Sword of Aragon

Sword of Aragon

17.10.2013 13:23:15
Sword of Aragon Points list by Louie, lland@e-z.net

The following are the points awarded in Sword of Aragon,
and how to get them. Be warned: if you do things such as
taking cities "out of order", or it you fail to do the right
thing, then a different set of points may be available. Your
total, however, is less.

5 Orcs invading Allada. Dig in, wait it out.
10 Cyclops.
10 Minitour.
10 Marinia: wait until Malcom is sent on "Patrol"
Then approach from south. Talk to Malcom. Agree to
help suppress the "mob" in exchange for vasselship.
0 Goblin camp NE of Marina. There's no way to rescue girl.
10 River crossing to Paritan. Wait until Pitlag invades
Brocada before approaching either city.
15 Paritan. There's no way to stop Pitlag from escaping,
even it you completely surround the city and kill
the Pitlag unit.
10 Old man at crossing after defeat of Paritan.
15 Brocada. After Pitag has invaded, join up with the
remnants of the army, waiting just
south of town.
0 Nuralia. No points to get, but siege is desireable.
Next turn, add reinforcements to seige including
your primary characater, this promotes surrender, and
you should accept the vassel.
0 Pitlag camp SE of Paritan, in the mountains.
0 Tranavan Elves. Be nice, leave them alone. However,
if Aladda increases investments in logging, the Elf
embassador will ask you to voluntarilly cut back
(so to speak). Agreeing makes them amiable, and
will eventually offer to ally with you when you
attack Paritan. Your attack will then include some
Elf bowmen, who kill one or two of Paritan's defenders.
Big Deal, but what-the-hay!
Note: If you wait forever then Pitlag will eventually "surprise"
attack Aladda. You get 45 points when you win, but lose the
total of 50 for Paritan etc. above. If you really do get
surprised, then strategy games are not for you!
5 Giants at ford to Sur Nova.
5 Sur Nova. Be sure to get there by road from Allada.
0 Priests W of Sur Nova.
10 Monestary, on road several squares East of Sur Nova, then
South one or two squares. Trust the monks.
0 Orcs and Wizards in southern tip of the Elf woods. There
are no hints to their existance. Location is about
a few squares SE of Allada, and several squares NE of
Sur Nova. Once taken, you can garrison all the small
cities north and east of Sur Nova each with only 20 men.
50 Dragon, defending SW approach to Gernock.
50 Gernock; you get the crown. Recomend that you do not
attempt to keep a garrison here. Take the city, recruit
a bunch, then leave next turn.
0 Tentula.
10 Char, so long as you invade and take Tentula first then
you get the "Wand of the Goddess" or some such thing.
If you bypass Tentula and take Char first, then Tentula
will offer to be a vassel, but you don't get the wand and
don't get the points. This approach is out of character
compared to the other cities that you take. Oh, well.
Don't bother keeping this city.
10 Khalikha Horsebowmen. There is no city. To get these
points, you have to get a very rare encounter with the
horsemen, when they are under attack by the Trolls.
Attempt to rescue them. These horsemen reveal themselves
as Jantri's rival clan, but, since you rescued them, are
"Honor bound" to make peace with you and you allies, which
includes Jantri. This clears the way for him to unite the
tribes, which occurs a couple turns later. This encouter
must take place after you agree to be Jantri's ally (usually
he sends an emmissary after you take Sur Nova).
To get this rare encounter, you want to march up and down the
road about a third of the way from Sur Nova to Zarnix. One
way to do this is to split you army into two adjacent stacks,
and pick one unit at a time bouncing back and forth between
them. Each such move allows a small chance of such an
encounter. Without this trick, you may spend years marching
the plains waiting for a lucky encounter.
25 Troll Home, which is in the mountains, up a path off the
Sur Nova-Zarnix road. This is a real fun fight!
0 Xafanta. Somewhere along the way they offer to help to help you
take out Zarnix. After the offer, they assist in the surprise
battle in the pass West of Zarnix.
Be a menevolent king, leave the dwarves alone. If you do attack
(he he he!) be sure to teleport in. There fortress is, in fact,
very impressive. And there is only one causeway in. And after
you take it, they are *determined* to take it back.
20 Zarnix. They come out to attack you.
50 Amulet, N of Zarnix. Its a few squares up the road, then
off to the west. Be brave, go on in.
0 Aragon, Demi-God of whatcha-ma-callit. This fellow is on the
road East of Zarnix, advising you to get the Amulet before
proceeding. He's not there if you already have the Amulet.
(There is another criteria, but I forget what it is.)
If you want to, and are sure, and are Really Sure, and are
REALLY REALLY Pretty Please Absolutely Positively
let-me-at-him Death Wish Sure, you can fight him.
If you can cast teleport and bless/prayer your self up to 100%
in one turn, your heroes should be able to toast this guy.
This is a fabulous "deed", but not worth any points.
10?? Pudawalla. I believe this is worth 10 points, and I believe
you get it by taking Dersh first. Then waiting for them to
ask for help. (I cheated and tried to de-encode the text
files, to read what must be done.) Anyway, it has something
to do with defending the river ford between Sothold and
20 Lucadia. There appears to be more than one way to do this.
I bypass Lucadia and go after Dersh. Then defeat the "Evil"
forces of Lucadia which lay in ambush on the road leading back
from Dersh. Then march into Lucadia. Note: you can bypass
Lucadia when going North-to-South, but cannot bypass it going
60 Dersh; you get the sceptor. Don't bother keeping this city.
15 Sothold river xing.
10 Estalla. There is something going on here, but I forgot
what it is. I think the guy gives you a line of BS.
0 Medeval. There is no interaction with these Elves of the
East, so you may as well stay out of the woods. Or perhaps
you're curious ...
0 Approach to Tetrada. The guy you meet on the road is telling
the truth, but it really doesn't matter whether you take his
advise or not.
40 Tetrada.
25 You united the East and West Realms; you are the rightful
king; Congratulations; end of game.
500 How about that.

Let me know if this works out for you!!

-Louie lland@e-z.net

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