Two Worlds

Two Worlds

17.10.2013 16:04:27


This walkthrough was written playing in easy mode. When playing on medium difficulty, some
things are not the same. For instance, some bandit camps in easy difficulty are replaced by groms
in medium difficulty. Also, some npc's stand in different locations in same area. Some auto
aiming isn't always the same and when using a bow in medium difficulty, you take off any

You start at or inside Throglin Temple. Inside, you might have to equip a weapon before you can
go through the gate. On your left are some Groms to kill. Loot their bodies and check out the
chest/box against the wall. Get the torch on the ground.

TIP: To get through the locked gate to the swirling vortex, that increases some abilities, Savras
Ram has a key. More on that later.

Before going back out the gate, on the left is another wooden chest against the wall. Exit the
temple and go up the long stone steps and speak with Tago. East of there, is a teleport station you
can use once you have a teleport activator.

TIP: Be on the lookout for tiny Dodo birds walking around during your travels. You need the
feathers from five of the little critters for a future quest. Whenever your target cursor shows
something and you can't tell what it is, always kill it because it may be a Dodo. Also be on the
lookout for Saffron flowers. You need at least five for another quest in the future.

***When you are given a quest, most times a colored dot appears on the world map marking
your destination in a town or the countryside! Just hit F4 to see the map and use the mouse wheel
to zoom in and out or use Tab to zoom.

Continue due south on the path and kill some bandits, or groms, on the left. Loot them and a
chest. Be on the lookout for Magnesite crystals. You only need 4 but it's possible to find at least
11. The extra ones can be used to brew lightning crystals to enhance some of your weapons.
Continue due south to the small village.


Just inside the north entrance, on the right speak with Artor Entaldur, or Kelor Phick. In front of
the nearby house, speak with Veran Korstill about a Moon Eye crystal and tell him "Very well, I
shall help you". A little further east speak with Nalax Gonga, sitting on a bench or standing
where lots of people wander around. Tell him "I can do this". East from him, speak with Kelor
Phick the Merchant of the Merchants' Guild. He might be walking around and he wears a light
colored robe and hood.

Before the south exit, speak with the shady merchant on your left, if he's there. Just out the south
gate, speak with Lucius. Further south near the intersection, speak with Gandohar concerning the
main quest.

CAUTION: Getting hit too much causes you to drop your weapon, so be sure to pick it back up!

*** TIP: get in the habit of searching all wolves to take their hearts. 7 wolf hearts are needed for
a quest much later.

On the east path near an active teleport on the left, speak with Ferid Redismos to get a teleport
activator. A little east of Ferid is a small Grom outpost, southeast of there is a large Grom
village. Inside the gate and on the right are two pieces of Magnesite, torch, and Totem. Take
everything. The Totem and Magnesite are quest items. Farther east is a smaller camp with a
couple of dead humans and another piece of Magnesite. Farther east is an optional teleport

Farther east, past an intersection and onto the smaller path to the left of a Grom outpost. Several
Reapers attack as you near the teleport that Ferid wants you to activate. Step inside and hit Space
bar. Drag the map to the right to see the Komorin Village teleporter and click on it.

Speak with Ferid Redismos again. He needs at least two pieces of Magnesite. Talk to Ferid again
and he gives you a personal teleporter. Speak to Redismos a third time and he tells you where
you might find more Magnesite.

*** Now for the key to the inner gate of Throglin Temple where you began. From where Ferid
Redismos is, head east on the main road. When you come to an intersection, head north from the
teleport on the main road. Ignore the house for now. Continue on the winding main road. When
you come to another intersection, activate the teleport just north on the small path. Nearby you'll
spot a camp. Go there and talk to Savras Ram, who's often sitting or standing at a bench straight
ahead from where you enter. He will eventually give you the key.

Head back due west on the main road, then SW on the main road. Along the way you'll see a
house on your right. Go there and talk to Basil Tylar. Accept his quest and he marks Gallows Hill
on the map. Finish the conversation. The target destination is west of the four way forked
intersection by Tharbakin Town. First though, take care of the Throglin Temple.

Now go back to Komorin and out the north gate and continue back to Throglin Temple. To the
right of the temple, activate the teleport station. Now go enter the temple. When you approach
the back gate, the key disappears and you can open the gate. Be careful in here, 4 powerful
Dwarf ghosts eventually appear and attack. On one side of the platform, jump up on some barrels
and jump up on the platform. Approach the vortex and you get some upgrade points and such.

Behind the platform are a couple of boxes you can open. Now leave the temple. When you exit
the temple, watch for a Dodo on the main path. Kill it and get its feather.

On the road south of Komorin, past the sharp bend in the road, is the horse breeder Vesit
Delurma you need to talk to and accept the quest. Nearby is another merchant. Activate the
nearby teleport. Continue south on the road to the forked looking 4-way intersection along side of
Tharbakin. Check the world map to see it. Take the right most path uphill. You soon come to an
old mansion on your right. Go to the right of it and on up the steep path to the gallows. Find a
piece of rope lying on the ground. Also pickup two pieces of Taint for a later quest.

Back down the hill path, at the stone house, talk to Rake and Jar. Jar mentions something about
dwarven ruins. You'll be going through there somewhat later. In the house, talk to Solon Moraios
and talk and listen to everything he has to say. Return back to the 4-way intersection next to
Tharbakin. Up off the right-most path is a teleport station. Use it to return to the teleport station
just south of Basil Tylar.

Head north to Basil Tylar. Give him the rope. After taking you leave, talk to him again. Now he
wants you to deliver some dolls to the bandit cave just SE. Tell him "Well, if the price is right
(notice the easter egg in that statement?). Target is a white dot on the map. The easiest way to get
there is go clockwise around the north side of the huge boulder. Go there and the dolls have a
spell that kills the bandits. Loot the two chests and the bandit bodies.

Return to Tylar and after saying farewell, talk again. Now he wants you to go get more rope. Tell
him "I have decided to help you", then say "I bid you farewell". But there's no more rope. Just
walk away down the road, out of site of the house till you get a quest message "Quest solved:
more rope". Return to the house. Tylar has been arrested. Tell the guard you don't have any
inkling about rope.

Now go inside the house and loot the downstairs and upstairs. Go back to Komorin and head
south on the main road. At the sharp bend, head west towards the lake. Go around the north edge
of the lake. Past some rocks and behind some bushes, is a cave hideout of bandits that worry
Vesit Delurma. Kill the bandits.

On around the lake to the west central part where the land points sharply eastward, continue west
and you'll find a small bandit outpost with a campfire. Just south of the bandit camp, you'll find
a piece of Magnesite lying in the grass on the left side of a huge boulder. A little farther in a
westerly direction uphill is the outskirts of Covengor (some maps show it as Covenant). Go south
on the road from there, then left on a small path to a thieves cave. Talk to Ash Lorus and accept
the quest.

Inside the cave, pick up the torch and fill up at the shrine if needed. In this cave you'll find at
least 5 Magnesite. Kill all skeletons you see. In here, talk to the thief Tyco and accept quest.
After all skeletons are dead, talk to Tyco and get the stolen ring. Outside talk to Ash Lorus again
and give him the ring. At Covengor/Covenant just north, activate the teleport station.

Continue through the village on the main path and take the first left uphill to the west on the
small path. Check the graveyard along the way. Continue west uphill to Orm Varagor's hut
shown on the map, and talk and agree to the quest for taint. After saying farewell, talk to him
again to give a taint. Then talk to him a third time in case you do in fact have three extra taint.
Just south, continue through another graveyard, get the taints, continue uphill and west to a Grom
camp. Get the Totem and 2 Magnesites. Also there's an Arch Mage Earth Staff you need to find
here. It's a quest item so be sure to keep it.

Go back to Orm Varagor and talk. Talk again and Give him 3 more taint. Now he wants another
5. When you eventually give those, he wants a final 10. Then he will disappear. After that, loot
the house.

Seems like all major Grom villages have a bit of Magnesite lying around and a totem that you
should take. Now go use the Covengor teleport to return to Ferid Redismos at the Komorin
teleport. Talk to Ferid to get two more personal teleporters. You can only have 3 because he's
now in trouble. Any additional pieces of Magnesite can be used to brew lightening enhancers for
your weapons.

To use the special teleport stone, open inventory and drag a stone to the character chest armor or
simply double click it in inventory. Then outside of inventory, the stone will show a normal
teleport symbol you can activate. To pick the stone back up, step away from it till the hand icon

Now teleport to near the horse breeder on the south road, and talk to Vesit Delurma. Back north
to the south gate of Komorin and talk to Lucius.

Teleport to the Ancient Ruins, then walk back southwest to the main road. Follow the main road
due SE to an intersection. Continue south and follow the winding main road east to another main
intersection. Talk to Menno Hagerard and he marks a Grom camp on your map. Continue due
east on the road and it swings north past a bandit camp and the Old Boar cave.

On north up the road to a Grom camp and get the Totem. Check out the chests. You should now
have three Totems. Downhill to the east on the small road, is a Grom mining operation and two
Magnesite crystals, look all over. Back on the main road, continue north to the teleporter. There's
a graveyard just east downhill. Back north to the main road, continue southeast to Brumhill. To
your right, activate the teleport station if you need a quick getaway. On the north side in town,
get the Moon Eye Crystal in front of a house.

Go back NW along the road to the intersection, then SW to another intersection and talk to
Menno Hagerard again.

Gandohar marked Goat's Cave on your map, and it shows up as a green flashing dot "Active
Quests Underground" to the west. Go there and enter. Find and talk to Reist Tungard. You agree
to meet with him later. Once he teleports out, check out the chest to the right. Leave the cave and
talk to Gandohar at the campfire.

Gandohar marks a metaphysical node on the map. It shows on the main map as an active node.
Teleport to the Ancient Ruins, then walk just NE and step into the small central circle of stones
and Kira appears. She says the next node is south of Thalmont. It shows on the map as Western
Thalmont Node. After talking to her, walk back just SW, teleport southwest to Gandohar again
outside of Goat's Cave and talk to him. Then go back inside the cave and talk to Reist again.
Now go outside and talk to Gandohar a final time. Teleport back to Komorin and go talk to
Nalax Gonga and Veran Korstill.

On the main Komorin road, go all the way south past the stables. Continue to a four way
intersection. Continue south to the next intersection and talk to Stork beside the building and
agree to the quest. Continue south to the next intersection and follow the sign "Our Stonesi"
south uphill. Keep checking the map for the Western Thalmont Node and try to stay on the small

Once there, again step into the small circle of stones and talk to Kira. She marks a southern node
and it's somewhat southeast of Quidinar. You'll be going there much later.

Now back south a little and due east on the winding path to the main north/south road. Keep
checking the map for Master Ho. Along the way is another graveyard. Once at Master Ho, watch
out for the dragons in a nearby corral. Listen and get all info from Master Ho.

You can now continue with all the Side Quests. Doing all the side quests takes care of everything
in the Main Quest. Start with the town of Tharbakin. From the four-way intersection along the
west side of Tharbakin, take the eastern fork down and around outside the south wall of town,
activate a teleport station if not already. Continue on the path and meet Eras Brakalet near a
secret entrance. Tell him "If you can pay...".

Go back up along the path and enter Tharbakins' main outer gate, go around left and enter the
inner gate. Straight ahead a few steps and talk to Brogh Ardna and tell him "Aye, if the pay is
good". Go northeast to the barrels and go east to the secret passage and enter the gate. Work your
way through, opening two gates and continue through the passage and talk to Eras Brakalet again
outside. Now go back into town either through the secret passage or through the main gate.

If you should get caught stealing in Tharbakin, you have the option of saying "I don't want any
trouble here" or paying 30 percent of the requested 30,000. If you get thrown out of town, the
southwest gate will be locked. The tunnel is your private entrance if you need it.

On the north side of town are two rows of houses. Along the inner row, Ged Sammra stands
about half way along the wall. Talk to him and say "If I see Hagrast". Back west a few steps, then
slightly NW and talk to Rama Erendar in dark clothing. Talk to him and give him his staff (you
found it at the orc camp west of Covengor). Leave town and get on the main road leading east.
It's just south from where the secret entrance is. Head east on the road that swings NE to an
intersection. Continue NE a short way and activate the teleport station just outside the gate and to
the right up on a small hill.

Now go back SW to the intersection, go left (SE) and follow the road. It will end, but continues
some distance directly east. You might have to go slightly southeast to get past the steep hillside,
then northeast a bit before continuing east. The road starts again at a grom camp. Once you're
back on the road east, continue along.

The road eventually swings NE to a large curve in the road. Just north is a grom camp with a
Totem that you probably don't need. Back on the main road, continue along and you'll come to a
smaller curve in the road. Just past the small peak is a grom camp. Back on the road at the small
peak, continue south to the end and find Moals chopping wood outside Conn Krannach's house.
Talk to Moals. Go inside and talk to Conn and accept the quest. Go back up the road to the small
peak in the road.

Head directly north and you should eventually see a bandit camp and the Dark Soul Dungeon. In
there is the statue that Conn wants. ENE from the dungeon is a fenced in area. In the clearing is
Hagrast Wisp near a campfire. Get all the information from him you can. Once you say goodby,
just kill him for reputation with the Karga Clan. Now return south to Conn's house and give him
the statue.

If you have a spare personal teleport, use it to get back to the excavations. Once you've entered
the excavations, go around right and forward towards the other compound. Talk to Sano who
usually stands in front of his house. Get all information possible and he mentions Brokk and says
to see Set Kisto.

Go back towards the exit gate and take a right down into the work area and talk to Armin on the
left. He's usually working or just standing there. Learn all you can for a report to Stork. A short
distance from Armin you'll find Brokk. You learn about some stolen documents. Accept the
quest. Go up out of the pit, turn right and straight to the tower where Set Kisto is standing. Get
all information from him and learn about a bandit at the Silver Plate Mine. Tell him "I will do it".

Now return to Tharbakin and tell Ged Sammra about his son's death. Exit town and return down
the main south road to the crossroads inn and report to Stork. Then talk to Keshi Lano. Head
south down the main road and take the path around the west side of the huge Darrut gate. At the
teleport station, head east and expect to do some fighting before reaching the mine. Once at the
Silver Plate Mine, give the password and enter the mine.

Talk to Finch and tell him "No one has to die... " He gives you the device. You learn about his
contact in Four Stones (who is Scar). After talking and you have the package, prepare for some
extra fighting. Kill Finch for reputation, and kill the remaining bandits, including the gate guard
outside. Return to the old stone building near Tharbakin and report to Keshi to give him the
device. Much later, you can report again to Set Kisto in the excavations. For now though, travel
or teleport to Covenant/Covengor.

In the NW part of town, talk to the smuggler Dras Beclem and agree to quest. Head south on the
road from town and you soon find the bandit Hatver Riseda. Don't fight, just say "You are the
one...,"and you get a bag of 5 bottles of moonshine. Go back north to town and talk to Dras
Beclem again. Near the last building north in town, talk to Rilis Welgar to buy 5 bottles.

Check your inventory and make sure you have 10 bottles of moonshine. Return to Tharbakin and
talk to Brogh Ardna again inside from the inner gate. Now in the NW area of town, next to Rama
Erendar, talk to Daron Moreti and agree to the quest for a dragon scale. Finish the conversation.

Remember where you got the inner gate key for the Throgglin Temple? It was actually near the
Brotherhood outpost where you have to go to get a dragon scale. If you activated the Rusty Ogre
teleport near where you got the key, just teleport there. Then head due east on the main road to an
intersection. Nearby, talk to Tidar Shog on the left side of the road. Agree to his request. At the
entrance to the Brotherhood Camp, tell Orn Munhin "My business will benefit everyone...."

In the first camp, at the back gate, talk to Eskel Oldrot. Go through the gate and talk to Ilon
Kircer. In the outpost, talk to Toten Lokan. In the east central skeleton remains, just south of the
cave, get a dragon scale. In the cave find Ton Makiri behind a gate. Talk to him twice and give
him a lock pick.

When you exit the cave, skeletons inhabit the outpost. As you go back down the path, may see a
couple of Dodo's. Back through the gate, talk to Eskel Oldrot. Head back west on the main road
to the Rusty Ogre Inn. Talk to Darat and say "Tis agreed". Now just return to Tharbakin. You
have 1000 gold and Tidar lives!

In Tharbakin, in the NW section, give the dragon scale to Daron Moreti. In the first street on the
right, after entering the gate, past some barrels, Pol Getber stands in front of a door. Talk to Pol.
Inside the house, talk to Ion Furvo and accept the quest.

Return to the long south road from Tharbakin and make the long trip south to Cathalon. Don't go
to Four Stones yet. Much later, you'll get an assassination quest for there from someone in
Quidinar. Continue south towards Cathalon. At the last intersection, before heading east to
Cathalon, there are some ruins just off road.

In the ruins, first talk to Amber the young female mage on the right and listen to everything she
has to say and you get reputation with the Society. Next talk to Sygius Destrus, listening to
everything to learn about the Flame and agree to any quests. You'll be taking care of that
somewhat later.

On arriving at Cathalon, go through the northwest gate.

You destination in town is the blue dot on the map. If the door has a locked key symbol, don't
bother it. You have to do something else before the door has the Enter symbol. Go to the extreme
south area in town where swordsmen and bowmen are practicing. On the left at the targets, talk
to Nellor and he asks for Dodo feathers. If you have 5 feathers, talk to him again and give them
to him.

If you don't have 5 feathers yet, some Dodo's occasionally can be found around the outside of
the town wall, and sometimes near the forest to the west. Before checking into that though, return
to the map blue dot to see if the door in now unlocked. If it is, go in and talk to Samon Veller and
give the package. Don't talk anymore, just leave.

Now if you've given the feathers to Nellor, and talked again to get the arrows, head for the
Eastern Army Camp, just SW at the land mass jutting out into the Gon River. Take the SW road
a long way and expect some tough fighting along the way. At the camp, just inside the gate, talk
to Rigwell on the right.

Now if you still haven't talked to Samon Veller at the blue map dot in Cathalon, return there and
the door will probably be unlocked now. Remember, just give your package and just leave. Now
outside of Cathalon's west gate, teleport to the excavations to complete that area.

Excavations revisited.

Speak with Harban near the entrance and accept the quest. The wolf cave is quite a way south
beyond a small mountain range. Get on the SE main road. Along the way SE, stop by the Skelden
Mine and talk to Kirgen. Not much in the mine except really tough skeletons. At the end of the
first section of road, at a shrine, head south and watch for a teleport station and nearby bandits.

Continue southwest on the path to the wolf den. When they're all dead, you get a skill point
message. If you go on down the path to a shrine, you find Wild Hole Cave. Return to the teleport
station and teleport back to the excavations. Talk to Harban about the Den. Now teleport to
Tharbakin, then travel west through the four-way intersection onto the west path and on past the
Gallows Hill Manor.

Take the first left onto a small path leading down to Gorelin. After entering the gate, you'll find
Zed Masara on the left and he gives you Brokk's documents because you're mistaken for a Karga
messenger. In the rest area surrounded by a stone barrier, talk to Estar Gren. Tell him "I want the
information..." Leave the gate and head south on the small winding path to find Gorelin's Cave
and explore it. Head to the nearest teleport and teleport to Covengor. Then continue due north on
the main road. Take the second left onto the small path to the Karga Hidden Cave. Talk to
Serpen, then go in the cave and get "The Cure" lying on the ground.

Head southeast downhill to the Necromancer's Hut and give more Taint. Once you've given him
the final 10, he vanishes. Then you can loot his house. Return to the excavations by the quickest
means, and speak with Sano still in front of his house. Now you can get in the stockade. Straight
ahead to the house and enter to talk to Ebrat Skelden. Teleport to Covengor and head up the
north trail to the Karga gate. You're allowed through the gate. Go in and go to the first house on
the right. Talk to Ethan to get name of contact in Gorelin.

Now go back out the gate and CLOSE IT.

Before doing anything, you probably already have enough reputation with the rebels to allow you
to see Ultar Karga. He would want you to get proof that Ebrat Skelden is counterfeiting money
and the proof is inside Sano Moons house. A printing plate lying between two beds. But Ultar's
son Cahal wants a more direct route by killing Ebrat Skelden. At any rate, you get access to the
Karga treasury where the Relic Frame is.

There are three quests in the lower Karga camp to enhance your reputation with the rebels, but
you already have enough unless you just want the experience. Then you can forget about Ultar or
Cahal's request and continue with Ebrat Skelden's quest.

Siding with the Skelden camp.

Outside the gate, make sure it's closed. Now SAVE incase you mess up. Quickly kill the guard.
Now return down to Covengor and talk to Eryn Calvo and say "Be silent, or she will suffer..."
Eryn agrees. Teleport to Gorelin and enter. Over on the left, talk to Zed Masara to get the

Now return to the excavations, go down into the digs and give Brokk his documents. Go see
Ebrat with all the news. By the time you return to the Karga camp, it will be deserted and you can
go on up the hill to the treasury and get the Relic Frame. Be sure to loot all buildings in Karga.

Now teleport to the Rusty Ogre Lodge teleport station to the far north. At the lodge, speak with
Holi and accept his quest. Nearby, talk to Alfron Dekar and accept his quest also. Go NW on the
small path and eventually back east uphill to the Dwarven mine. Get past several dwarves
outside, and enter the mine. Might as well try to kill all dwarves in the mine because the leader is
one target, and when you investigate the human bodies completes the second task.

Go back down to the Rusty Ogre Lodge and talk to Holi and Alfron. Now teleport to Gorelin and
get on the main road heading west. Follow the main road uphill. You eventually come to the
haunted ruins that Jar spoke of. He was at the house near Gallows Hill. In the haunted ruins is an
entrance to a cavern with some treasures. Continue west on the main road. Do not get on the
section that heads north. Continue west till the road swings south and continue south. After quite
a distance, be on the lookout for a left onto a small path and another immediate left into a
deserted village.

In the deserted village speak to Old Barkin. If any of the towns people are running around with
their swords, there's a wild animal that has to be killed. After speaking with Barkin, then activate
one of your personal teleports if you have it. Get on the main road and continue south. Take the
first right onto a small path heading NW. At another intersection, continue north to the sacred
grove at a teleport station. Kill the giant and loot the place.

Teleport back to the deserted village and fight a bunch of giants. After they're taken care of, loot
the town for a bunch of stuff. Get back on the main road heading south. Continue past the
intersection leading to the sacred grove. Quite a way south, take the next two rights at
intersections. You eventually come to the town of Clovelly at the edge of the ocean.

The teleport station is just out the south gate. On the north end of town, and on the left near two
workers with pickaxes, speak with Etar. Go north along the shoreline to the green dot shown on
the world map at Stico Bay. Talk to Virgul. A white dot shows just NE. Go SE and activate the
teleport station, then go NE up the path to Stico Cave and talk to Greston. Agree to the quest. In
the cave is a body and a chest.

Go back down and give the compass to Virgul. Go back to town and talk to Etar at the flashing
dot. A new solid green dot appears. Go there and talk to Faoda the big woman. In the south area
of town, Mayor Verno stands near a well box. Agree to the quest. Go down the south road to the
mage's house, shown as a green spot to the SW. Talk to Hesmar Bratya and agree. Just outside
the gate is a teleport station.

Teleport back to Clovelly. West of the south gate lives Broven shown as green marker on the
world map. Speak with him, then on the other side of the two houses, speak with Amerleen.
Return to the mage Hesmar Bratya and talk again and talk.

Back to Broven and learn about his brother's death. Return to mage Bratya and talk.

Return to town and give Amerleen sad tidings. Go around the houses and learn from Broven that
Amerleen drowned in the ocean..

Return to the mage one last time with the news. Now back to the town well box and tell Mayor
Verno all the news.

Just up the bank from the town shrine is Aias Moratos. Tell him "I shall not interfere". Theron
Hloos' house is just north. Go in and tell him "A sad plight indeed". "Why does Aias
Moratos...", then "May hap..."

Near the SE gate Jemma stands in front of her house (Green marker on map). After talking to
her, go back to Theron just north of the shrine, go in and talk.

Then around on the north side of the house, talk to Tomal Aikos. Now exit the east gate and take
the first right off the main road. Talk to Womak Engar and say "You took Theron's ring..."
Womak and two others attack.

Go back to Theron Hloos, the flashing green dot. Now go talk to Jemma again. Inside the house,
talk to Maya.

Go to the green dot in the SW part of town and talk to Solon Murbar. Now you can loot Theron's
and Maya's houses.

Teleport to Cathalon, walk over to the NW gate and follow the main road as it swings north.
Along the way, at a shrine, head west through a bandit camp on the small path. Continue on and
enter Four Stones south gate.

Near the large well box on the north part of town, enter Annon Moha's house/tower. Talk to him
and say "Aye...Fine..." Also there, talk to Juna Evrist and agree to the quest, even though you
don't have to do it any time soon if you actually want to try it. The Earth Claw tower has many
Black Necromancers and zombies. For right now though, continue with the mirror quest. Go
outside and to the nearby fenced in rest area.

Talk to Scar and threaten him so that he attacks first. Kill him. You'll complete the quest and
collect the reward later from Sling in Quidinar.

Talk to Esperon Hiatos. Go out the west gate and up to the teleport station and teleport to
Cathalon. Go to the fountain in the center of town and speak with Lokar Maios shown as a green
marker on the map. Don't get the mirror for him, just say "It is an injustice." Go teleport back to
Four Stones and tell Esperon Hiatos "AYE... Lokar Maios put a ..." Now give the mirror to
Annon Moha in the house/tower.

Quite a bit later, when you go to Windbreak, the Annon there is dead and his house has some
pretty good loot.

Now for Juna Evrist's quest. Go out the NW gate and head due west on the road quite a distance,
go on past the intersection and follow the winding road to a bandit camp, and go north to Earth
Claw Tower. If you can make it to some steps up the tower, you can use a teleport pad to the top
of the tower to recover, then go back down to continue the fight. Once everything is dead, return
to Four Stones and speak with Juna Evrist.

Just out the NW gate is Mostrol Mirra's house. Go in and talk to him. Now teleport back to
Windbreak. Loot the dead mage and inside the house. Your target is a green spot on the map.
Talk to Denon Pater wearing a light colored robe. Now get to Clovely where your two targets are
green spots. On the south end, talk to Grah. Near the north gate talk to Famah. Now return to
Four Stones.

Just north of the west gate, in front of Mostrol's house is the mage Grah Magna. Talk to him. To
get reputation with the faction, go inside the house, talk to the fake Mostrol, say "I do not believe
you" and kill him. Now go out and speak to Grah again. Now teleport back to Cathalon and go
around the left side to the north gate and enter. Straight ahead to the raised walkway and at the
second door on the right. Go in and talk to Simon Veller in the back hallway to get a package.

Now go teleport to as near to Quidinar as possible. Go in the north gate. Go south and follow the
street as it turns west, before the curve though, go through a narrow passage and activate the
teleport station. Continue past the fountain to Runval standing at a door. Talk to him and enter
the door. Talk to Zatagi to learn of a breech. In the back hallway talk to Sling. If you already
killed Scar, talk to Sling again to report Scar's death. In the main room, talk to Aki Hosuno. He
wants you to kill Talor Ravinard. But Ravinard wants you to kill Hosuno. The choice is yours.

Exit the house, turn right a little way and around left to a door and enter. Talk to Garrid Swan.
After ending the conversation, talk again to get the updated documents.

Exit and go out the south gate and cross the bridge. Head SE to the southern node and stand in
the small circle of stones to talk to your sister. Go back west to the road and continue SW to an
intersection. Head west to Ashos. Just inside the gate, go through the first door on the right and
talk to Takashi Misuke.

Go outside the main gate, cross the bridge, then head due south past Water Claw tower. At the
shoreline south of Water Claw tower, you can see a large island. Take off all armor items that
says you cannot swim with this armor, then swim to the island. Then quickly put your armor back
on. The island is inhabited by a few dragons. In the old fortress, there's an army of Steel Golems.
You can run to a platform and up the steps. The golems don't climb steps.

Throughout the ruins are several chests in cages or just arranged in a large pile near the center of
the ruins. On the south side of the ruins is a teleport station.

Once you've had enough of the island, return to Cathalon.

In the NW section just down from the NW gate, go in the house and talk to Talor Ravinard. If
you want to kill him, just inquire about his health, then just kill him. Return to Quidinar, go past
the water fountain heading west through town and enter the door on the right and talk with Aki
Hosuno. Now return to Cathalon.

Just south of the central fountain, at the benches and tables, talk to Drox Galor. Just south go in
Orna Porrey's house and talk to her. Exit the house and go just NE to the tent/stand and talk to
Saria Tolmok and say "I will ponder your problem", and you get a package. Your target is just
south to the blue map dot on the other side of the building. Go in and give Clavius the package.

Exit and go back just north to the tent/stand and say "I have somthing for you" After the
conversation, talk again. Return just SW to Orna's house and get a food package from her. Go
back to the benches and tables and give the package to Drox Galor.

Head down to the training area at the south tip of town. If you delivered the arrows, speak to
Nellor at the targets. Near the entry to the training area, talk to Raul Dang and agree to get 3
catapult triggers. Outside the west gate, you have two routes of getting to Hadeborg Castle:

1. The longer but safer route; go down the south road and remove any armors that says you
cannot swim in it. Then swim across and put everything back on. Follow the long road south to
an intersection and continue a long way south to another main road intersection. Head back east
to the second right and north through a Grom camp and on up to Hadeborg Castle. In the rear
area next to a campfire at the teleport station, the three triggers are just lying there.

2. The shorter but more dangerous route, teleport to the station just outside of Ashos, then head
easterly past an intersection and continue east. You'll pass through a bamboo forest with sections
inhabited with many Trachidis. Don't try fighting all of them, just fight enough so you can hurry
on. Take the first left and on up to Hadeborg Castle and get the three triggers in the back area
near the teleport station. Before going back to Cathalon, there's a side quest that needs to be
taken care of.

From Hadeborg Castle, head down to the main road. Go east uphill a ways and continue east
downhill on the road. Through the foggy valley. At the first small road, go south through a
narrow burned out area to the Enclave gate at the sharp point in the road. Speak with Solvan at
the gate.


Go through the gate and to the first house on your left. Speak with Xavo Wellmek. He asks you
to end someone's suffering. Your target is a green dot on the map to the SW. Go out the gate and
around right behind a large boulder and head SW through a narrow burned out area. Watch out
for a couple of steel golems and four more further on. Circle around the hill and back towards a
cave, passing through a small orc camp.

Blood Cave.

There are ice skeletons in the cave, best dealt with if you have a bashing/fire weapon. In there is a
couple of steel golems and the mage you must kill. Once that's taken care of, get out quick.
Return to the Enclave and talk to Xavo.


Two houses to the right of Xavo stands Ito Tomaga. Speak with him. You new target is an orange
dot on the map further south on the road. Up through the mountain road, kill all reavers at the
broken teleport station to get a point message. On the east side of the path, activate the teleport
station. Now return north to the Enclave and talk to Ito Tomaga again. Now the Flame will
appear in front of the house to your left.

Speak with the flame and tell her she's mad and must die. She attacks, so kill her. Now go
teleport to Cathalon, go to the northwest gate, and head just west to the ruins and speak with
Sygius Destrus about the death of the Flame.

Now return to Cathalon, go around the outside of the wall and enter the west gate. Go to the
south training area and give the triggers to Raul Dang.

Go up to the north gate and face south. Go in the first door on the right and speak with Fariel and
agree to get him a diamond. Go down to the SE part of town and enter the dungeon. Make sure
you equip a weapon with fire damage because the dungeon is inhabited by Fire Skeletons. In the
second area of the dungeon, a diamond is lying near a torch. Nearby is a secret entrance in case
you get thrown out of town. Go back to Fariel near the north gate and give him the diamond.

On the east side of the north gate, next to where Gil Braver stands, enter the small building and
talk to Garondel and accept the quest. Go back across to Fariel's house and kill the giant spider
inside. Return back over to Garondel and talk to him. Go to the west gate and face east.

Directly east of the west gate lives Brokat on the raised walkway. Talk to him and agree to the

There's several saffron plants available, many of them in the immediate area around Cathalon.
Saffron plants are green medium tall plants with blue flowers. Here is a list of the ones easily

Out the west gate, one between the teleport and the stone ruin.
One in the pit north of the teleport.
One near a wagon on the south road just down from the teleport.
Three in the pit south of west gate and one near the shrine in the same pit.
One on the outside of the wall near the south tip of Cathalon.
When you have four or more saffron, go back to Brokat directly east of the west gate and give
him four saffron.

Go back to the dungeon area. Just NNE lives River Dras. Talk to him and agree to the quest.
Your green spot target on map is near the south end training area. There's a large flag hanging on
the house. Talk to Morio Dras and agree "Trust me..."

Just left of the west gate, Thuya Leslo stands in front of her house. Tell her "Mayhap your
sister.." In the house, talk to Ayla Dros and she refuses the flower. You can use it for another

Return to Morio's house, at the south practice area, and tell him of his wife's refusal. Then
suggest he and River forgive one another.

Now return to River's house NNE of the dungeon and tell him.

Your next target spot is Phyrrus Nox north of the fountain. Tell him "Give me one of these

Return to Thuya just left of the west gate and give her the potion. After ending talk, talk to her
again to learn that Morio talks in his sleep.

Return to River Dras just NNE of the dungeon and tell him abut Morio talking in his sleep. Now
go back to Morio's house at the practice area to learn that his wife has returned.

Now go back to River Dras NNE of the dungeon and get your reward.

To the right of the north gate, talk to Gil Braver at the homeless area. Tell him "I can see you are
a good man." Just south is Rose Primsey's house. Give her the flower. Go back just north and tell
Gil Braver.

On the east side of town, in the small practice area east of the fountain, speak with Creo the
armorer. Nearby, talk to Othis who sometimes sits at the benches. Tell him "Ho, that is much
gold indeed..."

Talk to Creo the armorer again, give the order and say "Aye, farewell then..." Talk again and get
the armor.

Do not wear the armor. It is for dealing with the orcs much later to help you getting into

Now leave the town west gate and teleport to Windbreak. Mayor Gordar stands near the rest area.
Tell him "I will help you. Your target spot is shown on the map, marking the windmill on the hill
to the west. Kill the ogre, then report back to the mayor. Talk again to get another quest and
agree. The Graveyard of Windbreak is marked as a red skull on the map. It's to the southeast. Go
there and kill everything in the two sections of the graveyard. You'll get a skill message. Return
to Windbreak and talk to the Mayor. Talk again for one last quest and agree.

Make your way down to the main road south of the graveyard. Then go southwest on the main
road to an intersection. Head west quite a way to the Western Camp. To the north, past an inn,
activate the teleport. Back down to the main road, continue west and the road eventually turns
sharply north, then NW to King's Tomb. The door is on the south side. Inside, your destination is
the first east turn to a large round room with several tough skeletons.

Get the crown and the Earth Element. You might have to hit the arrange button and re-enter
inventory a couple of times before the element attaches to the relic frame. You can explore
further for more treasures or just leave while you can. Return to Windbreak and talk to the

Just a little west in town, speak with Capt. Ran Hograd. Tell him "I will do it..." Teleport to
Cathalon, then head back SW on the main road. It eventually dips sharply to the south. There's a
tree lying across the road. Kill all the orcs and you get a message "Quest solved: Caravan." Go
teleport back to Windbreak and talk to Hograd for a new quest. Your target is an orange dot on
map, north up the small road.

Clear out the Orc camp and you get a skill point message. Return south to Capt. Hograd and tell
him "Eye... Oh Aye..." Teleport to the south of King's Tomb and head east to the road. Your
target is a white spot on the map, White Head Hideout. Un-equip your weapon and go in the
cave. Talk to White Head and say "I will take your message." Finish the conversation.

Return to Hograd with the message. Now return to White Head and report. Explore the cave for
an experience message, and go skeleton hunting if you want. Return to Windbreak.

Sigyor stands near the well box. Speak to him for a quest and finish the conversation. The
woodcutters' camp is an orange marker on the map, near the main road to the SE. Go there, and
if you already killed all in the camp, you still get the Experience message. Return to Sigyor and
he mentions another quest. Talk to him again and agree to the quest. Just NE, at the last house
below the teleport station, talk with Master Odrin and get his quest also in the same area.

The target is an orange spot to the NE on the map. Go there and kill all the Trachidis and get the
egg. Teleport back to Windbreak and talk with Odrin and give him the egg. Go on down and talk
to Sigyor.

Go teleport to the Eastern Camp. Near the gate, talk with Rek Crooket and accept the quest.
Commander Landor Drak is just SE at the tent with two flags. Accept the quest and finish all the
talking. Go back to the gate and talk to Rek again. To the east, at the green map marker, is Samel
Girkor in a small compound. Buy three bottles of whisky. Take them back to Commander Drak.
Now go up to the gate. To the left at the tents is Marco Rivdal. When you ask where the clothes
are washed, Marco says "Down By The Riverside" (notice the content as an easter egg?), then he
says "Eh, that gives me an idea for a ditty"

The target is a white spot on the map. Go there and get the underwear lying on a bench by the
tent. Return them to Marco.

Over on the west side, at the kitchen area, speak with Bodlo. You might already have 7 wolf
hearts. After you give Bodlo seven wolf hearts, he tells you about a treasure near Quidinar.

Xyros is in the center of camp, between two tents on the left of the commander's tent. Tell him
"Pay well..." Finish the rest of the talking. The target is orange dot on the map to the north. Go
there and kill all and check the two chests. Return to Xyros.

To the right of the commander's tent, talk to Gravor and say "I do not hold with traitors" and
finish talking. Go teleport to Hadeborg and Kun Paik is where you arrive. Kill him, then teleport
back to the eastern army camp and talk to Gravor.

Now teleport to the Western Army Camp, go down past an inn to town, and speak with Evon
Creos in the south section. Now go out the NW gate and up the north road to the Leaning Elm
Inn (big yellow dot on map). Arion Theries is standing out front. Talk to him. Aristo Radeias is
in back of the Inn. Just go ahead and pay for the armor. Go back around front and give the armor
to Arion. Now go to the teleport station and teleport to Quidinar.


Your first target is the white dot shown on the west shore on the map. Go out the north gate,
jump over the left wall, and go to the overturned boat and get the huge pile of gold. Go back in
the north gate, go straight forward and around right in the curved street. Go past the right side of
the small fountain and around right to Yan Radeios standing in front of his house. Agree to the
quest and enter the door to the cellar.

Kill all the burglars. In the other end of the cellar are several Fire Skeletons best dealt with using
a bludgeon weapon enhanced with fire damage. On out the other end is a secret entrance. Go
back to Yan for your reward.

Go back east on the curved street and Argos Moraios stands at the entrance to the teleport area.
He will tell you to be on the lookout for necromancers wearing dark clothing. They wander
around. When you get close to one, you get the quest message and then you can return to Yan
Radeios for a reward.

In the teleport area, three mages all have the same name of Seloth Brotun. Two are merchants
and one asks for a summon spell. Then he wants a Senior Necro Staff.

*** Senior Necro Staffs are rare and turn up occasionally. Whenever you find one, drop a
personal teleport and get back to the teleport near Seloth Brotun here in Quidinar. Give him the
Senior Necro Staff, then walk out to the main street. Origen Ormaios will be there and warn you
to find the mage turned necromancer. Then, the target will show on the map at the graveyard just
out the north gate and to the right. Go there and kill the new necromancer and take his inventory,
then go back to Origen Ormaios and tell him.

From the teleport area, go all the way west past the large fountain, then south to the first door on
your left. Go in and speak with Takis Royo. Tell him "Give me that necklace..." Go out the north
gate and around right into the graveyard. Go straight to the grave towards the tree. The necklace
goes to the grave with a message. Return to Takis with the information.

From Takis, go directly north to the door where the street turns east. In the door, talk to Yan
Tadeios and say "I could try..." Head to the south section of town towards the large statue. Go
around left to Stelios Tarm in front of a door. Tell him "Tis a private matter..." Go straight east to
Nikias Chroes at the far tent. Tell him "I could wipe out..."

Your target is an orange dot directly south of the south gate. When enough of the Orcs are dead,
you get a 2 point quest message. Return to Nikias at the east wall green map spot of the soldier's
area and get a Medal. Go back west to the blue dot Stelios Tarm and talk. Go through the door
and give the poison to Urias Haios. Then speak with Panas Lumios and tell him "There is a
conspiracy..." Now exit the house.

Just south of the large statue, on the right under a balcony, speak with Athos Keios. Over the
steps behind him, speak with Stelios Lomaios wearing white clothing. Tell him "So why is the
Brooch..." and "Why do you not join..." Speak with Athos on the previous side of the steps and
ask about the Brooch. He attacks, so defend yourself and kill him. Search him for the Brooch and
give it to Stelios.

In the north part of town, west of the large statue, Runvall stands at a door. If you haven't spoken
to Zatagi, go inside and speak with him to learn about the Breech in security. Where Yan Radeios
stands at his cellar door just east of Runvall, back in the small alley from Yan there could be a
black mage Irod Mamoscer. If he's there, speak with him, then go report to Origen Ormaios at
the entry to the teleport station.

Finally, teleport to the station just east of Ashos. At the gate, speak with Yorun Togawa. Go on
through the gate and head around left. Hajime Masaware is standing under a balcony and may
ask you to do a quest. Accept it, but you won't do it till a little later. Right now, continue around
left to the last door on the right. Go in and talk to Hoko Sayuri. Tell her "I shall try to find out."

Your target is the green map spot to the far SW of town. After leaving Hoko's house, turn right
and follow the wall around to the canal. Cross the first bridge and go west to the giant snake
statue. Turn right and go talk to the smithy Uchinao Sakamoto.

Of course you're not actually going to kill his sister. Your new target is a red dot on the map. Go
back across the previous bridge to the house and talk to Hidee Sakamoto. Tell her "Aye, I shall

Now the target spot is green. It's the door on the right just west of the teleport station. Go in and
speak with Masakore Murata and tell him "Aye... can be done..." Exit the house. New target is
green dot on the map, SE of Ashos. Exit the main gate and go there. Talk to Yaida Masae. Finish
the conversation. Exit the yard, turn right and go down through the arched stones. Kill all in the
clear area to get a point message.

Return north to the house and tell Yaida. She gives you the medicine. Finish talking and learn the
Mayor is a werewolf. Return to Ashos and go to the Mayor's house just west of the teleport
station. Tell him "Aye... and it was hard work." Now go through the next room to the bedroom
and get the red dress from the floor.

Return to the main gate area, and go south to Hoko's house and tell her the sad tidings. Now go
to Yorun, just out the main gate, and he tells of the Mayor's death. Tell him "It is probable...",
then finish the conversation. Head east on the road to the teleport station and talk to Hoko.
Return to the Ashos gate and talk to Yorun.

In town at the teleport station, go east to the end of the street, then go north to the last door on the
left. Speak with Kouji Hisakawa. He wants his letters back. Your new target is the green map
spot in the SW corner of town, just before the smithy. Speak with Kimura Ishii. Tell her "I have
come for Hisakawa's Letters". Your new target spot is orange, just SE of Ashos. Clear out the
building, then return to the SW part of Ashos to Ishii's house.

Make sure the door is closed, then talk to her. Now kill Kimura Ishii, search her and take the
letters. Loot the house, upstairs too. Return to Kouji, at the end of the street NE of the teleport
station, and talk. Return to the end of the street, NE of the teleport station, and again talk to Kouji

To be certain you've talked to Hajime Masaware, go to the balcony just west of the gate, and
speak with Hajime about Dust Trade. Head north, then west to the door on the left and talk to
Kenji Sahashi. Now go to the first door east of the teleport station. Speak with Takumi Kajiura to
learn about Arai Kurihara.

Head south from the teleport station to the last door on the right. Speak with Arai Kurihara.
Return to the door, just east of the teleport station, and speak again to Takumi Kajiura. Get
another quest from him.

Your new target spot in the map is blue at the entrance to the temple. Speak with Yuki Masanori
and give him 500 gold and say "Ah, why should I lie to you". Return to the door just east of the
teleport and speak with Takumi and tell him of the traitor.

Now return to Hajime, under the balcony near the gate, and tell about Takumi. After saying
"Farewell", talk again to learn about Kano Mizaguchi, shown as a green spot at the south central
area near the canal. Go there and get a key and say "I will Look..." Exit and head north. Go over
the canal to the temple entrance and go around the right side to the "Back Entrance". Inside, kill
any giant serpents you see. Once you get sight of the relic stone, DON'T take it yet.

You see a message "Quest solved: Look in Temple". If you have a personal teleport, activate it
and teleport to the town teleport, then go to Kano Mizaguchi near the canal in the south central
part of town and tell him about the temple.

Now go back into the temple. The stone is surrounded by water and you can drown if you fall in
wearing armor. Be careful as you go around the narrow walkways to get the relic. Once you have
it, leave the temple to see Ashos is now inhabited by orcs. Fight them as best you can and loot
some houses, especially the Mayor's house. Once you've had enough, teleport to Hadeborg
Castle and go down to the main road.

Head east on the main road. As it starts to turn SE, there's an intersection. Head north and NE,
past a small side road. Continue NE on the main road to the next side road leading SE. Follow it
to an intersection and continue east. Follow the small road to the end and continue SE to find
Asmohar and speak to him and say "Aye, why not them..." Head northeast and soon you'll see a
couple of scorpions. Get their stingers.

Return to Asmohar, give him the stinger, and get another quest. New target is orange dot on the
map to the NE. Go there and kill the intruders. Return to Asmohar with the news and he wants
you to meet him at the glade, now showing him as a green dot. Go there and get a special device.
There's a teleport just SE of Asmohar's Old Abode.

Notice the white dot on the map to the east. It's the White Dragons nest where the Fire Element
Stone is. Go there and get it. You get a message for finding the White Dragon Nest. Now teleport
to the nearest teleport station to the main road Y intersection SE of Hadeborg. Once you're
heading SE on the main road to Gorgammar, wear the Orc armor. Whether or not you have the
special device from Asmohar, go around the east side of Gorgammar to the "Path of The
Doomed" and go through the cave.

The exit to inside GorGammar is in the SE section of the tunnels. Once inside, go to the south
central area and get the Fire Stone relic. Now if you do have Asmohar's device, approach the
main gate to get a message for delivering the device. Now wear your regular armor. Go back
inside to the teleport station just east of the fire altar and teleport back to Asmohar's area.

When you go to the glade, Asmohar is dead and a Paladin talks to you, tell him "Nay, undead
armies are not for me". Asmohar has a Senior Necro Staff in his inventory. Now go west to the
main road that basically goes north. At the first major intersection, head east as much as possible
across country and on east across the desert. You're likely to pass by a shack and an oasis as you
get near Xanthos. Don't talk to Ari Aldamor at this time, just continue to Xanthos.

In this desert region, be on the lookout for sulphur (sulfur in game spelling) crystals in villages,
camps, and ruins. 5 are needed for a minor side quest. In the southeast part of Xanthos, Kimal
stands near a fence and a well box. Tell her "I will obtain your potion." Finish the conversation.
Activate the village teleport station.

Your target is a green dot on map, on the hill just east of Kehar. Tell Pakmun "I have been
roasted..." Scorpions are just down hill in the ruins to the west. There's a sulphur crystal on the
west side of the ruins.

Back uphill, give Pakmun the scorpion part. Now go a bit west to Kehar and speak with Prantax.
He is usually in the middle of the village and in clearing where a campfire is. Learn all you can
from him. Now head back south to Xanthos and give Kimal the potion. There's two sulphur
crystals lying around in Xanthos.

Head west out of Xanthos to Aldamor's Hut. He tells you to find the White Dragon's nest.
You've probably already been there. After the farewell, do not talk anymore. If you have at least
5 sulphur crystals (to cheat, create ing_61) head a good way to the SE to the Dragon's Lair and
approach the altar on the east end. The dragon should appear. Quickly leave and return NW to
Aldamor's hut and tell him about finding the nest of eggs in the mountains.

Aldamor will say the dragon fight takes place to the SW, but instead you should return to the
Dragon's Lair to the SE. There won't be any dragons fighting, the great white just dies. Approach
the dead dragon to get the quest points. If you return to Aldamor's hut, he has vanished!

Back in Xanthos, Thilatus stands somewhere around the east gate in Xanthos at the sharp pointed
posts. Tell him "Me thinks this maybe..." your target is an orange dot to the SE. When all are
dead you get an experience message. Return to Xanthos and talk to Thilatus again.

Now with the relic with all stones, it's time to go to Gandohar, still waiting near the intersection
just north of Quidinar. When you talk to him, a cut scene plays. Afterwards, you awaken with a
couple of paladins checking you out.

Look up to see the huge pentagram in the sky. You must destroy the power at Death Claw Tower,
that destroys the sky pentagram, enabling you to get to Gandohar. So, teleport to the Eastern
Camp, go down to the river, remove all armor that says "You can't swim in this armor", then
swim across and quickly put all armor items back on.

Head directly to the main road intersection to the east-southeast. Go NE on the main road, then
north on the main road, past two bandit camps. At the tower, run up the steps and stand on the
small pad to teleport to the top of the tower. Kill the Pentagram Keeper. Get back to the main
road and continue up to Aswaroh. Watch out for steel golems, zombies, and a hell lord along the
road. At Aswaroh, SAVE.

Head directly north towards the green dot. Fight through several Death Knights. Continue north
towards the green dot and talk to Reist Tungard, then kill the giant beast he turns into.

Before going through the big gate, SAVE again so that you can play both endings.

Go through the gate to the pentagram and talk to Gandohar. Tell him "Mayhap it has changed",
then kill him to see the good ending.

At the menu screen, restore the last save and try the other ending (where you and Kira join
Gandohar). You have to fight the Paladins this time.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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