Command & Conquer 3 - Kanes Wrath

Command & Conquer 3 - Kanes Wrath

01.10.2013 09:34:22
We have affirmed that Tiberium is the ultimate gift to mankind.
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\____| \___/ |_| \_| \__\_\ \___/ |_____||_| \_\

It is the key to the future. - The Brotherhood of Nod

Copyright 2008 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Anyone that wishes to host any of my
guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the guide(s),
as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any other site(s), please
contact me, and I will contact the site(s) to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email me at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).

| ========================= |
| | Contents | |
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0.00) General Notes

1.00) Walkthrough
ACT I: Reunification 2034
1.01) The Rio Insurrection
1.02) What is Rightfully Ours
1.03) Persuade Him...
1.04) A Grand Gesture...
ACT II: Kane Rising 2046
1.05) Keys to the Kingdom
1.06) All That Glitters
1.07) The Doctor Vanishes
1.08) MARV Rising
1.09) The Betrayal of Kilian Qatar
1.10) Hearts and Minds
1.11) Tacitus Interruptus
ACT III: Resurrection 2052
1.12) Will Made Flesh
1.13) Tacitus Regained

4.00) Intelligence Database
4.10) Nod Field Recon
4.20) Nod Weaponry
4.30) Nod Rumors
4.40) Nod Background

7.00) End
7.01) Version History
7.02) Closing

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 0.00) General Notes | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Difficulty Setting

- Please note that this guide is written under the assumption that you're
playing on the medium difficulty setting. Some tactics might not work for you
if you're playing on hard mode, and certain time limits might be different (the
Keys to the Kingom mission being a perfect example).

Intelligence Database Entries

- Throughout the game, you'll be able to collect little bits of information
in your intelligence database. These files don't really have any effect on the
game, they're just there for collection purposes (and for you to read, assuming
you're interested). Sometimes these entries are simply given to you
automatically, but sometimes you need to accomplish a bonus objective or do
something else to get them. I've listed which entries are found in each
mission in this guide, and I've also marked them in the walkthrough between
{these} to show where in the mission you should be getting the entry. You can
find more detailed information (including complete transcripts of each entry)
in section 4.00) of this guide.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | 1.00) Walkthrough | |
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| | 1.01) The Rio Insurrection | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The slums of Rio seethe with anger, anger against GDI. It would take but a
single act to spur the disenfranchised masses into open insurrection.

An act you must perform.

Tear down GDI's authoritarian edifices, the symbols of their autocracy. Seize
the radio stations and flood the airwaives with the Prophet's message.

Incite rebellion.

Rio will burn, and in the flames Kane's army shall be reborn."

Intelligence Database

Nod Field Recon

- The Tacitus

Nod Background

- Kane - My Lowest Ebb
- Kane - A Spark...

Primary Objectives

1) Destroy GDI Administration Centers

"We must inspire the masses to rebel against GDI. Destroy these oligarchic
symbols and Fanatics shall flock to our cause."

2) Destroy Splinter Faction Construction Yard

"The Splinter Faction Commander dares blaspheme against the Prophet. Teach him
the error of his ways."

Bonus Objectives

1) Capture GDI Radio Stations

"These Radio Stations broadcast nothing but GDI lies. Capture them and the
faithful shall be inspired to fight harder than ever before - and we may even
gain new weapons for the uprising."

2) Defend Captured Radio Stations

"The Splinter Faction Commander fears our growing influence, and will stop at
nothing to curtail it. Defend our Radio Stations."

3) Use Power Signature Scan

"The Splinter Faction stealth their bases with Disruption Towers. Use your
Power Signature Scan ability to reveal them."


You'll automatically get control of a small base, so begin by producing some
Saboteurs and some Raider Buggies/Attack Bikes at your war factory. There's no
shortage of Tiberium on this map, so you should have plenty of funding through
the entire mission, especially if you take the time to capture the four
Tiberium Spikes scattered around the map.

South of your base, you'll find a smattering of APCs and Pitbulls along with
some infantry. Take a cluster of Attack Bikes/Raider Buggies down to the radio
station there and clear out the area, including the area east of the station
around the GDI Administration Center. Destroy the center, then deal with the
reinforcements that arrive. Once things have calmed down, leave your group of
units to defend that radio station, then send a Saboteur down to capture it.

Meanwhile, you've hopefully built up an entire second cluster of bikes/buggies
in your base, so send them out the western exit and clear out the area around
the radio station there. Head south from the station and wipe out the forces
around the next GDI Administration building, then capture the nearby Tiberium
Spike with an engineer. Leave this cluster of units to defend the spike.

With a new group of units (more bikes this time, you'll need their firepower),
head out of the eastern exit of your base and attack the GDI fortifications
near the next Administration Center. Reinforcements will arrive as you're
attacking, so be ready to deal with them. Destroy the Administration Center,
then send an engineer to capture the nearby radio station. Leave this cluster
of units to defend the station.

With yet another cluster of units (you should still have way more than enough
Tiberium piling up), head north and wipe out the remaining forces. Watch out
for the garrisoned buildings surrounding the final Administration Center. The
Grenadiers in them will shred you if you linger around, so you'll want to take
them out as quickly as possible. Don't destroy the Administration Center quite
yet, though - instead, capture the final radio station and Tiberium Spike.
Capturing all of the radio stations will give you the ability to produce
Scorpion tanks, so take the time to crank out a big group of them before you
attack the final Administration Center.

Send the Scorpions to the Tiberium field north-west of the north-western radio
station, then use some other units to destroy the final Administration Center.
The map will expand, and you'll be given some new objectives. Use your Power
Signature Scan to get that objective out of the way, then head north-west with
your Scorpions and quickly assault the base there. If you destroy the hidden
power plants, you'll be able to see the entire base. Destroy the construction
yard to end the mission.

You should get the {The Tacitus}, the {Kane - My Lowest Ebb}, and the
{Kane - A Spark...} intel entries throughout this mission.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.02) What is Rightfully Ours | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Nod is resurgent, but remains weak in the face of GDI's vast technological
superiority. The Brotherhood Archives were all but destroyed in the aftermath
of the Second Tiberium War, leaving Kane without access to his centuries of

Paradoxically, our friends at GDI have provided a most convenient solution.
An exact duplicate of our stealth databank, origin unknown, is under analysis
at a covert GDI Research Facility on the Australian coast.

Reclaim what is ours."

Intelligence Database

Nod Weaponry

- GDI Combat Engineer
- GDI Hammerhead
- GDI Slingshot
- GDI Behemoth
- GDI Heavy Harvester

Nod Background

- Steel Talons - Origins
- Kane - Awakening

Primary Objectives

1) Capture covert GDI Research Laboratory

"With the loss of the Nod Archives, we are handicapped in the arms race against
GDI. Recapture our Stealth Tech databank from the GDI laboratory."

2) Hold Laboratory until Upload completes

"Our spies are uploading the databank to the Nod Central Server. Defend the
Laboratory until the process is complete."

Bonus Objectives

1) GDI Research Laboratory takes less than 50% damage

"Prevent the GDI Research Laboratory from taking more than 50% damage, or run
the risk of data corruption."


Begin by building a war factory so you can produce some Scorpions. You'll want
to build an Operations Center and place an anti-aircraft turret on the northern
edge of your base as soon as possible to deal with incoming GDI planes, and
you'll want the Scorpions to be ready to fend off the Wolverines and Titans
that will be attacking your base. When you get the chance, send two Saboteurs
to the east and capture both of the nearby Tiberium Spikes.

Once the Steel Tallons announce themselves, you'll have to defend your base
from a few aircraft and some ground forces to the west.
{Steel Tallons - Origins} {GDI Hammerhead} {GDI Combat Engineer}

There's no shortage of money to be had on this map due to the Tiberium Spikes
and nearby Tiberium fields, so get a second war factory and start cranking out
ridiculous numbers of Scorpion tanks. When you have a good-sized cluster, head
towards the GDI Research Laboratory by approaching it from the south. Take out
the two guard towers near the Tiberium Spike, then capture that one and the one
you passed along the way to increase your income even more.

Assault the area surrounding the lab with your Scorpions, including the
Behemoth in the upper corner {GDI Behemoth} and the fully veterened Slingshot
{GDI Slingshot}. Once the area's clear, retreat your surviving tanks to your
base and repair them.

You could just send your entire mass of tanks up to the lab and capture it with
a Saboteur now if you wanted, since defending it really isn't that hard, but if
you want to get one more intel entry, you'll have to make an assault on the GDI
base in the northwest corner of the map. That base is insanely well defended
against an army that only has Scorpions as its heaviest unit, though.

I suggest attacking the base from the east. All you really need to do is make
it to the Tiberium field and find the harvester, but if you want, you can
attempt to wipe out the entire base (which will make defending the lab even
easier when you capture it). {GDI Heavy Harvester}

Anyway, once you've got that intel entry and done whatever you want with the
base, send a huge group of tanks back to the lab and capture it with a
Saboteur. You'll have to defend it for a few minutes - GDI will send attack
groups along the northern part of the map, so you'll want to keep your cluster
of tanks there. If you annihilated or severely weakened the GDI base, this
part of the mission will be simple. When the timer runs out, you'll finish the
mission and get another intel entry. {Kane - Awakening} Keep the lab from
taking too much damage to complete the bonus objective.

| ----------------------------------------- |
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| | 1.03) Persuade Him... | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The Brotherhood continues to grow and prosper, but the Prophet cannot risk
revealing his existence lest he draw GDI's unwanted attention.

A figurehead must be found to rule in his stead.

Kane, in his infinite wisdom, has decreed the renegade heretic Brother Marcion
to be the most fitting candidate. There is but one problem with this
initiative - the devout Marcion considers Kane to be a heretic himself.

Convince the good Brother otherwise."

Intelligence Database

Nod Weaponry

- Confessor Cabal

Nod Rumors

- The Corruption of Brother Marcion

Nod Background

- Brother Marcion, Biography
- Black Hand - Origins
- Kane - Realization

Primary Objectives

1) Destroy Marcion's Stronghold

"Marcion cowers in his Stronghold. Destroy it and lure the heretic into the

2) Destroy Marcion's Escort

"The coward Marcion is attempting to flee. Destroy his Escort and he will have
no choice but to surrender."

3) Escort Marcion's Transport to Evac Zone

"Marcion is ours now, but his very presence on this battlefield puts him at
risk. Get him to the Evac Zone."

Bonus Objectives

1) Locate and Destroy Steel Talons Pulse Scanners

"The Steel Talons have placed Pulse Scanners throughout the battlefield. The
Black Hand have circumvented them, but they can still detect our forces.
Destroy them before they transmit."

2) Destroy Marcion's Statues

"Marcion's Statues are but monuments to his own hubris. Destroy them."


{Brother Marcion, Biography}

Begin by building your base, starting with a power plant and a refinery. Get a
barracks next, then train a Saboteur and send him due north of your base to
find an undefended Tiberium Spike.

Get a war factory and an Operations Center (along with the laser capacitors
upgrade), then build a tech center. Your next objective should be to head west
and take out two of the pulse scanners over there. The best way to do it is
with a cluster of eight or so Venom aircraft (you'll want an air tower anyway).
The pusle scanners will call in GDI reinforcements, but it's the lurking Black
Hand forces that actually pose a threat to your Venoms.

Take out both of the pulse scanners in the lower-left, and take out any GDI or
Nod forces that happen to be in there area. When it's clear, get four
Saboteurs and use the call for transport ability to get them in the air. Land
them next to the four Tiberium Spikes in the lower-left corner, then capture
them. This will significantly increase your money inflow.

If you haven't encountered patrolling Black Hand forces yet, you probably will
as you hunt down the remaining three pulse scanners. Most of the Black Hand
units will be helpless against your Venoms, including the confessor infantry
that you'll encounter {Confessor Cabal}. There's a pulse scanner near the
middle of the map, one near the top, and one above the Tiberium Spike above
your base. {Black Hand - Origins} None of the GDI reinforcements that will
show up are all that serious, and since your Venoms can attack air as well as
ground units, they should be able to handle everything.

Meanwhile, if you see a Purifier avatar on patrol (or if one attacks your
base), do everything you can to ensure that the husk doesn't get destroyed when
you attack it. If you can capture Purifier husks with Saboteurs, you'll have a
much more powerful attack force for your assault on Marcion's base (especially
if you remember to repair them first).

Marcion's base is crammed full of veteraned units, so you'll need a massive
army to take it out (along with his towers). Purifiers will be a huge help if
you managed to capture any, but other than that, just use your huge income to
mass-produce Scorpions, Stealth Tanks, and Beam Cannons. In large numbers,
Beam Cannons will shred anything in no time, but you'll need other units to
protect them.

I suggest attacking the base from the south along the far western edge of the
map. Focus on taking out the Obelisks as soon as you can, then focus on
Purifiers, tanks, and so forth. If you get annihilated, don't worry too much
about it - just build another assault force and attack again. Remember not to
destroy Marcion's stronghold until after you've destroyed all three of his
towers, though.

When you do finally destroy the stronghold, Marcion will try to escape through
a tunnel south-east of his stronghold. Send your forces to intercept him,
destroy his escort units, and then escort his transport safely back to your
base to end the mission.
{Kane - Realization} {The Corruption of Brother Marcion}

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.04) A Grand Gesture... | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"With Marcion returned to the fold, Nod approaches resurrection. All Kane
requires now is a sign, an act, a message to the faithful that the Brotherhood
has returned.

In central Australia, a GDI research team struggles to harness the raw,
untamed power of liquid Tiberium. Should their experiments be destabilized,
the results would be quite... catastrophic.

Soon, all the world shall bear witness to Nod's violent rebirth."

Intelligence Database

Nod Field Recon

- Another explosion in the facility?
- Tiberium Explosion Devastates Australia

Nod Weaponry

- Purifier

Nod Background

- Kane - Creation

Primary Objectives

1) Destroy GDI Liquid Tiberium Research Lab

"Kane demands a symbolic act to unite the Nod faithful. Destroy GDI's Liquid
Tiberium Research Lab and the Prophet shall have what he desires."

Bonus Objectives

1) Knock out Research Complex Power Station

"GDI have heavily fortified their Research Complex. Knock out the Power
Station and strip them of their base defenses."

2) Capture Purifier Husks

"A squad of Purifiers were taken down by a Steel Talons ambush several days
ago. Use your Saboteurs to get those Purifiers back online - their firepower
will greatly bolster your assault force."


{Another explosion in the facility?}

This mission is quite a bit more difficult than the previous three, so if you
were starting to get bored, this should hopefully get your attention. Time is
crucial in the beginning of the mission, so you'll have to act quickly.

Begin by immediately placing a barracks on the north-eastern edge of your base,
rotating it to make sure it points to the north-east. Train four Saboteurs
from it as soon as it's placed, and start building an operations center.
Upgrade both of your power plants as soon as the operations center is placed,
and as soon as all four Saboteurs are ready, run them north-east towards the
green bonus objective marker. Quickly capture the four Purifier husks on the
ground there and retreat them back to your base, where you should immediately
build a war factory to repair them.

You should have also started an anti-aircraft battery as soon as you placed
your operations center, so place that to the right of your barracks. It would
be a good idea to build a second one, too. By now, you'll have GDI forces
attacking your base from the right and the top, so use your Purifiers to defend
yourself. They're most effective up close, so make sure you charge them
towards infantry and Wolverines when you can.

Focus on securing your base by building some Shredder turrets near your
anti-aircraft batteries, and use your Purifiers to defend against heavy units.
As soon as you can build and place a tech lab, get the Charged Particle Beam
upgrade, which will make your Shredder turrets insanely powerful.

With your base defenses secure, build two raider buggies and send them north to
the two Tiberium Spikes there. Have them sit nearby to defend against enemy
engineers and infantry, then train seven Saboteurs and carefully send them up
there. Use them to capture all five nearby Purifier husks as well as the two
Tiberium Spikes. Leave the raider buggies to defend the Spikes, then send the
Purifiers to your war factory for repair.

Now that you should have some surplus money, crank out Scorpions and Beam
Cannons to compliment your Purifiers. You'll also want to remember to build at
least a few Mantis units to accompany the rest of your forces, since Orcas will
be all over the place during this mission. When you have a decent force built
up, carefully send everything to the right of your base and guard the three
Purifier husks there until you can safely capture them with Saboteurs, which
will complete the second bonus objective. {Purifier} Repair everything, then
gather your entire army into a group and head east. It also wouldn't hurt to
build a Secret Shrine and get the Purifying Flame upgrade from it to boost the
power of your Purifiers.

Destroy everything on your way over to the Research Complex Power Station.
There's nothing too heavy between you and the power plants, but you'll want to
make sure you pick off any Orcas that come by as soon as possible, or they'll
shred you. With the power plants destroyed, it's fairly simple to walk into
the northern GDI base and destroy the Liquid Tiberium facility, which will end
the mission. {Kane - Creation} {Tiberium Explosion Devastates Australia}

| ----------------------------------------- |
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| | 1.05) Keys to the Kingdom | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"While you slumbered, Nod has grown and evolved, assuming control of the
planet's newly established yellow zones while remaining dormant in the eyes of
our enemies.

All the while, GDI has grown complacent, lazy, their dependence on the global
Ion Cannon network rendering them far weaker than the council could possibly

Now is the time to act.

We must raid GDI's Johannesburg research facility, for there we shall find the
plans for Ion Cannon network - and the means to its undoing."

Intelligence Database

Nod Background

- Alexa Kovacs, Biography

Primary Objectives

1) Destroy GDI Network Communications Center

"The GDI Network Communications Center is linked to the Global Ion Cannon
Network. That link must be severed."

2) Destroy GDI Ion Cannon Uplink

"The Ion Cannon Uplink must be destroyed, lest our forces be annihilated by
Johannesburg's local Ion Cannon."

3) Capture the Network Research Centers before the Ion Cannon re-aligns.

"The Network Research Centers contain the blueprints for the Global Ion Cannon
Network. Capture them before the network is back online."

Bonus Objectives

1) Capture Network Research Centers 3 minutes prior to Ion Cannon

"Kane is running out of patience. Capture the Network Research Centers rapidly
or face his displeasure."


{Alexa Kovacs, Biography}

Take your Commando and head east, destroying everything in your path along the
way, including the communications center. With the area cleared, send your
Shadow Teams over there, then use their glider ability to land south-east of
the second primary objective. Clear out the infantry, then carefully use the
Shadow Teams to detonate the barracks, power plants, and Ion Cannon Uplink.

Reinforcements will arrive, and you'll have to build a base quickly in order to
finish the bonus objective and remaining objective on time. Move your
Reckoners to the north-east of your Tiberium field and deploy them, then deploy
your MCV and build a power plant followed by a refinery. You'll want some
infantry and vehicle defense above your base as well as to the east of it, but
you should focus on building an assault force as fast as possible.

The research center to the east will be easy to capture - simply send your
Commando over there and detonate everything in site, then send a Saboteur over
there when you get the chance. The other three will be a little more annoying
to capture. You'll want flame tanks due to the large amounts of infantry on
the map, but you'll also want something with a little more firepower to deal
some damage to vehicles and structures. If you can manage to get some Stealth
Tanks, they're ideal.

Head north as soon as you feel comfortable doing so, crush the small base there
with your flame tanks, and capture the research center. With some Saboteurs
close behind your vehicle group, head due east and fight your way to the other
two research centers. Ideally, you could use transports to get the Saboteurs
there, but the wall of nearby anti-aircraft guns and the tendency of GDI to
build Slingshots kind of ruins that plan. Due to the time limit, you're
probably better off trying it on foot than in the air.

| ----------------------------------------- |
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| | 1.06) All That Glitters | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The Prophet has the space station Philadelphia - and the Ion Cannon Network it
controls - in his sights. In days Kane shall destroy it, eliminating the GDI

There is one council member, however, who must survive - Redmond Boyle, GDI's
craven treasurer. As strange as it sounds, this incompetent politician is
essential to Kane's plan. He must live, so he may become the GDI president...
and fall right into the Prophet's trap.

We have dispatched an infiltration team to the GDI Treasury. Destroy it and
force Boyle to remain earthbound."

Intelligence Database

Nod Field Recon

- GDI Treasury Damaged in Mysterious Attack

Nod Weaponry

- Specter

Primary Objectives

1) Tag Treasury Power Plants with Shadow Beacons

"The Treasury is too well defended to bring in our Specters. Tag their Power
Plants with Beacons and we can bring down their power - and defenses - from a
safe distance."

2) Destroy GDI Network Communications Center

"The GDI Network Communications center is linked to the Global Ion Cannon
Network. That link must be severed."

3) Destroy GDI Treasury

"The Treasury is defenseless. Annihilate it and keep Redmond Boyle

Bonus Objectives

1) Steal Gold Bullion

"GDI are storing pallets of Gold Bullion throughout the Treasury complex.
Steal them and bolster our war chest."


Take your Shadow Teams north-west until you reach the ridge, then wait for the
aircraft to get out of the way before you dash up it. Don't attempt to fly, or
you'll be blasted out of the air. Slaughter any infantry you encounter, then
head north to the first power plant. Use your beacon in front of it, then grab
the nearby crate if you need some health. Head over to the next power plant
and drop a beacon, then pick up that crate too if you need it.

Head across the bridge to the east to find the third power plant. After you've
placed a beacon by it, head south over the bridge and place a beacon by the
final power plant. Immediately send your Shadow Teams back over the bridge and
have them hide along the northern edge of the base. Some reinforcemnts will
show up to the south-west. {Specter}

Let the Specters pound the nearby defenses while your Stealth Tanks defend them
against air threats, then go back to your Shadow Teams. See the pile of crates
to the east by the Tiberium Spike? Fly over there and grab them all, then
carefully move your Shadow Teams down towards the south-east corner of the map.
Meanwhile, some aircraft will try to attack your Specters, so be ready with
your Stealth Tanks to take them out.

With the defenses to the south destroyed, move slightly east until you can see
the base on the cliffs. Use your Specters to destroy as much of it as you can
from a distance, then continue moving east to meet up with your Shadow Teams
outside of the south-east base. Use your Stealth Tanks to mop up any surviving
forces in the base in the middle of the map and grab the second pile of money
crates there to complete the bonus objective, then use your Specters to bombard
the south-east base as much as possible.

When move of it is cleared out, use your Stealth Tanks to take out the aircraft
and Pitbulls, then quickly destroy the communications center and retreat.
Aircraft will try to attack your Specters again, so you'll want to be prepared
to defend them. When you're ready, approach the final GDI base from the south
and bombard the Treasury building to finish the mission. If you took the time
to destroy a bunch of stuff with your Specters during the mission, at least
some of them should be fully leveled, which should make the Treasury building
go down even faster.

{GDI Treasury Damaged in Mysterious Attack}

| ----------------------------------------- |
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| | 1.07) The Doctor Vanishes | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Dr. Alphonse Giraud, GDI's leading Liquid Tiberium research scientist, has
become an impediment. He must disappear before he can enlighten the fool
Boyle, or Kane's plan will be endangered.

Giraud's facilities are located in Blue Zone 8, in the same Chilean spaceport
formerly used to staff and maintain the Philadelphia.

The Prophet requires Giraud alive - he believes the good doctor can be
converted to our cause.

Do not fail him."

Intelligence Database

Nod Weaponry

- GDI Shatterer

Primary Objectives

1) Capture Giraud's Lab

"Dr. Giraud cowers within his lab - capture it... and him."

2) Escort Dr. Giraud's Transport

"The Transport will evacuate Giraud to a secure location. Protect the
Transport, Kane requires Giraud alive."

Bonus Objectives

1) Capture the Spaceport Control Center

"There is much about GDI's Satellite Network we do not know. Capture the
Spaceport and educate yourself."


This mission can quickly degenerate into a god awful stalemate due to an
initial lack of resources. When you land, quickly get a war factory and then
start lining the right and upper parts of your base with Shredders. You'll
want to get the particle upgrade for them as soon as possible, and then you'll
want to get some anti-aircraft defenses. GDI will swarm your base throughout
this mission with hoards of crap, so if possible, setting up some artillery to
force-fire at the northern entrance of your base can be quite helpful (and
mildly amusing).

The aircraft pose the greatest threat to your attack forces in this mission, so
when you make your assault on the spaceport area, you'll want to make sure you
have plenty of anti-aircraft along with your Purifiers. Remember to always
fight up close with Purifiers to make good use of their flames - especially
when you find yourself near garrisoned buildings. The flames will make very
short work of them.

Anyway, if you can ever manage to wipe out the GDI forces around the spaceport
and capture it {GDI Shatterer}, you should be able to reach the airfields right
behind it. If you can manage to destroy them, even in a suicide run, the rest
of the mission will be much easier. Watch out for the sonic cannons, though -
those things pack a nasty punch. If you can manage to clear out the area
around the spaceport as well as the airfields, you might want to consider
trying to walk your MCV all the way up to the blue Tiberium field in the
north-east corner of the map. It'll provide you with plenty of money to build
a ridiculous attack force.

With the airfields and spaceport out of your way, mopping up the rest of the
GDI stuff on the map should be fairly easy. The city on the west side is
crawling with garrisoned buildings and loose infantry, but your Purifiers will
make short work of all of them if you get in close. The real trick will be
protecting the transport after you capture the lab - GDI will send in tons of
aircraft and Slingshots to try to shoot it down. Be prepared to defend the
left side of the map from the lab all the way over to your base, including the
area inside your base. If the transport gets shot down, you'll fail.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.08) MARV Rising | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Nod central command has received disturbing reports from the African Red Zone.
ZOCOM, GDI's elite anti-Tiberium task force, have commenced reclamation

White this is disturbing, even more unsettling is the news that ZOCOM deployed
a new weapon in their war against the crystal - the Mammoth Armed Reclamation
Vehicle, or MARV.

This massive Mammoth/Harvester hybrid has already decimated several scout
patrols, and we as of yet lack an appropriate counter. You must track down
the MARV, locate the ZOCOM base where it is maintained and learn how it is

Only then can we construct an appropriate response."

Intelligence Database

Nod Background

- ZOCOM - Origins

Nod Weaponry

- GDI Mammoth Armored Reclamation Vehicle (MARV)
- Rocket Harvester
- GDI Zone Raider
- The Redeemer

Primary Objectives

1) Capture Reclamator Hub

"The MARV is built from this ZOCOM Reclamator Hub. Capture it and we shall
learn how GDI concocted this monstrosity."

2) Destroy MARV

"We must analyze the wreckage of the MARV if we are to build a suitable
response. Destroy it."

3) Defend Reclamator Hub until Upload completes

"The MARV data is secured. Defend the Reclamator Hub until we have finished
uploading to Nod's central server."

4) Construct Redeemer Engineering Facility

"The MARV data was the final element necessary to construct our response.
Build a Redeemer Engineering Facility so we may test the prototype."

5) Construct Redeemer

"The Redeemer Engineering Facility is ready. Build the Redeemer and teach our
enemies the true meaning of fear."

6) Destroy ZOCOM Bases

"ZOCOM's anti-Tiberium efforts in the African Red Zone end today. Eliminate

Bonus Objectives

1) Destroy ZOCOM's reinforcement MARV's

"ZOCOM has more MARV's than we anticipated. Eliminate them all."


{ZOCOM - Origins}

Your main concern right from the start should be getting sufficient anti-air
capabilities to defend against the absurd number of aircraft that you'll be
seeing in this mission, and your second main concern should be having enough
ground forces to fight off the first MARV that will attack your base from the
north shortly after the mission starts. Your Obelisks will be a big help with
it, so you'll want to make sure the MARV gets close enough for them to hit it.

It'll take a lot of damage before it goes down, and it can certainly dish out
its fair share of damage back to you, so try to get every unit you have into
the fight to end it as fast as possible. {GDI Mammoth Armored Reclamation
Vehicle (MARV)}

Your next step will be capturing the Reclamator Hub, but first, you'll want to
repair and recover from the MARV's attack. Send a flame tank into the city
north of your base along with some Stealth Tanks to clear out the garrisoned
buildings, then try to capture the Tiberium Spike to the west.

You'll need a fairly powerful strike force to put a dent in the base around the
Reclamator Hub, so start cranking out Avatars, Stealth Tanks, and Beam Cannons.
You'll want to eliminate virtually everything around the Reclamator Hub before
you capture it, and once you do capture it, you should be prepared to defend it
against an immediate assault (composed primarily of aircraft). You'll have to
defend it for several minutes, so keep your assault force next to it at all
times. If you find a harvester nearby, you can get an intel entry {Rocket
Harvester}, and once the first Zone Raiders show up, you can get a second intel
entry {GDI Zone Raider}.

Once the upload is complete, return your assault force to your base and try to
repair it as much as possible. ZOCOM forces will attack your base, including a
pair of MARVs that you'll need to destroy to complete the bonus objective.
Start building a Redeemer Engineering Facility as soon as you can, then build a
Redeemer from it. {The Redeemer} To be honest, it won't be much help to you,
but since you have to build it anyway, you might as well send it with the rest
of your assault force.

You'll have to destroy a construction yard on each side of the map to complete
the mission, and they're both fairly well defended. Once you've destroyed the
first one, make sure you return to your base to repair your assault force
before you make an attack on the second one.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.09) The Betrayal of Kilian Qatar | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Kilian Qatar has shown her true colors - the general is a heretic, plotting
against Kane. As the general has wormed her way into the public's good
graces, Abbess Alexa believes them unlikely to accept her heresy on faith

They will require proof. Proof that you will provide.

Kane's forces are currently engaged in a desperate defense of Temple Prime.
Infiltrate the battle in the guise of Kilian and commit an act of unforgivable

Soon, all the world will know."

Intelligence Database

Nod Rumors

- Mysterious Homestead Attacks Continue

Primary Objectives

1) Destroy Anti-Aircraft Batteries

"Our Vertigo Bombers need to clear the area before we can establish a base.
Destroy GDI's Anti-Aircraft Batteries to give them safe passage."

2) Destroy GDI Base

"Assist Kane's forces in eradicating the GDI infestation at Temple Prime."

3) Destroy Laser Fence Control Tower

"Destroy the Laser Fence Control Tower to deactivate the Laser Fence and enter
Temple Prime."

4) Infiltrate Ion Shield Research Center

"If we are to frame Kilian, we will need to leak the Ion Shield plans to GDI.
While Alexa engages Kane as a diversion, guide your Saboteur to the Ion Shield
Research Center and steal the plans."

5) Reach Evac Point

"Get the Saboteur to the Evac and secure the stolen plans. We will leak this
information to GDI Command, solidifying the appearance of Kilian's betrayal."

Bonus Objectives

1) Saboteur reaches Evac Point unharmed

"Keep the Saboteur safe from harm and ensure that the stolen plans remain


Take your Commando towards the first anti-aircraft gun and wipe out the hoard
of infantry in the area, but be careful not to go too far to the east. Head
south after you've destroyed the first anti-aircraft gun and detonate the power
plant, then head east and destroy the second anti-aircraft gun. When you
detonate the third one, quickly send your Commando south-west towards the edge
of the map to avoid getting her killed by the carpet bombers.

Reinforcements will arrive, including a pile of veteran vehicles. You can
continue this mission in one of two ways - defend yourself until the countdown
finishes, or make an assault on the GDI base to destroy it. The second way is
by far the faster and easier way, so I suggest sending your entire group of
units south-west towards where your Commando is waiting. From there, send them
into the GDI base and slaughter as much stuff as you can. Follow your vehicles
in with your Commando and take out as many key structures as possible, and the
other Nod forces on the map will make short work of anything that survives.

With the new Commando you're given, head north and take care of the three
nearby infantry patrols, then destroy the laser fencing to proceed farther to
the north. Leave the Saboteur behind as you continue towards Temple Prime with
the Commando, slaughtering everything in your path. Approaching the Ion Shield
Research Center will be out of the question until you take out the power plants
east and south of it, so use your Commando to do so. Once the eastern Obelisks
are out of power, protect your Saboteur as you walk him into the Ion Shield
Research Center. {Mysterious Homestead Attacks Continue}

You'll have to protect the Saboteur on his way out of the base, but it should
be fairly easy. Retrace the path you used to enter Temple Prime, leading the
way with your Commando. Once you're out in the open, you can just send the
bike with the Saboteur on it to the rendezvous point. Your "allies" won't fire
at it.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.10) Hearts and Minds | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The cities of the world's Yellow Zones are an essential source of the support,
sanctuary and soldiers Nod requires in our struggle against GDI. Without
them, the Brotherhood would be nothing but an empty shell.

A mysterious alien force has appeared on the outskirts of the city of Kampala,
Uganda. Using an insidious form of mind control, they have bent the populace
to their will.

Kane cannot risk such instability during this critical time. Eliminate these
creatures and take back our city."

Intelligence Database

Nod Background

- Traveler-59 - Origins

Nod Weaponry

- Prodigy
- Cultist
- Eradicator

Primary Objectives

1) Destroy Traveler-59 Drone Platforms

"Traveler-59 have infested the city, weakening our support. Drive them from
this place."

2) Destroy Traveler-59 Eradicator

"This horrific Scrin creature blights our lands. It must be destroyed."

Bonus Objectives

1) Elimintate Cultists to rescue Nod Combatants

"These Cultists have used their insidious power to take control of the local
Nod garrison. Kill the Cultists and bolster your army."

2) Construct Redeemer to battle Traveler-59 Eradicator

"The Eradicator is too powerful for conventional weapons, but the Redeemer will
surely crush it."



In typical Scrin fashion, you'll be bombarded from aircraft during this
mission, so you'll want to make sure you have plentiful anti-air defenses.
Ground forces will assault you constantly too, but they can be easily dealt
with by a few Avatars, especially if you upgrade them with Beam Cannons and
flame tanks. Harvesting the huge blue Tiberium field to the east is crucial to
this mission, so get a second harvester going over there as soon as possible.

The best way to eliminate the Cultist groups is to use a few Venoms to
carefully maneuver around the Scrin forces on the map. When you eliminate them
and complete the first bonus objective, you'll get an intel entry. {Cultist}

If you want to go about this the easy way, you can just build a nuke and use it
on the north-east Drone Platform to eliminate it. When you do, an Eradicator
will show up {Eradicator}. This thing can take a hell of a beating, so you'll
want to have a ton of crap ready to fight it when it reaches your base. To
complete the second bonus objective, you'll have to build a Redeemer, but it
doesn't need to be finished before you destroy the Eradicator.

If you want to be lazy, you can just let your nuke recharge and use it to take
out another Drone Platform {Traveler-59 - Origins}. You can probably just rush
them both, though, since the mission will be over as soon as they're destroyed.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.11) Tacitus Interruptus | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Thanks to your unique provenance, the Tacitus has finally been located. The
ancient device is currently in mainland China, secure in a ZOCOM convoy. It
is almost within our grasp, but there are... complications.

Word has reached us that the council is planning to evacuate the device by
sea, and, as you are well aware, we are not equipped to tackle the GDI navy.
You must capture the device before it reaches its destination - disrupt the
convoy, capture the device and bring it to Kane.

Ascension draws near..."

Intelligence Database

Nod Background

- Reaper-17 - Origins

Nod Weaponry

- Reaper Tripod
- Shard Walker
- Shielded Harvester

Primary Objectives

1) Damage ZOCOM MCV before it reaches docks.

"This MCV carries the Tacitus. Intercept the Convoy before it escapes."

2) Capture ZOCOM Conyard

"This Conyard contains the Tacitus. Capture it."

3) Escort ZOCOM MCV to Evac Zone

"ZOCOM is attempting to recapture the Tacitus. Get the MCV to the Evac Zone."

Bonus Objectives

1) Use Tiberium Vein Detonation to destroy GDI Tiberium Fields

"These Tiberium Fields fuel GDI's local defense force. Destroy them with Dr.
Giraud's latest invention and cut off GDI's Tiberium supply."


As soon as the mission starts, start building a tech center, then send your
vehicles immediately up to the convoy. All you have to do is hit the MCV once
to stop it, so as soon as you've fired at it, retreat your units back to your
war factory to repair them. Hoards of crap are going to attack your base, so
be prepared to place anti-aircraft defenses north of your war factory, and be
prepared to fight off tons of ground units from the west.

Keep track of your Tiberium Vein Detonator thing throughout the mission, and
use it whenever you can to destroy the three Tiberium fields for your bonus
objective. Try to pick off as many buildings with them as you can each time,
especially the airfield near the middle one if you can find it.

Defending your base can be sticky at some points thanks to the devastating
power of Zone Raiders, but if you keep some units around your war factory, you
should be able to level them up fairly quickly to form a decent defense force.
If you can manage to level up some Avatars and get them upgraded, they'll help
you a ton later on in the mission. A nuke can also be a huge help, so if you
have the money at any point in the mission, go ahead and build one.

When you capture the construction yard, you'll take control of it in MCV form,
and you'll have to evacuate it to the lower-left corner of the map before it
gets destroyed. The tricky part is that if you haven't crippled the GDI forces
on the map before you capture it, they'll send such a massive wave of aircraft
at you that you won't be able to do much about it. I suggest making several
small runs into the middle of the city to clear out the garrisoned buildings
whenever you can, and then make runs at the MCV to clear out anything that
might be guarding it. Then, when you can safely make it to the middle base, go
up there and trash the place. Get your main fighting core and a group of
anti-air units ready, and leave them near where the middle base used to be.

Have a second group of anti-air units ready, then capture the MCV. Some
unexpected visitors will arrive in the north-east {Reaper-17 - Origins}. Take
the MCV safely south through the city with one of your anti-air groups as
protection, but don't approach the evacuation area yet. Instead, wait for the
Scrin units to show up and attack them with your other groups. You'll have to
destroy a Shard Walker, a Reaper Tripod, and the swarm of Ravagers to get three
intel entries. {Shard Walker} {Reaper Tripod} {Shielded Harvester}

If you have a nuke ready at the time, dropping it on the approaching Scrin wave
will make this part of the mission very easy, especially if you nail the group
of tripods with it. Either way, as soon as you have the three intel entries,
you can go ahead and send the MCV to the evacuation area to end the mission.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.12) Will Made Flesh | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"Nod's generals are dead, their militias defeated. Kane has neither been seen
nor heard since the events at Temple Prime. In the eyes of the world, the
Brotherhood has finally been annihilated.

All is not as it seems.

From his underground bunker, Kane calls on you, LEGION, to awaken the Marked
of Kane. It is with this cybernetic army that you shall claim the Tacitus.

Ascension draws near."

Intelligence Database

Nod Field Recon

- Unconfirmed Reports of Cyborg Activity in Central Asia

Nod Background

- Marked of Kane - Origins

Primary Objectives

1) Capture Marked of Kane Control Nodes

"The Marked of Kane slumber. Capture these Control Nodes to awaken them."

2) Protect Control Nodes until Marked of Kane awaken

"The Control Nodes awaken the Marked of Kane. Protect them until the process
is complete."

Bonus Objectives

1) Control Nodes take less than 50% damage

"These Control Nodes are ancient, delicate things. Too much damage could be
dangerous to the Marked of Kane. Protect them."


Once again, GDI airpower will be your biggest issue on this map, but not at
your base this time. Get two Saboteurs to take the two Tiberium Spikes near
your base, then park a buggy above the one on the right side so it'll pick off
GDI engineers before they can capture it from you.

Capturing the four Control Nodes shouldn't be your priority right away.
Instead, you should focus on destroying the massive GDI base in the middle of
the map so they won't be able to mount an attack against the nodes later in
the mission. The problem is that it'll be crawling with aircraft, Zone
Troopers, Zone Raiders, and all sorts of other crap.

I suggest using a wave of buggies and Scorpions with the laser and dozer
upgrades (so you'll be able to crush infantry). A nuke will help you a lot,
especially if you use it to wipe out airfields when you find them. Bombers can
be useful too, for picking off major buildings or defenses.

After causing some damage to their base, they'll likely send a massive wave of
crap at your base. The best way to defend yourself is probably with some
Reckoners right next to a war factory (so the factory will be able to repair
them even after they're deployed). Stick two pairs of rocket soldiers in them
along with a Shadow Team, and they should be able to do some massive damage to
attacking forces. Of course, Scorpions and buggies can still help too, but an
Avatar (...or several) would probably be the biggest help.

If you can manage to annihilate the central GDI base, the rest of the mission
will be no challenge at all. Just send some Reckoners with Saboteurs in them
to the four Control Nodes, capture them, and then babysit them until the
countdown thing ends. {Unconfirmed Reports of Cyborg Activity in Central Asia}
{Marked of Kane - Origins}

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.13) Tacitus Regained | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Briefing

"The Marked of Kane have arisen, and the Tacitus is within Kane's grasp.

The artifact has been tracked to GDI's heavily fortified compound in the Rocky
Mountains, secure behind an impenetrable wall of energy. Raid the base,
capture its communication centers and bring down their barrier. Only then can
you finally claim the Tacitus.

Ascension is at hand."

Intelligence Database

Nod Field Recon

- Tacitus Destabilized?

Nod Weaponry

- Tiberium Trooper
- The Enlightened
- The Awakened

Primary Objectives

1) Capture and Hold GDI Communication Centers

"Our only hope for bringing down GDI's energy barrier lies in the GDI
Communication Centers. Capture them, for the more we control, the faster we
can bring the barrier down."

2) Capture Tacitus Containment Structure

"The Tacitus is ours. Capture the device and bring it to Kane."

Bonus Objectives

1) Destroy GDI Bunker Entrances

"GDI have amassed a huge army beneath the mountains. Destroy the Bunker
Entrances and seal them inside."

2) Destroy GDI Power Plants

"These Power Plants fuel GDI's base defenses. Eliminate them and ease our


{Tacitus Destabilized?} {Tiberium Trooper} {The Enlightened} {The Awakened}

The trick to this mission is the second bonus objective - completing it will
make the GDI forces more or less helpless until after you capture the
Communication Centers. Focus on getting some Reckoners stationed around your
war factory for defense (building a second war factory to put more Reckoners
around it probably isn't a bad idea, either). Build some more Venom choppers
to join the ones you start with, then use them to defend your base for a while
until they level up. They'll be very valuable throughout the mission.

Take them north along the east side of the screen, and you'll find an island
with an anti-aircraft gun, some power plants, and a Tiberium Spike on it. Use
a few hit and run attacks on the anti-aircraft gun to avoid losing any Venoms,
then destroy the power plants and fly a Saboteur up to capture the Spike. You
should also try to capture some of the Spikes west of your base when you get
the chance.

Anyway, if you continue north with your Venoms, you should find an airfield and
some more crap to destroy. Eventually, you'll want to head west across the top
of the map, continuing to use your hit and run assaults to wipe out as much GDI
stuff as possible. There's quite a bit of stuff in the north-west corner, but
if you spend enough time on it, you should be able to wipe it all out. Head
south along the western edge of the screen next, then destroy the second
cluster of power plants there along with the other stuff.

With the power plants destroyed, the rest of the base defenses will be out of
power. Use your choppers to annihilate everything on the map, including the
bunkers (to finish the second bonus objective). Once you capture the three
communication centers, you'll have to hold them for a few minutes before the
shield comes down. Once the shield comes down, you'll have to fight your way
through another GDI base and capture a structure in the very north-western
corner of the map.

Since money is plentiful on this map, you'll probably have no problem building
up a ridiculous ground army while you're playing around with your Venoms.
The stuff that appears when the shield drops will be hard to fight through with
such a short time window, so you'll also want to have a bunch of Saboteurs in
air transports ready to use as soon as you get rid of most of the base's
anti-aircraft defenses (including the plentiful Mammoth Tanks). There're a
bunch of anti-aircraft turrets right next to the tower you need to capture, so
when you're ready to try and capture it, you'll have to send your Venom pile in
to absorb as much fire as possible. As long as one Saboteur survives to
capture the tower, the mission will be over.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 4.00) Intelligence Database | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

In the following sections, each intelligence entry is listed with which mission
it's found in, what you need to do to get it, and the complete transcript of
the entry. If you're not interested in that much information or you just want
a quick reference, this is a simple list in the order the entries appear in the
database in the game (which is also how they're listed in the more in-depth

Nod Intelligence Database
Nod Field Recon
- Another explosion in the facility?
- Tiberium Explosion Devastates Australia
- GDI Treasury Damaged in Mysterious Attack
- Unconfirmed Reports of Cyborg Activity in Central Asia
- Tacitus Destabilized?
- The Tacitus
Nod Weaponry
- The Awakened
- The Enlightened
- The Redeemer
- Tiberium Trooper
- Specter
- Confessor Cabal
- Purifier
- GDI Zone Raider
- GDI Shatterer
- GDI Slingshot
- GDI Hammerhead
- GDI Mammoth Armored Reclamation Vehicle (MARV)
- GDI Combat Engineer
- GDI Behemoth
- Rocket Harvester
- Heavy Harvester
- Eradicator
- Reaper Tripod
- Prodigy
- Shielded Harvester
- Cultist
- Shard Walker
Nod Rumors
- The Corruption of Brother Marcion
- Mysterious Homestead Attacks Continue
Nod Background
- Brother Marcion, Biography
- Kane - My Lowest Ebb
- Kane - A Spark...
- Kane - Awakening
- Kane - Realization
- Kane - Creation
- Black Hand - Origins
- Steel Talons - Origins
- Alexa Kovacs, Biography
- Marked of Kane - Origins
- ZOCOM - Origins
- Reaper-17 - Origins
- Traveler-59 - Origins

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 4.00) Intelligence Database | |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| |
| 4.10) Nod Field Recon |
| |
Another explosion in the facility?

Mission: A Grand Gesture...

Added: At the start of the mission


Intercepted GDI Transmission regarding secret Liquid Tiberium research in

To: Dr. James De Groot, Chair, GDI Institute for Tiberium Research,
(Redacted), Australia

From: Eliot Smith-Johnson, Director, Department of Covert R&D, Washington

Subject: Another explosion?

Jack, I'm running out of excuses here. One more 'accident' like that and the
Council will have my neck - and your budget. You've lost almost two dozen
workers in the last year alone and, as you are WELL aware, these aren't your
garden-variety beaker-slingers, these are top-ranked Tib scientists and they're
getting harder to replace! You have to understand, Jack, people just don't
want to work for you, not with all that's happened already, no matter how many
zeroes we add to their paychecks.

I understand the potential you see in Liquid Tiberium, and I applaud your
passion, but I'm beginning to side with those in the council who seriously
doubt whether this line of inquiry will amount to anything other than billions
of credits - and lives - down the drain.

Listen Jack, I'm at the end of my tether here. Get it together and start
producing results or we're going to shut you down.

- Eliot

Intercepted by Black Hand Prelate Lucius Bika

Tiberium Explosion Devastates Australia

Mission: A Grand Gesture...

Added: At the end of the mission


Excerpt from Channel 273 Nightly News with Darius Wong

Good evening. I'm Darius Wong.

Reports are beginning to emerge of a devastating Tiberium explosion in Central
Australia, one that may have long term environmental consequences for the
Southern Hemisphere - and the world.

We go now to Leanne Downing, reporting to us live from Hobart, Tasmania.


It all started as a green glow in the sky, visible from as far as Auckland,
New Zealand. Now, as panicked citizens attempt to flee what appears to be the
largest environmental catastrophe since the Tiber incident, the world is
asking one question - who did this? And why?

There are widespread fears that this horrific event is a sign that the long
dormant Brotherhood of Nod has returned. However, highly-placed sources
within GDI have informed us that the catalyst for this explosion may have been
an accident in a top-secret GDI Tiberium research laboratory in the Australian

Now, as millions are driven from their homes, as a continent is consumed by
the deadly crystal, one can only ask - why did GDI let this happen? What are
they REALLY doing to protect us?'

From the Nod Archives

GDI Treasury Damaged in Mysterious Attack

Mission: All That Glitters

Added: At the end of the mission


Intercepted GDI Transmission regarding Treasury Attack

To: Redmond Boyle, Director of the Treasury, Washington DC

From: Ramon Vicente, Security Directorate, GDI Treasury, West Virginia

Mr. Boyle,

I know you have warned me in the past not to disturb you during your vacation
time, especially given the limited time you have to spend with Lance, but I
feel that this is important enough to violate protocol. To put it bluntly -
things are bad, very, very bad. Last night, an unidentified entity broke
through our defenses, shut down our power, and triggered an explosive device
within the Treasury itself.

The level of damage inflicted is unknown, but initial estimates indicate that
the losses might be in the billions. We have no leads, no suspects - although
initial evidence gathering has lead us to believe that the culprits may be the
'Sons of Umagon', a militant Mutant separatist group - and we have no idea how
we are going to explain this to the Council.

We need you, Mr. Boyle, and we need you now.



From the Nod Archives

Unconfirmed Reports of Cyborg Activity in Central Asia

Mission: Will Made Flesh

Added: At the end of the mission


QVCX News and Sports Hour with Mike Vanderhaven

Good Evening, I'm Mike Vanderhaven.

Nearly two decades have passed since the cyborg armies of CABAL blazed their
trail of destruction across a terrified planet. Now, just as the world seems
once again at peace, unconfirmed reports of a similar bio-mechanical menace
have started to roll in from Central Asia and the Russian Steppes.

(footage of terrified local)

'The ground... it opened up and... and... these things, they came pouring
out. Like men, but like machines also... I hid... they did not see me...
but my village...'

(flash cut to Mike)

GDI has refused all requests for comment, but an anonymous inside source has
informed QVCX that the rumors are being taken quite seriously, with multiple
investigation teams being briefed and dispatched as we speak.

More on the breaking story as it happens.

On a lighter note, here's E.J. Brody with the latest in sports...

Transcript, from the QVCX archives

Tacitus Destabilized?

Mission: Tacitus Regained

Added: At the start of the mission


Intercepted GDI Transmission regarding secret Tacitus Research

To: Dr. Johan Hannes-Schmidt, Director of Tacitus Research,
(Location Redacted)

From: Theodore M. Bynes, Director, Department of Covert R&D, Washington DC,


Firstly, let me state that I have every level of respect for the excellence and
professionalism of you and your staff. There is no finer research team
operating in this country, if not the world. Now, with that said, I have some
major concerns regarding your most recent enterprise. Simply put, the latest
reports from your facility regarding the Tacitus' stability disturb me - and
the Council - to no end.

To hear that the device is estimated as having a 15% chance of
self-destruction, with the chance increasing with each test run, is just not
acceptable. Look, I understand that you are operating in unknown territory
here, but I need to be very clear about one thing - if you are doing anything
that risks the stability of the Tacitus, anything at all, you must STOP,

I'm sorry to speak so strongly, but we cannot risk losing the device. Too many
people died to secure it, we have no idea how dangerous the Tacitus'
destruction would be and, most importantly, there is no way it can be replaced.
In short, to risk the device is to risk everything that we've worked to

I'll be flying out to discuss this with you Monday. Until then, kid gloves.



From the Nod Archives

The Tacitus

Mission: The Rio Insurrection


Intercepted GDI Intelligence Briefing

An archive of unknown age and alien origin, the Tacitus is key to the ascension
prophecies, the core mythology around which Kane built the Brotherhood of Nod.
While the device has remained safe in GDI's fortified Cheyenne Mountain complex
since its recapture from Nod two years ago, it is believed that Kane managed to
extract an unknown amount of information beforehand. This data vanished with
Nod at the end of the Second Tiberium War, leaving us with no concrete evidence
as to what the so-called Prophet planned to use it for.

Given the lack of Nod activity over the last three years, one can only conclude
that he failed.

Despite Dr. Boudreau's breakthroughs in the early 2030's, progress continues to
be slow for our own attempts to interface with the device. What information it
holds, and what value said information had to Kane, continue to be matters of
serious concern for this agency.

Obtained by Nod Intelligence, Data Redacted

| |
| 4.20) Nod Weaponry |
| |
The Awakened

Mission: Tacitus Regained

Added: At the start of the mission


Details on the Nod Awakened Cyborg infantry

In the aftermath of his loss in the First Tiberium War, Kane tasked several of
his most trusted followers with a project of utmost secrecy - to create an army
entirely devoid of free will - one that would obey the Prophet's will without
question or conscience. Cloistered away in the wastelands of central Asia,
these scientists spent the ensuing decades pursuing that goal, the first
results of which became visible with the Cyborg Infantry and Commando untilized
by CABAL during the Second Tiberium War.

The Awakened are the end product of this research, deceased Nod soldiers
mechanically re-animated and controlled via cyber-neurological implant devices
linked to central 'control nodes' across the globe. Equipped with arm mounted
direct-fire weaponry and a high-impact EMP emitter, these emotionless
cybernetic warriors are more than capable of tackling anything GDI can throw at

From the Nod Archives

The Enlightened

Mission: Tacitus Regained

Added: At the start of the mission


Details on the Nod Enlightened elite Cyborg infantry

The ultimate realization of Kane's vision of an army stripped of its humanity
and free will, the Enlightened are truly a horrifying sight to behold. While
their weaker brethren, the Awakened, still bear some traces of humanity in
their desiccated flesh, the Enlightened are almost entirely cybernetic, the
last vestiges of their prior form encased in layers of bone white battle armor,
faces concealed behind eyeless masks devoid of human emotion.

Slower than the Awakened, the Enlightened are also considerably more powerful,
capable of withstanding multiple hits from a Mammoth Tank without even breaking
their stride, before responding in kind with their devastating supercharged
particle beam and EMP emitters.

From the Nod Archives

The Redeemer

Mission: MARV Rising

Added: After you build a Redeemer


Details on the massive Nod Redeemer combat robot

The emergence of GDI's MARV in the Central African Red Zone, and its subsequent
drubbing of Nod's forces in the area, necessitated an immediate response from
the Brotherhood. After ambushing and, at great cost, eliminating the massive
GDI tank, Nod scientists performed an in-depth analysis of the vehicle's
construction and applied said knowledge to the construction of an appropriate

The Avatar, with its iconic appearance and heavy firepower, seemed to be the
best choice for a platform upon which to build this new combat unit, and thus
the Redeemer was born - a massive combat mech equipped with MARV-esque garrison
pods, an Obelisk-derived tri-part laser and a 'rage generator', designed to
push enemy combatants to the brink of insanity via subliminal brainwave
modification. Truly a mighty adversary.

From the Nod Archives

Tiberium Trooper

Mission: Tacitus Regained

Added: At the start of the mission


Details on Nod's Tiberium based short-range combat infantry

With the 'defection' of GDI's Dr. Giraud in 2047, Nod's ongoing experiments
with Liquid Tiberium have finally begun to bear fruit in the form of portable,
battlefield ready weaponry. The Tiberium Trooper is the first Nod combatant to
utilize these new armaments. His heavily armored, cybernetically enhanced form
is equipped with two large containment tanks and a reinforced spray nozzle,
allowing the rapid dispersion of Liquid Tiberium over a large area.

From the Nod Archives


Mission: All That Glitters

Added: When the Specter reinforcements arrive


Details on Nod's stealth artillery

Developed during the post-Second Tiberium War period, Nod's Specter stealth
artillery tank was designed as the ultimate evolution of the artillery-based
guerilla warfare tactics first developed in South-East Asia during the
mid-twentieth century. Alternating between two modes, one high-speed and
stealthed, the other visible and static but capable of launching high-impact
artillery from a massive distance, the Specter is a confounding opponent to
face in battle. Able to enter occupied territory undetected, deploy, take out
key structures and vanish before the enemy can hope to react, it is truly an
insidious and dangerous opponent. This is even more the case when the unit is
paired with the equally stealthy Nod Shadow Team, which has been equipped with
targeting beacons, allowing the Specter to launch bombardment attacks from an
even greater distance.

From the Nod Archives

Confessor Cabal

Mission: Persuade Him...

Added: When you encounter confessor infantry


Details on Nod's elite confessor infantry

While the Nod Confessor has been an increasingly common sight on the
battlefield since the Second Tiberium War, it was not until the establishment
of Brother Marcion's post-Slavik Black Hand that these armored priests were
considered effective combatants in their own right. Seeking to bolster his own
standing as a 'pure' religious figure, untainted by the purported heresy of his
predecessor, Marcion took the radical step of replacing his standard Nod
Militant advance guard with regiments of combat-ready Confessors, armed, as
always, with machine guns and psychotropic hallucinogenic grenades, all the
better to spread his word... and put his enemies to the sword.

From the Nod Archives


Mission: A Grand Gesture...

Added: After completing the second bonus objective


Details on Nod's first generation combat robot

A significantly more primitive precursor to Nod's Avatar,
Purifier was inspired by Brother Marcion's first hand urban combat experience
during the Second Tiberium war. After using an improvised flamethrower to rout
entrenched GDI forces, saving the rest of his regiment from certain death,
Marcion was declared a hero of Nod and saw his very presence have an
inspirational effect on the Nod Militants that surrounded him.

The Purifier was developed to recreate that experience, representing Marcion on
the battlefield in the iconic form of a hulking, flame-toting humanoid, one
equipped with a subliminal projection device that would enhance the morale and
righteousness of the Black Hand troops surrounding it. While by no means as
advanced or flexible as its successor, the Purifier is an effective combat unit
in its own right, especially when accompanied by infantry it can 'inspire.'

Ironically enough, upon its initial deployment, the Purifier was the subject of
no small amount of controversy, with many Black Hand hardliners decrying the
use of a 'soulless machine' within a religious army that otherwise stood
opposed to such devices. Marcion, seeking to prevent further schism within the
Black Hand, remedied the situation by requiring each machine be blessed by a
Black Hand abbot before entering the battlefield.

From the Nod Archives

GDI Zone Raider

Mission: MARV Rising

Added: When you encounter Zone Raiders


Details on GDI's Zone Raider elite infantry

Sleek, agile and heavily-armored, the Zone Raider was initially intended to
function as a lighter, speedier anti-air counterpart to GDI's bulky Zone
Trooper elite infantry unit. With the establishment of ZOCOM, the Zone
Raider's role was evolved into that of a first response Red Zone scouting unit,
with Tiberium-resistant armor, sonic grenades, and stealth detection
capabilities integrated into their core armor design.

From the GDI Archives

GDI Shatterer

Mission: The Doctor Vanishes

Added: When you complete the bonus objective


Details on GDI's sonic-based Shatterer hover vehicle

As with its non-mobile brethren, the Sonic Emitter Defensive Turret, the GDI
Shatterer was originally designed with Tiberium abatement in mind - using a
modified version of the aforementioned turret to propel concentrated waves of
sonic energy deep into the Tiberium Fields, operating safely from a
HoverTech-derived mobile platform.

However, with Nod's devastating attack on Washington DC, GDI High Command
ordered that the vehicle be re-designed as a combat vehicle. With the Sonic
Emitter's bulk leaving little room for armor, the slow-moving Shatterer is
something of a sitting duck. However, when deployed in unison with GDI's
other, more flexible armored elements, the Shatterer is a force to be reckoned

From the GDI Archives

GDI Slingshot

Mission: What is Rightfully Ours

Added: When you destroy a Slingshot


Details on GDI's Slingshot anti-air hover vehicle

With GDI's shuttering of its costly, failure prone HoverTech initiative in the
aftermath of the second Tiberium War, the GDI Slingshot is something of an
anomaly - the last bastion of this once dominant GDI program, finally out of
testing after a decade-long development phase. While this exclusively anti-air
vehicle is less vulnerable to Ion Storm interference than its predecessors, the
Slingshot remains a relatively fragile unit - trading armor and additional
weaponry for high speed, maneuverability and a powerful quad cannon that can
quickly bring even the most powerful aerial opponent crashing to the ground.

From the GDI Archives

GDI Hammerhead

Mission: What is Rightfully Ours

Added: After the first attack on your base


Details on GDI's Hammerhead heavy assault aircraft

A direct descendant of the assault/transport hybrid attack choppers of the 20th
century, the large, heavily-armored Hammerhead was designed to act as a longer
ranged compliment to the relatively range-limited GDI Orca. Armed with
multiple Vulcan Cannons and enough space to transport an entire infantry
regiment, the Hammerhead's secret weapon is its massive supply storage
capacity, allowing the aircraft to operate in the field for days at a time
without needing to either refuel or rearm.

From the GDI Archives

GDI Mammoth Armored Reclamation Vehicle (MARV)

Mission: MARV Rising

Added: After you destroy the first MARV


Details on GDI's Mammoth-derived anti-Tiberium tank

Born from the same initiative that led to the creation of ZOCOM, the Mammoth
Armored Reclamation Vehicle, or MARV, combines the near-impregnable armor and
massive firepower of GDI's most potent tank designs with a full-capacity
Tiberium processing facility. Tasked with single-handedly abating Tiberium in
Red Zones currently held by Nod or mutant separatist forces, the MARV was
designed with battlefield flexibility in mind. With a powerful main gun and
four upgradable hardpoints, the vehicle can adapt to changing combat
situations, take on any mix of enemy forces, and turn the tide of battle in a
matter of minutes. The MARV is truly a force to be reckoned with.

From the GDI Archives

GDI Combat Engineer

Mission: What is Rightfully Ours

Added: After the first attack on your base


Details on the arming of GDI's Engineer Corps

It has been a longstanding tradition of the GDI Engineering Corps to forego
weapons training, with its members preferring to spend their time studying
structural engineering and electronic subterfuge. However, Nod infiltration of
the civilian population has placed Engineers at increased risk, resulting in a
series of devastating casualties that have stripped the Corps of many of their
best and brightest.

In response, GDI has initiated a combat training program for any Engineering
Corps member facing a battlefield assignment, outfitting each with a pistol and
slightly upgraded body armor. The outcome of this effort remains to be seen,
but initial reports indicate that the Corps members still prefer to 'let the
fighters do the fighting.'

From the GDI Archives

GDI Behemoth

Mission: What is Rightfully Ours

Added: When you destroy a Behemoth


Details on GDI's modified assault walker

While an essential part of the GDI arsenal, the limited weapon payload of the
Juggernaut Mobile Artillery walker's left the vehicle uniquely vulnerable to
close-range engagement. After one too many Juggernauts were rendered a
smoldering heap by little more than a Nod infantry regiment, a frustrated GDI
Engineering Corps jury-rigged an infantry-capable garrison pod onto the
walker's chassis. The end result was so successful, not to mention devastating
to the ill-fated Nod recon patrols that came across it, that this updated
walker, nicknamed the Behemoth, was soon approved for full development. After
a period of field testing with the Steel Talons, the Behemoth is expected to
provide long range artillery support across the globe.

From the GDI Archives

Rocket Harvester

Mission: MARV Rising

Added: When you find a Rocket Harvester


Details of GDI's new, combat-ready Harvester

Of all GDI harvesting operations, ZOCOM's Red Zone abatement missions have
always been the most vulnerable to Nod and mutant attacks, often delving deep
into hostile territory with little more than a few Zone Raiders as an escort.
In a bid to cut down on Harvester losses, General Renteria commissioned the
development of an upgraded Harvester, outfitted with a high-impact rocket
turret that would, at the very least, hold the enemy at bay until backup

From the GDI Archives

Heavy Harvester

Mission: What is Rightfully Ours

Added: When you destroy a Heavy Harvester


Details on GDI's new, garrisonable Harvester

General Mitchell places a high value on battlefield flexibility, a doctrine
that spreads even to the Harvesters his Steel Talons employ for resource
gathering. Rather than the standard turret machine gun, the Steel Talon
Harvester is outfitted with an infantry capable garrison pod, allowing the
vehicle to be adapted to counter whatever threat the commander deems most

From the GDI Archives


Mission: Hearts and Minds

Added: When the Eradicator arrives


Details on the Scrin's massive combat unit

Rumors of a megalithic Scrin unit have been circulating amongst the populace in
recent months. Though there has yet to be a confirmed sighting, tales of a
massive, many-legged creature have spread rapidly throughout the yellow zones.
Ghostly imags, mostly taken from the edges of the infested red zones, show an
enormous lumbering beast, its insectoid features illuminated by a fierce glow
emanating from the center of its arthropodal body. Should these rumors prove
to be true, maximum discretion is advised.

(Source Redacted)

Reaper Tripod

Mission: Tacitus Interruptus

Added: After destroying a Reaper Tripod


Details on the heavily mutated Scrin Tripod

Reaper-17 have long displayed a disturbing fascination with the act of
excessive Tiberium infusion, an obsession considered both self-destructive and
needlessly wastefull by their fellow Scrin. However, for all of the
downsides, notably madness and death, the process does have its (albeit
disturbing) benefits. The most notable example would be the Reaper Tripod, a
horrifically mutated assault tripod equipped with a conversion beam, its bulk
form even stronger than the Annihilator employed by the conventional Scrin
mining force.

(Source Redacted)


Mission: Hearts and Minds

Added: At the start of the mission


Details on the heavily mutated Traveler mind-control infantry

Focused on infiltration and enslavement, the Traveler sect has long sought to
expand the powerful but limited mind control abilities of the Scrin Mastermind.
Years of experimentation, inbreeding and genetic research have finally
produced exactly what they seek - the Prodigy, a horrifically mutated
Mastermind blessed with the ability to posess not just individual entities, but
entire groups. The Prodigy is capable of blink-teleporting itself onto the
edges of an enemy encampment, seizing control of an entire regiment, and
staging a 'mutiny' without ever drawing attention to itself.

(Source Redacted)

Shielded Harvester

Mission: Tacitus Interruptus

Added: After annihilating the Ravagers


Details on the heavily shielded Scrin Harvester

While their Scrin brethren choose to avoid direct confrontation except when
absolutely necessary, the Cult of Reaper revel in danger and bloodshed.
Consequently, even their non-combat units require additional technological
support if they are to survive on the frontlines. Case in point, the Shielded
Harvester, a standard Scrin Harvester that has been jury rigged with an
Annihilator Tripod derived shielding system in the hopes of extending its life
on the battlefield.

(Source Redacted)


Mission: Hearts and Minds

Added: After completing the first bonus objective


Details on the heavily mutated human abductees

Perhaps the most twisted product of the Traveler sect's quest to control the
minds of all who oppose the Scrin, the Cultist is an unprecedented merging of
two species - the heavily mutated, insect-esque spawn of the Prodigy directly
implanted into the brain of a human abductee. While the Scrin offspring's
massive carapace makes it impossible for the Cultist to invisibly re-assimilate
into normal society, their limited mind control abilities and relative
disposability make them an increasingly common frontline unit for Traveler.

(Source Redacted)

Shard Walker

Mission: Tacitus Interruptus

Added: After destroying a Shard Walker


Details on the heavily mutated Scrin Gun walker

Believing the Scrin Gun Walker to be an antiquated relic, barely useful against
anything but the most primitive of cultures, the Cult of Reaper took upon
themselves the task of returning this once storied combatant to relevance.
After a prolonged period of ritualistic, Tiberium fuelled experimentation, the
Cult revealed their new Shard Walker. A being of equal parts machinery, flesh
and pure Tiberium, the Shard Walker is everything that the Gun Walker was not -
fast, tough and capable of projecting chunks of pure Tiberium at a rapid,
devastating pace.

| |
| 4.30) Nod Rumors |
| |
The Corruption of Brother Marcion

Mission: Persuade Him...

Added: At the end of the mission


Intercepted GDI Transmission


...Park contacting central GDI Central Command, do you...


...mission unfolding as planned. First objective has been met and was an
unqualified success. Marcion now regards Agent Park as an orthodox Nod fanatic
in his own mold. Target is proving very receptive to messages of disrust re:
Kane. Moving on to second objective - laying the groundwork for the 'removal'
of Slavik.


Seeds have been planted...


Park out.

Intercepted and decoded by Brother Othus Qatar

Mysterious Homestead Attacks Continue

Mission: The Betrayal of Kilian Qatar

Added: After capturing the Ion Shield Research Center


Archived Report on massacre of Nod separatists

For the third time this year, a separatist Nod settlement in the Central
African region has been brutally attacked. While investiations are ongoing,
intitial reports identify the deceased as respected prophecy scholar Caleb
Kovacs, his wife Ileana, daugher Alexa and an unidentified number of servants.

While the mainstream media continues to dismiss these attacks as the work of
Mutant fundamentalists, the Fist of the Prophet can exclusively reveal that
there may be more sinister forces behind the attack - forces stemming from
within the Brotherhood itself. Evidence gathered from the ruins (and,
according to our sources, suppressed on the direct orders of Anton Slavik) has
been made available to us.

Analysis of this evidence reveals the attackers not to be Mutants, but Cyborgs,
under the direct control of the renegade AI CABAL. The Fist has raised
concerns about CABAL's stability and the Brotherhood's general dependence on
such soulless machinery in the past, but even as the evidence mounts, Slavik
refuses to accept the truth, and now the Prophet's most devout followers are
paying the price for his willful blindness.

Excerpt from 'Fist of the Prophet', underground Nod Separatist infocast

| |
| 4.40) Nod Background |
| |
Brother Marcion, Biography

Mission: Persuade Him...

Added: At the start of the mission


Biographical Details of Black Hand Leader

Once the leader of the Brotherhood's religious wing, charged with proselytizing
the prophecies of Kane, Marcion grew disillusioned with the Brotherhood and its
leader as the Second Tiberium War drew to a close. Increasingly outspoken, few
within the Inner Circle were surprised when Marcion was the first to break with
Nod following their devastating series of losses, branding the deceased Prophet
a charlatan and retreating to the Australian outback.

Marcion was not quiet for long; his powerful oratorical skills and deeply
ascetic lifestyle won him many devotees in what would come to be known as
yellow zones. Within a year of his break with Nod, Marcion had organized his
followers into a disciplined theocratic army - the 'new' Black Hand. Dedicated
to spreading 'truth and purity of the Tiberium prophecy,' their popular support
continues to grow amongst the increasingly splintered Nod survivors.

Rumors that GDI had a hand in Marcion's break with Kane remain unsubstantiated.

Excerpt from 'Kane: Visionary or Maniac?' by Carlos Del Mar

Kane - My Lowest Ebb

Mission: The Rio Insurrection


Excerpt from private audiologs of the prophet Kane

My brothers, the departed, are surely looking down at me with contempt. After
millenia, their ultimate vision of my fate has been realized. I have been
rendered impotent, a sham, a failure, my very existence a mockery of all that I
know to be right and true. Once a prophet, the messiah for this world, now
imprisoned. As I lie here, trapped in these tubes, in this twisted, ruined
shell of a body, the Brotherhood of Nod has been torn asunder by the infighting
and heresy of those who presume to speak in my stead. Is it any wonder my
followers have scattered to the four winds?

I think not.

So, has it come to this, that all that I fought for, all that I have
sacrificed, is as dust?

This cannot be...
...I must heal, I must survive, I must claw myself up from this pit...

...and then, truly, shall this pitiful world - and my dear departed brothers -
know my wrath.

(Source Redacted)

Kane - A Spark...

Mission: The Rio Insurrection


Excerpt from private audiologs of the prophet Kane

Curse this mask, these tubes that imprison me, for even as my flesh is
restored, my mind is left to wander alone in darkness. This isolation, it
weighs heavily upon me. I must focus, think, lest insanity take me once and
for all.

I must prepare... I must plan...

...and so it is that my thoughts turn to CABAL, that which was my creation and
is now, in a way, part of what I have become. In the end, the AI's legacy was
little more than wanton destruction, proof to the heretics that I am nothing
but the madman they claim me to be. Yet, deep within that AI, within its very
conception, there lies a spark, a light, a sign.

There is something there, something hidden, something... great. I must think
more on this.

(Source Redacted)

Kane - Awakening

Mission: What is Rightfully Ours

Added: At the end of the mission


Excerpt from private audiologs of the prophet Kane

...and so the day comes, the day when at last I emerge from this hated
apparatus and again walk upon the Earth. My face is scarred, true, and thus
must be kept hidden from those who seem me, but my hands, my eyes, my mind,
these are mine again to command.

Years I have waited, body in ruins, roaming the darkened recesses of my own
mind, and in those darkened corners I found inspiration... I found a vision, a
plan. Now it is time to make that vision a reality.

The world sleeps, hostage to its own ignorance, for it knows not what is yet to

(Source Redacted)

Kane - Realization

Mission: Persuade Him...

Added: At the end of the mission


Excerpt from private audiologs of the prophet Kane

Blessed be he who has preserved these shards of the Tacitus, for within them I
find the means to transform the visions of my... confinement... into reality.
The journey is arduous, true, but with each day spent, each gauntlet passed, I
move one step closer to my ultimate goal... creation!

(Source Redacted)

Kane - Creation

Mission: A Grand Gesture...

Added: At the end of the mission


Excerpt from private audiologs of the prophet Kane

It has all been worth it - the isolation, the failures, the frustration, the
agony of years spent devoid of senses, locked in a forsaken tube - all of it.
For today I reached out and gave life to something, something new, something
the world has never before seen, born from memories of the Tacitus, shaped in
my image, created with one vision...

One purpose.

This creation of mine, it is far more than anything that has come before - no
mere AI, no CABAL-esque simulacra, nor a sentient bag of flesh, a mere genetic
anomaly laying claim to the Earth through some misguided sense of privilege...

No, this is something greater. This is... LEGION.

'For the world shall quake at his footsteps, and all shall begin anew.'

(Source Redacted)

Black Hand - Origins

Mission: Persuade Him...

Added: After destroying the pulse scanners


Background on the Black Hand Nod splinter faction

A cult within a cult, the origins of the Black Hand date
to soon after the founding of Nod itself. Initially established as a form of
religious police and tasked with enforcing adherence to the teachings of Kane,
in the ensuing years the Black Hand saw their purview expand significantly. By
the time of the Second Tiberium War, the cult had become Kane's chosen wardens
of all things religious, charged with the distributing and proselytizing of his
prophecies while also maintaining spiritual discipline within the
Brotherhood... by force if necessary.

The Black Hand maintains a parellel organization within the Brotherhood with
political, religious and military wings.

Yet, for all of their power and influence, until recently the Black Hand had
managed to maintain a surprisingly low profile, shrouding their rituals,
beliefs and, to the world beyond Nod, their very existence in a veil of
mystery and obfuscation. However, as the Second Tiberium War drew to a close,
all this would change. With Kane's 'death', Anton Slavik, a respected military
leader, rose to become leader of the Brotherhood of Nod - and revealed himself
to be a Black Hand prelate, raised from childhood within the cult. Needless to
say, Slavik's ascent drew significant attention to the Black Hand, attention
that was not always welcomed.

Unsurprisingly, many within the Black Hand chafed at the cult's new public
profile, with internal dissent quickly escalating into a series of impassioned
public confrontations between Slavik loyalists and those who claimed the Nod
leader to be a traitor to the Black Hand's true purpose. From within the
anti-Slavik ranks there soon rose a figure who could stand toe-to-toe with
Slavik, an impassioned and popular preacher by the name of Brother Marcion.
With leaders chosen and battle-lines drawn, what had started as a doctrinal
disagreement had quickly escalated into a schism that threatened the very
existence of Nod itself.

Despite the Inner Circle's repeated attempts to heal the rift, the situation
soon spun out of control, leaving Slavik dead at the hands of an assassin and
Marcion and his followers retreating to self-impossed exile in the Australian
outback. These cataclysmic events splintered the remainder of the Brotherhood
into countless sub-factions, each claiming to follow the 'true' word of the
Prophet, with, ironically, Marcion's new Black Hand serving as one of four
surviving links to the Brotherhood's storied past.

Now claiming himself to be the one true prophet, and, in turn, branding Kane a
heretic and charlatan, Marcion sets forth to make his own mark upon the world.

Excerpt from 'Marcion - as I Knew Him', by Elbert Goldman

Steel Talons - Origins

Mission: What is Rightfully Ours

Added: After the first attack on your base


Background on the GDI Steel Talons experimental warfare division

With the end of the Second Tiberium War and the Brotherhood of Nod's subsequent
implosion, GDI came to believe that the quasi-state and fanatical cult no
longer represented a significant threat to Earth's population. Consequently,
GDI shifted its strategic goals from defeating Nod to the reclamation of those
parts of the planet previously consumed by Tiberium. The vast majority of
GDI's research and development budget was repurposed to futher that goal,
bringing to a close the period of rapid technological development that had
characterized GDI's military over the previous several decades.

Needless to say, there were several within the military who questioned this new
directive - notably General Joshua 'Mitch' Michell, a decorated veteran of the
Second Tiberium War renowned for his youth, aggressiveness and tactical
innovation. Mitchell contended that while Nod may have been defeated, it would
be foolish for GDI to assume that no successor would rise from the dispirited
populace of an increasingly Tiberium-stricken earth. Therefore, he argued,
funds allocated towards Tiberium control should instead be earmarked for the
research and development of new combat technology, in anticipation of this next
potential conflict.

After a lengthy, volatile hearing, Mitchell emerged with a partial victory.
While GDI refused to divert a significant part of its R&D budget to the
General's cause, they did agree to fund a new experimental combat tecnology
division under Mitchell. Dubbed the 'Steel Talons' by Mitchell's admirers -
notably famed war hero Nick 'Havoc' Parker - this elite, unconventional combat
battalion quickly rose to prominence in the splinter faction skirmishes that
followed Nod's implosion, becoming known both for their ruthless efficiency on
the battlefield and for the shroud of secrecy they maintained at all other

Excerpt from 'GDI and the Future of War,' by Xavier Des Jardins

Alexas Kovacs, Biography

Mission: Keys to the Kingdom

Added: At the start of the mission


Biographical Details of Abbess Kovacs, ward of LEGION project

Raised in near isolation by migratory Nod separatists on the edge of what would
become the Central African Red Zone, Alexa Kovacs was orphaned in her
pre-teens. After surviving over a year alone in the burnt-out remains of her
parents' homestead, Alexa was discovered mute and near-starving by a
patrolling group of Nod scavengers.

Intelligent and pragmatic, she quickly took up with her rescuers as a rookie
zone runner. Kovac's devout religious beliefs and near-preternatural
understanding of cybernetics and AI quickly garnered attention within the
Brotherhood, leading to her enrollment in the Nod Academy.

Rising quickly through the ranks post-graduation, Kovacs developed a reputation
for coldness, reserve and near-fanatical religious dogmatism that segregated
her from her peers - and drew the attention of Kane himself. Despite her
youth, Alexa was raised to the level of Abbess and enlisted to participate in
one of the Nod leader's most secretive projects - working on the development of
LEGION, a CABAL-derived experimental combat AI.

Excerpt from 'Nod in the Post-Kane Era', by Ficus Quartermaine, PHD

Marked of Kane - Origins

Mission: Will Made Flesh

Added: At the end of the mission


Background on Nod Marked of Kane Cyborg Cult

As the First Tiberium War drew to a close, pervasive and disturbing rumors
began to emerge from the Tiberium wastelands of Central Asia and the Russian
Steppes. Nomadic travelers and Nod separatist colonies alike have shared
tales of Nod bunkers hidden deep beneath the earth - laboratories where cultish
techno-fetishists perform horrific rituals upon the corpses of the
Brotherhood's fallen - the goal? Nothing less than raising the dead.

Needless to say, Nod has continually denied all knowledge of any such acts, and
even those within the Brotherhood believe these Necromantic tales to be little
more than the mutterings of frightened outcasts. The truth, however, is far
stranger. In the aftermath of his first defeat at the hands of GDI, Kane spent
long days pondering how it was that Nod had been defeated. Ultimately, he
formulated a unique hypothesis - the humanity of his soldiers had been their
undoing. Thus, the Prophet concluded, to achieve victory, he would require an
army devoid of free will - of love, hate, fear, and regret, of both conscience
and consciousness, a legion that would willingly and unquestionably obey his
every command.

To that end, Kane initiated the development of an army of emotionless,
endlessly malleable cybernetic warriors that would do his bidding without
question. Knowing that such research would cause dissension within the ranks
of his existing army, the Prophet sequestered this work in the hinterlands of
Russia and China, where few would stumble across the project and even fewer
would be believed if they shared such tales.

The path was long and arduous, and outside of a few promising developments -
the most notable being the cyborg armies of CABAL - far from successful.
Eventually, as the Second Tiberium War drew to a close, the Marked of Kane
finally neared completion. However, it was too late to save Nod and the Marked
of Kane were left to slumber deep beneath the Earth, awaiting their master's

(Source Redacted)

ZOCOM - Origins

Mission: MARV Rising

Added: At the start of the mission


Background on the GDI ZOCOM Tiberium eradication division

With a post-Nod GDI shifting its focus to the reduction and eventual
elimination of Tibeirum, it was natural for the council to establish a branch
of the military tasked with the enforcement and execution of that goal - Zone
Operations Command, or ZOCOM. Their peacetime mission was threefold; to
improve GDI's military capabilities within areas of high Tiberium infestation,
to establish 'beachheads' within such areas allowing reclamation to commence,
and to protect existing reclamation operations from any attacks, be they
terrorist or mutant in origin.

Command was given to the eminently qualified C. Elena Renteria, a decorated
war hero and one of the first women to rise to the rank of General within GDI.
Beyond her reputation as a smart, no-nonsense battlefield commander,
Renteria's unique upbringing provided insight into the task at hand. The
daughter of Mexican nationals, the General spent her childhood in the Tiberium
wastelands of Central Africa, while her parents, both GDI scientists,
attempted to understand and contain the deadly crystal. After witnessing
firsthand the devastating effect of Tiberium on the human population of those
areas, Renteria dedicated the rest of her life to its elimination; first
focusing on the systematic and ruthless dismantling of the Brotherhood of Nod,
and then later through ZOCOM's Tiberium control and reclamation operations.

Few would deny that Red Zone service is perhaps the most demanding of any GDI
assignment. Most soldiers cannot endure significant Tiberium exposure for more
than a few weeks at a time without risking serious physical and psychological
damage. There are exceptions, however - men and women who find the experience
of living and fighting in a near alien environment to be an energizing,
engaging experience. These individuals quickly find themselves assigned to
ZOCOM - and few, if any, would be happy anywhere else.

Excerpt from 'C. Elena Renteria: My Life' by C. Elena Renteria

Reaper-17 - Origins

Mission: Tacitus Interruptus

Added: After the Scrin arrive


Background on the Scrin Cult of Reaper

Throughout the many worlds beyond our own, few names have inspired as much fear
and fascination as the Cult of Reaper, a mysterious, ritualistically violent
Scrin caste that takes as its creed the brutal, public extermination of any
being unwise enough to stand in the way of the race's advancement. Believed to
have been established in eons past as a first-strike native pacification force,
the Cult has since cloaked its purpose in religious overtones. The members
regard it as their divine right to cleanse planets of any life forms perceived
as potentially dangerous, with that definition determined almost entirely
within the cult itself.

Even within the Cult of Reaper, the 17th sect are considered almost
preternaturally violent, displaying acts of unparelleled cruelty such that few
within the Scrin wish to even acknowledge their existence. Of particular
distaste to their fellow Scrin is Reaper-17's penchant for excessive Tibeirum
infusion, far beyond that which its parent race requires to survive. This
deranged form of self-mutilation, a form of religious zealotry, has left many
of their members as grotesquely mutated as they are immensely powerful.
Outcasts even within their own society, Reaper-17 continue to plow their own
bloody furrow... one that will next lead them to the planet known as Earth.

(Source Unknown)

Traveler-59 - Origins

Mission: Hearts and Minds

Added: After destroying two Drone Platforms


Background on the Scrin Traveler Sect

If Reaper-17 embody the darkest impulses of the Scrin, the benignly named
Traveler sect represent something far more insidious. Trained from birth in
the art of subterfuge, Traveler cells specialize in nothing less than the
infiltration, destabilization and eventual enslavement of entire rival species.
Where the Cult of Reaper seek to dominate through brute force, making bloody
examples of those who oppose them, Traveler instead attempt to draw as little
attention to themselves as possible. Traveler pods will blink-teleport into
hostile territory and deploy Prodigy units - Tiberium-mutated Masterminds with
significantly enhanced mental faculties - bringing the entire population under
Scrin control within days.

Traveler-59 is the most recent cell raised to full active duty, and has yet to
be verified as combat-ready on the battlefield. Recently attached to the Scrin
mining fleet on the far side of Pluto, the cell has activated far-reaching
scanning technology to locate its first host planet. In addition, the cell has
been outfitted with a new, more efficient form of enslavement - twisted
offspring of the Prodigy capable of being implanted directly into the cerebral
corext of an abducted life form. The victims gain limited mind control
abilities... at the cost of complete subservience.

The Earth shall be their proving ground...

(Source Unknown)

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7.01) Version History
July 18th, 2008
- Posted the first version of the entire walkthrough and intel sections.
Despite my note in my Tiberium Wars guide, I doubt I'll bother putting a unit
and structures list in here. I just don't have the motivation, and I don't
feel people really care enough to make it worth my time.

7.02) Closing

As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on The Brink, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with
a quick screenshot or two to help out.

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email me at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Enjoy the game, and
thanks for taking a look at the guide.

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