Pajama Sam - No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside

Pajama Sam - No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside

15.10.2013 20:49:26
Version 1.5 5/10/10

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Pajama Sam: No Need to Hide When It's Dark Outside Walkthrough
AKA Pajama Sam: Don't Fear the Dark
by The Lost Gamer (
Copyright 2010

For a list of all my various guides, please check

Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Characters
003. Video Walkthrough
004. Walkthrough
004a. The Boat Docks
004b. The Mines
004c. Darkness's House
004d. Beating Darkness
005. Locations
006. Credits

001-General Information

This is a walkthrough for the Windows game called Pajama
Sam: No Need to Hide when it's Dark Outside. It is also
called Pajama Sam: Don't Fear the Dark. To contact
me, e-mail, but make the
subject blank if you do.


Darkness: An evil bad guy that wants to throw the world
eternal night. He's in a comic book that Sam reads. He
rules the land of darkness.

Pajama Man: The hero that stops Darkness in the comic book
that Sam reads.

Mom: She comes in to get Sam to stop reading the comic book
and go to bed. Oh, and she wants Sam to pick up his socks.

Sam: Our mild mannered hero tries to go to sleep, but can't
because he's scared of darkness (who lives in Sam's
closet). Bravely, he gathers his superhero things and
turns into...

Pajama Sam: The world's youngest superhero, Pajama Sam goes
into Sam's closet, which leads to the land of darkness.
His mission: find Darkness and capture him in his portable
bad guy containment unit.

Mean Trees: The mean trees capture Pajama Sam and steal his
things. The leader of the trees has a lazy eye.

Nice Tree: She's nicer than the other trees. She doesn't
complain about anything, but then again, that's against the

Otto: A boat made of wood. He's scared to go into the
water, so you'll have to prove to him that wood floats
before he'll take you for a ride. He also knows a lot
about geysers.

British Trees: Cor Blimey! British trees block the way to
the well, and they won't let you pass because they're mean!
Luckily, they're dumb, so you can easily fool them.

Salad Liberation Front Leader: A carrot with a goatee; he's
probably wearing Sam's mask to protect his identity. After
all, he's on a dangerous mission to free the carrots who
are captive in Darkness's kitchen. Help him save the
carrots and he'll give you the mask.

Well: The well is not very sociable; he spends his time
pointing out small, irrelevant details.

King: He's a mine cart, and spends a lot of time
complaining about how he's rusted to the track. Once you
get rid of his rust, though, he's an okay guy.

Bert the Pencil: A pencil that works for the mines.
Someone mixed him up with a scoring pencil, so he got left
in the park with a toaster. Don't ask.

Wink and Blink: The hosts of "The Brain Tickler". You'll
have to win the game to go past the doors of knowledge.

Grandfather clock: An old, but friendly clock that will
lend you a gear if you get his set to the right time.

003-Video Walkthrough

I made a video walkthrough for this game, so if you want, you
can see me solve the puzzles here:

The walkthrough comes complete with my audio commentary.


Deep in the bowels of an old power plant, a sinister plot
is hatching...

Darkness: Ha ha! At last the time has come to hatch my
sinister plot! This lever will activate my BLACKOUT
GENERATOR and the whole world will be thrown into eternal

Heroic voice: Not so fast, Darkness!

Darkness: Wha-?! PAJAMA MAN!

Pajama Man: That's right, fiend! And I have some gadgets
of my own! Take that!

Darkness: AAARGH!! Not the Illuminator Mark V!!! tm

Pajama Man: (It takes 20 "D" batteries, you know.) Do you
have anything to say before you're sucked into my portable
bad guy containment unit? tm

Darkness: I--


Just then, Sam's mom interrupts his fantastic comic book to
tell him to pick up his socks. She leaves the room to let
him go to sleep, but this time, with the lights off.

"There's no need to hide when it's dark outside. There's
no need to hide when it's dark outside," Sam tells himself.
"I'm not scared. Darkness lives in my closet, but I'm not
scared. Okay, I'm scared."

But hiding while Darkness hangs out in your closet is the
wrong thing to do. Sam has to be brave, just like Pajama
Man. This looks like a job for...Pajama Sam!

Sam puts on his cape, and is ready to be Pajama Sam. But
it's not just a cape that makes someone a superhero. He'll
need a mask (to hide his secret identity), a flashlight
(the Illuminator Mark V Jr. flashlight) and his lunchbox
(I mean, portable bad guy containment unit).

The missing things can be in various places: the trashcan,
under the rug, under the bed, behind the scarf, and in a
dresser drawer are all places they can be.

Once you get those things, you're ready to go into the
closet and capture darkness!

Oh, before you do, remember how mom wanted all the socks to
be picked up? 20 socks will be randomly scattered
throughout this game. One could be on the floor here.
Keep an eye out for socks while playing.

Upon entering the closet, Sam gets sent into the land of
darkness. Go down the road, and you'll end up over a
bridge. There's a piece of wood floating on the water
(this will become important later), but you can't reach it
now, so just continue down the road.

Oh no! Pajama Sam gets caught by some mean trees, who
perform a customs inspection. They steal the lunchbox,
mask, and flashlight (but not the socks...I wonder why) and
leave Pajama Sam hanging upside down off of a branch.

Click on the rope to get free. A friendly tree lets you
keep the rope. Go back down the road to where the board
was floating on the river.

Move the pointer to the bottom of the screen, and Pajama
Sam's inventory pops up. Click on the rope, then the board
to use the rope to get the board. You lose the rope, but
at least you get the board.

Go down the road again. One screen past the nice tree,
you'll find a crossroads, leading to the mines, the boat
docks, and Darkness's house.

004a-The Boat Docks

Talk to the boat. He's Otto. Try to go across the river,
but Otto won't let you. He has a friend, whose dentist's
brother sank in the water. You'll have to prove to Otto
that wood floats.

Luckily, you've got a board. Use it in the small pool of
water. Inspired by this, Otto tries to float. It works!
Otto proudly says his signature line, "I'm doing it; I'm

Hop in Otto and go across the river. You can go four ways
from here. Go to the opposite shore of the river, which is
up/right from here.

The other bank of the river has a path leading to a well.
Go down the path. Oh no! British trees will block your
way, not allowing you to pass. It seems they're racist
against non-trees.

Well, we'll just have to fool the trees. Go to Otto, and
click on the hollow log. It gets stuck on Pajama Sam's
head. Using this as a disguise, go down the road and past
the British trees, who are fooled by the disguise even
though you can still see most of Pajama Sam.

Past the trees is the well. Look in the garden patch. One
of the carrots is wearing your mask. He's the leader of
the "Salad Liberation Front", an undercover group that
wants vegetables to be the main course. Cauliflower power!

The carrot will team up with you, and he promises to give
you the mask if you take him to Darkness's kitchen.

However, due to the randomness of the game, the carrot
might not be wearing your mask. If so, you'll find the
mask in Darkness's house.

Now onto the well. Your lunchbox might be next to the
well, but if it is, thorny bushes block your way. You'll
have to find another way to get to the lunchbox. If your
lunchbox isn't there, go to the well, and maybe you'll
find a sock there.

Well, that's pretty much all you can do here, so go back to
Otto (Pajama Sam automatically puts on his disguise). Go
down the river (up and to the left).

You find a bridge, but the bridge needs a toll, so you
can't go across it. Once you get gold (from the mines),
you can go across the bridge, where you can play a minigame
called cheese and crackers.

You might also find Bert the Pencil here. Pick him up if
you do, because he'll help you get through the mines.

Grab the oil can by the old abandoned shack. If there is a
doorknob on the shack, oil the hinges and enter the shack.
Pick up the hammer on the barrel. It also helps you get
through the mines.

If there is not a doorknob on the shack, look in the window
to see your flashlight. Once you get a doorknob (from
inside Darkness's house), come back here and put the
doorknob on the door. Then oil the hinges and go inside.
Stand on the barrel to get the flashlight.

Go down the waterfall past the shack. You go down the
waterfall into caverns below. Your lunchbox might be below
the water here. As soon as you get a magnet (in darkness's
house), you can get the lunchbox.

Go left. Here will be more caverns. If your lunchbox was
by the well, there aren't caverns here, but a space leading
to the wishing well. If you try to go there, you'll find
the current too strong. Once you have oars (in the music
room in darkness's house), use them so you can get past the
current and up the well, and then you can get the lunchbox.

Left of that is a geyser. Go to where the water shoots up
to be shot up. You get shot up and land back on the river.
Wait until the geyser erupts again to get some gratuitous
educational content.

Go left to make it to the main part of the river (the first
part). Choose the lower/left path to get back the main

004b-The Mines

Inside the mines is King, the mine cart. He's complaining
about how his wheels have rusted. Use the oil can (gotten
from the abandoned shed by the river) to get rid of the
rust. King will thank you by giving you free rides
wherever and whenever you want.

Go right, down the mines. You end up near a washing
machine. In some games, the road splits off here; one
track leads left and the other leads to some heavy boards.

If there are boards, you have a lot of work to do, which
I'll explain. If there aren't, skip down to the paragraph
that starts with "Start reading here if you skipped"

Use the hammer (from inside the abandoned shack by the
river) to peel off the boards. Then go down the track into
the now open tunnel.

A wall blocks off the track here. You need Bert the Pencil
to get past the wall. To get Bert the Pencil, you need to
get some gold (you get this when you go further on into the
mines), then use the gold to pay the toll so you can cross
the bridge (on the river). Cross the bridge to find Bert
the Pencil and talk to him to get him.

Once you have Bert, get back to the wall here. If you
didn't notice, it's numbered. Use Bert on the wall, and
he has you "connect the dots" (by twos), so click on the
numbers in the proper order.

Head into the now open passage. It's dark inside, but I
think I saw the flashlight. You end up in a big room
where the track makes a "U" shape.

Click on the other side of the U, and King will flip you
into the air, and catch you while going to the other side
of the U. Click on the switch so you flip it while going
to the other side of the U. This turns on the lights in
the previous rooms.

Your flashlight is in a room with a winch. Climb up the
side of the wall and look at the winch, which is missing a
gear. You get the missing gear from Grandfather clock (in
Darkness's house, past the doors of knowledge), but make
sure you get the right one. When you do, hook up King to
the winch, climb the ladder, and turn the winch.

Jump into King and unhook yourself. You go fast enough to
jump into the air and land on the track that has your
flashlight on it. Pick up your flashlight and get back to
the room in which you had to pry the boards off of the

Start reading here if you skipped a lot because there
wasn't a boarded tunnel. Go down the left tunnel to make
it to the water meter area. Click on the water meter and
remember the number on it (not applicable in some games).
If a nail is floating in the lava, use a magnet (gotten in
Darkness' house) to pick it up. The nail is used in
getting the mask from the dancing furniture in Darkness'
house, if the carrot doesn't have it.

Go left from the water meter area to the one-way door area.
You can't go through the door (it's one-way), so just pick
up the pickaxe and go left.

You make it to the gold room. Go into the gold room and
ride around it (pick up any socks along the ride). At some
points in the ride, there are multiple paths you can take.
Click on a path to take it, or else King will go down the
same path he does every time. Experiment with these paths,
and soon you'll find the gold.

In the gold part of the gold mine, use the pickaxe (it
breaks) to get the gold. You can use the gold to pay the
toll so you can cross the bridge by the river. Exit the
gold room.

From the gold room, all you have to do is go left once to
make it back to the entrance of the mines.

004c-Darkness's House

To get inside Darkness's house, you must first jump into
the basket (the one labeled "D"). Then throw the three
rocks into the other basket. The next time you come by,
the rocks will automatically let you enter Darkness's house
if you jump into the basket.

Once in Darkness's house, you have two doors you can enter,
and some stairs. Go through the left door to enter the

In the kitchen, press the button on the wall to send the
dumbwaiter down. If you've got the carrot, click on him
and then click on the fridge. A big musical number ensues,
ending with you getting your mask.

Go through the right door to reach the dancing furniture
room. As soon as you enter, the furniture stops dancing.
You can read the clock in this room to know what time it
is, which you'll have to do if you're doing the whole
"boarded mine tunnel" thing (so you can set Grandfather
Clock's clock to the right time in order to get a gear).

Your mask might be tapped under the furniture (when they
stop dancing). To get the mask, you'll have to sneak in
while invisible (visit the scientist's lab, which you find
later on in Darkness's house).

Go up the stairs to reach the doors of knowledge and a
stair leading to darkness. Ignore the stairs and click on
the doors. The doors are really game show hosts for the
game "The Brain Tickler". You're the next contestant,
Pajama Sam!

Pajama Sam's interests include skydiving, channeling
ancient spirits, and stamp collecting. Wait, he's making
that up. Sam doesn't collect stamps.

Anyway, Sam has to answer four question correctly to win
"The Brain Tickler" so he can pass through the doors of
knowledge. Here are the questions, sorted by category:


Q: What instrument do you play by banging on it with a
A: A drum.

Q: Which of these instruments is not a woodwind?
A: Tuba.

Q: In the song "Mary Had a Little Lamb", what color was the
A: "As white as snow" or "as white as New York snow".

Q: Who wrote Beethoven's "Symphony No. 9"?
A: Ludwig van Beethoven.


Q: What color is an orange?
A: Orange.

Q: Apple pie is made with what fruit?
A: Apples.

Q: What fruit do raisins come from?
A: Grapes.

Q: Which of the following is NOT a melon: watermelon,
honeydew melon, cantaloupe, or melancholy?
A: Melancholy.

Q: Is a tomato a fruit?
A: All answers are correct.

Ancient Egypt:

Q: Whose face is depicted on the Sphinx?
A: King Khafre.

Q: What did the Egyptians call their sun god?
A: Ra or Re.

Q: What did the Egyptians use to measure the height of the
Nile's flood waters?
A: Calibrated stairs or a nileometer.


Q: Who painted the Mona Lisa?
A: Leonardo Da Vinci.

Q: How did Michelangelo paint the ceiling of the Sistene
A: Very carefully or on his back.

Q: What do most people paint with?
A: Paint brushes.


Q: What is cheese made of?
A: Milk or soybeans.

Q: What kind of cheese has holes in it?
A: Swiss cheese or hors d'ouvres?

Q: What is "Muenster" cheese named after?
A: The place where it is made.

Q: Where does Swiss cheese come from?
A: All answers are correct.


Q: What is the fastest animal on land?
A: A cheetah.

Q: What is the largest mammal?
A: A whale.

Q: What is a group of lions called?
A: A pride or anything they want to be called.

Q: What African animal has a very long neck to allow it to
eat the leaves of tall trees?
A: A giraffe.

Q: Which of the following mammals lays eggs?
A: The platypus.

Q: Which make better pets, cats or dogs?
A: All answers are correct.


Q: The head bone is connected to...?
A: The neck bone.

Q: What does the pancreas do?
A: Secretes digestive fluid.

Q: On what part of the body would you wear a sock?
A: The foot.

Q: What part of the body is used for hearing?
A: The ears.

Q: What is hair on the chin generally called?
A: A beard.

Q: What are the holes in your nose called?
A: Nostrils or piercings.


Q: What were the giant reptiles that ruled the earth long
ago called?
A: Dinosaurs.

Q: When was the War of 1812?
A: 1812.

Q: Who was the first president of The United States?
A: George Washington.

Comic Book Heroes:

Q: Who is the strongest comic book hero of them all?
A: All answers, each one being Pajama Man, are correct.


Q: How many heads does a worm have?
A: All answers are correct.

Q: Which worm is a favorite food among mammals, birds,
reptiles, and carnivorous invertebrates?
A: The mealworm.

Q: Worms have been...?
A: Used for fishing or sent to outer space.

World Leaders:

Q: What did the young King Francois II say when his
advisors asked what to do about poverty in France?
A: All answers are correct.

Rocket Science:

Q: How much fuel is required to boost a space shuttle into
A: All answers are correct.

Computer Science:

Q: What is the best computer programming language?
A: All answers are correct.

Land of Darkness:

Q: What is the reading on the water meter located in the
mines near Darkness's house?
A: (varies depending on what the water meter says)

Once you win, go through the doors of knowledge. You end
up in a very strange hallway. Click the doorknob of room
3G to get it to fall off. You can then use this doorknob
to open the abandoned shed by the river, so you can get
your flashlight.

Go through the left door (the blue one) to enter the music
room. If your lunchbox was by the well, you can find oars
in here. Simply jump to the stool, top of the piano and
the chandelier, in that order, and click to swing to the
oars. You need click an awful lot to keep Sam swinging.
That's all to do in the music room, besides listen to the
things inside play music.

When in the strange hallway, go right to find more
strangeness. You might find grandfather clock here. If
you set grandfather clock to the right time (found by
looking at the clock in the dancing furniture room), he'll
give you a gear, which you can use in the winch in the
abandoned mine tunnel.

Also in this part of the strange hallway is a door on the
floor. Enter it (gravity does not apply here; you can walk
up a wall to exit through the doors of knowledge) to find a
book room. Read the book of clues.

The book of clues indicates a color. See the bookcase
behind you? Click on all of the books that are that color
in the bookcase. This reveals a revolving wall, which
might have a magnet behind it (used to get the nail out of
the lava in the mines, or used to get the lunchbox out of
the water in the river). To get the magnet, use the
dumbwaiter (which you'll find later) to get back to the top
floor, then go back to the book room.

Go through the revolving wall, and down the stairs. Go
through the left door to reach a scientist's lab, in which
there is much to do. It has the dumbwaiter here, which you
can use to get the magnet.

Allegedly, you need to click on the red chair until it is
in front of the shelves, then pick up the blue potion, when
the chair will break, and you'd have to fix with a hammer
(from inside the abandoned shack on the riverside) and a
nail (from the water meter place in the mines, gotten with
a magnet). You can get the blue potion then, which somehow
will let you access the workbench. After replaying the
game over ten times to see if this is true, I still haven't
found this to ever happen.

Normally, you can simply click on the workbench to make
some potions. You can make any of the potions inside the

If your mask is underneath the dancing furniture, use the
invisibility potion to make yourself invisible, then use
the dumbwaiter to get to the kitchen, then enter the
dancing furniture room, then get the mask. Do this quick,
because the potion wears off after a while.

When you're done with the scientist's lab, go back to the
stairs. You can press the button by the right door to open
it. It's a one-way door that leads you to the mines.

003d-Beating Darkness

Once you have all your stuff, it's time to beat Darkness!
Go to the doors of knowledge (AKA Wink and Blink, the game
show hosts). Remember the stairs to the left of them? Go
up them. You'll reach the Darkness's door. How terrible!
He has a Putt-Putt doll!

Enter the room. Hey, he's locked in the closet! Open the
chest on the wall to get the key. Whoops, a bunch of keys
fall out! Check the chest again to get the real key, and
the closet door is unlocked. Simply enter the closet to
defeat Darkness and win the game!


Here's a quick handy guide onto where everything is. First
up are the three things that can be in random places:


1) The flashlight will be in a shack, which means you'll
have to find a doorknob and oil the door hinges with an
oil can.
2) The flashlight is in the mines, for which you'll need a
hammer, Bert the Pencil (you need gold to get him and a
pickaxe to get gold), and a gear from Grandfather clock.


1) The lunchbox will be underwater, for which you'll need a
2) The lunchbox will be by the well, for which you'll need


1) The mask will be on the carrot, which you'll have to
take to Darkness' refrigerator.
2) The mask will be under the dancing furniture, so you'll
have to sneak in while invisible using the dumbwaiter and
invisibility potion (you need a hammer and a nail (you need
a magnet to get the nail)).

And here are the things that stay in the same places. They
aren't all in every game, but if they're in the game you're
playing, they will be in the listed place. The above guide
goes into more detail:

Bert the Pencil: In the park past the tollgate.
Board: Floating under a bridge.
Doorknob: On the wall in Darkness's house, past the doors
of knowledge.
Gear: Gotten from Grandfather clock if you set him to the
right time.
Gold: In the gold mines, gotten with a pickaxe.
Hammer: In the shack in the river.
Key: In the cupboard in Darkness's bedroom.
Nail: In the lava by the water meter, pick it up with a
Magnet: On the other side of the revolving bookcase.
Oars: In the music room of Darkness's house, past the doors
of knowledge.
Oil Can: By the shack on the river.
Pickaxe: By the one-way door in the mines.
Rope: Sam is tied up by mean trees with this.


This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2010. If you want to
post this FAQ on your own site, please ask me first
(instructions under general information).
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