The ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures: The Empire of the Plant People

The ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures: The Empire of the Plant People

12.10.2013 01:02:27

The ClueFinders 6th Grade Adventures: The Empire of the Plant People
Game Script
by RandyPandy


(Joni catches a Frisbee.)

Joni: Not bad, Santiago. Let me show you how to really throw this thing!

(She tosses it in the air. Owen runs and catches it. Leslie walks up to him.)

Owen: Whoa! Hey, Joni! Chill out!

(An old woman appears and looks at them from over the fence.)

Woman: And what are you youngsters up to today?

Owen: Yo, Ms. Rose!

Leslie: We're exploring the aerodynamics of this projectile.

Owen: She means we're tossing a Frisbee. How 'bout you?

Ms. Rose: Oh, I'm taking care of my children.

Leslie & Owen: Children?

Ms. Rose: My plants, my dear sweet plants. They need a lot of, well, care.
Especially on a hot day like this! See you darlings later!

Leslie & Owen: Bye!

(Ms. Rose leaves.)

Leslie: What an endearing neighborhood personality!

Owen: Yeah. She reminds me of my Grandma.

Joni: Alright Santiago, I'll show you how to put a little zip onto it!

Santiago: Take it easy, Joni! The yard isn't that big!

Joni: Oh yeah? Watch this!

(She tosses the Frisbee so high and fast that Leslie stares with an open mouth.
The Frisbee lands near Ms. Rose’s house next door.)

Owen: A little too much zip, eh Jonsi? (That’s no typo.)

(Joni stares openmouthed. Santiago heads toward the fence.)

Santiago: Come on, Joni, we'd better go get it. I hope it didn't hurt anything!

(Joni and Santiago walk around Ms. Rose's garden. The extremely tall grasses and
the floor plants move around as they approach.)

Santiago: Wow, this place is creepy!

Joni: I wonder what she feeds these plants!

Santiago: Er, maybe we should ask Ms. Rose before we, uh, look anymore.

Joni: Oh, come on, it's just a bunch of plants! What's there to be afraid of?

(Joni spots the Frisbee.)

Joni: There it is!

Santiago: Alright, let's grab it and get out of here!

(A hole appears underneath them. They fall in, screaming. The hole closes up.)


(Leslie and Owen hear Joni and Santiago scream and the ground close up.)

Leslie: What could that have been?

(Owen looks over the fence.)

Owen: Santiago? Joni? Where'd you dudes go?

(He spots the Frisbee.)

Owen: Hey, the Frisbee's still there! What's going on?!

Leslie: It's as if they dematerialized - vanished! Maybe we can establish
communication with them on the red video phone.

(LapTrap appears flying and carrying a pitcher of lemonade.)

LapTrap: Ah, it's so nice and quiet around here lately! No bothersome
adventures! Hey everyone, the lemonade's on me! Heh heh heh!

(He realizes they're gone. He drops the lemonade in shock.)

LapTrap: Uh oh, they're gone! Great! Something's happened again! I knew it! I go
away for two minutes and - !

Leslie: LapTrap, over here!

(She waves at him from where she and Owen are in Ms. Rose's yard with the red
video phone out. LapTrap flies over.)

Owen: Hey, like, where are you?

(Joni's face appears on the video phone.)

Joni: I don't know. We fell through a hole in the ground next to the Frisbee.
It's dark and musty. I think we're in some kind chamber. But we're okay!

Leslie: If we can reach you electronically, we can reach you physically!

Owen: Don't worry, we'll find you wherever you are.

(He looks at LapTrap.)

Owen: And you're coming with us, dude!

(LapTrap whimpers.)

LapTrap (sarcastically): Me? Oh, great. An underground rescue mission! Just what
I need!

Joni: And any time you can't figure out what to do, use Owen's red video phone
to call us for help.

Owen: Check!

Leslie: And we can use my backpack to store anything we need!

LapTrap: This looks dangerous, but I'll help too. I can keep track of our
progress and location.

Owen: Let's jam! We've got a problem to fix!


(Owen and Leslie stop at Ms. Rose's door. It has three plant locks and a map on

Owen: What the...?

Leslie: It's a blocked access encryption device!

Owen: A what?!

Leslie: A door that can only be opened by inputting the correct code.

Owen: Hmm, I bet if we use those arrow keys to change the words, and then push
the switch on the right, that'll do it!

(They input a code and press the switch. The door opens.)

Owen: Radical, we did it!

Leslie: But what's back there?!

(They walk inside and go underground.)


(They peer over a cliff and see plant soldiers loading weaponry.)

Owen: Whoa!

Leslie: This is incredible!

(The plant commander spots them.)

Commander: Humans! Seize them!

Owen: Let's get out of here!

Leslie: Which way?

(A plant grabs them from behind and muffles them. He pulls them to another area
where there are no soldiers. He lets go of them.)

Plant: Shh, don't say a word! I'm on your side!

Owen (amazed): Who are you, dude?

Plant: My name is Fichus. I live here!

Leslie: An underground civilization of intelligent plants! Phenomenal!

Fichus: We've been down here for centuries, and no humans have ever known about
us, until now! Something's gone wrong. Our soldiers are acting crazy! They've
taken human captives and are preparing to attack the town!

Owen: Whoa!

Fichus: My friends and I have been trying to talk some sense into everyone, but
no one'll listen. You've got to help us! Please?

Leslie: Absolutely! But our companions have disappeared down here! Do you know
where they are?

Fichus: I don't, but our leader will! You've got to get to the throne room. But
you can't go through the main gate - the guards will capture you! You've got to
go the back way, and that means building bridges over the bottomless pits!

Owen (nervously): Bottomless pits?

Fichus: Don't worry, if you use the petrified wood planks, the bridges will
hold. But the planks are scattered all over the kingdom, and some of them are
even guarded by soldiers!

Leslie: We can overcome any obstacle! Where do we start?

Fichus: Look around! Now, I've got to get out of here before they notice I'm

(He quickly runs off.)


(Owen, Leslie and LapTrap meet up with Fichus near a cliff where a vicious plant
growls at them.)

Owen: Whoa! Another nasty dude! Looks like it can't get to us!

Leslie: But we can't get to those planks either.

Fichus: Oh yes you can!

Owen: Hey Fichus! What's the deal here?

Fichus: This cliff has fault lines in it!

LapTrap: He's right! I can see the lines with my sonar!

Leslie: But how do we break the fault lines?

Fichus: With words! Words cover the main fault lines!

LapTrap: Here, I'll project a clue for the words, how many letters it has, and
the first letter.

(Owen hands Leslie the red video phone. He jumps on the main fault lines and the
entire cliff crumbles. The six planks fall and Leslie puts them into her
backpack. Owen walks back and Leslie hands him the red video phone.)

Leslie: Magnificent, Owen! We got the planks!

Owen: Yeah, uh, no problem, Leslie.


(Owen and Leslie spot a wooden walking stick.)

Owen: Hey, what's that?

Leslie: It looks like some sort of... walking stick.

(She picks it up.)

Leslie: Definitely handcrafted in a somewhat exotic way.

Owen: Uhh, it looks sort of, familiar, you know.

Leslie: Oh! This appears to be Ms. Rose's walking stick!

Owen: That means those nasty plant dudes got her too!

Leslie: Not that gentle, kindhearted woman! This is intolerable! We've got to
construct those bridges! Come on!


(Leslie, Owen, and LapTrap meet up with Fichus where a three-headed plant is
guarding planks. All four duck behind a wall.)

Leslie: Watch out! That plant has three heads and they all look hungry!

Fichus: They are hungry! Now listen. If you give the plant the right stuff, you
can grab the bridge planks it's guarding!

Owen: Ugh, what's that smell?

Leslie: It must be coming from those chemical pools nearby.

LapTrap: Hmm, my database shows that certain combinations of those chemicals
might temporarily render to the plant's inert!

Owen: Huh? LapTrap, you've been listening to Leslie way too much!

LapTrap (annoyed): Not to play it out, surf brain! Unconscious! Bye bye! A blank
video screen!

Owen: Ooooooohhhhhhhhhh!

LapTrap: I'll even give you the formulas!

(LapTrap displays the amounts of chemicals on a piece of flat rock.)

Fichus: Use the measuring cups to scoop stuff out of the pools and put them into
the buckets. You can also use the measuring cups to scoop stuff out of the

(After doing what Fichus said, they dump all three buckets into the tray that
says 'Feed Me'. All three heads go to sleep, and the four grab the six planks
and quickly leave.)


(Owen, Leslie, and LapTrap see a huge hole with a huge stone slab on the top.)

Owen: Whoa, look at that huge hole!

Leslie: Those vertical walls make it difficult to ascend.

Owen: Yeah, and that big slab on the ceiling will probably come whacking down on

Leslie: Outstanding observation, Owen! That mass of slab looks like a perfect
covering for that opening. If only there was some way to make it descend.

Owen: Hmm, if we put the blocks from the list above onto the empty slots here,
maybe that'll do it.

Leslie: Let's give it a try!

(They fill the spaces and run across the slab.)


(Near where they met Fichus, Owen spots two plants talking.)

Owen: Hide!

(He grabs Leslie and shoves her behind a rock. LapTrap follows. They peer over
the top of the rock.)

Plant #1: It won’t be long now! The tunnels are almost finished!

Plant #2: They don’t stand a chance! We overwhelm them!

Plant #1: First, we’ll destroy their power lines and disable their

Plant #2: Then – ha ha! – we’ll suck down all their businesses and factories!

Plant #1: And then we’ll make them do what we want!

(The two plants cackle evilly before walking off. Owen, Leslie, and LapTrap
climb out from behind the rock.)

Owen: This is like, no joke.

Leslie: We must stop their evil plans! Come on!

(They continue.)


(Owen and Leslie spot six planks inside a small cavern that had some plant bulbs
on the top.)

Owen: Check it out! Planks for the bridge!

Leslie: Excellent. Let us procure them and continue with our quest.

(Fichus runs up.)

Fichus: Wait a second! Don’t go in there!

Owen: Hey, Fichus, my man... er, plant. What’s the story here?

Fichus: This cave is guarded by those plants at the top of the entrance. If you
try to walk in now, they’ll clobber you with their spores!

Leslie: So, how can we surmount these obstacles to our egress?

Fichus (confused): Huh?

Leslie (slightly annoyed): So, how do we get to the planks?

(Fichus gestures to a branch that had four types of berries growing on them.)

Fichus: Those berries there will stop the spores. Each berry works on a
different kind of spore. First, pick a berry. Then use a slingshot to launch the
berry at the spore. Watch out! If you wait too long, the spores will hatch, and
we’ll be up with some nasty characters.

Leslie: I’ve been looking for a chance to practice my aerodynamic capabilities!

(Leslie kills all of the spores. They grab the planks and leave.)


(Owen and Leslie come across a spring of water. However, the water is brown and

Owen: Yuck! This water doesn’t look too good too drink!

Leslie: This looks like industrial contamination...

Owen: Wow...

Leslie: I wonder how the plants are able to tolerate this?

Owen (frowning): You know... this might have something to do with how weird they
are acting...

Leslie: You may be right...

(The three continue their journey.)


(Owen, Leslie, LapTrap, and Fichus see a huge pit with two ropes stretching
across it.)

Owen: Whoa! Look at that huge hole!

Leslie: This must be the back entrance to the throne room!

Fichus: It is! Now listen. You have to use the planks in order to build a bridge
and then you can get across!

LapTrap: Are you saying we have to cross THAT?!

Fichus (calmly): Oh yeah. But don’t worry. These bridges are rock-solid if you
build them right!

Owen (skeptically): Right.

Fichus: No, really! These petrified wood planks are from our ancestral trees!
Each plank is dated with an event from the year the tree fell! Line up the
events in the order they occurred, and you can get across!

(They build a bridge, cross it, build two more bridges, and cross them. Fichus
leaves them.)


(Owen and Leslie stumble and nearly fall off of a cliff. However, they grab the
wall in time.)

Owen: Whoa... this is it... the throne room...

Leslie: It’s amazing we’ve been able to get this far undetected!

(Two vines appear and grab them. LapTrap tries to fight the vines, but they bat
him away. Then the vines spray a gas that knocks Owen and Leslie out.)

Ms. Rose: Wake up, dearies.

(Owen and Leslie open their eyes and see Ms. Rose. LapTrap flies towards them
and hovers over Owen’s shoulder.)

Leslie: Huh... Oh...! Ms. Rose! I’m so glad we found you! Are you alright!

Ms. Rose: Oh yes, dearie, I’m fine!

(Ms. Rose transforms into the Plant Leader.)

Leader: Don’t you think I’m looking well?! Guards, bring the prisoners!

Owen: Whoa! So... you’re...!

Leader: Yes I am! The leader of the plants! The leader of a peaceful
civilization that lived for centuries before humans began to destroy us!

Leslie: The industrial contamination!

(Joni and Santiago walk up.)

Leader: Exactly! At first it was minor, and our scientists were able to
counteract it. But now it is overwhelming, poisoning us and making us angry
and aggressive! I had to disguise myself as a human and go above ground to see
what I could do. But it was no use!

Owen: And you’re going to attack the entire town?!

Leader: Yes! We don’t want to; we’re peaceful creatures. But we’re fighting for
our lives!

Santiago: Wait! There’s a better way!

Joni: That’s right! We’re the ClueFinders! We can help you?

Leader (skeptically): You? But how, dearies?

Santiago: We humans have laws against polluting the environment! If we can track
down the companies producing the pollution, we can stop them!

Leslie: If we stop the flow of contamination, can your scientists purify the
existing water?

Leader: Yes! I believe they could! And we won’t have to reveal ourselves to the
outside world!

Owen: Set us free! At least let us try!

Leader: Alright, dearies. I’ll give you one chance. But I’ll need to keep a
hostage for security. Who shall it be?

Joni: ...Me. I’ll stay.

Leslie: No Joni!

Joni: Yes! You and Owen know you’re way around the caverns. Santiago’s the best
scientist. He should go above ground and find the polluters. Hey, I’m not
scared. You guys have never let me down before.

(The other ClueFinders stare at her before nodding.)

Leader: Then, we agree. You have eight hours. If you haven’t stopped the
pollution and purified the water by then, we attack.

Owen: We read ya, Queenie. Let’s go!

(Santiago goes to the surface, and Leslie and Owen head through the caverns.)


(Owen, Leslie, and LapTrap encounter a plant scientist.)

Plant: Welcome! I am Fern, top researcher of the water purification process.

Owen: So, uh, what do we do?

Fern: The first step is to figure out which companies are producing which
pollution. I have collected some newspaper articles which I will display here.
You can use this information to figure which of these companies are producing
which pollutants.

Leslie: We can also use some of the excellent database information that Santiago
has uploaded onto LapTrap.

Fern: Excellent! When you are done, click on the Transmit button.

(The ClueFinders figure out what companies are doing what. Then they click the
Transmit button. Santiago appears on the red video phone.)

Santiago: Good deduction! You did it! Now, I have to give a few friends a call.
See you soon!

(He disappears.)

Leslie: Our work here is complete. Let proceed to the next step in our mission.


(The ClueFinders head back to the Plant Leader.)

Owen: Mission accomplished! Area 1 cleaned up, and we’re on a roll!

Leader: Good work, but don’t start celebrating just yet! There is so much to do,
and time is going by quickly.

(She gestures toward some plant soldiers that are loading spears and other

Leader: I assure you, that no matter what happens, we will be prepared.

(No one notices Joni, who has turned a pale green in color. The three
ClueFinders leave to the next part.)


(Owen, Leslie, and LapTrap encounter Fern by a strange-looking machine.)

Owen: Whoa! What’s this for?

Fern: The first part was to identify the pollution. Now, we must get something
to combat the pollution. Let me introduce you to my greatest creation: The
Bacteria O’Matic! This will allow us to grow bacteria to fight the pollution.
Each bacteria species has a critical temperature. This will allow it to survive
and reproduce. If the conditions are not ideal, then the bacteria will die out.

(Owen, Leslie, and LapTrap grow several types of bacteria before placing them in
a storage container and placing them in Leslie’s backpack.)

Leslie: This is part is complete. Let’s move to the final part of our mission!


(The ClueFinders head back to the throne room.)

Leslie: We have successfully fractured the visage! (?) Now all we need...

(She gasps.)

Leslie: Joni!

(All eyes turn to Joni, who is now a very bright green in color. She looks
slightly ill.)

Joni: Good job, you guys! I knew you could do it! Hey, don’t worry about me... I
feel... fine...

Owen: Whoa! Check out those hands!

(Owen gestures to Joni’s hands. The fingers have disappeared and stems and
leaves have taken their place.)

Leader: That’s right. She’s transforming – just as ALL of our captives are
transforming. We had to give her food and water, and everything we have is
polluted! Only pure water will save her now! Hurry! Hurry! Do not delay!

Leslie: Let’s go!

(The ClueFinders run off towards the final part.)


(Owen and Leslie encounter Fern near a bunch of tubes. Some very black water is
tied off in the top of the tube.)

Fern: Welcome! This is the last part of the task! Now, we must use the bacteria
to purify the water!

Owen: So, uh, how does it work?

Fern: First, you will read this chart that tells you how much of what pollution
each bacteria colony removes. The chart at the top tells you whether the
bacteria requires a certain pollutant or cannot survive with a certain
pollutant. When you are done placing the bacteria, open the valve there and the
water will flow through. If you succeed, this valve will open and the water will
go through. If not, then the water will exit through here and you need to

(The ClueFinders succeed in purifying the water.)


(Slowly, the muddy yellow water once again becomes crisp and blue. Owen, Leslie,
and LapTrap are standing by the Plant Leader. Several other plants are watching
them happily.)

Leader: I can’t believe it! My kingdom is saved! All my plant children healthy!
Oh, thank you, my courageous young friends, thank you!

Owen (embarrased): Aw, don’t mention it Ms. Rose. (normal) Hey! We’re the
ClueFinders! This is what we do.

Leader: And now, I will gladly return your friend to you.

(Two plant soldiers come in, carrying a cot. Joni is unconscious on the cot, but
she is back to normal.)

Owen: Ah! Joni! No!

Leader: Don’t worry, my dears. She’s well. She’s only sleeping.

(Leslie sighs with relief.)

Leslie: Thank goodness!

Leader: My guards will carry her to the surface, along with all the other
captives – who are sleeping as well. When they reawaken, they will remember
nothing, and the opening to our world will be sealed and we can return to our
peaceful existence. Only the ClueFinders will know of our underground realm. Our
secret must be preserved. Can I count on you?

Leslie and Owen: You bet!

Fichus: Thanks again for all your help guys. There’s no way we would have
stopped the invasion without you. I’m really gonna miss you.

(Fern walks up next to Fichus.)

Fern: And I as well am sad to lose such ingenious assistants!

Owen: We’ll miss you guys too. You’re like, totally cool.

Leslie: At least we can depart, knowing that all of you are now safe and

(The ClueFinders, now above ground, look down at the plants, who are cheering.
Fichus and Fern are waving.)

Leader: Farewell, heroic ClueFinders! Farewell!

(The opening seals up until there was no indication that it was there.)


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