Spider-Man 2 - The Game

Spider-Man 2 - The Game

17.10.2013 22:47:53
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(c)2004 Barry Scott Will
Author's Web site:

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA.

Spider-Man (tm)Marvel Comics
Spider-Man 2: The Game (c)2004 Activision

This walkthrough is not endorsed by, nor is the author associated with,
either Activision or Marvel Comics.

ASCII title art courtesy of the ASCII Generator at

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[1] Version History
[2] Errata
[3] Overview
[4] Controls
[5] Items and Other Things
[6] Walkthrough
[6.1] Mission: Tutorial
[6.1.1] Objective: Follow the webswing course.
[6.1.2] Objective: Crawl to the checkpoint.
[6.1.3] Objective: Zip to the next checkpoint.
[6.1.4] Objective: Double-jump to the checkpoint.
[6.1.5] Objective: Web zip to the Spider Sense Tutorial.
[6.1.6] Objective: Walk to the checkpoint and avoid danger.
[6.2] Mission: Rhino's Rampage
[6.2.1] Objective: Investigate the gray van.
[6.2.2] Objective: Follow the gray van to its destination.
[6.2.3] Objective: Stop the prison break!
[6.2.4] Objective: Prevent Rhino from escaping!
[6.3] Mission: Bronx Free Play
[6.4] Mission: 8-Armed Robbery
[6.4.1] Objective: Find and rescue Aunt May.
[6.4.2] Objective: Find and rescue the entrance security guard.
[6.4.3] Objective: Get to the security room.
[6.4.4] Objective: Open up the second floor fire doors.
[6.4.5] Objective: Rescue the security guard on the second floor.
[6.4.6] Objective: Take the first floor elevator to the basement.
[6.4.7] Objective: Find and rescue the basement security guard.
[6.4.8] Objective: Open the cash vault.
[6.4.9] Objective: Find and rescue the vault security guard.
[6.4.10] Objective: Open the precious metals vault.
[6.4.11] Objective: Get to the precious metals vault.
[6.4.12] Objective: Defeat Doc Ock.
[6.5] Mission: Downtown Free Play
[6.6] Mission: Puma Pounces
[6.6.1] Objective: Follow Mary Jane's car.
[6.6.2] Objective: Catch Puma.
[6.7] Mission: OsCorp Assault
[6.7.1] Objective: Find out what is happening at OsCorp.
[6.7.2] Objective: Enter OsCorp.
[6.7.3] Objective: Investigate the lobby.
[6.7.4] Objective: Save the scientist from the henchman.
[6.7.5] Objective: Rescue the five scientists.
[6.7.6] Objective: Defeat the henchman and keep looking for Doc!
[6.7.7] Objective: Find and stop Doc Ock!
[6.7.8] Objective: Find and defuse the bombs.
[6.7.9] Objective: Quickly return to the security room!
[6.7.10] Objective: Make Rhino ram the generators.
[6.7.11] Objective: Put Rhino on ice!
[6.8] Mission: Mysterio's Calamity
[6.8.1] Objective: Destroy the generators.
[6.8.2] Objective: Exit through the portal.
[6.8.3] Objective: Destroy the generators.
[6.8.4] Objective: Exit through the portal.
[6.8.5] Objective: Defeat Mysterio.
[6.9] Mission: Subway Peril
[6.9.1] Objective: Survive the ambush.
[6.9.2] Objective: Follow Doc Ock.
[6.9.3] Objective: Catch the train!
[6.9.4] Objective: Survive the train ride.
[6.9.5] Objective: Enter the main warehouse.
[6.10] Mission: Final Battle
[6.11] Mission 11: Free Play
[6.11.1] Bronx
[6.11.2] Downtown
[6.11.3] Midtown/Crystal Tower
[7] Exotic Spider List
[7.1] Blue spiders
[7.2] Green spiders
[7.3] Orange spiders
[7.4] Purple spiders
[7.5] Red spiders
[7.6] Silver spiders
[8] Escaped Inmate List
[9] Credits

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1.00 (2004-07-14)
- First release

1.10 (2004-07-17)
- Added more exotic spider locations
+ Numbers 8, 9 and 10; blue
- Corrected the locations of blue spider #5 and green spider #1
- Added more escaped inmate locations
+ [8.22] Ditto Coupier

1.20 (2004-08-07)
- Added more escaped inmate locations
+ [8.23] Danny "The Yolk" Davis [C1]
+ [8.24] Whaleback Slim [C1]
+ [8.25] Silas "The Crab" Crabtree[C1]
+ [8.26] Franklin Bees[C1]
+ [8.27] Lenny Boogleschmidtz[C1]
+ [8.28] Mace "The Meat" Burger[C1]
- Corrected the locations of blue spider #7 and green spider #3
- Corrected maps of the Bronx and Downtown
- Moved Bronx map and free play information from [6.3.1] to [6.11.1]
- Moved Downtown map and free play info from [6.5.1] to [6.11.2]
- Added map of Midtown/Crystal Tower in section [6.11.3]
- Moved free play information for Midtown from [6.6.8] to [6.11.3]
- Added more exotic spider locations
+ Number 9 orange
+ Number 10 orange [C1]
+ Numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 purple
+ Number 8 red
+ Number 1 silver (moved all existing silvers ahead one number)
- Made changes to section [6.6], Puma Pounces
- Reduced the size of the Table of Contents
- Added ASCII title art

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| [2] ERRATA |

I do not, as yet, have the locations of all 78 exotic spiders. This
walkthrough currently contains the locations of 57 spiders. I will add more
as I find them or am informed of them by readers. If you send me the
location of a hidden item, I will credit you in the end credits. Please
make sure you send detailed instructions on how to reach the hidden item,
and send it to .

Thanks to Josh Erickson (who provided me with the final six), I now have
the locations of all 28 escaped inmates.

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| [3] OVERVIEW |

Spider-Man 2: The Game (hereafter referred to as SM2) for the PC is a
radically different game than has been released on the various game
consoles. First, and foremost, it is highly linear with less free
exploration allowed. On the one hand, this makes writing a walkthrough very
simple. On the other hand, some players may find this style of gameplay too

Second, SM2 for the PC is rated E rather than T and the game reflects the
need to appeal to a younger audience. If this is what you are looking for
(and it works for me because my children want to play it also), then this
is the guide you want. If you want to buy or have bought a console version,
don't read any further. Nothing in this guide will apply to your version of

Overall, I enjoyed this game. While very linear in approach, and with
gameplay designed for children, it was much more satisfying than the
equally child-themed PC version of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban. The graphics are pretty good; the voice-acting is mostly top-
notch. (Tobey Maguire and Alfred Molina reprise their roles from the movie,
and Bruce Campbell is the tutorial guide--great fun.)

Like many recent games, audio is compressed with the open-source Ogg Vorbis
algorithm. In HP3, this caused crackling on my PC. No such problems
manifested in SM2. My mid-range ATI Radeon 9600 handled 1280x1024x32bpp
resolution and all graphic goodies turned up without a hiccough. Yes, the
game was very easy, but there are times when I want easy. Well, OK, the
final battle was just a little too easy, but...

Enough about what I think and on with the guide...!

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| [4] CONTROLS |

The default controls are real basic:

W - Move forward
S - Move backward
A - Step (strafe) left
D - Step (strafe) right
Space - Duck/crouch
Left mouse button - Action*
Right mouse button - Jump
Double-click right mouse button - Double-jump

You can, of course, map any key combination you like. The only thing that
appears to be lacking is the ability to use a gamepad--a nasty oversight
for such a simple game like this. Move the mouse to adjust your camera, and
the direction in which you will move forward and backward.

*The Action key (default: left mouse button) performs the action currently
showing under your "cursor"--the spider symbol in the middle of the screen.
Possible actions include: Swing, Shoot, Web, Zip, Attack, Use, etc.; and
they vary depending on the target at which you are aiming. If nothing shows
under your cursor, pressing the Action button has no effect.

Three of the most important actions with which you will need to be

[4.1] SWING
Spider-Man can only swing from web targets placed around the game. These
are mostly found in the streets of New York. If you aim at a web target and
it glows green, you are close enough to hit it and begin swinging. You can
use the mouse to make small adjustments in the direction of your swing. You
can also use the mouse to "rock" yourself higher (much like you would do on
a swing set) and propel yourself across great distances by jumping at the
pinnacle of your swing. Release a web swing by pressing the right mouse
button or using the Action button to initiate another action (such as
swinging to a new target, zipping away, etc.).

[4.2] ZIP
Zipping is the process of grabbing, with your web, walls, floors, ceilings
and other objects and pulling yourself to them. This is, probably, the most
important skill in the game as it is necessary to keep yourself alive in
many fights by quickly pulling you away from your attacker. Practice
zipping as much as possible while playing so you grow comfortable with it.
Remember, you can only zip to an object if ZIP shows on your cursor. Not
every object in the game can be reached this way.

You can get extra height for a jump by double-jumping. Doing this properly
requires a quick double-click of the Jump button (default right mouse
button) or clicking the second time at the height of your first jump. There
are a number of objectives that can only be reached if you master this
skill. Practice controlling your jumps early and often.

[4.4] COMBAT
Combat is pretty basic, this isn't a fighting game in any sense of the
word, and Spidey's only weapons are his fists, feet and web. When close
enough to an enemy, aim the cursor at him until it shows Attack and then
press the Action button repeatedly to pummel the bad guy (there are no bad
gals in this game). From a distance, you can temporarily disable your enemy
by hitting him with a web (aim the cursor until you see WEB in the action
space). When defeated, the enemy will disappear, usually leaving a health
cross in his place. Certain enemies (primarily the robots you encounter in
one particular mission) can be shot with your web shooter. Aim the cursor
until you see Shoot and then press the Action button.

Some of the bad guys are packing heat; although, they shoot little balls of
energy, not bullets. Hit them with web to temporarily disable them; or, if
you can aim well enough, use your web to yank the gun from them (aim until
you see PULL on the cursor).

As you fight, you build adrenaline. When your adrenaline meter is full, you
can throw super punches (Spidey will glow) that can take out all enemies
but bosses in a single punch. You can continue to throw super punches until
your adrenaline meter runs out; then, you have to build it back up again.
You can find adrenaline balls in the game (see Items and Other Things
below) that will build up your meter without fighting.

You can also attack multiple enemies by jump-kicking. Press Jump (right
mouse button) while surrounded, and then press the Action button. This is
also a more powerful attack when aimed at a single foe.

There are three basic types of enemies in the game: standard thug, super
thug and robot.

[4.4.1] Standard Thugs
Nothing special about these guys. Some are tougher and take more hits
before they go down. All the gun-toting thugs are standard thugs.

[4.4.2] Super Thugs
Super thugs are bigger and badder than their standard cronies. They pack
more of a wallop, and they can hit you with a shockwave. Best dealt with
when you are hyped up on adrenaline, web these guys from a distance in
order to land a few punches. When not stunned or webbed, they can block
most of your normal attacks; but, go down to one super punch. Super thugs
never carry weapons.

[4.4.3] Robots
You only encounter robots during Mission 8: Mysterio's Calamity. They will
shoot at you from a distance with Spidey-homing energy bolts, and switch to
punching when you close up. You can shoot them as well using your web. If
you attack with fists and feet, make sure you knock them away with the
final punch or else jump back; they will injure you when they explode. If
you have enough space to work with, you can shoot them from further away
than they can shoot you. This is a good tactic.

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As you play the game, you will be collecting two types of hidden objects:
exotic spiders and escaped inmates. There are 78 exotic spiders and 28
escaped inmates hidden throughout the game. Exotic spiders can be
distinguished by the glowing rings that surround them. Walk over them or
PULL them with your web to collect them. Escaped inmates are thugs wearing
black-and-white prison garb. They must be fought and defeated to "collect"

Not hidden, but even more important, are the power-ups available. There are
two: health crosses and adrenaline balls. Health crosses restore health
that has been taken away in fights. They come in different sizes that
restore different amounts of health. Adrenaline balls look like little
glowing balls of electricity. They boost your adrenaline meter so you can
use your super punches more often.

There are also various minigames hidden in the game. Look for an ordinary
object (snack machine, copier, postal box, etc.) that has the "Use" symbol
over it. (The Use symbol is a pair of white arrows in blue boxes moving
either left/right or up/down.) PULL the object with your web. Alternately,
you may find small columns of blue light. Step into the column to activate
the minigame. There are five types of minigame; each has a time limit that
varies by the difficulty of the game:

1) Collect the targets. Targets will fly out from the object you activated,
and you must swing, crawl or zip your way to them.

2) Skeet shooting. Targets fly out from the activated object, and you must
shoot them with your web.

3) Color matching. Similar to skeet shooting, but shooting a target causes
it to change color. Make all targets the same color in the time limit.

4) Obstacle course. Swing, jump, crawl or zip your way through a series of

5) Crime scene: You witness a crime and must apprehend the culprit.

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[6.1.1] Objective: Follow the webswing course.
Following a brief cutscene where you witness the "birth" of Doc Ock, you
begin the tutorial, in which you learn the basic controls and actions in
the game. Your first task is to swing around the block using the web
targets. Aim at a target with your spider cursor until the word SWING
appears and the target glows green. Press the Action button to shoot a web
string at the target and begin swinging. As you reach the pinnacle of your
swing, aim at the next target and press the Action button to grab it and
continue swinging. You'll have to adjust your direction to get around
corners. While you're swinging, note the directional arrow at the top
center of the screen. This arrow will almost always be available to point
you towards your current mission objective.

[6.1.2] Objective: Crawl to the checkpoint.
Real basic stuff. You might want to crawl around a bit just to get a feel
for the perspective offered by the game. Try crawling down the wall for a
bit. To reach the checkpoint, crawl up to a ledge, run across and crawl up
to the red checkpoint.

[6.1.3] Objective: Zip to the next checkpoint.
Press the right mouse button to jump away from the wall and land on the
ledge. Aim your spider cursor at the checkpoint across the street and press
the Action button to zip over. See how cool that is? Practice zipping...a

[6.1.4] Objective: Double-jump to the checkpoint.
Double-click the Jump button to perform a double-jump up to the checkpoint.

[6.1.5] Objective: Web zip to the Spider Sense Tutorial.
Zip across the street and climb the building to the next checkpoint.

[6.1.6] Objective: Walk to the checkpoint and avoid danger.
There are actually two levels of Spider Sense in the game. For now, all
you're worried about is the higher level sense, the one that means ACT NOW
OR DIE! Walk to the checkpoint and watch your Spidey sense go off. The game
will pause and you will be presented with an action that must be taken.
(Usually Jump.) Take the necessary action before the little timer runs out
and watch yourself avoid the fatal accident.

The lower level of Spider Sense signals a hidden object nearby. This type
of sense does not pause the game, but it does present you with glowing
arrows on all sides of the screen. When you see it, look for a hidden
object. (See ITEMS AND OTHER THINGS above.)

[6.1.7] Objective: Dispatch the bad guys.
This is where you learn how to fight. There's not much too it, just aim
with your cursor and press the Action button. Practice your jump attack
(press Jump then Action), which is more powerful and useful--especially
against multiple enemies.

That's it! You've finished the tutorial; now on to the main game.


[6.2.1] Objective: Investigate the gray van.
You'll watch a brief cutscene of police cars chasing a gray van. The van
will crash and two thugs will jump out. You'll be put back in control with
the simple mission of dispatching the two thugs. The van will then go
screeching down the street.

[6.2.2] Objective: Follow the gray van to its destination.
Look down the street in the direction the van fled. Look up to find the
nearest web target and swing up. Swing to the next target, which will take
you to the corner. Swing up, but don't swing to the next target. Instead,
release and zip to the building to your left, at the end of the little
alley. (There's a tunnel under the building, but it is blocked.) Climb to
the top and run across the roof.

Look down to find a web target. Jump down and then swing down the street to
your left. If you look below, you'll see the gray van. When you reach the
corner, you'll see a cutscene of a prison break.

[6.2.3] Objective: Stop the prison break!
You begin outside the main gates of the prison. The walls are topped with
an electrical barrier. There are thugs with guns on top of the walls. The
quickest way across is to zip to the top of one of the guard towers. Jump
down on the wall on one side and dispatch the thug with a gun. Web the thug
across on the other wall and then jump across and take care of him.

Now jump down in the courtyard and deal with the three zebra-suited inmates
who are fighting prison guards. Once they are all gone, the prison gates
will be blown open and three thugs will rush in. While you are dealing with
them, you will be taking shots from a thug inside the prison. Deal with the
ones on the ground quickly, and then run over to the prison wall to avoid
getting shot.

Climb the wall and deal with the thug who has been shooting at you. More
inmates will come rushing from inside the prison. Deal with the three on
the ground and then zip back up to the top of the outer wall where another
thug has suddenly arrived to shoot at you.

When you have finished with the shooter on the wall, you'll be placed back
in front of the wall into the prison. Rhino will come busting out of prison
and your Spidey sense will go off. Hit Left (default A) and then jump
(default right mouse button) to avoid taking damage as Rhino charges.

[6.2.4] Objective: Prevent Rhino from escaping!
If you need some health, zip around the inside of the prison collecting
health crosses; then, exit the prison to initiate the first fight with
Rhino. Double-jump to avoid his shockwave--start your double-jump at the
same time Rhino jumps. Then quickly close and beat on him until the green
circles that indicate he's stunned wear off. Rinse-and-repeat until Rhino
runs off down the street and is captured in a containment field.

Swing around the corner and drop down inside the containment field with
Rhino. (Get health crosses from the surrounding area first, if you need
them.) Wait for him to start his charge and then jump or double-jump out of
his way. The best way to handle this is to wait until he snorts and then
double-jump straight up. When you land, close in and beat on him a few
times. Rinse-and-repeat until Rhino breaks the containment field, runs down
the street and starts some fires at a gas station before being spirited
away by Doc Ock.

[6.2.5] Objective: Find a way to extinguish the fires.
Just find the three fire hydrants and PULL them with your Web.

[6.2.6] Objective: Defeat the bad guys.
This is your introduction to using adrenaline. Run to the three thugs and
wallop them with your super punches.


[6.3.1] Objective: Get to Downtown.
At this point you have the opportunity to engage in your first free play
time. You can jump down to section [6.11.1] and explore the Bronx, or just
follow the directional arrow to Downtown.


[6.4.1] Objective: Find and rescue Aunt May.
During a visit to First National Bank with Aunt May, Doc Ock arrives to
make a withdrawal. After the cutscene, there are two thugs in front of you.
Deal with them and then turn to the left (toward the front of the bank) and
enter the teller stations and dispose of two more thugs (one with a gun) to
rescue Aunt May.

[6.4.2] Objective: Find and rescue the entrance security guard.
The layout of the ground floor of the bank is quite symmetrical. The lobby
has two sets of teller stations to either side of the main entrance. Beyond
them is one staircase down to the basement (the door down there is blocked)
and two staircases to the second floor. Around three sides of the building
is a hallway with lots of rooms off it.

Now that Aunt May is safe, let's begin by jumping across to the other set
of teller stations and "subduing" the two thugs over there. Then head into
the hallway on this side of the building. There are some thugs in the hall.
After you've dealt with them, head towards the front of the building (to
your left as you come into the hall), and go through the open door into the
office at the end of the hall.

Jump/climb over the low wall to your right into the next office, and then
again into another office. Get rid of two thugs to rescue the security
guard and get a key to the security room.

[6.4.3] Objective: Get to the security room.
Head down the hall toward the back of the building and enter the last door
on your left. This is a video conference room and there is a green exotic
spider under the large table. Nearby is a break room with a soda machine
that is acting up. Pull it to release seven targets and collect those
targets in 30 seconds to complete the minigame.

Continue around the hall until you see a steel door on your right with a
control pad next to it with the Use symbol hovering over it. Target the pad
and press the Action button to open the door; you are now in the security

[6.4.4] Objective: Open up the second floor fire doors.
Err...USE the control panel on the wall.

[6.4.5] Objective: Rescue the security guard on the second floor.
Before going upstairs, let's finish with the ground floor. Back out in the
hall, go left. These offices along the back wall are currently
inaccessible. Around the corner is an elevator, but you can't use it yet.
Around the next corner, go through the door on your left and get rid of
three thugs.

Then go through the next open door, which leads to a janitor's closet. Use
the control pad on the wall to open the HVAC vent in the ceiling and then
climb up into the ventilation ducts. From here, you can go back around and
drop down into the offices along the back wall by dropping down through the
HVAC vents. Once inside an office, the door will open.

In the first office, you can get a blue exotic spider from under the desk.
The next office has two thugs. The last two offices are empty. (Well, OK,
the final office has a woman who is acting as though she's being
threatened, but there's no thug in there.)

Back down the hall past the janitor's closet, the first open office on your
left is empty. The next one is also empty, but you can jump over the
cubicle wall on your right and find two more thugs.

Back in the main lobby, as you face the stairways, go up the right stairs
to the second floor. Go through the doors toward the front of the bank. Go
through the door straight ahead and deal with the thugs there, then head
into the adjoining conference room. A super thug is guarding the security
guard, so it helps to have some adrenaline built up at this point.

[6.4.6] Objective: Take the first floor elevator to the basement.
Let's first explore the second floor thoroughly, and then go down to the

From the conference room, go through the door into the hallway opposite
where you came in. The first door on your left is a janitor's closet with
an opening into the ventilation system. This system is much more
complicated, so we'll deal with it later. For now, continue down the hall,
dispatching a thug, and turn into the first open door on your right. Climb
the cubicle wall to your left and get rid of the thug.

Around the corner in the hall, the first door on your left is an empty
training room. The first door on your right leads to an office with a thug.
Get rid of him and then climb the cubicle walls down the row of offices,
dispatching thugs as you go.

After reaching the end of the row of offices, go across the hall to another
classroom. There's a collect the targets minigame in this room, just PULL
the copier. Go around the corner to the library at the end of the hall.
There are thugs in the library and in both offices that open into the

Now head back to the janitor's closet and go up into the ventilation ducts.
Ignore the first left turn; it leads to an already open office. At the T-
junctions, go right and then left to reach an office with two thugs in it.
Back up in the ducts, travel the other direction from the T-junction and
take the first left to reach an office with a blue exotic spider. Go ahead
and exit from this room and head downstairs. Your tour of the second floor
is finished.

On the first floor, find the elevator in the hall and Use the control pad
to open it. Step in and continue on your mission.

[6.4.7] Objective: Find and rescue the basement security guard.
From the elevator, head down the hall past the first intersection,
disposing of any thugs wandering around. The first open door on your left
is a janitor's closet. (Yes, another one.) Notice your Spidey sense
tingling? Attack the gray door on the side wall and discover escaped inmate
Barry Rito. Now use the control panel to open the way into the ducts and
climb up.

Ignore the first turn and take the second right turn. Go down the side duct
to collect a green exotic spider. Don't worry about dropping into the room
below. Continue down the main duct to the end and drop down into another
janitor's closet. PULL the waste can to play a collect the targets

Out in the hall, you can PULL the waste can to play another minigame. You
can open the gates into the safe-deposit rooms on either side of the
hallway. They are empty except for the second one on the right, which has a
blue exotic spider on top of the boxes.

Down the hall, on your right, is a steel door. Use the control panel to
enter the room and defeat the super thug. The security guard is in the room
around the corner.

[6.4.8] Objective: Open the cash vault.
From the security room, go straight and turn the corner to the left to
reach the cash vault.

[6.4.9] Objective: Find and rescue the vault security guard.
There are two thugs and one super thug in this vault. The guard is in a
corner of the far vault.

[6.4.10] Objective: Open the precious metals vault.
Go out to the hall, around to the right and then take two lefts and then a
right to find a security door. Open it and defeat the thug, and then open
the precious metals vault with the control panel in the room.

[6.4.11] Objective: Get to the precious metals vault.
Go out the door and turn left to the vault.

[6.4.12] Objective: Defeat Doc Ock.
Stand on the square panel in front of the door to open the lock. Watch the
light pattern and then repeat it by shooting the lights with your web. Do
this five times and then web the green light to open the door.

Jump to avoid Doc Ock's tentacles and then close in and beat on him. When
he recovers, he'll electrify the room. Jump onto the wooden crates that
have health crosses on them and then use your web to pull the lever over
Doc's head to turn off the electricity. Jump at him and avoid his tentacles
and then beat on him some more.

Rinse and repeat as necessary until Doc decides to flee.

[6.4.13] Objective: Disable the kidnapper's van.
After you watch the cutscene, swing after the gray van. When you get ahead
of it, drop down and web its wheels. Defeat the three thugs and this
mission is finished.


[6.5.1] Objective: Get to West Midtown.
Once again you have to opportunity to free play in the Downtown area. You
can only move around Downtown, you can't get back into the Bronx and moving
on to Midtown advances the story. If you want to explore this area now, go
to section [6.11.2] and collect spiders and inmates. Proceed to Midtown.


[6.6.1] Objective: Follow Mary Jane's car.
Using the directional arrow in the top center of your screen, swing after
MJ's car until you reach a small warehouse. You meet Puma and a handful of

[6.6.2] Objective: Catch Puma.
Dispose of the thugs in the garage, and then crawl up to the rafters to
catch an orange exotic spider. Use the control panel to open the garage
door, and follow Puma through another room and up the stairs. Up two
flights of stairs to a room, be prepared for a small battle with about six
thugs, two of them packing. Try to fight them in small groups using the
jump attack. Use the control panel on the door at the far end of the room
and continue.

You're in another stairwell. The directional arrow says go up, but go down
first, all the way to the bottom and collect an orange exotic spider. Now
go all the way up and pass through a series of rooms (with thugs!) until
you get to another door with another control panel that leads to another
stairwell. Again, go down first and find escaped inmate Brett Stinx.

Now go all the way up and find Puma. Duck under his attacks (default for
ducking/dodging is the Spacebar) and then pummel him. Repeat as needed. He
will occasionally stop and throw things at you; double-jump to avoid them.
After you beat him up, he flees through the window.

[6.6.3] Objective: Catch Puma - Exit Puma's hideout.
Follow Puma out the window and crawl up to the ceiling.

[6.6.4] Objective: Catch Puma - Survive rooftop battles.
You will trigger another cutscene and now you must battle Puma across the
rooftops of Midtown. Each battle is the same as the one in the garage, duck
and pummel. Each time Puma flees, pick up some health crosses as you follow

After the second rooftop battle, Puma will jump to a narrow ledge on The
Writs building. When you follow him there, he'll jump up and knock down a
neon sign. Use Left/Jump to avoid the falling sign and then follow Puma for
one more rooftop battle. Puma will then flee to a courtyard.

[6.6.5] Objective: Catch Puma - Survive courtyard battle.
In the courtyard, Puma begins by throwing a lot of things at you. To make
this easier, just stay on the opposite side of the fountain from Puma.
Everything he throws at you will crash into the fountain instead. Then it's
duck-and-pummel time again. After the courtyard battle, Puma will flee to
Crystal Tower, a building that is under construction.

[6.6.6] Objective: Catch Puma - Enter the construction building.
First, a word about numbering the "floors" in Crystal Tower. The "ground"
or first floor is inaccessible. There is a ledge at the second floor level.
The first floor into which you can enter is the third floor. The third and
fourth floors have walls around them, the remaining "floors" are exposed.
The fifth floor has a mostly-complete floor, but no walls. The remaining
"floors" are just convenient ways of counting the number of girders.

For now, don't climb the building, stay on the ground level and go around
the right side of the building to find Eddie "Tick" Tock, an escaped
inmate. Now climb up to the second ledge and run around the building
looking for the door through which Puma entered the building; it should be
right above the bus parked in the street. This is the third floor of
Crystal Tower.

[6.6.7] Objective: Catch Puma - Survive indoor battles.
You'll see Puma ahead of you, but go left first. Look for an orange exotic
spider and collect some health crosses until you are fully restored. You'll
also find a target minigame if you're really interested. Once you get
around the level and are near Puma, he'll throw steel blades at you. Jump
or strafe out of the way and continue closing with him. Once you get close
enough, he'll head up to the fourth floor. Use the room in the middle of
the floor to go up one level. As you exit, head for the corner to your
left, jump over some "Lard Board" stacks and capture Whaleback Slim.
(Thanks to Josh Errickson for locating this inmate [C1].) Now find Puma and
dodge his blades again until he runs away.

[6.6.8] Objective: Catch Puma - Survive outdoor battles.
If you follow Puma up through the hole he uses to get to the fifth floor,
you'll be right in harms way. Instead, use the room in the middle of the
level to get up one floor. Puma is now positioned on a platform seventh
floor. Above him is a cement mixer. Your job is to pull the cement mixer
with your web so it falls on Puma and causes him to run. The best way to do
this is to get up to the ninth floor, where there is a convenient metal
platform that allows you a clear shot at the mixer without allowing Puma a
clear shot at you. Pull the mixer and Puma will leap up to the ninth floor;
but, on a platform shielded from the one you are standing on.

There's a platform on the eleventh floor that will give you easy access to
a cement mixer while keeping Puma from hitting you. You can get there
easily by turning away from the cement mixer you just pulled, climbing two
stories and jumping across to where Puma is, two stories below you. Repeat
the cement mixer pulling trick again.

Puma will join you on the eleventh floor and you'll once again need to
climb two stories and find the right platform. From where you are, you
should be able to see some wood panels on a far corner of the building. Zip
over there, climb up and run along the wood platforms until you get a shot
at the cement mixer. Pull-and-go.

This time, Puma will jump up and land in a fenced-in platform you saw
earlier--it has now risen. Double-jump into the pen and duck-and-pummel
until Puma surrenders.

[6.6.9] Objective: Return to Mary Jane.
Seems Puma was just a diversion while Doc Ock kidnapped your girl. This is
your chance to free play in the Crystal Tower and Midtown areas. If you
wish to do so now, jump down to section [6.11.3] and hunt down inmates and
spiders. Proceed to Downtown to continue the main plot.


[6.7.1] Objective: Find out what is happening at OsCorp.
You find yourself on top of the Daily Bugle. You can explore Downtown if
you want, so long as you stay away from OsCorp. When you're ready, swing
around to OsCorp, drop down by the front door and defeat three thugs.

[6.7.2] Objective: Enter OsCorp.
Err...Walk through the door.

[6.7.3] Objective: Investigate the lobby.
There's a minigame directly in front of you, but you might want to deal
with all the thugs first. (If the alarm bothers you, turn it off with the
control panel on the front desk.) Run around peeking in all the rooms until
you've defeated all the thugs. More will come out of the elevators; beat
them as well. There's a purple exotic spider behind the front desk; then,
enter the one open elevator and go after Doc Ock.

[6.7.4] Objective: Save the scientist from the henchman.
After the cutscene, beat the bad guy.

[6.7.5] Objective: Rescue the five scientists.
The first room on the left has an adrenaline ball, the second has a
minigame. Open the force field using the control panel. The room directly
ahead has a scientist guarded by a thug. In the next room you can get a
purple exotic spider.

Rescue another scientist in the next room down the hall, and then get
another purple exotic spider in the next room. Now go across the hall and
enter the locked door using the control pad. Rescue another scientist and
then exit through the other door in the room, go across the hall and rescue
another scientist.

Come out of that room and turn right and then right again and enter the
first room on your left to rescue the final scientist. The next room down
the hall has a purple exotic spider.

[6.7.6] Objective: Defeat the henchman and keep looking for Doc!
Back to the T-intersection and down the second hallway. The second room on
the left has an adrenaline ball, a wonderful accessory for taking out the
super thug ahead of you. Continue down the hall, turn the corner and beat
up the bad guy.

[6.7.7] Objective: Find and stop Doc Ock!
Clear out the rooms beyond the doorway the super thug was guarding. When
you rescue the scientist behind a locked door, he'll open the door to the
stairs for you. Head up the stairs.

[6.7.8] Objective: Find and defuse the bombs.
You've got eight bombs to find and defuse; there is no time limit for doing
so. When you find a bomb, Use it to open it up, then watch the light
pattern and repeat it using your web.

Take the first hallway to your left and either jump over the electrified
panels, or crawl along the wall. Enter the door at the end of the hallway
and defeat the thugs, then jump through the square opening between the blue
laser beams and enter the next door to find the bomb.

NOTE on laser beams: The blue lasers are sensors that activate gun turrets.
Right now, you can't do anything about the turrets, so avoid the blue
lasers. Red laser beams will damage you and cannot be passed through, so
you have to avoid them.

After defusing the bomb, Use the console in the center of the room and then
Use the device. Gun turrets will be activated, and so will your ability to
shoot with your web. Shoot the guns and then shoot the glass to exit the

Go back down the hall, and turn left at the end. Enter the room on your
left and defuse the bomb. Then shoot the glass to get out before the poison
gas overwhelms you.

Go back down the electrified hall, turning right at the first intersection.
Laser beams are moving up and down in the hall. Be careful, the floor
panels are electrified, but turn on-and-off. After passing the first set of
laser beams, attack the elevator doors on your right to discover escaped
inmate Warren Peace.

At the end of the hall, turn right and avoid the blue laser beam. (You can
now shoot the gun turrets activated by the blue lasers, so they're not as
much of a bother.) Shoot the yellow fuse box to open the force field and go
through the door.

Enter the first door on your right and run around the back of the reactor
to get a purple exotic spider; then enter the reactor. Carefully drop from
platform to platform, avoiding contact with the electrified walls, until
reaching the bomb on the reactor floor. After defusing the bomb, zip up to
the non-electrified wall over the platform that is just above you. Run
around to the hall and enter the elevator.

Enter the room next to the elevator, defeat the super thug, then enter the
elevator at the far end of the security room. You are now back on level 3
of OsCorp.

From the elevator, head right and enter the first room. Defeat the thug and
defuse the bomb. There's a minigame in the next room, if you're interested.
Back in the hall, shoot the fuse box to bring down the force field and then
head down the hall, dodging the laser beams.

After you turn the corner, enter the room on your right and pass through to
another room. Defeat the super thug and then head up the stairs. In the
next room, defeat two thugs and continue.

In the hall, go left. (If you need a health cross, first enter the room to
your right.) Go to the room at the end of the hall to find the bomb.

After defusing bomb #5, leave the room and enter the first room on your
right. Shoot the gun turrets and the fuse boxes, then enter the room in the
corner to find the bomb.

Exit the room by the door opposite from the one where you entered. Take the
hall straight ahead. Enter the second room on the right to get a purple
exotic spider. Dodge the double lasers, enter the room on the left, defeat
the thugs and defuse the bomb.

Back down the hall, turn the corner, dodge the lasers and enter the first
room on the left. Defeat the thug and enter the side room to find the last

[6.7.9] Objective: Quickly return to the security room!
Don't worry about the "quickly" part of the objective, there's no time
limit. Go back down the hall, enter the door on your right (the room where
you found bomb #6), defeat two thugs and one super thug and the scientist
will open the elevator in the hall.

[6.7.10] Objective: Make Rhino ram the generators.
Out of the elevator, open the door into the generator room and wait for
Rhino to finish blustering. Stand in front of a generator and double-jump
as Rhino charges. Once he's bashed all six generators, jump to avoid the
equipment falling from the roof and then exit through the open door.

[6.7.11] Objective: Put Rhino on ice!
Avoid Rhino and shoot the gas capsules suspended from the ceiling. Once all
four have been broken open, you have 10 seconds to get to the door and get
out of the room. Rhino will freeze solid and you can use the elevator to
leave OsCorp.


[6.8.1] Objective: Destroy the generators.
Prepare for the most annoying mission of SM2. Mysterio has created the
illusion of buildings floating in midair. You have to swing your way
between them to find the generators that are powering his illusion. Along
the way, you'll have to battle his robots. Three of them are waiting for
you right now.

After defeating the robots, if you look out over the city, you'll see a
small island with a shaft of light over it. This is one of the three
generators you have to destroy in this first stage of the mission. The
closest generator is not the one you can see. Instead, zip across the
street from OsCorp to the tall building and climb to the top. You'll see a
generator off to your left.

Use the targets hanging from small rocks to swing across to the generator.
Defeat the robot and shoot the generator until it is disabled; then, exit
post haste back to the building as the islands holding the generator are
about to crumble to dust. On the way back, from the second webswing, jump
over to a small floating rock and then zip to the next small rock and PULL
a purple spider from the very small floating rock nearby. If you want to
play a minigame, drop down to street level to find a change-the-colors
target game.

Zip back over to the top of OsCorp and climb the tallest adjoining
building. Run around the ledge to find escaped inmate Manny Hadton. From
here, you can swing your way across to the city block that has the green-
roofed building. Down on the street, in front of First National Bank, you
can find a minigame.

From the top of the building beside FNB, opposite the green-roofed
building, swing across to the generator and destroy it. On the way back,
drop onto the small piece of floating street and drop down onto a floating
rock to collect a purple exotic spider. Swing back, and from the green-
roofed building, swing to the city block that has the spire-topped

Again, there's a minigame at street level, in front of the small building
with the flag over the front portico. From the top of the spire-topped
building, swing across to the small island with the lion statue and then on
to the generator.

From this same city block are two more strings of small floating rocks that
contain a purple spider. From the top of the building that has a roof that
looks like a barn, swing/jump/zip out to the first one and then carefully
jump onto two more to get near enough to PULL the spider to you. From the
lion-statue island, jump down onto a large floating rock and then keep
dropping down. When you get to the third small rock, look back up to PULL a
spider to you. Use the webswing target under the island to get back.

[6.8.2] Objective: Exit through the portal.
The exit portal is marked for you by a shaft of light and is roughly in the
center of the three floating city blocks. To reach it, follow one of two
paths of webswing targets attached to rocks lower than the ones you used to
travel between city blocks. When you get to the small island near the
portal, a bridge will appear across to the portal. There's a gap in the
bridge that requires a double-jump to cross. On with you, then!

[6.8.3] Objective: Destroy the generators.
Oh goody! More fun with generators. This time, there are only two
generators; however, they are tougher to beat and you will have to dodge
falling rocks while you travel around. Expect to be knocked into oblivion a
few times. But, that's OK because you have unlimited lives.

From portal island, take the right-hand webswings to a floating rooftop and
then to a small city block. There's a minigame here at street level, but
not much else. From street level, jump/zip to a floating rooftop and then
to a floating road. Watch out for the fast-moving boulder! Swing to another
floating rooftop, jump/zip to another one and finally swing to a city

Climb the Benefit building and wait for the boulders to drop. Pick one up
and rotate your camera high and fling it across to the generator island.
While the gun turret is busy with the boulder, double-jump across and WEB
the back of the turret. Repeat for the other gun turret and then shoot the
generator until it blows up. Get off the island before it falls apart.

Go back to the portal island and take the left webswings over to the city
block with the Dyemond building. You'll recognize this as the block where
you fought Rhino. There's a minigame on the street in front of the yellow
gas station. You can capture Bob "Doughboy" Simpson on top of the Dyemond

Climb the building next to the gas station and zip across to the partial
building floating nearby. Swing to another floating rooftop and then zip
across to a large floating rock. Climb over the rock, drop down on a
smaller rock on the other side and PULL a red exotic spider to you. Jump
back to the floating rooftop and look for a floating piece of road nearby.
Wait for the large rock to move out of the way and then double-jump and zip
across. Look for a small rock floating below the road and drop onto it.
Turn back and PULL a red exotic spider off the bottom of the floating

Wait for the moving rock to get out of the way and then jump up to the
webswing target and swing across to the next city block. Again, there's a
minigame at street level if you want the points. To destroy the generator,
climb to the top of the domed building and repeat your boulder-throwing

[6.8.4] Objective: Exit through the portal.
Swing across to a piece of floating rooftop, then to a floating road and on
to a large floating rooftop. Double-jump and zip your way to a floating
rock and finally to a city block. Look! It's the prison! As far as I can
tell, there's nothing here (not even a minigame), so get a good high swing
from the target next to the large tower and then jump/zip your way to the
large floating rooftop. A bridge will form to take you to the exit portal,
but don't go there yet.

A double-jump/zip will get you to the next floating rooftop and you can
then swing your way to the top of the building with the spire on another
city block. Here you'll find escaped inmate Lefty McGrabber. Now go back
and exit through the portal.

[6.8.5] Objective: Defeat Mysterio.
Now it's time to go a few rounds with Mysterio. Step out on the bare rock
and it will float across to a city block. Mysterio will appear in the air
above you and start flinging boulders. Run around until he stops and then
pick up a boulder and fling it at him. You have to be quick, as the
boulders disappear after a short time. This will take patience and a bit of
practice to get the hang of aiming at Mysterio.

After the first hit, Mysterio will move a bit further down the block and
then try again. This time, after you hit him, he'll feel to another city

To get a red exotic spider, go around the corner towards the island with
the Mysterio statue. Keep going around the block to the next corner, stand
on the edge and look down. A moving platform will come into view, watch it
for a moment until you are sure of the timing and then drop down onto it.
Jump to another moving platform and then to a still platform and PULL the
spider to you.

Work your way back up to the city block, and find the moving rock platform
that goes near statue island. Use it to get to a floating rock near the
large Mysterio statue. PULL the statue down and use it to cross to the
other island.

Use the moving rock platforms to work across to the city block where
Mysterio waits. It's almost impossible to adequately describe the route you
must take, so just pay attention and remember that sometimes you'll have to
jump/zip to another platform.

NOTE: There's a red exotic spider that can be collected here, but it's very
difficult to get. When you reach a still platform that has two moving
platforms coming to either side, take the platform that goes down and away
from Mysterio. Carefully jump across three still platforms (you can't use
ZIP on them) to another moving platform and then jump to a still platform
and PULL the spider to you.

When you get near the city block, pull down another statue and then fight
with Mysterio again. You'll have to hit him three times before he'll flee.
Once again, you can collect some red exotic spiders by taking the roads
less traveled.

To the left of the platform that will take you to Mysterio, another
platform rises up to street level. Take it down and jump across the
platforms underneath the city block to find a spider.

On the way to Mysterio, right before you reach the first statue that must
be pulled down, take the small moving platform that moves down and away
from Mysterio. Follow the platforms to get a spider.

Once you reach Mysterio, he'll throw boulders at you; but, he won't stick
around to fight. He'll finally end up hovering over the Daily Bugle
building. This is a good time to explore the surrounding area and collect
some health crosses. Just don't go on the roof of the Bugle until you're
ready for the final stage of this fight.

[6.8.6] Objective: Defeat Mysterio's turret.
As soon as the cutscene ends, run backwards quickly. Mysterio's robot fires
Spidey-seeking missiles. To defeat Mysterio and his machine, shoot the
currently active turret or turrets to disable them. The first round you
have only one turret to destroy. The second round there are two turrets
firing at you; and, the third round has three active turrets.

Find a building across the street and stay on the roof and dodge the
missiles while shooting the turrets. After the turrets are disabled, jump
to avoid the green laser and then shoot the dome of the machine, jump up
into the control room and pummel Mysterio a bit. Once you have thrown a few
punches, quickly jump/zip away and repeat until he is defeated.


[6.9.1] Objective: Survive the ambush.
As soon as the cutscene ends, start moving. You are going to be pelted by
gun-toting thugs. You're in a subway station with multiple levels and thugs
all over the place. There are also about a half-dozen super thugs. Build up
adrenaline taking out the standard thugs and then use your super punches on
the super thugs.

You can also build adrenaline by getting adrenaline balls from the subway
tunnel entrances on either side of the main station. There's also a color-
matching minigame in a soda machine just left of where you enter the
station. Complete it to earn another adrenaline ball. In the center of the
station is a wood building with a red exotic spider inside. There's another
red exotic spider in one of the tunnel entrances. In the opposite tunnel
entrance from the one with the spider, you can knock down some doors to
find Lenny Boogleschmidtz. [C1]

[6.9.2] Objective: Follow Doc Ock.
Once the station is clear, follow Ock up the stairs opposite where you came
in. In the hall, before going up the large stairs to the platforms, there
are doors you can attack to find Mac "The Meat" Berger [C1], and there's a
silver exotic spider on the ceiling. Thanks to Josh Errickson for pointing
out the locations of the two inmates in the subway station.

[6.9.3] Objective: Catch the train!
You must quickly swing after the train and drop onto it before it leaves
the station.

[6.9.4] Objective: Survive the train ride.
Doc Ock will engage you in some skeet shooting practice. He'll fling
various objects at you, then, detach the car on which you are riding. When
you get the Spidey sense signal, jump then zip back onto the train. There
are three rounds of skeet shooting and then the train will wreck,
conveniently outside Doc's hideout.

[6.9.5] Objective: Enter the main warehouse.
You're almost to the endgame now. While you're moving around, watch out for
gun turrets. They glow green, so if you see something glowing green, shoot
it. Thugs and super thugs wonder the grounds, so keep an eye out for them.
There are adrenaline balls laying around to help with the super thugs.

From the starting position, head back and to the right and enter the open
warehouse and search it for a silver exotic spider. There's also an
adrenaline ball in the corner. Enter the next warehouse to find Denny T.
Hefft, an escaped inmate.

The main warehouse is the big rectangular building with the guard towers
all around it. You can go around back, climb to the roof and drop directly
down to the main platform, which saves having to climb stairs and beat up
thugs while dodging the rapid-fire gun turrets along the wall; however, you
will miss a silver exotic spider that is below the stairs if you go this

Once on the platform, use the control panel on the guard tower to open the
door and enter the warehouse.

[6.9.6] Objective: Access Doc's underground tunnel.
Go down the stairs to your left, deal with the thugs, then turn left and go
through the door under the platform you were just on. You'll find a silver
exotic spider and escaped inmate Vid E. O. R. Kade in these two offices.
Exit through the door opposite where you entered to pick up an adrenaline
ball; then, drop to the main floor and get a silver exotic spider under the

Be careful moving around the center structure; there are two rapid-fire gun
turrets on the wall. The best place to deal with them is up on the catwalk
opposite the turrets. If you need another adrenaline ball, there's one in a
corner of the main floor. Once you have cleared the room, go through the
door in the center structure, underneath the gun turrets.

[6.9.7] Objective: Travel through the tunnel.
Follow the tunnel and go down the stairs. You enter a sewer tunnel with an
electrified floor. You have to zip across to landings, under fire the whole
time and work your way down the tunnel until you can destroy the generators
that are electrifying the floor.

From this first landing, look to the next landing and PULL the gun from the
thug's hand. Zip across and defeat the thug. Shoot two gun turrets further
down the tunnel, and then zip across the tunnel. Climb up near the ceiling
before scuttling sideways so as to avoid the large pipe blocking the wall.
Defeat the thug on the next landing.

Shoot the gun turrets nearby, then turn back and PULL the silver exotic
spider off the ceiling of the tunnel. Jump out from the landing and turn in
midair and zip back to the same wall and continue to the next landing. Move
quickly to avoid fire from the gun turrets. Drop down on the landing,
defeat the thug and shoot the turrets.

PULL the gun from the hand of the thug on the opposite landing and zip
across. Defeat the thug and make sure you pick up the adrenaline ball
(there's a super thug on the next landing). Zip to the next landing, punch
out the super thug, shoot the two gun turrets and finally USE the
generators to turn off the electrical field. Jump down in the tunnel and
head through the gate.


Go down the tunnel and then crawl through the hole in the roof. After you
watch the cutscene, you'll have to defeat two super thugs. Then, crawl up
through the hole in the corner of the ceiling. In this room, look in the
corner, behind the pipes, to find escaped inmate Lester "Lips" Festerpuss.

Shoot the window to exit this room and enter a large room filled with
electrified walls and floor.

There are columns in the center of the room that you can use to get around;
but, there are challenges. Only the brick portion of each column can hold
you, the metal parts of the columns can not be used for crawling or
zipping. There are metal blocks to keep you from easily moving up and down
each column.

The trick is to jump to one column, climb until you hit a block, then
jump/zip to the next column and repeat back-and-forth until you reach the
top and can progress. The easiest way to perform the jump/zip is to turn so
you are facing down, then hit jump while quickly moving your mouse up and
hitting Action to zip across.

Go up the first two columns this way until you reach the three-quarter
balconies. Keep going around the column and climbing through the hole in
each balcony until you reach the top. Stand on the balcony and zip over to
the non-electrified brick wall near the ceiling and crawl over the large
force field in the center of the room.

Crawl far enough to be able to jump/zip to the third column after the force
field (fifth column total), then jump down and land on the catwalk near the
yellow control panels. Defeat the thugs and PULL the green lever to drop a
metal cable car on a generator and put all the electrical fields out.

Get back up to the fifth column; then, jump/zip to the ventilation duct.
Crawl down through the hole in the wall. Drop off the duct; then, go on top
of it to collect a silver exotic spider. Attack the discolored wall to
break it open and deal with the thugs in the next room.

Go out in the hall and enter the room to your right. Defeat the thugs,
break through the wall, defeat more thugs and break through the wall again.
Zip across the electrified floor, beat up some thugs, break the wall and
beat up more thugs. PULL the blanket on the floor and collect a silver
exotic spider.

Go in the room across the hall and PULL the mattress to get a silver exotic
spider. In the hall, duck under or jump over the lasers and zip across the
electrified floor. Enter the room on your left and crawl up through the
hole in the ceiling. When you go out on the catwalk, you'll be ambushed by
five super thugs. Once you defeat three of them, Doc Ock's machine will
activate and the remaining two will run away.

Go in the room next-to-last (counting as the first room the one from which
you entered) and get a silver exotic spider off the wall. Go in the last
room and crawl through the hole in the ceiling. Jump over the boxes, break
the wall and rescue Mary Jane.

You have now reached the climactic fight with Doc Ock, and it's a real
snoozer. Run around behind one of the platforms at the corners of the area
and crawl up the back of the column. Stay on the back of the column until
Ock has finished throwing things at you (the column will block them), then
climb over the top and shoot the target on the machine. Jump down on Ock's
platform and pummel him. Rinse-and-repeat for the other three targets on
his machine.

If you're interested, you can collect some items before finishing Ock. Find
the stairs that lead down to a catwalk like the one where you fought the
super thugs and look high up on the wall to the left of those stairs to
find a silver exotic spider. Drop down to the catwalk and go to the room at
the end of the catwalk (to your right as you face away from the open area
of the room) that has a hole in the floor. Drop down the hole and head
through the broken walls to find Izzy "F" Factur.

You can go into the basement of Ock's warehouse and explore quite a bit
more; but, I haven't found any other hidden items in here. (Doesn't mean
they don't exist, I just haven't found them.)


Once Doc Ock goes down, you have to sit through the credits. You can then
load your game and have free run of New York City. Play minigames, hunt
down exotic spiders and escaped inmates. Whatever tickles your funny bone.

On the maps below, I have not singled out the minigames. There is
absolutely no reason to play the minigames in SM2 on the PC: you can't buy
anything with the points; and, the game doesn't track the minigames you've
completed (unlike spiders and inmates). If you really enjoy playing the
minigames, they are all out in plain sight and easily found as you swing
around looking for the hidden spiders and inmates.

All maps below are, as close as possible, in a North-South orientation.
I.e., while looking at the map, north is top, south is bottom, west is left
and east is right. Not that there's a compass in the game or anything, but
it's useful to know for giving directions.

[6.11.1] The Bronx
The Bronx is the site of your first couple of missions and consists of
roughly three city blocks. One block is where you had your tutorial and
there's nothing there (except for one minigame, which has targets in the
tutorial section), so I'm not going to map it.

MAP of the BRONX

| |
| 3 2 |
| |
| |
| |----------------------------| |
| | 4 | |
| | | |
| | | | 6
| | | |
| | | |
FAST | | 5 1 GAS | |
FWD | | A | | B C
NEWS | | |--------------| |-----------------------------|
| | | |
| | | |----------| |-------------------------| |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | CHURCH | | | |
| | | | | | | |
|----| |-------------| | | | | |
<-Tutorial Block | D | | | |
|----| |-----------------| | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | E | | | |
| | | | | |
| | DYEMOND | | | |
| | BUILDING | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | 7 | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
To W Downtown To N Downtown To W Midtown

1) There's a blue exotic spider on the wall of the yellow gas station
opposite where you put out the fires.

2) There's a blue exotic spider on top of the tall round tower of the

3) There's a blue exotic spider on the upper balcony on the west side of
the prison.

4) There's a blue exotic spider on the wall of a building directly across
from the prison.

5) In an alley across the street from Fast Forward News, pull an orange
waste bin out of the way to get a blue exotic spider.

6) Along the street that runs out from the east side of the prison, on the
east side, the first accessible rooftop has a blue exotic spider hidden
behind one of the air conditioners.

7) There is a blue exotic spider on the back of the Watrox billboard on the
building next to the Dyemond building.

A) Across from Fast Forward News, in the entrance portico of the Exfoliate
building, you can find Ditto Coupier, escaped inmate.

B) B. "Bad" Wolfgang is hiding on top of the brown brick building with the
large "Activision" billboard around the corner from the prison.

C) Sal "Green Jeans" Berg is on a rooftop along the street that goes to
West Midtown. There's a "Gatta Bail Bonds" billboard on the roof.

D) Werner Von Schnitzel is "hiding" in plain site around the back of the
church along the street leading to North Downtown. He's crouching beside
the stairs.

E) In the alley that goes around the Dyemond building, you can find Barney
"Bagger" Rabble.

[6.11.2] Downtown
Downtown is the location of OsCorp, the Daily Bugle and the First National


To S Bronx
| |
| |
| |
|--------------------------------------------------------| |
| |
| |-----------------------| |----------------------------|
| | | | B OSCORP
| | | | A
| | 2 | | 1
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | 4
| | | |
| | | |
|------| |-----------------------| |----------------------------|
To SW Bronx To W Midtown
|------| |-----------------------| |----------------------------|
| | | |
3 | | DAILY | |
| | BUGLE | |
C | | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | | CITY
| | | | HALL
E | | | |
| | | | D
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | 6 | | FIRST NAT'L BANK
| |-----------------------| |-----------------------------|
| |
|---------------------------------------------------------| |
| |
5 | |

1) To the west of OsCorp is an alley. Go through the alley to pick up a
green exotic spider.

2) At the first intersection past OsCorp, go up the building in the center
of the block and grab a green exotic spider from between two HVAC units.

3) In an alley on the south side of the street leading to the SW Bronx,
climb up the shortest building and get a green exotic spider from behind a
waste can.

4) Turn the first corner down the road from OsCorp and take the second
alley to your left. Turn right and climb the building above the recessed
door to find a green exotic spider on the first ledge.

5) Climb to the first ledge of the building across the street from FNB and
walk around looking up to find a green exotic spider.

6) Down the street from the bank is a building that almost looks like it is
under construction, brown girders ring the building. Climb near the top to
find a green exotic spider lurking in the framework.

A) In the same alley as #1 spider, you'll find Lloyd "The Boy" Scowt.

B) Dave "Milkshake" Lactick is hiding in a room on the top of the building
just to the right of OsCorp.

C) There is an alley to the left of the road sign for the South West Bronx.
Follow the alley around until you find a recessed doorway. Ira S. Banks is
hiding out in there.

D) Down an alley next to City Hall is a recessed doorway and escaped inmate
Jack "O" Lanturn.

E) Danny "The Yolk" Davis is hiding out at the bottom of the stairs leading
into the One World Investors building. [C1] Thanks to Josh Errickson for
pointing the way to "The Yolk".

[6.11.3] Midtown and Crystal Tower
Midtown is the location of the Puma chase, which ends in Crystal Tower: the
big building still under construction. When free-playing in this area, the
block containing Crystal Tower is a separate area (i.e. there's a game
transition when moving between Midtown and Crystal Tower); however, I've
mapped them as one because Crystal Tower is only the one block.


To SE Bronx
| |
| |
| |
| |-------------------------------|
| |
|---------------| |-----------| |
PUMA'S | | 7 | |
| | "RODEO" | |
4 \ \ / / 1
\ \ / /
\ \-------/ /
\ /
\ /
5 | |
| |
| |-------------------|
| |
| |---------------| |
| | | |
| | MUSEUM | |
| | | |
| | | |
|--------------------| |---------------| |----------|
To E Downtown (blocked)
|--------------------| |------------------------------|
| |
| |
6 | |
D 2 | |
| |
/ \
/ \ F
/ /------\ \
/ / \ \
/ / \ \
| | BENEFIT | |
| | BUILDING | | 3 C
| | E | |
| |------------| |--------------|
| |
|-------------------------------| |
| |
| | <-Area transition
| |-------------------|
| |
| |---------------| |
| | B 8 | |
| | CRYSTAL | |
| | A TOWER | |
| | | |
| |---------------| |
| |

1) There's an orange exotic spider under a water tower on a rooftop beside
the building with the large Doc Ock poster east of the theatre.

2) On the south side of the street leading to E Downtown is a building with
a Roman Nose sign. On the highest part of that building is an orange exotic
spider. [C1]

3) There's an orange exotic spider on the middle balcony of the Beuford's
Records building east of the Benefit building.

4) You can find an orange exotic spider on a ledge on the north side of the
low building just west of the theatre.

5) There's an orange exotic spider under a water tower next to the big Wake
Up! Billboard south-west of the theatre.

6) The alley behind the Roman Nose building has an orange exotic spider on
the ground.

7) You can find an orange exotic spider on the lower ledge of the theatre.

8) There's an orange exotic spider on the third floor of Crystal Tower.

A) Eddie "Tick" Tock is at ground level on the west side of Crystal Tower.

B) Whaleback Slim is on the fourth floor of Crystal Tower. As you exit the
center room onto the fourth floor, head to the left corner of the building.

C) Just north of Crystal Tower, in Midtown, is an alley. You'll capture Jim
"Yeah, Right" Stone in this alley.

D) Silas "The Crab" Crabtree is on top of the Roman Nose building along
with spider #2 above. [C1]

E) Franklin Beens is on the south side of the Benefit building on the first
ledge down from the top. [C1]

F) Slim "The Straw" Sputz is behind the Will's Wear billboard on the BBSig

*Special thanks to Josh Errickson for pointing out spider #2 and inmates B,
D and E above.

| |

[7.1] Blue Spiders
# 1 - On the wall of the gas station in the Bronx.
# 2 - On top of the round tower of the prison.
# 3 - On the upper balcony of the prison.
# 4 - On a rooftop near the prison.
# 5 - Office on the first floor of the bank.
# 6 - Safe deposit room in the bank.
# 7 - In the ventilation duct in the bank basement.
# 8 - Wall of a building across from the prison.
# 9 - Under an orange waste bin in an alley in the Bronx.
#10 - Back of Watrox billboard next to Dyemond in the Bronx.
#11 - Unknown
#12 - Unknown
#13 - Unknown

[7.2] Green Spiders
# 1 - In a conference room in the bank.
# 2 - Office on the second floor of the bank.
# 3 - Downtown, near inmate Ira S. Banks.
# 4 - Downtown in an alley next to OsCorp.
# 5 - Downtown on the roof of a building.
# 6 - Downtown on the ledge of a building near OsCorp.
# 7 - Downtown on a building across from the bank.
# 8 - Downtown on the exposed girders of a building.
# 9 - Unknown
#10 - Unknown
#11 - Unknown
#12 - Unknown
#13 - Unknown

[7.3] Orange Spiders
# 1 - In the rafters of the parking garage where you chase Puma.
# 2 - At the bottom of a stairwell in the parking garage.
# 3 - On the third floor of Crystal Tower.
# 4 - Midtown on a balcony in the middle of a building.
# 5 - Midtown near a "Gatta Bail Bonds" billboard.
# 6 - Midtown on a ledge above an alley.
# 7 - Midtown on a yellow building.
# 8 - Midtown in an alley near the exit.
# 9 - Midtown near the big poster of Doc Ock
#10 - On top of Roman Nose building in Midtown.
#11 - Unknown
#12 - Unknown
#13 - Unknown

[7.4] Purple Spiders
# 1 - Behind the front desk at OsCorp.
# 2 - Office on level 2 of OsCorp.
# 3 - Office on level 2 of OsCorp.
# 4 - Office on level 2 of OsCorp.
# 5 - Behind the reactor on level 3 of OsCorp.
# 6 - Office on level 4 of OsCorp.
# 7 - On a small floating rock near OsCorp in Mysterio's Calamity.
# 8 - On a rock near the lion statue island in stage 1 of MC.
# 9 - On a rock near the barn-roofed bldg in stage 1 of MC.
#10 - On a rock near a piece of floating street in stage 1 of MC.
#11 - Unknown
#12 - Unknown
#13 - Unknown

[7.5] Red Spiders
# 1 - On a floating rock in stage 2 of Mysterio's Calamity.
# 2 - Underneath the first city block in the final stage of MC.
# 3 - Underneath the first statue block in the final stage of MC.
# 4 - Underneath the second city block in the final stage of MC.
# 5 - On a lower path to the final fight with Mysterio.
# 6 - In the center of the subway station, in a wood building.
# 7 - On the roof of a subway tunnel entrance.
# 8 - On the bottom of a floating roadway in stage 2 of MC.
# 9 - Unknown
#10 - Unknown
#11 - Unknown
#12 - Unknown
#13 - Unknown

[7.6] Silver Spiders
# 1 - On the ceiling of the hall just before the subway platforms.
# 2 - First open warehouse in Doc Ock's hideout.
# 3 - Below the stairs leading to Ock's warehouse.
# 4 - In an office in the main room of Ock's warehouse.
# 5 - Under the catwalk in the main room of Ock's warehouse.
# 6 - On the ceiling of Ock's electrified tunnel.
# 7 - On top of the duct in the final area of Ock's hideout.
# 8 - Under a blanket in the final area of Ock's hideout.
# 9 - Under a mattress in the final area of Ock's hideout.
#10 - Wall of a room just before you rescue MJ.
#11 - Wall of the area where you have the final battle.
#12 - Unknown
#13 - Unknown

| |

[8.1] - B. "Bad" Wolfgang
Behind an Activision billboard in the Bronx.

[8.2] - Sal "Green Jeans" Berg
Behind a "Gatta Bail Bonds" billboard in the Bronx.

[8.3] - Werner Von Schnitzel
Next to the back stairs of the church in the Bronx.

[8.4] - Barney "Bagger" Rabble
In an alley near the church in the Bronx.

[8.5] - Barry Rito
In a side room off the janitor's closet in the basement of the bank.

[8.6] - Lloyd "The Boy" Scowt
In an alley next to OsCorp.

[8.7] - Dave "Milkshake" Lactick
Inside a room on the roof of a building next to OsCorp.

[8.8] - Ira S. Banks
Downtown, in an alley near the SW Bronx exit.

[8.9] - Jack "O" Lanturn
In an alley next to City Hall.

[8.10] - Brett Stinx
At the bottom of a stairwell in the parking garage.

[8.11] - Eddie "Tick" Tock
At the bottom of Crystal Tower.

[8.12] - Jim "Yeah, Right" Stone
In an alley in Midtown.

[8.13] - Slim "The Straw" Sputz
On the roof of a building in Midtown.

[8.14] - Warren Peace
Inside an elevator along an electrified hall on level 3 of OsCorp.

[8.15] - Manny Hadton
On top of the tallest building next to OsCorp in the first stage of
Mysterio's Calamity.

[8.16] - Bob "Doughboy" Simpson
On top of the Dyemond building in the second stage of Mysterio's Calamity.

[8.17] - Lefty McGrabber
On top of the building with a spire in the second stage of Mysterio's

[8.18] - Denny T. Hefft
In the second open warehouse in Doc Ock's compound.

[8.19] - Vid E. O. R. Kade
In the offices in the main room of Ock's warehouse.

[8.20] - Lester "Lips" Festerpuss
In the corner of a room just after you begin Mission 10: Final Battle.

[8.21] - Izzy "F" Factur
He's hiding in Doc Ock's warehouse and is only accessible once the final
battle with Ock has begun.

[8.22] - Ditto Coupier
He's camped out in the entrance portico of the Exfoliate building in the

[8.23] - Danny "The Yolk" Davis [C1]
At the bottom of the stairs leading into the One World Investors building

[8.24] - Whaleback Slim [C1]
He's hiding out in a corner of the fourth floor of Crystal Tower. After
exiting the central room, head to the left corner.

[8.25] - Silas "The Crab" Crabtree [C1]
Hiding on top of the Roman Nose building in Midtown.

[8.26] - Franklin Beens [C1]
On the south side of the first ledge from the top of the Benefit building
in Midtown.

[8.27] - Lenny Boogleschmidts [C1]
In a tunnel in the main station of the subway.

[8.28] - Mac "The Meat" Berger [C1]
In the hallway just before entering the subway platforms.

| |
| [9] CREDITS |

[C1] This information courtesy of Josh Errickson

Written and (c)2004 by Barry Scott Will

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
License. To view a copy of this license, visit
or send a letter to
Creative Commons
559 Nathan Abbott Way
Stanford, California 94305, USA.
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