Pagemaster, The

Pagemaster, The

16.10.2013 08:48:02
Version 1.4 11/8/08
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The Pagemaster Walkthrough
by Michael Gray AKA The Lost Gamer
Videogame humor:
Copyright 2008

Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Video Guide
003. Walkthrough
003a. Adventure
003b. Horror
003c. Fantasy
004. Credits

001-General Information

This is a walkthrough for the PC game called the
Pagemaster, based off the movie of the same name. This
guide won't work with the SNES Pagemaster game.

If you want to contact me, e-mail, but make the subject blank
if you do, so I know it's not spam mail.

If you'd like to put this guide on your website, you
should ask permission first.

002-Video Guide

Hey! Want to see how to beat the game instead of reading
about it? Then check out the video guide I made for this
game, available at...


The game starts with Fantasy, Horror and Adventure
showing up at Richard's house. You can pick which one of
them wakes Richard up, and then you get the choice to go
to the library or not. Naturally, you should choose to

At the library, you can either talk to Adventure or pick
up a book. Either way, Dr. Jekyll shows up. Oh, cool! Dr.
Jekyll! Nothing bad ever happens when he's around, right?

Dr. Jekyll takes the Pagemaster's book and some potion.
Then he turns into...MR. HYDE!!! Oh crap, we're in
trouble now! Mr. Hyde is going to take over the imaginary
world of books and destroy it! Or something like that! We
gotta stop him!

Pick up the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde book if you haven't
already. Richard puts it in his Books & Stuff screen
(which you can access at any time by clicking the purple
button). Collecting books gets you points, but that's all
they're good for.

Then you can choose to go to land of adventure, horror,
or fantasy.


Start off by going to Adventure Land. Yar, yar, yar,
adventure land be full of pirates.

There's a copy of Moby Dick on the floor. Pick it up. You
get points for that!

Move forward. Use the fishing pole to catch a talking
fish. Weird. Once that happens, you end up in front of
the talking Jamaican Skull of DOOM!!!

The SKULL tells you that you can't pass. If you click on
it and try to go get turned into a chicken.
And lose points. Ouch.

There's a piece of paper on the floor. You'll see a lot
of those in the game. Every time you see a piece of
paper, pick it up to read it. You'll hear someone recite
something from a book, and you'll get points. Sometimes,
the papers give you a clue about what to do. Other than
that...they're useless.

The paper here talks about a gold doubloon. That means
you have to find a gold doubloon in order to get past the
talking Jamaican skull. See? That's how the papers give
you hints about what to do.

Go left from here, which is the path of least resistance.
You end up in the maze. Here's my kinda lame map of the
maze. The os are crossroads.

| |
Village |
| |
o---- o---Skull

So from the skull, you go left twice and up once to reach
the village. From the village, you go up twice to meet
the sailor. From the village, you go up and left to reach
the ship. If you ever go off the map (by, say, going
three times right of the ship), pirates kidnap Richard
and throw him in the water so you have to start from the
beginning of the maze.

At the village, you can look at a book page. You can also
look at the books 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Captain
Courageous, and Kidnapped. Don't look at Mermaids,
though, because that gets you thrown off the pier for
some reason.

At the ship, you want to climb onboard. Mr. Hyde is to
the left of the ship, and if you meet him, you have to
restart the level. So, um, yeah, don't move left of the

On the ship, look up the rigging to the crow's nest.
There's a monster head there! Pick it up. It comes in
handy in Horror Land.

Also on the ship, you can move left to see ghosts, move
right to find a Treasure Island book, and read some book
pages. Wowie zowie, what fun!

Leave the ship (the exit is on the rightmost part of the
ship) and head to the sailor. Pick up his banana, read
the book page, and talk to the sailor. His parrot spouts
something about finding the treasure. Treasure? I like
treasure! Answer YES both times.

Once you do, the parrot somehow sends you to Egypt. You
can read a book page here. Go forward, where there's
another book page you can read. Hey, are those pyramids?
Go up to the pyramids!

Richard meets a mummy. She tells you to go west and north
to the oasis. Read her book page if you really want to,
then (this is kind of odd), go down to get away from the
pyramids. Then go up to the desert. THEN you go west and
north. You think the game could have been a bit more
specific about the directions.

In any case, you make it to the oasis. Read the book page
if you want, then pull the rope. This makes a monkey
appear. Give the monkey a banana (which you found near
the sailor--if you didn't, go back to the sailor and get
the banana).

The monkey gives you a lamp. The genie from the lamp
sends you to a rowboat. Odd.

Here, you can read a book page, then go out on the boat.
Richard sails out to sea...where there's another book
page. Read it. Then sail right and read another book
page. Then sail right again.

Oh good, finally something interesting happens. Captain
Ahab shows up and demands that you help him kill the
demonic Moby Dick!

But since Richard is such a nice guy, he decides to
defend Moby Dick, because Ahab is a murderous psychopath,
and Moby Dick is a helpless animal. You should refuse to
help Ahab, but either way, Moby Dick kills Ahab (some
helpless animal!).

Moby takes Richard to shore AND gives him the doubloon.
Awesome! Show the doubloon to the talking Jamaican skull,
and it lets you pass through him to the cafe.

All the customers are fish, because the sign on the door
says "we serve fish". Ugh. Bad puns.

Adventure is here, and feeling a little sick because of
Mr. Hyde.

Look at the map on the wall. Pick YES to take the last
map. I find it a little odd that a restaurant would give
out treasure maps for free, but no matter. As soon as you
take the map, Richard gets shanghaied by Long John
Silver. Pick YES to give Long John Silver the map.

The pirates sail to Treasure Island and dig up the
treasure. Look at the treasure chest, and pick the golden
shears to beat Adventure Land.


In Horror Land, start by reading the book page. Then go
forward and read another book page. Then head left to see
a scary graveyard gate. Move left past it.

You end up in the Horror Land maze. Examine the bookshelf
to your right. You get points by clicking on The Lurking
Fear, and for taking the Frankenstein book. The Black Cat
book causes you to lose points.

There are a few ways to get through the maze. The easiest
way is to go forward and right twice (ignoring the Hound
of the Baskervilles book). You can also go forward twice
and right twice (read the Moor sign before trying to
cross the quicksand). You can also go forward four times
(at the field of screams, choose yes to cross), right
once, down once, and right once.

Either way, you end up at your destination. Go north from
it to reach the Readwood Forest...I mean, the DEADwood
Forest. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I love that scare!

Go north to the cave. You have a two-headed vulture here.
Woah!! They talk like horror movie stars!! Talk to them,
but whatever you do, deny their request to save the
Pagemaster for you. Because if you ask them to do that,
you get killed and have to restart the level.

The vulture shows you to Dr. Jekyll's mansion. Then we
see that one of the vulture heads is Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde
is pissed off that Richard knows how to get the Dr.
Jekyll's mansion. Gee, Hyde, YOU'RE the one who told
Richard how to get there! Why are you blaming Peter Lorre
Vulture? You jerk.

At the mansion, you see Horror. He's kind of sick because
of Mr. Hyde. Head left to the mansion and pull on the
doorbell of random sound effects to enter.

Inside, you can look at the couch to find...Horror. You
can look at the raven to get bonus points. Go right a few
times to see a dresser with seven drawers. Those of you
who have read Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde will recognize this
as the drawer where Jekyll kept his potion in. Look at
all the drawers to find book pages, the Pagemaster,
Horror, and empty drawers.

Right of the fireplace are stairs. Go up them to the
Hallway of Paintings. If you examine the paintings,
you'll see Mr. Hyde say semi-threatening things. You can
also take the diving helmet for some points.

Move forward from here. Upstairs leads to trouble, so go
downstairs. You end up in Richard's room, where Horror is
sick. Pick up the lifesaver, then go up the stairs.

There's a big plant at the top of the stairs. Throw the
lifesaver at it. This gives you access to the lab, where
Frankenstein is.

Zoom in on the desk and read the book page. Pick up the
potion in the middle (ie. in the triangle flask). Try to
pick up on the one on the right to drop it.

Frankenstein wakes up. Say YES, you have a good reason
for waking him up. Frankenstein gets kind of emo here,
sad that he doesn't have any friends, especially not a
girlfriend. Richard tells Frankenstein that you don't
need to be handsome to get people to like you. Just be

Answer NO (don't drink the potion), NO (don't drink the
potion), and YES (I'll stop you). Stop Frankenstein by
throwing the potion at him.

Frankenstein will ask you to make him a girlfriend.
Choose YES and then read the book page to learn that you
have to go to the graveyard. Frankie gives you the key,
then takes a shower.

You can leave by clicking on Horror, then clicking YES.
Then go back to Horror Land and go forward twice. Use the
key on the creepy gate to enter the graveyard.

Horror pops up and says he'll help you dig up a bunch of
dead bodies. this really appropriate for a
children's game? In any case, read all the graves, except
Susan Lowder's. Move right, and read all the graves
except the snowboarding grave. Move right once more and
read all the graves.

Now that you've dug up enough body parts, go all the way
back to Frankenstein. Quite a trek, believe me.
Frankenstein is happy that you've found him a babe, and
they put the girl together.

Huh. You're missing a head. Put the monster head on--
that's the monster head you found on the ship in
Adventure Land. Alternately, you can use the fox head you
find in Fantasy Land.

No matter which head, you're stuck with the problem of
how to bring the girl to life. Read the book page to
learn that you need electricity. So flip the switch and
girl comes alive!

She immediately falls in love with Frankenstein. As a
reward, Frank gives you the letter E. Hey, what is this,
Sesame Street? In any case, Horror Land is finished!


Look inside the vase (or amphora, to use a fancier term)
to get a copy of Jason and the Argonauts.

Move right to reach the pyramid. Go up the stairs to meet
Celine the Sphinx. She has a riddle, naturally. What is
the beginning of eternity, the end of time, and the start
of every ending?

The letter E, obviously. Give it to her and she goes
away. You can then go north to meet a dragon. The dragon
is upset that Jason stole the Golden Fleece. He makes a
deal with Richard. If Richard gives him the fleece, he'll
give Richard the famed sword Excalibur.

Sounds like a deal to me. Leave the pyramid and you make
it to the Fantasy Maze. The northern path has nothing of
interest, except for a minor cutscene. To see it, go
north then left. Talk to the frog, who turns into
Richard. Weird cutscene.

You can steal the fox's head here, and use it on the
monster Frankenstein made. But since you already made
Frankenstein a bride, there's not much point. So go
right, then back to the crossroads left of the pyramid.

Go left to the area with Sleeping Beauty Apples. You can
take one, as well as a copy of Jack and the Beanstalk.
You can read a book page, the sign, and Cinderella (which
giggles). You automatically get moved forward after you
get an apple.

Move forward from here to see a satyr. Uh oh! Satyrs!
Evil creatures that lure you to sleep with their music
and then do nasty stuff like rape and rob you! Answer NO
to both questions to get the heck out of there.

From this point, there are two ways to move ahead. The
first is by moving left, then north to meet the Monty
Python Troll. He asks you a series of questions. He
disagrees with all of your answers. Then he asks you the
same questions AGAIN. Give the same answers that you
gave the first time to pass.

The other way to move ahead is to go forward. Here you
can listen to the flowers sing and take a cookie from the
gingerbread man (you can use this cookie on the troll to
avoid his series of questions if you wish). Then move
forward to see the little old lady who lived in a shoe.
Move left, then solve the Three Little Pigs puzzle by
clicking on the straw house, then the stick house, then
the brick house. Then move left twice.

Following either of the last two paragraphs take you to
the same place. Go forward from here to see Little Bo
Peep. Agree to help her, and tell her not to ask someone
else. Then move forward again, and examine the bottom of
the Buddha statue.

Buddha comes to life (I think) and tells riddles. Grab
the bean on his forehead and he disappears. Weird chap,
that Buddha. In any case, the beanstalk grows and reaches
Mount Olympus.

At the top, Richard meets Fantasy, who is sick because of
Mr. Hyde.

Go inside the tower. You meet some Greek gods! Well, one
Greek god: Pan. The other characters are a centaur, and a
hippocampus (one of the sea horses that pulls Poseidon's
magic chariot).

Talk to the characters and they give you a test. If you
answer five questions right, you win. If you miss three,
you lose. The way the game works is that you pick a
character. He says something. The other two characters
put in their two cents. Click on the one who's correct.

The things they argue about are picked randomly. Some of
them are mythological statements, like Ares is the god of
war, Dionysus and Bacchus are the same god, Hercules is
the son of Zeus, the Argo has fifty oarsmen and the
Trojans were defeated due to a giant wooden horse. Others
are statements about the game, which you can answer if
you've been paying attention while playing the game so

Once you answer the questions, you can go into each of
the rooms and rob the gods. You have to get Neptune's
trident from his room, and the golden fleece from the
Mars room, though.

Once you've robbed the minor deities, it's time to rob
the head deity: Zeus. Enter lightning bolt storage and
use the trident on the trident hole. Then grab a
lightning bolt.

Use the golden fleece to fly back to the pyramid.
Um...I'm not sure how that works, but it does. Fantasy
shows up. She's totally trashed now. You have to save the
world soon!

Head to the dragon. He claims you cheated him because
that's not the golden fleece. Sheesh, what a jerk. Use
the golden shears you got on Treasure Island on the sheep
to get the fleece off.

The dragon refuses to fulfill his end of the bargain. Use
the lightning bolt on him to kill him. Then pick up

Richard gets transported to Olympus, where Mr. Hyde has
become Zeus. He says threatening things, but Excalibur
saves Richard from Hyde's lightning attack.

Hyde then threatens to destroy everything by ruining the
Pagemaster's book with a potion. Click on the book. This
makes Richard throw a humongous hissy fit. Somehow, this
destroys Mr. Hyde and saves the Pagemaster. The end!


This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2008. If you
want to put this FAQ on your website, please ask me first
(instructions under general information).

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