

17.10.2013 04:33:24

This hint/solutions list is for the SSI RPG game thunderscape. This
game is set in the new World of Aden, and combines real-time dungeon
crawling with turn-based combat.

This file is not yet complete, as I have not yet found the solutions to
all of the side quests and puzzles of the game. Additional items and/or
NPC's may be located in areas not yet reached.

Thanks to all the people, both on and off the newsgroups, who helped
me put this together.

Rev 1.1 12/15/95 James Meloy

NOTE: Map coordinate system. Use F4 key in regular game play to display
current position. The coordinates start at (0,0,0) (X,Y,Z) which
is the NW corner, lowest possible level. X increases heading
east, Y increases heading south, Z increases with height.
I have used the Z coordinate in a different way. The Z is used
only for levels that have multi-story buildings or walkways.
Z=1 is for ground level, Z=2 is for 2nd story, etc.
All coordinates given are the characters' position when standing
in front of the door/object.

: SSI has a 900- line set up for giving out game hints. As of
Jan 1/96, the numbers were :
USA 1-900-737-HINT
CANADA 1-900-451-6009

: SSI has the v1.1 upgrade, available on their BBS (Jan 10/96)

Table of Contents

Section 1 - Levels list
Section 2 - Levels route
Section 3 - Hints by level
Section 4 - Solutions by level
Section 5 - Solutions to sub-plots/puzzles by level
Section 6 - Locations of objects by level
Section 7 - Outstanding questions



1. Greymt_1 Valley floor
2. Trollcav Western Troll caves (keep side)
3. Keep1 Vangard Keep dungeon
4. Keep2 Keep main level (Halls of Vangard Keep)
5. Keep3 Vangard Keep tower (top level)
6. Bowels1 Eastern Troll caves (citadel side)
7. Bowels2 Golem level
8. Mines1 Western Dwarf mines (sacred mines 1)
9. Mines2 Lower mine level (sacred mines 2)
10. Mines3 Eastern dwarf mines (sacred mines 3)
11. City1 Karegh-Konan - upper level
12. City2 Karegh-Konan - lower level
13. Caves1 Founder's caves
14. Caves2 Mantis caves / Dragonette entrance
15. Caves3 Collapsed caverns
16. Catacomb Catacombs
17. Sewers Sewers
18. Radiant1 Citadel lower level / entrance
19. Radiant2 Citadel main level / dungeons
20. Radiant3 Citadel upper level / shield generator
21. Radiant4 Citadel roof
22. Secret level



This is the route used to finish game.

- Start, L1, valley floor, on dock
- Western troll cave, L2
- Keep dungeon, L3
- Keep main level, L4
- Keep tower (top level), L5
- Back to valley floor, L1
- Eastern troll cave, L6
- Golem caves, L7
- Western dwarf mines, L8
- Lower dwarf mines (west entrance), L9
- Back to western dwarf mines, L8
- Lower dwarf mines (east entrance), L9
- Eastern dwarf mines, L10
- Karegh-Konan upper city, L11
- Karegh-Konan lower city, L12
- Founders Cave, L13
- Karegh-Konan lower city, L12
- Karegh-Konan upper city, L11
- Route 1 - (direct exit, bypassing founder's crypt sub-plot)
- Mantis caves, L14
Route 2 - (indirect exit, following founder's crypt sub-plot)
- Founders cave, L13
- Karegh-Konan upper city, L11
- Mantis caves, L14
- Collapsed caverns, L15
- Catacombs, L16
- Sewers, L17
- Citadel lower level, L18
- Citadel main level, L19
- Citadel upper level, L20
- Citadel roof, L21



LEVEL 1 - GRAYMT_1 - Valley Floor

- To get past Bert and across the bridge, return his club, or kill him
(Bert is actually a nice guy, once you get to know him). Bert's club
is hidden somewhere in the cave south of the bridge.
- Use the elevator to go up and down from the river level to the lower
cliff level, north of the river. If you jump (or fall) from the lower
cliff to the river level, the elevator stays on the upper level, and you
are stuck.
- To get to the middle cliff level, you can jump up to it from the top of
one of the dirt piles in the NW area.
- Go through the mountain cats' cave to reach the upper cliff level.
- Statues - Each statue requires a one-word answer to its riddle. The
answers are found in a message (poem) carved into the wall in a secret
- Head through the western troll caves first and finish the keep, as
you cannot get far going the other way if the keep has not been completed.
- Eastern troll caves, route to Karegh-Konan. You need a key from the
western troll caves to open this door.
- There are 8 explorable caves on this level
- There are some goodies hidden under the bridge

LEVEL 2 - TROLLCAV - Western Troll Cave

- The keys and password needed to get through this level are located
in the NNW section of the caves.
- The gate key is located in the SW section of the caves.
- There is a set of stairs for climbing out of the western undercaves.
You need to jump from one set to the other to climb all the way out.
- There is an elevator for getting out of the easter undercaves. Turn
the switch, and watch for a moving platform (it may take a few seconds).
- You can walk up to the overcaves using a ramp located in the SW corner
of the caves.
- Cave-ins aren't even a minor nuisance - just dig them out.
- You can climb out of the small pits.

LEVEL 3 - KEEP1 - Vanguard Keep Dungeon

- From the entrance, you can either jump into the hole, and continue
from under the drainholes, or search for the secret door.
- Talk to the prisoner. He has useful information, both before and
after freeing him.
- To open the central gate, all of the cell blocks must be 'armed'.
The lights beside the gate switch are light blue for 'unarmed',
and dark blue for 'armed'. Watch out for the ambush!
- Cloverleaf corridors in NE - there are two teleporters in the corners
to confuse you. Jump over the central pit to access the other sides.
- There are two secret areas in the library. You need to push a button
to unlock them. Also, look for the hidden niche in this area.
- There is a hidden loft in one of the rooms just west of the library.
- In the drainage area in the NW, run quickly around the outside of the
room to avoid falling in the drainage hole.
- The portcullis key is hidden in a niche in a wall somewhere.
- Some bookshelves contain helpful books.

LEVEL 4 - KEEP2 - Halls of Vangard Keep

- You are looking for 4 keys to open the door across the room from
the entrance.
- There are many fountains on this level - some aid, some hurt.
- The capstan has 4 positions, N,E,S, and W. Each position opens and
closes gates on both levels.
- There are buttons in various rooms to turn the spell launchers off.
- You need to activate the teleporter and use it to get one of the
capstan keys.
- Somewhere in the north is a secret elevator leading to a hidden room.
You may need the Chamberlain's key to get to the elevator.
- The Beacon Master's key opens up the teleport room balcony.
- The Keep Library Key is somewhere in the north on the upper level.

LEVEL 5 - KEEP3 - Vangard Keep Tower

- You need to satisfy the hunger of the skulls to deactivate them
and activate the teleporters under them. Satisfy one skull, and
they are all happy. Use Reaper to feed them.
- Access to Reaper is somewhere in the NW of the outer area.
- There is an NPC named Selene on this level.
- There are lots of hidden places on the outer corridor.
- There are 6 colored crystals in various places in the central
area. They are hidden in the rooms on the periphery.
- Read the plaques behind the crystal trays for clues on
the order of colors to use.
- The plaques on either side of the elevator door (central building)
give clues as to what to do inside the elevator control room (north
of central building, opposite elevator door).
- Use the white crystals to replace the black crystals on top of the
- When done, and you return to the valley, take care of all shopping,
because Finea will soon be packing up shop, and the next store is
several levels away.

LEVEL 6 - BOWELS1 - Eastern Troll Caves (Citadel side)

- There are some good magic items on this level.

LEVEL 7 - BOWELS2 - Golem Level

- You only need 1 SOVC to blow the boiler (V1.00) - use it on the
boiler, then touch the boiler twice more. Then run.
- There are no items (?) in the golem storage rooms. These rooms
never empty of golems, so it may be a good way to build up XP.
- You cannot complete this level until Vangard Keep has been finished.
- Prototype 17 (an NPC) is on this level, if you can assemble him.
One part is missing from the pile ...

LEVEL 8 - MINES1 - Western Dwarf Mines

- There are two exits to the mines. One leads to a small area with
no exit, but with a key you may need. The other leads to the rest of
the lower mines.
- If you fall into the pits below the mines, flip all the levers to
lower a wall. Then follow a long corridor to an elevator, which
returns you to near the starting point (hope it didn't hurt too much).
- Levers puzzle. The two steps are as follows: flip levers until you
can open the two wooden doors and flip the levers in there, then
flip levers until you can flip the levers in the corners. Hint: one
of them can be flipped through the bars!
- The key to the old mines door is not too far from the door.
- I don't think you can get into the emergency supplies room.

LEVEL 9 - MINES2 - Lower Mine Level

- If you can pick the lock on the door to the mine storage room, you
don't need any keys to get through this level. The key is nearby
if needed.
- You need to set the fuse on the large barrel of gunpowder to blow
the wall and open up a route to the next level.

LEVEL 10 - MINES3 - Eastern Dwarf Mines

- There are two passages leading back to the Western Dwarf Mines (L8).
Both of them are worth going through.

LEVEL 11 - CITY1 - Upper Karegh-Konan, dwarf city

- One of the gongs will open up the N and S gates in the gong room.
- There are three passages to L12, one to L13, and one to L14 from
the upper city.
- The upper city is divided into two separate sections.
- Dark Dwarves infest most buildings.
- You can only get to the crypt from the upper levels in the
Founder's Caves, unless the city has been destroyed.
- The secret passage leading off from near the mine entrance will only
be opened after you have visited the Founder's Crypt.
- There are clues in several bookshelves throughout the city.
- All rivers in subsequent levels lead back to the river under
the N side of the city.

LEVEL 12 - CITY2 - Lower Karegh-Konan, dwarf city

- Once activated, the elevator @(25,62,2) goes up to a hidden cache.
The activation switch is in a different building.
- Gnash's Shop is somewhere in the N part of the city.

LEVEL 13 - CAVES1 - Founder's Caves

- The caves are separated into two distinct areas, the lower caves
and the upper caves, and you cannot get directly from the lower
caves to the upper caves. Each area has separate entrances.
- There is an elevator going from the upper levels to some catacombs,
which conceal the Dark Dwarves access tunnel.
- The teleporter to get to the Founder's Crypt is on the upper levels.
- There are several switches and hidden caches that can only be
gotten to by jumping across chasms.

LEVEL 14 - CAVES2 - Mantis Caves / Dragonette Entrance

- The hint for the password is the DIFFERENCE between the two
southern plaques. (See walkthrough section for the exact password).
- Dragon gate. Touch the right-hand plaque to enter the combination.
There are three steps to opening the gate. The first
two are given by the plaques out in the warrens, the third is
given by the left-hand plaque beside the gate.
- To close off the dragonette entrance, you need a pick.
- You CAN walk back up the slope to the upper level.
- The three switches to open the council chamber must be thrown in the
correct order.
- There are two buttons you need to push to get into the rat-infested
- The exit to the next level is behind a secret door somewhere in the
rat-infested tunnels. The secret door can be opened by pushing
a button hidden somewhere nearby.

LEVEL 15 - CAVES3 - Collapsed Caverns

- The small casks contain black powder. Touch one of the funny looking
walls with a cask (charge), and both the cask and the wall will
- There are a number of side passages that are caved in as well. Some
of them contain useful articles, and well as more charges.
- There is a secret door halfway along a long passage, in the dip
between two rises.
- You CAN get to the stuff on the pillar in the lake. You jump there.
- If you fall into the river, you will be washed back to the last level.
If you don't make it out there, you'll end up under the dwarf city.
- Even if managed carefully, there are not enough charges to clear
all of the side passages. There are more than enough to get the
good items and clear a path to the exit.

LEVEL 16 - CATACOMB - The Catacombs

- You need 3 hero keys and two specific radiant amulets to get to the
next level.
- The skeleton in pain is a former radiant knight and an NPC.
- In the maze before the tomb-of-8, you need to activate the teleporter
then step into it. Listen for a strange noise when pressing one of
the buttons. You also need to open the 3 grates blocking the NW
passage. Two can be opened before you enter the teleporter.
- Moving pillars area does not need to be done to get to next level.
- Moving pillars area - do NOT enter the teleporter behind the secret
door at the bottom of the pit - use the other one. The one behind
the secret door will teleport you out of this maze.
- You can disable the two spell launchers in the eastern corridor.
- Mondurain's tomb trap can be disabled. The switch is somewhere near.
- The gate leading into the zombie area will close behind you when you
pass through the corridor into their area. There is a switch to
re-open the gate, and a secret passage to bypass the corridor.

LEVEL 17 - SEWERS - The Sewers

- The exit is in the NW corner.
- You need to do a lot of wading in sewage to solve the puzzles.
- When flipping switches in the gate control room, check your map
after each flip to see the effect on the gates to the W.
- The manite plate is in a storage room, but not in storage room 3.
It is hard to see against the floor, so crouch down and look
- There are two switches in the flooded passages in the SW that need
to be flipped to open the door in there.
- You can swim against the current.
- SAVE GAME before entering the flood control room. It is a time-
limited puzzle, and will kill you if you aren't fast enough.
- You need to flip 2 levers to get through the gates maze in the NE.
- Watch out for a teleporter trap in the NE corner. There is a button
nearby to disable it.
- You need to press a button and throw a switch to open a secret door
to continue past the NE section.
- There are some illusionary walls near the exit.

LEVEL 18 - RADIANT1 - Citadel Lower Level / Entrance

- This level is a REAL slugfest.
- There is a secret entrance to the citadel in the SE corner.
- You need to throw three switches in the gatehouse to extend
the bridge and open the main gate.
- Throw the switch in a room near the main entrance to open up the
gates blocking out the rest of the citadel.
- The key to open up the gate to the next level is in the secret
- There is a book on the mezzanine level of the library that starts
off things for getting to the secret library.
- Read all the bookshelves in the secret library for hints on the
next levels.
- The exit to the next level is near the throne room.
- There is a mystic circle on the floor in a secret room that
summons demons (as if you need more of them!)
- There is a small bookcase in a room by itself that conceals
some nice armor.
- You can't get through the doors that have been warped, but there
is another way into that room.
- There's an elixir hidden inside a bed (inside, not on, not under).

LEVEL 19 - RADIANT2 - Citadel Main Level / Dungeon

- Head N first, to the lava room. Don't raise the descending pillar
until after you have the key.
- The levers inside the lava room have nothing to do with lifting
the descending pillar.
- There is a secret door at the bottom of the sinking room.
- The library has lots of things to do, but none are necessary
for getting to the next level.
- The levers in the lava room raise and lower platforms.
- There is a secret passage into the prisoner's area.
- You can only get to the Avatar's room through the drainage
- Talk to the prisoners - they have hints.
- In the drainage tunnels, many of the grates take you from place
to place. Some lead to other rooms. Watch your map carefully!
- You need to flip a switch in one room to drain the water out of
another room and reveal a secret grate.
- The teleporter leads to the exit.
- Take the hourglass - you need it on the next level.
- The beings in the cages are actually one NPC.

LEVEL 20 - RADIANT3 - Citadel Upper Level / Shield Generator

- You need a white crystal, a blue crystal, a red crystal, and
an awful lot of keys.
- Save game before going for the red crystal - one of the traps
along the way can be terminal...
- You need the hourglass from the previous level. If you don't have
it, go back and get it.
- Read the shield instructions carefully.
- The switch to activate the shields, once the shield generator is
running, is on the next level.
- Along with the hourglass, you also need the lantern. The skulls
want to see them.
- When the challenges have been met, the blue pillar in the center of
the room reveals the blue crystal.
- Read the book in the secret room S of the guardian's room.

LEVEL 21 - RADIANT4 - Citadel Roof

- Kill Anthrax, flip switch.

LEVEL 22 - ??? - Secret Level

- No secrets, just find it.



LEVEL 1 - GRAYMT_1 - Valley Floor

Start @(8,52)
- Head into the cave south of the bridge. Open the secret door @(24,53)
and get Bert's club.
- Head across the bridge. Return Bert's club, and he will ask to join
the party.
- Turn east, and go up the elevator to the lower cliff level.
- Head north, then NW. When you get to the second set of dirt piles
in the corners of the cliff, climb on the first one and jump onto
the middle cliff level, @(16,14).
- Head east, and enter the mountain cat cave. Go through the cave, and
exit onto the upper cliff level.
- Go west, until you find statue #2. Touch the statue, and give the
answer 'BRAVERY' to raise the stairs to access the western troll
caves (L2), and the rest of the Keep levels.
- Once finished, head to the first cliff level.
- Find statue #1, touch it, and give the answer 'PEACE'. This opens
the gate leading to the eastern troll caves and the Citadel.
- Use the troll gate key (found in the western troll caves) to open
the door to the troll caves.

LEVEL 2 - TROLLCAV - Western Troll Cave

- Start @(48,61)
- Head due north until you get to a locked gate. Open the gate and
go through.
- Head north, then NW, then W until you come to a small alcove, located
- Jump up into the alcove, and push the back wall, opening up the way
to another passage.
- Head N, then W, then N, until you find some very steep stairs up.
@(20,2), take the troll chambers key, mountain key, and read both
notes. Record the password.
- Retrace your steps back to the entrance.
- Head N, then W, then SW, following the wide open passage. You should
come to a concealed pit. Jump over the pit.
- Head NW, then W, down a short slope.
- Head NW, then NE, to troll chamber @(11,21)
- Open door. Use key located beside pool to open Droog's chest.
Inside is Droog's contract. Burn the contract in the brazier to
cut Droog's HP from 500 to 250.
- Open the gate, and climb on the elevator. Pull the switch, and
give the password 'MALEFICENT'. The elevator will rise to Droog's
private chamber, and the entrance to the next level (L3).
- Kill Droog

LEVEL 3 - KEEP1 - Vanguard Keep Dungeon

- Start @(32,62)
- Turn east, and open secret door. Throw switches in room to open
the main door and extend bridge.
- Cross the bridge, walk to intersection, and turn west.
- Go to 'T' intersection, turn south, and enter last room on the right.
- Pick up Cell Control Room Key @(4,56). Exit room, head north to 'T'
intersection, then east back to main corridor.
- There are 4 cell control rooms, 2 east of main corridor, 2 west of
main corridor. Enter each of them, and activate (make contact) all
8 switches. Note: some are already active - moving them will break
contact. Just flip them back again.
- Head N on the main corridor. All 8 lights should now be dark blue.
If any are light blue, the corrisponding switch is 'off' and must
be reset. The grate switch will only open if all control switches
are closed.
- Open gate and step through. Handle the ambush. Cross the room and
open the next gate. Head N to the next intersection.
- Head W from the intersection, to the drainage room. Head for the
door in the N wall. Go through that door, then go E through another
door, and pick up the Warden's Room Key.
- Head back to the drainage room, and go through the W door. Head
south, and open the Warden's room. The picture in this room
conceals a hidden niche. Take the portcullis key.
- Head back through the drainage room to the intersection. Touch
the keyhole to unlock the switch. Flip the switch to open the
portcullis. Head N to the door @(33,5), and go through it to
the next level (L4).

LEVEL 4 - KEEP2 - Halls of Vangard Keep

- Start @(31,37)
- Capstan should be facing N.
- Note locations: Starting room is Capstan room. All other rooms/
locations are based on directions from here.
- Teleport room NE (53,16,1), Teleport room balcony NE (53,16,2).
Wizards room SW (12,42,1), Library SW (9,53,1),
Locked room NW (8,15,1).
- From start, head SW to wizard's room. Enter room & get Beacon
Master's Key @(11,38,1).
- Head to NW to locked room door. Enter, and climb to balcony.
Throw switch to open door. Head to N end of room, and go through
doorway. Pick up Capstan Key A.
- Return to capstan room, and turn capstan clockwise 1/4 turn. It
should now be facing E.
- Head for teleport room balcony, NE. Enter room. Throw switch to
left of door to activate teleporter, and pick up library room key.
- Return to capstan room. Turn capstan 1/4 turn clockwise, so it
faces S.
- Head for teleport room NW. Enter teleporter. Pick up Capstan Room
Key B @(10,35,2). Return through teleporter to teleporter room.
- Head west, and pick up Capstan Room Key C in corridor @(32,12,1).
- Return to capstan room. Turn capstan 1/4 turn clockwise, so it
faces W.
- Head for library (SW). Enter library, and climb to mezzanine level.
Throw hidden switch at (7,56,2), standing eye level. Stairs will
descend from the ceiling, leading to a secret room above the library.
- Climb the stairs and pick up Capstan Room Key D.
- Return to capstan room. Use the keys to partly open the wall.
This will also cause a pedestal to rise from the floor behind
you. Flip the switch to fully expose the door.
- Open the door and proceed to the next level (L5).

LEVEL 5 - KEEP3 - Vangard Keep Tower

- Start @(30,2)
- Head east. Watch for ambush.
- Climb up ledges @(49,7) and open secret door @(49,5). Go through
door & flip switch @(55,2). Exit passage and go to (54,12).
Ride up the lift, and press the button at the top.
- Head south, and climb down stairs @(55,15). Open secret door
@(57,20) and take Reaper (scythe). Climb back out.
- Head N to skull @(54,7), and touch skull with reaper. Go through
activated teleport (walk through skull).
- Collect the gems at the following locations: (11,20), (40,13),
(42,12), (48,40), (42,51) in hidden niche, and (18,50) in hidden
- Pick up Beacon Altars Key @(31,39).
- Use key in lock @(31,39), and then throw switch @(29,15) to open
both beacon rooms.
- Transfer all gems to one character. Enter eastern altar room.
Make the character with the gems active. Touch the tray of gems,
and rearrange. Add gems in the following order: Red, Green, Blue.
- Go to the western altar room and repeat the procedure, except
the gem order is: Red, Yellow, Blue.
- Go to elevator control room, @(30,47). Turn eastern switch up,
and western switch down.
- Walk to elevator door, @(30,39). SAVE GAME!
- Open door, enter elevator, and press button to descent. Confront
and kill the Dark One.
- Take the two white gems @(31,31). Head back up the elevator.
Replace one gem @(15,30), and the other @(46,30), by touching
the dark crystals.
- Level complete. Return to the valley floor, either by going back
down through the levels, or by using the newly-activated teleporter

LEVEL 6 - BOWELS1 - Eastern Troll Caves (Citadel side)

- Start @(8,61)
- Head straight N through the central doorway @(9,51). Turn east
at the corner, and travel until you reach a passage heading N,
- Head N to door. Open door, and kill guards. Go down stairs,
and into next level.

LEVEL 7 - BOWELS2 - Golem Level

- Start @(50,61)
- Go find a SOVC in the maze to the west. They are located @(10,21),
@(5,49), and @(27,57). When you find one, return to the start.
(Only one is necessary for V1.00. You may need more.)
- Head N, and go through the door to the E. Go to the N end of the
room, and then go W through the tunnel. Go through NW door, then
through N door. Go E along passage, and through door.
- Touch the boiler (the big thing, not the little one) with the SOVC.
Touch the boiler twice more. Run far away.
- After the explosion, return to the boiler room. It should now be
described as having several large holes in it.
- Head W from the boiler room, and go through the first door N,
@(39,40). Head N, and through the next door.
- Head NW through this room, then go through the door directly N
@(31,15). You should now be in a war zone.
- Go E through the room, through the S door, then through the E
door. Take the corridor S.
- At the end of the corridor, there is a wooden panel on the wall with
tracks running under it. Touch the panel (or step through it?)
to go to the next level (L8).

LEVEL 8 - MINES1 - Western Dwarf Mines

- Start @(0,9)
- Head N to the first puzzle. The answer to the three puzzles is as
follows: the heaviest metal is quicksilver, tin is the most
malleable, and iron makes the best weapons.
- Flip the switch @(17,10), the head E to the levers puzzle.
- Flip switches until you can open the wooden doors, then flip the
switches inside them. Flip switches again until you can flip the
switches in the corners. The N corner one can be flipped through
the bars.
- Once finished, head E to 'T' intersection & head S. At the first
intersection, head W as far as possible. At the last southern
intersection, turn S and go as far as possible. Turn & face N.
- Go through the doorway just to the right of the one you came from,
and pick up the Old Mine Key @(8,43).
- Return to the large room, and go to the eastern end. Open the old
mine door @(10,51) and go through it. Head E.
- Well toward the eastern side of the level, there are two exits.
#1 is east @(38,58), and #2 is farther east @(61,59).
- Head down #1 first. It leads to a small area with no exit, but
with a key you need. Once you have it, head down #2 to the
next level (L9, lower mines).

LEVEL 9 - MINES2 - Lower Mine Level

- Start @(31,40) and @(54,49)
- From start @(31,40), get Mine Forman's Key, and head back up.
- From start @(54,49), head generally SW until you reach a large room.
- Go through S door @(39,58), then through E door, and get Mine
Storage Rm Key hiding behind armor @(42,62). Return to main room.
- Go through W door @(39,57) to another room. Set fuse on black
powder barrel in corner and RUN! After explosion, return to room.
- The exit is in the NE corner of this level (right in the corner),
a long way away. To get there, head generally W, then generally N,
then NE, then E.
- If you find a switch or a button, they lead to a fairly direct route
out. The switch is south of the button. Flip the switch to release
the button, press the button to open a passageway, and go through
the passageway. Follow the left hand wall until you reach the NE
corner of the level.
- The exit leads to L10 (Eastern Mines).

LEVEL 10 - MINES3 - Eastern Dwarf Mines

- Start @(6,14)
- Head E, and take first turn S. @(8,24), take the E passage, and head
S & go around the bend. Head S until after you walk over a hill (the
bridge). Turn E. Follow the tracks N then E to the end of the track.
- (This part is tricky) Head NE through the opening, then E to a wall.
Enter the big room to the NE.
- Take the center passage on the N wall. Follow the passage to the
NE corner of the level.
- Touch the door to enter the next level (L11, Karegh-Konan the dwarf

LEVELS 11, 12, & 13 - CITY1, CITY2, CAVES1, Dwarf City & Founders Cave

* This section covers 3 levels, as the route doubles back on itself.
There is no need to enter any buildings to get through the city.
- Start @(1,31)
- Touch the N gong to open both gates. Head through the S doorway,
and follow passage through several gates, until you reach an open
area with some buildings.
- At the SW corner of the NW building, @(9,50), there are some stairs.
Flip the switch at the top, and head back down.
- Go through the now-open doorway to the north, through the next
door, then E and through the next door.
- Head SE, following the street, through a gate, SE, then E, until
you reach some black double doors with a face on them (level
gate). Go through the door to the lower city (L12).

- Start @(1,36)
- Follow city street E then S then E. Go through the gate, head
SE, then E, and around some buildings. When you get to a plaza,
(you see stairs to the SE), turn N.
- Head NNE, then N, to a gate. Head N, through 3 gates, until you
get to a level gate @(61,1). Pass through it to the founders
cave (l13).

- Start @(61,61)
- Go through the single door, down the stairs, and through the gate.
Head NE to a passage starting @(58,47). Go to the end of the passage,
turn the switch, and return.
- Head W then N to another passage, starting @(48,41). Head E, then
turn N.
- Go N, ignoring all side passages, until you reach a dead end,
around (60,6). Head W through the partially obscured passage and
follow it until you reach a large open area around (35,8).
- Head S, taking the left doorway. Go SE then SW to another open
area. Continue S, over a ledge, past a pillar, to a gate @(43,50).
- Go through the gate, up the stairs, and through the door. Go W
then S to the next level gate. Go through the door back to the
lower city (L12).

- Start @(42,1)
- Head E then S, and go through the large gate. Follow the city street
around lots of curves and bends until you get to the next level
gate, @(1,25). Go through gate to the upper city (L11).

- Start @(61,49)
- Head N, and follow the road, passing through a double door into a
marble passage. Follow the passage until you reach the entrance
to a large hall, around (33,23). Kill the Lord of Worms.
- Head NE through the hall to a gate @(60,15).
- Go through gate & take the left passage. Head N to turn in passage,
then go far W, around a number of zig-zags. The exit gate is
@(7,1). Go through doors to next level (L14 - Mantis caves).

LEVEL 14 - CAVES2 - Mantis Caves / Dragonette Entrance

- Start @(6,52)
- Head N to password door, and give password 'TIME'.
- Go through door and head N, around the bend, along the main passage.
At the last intersection, around (6,6), turn E and go to next
- Head N to dragon gate, @(17,2). Touch the right hand plaque,
and PULL, TURN RIGHT, PUSH to open gate.
- Head through gate, and follow the river to the door @(29,21).
Watch out for the collapsing floor near the end of the river.
Touch the door to open it - you will take damage.
- Follow corridor S then E to the edge of a steep slope. Head N
down the slope.
- Flip the levers at the following locations, in order:
@(39,35), @(54,61), then @(53,48). This will open the doors @(40,29).
- Go through the open doorway @(40,29), through the room, to the
giant stairway at the other end. Push the buttons located on either
side of the stairs @(38,2) and (42,2).
- Head back through room, then east just past entryway, to newly
opened passage @(46,30).
- Head E then N into a room with pillars. Go SE to a ramp @(61,30).
Climb ramp into another room. Follow passage N from room, then
head E at corner, to a dead end.
- Push button hidden high in the corner @(51,0) to open the secret
door. Go through door and down passage to exit to next level (L15).

LEVEL 15 - CAVES3 - Collapsed Caverns

- Start @(61,56)
- Go up slope. Take both powder kegs (charges). Touch the W wall
with one of the charges to blow the wall. Head down passage into
a large room.
- Take the 4 charges @(56,60), then head W across bridge to a ledge.
Jump NW to the next ledge.
- Head W, blowing walls @(36,60), @(29,60), @(23,59), and @(21,59).
Jump across the chasm and pick up the charge @(16,62), then jump
- Blow the wall @(15,58), and go through. Go E to end of passage, and
pick up the 3 charges, then return.
- Blow the wall @(15,56) and go through into room. Head N, then E
along long passage, up the stairs & around some curves.
- Blow the wall @(42,52), and head up the hill. Blow the wall at the
top. Head NE, around the E corner, and pick up the 2 charges
@(50,36). Head N and blow out the wall @(49,25).
- Head N to intersection, around (44,12). Go E a short way to another
intersection, around (53,13), and blow the wall @(52,10).
- Head down the hall, and turn E at the intersection. Pick up the
charge @(62,1). Head back W along the hall, and blow the wall
- Head W along the hall to (31,1), in a dip between 2 hills. Open
the secret door on the S wall by touching it, go in, take the
two charges @(35,5), and return to the hall.
- Head W down the hall, then SW, then W, going past the corner,
until you get to around (1,6).
- Head S, until you reach a lake. Head E, following the edge of the
lake. Blow the wall @(18,22). Continue following the lake edge,
going SE, then S, then SW, then W into a hall.
- Blow the wall @(19,44). Go through the opening, then travel W
to some double doors @(6,36).
- Go through the doors and up the stairs to get to the next level (L16).

LEVEL 16 - CATACOMB - Catacombs

- Start @(60,2)
* Crypt area
- Open door. Go W then S, open gate, and head W to corner.
Open gate @(46,11), enter room, push button in alcove @(40,12),
and walk into alcove @(44,10). In next room, push button, and
take key.
- Exit back to corner. Head S then E to gate @(54,28). Unlock gate
and go through.

* Heroes Key 3 - The 8, and the Avatar's Tomb
- Head W to the corner, N to the next corner, then W to the first N
passage. Enter room to the N and read everything.
- Enter puzzle chamber to the west. To get through, do the following:
@(34,18) push E button.
@(35,19) push N button.
@(35,21) flip switch.
@(33,21) push green button. Push blue button. Wait for block
to finish moving, then push blue button again.
@(31,21) push button.
@(29,18) push button to NW.
@(29,19) look S - push blue button across block, the one on the side
of the alcove.
@(29,18) step into the teleporter.
@(30,14) look NE - push purple button in alcove, the one on the E wall.
Step back quickly, as the block in front of you will try to run you
- Go through passage @(29,14) into sarcophagus room.
- Go E, and pick up Wraith Key 8 @(37,9).
- Head NW, and enter the Avatar's area.
- Pick up Wraith Keys 1-7 @(4,1), (1,11), (3,24), (6,27), (14,27),
(24,23), and (26,13)
- Pick up Heroes Key 3 @(9,19)
- Unlock all 8 locks around the tomb in the center of the building.
Turn switch to lower shields. Enter tomb and take Radiant Sapphire
Amulet (on pedistal).
- Return to puzzle chamber. Enter teleporter @(29,14), then return
to the hallway.

* Heroes Key 1 - Keldus Magnor's Tomb
- Go E, then S, then E to the next corner (by a spell thrower).
Head S to next corner, then W, past a jog in the corridor, to
a major intersection (around (40,53)).
- Head S then E. As you approach the door, it should slide back into
the wall. Enter the tomb (DUCK!) and get Heroes Key 1 @(53,57).
- Return to major intersection.

* Heroes Key 2 - Zombies
- Go N, then W, then S to a gate @(37,44). Flip switch to open,
head through, and enter the zombie area. The gate will shut behind
- Head W, then NW, then W, to a small building @(6,37). Enter building
and take Radiant Ruby Amulet and Heroes Key 2.
- Go E, then SE, then SW to (16,51). Push button to re-open gate.
- Go NE then SE, to (31,52) - Don't go back to the gate, or it'll
shut again.
- Push the button high on the wall to open a secret door. Go through
the door, open the secret door at the other end, and return to
the major intersection.

* Exit - Heroes Hall
- Head S to heroes gates. Open all 3 and enter heroes hall. In the
SE, open the sarcophagus @(31,60) and push the button inside to open
the western doors. Go through doorway to next door.
- Touch the N pedistal with the Rad. Sapphire Amulet - the niche should
light up. Touch the S pedistal with the Rad. Ruby Amulet - the niche
should light up, and the door should open.
- Go through door. Head SW, to (9,59), and press the button on the
stair to open up a passage @(8,56).
- Go through opening, & head W to (1,58). Climb the ladder to get
to the next level.

LEVEL 17 - SEWERS - The Sewers

- Start @(60,61)

* Storage areas key.
- Head W to intersection @(47,60), then head N to main intersection
@(45,45). Go W to (31,44), then go down ramp and jump in water.
You should end up in a large water-filled room (bridge room),
washed up against a grate.
- Flip both switches to the N, and both switches to the S. Swim E
into bridge control room. Flip flood gate switch. Head back
W, across room, and down slope.
- Head up ramp @(2,37), and through door at top. Head NE and climb
ladder. Go E to maintenance office @(22,39), go in, read notes,
and take Storage Areas Key.

* Manite Plate.
- Exit room, head W, and climb back down ladder. Go W then S
to storage area 4. Enter room, and take Manite Plate sitting
on floor behind the next door.
- Return to ladder, climb up, go E to corner, S through gate, and
return to level starting point.

* Old Sewer Bridge Key & Flood Control Rm Key
- Go N to storage room 1 @(58,52), enter room, and take Old Sewer
Bridge Key.
- Return to main intersection @(45,45). Go N to storage room 2, go
E through gate and then through door. Take Flood Control Rm Key.
Return to main intersection @(45,45).

* Engine Room Key
- Head S, then W, then N, to gate control room @(40,57), and enter.
Levers are numbered 1 to 5, starting from the NW.
- Flip lever #2, then lever #1. Exit room, head S, go through gate,
and jump in water. You need to climb out of the flow onto a small
walkway and flip a lever @(25,51). This opens a gate to the SW.
- Swim to that room, and flip the switch @(21,53). Return to the
gate control room, either going upstream or downstream (the long way).
- Flip lever 2 then lever 3. Exit room, go S, and jump in water again.
You should be washed up onto a short walkway, @(27,57). Flip the
lever, and continue W into the water.
- You should wash up against a gate around (14,61). Swim up onto the
ledge to the N. Go through door.
- Go N, W, N, W, S, push button @(10,57), N, W, S (through door),
and take the Engine Room Key @(8,59).
- Return to the ledge. Push the button on the W wall, and jump in.
- Return to main intersection @(45,45).

* Generator, and Bridge Key
- Go partway S, then W, to generator room, and enter. Go through
either door, and stand in front of generator @(38,50). Touch
the lower plate in the niche with the manite plate, and the plate
should be placed in position.
- Flip the generator switch @(38,51) to start the generator.
- Take the Bridge Key @(38,52), and return to the maintenance office.

* Bridge
- Head E a short way, and then up bridge ramp @(29,39), and open
- Jump in water, and head E (quickly) into bridge control room.
Touch bridge lock to move bridge into position.
- Return to bridge ramp (the long way 'round), cross the bridge,
and go through the gate to the main passage.

* Flood control room
- Follow side passage to the NE and take Flooded Area Key 2 @(29,16).
Return to main passage.
- Head E to maintenance office (another one), go in, read notes, and
take Old Gates Key @(36,18).
- Exit room & head W, down ramp. Open door @(20,22), enter room,
get Flooded Area Key 1 @(17,24), and leave room.
- Open door to N, go down ramp, and open gate. Head W to flood
control room.
- SAVE GAME BEFORE ENTERING ROOM! This room contains a real-time,
deadly puzzle.
- Enter room, and QUICKLY flip all the switches, starting with the
one on the right, and proceeding counter-clockwise. If you do all
9 in order, the water will disappear and the door will re-open.
- Exit the room. Go E then S, and enter the room @(11,23). Take
the water grate key @(7,23), and return to the main corridor (near
the bridge).

* Gate maze - instructions from here to exit will be a little terse.
- Head E, going through locked gate.
- Flip switch @(53,20, then @(48,16). The exit to the maze is in the
E, through a wooden door. Head to S corner, then E, then N to
get through.
- Go through wooden door, and find intersection @(60,9).

* Teleporter & secret door.
- Take SW passage. Press button @(58,12). Head S, W, N, W, & N.
Push button @(46,12). Go S, E, N, W, S, and flip switch @(44,12).
Return to intersection @(60,9).
- Take NW passage.

* End-run to the exit - I'll cover the highlights
- Exit is in the extreme NW cornter.
- Go to (48,3) - secret door is now open.
- @(25,8), go W.
- Need to open gate @(16,6). From (18,6), go S, E, S, W, up
ramp, S, and flip lever @(14,15). Return to gate & go through.
- Gate @(16,4). Flip lever. Go N, then down stairs. Flip lever.
Head back up. Go through gate then turn S.
- Go to (4,9), and walk N through illusionary wall.
- Touch door @(1,3) to go to next level.

LEVEL 18 - RADIANT1 - Citadel Lower Level / Entrance

- Start @(7,6)

* Getting into the Citadel
- Head W, then S to corner, then E to corner. Climb ramp @(58,60),
and head W along walkway to bridge.
- Cross bridge, and enter western building @(22,51). Read note.
Climb stairs to roof, and flip switch @(24,50).
- Jump from roof to walkway, and walk to eastern building. Jump
onto roof. Go down stairs, and flip switch @(35,50). Climb to
roof, and jump down to main level.
- Flip switch @(30,46) to extend bridge & open main gate.
- Cross bridge into citadel.

* To first library
- From main corridor (just N of bridge), head E to (39,37), and
enter room to the S. Go down stairs and flip switch, then
return to main corridor.
- Head E to 'T' intersection, then N to library doors @(5,23).
Open doors, and enter library.

* To secret library
- Go up stairs @(7,23) to mezzanine level. @(9,12), facing E,
you should see a green book sticking out of the right-hand
bookshelf. Push the book into the bookshelf to open up a secret
- Return to main library floor, and go to alcove @(5,19). Enter
alcove to reveal hidden switch. Flip switch.
- Walk N to center of library. There should be some platforms here
now, and a switch located high on the W wall. Jump up the pillars
to the highest (center) one, then flip the lever.
- Jump back down to the main library floor. Go N to a new set of
stairs at the N end of the library. Go down the stairs, along
the corridor, and enter the teleporter to the south.
- In the secret library, head NE, and take the Stair Gate Key
on the table @(23,5). Return via teleporter and corridor to
first library. Return to the main corridor, in front of the

* To the next level
- Head N, through the skull room, through the grand hall, to the
throne room, around (31,7).
- Go E, through the double doors, to the gate in the N wall,
@(39,7). Open the gate and climb the stairs to get to the next
level, L19.

LEVEL 19 - RADIANT2 - Citadel Main Level / Dungeon

- Start @(42,3)

* Lava room, Jailer's Key
- Go up the stairs & around the corner to the main intersection
- Go W to sinking room @(20,6). Floor will sink below you.
(Enter secret room now, it will be impossible to enter later).
- Look S - from outside the S alcove, press the button. Floor will
- Head W toward trap intersection. Trap is a sinking pillar from
above. Go S from intersection to dead end @(14,17). Walls will
sink, & reveal lava room. This is a large room on 2 levels.
The upper level is broken up, and the lower level is lava.
There are 4 red pillars, one E, one W, one SE (not visible), and
one SW (not visible). There is a large temple far to the S.
- Go E to pillar @(23,16) & flip lever. Go S to pillar @(21,35) &
flip lever. Go W to pillar @(7,28) & flip lever. Go N to
pillar @(5,18) and flip lever. Go E to pillar @(23,16) and flip
lever (again). The graph above the lever should now display
three tall bars.
- Go SW to (10,30). Run and jump from platform to platform to
the temple. Enter temple and take Jailer's Key @(10,51).
Return to room start, @(14,17).
- Head N to first intersection, go W, and flip lever @(11,11).
Go E to intersection, go S to next intersection, and then go S
to the main intersection.
(Watch out for the descending block again).

* Ashak's Key
- Go S to end of corridor, then turn E.
- Open secret door @(43,38), and go N through next secret door,
and through the gate. Go N, E, and N into torture room.
- Take Ashak's Key from inside hanging cage @(54,9).

* Hourglass
- Go S, E, S, and W to intersection @(52,38). Open & go through
door to S.
- Go E then S to corner of room, and take Hourglass @(58,57), which
you need for the next level.

* Drainage Area
- Exit room, go E, then N to locked door @(57,27), and enter room.
- Touch hole in floor to enter drainage area.
- Go to grate @(37,45), enter grate, get Sludge Key, and return.
- Go to grate @(22,59), enter grate, open gate, flip lever, and return.
- Go to grate @(25,43), and enter grate.
- Go to grate @(25,52), and enter grate.
- Go to grate @(19,58), and enter grate.

* Avatar's Room & Radiant Key 3
- Follow corridor, flip lever @(22,41), then flip lever @(27,37).
- Go to dead-end @(27,39), step forward, and ride elevator up to
- Head N into center of Avatar's room @(31,32). Doors will close
behind you, and stairs should appear in the center of room.
- Go N down stairs and into red room.
- Take Radiant Key 3.

* To next level
- Go S, up stairs, and out of Avatar's room. Go E, unlock door,
then go N to main intersection, @(40,6).
- Go W to teleporter @(36,6). Enter teleporter, unlock gate,
and head up stairs to next level (L20).

LEVEL 20 - RADIANT3 - Citadel Upper Level / Shield Generator

- Start @(6,4)

* Some keys
- Go up stairs & through door. Go S to corner, then E to next corner.
- Go N (doors will open automatically) to generator room,
around 31,13).
- Go through NE door @(34,9). Enter room @(39,7), take the
Guardhouse Key @(36,4), and exit room. Enter room @(43,7) and
take shield instructions. Go to N end of area, take Generator
Keyring @(48,9), then return to generator room.
- Go through NW door @(28,8). Head W then N to door @(15,4).
Enter room, take Capacitor Key 3 @(19,4), then return to
generator room.

* Guardian's room
- Head S to door @(32,22). Enter room, take lantern, & return
to hallway. Go S to corner, W to corner, N to (7,23), then E
to skulls. Touch the N skull with the lantern, then touch the S
skull with the hourglass. Head E - the doors should open.
- Push button under table to open secret door to S, go through
to secret room, & flip switch @(16,29). Take Warped Area Key
from table, and read the book on the table.

* White crystal
- Exit rooms to corridor, go S to corner, then E to corner.
- Open doors @(33,34). Head E through the twists to corner @(58,31),
then S into room.
- Take white crystal and Capacitor Key 2.
- Return to Guardian's room.

* Challenges, blue crystal
- Go NW to (16,21), and enter first challenge, via teleporter.
Task: run around walkway to teleporter in central pillar.
The rocky-looking parts of the walkway collapse as you walk on them,
the smoother-looking parts in the corners do not.
Go through the teleporter.
- In the force shield area, touch the red post in front of you (you
have to be very close to it). The post will drop, and the shield
will rise. Go NW & enter teleporter to return to Guardian's room.
- Go NE to (20,19), and enter second challenge, via teleporter.
Task: get capacitor key 1 and find exit.
Flip switches @(47,48), (58,51), & (50,40).
@(52,40), enter room to the N. Run across floor to the key, then
take the key. Some of the floor will collapse behind you.
Jump in the hole and use teleporter to get back to the eastern
side. (If you don't make it, flip the switches again & retry).
Enter room @(50,58), and step on teleporter @(48,56). Head W then
S, and open gate (ignore the lock, just open the gate). Step
on teleporter to get to force shield area.
- Raise the force shield, then return to Guardians room.
- Go SW to (16,26), and enter third challenge, via teleporter.
Task: Negotiate the teleporter maze.
Watch your map carefully, there are teleporters in the middle of
most hallways, and in some of the corners.
1 - Pick up Round Room Key @(59,8)
2 - Open gate @(57,17) and push the button inside
3 - Exit @(52,17) via teleporter to the force shield area.
- Raise the force shield, and return to Guardian's room.
- Head SE to last challenge, and enter via teleporter.
- Raise the force shield.
- Walk up close to the blue pillar in the center of the room and
touch it. Thi pillar should rise up into the roof, revealing
the blue crystal. Take the crystal, and return to the Guardian's

* Red crystal
- Exit room to corridor, & head S to corner.
- Go E a short way & open doors @(11,36). Enter room.
- In SW corner of room, flip switch @(6,55).
- Climb stairs in NE corner @(15,40) up to platform. Run & jump
NW to next platform.
- Save Game, the next bit can be terminally difficult.
- Enter corridor to W, and run S to corner. Move 1 square E.
Avoid moving blocks. When blocks have returned to their starting
positions, walk E into corner to open secret door @(6,47).
- Go through secret door, go S to corner, then E across bridge and
through the next doorway.
- Go N, flip switch @(15,50) and take red crystal.
- Return to generator room, @(31,13).

* Generator activation
- Go E down corridor @(37,14). Touch red pedestal with the red crystal
to put it into place. Return to generator room.
- Go W down corridor @(25,14). Repeat with blue crystal, and return
to generator room.
- Head N. Unlock and go through gate. Unlock switches, then flip
both levers. Return to generator room. There should now be
2 new pillars, one E and one W.
- Timed run. Press button on E pillar, run & press button on W pillar,
then run & flip switch on central pillar. If you were fast enough,
the switch will work, and the generator will come on line. If not,
the switch won't work - try again.
- Head S to (31,27), and turn E. Take elevator up to the next
level (L21), the roof.

LEVEL 21 - RADIANT4 - Citadel Roof

- Exit elevator & go W. Climb stairs and go through doors.
- Kill Anthrax (nice flames)!
- Flip lever @(31,10) to activate shields, and win the game.

LEVEL 22 - ??? - Secret Level

- Just go with the flow.



LEVEL 1 - GRAYMT_1 - Valley Floor

Gem cave - locked gate. The key is hidden under the dock where
you started, @(8,52).

LEVEL 2 - TROLLCAV - Western Troll Cave

Magic fountain in SW troll chamber. Turn the switch @(9,62) to
raise the stairs in the center of the rooms. Turn the switch
on top of the small building @(7,55). This opens the door to
the magic pool room underneath you.
Overcaverns in central and eastern caves. The access ramp for these
is located in the SW troll chamber, @(11,50). Climb 2 ramps.
From the edge of one dropoff, you should be able to see another
ledge across the passage. Take a running jump to get to the other
Western undercaverns. The exit stairs are located @(15,25). Climb
stairs, turn 180', and take a running jump to the stairs on the
other side to get back to the main level.
Eastern undercaverns. Use the elevator to get out. The switch is
@(33,24), and the platform is @(37,23). You have a few seconds
after turning the switch before the platform starts to move.
Remember to clean out the secret room @(32,23) before leaving.

LEVEL 3 - KEEP1 - Vanguard Keep Dungeon

Getting past the entrance. Method 1: go E on the ledge, open the secret
door, and throw the switches to open the doors and extend the bridge.
Method 2: jump down, rip the grate off one of the floor drains, jump
into the undertunnel, head E to the illusionary wall, and then up to
the upper level.
Jailor's treasure room. Get the brick located @(21,53). Use it to
open the false wall @(7,57).
Prisoner. Get the Cell Control Room Key. Open the cell control room,
and turn off the juice to his cell block. Go back and open the
prisoner's cell.
Keep storeroom. Use the Keep Storeroom Key, located behind the grate
of a drainage hole @(56,54).
Secret rooms. There are two more secret rooms. One is located on the
access ramp between the undertunnel and the upper level, @(14,57).
The other is located in a cell @(24,53)
Main gate - all cell blocks must be armed before main gate can be opened.
Locked gate @(53,40). This gate can only be opened from the east side,
using a switch on that side.
Hidden loft. Push a loose stone in the wall @(41,2) to lower the
alcove. Press the button @(41,10) to raise the stairs leading to
the loft.
Secret areas in library. Push the button @(46,2) to unlock the
bookshelf doors in the library. Secret door 1 is @(56,8), and secret
door 2 is @(56,6). The hidden niche is @(57,2), behind a loose stone
in the wall. Stand on the bookshelf to see into niche.
Cloverleaf corridoors. There are two teleports and a dropshaft here.
The teleports are @(44,20) and (50,14). The dropshaft is in the center.
Jump over the dropshaft to get from one side to the other. If you fall
down the dropshaft, head E to the next room, then either S back
to the cells area, or N through the illusionary wall up to the
library area.
NW hidden room. Press the button hidden behind the fireplace @(17,1).
This opens a panel in the bookshelf @(17,5). Pushing the button behind
the panel opens up a hidden door @(12,11).

LEVEL 4 - KEEP2 - Halls of Vangard Keep

Secret room in NE corner. On L2, enter the room in the NE corner.
Touch the bookcase @(51,2,2) to reveal the elevator. If you
can't pick the locked door to get to the bookcase, get the
Chamberlain's key located in a secret room @(61,44,2).
Teleporter. The switch to activate the teleporter is located on
the balcony above the teleporter room.

LEVEL 5 - KEEP3 - Vangard Keep Tower

NW Corner.
Hidden niche - Jump on ledge @(11,9). Turn & jump N onto next
ledge. This will then drop, revealing secret niche. Or, jump
onto ledge from balcony to the east.
Unreachable passage. Press button @(12,9) to lower platform & reveal
another button. Push that button. Push button @(6,12) and ride
up elevator to passage level.
SW Corner.
Jump on ledge @(11,54). Jump N to next ledge & grab goodies.
Jump down. Press button @(13,56) to lower platform. Open hidden
niche @(11,56).
Push button @(5,48) to lower platform.
Selene. Go to (31,59). You should hear 'the stones cry out' around
here. Go to (34,56) and push button. This reveals stairs @(34,59).
Go down stairs and free Selene.
SE Corner.
Push button @(53,46) to raise a small piece of ledge @(54,50).
Jump onto ledge @(54,50). Jump W to next ledge, and open hidden
niche. Jump S to next ledge, and climb ramp to get to balcony.
NE Corner.
Climb ledges @(49,7). Open secret door @(57,20), and follow passage.
Flip switch @(55,2), activating an elevator. Exit passage, and
step on elevator @(54,12). Push button to reveal stairs.
Jump W to next ledge & grab loot.

LEVEL 6 - BOWELS1 - Eastern Troll Caves (Citadel side)


LEVEL 7 - BOWELS2 - Golem Level

Prototype 17. Get the Golem Exhaust Pipe @(43,29). With this in
inventory, go to (32,29). Open the door, and touch the pile
of parts. You will be asked if you want to assemble the golem
using the exhaust pipe. If Y, then golem will join party, if
room is available.

LEVEL 8 - MINES1 - Western Dwarf Mines

Metal questions. Quicksilver is heaviest, tin is most malleable,
and iron makes the best weapons.
Levers puzzle. (If someone can come up with a short, simple answer,
I'll insert it here.)
Secret door. Open the secret door @(3,16), and flip the lever inside.
This will open the gate right beside the entrance to the mines.
(Why, I don't know)

LEVEL 9 - MINES2 - Lower Mine Level

Secret passage. Flip the switch to release the button. Press the button
to open the passage. This leads to a fairly direct route to the
The key to the storage room is hidden behind some armor @(42,62).
Blow the barrel full of gunpowder to open the route to the exit.

LEVEL 10 - MINES3 - Eastern Dwarf Mines


LEVELS 11, 12, & 13 - CITY1, CITY2, CAVES1 - Dwarf City & Founders Caves

- L11, Exits.
S area, exit to mines, exit to lower city.
N area, exit to lower city, exit to library area @(62,36,1),
exit to founders caves upper area @(61,1,1),
exit to next level @(6,1,1) (L14).
If founder's stone destroyed, tunnel from N area to S area.
- L11, entrance doors & gongs. Touch the N gong to open the gates to
the N and S.
- L11, iron bound doors that won't open. There is a switch located
on the roof of the nearest building to open the doors.
- L11, Arghaan the Dwarf. Touch the pillar @(61,31,1) to free him,
after killing the Lord of Worms.
- L12, secret cache. Flip lever @(48,58,3) to activate elevator.
Step on elevator @(25,62,2) to go up to cache.
- L12, secret door. The switch on the roof @(27,7,2) opens the
secret door in the SW corner of the SW building.
- L12, armor on top of stepped ledges, @(5,8,2).
Jump up on the boxes N of the ledges. Jump to the highest stack,
closest to the ledge. Jump due S, onto the ledge on the same
level. Jump up ledges to the armor.
- L11 & L13, Founder's stone.
From L11, @(61,1,1), enter the upper founders cave area.
Flip the switch @(1,17,2) to open the gate @(29,29,2).
From (36,37,2), jump S to next ledge.
Turn switch @(35,46,2) to open gate @(26,18,2)
From (34,13,2), jump S to next ledge.
Open secret door and flip lever to open access gate & lower bridge.
Cross bridge @(33,11,2), go through gate, and cross next bridge.
Enter teleporter @(56,10,2) to get to Konan's Sarcophagus. This
takes you to L11 @(29,10,1)
Konan's Sarcophagus is @(29,16,1). Take founder's stone and armor.
The sarcophagus will disappear, an exit will appear @(29,8,1), the
teleporter will de-activate, the access passages and the entrance
room from the mines will fill with dirt, and the secret passage
from (6,5,1) to (0,30,1) will open up.
- L13, secret cache.
From the switch @(1,17,2), jump across the river to the next ledge.
Jump back across the river to the northern ledge. Head N,
and open the secret door @(1,4,2).
- L13, secret cache.
From (36,37,2), jump S to next ledge. Open secret door @(35,48,2).
- L13, Dark dwarf's tunnels.
Go down the elevator @(22,19). Open the first door on the S wall.
This tunnel leads to a magical barrier closing off the dark dwarf

LEVEL 14 - CAVES2 - Mantis Caves / Dragonette Entrance

- Dragonette entrance. Use a pick (located on this level) to
collapse the walls @(60,56) and @(59,58). This will completely
block the corner.

LEVEL 15 - CAVES3 - Collapsed Caverns

- None

LEVEL 16 - CATACOMB - The Catacombs

- Locked room @(51,4). Push the button @(50,2) to open door.
- Mandurain the Greedy. Push button @(57,20) to open secret door.
Flip switch @(58,23) to disable traps in his tomb.
- Locked tomb gates @(50,41), (49,35), and (53,35). You need the
Tomb Key @(36,36). To get it, go through the pillars maze.
Push button @(33,29). Go through secret passage, past moving pillars
to room with raised platforms. By jumping, push button on N wall,
then button on W wall, then exit via doorway in S wall. Follow
corridor to treasure room & take key. In room with 3 doors, flip
lever behind N door, moving a wall behind the E door.
Exit via E door after wall stops moving.
- Locked gate @(47,41) - push button @(45,38) to open.
- Spell throwers @(58,33) & (58,55). Push button @(57,44) to open
secret passage @(60,40). Flip lever @(61,41) in passage to
disable spell launchers.
- Hidden room @(15,34) - SKRIPTORS. Flip switch @(23,37) to reveal
door. Touch door with any object to see message. ??How to open??
- Tophet, the skeleton with the headache, and an NPC.
Pick up the empty flask @(52,31). Fill it with slimy water from
the pool @(60,30) by touching it to the pool. Touch Palmea's
pedestal @(53,45) with the flask of slimy water to change it to
pure water. Touch the urn in Keldus Magnor's tomb @(61,58) to
pour the water into the urn. Return to Tophet @(6,37).

LEVEL 17 - SEWERS - The Sewers

- Floyd's Shop.
Press button @(53,58) to open the gate @(52,53).
Press button @(49,51) to open the secret door @(53,50) - the secret
door, not the door without a handle or keyhole.
NOTE: You have only a few seconds to run from the button to the
secret door!
Flip the lever behind the secret door to open the door @(53,49).
Floyd's is the next door, @(50,44).
- Secret door @(57,45) - push the button @(54,45) to open.

LEVEL 18 - RADIANT1 - Citadel Lower Level / Entrance

- Secret door to treasure room @(44,17)
- To unlock gate @(55,48), use the Chef's Key @(45,32)
- Secret door into citadel is @(51,48)
- Secret exit from citadel is @(56,6)
- Secret stash of armor behind bookshelf @(45,26)
- Enlightenment Elixir hidden inside bed @(41,12)
- Secret door @(15,6) leads to a room with a summoning circle on
the floor. There is another secret door in the S wall.
- Hot room, doors warped by intense heat will not open. To get in,
open secret door @(15,22), go down passage, and jump down hole.
Follow passage to red room. In NW corner, @(8,29), jump up onto
small ledge, then up into hot room. Grab the radiant bow &
jump back down. Exit through S passage, then up ramp. Door at
top should open & close automatically.

LEVEL 19 - RADIANT2 - Citadel Main Level / Dungeon

- Library, secret room #1.
Push button @(34,16), run to platform @(29,14), jump on, and
rise to upper level. Flip switch @(29,15) to open secret door
@(34,15). Head up stairs @(34,11), into secret passage.
Push button @(36,16) to open another secret door @(31,19),
revealing the hidden room to the S.
- Library, secret room #2.
In room under Avatar's room, open secret door @(30,25).
Walk up passage, and as you reach the top, the door to secret
room #1 will open, as well as the door to secret room #2 @(29,14).
- Library, secret niche.
@(36,11), look N under stairs. Push button. The bookshelf in
front of you will reveal a secret niche.
- Library, readable bookshelves.
@(33,16), S, How to Barter
@(34,18), N, See Secrets
@(30,18), S on upper level, Martial Arts
- Treasure room in drainage tunnels.
Enter drainage tunnels.
Enter grate @(35,61), push button & return.
Enter grate @(37,45), take Sludge Key & return.
Enter grate @(22,59), open gate, and enter secret room @(15,61).
- Ashak the Trainer (NPC)
In room under Avatar's chamber, @(31,24), take the Ebony Key
and the Ivory Key.
In mirror room @(53,51), touch the mirror with the Ivory Key.
Touch the mirror with the Ebony Key.
Ashak the Trainer will be freed, and ask to join.

LEVEL 20 - RADIANT3 - Citadel Upper Level / Shield Generator

- In secret room, @(16,31), the Maelstrom Spellbook is in the
- Push the button @(26,35) to open the secret doors leading to the
treasure room.
- Blocked door @(9,8), near start. Unblock door from the other
side, @(12,8), by touching the table.

LEVEL 21 - RADIANT4 - Citadel Roof

- None

LEVEL 22 - ??? - Secret Level

- None



LEVEL 1 - GRAYMT_1 - Valley Floor

L2 entrance (30,6) - Western troll cave
L6 entrance (58,6) - Eastern troll cave
Statue #1 (47,20)
Statue #2 (31,11)
Gem cave key (8,52) - Under the dock
Finea's (14,44) - buy & sell
(15,39) - secret drawer containing ring of perception
Magical Staff (36,27) - on a ledge
Elevator (41,31) - to/from lower cliff/river level
Cave 1 (8,52) - hidden entrance, the other end is open
(15,39) - hidden door in cave
(26,58) - Bert's club
(35,61) - magical pool
Cave 2 (13,18)
Cave 3 (49,38)
Cave 4 (41,29)
Cave 5 (58,31) - Contains inscribed wall giving statue answers
Cave 6 (54,17)
(55,21) - magical pool
Cave 7 (41,15) - lower entrance
(44,9) - upper entrance
(48,6) - Skull Splitter
Cave 8 (21,6)

LEVEL 2 - TROLLCAV - Western Troll Cave

Secret passage (32,19)
Password note (20,2)
Various notes (20,4) (39,53)
Magical pools (6,15) (6,54) (56,43) (20,59)
Magic Mushrooms (42,34) ???
Droog's Chest (16,18) Contains Droog's contract with the Dark One
Keys (20,4) Mountain Key
(20,2) Troll Chambers Key
(6,15) Droog's Chest Key
(39,53) Troll Cave Gate Key
Items (14,13) Smithy's Ember (amulet)
(10,8) Dancer's Amulet
(54,60) Magical Healing Stone
(57,45) Faerie Dust Pouch
Weapons & Armor (59,12) Brede's Katana
(61,38) Blood Staff
(28,24) Magic Heavy Crossbow (eastern undercaverns)

LEVEL 3 - KEEP1 - Vanguard Keep Dungeon

Illusion walls (25,57) (48,10) (59,17)
Notes (12,39) Jailor's Note
(21,1) Keep Warden's Note
Keys (4,56) Cell Control Room Key
(56,54) Keep Storeroom Key (behind grate)
(39,24) Keep Armory Key
(25,10) Warden's Room Key
(5,31) Portcullis Key (behind painting)
Items (21,53) Brick
(21,40) Prisoner's Cell
(48,2) Thief's Ring
(57,2) Spellbook - Slow spell
(12,13) Book - Annals of a Rogue
Weapons & Armor (14,60) Dreamer (staff)
(39,23) Magical Handgun
(47,31) Magical Shortsword
(39,1) Ruck's Armor
(5,31) Magical Longsword (behind painting)
(1,4) Shadowblade

LEVEL 4 - KEEP2 - Halls of Vangard Keep

Spell launcher disconnect buttons - (5,28,2) (58,29,2) (25,46,2)
(25,13,1) (23,13,2) (50,47,1) (29,49,1)
Misc (60,3,1) Roscoe's Belt
Potion (5,40,2) Discipline Elixir
Books (8,60,3) Aid Spellbook
(2,50,2) The Duelist's Craft
Keys (11,5,1) Capstan Room Key A
(10,35,2) Capstan Room Key B
(32,12,1) Capstan Room Key C
(8,60,3) Capstan Room Key D
(62,47,2) Chamberlain's Key
(11,38,1) Beacon Master's Key
(49,14,2) Keep Library Key
Notes (21,39,1) Beacon Master's Note
(8,60,3) Vychon's Note
Weapons & Armor (52,25,1) Lightning Rod
(5,27,2) Shadow Boots
(60,3,1) Thunderclap

LEVEL 5 - KEEP3 - Vangard Keep Tower

Selene (34,57)
Crystals (11,20) (40,13) (42,12) (48,40) (42,51) (18,50)
White Crystals (31,31)
Rings (11,5) Breath of Life
(4,50) Klesa's Ring
(26,27) Crusader's Ring
Potions (12,48) Herbal Remedy
(50,50) Elixir of Fortitude
Books (42,51) The Physical Adept
(18,50) Theurgic Principals
Keys (31,39) Beacon Altar's Key
Weapons & Armor (57,52) Crystal Bow
(61,20) Reaper
(31,31) Demon Slayer
Misc (30,47) Wand of Magic
(15,30) Tear of the Beast
(46,30) Talon of the Anarch

LEVEL 6 - BOWELS1 - Eastern Troll Caves (Citadel side)

Secret doors (24,41), (0,48), (13,23), (1,16), (12,9)
Notes (19,52) Ogre background
(14,48) Ogre agreement
(39,34) Ogres turn evil
Books (12,17) Waer's Bestiary
Rings (41,30) Frivlar's Ring
(8,1) Ring of Reflexes
Weapons & Armor (15,20) Magical Bardiche
(13,11) Magical Broadsword

LEVEL 7 - BOWELS2 - Golem Level

Prototype 17 (32,29)
SOVC's (10,21) (5,49) (27,57)
Golem Storage Rm (33,53) (40,53) (51,23)
Secret Doors (4,25)
Misc (43,29) Golem Exhaust Pipe
Notes (27,57) Boiler Instructions
(46,49) Automated Defense 1
(34,43) Automated Defense 2
Rings (23,0) Crusader's Ring
(4,5) Ring of Protection
Books (12,29) Powder & Shot
Weapons & Armor (23,43) Magical War Hammer
(35,35) Steam Thrower
(21,32) Avenger

LEVEL 8 - MINES1 - Western Dwarf Mines

Gold seams (4,57) (10,47) (9,33) (32,0) (50,38)
Secret doors (3,16)
Notes (1,1) Frivlar's Note
(30,4) Dwarven Hwy Desc
(40,19) Collapsing Entrances
(40,28) Old Mine Mission Note
Potions (29,0) Herbal Remedy
Rings (21,49) Ring of Reflexes (access from L10)
Books (17,9) Merchant's Handbook
Misc (50,4) Wand of Magic
Weapons & Armor (34,28) Magical Musket
(60,31) Boots of Balance
(55,0) Bone Crusher (access from L10)

LEVEL 9 - MINES2 - Lower Mine Level

Gold seams (27,57) (26,54) (30,54) (8,23) (10,23) (5,18)
(47,4) (46,13)
Nether Beast Cg (26,52) Nether beast's cage & sign
Misc (47,39) Wilhelm's Wand
(34,52) Amulet of the Void
Books (52,60) Ice Missle Spell Book
(7,49) The Cutters Edge
Potions (21,5) Herbal Remedy
Keys (36,37) Mine Forman's Key
(42,62) Mine Storage Rm Key
Weapons & Armor (20,18) Magical War Hammer
(11,49) Death Dealer

LEVEL 10 - MINES3 - Eastern Dwarf Mines

Lord Drazil (30,39) Behind cave-in
Gold vein (12,56) (51,44)
Gold vein stuck (6,43)
Notes (31,17) Rescue Drazil
Rings (2,9) Ring of Warmth
Potions (1,11) Herbal Remedy
(31,59) Herbal Remedy
Books (3,54) Acid Rain Spellbook
Keys (34,3) Lockless Key
Misc (1,58) Wand of Whispers
(61,22) Amulet of Vigor
(2,9) Shovel
Weapons & Armor (37,19) Magic 2 Handed Axe
(56,51) Ripper

LEVEL 11 - CITY1 - Upper Karegh-Konan (Dwarf city)

Arghaan (61,31,1) NPC, inside pillar
Secret Doors (32,57,1) (2,23,1) (6,5,1) (0,30,1)
Books (40,41,1) The Hammer Stroke, in bookshelf
Rings (30,56,1) Thaumaturge's Ring
Misc (39,55,2) Rad. Diamond Amulet
(29,16,1) Sarcophagus of Konan
Weapons & Armor (61,31,1) Magical Glaive
(30,15,1) Drythen's Shield
(30,15,1) Magical Shortsword
(29,16,1) Founder's Armor, inside sarcophagus

LEVEL 12 - CITY2 - Lower Karegh-Konan (Dwarf city)

Gnaw's Shop (45,42,2)
Potions (44,62,3) Elixir of Might
Books (19,49,2) Archers Handbook
Rings (10,57,1) Pho Hum's Ring
Misc (61,46,2) Wand of Undoing
Weapons & Armor (29,33,2) Shatterstorm

LEVEL 13 - CAVES1 - Founder's Caverns (Dwarf city)

Fountains (43,22,1) Murky water
Secret Doors (1,4,2) (35,48,2) (34,16,2)
Elevator (22,19,2) To crypts & dark dwarf tunnels
Barrier (30,61,1) Barrier to dark dwarf warrens
Books (15,46,2) Hidden Paths
Rings (3,2,2) Olmar's Ring
(35,50,2) Ring of Agility
Misc (9,54,1) Wand of Ashes
Weapons & Armor (32,53,1) Magical Short Sword
(29,36,2) Magical Battle Mace
(35,50,2) Magic Lt Crossbow
(51,7,2) Magic Lt Crossbow

LEVEL 14 - CAVES2 - Mantis Caves / Dragonette Entrance

Fountains (30,3) Fresh water
Hint Plaques (14,44) (26,31)
Potions (41,2) Elixir of Grace
(41,2) Herbal Remedy
Books (61,61) A Master Halberdier
Misc (28,58) Pick
Weapons & Armor (41,2) Fang
(41,2) Magical Glaive
(41,2) Magical Battle Mace

LEVEL 15 - CAVES3 - Collapsed Caverns

Potions (56,33) Enlightenment Elixir
Weapons & Armor (21,31) Dragon's Talon
(29,22) Magical Flail

LEVEL 16 - CATACOMB - The Catacombs

Slimy Pool (60,30)
Empty Flask (52,31)
Wraith Keys (37,9) (4,1) (1,11) (3,24) (6,27) (14,27) (24,23)
Keys (40,6) Crypt Key
(36,36) Tomb Key
(53,57) Hero Key 1
(4,37) Hero Key 2
(9,19) Hero Key 3
Rings (53,45) Palmea's Ring
(34,2) Sage's Ring
Misc (61,57) Radiant Onyx Amulet
(4,37) Radiant Ruby Amulet
(13,15) Radiant Sapphire Amulet
Weapons & Armor (13,15) Set of Manite Plate Armor

LEVEL 17 - SEWERS - The Sewers

Floyd's (50,44)
Manite Plate (5,59)
Notes (21,42) Maint Note 1, Maint Note 2, Flood Control
Note, and Requisition Note
(37,17) Old Maint Note 1, Old Maint Note 2, and
Aux Passage Note
Potions (30,27) Elixir of Might (in slot in wall)
(30,27) Elixir of Fortitude (in slot in wall)
(33,11) Herbal Remedy
Keys (21,42) Storage Areas Key
(55,52) Old Sewer Bridge Key
(54,38) Flood Control Rm Key
(8,59) Engine Room Key
(38,52) Bridge Key
(29,16) Flooded Area Key 2
(36,18) Old Gates Key
(17,24) Flooded Area Key 1
(7,23) Water Grate Key
Weapons & Armor (19,54) Venom
(40,16) Magical Spear
(26,18) Manite Chain Chest

LEVEL 18 - RADIANT1 - Citadel Lower Level / Entrance

Notes (44,9) Advisor's Note
(22,21) Library Scroll
(10,5) Wizard's Note
(12,55) Stablemaster's Note
Books (54,44) Kitchen Recipes (Demon's cookbook)
Potions (41,12) Enlightenment Elixir (inside bed)
Keys (23,5) Stair Gate Key
(45,32) Chef's Key
Misc (57,6) Radiant Sceptre
Weapons & Armor (15,47) Spore Launcher (sewer level)
(45,26) Radiant Plate
(45,26) Manite Great Helm
(45,26) Magical Longsword
(10,30) Radiant Bow

LEVEL 19 - RADIANT2 - Citadel Main Level / Dungeon

Fountains (11,54) W fountain, healing
(11,54) E fountain, ???
Keys (10,51) Jailer's Key
(54,9) Ashak's Key, in hanging cage
(48,60) Sludge Key
(31,24) Radiant Key 3
(31,24) Ebony Key
(31,24) Ivory Key
Books (36,11) The Hunters Track, inside secret niche
Misc (58,57) Hourglass
(33,21) Demon Amulet
Weapons & Armor (16,7) Manite Plate Chest
(34,22) Manite Great Helm
(25,9) Radiant Plate Helm
(23,9) Radiant Plate Boots
(23,13) Radiant Plate Legs
(25,13) Radiant Plate Chest

LEVEL 20 - RADIANT3 - Citadel Upper Level / Shield Generator

Lantern (38,21)
Crystals (58,37) White Crystal
(44,22) Blue Crystal
(16,50) Red Crystal
Books (18,30) Guardian's Journal
(16,31) Maelstrom Spell Book
Notes (44,5) Shield Instructions
Keys (36,4) Guardhouse Key
(48,9) Generator Keyring
(19,4) Capacitor Key 3
(18,30) Warped Area Key
(57,37) Capacitor Key 2
(45,37) Capacitor Key 1
(59,8) Round Room Key
Weapons & Armor (38,22) Manite Great Helm

LEVEL 21 - RADIANT4 - Citadel Roof


LEVEL 22 - ??? - Secret Level

Ramp (24,16)
Weapons & Armor (26,5) Magical Rapier
(8,29) Magical Longbow



LEVEL 2 - TROLLCAV - Western Troll Cave

- What do the magic mushrooms @(42,34) do?
- Why is there a pool of water way under the caves, in the NE corner?

LEVEL 5 - KEEP3 - Vangard Keep Tower

- What does the switch @(53,21) do? (down the stairs, near Reaper).

LEVEL 9 - MINES2 - Lower Mine Level

- What is the story with the nether beast?

LEVEL 10 - MINES3 - Eastern Dwarf Mines

- What is this lockless key for?

LEVEL 13 - CAVES1 - Founders Caves

- Is there any way to get into the dark dwarf's warrens?
The magical barrier @(30,61) was supposed to prevents entry/exit.

LEVEL 16 - CATACOMB - The Catacombs

- How do you get into the Skriptor's room @(15,34)?
- Is there any way to open the gate @(47,59), inside
Keldus Magnor's tomb?

LEVEL 18 - RADIANT1 - Citadel Lower Level / Entrance

- Is there any way to get into the small room just west of the
throne room, @(28,7)

LEVEL 19 - RADIANT2 - Citadel Main Level / Dungeon

- The E fountain @(11,54), in the lava room, the one that
doesn't look right, what does it do.

LEVEL 20 - RADIANT3 - Citadel Upper Level / Shield Generator

- What does unlocking the lock @(54,7), in the teleport maze,
actually do? You don't need it to finish the maze or the level.

End of Hints/solutions file.

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30.December 2013
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
18.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
19.Februari 2014