

02.10.2013 08:11:39

FAQ/Walkthrough for



Author: Tom Hayes
E-mail: thayesguides(at)gmail(dot)com
System: PC
Updated: 2nd April, 2006
Version: 1.1


1. Introduction
2. Walkthrough
3. Item List
4. Copyright Information


1.1: 2nd Apr, 2006 (Format update)
1.0: 8th Nov, 2003 (First version)


1. Introduction


Full Throttle is an interesting and original adventure game from Lucasarts. The
game starts with Malcolm Corley, the owner of a motorcycle company named Corley
Motors, driving in a car with his employee Ripburger. Rip has plans of his own
for taking over the business when Corley dies, but he knows well that the last
thing that Corley will do is hand the business over to him. So Ripburger kills
Corley, blames the crime on a local motorcycle gang named the Polecats and then
decides to introduce himself as the new leader of Corley Motors.

And that's where we come in: As Ben, the leader of the Polecats. A very simple
control interface is used that is very similar to the one seen in Monkey Island
3. The mouse cursor is moved over an object until it is highlighted, then the
left mouse button is held to show actions that can be used to interact with the
environments. There is the usual look and talk actions seen in most adventures,
but there is also the taste and kick commands. While most games would have you
finding a key to open a door, Full Throttle just lets you kick it down.

Another difference from this game as opposed to every other LucasArts adventure
is that most of the action consists of arcade sequences. One example of this is
in a part of the game on the Old Mine Road, where the player controls movement
with the arrow buttons and finds new weapons by knocking the riders off their
bikes. It fits the style and feel of the game extremely well, and the numerous
arcade sequences combined with the simple yet interesting puzzles make this yet
another excellent adventure game from LucasArts.


2. Walkthrough



After the introduction, Ben is found in a bin outside of the Kick Stand. Select
the hatch of the bin and Ben will punch his way out, then walk right and kick
the door of the Kick Stand. Enter the bar and grab the bartender, who gives Ben
the keys to his bike. Exit the Kick Stand and use the bike. We next find Ben on
the road, where another biker approaches him. Move with the mouse and use the
left mouse button to punch the other biker off his bike. After the cutscene
where the wheel falls off Ben's bike, he will be rescued by a reporter who
takes him to the town of Melonweed.


Say "Well, I'll let you get back to work..." to stop talking to Maureen, then
get the gas can and hose on the desk at the right side of the room. Exit the
garage to talk to the reporter who saved Ben. Say "Well, I'd better take off."
to stop talking. Exit left to the map screen and walk to the trailer near the
top-left corner of the map. Knock on the door and wait for Todd to answer it,
then kick the door to launch him across the room. Open the cabinet above Todd
to get the lockpick, and open the fridge to get the meat.

Walk on the platform at the top-right corner of the room and get the welding
torch on the desk to return to Maureen's garage. Walk left to return to the
map, and select the tower at the top-right corner. Use the lockpick on the lock
on the door, then get the lock from the floor and walk through the door to the
tower area. Touch the ladder to set off an alarm, then quickly hide behind the
pillar at the left side of the area as the police hover sleds will soon come in
to see what's happening. As they see nobody in the area, they will guess that
Ben is hiding up in the tower and will climb up to check.

Open the gas cap on their hover sled and use the gas can on the gas cap. Use
the hose on the gas cap, then drink from the hose to get the fuel. The hover
sleds will fly off to get reinforcements, while Ben will return to Maureen's
garage to give her the gas can. Now all we need to get are the forks. Walk left
to return to the map and select the junk yard at the top-left corner. Put the
lock on the latch at the bottom of the entrance door and climb up the chain to
enter the junk yard. Jump off the path to land down in the main area, and walk
right to arrive in an area with lots of cars.

Put the meat in the blue car below the press. Walk left to return the main area
of the car park, climb up to the path at the bottom of the screen and walk
right along the path to climb up to the control tower. Move the left lever down
until the press is just above the car, then press the red button to lift the
car up. Move the left lever up until the car raises as high as possible. Exit
the control tower, walk left along the path and drop back down to the main area
of the junk yard. Get the forks from the parts pile in the lit area of the junk
yard, and Ben will travel back to the garage to give the forks to Maureen.

In the cutscene, Ben will discover that the road out of Melonweed is blocked by
the reinforcements that were sent for by the two hover sled police from the
tower. Return to the tower at the top-right corner of the map and touch the
ladder again to set off the alarm. In the cutscene, Ben will automatically
leave Melonweed on his bike to catch up with the Polecats. Ben will return to
Maureen's garage to find that part of it has been wrecked. Search the debris to
find the picture of Uncle Pete's Mink Ranch. Walk left to return to the map,
use the bike and exit Melonweed by the road at the right side of the junk yard
to return to the Kick Stand.


Walk around to the side of the Kickstand and talk to Miranda in the dumpster,
who will give Ben the fake ID. Walk right and enter the Kick Stand to discover
that the Polecats have been accused for the murder of Malcolm Corley, and a
roadblock has been set up near the Kickstand in an attempt to catch Ben. Give
the fake ID to Emmet to travel to Uncle Pete's Mink Ranch.


Walk through the doorway to enter the house and move the pillow on the bed to
get the tire iron. Use the tire iron on the chest to get the hose from inside.
After the cutscene, Ben will arrive on a section of the road with the
fertilizer spilled by the semitrailer.


Use the tire iron on the wheel and then push the semitrailer over. Get some of
the fertlizer, and then get on the bike. Ride all the way up the road to the
mink ranch at the end. After Ben is chased by Hector's men, ride through the
fertilizer in the road and they will crash.

Ben will now be in the area with the broken bridge, which we will have to jump
later on after collecting some important items. Drive left down the road and
stop at the area where the blue hovercraft crashed. Use the tire iron on the
hovercraft to get the hover craft unit. Get on the bike and ride up the road,
then left click when the mine cart entrance appears on the right to ride down
to the mine road. This area consists of a curvey road that a variety of riders
with different weapons ride down.


Use the mouse to steer on the road until Ben encounters one of the riders. The
first rider will actually be the original Polecat leader Father Torque, so just
say "Well, take it easy, Father." to continue on down the road. When Ben finds
the first fighter, keep moving right and tapping the left mouse button to
punch. Continue punching until the rider falls off their bikes and Ben receives
a weapon. Some riders can only be defeated with certain weapons, while others
are easily defeated with any of the available weapons.

First of all try and find the Vulture with the chainsaw. Defeat her by throwing
the fertiliser to get the chainsaw, which can be used to defeat every rider
except for the Cavefish and the Vulture with the booster. Next use the chainsaw
to defeat the rider who has the chain. This is the only weapon that can be used
on the Vulture, so defeat him to get the booster from his bike. Use the
chainsaw again to defeat the rider with the plank, then approach the Cavefish.

Slowly move toward the cave fish with the right arrow key, but don't
get too close or Ben will slip in the oil. When the Cavefish raises his head,
quickly move right and hit once with the plank to knock him off his bike for
the goggles. Right click to wear them, and wait for the 'Cave' message to
appear. When it does, quickly left click to enter the secret Cavefish hideout.


Continue down the two sections of road to arrive in an area with the ramp. Push
the ramp toward the bike, then use the ramp to hook it onto the back of the
bike. Get on the bike and drive right to the area of the road with the fence.
Get off the bike and unhook the ramp to push the markers off the road that the
Cavefish use to navigate. After the cutscene, Ben will return to the gorge. We
now have the booster, the hover lift unit and the ramp, so get on the bike and
ride toward the gorge to jump over it. Ben will then ride to Corley's factory.


Walk down the slope and right to the stadium. Look at the souvenirs in the
gifts stall and then quickly get the bunny on the cord when Horrace looks away.
Exit the stadium and get on the bike at the top of the slope, then drive north
down the path to the field outside of the Vultures' hideout.


Put the bunny on the field and it will run over one of the mines, causing the
battery that was in it to land near Ben. Get the battery and go to the stadium.


Put the battery in the RC car and drive it north toward the stadium, then ride
it through the gate. Horace will now walk around to the other side of the
stadium to retrieve the car, so get the bunny box from the gifts stall and
return to the minefield.


Drop the bunny box on the field and get at least three of the bunnies before
they explode.


Return to the stadium and get the second bunny box, then get back on the bike
and return to the minefield.


Drop the bunny box on the minefield and wait for all of the bunnies to explode.
When all of the bunnies are gone, walk up to the top of the path they created
and put one of the bunnies from the first bunny box on the field. Walk a bit
higher up the path and put the second bunny down, then walk up the path again
and drop the third bunny. Continue up the path to enter the hideout where
Maureen will accuse Ben of killing her father and will tie him up.


Say "Let me go, or else...", say "I'll call you names!", then say "Diapered
Dyanmo!" to explain that Ripburger was responsible for the murder. After the
cutscene where the Vultures form a plan, Ben will be in a car at the stadium.


Drive up the ramp at the left side of the stadium to land on the brown car,
which will stall. Hit the brown car over to the bottom-right corner of the
stadium, then keep moving it up to the top of the ramp so that it lands on the
floor below. Ben will then hit into Maureen's car, causing it to burst into
flames at the corner of the stadium. Ben has caught on fire in the special
protective suit he is wearing.

Run along the side of the stadium and it will catch on fire. Ripburger's men
are still after Ben however, and he runs up to the top of the brown car. Walk
off the top of the brown car until the blue car starts to drive quickly toward
Ben. When the blue car starts to ram the brown car, quickly walk on top of the
blue car. Walk off the car when it gets near the bottom-right corner of the
stadium, and walk into the fire to escape from Ripburger's men. After the
cutscene, Ben will return with Maureen to the Vultures' hideout.


Say "I'll see what I can do.", then exit the hideout to return to the road near
Corley's factory. Walk behind the left side of the factory to arrive in an area
with a cracked wall with some meters on the left.


There is a secret tunnel in this area, but to open it the wall must be kicked
in the right place at the right time. Look down from the left post to see a
small rock at the bottom of the wall. Kick the rock at the right side of this
when the meters have stopped moving to open the secret tunnel. Climb down this
tunnel to enter Corley's office. Look at the floor safe and use the arrows to
enter the number '154492'.

Press the button to receive the card and the tape from the safe. Walk right to
the hall and use the card on the card reader to enter the film projection room.
Raise the motor lever and use the lamp lever twice to break the projector,
which will stop Ripburger's speech. Walk through the middle door and use the
tape on the reel machine to show Ripburger's crime to the crowd watching his
speech. He makes his escape while Maureen comes on to tell the crowd what
really happened, and after the cutscene we next find Ben being chased down the
road by Ripburger on his truck.


Open the panel below the window, and get Ripburger's cane as soon as he leans
out to close the panel. Open the grill below the panel and use the cane on the
fan to pass through to the back of the truck. Use the tire iron on the right
fuel line, and the truck will ride back into the plane that was riding behind.
Climb up the ladder to the cockpit and look at the middle screen to view the
menu for the control systems. Select Post Take-Off, Gear, Raise Gear, and the
plane will then stop right on the edge of the gorge.

Ripburger will fly out of the truck and land on one of the machine guns down
below, so we still have to find a way to lose him. Climb into the front of the
truck and sleect Main Menu, Defense Menu, Machine Guns, Control, System Off,
and Ripburger will fall down into the gorge. Quickly climb back into the plane
to find that it is just about to fall off the edge, and Ben can't leave just
yet or it will tip over the edge. With only a few seconds left to spare,
quickly get on the bike to complete the game.


3. Item List


Found by using the bunny on the minefield outside the Vultures' hideout. It
is used with the RC car near the Gifts stall in the stadium.

Found outside the Gifts stall in the stadium when Horrace looks away. It is
used with the minefield outside the Vultures' hideout to find the battery.

Found on the counter of the Gifts stall in the stadium when Horrace chases
after his RC car. It is used on the minefield outside the Vultures' hideout
to create a path leading toward the hideout.

Found by opening the panel on the Ripburger's truck and getting the cane when
he reaches out. It is used with the fan in the grill on the truck.

Found in the floor safe in Corley's office. It is used with the card reader
in the hall to enter the film projection room.

This is one of the items found in the arcade sequence on the Old Mine Road.
It is used to defeat the Vulture with the booster.

This is one of the items found in the arcade sequence on the Old Mine Road.
It is a more effective weapon than the chain.

This is one of the items found in the arcade sequence on the Old Mine Road.
It knocks other riders off their with only one hit.

After leaving Melonweed, this is found by talking to Miranda in the dumpster
at the side of the Kickstand. It is given to Emmet in the Kickstand.

After getting the hose from the Mink Ranch, the fertiliser is spilled from
the truck that tips over in the cutscene. It is used to defeat the Vulture
with the chainsaw on the Old Mine Road.

Found in Maureen's garage at Melonweed. It is used on the gas cap of the
hover sled after Ben touches the ladder at the gas tower.

Found by defeating the Cavefish with the plank on the Old Mine Road. They are
used to find the entrance to the secret cave.

Found in Maureen's garage at Melonweed. It is used on the gas cap of the
hover sled after Ben touches the ladder at the gas tower.

After Hector's men crash their hovercraft by driving through the fertiliser
that is spilled from the truck, the unit is found by using the tire iron on
on the hover craft. It is needed to jump the gorge.

Found in the cabinet above Todd in the trailer at Melonweed. It is used on
the lock outside the gas tower in Melonweed.

Found by grabbing the bartender in the Kick Stand. They are used to start
Ben's bike.

Found by searching the debris outside Maureen's garage after the scene with
Ripburger and Corley. It is not used.

This is one of the items found in the arcade sequence on the Old Mine Road.
It is used to defeat the Cavefish for the goggles.

Maureen gives Ben the photos after he proves that Ripburger is responsible
for Corley's murder. The photos can be used on the easel in the film room in
Corley's factory. Alternatively, the tape can be used on the reel machine.

Found in the floor safe in Corley's office. The tape can be used on the reel
machine in the film room in Corley's factory. Alternatively, the photos can
be used on the easel.

Found under the pillow in Uncle Pete's Mink Ranch. It is used on the chest in
the Mink Ranch to get the hose for the bike. It is used on the wheel of the
semitrailer after it has spilled the fertiliser. It is used on the hovercraft
to get the hover lift unit. It can be used as a weapon in the arcade sequence
on the Old Mine Road. It is also used on the right fuel line at the back of
Ripburger's truck to make the truck ride into the plane.

Found on the desk in the room below Todd's trailer. It is given to Maureen.


4. Copyright Information


This document is Copyright 2003-2006 Tom Hayes. It is not to be distributed in
any form without the permission of the author. The author of this document is
not affiliated with the creators of this game in any way. The latest version of
this document can be found at www.gamefaqs.com.
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