Sims 2, The - Seasons

Sims 2, The - Seasons

13.10.2013 11:40:16
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Author: Warfreak
Version: 0.3
Date Started: 1/5/07


Table of Contents
[1] Introduction, Read it Punk
[1.01] Introduction
[1.02] Version History
[1.03] Riverblossom Hills
[2] The Seasons, The Name of the Game
[2.01] The Concept
[2.02] Summer
[2.03] Autumn
[2.04] winter
[2.05] Spring
[3] The Careers, There are 5 + 1 of them
[3.01] Gamer
[3.02] Education
[3.03] Law
[3.04] Journalism
[3.05] Music
[3.06] Adventurer
[3.07] Job Analysis
[4] Career Rewards, Pay for your Work
[4.01] Books First for Learning: A Bookshelf of Education
[4.02] The Rock Hammer
[4.03] The Gootentaugen Award for Excellence in Journalism
[4.04] "I Object" Litigator Podium
[4.05] Golden Skull of Jumbok IV
[4.06] Tribal Flame a la Coconut Pinball
[5] Chance Cards, Russian Roulette Style
[5.01] Gamer
[5.02] Education
[5.03] Law
[5.04] Journalism
[5.05] Music
[5.06] Adventurer
[6] Food and Drink, My Wiki Project
[6.01] Bass with Squash
[6.02] Blackened Catfish
[6.03] Stuffed Rainbow Trout
[6.04] Stuffed Golden Trout
[6.05] Apple Juice
[6.06] Beauty Cocktail
[6.07] Eggplant Juice
[6.08] Lemonade
[6.09] Orange Juice
[6.10] Orangeaid
[6.11] Pepper Punch
[6.12] Pureed Boot
[6.13] Strawberry Juice
[6.14] Strawberry Lemonade
[6.15] Tomato Juice
[6.16] Vegetable Cocktail
[7] Fishing, For Dummies
[7.01] Starters
[7.02] Bait
[7.03] Percentages
[7.04] Catch

[A] Contact Information
[B] Webmaster Information
[C] Credits
[D] Sites FAQ is on
[E] Copyright

[1.01] Introduction

"Bristling winter cold, crisp fall mornings, rainy spring afternoons, and hot
summer nights are now all a part of your neighbourhoods! Bundle your Sims up
in warm outerwear clothing or have them drink a cool, refreshing beverage to
ward off the heat. Now that the weather is changing, you never know what
quite to expect!

Send your Sims outdoors, grow fruit and vegetables in a new garden, spend the
afternoon in the pool, or heave a snowball at your neighbour! There's plenty
to do in the great outdoors!

Welcome to Seasons!"

Welcome to my, what it seems to be lucky 13th guide. This is about the game
The Sims 2 expansion pack, Seasons. It seems that EA has split Unleashed into
two, one is Pets and the Other is Seasons. It seems that FAQing is the rage at
the moment. As of writing this, I have 5 guides in progress.

[1.02] Version History

Version 0.0 [1/5/07]
The second time I've used this version number. This is basically the version
with the template on it.

Version 0.0a [2/5/07]
Adjusted Template

Version 0.1 [10/5/07]
Finally, a actual proper start.

Version 0.2 [20/5/07]
Another update.

Version 0.3 [27/5/07]
Update, nuff said.

[1.03] Riverblossom Hills

A new neighbourhood has opened out for you to muck around. The new neighbour-
hood, in addition to Pleasantview, Strangetown and Veronaville is Riverblossom
Hills. Of course, you can just pack everyone up and send them to your own
custom neighbourhood, like me.

"Many Sims have relocated to the quiet, comfortable countryside, in the hopes
that life and family can firmly plant their roots in the middle of nowhere.
Fresh crops aren’t the only thing growing in the farming community of
Riverblossom Hills – love is in the air and many a relationship is on the
verge of blossoming. Unfortunately, problems are bound to sprout in a town
this small. Things are looking up, but hearts can always turn cold with the
onset of winter."

[2.01] The Concept

Seasons is the main point of having Seasons. Let me rephrase. The 4 seasons of
the year is the main point of The Sims 2 : Seasons. Every single neighbourhood
can have a season and what kind of Sim game would you be playing if you don't
get to control what season you get to muck around with. There are reasons to
mess around with seasons. Think of how you can change the view of the
neighbourhood of you get to change the season around. You like snow? Well you
can have it. And also, each season has its advantages and its disadvantages.
Season will change over time and you have to adjust to each one do that you
don't get left behind. After all, since when was winter summer? This can lead
to some warm weather in winter and cold weather in summer. Anything is
possible, anything.

[2.02] Summer

The first of the seasons. In this season, the sun shines for your Sims, and
by shine, replace with burns. In the season of scorching heat, you don't want
to be caught outside when it is burning. Because of the great activities that
you can do in summer, like muck around in the pool for hours on end, not only
do the body points become automatically acquired, but it is a great time for
you to catch up with friends.

In Summer, you get an extra relationship boost to all positive interactions
towards people living outside your family. It is nice to have a nice boost to
keep up to date with friends, especially if you have many friends, thank you
Open for Business. Also, it is Summer so be aware that you will heat up faster
in the sun and exercising. Your temperature will reach the red far faster
rather than other seasons, so you might need to drink some fresh juice to calm
you down. Also, during the night time, you can look out for fireflies. These
little critters can be collected by clicking the square they are on and by
catching them. They will be a miniature source of light that you can use but
after a while, the glow will be gone.

[2.03] Autumn

Autumn is the beginning of decay. Leaves start to fall and the Sun slowly
turns off the gas. It isn't too warm in this season and it prone to sudden
changes in weather. Of course, with the season of fall, the leaves will fall
of any trees that aren't related to producing food, quite quickly which will
soon turn to be a chore. Of course, you can rake up the leaves, giving access
to cleaning points by simply raking it. After that, you can simply dispose of
them, which is rather dull. Of course, you can compost them to give an extra
boost to your garden or you can burn them. Yes, BURN!!! Being the pyromaniac
that I am, I love burning them, but don't burn them near something that can
easily go up in flames, it isn't too much fun to have your house burn down to
your pyromaniac urges.

The main bonus of the season of Autumn is the boost to the rate that your Sims
learn their skills. You can witness this when you see them training their
skills and see the leaves flowing around the progress bar. This is extremely
handy, since it can nearly halve the time needed to learn a skill. This is
even more handy when you use it with some of the juices and learn the final
skill point to max out a skill.

[2.04] winter

Ah, the Season of Wintery Death. Winter is basically what it is, the freezing
cold. You will notice the most unique feature of Winter. The floor will
become white due to the snow. And this will be due to the weather. And since
it will, WILL, be cold in Winter, you must buy some outerwear for your Sims
to wear. This way, it will prevent them getting cold too quickly outside. Just
like Summer on the way it rapidly increased the temperature guage, Winter does
the exact opposite. Luckily, since all trees will be dormant for the winter,
you can purchase a hot chocolate maker. Just a cup of this glorious stuff will
warm your Sim up from the blue to the green.

The next thing is the snow and the chill. You will need a roof over the green
house to ensure that your plants will grow, and a roof over the head of your
own Sims. Why? Well, would you like to sleep in the snow while being tucked
in, nice and cozy, in your bed? Don't think so. Of course, it will snow and
this will make everything outside covered in snow. Of course, everything will
still work, its rather more decoration than anything else. And then there is
the opportunity to make snow angels and snowmen, if you don't have the Holiday
Pack. The look of the snowman, according to the Maxoids is depending on
whether your Sim is nice or evil. Nice will have a friendly looking snowman
while evil Sims will have a nasty looking snowman.

Another feature of the Winter Season is the penguin. This little fellow will
come along and will act as a semi-pet. You can shoo him, pet him, but can't
form a relationship with him. If you have a snowman, the penguin can go and
communicate with him, somehow. Of course, he can come along in the other
seasons and if you leave some fish for him, he'll eat it.

With the fish, along comes another point. Your pool will be heated, this is
probably why my Sims go for a dip in the pool while walking from A to B, until
I did some reconstruction. Its obviously warmer than walking if the pool is
heated. Ponds will be frozen over unless it is covered by something, meaning
that there won't be fresh fish for a season.

Of course, since there is ice, you can have ice skating. Its basically the
roller rink being run into a ice skating rink. It basically the same except
for the interactions that you can perform with friends and family. You can
try to spin and jump while working up those body points. Wow, Seasons make
body points more fun to achieve. Although your interactions with the other
Sims is rather limited, it will provide large relationship boosts to your
totals. And on the note of family, this is the best time for your Sims and
their family to get together. While friends will yield a slightly lower
amount of relationship points, it will be different for your family. This is
the time to renew and build up those family bonds.

[2.05] Spring

All your gardening will be back to life, with fruit tree at the sickly level.
Do not dispair, for it will be back to normal sooner or later, after the
necessary amount of pruning. This is also the time to start some planting of
crops will be in Spring. It also allows you access to your pond again, when
the weather decides to pick up again. Of course, with spring, the Season of
life, there will be some butterflies to catch. You can do it as you would do
with fireflies, you click on the square they are located on, and then catch
them. Of course, they just add to the decor of the place, but if you have Open
for Business, it looks cool to have some jars of insects on the shelves, even
if you can't sell them.

Spring is the Season for Love. All romantic interactions will yield more
relationship points and is perfect to catch up with the flames which are the
boyfriends and the girlfriends or level up with a spark that you think will
provide eternal happiness. Of course, marriage is for the life of the Sim,
since the SimCity Marriage Council does not believe in divorce. Damn old,
conservative council, though it does limit the ability of Sims to become
gold diggers.

[3.01] Gamer


"You've been accepted into one of the most elite gaming circles on the net.
You need to think fast, be creative, and always up for a challenge if you
intend to win.

Job Level: 1
Carpool Arrival: 9am
Work Hours: 10am to 4pm
Salary: §123
Requirements for Level 2: None

Job Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday
Free Days: Monday, Friday

*Button Masher*

"The controller naturally fits in your hand and your fingers fly over the
buttons, but you'll need to be a little more creative with your strategies if
you plan to move up."

Job Level: 2
Carpool Arrival: 8am
Work Hours: 9am to 4pm
Salary: §147
Bonus for Promotion: §294
Requirements for Level 3: 1 Creativity Point

Job Days: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday
Free Days: Wednesday, Saturady

*Trash Talker*

"You have a favorite server and everyone knows your name, probably because you
let them know who's best. Keep winning at the game and you'll go far."

Job Level: 3
Carpool Arrival: 2pm
Work Hours: 3pm to 9pm
Salary: §225
Bonus for Promotion: §550
Requirements for Level 4: 1 Mechanical Point
1 Logic Point
1 Creativity Point

Job Days: Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Free Days: Monday, Tuesday

*Gold Farmer*

"Having enongh gold to buy the best equipment is the reason you play the game.
However, it's one thing to have the best gear and another entirely to use it

Job Level: 4
Carpool Arrival: 8am
Work Hours: 9am to 4pm
Salary: §296
Bonus for Promotion: §592
Requirements for Level 5: 2 Mechanical Points
2 Logic Points
2 Creativity Points

Job Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Free Days: Tuesday, Saturday

*Flag Capturer*

"Whether it belongs to the red team or blue team, if it's a flag it'll be
captured. Rocket jumping and circle strafing demand a great deal of mechanical
skill and creativity - stay focused!"

Job Level: 5 [JOB REWARD]
Carpool Arrival: 12pm
Work Hours: 1pm to 7pm
Salary: §325
Bonus for Promotion: §650
Requirements for Level 6: 4 Mechanical Points
3 Logic Points
2 Creativity Points

Job Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Free Days: Tuesday, Saturday

*Platform Jumper*

"Few can jump quite like you, but that is what comes with the dedication.
Enjoy the pay raise and old-school gameplay, but keep those fingers nimble!"

Job Level: 6
Carpool Arrival: 1pm
Work Hours: 2pm to 8pm
Salary: §453
Bonus for Promotion: §906
Requirements for Level 7: 5 Mechanical Points
4 Logic Points
3 Mechanical Points

Job Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
Free Days: Tuesday, Thursday

*Power Leveler*

"An expert at mindless repetition, you can gain levels faster than anybody
else, but you've got to keep your eye on the prize and avoid distraction to
stay in the game"

Job Level: 7
Carpool Arrival: 9am
Work Hours: 10am to 6pm
Salary: §763
Bonus for Promotion: §1526
Requirements for Level 8: 6 Mechanical Points
6 Logic Points
4 Creativity Points

Job Days: Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Free Days: Sunday, Monday, Wednesday

*Real Time Strategizer*

"Huge ditigal armies are under your control, ready to mine for gold and
capture cities at your command. Failure is not an option."

Job Level: 8
Carpool Arrival: 9am
Work Hours: 10am to 5pm
Salary: §950
Bonus for Promotion: §1900
Requirements for Level 9: 7 Mechanical Points
7 Logic Points
6 Mechanical Points

Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Free Days: Sunday, Saturday

*Guild Leader*

Lead your guild to glory by battling through the deepest dungeons in search
of loot. You'll need to keep everybody happy while maintaining a firm hand to
become the top guild on the server."

Job Level: 9
Carpool Arrival: 1pm
Work Hours: 2pm to 9pm
Salary: §1250
Bonus for Promotion: §2500
Requirements for Level 10: 8 Mechanical Points
10 Logic Points
7 Creativity Points

Job Days: Sunday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday
Free Days: Monday, Thursday, Friday

*Game Designer*

"It is time for you to design the greatest game ever. Are you up to the task?
It's critical you surround yourself with the brightest and the most creative
people while honing your own creative juices!

Job Level: 10
Carpool Arrival: 9am
Work Hours: 10am to 6pm
Salary: §1950
Bonus for Promotion: §3900

Job Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Free Days: Sunday, Saturday

[3.02] Education
[3.03] Law
[3.04] Journalism
[3.05] Music
[3.06] Adventurer
[3.07] Job Analysis

This section is built to analyse all the jobs in the game. As you expect,
there will be comparsion now to the University and Base game jobs, taken off
my FAQ of course, since I did right them. Warning, this will be a long section
to view.



Campaign Worker - §34.22 per hour
§1540 per week

Intern - §70 per hour
§2100 per week

Lobbyist - §84 per hour
§2520 per week

Campaign Manager - §68.89 per hour
§3010 per week

City Council Member - §113.16 per hour
§3395 per week

State Assemblyperson - §108 per hour
§3780 per week

Congressperson - §140 per hour
§4200 per week

Judge - §284.5 per hour
§4552 per week

Senator - §136.11 per hour
§4900 per week

Mayor - §219.67 per hour
§5260 per week


Emergency Medicial Technician - §46.67 per hour
§1400 per week

Paramedic - §64.16 per hour
§1925 per week

Intern - §68 per hour
§2380 per week

Nurse - §63.78 per hour
§2870 per week

Resident - §96 per hour
§3360 per week

General Practitioner - §96.25 per hour
§3850 per week

Specialist - §145.33 per hour
§4375 per week

Surgeon - §163.33 per hour
§4900 per week

Medicial Researcher - §193.72 per hour
§5424 per week

Chief of Staff - §214.14 per hour
§5996 per week


Mailroom Technician - §28 per hour
§840 per week

Executive Assistant - §36 per hour
§1260 per week

Field Sales Representative - §50 per hour
§1750 per week

Junior Executive - §64 per hour
§2240 per week

Executive - §93.33 per hour
§2800 per week

Senior Manager - §80.89 per hour
§3640 per week

Vice President - §115.5 per hour
§4620 per week

President - §175 per hour
§5600 per week

CEO - §237.86 per hour
§6660 per week

Business Tycoon - §350 per hour
§8400 per week


Team Mascot - §25.66 per hour
§770 per week

Minor Leaguer - §39.66 per hour
§1190 per week

Rookie - §53.66 per hour
§1610 per week

Starter - §70 per hour
- §2100 per week

All Star - §89.83 per hour
§2695 per week

MVP - §148.83 per hour
§3572 per week

Superstar - §170 per hour
- §4760 per week

Assistant Coach - §297.6 per hour
§5952 per week

Coach - §291.66 per hour
§7000 per week

Hall of Famer - §505.5 per hour
§9099 per week


Pickpocket - §32.67 per hour
§980 per week

Bagman - §40 per hour
§1400 per week

Bookie - §55 per hour
§1925 per week

Con Artist - §81.67 per hour
§2450 per week

Getaway Driver - §74.375 per hour
§2975 per week

Bank Robber - §92.75 per hour
§3710 per week

Cat Burglar - §149.33 per hour
§4480 per week

Counterfeiter - §177.33 per hour
§5320 per week

Smuggler - §262.2 per hour
§6300 per week

Criminal Mastermind - §320.83 per hour
§7700 per week


Recruit - §58.33 per hour
§1700 per week

Elite Forces - §75.83 per hour
§2275 per week

Drill Instructor - §93.33 per hour
§2800 per week

Junior Officer - §105 per hour
§3150 per week

Counter Intelligence - §116.66 per hour
- §3500 per week

Flight Officer - §128.33 per hour
§3850 per week

Senior Officer - §135.33 per hour
§4060 per week

Commander - §140 per hour
§4200 per week

Astronaut - §182.33 per hour
§4376 per week

General - §189.66 per hour
§4552 per week


Golf Caddy - §25.2 per hour
§630 per week

Gas Station Attendant - §25.67 per hour
§770 per week

Convenience Store Clerk - §35 per hour
§1050 per week

Record Store Clerk - §42 per hour
§1260 per week

Party DJ - §77 per hour
§1540 per week

Projectionist - §78.4 per hour
§1960 per week

Home Video Editor - §102.67 per hour
§2452 per week

Freelance Photographer - §157.6 per hour
§3152 per week

Freelance Web Designer - §186.6 per hour
§3732 per week

Professional Party Guest - §350 per hour
§4200 per week

*Law Enforcement*

Security Guard - §56 per hour
§1680 per week

Cadet - §74.67 per hour
§2240 per week

Patrol Officer - §69 per hour
§2760 per week

Desk Sergeant - §102.67 per hour
§3080 per week

Vice Squad - §114.33 per hour
§3430 per week

Detective - §126 per hour
§3780 per week

Lieutenant - §137.67 per hour
§4130 per week

SWAT Team Leader - §125 per hour
§4375 per week

Police Chief - §113.75 per hour
§4550 per week

Captain Hero - §204.16 per hour
§4900 per week


Dish Wisher - §15.75 per hour
§630 per week

Drive Through Clerk - §42 per hour
§840 per week

Fast Food Shift Manager - §36.4 per hour
§910 per week

Host - §40.33 per hour
§1210 per week

Waiter - §61.6 per hour
§1540 per week

Prep Cook - §78.16 per hour
§2345 per week

Sous Chef - §116 per hour
§4060 per week

Executive Chef - §201 per hour
§4824 per week

Restauranteur - §166.25 per hour
§5320 per week

Celebrity Chef - §434 per hour
§6510 per week


Test Subject - §36.16 per hour
- §1085 per week

Lab Assistant - §53.66 per hour
- §1610 per week

Field Researcher - §74.66 per hour
§2240 per week

Science Teacher - §75 per hour
§2625 per week

Project Leader - §90 per hour
§3150 per week

Inventor - §84 per hour
§3780 per week

Scholar - §179.2 per hour
§4480 per week

Top Secret Researcher - §148 per hour
§5180 per week

Theorist - §380.5 per hour
§6088 per week

Mad Scientist - §583.25 per hour
§6999 per week





Noob - §20.5 per hour
§615 per week

Button Masher - §21 per hour
§735 per week

Trash Talker - §37.5 per hour
§1125 per week

Gold Farmer - §42.28 per hour
§1480 per hour

Flag Capturer - §54.17 per hour
§1625 per hour

Platform Jumper - §75.5 per hour
§2265 per hour

Power Leveler - §95.38 per hour
§3052 per week

Real Time Strategizer - §135.71 per hour
§4750 per week

Guild Leader - §178.57 per hour
§5000 per week

Game Designer - §243.75 per hour
§9750 per week

[4.01] Books First for Learning: A Bookshelf of Education

"Books First, the revolutionary new education system sweeping the community
is now ready to enter the homes of working educators with A Bookshelf of
Education. Knowledge can be obtained for any discipline via the Golden Book
of Cornelius von Schtoop. Taking the first step to a life of learning is
like the first step in a candy store - delicious."

Books First for Learning: A Bookshelf of Education
Job Level:
Increase Skill:
Increase Motive:

[4.02] The Rock Hammer

"The guitar that defined the music of a generation is now yours to thrash,
own, and rip up on stage. Every musician dreams to touch, nigh, smell the
catgut strings of this blessed weapon of rock. You are lucky to be chosen for
the Rock Hammer - do not defy the rock, lest you find yourself jamming to

The Rock Hammer
Job Level:
Increase Skill:
Increase Motive:

[4.03] The Gootentaugen Award for Excellence in Journalism

"The Gootentaugen Award is reserved for those who demonstrate an excellent
gift with the written word, or for those who show great potential for
greatness. The finest writers, as they lay dying on their death beds, can
point to a shelf full of Gontentaugens, and say, "I have written great
things." Then their pen drops, and only the Gootentaugens remain. Stand in
the presence of this fantastic award and watch your mood improve!"

The Gootentaugen Award for Excellence in Journalism
Job Level:
Increase Skill:
Increase Motive:

[4.04] "I Object" Litigator Podium

"The ruthless and justice-filled oak from which this podium was built has
served three generations of brillant lawyers. Passed down over the years, this
podium is regarded by many as both sacred and lawful - a powerful combination.
Few lawyers who've had to privilege to speak from this podium find themselves
on the losing side of a jury's decision. As far as Charisma building goes,
"nobody can object to the "I Object" Litigator Podium.

"I Object" Litigator Podium
Job Level:
Increase Skill:
Increase Motive:

[4.05] Golden Skull of Jumbok IV

"The Golden Skull of Jumbok IV was liberated from the ancient ruins discovered
just outside Riverblossom Hills. Jumbok IV, conqueror of the ancient ruins
Pleasantview and Veronaville, was known as a cruel, loud and smelly ruler.
Nevertheless, his skull, which has been coated in gold and enlarged to enhance
its aesthic beauty, is fitting for any home and inspiring to all. It can
definitely be said that standing next to Jumbok's golden skull is better for
you than standing next to the conquering Jumbok of old!"

Golden Skull of Jumbok IV
Job Level:
Increase Skill:
Increase Motive:

[4.06] Tribal Flame a la Coconut Pinball

"Boom! The flames lick skyward as the metallic ball races for points and
ultimately, the high score! Ding! Ping! Clang! Be careful, as your may anger
the Tiki spirits! They demand the ultimate high score. That volcano will ooze
the lava of your demise. Hiss. Sizzle. Crackle. Enjoy, have fun and earn some

Tribal Flame a la Coconut Pinball
Job Level: Flag Capturer [Level 5]
Increase Skill: None
Increase Motive: Fun 10
Bonus: +§5 Simoleons

This is the Pinball machine that I would want. The fun rating of 10 is nothing
really special, several items that you can buy have a fun rating of 10. The
reason why I want this machine is that you get paid to play pinball. Every
2 Sim Minutes, you will get §5 for playing it. That is why everyone would want
it. Paid to play. Well, thats the Gamer profession for you, paid to have fun.
Sigh, I bet a lot of people wish it was real. The §5 Boost is automatically
added to your household funds, however, your computer might lag a bit when the
Simoleons are being added.

[5.01] Gamer
[5.02] Education
[5.03] Law
[5.04] Journalism
[5.05] Music
[5.06] Adventurer
[6.01] Bass with Squash

Ingredients = Bass Fish
Cooking Skill = Not Required
Time = Anytime

The basic fish dish you can cook. You need a bass fish either in your
inventory or stocked in your fridge to cook this dish. It is not as filling
but a single fish can make a single plate or a group meal.

[6.02] Blackened Catfish

Ingreditents = Catfish Fish
Cooking Skill = 2 Cooking Points
Time = Anytime

The second fish dish. It is slightly more filling than the bass and requires
a catfish in your inventory or stocked. This is made into a group or single
dish but there is one useful trait for this dish. It is the most filling
dish that can be made anytime, with the second being the bass dish.

[6.03] Stuffed Rainbow Trout

Ingredients = Rainbow Trout Fish
Cooking Skill = 4 Cooking Points
Time = Dinner

The third fish dish and can only be made in dinner. This is filling and can be
made into a single dish or group meal depending on your choice. The usual
either in your inventory (nearly wrote infantry) or stocked in fridge applies
of course.

[6.04] Stuffed Golden Trout

Ingredients = Golden Trout Fish
Cooking Skill = 6 Cooking Points
Time = Dinner

The final fish dish that you can cook and is only available for dinner. This
is filling but I don't like it that much, since it is more valuable to sell
and other dishes are more filling. The usual inventory or stock applies here
as well.

[6.05] Apple Juice

Ingredients = 3 Apples

Apple juice is made using the blender. What happens to the core, I have no
idea what happens. Anyway, having a child drink some apple juice will make
them do their homework fast. The higher quality apple it is, the stronger the
effect is. Just stock 3 apples in the blender and blend.

[6.06] Beauty Cocktail

Ingredients = 2 Oranges, 2 Cucumbers

This beauty cocktail is a love potion. Drinking it will enhance all the
romantic interactions between you and other people. The higher quality the
oranges and cucumbers are, the more that power is enhanced. Put 2 orange and
2 cucumbers through stock in the Blender and blend.

[6.07] Eggplant Juice

Ingredients = 2 Eggplants

Mmmmm, Eggplants, I like them. Anyway, the eggplant juice, due to powers
unknown will grant you a random skill point. Note that it is random, but if
you know computers, its another RNG based thing. Stock 2 eggplants into the
blender and blend.

[6.08] Lemonade

Ingredients = 6 Lemons

The summer drink that you should have. Drinking Lemonade will cool your Sims
down, so when their temperature is red, drink this and be on your way.
Although it seems like a lot of lemons, the tree produces a fair amount. Just
stock 6 lemons in to the blender and blend.

[6.09] Orange Juice

Ingredients = 6 Oranges

Whenever you are in the cold for too long, your Sim will develop a cold. This
is more common in Winter and Spring. A notice will say you've got a cold and
hope you've got some oranges because Orange Juice cures colds. Just stock 6
oranges into the blender and blend.

[6.10] Orangeaid

Ingredients = 4 Oranges, 2 Lemons

Orangeaid will aid you in your quest to get some badge points. I believe that
it also works on the OFB badges since there are only 2 badges in Seasons.
You know the drill, just stuff 4 oranges and 2 lemons into the blender and
blend away.

[6.11] Pepper Punch

Ingredients = 2 Peppers, 1 Pole Bean, 1 Apple

Pepper will certainly keep you awake, making this punch a boost in your
Energy bar, nice if you are about to fall asleep. Just shove the ingredients
into the blender and blend away.

[6.12] Pureed Boot

Ingredients = 1 Boot

I have no idea why anyone would drink a pureed boot. Anyway, drink this and
suffer an adverse reaction from your Sim, freaking them out. If you really
want to see, puree the boot and drink.

[6.13] Strawberry Juice

Ingredients = 3 Strawberries

This drink will clear your Sim's furious meters a bit. When you are furious
with a Sim, this drink will remove some of the time on the counter a bit.
Nice if your Sim wants to kiss and make up. Shove 3 Strawberries into the
blender, blend and drink.

[6.14] Strawberry Lemonade

Ingredients = 2 Lemons, 2 Strawberries

This drink is necessary if you want to use an aspiration reward. This will
give you the coveted Platinum Mood, allowing you to use aspiration rewards
without failure. Stock the ingredients, blend and drink.

[6.15] Tomato Juice

Ingredients = 6 Tomatoes

In my opinion, this drink is rather pointless. It warms up your Sim but you
have hot chocolate for that. Although it could have mysterious effects as
tomatoes are rich in something or another. Anyway, add 6 tomatoes and blend.

[6.16] Vegetable Cocktail

Ingredients = 1 Tomato, 1 Cucumber, 1 Pepper, 1 Pole Bean

Despite being a pain in the rear end to grow the plants, this drink will help
you build your skills faster. Not really worth it since you have to get 4
different plants. Anyway, just blend and drink.

[7.01] Starters

Fishing is a new addition to Seasons. It was not mentioned in a large manner
before the release, and when I read the manual, it was a surprise, albeit a
pleasant one. Anyway, to start fishing, you need to know a few basics.

1) You will need a pond to fish in. This is a natural pond and not a damn pool
ok? You can do this under the landscaping in build mode. The pool needs to
be the size of the second option, larger than 5 by 5 squares to fish.

2) There is a fishing badge. The higher the badge, the better bait you can use
to catch your fish.

3) You cannot fish in winter as the pond will freeze over and won't be able to
fish until the weather warms up a fair amount. That means that it is not
guaranteed that you can fish back in Spring.

[7.02] Bait

There are 4 different forms of bait that you can use to catch fish. The level
of the bait will increase your chances of catching rarer fish. The bait you
can use depends on your Badge skill.

No Badge = Worm. There is no increased chance of catching anything.

Bronze Badge = Riverblossom Minnow. Increased chance of catching large mouth

Silver Badge = Stink Ball Bait. Increases the chance of catching the blue

Gold Badge = Sparkle Spinner. Increases the chance of catching the rainbow

[7.03] Percentages

The fish available for catch are available below as well as the change of
catching them using the respective bait from the badge levels. Use the bait
section above if you aren't sure which bait is which.

Fish | None% | Bronze% | Silver% | Gold% |
Nothing | 50% | 40% | 30% | 20% |
Boot (Size 15) | 20% | 10% | 5% | 2% |
Largemouth Bass | 15% | 10% | 10% | 5% |
Blue Catfish | 10% | 15% | 10% | 10% |
Jumbo Largemouth Bass | 5% | 10% | 15% | 15% |
Rainbow Trout | 0% | 10% | 10% | 15% |
Jumbo Blue Catfish | 0% | 5% | 10% | 15% |
Jumbo Rainbow Trout | 0% | 0% | 9% | 15% |
Golden Trout | 0% | 0% | 1% | 3% |
Total Percentage | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% |

This is the percentage of catching said fish. All the % add up to 100, I
double checked.

[7.04] Catch

Now that you know how often you can catch the fish, you should know what they
sell for and do. When you catch a fish, it will be sent directly to your
inventory, how the Sims manage carrying raw fish in their pockets I don't
know. You can sell the fish directly, or mount it on the wall if they are
proud of the catch. You can also stock it in the fridge. Note, if you mount
it on the wall, you can't use it to cook it. If you stock it in the fridge,
you cannot take it out of the fridge again. Just so you know. Below is the
table on the fish you can catch, the amount they sell for and the value of it
when it is mounted on the wall. When you mount the fish, you can just move the
fish to the wall and face it like a painting. The game will mount it for you,
free of charge.

Fish | When Sold for § | When Mounted on the Wall § |
Boot (Size 15) | §15 | §20 |
Largemouth Bass | §33 | §34 |
Blue Catfish | §49 | §65 |
Jumbo Largemouth Bass | §61 | §81 |
Rainbow Trout | §87 | §116 |
Jumbo Blue Catfish | §124 | §165 |
Jumbo Rainbow Trout | §221 | §295 |
Golden Trout | §518 | §691 |

This is why I don't suggest you cook the golden trout for the meal, it is
worth far more than you think.

[A] Contact Information

Hey, what do you know, it looks just like my previous legal things, cause I'm
too lazy to make another one. That block button is mighty fun to use.

Before you E-Mail me, read the guide first. If the answer is not in here, then
E-Mail me. If it is, don't bother as I won't reply.

To contact me, e-mail me at
hillsdragon13 [at] hotmail [dot] com

Replace at with @ and dot with .

Don't add me to MSN Messenger List because if I don't know you, I won't accept
you, simple as that.

E-Mail me (and anyone else you want to e-mail) with courtesy and respect as
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what is going on. If you try to send attachments, I won't open them so stick
the information in the E-Mail.

Please write in English or anything close to it. It can't understand foreign
languages so please don't give me a page long quite in Mexican or Antarctic
penguin language cause I don't understand.

Don't write in sloppy English. I mean, who the hell would understand "Hwo Od
Yoi Di Tjih Ni Tje Sdgs?" Don' be too formal, a question is not a freakin
business agreement so don't say "Dear Sir, In accordance to your Walkthrough
to the PC Game, The Sims 2, ..." it makes me wonder if I'm talking to a freak
the President of the United States of America or Bill Gates or Donald Trump.

I will credit you if your send me information about this game that is not in
the FAQ. I will also be grateful if you see this FAQ somewhere else other than
Gamefaqs or a site which has my permission. If you do, tell me so I can kick
their ass to Pluto and make them bounce off to the other side of the Universe.

I will not respond to:

* Spam
* Bill Gate's Spam (He gets spam of up to 4 million per day)
* Something not related with the Sims 2
* Something already covered
* Illegal stuff, like CD-Keys and Pirated Versions
* Technical Problems

Technical Problems will not be answer as they should be sent to Maxis not me.
I didn't design the game so I shouldn't know what's wrong with it, its your
game not MINE.

[B] Webmaster Information



[C] Credits

This section is where you see your name. It will be long. The names are either
Board Names from the Boards or your e-mail so if your name is Bob Rob and
another Bob Rob posted the message, the First Bob Rob will not be credited so
in short, someone around the world who shares the same name as you will not
be credited for your work.

CJayC for hosting this FAQ
Maxis and EA for developing the game
Me for making it
ModtheSims 2 for all their info as well
Sims 2 BBS for some help
Snooty Sims for their info
Hotmail for giving me the e-mail account for the ascii art

[D] Sites FAQ is on

Current FAQ is On will always have the latest versions

May be outdated

[E] Copyright

This game is Copyright 2006 Maxis and Electronic Arts. All Rights Reserved

This document is copyrighted by US and Canadian and Australian Laws. This FAQ
is for personal use only. This is not to be used for commercial or personal
gain. Websites publishing this guide without permission will face punishment
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The expression “literary and artistic works” shall include every production
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