

18.10.2013 05:39:38
STONEKEEP FAQ Version 0.35
by Doug Swarin (

After a long hiatus without net access, I'm back and this is v0.35
of the Stonekeep FAQ. I havent done much work on it since I just
managed to fetch the stuff from my old account, but now that I
have it all again I'll be finishing up all that stuff I promised.
(Boy, I sound like a politician!)

Once version 0.4 is out I will be answering questions again. I
will try to have v0.4 out by Saturday or Sunday but no guarantees
as my net access is still somewhat nebulous. Of course, suggestions
and corrections are always welcome.

I lost most of the mail I had received on my old account, so
apologies to those who asked questions and were ignored.

Apologies for the delays and I wish you all happy Wahooka Whirling.


[0.00] Index

[1.00] Information about Stonekeep
[1.01] What is Stonekeep?
[1.02] Who makes it?
[1.03] What kind of a game is it?
[1.04] When will it be out?
[1.05] What kind of system does it require?
[1.06] Are there any known bugs?
[1.07] Is there anyone at Interplay I can contact about Stonekeep?

[2.00] Hints and Frequently Asked Questions
[2.01] Miscellaneous Hints and Questions
[2.02] How do I get magick?
[2.03] How do I open the sliding walls in the Sewers?
[2.04] How do I drain the Sewers?
[2.05] How do I get to the Underlands?
[2.06] How do I get past the Temple of Throggi?
[2.07] How do I find the Faerie Realm?
[2.08] Level Connection Diagram

[3.00] Spoilers
[3.01] Entrance to Stonekeep
[3.02] First Level of Ruins of Stonekeep
[3.03] Second Level of Ruins of Stonekeep
[3.04] Sewers Beneath Stonekeep
[3.05] First Level of Sharga Mines
[3.06] Second Level of Sharga Mines
[3.07] Entrance to the Temple of Throggi
[3.08] Temple of Throggi
[3.09] First Level of Feeding Grounds
[3.10] Second Level of Feeding Grounds
[3.11] Dwarven Clanhall
[3.12] Faerie Realm
[3.13] Caverns of Ice
[3.14] Gate of the Ancients
[3.15] The Pits
[3.16] Palace of Shadows
[3.17] First Level of Tower of Shadows
[3.18] Temple of Thera
[3.19] Second Level of Tower of Shadows
[3.20] Third Level of Tower of Shadows
[3.21] Fourth Level of Tower of Shadows
[3.22] Lair of the Dark Dwarves

[4.00] Tactics and Gameplay
[4.01] Combat and the Stonekeep Dance
[4.02] Companions
[4.03] Friends
[4.04] Enemies
[4.05] Mannish Runes
[4.06] Faerie Runes
[4.07] Throggish Runes
[4.08] Meta Runes
[4.09] Normal Items
[4.10] Magickal Items
[4.11] Runecasters
[4.12] Special Items
[4.13] The Orbs
[4.14] Tricks and Cheats

[5.00] Other Stuff
[5.01] Notes
[5.02] Credits
[5.03] Copyright
[5.04] Future Plans
[5.05] Will there be a sequel to Stonekeep?


[1.00] Questions about Stonekeep

[1.01] What is Stonekeep?
Stonekeep is an interactive fantasy computer role-playing game, if
you believe in such mouthfuls. It's been in development for five
years and has become a legend among those who are waiting for it.
It uses step-based movement and the characters are a combination
of computer graphics and costumed actors. There is no kind of
character generation and all conversations are pre-scripted - which
is not as bad as it seems, since most conversation stuff involves
just clicking on options till you've tried them all.

[1.02] Who makes it?
Stonekeep is made by Interplay. The main development team and
the people who deserve the most thanks are:
Brian Fargo (Executive Producer)
Michael Quarles (Producer and Director)
Chris Tayor (Lead Designer)
Scott La Rocca (Lead Designer)
Michael Bernstein (Lead Programmer)
Peter Oliphant (Lead Programmer)
John Philip Britt (Lead Programmer)
Spencer Kipe (Art Director)
Robert Wasler (Lead Artist)
Leonard Boyarsky (Lead Artist)
David Mosher (Lead Artist)
Kevin Beardslee (Lead Artist)
Charles Deenen (Audio Director)
Brian Luzietti (Composer)
Richard Band (Composer)
I'd like to thank everyone else at Interplay too. THANKS!

[1.03] What kind of a game is it?
Stonekeep is a role-playing game, embodying combat, character
development, and puzzle elements.

[1.04] When will it be out?
Stonekeep arrived in stores on November 8th, 1995. If you're reading
this FAQ, it's available. It costs anywhere between 40 and 60 dollars
depending on where you go.

[1.05] What kind of system does it require?
Stonekeep requires a 486 system with at least 8 megs of ram and
a single-speed CD-ROM drive. VGA and SVGA are supported. The
reccommended system is a 486/66 or higher with 12 megs of ram
and a double-speed CD-ROM drive.

[1.06] Are there any known bugs?
Unfortunately, yes. The common ones that I have heard of are:
Wahooka sometimes refuses to appear on the second level of
the Ruins of Stonekeep when you have things to give him.
Simply press 'Y' and he will appear.

Iaenni's speeches are not captioned, which can be a problem
if you have sound off or are deaf.

You MUST finish the Faerie Realm before going on to the Ice
Caverns and freeing Enigma. If you free Enigma first, he will
leave your party and you will be unable to enter the faerie
realm without game problems.

If you have all nine orbs and die, sometimes when you attempt
to reload you get an error about LEVER_UP.MSP not found in
file GROUP16.

I've heard of crashes when loading and saving games, and
a few people have reported consistent lockups in the sewers
and the Faerie Realm. A workaround if the game crashes when
you save - this only happens in certain areas of the map it
seems. Go into the directory and delete the empty file there,
then reload an old saved game and continue on. Don't save
where it crashed before, but rather in an area where you know
it was safe to save previously.

I've heard of reports that the game does not support the
Diamond Speedstar 24x.

[1.07] Is there anyone at Interplay I can contact about Stonekeep?
Chris Taylor, one of the lead designers, can be reached as


[2.00] Hints and Frequently Asked Questions

[2.01] Miscellaneous Hints and Questions
Press Shift-F8 to get your x/y coordinates. Locations in this
FAQ will be given as (D Xnn Ynn), where D is the direction you
should be facing and Xnn and Ynn are the x/y coordinates as
given by the shift-f8 command. If there's no particular direction
to be facing, D will just be -. For coordinates, (- X01 Y01) is
in the upper left hand corner of the map.

It's possible to pick stuff up and automatically add it to the
right pile or container by right-clicking on it.

To get stones out of a bag or arrows out of a quiver, etc, put
the bag/quiver in your hand and click with the button that
represents that hand to throw the stone or arrow.

To cast a spell on your own characters, open the mirror and
click on the character to be affected.

[2.02] How do I get magick?
You'll need to find a runecaster. The first one is on the second
level of Stonekeep, in Mage-Icarius' laboratory. You'll need to
find both the ivory and iron keys on this level to get in. There's
also a mana circle there.

[2.03] How do I open the sliding walls in the Sewers?
You'll need to find one of the cylinders in the sewers. You'll
notice that Drake stubs his toe when you are in the same square
as one.

[2.04] How do I drain the Sewers?
You'll need to find both cylinders to drain the sewers. Note that
some of the enemies in the sewers cannot be killed until they have
been drained.

[2.05] How do I enter the Underlands?
You'll need to get the Dragon Statuette from the three-tentacled
monster in the sewers, which cannot be killed until they have been
drained. There is an illusionary wall in the sewers near where you
find the three-tentacled monster. You'll need Farli to get you
through the locked door after the illusionary wall, and then place
the Dragon Statuette on the pedestal to open the way.

[2.06] How do I get past the Temple of Throggi?
South of the entrance to the temple is a spear gate. Once you think
you have completed the temple (killed Gorda Karn and visited the
Statue of Throggi), stand in front of the gate. If you have done
everything, it will open.

[2.07] How do I find the Faerie Realm?
In the second level of the Feeding Grounds, there are many purple
blobs floating around. Find a primrose and drop it in the square
where the faerie glows teleport out to open a gate to the Faerie
Realm. You'll need to have freed Vermatrix Goldenhide in order to
get very far in the Faerie Realm.

[2.08] Level Connection Diagram

A A. Entrance to the Ruins of Stonekeep
BB B. Ruins of Stonekeep, Level 1
CCC C. Ruins of Stonekeep, Level 2
D| D. Sewers Beneath Stonekeep
EE E. Sharga Mines, Level 1
FF F. Sharga Mines, Level 2
GG G. Entrance to the Temple
HH H. Temple of Throggi
III I. Feeding Grounds, Level 1
J|JJ J. Feeding Grounds, Level 2
K|| K. Dwarven Clanhall
L| L. Faerie Realm
MM M. Caverns of Ice
NNN N. Gate of the Ancients
O| O. The Pits
PP P. Palace of Shadows
Q-Q---Q Q. Tower of Shadows, Level 1
| | R. Unknown (Temple of Thera?)
SS | S. Tower of Shadows, Level 2
TT | T. Tower of Shadows, Level 3
UU| U. Tower of Shadows, Level 4
V V. Lair of the Dark Dwarves


[3.00] Spoilers

[3.01] Entrance to Stonekeep
Locations of interest:
(W X19 Y21) Fountain of Thera
(W X03 Y23) Lever (pull three times and dont go down yet)
(W X05 Y22) Secret lever
Items in this area:
(- X09 Y21) Chest with starting equipment
(- X26 Y16) Chest with some oil flasks
(N X07 Y23) Secret panel with very sharp dagger
Characters in this area:
Thera herself will guide you in the beginning.
Ants and Sharga inhabit this level.
Exits to other areas:
Four stairways to the Ruins of Stonekeep, level 1.
Other notes:
Make sure to pull the lever near the staircase three times
and then look around for a hidden lever. It will open a
secret passage with another hidden panel with a very sharp
dagger behind it. The dagger is *extremely* helpful.
Any comments on the new location format? (before i change
the rest of the FAQ to it)

[3.02] First Level of Ruins of Stonekeep
Locations of interest:
Items in this area:
Brass key just north of the entrance guarded by a Sharga.
Bronze key in a sack of grain in the kitchen.
Steel key and Afri's orb in the council room with the two
large Sharga.
There is a broadsword hidden just east of the entrance. Look
for a loose brick to open a nearby wall.
Characters in this area:
Khull-Khuum makes a cameo appearance when you first enter this
level and traps Thera in an orb.
There are two large Sharga in the Council Room.
Ants and Sharga inhabit this level.
Exits to other areas:
Four stairways to the Entrance to Stonekeep.
Two stairways to the Ruins of Stonekeep, level 2.
Other notes:
There are two very difficult sharga near the end of this level.
The best way to defeat them is to throw the oil flasks at them.
Make sure you save your game first in case you miss. If they are
still alive after the firebombing, throw daggers at them.

[3.03] Second Level of Ruins of Stonekeep
Locations of interest:
One Fountain of Thera on the east edge, towards the south.
One mana circle in Mage-Icarius' lab in the southwest.
Three illusionary walls in the central and east central
areas. Farli will point them out if he is with you.
There are two drain switches in the eastern portion of
this level. You'll need the cylinders from the sewers
to toggle them. Toggling both will open all sliding
walls and drain the sewers.
Items in this area:
Ivory key guarded by a slime in the south-southeast area,
past a door at the end of the hallway.
Iron key guarded by a group of Sharga to the east.
Runewand, firebolt rune, and curing rune in Icarius' chamber
to the southwest.
Double power meta rune behind a loose brick to the southwest.
Keyring in a chest in the center of this level.
Characters in this area:
Farli the dwarf is in the cells to the south-southeast. He is
in the cell directly to the west of the slime with the ivory
key. He'll join up with you when you free him.
Wahooka will show up intermittently and ask for gems. He will
give you hints in return. Be nice to him.
Sharga, snakes, and green slimes inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
Two stairways to the Ruins of Stonekeep, level 1.
Three stairways to the Sewers.
One stairway to the Sharga Mines, level 1.
Other notes:
Place the Dragon Statuette on the pedestal to open the gate
to the Underlands.

[3.04] Sewers Beneath Stonekeep
Locations of interest:
One mana circle to the southwest.
Items in this area:
Dragon Statuette, carried by the three-tentacled beast.
Triangle key, given by Wahooka in return for three skulls.
There's a chest in the southeast past a secret door (listen
for wind) which is unlocked by the triangle. It has a
shrink rune in it amongst other things.
Characters in this area:
Wahooka will show up and demand the heads of three men long
dead. Give him three skulls when he shows up again.
There's an ugly three-tentacled beast in the south central
area. You'll need to drain the sewers before you can kill it.
Sharga, snakes, and green slimes inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
Three stairways to the Ruins of Stonekeep, level 2.
Other notes:
There's an illusionary wall near where the three-tentacled beast
is. The stairway behind that wall leads to a small, enclosed area
in the Ruins of Stonekeep, level 2 which has the pedestal and
the gate to the Underlands in it. Listen for the sound of wind
to find illusionary walls in this area.

[3.05] First Level of Sharga Mines
Locations of interest:
A mana circle is in the southeast part of the level behind a
wall. There's a button to open the wall on the opposite side.
Items in this area:
A key in the southwest portion of this level, used to free
Karzak. Anyone know what it's called?
A Throggish key and Aquila's Orb in the Ettin's chest.
Characters in this area:
Karzak is trapped in a cage on this level. You'll need to get
a key from nearby to free him. I'm not sure what the key is
called however.
The Ettin is in a small mazelike area on this level. You'll
need to be really quiet to get to his chest and loot it.
A silence spell helps, as does throwing stones to break the
barrels to get to the chest.
Sharga and flying ants inhabit this area. Note that you cannot
kill all of the flying ants near the entrance, no matter how
hard you try.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Ruins of Stonekeep, level 2.
One stairway to the Sharga Mines, level 2.
Other notes:

[3.06] Second Level of Sharga Mines
Locations of interest:
There's a crack in the wall in the northeast that will give
you a view of the Temple of Throggi.
There's a door to the Sharga Freedom League in the maze. Keep
attempting to go in and eventually Drake will guess the
Items in this area:
The runesceptre is found by falling down a pit from the first
level into this area.
There's a Potency meta rune behind Skrag (i think that's his
name) in the SFL. Make sure to get it.
Characters in this area:
Skrag, the leader of the SFL, will give you some advice when
you talk to him.
There's a scared Sharga in the northwest who will also lead
you into the SFL through a secret door if you talk to him.
Sharga and snakes inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Sharga Mines, level 1.
One stairway to the Temple Entrance.
Other notes:

[3.07] Entrance to the Temple of Throggi
Locations of interest:
A mana circle in the northwest. There's a secret door to
the northwest of it that can only be opened from the other
side and leads to an area past the maze. Use the door as
a shortcut past the maze after you have solved it once.
Items in this area:
There's a scroll on a dead dwarf with instructions for getting
through the maze. Anyone remember what the directions were?
Characters in this area:
Throgs and Sharga inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Sharga Mines, level 2.
One stairway to the Temple of Throggi.
Other notes:

[3.08] Temple of Throggi
Locations of interest:
The Inner Sanctum of the Temple can be entered either by
wearing the Throggish Pendant or through a secret door
near Dombur's cell.
I believe that the spear gate south of the stairway that
enters this level will only open once you have completed
everything up to this point. Stand in front of it for a
few seconds and see if it opens.
There's a mirror that leads to the Palace of Shadows near
the stairway leading out of this level. You can only
reach it once you have reached the Palace of Shadows.
There's a large head with a stone in its mouth past a locked
door in the northwest. Touch the stone with a runecaster
to recharge the runecaster.
Items in this area:
The Throggish runecaster and the energy bolt rune are found
after killing Gorda Karn, along with the Throggish Pendant.
The Statue of Throggi has Azrael's Orb and a stone weapon.
Take the red eye and only ONE of the weapons.
Characters in this area:
Dombur is in a cell in the northwest. Lower all the levers
to the south to get to his cell.
Gorda Karn is in the northeast. Watch out, he packs a mean
energy bolt.
Throgs and Sharga inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Temple Entrance.
One stairway to the Feeding Grounds, level 1.

[3.09] First Level of Feeding Grounds
Locations of interest:
A mana circle in the south.
Items in this area:
One half of the key to free Vermatrix as well as some
feathers are found carried by a Throg shaman to the
southeast. Feathers will allow you to pass through the
green warding runes without damage as long as they are
in your inventory scroll. You'll need to take the damage
at least once to get to the shaman.
Characters in this area:
Throgs and Sharga inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Temple of Throggi.
Three stairways to the Feeding Grounds, level 2.
One stairway to the Dwarven Clanhall.
Other notes:

[3.10] Second Level of Feeding Grounds
Locations of interest:
Two mana circles, one in the west and one in the southwest.
Items in this area:
The other half of the key to free Vermatrix is in the north.
Magickal flint is just to the west of Vermatrix.
Characters in this area:
Vermatrix Goldenhide, Lady of Dragons, covers a big portion
of this area. Once you free her (there are three locks),
you can enter the rest of the area. Her head is in the
west central area.
Throgs and Sharga inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
Three stairways to the Feeding Grounds, level 1.
One stairway to the Ice Caverns.
One magickal gate to the Faerie Realm.

[3.11] Dwarven Clanhall
Locations of interest:
One Fountain of Thera in the east.
The Undead Warrior's sarcophagus is also in the far east.
Items in this area:
There is a double-power meta rune in the Undead Warrior's
Torrin will give you a translocate rune after you help him out.
When you come along the dwarf fiddling with something in
a corner (he is a traitor btw). You'll be able to walk
through the back of the alcove after killing him to a
room with several meta runes including triple-power.
Characters in this area:
The dwarven smith will repair the key to free Vermatrix if
you fetch magickal flint for him. You'll need to talk to
Vermatrix and have both halves of the key to get the
magickal chisel to get the flint.
The undead warrior is in the far east of this area, in his
Dwarves inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Feeding Grounds.
Other notes:
The dwarves will leave you once you enter, however, Karzak will
join up with you again. Farli won't return until the Palace of
Shadows. Return the three parts to Dombur to get the Stoneshooter.
You may need to stand in the room for a while to get him to
notice you - he's very busy.

[3.12] Faerie Realm
Locations of interest:
Iaenni's Court is in the west central area. The keyhole
to open the spear gate is on the right wall facing the
gate, down near the ground - it's hard to see. You need to
use it twice (with both keys) to unlock it. To get past
the barrier before Iaenni you need to surround the pillar
in the center with primroses and also put some down the
path leading to the barrier, then walk around the pillar
twice. You also need to wear a faerie hat.
Items in this area:
Two of the Faeries give you a gold key and a silver key
when you perform tasks for them. You'll need both to
get to Iaenni.
The elfstaff is in the southern area of this level, near
the trolls.
Iaenni will give you a magickal pendant the fourth time you
talk to her.
One of the Troll shamans has Yoth-Soggoth's Orb.
Give the faerie players a toadstool to get the duckling rune.
Characters in this area:
Iaenni, Queen of the Fae is in her court. Make sure to talk
to her four times total.
Faeries and Trolls inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
One magickal gate to the Feeding Grounds.
Other notes:
You'll need a lot of patience and forbearance to get through
the Faerie Realm. The faeries can be *TOTALLY* annoying. Make
sure to note where every Faerie is so you can return to them
with the objects they want. Be warned that Iaenni's speech
isn't captioned, so you'll need to listen carefully. Also, listen
to Karzak for some good laughs. I was practically in tears
by the time i finished this area from laughing too hard. I have
a transcript of Iaenni's speech that I'll summarize here once
I have the time - probably by next version.

[3.13] Caverns of Ice
Locations of interest:
There are breakable walls in the north central and south
central areas.
There's a one-use fountain of healing just north of where
you meet the Ice Queen for the first time.
Items in this area:
The Ice Queen has Helion's orb.
The Sharga shaman's runescroll is in the southeast central.
Characters in this area:
The Sharga leader will open the way to the Ice Queen after
you have found Cold Fire.
Snowflakes and Sharga inhabit this area.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Feeding Grounds.
One stairway to the Gate of the Ancients.
Other notes:
Use the warming rune to free Enigma and Nigel. You can also
use a firebolt rune from a couple paces away to thaw them out.

[3.14] Gate of the Ancients
Locations of interest:
A mana circle in a secret room behind the Gate of the Ancients.
A mana circle in the north-central area of this level.
The Gate of the Ancients in the center of this area. It's a
one-way trip, so make sure you have SIX orbs before entering.
Items in this area:
An eagle-shaped key in a fireplace in the east.
The silver runestaff is just north of the Gate of the Ancients.
There is magickal plate armor, plate leggings, and helmet
just south of the Gate of the Ancients.
Characters in this area:
None. This area is completely, utterly, eerily empty.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Ice Caverns.
A bunch of pits to the Pits.
The Gate of the Ancients to the Palace of Shadows.
Other notes:
Make sure you have SIX orbs before entering the Gate of the
Ancients, otherwise you will have to backtrack through some
mirrors to find them.

[3.15] The Pits
Locations of interest:
One mana circle near where you find Safrinni's Orb.
A mirror to the Palace of Shadows near Safrinni's Orb.
Items in this area:
A lion-shaped key in a cross-shaped area with a sign telling
you not to be greedy. Take ONLY the key.
A sturdy key somewhere in this area - anyone know where?
Safrinni's Orb is in this area. You'll need to fall down a pit
onto a pressure plate to open the door to the Orb.
Use the duckling rune on the duck statue in the pits to get
several runes including the mannish Sphere rune.
Characters in this area:
None. This area is completely, utterly, eerily empty.
Exits to other areas:
A bunch of ladders to the Gate of the Ancients.
Other notes:
I found an odd duck statue in the pits - anyone know what it's
purpose is? The only one I could figure out was a good laugh.

[3.16] Palace of Shadows
Locations of interest:
There's a place where the reflection of the palace doesn't
match, through the mirror past Scourge. Throw a fireball
or spoilspell at the back of the alcove to open a door.
Past Scourge there are also two secret doors with mirrors
hidden behind them that lead back to the Temple of Throggi
and the Pits.
Items in this area:
Marif's Orb is in the very center of this level. You'll
need to get both halves of the Yin-Yang symbol and put
them in one holder to open a passageway.
Near the very southern part of this level there are a pair
of illusionary walls. Through one is a stand and through
the other is a Piece of Shadow. Place the Piece of Shadow
upon the stand and it will slowly begin shifting between
weapon types. Take it when you want that weapon. The Shadow
Weapon is the best weapon in the game.
Characters in this area:
Scourge (three floating skulls with colored light coming
out of their eyes) is in the southwest central area.
You'll need Marif's Orb to get the strength to pass
the barrier.
Wahooka is in the west central area, near Scourge. He'll
join your group and give you some revelations.
Farli is to the south of Marif's Orb. Make sure you get him
before you translocate out.
Exits to other areas:
One magickal gate to the Tower of Shadows.
Other notes:
The Palace is a mirror image, with the east half being a
reflection of the west half. Stuff in the east half is weird
and illusionary, and sometimes very difficult to see. Going
west is much safer, at least until you have found the Shadow
Weapon. Use Afri's Orb liberally to find all the secret doors
and walls in this area.

[3.17] First Level of Tower of Shadows
Locations of interest:
At the very beginning of this area there's a Gargoyle who
will ask you some questions. You cannot enter the Tower of
Shadows until you have seven orbs.
Items in this area:
A dwarf in the northeastern corner has a piece of metal that
is needed to open a secret wall to the Lair of the Dark
Dwarves. Only Farli can open the Lair.
The Silver Ankh is in the north central part of this level,
guarded by some invincible spinning spikes - be careful.
Characters in this area:
This area is inhabited by spinning spikes and fire elementals.
Exits to other areas:
One magickal gate to the Palace of Shadows.
One stairway to the Tower of Shadows, level 2.
One stairway to the Lair of the Dark Dwarves.
Other notes:
When you reach the door and the gargoyle asks you if you want
to enter, press the red square (no). Then when it asks you if
you need to enter, press the green triangle (yes). It will give
you some advice. Listen to Enigma when he tells you to stop. He
knows what he's doing.
The solution to the button puzzle is as follows: (o = pressed)
o o x x The paper from the Lair of the
x x x o Dark Dwarves is easily the most
o x x x cryptic hint in the game, so I
x x o o think an outright spoiler is needed.

[3.18] Temple of Thera
Locations of interest:
This is it, boys and girls.
Items in this area:
Characters in this area:
Exits to other areas:
Other notes:
Helion, Aquila, Thera, Azrael, Marif, Afri, Safrinni,
Yoth-Soggoth, Kor-Soggoth.

[3.19] Second Level of Tower of Shadows
Locations of interest:
Items in this area:
Silver Crescent and Silver Cross.
Characters in this area:
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Tower of Shadows, level 1.
One stairway to the Tower of Shadows, level 3.
Other notes:

[3.20] Third Level of Tower of Shadows
Locations of interest:
Items in this area:
Silver Circle.
Characters in this area:
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Tower of Shadows, level 4.
One stairway to the Tower of Shadows, level 2.
Other notes:

[3.21] Fourth Level of Tower of Shadows
Locations of interest:
Items in this area:
Thera's and Kor-Soggoth's Orbs are right behind Khull-Khuum.
Characters in this area:
Khull-Khuum himself awaits you in the center.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Tower of Shadows, level 3.
Other notes:
As soon as I have time I'll write up the Tower and Palace of
Shadows (I want to go through them again for detail).

[3.22] Lair of the Dark Dwarves
Locations of interest:
A mana circle in the north.
There's a strange antenna device near the center of this
area. If you break it, the dwarves will no longer attack
you and will explain the button puzzle.
Items in this area:
Characters in this area:
This area is inhabited by Dark Dwarves.
Exits to other areas:
One stairway to the Tower of Shadows, level 1.
Other notes:


[4.00] Tactics and Gameplay

[4.01] Combat and the Stonekeep Dance
The Stonekeep Dance (aka the Wahooka Whirl) is the best method
for killing enemies up until the Palace of Shadows. Throw axes
and daggers, run past, pick them up, and repeat. If you have a
crossbow or bow, use that instead of throwing the axes and daggers.
Usually you can make quick work of most opponents except throgs.
Throgs take patience and good reflexes to kill.

Later in the game, killing stuff with weapons becomes increasingly
ineffective. The best tactic I've found so far is to boost up a
firebolt rune and make sure you have at least a magick skill of
four so it only costs 1 mana for a firebolt + potency +
double-power + area effect rune. Then just hurl them at your
opponents. If there is a mana circle nearby, this tactic is
incredibly effective and wonderfully quick (except for trips back
to the mana circle). If there is no mana circle nearby, make
sure to conserve your mana carefully. Note that your companions
have unlimited mana, and Enigma, Sparkle, and Wahooka have
long-range attack capability (which is very helpful). Farli also
hurls firebombs, but only rarely.

The only enemies that can go through doors are the floating skulls
in the Palace of Shadows. I haven't found anything else that can.
A good technique is to open a door and shoot or throw through it
at your opponents to soften them up or kill them.

[4.02] Companions
Farli (Dwarf)
Farli is the first companion you will find, very trustworthy,
and a good fighter who will get better as time passes. He'll
be with you to the end.

Karzak (Dwarf)
Karzak is an excellent fighter but has no equipment when you
find him. Make sure to give him some equipment because he is
very effective in the stages of the game where you will have
him. He'll leave you for good once you free Enigma.

Dombur (Dwarf)
Dombur is not a very good fighter, but knows lots of valuable
information and will construct the Stoneshooter for you later
in the game. Also, he is Farli's brother and must be rescued
from the Temple of Throggi. Dombur will leave for good once
you get to the Dwarven Clanhall.

Skuz (Sharga)
Skuz is a coward, a wimp, and fun to listen to. He also has some
good advice to give, and actually gets to be a decent fighter
after some work on his skills. Skuz leaves just before the Gate
of the Ancients.

Sparkle (Faerie)
Sparkle is a decent fighter and casts many healing and protective
spells. If you are injured and have Sparkle along, simply wait
a short time and she will heal you up to the yellow range on
your health indicator (80-100 hp). Sparkle leaves you for good
when Farli rejoins you in the Palace of Shadows.

Enigma (Elf)
Enigma is very knowledgeable and an excellent fighter in both
hand-to-hand and magick. Make sure you get him before you
leave the Ice Caverns. He'll stay with you to the end.

Wahooka (Who knows?)
Wahooka is sarcastic, annoying, and hurls fireballs with great
delight. Make sure you have him with you as long as you can,
because he's great to have in combat. I'm not sure if Wahooka
always leaves, however if you just run up to the fourth level of
the Tower of Shadows before completing the first three, he'll
call you a fool and leave.

[4.03] Friends

Thera, Goddess of Earth
Thera will guide you through the first portion of the game and
occasionally will give you hints. Make sure you listen very
carefully to everything she says.

The Dwarves

Torrin is the dwarven elder and he'll have some tasks
for you to accomplish. Farli will lead you to him when
you first enter the Clanhall.

Dwarven Smith
You'll need to help this guy out to get him to repair the
broken key to free Vermatrix Goldenhide.

Vermatrix Goldenhide
Ruler of Dragons, Vermatrix is trapped in the second level of
the Feeding Grounds. You'll need to repair the very sturdy
key to free her from her chains.

The Faeries

Sweetie and Surly

Winkle, Binkle, Giggle, Chuckle, Snort, and Murph
'Can I just fall on my axe now?'

Iaenni, Queen of the Fae


Skrag is the leader of the Sharga Freedom League. Make sure
you listen to him. Too bad he doesn't have any of those
leaves left though. =)

[4.04] Enemies

Khull-Khuum, the Shadowking
He's big, he's bad, and he has an ugly helmet that looks like
it came out of a scrap metal shop. Avoid this guy like the
plague - he's bad for your health.



Green Slimes


Ugly Three-Tentacled Things

Deadly Flowers





Flying Skulls

Undead Warriors

Dark Dwarves

Fire Elementals

Spinning Spikes

[4.05] Mannish Runes

This hurls a small firebolt. It's not very powerful, but if you
boost it with the doubling rune, potency rune, and area effect
rune, it makes a nice double explosion that does decent damage.

This is a low-power healing rune that only restores health.

I have never effectively used this rune, however I assume it
prevents opponents from casting spells. Casting it on your
party and on the barrels in the Ettin's room in the Sharga
mines will help prevent the Ettin from waking up when you
break the barrels to loot the chest.

Casting this rune on yourself will allow you to read writing
that would otherwise be incomprehensible.

Use as a counterspell or to grant magick resistance.

Mark Location
You must mark a location with this rune before you can use
the Translocate (Homing) rune to go back there. The square
you attempt to mark must be empty.

This will return you to the square you marked with the Mark
Location rune. Note that you can only have one location marked
at any one time. If you mark a new location, the old mark will
vanish. If you translocate from within a marked location,
this spell will take you back to where you translocated from
just before.

Causes enemies to flee.

This is a decent protective spell against non-ranged attacks.

This is a more powerful healing spell that also cures poison
and other afflictions.

Hurls a tornado. Also useful for removing the Dust of Zandi
from things in the Tower of Shadows.

This rune hurls an icebolt. If you increase the power on this
rune it will freeze the enemy into a statue temporarily. The
ice sharga shaman will give this rune to you after you give
her the runescroll.

Use this rune to thaw an ice statue without angering the person
trapped inside. I've only found two ice statues, those of Enigma
and Nigel. Nigel will show you where to find Cold Fire. The
ice sharga shaman will give this rune to you after you give
her the runescroll.

Rune of Cold
I haven't figured out what this rune does yet. However, the
scroll it was on was very cold, so I assume it has something
to do with that - anyone know for certain? It's found in
the Gate of the Ancients.

Fire Ward
This creates a fire trap that will spring when a monster steps
in it. It's found behind a weak wall in the Ice Caverns.

This rune hurls colorful spheres at your enemies. It's found
behind the duck statue in the Pits.

[4.06] Faerie Runes

This rune will prevent the affected person from suffering damage
by falling down a pit. Usually not worth the effort of casting.

Use this rune on Marif's Orb in the Palace of Shadows to shrink
it to a manageable size. I've never tried it on an opponent, but
it might work. You get this from a treasure chest past Vermatrix
Goldenhide. There's also one in a chest in the Sewers.

This rune will make your entire party invisible. I haven't had
much opportunity to try it out but I assume monsters will ignore
you. It's found on a scroll with absolutely nothing else on it
in the faerie realm.

Murphy's Rune
Murph in the Faerie Realm will give you this rune. I don't know
what it does, but it either slows down the target or makes
everything go wrong for them, depending on how you interpret
the hints. Murph will give it to you in the Faerie realm.

This rune is given to you by the faerie players after listening
to them many times and will let you past the duck statue in the

Detect Magic
This rune will get rid of illusions (such as the wall in the
Palace of Shadows). Anyone know where to get it?

[4.07] Throggish Runes

This rune temporarily increases your strength.

This rune will engulf the square in front of you with a
pillar of fire. I haven't found it very useful, but note
that the Throg shamans have it too and delight in using it.

This rune protects you against ranged attacks for a period
of time.

This rune damages an opponent, and if increased power is used,
it will stun them temporarily.

Use this rune to paralyze a target, or at least prevent them
from approaching you. I haven't tried it out yet.

[4.08] Meta Runes

This will decrease the target's magick resistance.

Double Power
This will double the power of the spell it is applied to.

Triple Power
I've heard this rune exists but haven't found it - anyone?

Increased Duration
This will increase the duration of the spell it is applied
to. I don't know what it would do on an instant spell.

Area Effect
This rune will make a single-target spell affect everything in
a square.

[4.09] Normal Items

Healthy Root
Eating one of these will heal you slightly.

Very Healthy Root
Eating one of these will give you a decent dose of healing.

Musty Smelling Root
These poison you.

Faerie Cake
Fine Faerie Cake
These heal you a good amount.

Oil Flasks
Throwing one of these will make a nice explosion. Farli also
seems to carry around a secret supply.

Ammunition Containers (rock bag, dart bag, quivers)
To use these simply put them in one hand and click to use that
hand. If you have a missile weapon (bow or crossbow) put the
quiver in your left hand and the weapon in your right hand.

Keys and the Keyring
The keyring is in a chest on the second level of Stonekeep. It's
a VERY useful item. I have found the following keys so far:
Brass Key
Bronze Key
Steel Key
Ivory Key (2 types)
Iron Key
Throggish Key (2 types)
Very Sturdy Key
Lion Key
Eagle Key
Sturdy Key
I have probably missed one or two keys, so don't take this as
a comprehensive list.

Armor and Weapons
There are lots of these. Daggers and throwing axes are very
nice weapons, along with the crossbow. I have never used the
short bow or either type of arrows so I don't know how effective
they are. Arrows and bolts can be thrown in an emergency however.

[4.10] Magickal Items

Blue Vial
This is a weak healing potion.

Blue Potion
This is a healing potion.

Blue Decanter
This is a powerful healing potion.

Light Green Potion
This grants an agility enchantment.

Dark Green Potion
This grants a strength enchantment.

Red Mushroom
This grants both strength and agility enchantments.

Green Mushroom
This cures poison and other conditions.

Spotted Mushroom
These decrease strength and agility by one each. I'm not sure
if the effect is permanent or not.

Magickal Rings
You can wear up to four rings. I have only found three types of
rings, however:
Magick Armor Ring
Ring of Poison Resistance
Luckstone Ring
I usually wear two armor rings and one each of the other types.
The only place to get a luckstone ring is from Iaenni.

Mechanomagickal Stoneshooter
The dwarven version of a machinegun, Dombur will assemble this
for you once you bring him the three missing parts found in
the Feeding Grounds. It's not a very effective weapon, however,
it does fire very fast.

Magickal Armor and Weapons
So far I have found a very sharp dagger, a stone weapon from
Throggi, and some magickal armor and shields. There's also
a sword made of ice and a warhammer which may be magicakal.
Magickal throwing axes make excellent weapons. Just before
entering the Gate of the Ancients there is a full suit of
magickal plate armor and helmet.

[4.11] Runecasters

Found in Mage-Icarius' laboratory, this runecaster has 2 slots
and holds a maximum of 25 mana points.

Found in the second level of the Sharga Mines, this runecaster
has 3 slots and holds a maximum of 40 mana points.

Throggish Runecaster
Found on Gorda Karn's corpse, this runecaster has 4 slots and
holds a maximum of 40 mana points.

Found in the troll area of the Faerie Realm, this runecaster
has 5 slots and holds a maximum of 60 mana points.

Silver Runestaff
Found in a secret room behind the Gate of the Ancients (when
the gate is in front of you, turn right, go forward, turn left,
go forward, turn left, go forward, turn right, go forward),
this runecaster has 6 slots and holds a maximum of 99 mana

[4.12] Special Items

Use the cylinders in the drain switches to open the sliding
walls in the sewers and to drain the sewers. You'll need to
find both under the water in the sewers. Drake will tell you
that he has stubbed his toe when you enter the square with one.

Dragon Statue
You'll need to place the Dragon Statue on a special pedestal
to open the gate to the Underlands. The three-tentacled thing
in the sewers has the statue.

Throggish Pendant
Gorda Karn has the Throggish Pendant. It will allow you to enter
the inner sanctum of the Temple of Throggi.

Four-Leaf Clover
You'll need this to see and attack the trolls in the Faerie
Realm. Without it, you have no chance whatsoever. Sweetie will
give it to you after you give her the right daisy chain.

Cold Fire
This is hidden behind a weak wall in the Caverns of Ice. You must
throw it at the Ice Queen to have any chance of defeating her.

Shadow Weapon
This weapon is in the Palace of Shadows. I'll have detailed
directions for how to get it in v0.4 of the FAQ.

Silver Light
These are four objects, an ankh, a crescent, a circle, and
a cross. All four are found in the Tower of Shadows and
they are needed for one way of winning the game.

[4.13] The Orbs
Khull-Khuum's Orb (Sol)
This one doesn't do anything but sit there.

Helion's Orb (Mercury)
The Ice Queen has Helion's Orb. It functions the same as the
warmth rune, thawing statues.

Aquila's Orb (Venus)
Aquila's Orb is very nice to have. It heals everyone in your
party completely when used. It has a limited number of uses,
but recharges over time. It's found in the Ettin's chest in
the Sharga Mines.

Thera's Orb (Earth)
You'll find Thera's Orb at the pinnacle of the Tower of Shadows,
right behind the Shadowking. I haven't yet figured out what it
does, however.

Azrael's Orb (Mars)
This orb is the red eye in the Statue of Throggi. It casts
quickness on Drake, making his attacks much faster.

Marif's Orb (Jupiter)
Marif's Orb is in the Palace of Shadows. After you place the
Yin-Yang symbol in one of the two slots, a door will open to
the hall with Marif's Orb. You'll need to use the Shrink spell
on it to get it down to a manageable size. Marif's Orb gives
you both physical and spiritual strength, allowing you to pass
certain barriers.

Afri's Orb (Saturn)
Afri's Orb is in the first level of the Ruins of Stonekeep,
right next to the two big Sharga with the steel key. Placing
the orb on the ground in front of you will generate a map
of the area around you - very useful for locating illusionary
walls and stuff like that.

Safrinni's Orb (Uranus)
Safrinni's Orb is in the Pits underneath the Gate of the Ancients.
Using its power allows you to rise up through a pit. You'll
need to use it to get to the Gate of the Ancients.

Yoth-Soggoth's Orb (Neptune)
Yoth-Soggoth's Orb is in the Faerie Realm, guarded by a troll
shaman. Using this orb will completely recharge all of your
runecasters. It has limited uses but recharges over time.

Kor-Soggoth's Orb (Pluto)
This orb is right next to the Shadowking along with Thera's. I
haven't yet figured out if it has any powers, but I believe it
grants magickal resistance. It will prevent the Shadowking's
soul-binding spells from working on you.

[4.14] Tricks and Cheats
Attacking the forge fire in the armory on the first level of
Stonekeep or the magical forge in the dwarven clanhall will
allow you to raise your weapon skills very rapidly.

Wiping the Dust of Zandi off of panels in the Tower of Shadows
will actually raise your maximum hit points. Be careful not to
go over 999 hit points or die from the damage.


[5.00] Other Stuff

[5.01] Notes
This version of the STONEKEEP FAQ is highly preliminary, and I
am writing it mostly from memory. I have also not yet completed
the game, so some of the maps are not filled in. I can't remember
all of the mana circles offhand either, so several are probably
missing from the lists.

[5.02] Credits
Big thanks to for a lot of corrections
and stuff I missed or forgot, as well as suggesting the new

Thanks to for pointing out some errors.

Thanks to for pointing out that a
firebolt will also free people who have been iced over. He
also supplied the transcript of Iaenni's speech and helped
me figure out the correct procedure to get past the barrier.

Thanks to for pointing out exactly how to
get the triple-power rune in the Dwarven Clanhall.

Thanks to for pointing out where the chest
in the sewers that the Triangle unlocks is.

Thanks to for helping me out with the

In a speedy reversal, thanks to for
some embarrassing corrections to the very first few levels
(guess my role-playing gear wasnt quite in shape when i went
through them).

Thanks to for some corrections and
three new runes that I never found.

Thanks to for putting this preliminary FAQ up on
his web page. It can be found at:

Thanks to for suggestions and info.

Thanks to for some info and corrections.

Thanks to for a list of spell costs which I
will be putting into the FAQ. He also has a saved game
from the beginning of every level in the game, and I will
be putting these up for FTP as soon as I can find a place
to put them. *PLEASE* do not bother him for the files,
however, as I'm sure he is very busy.

Thanks to for a list of coordinates which I will
be putting into the FAQ.

Thanks to Michael Quarles for telling me about the shift-f8
coordinate locator (and congratulations to him for producing
a great game!)

Thanks to for the workaround to the
save crash bug.

Thanks to for the workaround to the Wahooka

If you have a correction or something you'd like to add, please
email me at and I'll update the FAQ.

I'd like to thank my cat, Fred, for attacking the keyboard while I
was writing this FAQ. If there are any typos, it's his fault.

[5.03] Copyright
This FAQ is copyright 1995 by Doug Swarin. It may be freely distributed
in whole or in part so long as it remains unmodified. You may freely
modify it, but if you do, you must place a notice on the FAQ that
states you have changed it and what parts you have changed. If you
remove this copyright notice from the FAQ, you are wholly responsible
for what is contained within. However, in no case will I, Interplay
Productions, or my cat be liable for anything in here.

[5.04] Future Plans
I'd like to get a complete compilation of secret doors and
illusionary walls, as well as getting coordinates to apply to
the level maps to show locations more accurately. Anyone who
wants to help with this would get a BIG mention and thank you,
from me and all the Stonekeep fans out there.

[5.05] Will there be a sequel to Stonekeep?
There WILL be a sequel to Stonekeep, however, Michael Quarles
(the producer of Stonekeep) will not be working on it. At least
one of Stonekeep's lead designers will be working on the sequel.
Let's hope that the new producer and team can keep the same
standards of quality and fun as the one that made Stonekeep.
Stonekeep 2 will probably take at least two years to hit the
shelves, so hopefully there'll be a Christmas 1997 release date.

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