Willy Beamish, The Adventures of

Willy Beamish, The Adventures of

24.09.2013 17:32:28
eVersion 1.3 12/10/07



The Adventures of Willy Beamish Walkthrough
by The Lost Gamer (ilovecartoonssomuch@yahoo.com)
Copyright 2007

Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Characters
003. Controls
004. Walkthrough
004a. Day One
004b. Day Two
004c. Day Three
004d. Day Four
005. Credits

001-General Information

This is a walkthrough for the PC game called "The
Adventures of Willy Beamish". It's a rocking game, and feel
free to email at ilovecartoonssomuch@yahoo.com (and send me
some money to that address via Paypal, if you're super
grateful I wrote this guide), but make the subject blank or
something like "Willy Beamish" so I know it's not junk

And for more Willy Beamish fun, check out this article I
wrote about this game for Gamecola:



Willy Beamish: Our hero! A kid who loves playing video
games! Hey, _I_ love playing video games! I like this kid

Horny: Willy's oddly-named pet frog.

Duffy the Dog: Willy's dog. You have to keep him fed and
walked during this game, or you'll get in trouble.

Brianna Beamish: Willy's little sister, who is a kind of
cute little girl. She's a genius.

Tiffany Beamish: Willy's other system. She is most
definitely NOT a genius. Instead, she's a lazy teenager
with a stupid boyfriend. She has a nude scene in this game.

Gordon Beamish: Willy's dad, who Willy ends up saving at
the end of the game.

Sheila Beamish: Willy's mom. She spends most of the game
getting mad at her children.

Grandpa Beamish: Willy's dead grandfather, who shows up a
few times as a ghost.

Leona Humpford: A villain with an evil plot to take over
the city. Boo!

Louis Stoole: Leona's henchman who helps her with her evil
plot. Boo!

Gus: An old man who runs a ferry in the town.

Dana: Willy's best friend. She's supposedly the cutest girl
in school.

Gigi: Dana's pet frog. Horny is horny for her.

Perry: Willy's other best friend. He and Willy sometimes
compete for Dana's affections. This doesn't happen in the
game itself, however.

Turbofrog: Horny and Gigi's main competitor in the big town
Frog Jumping competition.

Ms. Glass: A shining example of why there should be
mandatory retirement. She's a really old, grumpy teacher.

Principal Frick: The principal of the school, who wears a
REALLY BAD toupee.

Coach Beltz: The discipline-loving, but not-too-bright gym
coach at Willy's school.

Stan Lather: Local news anchorman.

Ray: A bouncer at a bar called the Golden Bowl. He believes
in astrology, and won't let underage kids like Willy in the

Alicia: The babysitter from hell, who tries to kill Willy
at the end of day two.

The Cripes: A street gang who tries to beat up Willy at the
end of day three. What kind of a gang picks on little kids?

Japanese Tourists: Willy's friends who help save Willy from
the Cripes.

Spider: The school bully, who smokes even though it's bad
for him. Smoking ends up killing him...literally.

Nurse: The nurse in this game, who has really big boobs.

Cliff: Tiffany's boyfriend, whose pants are "sooo tight".

Leon: AKA Fat Kid or Chubby. Reigning school spitball

Carmine: A juvenile delinquent, voted most likely to end up
working in a license plate factory by his classmates.


Make sure you know the control system, because it takes a
little while to figure out!

The mouse/pointer in this game has two modes. Mode one is
look mode, in which the pointer resembles a magnifying
glass. When you're in this mode, you can look at things by
clicking on them (you can only look at something if the
magnifying glass lens is clear).

Mode two is action mode, in which you can do things by
clicking on things. The main use for this is talking to
people, picking up items (to put them in Willy's backpack,
first click on the item to pick it up, and while holding
the item, click on Willy), and clicking on doors to get
Willy to exit through those doors.

You can right-click to switch between modes. At certain
points in the game, Willy needs to throw an item or
something like that, in which case, a third mode shows up,
one in which the pointer turns into a target. I'll let you
know whenever this happens.

You can always press tab to shuffle between the various
things that Willy can interact with in action mode.

You can always click on Willy to see everything he has. You
can look at these things in look mode, and use the things
on each other by clicking on an item and dragging it onto
another item. To use the items on something outside of
Willy's backpack, click on the item, then click drop. Then
click exit, and drag the item onto whatever you want to use
the item on.

Also while in Willy's inventory, you can see the time,
along with two buttons. Click on the smaller button to move
forward in time by one minute. Click on the larger button
to move forward in time one hour, or to the nearest in-game

You can click the mouse to skip dialogue/cutscenes.

Press Escape to bring up the game's main menu, which comes
with a bunch of buttons. The one with an arrow pointing
towards a CD lets you save your game, and the one with an
arrow pointing from a CD lets you restore a saved game.

The stop sign lets you quit the game, whereas the question
mark lets you know what the various items on this menu are.
The button with a bar and two triangles lets you restart
the game. The button with a musical note turns the music on
and off, and the button with the "Bam!" effect lets you
turn the sound effects on and off.

The button with two question marks lets you access the
online Willy Beamish help system, which I know absolutely
nothing about, so skip it. The button with the streak on
it rolls the game credits, and the button with the "play"
arrow (that is, a long triangle on it) lets you resume the


004a-Day One

The game starts with Willy in detention, just because his
frog Horny stole the principal's horrible-looking toupee.
How lame! Now your summer vacation is delayed so you can
listen to the old bag Ms. Glass talk, and remind Willy
that--oh no!--he has an unacceptable report card.

Once Ms. Glass stops talking, Horny croaks. You get to
choose three options: Show Horny to Ms. Glass, fake being
sick, and pretend it was nothing.

If you show Horny to Ms. Glass, she sends you to the
principal's office. Mr. Frick demands that you give him
back his toupee. One again, you get three options. Choose
one of the first two to give Mr. Frick his toupee back, and
Willy heads off for detention again.

Why would you want to give Mr. Frick his toupee and go to
detention? Because if you choose the third option, Willy is
sent to military school and the game ends.

If you fake being sick, Ms. Glass suggests you go to the
nurse's office. Pretend to be sick some more to get to see
the nurse who is WOAH!!! Insert your own sponge-bath joke
here, folks!

Once you're in the nurse's office, you should stop
pretending to be sick, because otherwise, Willy ends up in
the hospital. Whenever Willy stops playing sick (even if
you do this before going to the nurse's office), he ends up
back in detention.

And, of course, if you lie to Ms. Glass and pretend that
Horny didn't croak, you end up back in detention. So,
conveniently, all three options that Ms. Glass gives you
ends up with Willy in detention.

Ms. Glass tells everyone to write an essay. At this point
in the game, you can either sit in class and wait for the
detention to be over, wasting time by examining the various
humorous things you can look at in this room.

You can also sneak out of school, but to do so, you need a
hall pass. Go inside Willy's desk, and pick up the wooden
block and the white crayon. Then use the crayon on the
block to write "HALL PASS" on the block. That'll work,

Now wait for Ms. Glass to fall asleep, then go to the door.
While you're in the hallway, you might as well look at the
poster of the school's great football hero...now serving
time in jail. Isn't that spookily accurate?

Crap, Coach Beltz is on guard here! You can try to go
outside, but he catches you.

He demands a hall pass, so show him your fake hall pass.
Unfortunately for you, Willy can't sneak out of the school
with Coach watching, so he goes to the bathroom instead.

In the bathroom, Willy meets up with Spider, the school
bully. Wow, either Willy is incredibly small, or Spider was
held back a few grades...

You can give Spider a lecture on smoking, which makes
Spider hurt Willy. Willy gets healed at the nurse's office,
and then it's back to the detention.

If you choose not to give Spider a lecture on smoking
(don't worry--Spider learns his lesson about smoking before
the game is over), Spider holds Willy hostage. Give him
your Game Buddy, and he starts playing it, and Willy sneaks
out of school and back to his home.

Willy will end up at home, if he waits out his detention or
if he sneaks out of school early. Save your game here,
because you can do that now.

If Willy snuck out of school, he has the opportunity to
steal his bad report card. If not, he gets worried about
the report card. It doesn't matter if Willy gets the report
card or not--Willy's parents find out about his bad grades
in the end.

Go inside the house, and Willy meets up with Grandpa
Beamish, who is dead and now a ghost. Kind of creepy, but
he's a nice guy, and he doesn't show up that often, so
there's no need to worry about him.

Once inside, Willy meets his dog, Duffy. In this game,
whenever your dog is hungry or anxious for a walk, make
sure to feed him and take him out, or else Willy gets in
trouble for being negligent.

You can wander around the four rooms in the bottom floor of
the house, which are the kitchen, dining room, living room,
and entranceway. Go to the kitchen and talk to Mom.

Mom forces you to take care of your sister and cut some
food. Aw, man...take Brianna outside and swing her on the
swings. When she tells you to swing higher, don't do it,
because if you do, Willy swings her WAAAY too hard, and she
ends up in the hospital, and it's game over for you.

Then, when cutting the vegetables, Willy cuts himself. OW!
Time for some iodine! Go to the entranceway and go up the
stairs. From here, you can go to Willy's room, Briana's
room, Tiffany's room, the attic, back downstairs, or to
the bathroom (you can use tab plus the magnifying glass to
see what door leads where). Go to the bathroom.

Open the cabinet under the sink, using the handy tab button
to know what cabinet to open. Use the Germ-Away on the cut,
then put a band-aid on. If you don't, Willy's band-aid
bursts later on in the game.

Now you have free time until dinner, which you can spend
exploring the house. The only things you can do are steal
Tiffany's diary (cool!), change her scale (also cool!), and
play Nintari (just as cool!).

So explore and do those things if you want to. Actually,
make sure to steal Tiffany's diary now--it becomes
important later on in the game. Once it's dinnertime (you
can always use the "skip time" button in Willy's inventory
to skip to dinnertime), head to the dining room.

Cutscene time! It's a really fun cutscene, too. Sadly, it
seems Dad has been fired, meaning Willy can't go to the
Nintari championships! Oh no!

Dad looks at Willy's report card (he makes you give it to
him if you took it earlier), and locks up your Nintari as
punishment for poor grades. Now Tiffany has the key. Dang.

Dad watches the TV in the dining room, and learns that
there's a big plumbers' strike.

When the dog asks for food, give him some, or else Mom gets
mad. She gets mad anyway, but this way you don't get in
trouble on the game's "Trouble Meter".

Once the dog is fed, leave the dining room, and you see a
cutscene in which Louis Stoole, the man in charge of the
plumber's union, makes some sort of evil plan with Leona
Humpford, President of Tootsweet Industries. All they need
is a sucker to take the fall for them...

Go to the living room, where you can mow the lawn for Dad
to get some money. Cool! Then, after you head through a few
different screens, Tiffany yells that she's out of

Head to the bathroom, where Tiffany is naked in the tub,
washing herself. Woah. Her conditioner is on the counter.
Wait, what? She was too lazy to get up and take the
conditioner off the counter? What a bum!

Give Tiffany the conditioner. Now all you have to do is
take the Nintari key. If you try to do that, Tiffany gets
up and throws you out of the room, even though she's naked.
Hm...I guess she has no shame.

The way to get the key is to either use Tiffany's diary on
her (which is not recommended), or to use Horny on her. I'm
not sure why a frog named Horny is the proper tool to use
in a scenario with an attractive naked teenage girl, but it
is. Horny steals Tiffany's robe, and keeps a guard over her
while she stands up in the tub. Grab the key when she does
this, then leave.

You can go into Brianna's room at this point, and you find
she's fallen and she can't get up! Help her back up to
lower your trouble meter.

That's all for today! You can play more Nintari and explore
some more, but when it's bedtime, go to bed. As Willy falls
asleep, he wonders about Grandpa Beamish' warning that
something is afoul in the city of Frumpton. Could it have
something to do with Louis Stoole and Leona Humpford's evil

004b-Day Two

The first day of summer! Head downstairs to eat breakfast,
where Dad and Brianna are also eating. Briana asks you to
get her some food, so be nice and get her some food (Willy
gets in trouble if he doesn't do this).

Duffy the Dog also asks for food, so be a good master and
give him some. Then you're treated to a little cutscene
that lets you know what to do.

Okay, so Dad is on his way to getting hired by Leona as her
new PR VP. Gee, I sure hope he isn't the "sucker" she was
looking for as part of her evil plot...

But more importantly, Tootsweet is holding a Frog Jump
Contest, with a big grand prize. Hey, if Willy enters and
wins, he'll have enough money to get to the Nintari

So this is Willy's new mission: Find a way to win the frog
jump. That'll be tough, because the German Superstar, the
Amazing Turbofrog, with the 25 foot world record jump, will
be in attendance, but I'm sure we can win!

Dad asks Willy to wash his car. Do it so you can get some

Willy figures he'll head out to the treehouse. Leave the
house through the front door near the stairs, then exit the
front porch to see a map. Use tab to locate the places you
can go, which are the treehouse, Willy's house, the park,
and downtown. Go to the treehouse.

Willy's friends, Dana and Perry are here. Cool. Grab your
comic book that Perry left for you, then talk to them.
Perry finds a cool baseball card, and if you have Tiffany's
diary, you can trade it for the card.

It turns out that Dana has a frog of her own, and Horny
gets extremely, well, horny and tries to chase her.

Aha! That's it! If Gigi is at the frog jump, Horny will
jump extra far! Dana thinks Willy cares only about winning
the competition, which is true, so she says she won't bring
Gigi to the competition. Dang...

Dana offers to take you out for pizza, because she has a
coupon. Score! Leave the treehouse to end up at Slice of
Life pizza.

At the pizzeria, a photographer offers to take your photo.
Pay him for the photo.

Willy starts farting badly. Oh, so THAT'S why the pizza was
so cheap. Spider, who's at the pizza place with his parole
officer, gets mad and threatens to hit you.

You get a choice. Pick the first choice, "Lemme go...I'm
warnin' ya." and Spider lets you go to the bathroom. In the
bathroom, a painter tells you that there's a gas leak, so
don't smoke in here.

Hmmmm...grab the "No Smoking" sign and throw it in the
garbage. Spider comes in, and threatens to smash your face
in. Give him Willy's comic book, and then Willy and the
gang leaves, shortly before Spider decides to smoke in the
bathroom. That's a bad idea, because of the gas leak, and
Spider dies in a big explosion.

Back at the tree house, Perry tells you that you can get an
entry form for the Frog Jump contest in West Frumpton (you
can't get there until tomorrow, though).

Talk to your friends again, and they suggest going to the
park to train Horny. Here, you get to learn about Horny's
jumping skills. He jumps super-far when he drinks Buzz
Cola, and he falls asleep when eating flies (from Willy's

Once you leave, you see Tiffany crash her car. Wow, what a
horrible driver. Whose decision was it to have her
boyfriend teach her how to drive, anyway?

Head downtown (Olde Town), where the pizza store is still
standing even though it exploded. Take a token from the
fountain, but not two tokens, or you're thrown in jail.

Go to the T-Shirt Kiosk, and give the woman the photo of
Willy, Dana and Perry. It takes all of Willy's money, but
he ends up with a shirt with the picture on it. Sweet!

Before you leave, go to the lottery machine. Press the blue
button so see if it has tickets, and, YES! It does! Pick it
up, then leave and go back to the treehouse.

Give Dana the shirt. She ends up so happy that she agrees
to bring Gigi to the frog jump contest. Yes! With that and
some Buzz Cola, Horny will win for sure!

By now, it should be time to go home, and if it's not, skip
ahead in time until it is. Go home, and you meet your weird
babysitter: Alicia.

Alicia serves Willy and Brianna...worms??? Oh no! She's the
babysitter from hell!

Time is running out! Head upstairs to the bathroom, and
grab the hairspray. Right click to get a new cursor icon: a
target. Target Alicia and spray her with hair.

Run to Brianna's room and get the dead mouse. Ew. Why does
she have a dead mouse in her room? Oh, right, the cat left
it there.

Run downstairs to the living room, where there's a vacuum
cleaner designed to get rid of hairy beasts. Click on the
vacuum cleaner to hid behind the couch. Put the mouse on
the coffee table to lure the bat/babysitter close, then
suck it up with the vacuum (aim it with your new targeting

It turns out the whole babysitter thing was a dream. Aw,
how lame! Anyway, end of day two!

004c-Day Three

Go down to get breakfast. Mom and Tiffany are in a fight
about the driver's lesson, and Mom wants Tiffany to stop
dating her stupid boyfriend. Drama...oh, and Dad's gotten
the job with Leona Humpford.

Chores to do, chores to do. Feed Duffy and take him out for
a walk, then take Brianna out on the swings (don't swing
her too hard).

Now it's time to get a contest entry for the frog jump.
Head to Olde Town, where, woah!!! Is that Tiffany??? She
got a mohawk???

Ignore Tiffany for now, and head to the ferry. Give the man
your token (which you got from the fountain here in olde
town) or the baseball card (which you got from Perry), and
he takes you across the river to West Frumpton.

On the trip, Willy makes friends with a Japanese family,
who want him to take their picture. In thanks, they give
you some presents. Cool!

You can explore this part of town, where there's a bar to
the top, Tootsweet Headquarters to the left, the Tootsweet
Factory (unaccessible at this point in the game) to the
right, and the Plumbers' Union to the right, as well.

What you want to do is go to Tootsweet Headquarters and get
an entry form. You can explore here, but there's hardly
anything to do.

You can go to the Plumbers' Union and hear Louis give a
speech, urging everyone to not give up the strike. I bet he
wouldn't be so eager to strike if he wasn't making an
underhanded deal with Leona...

Once you're through exploring, go to the bar, the Golden
Bowl. Try to get in, but Ray, the security guard who is
obsessed with astrology, won't let you in.

Eventually, a street gang, the Cripes, show up. Ray can't
leave his post, but he does throw you a wrench to help you
out. Don't throw it at the gang because Willy's aim is bad,
and hits Ray in the crotch, rather than hitting the gang.

Instead, use the smoke bomb the Japanese family gave you.
It will temporarily stop the gang from seeing you, which
gives you time to use the wrench on the top of the fire
hydrant to douse the gang.

Now the gang is REALLY mad at you. Use your head start to
run to the Tootsweet Headquarters, where Willy sees his
Japanese friends.

Tell them the guys are going to clobber you (instead of
insulting them), and the Japanese friends turn into, woah,
ninjas! They save Willy, and treat him to a really
nice rest of the day, including a limo ride back home.
Cool! What a great day!

004d-Day Four

The last day! Yay! Don't forget to get the jar of flies
from Willy's room if you haven't already.

Head downstairs to see that Mom is freaking out about
Tiffany's new hairdo and the lack of plumbing. Dad doesn't
care. Wow, way to go, Dad.

Leave for the kitchen to see a cutscene which reminds you
that Leona Humpford is, in fact, evil. Good to know in case
you haven't figured that out yet. Feed the dog, and go

The news media is there, trying to talk to Dad, because
he's Tootsweet's PR VP. Apparently, the strike is harmful
to Tootsweet. Then, again, we learn that Leona is evil.
Good to know in case you haven't figured that out yet.

Head to the treehouse to find Dana. Remind her about the
big frog jump, and she says she'll go there with you. So
head to Olde Town, and ride the ferry with Dana.

Turbofrog is on the ferry, acting like a huge jerk. Boy,
he's going to get his comeuppance soon. Head to Tootsweet
(where you got the contest form) to reach the contest. Give
your entry to the judge, and the contest starts soon.

To win the contest, you need to be tricky. You got Dana to
bring Gigi, which helps Horny out a lot. But he needs just
a little bit more help. Feed Horny the flies to have
Turbofrog, the jerk, steal the flies and eat them.

Remember how flies make Horny sleepy? Well, the flies make
Turbofrog sleepy. That should cement a victory for Horny,
because you can't use Slam Dunk Cola to help Horny win the
contest--that counts as illegal performance-enhancing
drug usage.

During the jump itself, there's a strange jump meter. Click
on the red button to jump, and how far Horny jumps depends
on the moving jump meter (up = long jump, down = short
jump). Win either first or second place.

Once the contest is over, there's a minor security crisis
because there's a bunch of frogs jumping all over the
place. You'd think that if they've been doing this frog
jump for 25 years, they'd have some sort of idea of how to
deal with collecting all the frogs once the jump is over.

Anyway, Horny jumps inside the Tootsweet building, so
follow after him. Willy almost runs into his dad and Leona,
who are arguing what to do. Dad knows that Tootsweet is in
trouble because of the strike, and wants to end it as soon
as possible.

Leona, for some reason, doesn't want to end the strike. Not
surprising, because she and Louis Stoole helped start the
strike, but why the heck did they do that? Why does she
want to bankrupt her business? What a mystery...

Willy is captured by a guard, who takes you to the security
office. Leona tells the guard to get all of the frogs and
take them to her mansion so she can make some tasty frog
legs for dinner. Oh, so THAT'S why there was no system set
in place to stop a frog rampage--she wanted to use the
rampage as an excuse to eat all the frogs.

Wait a minute, EAT ALL THE FROGS??? Horny's one of those
frogs! You have to save Horny! But how can you escape the
security office to save Horny?

There's only one possible solution: hypnosis. Mix Willy's
Nintari key with his keychain, then use it on the guard and
use the hypnotic phrase "Hoopa, Coiler, Agamemnon", and the
guard falls asleep.

Go outside, where you get a check and a jet ski. That's
convenient, because you can only reach Humpford Mansion by
jet ski. So go to the dock, jump on the jet ski, then leave
towards the Humpfor Mansion, outside of Olde Town.

Lucky for you, the guard is asleep. Go in the front door,
where you meet Arthur, the parrot. Talk to it, otherwise
he'll yell and you get caught by Leona, and killed.

Say these things to Arthur:

1. Sure. Hi. What's your name?
2. Who's Harry?
3. Go on tell me more. I'm all ears.
4. They can't do that, can they?

Arthur tells you all about Leona's evil plot. She wants the
strike to continue until the Sludgeworks gets backed up,
and, according to Harry's will, she gains ownership of the
sludgeworks. The fiend!

The tab key tells you that you can do something with the
suit of armor, but what? If you touch it, it falls apart
and Willy is caught. Instead, head to the dining room. Hey,
that table cloth should muffle the sound of the suit of
armor falling apart, shouldn't it?

If you grab the tablecloth, you are caught by the nearby
Leona and Louis because a cup falls. Take the cup off of
the table, then take the tablecloth, and the cup.

Go back to the entrance hall, and put the tablecloth under
the suit of armor. Now use the suit of armor, and it falls
apart. The sound is muffled, luckily. Take the blueprint
and look at it.

The blueprint will come in handy later. Grab the helmet
that's here, then head to the dining room, and then to the
kitchen. If you didn't listen in on Leona and Louis
earlier, you get a cutscene of what they're doing.

Leona is riding Louis like a horse. What the heck? They're
watching the news, where Dad is about to spill the beans
about Leona and Louis' evil plans. They decide to continue
with the evil plan, with a slight modification: KILL GORDON

Ugh, it looks like you'll have to save Horny AND your dad.
Save Horny first, though, because he's here in the kitchen.
You have to pull off a series of moves in order to save
Horny and the frogs:

1. Throw the cup at the cook.
2. Sneak up behind the cook.
3. Grab the sauce pan, and pour it between the pot and the
4. Push the put close to the cook.
5. Leave the area where the cook is, back to where you were
6. Jump onto the carousel.
7. Cook falls into the pot.
8. Throw the knight helmet on cook to stop her from
screaming for security.
9. Press the right button to free the frogs.

Time to leave. Willy gets caught and Leona and Louis kill
Willy, then leave to go kill Gordon. As soon as they're
gone, the frogs come and save Willy from dying. Great! Now
Willy can save his dad!

Time to wrap up this game. Willy's dad is being held
hostage at the Tootsweet Factory, on the right side of the
screen in West Frumpton (you haven't been there yet). To
get in, you need a security pass, and a way to distract the
striking plumbers.

Ride the jet ski to West Frumpton, then zoom in on the jet
ski. Okay, why is there a tape recorder attached to the jet
ski? I mean, seriously, why the heck would anyone attach a
tape recorder to a jet ski?

Anyway, grab the tape recorder and go the Plumbers' Union.
Sneak in the window, and Willy sees a security pass on the
desk. Awesome! Grab it, and Louis Stoole shows up.

Wondering how Louis got here faster than Willy? Because you
were supposed to do this earlier in the game, before
entering the frog jump competition. Whoops.

Anyway, grab the plunger and use it on Louis' ugly face,
grab the security pass, and leave through the door.

Go to the pay phone, and put the tape recorder onto the
small counter there. Hit the record button (which is the
button with a circle on it), and dial the astrology
hotline, whose number is written on the wall, 432-SIGN
(432-7446). Put the phone on the recorder to tape the
astrological signs of the day.

Once you hear the astrological predictions for the day,
press stop to stop recording, and put the phone back on the
hook. Then put it on the recorder again, and call the
Golden Bowl bar, whose number is also written on the wall.

Talk to Ray and play him the message. Ray runs off, and now
it's time to sneak into the bar.

Leave and head for the bar (at the north part of town). Go
in, and give the lottery ticket to the bartender before he
throws you out. The lottery numbers are announced, and your
ticket is a winner!

Aw, you just gave up your ticket to forty million dollars!
Grandpa Beamish (remember him?) shows up and tells you to
do something, quick. So while everyone is celebrating,
quickly take the nude calendar and leave. Use tab to figure
out where the calendar is.

Go to the Tootsweet factory, on the right part of the
screen. Give the nude calendar to the strikers, who are
quite interested in it...pervs.

Head past them, and you find a security guard. Show him
your pass, and go in the factory. As soon as you're out of
sight, the guard calls Leona, learns that you're an
intruder, and sounds the alarm.

Not a lot of time here. Run to the control panel, and look
at it. Open the cover, and turn the switch on. Press the
buttons in the order the blueprints tell you: brown,
purple, green, purple (green, purple, red, purple if you're
not playing the PC version).

The guards are quick on your tail, so hopefully you got the
colors right, because that gives power to the controls
here. Move the stick to the left, and the guards get

Run to the next room, where there's another console. Turn
it on, and press AIR to get rid of the guards (if you're
not fast enough, the guards grab you, and press AIR to get
rid of you--that's how I knew what to press). So type in
AIR, and hit enter.

The blueprint tells you all the various possible things you
can enter. The one you want to enter is TRAM, which, oddly
enough, takes you to the tram.

Willy meets up with a jerk who's working for Leona. You can
click to drop down and duck here. When he throws his hat,
duck, or else it hits Willy and knocks him into the

Pick up the hat, and throw it at the goon, and let HIM fall
into the machine. This raises a metallic platform. Jump to
the platform while it's raised, and when it lowers, jump to
the tram.

You need the blueprint to figure out where to go: to the
giant toilet. Get there by going straight, right, left,
straight, and left.

Oh no, Dad is being held hostage above the toilet, while
Louis and Leona look on. Do what Grandpa Beamish says and
act fast!

Louis and Leona run towards Willy. Grab Willy's yo-yo, and
use it on Willy, which activates the target system again.
Right-click for the target, hit Leona with the yo-yo, and,
like an idiot, she grabs Louis and they fall into the

Flush this giant toilet and Willy's dad is saved, the
backed-up sludge is set loose, and Leona and Louis get
punished for their crimes. Also, Willy wins the Nintari
Championships, in a cutscene that looks EXACTLY like the
opening cutscene. Congratulations! You just beat the game!

Say, what happened to Tiffany and her boyfriend? You don't
find out. Dang!


This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2007. If you want
to put this FAQ on your website, please ask me first
(instructions on how to contact me are under general
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