

15.10.2013 04:26:19
Outlive FAQ/Walkthrough

//////////Table of Contents:///////////
-1- Disclaimer
-2- About this FAQ
-3- About this game
-4- Basics
-5- Units
-6- Buildings
-7- Walkthrough
-8- Strategies
-9- Cheats
-10- Tips 'n Tricks
-11- Contact

// -1- Disclaimer //

You can put that FAQ on other sites as you want, I don't care. But please at
least give credit. And put a link to the original one. And the most important
of all: at least try to make more people play the game. The online mode needs
more people. =)
I'd also like to thank someone that plays on the CGS by the nickname of South
East QLD / Australian Army for the english names of the units, teams and
researches =D
Oh yeah, and:
Outlive copyright Continuum Entertainment 1996-2000 all rights reserved.
and etc etc etc...
Continuum Entertainment: www.continuum.com.br

// -2- About this FAQ //

I suggest you to read this because this has got some info about what I'm gonna
do on this FAQ.
1. I will not be responsible by any typos anywhere, names, units, teams, or
anything I type that you might not understand. You do this: you play the game,
and while you're at it you'll then know what I'm talking about. Before you
complain, let's put it this way: I'm Brazillian, my game is on pt-br language
(portuguese), I can't do miracles nor can I simply switch between English and
other languages while I'm playing (neither when I'm not playing lol).
2. The Walkthrough on this FAQ is about the Easy difficulty, and with the 1.01
patch which you download on the Continuum site. Once I finish it on the Easy
difficulty, I'll start the Normal and Hard difficulties and write walkthroughs
for them too.
NEW: I already finished the game on Easy level. I already finished the Normal
level campaign, soon I'll be editing this FAQ to add it's walkthrough.
3. Oh, about the 1.01 patch. I really suggest you to get it, some missions are
practically impossible without it...
4. This FAQ will help you to do the stuff you need to do on this game. However,
I suggest you to play the game all by yourself so you can make up your own ways
to beat it and basically become better.
5. Finally, have fun. Also, if you don't play the game yet, I really recommend
you to start playing it. Also, if you get to buy the original version instead of
downloading or buying pirated CDs, do so. Not only is it really cheap, but also
you get a valid online CD-Key which will let you play online on the CGS (which
is like a chat room which lets you set up games, I think it's like the
Battle.net thing on Starcraft but then I never played Starcraft on that
Battle.net thing).
6. You WILL need to read this: I'll use some random words for some stuff, and
you'll need to figure them out all by yourself if you don't read this. So here's
the list with the words I'm gonna use:
-"Expo": if used as a verb (ie. exp there), it means you must expand. If used
as a noun (ie. take the expo), it means expansion.
-"Mass": mass producing some kind of unit until maintenance doesn't let you
Uh... yeah, you probably know them all, but if you don't then there it is.
-"Fog of War" and "Unexplored Areas": Fog of War is somewhere your units already
went to, but none are watching around there. The terrain and buildings are kept
there for you to view (but not updated), and it's grayed out. Unexplored Areas
are the black areas your units haven't seen yet.

// -3- About this Game //

--- The Game ---

Outlive is a RTS game made by Continuum on 2001. It's got two races, Human and
Robot, each one with it's strenghts and weaknesses (but overall the Robots are
more used because of the cheapness from their part). It's got 2D graphics, but
the sprites (and the terrain too I guess) are nicely-designed 3D graphics. The
units also have "powers", like Starcraft, but unlike Starcraft, EVERY single
unit has at least one special "power", unlike the 2-3 units for each race on
Starcraft which have a bunch of powers but the rest have absolutely nothing or
only one thing on some cases... anyways, some powers are not usefull because
the units that use them are not usefull. But the more powerfull units usually
have some really usefull power.

--- The Story ---

The story behind Outlive is:
Some time in the future (start of the XXI century), the world was over-populated
and the mineral resources where getting scarce. And because of that terrorist
factions started to take over the remaining mineral resources so they could get
more power. So the leaders of the most powerfull countries in the world created
the World Council to restore the order on the world. It's objectives where to
restore the peace on the world, and to find some way to make the humans
survive... so they made the Outlive project. They checked around the planets on
the galaxy and found out that Titan was the richest in mineral resources. Since
that world was not really something the humans could survive on, they decided to
leave it up to two projects for the tripulation of the Outlive ships. One was
about using genetically modified creatures, which obey the humans and can
adapt to any kind of atmosphere. The responsible for that project is Dr.
Joseph Taylor, and is sponsored by a bunch of laboratories that produce drugs
and medicines. The other project is about using robots. It's main objective
is to create intelligent machines capable of controlling a mining base without
requiring human help. The responsible for that project is Dr. Mary Anne Harley,
and is sponsored by Mechatronics Inc., a company that develops technology
applied to the robotics. So, they gave those two 1 year to show up with their
prototypes of the robots and the genetic engineered creatures. And while they
were occupied with that, the Outlive ships were being built in some secret

The full story you can find on the manual and on the first text which you get
once you play the first campaign mission, and the rest of the story you discover
as you play the game.

--- How It Works ---

This game works like any other RTS game. There is the main panel on the bottom
of the screen which gives you all the info and actions and stuff, and on the
main screen you get to move units around and etc...
You should know how to look around the buttons and try them out. So I'll teach
you what are the right buttons for: they are those 4 buttons alligned
vertically to the right of the action buttons. The first one is the unit info
menu, it's always there by default. The other ones are the waypoints, the
messages and the diplomacy one. The first one, you get to make some path where
your units will go around. I suggest you to not use it since it takes too much
time to set up and is somewhat useless. The second one is the messages one.
You get to send messages to other people (only usefull on multiplayer) and
activate cheats (only for single player). You can simply press Enter to
alternate between it and the Unit Info panel. If you're playing multiplayer,
click on the colored buttons or the buttons with "Ally", "Neutral" or "Enemy"
to send messages only to certain people. And the last one is the diplomacy one.
You get to try and change your state between other players between Ally, Enemy
or Neutral. You can also send them money. Don't try to change diplomacy nor
send money to computer players, they won't change unless the map has some
event for that. Oh, and just like other RTS games, there are hotkeys. Mouse
over the commands and look for the yellow letters.
--Energy: buildings on this game require energy to work. The Human buildings
must be close to each other to keep themselves powered. The Robot buildings are
powered on the entire map, so you can spread them as much as you want.
Unpowered buildings work slower, up to 25% of their normal output. You need to
build Wind Powerplants, Solar Collectors, Nuclear Powerplants and Radioactive
Generators to power up your buildings. The first two are cheaper, but provide
less energy and die easily. You can put them on high ground and they'll give
you more energy (+100, I'm pretty sure). The other two give much more energy
and survive for much more attacks, but at 75% HP they have radioactive leaks
(the green clouds) which damages everything around (yes, including itself...),
and they are much more expensive. And they don't have the high ground advantage.
Oh, while we are at it, there's another thing that affects buildings' output:
damage. At 75% HP or less, buildings will work at 75% of their capacity. At 25%
HP or less, buildings will work only at 25% of their capacity.
--How to get money: on this game, you have a few ways to get money. The first is
through Mineral Mines. There are two: Iron Mines and Uranium Mines. The first
looks like a bunch of silver things coming from some hole on the ground, you
can't miss them. They give you less money. The second looks like a bunch of
green things coming from some hole on the ground with a green cloud around
them. That green cloud is radiation, and it will damage units and structures
nearby. It'll give you more money than the Iron Mine. Another thing you must
check on those Mines is it's purity. The more pure it is, the quicker you'll
extract money from it. The max value is 100%, and the minimum value is 25%.
As you get money from it, it's purity get's lowered. Apparently attacking it
also drops it's purity... anyways, at 25% both look different (like a bunch
of things burrowed on dust instead of a bunch of things coming from the
ground...). To get money from them, you need to build one of the mining
buildings on them. The first one is the Extractor (Human) or Mining
Facility (Robot). It needs gatherer units (Gatherer, for the Humans, and
Marauder, for the Robots) to work, and somewhere where they can put the
minerals so you can get money. Usually you'll want a Refinery (Human) or
Purification Plant (Robot), because they turn the minerals into credits
quicker. But you can also use the Head Quarters (Human) / Control Center
(Robot). It has four spaces for the gatherers to collect the minerals.
You'll want to put this on your starting base, and on your "second base"
which is some mine conveniently placed next to your starting position on
some maps which is easily defended. Or, if you are skilled enough to defend it,
any uranium mine on the map with purity over 40% OR iron mine with purity over
50%. The other building is the Processor (Human) / Assimilator (Robot). It's
kind of cheaper. It gets the money slower, but the money gathering is automatic
and it's steady. You don't need a refinery or gatherers/marauders for this one,
only energy. This is the building you'll want to use for expansions.
The other way to get money is through scraps. When units are destroyed, they
leave scraps. You must send a gatherer or marauder to collect the scrap and
return it to a refinery.
--Maintenance: there's something on this game that doesn't let you build 200+
units and attack your opponent and simply make more. That's called maintenance.
You need to pay to keep your units at top shape. If you don't pay enough
maintenance, their stats will drop, like damage and plating. So always keep it
at 100%. However, as you build more and heavier units, you must pay more
maintenance, which cripples your economy. When you hear the message "Excessive
expenses with maintenance", I guess that's time for you to attack... You can
change how much to expend on maintenance and on researches by clicking on that
little arrow right next to your money, or simply pressing Ctrl + Page Down.
Remember, the less you spend on maintenance, the worse your units get. It also
happens while your money is at 0: the maintenance level decreases. You can
support more units by taking more expansions, obviously.
--Researches: ALL the researches are made on the Research Lab (Human) / Tech
Center (Robot). Usually you won't get to research what you want when you want.
Some researches are target researches. That means there are 1 or more researches
that must be completed before you can research whichever research you selected.
It usually happens with the units and their powers. But there are MANY other
cases. And you'll find them to be quite obvious... How researches work: you have
your lab. You get 4 options: Basic Buildings, Resource Buildings, Ground Units
(Basic Units on the Robots case) and Air Units (Advanced Units on the Robots
case). On the Basic Buildings, you get more options: one icon for each basic
building. When you click on one, you'll get a list of all researches that can be
done for it. If it's lightened, you already completed all the researches about
it. When you click in a research, it'll start researching it. If you right click
at any time on these menus, you'll return to the previous menu. Same thing with
the other options: each one shows stuff corresponding to it's category.
--Spying: doesn't matter how much good that'll be to you, don't use it. It's a
waste of money. It's like this: when you get a Intelligence Center (Human) /
Information Center (Robot), you get to make some spying jobs with them.
Unfortunately, you can only have one of these... anyways, there are a few
missions you can do, and most require you to be able to see at least one thing
from the target player. The Humans have the worst Spying system: you have a
Spy, and it does the job for you. For each mission, there is some time you
need to wait before it completes such mission. Then there is the chance of the
mission failing, and there's also another chance: of your spy being caught,
wether or not the mission was accomplished. When he's caught, it'll take 10
seconds to train another one so you can spy again. It's really lame... but at
least you can cancel the mission anytime. The Robots have a better Spying
system: they need to buy up to 6 viruses, and each mission costs a few
viruses. You lose them, but the mission is accomplished INSTANTLY. And you can
build more... There's two other factors that will change how many chances you
have to accomplish the mission. The first is the Intelligence Level, which you
can research on the lab (you also need to research the spy buildings, which is
kind of why they are so lame...). It ups your chances of spying with success.
The other is the Counter-Intelligence Level, which lowers the chance of other
people spying you. The missions are: Steal Info, Open Vision, Steal Researches,
Watch Player, Paralyze Buildings and Disarm/Redirect ICBM. Info on what each do
on the spy buildings info on the Buildings section.
--The Abominables: they are genetic engineered creatures that walk around the
maps. Sometimes, they get mad and start attacking you out of nowhere. You
usually want to leave them alone since their rock attack is really powerfull
(90 damage), but it's specially usefull if you find an Abominable around the
enemy base: attack it once and watch it wreak havoc their base. =) Now,
speaking seriously... NEVER do that to another person. He/she will get mad
and start calling you so many things your head will start spinning.
-Repair: Human units have auto-repair (they recover HP with the time). Robot
units must go to a Recycle Facility to get repaired. You'll need that info...
-Expanding: this is usefull for multiplayer games. When expanding, make 3-6
Twisters and expand with them. Make cannons near the enemy's expansions with
your Morphers, and hide them below your Twisters. If your enemy has more skill
with expanding than you, you might want to consider sneaking a morpher to the
top-left or top-right corner of their Assimilators. If you do it right and the
other person doesn't notice, the Morpher will start quietly morphing into a
tower there, and the tower's radar dot will not show up to the enemy. However,
if they have some Twisters and see it... bye bye. You gotta send your own
there to fight. You'll notice I'm only talking about the Robots here. That is
because it's too hard to expand with the Humans. You should only try it if
you're confident of your expansion skills or if your enemy is Human too.
--I guess that covers all of the gameplay of the game. I suggest you to have
some fun with it!

--- Opinions On It ---

This game is really cool. However, it has only one problem: it's not very
balanced. In Robot vs Robot, the games are always the same. Either both
players decide to expand, resulting in a fight to see who gets more expansions,
resulting in the winning team to make more Avengers and the other attempt to
fight them with their few Avengers, or one or both teams not expanding at all
and putting a lot of effort on quick Electro attacks (around 10 Electros at
14 minutes, I think that's it). If they expand, the losing team still can
start making Chaos or Tempests, which MIGHT get them the victory, but usually
it's too late. On the second case, if the other person doesn't have some
cannons and doesn't have as many units as the first person, he loses. Else,
they'll start an Avenger fight, and if either decide to go for Chaos/Tempest,
they're more likely to win, even though the Avenger person might have more
Avengers than the other person's Tempests can handle. In Robot vs Human, the
Robot player must be really bad to lose (he doesn't expand and doesn't take
the opponent's expansions, doesn't know how to react to a Napalm Flamethrower
drop, and etc...), or the Human player must be really good. Only in Human vs
Human does it change a little bit. But it really is always about expanding a
bit followed by Flamethrower drop then Flamethrower taking away expansions and
finally Tanks with Rocket Launchers and if it doesn't end the game then they
go for the Heavy Tank with Rocket Launchers... Also, some units are completely
useless, and they are the Explorer, the Dominator and the Raider. You'll never
find some use for them, no matter how cool their powers look. That's kind
of not cool.

// -4- Basics //

OK. I'll tell you some basic info for you to start playing the game. I'll
divide them by race.

--- Humans ---
- When you start the game, you'll usually have 2 Wind Powerplants, a Head
Quarters, a Refinery, an Extractor, a Builder and 4 Gatherers.
- The 2 Wind Powerplants will provide you the energy to maintain your base.
Click on them to see how much % is your energy web at. It must ALWAYS be over
100%, or you got a problem...
- The Extractor and the Gatherers are gonna get you the money, alongside with
the Refinery and the HQ. You'll notice the Gatherers aren't gonna do shit, you
need to manually select them and right click the Extractor... they'll start
gathering. Mouse over them, you'll notice the blue bar filling up. The blue
bar contains special info of the unit or building. For example, building an
unit, recharging some special power or whatever. When it's completely filled,
the unit will go over to the Refinery or HQ, whichever is closer, and stop
on one of the places that get the minerals from it. The blue bar will empty
up. Click on the Refinery or HQ, you'll notice the number next to the $ icon
will start increasing and then decrease. That's the money you're getting from
it, yes, it does take time to fully get the money...
- The HQ will let you build Builders and Gatherers (and Transporters, with
the 1.01 patch). Since you only start with 1 Builder, you'll want to build 2
more so you can start building your base. If you have the 1.01 patch, you
can build alternate the next units as Transporter, Builder, Transporter,
Builder, etc... to expand. Or else just build the other Builders right away.
- You want a Research Lab. Send your Builder to build a Research Lab. When
building, you can send more Builders to build the thing quicker, by right
clicking the building, or simply choosing them all and giving the build
order... all buildings can have up to 4 Builders working on them, exception
is the HQ which can have up to 8...
- Anyways, what you need next. That's it, another Wind Powerplant. As your
other Builders get done, send them to build another Wind Powerplant. Queue
up the orders so they help with the Research Lab once they are done with the
Wind Powerplant. To queue up orders, you hold shift and give an order. On
this case, you hold shift and right click the Research Lab.
- Research stuff. Since Humans are not very good with expanding, start with
Advanced Mining 2. If the map has a "back base", get it with Extractor and
make some Gatherers to gather there. If there's no back base, you might want
to start thinking about expanding... when expanding with the humans, you
should surround your expansion with towers to prevent people from building
towers and ruining it. 4 or 5 towers are fine. 2 or 3 if you don't want to
waste money. Try to cover all directions.
- If you don't know the map, you must use a Transporter. Build one and give
it the Explore command (click on it and click on the button that has a bunch
of arrows coming from the center). When you find a Mineral Mine, you should
call the Transporter back through the Run Away command and transport a
Builder over there for expoing...
- Start building some Vehicle Factories, but cancel them right away. 3 is
fine, but some maps get you enough money to constantly produce units with
4 Vehicle Factories or even 5. You'll continue them later. Send ONE Builder
to work on one of the Factories, and the rest to build Wind Powerplants.
Don't send more Builders to Factories!!! As you get the money, finish the
other factories.
- Build a Defense Tower. That is your most basic way of defense, and it
stops some rushes. It can attack both air and ground. However, it doesn't
do much damage (24 unupgraded).
- OK, you learnt the basics of building a Human base (there are way better
and more efficient ways to build one but you get the idea with this tutorial).
Now you want to attack. There are quite a few kinds of attacks:
--Drop: with this attack, you send Transporters loaded with Flamethrowers on
your enemy's base. Usually with Napalm researched. You also must research
Eject System and Advanced Fuel (sorry for the bad translation, I guess...)
for your Transporter. So you stuff 1-2 Transporters with Flamethrowers (4 per
Transporter is the max, so that's quite a lot...), find some way around the
enemy defenses and go directly to the middle, the heart of the base: the
Extractor/Mining Facility. You unload everything you have there, while the
Transporters that get destroyed eject the FTs around for more destruction =)
--Tank Attack: this is what you're looking for after the drop. You build a
bunch of Tanks with Cannon Improvement and Advanced Caterpillar Treads and
back them up with Rocket Launchers (probably with Fast Repetition) and send
them over the enemy base. The difference with this one is that it can fire
anywhere while it's moving, so you're gonna keep them in movement while
attacking. While in movement, most units get to escape from getting hit by
most projectiles, so they don't take any damage or take less damage. It's
specially usefull to micro a weak unit while an Abominable is attacking you
while the others kill it. I know it doesn't have anything to do with Tanks,
but that's just for you to know. Anyways, your objective is to bring the
Tanks to the middle of the base (the mining building), kill the gatherer units,
then move around destroying the energy buildings and finally the Factories.
You might want to hit the Research Lab too, but usually it's of no use...
unless their Avengers don't have Photon Torpedo, then you can target the
Research Lab first before they get Photon Torpedo.
--Chopper Attack: because the Choppers are so weak, this is not a common
strategy. But they are REALLY efficient in destroying anything but Fighters or
Avengers. What you do is this: instead of going for the Tank, you go for the
Air-Ground Missiles. After you're done with it, if you didn't research Advanced
Fuel yet, research it. Then Incendiary Missile, and then Missile Improvement.
Oh, and while you are doing all that, you already built two or three Aircraft
Factories, and once the Chopper research is completed, you mass them like never.
Don't worry, the Chopper is cheap, it's only $320, so if you got enough expos,
you should have no problem. Once you're done and you have a whole heckload of
them, you can send them for the attack. You'll just watch as they ruin the
enemy =) be sure to micro them, like focus firing towers and Rocket Launchers /
Tempests and moving away from those two when you hear the sound of their power
turning on... However, this might not be too efficient against Robots because
their Avenger is way more powerfull than the Chopper, and you'll probably want
help from the Fighter.
--Heavy Tank Attack: this one is the second most common way to finish a Human
game. Basically you research the Heavy Tank, the Heavy Tank Improvement and the
Invulnerability, and while you're at it you're making a few Rocket Launchers
then once the Heavy Tank research is completed, you mass them like never (with
good expo, obviously. You might want to send some attacks from time to time to
destroy their expos and keep them entertained with your attack... Choppers seem
to do that kind of best... Anyways, you let the HTs charge their power up, and
once they're charged, you send them for the enemy. You attack the enemy. When
they get attacked, they turn on their power that gives them temporary
Invulnerability (while the blue bar lasts). Have fun. If you have more HTs than
them, and you're researching Heavy Plating while you're attacking, you won =)
--Fighter Attack: now, the Fighters aren't very good alone. But you can research
Missile Range 1 and 2 to make them better. Anyways, if you're going to use the
fighter, you'll research the Air-Air Homing Missile. You'll also usually do it
after you decided to go for Chopper Attack. So basically you build another
Aircraft Factory, and mass Fighters with two of them and Choppers with the
other. The Fighters seem to put some good fight up against Avengers. That,
and the Choppers are gonna conquer the ground. If you can micro that entire
team, you'll probably own =)
--Nuke: I seriously consider this a n00b tactic, but sometimes you'll probably
NEED to use it... you research ICBM. Yes, it'll take some time. Then you select
the HQ (or wait it to charge up if you don't have 1.01), click on the missile
icon, click on their base and boom: there goes his base nuked =) Usually online
you won't find someone that uses Spying, so you'll have no problem. Against the
comp, don't use it if there is at least one Robot comp enemy.

--- Robots ---
- Just like the humans, when you start the game you'll usually have 2 Solar
Collectors, a Control Center, a Mining Facility, a Purification Plant, a Morpher
and 4 Marauders.
- The entire map is covered by the energy web.
- Select the Morpher and tell it to build the Tech Center. You'll notice it will
TURN into the Tech Center. Actually, it'll morph into one. Anyways, that's how
they work...
- Build two more Morphers, and if you have 1.01 then alternate your next units
as Twister, Morpher, Twister, Morpher until you have 3-6 Twisters to expand.
Then the next units can be all Morphers. Else, just keep building the Morphers.
- With the first Morpher you build, make a Solar Collector.
- When the Tech Center is done, start researching stuff. If you're going to
expand, you'll need Assimilator and Turbo Propellor.
- Stuff the Twisters up with Morphers and go around expoing everywhere.
- Build a Defense Cannon and an Anti-Aircraft Cannon. These are your most basic
defenses for the robots, and they are quite efficient in preventing drops. The
Defense Cannon does hit HARD, but it's got an average rate of fire. Also, it
has a lollable range (you need to upgrade it to be good...). The Anti-air is an
incredibly quick firing anti-air laser battery. It looks like it rocks, but
actually it sucks, since it can't hold on it's own against bunches of units.
You can upgrade it to be even more quick-firing.
- OK. Same lame stuff there... now for attacking, which is the fun part.
--Electro Rush: this is one fun strategy. What you need to do is quickly tech
up to Electro, before the 5 minutes, and build an Electro and a Twister, and
drop the Electro near the enemy base, and keep making more Electros and sending
them there. If you can research Basic Plating, it'll help a lot. As long as you
keep their Cannons and Towers FAR from being built, soon their base is going to
get flooded with units. Be careful, this strategy is to catch them off guard,
and basically if you don't win with this, you'll lose, since it delayed your
other researches.
--Drop: the Robot drops are kind of different when dropping. They are not as
good, they require more planes, and they require you to be more carefull with
your planes since there's no Eject System. What you need to do is, research the
Electro, followed by Turbo Propellor. Build 2-3 Twisters, stuff them up with
Electros (the ideal is only 1 Electro per Twister, to keep up the speed). Now
you'll need extra caution. You send them all to the middle, avoiding any kind
of damage at most. Drop them by the resources. That's more than enough to
cripple their economy. Tell the Twisters to Run Away so you can keep them alive
for expoing later... You usually don't want to drop, since it takes money and
for every Twister destroyed, that's over $2000 you lost with all those Electros.
A better way to do this works for maps where the enemy has a back-base, a Mine
where they expand to that is right on the back of their base. Here, you only
need the Turbo Propellor and a bunch of Twisters. If you got two Electros, put
each in a different Twister. If you got 1, put it on one Twister. Anyways, put
a Morpher or two on another Twister and send them to your enemy's back-base.
Drop everything there, and tell your Morphers to build Defense Cannons BELOW
your Twisters (so the enemies can't target directly your towers). If you do
that successfully, you'll get to cripple their economy. I suggest you to not
drop directly on their base, and instead do one frontal direct attack with
around 10 Electros on the first 15 minutes of game, it works better than a drop.
--Avenger Attack: This is the most overrated tactic ever, and 7 out of 10 wins
with Robots come from mass Avengers. What you do is, research the Photon
Torpedo. You need the Turbo Propellor, too. There are other researches that are
cool, but you don't need them. You must have good control over the map, and a
bunch of Basic Factories working, or else you'll get overnumbered by your
opponent. Basically, what the Photon Torpedo do is make Avenger = Instant Win.
--Chaos Attack: Another common strategy, but not as common as the Avenger. This
is basically a counter to someone that is going for the Avengers. Basically you
get some Advanced Factories (again with good control of the map), and mass Chaos
with Tempests. You should also research Chaos Improvement, and Quad Damage and
Auto-tracking Gun for the Tempest, and probably Advanced Combustion too. You
need a good number of Tempests to kill the Avengers and Thunders that'll surely
come your way, and yet you must have an even higher number of Chaos so you can
wreak havoc. You should keep a few Avengers for retaking expos since the Chaos
are so slow... when you have a good number, send them for the win. Keep building
more in case you lose them all. You'll also have to use this tactic as soon as
you discover your Avenger/Thunder income can't handle their Tempests.
--Avenger & Thunder Attack: This is probably the final one, it's the game ender.
A lot of Avengers with a lot of Thunders (with Advanced Turbo Propellor and
Amplifier, and probably (Advanced) Force Field) will more than often end the
game in a win unless the enemy has more Avengers. The Thunders dominate the
ground, they are the most powerfull ships IMO. And with the Amplifier, they
own Tempests/ Rocket Launchers. You must be a really good player to beat this,
or the enemy must be really bad...
--Incinerator Attack: Even less common than the Chaos attack. It's really
hard to see someone building an Incinerator. I do it sometimes... Anyways,
the Incinerators are badder-ass Tanks, and with Tempests the kick any ass =)
--Avenger & Apocalypse Attack: This could be the ultimate attack, if the game
didn't end on Avenger & Thunder Rush. Basically it is: Avengers dominate the
air, Apocalypses dominate the ground. The only thing that takes away
usefullness from it is that the Apocalypses have limited ammo, and they need
to recharge after they used it all... You should try out attacking the
computer with Apocalypses and Avengers, since that's practically the only
time you'll get to use them... that doesn't mean you can't put up a battle
with a friend and do something like a no-thunder or max-avengers rule or
something (believe me, you'll only get to do so if you play a friend...) so
you two can get to Apocalypse without the game ending before so...

--- Other Basics ---
- There are more things you need to know. Here they are:
- This is something you MUST do on your battles: micro. When attacking with
two or more types of units, which usually happens when you're doing ground
attacks with a heavy ground unit + anti-air unit, always hotkey all the units
of each kind. That way, when you need to send your heavy ground units to the
middle of their base, you press 1 then send them to the middle, if air units
start to attack your heavy ground, you press 2 and right click the enemies.
The reason to do this is so you don't get in this situation: you told your
anti-air to guard one of your heavy units, but from the other side where your
anti-air won't bother comes the air units. You'll lose many units if you don't
do anything about it quickly. It's better to manually move your units than to
trust on the guard command.
- Expand whenever possible. On this game, if you don't expand, you don't get
money. If you don't get money, you get overpowered.
- Don't randomly choose to go directly for Tanks, for example. While your Tank
research isn't done, you could drop Flamethrowers a few time, for example. I
have a friend that doesn't build any Electros. He waits for the Avenger
esearch to get done... only recently I've got to encourage him to make
Electros before Avengers, showing him how Electros can win a game quickly...

That's it. Hope you understand now how stuff work.

// -5- Units //

Please note: when you see multiple researches with the same name for different
units, that's because it's one research that upgrades all those units.
Also note that since I don't have access to numbered values of the rate of fire
and speed, I'll add my own ratings instead.
Also note that on researches, I put the name of the research (which might be
wrong, since my game is in portuguese, be happy that I'm even trying to
translate it ok?), what it requires in parentheses () and what it does in
brackets []. When I put [power], that's because you find the description on
the "Special Ability" part.

//---- Humans ----\

||---Ground Units---||

Name: Builder
HP: 120
Plating: 0
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium
Cost: $250
Weapon: Machine Gun
--Damage: 5
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Quick
Built by: Head Quarters, Vehicle Factory
--Land Mine [power]
--Radar for the Mines (needs Land Mine)
[Gives sight for the mines (instead of
laying them there and leaving them for
the fog of war)]
--Advanced Machine Gun [Ups the damage
of the Machine Gun by 50% (goes to 7)]
--Light Plating [+4 Plating]
--Builder Improvement [speeds up the
process of building/destroying/repairing
Requires: nothing
Special Ability:
--Land Mine: Let's you lay four mines on
the ground for $100 each (haha! Nice
one...). Only you can truly see where
they are, but the enemies can see them
flashing on the ground so they can just
avoid it, or they can simply use air
units lol. Anyways, to clear a patch of
mines, you must use area-effect attacks
or abilities, like the Thunder's attack,
the Airstrike, the Chopper's Incendiary
Missile or the Heavy Tank's attack.
Attacking something that is moving
nearby seems to work too... for example,
if your Tank misses their Morpher and
hits the ground with a mine, the mine
will get cleared... This might or might
not be usefull when you're facing someone
that uses mines.
Description: The Builder is the most
beloved Human unit, and you'll always
want to keep them intact. They are
responsible for building your base and
expoing. You can also bunch them up on
only one building so it gets built faster
(on any building except for the HQ, you
can put up to 4 Builders to work at a
time, for the HQ it's 8). It can also lay
mines which are gonna explode on
enemy/neutral movement. Just don't keep
them near your units because there might
always be the dumb Abominable that is
gonna step on it and if you don't pay
attention, they are gonna destroy your
base... >_< for auto-defense they also
have a weak machine gun.
Name: Gatherer
HP: 400
Plating: 2
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium
Cost: $500
Weapon: Machine Gun
--Damage: 5
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Quick
Built by: Head Quarters, Vehicle Factory
--Advanced Machine Gun [Ups the damage of
the Machine Gun by 50% (goes to 7)]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability:
Description: This is the unit that gets
you money. They go on Extractors and
start gathering the minerals, then they
return the minerals on a HQ or Refinery.
That's basically all. They have the same
weapon as the Builder, but they are much
harder to destroy, so you get the time to
make them run away in a drop without
instantly losing the cargo...
Name: Explorer
HP: 150
Plating: 0
Sight: 5
Speed: Quick
Cost: $280
Weapon: Machine Gun
--Damage: 12
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
Built by: Vehicle Factory
--Advanced Machine Gun [Ups the damage of
the Machine Gun by 50% (goes to 18)]
--Nitro [power]
--Time Bomb (requires Nitro) [power]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability:
--Nitro: It's the main charge of the
Explorer (the one on the blue bar below
the HP bar). While activated, it gets
100% more speed while it lasts. It only
drops while moving, and you can turn it
off anytime.
--Time Bomb: This trick is really hard to
pull off. It really only works against
lone buildings or with no defense around.
You must activate the Nitro to have more
chances of doing it successfully, and
tell the Explorer to Time Bomb the
It'll go there and plant a little bomb
near the building, which explodes in 3
seconds. They have those 3 seconds to
destroy the bomb or it's bye bye for the
building (usually, because the damage
isn't so huge. It's enough to destroy a
Defense Tower but that's it I guess).
If you go to somewhere with a bunch of
enemies, the Explorer gets killed and so
does the Bomb if it actually gets planted.
Also, it doesn't seem to work against
Defense Cannons because they seem to kill
the Bomb before it explodes, so you need
to keep them entertained (if I remember
correctly, they kill the Explorer before
it even plants the bomb).
Description: This is your most basic unit,
and it's name already says what it's gonna
be used for: exploring. Since you'll
almost always want to explore with the
Transporter, this unit is of no use. It's
really weak, and it's attack is really
lame, it's slower firing than the
Builder... yet it does more damage, but it
doesn't help. Both abilities become
redundant because of the unit's
uselessness. Overall, never build this on
a serious match.
Name: Dominator
HP: 250
Plating: 0
Sight: 5
Cost: $350
Speed: Medium
Weapon: Fixed Cannon
--Damage: 18
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
Built by: Vehicle Factory
--Domination (requires Dominator) [power]
--Incubation (requires Dominator) [power]
--Cannon Improvement (requires Dominator)
[Ups the damage of the Cannon by 40%
(goes to 25)]
--Light Plating [+4 Plating]
Requires: Explorer
Special Ability:
--Incubation: Requires 200 energy from
the Dominator. You use it on any
Abominable, and the Dominator will launch
some kind of missile against it. Then in
something like 2 minutes, it'll die and
you'll get a Vampire. It SEEMS that if you
use incubation on a native Abominable,
they have more chances of getting mad.
--Domination: Requires 300 energy from the
Dominator. You can use it on any unit,
ally, neutral or enemy. It'll install some
kind of control device with 150HP. Most of
the damage from attacks is directed to the
device. While the device is alive, the
unit is all yours. If the unit you use
this on is an Abominable, it goes
completely to your control (I guess
Vampires too but I'm not sure).
Description: This unit is the medium part
between the Explorer and the Flamethrower.
Usually you won't use this, but if you're
going for Abominables you'll probably want
to Dominate the Native ones and Incubate
some others so you can get Vampires.
Overall, don't use this, unless you need
quick anti-air defense right at the start
of the game.
Name: Flamethrower
HP: 360
Plating: 1
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium
Cost: $400
Weapon: Flamethrower
--Damage: 100
--Range: 2
--Rate of Fire: Medium
--Splash damage
Built by: Vehicle Factory
--Napalm (requires Flamethrower) [power]
--Light Plating [+4 Plating]
Requires: Dominator
Special Ability:
--Napalm: This can be used once the
Flamethrower's special hits 10%, and it
quickly goes down. It sets everything that
gets hit by the flames on fire: they keep
receiving damage just like if they were on
these radioactive clouds for some time. I
don't know how to quickly get rid of the
flames, but if you are on the robot team
and there's a Recycle Facility nearby,
send your units there and it'll finish
the flames off.
Description: This is your basic offensive
unit. You'll almost always use it for
drops, with it's Napalm power. The catch
about it's weapon is this: when it
attacks, it hits 2 squares away from it,
so if you decide to hit something that is
right next to the Flamethrower, it'll also
hit whatever is behind the target. If you
pay attention to the flames you'll know
what was hit or not. Also, it attacks in
bursts of flames, and those bursts don't
do damage instantly, it divides the damage
for the time the flames last (once they
are over it's done 100 damage), so you can
spread the damage around by selecting
other foes while it's attacking. But
usually you don't want to do so, you only
want to do so to spread the napalm =)
Also, at least on the manual it says that
the flames do more damage to heavier
vehicles (any tech from Rocket Launcher or
Tempest and above).
Name: Rocket Launcher
HP: 400
Plating: 2
Sight: 7
Speed: Medium-Slow
Cost: $500
Weapon: Anti-Air Missiles
--Damage: 40
--Range: 5
--Rate of Fire: Medium
--Air only
Built by: Vehicle Factory
--Fast Repetition (requires Rocket
Launcher) [power]
--Standard Plating (requires Rocket
Launcher and Light Plating) [+3 Plating]
--Missile Improvement (requires Fighter)
[Ups the damage of the Missiles by 40%
(goes to 56)]
--Missile Range 1 (requires Fighter)
[Lets the Missiles be shoot farther away
(I'm pretty sure it's 1 more square but
that's just me...)]
--Missile Range 2 (requires Missile
Range 1) [Lets the Missiles be shoot even
farther away (I'm pretty sure it's 1 more
square but that's just me)]
--Advanced Caterpillar Treads (requires
Rocket Launcher) [Makes the Rocket
Launcher quicker]
Requires: Flamethrower
Special Ability:
--Fast Repetition: This ability
temporarily turns the Rocket Launcher
into a neat-o-matic: it'll shoot as
quickly as ever, I think it's about as
quickly as the Robots' Anti-Aircraft
Cannon... but it's for some limited time.
Description: This is your Anti-Air dude,
and it must ALWAYS go in your ground
attacks, or they'll phail since only 2
Human ground units can hit both ground
and air and they are lame. And Fast
Repetition is a must against Robot
players... you'll notice you're always
bunching them up with your Tanks and
Heavy Tanks, it's instinct... or
intelligence, whichever you prefer =)
Name: Tank
HP: 500
Plating: 4
Sight: 6
Speed: Medium-Slow
Cost: $500
Weapon: Independent Cannon
--Damage: 50
--Range: 5
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Slow
Built by: Vehicle Factory
--Extra Plating (requires Tank) [power]
--Standard Plating (requires Rocket
Launcher and Light Plating) [+3 Plating]
--Heavy Plating (requires Tank and
Standard Plating) [+3 Plating]
--Cannon Improvement (requires Dominator)
[Ups the damage of the Cannon by 40%
(goes to 70)]
--Advanced Caterpillar Treads (requires
Rocket Launcher) [Makes the Tank quicker]
Requires: Chopper
Special Ability:
--Extra Plating: This is one boring but
usefull ability that adds 150 HP to the
Tank. It recovers with the time, even
quicker than the auto-repair, and usually
it can mean defeat in a battle if you
don't have this...
Description: This is your main attacking
unit. It's Cannon is independent, so it
can spin as it wants on top of the Tank
for attacking while it is moving. A Tank
Move usually ruins a base... Speed and
damage are the researches you'll want to
do first for this unit. Then Medium and
Heavy Plating are gonna fit well on it.
But by the time they are done you'd
probably want to have Heavy Tanks instead.
Name: Heavy Tank
HP: 800
Plating: 6
Sight: 8
Speed: Slow
Cost: $800
Weapon: Heavy Impact Cannon
--Damage: 120
--Range: 7
--Rate of Fire: Slow
--Splash damage
Built by: Vehicle Factory
--Invulnerability (requires Heavy Tank)
--Heavy Tank Improvement (requires Heavy
Tank) [Ups the damage of the Cannon by
33% (goes to 160)]
--Standard Plating (requires Rocket
Launcher and Light Plating) [+3 Plating]
--Heavy Plating (requires Tank and
Standard Plating) [+3 Plating]
--Advanced Caterpillar Treads (requires
Rocket Launcher) [Makes the Heavy Tank
quicker (but it's still SLOW...)]
Requires: Fighter
Special Ability:
--Invulnerability: This can be only
activated when the energy of the Heavy
Tank is at 100%. It temporarily makes the
Heavy Tank invincible and surrounds it
with a yellow stroke (for while the
energy (blue bar) lasts). It also makes
some noise so you (and others) actually
do know it used the Invulnerability
(same with most other powers...).
Description: This is your ultimate unit.
It can hit Towers from a longer range
than what they can shoot, so they are
meat for the Heavy Tanks. They also hit
HARD, and I mean HARD, with a whole 120
damage (160 when upgraded)! Also, they do
splash damage, so I guess units around
(probably 1 square away) take something
like half or 1 quarter of the damage
too... Usually a game that both players
go for the Heavy Tanks, the one with the
most Heavy Tanks will win, unless he
doesn't micro them very well and don't
focus fire on the enemies and the enemies
do so...

||-----Air Units----||

Name: Transporter
HP: 400
Plating: 0
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium
Cost: $500
Weapon: Machine Gun
--Damage: 5
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Quick
Built by: Aircraft Factory, Head Quarters
(1.01 patch)
--Extra Load (requires Transporter) [Adds
+3000 to the maximum weight of the
--Eject System (requires Extra Load)
--Airstrike (requires Rocket Launcher and
Extra Load) [power]
--Advanced Machine Gun [Ups the damage of
the Machine Gun by 50% (goes to 7)]
--Advanced Fuel (requires Transporter)
[Makes the Transporter quicker]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability:
--Eject System: When the Transporter is
destroyed, it launches the units that
were inside of it around, unless it's
over something like water and other
places units can't go on.
--Aistrike: This makes the Transporter
look like a Bomber: it'll start throwing
powerfull bombs at something/somewhere.
But just be carefull to not Aistrike your
own units that were launched by the Eject
System of destroyed Transporters!
Description: This is your transport
aircraft. It lets your units go ANYWHERE.
And it also makes expoing quicker. Units
that can go in depend on their weight.
The Transporter has a maximum default
weight of 6000, which can be improved
with the Extra Load research. Here's a
basic list of how much each unit should
Soldier - 100
Builder - 1000
Gatherer - 2000
Explorer - 1000
Dominator - 2000
Flamethrower - 2000
Rocket Launcher - 2000
Abominable - 3000
Tank - 4000
Heavy Tank - 6000
Also, the heavier is the cargo of the
Transporter, the slower it will go. The
Aistrike ability will be usefull to you
on the 6th Human mission, actually.
Name: Chopper
HP: 150
Plating: 0
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium
Cost: $320
Weapon: Machine Gun
--Damage: 8
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Quick
When Researched: Air-Ground Missiles
--Damage: 25
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
Built by: Aircraft Factory
--Incendiary Missile (requires Chopper)
--Air-Ground Missile (requires Chopper)
[Second weapon]
--Advanced Machine Gun [Ups the damage of
the Machine Gun by 50% (goes to 12)]
--Missile Improvement (requires Fighter)
[Ups the damage of the Missiles by 40%
(goes to 35)]
--Advanced Fuel (requires Transporter)
[Makes the Chopper quicker]
--Light Plating [+4 Plating]
Requires: Rocket Launcher
Special Ability:
--Incendiary Missile: The Chopper shoots
a missile on the ground that explodes
into one huge fire explosion, damaging
units and setting them on fire. Again,
according to the manual, heavier units
take more damage from that.
Description: This is your basic swarmable
Helicopter. It's quick, it's efficient
air-to-ground, it's cheap. If you're
going Human air, you're surely going for
the Helicopter. The Air-Ground Missiles
is what makes it that good, actually.
They are cool because they are the
"scared helicopters". Select it a few
times listening to it's quotes and you'll
see why... xD
Name: Fighter
HP: 320
Plating: 1
Sight: 6
Speed: Quick
Cost: $500
Weapon: Air-Air and Air-Ground Missiles
--Damage: 16
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Slow
When Researched: Air-Air Guided Missiles
--Damage: 40
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Medium
--Air only
Built by: Aircraft Factory
--Stealth (requires Fighter) [power]
--Air-Air Guided Missiles (requires
Fighter) [Second weapon]
--Missile Improvement (requires Fighter)
[Ups the damage of the Missiles by 40%
(goes to 22 normal and 56 homing)]
--Missile Range 1 (requires Fighter)
[Lets the Missiles be shoot farther away
(I'm pretty sure it's 1 more square but
that's just me)]
--Missile Range 2 (requires Missile
Range 1) [Lets the Missiles be shoot even
farther away (I'm pretty sure it's 1 more
square but that's just me)]
--Light Plating [+4 Plating]
Requires: Tank
Special Ability:
--Stealth: While the Fighter's energy is
different than 0, you can activate the
Stealth so it becomes invisible. You can
then explore the region... But be careful,
the Stealth won't last long.
Description: This is your advanced air
unit. When you go for Choppers, you'll
always want to back them up with Fighters
because of their powerfull air-to-air
attack. Also, the Stealth is good for
infiltrating on their bases, you just
cloak before getting on their defensive
line, enter, and uncloack once you get to
some safe point. And wreak havoc. However,
the Fighters don't have a good ground
attack, so they really need the help from
Choppers, which makes this infiltration
tactic mostly inefficient. But if you can
leave the Choppers to catch the initial
attacks, and cloak your Figther until you
find somewhere on their base which is not
defended and has some weak units like the
Builders, it will work better. Not
recommended against Tempests, Fighters
are meat for Tempests.
Name: Vampire
HP: 250
Armor: 1
Sight: 5
Speed: Quick
Cost: N/A
Weapon: Bite
--Damage: 25
--Range: 1
--Rate of Fire: Quick
--Steals HP
Built by: Incubate an Abominable and wait
for the timer to reach zero.
--Incubation (requires Dominator)
[Dominator's power which generates
--Corrosive Gas (requires Incubation)
Requires: Incubation
Special Ability:
--Corrosive Gas: When the Vampire dies, it
releases some kind of acid cloud that
damages units and buildings. But be
carefull, if you click on the Corrosive
Gas icon the Vampire will die... Leave it
for the automatic use when it dies. This
power is really efficient, it does more
than 1000 damage, I'm pretty sure. ONE is
enough to destroy a tower.
Description: this unit can only be built
when you use incubation in an Abominable,
be it yours, native or from your enemy.
I've noticed Native ones tend to have
more chances of getting mad when they are
in incubation... Anyways, the Vampire
must be really close to the enemy to
attack, but it recovers the HP it takes
away from the enemy. So basically it's
stealing HP. It may look good, but a good
number of enemies can kill it easily...
that's why the Corrosive Gas is a must


Name: Abominable
HP: 350
Armor: 2
Sight: 5 I think
Speed: Medium
Cost: $450
Weapon: Rocks
--Damage: 90
--Range: 4 I think
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Slow
Built by: Head Quarters (player),
automatically respawn on the map (native)
Researches: None
Requires: Incubation and Head Quarters
Special Ability: None
Description: These are the creatures that
walk around most maps. When they are
native (not from any players, they are
the map ones), they can at any time start
attacking you. When you kill one, soon
another one will be respawn around the
map. Now, on your Head Quarters you can
train obediant Abominables. They still
walk around without asking your
permission, but they are totally under
your control. Other players will see them
as normal native abominables. If one of
yours gets attacked, and there's a native
one near, it'll come and help attacking.
If there is somewhere with a LOT of
Abominables, just send one of yours there
and start attacking something. The best
thing about Abominables is that they don't
pay maintenance =) the bad thing is you
can only have one Head Quarters so you
can't mass them easily.
Name: Soldier
HP: 100
Armor: 0
Sight: 6
Speed: Medium-Slow
Cost: N/A
Weapon: Pistol
--Damage: 5
--Range: 5
--Rate of Fire: Medium
Built by: Can't be built
--Advanced Machine Gun [Ups the damage of
the Pistol by 50% (goes to 7)]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability: None
Description: I don't even know why I'm
putting this here. This is some really
lame unit you find on a few campaign
levels (and you can put them in a map
through the map editor). But they do no
good other than attracting fire while your
heavier units do the main damage... Stay
away from this unit, and be grateful you
can't build it.

//---- Robots ----\

||---Ground Units---||

Name: Morpher
HP: 150
Plating: 0
Sight: 5
Speed: Slow
Cost: $250
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
--Damage: 10
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Medium
Built by: Control Center, Basic Factory
--Freeze Mine [power]
--Plasma Damage [Ups the damage of the
Plasma Cannon by 40% (goes to 14]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability:
--Freeze Mine: This is one bulkier mine
that paralyzes for 30 seconds any unit
that steps on it. You still lose your
Morpher with that... Also, since they are
bulkier, they are more easily seen. They
show up as some bolts on the ground for
the enemy, so they are avoided as easily
as the Human's Land Mines.
Description: This is your most basic unit,
and it's responsible for building your
base. Your Morpher transforms into the
building, much like the Zerg on Starcraft,
the difference is you get them back once
the building is destroyed. Also, since you
need to constantly pump more Morphers to
keep your base going, you'll notice most
Robot buildings cost $250 less than their
Human counterparts, which is exactly how
much the Morpher costs... Oh, and also
note that while a building is in
morphing/demorphing state, they take 4x
more damage (10x on the 1.01 version).
Name: Marauder
HP: 400
Plating: 2
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium
Cost: $500
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
--Damage: 5
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
Built by: Control Center, Basic Factory
--Plasma Damage [Ups the damage of the
Plasma Cannon by 40% (goes to 7)]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability: None
Description: This is your money-getting
unit. It works the same way as the
Human's Gatherer.
Name: Raider
HP: 360
Plating: 1
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium-Quick
Cost: $500
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
--Damage: 8
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Quick
Built by: Basic Factory
--Plasma Damage [Ups the damage of the
Plasma Cannon by 40% (goes to 11)]
--Abominable Camouflage [power]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability:
--Abominable Camouflage: Lets the Raider
temporarily get the look and behaviour of
a Native Abominable. It'll look just like
one for enemies, but for you, it looks
like an Abominable completely colored
with your team color.
Description: It's your basic attacking
unit which you'll never use really... it
gets owned by almost anything else, and
you add $100 and you get an Electro,
which is way better than the Raider...
The Abominable Cammo might look good,
but it's extremely hard to deal with the
limited time of use (it slowly drops),
make it act like a normal Abominable, and
the enemy can easily distinguish between
a real abominable and a cammo-ed Raider
because your movements must be REALLY
abstract which won't happen since you
already have an objective in mind. But if
there are other Abominables around, you
can do it on purpose so they attack your
cammo-ed Raider which will summon the
wrath of the real Abominables =)
Name: Electro
HP: 500
Plating: 1
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium-Quick
Cost: $600
Weapon: Electric Disjunctor
--Damage: 22
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
Built by: Basic Factory
--Plasma Damage [Ups the damage of the
Electric Disjunctor by 40% (goes to 31)]
--Basic Plating [+3 Plating]
--Energy Steal (requires Electro) [power]
--Nova (requires Electro) [power]
Requires: Raider
Special Ability:
--Energy Steal: This ability let's you
steal energy from buildings. It'll steal
500 energy off of the building's energy
web, and it's power for the Nova will get
recharged really quickly.
--Nova: This is one cool ability to see,
but it's not that powerfull. It makes a
circle of those little bolts that the
Electro shoots come from the Electro,
hitting something around 4-5 squares away,
I think... really usefull when dropping,
but you don't have the time to lose
recharging and researching...
Description: This unit is not only your
dropper, but also your electrician... I
mean, it works with a whole bunch of
stuff related to energy... Anyways, it's
not as efficient as a dropper as the
Flamethrower, since it doesn't do as much
damage, the Twister is kind of worse at
dropping than the Transporter, and you can
fit less Electros in a Transporter. But
it's still awesome at it's jobs anyway.
It's better to do a quick frontal assault
with lots of Electros than to drop.
Name: Tempest
HP: 550
Plating: 3
Sight: 7
Speed: Slow
Cost: $700
Weapon: Gamma Cannon
--Damage: 100
--Range: 6
--Rate of Fire: Slow-Medium
When Researched: Auto-tracking Gun
--Damage: 5
--Range: 6 I think
--Rate of Fire: Incredible
--Automatically targets multiple targets
at the same time
Built by: Basic Factory
--Auto-tracking Gun (requires Tempest)
[Second weapon]
--Quad Damage (requires Tempest) [power]
--Advanced Combustion (requires Tempest)
[Speeds the Tempest up]
--Basic Plating [+3 Plating]
Requires: Electro
Special Ability:
--Quad Damage: Temporarily (while the blue
bar lasts) makes the damage of the Tempest
400 (or simply quadrouples the damage,
since lower maintenance = lower damage).
That means one-hit kill for the Avengers.
Description: This is your Anti-Air unit.
If you're going for ground attack, you
need this one. It's better than the Rocket
Launcher because 1. it's more powerfull;
2. it can attack while moving because
it's cannon is independent; 3. it has
better powers.
Name: Chaos
HP: 700
Plating: 2
Sight: 8
Speed: Medium-Slow
Cost: $700
Weapon: Fragmentation Cannon
--Damage: 50
--Range: 6
--Rate of Fire: Medium
--Splash damage
Built by: Advanced Factory
--Radioactive Cloud (requires Chaos and
Advanced Fusion Reactor) [power]
--Basic Plating [+3 Plating]
--Advanced Plating (requires Chaos and
Basic Plating) [+3 Plating]
--Chaos Improvement (requires Chaos) [Ups
the damage of the Cannon by 33% (goes to
Requires: Avenger
Special Ability:
--Radioactive Cloud: This one shoots some
nuclear waste ball that explodes into a
yellow cloud which highly damages units
inside it, but it's for short time (on the
1.01 patch, the damage depends on the
unit, heavy units take more damage).
Description: This is your main ground
attacking unit, and usually when Robot
game goes ground x ground, the Chaos is
the finishing blow. It's got some kind of
a different splash damage: it shoots a
spike ball, which explodes doing full
damage to the target, and it explodes
into little spikes which are thrown
around and explode. Now I'm not sure if
the entire spike area is affected or only
the places where the spikes explode, but
that it damages everything around, that
I'm pretty sure.
Name: Incinerator
HP: 900
Plating: 2
Sight: 5
Speed: Slow
Cost: $1000
Weapon: Laser Cannon
--Damage: 150
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Slow
Built by: Advanced Factory
--Incinerator Beam (requires Incinerator)
--Basic Plating [+3 Plating]
--Advanced Plating (requires Chaos and
Basic Plating) [+3 Plating]
--Laser Damage (requires Avenger) [Ups the
damage of the Laser by 33% (goes to 200)]
--Laser Range (requires Incinerator)
[Lets the Laser be shoot farther away
(I'm pretty sure it's 1 more square)]
--Advanced Combustion (requires Tempest)
[Speeds the Incinerator up]
Requires: Thunder
Special Ability:
--Incinerator Beam: This power shoots a
flamming ball which owns anything. I don't
know how much damage it does, but it must
be around 1000. It destroys any Human
ground unit with only 1 shot, as well as
any races' towers.
Description: Even though the Incinerator
is kind of slow and has a bad attacking
range, it's got a super-powerfull attack
which owns anything hands down. If you
mass them and bunch them up with Tempests,
you got one winning army. Oh yeah, did I
say it's the unit with the highest HP in
the game? ;D When this shoots, it quickly
wastes the target with the beam, it's just
like the Flamethrower, the damage isn't
done instantly, but it's quicker, and you
can't spread the damage...

||-----Air Units----||

Name: Twister
HP: 400
Plating: 0
Sight: 5
Speed: Medium
Cost: $500
Weapon: Plasma Cannon
--Damage: 5
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
Built by: Basic Factory, Control Center
(1.01 patch)
--Twister Load Increase (requires Twister)
[Adds +3000 to the maximum weight of the
--Twister Improvement (requires Twister
Load Increase) [Let's the Twister unload
all units at the same time instead of one
at a time]
--Teleport (requires Twister Improvement)
--Plasma Damage [Ups the damage of the
Plasma Cannon by 40% (goes to 7)]
--Turbo Propellor (requires Twister)
[Speeds the Twister up]
Requires: nothing
Special Ability:
--Teleport: Let's you Teleport the Twister
to anywhere on the map. However while it's
teleporting (that blue effect around it),
it takes 4x damage.
Description: This is your transport unit
and your expoer too. Stuffing up Morphers
on it and flying all over the map expoing
is what you should do... It works the same
way the Transporter works. So here's a
list of weights:
Morpher - 1000
Marauder - 2000
Raider - 2000
Electro - 3000
Tempest - 3000
Chaos - 5000
Incinerator - 6000
Remember: you can load Human units on a
Twister as well as Robot units on a
Transporter, same weight stuff!
Name: Avenger
HP: 400
Plating: 0
Sight: 6
Speed: Medium
Cost: $700
Weapon: Dual Laser Cannons
--Damage: 20
--Range: 5
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
--Air only
When Researched: Photon Torpedo
--Damage: 40
--Range: 5
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Slow
--Ground only
Built by: Basic Factory
--Photon Torpedo (requires Avenger)
[Second weapon]
--Force Field (requires Apocalypse)
--Advanced Force Field (requires Force
Field) [Makes recharging the Force Field
--Laser Damage (requires Avenger) [Ups
the damage of the Lasers by 33% (goes to
--Laser Range (requires Incinerator)[Lets
the Lasers be shoot farther away (1 more
square, I'm pretty sure)]
--Turbo Propellor (requires Twister)
[Speeds the Avenger up]
Requires: Tempest
Special Ability:
--Force Field: This is a 250+ HP power.
When you activate it, a Force field is
created around the Avenger and it's power
slowly goes down... also, it absorbs any
damage that would be done to the Avenger.
Description: This unit wins for it's
versatility. It's the most used online,
and usually gives you many of wins offline
too. It requires money to use it, but you
get it if you control the map. Also, just
so you don't get confused: the dual
lasers, the 20 damage is done by the
burst, not each laser. This unit has
everything: good ground attack, good air
attack, good HP, power that adds some more
to the HP, good speed. That's why it's so
versatile. If you play a lot with it,
you'll see what this little ship can do
for you.
Name: Thunder
HP: 500
Plating: 2
Sight: 6
Speed: Medium
Cost: $850
Weapon: Sonic Blaster
--Damage: 48
--Range: 4
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Slow
--Splash damage
Built by: Advanced Factory
--Amplifier (requires Thunder) [power]
--Force Field (requires Apocalypse)
--Advanced Force Field (requires Force
Field) [Makes recharging the Force Field
--Advanced Turbo Propellor (requires
Avenger and Turbo Propellor) [Speeds the
Thunder up]
Requires: Chaos
Special Ability:
--Amplifier: Temporarily doubles the power
of the Thunder. You'll notice it's waves
are going to be a lighter yellow.
--Force Field: This is a 250+ HP power.
When you activate it, a Force field is
created around the Thunder and it's power
slowly goes down... also, it absorbs any
damage that would be done to the Thunder.
Description: This is your most powerfull
air unit. It shoots a sound wave which
spreads damage around. Which means bye bye
Rocket Launchers and Tempests. You should
team it up with your Avengers unless your
opponent doesn't have air units...
Name: Apocalypse
HP: 600
Plating: 4
Sight: 8
Speed: Dead Slow
Cost: $1200
Weapon: Homing Missiles
--Damage: 60
--Range: 7
--Rate of Fire: Slow
--Automatically searches for new targets
once the main target is destroyed
--60 damage EACH missile. Shoots 4
missiles per burst.
--Can have up to 10 missile bursts.
Recharges with the time.
Built by: Advanced Factory
--Force Field (requires Apocalypse)
--Advanced Force Field (requires Force
Field) [Makes recharging the Force Field
--Advanced Turbo Propellor (requires
Avenger and Turbo Propellor) [Speeds the
Apocalypse up]
--Apocalypse Improvement (requires
Apocalypse) [Ups the damage of the
Missiles by 33% (goes to 80)]
Requires: Incinerator
Special Ability:
--Force Field: This is a 250+ HP power.
When you activate it, a Force field is
created around the Apocalypse and it's
power slowly goes down... also, it
absorbs any damage that would be done to
the Apocalypse.
Description: This is your tower-buster
ship. It hits towers in a long range with
amazing power: bursts of 4 missiles, each
missile does 60 damage (80 when upgraded)!
It also does a lot of damage to Tempests
and the like. The only problem with it is
it's limited ammo which takes time to
recharge (it says that it takes less time
on the 1.01 patch, but it looks like the
same shit for me...), and it only attacks
ground. So you need to back it up with
Avengers, but usually your Avengers are
gonna get on the line of sight of the
towers and simply ruin your attack...
Still worth using though.

And that ends the Units section.

// -6- Buildings //

Please note I'll only list relevant
researches. The ones about building
units I'll not list.
Also note that all buildings have a line
of sight of 6.

//---- Humans ----\

||--Basic Buildings-||

Name: Head Quarters
HP: 12000
Cost: $1500
--Create Abominable (requires Head
Quarters and Incubation) [Let's you
create obedient Abominables]
--ICBM (requires Head Quarters, Missile
Range 2 and Nuclear Powerplant) [power]
--ICBM: Let's you shoot a nuclear missile
anywhere on the map. It'll take 30 seconds
to finally drop. During these 30 seconds,
the enemies can disarm or redirect it. On
the 1.01 patch, it's already available
once you complete the research. Before
that you need to charge it up.
Description: This is your main base
structure. You can only have one of these.
It builds your Builders, Gatherers,
Transporters (1.01) and Abominables, as
well as nuke people and convert minerals
into cash.
Name: Vehicle Factory
HP: 10000
Cost: $2500
Description: This building builds all your
ground vehicles, which are: Builder,
Gatherer, Explorer, Dominator,
Flamethrower, Rocket Launcher, Tank and
Heavy Tank.
Name: Aircraft Factory
HP: 8000
Cost: $2500
Description: This building builds all your
air units, which are: Transporter,
Chopper, Fighter.
Name: Defense Tower
HP: 1000
Cost: $400
Weapon: Cannon
--Damage: 24
--Range: 5
--Rate of Fire: Medium-Quick
--Defense Tower Damage (requires Defense
Tower and Rocket Launcher) [Ups the damage
of the Cannon by 50% (goes to 36)]
--Tower Range (requires Defense Tower and
Flamethrower) [Lets the Defense Tower
shoot farther away (I'm pretty sure it's
1 more square)]
Description: This is your most basic
defense structure. It doesn't do much
damage, but it has a good rate of fire
and can hit both air and ground. However,
there are some things that outrange it.
For example, sometimes Robot players can
sneak in Chaos and destroy the tower
without getting hit by it. If you don't
have Tower Range researched, Robot players
with Laser Range can use their Avengers to
attack the tower without getting hit.
Name: Research Lab
HP: 8000
Cost: $1500
Description: This is where your researches
are done. It is usually the first building
you want to build on any map. You can only
have one Research Lab.
Name: Market
HP: 4800
Cost: $1750
Description: On this building you build
any kind of units. Usually you find some
units for some really good price, but
sometimes they are rip-offs. Also, you
can sell your own units, and sometimes
you might even get more money than it's
worth, lol! But this usually does NOT
happen... Depending on how many of a unit
are sold/bought, their price change. When
you buy an unit, it's price is raised.
When you sell one, it is lowered.
Name: Intelligence Center
HP: 6000
Cost: $1000
--Intelligence Level 1-5 (Level 1 requires
Intelligence Center, the others require
the previous level to them) [Ups your
chances of spying someone successfully]
--Counter-Intelligence Level 1-5 (Level 1
requires Intelligence Center, the others
require the previous level to them)
[Lowers the chances of others spying you
Description: Here is where you do Spying
missions. They usually are of no use to
you. But if you want, you can use them.
How it works: you start with a spy. When
you ask it to do some mission, it has some
chance of completing it successfully, and
also a chance to get caught. If it does
not complete the mission, you wasted your
money. If it gets caught (independent of
it completing the mission or not), you
need to wait 10 seconds while another one
is trained. You can only have one
Intelligence Center. Here is a list of the
Steal Info - $100 (info circle icon): This
steals info from the target enemy (a
building or unit). It'll show stuff like
how many air/ground units, towers,
buildings, allies and other stuff. It's
the mission with the most chances of being
completed successfully.
Open Vision - $250 (eye icon): This
temporarily opens up the vision of
anywhere on the map, with sight 6 I think.
This mission is ALWAYS completed
Steal Research - $750 (scientist stuff
icon): This will try and steal a list of
researches the enemy has completed, and
any research you don't have, it'll appear
in a list on your Intelligence Center.
Click on it and you get that research
instantly! =) if you use it on an ally,
it's guaranteed to work.
Watch Player - $750 (camera icon): This
will let you watch everything the target
player is doing for some time, 1 minute I
think. You'll be able to see all his
units, buildings, etc... like if he was an
ally, but you don't get to see what he's
building on that Factory, what is he
researching, etc...
Lock Buildings - $1000 (weird unplugged
thing icon): This will paralyze all enemy
buildings around the target place. When
you mouse over the ground you'll see the
target buildings are gonna get
highlighted. You can't paralyze an
Intelligence Center or Information Center,
Disarm ICBM - $1000 (ICBM with a X on it
icon): This will try to disarm an ICBM.
When disarmed, the ICBM will simply not
fall =) if this fails, run for your life.
The Intelligence Center is actually
usefull on Campaign missions, where you
play more defensively so you need
counter-spy to prevent them from locking
your buildings, as well as spy to prevent
them from launching ICBMs on you the last

||Resource Buildings||

Name: Refinery
HP: 9600
Cost: $800
Description: This building has the sole
purpose of being somewhere the Gatherers
are going to return their minerals on. It
does the job of converting quicker than
the Head Quarters does. It has 4 spaces
where the Gatherers can go and put the
Name: Ore Extractor
HP: 4800
Cost: $600
--Advanced Extraction 1 (requires
Extractor) [Gatherers collect the minerals
--Advanced Extraction 2 (requires Advanced
Extraction 1) [Gatherers collect the
minerals even quicker]
Description: This is where your Gatherers
go to get the minerals. This must be built
on top of a Mineral Mine. If it's built
upon an Uranium Mine and it gets below 75%
HP, it'll start leaking radioactivity (the
green cloud of death). You should build
this on your initial base and on your
"back base" (for example, an expo that is
past some bridge at the back of your base,
there are lots of maps that are like
that...). In case you are sure you can
protect it accordingly, you should build
it also on Uranium Mines with purity over
40% or Iron Mines with purity over 50%.
It also has 4 spaces where the Gatherers
can go to gather the minerals.
Name: Ore Processor
HP: 4800
Cost: $1000
--Advanced Processing (requires Processor)
[Processor gets money quicker]
Description: This building is like the
Extractor, but it doesn't need Gatherers
or Refineries. It simply gets the money
out of the Mine. At a slower rate, but
it's way cheaper than all that crap, and
the gain is uniform (it doesn't depend on
the Gatherers returning the minerals
somewhere). You only need an Wind
Powerplant. You should use this for
Name: Wind Powerplant
HP: 2400
Cost: $600
--Advanced Wind Powerplant (requires Wind
Powerplant) [+100 energy income]
Energy income: around 300
Description: The Wind Powerplant provides
energy depending on the wind, which if I'm
not mistaken can go from 0 to 100 mph.
Even tough it's not that reliable, that's
basically what you'll use to power your
base, and with the upgrade it becomes
really good. With the time you'll learn
how many Wind Powerplants it takes to
power this or that building and etc...
Name: Nuclear Powerplant
HP: 6000
Cost: $2000
--Fission Reactor (requires Nuclear
Powerplant) [+100 energy income]
--Advanced Fission Reactor (requires
Fission Reactor) [+100 energy income]
Requires: Advanced Wind Powerplant
Energy income: 1200
Description: This is the building that
gives you the most energy. It also has
more HP than the Wind Powerplant. However,
when at 75% or less HP it gets radioactive
leaks. And a note about radioactive leaks:
once a building has a radioactive leak, if
you go repair it, it'll return to the
state of being built... Also, it's not
that good to rely on Nuclear Powerplants,
because once they destroy one of your
Nuclear Powerplants, it'll severely
unpower your buildings. If they destroy
one Wind Powerplant, it won't make much
difference since you have many more
powering your base.
Name: Retransmission Substation
HP: 500
Cost: $100
Description: The sole purpose of this
building is spreading your energy web. You
can use it to connect a building that is
out of any energy webs with one that is
inside one. Usually it's a waste of time
and money since you don't want to spread
your buildings like that... but other
times they are usefull, for example if
you want to put your Wind Powerplants on
some high ground that is kind of away
from your base, so you connect the energy
farm to your base through this building.
But this is rare, and you usually get to
connect both places directly through two
normal buildings.

//---- Robots ----\

||--Basic Buildings-||

Name: Control Center
HP: 12000
Cost: $1250
--Hologram (requires Abominable Camouflage
and Control Center) [power]
--Clone (requires Apocalypse and Control
Center) [power]
--Hologram: This creates a virtual image
of any unit. For you it'll appear
transparent, but for others it'll appear
as a normal unit. It doesn't any damage,
and when you destroy it, it'll explode in
a green flash.
--Clone: This clones any unit. You get a
copy of that unit. Enough said. If you
need instant money, and you have a
Recycle Facility, you can clone 5
Apocalypses and sell them. But I'd rather
attack with them, unless I need money for
maintenance in order to do a much more
bad-ass attack...
Description: This is your main base
structure. You can only have one of these.
It builds your Morphers, Marauders and
Twisters (1.01) as well as clone and
hologram units and convert your minerals
into cash.
Name: Basic Factory
HP: 7500
Cost: $2250
Description: This building builds all your
basic vehicles, which are: Morpher,
Marauder, Raider, Twister, Electro,
Tempest and Avenger.
Name: Advanced Factory
HP: 7500
Cost: $2250
Description: This building builds all
your advanced units, which are: Chaos,
Thunder, Incinerator and Apocalypse.
Name: Defense Cannon
HP: 1000
Cost: $300
Weapon: Laser Blast
--Damage: 60
--Range: 3
--Rate of Fire: Medium
--Cannon Range (requires Anti-Aircraft
Cannon and Tempest) [Lets the Defense
Cannon shoot farther away (I'm pretty
sure it's 1 more square)]
--Cannon Repetition (requires
Anti-Aircraft Cannon and Avenger) [Makes
the Defense Cannon shoot twice as fast]
Description: This is your basic ground
defense. Against most basic units it
should do an awesome job. Against most
others it's just crappy, and will quickly
die. Still, it's a good defense against
initial drops. If you have a handful of
those cannons in a line, they are going
to do good against anything but Heavy
Tanks and Incinerators with Incinerator
Beam (it takes a lot of patience and
pauses to beat an attack like that...).
Huge or smart attacks are still going to
own them.
Name: Anti-Aircraft Cannon
HP: 750
Cost: $300
Weapon: Laser Gun
--Damage: Don't know
--Range: 4 I think
--Rate of Fire: Incredible
--Cannon Range (requires Anti-Aircraft
Cannon and Tempest) [Lets the
Anti-Aircraft Cannon shoot farther away
(I'm pretty sure it's 1 more square)]
--Cannon Repetition (requires
Anti-Aircraft Cannon and Avenger)
[Makes the Anti-Aircraft Cannon shoot
twice as fast]
Requires: Defense Cannon
Description: This is your basic anti-air
defense. It shoots incredibly fast,
however it doesn't do very good against
too many units.
Name: Tech Center
HP: 6000
Cost: $1250
Description: This is where your researches
are done. It is usually the first building
you want to build on any map. You can only
have one Tech Center.
Name: Recycle Facility
HP: 4000
Cost: $950
--Cheaper Repair System (requires Recycle
Facility) [Makes the process of repairing
units kind of cheaper...]
--Faster Repair System (requires Recycle
Facility) [Makes the process of repairing
units kind of faster...]
Description: This is where you can repair
and recycle your units. When repairing,
you slowly lose money and the units
inside (up to 6) are slowly repaired.
When recycling, the unit will pay either
it's full manufacturing price (at 100%
HP), or less (not at 100% HP), and when
it enters the building you start getting
money just like the refinery.
Name: Information Center
HP: 4500
Cost: $750
--Intelligence Level 1-5 (Level 1 requires
Information Center, the others require the
previous level to them) [Ups your chances
of spying someone successfully]
--Counter-Intelligence Level 1-5 (Level 1
requires Information Center, the others
require the previous level to them)
[Lowers the chances of others spying you
Description: Here is where you do Spying
missions. They usually are of no use to
you. But if you want, you can use them.
How it works: you must build viruses.
Each virus costs $250. You can have up to
6 viruses. Each mission costs some number
of viruses. When you do some mission, you
lose your viruses and the mission gets
completed instantly. Same thing with the
chance of success/failure. Here is a list
of the missions:
Steal Info - 1 virus (info circle icon):
This steals info from the target enemy
(a building or unit). It'll show stuff
like how many air/ground units, towers,
buildings, allies and other stuff. It's
the mission with the most chances of being
completed successfully.
Open Vision - 1 virus (eye icon): This
temporarily opens up the vision of
anywhere on the map, with sight 6 I think.
This mission is ALWAYS completed
Steal Research - 3 viruses (scientist
stuff icon): This will try and steal a
list of researches the enemy has
completed, and any research you don't
have, it'll appear in a list on your
Information Center. Click on it and you
get that research instantly! =) if you use
it on an ally, it's guaranteed to work.
Watch Player - 3 viruses (camera icon):
This will let you watch everything the
target player is doing for some time, 1
minute I think. You'll be able to see all
his units, buildings, etc... like if he
was an ally, but you don't get to see what
he's building on that Factory, what is he
researching, etc...
Lock Buildings - 4 viruses (weird unplugged
thing icon): This will paralyze all enemy
buildings around the target place. When you
mouse over the ground you'll see the target
buildings are gonna get highlighted.
Redirect ICBM - 4 viruses (missile turning
around icon): When someone launches an
ICBM, click on this icon (if you have the
viruses), and click on the middle of their
bases. If the mission is completed
successfully, they get hit by their own

||Resource Buildings||

Name: Purification Plant
HP: 7200
Cost: $550
Description: This building has the sole
purpose of being somewhere the Marauders
are going to return their minerals on. It
does the job of converting quicker than
the Head Quarters does. It has 4 spaces
where the Marauders can go and put the
Name: Mining Facility
HP: 4000
Cost: $350
--Advanced Mining 1 (requires Mining
Facility) [Marauders collect the
minerals quicker]
--Advanced Mining 2 (requires Advanced
Mining 1) [Marauders collect the minerals
even quicker]
Description: This is where your Marauders
go to get the minerals. This must be built
on top of a Mineral Mine. If it's built
upon an Uranium Mine and it gets below 75%
HP, it'll start leaking radioactivity (the
green cloud of death). Be careful, once
it's got the green cloud, you should
auto-repair it and tell your Marauders to
go away... because it'll slowly repair.
You're better off demolishing it and then
building it again. You should build this
on your initial base and on your "back
base" (for example, an expo that is past
some bridge at the back of your base,
there are lots of maps that are like
Name: Ore Assimilator
HP: 4000
Cost: $850
--Fast Assimilation (requires Assimilator)
[Assimilator gets money quicker]
Description: This building is like the
Mining Facility, but it doesn't need
Marauders or Purification Plants. It
simply gets the money out of the Mine. At
a slower rate, but it's way cheaper than
all that crap... At least the gain is
steady. You should use this for expoing.
Name: Solar Collector
HP: 1800
Cost: $500
--Photovoltaic Cells (requires Solar
Collector) [+150 energy income]
Energy income: 400
Description: The Solar Collector provides
a constant 450 energy for you. It might
look overpowered compared to the Human's
Wind Powerplant, but it's used for the
entire map, so you need that extra energy...
Name: Radioactive Generator
HP: 4800
Cost: $1850
--Fusion Reactor (requires Nuclear
Powerplant) [+150 energy income]
--Advanced Fusion Reactor (requires
Fusion Reactor) [+150 energy income]
Requires: Advanced Wind Powerplant
Energy income: 1800
Description: This is the building that
gives you the most energy. It also has
more HP than the Solar Collector. However,
when at 75% or less HP it gets radioactive
leaks. And once you try to repair it,
it'll slowly repair itself, which will
keep damaging stuff around it... Also,
it's not that good to rely on Radioactive
Generators, because once they destroy one
of your Radioactive Generators, it'll
severely unpower your buildings. If they
destroy one Solar Collector, it won't make
much difference since you have many more
powering your base.

And that covers all the buildings.

// -7- Walkthrough //

The Campaigns are the hardest part of thegame. I don't know why, but the
computers seem MUCH smarter on campaign levels than on normal maps... Please
note I'm completing this on Easy level, with 1.01 patch. It's WAY harder on
the 1.00 version. I'm on my way to completing the campaign on Normal, I still
have the last campaign to do, and on Hard I barely started.
Also note that I will NOT care for any spoilers! If you don't like spoilers,
don't read then. There might be some spoilers here and there. That is, if you
care... >_>
Another thing you MUST know is that on campaign missions, you MUST defend
your expansions with towers. No matter what expansion it is, protect it with
towers, you don't have time to keep taking it back after every attack they
send there.
So let's go:

\---- Human Campaign ----//


This is the first mission of all. The game asks if you want to play the
tutorial before starting the game. You should answer Yes. So let's go.
This tutorial gives you some messages about what you need to do. Also, there
are a lot of tips for gameplay. You should read them all carefully to know
what you're doing!
So in this mission you have to complete 20 objectives. On the top-left
corner, there's a counter with how many objectives you've completed. So
here's the list of objectives:
1. Build an Wind Powerplant: just build an Wind Powerplant around your HQ
like the message says. To power your HQ, the image of the Wind Powerplant
must be connected to the HQ through a line... then it means the HQ will be
inside the energy web.
2. Build an Extractor: you see that Iron Mine? Well, order your Builder to
build an Extractor on top of it. While you're at it, build another Builder.
3. Build a Gatherer: select your HQ and click on the Gatherer icon. Tell it
to collect minerals on the Extractor. Queue two more Builders and three more
Gatherers in alternate order so you can get your stuff done quicker.
4. Build a Refinery and 3 more Gatherers: select your Builders and build a
Refinery right next to the Extractor. Tell the Gatherers to go mine on the
Extractor as they are built. Also, while you're doing all that, tell one
Builder to build another Wind Powerplant.
5. Build a Processor: it'll open the vision on somewhere on the map with an
Uranium Mine. Send one Builder there and build a Processor. You can send two
if you want, then the thing gets done quicker.
6. Build an Wind Powerplant on high ground: right next to that Processor you
just built, there are two ramps. Send your Builder(s) over them, and build
an Wind Powerplant somewhere it connects the energy web with the Processor.
7. Build a Research Lab: send your Builder(s) back to your base. Tell two of
your Builders to build an Wind Powerplant on your base, and the other two to
build the Research Lab. When the two are done with the Wind Powerplant, tell
them to help with the Lab.
8. Research Advanced Wind Powerplant: click on the Research Lab, then click
on the Resource Buildings icon, then click on the Wind Powerplant icon, then
click on the Advanced Wind Powerplant research. Then wait while the research
is completed. Tell your Builders to build two Wind Powerplants, and your HQ
to build two more Gatherers.
9. Build a Vehicle Factory: tell two of your Builders to build a Vehicle
Factory, the other two to build two other Wind Powerplants. When they are
done with the Generators, if the Factory isn't done yet, tell them to help
with the Factory.
10. Research Time Bomb: click on the Research Lab, then go to Ground Units -
Explorer - Time Bomb. It'll research Nitro first, then it'll start with the
Time Bomb.
11. Build two Explorers: click on the Vehicle Factory and then click on the
Explorer icon twice.
12. Build an Aircraft Factory: tell your Builders to build an Aircraft
Factory. Also tell one to build another Wind Powerplant.
13. Build a Transporter: 1.00: click on the Aircraft Factory then click on
the Transporter icon. 1.01: click on the HQ then click on the Transporter
14. Destroy the tower and rescue the soldiers: load your Transporter with
one Explorer, then send it to the bottom part of the island (where the tower
can't hit you). Wait until the Explorer's Time Bomb is charged up, then
activate the Nitro and use the Time Bomb on the Tower. When it explodes,
tell deactivate the Nitro then tell the Explorer to move near the soldiers.
Load them all up on the Transporter and send them back to your base...
15. Build a Market: select your Builders and tell them to build a Market.
16. Build a vehicle: select your Market and click on any unit there.
17. Build an Intelligence Center: select your Builders and tell them to build
an Intelligence Center.
18. Ally with the Orange Army: click on the Diplomacy menu, then select the
Orange Army, then click on Ally.
19. Send them $1000: click on that arrow until the 100 becomes 1000, then
click on the Send button. You'll ally with the other dude.
20. Destroy the Red Army: do this the way you want. You can try to do this
your way, or you can do this my way. My way is: send a Transporter to your
expo, then send it up. Right click those barrels once you find the cliff,
and when they explode tell your Transporter to run away. Demolish your
Aircraft plant, then build a Vehicle Factory where it was. Research Tank,
then Cannon Improvement, then everything it has that has something to do
with Plating. While you're researching all that, tell your factories to make
4-6 Rocket Launchers and around 15 Tanks. When everything's done, select the
Rocket Launchers, right click a Tank, then shift-right click others as well,
so they follow the Tanks. Select all the Tanks (double click a Tank), then
send them all to the top right corner of the map. You'll win once you destroy

(--First Mission: Troops Training--)

Objectives: -Build and keep 4 Explorers and 2 Dominators.
-Destroy 15 enemies
-Await for the arrival of Brad Maxwell
-Brad Maxwell must survive
OK, on the text screen, you'll learn about the situation of the Earth, and
the creation of the anti-terrorist group, and that they assigned Brad Maxwell
to be it's commander.
What you need to do first is make your base look as close as possible to a
normal starting base: 4 Gatherers, a Refinery, two Wind Powerplants, the HQ,
a Builder, etc... You start with an Iron Mine, build an Extractor there. Once
you're done with the units, build another Wind Powerplant, and then the
Research Lab. Research Advanced Extraction 1, Advanced Wind Powerplant and
Builder Improvement. Then research everything about the Dominator. Build two
other Wind Powerplants, then a Vehicle Factory. If you want to speed up the
process of making units, build other 2 Wind Powerplants and then another
Vehicle Factory. Destroy the Lab and the HQ for more money once everything
is done. Mass Dominators with them, 14 is enough. Around the 8 minutes of
gameplay, the Brad Maxwell dude will appear on the bottom right corner of the
map. He's the yellow Dominator. He'll then move to your base. Leave him
there, build 4 Explorers, and send all your Dominators, including Brad
Maxwell, around the map to kill the enemies. There are quite a few patrolling
the middle of the map. Then there is the bottom left and top right corners,
they have quite a few units. You might find a few Dominators around, but
they are meat to your army. Most units are Explorers, which are easily owned
by your Dominators. If you have anything less than 4 Explorers on your base
once you kill the required number of units, build more. The mission will end
with victory.

(--Second Mission: The Convoy--)

Objectives: -Escort the Convoy to the World Council's base
-Brad Maxwell must survive
With the troops you made on the last mission, you're now gonna escort a
convoy of 4 Gatherers with equipment to the World Council's base...
You'll get to know through that french dude that the convoy will stop at the
sight of any danger, so you don't need to worry about it getting destroyed
while you're not looking at it. This mission is very straight forward: just
follow the Gatherers and when they stop ask your units to attack whatever is
in sight. The only place you need to be carefull is that one with a lot of
barrels: tell Brad Maxwell to destroy one barrel instead of putting up a
brawl against the Explorers there...
There's also a place where you'll find some purple units, and they will ask
you to pay $2000. ._. Pay them the price, if I remember correctly, if you
say no, they ask you once more but now for $8000, and if you answer no, they
become your enemy, and there are a LOT of units around... So just pay the
$2000 and go on. There's also a part where you find more units to add to your
OK, once you get to the base, the french dude will get out of the Gatherer
and go to that huge ass laboratory. All the Gatherers are gonna become normal
Gatherers and come to your control. Immediately tell your Builder to build an
Extractor, while building more Builders. Also build a Refinery. Then build
Wind Powerplant, Research Lab, Wind Powerplant, Wind Powerplant, Vehicle
Factory. Put the generators on the high ground right next to you. Research
Advanced Extraction (both), then advanced Wind Powerplant, then Flamethrower,
then Light Plating. Don't forget to send your Gatherers to the Extractor once
it is done! Anyways, send all units you had while escorting the convoy to the
high ground, and follow it until you come to a place with an Explorer, a
Dominator and an Uranium Mine. Destroy the enemies and bring your Builders to
build a mini base there. You'll need an Extractor, a Refinery, 4 Wind
Powerplants, two towers by the top edge of the cliff (so you can pick units
that come from there), one by the side, one by the bottom and 4 Gatherers.
Send your units back to the entrance of the place your base is. Let them stay
there. Build more Wind Powerplants by your starting base, and one or two more
Vehicle Factories. If you have 1.00 version, you'll need to build an Aircraft
Factory, which will cripple your economy and I won't even care about you so
I'm going the 1.01 way: build with your HQ 6 Transporters. Research Eject
System and Advanced Fuel. Now, with two factories mass Flamethrowers and with
the other Dominators. You'll need more Flamethrowers than Dominators. Load
your Transporters with the produced units, and send them all the way up.
While they are going, make more Transporters, Flamethrowers and Dominators.
When your Transporters get to the top, send them right and when you find the
cliff that goes to the enemy base drop everything there and wreak havoc.
They'll destroy everything in sight. You should focus on buildings out of
Towers' ranges, but if you get in sight of a tower it's better if you destroy
it instead of running away... When the new salvo is done, send it there the
same way, and prepare another one. If you don't kill the enemy with that
salvo, then send that other one you just prepared. That should just finish
the enemy off. Just remember you must follow this pattern: 2 Transporters
with Dominators, 4 with Flamethrowers. That way you cover all weaknessess a
single unit group would have. If you destroyed the entire base, ran around
that mountain, killed everything and still didn't get the message that the
Liberty Army 2 was defeated, then destroy most of those units that are eating
up maintenance, and prepare a whole heck of Transporters. Tell them to
explore, and just patiently wait unit you see a red dot on the map. Pause,
select all your Transporters and tell them to attack it. If you still don't
get the message, search some more. I once had to use the open map cheat just
to find out there was a lone Builder in a plateau right next to their base...
Anyways, once the red army is defeated, the orange army is gonna send all
their units to attack you. But since you had all your units by the path to
your base, you should have no problem. Also, the towers you built on your
expo are gonna take out some enemies as well.

(--Third Mission: Abominable Revolution--)

Objective: -Find Dr. Joseph Taylor
-Brad Maxwell must survive
-Secret: rescue Dimitri Karpov's base
On this mission you'll find out that Dr. Taylor's experiments went wrong, and
the Abominables got off of their cells and started to destroy everything. So
everyone got away and now you need to find that Dr. Taylor... ._.
So as soon as you start the mission, you'll get the message that you should
start moving. Move a little bit on the only path you can go to, and then
watch the ally buildings with the tons of monsters. In less than a minute
they'll start attacking everything, really cool =)
Anyways, back to the mission. Keep going, and when the path divides, take the
left one, keep going up, and when you get to a bridge, tell an Explorer to go
to the right, past the bridge and on this island you'll find some fat dude in
an Explorer (lol) (light green explorer). He'll say something about Dr.
Taylor being caught by the Liberty Army's troops, but whatever, we only want
help from his vehicle... OK, now return and go past that other bridge and
stop by the ramp. Now get two of your Explorers and send them up the ramp.
Wait for the Time Bomb to charge up, then send the first to the right until
you see a tower. Activate the Nitro and bomb it. Deactivate the Nitro and go
back. With the other one, go left until you find another tower. Nitro, bomb,
de-nitro, go back. Now keep going around the mountain. When you get to the
part near where you destroyed the second tower, you'll find a ramp. Ignore
it. However, keep going around the mountain, past some kind of forest which
you must destroy the trees, you'll eventually find a purple Explorer. If you
get near it, Dimitri Karpov (the Explorer) will tell you that his base is
under attack and you should help him. Well, get your units past that bridge
as fast as possible, and destroy all the red units there. You'll unlock the
secret mission. Well return and keep going. Kill the enemies that you will
find around a bridge a little bit further away, then go over it. Keep going,
destroying the enemies, until you find another ramp. Go over it and you'll
get some troops. Now send everything past the bridge next to the ramp.
They'll say something about tyre marks... Keep going, then go right, destroy
everything, when you get to the ramp destroy the Flamethrower. Go up, then
left, then down, then through the ramp and you'll find Dr. Taylor (yellow
explorer). He'll say some stuff about people sabotating his work lol. Tell
him to follow Brad Maxwell, then tell Brad Maxwell to follow some random
unit. Select all the other units and send them back to that part you turned
right after the bridge. Now go to the left path, kill the bunch of Explorers
with your non-hero units, then go to that Transporter there. Send Taylor and
Maxwell to somewhere near it and they'll disappear and you'll win.

(--Secret Mission: The Independent Force--)

Objectives: -Destroy the Liberty Army's troops
- Maxwell and Karpov must survive
On this mission, you'll have one huge blue ally base that does nothing. Your
objective here is to develop huge attack forces, take the expo northeast of
your base building TONS of towers there, and also take the expo on the
top-left corner. It'll be taken by the enemy by the time you try to get
there, so don't bother to get it ASAP. When you get it, put towers everywhere
to avoid attacks. When you have enough units to attack, then attack the huge
enemy base on the top region of the map. If you have MANY units, you can do
this easily. If you complete this mission successfully, on the next mission
blue will be your ally.

(--Fourth Mission: Mechatronics--)

Objectives: -Rescue Dr. Mary Anne Harley
-Destroy the Liberty Army's troops
-Brad Maxwell must survive
-Optional: destroy the Control Tower so you can avoid them from sending
On the intro it'll say that Dr. Taylor abandoned the project and that the
Liberty Army took that Dr. Mary Anne Harley as a prisoner. So guess what?
Yes, you gotta rescue her! And believe me: this mission is REALLY hard if you
do stuff wrong.
First off, some things you need to know about this mission. First, you must
make sure you control the Iron Mine just below your base. Kill everything
around it and expo there. Second, don't forget to start as always: 4 Gatherers
on the Extractor, Advanced Extraction 2, Advanced Wind Powerplant, Napalm,
etc... Third, if you did the secret mission, blue will be your ally. They are
gonna help, not as you expect but they will. Fourth, because of the lack of
money here, you'll find out that Abominables are the best units you can use.
In all the times I played this mission, I won with Abominables... Fifth, don't
forget to build and maintain towers around your base!
Now for the mission itself: research everything said, building Wind
Powerplants and Vehicle Factories. You won't use Vehicles that much, so 2 is
enough. Also, as soon as you get to, rescue the Raiders west of your base on
the high ground, then send everything you have to destroy two units that are
on that expo I told you about. Take it while doing other stuff. Remember to
fill it with towers, so you don't lose it. Pump out Flamethrowers like there
is no tomorrow, you have 30 minutes. 10 is enough, but you might want to do
15 or 20. What you need to do is, attack from above the Control Tower.
There's a Retransmission Substation there that is powering the towers. If
you destroy that, you'll have no problems to destroy the Control Tower, so
just focus fire it as soon as the Retransmission Substation is destroyed. You
might want to destroy some towers as well. Once the Control Tower is
destroyed, you shouldn't have many problems on this mission. Now start
pumping a few waves of Flamethrowers and Rocket Launchers, while researching
the Abominable. You should land quite a few attacks on the enemy before you
destroy it. The bottom right openning of their base seems to be more
vulnerable since it's farther away from the factories. Plus, it's closer to
the Extractor. Anyways, once it's weakened, start pumping out Abominables
with your HQ, as well as some more FT-ML waves to keep the computer from
rebuilding the towers.
Once you have over 20 Abominables, send them all as well as a final wave of
Flamethrowers with Rocket Launchers to the already weakened openning of the
base. Just destroy everything with the Abominables. If there are any Native
ones, they'll help too =) (or they won't, if you keep your units around
OK, once you get the message that the Liberty Army 1 (or 2, not sure) has
been defeated, send another FT-ML wave to that high ground that is next to
where the Control Tower was. You'll finish off the orange army (there should
be still 4 more towers on that ally base part though). Also, all their units
are going to attack your base as soon as you destroy red, so you should find
less problems destroying their base. Now build one or two Transporters, and
then send them to load the Abominables and unload them at the other side of
the river. Don't forget to research Extra Load. Transport a bunch of
Abominables over the river, and then tell them to destroy the orange towers.
Move them next to that soldier and you should win. Then Maxwell will
complain that he found warfare and whatnot...

(--Fifth Mission: Experimental City--)

Objective: -Maxwell and Makenzie must go to the Tech Center
-Maxwell and Makenzie must survive
On this mission, you'll get a new friend, Peter Makenzie. He convinced
Maxwell to go investigate the Experimental City, even tough Kaminski told
them to fuck off of Mechatronics related subjects. They think that on that
Experimental City, they're training the robots as real warfare weaponry,
instead of a simple mining mission.
OK, to the mission itself. This mission is straight forward so you can't
miss it. Just send both your vehicles the only way they can go through...
when you get to a fancy bolt thingy, it'll give you the message saying it's
a force field and etc... and you need to destroy an Energy Box. So if you
return a little you'll find a ramp. Go over it, walk around, destroy the two
Raiders around there and destroy the Energy Box. It'll say "Force Field
deactivated" and then you'll be able to go through it. Don't worry about the
string of blue Raiders, they won't do shit.
Keep going until you find a marker with a radar next to it. Place both your
units on it, and you'll be able to see the enemy Raiders that are patrolling
around. So send one of your vehicles, avoiding all the Raiders, to the other
marker on the other side. It's not hard, the Raiders are very predictable.
After you're there, send the other vehicle. You should go through without
any problems. When you get to another marker with a computer thingy near it,
it'll give you control of three Raiders. Move them around and kill
everything that is on your way. Keep moving them until they come down a ramp
that leads to somewhere that has another marker with a computer. Move one of
your heroes there, the other should remain where it is so you can keep
control of your Raiders.
Once your hero is there, you'll get control of two more Raiders, and a
message will say you must do good with these Raiders, as they are the only
way to open the force field. So move them the only way they can be moved to.
You'll find three other Raiders at the end of that long path, and they'll
come to your control too. Move to the right, destroy all Raiders on your
way. Go up the ramp then go up and destroy the Energy Box which is next to
an Raider. Once they're done with it, tell them to return down the ramp, go
through the now deactivated force field, then go up and left until they find
another Energy Box with an Raider right next to it. Destroy both of them.
Now gather all your Raiders (the one you were just using, plus the ones that
were left from the first group of them that you took over, then send them up
the ramp of the Energy Box, then down, until they find some Raiders
patrolling after another part with a marker and a radar. You won't need it,
just tell your Raiders to destroy the enemies. Keep going, you should go
left then up then up-right and you'll find 3 other Raiders on your way.
Destroy them. Keep going around the edge of the high ground, and you'll
eventually find 3 other Raiders. It doesn't matter if you kill them or not,
just send yours there and do as much damage as you can. Now just select both
your heroes, and right click near the Tech Center north of your Raiders. I
suggest you playing this on the max speed, as it's a looong way to the Tech
center... when they get there, you win.

(--Sixth Mission: Launching Base--)

Objectives: -Destroy the 2 Anti-Air Artilleries
-Protect the Launching Controls
-Maxwell and Makenzie must survive
This mission can be really hard if you want to make it so. First off, you
must know that there's an expo that'll get attacked a few seconds into the
game that you have some units on. They are 1 Builder and 2 Soldiers. Load
your Transporter up with some units and send some Choppers there too. Send
another Builder there and make more builders. Build towers around. There's
also another expansion northeast of your base. You should take it and defend
it very well with towers. On this mission, you need to have one group of two
Builders around that high ground expo you have, and it must be VERY WELL
defended with towers. You also must have two groups of 4 Builders around
your main base which has all the territory from the ships bay to the
northeast expo. You must use your two groups to defend that region so well
with towers that even tank attacks are worthless. You must research all the
resource and tower stuff, too. When you're satisfied with what you have,
money should be no problem for you. Research stuff about the Tank, Rocket
Launcher and the Vampire. Yes, that includes Create Abominable. Domination
helps too. Make some attacks with Tanks and Rocket Launchers, and when
available Vampires. You must hotkey each unit group into different groups,
I always hotkey Tanks to 1, Rocket Launchers to 2 and Vampires to 3. That
way you can easily select them. Keep producing more units, and send your
army over to the red's base. It's south of your high expo. It'll require
some attacks, and you must do this: you must first attack with the Vampires
to weaken the towers, then you go for the Tanks and order the Rocket
Launchers to attack the air units when necessary.
If you do this right, you'll destroy red in no time. You'll have all their
expansions, take them, and also there is no one to attack you now. Now you
must look forward to destroy the orange army. There's one northeast of the
red's base. Build vampires and stuff like always, and launch some attacks
until you destroy their Anti-Air Artillery. While doing so, you research
Airstrike for your Transporter and Ground Missiles and other stuff for your
Choppers. You need to keep making Vampires, but make Transporters and
Choppers too. When everything's loaded, get ready to attack. I suggest you
to spy orange now, their Anti-Air Artillery is on the top-right corner of
the map. If you can find the best way into that Artillery, good. Usually
it's from the left. Anyways, send your units around, pause, then attack-move
with your Choppers, Airstrike the Artillery with your Transporter and
finally send your Vampires to attack the Artillery. If you got enough units,
you win.

There's another way to win it, but it takes more time. First off, you must
be sure to research resources and tower stuff. Well, right at the start, you
should take the two expos next to your base (sending a few Choppers and
Soldiers to the one where you have a Builder and two Soldiers for added
defense while you build towers). You need to shit towers everywhere you
think they'll attack from, specially near the Launching Controls which you
must protect.
Once you're confident that they won't get past your defense, and that you
have enough counter-spy to avoid getting your towers locked, start investing
in Tanks, Vampires and Rocket Launchers. Once you have one good army, go
down and destroy red's expo. If you have Vampires with the gas, send them
first before you attack with Tanks. Take that expo, build some towers,
Now rebuild your attack force, and attack red's main base. I've done this on
Normal level and had no problem in destroying them in 2-3 attacks, so since
you're playing on Easy level, you should find even less problems. Once
they're destroyed, take their two mines, rebuild your attack forces, and go
to the right part of the map where orange's main base is. Come from below.
Destroy everything there, remember to send some Vampires first.
Lastly, spend some time researching speed and ejection for Transporters.
Make many Transporters, return your units to your base, load them up your
Transporters, and then send them all the way up and then all the way left.
You'll find some towers and Rocket Launchers on the high ground. The Tanks
are going to eject and soon the last Artillery will be destroyed. =D

(--Seventh Mission: The Spaceship Outlive 1--)

Objectives: -Find the Outlive 1 ship's wreckage
-Maxwell and Makenzie must survive
One of the Outlive ships got shoot by a secret anti-air artillery, the other
found something on the space and then lost contact, and the other
successfully landed on Titan and started mining stuff. Your mission is to
find what's left of the ship that was shoot, and retrieve any working
Right at the start that nub Kaminski will tell Brad and Peter that they
should be already guessing the results of the investigations with
Mechatronics illegaly developing weapons, and that they know too much, and
he'll tell the troops to attack you. Then there will come that Pablo Morales
dude and say that the fight is unfair and that he's sending reinforcements.
Some red units will appear and then all the units are gonna start fighting.
Once everything's done, you should regain control of your units, send them
all down, then past the bridge, until you find an Uranium Mine with other
units. The yellow fighter is that Morales dude. He'll say that he scouted
the area, and that the robots are developing like if they really were on
Titan... so your objectives are going to change to:
-Destroy the Robots
-Destroy Procyon
-Maxwell, Makenzie and Morales must survive
Don't forget: his Fighter is really lame so you should keep it off of the
battles, it'll die easily. You should have two Builders, tell one to build
a HQ, and the other to build an Extractor. Once the one is done with the
Extractor, tell it to help with the HQ. Once they're done, build a Gatherer
and a Builder. The Builders should build 2 Wind Powerplants and a Refinery.
You'll need 3 more Gatherers, FYI. And another Builder. Build another Wind
Powerplant, then a Research Lab. Research Advanced Extraction 2, then
Advanced Processing, then Advanced Wind Powerplant, then Napalm, then Tank,
then everything about the Tank. I recommend you to queue researches, you
can find out how to queue researches on the tips and tricks section. Build
more Wind Powerplants, then a Vehicle Factory. As soon as you get the
chance, expo to the Mine that's on the center of the island you can go to
through a bridge near your base (that you should be defending with units
and towers). Once you've taken that expo, build another Vehicle Factory
along with more Wind Powerplants, as well as mass Flamethrowers. Send them
as much east as you can, you'll find an enemy expo poorly guarded, destroy
everything and take it. Once they take any expo from you, retake it. It's
not hard.
Now for winning the mission. You need a huge force of Tanks, IMO 20 should
do, as well as 4-6 Rocket Launchers if they already researched Photon
Torpedoes, very unlikely but still. Oh, and they also are n00bs and attack
your Tanks with Twisters lol. Send some FTs while you're building your
force, so you can damage the front of their base. Anyways, the enemy base
is after that huge island with your expo, go northeast and you'll find the
ramp to the fog-of-war'ed region on their base. Once all your Tanks are
past the bridge. The base is full of Cannons, as well as some units around.
Destroy everything. There's also an enemy expo to the right of that base,
take it as well. Now send a Builder to expo on their Mines, build a market
and sell most of your Tanks (so you don't lose money with maintenance).
Replace your Vehicle Factories with Aircraft Factories. Research everything
that has to do with the Choppers, starting with Air-Ground Missiles. Mass
the Choppers, then send them around the middle of the map, where there is
a part of the ship in a small island. Destroy everything, starting with the
green Electro (Procyon). Then destroy the units around and you win. If you
don't, tell your Choppers to explore and look for remaining enemy buildings
or Twisters. You win anyways.

(--Eight Mission: The Liberty Army--)

Objectives: -Rescue Dr. Claude Lineaux
-Destroy the World Concil's forces
-Infiltrate the Secret Agent on the Communications Center
-Maxwell, Morales, Makenzie and the Secret Agent must survive
On the intro, it says that they're out of Builders, so you should defend
your base through the Market. About 15 minutes into the game, they'll get
the Builders. Anyways, tell your Gatherers to collect the minerals, get
more Gatherers so you have 6 there, and then build a few units to defend
your base, as well as selling useless stuff like the Explorers. Don't
forget to research everything as always, but this time you want to skip
Tanks in favor of the Heavy Tanks.
Well, there are two ways to beat this level. The easy way, and the easier
way. The easier way works only on the Easy difficulty, didn't try it out
on other difficulties. What you need to do is: gather as many Flamethrowers
as you can on the first 3-5 minutes, then send them all, as well as Maxwell
and Makenzie, to around the bottom-right corner of the map. You should be
away from it, so you don't get hit by the towers. So here's the catch:
Maxwell will destroy the Towers and some units, Makenzie will destroy the
air units that come your way, and the Flamethrowers are going to help with
any units that get too close. Don't forget to keep them away from towers'
ranges. Once you've destroyed everything on their base (don't forget: at
15 minutes comes the Builders, so build a HQ, some Factories and etc...),
there's an expo above their base which should be destroyed as well.
Research Air-Ground Missile and Missile Improvement, and mass Choppers.
Go around the map destroying everything, avoiding the top-right and
bottom-left corners. You should be able to destroy a few enemy expos. Once
you receive the message about the World Concil 1 being destroyed or
something like that, go to the bottom-left corner and destroy everything.
Send the Secret Agent in a Transporter there, unload him and move him
around the Communications Center. Now go to the top-right corner, and
destroy everything. Send the Transporter there, rescue the soldier, load
him up and send him to your base. Unload him next to your Intelligence
Center and he'll say it was him that saboted Taylor's project and whatever.
You won.
For the easy way, it's the same. The difference is, you don't send your
heroes, you pump up your Heavy Tanks, you rush everyone with them. As long
as you don't give time for the computer to develop too much, you should
find no problems.

(--Ninth Mission: The ICBM's Disarming--)

Objectives: -Disarm all the ICBMs
-Makenzie must survive
This mission... there's no "easy way". You have 30 minutes to disarm each
ICBM. Actually, you have until 30 minutes of gameplay to disarm one, then
until 1 hour of gameplay to disarm the other, and so on. And you need to
disarm them in order. So you start the game building your base as always.
There's an expo on that mountain to the northeast of your base. For the
first one, you need a bunch of Flamethrowers with a few Dominators. So
after you've researched the main resource researches you always research,
go for the Napalm. Build stuff, etc... there's a base expo just southwest
of you, next to your base. Append it to your base, building an Extractor,
Refinery, Wind Powerplant and more Gatherers. Once you've got your units
ready, go west until you find a ramp. Attack-move your Flamethrowers
around the ICBM Platform, and micro your Dominators to destroy the
Choppers and whatever air unit is there. Then send Makenzie (yellow
soldier) in a Transporter there, unload him and move him close to it and
he'll disappear. When he reappears, another place on the map will be
opened. Research Eject System, Advanced Fuel and then Heavy Tank. Send
your units back, then build more Flamethrowers as well as a few Rocket
Launchers and Transporters to transport all of them. Load everything up,
then send them to the second platform. Once everything's destroyed, send
Makenzie in. Once you're done with it, send as many units as you want
back, as well as Makenzie. The next ICBM should requires Tanks and Heavy
Tanks. Quickly build a force of 10-15 Tanks with 3-5 Rocket Launchers,
send them all over the orange base to destroy everything. Try avoiding
towers when you can destroy stuff without being hit. Build Heavy Tanks and
more Rocket Launchers, and send them as well. Once you've destroyed
everything, send Makenzie in again to disarm this ICBM. Send everything
back once he's done, then send a Builder to expo on that base's Uranium
Now I recommend you to save the game in case you do something wrong. This
part is really tricky: the base is very well defended, but it has a
serious flaw: the top part plateau has only towers, and you can send
Transporters in to unload stuff on the middle of such plateau. What you
need to do is, prepare your Transporters as well as keep pumping more
Heavy Tanks and Rocket Launchers. Stuff your HTs and MLs on the
Transporters. With the Extra Load research, you should be able to fit in
one Heavy Tank and two Rocket Launchers per Transporter. By now there
hould be only a few Heavy Tank researches for you to do, and
Invulnerability should be done. Before completing HT, research Fast
Repetition for the MLs, then finally complete HT. Send everything north,
the west. You should find the openning quicker than you think. Unload
everything on the middle of the plateau (btw, the plateau is that one to
the right of the platform), and do as much damage as you can. Destroy
towers, Heavy Tanks, etc... Once you wrecked the base enough, send in
Makenzie the same way as before. Don't stop making Heavy Tanks. I
recommend you to save again now. Once the Transporter is on the plateau,
pause the game and queue these orders to his Transporter: unload Makenzie
as much to the north of the ICBM platform as possible, then return to the
middle of the plateau (which is safe). Unpause. Send Makenzie to the
top-right corner of the platform, which is supposedly save from the enemy
attacks. Wait until he reappears, then send him as much north as possible
again, save, queue the Transporter to load him as well as a Heavy Tank
and a Rocket Launcher (if any of these are left...), then send him back to
your base the same way it came there. If you find enemies on your way that
are trying to harm your expos, they'll shoot down your Transporter, and if
you didn't have the HT and ML, Makenzie is dead. Also, they'll most likely
aim for Makenzie, so that's why you saved. Now, the last ICBM is really
tricky. You need to have a LOT of Heavy Tanks, as well as some more on
their way. They should be fully loaded with the Invulnerability, same
with the Rocket Launchers (don't forget to make more of these as well).
Send them west, destroying everything on your way (Attack-move), and tell
your Rocket Launchers to guard many of the Heavy Tanks (starting with the
one that is more ahead of the others). Attack the base, it's really hard
since they have Invulnerability (the other had too, but the other you had
the advantage of the ground). Also, maintenance should be eating you
alive. Send newly-made HTs there too. You should fight as hard as you can,
and you'll start gaining their territory. Your objective is to kill as
many of the towers on the plateau as you can. Once there are three or
less, save, load Makenzie up a Transporter, then send him to the plateau.
If he touches the platform, you win. Else you load the game and kill more
stuff on the plateau. When he gets there, the platforms explode, and
Morales starts complaining about his death, then you win.

(--Tenth Mission: Decisive Confrontation--)

Objectives: -Destroy the World Concil Forces
-Destroy the Mechatronics Forces
-Maxwell and Morales must survive
This mission is very hard, and it requires you to at least THINK. First
thing you must do is, put towers everywhere. Also, take the expo north of
your base, remembering to make a LOT of towers there. Now you need to get
some researches done. What you must research about is, Heavy Tank and
Fighter. Also, Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence is usefull, since the
computer can and WILL use ICBMs and Lock Buildings, at least on the Normal
level. With those two units, you'll win the game. You must always use the
Fighters as a back-up unit, to help destroy defenseless buildings or to
attack air units. The Heavy Tanks are gonna do all the hard work. You
don't even need many here. Around 1h and 30m into the game, the computer
might start to get ready to use it's first ICBMs. The first enemy you must
destroy is the lime enemy. It's west of your base. Send your stuff there,
and when their base is razed to ashes, you take their expansions and build
some towers here and there. Don't forget to take the expo that is a little
bit northwest of their base, and the mine on the top. Now your next target
is the top-left corner. That base can be destroyed with the same tactic,
but you might have to send more waves there. Don't worry, you'll have a
lot of money. Once it's destroyed, take it's mines, then head north, kind
of east, of the middle expo. You'll find on high ground a robot expo.
Destroy it and take it. Now you only have the robot enemy on the top-right
corner of the map. It's easy, just drop your Heavy Tanks on that corner of
the low ground near the expo you just took. Destory everything. Remember
to spy on them to find units that are left on the map, destroy everything,
and you win.
The main problem on this mission is, it's very hard. Your strategy must be
good, or it won't work. For example, for the second enemy, I used Vampires
to destroy some towers so I could attack. Also, you must make sure you
keep the Fighters out of trouble, and leave them exclusively for destroy
defenseless buildings and air units. They are support units.
I recommend you to save MANY times here, because the computer might attack
you out of nowhere on your base, and you're not prepared because all your
attacking units are attacking another base or have been destroyed.

\---- Robot Campaign ----//

(--The Animation--)
Just because it's so cool it deserves it's own section lol. Anyways, watch
it because it's cool. If you don't understand it, there's the text after it
that explains it and more. It gives you an idea of what the robot campaign
is basically about: Avengers and Thunders.

(--First Mission: Return to Earth--)

Objectives: -Argus must go to the special place
-Argus must survive
This mission is another of those straight forward missions, but this time
you must be smart to avoid unnescessary battles. You'll start with Argus,
two Marauders and two Raiders. On this mission, your units are of no more
use other than for battling, so don't hesitate on sending them to battle.
Anyways, send them east until you find a bunch of soldiers, kill them,
then go northeast. To the north there's a tower, so you're avoiding it. Go
through the bridge there, then destroy a few enemies that are patrolling
Go up the ramp, then west, then down the ramp. Keep going until you find
another bridge, there should be more enemies around... When you go through
the bridge, choose to go right, you'll find some enemy expo with a few
soldiers. Kill them as well as the Gatherers. Now keep going the only way
you can go through, then across the bridge. Kill everything there. When
you have only 2 units left or something like that, you'll get
reinforcements. So, across that bridge is a LOT of enemies, you should
destroy them all... now just send Argus to the place marker, and some blue
units are going to appear and you'll win.

(--Second Mission: Confederation's Attack--)

Objectives: -Retake the Mechatronics base
-Protect the Control Center
-Find Carl Eberhardt
-Arrest the two prisoners that escaped
-Argus must survive
The Confederates found the Mechatronics base, and they attacked it. But
fortunately you came just in time to retake the base and rebuild it. Also,
for some reason you need to protect the Control Center... anyways, once
you start your units are going to come and help whatever already on the
base which is under attack by Flamethrowers and Dominators. I suggest you
to run away with the Marauders so you don't need to rebuild them.
Once you've retaken your base, select every single building and press R
for the auto-repair. Make your Marauders gather minerals, as well as build
more. Rebuild your base, with more Solar Collectors, a Tech Center and
many towers to stop some attacks that might come against you. Now send a
Raider north of your base, then east. You'll find two soldiers which are
the ones you must arrest. They'll automatically go to your Control Center.
Now go southwest of your base to find another soldier which is Carl
Eberhardt. He'll go to the Control Center as well.
Now you need to attack. To support a good attack of Electros on this map,
you need money. Build a Twister and a Morpher, and go east until you find
an expo. Protect that expo with many towers. 5 is enough to stop their
Flamethrower attacks. When you're under attack, be sure to focus-fire the
Flamethrowers, or your towers will start to attack the Dominators which is
completely unescessary! Now for the attack itself: you should have Electro
done by now. So research Turbo Propellor, Twister Load Increase and then
Recycle Facility for repairs. Remember you should not lose Argus or you
lose! Anyways, you should have two factories working non-stop on Electros.
Drop them across the river as they are getting done. Build a Recycle
Facility accross the river too =D If they attack, you have the towers and
Argus. Once you have a good number of Electros on the other side of the
river, around 15, attack, the enemy base is south of the expo. Don't stop
working on Electros and dropping them there, every 15 Electros you get
across the river you attack! Also, don't forget to research everything
about the Electro before attacking. Once everything about it is
researched, demolish the Tech Center (select it and press D), so you can
get the money, then recycle the Morpher. You should destroy the enemy base
easily. Remember to focus fire on the Flamethrowers.
If you still didn't win the mission. Select all your Electros and click on
the Spread button. If you see a green dot on the map around them, pause
and tell them to attack it because it's most likely a Transporter
exploring. Also send your Twister to attack it, and make more Twisters to
destroy it. If you don't find them, then make some Twisters and tell them
to explore until you can find them. Once it's destroyed, you win.

(--Third Mission: The Gate--)

Objectives: -Protect the Gate until the arrival of Draco
-Argus must survive
This mission has only one objective: build as many cannons as you can.
Once you've CLOSED every entry to your base with towers, research Tempest
and put some around so you can see when Transporters are dropping units
around the plateau, and hopefully waste $500 from the enemy... Anyways, it
doesn't matter how many vehicles they send, you have too many towers for
them to even get close. Also build the Recycle Facility so you can repair
damaged units. You have to wait 1 hour to get the victory, it's boring and
once you're done with your tower barrier, go watch television or have
lunch (don't forget to periodically come back to repair the towers while
they are under attack!). I suggest you to play at max speed again (press
++++++++ until you can't anymore, or press Alt+V then adjust game speed to
the max...).

(--Fourth Mission: Mechatronics in Danger--)

Objectives: -Destroy the Confederate Forces
-Argus and Draco must survive
This mission is the coolest of all because you get an ally. And this is
the ONLY mission you get an ally that actually helps: you'll actually see
it attacking sometimes. Also, there's an Uranium Mine on the middle of the
map (on that three-way canyon thingy), make sure you control it. Also,
protect your ally like if it was your own base: he helps a lot, destroy
any attacks they send against it.
The enemy is a huge base at the top of the map, and he's got two Mines:
the main one with an Extractor, and a well defended expo on the western
side of the base. You'll notice Draco is this badass spider-like robot,
but you can't build it yet. You should use it for defense.
Research everything as you should, and auto-repair your buildings. You
must put 6 Marauders on that Mining Facility. Expo to the middle as fast
as you can, and go directly for the Photon Torpedo. Once it's done,
research Turbo Propellor (and if you're not done with the Avenger yet,
research whatever is left). Don't forget to mass the Avengers. Attack the
western part of the enemy base, take the expo there as soon as it's
destroyed, and also build a Recycle Facility there. Make more Avengers
repair the ones you already have now, then attack the rest of the enemy
base. Keep making Avengers. You'll win quickly on this mission. You'll
also notice sometimes your ally attacks the enemy with Electros and
Raiders (never got to the point of it attacking with Avengers too, lol!).
If at least you had allies like that on later missions...

(--Fifth Mission: The Rescue of Kaminski--)

Objectives: -Argus must rescue Kaminski
-Argus must survive
Kaminski escaped from the prison and called for help from Carl Eberhardt.
I don't know why would you trust on some weird Russian dude but... he
supposedly has info about the Confederation.
So you start this stage with Argus, two Raiders and a Tempest. Go through
the bridge, go west until you find an expo, kill the Flamethrower
patrolling it. Now go northeast then northwest following the road,
destroying the units that appear on your way. Once you reach the end of
the road, turn southwest and destroy the enemies. When you reach the ramp,
retreat what's left of your units to that part where you turned southwest,
leave only Argus. Move him up the ramp to the Dominator which is Kaminski.
He'll say some crap about the Confederates giving him immunity in case he
captured one of the Mechatronics' leader robots. So you just lost Argus
now... some units will come and move Argus away. If you left your units
there, they would be destroyed by the units that came. Anyways, Carl
Eberhardt will start complaining, and you'll gain control of a non-built
base. New objectives:
-Destroy the Confederation Forces
-Draco must survive
Build your base as always. As soon as you get access to expos, go expo on
the three expos on this map: one to the south of your base, one right next
to where you started, where you destroyed the Flamethrower, and one near
the road you followed. You should get enough money to build some more
stuff. Your objective here is to mass Avengers, don't exaggerate, but
don't make only a few. 15-20 per attack is good. On the 25% iron expo, you
should build 4 Defense Cannons, 2 or 3 Anti-Air Cannons and a Recycle
Facility. On the uranium mine, it's recommended to build a Mining Facility
there as soon as possible (but well protected, obviously). Now for
attacking: you need to go to the north then west. Then you go south and
attack the enemy base from above. Do as much damage as you can, but return
for repairs. While you're attacking, you're making more units btw. Try to
find perfect flanking positions on their base, where less than two towers
are on your way and you can take a key building out such as a Nuclear
Powerplant or a Vehicle Factory. Keep doing so until you win. Once you get
the message that the dark green enemy has been destroyed, the green one
will attack that plateau. Just destroy the few units they send and you're

(--Sixth Mission: The Revenge--)

Objectives: -Kill Kaminsky
-Rescue Argus
-Draco must survive
Now it's time to rescue Argus and kill that damn Russian dude... OK, you
should start the game as always. On the southwest corner of the map,
there'll be an expo, as well as one southwest of your base and another
southwest of that other expo, across the river. You should control all of
these, as well as retake them as soon as they get destroyed.
This stage you get access to the Thunder, which makes it kind of easier.
But you still don't have Amplifier and Advanced Turbo Propellor so you
can't instantly win yet... Now for the mission itself: right at the start,
as soon as you get a Tech Center, research Advanced Mining 2, then
Advanced Processing, then Photovoltaic Cells, all that while building more
Solar Collectors, and a Basic Factory, and also expoing. However, what you
must do first is find a bridge southwest of your base, it's where Kaminski
will come from. Build 5-6 cannons there, and leave Draco there. Then start
researching Turbo Propellor and finally Photon Torpedo, as well as Thunder.
After you're done with Thunder, start researching Tempest and Chaos stuff,
but don't forget to build an attack force composed of Avengers and
Thunders. You must attack the base on the bottom right corner. It has got
one good mine which you should take and protect. There are also
rescue-able Raiders, when you rescue them, you get access to a secret
mission. Now, return your units to your base. Start making good attacks
composed of Chaos and Tempests. By now you should have everything about
Chaos and Tempest researched. Well, get ready to attack the northeast
base. When you get past the bridge with your units, don't go up the ramp,
keep following the road until you find another ramp, the enemy base is
there. When you rescue Argus there, return him to your base, move him next
to the Control Center and you win.

(--Secret Mission: Teleport Maze--)

Objectives: -Draco must reach the end of the Maze
There are deactivated units on this teleport maze, and you need to
reactivate them and reach the end. The units are allied to you, so you
know where they are and how many are left. The labyrinth is full of
teleports that severely confuses you, so you don't know where the units
are. I suggest you to take your time to visit every teleporter. I won't
tell you how to beat this stage because I don't know. I remember that when
you get to that part with 4 teleporters close together to where you end up
on after being teleported, you should take the upper-left one.
Anyways, how it works: cyan markers are teleporters, green markers are
where you end up after being teleported, and the red marker is the end.

(--Seventh Mission: Entering the Valley--)

Objectives: -Destroy all of the Confederate Forces
-Argus and Draco must survive
Dr. Mary Anne is creating robots through a secret lab in a valley. Draco
thinks such a lab must be destroyed, so they decided to assault that
Valley. But first, they must destroy the forces at the entrance of that
So this mission is piece of cake, really, if you played the secret mission
and rescued everything (I'm pretty sure you don't need the Tempest, but I
really think you should get it too). There are two expos on this map you
should take: one on the bottom right corner, and one on the high ground
north of that one. You'll start with a bunch of Morphers and other units
and Argus on your main base which is on the bottom of the map. Pause,
tell one Morpher to build the Control Center, one to build a Mining
Facility, one to build a Purification Plant, three to build Solar
Collectors and the last to build a Tech Lab (I'm pretty sure you have
enough to do all that. Also, while you're at it, on the top which is the
base with the rescued units and Draco, build a Mining Facility and a
Purification Plant, leaving one Morpher free. Unpause, and wait for the
Mining Facilitys to get done so you can tell the Marauders to gather
minerals. Build two more Morphers with your Control Center for Solar
Collectors, then start building more Marauders, but first with the spare
Morpher you had, build a Basic Factory on the top of the map. This will
be your Avenger massing point, you should protect it very well. With the
Basic Factory start making more Marauders. Once there are 6 Marauders on
each Mining Facility, build a Twister and two Morphers. Load them up the
Twister, then take the bottom right expo, go north a bit and see if they
didn't take the expo on the high ground. If they didn't, take it too. If
they did, return to the base and unload the Morpher. Now with your Basic
Factory make a Morpher and with it another Basic Factory. Make more
Morphers with the Control Center, and build more Solar Collectors. Once
the Avenger research is done, start making Avengers with your two
factories, and immediately research Amplifier as soon as Photon Torpedo
is done (don't forget that Turbo Propellor should be what you research
just after Fast Assimilation). When Chaos is done, build more Solar
Collectors, a Basic Factory and an Advanced Factory, all in your main
base. You should have some cannons around because the enemy will attack
during this time. Once you have 10-20 Avengers, send them to take the
high ground expo, if they took it, or else wait for some Thunders to be
done. After Amplifier go for Advanced Turbo Propellor, then all about the
Recycle Facility. Build one on your second base. Mass Avengers and
Thunders, remembering to have at least 10 Thunders per wave, the rest can
be Avengers. Send them to attack. Attack from below, focus firing on
Rocket Launchers then Fighters. When you did enough damage, retreat your
units and send them for repairs. Rebuild what you lost as well as a
little more, and you should win no problem.

(--Eight Mission: The Rescue of Draco--)

Objectives: -Find Draco
-Destroy the Confederate Forces
-Destroy the Robotic Confederate Forces
-Draco must survive
Argus and Draco went through the valley, then they were surrounded by
human troops, then Mary Anne appeared and said Argus did a good job.
Draco discovered she was altering the robots' programming to make them
obey her. Draco couldn't let it happen to him so he started to destroy
Draco is almost destroyed (100HP and falling maintenance, lol), and you
need to find him. Before 1.01, he's in some narrow pass around the main
plateau. Send your Avenger there. After 1.01, which is what I'm making
this walkthrough about, he's right next to your base, send your Avenger
southwest. Anyways, once you rescue him, he'll start complaining that
they almost destroyed him... later you'll research Recycle Facility so
you can repair him.
You build the base as always. I won't even waste my time telling you how
to win, as it's already said on the previous mission. Instead, I'll only
tell you where the expos are: there's one in a mountain to the north of
your base, one in a depression on the northeast corner, and finally one
on the southwest corner, directly west of your base.
Another thing I'm gonna do to help is suggest you to destroy the human
enemy first, expand on the Mines on his base, then finally go for the
robot enemy. Target Rocket Launchers and Tempests first, as always, and
return to your base for repairs.

(--Ninth Mission: The Microprocessors--)

Objectives: -Steal the 3 Microprocessor Boxes
-Draco must survive
They are transporting microprocessors through their base to power up
their robots, you must steal their microprocessor boxes or else they'll
own you...
OK, you'll start with some units and you can't give commands. There'll
be a Convoy coming, and your units will destroy it. Once it's finished
off, tell your Marauder to go next to the box with a 1 in it, then move
all your units to your base. The Marauder must go to the special marker.
Use your Twister to build a Mining Facility and a Purification Plant on
the Uranium Mine on High Ground.
Now guess what? Yes, you'll go for Avenger and Thunder! So research stuff
about them, as well as the Recycle Facility so you can do hit and run
missions just like always.
Again, attack first the human, which is around the top right corner, then
finally go for the robot on the top left corner. Also, here are the
expos: bottom left corner, bottom right corner, on high ground just north
of that second expo.
Also, hit and run, don't simply send your units for the death.
There's another expo right in front of the human base, on a huge island.
Once you've got many Avengers, take it and expo there. Leave your
Avengers there when you're going for repairs, waiting for reinforcements,

(--Tenth Mission: The Final Attack--)

Objectives: -Destroy the Confederate Forces
-Destroy the Robotic Confederate Forces
-Draco must survive

This mission is as piece of cake as the previous one, as there are enough
expos to support 50 units for the final attack! Well, you should start
with 25-35 units because most expos that are going to give you the 50
units are under control by the Human opponents (yeah, you'll destroy the
Humans first again). OK, you should start the game with some towers,
Solar Collectors and stuff. Carl Eberhardt is of no apparent use, so you
should only use him for defense but mostly leave him out of the battle
since if you lose him you lose the game. You should build a Tech Center
ASAP, as well as more Marauders and Solar Collectors. Build one or two
Twisters, then mass Morphers. Research all of this in order: Assimilator,
Turbo Propellor, Advanced Mining 2, Photovoltaic Cells, Fast
Assimilation, Photon Torpedo, everything about Recycle Facility,
Amplifier, Advanced Turbo Propellor, Advanced Force Field. As soon as
Assimilator is completed, load your Twister with as many Morphers as you
have by now, and send it for expoing. There's an expo northeast of your
base, one between southeast and east, one south of your base, one south
of that one, next to the enemy base on high ground but still expoable
(you should be able to keep it until late game), and two west of the
middle of the map, on high ground. Expo as much as possible with your
first salvo of Morphers, return (while they were expoing you should build
more Solar Collectors), get more and finish expoing. Also, start getting
some more and fill your expos with towers, they help a lot when
attacking. Once you're done you should be researching Electro by now,
keep making Morphers, build more Solar Collectors and two Basic
Factories. Make Electros once they are researched, four is enough, then
two Tempests once it's done. When you get Avenger done, make more Solar
Collectors and another Basic Factory, mass Avengers with all of these.
Once Recycle Facility is completed, build it somewhere on your base. Once
you get 25 Avengers, you can send them for attacking or wait for
Thunders. Either ways, build more Solar Collectors to support two
Advanced Factories. I suggest you do a time span of 10 minutes between
each Advanced Factory, so you can keep getting more for more Avengers.
If you decided to wait, you should have 35 Avengers by now, now it's
time to attack. Keep making more, once Thunder is available make these
as well. Your first target should be the bottom left Human enemy. It's
defended by many towers, but you have many Avengers. You should attack
from north, picking a few towers and always focus firing the Rocket
Launchers and Fighters. Once you've destroyed the first ones, return,
destroy whatever is not protected, then return for repairs. You should
return once you see the number of Avengers come down to 20... anyways,
repair and you should have many other units around, put them on the
group too. Make more, then go attack again. Keep doing this hit and run
until the enemy is destroyed. Send a Twister with two Morphers there.
One expo is on the west high ground of the base, the other is on the
east. There's nothing in the low middle.
Now for the other human. It's on the top left. Prepare your forces,
return for repairs, make more, etc... by now all the researches you
queued should be done, so research everything about the Avenger
(actually, it finishes the queue before finishing the enemy, so be sure
to have your Avengers done so you can face the Fighters which now have
Homing Missiles, and oh my god they hurt). Do the same hit and run
tactic as before. It should be done for in a few minutes. Take it's
expos as well, it has two expos. Now for the robot enemy, make more
Thunders and Avengers. If you have 15 Thunders or more in your group,
this is piece of cake. The robot is on the bottom right corner, and you
should focus fire Tempests and Avengers at the same time while leaving
Anti-Aircraft Cannons on second plan. Once you're done with their base,
tell your units to explore the map and once you see something on the
radar, pause and tell all your units to attack it before it goes out of
your vision. This mission is too easy to be a last mission lol... well,
compared to the last Human one...

\---- Co-op Campaign ----//

(--First Mission: The Escape--)

Objectives: -Morales and Argus must go to the escape point
-Morales and Argus must survive

Since Mechatronics took over the world, they are now chasing after the
rest of the dudes from the Confederation. The ones that weren't arrested
created the Resistance. They already arrested Brad Maxwell, and now
they're trying to arrest Morales and Argus. They both must escape so
they can find the rest of the Resistance, unite and destroy Mechatronics.
This mission is all about following the one, and I mean the ONE AND ONLY
path your ground units can move on, instead of flying your air units to
the special point and then telling your ground units to move to that
point. First, there's a very well defended enemy base right in the
middle of the map, and it'll kill all of your air units if you move
through it. Your Fighters have Stealth, so you might be able to pull
that trick off. However, your ground units NEED your air units. There
are Chaos (with the radioactive cloud which screws Argus up), Defense
Cannons (with Repeat research, pwns Argus) and even an Incinerator
somewhere (Argus: X_X). What you need to do is use Morales' and the
Fighters' Stealth ability, and scout the area. But just so you can get
the basic idea of how this works, I'll show you how to get through the
first three enemy clusters, which is what I remember now: send your air
units north and destroy the enemies there. Send your ground units
there, now send them west and you'll find a Tempest and a few other
units patrolling around there. Now send your air units there, then send
them west to the high ground, destroy the Raider and the Chaos there.
Now you continue it, you only need to scout ahead of you. Remember that
when you find some towers, ALWAYS pick the Anti-Air one with a ground
unit with good range (Argus, preferably), and then the Defense one with
the air units, or vice-versa. Other two things you must remember: after
a long path of death, you'll find two towers laying there, waiting to
be destroyed. Destroy them, and then send your air units down the ramp
there's an Incinerator there. Now send your Rocket Launcher, and only
it, past that semi-long path, then past the ramp. Once you find two
Avengers, pause, attack one, activate Fast Repetition, then unpause. It
should be able to destroy both of them easily. Past it, there's a mini
enemy base. You need to use Argus to pick the patrolling Tempests
around, there are three, to finally invade it with your air units.
Also, directly east of the Avengers you destroyed, there's a Solar
Collector that you can destroy. Also north of it there's an island with
three towers and four Solar Collectors. Destroy the Defense Cannon with
your air units then invade it with Argus and the Electro. Also, there's
a part where you'll find an Raider and a Thunder patrolling. You should
be able to destroy them with your air units. However, past it is a
Defense Cannon - Anti-Aircraft Cannon - Solar Collector combo. There's
no apparent way to get past through this part without getting hit. If
you try to flank the Defense Cannon, there's a Tempest patrolling the
low ground which will attack you. If you try to flank the Anti-Aircraft
Cannon, the Defense Cannon will be able to land at least a few hits on
your passing ground unit, thanks to the building there... so I just
suggest you to load Argus' Incinerator Beam and fire it on the Defense
Cannon. You might want to send the Electro in front to absorb the hits,
but Argus has more HP. Oh, and by the way, once you're done with this,
go down the ramp then wait the Tempest to pass by to attack it with the
Electro and Argus. There's a Chaos patrolling nearby.

(--Second Mission: The Resistance--)

Objectives: -Find the Resistance's Base
-Morales and Argus must survive

The Resistance Base has been under attack, and now it's factories
aren't working properly. Basically this means the robot base can only
build air units and the human base can only build ground units.
Once you start, go south with your units until you find the base. Now
it's yours, but it's completely fragged. Two New Objectives!
-Destroy the Blue Mechatronics Base OR
-Destroy the Cyan Mechatronics Base
I don't know why people find this mission hard. Well, the first thing
you must do is repair everything that's damaged, remake essential
units, and get ready to expo on the mines north and south of your
bases. Defend them very well, and get ready to pump out Heavy Tanks.
You must go to your top expo, then right, then use Transporters or
Twisters to send them accross the river. Your best bet at anti-air
support is the Avenger.

(--Third Mission, version A: The Sentinel--)

Objectives: -Destroy the Mechatronics Blue Force
-Destroy the Sentinel
-Morales and Argus must survive
-Protect the Unit Conversor (last time I played this mission I don't
remember seeing this objective there, but I'm pretty sure there is
this objective since it states you need to protect this on the intro)

There are two ways to complete the mission. The Carriers=Instant Win
AKA traditional way, with Avengers and Thunders, which is the hard
way. Unfortunately, on this campaign, you'll note that Avengers +
Thunders won't work, you don't have all that money to use it. There's
also the non-traditional way (except if you are talking about the
Human Campaign, then it's semi-non-traditional), which is the easiest.
Basically, you'll only use the robots to get money and to expand. So
do the researches as always. However, you don't need anything more
than Tempest and maybe a few of it's upgrades to complete this
mission. Yes, you can use Rocket Launchers, but Tempests do the job
better, they do more damage and can attack while moving. So with the
Humans you tech up as f***ing quick as possible (obviously after
Advanced Extraction 2 and Advanced Wind Powerplant done) to Heavy
Tank, then you research it's Improvement, then the Advanced
Caterpillar Treads, then it's ability and finally it's Plating
upgrades. Basically you need to finish the Heavy Tank, but once Heavy
Tank is done you must mass it like hell with 2 to 3 factories. Oh, I
forgot to tell where are the expansions: there's one around that Unit
Conversor plateau, it's at 25% but it's the most easily defendable
one... there's also one west to the robot base, on low ground, and
finally one west of the Human base, on low ground again. It's the
hardest to take since by the time you're sending the Morpher there
it's already taken and there's probably a Thunder awaiting for you to
use the Tower Expo Attack... So you'll attack it later. You might
optionally attack with regular Tanks and Rocket Launchers before the
final HT attack, it helps a lot and you can take the taken expo which
you must have to support even more HTs. What you need to do is mass
Heavy Tanks and Tempests. Once you have like, 15 to 20 HTs and 10
Tempests, you can attack. Move your Tempests over to the Human base
(optionally, you can build your Basic Factories there since the Robots
don't have the energy web thing...). Tell them to guard the Heavy
Tanks, then take the expo with your HTs (immediately expoing there,
too). I suggest you to not stop producing those units. Anyways, move
them around the middle map plateau, then when you get to a narrow
mountain pass, you'll find the first enemy expo. Destroy whatever is
around, then head north. Now, if you were going for Avengers, your
units would get owned... butt since you took my advice, you'll start
destroying everything on their base, you'll point towards your
computer's screen and shout "haha u got wtfpawned in teh face!!111"
(I have a pic about the wtfpawned thing, I shall upload it and show
you). Remember to focus fire the Incinerators, Chaos and Defense
Cannons, in that order, and to move the Tempests around once they send
Thunders or Apocalypses. Once this base is done for, you'll shout
again "haha u got wtfpawned in teh face!!111", then you'll move around
the plateau to destroy two other enemy expos, as well as building more
HTs, Tempests, and three Morphers. Send them to the plateau (via
Twister, obviously), and exp on the three expos there. There's the
main base one, and the other two you just destroyed. Reunite your
Heavy Tanks and Tempests (including the newly built ones) on that expo
you destroyed past the narrow pass, then head south. You'll wtfpawn
that base as well, and laugh at the computer shouting again: "haha u
got wtfpawned in teh face!!111". Once you find the purple Avenger that
is patrolling, send all your Tempests to destroy it (there should be a
considerable hole on the enemy base so your Tempests don't get caught
by the towers). Activate Quad Damage for quick pwnage. Avengers don't
work against this dude because it has 20 Plating lol, so that's why
you went ground (that, and it's practically impossible to go air on
this mission, I don't know why but you run out of money as quick as
you can close your eyes).

(--Third Mission, version B: The Counter-Attack--)

Objectives: -Destroy the Anti-Air Artilleries
-Morales and Argus must survive

This is another one of those non-base missions, which IMO are more
fun. You'll start with Morales, the yellow Tank, and Argus, the yellow
Incinerator. This mission IMO is the second hardest non-base mission
of all (the hardest is the second if you took the other way on the
previous mission). Also, this is the ONLY mission where you NEED to
create waypoints. Anyways, move your units north until you find a base
with a few soldiers, an Intelligence Center, a Processor and two Wind
Powerplants. They'll become yours. Use the open vision mission north
until you find three towers. Once you find them, do the Paralyze
Buildings mission on them. You should pick them all at the same time...
Anyways, send Morales and Argus there to finish them off once you can
pull the trick right. Now use the watch player mission on those units
patrolling around the northeast corner of the map, with the
Artilleries. You'll be able to see everything, including the mines
ahead. Pause, then take your time to create the waypoints around the
mine camp. There IS a way, obviously past some trees, and you end in
a Freeze Mine, but you should be able to find it easily, just think a
little bit. Once you're done, send some unit first to clear the Trees.
You might want to use Morales since it recovers HP with the time, if
you frag on some part. But Argus can survive more mines if you frag
something. Anyways, once your units are past the mine camp (you should
send them one at a time, with some time span between each so they
don't clogger and step on mines), some Avengers and Thunders are going
to attack your Intelligence Center mini-base. You don't need it anymore
anyways. Now comes the hard part, I still couldn't find a possible way
to get through this part without getting hit... You need to keep going,
destroy the patrolling Raider then rescue the Twister and the other 4
soldiers that are there. Now you need to destroy some radars (and
there's time, wow) that are on the middle high ground defense layer.
There are too many Anti-Aircraft Cannons to safely drop your units on
the high ground, they don't have enough range to attack from below,
and there's some kind of safe place where you can drop your units, but
they can't get out of there due to the Stones... Oh, there is some
kind of way: once Argus' Beam is charged, you should look for that
part with three spires cluttered up. You'll find a few squares of high
ground coming from the mountain (it's hard to explain, you'll need to
find it for yourself), you need to unload Argus on the north-most part
of that thing coming from the mountain, and Argus will immediately
beam the Anti-Aircraft Cannon, I'm pretty sure before it can even
shoot the Twister. Anyways, continue the destruction with Argus so you
can then bring Morales too. Also, there's a part where the mountain
gets narrow, this part is protected by a + with two Anti-Aircraft
Cannons on the horizontal and two Defense Cannosn on the vertical. I
don't know how to get past this part either. Just beam one of the
Cannons then do something to get around the other. Preferably destroy
the Anti-Air ones so you can attack through air. Anyways, once the
radars are done for, destroy every kind of enemy on that mountain, so
you can safely move your Twister around it. Anyways, use your soldiers
to rescue the units, like they say you can do with them. Rescue only
the more powerfull ones, like Flamethrowers, Dominators, a Rocket
Launcher and a Heavy Tank. If you can find some way around that river,
you can get a Tank too, but it's too hard. You can save your soldier
for later if you want. If you have a spare soldier, get an Explorer or
whatever, it's not like the soldier is doing any good to you. Anyways,
load as many units as you can then unload them on some kind of beach
where the Heavy Tank is. It's free of Anti-Aircraft Cannons, so you
should have no problems as long as you only go around the MIDDLE or
the RIGHT of the island. Once you're done with moving your units, send
them up the high ground and destroy everything. If you have a Soldier,
and you didn't get the Flamethrower on the other beach thingy, get it.
Now leave Argus and the Rocket Launcher behind, then keep moving until
you find a Chaos. Destroy it. The reason to leave Argus behind is
because it's too pwned now to battle the Chaos and it's Radioactive
Cloud (it pwns Argus anytime). Now keep moving, with all your units,
and keep in mind you'll find an Avenger somewhere, use your Rocket
Launcher. Once you get to the Artilleries, destroy the patrolling
units then the Artilleries, and you'll get reinforcements. It's like
an huge ass Thunder and Fighter attack, you just need to watch. It'll
wtfpawn the cyan enemies around the green base. Once everything is
destroyed, you win.

(--Fourth Mission, version A: The Rescue--)

Objectives: -Rescue Brad Maxwell
-Brad Maxwell must escape
-Maxwell, Morales and Argus must survive

Another one of those non-base missions. This one will require you to
at least think a little bit more. The mission is divided by sectors
until you get to Brad Maxwell. Each sector has a force field which you
must destroy the energy box to deactivate. You start with two separate
forces, and once you destroy a box with one force, a force field on
the other force's side will be deactivated. With the robots, it's all
about scouting with a cammo'ed Raider, but with the humans you should
pay more attention, since it's hard to explore with the Explorers: there's
a part where you'll find some high ground. The box is on the absolute north,
but there's a Chaos patrolling there. I suggest you to activate the Nitro in
an Explorer and bomb the box, then leave the area immediately. Also, there's
this box on an island on the human side. On this long road there is a Chaos
and an Avenger patrolling. You should send your basic units to face the Chaos,
since the Radioactive Cloud will wtfpawn your units.
After you beat the yellow sector, you can unite your units, then head
to the only path you can go through. There'll be an enemy base with
many units patrolling, bring swift death to it. On the middle of that
base you'll find Brad Maxwell, the yellow soldier. Well, keep moving
them and exploring the area with your Raider. You'll eventually see an
impossible-to-go-through part with FOUR cannons. When you get near
that part, you'll get a message from that Taylor scientist, and you'll
get control of a bunch of Abominables. Use them to destroy the Towers
from behind. If your units are at good health, send them too, the
towers will target the Abominables first because they have less HP.
After that, it's just a matter of finding your way to the escape point...

(--Fourth Mission, version B: The Resistance Attacks--)

I suggest you to not take this path. It's just not nearly as easy as
the other one...

(--Fifth Mission: The Gate--)

Objectives: -Destroy Gate
-Destroy the Portal
-Destroy the Mechatronics forces
-Maxwell, Morales and Argus must survive

Another mission where you'll go for Heavy Tank + Tempest. You'll start
with a few Builders and Morphers, as well as your heroes. Leave the
Builders behind, send just the heroes north and you'll find a poorly
defended enemy base. Destroy it. Now I suggest you to keep the humans
on low ground, so you don't need to keep transporting your units up...
you also have the option to build your Factories on the low ground,
but it's not our case, you'll build the human base there because I
said so. Leave your Morphers alone around there. As soon as you get
your HQ done, build a Transporter, load your Morphers, then go west.
Explore the high ground until you find an Iron Mine. Build your Robot
base there as always. As soon as you get to expo, start expoing.
There's one on a HUGE depression on the top-left corner, as well as
one on the middle of the lake on the middle of the stage. There's also
one northeast of the lake, but it's probably taken by the enemy by now
so we won't care about it for now. With the robots go for Tempest with
Quad Damage/Multi Cannon, whichever you prefer. With the humans go
directly to Heavy Tank Improvement. Later on you'll finish Heavy Tank,
but for now you should be building your base.
(insert boring timespan of building base, massing units, etc...)
OK, now I assume you have a good group of 25 HTs and 5-15 Tempests.
Now you should attack the northeast corner enemy. It's the only
accessible now. Research special stuff about the Transporter while
you're doing so (Eject System, Advanced Fuel). Once the blue enemy is
destroyed (it'll be destroyed easily), expo on it's base then return
your units to your base and repair your Tempests. Make more units, then
make Transporters. Once you're done massing them, load all your units
up them, then send them east so you can find the island where Draco
and the Portal are. Destroy everything. There's a beach and an high
ground part on this island. The beach doesn't have any connection
point to the high ground, so you need to drop directly on the high
ground (if the Tempests don't stop you before doing so... if they do,
rebuild the Transporters and repeat once they are destroyed). You'll
win once everything has been destroyed. If you can't find the remaining
Twister that is most likely moving around the map, save, use the open
map cheat, see where it is, the direction it's pointing to, etc...
then reload and send Avengers there. Or just tell a bunch of Avengers
to explore the map and you'll eventually find it.

(--Sixth Mission: The Final Battle--)

Objectives: -Destroy the Mechatronics forces
-Maxwell, Morales and Argus must survive

This mission is way too easy for a last game mission. I'll leave it
to you. You already know the strategies, the difference is that you'll
need Avengers to protect your units on the last attack against the
many Thunders the computer will have ._.
The expos are: northwest of your base, north of your base, southwest
of your base (on high ground), west of your base (on some kind of
island or whatever) and on some island southwest of purple's base
(you should aim for that mine as soon as possible, it's the one that
will guarantee purple will stay as quiet as possible).
The suggested enemy destroy order is: cyan, blue, purple. I won it
that way. Cyan (southeast) has more mines, blue (northeast) comes
next, and if you expand it right, purple will have only it's natural
mines to play with.

// -8- Strategies //

There are many strategies on Outlive. I'm gonna list some that -I- use:

--- Human ---
Expand at least a bit. Just because it's harder to expand with Humans
doesn't mean you shouldn't expand. Also, researching Light Plating
will make Human expansion actually better than Robot expansion...
believe me.

Basic Research order for better use of your resources:
Advanced Extraction 2 -> Advanced Processing -> Advanced Wind

Basic Research order for expanding:
Advanced Extraction 1 -> (build Transporter and Builder) Processor ->
(expand) Advanced Fuel -> Advanced Extraction 2 -> Advanced
Processing -> Advanced Wind Powerplant
Here's some that are better:
Processor -> Adv. Wind Powerplant -> Light Plating -> Builder
Improvement -> Advanced Fuel -> Advanced Processing
Processor -> Light Plating -> Adv. Wind -> Builder Improvement ->
Advanced Fuel -> Advanced Processing
These work better.

Dropping Research order:
Advanced Extraction 2 -> Advanced Wind Powerplant -> Napalm -> (build
a bunch of Flamethrowers and a few Transporters) Eject System ->
Advanced Fuel (send for drop, drop after tech completed)

Normal Research order:
Advanced Extraction 2 -> Advanced Processing -> Advanced Wind
Powerplant -> Advanced Fuel -> Tank -> Cannon Improvement ->
Fast Repetition/Heavy Tank -> the other -> Invulnerabilty/Heavy Tank
Improvement -> the other -> Heavy Plating
Note: Against Robots, you should consider researching Fast Repetition
before Cannon Improvement or right after Rocket Launcher but before
Tank. You should be prepared to drop on their expos so they can't mass
Air Attack Research order:
Advanced Extraction 2 -> Advanced Processing -> Advanced Wind
Powerplant -> Advanced Fuel -> Air-Ground Attack -> Missile
Improvement -> Homing Air-Air Missile -> Incendiary Missile -> Missile
Range 2

You should be able to beat at least the computers with these research

There are 4 main attacks for you:
-Dropping: you load a bunch of Flamethrowers on some Transporters with
Eject System, then you send them over the enemy base and unload them
near their extractor.
-Tank: using Tanks means making an army of 2/3 Tanks and 1/3 Rocket
Launchers for air defense. You send the Tanks to destroy the enemy
base, moving them instead of telling them to attack so they spread the
damage. The Rocket Launchers should be around for when they make
attack with their air units (specially robot players).
-Heavy Tank: just like the Tanks, but you need to attack the enemy
stuff instead of move your Heavy Tanks. Also, you need to order your
Rocket Launchers to guard your HTs. This attack comes after you've
attacked them quite a few times with Tanks.
-Air Attack: this one requires you to go directly for Choppers. Get
expos, research air-ground missile and etc... and finally attack when
you have TONS of Choppers. If you fail, make more Choppers along with
Fighters. If you're against Robots, you might want to make less
Choppers and more Fighters.

--- Robot ---
Expand a lot, you have the advantage. Retake lost expos. If you're up
against Humans with Light Plating, re-consider expanding...

Try out these Research orders for resources:
1. Advanced Mining 2 -> Fast Assimilation -> Photovoltaic Cells
2. Advanced Mining 1 -> Assimilator -> Photovoltaic Cells -> Advanced
Mining 2 -> Fast Assimilation
3. Advanced Mining 2 -> Photovoltaic Cells
Expansion Research order:
Assimilator -> Photovoltaic Cells -> Turbo Propellor -> Fast

Dropping/Rushing Research order:
3rd resources Research orders -> Electro -> (make Electros) Turbo
Propellor (drop)

Most basic attacking Research order:
Expansion Research order -> Photon Torpedo
Ground attacking Research order:
Expansion Research order -> Photon Torpedo -> Chaos Improvement ->
Quad Damage -> Radioactive Cloud
Just for fun: Incinerator research order, if you're playing something
like a 3x3 or a money map, anything where you can get lots of money:
Second resources Research order -> Quad Damage -> Advanced Combustion
-> Incinerator -> Laser Range -> Laser Damage -> Incinerator Beam ->
Advanced Plating -> Auto-tracking Gun. Have five to six factories,
mass Incinerators with two to four factories (obviously Advanced),
the rest should be Basic Factories and mass Tempests. pwnage, but only
for fun on something like a money map or whatever.

You should be able to beat at least the computers with these.

You have 3 main attacks now:
-Dropping: you drop Electros on their base.
-Avenger: you mass Avengers. Later on you add Thunders to your troops.
-Chaos: the ground attack. You mass Chaos with Tempests. You should
micro the Tempests so the enemy Avengers miss some attacks by moving
them around.
-THE TOWER EXPO ATTACK: what you need to do is unload a Morpher around
the enemy expos, then immediately order it to morph into a Defense
Cannon. It'll pwn the enemy expo, then you can demolish it and build
your expo there =)

// -9- Cheats //

There are six cheats on this game. At any time during the game press
enter to open the chat menu, then type in one of those cheats:

#can i play with madness - Invincibility cheat: all your units and
buildings don't take any damage.
#be quick or be dead - Instabuild cheat: speeds REALLY up the process
of researching, building, repairing and demolishing...
#fortunes of war - Money cheat: you get $25000.
#fear of the dark - Open map cheat: eliminates the black fog of the
unexplored areas so you can see the entire map.
#the clairvoyant - Eliminates the fog of war.
#revelations - Opens all campaign missions.

// -10- Tips n' Tricks //

Some tricks that might be usefull to you:

Queueing researches:
Click on a research, hold shift, click on the cancel research button,
then go click on another research. You can release shift now. The first
research is going to be completed, then once it's completed the other
will start. You can queue as many researches as you want. However,
it'll appear only the last selected research, and it will look stopped
until some research between it's middle researches (in case of a
target research), or whatever, but you can still see the progress of
the actual research by looking at the blue bar.

// -11- Contact //

OK, I'm fine with people sending me e-mails now:
Anything you want to tell me, suggestions, critics, compliments,
whatever you want:
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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