

12.10.2013 20:06:35
Version 1.4 6/3/02

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Taipei Guide
by The Lost Gamer (ilovecartoonssomuch@yahoo.com)
Copyright 2002

Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Introduction to Taipei
003. How to Play Taipei
004. Playing Taipei
005. Autoplay
006. Winner'qus Fortunes
007. Credits

001-General Information

This is a guide for the Windows game called Taipei. It's a
puzzle game. You can contact me at my long e-mail adress
ilovecartoonssomuch@yahoo.com, but make the subject Taipei
(or no subject at all) so I know that it's not just spam
and I won't delete it. Like all my other guides, you'll have
to ask permission if you want to use the guide for something
(I'll give it to you), as to not break any laws. Okay.
Here's your guide...

002-Introduction to Taipei

Well, what is Taipei? It comes in a format similair to all
those other easy-to-find games (solitaire, minesweeper, hearts,
freecell, etc.). Like freecell, it can be very tough to solve,
and every move counts. Unlike freecell, I can beat it.

Taipei is a modern version of the ancient oriental game,
Mah-Jongg. The game begins with an initial configuration of
tiles. The object of the game is to remove all the tiles from
the playing area.

Winning a game is much like solving an intricate puzzle.
One false move at the beginning could ruin your chances at
victory. And, while every game has a solution, finding it
often takes hours of diligent play.

The previous two paragraphs are what the help file says.
Taipei isn't hard. You'll figure it out easily.

003-How to Play Taipei

When you start a taipei game, it will automatically be in
the standard position (there are seven layouts). You'll see
a bunch of tiles laid out, with some tiles overlaping other

In order to beat the game, you need to get rid of all the
tiles. You'll notice that some tiles are similair. You
can match up pairs of tiles. When you find two tiles that
match (click them both), they disappear.

It's not that simple. You need to find two matching tiles,
but the two tiles have to be free tiles. What makes a free
tile? A tile is free in any of the following cases:

There is no stack of tiles immediately to the right of the tile.
There is no stack of tiles immediately to the left of the tile.
The stack of tiles immediately to the right of the tile is
lower than the tile's stack.
The stack of tiles immediately to the left of the tile is lower
than the tile's stack.

Wow, that's difficult. But don't worry about it. An easier
way to tell if a tile is free is to click on it. If it is
not free, the game will tell you.

So basically, to play, match up pairs of free tiles. Do this
to every tile, and you win.

004-Taipei Solutions

A solution? I can tell you how to beat all Taipei games?
Hell no, I'm not doing that. I'm only giving you some
step-by-step solutions.

Here's the matches you need to make (in order) to beat game
one of the pyramid format (level one being the lowest level,
level six the highest):

Level six's twos.
Level five and six's nines.
Level five and six's eights.
Level five's summer and winter.
Level four's sevens.
Level three and four's fours.
Level three and five's twos.
Level four and five's wests.
Level three and four's souths.
Level two and five's twos.
Level four and five's eights.
Level four's threes.
Level four's norths.
Level three's green things.
Level two's sevens
Level two and four's eights.
Level one and three's threes.
Level three's sevens.
Level one and two's black and white tiles.
Level one and four's fours.
Level three and four's eights.
Level three and four's red designs.
Level three and four's fives.
Level two and four's ones.
Level three's orchard and bamboo.
Level two and three's sixes.
Level one and three's easts.
Level two and three's fours.
Level three and four four's.
Level two and three's bead fives.
Level two and three's twos.
Level one and two's bead nines.
Level two and three's fives.
Level two and three's sixes.
Level two's souths.
Level one and two's ones.
Level one's multicolored ornaments.
Level one and level three's bullseyes.
Level two's sevens.
Level two and level three's sixes.
Level one's wests.
Level one and level two's threes.
Level two's out of order beads.
Level one and level two's easts.
Level one's threes.
Level one's bead nines.
Level one and level two's nines.
Level one's plum and mum.
Level one and level two's fives.
Level two and level three's threes.
Level two and level three's fours.
Level one and level two's nines.
Level two's eights.
Level one and level two's fives.
Level two's nines.
Level one and level two's out of order beads.
Level one's norths.
Level one's sixes.
Level one and level two's green things.
Level one's red designs.
Level one's eights.
Level one's red twos.
Level one's black and white tiles.
Level one's sixes.
Level one's autumn and spring.
Level one's fours.
Level one's sixes.
Level one's twos.
Level one's threes.

Here's how to beat game #0 of the standard format:

Run autoplay until it stops (you hear a sound when it stops).
Select backup from the game menu list.
Match up two green fours (the one closest to the top and the
one closest to the bottom).
Match up the two bead eights.
Match up the two bead twos.
Match up the two black and white tiles.
Match up the two west tiles.
Match up the two green scribble-shaped things.
Match up the two fives.
Match up the two fours.
Match up the two bead fours.
Match up the two red designs.
Match up the two eights.
Match up the two out of order beads.
Match up the two threes.
Match up the two sixes.
Match up the two fives.
Match up the two sixes.
Match up the two bead nines.
Match up the two fours.
Match up the two nines.
Match up the two souths.
Match up the two seasons.

Here's the solution to puzzle #18946 of the castle layout:

Run autoplay until it stops (you hear a sound when it stops).
Select backup from the game menu list.
Match up the two sixes closest to the left.
Match up the bead nines.
Match up the two sixes.

Here's the solution to puzzle #27838 of the cube layout
(tiles are labelled as if the cube is a 5 by 5 graph):

Match (1,3) and (1,5)
Match (1,1) and (1,5)
Match (1,2) and (5,5)
Match (1,3) and (4,5)
Match (1,3) and (2,3)
Match (1,3) and (2,3)
Match (2,3) and (3,3)
Match (1,2) and (3,3)
Match (1,2) and (1,3)
Match (2,2) and (3,1)
Match (1,1) and (5,3)
Match (1,5) and (5,3)
Match (1,1) and (2,5)
Match (1,1) and (4,3)
Match (1,1) and (5,2)
Match (5,1) and (5,2)
Match (1,5) and (5,5)
Match (1,4) and (1,5)
Match (2,2) and (4,1)
Match (2,5) and (3,5)
Match (2,5) and (4,5)
Match (1,4) and (4,3)
Match (4,1) and (1,4)
Match (4,3) and (5,4)
Match (2,4) and (5,4)
Match (2,1) and (2,4)
Match (3,1) and (5,2)
Match (2,1) and (5,3)
Match (5,3) and (1,5)
Match (4,2) and (4,3)
Match (1,5) and (5,4)
Match (2,3) and (5,3)
Match (2,3) and (4,3)
Match (2,1) and (5,1)
Match (3,2) and (5,1)
Match (3,2) and (4,1)
Match (2,5) and (5,4)
Match (3,4) and (5,5)
Match (2,5) and (4,5)
Match (3,5) and (5,4)
Match (3,3) and (3,5)
Match (3,3) and (3,5)
Match (3,4) and (5,5)
Match (1,4) and (5,5)
Match (4,2) and (3,5)
Match (4,2) and (4,4)
Match (1,4) and (3,2)
Match (1,2) and (4,4)
Match (1,4) and (5,2)
Match (1,2) and (4,4)
Match (2,4) and (3,4)
Match (1,2) and (4,1)
Match (2,2) and (3,1)
Match (2,1) and (5,2)
Match (4,4) and (2,4)
Match (4,5) and (4,2)
Match (3,4) and (2,4)
Match (3,1) and (4,5)
Match (3,1) and (3,2)
Match (2,2) and (4,2)
Match (4,4) and (3,2)
Match (3,4) and (2,2)


Yes, the game has an autoplay feature. Very cool. All you
have to do is let it solve the puzzle for you. However, it
does not always solve the puzzle. Note that you won't get a
winner's fortune if the last move is performed with autoplay.
Here are the puzzles that are solved with autoplay:

Standard layout:


Bridge layout:


Castle layout:


Cube layout:


Glyph layout:


Pyramid layout:


Spiral layout:


I haven't gotten all of them, so if you find one I don't
have, send it in, please! Just e-mail me (instructions under
general information) with the layouts and numbers, and I'll
put it up. Plus, I'll credit you! Wowie! You'll be famous!
I'll do it even if you only have one to send in!

006-Winner'qus Fortunes

Whenever you win a game of Taipei, you get a special fortune.
Here's all of them (I may have missed a few):

A helping hand brings you closer to a secret goal.
A joyful reunion awaits your arrival.
A new friendship will cast the spell of enchantment.
A secret goal is in sight. Hang in there.
A visit with friends will prove an enjoyable occasion.
Accept the next proposition you hear.
All the little things will add to a happy journey.
An unexpected gift will add to your pleasure.
Another's expression of appreciation will delight you.
Be patient, and the answer will be revealed.
Bouncy ball is the source of all goodness and light.
Concern for others will make your trip a delight.
Concerns for a friend's happiness will enhance your own.
Congratulations on winning Taipei!
Have you found the ancient Taipei secret?
Know yourself so that you might understand others.
Listen to your heart and proceed with confidence.
Meet a new challenge with calm assurance.
Memorable moments will make your trip delightful.
New experiences and new friends will enrich your life.
Stay calm, cool, and collected, and all things will fall into place
Strange new experiences will add to your joy of living.
That fleeting thought is worth pursuing.
Through eyes of love all things will take on a new meaning.
Travel with a light heart and happy expectations.
Unexpected offer deserves serious consideration.
Unseen forces are working in your favor.
Unusual offer will enhance your future.
Welcome the chance to learn about others.
What you do with sincerity pays the greatest reward.
Whatever you do, make it fun.
Wherever you go, there you are.
Why not try another fine Windows game?
Within you lies the power for good -- use it.
You will attend a party where strange customs prevail.
You will be showered by attention.
You will relax in the lap of luxury.
Your trust in a friend will prove well founded.


This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2002. If you want
to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first (instructions under
general information)
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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