Broken Sword 4 - Secrets of the Ark

Broken Sword 4 - Secrets of the Ark

14.10.2013 20:04:11
Secrets of the Ark: Broken Sword IV Walkthrough v1.0
Copyright © 2007 by OutRider

NOTE: This game is referred to as Broken Sword: The Angel of Death in the UK

To see the other guides that I have written, please check out this link:

WARNING: This walkthrough does contain spoilers that may ruin the game for
anyone who may be playing this game for the first time. Do not read ahead
unless you fully understand the risks involved.

Copyright notice:

Don't plagiarize this guide or add this guide to your site without my
permission, as legal action will be taken against you. Please don't reproduce
this guide for profit. Please do not distribute this guide, and please don't
email me requesting permission to add my guides to your site, as enough places
already have them on their pages. Please do not make an HTML version of any of
my guides. Other than that, have fun and I hope this guide helps you out.

People have constantly emailed me because they were having technical
difficulties with a game for which they are using one of my walkthroughs.
I am not tech support, nor am I affiliated with any of the different companies
that made the games for which my walkthroughs are based upon. If you do
email me with a technical problem, the only answer I can and will give you
is to check the developer's website and read the FAQs. The reason for this is
because I do not want to be held liable for any damages done to your system.

Update History:

1 – April 13, 2007 – The first version of this guide is completed and released.


Introduction (from the manual):

Biblical scholars have long agreed that Moses was more than just a poor
shepherd's boy. It is said that he was a natural scholar and that from an early
age he devoted himself to unravelling the mysterious arts of alchemy.

Indeed, he read documents that even in those times were already very ancient -
the scant remains of older, extinct civilizations. Amongst those documents, it
is believed, lay the primitive blueprints for an awesome weapon...

Moses was able to construct this weapon. And when the Pharaoh refused passages
for the Israelites out of Egypt, he unleashed it upon the Egyptians with
terrifying effect. The Pharaoh capitulated. The Exodus began.

The weapon was the final and most terrible of the Great Plagues.

Uncannily, it seemed to kill selectively, leaving the Israelites unharmed. The
Egyptians called it - 'The Angel of Death'.

Hundred of years later, the secrets of Moses' deadly weapon that could destroy
to order was lost, although the memory lived on.


Or so it was thought...


Watch the opening movie and then we'll taken to New York where we find
everyone's favorite hero, George Stobbart wasting away as a lawyer in a bail
bonds office. The manual explains that after the events of The Sleeping Dragon,
George was interrogated by various secret service agencies and eventually it
was declared that what happened was another case of mass hysteria. After
returning home, George finds that his patent company has gone bust and that no
one else was willing to hire him. The only job that he could get was as a legal
aide at a bail bonds office in the Harlem projects and his new life also
involves living in a tiny apartment in the most dangerous part of town.

When his next client walks in, she is a beautiful and sophisticated blonde
woman whose problems he'd die to solve. What he doesn't realize is that he
almost does for no sooner has the mysterious woman tells him of her plight than
a couple of unruly men attack them, thus beginning a new adventure for George

When you gain control, you have to find a way to keep the men from barging in
and kidnapping the woman who introduces herself as Anna Maria. Take the golf
club near the door and go to the other side of the room. Try to open the other
door and George says he'll need something to pry it open. The only thing that
comes to mind is the golf club that you just picked up. Use the golf club on
the door to force it open and Anna Maria will follow you through into the next

Knock the file cabinet near the door to bar entry to the men chasing Anna
Maria. Climb up onto the cabinet and continue up through the hole in the
ceiling. You'll learn that Anna Maria is being chased because she has a
manuscript that she's been decoding and she called a little too much attention
to herself. You'll be interrupted by an elevator door closing and Anna Maria
will run over to keep it from fully closing but she can't hold it for long. Use
the golf club to temporarily hold the door open until George can find a more
permanent solution. Walk over to the right side of the room to find a grille
covering a vent. George won't have any luck pulling the grille off

by himself, so ask Anna Maria to help by going into your inventory at the top
of the screen and clicking on the face of Anna Maria. Click the new icon on the
grille to have Anna Maria help get the grille off of the vent.

Pull the vent out and maneuver it over to the elevator door. Push it under the
elevator door and the vent will keep the door from closing. Take the golf club
back and then exit the room through the vent you uncovered a moment ago. Shimmy
across the ledge until you reach the fire escape and climb up the ladder to the

Once you've reached the roof, climb up the ladder on the side of the joist.
Pick up the chain at the end of joist's platform and George will cause a chain
to fall and hang across the gap in between the two buildings. George can't
reach it from his present location, but he can use the golf club to extend his
reach. Doing so will see George swing on the chain across the gap over to the
next building. You can't exactly leave Anna Maria behind and she won't be able
to reach the chain so you'll have to find another way to help her out. Turn the
right handle behind the next joist and it'll swing clockwise to line up with
the first joist, which will provide Anna Maria with a way across.

Enter the building to the right and follow the wall along to the left. Grab the
beam above you and shimmy down to the large beam to the left. Let go of the
beam and landing on the beam below will cause a pipe to fall to the floor
below. Grab the beam above you again and follow it the rest of the way. On the
other side, continue to follow the path until you find a gap in the floor.
George can easily jump across it and then you can keep on going. Shimmy down
the next ledge until you reach the floor with a broken brick wall.

Go through the door and remove the rope from it. Close the door behind you and
then lock it using the sliding bolt. Attempt to open the door again and this
time George will kick it as hard as he can, which causes the door and the
portion of the brick wall around it to fall over, forming a bridge. Once Anna
Maria has caught up with George, take the stairs down a couple of stories and
go through the next door.

Run to the other side of the room and look at the pipe on the floor to learn
that it's rusted. Check out the circuit box to learn that when George caused
the pipe to fall, it broke the breaker switch so that it won't stay in the off
position when you attempt to flip it. Leave it alone for a moment and go to the
other side of the room. On the other side of the door you'll find that part of
the floor has sunk. Climb down off the ramp to the next floor and follow it
around until you see a couple of boards bridging yet another gap in the floor.
You'll find a couple of live wires preventing George from crossing the planks.
Go back up to the breaker switch and ask Anna Maria to hold the switch in the
off position. If she doesn't hold it for you, it's because you haven't looked
and tested out the breaker switch or you haven't looked at the live wires.

Once she's holding the switch, cross the planks with the live wires and move
the cabinet that's blocking the door on the other side. Anna Maria will catch
up with you here and you can go over to the security shutters nearby and ask
Anna Maria to turn the handle which opens the shutter. Once it's opened part of
the way, have George hold the shutter open and the pair will make their escape
and head off to the hotel where Anna Maria is staying.


Walk over to the counter and try to open the center window. The manager will
yell at you to leave it alone, so do so and talk to the guy instead. His name
is Alfonso and this is his hotel. It's been in his family for generations. Talk
to him about everything and then cross to the other side of the room into the
lobby. Talk to the guy reading the book. He sure is a nervous fella, ain't he?
Talk to him about everything as well and then check out the book he's reading.
George will note that he's using a keycard as a bookmark. Talk to him again and
he'll finally introduce himself as Thelwell Minster. He won't let you borrow
the keycard, so we'll have to find another way to get it.

Go through the door near the vending machines to find the bathroom. Access your
PDA and use it to call the hotel. Ask Alfonso to get Thelwell Minster and watch
as Thelwell leaves his book behind as he goes to answer the phone. Quickly
leave the bathroom and take the keycard out of his book. Talk to Thelwell again
and then head towards the front desk.

Exit through the double doors to the left of the desk by swiping the keycard
through the reader next to it. Head upstairs and along the way Anna Maria will
call you and inform George that she's stuck out on the fire escape and it won't
be too long before she's noticed. Enter the hallway to the left and you'll hear
a banging coming from one of the doors. The guy further down the way will tell
you to pass it off as nothing.

Talk to the man and you'll notice from the way he's dressed and talks that he
is an Elvis impersonator. Talk to him twice and then back to the stairs. Look
at the sign to learn that the upstairs is being fumigated and you can see the
results so far lying on the floor at your feet. Pick up one of the dead bugs
and then head back downstairs. Swipe the card through the reader to open the
doors and head on through. Try to open the grandfather clock near the desk and
Alfonso will yell at you.

Speak with Alfonso about the fumigation, the beetles, and about the grandfather

Put the dead beetle on the clock and then talk to Alfonso about it. While he is
distracted, open the center window and take the lighter off of the desk. Head
back upstairs and talk to the Elvis impersonator again. Walk between the guy
and the window at the end of the hall and when he starts dancing, open the
window. As the impersonator walks over to close it, light the dry flowers
sitting on the table on fire with the lighter and the sprinklers will be set
off. Watch as the impersonator runs off, allowing George to access the room he
was guarding.

Inside the room, check out the safe in the corner to learn that it's been
cleaned out, meaning that the manuscript has been stolen! Walk over to the bed
and pick up the pen that's lying on the floor. Go into the bathroom on the
other side of the bed and turn off the vent by pressing the button on it.
Notice that it shakes as it turns off. Put the string into the vent and then
switch it back on to cause the vent to fall out of the window.

Anna Maria will rejoin you here and she'll walk around and check out what the
men did to her hotel room. Leave here and go back to the first door in the
hall, which is where you first heard the banging. Slide the flyer and pen under
the door and the person on the other side will give you the code to the door.
Enter the code into the door to free the receptionist. The impersonator will
run by shortly afterwards and the woman will take off after him. You'll
eventually find yourself back at the bail bonds office.


You'll see George's partner Virgil sulking in front of the couch because the
office has been trashed and Virgil's MP3 player has been destroyed. 40 gigs of
the best jazz and R&B collection and it's all gone. Go through the door on the
other side of the room to enter the office you started in at the beginning of
the game and take the pack of cigarettes you find lying on the desk. You can
now leave here and head back to Alfonso's Hotel.


When you arrive back at the hotel, you can see the receptionist being
questioned by a police officer. Talk to the girl to be introduced to Juanita,
who seems to have developed a crush on George. Talk to her about everything and
then talk to the policeman to be introduced to Officer O'Halloran. Talk to
O'Halloran about everything and then show him the pack of cigarettes. You'll
learn that the tattoo that George saw on the Elvis impersonator is that of the
Martino gang and that they're also a part of the Mafia. Talk to Alfonso as well
before leaving here and going back to the bail bonds office.


Talk to Anna Maria about Mama Martino's and then tell her about the Mafia. Talk
to Virgil and then leave here to go to the meat packing company.


Enter the small shop near where George is currently standing. Check out the
butcher's apron behind the counter to see that it's covered in blood. Talk to
the man running the shop about everything. He sure does have an affinity for
salami, doesn't he? Offer him the cigarettes and take the salami in trade.
Leave the shop and hang out near the wooden pallets. When you see the man
leave, quickly run back inside and take the apron before he returns.

Once you've retrieved the apron, head across the lot and up the ramp to the
loading platform. Talk to the guy standing near the entryway and listen as he
drops some hints as to how the salami is made. Show him the salami to confirm
your suspicions before heading through the door.

Take the door to your right and cross the room to the other side. If you look
along the right wall, you'll see something hanging there. Take it to discover
it is a fireproof blanket, and this will come in handy in just a few moments.
Head straight through the next door and you'll find a machine here. Take the
keys out of it and continue outside. You'll find a dumpster and a forklift with
flat tires. Push the dumpster until it comes to rest on the forklift and then
use the machine safety keys on the lift. Push the button to raise the forks and
then climb up onto the dumpster. Peek through the window to overhear a
conversation between Fingers Martino and a couple of his henchmen.

Once they're done talking, make your way back through the meat factory until
you're back where you first entered the building. It's the room with the
hanging pigs. On the other side of the room you will find a door with a green
light above it. Enter this door and head down the nearby stairs. In one corner
is a meat smoker, and when you attempt to open the door George will flinch
because the handle is incredibly hot. Use the fireproof blanket on the door to
open it and then use the blanket again once you're inside to pick up a log that
is resting in the fire pit.

Take the smoldering log to the window where you did some eavesdropping and
place it inside the vent. It won't create as much smoke as George was hoping,
but we can fix that. Head all the way back out to the loading platform and go
inside the truck across from the doorway. Pick up some ice and run back to the
window before the ice melts. If it melts before you can get it back to the
window, just get some more and try again. Once you've made it, use the ice on
the vent and it'll smoke the mobsters out of the office. Notice that a secret
passageway opens as they are leaving.

From where George is standing, go through the newly opened door near the
conveyor belts. You should find a couple of tables with sliced meat lying on
top of them. In the back of the room is a butcher knife stuck in a chair. Check
it out before going through the next door. Make your way back to the room with
the hanging pigs and on the wall near the middle rack is a blue button. Press
it to turn on the machine and watch as a corpse is seen hanging from one of the
racks. Examine Toni's body to find a keycard and then head back the way you came.

In one of the rooms you'll see a first aid kit on the wall. Open it to uncover
a hidden card reader and swipe the keycard to open up the secret passageway. Go
inside and head upstairs to the office. Walk over to the desk and open the
drawer in the middle to find a silk hankie with something inside of it. Go into
your inventory and double click on it to uncover a picture of an actress who
was in the movie In Cold Blood.

Try to open the cabinet in the back of the room but like George says, given the
condition that it's in even a professional wouldn't be able to do anything with
it. Look out the nearby window to realize that the bone cruncher machine you
saw earlier is conveniently positioned underneath. Leave the office and make
your way back out to the forklift. Remove the keys from it and go back and put
them into the bone cruncher as you head back to the meat smoking room.

Enter the smoker that you opened up earlier and use the silk hankie on the meat
hanging over the pit to get a greasy silk hankie. Go back up into Martino's
office and use the grease on the cabinet. Push the cabinet out the window and
the bone cruncher machine will handle the rest. Once it's done, head down to
the machine and pick up the stolen manuscript and the MP3 player that was
inside the cabinet.


George will return to the office to show Anna Maria what he has recovered.
You'll now get a chance to study the manuscript,so make sure to look at
everything you possibly can on it. Once you're finished, talk to Virgil and
give him the MP3 player you found. Luckily for you, the MP3 player is the exact
same model that the mobsters destroyed but it was kind of stupid that Virgil
got all upset about it even though he said he had all of the songs on CDs
anyway. Talk to him about everything and he'll give you a flash card with some
nifty features.

Use the PDA to log onto George's old friend André Lobineau's private server and
then click on OK. Click on Yes and Virgil will offer to demonstrate how to
hack. Listen to his spiel and pay attention to every last detail. After he's
done, you'll get a chance to put your newfound skills into practice as you'll
have to hack into Lobineau's private server.

I will try to explain how to solve this puzzle as best as I can, so hopefully
you know some geography.

From where the green data stream is currently being directed, place a refractor
(the straight thing) on South America so that when you refract the stream,
it'll be directed between two red nodes. You'll have to make sure you change
the refractor so that it sits on the square in a diagonal fashion, from the
upper left corner of the box to the lower right.

Place another refractor in the same row as the first one you moved, but you'll
want to place it on the eastern part of Africa. It'll sit just past the two red
nodes but before the blue X. Change the refractor so that when the stream
bounces off of it, it'll head straight north.

The next step is to put a router a couple squares above the last refractor you
positioned. Click on the router to change its position so that the data stream
will head northwest through Europe. Another router should be placed in the
square just next to where Norway is located on the map, which is north of
Europe for those who may be geographically challenged.

Change the position of the router so that the data stream will be redirected
west into Canada. Place the last unused refractor on the spot where the
Canadian territory of Nunavut is located and change its angle so that if you've
done everything else correctly, the data stream will be directed into the
server you're trying to hack into, making this puzzle a success.

There may be more than one correct solution, so if you don't like what I've
given you, feel free to come up with your own. Just make sure the data stream
goes through the server near the red nodes before it goes through the other
server in the corner of the grid.

Once you've made your way through that puzzle, scroll through George's notepad
and click the link that says "Latin on manuscript translated". Once you're done
reading it, go back by clicking on the small circular button on your PDA's
screen and continue to scroll through the text until you find a link to
Lobineau's historical database. Check out the welcome note if you want,
otherwise read the article on Baphomet and click through the links on the Great
Secret, Philippe IV, Clement V,Jacques de Molay and the Knights Hospitaller.

After you're done listening to George comment on some of the articles, turn off
the PDA and look at the manuscript some more.

Take a closer look at the fortified city and George will deduce that it's time
to take a trip to Istanbul, Turkey.

Exit the office and we're off!


You'll have arrived at the Pasha Palace Hotel. Talk to the receptionist about
everything and you'll realize that she doesn't seem to care for George very
much since it sounds as if he decided to stay in one of the cheapest rooms that
the hotel has to offer. Feel free to look at the photo near the receptionist's
monitor to see that the woman has a thing for golf. Look at the map on the
wall, although it won't mean anything just yet. Walk downstairs into the dining
area and speak with the waiter.

Ask him about everything and then check out the map again to realize it's the
layout of the Topkapi Palace. Zoom in on the Lover's Vestibule on the right
hand side of the palace and then go ask the waiter about it twice. Exit the
hotel and let's go investigate the palace.


Talk to the guard standing near the archway. He won't let you in, but make note
that your old friend from The Sleeping Dragon, Eamon O'Mara hasn't signed in
yet. Go back to the hotel.


Ask the receptionist about Eamon O'Mara, who has since become a celebrity after
publishing a book on the events from The Sleeping Dragon. She seems to have a
real thing for him. Talk to her about golf and then talk to Anna Maria about
Eamon and she'll agree to grab the papers while George shows the receptionist
his golf club. Once George is done demonstrating his golf swing, go into the
dining room and take the knife off of the second table to the right. Speak with
Anna Maria again and she'll give you Eamon's press ID as well as a map. Go into
your inventory and remove the ID from the map. Use the knife on George's bail
bonds ID to remove the picture and place the photo on Eamon's ID card. Leave
the hotel again and go back to the Palace.


Show the guard your fake ID and he'll let you pass. Attempt to open the door
and the guard will prevent you from going any further. Try taking the passage
that leads off to the left, only to be denied again. Ask Anna Maria to distract
the guard and once she has done so, follow the passage again until you reach
the scaffolding on the right side. Climb up the first level of the scaffolding
and then climb up the ledge to your right. When the guard isn't looking, hop up
and swipe the cellphone he left lying on the stone ledge. Look at it in your
inventory to learn his phone number and then put the cellphone back where you
found it.

Climb down from the ledge you're on and climb up the scaffolding on the other
side. Use the PDA to call the guard's cellphone and when the guards aren't
looking, climb through the hole in the wall and you'll land in the next part of
George's stealth mission. You'll find yourself hiding behind some stairs with
another guard patrolling the area. When he starts to walk away, you can follow
him until you reach the niche in the wall. If you don't think you're going to
make it that far, you can always hide behind the next set of stairs and wait
for him to go back to the far side of the area before you continue to the niche.

Once you've climbed up into the niche, walk over to the window nearby to find
some loose plaster. Use the knife on it to scrape some off the ledge and
temporarily distract the guard and his dog. While they're gone, go straight
into the dark hallway and around the corner. The guard's cup of tea is sitting
in one of the windows, so empty it before he returns and then run back to your
original location. When the guard returns, he'll find that his mug is empty and
will take his dog with him as he goes to refill it. While he's gone, walk onto
the balcony that's before the dark hallway and if you look closely, you'll see
a clothesline dangling near one of the windows.

Use the knife to cut a slice of salami and then grab the clothesline. Tie the
salami to the clothesline and George will use it to distract the dog. Now that
the mutt's out of the way, follow the passage down and head downstairs to the

Take the passage that's left of the one the guard went through to enter the
next screen.

Go to George's left and take the stairs down to enter a security area. Access
the computer to learn that it is password protected. You'll have to hack into
it using the PDA.

To successfully hack into the security system, you must do the following (but
continue to keep in mind that there may be more than one possible solution):

1) Place a refractor in the second to last row and change its angle so that it
directs the data stream to the left.

2) In the square just northeast of the server that's in the last row, place
another refractor and angle it so that it'll redirect the data stream so it'll
now be headed north through two servers.

3) Place a refractor above the second server that the data stream passed
through and change its angle so that the data stream will be headed east.

4) Another refractor should be placed a couple squares above the next server
and its angle changed so that the data stream will pass through it.

5) In the square below the last server the data stream passed through, place a
refractor and change its angle so that it heads west.

6) The last refractor should be placed on the eastern edge of the USA and
angled so that the data stream will head south.

7) Place the router a couple squares below the last refractor and angle it so
that the data stream will pass through the last server and into its destination.

After you've successfully hacked into the system, click OK and then on Service
system. Click on Yes to put the laser grid into test mode, which is the best
George can do for now. They'll flash on and off for an hour, but now George
needs to find a way to be able to actually see the lasers.

Proceed through the door on the other side of the room. Walk over to the vent
on the right side and open it. Place the flyer inside of it and then use the
lighter to set it ablaze. The smoke from the fire will make the laser beams
visible. Carefully head down the hallway and go through each set of lasers when
they're off. Some of the laser beam panels may be hidden, so you'll have to
proceed with caution.

Once you're at the other end of the corridor, walk over to the barred door and
pull the first, second, and fourth levers and Anna Maria will rejoin you here.
Attempt to turn one of the heads next to the door behind you only to realize
that they'll need to be turned at the same time. Ask Anna Maria to help you and
the door will open.

Inside the courtyard, distract the guards by following the left wall to a power
switch. Use the paper clip on it to short circuit the fountain. Once the guards
have left, head down into the fountain and ask Anna Maria to help you push the
statue out of the way to uncover a hole. Jump down to enter the sewers.

Along the wall are some pipes, valves, and levers. At the far end of the wall
is a loose block. Your goal here is to build up the water pressure to take out
that loose block. In order to do so, start from the right and work your way
down to the block.

Turn the second lever down and then go down to where you see two levers. Turn
the upper one down and then continue on to the first valve. Close it and then
open up the last one. When you're successful, the block will come out part of
the way and a colony of bats will fly out and push the block out the rest of
the way.

Climb through the hole that the block made and then follow the passage until
you reach a wall that you can climb down. Here you'll find what looks like a
knight etched into the floor and a button with the imprint of a hand on it.
Attempt to push the button, only to find that it won't do anything. Step on the
knight to uncover another button. Talk to Anna Maria about the hand button and
she'll agree to press it. While she is walking over there, position George on
the knight button so that when Anna Maria is done, a secret door will open.

Proceed to the next room to find a number of alcoves, with one containing a
knight statue. Upon closer inspection of the statue, you will find that it is a
puzzle you'll need to solve. While you can find the clues you need to solve the
puzzle on your PDA and manuscript, what use would they serve when you have this
walkthrough to give you all the answers? Turn the first stone twice, the second
stone once and then the fourth twice. Another alcove should open up containing
a knight statue.

Examine the knight statue to find another puzzle. Turn the second dial twice,
the third thrice, and the fourth twice. Another alcove, another statue. With
the third statue, turn the first dial once, the second four times, the third
twice, and the fourth three times. It'll open yet another alcove, but this one
won't reveal anything.

Talk to Anna Maria about the alcove and watch as George and Anna Maria take
their places. It'll uncover another secret passageway with a small golden
cherub at the end. Proceed into the next room and the doors will close behind
you. The next puzzle involves stepping on the places that Jacques de Molay had
visited in the correct order. Consult the PDA if you will, otherwise first step
on Acre, which is southeast of the cherub. You can use the Eye icon to look at
and George can identify each location before you actually step on it. Follow it
up with London, Paris, and Cyprus in that order and you'll then be able to
remove the cherub from its base. However, you'll still need to open the doors.

The doors can be opened by turning the cherub's plinth to the right once and
then pressing it down. Turn it left and press it down and repeat. Watch the
sequence and you'll return to the Pasha Palace Hotel where Anna Maria will
reveal her true feelings for George.

After that night of passion, you'll find Anna Maria gone and George sitting in
a Turkish prison cell. Before you go WTF?, George will recap what happened
between last night and the present time. George was sleeping in his room when
he woke up to see that Anna Maria was missing. The waiter you saw in the hotel
is in the room with him pointing a gun at him. It turns out that the waiter is
an undercover cop and that for whatever reason the police suspected George as
being a terrorist. A Turkish policeman will come to the room and knock George
out before hauling him off to prison, thus bringing us to our current predicament.

You'll spot a rat camping out on the floor. Attempt to pick him up and he'll
just scoot off into his hole. Stick your hand in after him and he'll bite you
but on a positive note, you'll find a bracket. Try to take the moldy cheese off
the table, but George ain't going to touch it if the rat hasn't. Go towards the
back of the room and you'll spy a loose stone in the right wall. Use the
bracket to scrape away the loose mortar and then pull out the block. The guard
will come over and see what all the commotion is about but he's not at all
concerned because you'll be going into the next cell.

The next thing you know, the guard will tell you that you have visitors. You'll
be visited by a priest and a nun. They'll give you three toys...a squeak toy, a
mechanical mouse, and a bag of marbles. Hey, doesn't the sister look familiar?
Eh, maybe it's just my imagination. After they leave, take the key out of the
mouse and open the bag of marbles. Use the marbles on the drain and George will
toss them out the cell door.

Climb into the next cell and attempt to open the door to call the guard. The
guard will slip on the marbles and knock himself out. Go back into the original
cell and take the keys off of the guard and use them to unlock the door. Tie
him up using the marble bag string and then stuff the cloth in his mouth.
Proceed down to the end of the hall and head upstairs. You'll find a dog here,
but he isn't going to do anything to you just yet. Tease him with the squeaky
toy and take the can of beef off of the table. Use the mouse key to open the
can and be nice by giving the dog the beef.

Walk up the next set of stairs and head through the door to find yourself near
the security center. Go over to the other door that led you to the lasers and
use the mechanical mouse. The mouse will set off the alarm, so you must hurry
back up the stairs. Once the alarm has gone off, the guards will go to inspect
what is going on and you'll be left with a nice view of the courtyard. Climb up
the vines on the left wall to access the roof.

Head over to the left and near the bottom of the stone is a spot that appears
to be loose. Use the squeaky toy on it and it'll go off, alerting the guard.
While he's walking one way to find out what's going on, you'll be walking the
other to get to another part of the roof. Head all the way to the left in the
next area to where you see a gap between the two roofs. Jump across and begin
to walk over to the sister who's hiding in the corner and she'll let you know
what's going on. She'll also drop her disguise to reveal herself to be none
other than George's ex-girlfriend and frequent adventure buddy, Nicole Collard.

Nico and George will next find themselves in the lobby of the Pasha Palace
Hotel, where'll you get a chance to play as Nico for the first time in the
game. Talk to the receptionist about herself and then about Eamon O'Mara. After
Nico breaks the "bad news" to her, you'll be given the key to his room. Ride
the elevator up that's near the desk and control will be given back to George.

Cross to the other side of the room and open the right window. Climb out onto
the ledge and follow it to the right until you see a window with its curtains
completely closed. Hang off the ledge here and then drop down to the floor
below. Jump over the railing to the right onto the small ledge and drop off
here. Hang off the next ledge and shimmy all the way down to the last window to
find Anna Maria's room. Open the window and go inside.

Inspect the wastebasket in the bathroom to find a credit card receipt and then
pick up the rosary from the floor in the bedroom. You'll be interrupted by a
changing of the guards, and one of them will walk in on you. It's Malvut, the
cop that caught you earlier who also played the waiter and the priest that
visited you in the prison. He's not going to do anything this time because he's
since realized that you're a treasure hunter. The way will be free of guards,
but it won't be that way for long. You'll find yourself back down in the lobby
with Nico.

Use the PDA and click on Connect. It should find Credit R Us, which you should
then hack into. I'm not going to explain the solution for this puzzle because
it only involves refractors and all you have to worry about is getting the data
stream to go through all of the servers before you reach your destination. It's
pretty simple, really.

Once you've hacked into the system, you'll learn Anna Maria's address and that
she lives in Rome, our next destination.


Check out the yellow car and its owner will tell you to leave it alone. Talk to
him and you'll be introduced to Brother Mark.

Talk to him about everything before continuing down the street to meet the
beggar, Archie Lonsdale. As with Mark, talk to him about everything and then
walk back up to the apartment with the two plants. Attempt to open the door and
Mark will tell George that he needs a key. Talk to Mark and ask him about the
key, but he doesn't trust you enough to just fork it over.

Talk to Archie some more and when you ask him about Nico, it's because she is
so damn hot that he can't help but look. Hell, I would be looking too.

As you're speaking with Archie you may notice a moldy loaf of bread hiding
behind him. Try to take it and he'll swat George's hand away. Walk back up to
the apartment and try to move the left potted plant. No luck there either. Talk
to Mark and ask him about Archie and then go over and talk to Archie about the
bread. Talk to Nico about Mark and she'll distract him (and the beggar as
well). While the beggar's eyes are lost in Nico's butt, take the bread and
scatter it on Mark's car to draw the pigeons onto it.

While Mark is busy shooing the pigeons off of his beloved Lucy, move the plant
and take the key needed to enter the apartment. Once inside, walk up the stairs
and head down the right hallway. Attempt to open the first door to your right,
which is Anna Maria's apartment, and you'll discover her door is locked.

Open the double doors at the end and walk out onto the balcony. Hop on top of
the potted plant to George's left and then grab onto the ledge above him.
Follow it to the right and drop down at the next balcony, but as soon as you
do, grab onto the pole nearby and shimmy across the street to the balcony on
the other end. Try to open the double doors at the other end, but all that will
cause is rouse the nun next door. She'll be coming over to kick you out, so
quickly hop over the railing and follow it down to the end. Once you're there,
hop back over and grab onto the ledge that'll take you to Anna Maria's balcony.

Her door is locked, meaning all that work has been for naught. But wait, I see
an open window. Look inside and spot the bolt above the door. Use the golf club
to unlock it and you'll now have access to Anna Maria's apartment. George will
let Nico inside and afterwards, take the picture of Anna Maria off of the
mantel to discover that she is a nun. Good going, George, you've defiled a holy

Look at the book she left open on the table before going into the kitchen. Take
the ticket stub off of the table to learn that she was in Phoenix, Arizona not
too long ago. Leave the kitchen and enter her bedroom. You'll find a train
ticket lying on her bed, which you should pick up and take with you. You can
now leave here and head back out to the street. Before you go, you'll be
stopped by Mark who says he has a package for Anna Maria, but he isn't about to
let George take it. I guess we'll come back for it later.

Once you're out on the street, follow it down past the beggar and onto the city
map. Let's head to the Vatican to see what we can learn there.


Follow the road down a little ways and try to open the doors to your right.
You'll be stopped by a couple of Swiss guards.

You can try to talk to them if you want, but they've clammed up and even though
George speaks to them with a phony Southern accent he apparently thinks with
one too. Walk over to the office to the right of them and speak with the sister
seated behind the window to meet Sister Angelica. Ask her about all the
available topics and then try to pilfer the sheet of paper she has sitting on
her desk. She'll slap your hand away and you can walk away to lick your wounds.
Ring the bell next to the door nearby and you'll be introduced to Sister
Serena. Talk to her about all the available topics as well and is it just me or
does George seem to have developed a nun fetish since we last seen him?

First Anna Maria, and now Serena. Angelica better hide the next time George
comes around.

Leave here and go back to Anna Maria's apartment as we get to do some more hacking.


Use the PDA to hack into the Vatican Server and follow this solution:

1) Place the T-shaped router 8 squares north from where the data stream starts.
Make sure that the bottom part of the T is facing south.

2) Place an angled router in the square to the left of the T-shaped router and
angle it so that the data stream will go through the server southwest of it.

3) Place a refractor four squares east of the T-shaped router and change its
angle so that the data stream will bounce off of it and head south.

4) Place an angled router in the square south of the refractor and change its
direction so that the stream will head southwest through the second server.

5) A refractor should be positioned just above the blue X box and its position
changed so that the stream will now be headed northwest through the next server.

6) The Y-shaped router should be placed in the square just northwest of the
last server the stream passed through, with the two prongs of the Y facing east
and the bottom of the Y facing west.

7) Place the last refractor in the square to the left of the Y-shaped router
and change its position will cause the stream to reach its destination.

Once you've successfully hacked into the Vatican server, you'll get the phone
number for the wafer factory. Leave the apartment and head back to the Vatican.


Walk over to Sister Angelica's office and stop when you're between the door to
the factory and Angelica's window. Use the PDA to call the wafer factory and
ask Serena to get Angelica for you. When Angelica leaves, peek through her
window and look at her schedule that is sitting on her desk. Once she returns,
talk to her about everything and one of the most amusing points in this game
will ensue as George Stobbart suddenly becomes Henry Steiner, health inspector.

Serena will give George a tour of the factory and after it's over, talk to her
about everything and I bet you will be laughing by the time you're done inside
the factory. Walk into the storage room north of you and check out the box on
the table. Push the white box behind you over and as Serena works to pick it
up, take a wafer out of the brown box. Push the white box over again and this
time put some of the moldy bread into the brown box.

Now that you have the run of the place, walk over to the boxes on the other
side of the storage area and use the knife on the long brown box to cut it
open. Take whatever you find inside to receive a mini bottle of wine. Head
towards the center of the factory and walk up the stairs to the catwalk. Follow
it around to find the dough mixer and open up the hatch. Toss the bottle of
wine into the hatch and head back downstairs to watch the results.

Now that George is done being cruel to the nuns, leave the factory through the
door at the end of the hall that's between Angelica's office and the storage
area. Once you're outside, proceed to cross the other side of the area and hop
up onto the crates. Grab a hold of the ledge above you and shimmy down to the
broken part of the wall and then climb up once you've reached that point.

You'll now be in a courtyard swarming with monks.

To get to the other side without being seen, work your way around the left side
of the center statue and put some moldy bread into the northeast potted plant.
This will distract the monk nearby and before he turns around, run out of the
garden through the left side and hide behind the hedge.

Wait for the wandering monk to tend to the far right plant and then run over to
the door and enter it before he turns around and sees you. Proceed into the
room and head upstairs. Follow the hallway until it ends and enter the door on
the left side.

Behind the desk hangs a painting. Look at it and pay close attention to the men
carrying the corpse, the men debating, the woman with the baby and the temple
block. Look at the angels in the corners of the painting before zooming out.
Open the desk and remove its contents to find a folder with Anna Maria's name
on it.

George will be caught by a Cardinal who summons a priest to escort George
outside. Once outside, you'll meet Father Gregor and the two clergymen will
fill you in on Anna Maria. Apparently she stole manuscripts a couple of years
ago and hasn't been back since and it's revealed that she isn't a nun anymore.
You'll eventually head back to Anna Maria's apartment to fill Nico in about
what you've learned so far.


Leave here and head across the stairway to Mark's apartment. Knock on his door
and show him Father Gregor's card. Talk to him about the package and he'll give
it to you. Show him the pen and he'll refuse to say anything more while Nico is
standing there. Head back into Anna Maria's room and open the package to find
an unmarked DVD. Play the DVD in the laptop to learn about a cure-all form of
gold that was discovered. Nico will take this opportunity to leave for Phoenix
to learn more about it, leaving George all by his lonesome.

Go back and talk to Mark about the pen to learn that it came from the Black Cat
Massage Parlor. Leave here and let's go there now.


Follow the street down to where you see a bouncer guarding a set of stairs.
Talk to him and you'll learn that you can't get in without a membership card
and that they're not accepting new members right now. Head back to the apartment.


Talk to Mark about the club again and show him the photo of Lucy Chu. He only
wants it if it had a more personal meaning to it. Walk away from his door so
that he'll turn around and close it. Use the pen on the photo and George will
forge an autograph. Knock on the door again and give Mark the photo and he'll
agree to trade you his Black Cat membership card for it.

Let's head back to the massage parlor now.


Show the bouncer the membership card and he'll let you pass. Walk down the
stairs and enter the club. Try to walk by the receptionist through the open
door and he'll say that George will need to change before he can enter. Head
through the door on the opposite side of the room to find the locker room. Walk
around to the showers until you find a towel hanging next to an occupied stall.
Attempt to take it and the shower's occupant will tell you to get your own.

In one corner of the locker room is a potted plant. Move it out of the way and
open the hot water valve to steam up the shower area. Take the towel from the
occupied stall and George will change.

Head back out into the lobby and talk up the receptionist. Continue on through
the door and follow the hall to the end and enter the opened door to George's
right. This hallway leads into a bath room and it is here that you'll meet
another old friend, and this one's named Duane. You met him and Pearl back in
South America in Broken Sword: The Smoking Mirror.

Talk to Duane about what's been going on and then when you're done, you'll be
found out as the guy you stole the towel from will come in with a guard and
George will be taken in for interrogation. During the interrogation, you'll
overhear one of Spallacci's flunkies talking to him about having caught Nico.
You'll then hear some gunfire and George fears that Nico has been killed.
George will be knocked out and when he comes to, the men will have left and
George is still tied to the chair.

To get yourself free, use the power switch on the wall to set off a vibrating
rabbit, which spins around and knocks off a large metal hook that falls off the
shelf, knocking George unconscious yet again. Look at the big metal box and
talk to the man locked inside. Use the hook to move the chained harness twice
to put it on the shelf and then tip the bottle of baby oil off the table. Hit
the power switch again and this time before George gets hit again, he'll fling
himself across the room and knock the axe off the wall, freeing himself.

Now that George is free, move the curtain aside to overhear a conversation
between Spallacci and the Cardinal that caught George back in the Vatican
monastery. Push the button on the window to open a hidden doorway and head back
into the room where you first met Duane. Walk down into the bath to realize
that Duane's hiding in the drain near your feet. He has the key to allow George
to get out of here, but he has no way of actually giving it to him.

Put your street clothes back on by going into the locker room and opening the
second locker along the top row of lockers.

Head back into the steam room and combine the paper clip with the rosary. Stick
the rosary down the drain and Duane will latch the key onto it. Back out into
the hall, stop at the first locked door on the right and take the key off of
the rosary and use it to unlock the door. Inside the laundry room, walk
upstairs and through the door to finally be back out into the

fresh air. Head down the road and George will decide to go drown his sorrows
about Nico at a bar.

Gotta love George when he's drunk. He'll arrive back at Anna Maria's apartment


When Mark and George get up to the apartment, they'll hear a ticking sound
coming from the kitchen. George will spot a bomb!

You'll now have ten minutes to defuse it before you and everything else is
blown to bits. Use the PDA to hack into the military field notes and follow
this solution:

This is a bit tougher puzzle as there are plenty of dead servers that'll
interrupt your connection and kick you off the server if you're not careful.

1) Place the T-shaped router at the bottom of the data stream and change its
position so that the stream will be forked left and right.

2) Place a refractor in the square above the black box so that the data stream
will pass through it when it bounces off the refractor.

3) If you haven't noticed them yet, there are two double sided refractors that
we will be using to solve this puzzle. Place one in the square to the right of
the black box with the left arrow and change its position so that it's pointing
to the upper left and lower right.

4) A refractor should be set in the third square from the bottom. It'll be next
to a dead server and it should be pointed to the upper left.

5) Place another refractor two squares to the right of the next server and
point it to the lower left. This one will also be next to a dead server.

6) Set a refractor a square below the first server and point it to the upper right.

7) Place a refractor two squares above the first server and point it to the
lower right. The data stream should have bounced off the double sided
refractor, passed between two dead servers, passed through the second live
server and should be streaming harmlessly between two more dead servers for the

8) You can place the Y-shaped router in the square just northeast of the
destination and changed its position so that the bottom of the Y is pointed
towards the destination. We're now done working on the first half of the puzzle.

9) The second half begins by placing a refractor in the second row from the
bottom where there will end up being dead servers to the left of the refractor
as well as one below it. Change it so it's facing the upper right.

10) Set a refractor three squares east of the T-shaped router so that the other
part of the data stream should bouncing off the last refractor and is streaming

11) Place a refractor next to the last live server and turn it so it's facing
the lower left.

12) Place the last refractor two squares east of the refractor in the second
row and point it to the upper left.

13) Place the last double sided refractor to the left of the last live server
and make sure it's pointing to the upper right and lower left before putting it
into the square.

Hopefully I've explained the solution well enough so that you shouldn't ever
hit any bad spots while putting the different objects into place. I will
explain this solution much better and clearer the next time I update the guide.

Scroll down the notes in your PDA until you can access the military notes that
have been downloaded. Skim through all the articles as quickly as possible and
then turn off the PDA.

Ask Mark for his rubber gloves so that you avoid discharging any static George
may have built up after all his walking around he's been doing. Attach the
paper clip to the bottom blue wire. It's the one that partially hangs off the
bottom edge of the bomb. When given your list of options, choose to attach the
other part of the clip to the live trigger wire. Cut the blue wire that dangles
off the top edge of the bomb and if you've done everything properly, the bomb
will be defused and everyone can breathe a sigh of relief. I find it amazing
that even though George was drunk, he still had the clarity of mind needed to
defuse the bomb.

Afterwards, you'll be treated to a shocker of a lifetime because just when Mark
thinks that the mobsters have come back, it turns out that it's just Nico
coming back from the dead. George passes out on the floor and after Nico scolds
George for assuming the worst, we're off to Phoenix as Nico recaps exactly just
what happened to her there.


Look in the back of the jeep you drove in to find a jack handle and take it
with you. Use it to pop open the gate and follow the path behind it until you
spot a fire escape on the left wall which is just out of Nico's reach.

Head into the area across from it to find a dumpster and a couple of wooden
crates. Pull the crate next to the dumpster away from the wall and then climb
over it to release the brake on the dumpster. Push it out of the way and then
put the wooden crate underneath the broken railing.

Climb up onto the catwalk and then climb onto the platform to your right.
Shimmy over to the next platform and continue to make your way up onto the
roof. Once there, pick up some of the rubble a few feet away from Nico and you
should also spot a satellite dish holder. Turn it four times clockwise and then
use it to slingshot the rubble over at the fire escape, knocking it loose.

Make your way back down to ground level and climb up the fire escape to the
next roof. Push the crate down the hole to find out that it's too deep for Nico
to climb down safely. Push the pipe into the hole and use it as a bridge so
Nico can cross the gap. On the other side, kick the rubble into the hole to
realize that Nico can climb down, which you should then do.

You'll find yourself inside an office. Look at the picture on the nearby desk
and notice that a date is scribbled on it. On the desk on the other side of the
room is a gold plated name tag. Examining it reveals that it belonged to
Maynard, the guy who gave the interview on the DVD George found. Look at the
rest of the stuff in the room if you want, otherwise attempt to open the locked
door using the key pad and punching in the date you found on the picture.

It doesn't work, so instead use the PDA to hack into it.

1) Where the servers are grouped to form a square, place a refractor in the
square in between the two servers on the right side of the square so that the
data stream will bounce off and proceed through the lower right server.

2) Place the Y-shaped router in between the southern two servers so that the
bottom of the Y is pointed towards the destination.

3) The T-shaped router should go between the western servers so that the bottom
of the T is pointed towards the upper left server in the group.

4) A refractor should go in between the northwestern most servers so that when
the data stream bounces off of it, it'll go through the two servers.

5) The last two refractors should go to the upper left and lower right of the
northern most server and angled properly so that when you're finished, the
puzzle is done.

Read the files you downloaded and then use the key pad again using the date
reversed to unlock the door. Head through the door and jump down onto the
platform below the broken catwalk. Hang off the side of the platform and shimmy
on down until you're hanging above some crates.

Drop down onto the crates and get down onto ground level. Attempt to take the
key card that's lying along the edge of the left hopper and Nico will end up
falling into it.

Leave this room and go through the door across from you to enter a kitchen.
Take the hook off the wall and then pull the table nearby to Nico's left. Get
on top of the table and take the pack of gum you find sitting on the shelves.
Climb back down and head out of the kitchen to the hallway.

Head down from where you are and enter the first door on your right to uncover
a men's locker room. The door will close behind Nico, but don't worry about
that now. Use the jack handle to open the center locker and take the oil you
find inside. You can attempt to use the card reader on the left side of the
door, but you don't have the necessary key card. Time for another hacking puzzle.

1) Place a refractor two squares west from the starting point and angle it so
that the data stream will head south.

2) A refractor should be set one square west of the second server the data
stream passes through after it bounces off the double sided refractor and
redirected south through the third server.

3) Place a refractor below the third server so that the data stream will turn
east and bounce off a refractor you will be putting two squares east of the
last one and it'll turn north.

4) Three squares north from there should be another refractor angled to turn
the data stream east through the next server.

5) Beyond the fourth server should be another refractor that will turn the data
stream north and another refractor a square above the last one to turn it back
west and cause the data stream to bounce off the double sided refractor.

6) Place a refractor two squares west of the destination to complete the puzzle.

Leave the locker room and open the door at the end of the hall. Go down the
first couple flights of stairs to find another unlocked door. Proceed through
it and enter the opened door at the end of this hallway to find the elevator.
The door will close behind you and when you open it, a Mafia goon will be lying
in wait. Just when you thought you were done for, Maynard jumps down and saves
the day with his AK-47.

Watch the sequences and when you regain control, you'll be in a room with
Maynard and a safe. Use the safe to help you climb up the hole in the ceiling
and use the control panel on the wall nearby to learn that the chain is rusted
in place. Lube it up using the engine oil and then use the control panel again.
Move the chain over to the hole and lower it down to the safe.

Climb back down onto the safe and attach the hook to the chain. Operate the
control panel again to lift the safe up and over to the rollers. Walk around
the right side of the room until you find a much larger control panel to fiddle
with. When you try to use it, you'll find that it's dead.

Check out the wires in the front and use the gum to hold them in place. Use the
panel again to learn that the electrical system is now operational, but the
panel itself is still dead. Ask Maynard to fix it and all he'll do is kick it.
Talk to him about everything and then go back to using the control panel.

Manuever the safe over to the centrifuge by clicking left twice, down, right
twice, up twice, left, down twice, left, and finally up four times. The safe is
too heavy for Nico to push on her own so ask Maynard for some help and he'll
get it put into place.

Watch the sequence where Maynard will explain that the safe is too large for it
to be in the centrifuge safely, so he'll have to go inside and hit the
override. When he tells you to, press the button to start the centrifuge. It'll
trap Maynard inside and will result in his vaporization. It'll also attract the
two mobsters guarding the area, so once the centrifuge shuts off, head inside
and take the folder along with Maynard's keys that's lying on the floor. You'll
find a bank statement along with some drawings.

Leave the centrifuge and unlock the door across from you using Maynard's keys.
Close and lock the door behind you once you're through and head upstairs to the
door that leads to the elevator room. Lube up the doorstop using the oil and
shut off the lights using the switch on the wall to the left.

One of the Mafia henchmen will open the door and end up slipping on the oil.
Before he recovers, quickly head down to the elevator. Close and lock the door
behind you before you press the button to call the elevator. Follow the catwalk
down to the end and run out the door to escape the compound.

Now that Nico is finished recapping her story, you'll eventually go back down
to the Vatican.


It's dark out and you can see Archie here sitting on a bench. Talk to him and
then attempt to take his bottle of meths that's sitting on the ground near him.
He won't let you take it, but he is willing to trade it for something when you
ask him about it. Follow the road to the end to where you see a garbage can.
Rifle through it to uncover a half full bottle of Krueg champagne. Take it with
you and talk to Archie about his bottle of meths again. Offer him the champagne
and he'll agree to the trade. Pick up the bottle of meths and then go back to
the garbage can.

Pour the meths into the trash and then set it on fire using the lighter. The
guards will come over to put it out, leaving George and Nico able to sneak into
the wafer factory.

When you're inside the factory, run across to the other side of the room and
open the door to find a hidden wafer manufacturing room. Angelica is here
guarding the place, but leave it to Nico to take care of her. While they're
away, take the time to look at the wafers on the conveyor belt and then examine
the controls to the right of the conveyor. Look at the vats and finally at the
gold dust between them.

Wait near the door that Nico and Angelica went through until they return and
when they do, ask Angelica about the machine twice and then about the gold dust
twice. After the conversation, George will hear someone coming and it turns out
that it's Cardinal Gianelli. Follow him through the door at the end of the hall
that's between Angelica's office and the storage room.

Walk up the stairs to see that you'll have to work your way across the
courtyard again without being spotted by the monks. Like the first time through
here, it's still not that bad. Just cut through the middle and hide when
needed. Head through the door on the other side and head up to the office.
George will notice that the door is cracked open, so peek in to see the
Cardinal rifling through a safe.

Open the door and George and Nico will walk in on him. Not only that, but more
of what exactly is going on will be revealed when George and Nico find out that
they've been doing the dirty work for Father Gregor and the monsignor all along.

The Cardinal is shot while Nico is taken somewhere underground. Father Gregor
will pistol whip George to knock him out. When he comes to, he'll find that
Mark has made his way to the Vatican to help George. The Cardinal will hand
George a manuscript before he dies and you should take this time to look at it.
Take a closer look at the Latin texts, each of the symbols next to them as well
as the pictures of Jesus with the cross.

Make your way out of the office and head downstairs. Instead of heading
outside, do you see that large trap door? We're going to open that now. George
can see the lock, but he can't get to it. Ask Mark to hold the door open and
use the golf club on it to break the lock and then head downstairs.

Here you'll find two large angel statues with hourglasses in front of them. The
hourglasses can be turned, but in order to solve it you'll need to look at the
painting back in the office where you walked in on the Cardinal to figure out
the solution. However, what would the point be to do that when you still have
this walkthrough to rely upon?

The left hourglasses on both statues should be turned so that the sand is at
the bottom. The right hourglasses should be turned so that the sand is pointed
to the right. When you've turned the hourglasses on the left statue, climb onto
the statue and turn its head. Do the same with the right, but you'll notice
that the door closes when George lets go of the head. Use Mark on the statue's
head and he'll reluctantly agree to hold it so George can head down into the


From where George is standing you'll see a junction box on the wall to the left
of him. Use the knife to open it and then use the rubber gloves to disconnect
the wires. Head down to the end of the hall. Attempt to grab the light bulb to
the left of the door to discover that it's extremely hot. Grab it using the
fireproof blanket to remove it from the socket and put the bomb in its place.

Back at the junction box, use the rubber gloves to reconnect the wires and the
bomb will blow open the door. Head through the door to get into a confrontation
with a couple of monks. If you think George is killed here, you're right. Looks
like any future Broken Sword games will be featuring Nico as the heroine and
all I can say is that it's about time. She deserves more screen time than what
she's getting in this game.

I can't believe you actually fell for that! What actually happens is that Mark
will have somehow made his way down into the catacombs and he summons whatever
lackeys he brought with him. A shootout ensues and Mark will pass out after
getting shot in the shoulder. At some point you'll be pulled out of the
crossfire and into Anna Maria's arms. She'll tell George her side of the story
and the shootout will eventually come to an end.

When you regain control, feel free to read each of the fourteen plaques on the
columns otherwise just continue through the door at the opposite end of the
room. Walk through the passageway to your right and another monk will corner
George and Anna Maria here. I could say that they're killed here, but I just
remembered I already used that prank. Archie will save the day this time around
as he knocks out the monk with his last bottle of '85. It turns out that the
pope's cellar is the Secret Stash Archie rambled on about back on street level.

Look at the dials on the wall and you'll have another puzzle. Turn the first
dial once and then the second five times. Turn the third once and a hidden door
will reveal itself.

Be careful heading down the next corridor because a floor puzzle is coming up
and you don't want to be caught off guard.

Starting with the second tile on the left, proceed to follow this path and just
keep walking straight and turn when I note otherwise:

Cross (this is the first tile you step on)
Sword (Right)
Lion (Right)
Cross (Left)
Moon (Left)
Lion (Left)
Moon (Right)
Lion (Right)
Cross (you should have now made it to the other side)

Anna Maria will repeat the path you just took so she can get to the other side
as well, and you should now continue onto the next room. Cross the skinny
bridge until George falls into a trap. Tell Anna Maria to pull the Assassin,
Turk, Mamluk, and Templar levers in that order and George will re-emerge.

In the next room you'll find a statue of Jacques de Molay to your left. Place
the map in his hands and set it on fire using the lighter. Follow the hall down
to the Ark only to find it missing. Anna Maria will kick the base in
frustration, and a door will close behind you as poisonous gas begins pouring
into the room. Insert the rosary into the base to unlock the next door to
finally find Nico. Problem is, she's chained up and it looks like they're ready
to sacrifice her in order to summon the Angel of Death and cleanse the Earth of

When your first opportunity arises, use the golf club to smash one cherub and
watch the next set of sequences. Mevlut will enter here and threaten to shoot
George now that he's no longer a part of Turkish security. He's fallen in line
with the other guys in this room. Use the golf club to smash the other cherub
and you'll be treated to an abrupt, but tragic ending.

All I can say is that I can't wait for Broken Sword V and I hope you've enjoyed
the game as much as I have, despite the long loading times and sometimes goofy


Revolution Software – Thank God for regaining your senses and making Broken
Sword IV as great as the first two games. Sure, there were quite a few hacking
puzzles, but none of them were nearly as bad as all the crate puzzles that
plagued Broken Sword 3. I also commend you on continuing to write great
dialogue and insisting on spot-on voice acting for George and Nico. As long as
you keep on making any future Broken Sword games as cool as this one, you know
you can count on me to continue supporting the series. I just hope that with
Broken Sword V you can improve on the load times because the ones in this game
seemed atrociously long.

Rolf Saxon – This guy has voiced George in every Broken Sword game to date and
it'd be hard to imagine the series without him. He does an excellent job
bringing George Stobbart to life and injecting humor into the games where it's
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