empire base.

Command Post 5:

This command post is Luke's camp. There are several boxes and crates near the
back, providing minimal cover. There is about 200 degrees open and more water
for mines leading up to it. Most command posts in this level are the same. This
post is the CIS/Empire starting post.

Command Post 6:

The sixth command post is a huge tree. it can give you about 40 degrees of
cover, but not that much. Otherwise, is rather open and easy to attack, hard to
defend unless you storm it with your men and have them stand ground. It's
neutral and close to the middle. Probably one of the most sought over command
posts in the level.


Clone Strategy:

The main strategy for this faction is to ignore the first CP for bots, then go
for one of the two center posts. Spend your time attacking and defending these
posts, as they are vital. Continue battling on until you can play as Yoda and
help secure one of the CPs, then move to the back enemy posts. These might be
mined, so watch out. Capture the post and begin moving across, so the last one
they have is their first one. This will make sure they can't really escape and
you have forces flowing in from all directions. The enemy will crumble

CIS Strategy:

This faction is harder to play as, first, head over to the tree root CP 4.
Assist in a capture and then spend a few minutes protecting this place with
Mines. Whether on land or the water. This CP is vital for you. Now head over to
the command post number 6. This one is a good lookout point that you can
obtain quickly. Then pour your forces into the next central post. After this is
yours, you need to wait to have a hero on your side. Then move into the CP 2.
This is the below ground one. This one is where you need a lightsaber, there
will be close range, many enemies and little support. Spend some time capturing
it and cutting foes down. If you die, be the Heavy Trooper or Engineer and use
some explosives. After you have this, assault the last enemy CP to secure the
hold on Dagobah.

Rebel Strategy:

The main strategy for this faction is to ignore the first CP for bots, then go
for one of the two center posts. Spend your time attacking and defending these
posts, as they are vital. Continue battling on until you can play as Yoda and
help secure one of the CPs, then move to the back enemy posts. These might be
mined, so watch out. Capture the post and begin moving across, so the last one
they have is their first one. This will make sure they can't really escape and
you have forces flowing in from all directions. The enemy will crumble

Empire Strategy:

This faction is harder to play as, first, head over to the tree root CP 4.
Assist in a capture and then spend a few minutes protecting this place with
Mines. Whether on land or the water. This CP is vital for you. Now head over to
the command post number 6. This one is a good lookout point that you can
obtain quickly. Then pour your forces into the next central post. After this is
yours, you need to wait to have a hero on your side. Then move into the CP 2.
This is the below ground one. This one is where you need a lightsaber, there
will be close range, many enemies and little support. Spend some time capturing
it and cutting foes down. If you die, be the Heavy Trooper or Engineer and use
some explosives. After you have this, assault the last enemy CP to secure the
hold on Dagobah.

Sniping Spots:

- Dagobah is fairly flat (except for the areas that move down) and worse: foggy.
This means that mobile sniping is going to be a key skill, otherwise you will be
utilizing your pistol more often than your rifle.

Map: Death Star

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Obi-Wan Kenobi
CIS: The Emperor
Rebels: Luke Skywalker
Empire: The Emperor

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Empire

Command Posts:

Command Post 1:

This is the main CP for the CIS/Empire. It is a hangar, the one where the
Millenium Falcon was drawn in to. There is the control room above, where you
can snipe from. It's not the best idea though, as the enemy can easily flank
you because the entrance is out of your range. The other two openings is one
from the enemy CP 6. Which bots will never take, so watch out for sneaky human
enemies. The other opening is the main one, on the floor. So concentrate mainly
on this to defend, and to get into the battle.

Command Post 2:

This is the Prison Block, where the CIS/Empire starts in. It is two hallways,
both leading to the Tractor Beam room. With an exit from behind leading to the
big room with the bridge where some crossfires occur. This Command Post is
somehow easy to attack and defend. The narrow hallways make it easy for the
attackers to throw explosives in or trap you inside. The Defenders have some
open prison cells to find some cover in. Which I have used many times on the
offence to tell the truth as well. There is also a sneaky vent that can be
destroyed to lead to the Garbage Compacter. From there, we can run up to the
Command post of the enemy without them knowing. The little room can also
give you a place to hide. However, going inside at the wrong time can get you

Command Post 3:

This is the Tractor Beam generator room. There are many ways into the room,
one from the firing room, one from the Prison Block and another from the
Garbage Compactor. There are some narrow walkways, and the command posts (for
each side has one in the room) are by the generators. Jet Troopers can fly on
top of them and shoot down to avoid being hit and getting top shots. Falling
off the sides is an issue if you aren't well footed. This also makes it easy
to kill someone with mines or rockets, as they have little room to escape from
you and will probably fall off of the edge. The entrance to the firing room
can be sealed off by blowing up a control panel, meaning if you are attacked
from there or have to retreat, you can blow it on your way. The CIS or Empire
have this post to begin with.

Command Post 4:

This is the Tractor Beam generator room. There are many ways into the room,
one from the firing room, one from the Prison Block and another from the
Garbage Compactor. There are some narrow walkways, and the command posts (for
each side has one in the room) are by the generators. Jet Troopers can fly on
top of them and shoot down to avoid being hit and getting top shots. Falling
off the sides is an issue if you aren't well footed. This also makes it easy
to kill someone with mines or rockets, as they have little room to escape from
you and will probably fall off of the edge. The entrance to the firing room
can be sealed off by blowing up a control panel, meaning if you are attacked
from there or have to retreat, you can blow it on your way. The Republic or
Alliance have this post to begin with.

Command Post 5:

This is the Firing Room, it belongs to the Republic/Rebels. The big ray gun of
the Death Star is here, and if you fall to the floor, you will die. There is
also a small lower level, which is little more than a place where the CP is in
CTF. There are two entrances, one from the main area, giving a long hall where
you can snipe, get sniped or be destroyed by rockets if you stand in. You are
better off mining it to protect it. The other opening is from the main conflict
in the big generator room. This entrance can be sealed off by destroying the
panel around the corner. This means they can only repair it on that side,
making only Jet enemies and Heroes allowed in. A constantly fought over room.

Command Post 6:

This is the main Republic/Rebel Command post. It is down in a hangar, it has
two entrances. One is a path directly to the enemy base CP, which is an unwise
path, as in most modes it is sealed off. The second is the long way, there are
several paths and winding roads enemies must take to enter it. Making it ample
to defend, but once they have breached into your inner area, they have the
high ground, making you rocket bait. Once they secure the floor, in CTF, this
becomes a major Spawn Kill zone. Mines on the ground will constantly kill the
enemies and give you ammo recharges. Easy to defend, but can get harder to


Clone Strategy:

The little room in this level makes it ample for grenades. A couple well placed
ones can clear a hallway in a flash. The strategy for these levels are all the
same, you start at command post 3 or 4 and fight your way across to the enemy
CP. Then you continue to the back post. You will most likely lose some of your
back posts, so just keep going in a circular motion to each room (it's usually
like that) until you get to the enemy base they captured. Continue until you
win. Playing as the Jedi is reccomended because you can wipe out a room full of
enemies in a small amount of time.

CIS Strategy:

The Wrist Rockets in the level are also useful to clear hallways and walkways.
The strategy for these levels are all the same, you start at command post 3 or 4
and fight your way across to the enemy CP. Then you continue to the back post.
You will most likely lose some of your back posts, so just keep going in a
circular motion to each room (it's usually like that) until you get to the enemy
base they captured. Continue until you win. Playing as the Jedi is reccomended
because you can wipe out a room full of enemies in a small amount of time.

Rebel Strategy:

The little room in this level makes it ample for grenades. A couple well placed
ones can clear a hallway in a flash. The strategy for these levels are all the
same, you start at command post 3 or 4 and fight your way across to the enemy
CP. Then you continue to the back post. You will most likely lose some of your
back posts, so just keep going in a circular motion to each room (it's usually
like that) until you get to the enemy base they captured. Continue until you
win. Playing as the Jedi is reccomended because you can wipe out a room full of
enemies in a small amount of time.

Empire Strategy:

The only problem for the empire is the wookies. Their health can hold you up in
a crossfire for a short time. The little room in this level makes it ample for
grenades. A couple well placed ones can clear a hallway in a flash. The strategy
for these levels are all the same, you start at command post 3 or 4 and fight
your way across to the enemy CP. Then you continue to the back post. You will
most likely lose some of your back posts, so just keep going in a circular
motion to each room (it's usually like that) until you get to the enemy base
they captured. Continue until you win. Playing as the Jedi is reccomended
because you can wipe out a room full of enemies in a small amount of time.

Sniping Spots:

- The only real sniping spots are across halls and the big open room with the
tractor beam power source. There isn't much cover and most hallways have turns
or breaks in them. However, if you can get someone stuck running down a hall
that is straight, they are easy prey.

Map: Endor

Heroes/Villans: Rebels: Han Solo
Empire: Darth Vader

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Rebels

Command Posts:

Command Post 1:

The Empire's Shield Bunker is the first post, the command post itself is inside
the bunker, though usually you spawn outside. The key point here is to defend
the opening, not the inside. The post itself (which as said, is in the bunker)
has little room and a couple grenades will mean you are dead. Try to plant mines
on the way in and one on the post, so the enemy will sneak in through your
defenses and inadvertantly step on it. This means that most will die. The
turrets are slightly less of a problem here than at the Rebel base due to the
absense of enemy AT-STs (unless they Hijack one, of course) and it's a little
more easy to hold off.

Command Post 2:

The Empire's Post 2 is a small corner of the map that is surrounded by trees
and bushes. Hiding up where the trees are will provide you with some ample
concealment as you can snipe the enemies that try to capture it. To defend it
is a little more tricky than capturing- your best hope for defense is the AT-STs
that spawn there and plenty of infantry cover so you don't get 5 Vanguards
pasting missles towards your head.

Command Post 3:

Command Post 3 is open on every side, there are a few trees for cover. This
place belongs to the Empire, and most of your friendly bots will spawn back at
the first and second posts for vehicles, while the Rebels will mainly spawn at
their frontline post and get a quick jump on this post. There are several
platforms around it you can take refugee on, it will take far to long to take
it and I reccomend being someone with a lot of ammo (or someone who can give
ammo, engineer) to attack this post because it's a long haul and using someone
like the Shock Trooper or Vanguard to take it will make you run low on ammo
very quickly. The Rebels usually capture this at first, but then fall after a
longer time on the counterattack by the Empire, who will now have Vehicles. But
on the negative for the Empire is the fact that the Ewoks will flood the area.

Command Post 4:

This is the Rebel Frontline post, it is much more concealed than the Empire's
due to vast amounts of foliage, Rebels have the upper hand because of camoflage.
It's much harder for an Scout Trooper to pick you off when you blend in with the
bushes. You also get a couple of platforms that you can climb on to defend with
your sniper rifles or to simply take refuge and catch your breath. Other than
the overgrowth, there isn't much that will protect you from enemy fire.
Fortunately, if you are the Rebels then it's more likely you won't need to
defend this at first.

Command Post 5:

This is the Rebel's second defense from the main post, it features a series of,
you guessed it, platforms that are ample sniping posts. This one is also a bit
shielded from enemy vehicles by a series of boulders and a giant log. It's the
most difficult to defend out of the rebel posts, most likely because the fourth
is quite easy to do that. To attack, just storm them and drop hell on their
heads with remote rockets and Particle cannons with the AT-ST. If you can, steal
an Empire AT-ST, it will help you stop enemy AT-STs easily, just be sure to
repair it as much as you can because it will be golden real estate.

Command Post 6:

The sixth command post is the Rebel's last base. Basically, you could call it
the Alamo. They push you back that far, it's the best point to defend but it
will be desparate. You only need to watch one side, on a clock it would be
about 9 o'clock to 3'oclock (12 being the direct way out). To defend, stay clear
from the turrets. They are sure to be destroyed before long and you won't wish
to be caught in the explosion. They're sure to be blazing you with AT-STs, and
if you can get a spawning Speeder Bike, then hop on and drive away as fast as
you can, disappear somewhere random into the woods so they can't find you, then
go to a CP far away and start to take it. The entrance to the area (the gap you
can see) is the best place to defend, because if they box you in by the actual
point then you have little room to manuver.


Rebel Strategy:

You may not have to destroy the shield bunker anymore, but the strategy is the
same as Star Wars Battlefront 1.The main strategy is basically to get on a
speeder bike from the start. Fly it down to the back enemy command post (Shield
Bunker) through the most secluded route and go in, ignoring enemies on the way
in. Capture it and come out. Work your way back to the inside, taking posts as
you go. You have the Ewoks to help you with the AT-STs and infantry. They are
not that great. Remember that against human opponents you are harder to see
because of your camoflage.

Empire Strategy:

The Empire strategy is the reverse of the Rebels, hop on the speeder bikes and
go to the rebel's back CP (post number 6) and take it over first. This means
they can be surrounded and crushed as you move into the middle. Watch out for
pesky ewoks, for they may be weak alone but together they pose a bit of a
problem. You also get the big AT-STs, so use them to your advantage. The rebels
will blend in with the ground, so be careful that you don't miss out on them.

Sniping Spots:

- There are many platforms at several posts you can use to get the high ground
to snipe with here.

- There are also some hills nearby the posts that you can climb up, they are
rarely visited by bots or humans and provide concealment with the bushes.

- If you are spotted, you can use the series of hollow logs to lose an opponent
and set up sniping at a new location.

Map: Felucia

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Aayla Secura
CIS: Jango Fett
Rebels: Chewbacca
Empire: Boba Fett

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:

Command Post 1:

Command Post 1 is the Republic or Empire's main base. The post itself is set up
on a hill, which means close contact is a problem because though you have the
high ground you can't see where they are coming from as well as you would like
to. There are several weird plants and sticks that you can use as cover. The
hill will provide some sniping space at the start but when enemies get nearby
you will be toast. This is also your main vehicle spawnpoint.

Command Post 2:

The Second Republic or Empire command post is a little ways away from the first
one, it's in a corner next to a hill you can walk up. There is a giant log that
sticks out that you can step on to snipe from above, but be wary for enemies
that try to flank you by following the wall along. Compared to #1 it's easier
to defend, but you will usually lose it because nobody spawns there.

Command Post 3:

Command post 3 is in the center and is where the main battle concentrates
around. The post is in a small river which you can walk in. Mines can be planted
in the water to make a sort of hard to detect landmine that will blow you up.
In terms of defence: A sniper on a hill has the perfect view of you and it's a
little hard to tell where the attackers are because you are in a valley, and
they can come from almost any direction at any time.

Command Post 4:

This the second line of defense for Rebels and CIS. It's a bit easier to defend
due to a smaller area. There are also large flowers and other plants (literally
bigger than your men) that you can hide behind to give you some safety, and
there are a LOT of them too. The area is relatively flat meaning sniping from a
distance is safe, though the fog in the level is a bit irritating.

Command Post 5:

Command Post 5 for the CIS and Rebels is the easiest command post to protect.
It's a large wooden tree-like spire that you sit on top of. There is one (well,
five) ways up. One is to have a Jedi Leap to the top, another is to have a Jet
Trooper fly up, the next two are big wooden platforms you can walk up and the
last is to have units walk the winding path. You can place mines on to, around
and everywhere by the openings to get them to step on them and blow themselves
away. Snipers can pick people off from the top and the others can go to the
bottom to stop the siege.

Command Post 6:

Command Post 6 belongs to the Empire or Republic and is much like the fourth
post, it's only natural defenses are the foliage, the enemy also happens to have
the tanks not too far from this post and they will be storming you, and being
the weak group you will be at a strong disadvantage there. You need a lot of the
heavy classes to hold this place off for long.


Clone Strategy:

Snipers are harder to see thanks to their camouflage. Anyway, you want to start
at command post six and move quickly to Command Post 5, seize an enemy Tank
before they do and drive it up one of the large logs to the top of the post,
get out and place mines all around (including on your tank so nobody steals it
from you). After you have it, drive in a circular motion to the posts and just
keep retaking them, there's nothing else to it.

CIS: Strategy:

You will do the opposite of the Republic and seize your tank before the enemy
can get it and capture Command Post 6 quickly, this stops them from outloading
any frontliners and provides some more security in thinking that the enemy can't
capture your back posts as easily. After, go in a circular motion starting with
the back post (to stop the vehicles) and move to the front.

Rebel Strategy:

The Jungle will provide Camouflage for the Rebels, as they wear forest clothing.
You will do the opposite of the Empire and seize your tank before the enemy can
get it and capture Command Post 6 quickly, this stops them from outloading any
frontliners and provides some more security in thinking that the enemy can't
capture your back posts as easily. After, go in a circular motion starting with
the back post (to stop the vehicles) and move to the front.

Empire Strategy:

You want to start at command post six and move quickly to Command Post 5, seize
an enemy Tank before they do and drive it up one of the large logs to the top of
the post, get out and place mines all around (including on your tank so nobody
steals it from you). After you have it, drive in a circular motion to the posts
and just keep retaking them, there's nothing else to it.

Sniping Spots:

- Several command posts have hills or gian logs you can stand on and snipe down
at the enemies from.

- Mobile sniping is effective because most sides blend in with the surroundings
and as long as you don't camp in one spot for too long you will be okay.

Map: Geonosis

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Mace Windu
CIS: Count Dooku

Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Republic

Command Posts:

Command Post 1:

The first post is at the far north of the map. It belongs to the CIS, basically
it's a hollowed out Stalagmite. It has a window, and two doors. The window is
not big enough to go through, meaning that the only entrances are the doors, and
you can defend by firing out of the window.

Command Post 2:

This command post is a CIS hangar located at the very back. This post is one
that is easy to get trapped in, but for the Republic provides a perfect place
to attack out at the CIS posts. It's hard to sometimes see the droids and
Geonosians in this post, so keep your eyes out. If you are defending it, put
mines at the entries and stay inside shooting whoever comes in. If you are
being sniped, stay to one side. If you are being vehicle assaulted, stay in the
middle in some cover. Like I said, it's easy to get trapped.

Command Post 3:

This command post is the CIS's forward bunker. It's depressed into the ground
and a nightmare to defend. There are two giant openings, and one in the roof as
well that Jet Troopers can go through. The post is in the middle and your best
hope is to hide and try to shoot people. There is an area that has 2 windows
you can shoot out of that are in the perfect position to snipe clones from.
Your best hope of actual defense is to mine the hell out of the thing, or to
wait for it to be taken and then take it back.

Command Post 4:

This post is a downed CIS ship, it provides some cover on one side and you can
regroup and organize assaults from behind here. It's nothing more than a post
that gets you closer to the battle. If you are a Jet Trooper you can fly on top
of it and survey the field from above. On defense, you have one side that is
sheltered. It's not necessarily protected as you can use it to hide as you come
in to attack it. Just focus on the sides mainly as nobody is going to totally
try to circumnavigate it. It is first controlled by the Republic.

Command Post 5:

This post is located up on the top of a hill. It's the first one you want to
capture, because it begins your bottleneck and provides you with safe passage
to the other side and the hangar at the back (post 2). It gives you an open
view of the battle and gives you sniping points. The post itself is located in
a small building, so there are two openings to defend as well as a window you
can shoot at Republic troops from. This is originally a neutral command post.
Enemies will come up the other side and you can fight them.

Command Post 6:

This is the Republic's version of Command Post 1. It's a spire with a bunker
inside of it that has two doors and a window. The window allows for view into
most of the lower elevated areas around it, allowing you to shoot down. There is
only one blind spot from this point: and that is the rocks hiding an area in the
ditch. The two doors are easy to defend though and this is just another generic

Command Post 7:

This is a Republic post, it's a raised rock area with a flat that has the post.
There are two ways to get onto it, one through the path and the other is by
jumping up. This is easy to defend by putting mines near these ways up. The area
is less open to grenade deaths because it's not locked in like Command posts 6
and 1. While defending, you can hide around the corner to the left by the
Command post to hide from enemy fire and wait for them to come to you.

Command Post 8:

This is the AT-TE, and only the Republic gets to use it. Basically you should
pretend that this isn't a command post, and go all out offensive because the
enemies have the Spider Droids and Hailfire tanks. They should be your targets
because you have the heaviest firepower. Try to either: blitz one command post
or stay nearby all of them because infantry does spawn on you. If destroyed,
another one will eventually spawn.


Clone Strategy:

From the start, start at the command post to the right. Move forward up the
hill on the right of the map. At the top is a bunker. Inside is the command
post. Secure the command post, then go outside. By now some Super Battle Droids,
Droidekas and Battle Droids will have shown up. Take a few seconds in knocking
them down, with some of your squad. Which will show up. Go down the other side
of the hill and into the other command post at the end. Look out for the turret
outside. Shoot at the enemies inside and take it over. Look out for Geonosians.
They are a nuisance. Now it is time to move to the next command posts. The
target is the one to the top left that has two openings and a bunker. Note that
Mace Windu can be recommended to do this task. When you have this post, you can
move from post to post taking the ones you are sure to lose for a little. If
there are few (1-5) enemies left, I reccomend searching the plains. Usually the
Geonosians will be the ones in the vehicles.

CIS: Strategy:

The CIS starts with two bonus advantages: Geonosians and the
fact that the Battle Droids sort of blend in with the plains. These aren't very
good bonuses however, and is why the CIS isn't the reccomended team for the
level. The CIS have the Liberty of choosing which post to attack first, it would
be preferable that it's nearby one of your command posts so that if it is lost
then you have a post to launch a counterattack to try and retake it. The AT-TE
will have to be killed eventually. If you get to be Dooku, it's easy to sit on
the top and slash the gun on top of it to get cheap kills, and you will also do
minor damage. Remember the weak point of it and fire rockets at it to take it
down fairly quickly.

Sniping Spots:

- There are several posts that have a sort of window in them that you can snipe
out of, just be sure to watch your back.

- On top of the hill is a great spot because you have a view of the battlefield.

- If you are online playing as the CIS, there is a part where when you go up the
hill and instead of going to the post, you go straight there is a place against
the wall that is a bit of a depression that you can sit in and shoot nearby

Map: Hoth

Heroes/Villans: Rebels: Pilot Luke
Empire: Darth Vader

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: This one is even money on each side.

Command Posts:

Command Post 1:

Command Post 2:

Command Post 3:

Command Post 4:

Command Post 5:

Command Post 6:

Command Post six is the first AT-AT, a human manning this beast is devastating
to the opponents. If you are playing against humans, then you should concentrate
all your firepower on them, because the bots usually won't kill you. If they
die, then turn and shoot at any Snowspeeders flying towards you. Turrets (dish
turrets) are your next biggest priority because they can kill you if sustained
fire is placed upon you. Finally, you should shoot the Infantry Turrets (white
ones) because they can cause your ground troops some problems. Also, the nearest
bunker outposts are easy prey for your cannons because of the immense splash
damage and lack of places to run or hide for the Rebels. Also, be sure to take
out the Shield Generator as soon as possible because Rebels can spawn on this
command post.

Command Post 7:

Command Post 7 is the second AT-AT, a human manning this beast is devastating
to the opponents. If you are playing against humans, then you should concentrate
all your firepower on them, because the bots usually won't kill you. If they
die, then turn and shoot at any Snowspeeders flying towards you. Turrets (dish
turrets) are your next biggest priority because they can kill you if sustained
fire is placed upon you. Finally, you should shoot the Infantry Turrets (white
ones) because they can cause your ground troops some problems. Also, the nearest
bunker outposts are easy prey for your cannons because of the immense splash
damage and lack of places to run or hide for the Rebels. Also, be sure to take
out the Shield Generator as soon as possible because Rebels can spawn on this
command post.


Rebel Strategy:

First of all, you should spawn at Echo Base and go outside.
There is a Hoth Dish Turret outside. Hop on it and aim at the AT-AT. Fire on the
AT-AT until it is finished off, then start on the other. After you finish them
off, get out of the turret and advance on an enemy command post. (There is no
telling exactly which ones they will have or which they wont have). Somewhere
along the line, you should be prompted to play as Pilot Luke. I'd reccomend
doing so, as you can then get the turrets down. After you get all the command
posts, kill off the enemies until the timer runs out.

Empire Strategy:

Having a human man the AT-AT is essential, this way you can take out targets
such as turrets and snowspeeders while still advancing. Basically, take out all
the Infantry and Dish turrets, then blast away the infantry. It's like shooting
fish in a barrel. When in range, fire away at the Shield Generator because if
it is destroyed then the Rebels lose a command post. Then make sure you secure
Echo Base and get the rest of the areas. The rebels in their brownish clothing
stick out like a sore thumb, so don't expect much problems here either, all you
have to do is keep firing as getting numbers of opponents down is the most
important thing to do.

Sniping Spots:

- Sniping as the Empire is reccomended because you blend in with the snow and
the rebels will stand out

- This is a great level to be a mobile sniper due to the massive open area. The
relatively flat ground will give you easy shots.

- If you can climb up a hill nearby the fight you have a view of the area.

- Rebels can also use Snowspeeders to land in an area that is hard to get to.

Map: Jabba's Palace

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Aayla Secura
CIS: Darth Maul
Rebels: Luke Skywalker
Empire: Boba Fett

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Empire

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

- Sniping in Jabba's Palace is not very wise, there are almost no spots and
unless you have skills in no-scope sniping you won't get that far.

Jon Dillon provided me with the following spots:

- In the alcove to the side of the Rebel/Droid starting position, towards the

- In the secret tunnel leading to a command post.

- There is a hall behind the door near the Gammorean area. You can stand next to
the door and shoot out.

If these are hard to decipher, it's not my fault. The email was barely legible.

Map: Kamino

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Obi Wan Kenobi
CIS: Jango Fett
Rebels: Han Solo
Empire: Boba Fett

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: CIS
Galactic Civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Kashyyyk

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Yoda
CIS: Jango Fett
Rebels: Chewbacca
Empire: Boba Fett

Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Empire

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Mos Eisley

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Obi Wan Kenobi
CIS: Darth Maul
Rebels: Han Solo
Empire: Boba Fett

Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Galactic Civil War: Empire
Clone Wars: Republic

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Mustafar

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Obi-Wan Kenobi
CIS: Darth Maul
Rebels: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Empire: Anakin Skywalker

Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Mygeeto

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Ki-Adi Mundi
CIS: General Grievous
Rebels: Luke Skywalker
Empire: Boba Fett
Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Naboo

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Obi-Wan Kenobi
CIS: Darth Maul
Rebels: Princess Leia
Empire: The Emperor

Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Polis Massa

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Yoda
CIS: Darth Maul
Rebels: Princess Leia
Empire: The Emperor

Modes: Conquest
2 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: CIS
Galactic Civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Generic Space Battles

Modes: Assault
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Any

Command Posts:

Command Post 1:

This is the first side's Assault Ship. It's a massive warship that houses all
the smaller fighters inside. The exterior and interior both hold the vital parts
of the ship, and if destroyed massive points are given to the other team.

Command Post 2:

This is the second side's Assault Ship. It's a massive warship that houses all
the smaller fighters inside. The exterior and interior both hold the vital parts
of the ship, and if destroyed massive points are given to the other team.

Command Post 3:

This is the first side's gunship. The gunship is a mobile spawn point that can
be parked in the enemy's assault ship and used to spawn on.

Command Post 4:

This is the second side's gunship. The gunship is a mobile spawn point that can
be parked in the enemy's assault ship and used to spawn on.


Generic Space Battle Strategy:

Start as a pilot, go into your hangar and enter a bomber. Fly into space and go
towards the enemy's frigate defences. Take a few bombing runs on them and let
loose until they are destroyed. Get both, then land in the enemy hangar. Move
inside and drop some time bombs on the Auto Turret defenses from the inside.
Quickly get more bombs at the droid back and enter any one of the three rooms.
Bomb the Shield Generator, Cooling Systems and Life Support System. Now head
back out, hijacking an enemy bomber and go above the ship. Destroy the Sensor
Relay, Communications Array and the Command Bridge. You should have more than
enough points to win.

Map: Tantive IV

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Yoda
CIS: General Grievous
Rebels: Princess Leia
Empire: Darth Vader

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Empire

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

- There isn't a single spot in the map good for sniping. The only time you can
use it well is in the hallways, throw a grenade and quickly use the reticule to
hit people before it fades to get some easy kills (small movement makes it easy
to kill them).

Map: Utapau

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Obi-Wan Kenobi
CIS: General Grievous
Rebels: Han Solo
Empire: Boba Fett

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: Republic
Galactic Civil War: Rebels

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

Map: Yavin 4

Heroes/Villans: Republic: Mace Windu
CIS: Darth Maul
Rebels: Chewbacca
Empire: Boba Fett

Modes: Conquest
1 Flag Capture the Flag

Suggested Side: Clone Wars: CIS
Galactic Civil Wars: Empire

Command Posts:


Clone Strategy:

CIS: Strategy:

Rebel Strategy:

Empire Strategy:

Sniping Spots:

| Awards/Medals |

New to the series is the Award system. The award system isn't that complicated
once you get the hang of it. You play a game, and when you meet a certain
requirement, you get a message saying "New Medal: ______". This medal is added
to your total count. There are certain "Medal Ranks" you have. The rank changes
as you get more. Here they are:

Green: 0 Medals
Veteran: 4 Medals
Elite: 32 Medals
Legendary: 64 Medals

When you reach Veteran, you can get the Award Weapon or Bonus that comes with
the medal by gaining an award in game. Green has nothing special about it. When
you reach elite, the requirement for each medal is decreased, making it easier
to get them. You will still unlock the bonus when you earn the medal. Legendary
is the best of all, you will automatically unlock the award when you start and
will keep it forever.

When you unlock the award, you have 30 seconds to die with it. If you die
during that time, you will still spawn with the award. If you die after that,
it is gone until you unlock the award again. You can't get a medal when you
have the award for it.

Here are the Awards:


Requirements: Get 6 Kills with a pistol in one life.
Elite Requirements: Get 4 Kills with a pistol in one life.
Award: Precision Pistol

Description: The precision pistol is the best pistol in the game. It is about
as powerful as a plain blaster rifle and fires quickly. The shots are mini-beam
blasts instead of bolts. So they can be used to snipe somewhat. Low range but
very accurate. To get this Award Easily, play in a space battle. Be a pilot and
fly into the enemy hangar. Get out and start shooting pilots and marines that
go to their ships. Destroying and repairing the auto turrets are also another
cheap way to get easy kills. Not reccomended a lot though.


Requirements: Hit a Vehicle in it's weak point 4 times in one life.
Elite Requirements: Hit a Vehicle in it's weak point 3 times in one life.
Award: Guided Rockets

Description: The Guided Rockets are held by Chewbacca, fired from the AT-ST and
the bombers in space (some of them). You can fly it around just like a space
ship. Holding down boost will make it go faster, when it hits the ground, it
lets out a massive explosion. The faster, the bigger. To get this, go on Hoth
on the Rebel side. Land a snowspeeder nearby the AT-AT and fire rockets at the
neck. An alternate strategy is to go on Geonosis and be the CIS. Go to the
AT-TE and start shooting at the circle on the box beneath the head. The first
strategy is better, however. As the AT-AT can be fired at at (pun) distance.
You need to be nearby the AT-TE to kill it effectively. There will be enemies
nearby the walker as well. This is probably the hardest to get, because you
aren't focusing on killing vehicles with this. Mines are much better.


Requirements: Get 8 Kills with a shotgun in one life.
Elite Requirements: Get 6 Kills with a shotgun in one life.
Award: Flechette Shotgun

Description: The Flechette Shotgun is probably the most powerful weapon in the
game (next to explosives). It deals immense damage and fires quite fast for a
shotgun. With this, you can 1 hit kill in the chest, instead of the head like
the normal shotgun. To get the medal, it depends on how good you are with one.
If you are skilled with it, play on Tantive IV and KEEP MOVING. Shoot enemies
with headshots and take cover to heal. If you are less skilled, go on a level
like Geonosis and be the Republic. Then start shooting the Geonosians. If you
are somewhat skilled, go to Kamino and be the CIS, fighting the Republic as
you go. If you want an intermediate to expert way, go to Death Star and move
down the cellblock area, towards the CP killing enemies as you go, and hiding
in the prison cells to heal yourself. This is a rather easy way, but you need
some skill to do it.


Requirements: Earn 12 points in one life.
Elite Requirements: Earn 9 Points in one life.
Award: Stamina Regeneration

Description: The Endurance Medal is the easiest Medal in the game to earn. You
should easily have 200 when you approach Elite with a gun award. When you earn
Endurance, you will start regaining the Stamina used to roll and jump faster.
To earn this medal, simply playing the game as normal will suffice. If you want
a really easy way, play the space Battles and destroy everything in the ship
and outside the ship. If you still have not won after everything is gone, you
can land in the Hangar and start earning Frenzy and Gunslinger awards.


Requirements: Earn 24 points in one life.
Elite Requirements: Earn 18 Points in one life.
Award: Defense Increase

Description: The Guardian Medal is the next Medal in the game to earn. You
should easily have Elite when you get Legendary in the Endurance category. With
Guardian, you will start taking less damage than you normally will take. To
earn this medal, simply playing the game as normal will suffice. If you want a
really easy way, play the space Battles and destroy everything in the ship and
outside the ship. If you still have not won after everything is gone, you can
land in the Hangar and start earning Frenzy and Gunslinger awards.

War Hero

Requirements: Earn 36 points in one life.
Elite Requirements: Earn 27 Points in one life.
Award: Damage Increase

Description: The War Hero medal is harder than the last two point medals. The
main issue is that you might die on the way. Playing the game normally won't
help you as much as last time, and you will mostly rely on Space Battles. If
you earn this award, you get Damage Increase and will deal more damage against
enemies. If you want a really easy way to win it, play the space Battles and
destroy everything in the ship and outside the ship. If you still have not won
after everything is gone, you can land in the Hangar and start earning Frenzy
and Gunslinger awards.


Requirements: Get 12 Kills with a Blaster Rifle in one life.
Elite Requirements: Get 9 kills with a Blaster Rifle in one life.
Award: Elite Rifle

Description: The Frenzy award is common for the skilled trooper. For a person
that plays as a Trooper and doesn't earn this, the tip is to avoid death as
much as possible. Anyone can get 12 kills, but it's hard to stay alive. The
Elite Rifle is more than worth earning, you get a bunch of ammo and a superfast
firing rifle that shoots 2 bullets at a time. It can take out most enemies with
a leg shot. The only problem with it is that it will fall when fighting in
groups, but it still is a great weapon. To earn it easily, go to the Space
Battles and land in the hangar. Kill enemies over and over in the hangar, since
most will be pilots this isn't hard. The Marines will require special attention
here. But it still will be easy. A more challenging way is to be the Republic
on Coruscant and make your way to the command post that is the round door
outside. This is Command Post number 6 by the way. You can shoot people in the
door and throw grenades in to get some easy kills, just don't enter and they
will come until out of Reinforcements. Kamino is another easy level to get this
on, enemies will sit in turrets, waiting for you to kill them.


Requirements: Slice into an enemy Vehicle once.
Elite Requirements: Slice into an enemy vehicle once.
Award: Vehicle Regeneration

Description: This is one of the simple ones to get. To slice into a vehicle,
you have to be an Engineer (or someone with a Fusion Cutter, like Han Solo) and
approach a vehicle with an enemy inside it. Start using it and text comes up
saying "Slicing: x%". x being any number from 1 to 100, it goes up a couple
percent every third of a second. At 100&, the enemy is ejected from the Vehicle
and you can take it. Hijacking the Vehicle. This is easily done on Kashyyyk as
the Republic, as the Droid vehicles can't shoot someone beside them. You might
get hit with grenades from your teammates though. Endor is another level you
can hijack easily in. The Vehicle Regeneration bonus is like the Pilots in
space, when you sit in a vehicle, it will heal itself. Only when it is damaged
though. This can double and sometimes triple the life span of the Vehicle.


Requirements: Get 6 Head Shots with a Sniper Rifle in one life.
Elite Requirements: Get 4 Head Shots with a Sniper Rifle in one life.
Award: Beam Rifle

Description: The Beam Rifle is incredibly powerful and super fast, but it has a
major flaw for a Sniper Rifle. It has ONE zoom and a short range. This isn't a
problem if you are playing a game with small area, but it's not very good with
only one zoom from the other side of the map. The power will sometimes make up
for it, as it can pretty much kill someone with a shot in the leg. But it still
lacks what the normal has. Which is why I prefer the old one. You should be
aiming at heads anyway. To get this, go on Kamino as the CIS and head to the
main circle area. To the right is a way you can go up. Then turn left onto the
platform with the pillar in the center, aim down at the command post and shoot.
You should be able to get 6 Head Shots before you are killed and get the medal.
This is why it is good. You can also stay on a platform at a distance on the
other side of the map and shoot. The other option is going on the top of the
platforms on Kashyyyk and aiming down on the enemies.

| FAQ |

Q. During online play, it said "_____ died" when I killed them, what gives?
A. That is a glitch. Think nothing of it. The enemies lose points and all you
do is lose the ammo you shot at them.

Q. Why are the players not dieing when they step on my mines?
A. The Engineer class is immune to mines, and won't take damage or detonate
them when they are stepped on. However, if a non-engineer steps on one and they
are nearby, they will blow up.

Q. How did you write this FAQ?
A. Hard work and Spring Break.

Q. Why won't the human players die when they blow a detpack up nearby themself?
A. Team Kill is off.

Q. How do you throw a detpack?
A. Hold down the secondary weapon button. Move forward and hold shift (he will
pick up speed a little). Aim up and release the secondary Weapon button. It
will move a distance depending on where you aimed up.

Q. Why is the shotgun 1 hit killing me?
A. It's a headshot. If you hit them in the head, and at least 6/8 of the shots
hit it, they are dead.

Q. Why does the cheese seep out of a Pizza Pop?
A. The heat makes it expand and pour out the sides.

Q. Can I play as all the heroes in a single level?
A. Yep! It's Mos Eisley assault.

Q. Where can I find this game?
A. I saw copies at Future Shop, Toys R Us and EBGames/Gamestop. Check them out.

Q. When will it be finished?
A. Whenever I have time.

Q. What are those things on the ground?
A. Yellow: Stamina Regenerators, you refill stamina.
Red: Attack Bonuses, more damage is dealt.
Blue: Replenish Health
The Fat, square red Containers: Ammunition

| Credits |

Those who gave me Christmas money, so I could buy this game.
Lawrence, for showing me this game.
Jon Dillon for some Jabba Palace sniping spots.

| Closing |

Well, thanks for being here for another FAQ. This one will be update more often
than most of my other ones, because it is a fun game, that I love more than sex
appeal! You know, kind of like that old song. No? Stupid kids these days.. If
you have a question, contact me at triplejumpfaqs[at]gmail[dot]com.

This document is Copyright (c) 2007 TripleJump. It cannot be reproduced, sold
or otherwise distributed without advance written permission. Sites that have my
permission to use the FAQ is GameFAQs, Neoseeker, Super Cheats, GamerHelp and
any other sites must ask me to use it. If you see it on another site, please
contact me.

To see all of my written works, please visit my contributor profile. You can see
it at Don't complain
about it. I know some of my files lack completetion, but that's my problem. Not
yours. Okay? Good.

I hope this one helped you more than ever before. What I have written so far was
a blast! It will be completed eventually. Just keep checking for updates, they
will come as long as they are wanted. Until next time.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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