Nancy Drew - Trail of the Twister

Nancy Drew - Trail of the Twister

16.10.2013 15:55:51
Version 1.3 7/8/10


Nancy Drew: Trail of the Twister
A Walkthrough by Michael Gray
AKA The Lost Gamer (
Copyright 2010

For a list of all my various guides, check

Table of Contents:
001. General information
002. Video Guide
003. Characters
004. Walkthrough
005. Quick Walkthrough
006. Credits

001-General Information

This is a walkthrough for the PC/Mac game called Nancy
Drew: Trail of the Twister. It's game #22 in the Nancy
Drew series!

If you want to contact me, e-mail me at, but make the subject
something like "Nancy Drew Trail of the Twister" (or just
leave it blank) so I know it's not spam mail.

If you'd like to put this guide on your website, you
should ask permission first.

002-Video Guide

Hey! Want to see how to beat the game instead of reading
about it? Well, I've got a video walkthrough, and you can
see it at...

Sometimes, it's more helpful to see the puzzles solved
than to read about them. Plus, you get to hear the
comments I say while playing the game!


Nancy Drew: Our heroine! She's a super-mystery solver,
and been asked to find out the truth behind the
mysterious accidents occurring with a tornado-chasing
group in Oklahoma.

Scott Varnell: The leader of the Canute tornado chasers,
Scott is generally in a grumpy mood.

P. G. Krolmeister: The sponsor of the Canute team who
hired Nancy to solve the mystery. He's an energetic old

Deborah Kircum: Debbie is the person Nancy reports to.
Every morning, Debbie has a list of jobs for Nancy to do.

Chase Referlord: The team's repairman is a local boy who
can usually be found working on the car inside the barn.

Frosty Harlow: Frosty is the team's photographer. He has
a reputation for going into dangerous situations on
purpose in order to get good shots.

Pa: The owner of the local store, Pa is a friendly old
man who is Nancy's emergency contact. She never contacts
him when she's in an emergency, however.

Brooke Tavanah: The leader of the rival chase team that
wants to defeat Scott's team in the competition.

Frank and Joe Hardy: Nancy's friends and fellow
detectives. You can call them in this game.


The game starts with Nancy taking you to her room. You
click on the "How to be a Detective" for a short
of the game's control scheme--which is unnecessary if
played the other Nancy Drew games and can remember how to

You can click on the scrapbook to look at descriptions of
other games in the series. You can click on the case file
learn about the current case as well. Once you're ready
begin, click on the plane ticket inside the case file,
then pick
either junior or senior detective to start the game!

Day One

The game begins with Nancy driving up to the Canute
Team's headquarters. They're not here right now, but a
tornado is!

Walk up to the house and go to the door. Nancy has to
clear the debris out of the way. At the bottom of the
debris is a metallic box which is filled with money!
Woah! Seems like someone here is being paid off by
anonymous notes! She decides to hang onto the metallic

Inside the house, Nancy finds a note from Debbie, telling
her to do a few things, such as sort the files in the
filing cabinet, take the computer quiz, and visit Ma and
Pa's general store. So, let's do all three of those
things now!

The filing cabinet is in the corner of house, in the
kitchen area, away from the front door. It's small and
black, and you can zoom in on it to see a mini-puzzle.
Using all six of the instructions, can you figure out
which tabs go on which files?

The proper order, from left to right, in junior mode is

Findings (two triangles)
Grange Theater (big dot)
Canute (two lines)
Degree (three dots)
Budget (R)
Animals (S)

In senior mode, the proper order from left to right is:

Degree (three dots)
Canute (two lines)
Animals (S)
Budget (R)
Findings (two triangles)
Grange Theater (big dot)

Once that's done, put the folders that are on top of the
filing cabinet into their proper files.

Under the files is a candy bar wrapper, which is
unneeded, so throw it away. In the trash, Nancy finds a
receipt for three bags of corn, and when she backs away,
she finds a mouse. Oh no!

The tornado quiz is in the basement. Just take the door
which is behind the stairs. The laptop with the quiz is
on the drying machine, and it doesn't matter what score
you get. You can retake the quiz as many times as you
want, and if you get a perfect score, you unlock an
outtake at the end of the game.

While Nancy's finishing the quiz, Scott and Debbie come
back. Scott is the big boss (even though Nancy is
officially going to be reporting to Debbie), so he wants
to talk to Nancy.

Scott is not in the best of moods, and he wants Nancy to
make a disaster kit. Nancy will have to get the supplies
for the kit from Ma and Pa's, which I guess is okay,
because we were going to go there anyway.

Scott also wants Nancy to figure out where all the town's
sirens should go, in case of any tornado problems. The
chart is in the next room.

Go to the main room. Debbie is working in the kitchen, so
Nancy should introduce herself. Debbie is in a nicer mood
than Scott is, not that that's really hard to do. She
agrees that Nancy should do what Scott said, and finish
with the chores that she left for Nancy. And once Nancy's
done with THAT, she can fix the sprinkler system!

Wow, that's a lot to do! Let's get started!

The siren scheme is on the wall in the living room. There
are 20 sirens you can put on the board, and 20 pegs you
can put them on. So clearly, you need to put a siren on
each peg. In Junior Mode, two pegs are already in place.

Remember, your goal is to make sure every part of the
board is covered by a siren. There cannot be any spot
inside the red rectangle that is NOT covered by a siren.
As you can see, the white sirens are very soft and their
sound doesn't carry very far; the purple sirens are much
louder and cover a larger area.

The top row, from left to right, is a blue siren, a green
siren, two red sirens in a vertical column, a purple
siren, two white sirens in a vertical column, and a blue

The bottom row, from left to right, is a blue siren, a
red siren, a yellow siren, a blue siren, then two red

The middle row, from right to left, is a purple siren, a
yellow siren, and the large pink siren.

In the remaining three spots, you put a green siren on
top, with a red and white siren beneath (the red siren is
on the left). That should fill the entire board

Cool, now go outside. The sprinkler system is near the
cornfield. Just pull up the grate there to see it.

As you probably guessed, the sprinkler system is a
puzzle. You need to set off the right number of valves,
but no valve can be in the same row, column or diagonal
as another valve.

Junior Mode:


Senior mode:


There are multiple solutions to the puzzles, and the two
above both work.

So that's the sprinkler system puzzle. Next, we have to
make that disaster kit for Scott and check out the barn.
Inside the barn in Chase, the team's mechanic.

Chase is busy fixing a car right now, and he wants some
help. Can you put the numbers one through eight on the
board so that no consecutive numbers are touching each
other in any direction?

The trick to the puzzle is picking which numbers go in
the center area, and the solution is this:


Once you've finished with that, you can talk to Chase
about a whole bunch of things. It seems that mice chewed
through part of the car, which caused it to shut down.

All righty! We're almost done with things for today! We
just have to buy things for the disaster kit, and that's
that! Pick a car to drive and use the GPS to figure out
how to get from the farmhouse to Ma and Pa's. Pa is
watching the shop right now, and he's a friendly fellow.

There are ten items you have to buy from the store for
the disaster kit, all of which were listed in the
computer quiz you took earlier. Pa has a number of money-
saving bargains right now, so make sure to pick the right
color items to save money. That is, the Blue Sale is "buy
2, get 1 free", so you'll want to buy three blue items to
capitalize on that bargain.

One solution I found is this:

Granola – Blue
Salt – No color
Sugar – Green
Toothpaste – No Color
Flashlight – Blue
Bleach – Green
Water – Yellow
Duct tape – Blue
Can opener – Yellow
Batteries - Blue

While you're here in Ma and Pa's, you can check out the
museum and play Land Rush for Pa Pennies, and see that
the diving rod in one of the displays is missing. How

Once you buy all the supplies from Ma and Pa's, you can
go back to the farmhouse. Inside the basement, far away
from the stairs, is a duffel bag for the disaster kit.
Next to the duffel bag is Frosty the photographer, and he
will talk to Nancy for a bit.

And that's everything! Nancy can now go upstairs to sleep
and progress to Day #2.

Day Two

Debbie fills Nancy in on the jobs for today, which are
not too extensive. Nancy just has to fix the sensors in
the field, and go picture-taking with Frosty.

Head out to the corn field. This is a puzzle; you want to
make the red beam reach the red sensor, and you want the
blue beam reach the blue sensor. The way to make this
happen is by playing around with the mirrors. Each mirror
can face in two directions. The red beam goes around the
top, while the blue beam goes around the bottom. Every
mirror gets used once (and three of them get used twice),
but the red and blue beams never cross paths.

Once that's done, Nancy overhears a conversation between
Debbie and Frosty and gets a phone call from PG
Krolmeister, the person who hired her for this job.

Your next task is to take pictures with Frosty. Pick the
blue car and drive out the windmill like Frosty says.
Take a picture, then return to the computer near Frosty
in the basement, and upload the photo. That's it! You can
take photos of all the different types of clouds if you
want, but you don't have to.

Since your chores are done for the day, go upstairs and
get some sleep. Nancy is woken up by the emergency
broadcast system that night, due to a tornado sighting in
the area. She goes downstairs and has a mysterious
encounter with...someone. Who could it be?

Day Three

Debbie says that Nancy's jobs for the day are to check in
with Scott, then check in with Chase about the prairie
dogs. Do both of those things now.

Scott has a job for Nancy: catching mice with the
mousetrap in Ma and Pa's.

Chase has a job for Nancy: get a bigger vacuum tube from
Ma and Pa's.

It looks like Nancy has to go to Ma and Pa's. But of
course, Pa wants you to do puzzles before he'll help you
out. To get a bigger tube, you'll have to fix Pa's candy
display. See, the candy isn't stacked properly.

You can click the right-hand mouse button to rotate the
pieces of candy.

Running along the left-hand side, from top to bottom, you
have raging infernos, auntie's acorns, moon chunks and
koko kringle. Directly right of the koko kringle bar are
two cow-o-mel candies.

The upper/right corner is filled with koko kringle and
lickie loo, both turned on their sides. Under them is
coffee candy and cudsmackers; in the middle is cowabubble
and udder pops.

That's it for the candy display!

To get the mousetrap from Pa, you need to fix the fujita
display in his museum, using information from the chart
on Scott's wall and the computer quiz you took earlier.
The proper solution is this:

40-72 45-78 65-85 tree branches
73-112 79-117 86-110 roof shingles blown away
113-157 118-161 111-135 trailer home destroyed
158-206 162-209 136-165 roof completely blown away
207-260 210-261 166-200 some foundation standing
261-318 262-317 201+ no house

When you solve that puzzle, Brooke Tavanah, the leader of
Scott's rival team, comes in and talks to Pa. She seems
very interested in what's going on with Scott.

While you're here, you might as well pick up some cheese
to lure the mice into the mousetrap. Then go back to the
farm. Put the mousetrap under the desk with the radio on
it; there's a spot on the floor near a pile of dried
corn. Simply put down the mousetrap, then put in some
cheese from Pa's store.

This is a small puzzle. You want to get a mouse in every
room of the mousetrap. You can spin the circular
platforms to make the mice go in different directions,
and you can make walls appear between the rooms simply by
clicking on them. Get a mouse in all of the rooms, and
the puzzle is over.

Scott tells you to drop off the mice at the springhouse,
which is then added to Nancy's GPS. So pick a car, run
the GPS for directions, then drive to the springhouse.
Here, drop off the mice.

As for the prairie dogs, you get a prairie dog vacuum if
you give a new tube to Chase. It's not too difficult to
work; all you have to do is click on a prairie dog when
it sticks its head out of a hole. Just make sure to use
good timing; if you click on a prairie dog as it is
retreating into its hole, you will not catch it.

Once you get all the prairie dogs, take them to their new
home, between the barn Chase is in and the cars. Once
Nancy drops them off, she sees something shining. Examine
it to find that it is a shiny box, just like the one
found at the beginning of this game. Yep, it looks like
someone here is being paid anonymously, but for what?

Oh, and sometime this day, you have to talk to Frosty to
get Chase's MP3 player. Return it to Chase, and you see a
scene where Chase yells at his boots. That was a little

Once you've done all of the day's puzzles (catching mice
and prairie dogs, and delivering Chase's MP3 player),
talk to Debbie. There's a storm a-brewing! Drive with
Frosty to the viewing point (which is symbolized by a
cloud in the upper/left). When you get there, Frosty's
camera breaks, and it's up to Nancy to fix it.

Solve the puzzle by making a string of numbers from 1 to

15 16
17 14
11 10 13 18 49 48
61 62 9 12 51 50 19 47 46 32
60 59 63 8 52 20 1 45 31 33
71 70 64 58 7 53 21 2 30 44 35 34
72 76 69 65 57 54 6 5 22 3 29 43 36 38
73 75 77 68 81 66 56 55 85 4 23 28 25 42 37 39
74 78 79 80 67 82 83 84 86 87 88 24 27 26 41 40

Senior Mode:

18 19
20 17
22 21 16 56 57 54
24 23 80 15 2 1 55 58 53 51
25 79 81 3 14 13 12 59 50 52
70 78 26 82 83 4 61 60 11 35 49 48
71 77 69 27 85 84 62 5 6 34 10 36 46 47
72 75 76 68 86 28 65 30 63 7 33 9 45 37 41 39
74 73 88 87 67 66 29 64 31 32 8 44 43 42 38 40

Nancy fixes the camera in time, but Frosty accuses her of
fixing the camera incorrectly, because he couldn't get
any video whatsoever. Perhaps the camera was sabotaged?

Day Four

At the start of the day, Debbie tells you to talk to
Chase and to fix the antennas.

To fix the antennas, simply locate it on Nancy's GPS, and
put the broken pieces back into place. It's like a jigsaw
puzzle, without any outlines. You can rotate the pieces
by right-clicking on the mouse, and the pieces fall off
if you put them in wrong.

Once you fix the antenna, a storm appears. You want to
drive back to the farm while avoiding the storm. Nancy's
GPS starts giving her bad directions right now, so ignore
what the GPS says and find a safe pathway back to the

When you see Chase, he gives you a transmission puzzle.
Put all the wheels back on the transmission in the proper
order, and in the proper locations. The three rods need
these color wheels, from left to right:

Yellow blue teal purple red
Green purple green blue green
Orange teal gray blue orange

Once that's done, Chase gives you a letter to give to
Scott. When you do this, you hear Frosty scream. Talk to
Frosty to learn he's scared of mice. Time to catch mice
again. This time, the mousetrap goes under the sink. Lure
mice in with cheese, then fill every room in the
mousetrap with a mouse.

Take these mice to the springhouse, then return to the
farmhouse. When you talk to Debbie, SHE has mice for you
to catch. So put the mousetrap in the corner and catch
those mice; then release them in the springhouse. That's
all you need to do for Day Four.

Day Five

Debbie is a little frantic right now, because there's a
big storm coming. Lightning then strikes the house and
destroys Scott's phone. Looks like Nancy will have to fix

Go to Scott's room and examine the phone jack on the
wall. It's on fire, but the fire burns out and leaves
behind a puzzle.

The goal of this puzzle is to make all the possible
connections. When you move the red dot to another dot,
you see a red line appears. You need to make a red line
appear in every blank area, but you can't retrace over
any of the lines. Solving this puzzle involves making a
lot of square-shaped pathways. You can always press
"reset" to start the puzzle in a new area, if you want.

Once you solve the puzzle, Nancy hears something. Head
over to Scott's desk. It seems to be coming from his
hands-free phone device. Pick it up to hear that Scott is
secretly meeting Brooke, the leader of the rival chase
team. That's mysterious!

Seeing as no one from the chase team is here today, it's
a good chance to snoop around and look for clues. You can
find some, too! They're all optional except the one near

See, now that Chase is gone, you can reach the far side
of the barn. Go there to learn that Chase's boots are
covered in oil. Aha! Chase...stepped in a puddle of oil?
That doesn't seem related to the mystery at all...

When Nancy leaves the barn, she gets a call from Pa, who
wants her to help him right away. Go to Ma and Pa's to
learn that he ALSO has a mouse infestation! Go to the
museum and catch the mice near the homesteader display
(the one in the corner near the entrance; it's the
display with the missing divining rod).

Once you catch the mice, take them to the springhouse.
Here, Nancy finds the lost divining rod, and she makes a
deduction. Divining rods are used to find oil. There is
an oil puddle here at the springhouse, and Chase clearly
stepped in a puddle of oil at some point in time. Could
it be that Chase stole the divining rod and used it to
look for oil?

Return to the farmhouse and confront Chase. He admits
that he stole the divining rod, but when Nancy accuses
him of being behind the sabotage, he says he is NOT
responsible for that. Either he's lying, or the culprit
is someone else.

When you talk to Debbie now, she thanks Nancy for fixing
Scott's phone. She then tells Nancy to fix the TV. So
head over to the TV and turn it on. See how there's a
red/blue/green pattern and different rows? You can spin
the knobs to move each individual row. For example, spin
the upper/left knob to move the outermost row.

There's a red pattern in the upper/left corner. You want
to duplicate that pattern on the TV. Spin the knobs so
there are red spots in the same locations as the red
spots in the upper/left pattern. Once you do this
correctly, the red pattern turns off.

Now, you want to duplicate the green pattern in the
lower/left. Once that's done, duplicate the blue pattern
in the lower/right, and the puzzle is solved. The TV
comes back to life for a brief moment, and what's on the
TV? The video footage that Frosty shot. So the camera WAS
fixed after all!

Looks like it's time to confront Frosty for lying about
the camera being broken. Note that if you did NOT examine
the silver box near the new prairie dog home, you cannot
confront Frosty, because Nancy mentions it in her

Specifically, Nancy accuses Frosty of selling tornado
footage on the sly, using the silver box near the prairie
dog home as a drop-off point; that's why he has cuts from
roses on his arm. She also accuses him of working with
Debbie to get rid of Scott, because Nancy overheard them
talking about that in the corn field.

Frosty explains that he is trying to help one of his
friends get a start in the storm photography business,
but he denies that he is the saboteur.

Frosty also mentions that now is a good time to get a
cloud picture from the windmill. If you're trying to get
all the cloud pictures, do so now. If not, go to sleep
because it's the end of day five.

Day Six

All right! It's the last day of the game! It starts off
with some storm chasing adventures, too. Nancy and the
gang all pile into the car for driving fun.

After about a minute of dialogue, Scott and Debbie tell
Nancy to stop at one of the pullout areas for tracking
the storm, which are generally marked by a cloud on your

As soon as our heroes stop, though, Scott gives Nancy the
job of starting the old doppler machine. There are eleven
switches, in two groups of four and one group of three.

The machine works by threes. Flip three switches, one
from each group. Then press the green button. The
switches are now flipped!

Let's say the top row switches are #1-6, and the bottom
row is #7-11. One possible solution is 8, 9, 11, then 2,
4, 5, then 7, 9, 10, and finally 1, 9, 10.

The storm equipment messes up, however, so Nancy needs to
sort the wires. Just sort the wires in order of top to
bottom. The wire that's on the top is #1, and the wire
below that is #2, and so on and so forth.

Junior Mode:

1. Magenta
2. Teal
3. Yellow
4. Green
5. Orange
6. Light blue
7. Light purple
8. Pink
9. Purple
10. Dark Purple

Senior Mode:

1. Magenta
2. Teal
3. Yellow
4. Light Green
5. Orange
6. Light blue
7. Light purple
8. Pink
9. Purple
10. Dark Purple
11. Blue
12. Another Purple
13. Green
14. Red

Once you fix the storm equipment, the game cuts to when
the crew returns to the farmhouse. Scott isn't here,
right now, and Debbie wants you to find him.

Go to Scott's office. There's a piece of paper in his
desk. Open it with the key Nancy found near the antennas
to see that Scott is meeting with Brooke. However, he has
disguised his meeting spot with a rather complicated

The puzzle says to find the dates for "45+ dewpoint and
continuous moderate rain", as well as "85 degrees + with
either light hail, no thunder or severe thunderstorm with

Go down to the basement. Under the sink is a chart with
weather conditions on it--for example, continuous
moderate rain is symbolized by three dots--and the binder
next to Frosty has a list of all the weather for the past
few months.

All the dates which fulfill the weather conditions are

March 3, 8, 18, 21, 26,
April 3, 6, 10, 23, 29
May 6, 12,

Return to Scott's desk area. There's a calendar next to
his desk, and it has letters/numbers written for every
date. The letters/numbers that correspond with the above
list of dates are:


Type those into your computer, so Nancy writes them on
the piece of paper near the calendar. Well, we have the
codes Scott kept hidden. Now what?

Go to the computer near Frosty and browse through the
pictures. You'll notice the codes on some of the pictures
look familiar. In fact, all three codes from Scott
correspond to pictures of the windmill! Scott must be

Drive to the windmill to meet Scott. There is a dramatic
confrontation, and then a tornado. Nancy gets a phone
call from Debbie, asking her to go to the Grange.

Drive over the Grange (which is now listed in Nancy's
GPS). It's in the lower/left. Once there, head to the
storm shelter. It's locked, but Nancy has the keys.

Inside, there's another door which is locked. Woah! Open
the key container to the right, and take the correct key.
It's the gold-colored key, in the top row.

Now, go inside the shelter and just wait until the worst
of the storm passes. Then go outside. Nancy has to catch
the culprit, and after a lengthy conversation with
Debbie, the chase begins! All you have to do is follow
the culprit for two minutes, at which point the culprit
crashes near the springhouse.

You can, technically, just drive to the springhouse and
wait for two minutes, but how boring is that?

Once the crash occurs, Nancy has to break into the
springhouse. Pick up the crowbar near the side of the
springhouse (sitting on the rock pathway leading to the
house) and use it on the boards covering the door. Then
go inside.

And that's it! Nancy and the culprit wait out the storm,
and the ending to the game plays. You get to see what
happens to all the various characters, and you can see
the different achievements you can unlock, such as "take
a picture of all the different cloud formations".
Unlocking achievements gets you some bloopers that play
automatically after the ending credits.

005-Quick Walkthrough

This section of the guide is a quick walkthrough. It's
basically just a list of all the puzzles/tasks in the
game. So if you're ever stuck and have no idea what to do
next, this section will help you out.

Day One

Do the filing in the kitchen
Take the computer quiz in the basement
Make a disaster kit by buying the right materials from Pa
Fix the town siren scheme in the living room
Fix the sprinkler system outside
See Chase and fix the dashboard in the barn

Day Two

Take a picture with Frosty
Fix the sensors in the corn field

Day Three

Talk to Scott and learn that you should get rid of the
--Ask Pa about the mousetrap
--Fix the fujita scale display
--Get the mousetrap
--Get some cheese
--Use mousetrap in Scott's office
Relocate the prairie dogs
--Talk to Chase. He needs a bigger pipe.
--Talk to Pa. He wants you to fix his candy display
before he gives you a pipe.
--Fix the candy display and get the pipe.
--Give the pipe to Chase.
--Use the new prairie dog machine to relocate the
prairie dogs.
--Examine the shining box.
Talk to Frosty and deliver an MP3 player to Chase
Chase a storm and fix Frosty's camera

Day Four

Talk to Chase – transmission puzzle
See What's Up with The Antenna
Deliver Chase's Letter to Scott
Catch mice for Frosty
Catch mice for Debbie

Day Five

Fix Scott's phone
Hear Scott's phone conversation
Snoop around Chase's area
Fix the TV
Confront Frosty

Day Six

Stop at a storm dropout
Fix the doppler equipment
Solve Scott's calendar puzzle
Go to the windmill
Go to the Grange
Solve the key puzzles
Chase the culprit until you reach the springhouse
Break into the springhouse


This FAQ is copyright of The Lost Gamer, 2010. If you
want to use any part of this FAQ, ask me first
(instructions under general information).
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