Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo

13.10.2013 03:03:22
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Wednesday, 8/31/1994 @ U of H __ __| | ____|
| | | __| __ \ _ \ | _` | _` |
Super SFII Turbo Faq | | | | | | ( | __| ( | ( |
_|\__,_|_| _.__/ \___/ _| \__,_|\__, |

image advisor: D. Rion. Hall
** Originally created by: (Dan)
** Occasional consulting, advising, nagging ;)
Alex Werner, Caine Schneider, the whole a.g.sf2 bunch
Welcome to the FAQ!
"share and enjoy!" (tm)

FAQ _WAS_ posted every Friday. Now? Who knows?

FAQ availabe via FTP at the following: under pub/vidgames/faqs
courtesy of Andy Eddy, GamePro editor
home of a lot of other FAQs.
THE STREET FIGHTER 2 dedicated site, filled with
strategy guides, moves lists, gifs, jpegs,
etc etc etc....

1) What you should know about "Super Combos"
1.1) Maximum Hits & Damage
1.2) Super Combos in Combos
1.3) Charging up the Super Combo Meter
2) The New Throw System (how to "weaken" throws)
3) How to use the SSF2 version of Characters in SSF2T
4) The new moves for each character, alterations to old moves, as
well as specific comparisons between the SSF2 version and the
SSF2T version of each character
5) Facts about The "Hidden" Boss (Akuma? Goki Long? Whatever...)
5.1) The computer controlled Akuma/Goki
5.2) The Player Controlled Akuma/Goki
6) Misc. Details of the game.
7) The Quirks of the "Volleyball" effect in SSF2T
8) The Known New Endings
9) Quick Reference Guide to Stick Movement
*) The credits & um.....
- A super combo (SC) is a move that inflicts from 40% to 60% damage.
It's primary trademark is that the attack leaves a trail of shadows
and it is begun when your character lets off a spark of light in his/her
eye. The game pauses for a slight moment when you execute your
Super Combo.
- Super Combos can only be done when the Super Combo Meter (seen at
bottom corner of screen) is full. The Super Combo Meter (SCM)
increases after the following:
* You execute any special move
* You strike (blocked or not blocked, it matters not) your opponent
with any regular move.
- The more powerful the move/hit, the quicker the SCM rises.
- The SC's have the ability to "bounce" characters in the air (a la MK).
Especially Bison's, Dhalsim's, Ken's, and Sagat's more so than others.
Balrog's SC still can hit airborne opponents up to five times.
This is known as the "Volleyball Effect" (VE) which is explained in
section 7.
- SC's are "combo"-able with regular moves and can dizzy opponents.
- Vega's, T-hawk's and 'Gief's SC's do NOT lose their charge if you
attempt and fail to do them. The charge only dies if you actually LAND
the SC. (this is kinda obvious, as their SC's are all THROWS, but hey,
it's worth a mention).
- The following have SC's that can go through fireballs, but the timing for
it is somewhat precise (i.e. if you time it wrong, you WON'T be able to
cut through fireballs, certain frames of animation are able to cut
through fireballs, but not all frames)
* Chun Li: more difficult to time
* Honda: vunerable at the beginning, but cuts through easy during flight
* Blanka: the superball, in it's later frames, rolls under "small"
fireballs (i.e. sonic boom, yoga flame, air slasher, high tiger shot)
* Ken: rather easily
* Fei Long:
* Dee Jay: more difficult to time
* Cammy:
* Sagat: rather easily
* Balrog: never been stopped by a fireball before
* Bison: never been stopped by a fireball before
* Ryu: destroys other fireballs in it's path and STILL travels towards
the target. In reality, his "Vacuum Fireball" is several fireballs
compacted into a very small area, so even if your opponent is
airborne, he will get hit several times. His feet may be invulnerable
during the SC. FIVE hits is the maximum number of hits Ryu's
SC can do if it connects.
- The exact frames where the SC's are immune to fireballs vary from
character to character. Bison's and Balrog's cut through fairly easy
while Chun Li's and Dee Jay's have just a little more difficulty in going
through. Different timing for each character.
- CHUN LI AND HONDA share a particular trait, and perhaps T-Hawk as well.
Do the stick motion for the SC first, then keep your stick in a foward
position, any forward position, don't change directions. Your
Super Combo will be set to go off, and all you need to do is tap the
appropriate button. Yes, this is a bug.

Part 1.1 Maximum Hit & Damage
Maximum Damage:
* Zangief & T-Hawk will on average take off 50-60%
Vega will usually take off 30-45%
* Assuming that you get all possible hits in the Super Combo:
Everyone else has a potential damage range from 25 - 55%,
I've seen some cases where Ryu's SC connects and takes
off little damage, so basically if the CPU gets moody as it
often does, your SC damage will waver from high to low
damage at moments you won't be able to predict.
Maximum Hits:
The best way to get the maximum # of hits is to have your
opponent be as close as possible and on the ground.
Ryu: 5 Guile: 6
Ken: 5 Dhalsim: 5
Blanka: 4 Honda: 5
Chun Li: 6 Zangief: n/a
Dee Jay: 4 Cammy: 5
Fei Long: 5 T-Hawk: n/a
Balrog: 5 Vega: n/a
Sagat: 5 Bison: 4

Part 1.2: Super Combos in Combos

Super Combos can be added into combos. I'd advise you to find your own,
as individual creativity is what works best when making combos,
but I'll put down some obvious ones.

Bison: SC - triple air volleyball punch
Chun Li: Jumping Fierce - SC - triple air kick
air jab (anything?) - standing jab - SC - triple air kick
Ken: Jumping Fierce - SC
Cammy: Jumping fierce - SC
Sagat: Jumping fierce - SC
Dee Jay: hm... there was this really nasty one, about 11 hits...
offhand I can't remember it but it went something like...
Neck Forward Kick - crouching jab X 2-3 - Jack Knife Maximum (air kick)
- SC - Jack Knife Maximum.

Part 1.3: Charging up the SC meter
(creds to Mr. Chang (actually, these are his direct words
or actually Gamest Magazine)

o To give a measure for the Super Meter, Gamest uses the term "dot" as in
pixels on the screen. I'd prefer using the word "pixel" personally,
but hey, "dot" is shorter to type. -_^

Super Meter increment chart (Super Meter takes 48 dots to reach max.)
| | Jab/Short | Strong/Forward | Fierce/Roundhouse |
|Hit | 2 dots | 4 dots | 5 dots |
|Blocked| 1 dot | 3 dots | 4 dots |

Ryu: "Vacuum Fireball" Ken: "Rising Dragon Breaker"
Hadoken - 2 dots Hadoken - 2 dots
Dragon Punch - 7 dots Dragon Punch - 8 dots
Cyclone Kick - 6 dots Cyclone Kick - 6 dots
New kicks - 6 dots

Honda: "Double Ghost" (!) ChunLi: "Thousand Burst"
HHS - 6 dots Wind Kick - 4 dots
Torpedo - 9 dots Kikkoken - 5 dots
Buttafuoco - 9 dots Rising Kick - 8 dots
Uchio Throw - 12 dots SBK - 8 dots

Blanka: "Grand Shave Roll" Zangief: "Final Atomic Buster"
Electricity - 5 dots Missed SPD - 5 dots
Slide - 5 dots Lariat - 6 dots
Horiz. Roll - 7 dots Green Hand - 7 dots
Vert. Roll - 7 dots Rush PD - 12 dots
Arch Roll - 7 dots SPD - 20 dots
Double PD - 24 dots

Guile: "Double Somersault" Dhalsim: "Yoga Inferno"
Sonic Boom - 7 dots Yoga Fire - 3 dots
Blade Kick - 8 dots Yoga Flame - 8 dots
Yoga Blast - 7 dots
Teleport - 7 dots

T. Hawk: "Double Typhoon" Cammy: "Spin Dive Smasher"
Thwk. Buster - 6 dots Thrust Kick - 6 dots
Condor Dive - 8 dots Cannon Drill - 7 dots
Mex. Typhoon - 20 dots Spin Knuckle - 4 dots
Wall Bounce - 4 dots (miss)
9 dots (slam)
9 dots (kick)

Fei Long: "Blazing Rekka Ken" Dee Jay: "Sobat Carnival"
Rekka Ken - 6 dots Air Slicer - 4 dots
Shien Kyaku - 8 dots Jumping Kick - 9 dots
Jumping Kick - 7 dots Sobot Kick - 8 dots
MGU - 7 dots

Balrog: "Crazy Buffalo" Vega: "Rolling Izuna Drop"
Straight - 6 dots Backflip - 5 dots
Upper - 5 dots Roll - 10 dots
Low Straight - 6 dots Wall Attack - 8 dots
Low Upper - 5 dots Flip Kick - 10 dots
TAP - 7 dots Horiz. Claw - 10 dots
B. Headbutt - 5 dots

Sagat: "Tiger Genocide" M. Bison: "Knee Press Nightmare"
Tiger Shot - 3 dots Psycho Crusher - 6 dots
Tiger Upper. - 7 dots Scissor Kick - 6 dots
Tiger Knee - 6 dots Head Stomp - 8 dots
DFA - 8 dots


NOTE: if you choose to use the SSF2 version of your character, you CANNOT
do this. You MUST choose the SSF2T version of your character to do
If you get thrown, you can reduce the damage in half or sometimes less
and land on your feet.
In the EARLY frames of animation of YOUR character being thrown,
just tap a button, usually strong or fierce, possibly any.
If it makes you feel better, move the stick left or right as well.
As you rebound from being thrown, you can get hit before you're
able to defend it. One such example being Vega, who can
Someone managed to air-throw Ken out of his DRAGON PUNCH while it
was STILL GOING UP. I've witnessed VEGA doing so, others
used Cammy.

(confirmed by Rasheed Rankins)
(or: how to wimp out at ssf2t)

If you want to play the "Super" version of a character (as opposed to the
Super Turbo version), you have to select your character with JAB. Then,
while the plane is flying to the top of the screen, tap JAB repeatedly
while either moving the joystick left-to-right or up-to-down. On the
character selection screen, characters belonging to odd-numbered columns
use the left-to-right method while those belonging to even numbered
columns use the up-to-down method.

So far, there is one exception to this rule, which is Cammy. In
order to get the SSF2 version of her, do the OPPOSITE of what would
normally be the proper stick movement.

select with & tap jab button and...

----------------------- --------------------
Ryu, Ken, Blanka, Zangief Honda, Chun Li, Guile,
T-Hawk, Balrog, Fei Long, Dhalsim, Cammy, Dee Jay,
& Vega Sagat & M. Bison

Gamest Magazine claims there's an EXACT set of stick motions
for getting the characters, although the above technique
works just fine as well. Here's their take on this:

Picking the Super version of a character:

o To pick the Super version of a character, pick the character with any
button. Then enter the following joystick motions and press jab.

Ryu - RRRL T. Hawk - RRLL
Ken - LLLR Cammy - UUDD
E. Honda - UUUD Dee Jay - DDUU
Chun Li - DDDU Fei Long - LLRR
Blanka - LRRR Balrog - RLLL
Zangief - RLLL Vega - LRRL
Guile - UDDD Sagat - UDDU
Dhalsim - DUUU M. Bison - DUUD

Choosing the SSF2 version of your character WILL NOT give you an
exact replication of the SSF2 character.
* Balrog: standing rushing punches, while they do hit low, are
more vunerable to kicks that they used to be, and
noticably shorter.
* Sagat: roundhouse is still shorter than it used to be.
So in other words, attempting to use the SSF2 version will _most
likely_ give you a hybrid variation on your character (there may be

- If two players both pick the same character in SSF2 mode, (i.e. ken vs.
ken) both characters will wear VERY similar, almost identical uniforms
with just a very slight shade of colour difference between them.

= There are two BIG weaknesses that come with choosing
the SSF2 mode of characters.

** AKUMA **
* Super Combo: None
* Fireball
| \ -O + punch
* Red Multi-hit fireball
O- / | \ -O + punch. Jab hits once, strong hits twice,
O O O fierce hits 3 times.
* Hurricane Kick
| / O- + kick. Slightly invulnerable at start, hits on the
O O way up (like ken's), slow as Ryu's, taps into VE.
* Uppercut
-O | \ -O + punch. All his uppercuts can hit up to 3 times.
O O Taps into the VE as well.
* Air fireball
(jump) + | \ -O + punch. Shoots an aerial fireball, but CPU
O O Akuma shoots two at a time. How? Dunno.
* Gliding Teleport
-O | \ -O + ALL punch or kick or O- | / O- + ALL punch or kick
Using kicks makes you travel about a half-screen. Using punches
makes you travel a full screen across.
** RYU **
* Super Combo: "Vacuum Fireball" "Shinkuu Hadouken"
| \ --O | \ --O + any punch
A fireball that hits up to FIVE times, even if target is airborne
* Rushing Punch (1):
--O + STRONG (must stand to block)
* Rushing Punch (2):
--O + FIERCE (block in any position)
* 2-Hit Air Punch:
This punch initiates the "Volleyball Effect" if it connects (section 7).
* Fireball disappears after travelling roughly 3/4 of the playing
field (not the screen area, the ENTIRE field)
* Shorter ROUNDHOUSE and FORWARD sweeps.
* Hurricane Kick seems improved, and "lands better" with Ryu more able to
retaliate after landing.
* NOTE: Ryu's Dragon Punches are no longer invincible.
SSF2T: Better Hurricane Kick
New rushing punches a fair asset to have.
SSF2: Totally invulnerable uppercut
Longer ROUNDHOUSE and FORWARD sweeps?
Performs Fireball trapping better?
** KEN **
* Super Combo: "Violent Dragon Punch" "Double Dragon" "Shyoryureppa"
--O | \ --O | \ + any punch
JAB dragon punch followed by a FIERCE dragon punch
* New Roundhouse Kick 1:
| \ --O + tap any kick
animation resembles his old roundhouse (far).
* New Roundhouse Kick 2:
--O \ | + tap any kick
swings foot across at chest level, can be used in combos.
* New Roundhouse Kick 3:
O-- / | \ --O + tap any kick
These are new and better animated versions of the old regular roundhouse.
They will knock an aerial opponent to the far side of the screen and
can be used to end a combo.
* New Axe Kick 1:
| \ --O + hold down kick button
* New Axe Kick 2:
--O \ | + hold down kick button
* New Axe Kick 3:
O-- / | \ --O + hold down kick button
Theses will do Axe Kicks (new animation) that you must STAND up to
block. There IS a difference between NAK 1 and NAK 2, but
we're not really sure how one is better than the other.
It's speculated NAK 2 is better in combos and generally faster.
Also, NAK 2 swings higher faster. Don't know enough about how
NAK #3 is dramatically different or such, but then again the
diference between NAK 1 & 2 aren't extremely great either.
* Air Throw:
* Knee Bash:
Ken will grab his opponent and hit'em with his knee repeatedly.
Tap button & shake stick to increase bash speed.
* Fireball now disappears after travelling 3/4 across the playing
field (not the screen area, but the ENTIRE field)
* His air ROUNDHOUSE no longer can do neck kicks
* His ground standing ROUNDHOUSE is a spin kick to the knee area which
also moves him forward. It has great range & good damage.
* His close range standing forward has been altered. It is no longer
a knee, but instead a very brief one-hit axe kick.
* The Hurricane Kick seems to "land better". He's more able to throw
after landing.
* Shorter ROUNDHOUSE and FORWARD Sweep.
* New jumping FORWARD, better range and priority.
* Uppercut damage has been boosted, as well as his TOD combo.
* NOTE: Ken's Dragon Punch is NO longer invulnerable
SSF2T: New attacks a fair asset to close-up fighting
New FORWARD and ROUNDHOUSE may have good properties
Jab Uppercut does more damage
HK not as vunerable when it lands
SSF2: Invulnerable uppercut
Neck kick ability in ROUNDHOUSE kick (can't do that in SSF2T)
Some may prefer his original regular kicks.
Probbably performs Fireball trapping better.
** E. Honda **
* Super Combo: "Super Killer Head Ram" "Double Torpedo"
O-- --O O-- --O + any punch
Does 2 Torpedos that hit multiple times
You can do the motions for it, but instead of immediately tapping punch
just keep the stick in a forward direction (jumping forward,
walking forward, crouching forward, whatever). When you tap a
punch button, the Super Combo will automatically begin.
You loose the charge if you reverse the direction of your
stick or tap a kick button.
* Uchio Throw (or "Mega-Buttafuco Slam")
| / O-- + FIERCE
Honda will grab your opponent, smash 'em head-first into the floor,
leaps up, and then SITS ON 'EM! It has as much range as T-hawk's Dunk.
The damage level is roughly 30%.
* Regular move alterations:
Now in SSF2T Was in SSF2
------------ -----------
standing SHORT crouching SHORT
crouching SHORT [close] SHORT
standing FORWARD crouching FORWARD
crouching FORWARD [close] FORWARD
standing FIERCE crouching FIERCE
[close] FIERCE standing FIERCE
* Fierce punch (grab at feet) no longer knocks down opponent.
* Jumping straight up fierce can be moved forward by stick movement.
* Priority of jumping fierce may be boosted.
* his close standing strong punch now can hit earlier in it's animation.
* HHS (Hundred Hand Slap) no longer controlled as before. The action
of the HHS depends on which button you choose to mash:
flies forward VERY fast about half the screen, then doesn't move
forward any more. If you keep tapping the button, he'll still do
the HHS, he just won't budge any further in any direction.
glides along forward at a fair pace, a little faster than his
walking speed, and then stops just as the FIERCE HHS does.
* JAB:
starts up the HHS, but he won't budge at all.
SSF2T: foot grab quicker to do
Buttafuco attack seems to have better range
he's got that mega-buttafuco throw
really fast forward moving HHS.
that bit about controlling the jumping straight up fierce.
SSF2: overhead FIERCE chop comes out more than in SSF2T version
precise control of HHS movement.
** BLANKA **
* Super Combo: "Grand Shave Roll"
O-- --O O-- --O + any punch
Rolls into ball, bounces up for a moment, and then
rolls along ground for multiple hits. Can dive under "narrow" fireballs.
(i.e. Sonic Boom, Air Slasher, High Tiger Shot, Yoga Fire, etc...)
The ball can hit even as it's bounding upwards.
Hold the punch button down to spin in place for a while.
* Hop:
O-- --O + all 3 kick
The Hop is somewhat immune to any regular attack: you cannot punch/kick
Blanka as he is moving forward. However, Blanka CAN get hit by a special
move, particulary anything of a torpedo/projectile nature. Also, he has
a _brief_ moment of vulnerability where he can get hit or thrown as he
stops the hop, but it's very short.
In earlier beta versions it could go through fireballs.
* Sliding Punch:
This sliding punch can dive under only "narrow" fireballs (as explained
above with the SuperCombo) _and_ Bison's torpedo.
* Arch ball is faster, but who needs it?
* Vertical ball now drops Blanka straight down instead of retreating.
* His jumping ROUNDHOUSE, and all his FIERCE punches, have been greatly
improved in range and speed.
* Somewhat better recovery after BlankaBall, as he's able to jump over
any retaliatory fireball from Ken, has a fair shot at blocking or dodging
Sagat's, but still can't dodge Ryu's.
Honestly, do you really have to ask? SSF2T is THE Blanka
to use. There are NO advantages to using the SSF2 version.
** GUILE **
* Super Combo: "Double Summersault Kick" "Double Flash..." "Double Slash..."
/ \ / O + any kick
O O O |
SHORT flash kick followed by a ROUNDHOUSE flash kick
* New forward kick:
Guile will do his "Chuck Norris/Van Damme" type spin kick and move
forward or backwards (dependant upon stick direction). Nice for SB type
trap or surprise. May also be able to hop above low tiger shots.
* Old knee hop:
O-- --O + SHORT
* Old backfist:
* New roundhouse: If the opponent is far, it will do a skip-forward
+ kick to the shin. If the opponent is very near, Guile will
do a stationary kick that aims for the head.
* New fierce: a straight forward punch, Ken/Ryu-type punch range.
* Size of Flash Kick proportional to strength of kick, SHORT FK being a
bit smaller than a FORWARD FK.
Flash Kick may be longer.
SSF2: Some may prefer his original FIERCE and ROUNDHOUSE
** CHUN LI **
* Super Combo: "Thousand Burst Kick" "Lightning Strike"
O-- --O O-- --O + any kick
Does a charging SHORT kick followed by a Lightning Kick barrage
Chun can do the same trick with her SC that Honda has (in other
words, for more info See Honda)
* Spinning Bird Kick:
O-- --O + any kick
NOTE: the SBK no longer hits on it's way up.
Essentially, it is kinda useless.
* Jumping Lightning Kick:
| O + any kick
O |
Hits 3 times in air, It is very vertical, having
roughly the same range as Ryu's Uppercut.
Not very impressive damage, but looks okay.
taps into the "Volleyball Effect" but tough to do.
* Parabolic Spinning Bird Kick is possible, but I'm not 100% sure
of it's execution. It's probably
O-- / + kick
* Neck Flip:
can be done even if opponent is far away. Handy in some
scenarios where you want to dodge fireballs.
* Back Flip:
can be done even if opponent is far away.
* Her fireball charge seems to be shorter.
* Her forward kick is better in combos now.
SSF2T: Seemingly quicker fireball chargeup
New air kick
Better modified forward kick
SSF2: The only reason you'd want to use her is because you feel
the new stuff is unnecessary or irritating.
Superior SBK.
** Zangief **
* Super Combo: "Final Atomic Buster"
720 degree motion + any punch
Does a German Double Suplex followed by a SPD has done up to 70% damage!
The Super Meter will NOT lose it's charge until you actually succeed in
grabbing your target.
* Green Hand or "Banishing Hand" "Vanishing Flat"
--O \ | + FIERCE
Can follow with a SPD
* Hopping Gut Crunch
Don't use this too much. It HAS managed to stop a BlankaBall in mid-flight.
Can *barely* go over some sweeps.
* SPD may have more range.
* Lariat punch seems to be improved, lower starting strike zone, can take
out a Honda torpedo better.
* NOTE: He no longer has the "magic throw" bug, not in ANY version.
SSF2T: "green hand" a fair anti-fireball tool
but an excellent way to "tick"
Lariat punch improved
SSF2: The jabs can handle Honda's torpedo better
Lacks the "gimp" move of SSF2T that can, if not managed
carefully, can get Zangief killed
** Dhalsim **
* Super Combo: "Yoga Inferno"
O-- / | \ --O O-- / | \ --O + any punch
Super-charged Yoga Flame that hits multiple times.
* Vertical Yoga Flame: "Yoga Blast"
O-- / | \ --O + any kick
Dhalsim spews a flame cloud into the air.
* Joystick must now be in neutral or forward to get extended limb attacks.
* If you hold back, you'll get "short" attacks, those attacks that used to
automatically come out when your opponent was near. Keeping the stick in
neutral or offensive positioning will allow Dhalsim's limbs to extend to
it's maximum lengths.
* The torpedo is nearly horizontal.
* The drills are of varying angles, based upon the kick button used.
* ROUNDHOUSE: near vertical angle
* FORWARD: 45 degree angle
* SHORT: near horizontal angle
* His crouching goofy SHORT kick from classic SF2 is back
* A New very straight jumping STRONG punch
* A New jumping JAB punch
* His teleport has new animation and seems to be less vunerable.
SSF2T: Anti-air flame
More angle-controlled drills
Better air strong punch
Teleport is fast any very much less vunerable
SSF2: Limbs will naturally extend to appropriate length
(don't that sound sick?)
** Cammy **
* Super Combo: "Spin Dive Smasher"
| \ --O | \ + any kick
Does a Cannondrill followed by a Thrust Kick
* Cannonball Jump:
/ | \ --O O + strong/fierce
O O O /
She'll spin up in a ball, and the next part is up to you:
(NOTE: nobody's 100% sure about this yet)
# If she's near target, she'll do one of two throws. To execute the
throw, tap a kick button as you're in the ball. The opponent should be
reasonably near.
# she'll leg grab you
# she'll grab, plant her feet in your face and smash you to the ground
It's theorized that this is determined either by using kick or punch,
or by whether or not your opponent was crouching when he gets thrown.
# In a Japanese vidmag, it's said that the kind of throw done
is determined by the time that you press the kick button. According
to them, if you push the button when she's near her opponent's head,
she'll do the leg-grab, when she's near her opponent's mid-section
she'll do the other throw, and if you've done it later you'll just
do the slide.
# If no throw is attempted, she will go into a slide which goes under
fireballs and disrupts Honda's headbutt if Honda doesn't get it out in
* She can do the jump w/o doing either a slide or throw, and it is
GUESSED that you must leave the stick in neutral to do so.
* The JAB spinning punch is known to have a FEW frames of
invulnerability at the very earliest frames of invulnerability, while
the STRONG & FIERCE seem to be lacking in invulnerability.
(creds to mike chang)
* Her air throw, particularly her leg air throw, has a BIGGER range.
* Shorter hangtime
* Shorter SHORT drill, but better recovery.
SSF2T: Cannonball Jump
Better air throw
Lower hangtime
SSF2: Her Spinning Punch is more invulnerable
** Fei Long **
* Super Combo: "Grand Blazing-Flame Punch" "Rekkuukyaku"
| \ --O | \ --O + any punch
Fei does 5 Rekka Punches in a row.
* Triple Axe Jump: "Rekkuukyaky"
/ | \ --O O + any kick
O O O /
-Must stand up to block this attack.
Uses the frames of animation from his old jumping roundhouse to jump in
an arch, can hit up to 3 times. Taps into Volleyball effect for
a maximum of 3 times. Can be used in combos.
* New Forward Kick:
Uses the same frames as in Super, but it moves forward and it can only be
blocked by standing up to block. It can travel over sweeps such as Ryu's
* New ROUNDHOUSE jumpkick uses animation of his old jump straight up
* New near neutral standing forward kick.
* His hangtime might be longer by a little bit.
* Has air throw: he uses the animation of the grab-the-head-and-sling-you
throw. Use STRONG or FIERCE.
SSF2T: Has new arching multi-hit Axe Kick
SSF2: Shorter Hangtime (not by much)
Retains goofy but effective jumping roundhouse kick
** DEE JAY **
* Super Combo: "Carnival Hook Kick" "Quadruple Rolling Sabot Kick"
O-- --O, O-- --O + any kick
He'll do 2 Double Dred Kicks.
* Double Axe Jump: "Jack Knife Maximum"
| O + any kick
O |
He does a spin kick in the air. The stronger the kick, the more spins
you do. Looks sweet, and is fairly effective.
NOTE: This move taps into the "Volleyball effect". If the kick does not
hit three times, you can do another axe jump to make the total #
of hits three.
* Slide is altered. It travels shorter but more easily travels
cleanly under small fireballs (sonic boom, yoga fire, etc...)
* MGU does more damage, but NO LONGER contains ANY invulnerable frames of
* Hang time is improved.
* Jumping FIERCE is now a downward angled punch, while jumping
STRONG is an upward angled punch.
* Jumping roundhouse animation is _very_ much faster.
* Jumping STRONG and FIERCE animation switched from Super to Super Turbo.
SSF2T: Seemingly better hang time
Better damage
New air attack
Slide cuts under some fireballs
SSF2: Slide is longer??
MGU may have invulnerability
** T. HAWK ** (credits to Julien Beasley)
* Super Combo: "Double Mexican Typhoon" "Double Dunk"
<720 degree motion> + any punch
One fierce Mega-Dunk followed by a jab Mega-Dunk. He only loses the
charge when the throw is done. Missed attempts do not empty the power
meter. One person has managed to do the stick motions first, then
walk forward a bit and tap the button to do the SC.
* All you need to do to execute a Dive is to hit all 3 punch buttons.
No stick movement required.
* Shorter crouching FORWARD and standing ROUNDHOUSE
* MAYBE a reduced hangtime.
* Relatively sped up.
SSF2T: possibly all-around just a little faster
SSF2: his FORWARD and ROUNDHOUSE kick is longer?
** BALROG **
* Super Combo: "Dashing Upper Cuts" "Frenzy" "Mad Dash" "Crazy Buffalo"
O-- --O, O-- --O + any punch or kick
He does 5 rushing punches in a row.
* Two New Ducking Rushing punches:
O-- \ + any punch or kick
The punch will end in a ROUNDHOUSE animation and (obviously) hit low,
but has less range than his old charging punches. I don't know why they
bothered with the kick, as it's justa lower version of the charging kick
and still doesn't hit low.
* Balrog, while jumping straight up, can move forward by
using the FIERCE button and the stick.
* Balrog seems to do more damage per hit.
* Balrog's standing FIERCE punch is shorter BUT faster.
* Balrog's Buffalo Headbutt goes longer and hits lower.
SSF2T: low dashing punch which is an asset in some situations
(especially against Zangief)
SSF2: standing rushing punches hit low
(but _are_ shorter ranged than in previous versions)
** VEGA **
* Super Combo: "Rolling Izuna Backdrop"
/ \ / O O + any kick
O O O \ /
This executes a normal wall dive. However, if you connect with the
bodyslam, you will get 3 bodyslams instead of one. The SUPER METER
_ONLY_ goes down when you get the 3 bodyslams off. You will NOT see Vega
leaving a trail of shadows UNTIL you actually grab your target,
otherwise, it looks like a normal dive and you can make opponents
nervous like this.
* Forward Flip:
/ --O + any kick
Barely goes through fireballs, can hit aerial target twice. Once you have
this move charged, you may stand up but you MUST stay in a defensive stance
(i.e. hold your stick away from opponent). Taps into volleyball effect.
* NOTE: you may stand up after your Forward Flip is charged. Just
keep your stick in a defensive position.
* If your claw falls off, you can pick it up again by just walking over it.
* You must stand up to block Vega's off-the-wall slash (missed
air-backbreaker/izuna drop).
* The range of his crouching STRONG and JAB have been shortened a little.
SSF2T: very effective new forward flip
can pick up claw after it falls off
quick chargeup time for everything.
SSF2: None known.
** SAGAT **
* Super Combo: "Tiger Genocide"
--O | \ --O | \ + any punch
A Tiger Knee followed by a Tiger Uppercut.
* Fireball recovery is almost as bad as his HF delay
* TU damage is now reduced to unimpressive, very Ken/Ryu-type levels, even
though it hits for a maximum of 5 times. Sometimes it won't even
hit that much.
* Roundhouse has less rage, jumping and crouching.
* All of his kicks are now interruptable and therefore usable in combos.
* Only the JAB Tiger Uppercut is sure to knock down an opponent if struck
on the ground. The FIERCE TU has left opponents standing on occasion.
* Also, his kicks can be used in FULL extension for combos: in other
words, you can allow his SHORT and FORWARD kicks to make contact TWICE
and STILL shoot a fireball for a combo, and with this a 5 hit combo MAY
be possible (jumping kick - standing STRING - Tiger Knee)
SSF2T: the standard SC & softening throws stuff.
SSF2: This is strange. BOTH versions have the ability to use BOTH
hits of his FORWARD and SHORT kick as part of a combo, and
BOTH have the shortened ROUNDHOUSE. BUT SSF2 mode Sagat has
a more powerful uppercut and quicker fireball recovery.
Makes for a better long range fight and fireball trapping.
I have to wonder what the advantage of using SSF2T Sagat
is, other than the standard two reasons.
** M. BISON **
* Super Combo: "Knee Press Nightmare"
O-- --O O-- --O + any kick
Does 2 Scissor Kicks in a row
* "Devil's reverse":
| O O O + any punch
O \ | /
It is now controllable. He'll fly where you send him and fake a
headstomp. If you press punch AGAIN, he will dive down, and you can
control his descent. Don't press it and you'll fly off, maybe to a safe
distance. Has less priority than in SUPER (credits to Stiltman)
* Scissor Kick has improved "bounceback" and recovery, leaving Bison
not-as-vunerable afterwards anymore. Still, you can't get
reckless with it.
* Scissor kicks lash out faster than before.
* Scissor Kick charge time just a little longer than before.
* Damage levels are _fairly_ high, and torpedo seems to take off a little
bit more when blocked than his SSF2 version.
* Also may retain high stun ability.
* Jumping STRONG punch is altered:
It is a two-hitter punch. The first uses the graphics of his SSF2 straight
up jumping jab now for jumping forward & back. To get the second
hit, you must tap the button again, and he'll execute another punch which
uses the animation of his jumping straight up fierce punch.
So graphically, it will look like a left-right punch combination.
SSF2T: Torpedo takes off more damage if blocked
Scissor kick is faster in it's execution and it's
recovery (you are less likely to be thrown after
your scissor kick is blocked)
Also his regular hits are more damaging.
Oh yeah, that cool volleyball stuff :)
SSF2: Uses original "Devil's Reverse".


Name: ???
His energy bar has NO name, so nobody is 100% sure. There are several
versions of what his REAL name should be.
* Goki Long: ("son of Sheng Long") assigned by several
magazines & assumed by everyone since that stupid EGM april fools
* Goki (spelling?) (no Long) his name in japanese versions?
* Sheng Long: again, a byproduct of kids and that April EGM.
* Akuma: (japanese for "devil") the name he's known by in
Japan. EGM also calls him Akuma. Also... according to Ming
(you're not kidding, right?) "Akuma" was the name on some
promotional posters and such that Capcom gave out.

* -=His Story=-

And so writes....

"[from the EGM book] there are two pages devoted to Akuma. The
book gives some of his stats and says, among other things, that
he is named Gouki in Japan, and that according to "Japanese
sources" he is the brother of Ken and Ryu's Master (Sheng Long in
the US, Gouken in Japan). It says that Akuma/Gouki & Sheng
Long/Gouken both learned the fireball/hurricane kick/dragon punch
from a Master Goutetsu, and that these three techniques were
initially meant for killing. Sheng Long/Gouken removed the "intent
to kill" from these moves when he taught them to Ken & Ryu.
Akuma/Gouki has no such reservations, and Master Goutetsu's
"mysterious death" was supposedly at his hands. And now, it
seems as though Akuma/Gouki wanders the world looking for
worthy opponents to fight to the death..."

* Description:
Imagine Ryu's body with a ponytailed head on it, the hair looking a
bit fiery. His clothes are all black, his pants are ragged at the
ends. He is darkly tanned and his face says "I'm pissed".
He's also sporting sandals and a necklace of some sort.
His fireballs are shot with a grunt, "hrgh!", and his uppercuts
sound similar to this as well. He does _not_ use any words.
He has two victory poses. One of them is Akuma shaking his
fists much like Fei Long does. The other is him turning his back
away while a red symbol fades into his back (it resembles an
"E" and might mean "heaven" or something like that)

5.1)============THE CPU AKUMA===========

* The Grand Entrance: Your plane will fly off to Bison's place.
You and Bison will be standing there, but there won't be a
"ROUND 1: FIGHT!" voice. You'll _know_ you got Akuma if
the picture box where Bison's portrait should be is left black.
From _behind_ you, Akuma will warp in, stopping in front of
Bison. The screen will fade to white, you'll hear the sounds
of hits being landed and see the little star marks which indicate
that someone was hit, and then the screen will fade from total
white to normal, revealing Akuma standing over the beaten
body of M. Bison. It's kinda weird if you are using
Bison at the moment. Oh yeah, Bison's body stays on the scene
for all the rounds you fight Akuma

:::How to Reach Him:::
I have NO idea. People have reached him in various ways:
* even though they have lost rounds
* even though they have continued
* even though they have previously engaged in two player mode
(I myself have gotten to Akuma after many people played
the machine and switched characters, colors, and sides,
lost many rounds, & continued a ridiculous amount of times)
* A theory from Gamest Magazine claims that you must beat
The first three bosses w/o loosing a round or continuing.
:::The Most Sure-Fire Way to Get to Akuma:::
* Use SC's every chance you get, don't loose rounds, don't continue
don't win by timeout. This may not be the exact requirement,
but if you go by this stuff, you've covered just about any guess
as to how to get to Akuma.
*but even if you do all this, there's no guarantees.
:::Theories (NOT proven):::
* One theory suggests it is related to your points scored.
* One more theory links the performing of SC's to getting to Akuma.
* Final theory: It's all just RANDOM

:::Statistics (how badass is he?):::

(big assist by caine schneider )

Having seen him a few times, here are some things to expect:

* Triple hit red fireball: *Massive damamage*, but Akuma recovers
slower than usual. Often used in forward - 3fireball combos by cpu.
* Double air fireball: two fireballs, one a tad ahead of the other,
shot in the air at a 45 degree angle. Damage isn't too bad,
equivalent to a strong punch.
* Multi-hit hurricane kick: Hits up to 3 times, massive damage,
Slightly faster than Ryu's, but packs the volleyball effect.
* Multi-hit dragon punch: Massive damage, can hit up to 3 times,
taps into the volleyball effect.
* Regular fireball: resembles Ryu's but is shot out _much_ faster.
* Gliding teleport: he switches sides very rapidly with black
(not blue) shadows trailing him. He is vulnerable after he
emerges from it for a brief while.
* he is fast. faster than ken or ryu, but not like vega or chun li. more
like fei long.

Attack Patterns and habits:
There are several offensive sets that Akuma will employ.
* Often, he will jump up, do the air fireball, land before
you're through blocking them, and launch a red fireball.
* He'll jump away shooting air fireballs and back them up
with a red fireball as soon as he lands.
* He will jump at you with a helicopter kick, and if it hits,
he'll follow through with a DP.
* At least half the time he'll soften a throw if you try to
toss him.
* Stick a limb out? Uppercutted.

Known weaknesses:
* Will jump towards you. Easy target for any anti-air attacks.
he won't do this often, so take advantage if it when it happens.
* Will not block or retaliate after Vega's wall spike
He WILL once in a while attack, but not often.
* Will _mostly_ just block blankaballs. Once in a while he may
dragon punch it, but mostly not.
* His multi-hit flaming fireball has a longer delay before launch and
after. Watch for when he tenses up and seems on fire, and attack.

5.2)===============How to USE Akuma/Gouki==================
That's right. You can play AS the hidden character.
Here's the safest method known so far:
- put your square on ryu. Say in your head
"thousand-1, thousand-2, thousand-3"*
Don't be afraid to say it a bit fast.
- go to T-Hawk's square. Again, do the 3-count.
- go to Guile's square. Again, do the 3-count.
- go to Cammy's square. Again, do the 3-count.
- go to Ryu/Ken's square. Again, do the 3-count.*
- Hit ALL punch buttons and the start button AT THE SAME TIME.
If you misfire, keep on mashing those buttons. The computer
gives you a half second to get it right.

*note: the pause on each character can be as short as
1 1/2 seconds. Just make sure that you keep the
delay consistent for every character. If you start
with a 3 second delay, stay with it for all squares.
*note2: AFTER you have finished moving to all the squares
and BEFORE you press all the buttons, there is one
precaution you may want to try. Move your square
to a character you want to play in case the
code does not work, and THEN press the buttons.
REMEMBER, do this AFTER you're done moving through
all the squares and BEFORE you hit the buttons.
*note3: It seems that pressing the start button BEFORE
mashing all the punch buttons is the proper
way to go about the button-press stage.

Anyone who's played against Akuma/Goki would think that being
allowed to use A/G would be unfair. Not so. The playable
version of Akuma/Goki is toned down in two ways:
- more delay after fireballs, ESPECIALLY the red fireballs.
- fireballs do less damage.
This makes A/G much easier to fight against than the CPU
A/G. Still, he's a tough bastard. He has all the standard
moves of the classic ken/ryu, his uppercut has ryu-like
(or more) damage & range, but hits multiple times a la Ken
and is invulnerabe, or at least has the highest possible
priority, as it does beat Ken & Ryu's DP, Sagat's TU, and
just about anything else that is of a DP/FK nature.
His HK hits on the way up & can hit multiple times
like Ken's but is slightly invulnerable at the start
like Ryu's HK. His red fireball delay is as bad/worse than
Ken's fireball delay, his normal fireball travels fast
and it's delay is near/equal to Ryu's. Not faster, I think.
Basically, he's a Ryu/Ken blend with more tricks and better speed.


Most Improved Characters: Blanka
Dee Jay

Least Improved Characters: T-Hawk

For the first couple of days that you play it, the speed will
overwhelm you, but after about 3 days, you'll be comfortable with
it again, and even maximum speed is easy. Just before you
play the CPU you'll be given a choice of speeds 1 through
3. In one-on-one situations, the winner of the last game
will choose speed. Speed 3 is ideal for the "fast" characters
such as Vega, Chun, and Blanka. Also, it certainly can't
hurt to boost up the speed if you are a tickfest-type player.

The characters seem to have been modified for better close-range
fighting (and for some, at the cost of their long range strategy).
Some examples would be the improvement of Bison's Scissor Kick,
Sagat's ability to tack on a fireball if his opponent blocks (or
doesn't) a SHORT/FORWARD kick, Ryu's new rushing punch, and the
alteration of Vega since Super. Even Dhalsim's alterations may have
been an attempt to improve his close-range abilities, and his new
Teleport certainly has more offensive possibilities. The emphasis
on this one, definitely close range fighting.

Part 7: The Volleyball Effect (VE)

The Volleyball effect is a new feature in SSF2T that is somewhat akin to
the attack mode of MK. If you have an opponent in the air, and you've
already hit them, you can hit them again in their "reeling back" frames of
animation. This feature is promoted as a part of the game, and not
a bug, by Capcom.

The primary requirement SEEMS to be that your character must have a
multi-air hit capability. When struck by such an attack, the CPU places the
one who was hit into an alternate stun mode where they are reeling back but
still hittable, so that the multi-hit air attack can hit multiple times.

(note: non-throw super combos also place targets into alternate-stun
mode, so you can combine v-ball attacks with supercombos)

ALL SuperCombo's by their very nature retain the "Volleyball Effect" and
are capable of hitting opponents in the air for more than
three hits in a row.

As for _Regular_ moves:
The MAXIMUM number of hits you can get from exploiting the volleyball
effect is 3 so far. It is confirmed that Ryu, Bison, Fei Long, Vega,
Akuma, and Dee Jay _cannot_ use the VE for more than 3 hits.

* Akuma: His VE moves are the most damaging of the non-SC volleyball
attacks. As usual, the limit is 3 hits. His hurricane kick
and uppercut tap into the VE, for a nice potential of combos.
In the corner, two jab uppercuts in a row will work, or
a HK & uppercut, or vice versa, etc etc etc. Fairly easy
to take advantage of Akuma's VE talent. Try to work in
the HK with combos.

* Ryu: He's the first one to be noticed for this trait. His
v-ball attack is his jumping strong punch, which, if
you tap the strong punch twice, will strike twice.
Very similar to Bison's v-ball attack, and fairly easy
to use.

* Dee Jay: His Axe Jump is able to first use the Air Spin Kick on
an opponent, and then use another Axe Jump before
they land. Very easy to do.

* Fei Long: His axe jump can be repeated on an opponent
before they land for a maximum of 3 times.
Extremely difficult to pull off.

* Vega: His roundhouse forward flip hits twice. Immediately
follow with _another_ roundhouse forward flip and
you'll get the total 3 hit limit. Very tough
to pull off.

* Bison: His jumping strong punch taps into the "Volleyball effect"
as well. By repeated hitting the STRONG after the first
hit, Bison will then hit the opponent with his OTHER hand.
This will knock the opponent high enough in the air so that
Bison can land and jump one more time for the final jumping
STRONG punch. BUT you don't have to use the one-two
punch, but instead just go one punch at a time to maximize
time and push your opponent back. Bison's volleyball
attack is very easy to use. You can even tack it unto
the end of his SC for a total of 7 hits.

* Chun Li: Her jumping triple kick, while it is much like
Dee Jay's, is more difficult to v-ball with, since she
recovers so slowly from the attack. Tacking on to the end
of a SC is the best time to try. Attempting to do 2
triple kicks that connect is difficult, enough so that I'd
say it isn't really too handy to try.

* Sagat: it's been reported that it's possible to get a bounce
from his fierce uppercut, either after a Super Combo or
if you've nailed your opponent when the both of you are
packed in the corner. Probbably too dificult to be used

* it's possible that there are MORE moves which tap into the VE yet
to be discovered. Not bloody likely, though.

PART 8: The Endings Sequences

Akuma: After he wins, the screen narrows, just as Guile's &
Cammy's does. Then he does one of his winning poses.
The credits roll by while each character is shown in his
or her _loosing_ portrait.
*NOTE: If you play AS akuma and FIGHT the CPU akuma and win,
your akuma will stand the other akuma up, and then uppercut'em
one last time for good measure.

In addition to the regular ending sequences, there's also drawn
still pictures of the world warriors, nicely done. I think
they were printed in some mag as well (GamePro? EGM?)

Bison: He sits on an Athena-in-the-Panthenon type throne holding a
suspended globe (earth?) in his right hand, his face wearing an
evil smile.

Chun: She's trying out a new dress before a mirror in some kind of store,
while her friend stands in the back, holding Chun's spiked bracers
(they seem to be very heavy) and her hair is down.

Dhalsim: Standing over a cliff by a raging river. A boy is in the
river and is about to be hit by a falling log. Dhalsim saves the
boy in one hand and pushes the log away with the other hand.

Balrog: Busy breaking a sandbag with a straight punch, while several
sandbag sits broken in the background and other boxers cling to
their sandbags in fright.

Ryu: Engaged in another street fight, blocking a straight punch from a
punk (might be Birdie, a character of SF1 fame), some people in the

Guile: Down on one knee before Charlie's grave, wearing a
solemn expression on his face and holding his friend's dog tag.

Ken: He's in a department store, there's an escalator in the back.
Ken and Elisa are rushing off in a hurry with Eliza ahead and
Pulling Ken by the hand. Elisa is in a blue dress cut on the side,
Ken is in a suit (white?). He's carrying lots of boxes which are
about to topple over him. (See? marriage made him a wuss already.)

Zangief: He's flexing his muscles and leaning on a broken mirror, looks
like he's in a locker room or gym of some sort. A picture of Vega
that's been defaced by some pink colored ink is taped to the mirror.

Blanka: He's standing in a busy street, the people seem frightened or
horrified by him. He's holding a mask of some sort and blocking

E. Honda: He's rampaging in his (dojo? school?), the ground trembling, the
walls kinda shaking, his students running for cover.

Cammy: She's on a sidewalk by a London street full of cars, wearing a
school uniform. She's kneeling down and extending a hand to a

Dee Jay: Wearing headphones, a keyboard on his lap, lying out on
a hammockon the beach and (as usual) wearing that damn big smile.

Fei Long: He's sitting in a movie star's chair, a blond lady wiping the
sweat from his brow, while a director/producer of some sort goes
over a script with him.

T-Hawk: Background desert, a few ruins too. He's facing you with his head
turned away over his shoulder where a hawk is approaching.

Vega: He's in his mansion, decor being nice (tribal weapons, furs, etc),
He's standing sideways away from you, wearing a baggy blue outfit,
one hand in pocket, the other enjoying a nice drink. He's peering
over his shoulder looking at you.

Sagat: Doing one-fingered pushups at his place (say, have any of you ever
watched the Emmys when Billy Crystal first hosted them, and Jack
Palance put in an appearance?)


(jump away) (jump towards)
\ | /

(away from opponent) O-- @ --O (towards opponent)

/ | \
(defensive crouch) (offensive crouch)

@: neutral stick position

"The SSF2T FAQ! It keeps going and going and going and going....."



A big "narf!" to....

In General:

_and Specifically_

|Mark Maestas|Tom Cannon|John Nishinaga|Kenchiro Tanaka|Stiltman|
|Matt Kruse|Derek Liu|Brian Chan|Rasheed Rankins|Caine Schneider|
|Kelvin Cabrera|Julien Beasley|Mario Hernandez|Lewis Tu|J. Klein|
|Robert Morishige|Randy|Po-Han Lin|Ronald Ko|"I want a cookie" Ken|
|Milo D. Cooper|Eric Steffensen|Darren Rion Hall|Alex Werner|
|Dan|The U of H arcade bunch|

(and two dozen guys whose names escape me at the moment)

(Sorry about that, guys)

* any resemblance between this FAQ and any real-life FAQ is purely
* no animals were harmed during the testing of the FAQ
* the disk space it currently takes up is 100% recyclable
* proven perfectly safe to your health.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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