

13.10.2013 12:34:40
Welcome to the Stars! version 2 FAQ.
March 6, 1996

This is a collection of the most frequently asked questions about the
space strategy game, Stars!. Since this is a new FAQ, it's likely
many of your questions are not yet addressed here. If your question is
not fully answered here, or you have more information to add, please
send e-mail to

The latest version of this FAQ is available at the official Stars! FTP
and Web sites:



1. What is Stars!?
2. What are the system requirements?
3. Is Stars! copy protected?
4. How do I install the shareware version?
5. How do I install the retail version in Win 3.1 or 3.11?
6. How do I install the retail version in Win 95?
7. How do I uninstall Stars!?
8. How large are the compressed Stars! files?
9. How do I get support?
10. How do I submit bug reports?
11. Where can I get the shareware version?
12. What does the retail version have that the shareware version
13. Where and how do I buy the retail version?
14. Is there a European distributor?
15. Who do I contact if I'm having problems with a retail order?
16. How do I distribute a 4, 8 or 8+ license pack?
17. How do I upgrade a license bought from the owner of a multi-pack?
18. What's new in version 2.0?
19. What's new in version 2.0a?
20. What's new in version 2.0b?
21. Which versions are compatible?
22. Where do I get the patches and how do I install them?
23. Can a game include both the shareware and retail versions?
24. Can the host of a multi-player game use a shareware copy?
25. Can several people play on the same computer using one copy?
26. Can two or more people using the same machine submit turns in the
same e-mail game?
27. Which setup do I use for single vs. multi-player games?
28. Where can I find hosted games and other players?
29. When I zip my game files, they don't get any smaller. Why not?
30. Is it possible to host Stars! in DOS?
31. Why is there no way for a host to retrieve a lost password?
32. How can I print the online players guide?
33. I have multiple licenses. How do I restore a turn ruined by
re-installing the wrong serial number on a machine?
34. How do I create and save a custom race?
35. Is there an ultimate race?
36. Can I edit a race during play?
37. Can I design my own ship hulls?
38. How can an I print out a star chart of the universe?
39. Is there diplomacy in Stars!?
40. Where are the sound effects and music?


(1) What is Stars!?

Stars! is the premiere multi-player, space strategy conquest game for
Microsoft Windows (all versions). Play solo or against as many as 15
opponents on a single machine, across a LAN, or submit turns via the
internet, e-mail or BBS's. Every turn tests your strategy as you build
and deploy starships, colonize and develop planets, and forge new
technology to expand and defend your empire. You determine the winning

conditions, but the winning strategy rules the universe.

What Stars! has to offer:

- Unmatched depth of play and strategic flexibility
- Built-in automation allows you to focus on strategy
- Complex, challenging computer players that don't cheat to win
- A dynamic, flexible interface that you control
- A top-rated tutorial linked to an extensive online player's guide

Feature Highlights:

* 6 interlocking research categories with 26 tech levels each
* Up to 16 players in one game
* 30 fully configurable unique ship hulls for building custom ships
* Extended orders for ship movement that can automate menial tasks
* 4 levels of computer players
* Customizable races
* Race attributes for fine tuning custom races
* Configurable battle plans


(2) What are the system requirements?

Operating Systems Supported:

* Microsoft Windows 3.1 and 3.11
* Microsoft Windows NT
* Microsoft Windows 95

Memory requirement:

* 4MB RAM, 8MB is preferred

Disk space requirement:

* 4MB for program and help files

Video display:

* Color displays only
* 800 x 600 or better is strongly recommended (640 x 480 is
playable but cramped)
* 256 colors (16 color mode decreases bitmap clarity)

(3) Is Stars! copy protected?

Yes. The v2.0 and above retail versions of Stars! requires the user
to enter a serial number provided with the license.

The first time you run Stars!, you will be asked to enter your
registration serial number. The number is printed on the disk label
(or may have been sent by email). IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU KEEP THE
NUMBER WHERE YOU CAN FIND IT LATER. Here are the most likely instances
where Stars! will ask for it again:

* If you re-install Stars!
* After you change your computer's hardware (the copy protection
takes a fingerprint of your computer's hardware configuration)
* After you install an upgrade patch

If you didn't get a serial number or have lost it, contact your
distributor. They will verify your purchase and provide you with the

For more copy protection details, see the help topic:

Getting Started - Copy Protection.


(4) How do I install the shareware version?

The shareware version of Stars! is packaged in a compressed (zip)
file. You will need an up-to-date unzip utility to decompress the
file. You can download a self-extracting copy of PKWARE's compression
utilities, which includes pkunzip version 2.04g, from almost any
software library or from the Stars! WWW and FTP sites:


The file pkz204g.exe is self-extracting and contains, among others
things, the file pkunzip.exe. To unzip the shareware Stars! files,
follow the instructions below:

Shareware version

1. Put the Stars! zip file in an empty directory.
2. Put pkunzip.exe in either the same directory as the Stars! zip
file or any directory in your computer's path.
3. Open a DOS session in Windows or quit windows to enter DOS mode.
4. Change to the directory to where you put the game zip.
5. Type the word PKUNZIP followed by a space and the name of the
game file. After the file is unzipped, close the DOS session or
restart Windows.

(5) How do I install the retail version using Win 3.1 or 3.11?

Short Instructions:

1. Copy the file Stars!2z.exe from the floppy disk to an empty
directory on your hard drive.
2. Run Stars!2z.exe to extract the files (pkunzip is built in).

* Stars!.exe runs both single and multi-player games.
* For the help buttons and menu item within the game to activate
the help system, Stars!.exe and Stars!.hlp must be in the same
* If you are unable to successfully install Stars!, please contact
your retail distributor or send e-mail to

Long Instructions:

1. Open the File Manager.

2. Create an empty directory for Stars! on a hard drive (for help
on creating directories, consult the Windows help topic:
directories > creating).

3. Insert the Stars! disk in a floppy drive.

4) In the upper left corner of the File Manager, click on the drive
icon that represents the floppy drive containing the Stars!
disk. The right side of the File Manager should now display the
file stars!2z.exe.

5. Click ONCE on the file stars!2z.exe to highlight the file.

If you accidentally click TWICE, the file will execute and a DOS
screen will appear showing that PKUNZIP is copying the game
files onto the floppy. Since the floppy is almost full already,
the process will fail. Close the DOS screen by typing EXIT and
try step 5 again.

6. From the File menu, choose Copy.

7. In the Copy dialog box, type in the path of the Stars! directory
created in step 2 (for example - C:\stars or C:\games\stars etc.

8. Choose the OK button. The file will be copied from the floppy
disk to the Stars! directory.

9. Click on the icon for the Stars! directory. Double-click on the
file stars!2z.exe. A DOS screen will open and show the progress
of the unzipping process. When the unzipping is finished, close
the DOS window by typing EXIT.

The installation is complete. The File Manager should now show the
following files in the Stars! directory:

stars!2z.exe -- the registered self-extracting zip file
License.txt -- legal stuff
Order.txt -- Stars! registration and order form
Read20a.txt -- 2.0a release notes
Readme.txt -- 2.0 general info
Readme20.txt -- 2.0 release notes
Stars!.exe -- Stars! program
Stars!.hlp -- Stars! online help

* Stars!.exe runs both single and multi-player games.
* For the help buttons and menu item within the game to activate
the help system, Stars!.exe and Stars!.hlp must be in the same
* If you are unable to successfully install Stars!, please contact
your retail distributor or send e-mail to

Running Stars!:

The first time you run Stars!, you will be asked to enter your
registration serial number. The number is printed on the disk label
(or may have been sent by email). IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU KEEP THE
NUMBER WHERE YOU CAN FIND IT LATER. Here are the most likely instances
where Stars! will ask for it again:

* If you re-install Stars!
* After you change your computer's hardware (the copy protection
takes a fingerprint of your computer's hardware configuration)
* After you install an upgrade patch (like the 2.0 - 2.0a patch)

If you didn't get a serial number or have lost it, contact your
distributor. They will verify your purchase and provide you with the

To add the Stars! icon to the a Program Manager group, do the

1. Open the File Manager and re-size it so you can still see the
program group in which you want to place the Stars! icon. To
re-size the File Manager, just drag it's borders.

2. Click on the Stars! directory to display it's contents.

3. Click and hold on the file Stars!.exe. Drag the file over to the
Program Group and release. The Stars! icon will now appear in
the group.

(6) How do I install the retail version in Win 95?

Short Instructions:

1. Copy the file Stars!2z.exe from the floppy disk to an empty
directory on your hard drive.
2. Run Stars!2z.exe to extract the files (pkunzip is built in).

* Stars!.exe runs both single and multi-player games.
* For the help buttons and menu item within the game to activate
the help system, Stars!.exe and Stars!.hlp must be in the same
* If you are unable to successfully install Stars!, please contact
your retail distributor or send e-mail to

Long Instructions:

Use the following method to install Stars! using Win95 (the Win95
Add/Remove Programs dialog will not install Stars! correctly).

1. Open Explorer (the Win95 file manager)

2. Create an empty folder for Stars! on a hard drive (for help on
creating folders, consult the Win95 help which is accessible
from the Start menu).

3. Insert the Stars! disk in a floppy drive.

4. In the left side of the Explorer, find the 3-1/2 floppy drive
icon that represents the drive containing the Stars! disk. Click
on the drive icon once to highlight the drive. The right side of
the Explorer will now display the file stars!2z.exe.

5. Click ONCE on the file stars!2z.exe to highlight the file.

If you accidentally click TWICE, one of two things will happen:

The file will execute and a DOS window will appear showing that
PKUNZIP is copying the game files onto the floppy. Since the
floppy is almost full already, the process will fail and you're
back to square one.

Or, the file name will suddenly appear with a frame around it
because Win95 thinks you want to change the file name. Just
press the escape key or click anywhere outside the frame to
return to normal.

6. Click and drag the file to the empty Stars! folder that you
created in step 2. Release the mouse button when the file is
over the Stars! folder and it will be copied there from the
floppy disk.

7. Double-click on the file stars!2z.exe in the Stars! folder. A
DOS window will open and show the progress of the unzipping
process. When the unzipping is finished, close the DOS window by
clicking on the "x" in the upper right corner.

The installation is complete. The Explorer should now show the
following files in the Stars! folder:

stars!2z.exe -- the registered self-extracting zip file
License.txt -- legal stuff
Order.txt -- Stars! registration and order form
Read20a.txt -- 2.0a release notes
Readme.txt -- 2.0 general info
Readme20.txt -- 2.0 release notes
Stars!.exe -- Stars! program
Stars!.hlp -- Stars! online help

* Stars!.exe runs both single and multi-player games.
* For the help buttons and menu item within the game to activate
the help system, Stars!.exe and Stars!.hlp must be in the same
* If you are unable to successfully install Stars!, please contact
your retail distributor or send e-mail to

Running Stars!:

The first time you run Stars!, you will be asked to enter your
registration serial number. The number is printed on the disk label
(or may have been sent by email). IT IS IMPORTANT THAT YOU KEEP THE
NUMBER WHERE YOU CAN FIND IT LATER. Here are the most likely instances
where Stars! will ask for it again:

* If you re-install Stars!
* After you change your computer's hardware (the copy protection
takes a fingerprint of your computer's hardware configuration)
* After you install an upgrade patch (like the 2.0 - 2.0a patch)

If you didn't get a serial number or have lost it, contact your
distributor. They will verify your purchase and provide you with the

To add the Stars! icon to the Start or Programs menu, see the Win95
help topic:

start menu > tips > adding a program to the Start or Programs menu

To add the Stars! icon to the desktop, see the Win95 help topics:

desktop > icons > adding > Overview:...
desktop > icons > adding > Putting a shortcut on the desktop

(7) How do I uninstall Stars!?

You mean how do you rip out our hearts and stomp on them? If you must
jettison Stars!, just do the following:

* Delete all the files from the game directory
* Delete the stars.ini file from your windows directory

If you didn't like something in particular or experience problems
with the game, please let us know. We answer all our mail and value
your feedback - if it's something we can help you with, we will. If
it's just a matter of not having a feature you want, let us know that
too - it just might show up in the next version.

(8) How large are the compressed Stars! files?

Shareware v2.0b: 1.28MB (1,347,422 bytes)
Retail v2.0b: 1.29MB (1,361,097 bytes)

(9) How do I get support?

Game questions can be sent by e-mail to or through
author feedback at the Stars! website: http//!

The Stars! website and FTP server also have release notes, the latest
FAQ, an enhanced help file, and other player resources. You may also
want to post your questions to the newsgroup that carries most of the
Stars! related posts:

This newsgroup is frequented by many new and experienced Stars!
players and has ongoing discussions about many basic and advanced
Stars! topics.

If you are experiencing difficulties ordering a copy or receiving an
ordered copy of Stars! through a distributor, please contact the
distributor for help. Stars! distributors operate independently and
each maintains their own ordering process. If the problem is not being

resolved to your satisfaction, please send mail to

(10) How do I submit bug reports?

1. Write a description of the suspected bug in a text file.
2. Zip all the relevant game files and the text file:

pkzip gamename.* backup\gamename.* bugnotefile

3. Send us the zip file in one of the following ways:

* Mail the zip file to along with a description of
the problem.
* FTP the zip file to Be sure to send e-mail
to with a description of the problem and the
name of the zip file uploaded.

We appreciate the time and effort it takes to send these files. It
helps us a great deal to have the actual game files when trying to
determine if a bug exists. Thanks for taking the time to help Stars!
maintain it's reputation as one of the most stable and bug-free games
on the market.

(11) Where can I get the shareware version?

The current and past shareware versions can always be found at the
official Stars! web and FTP sites:

World Wide Web:!

FTP site:

dir: /stars/v2.0b
files: stars! (shareware version 2.0b)

dir: /stars/v2.0a
files: stars! (shareware version 2.0a)

dir: /stars/v2.0
files: stars! (shareware version 2.0)

dir: /stars/v1.1a
files: (shareware version 1.1a)

World-wide Download Sites:

To get the latest list of world-wide download sites for v2.0b, send
e-mail to:

(12) What does the retail version have that the shareware version

Although the shareware version is highly playable and complete on a
limited level, the retail version unleashes all the advanced features
that blow the governor off game play.

Here's a thumbnail sketch of the most basic features made available
in the retail version:

* Races can be customized
* Medium, Large, and Huge universes are available.
* The universe's planet density can be increased or decreased.
* Players starting distances can be increased or decreased.
* Beginners can select unlimited minerals.
* Technological advances can be slowed to change the strategies of
* Player scores can be made public
* Research levels increase from 10 to 26, opening access to
powerful new defensive, offensive, transport, mining and
colonization technologies not available with lower research
* Access to all the advanced tech items which require custom race

Once you start playing the retail version, you'll realize how much
more complex and challenging Stars! is with access to the advanced
features. Don't wait too long - your potential opponents with the
retail version will be using that time to get get familiar with stasis
sumps, tachyon detectors, energy dampers and the new strategies that
they and other advanced technologies make possible.

(13) Where and how do I buy the retail version?

Currently, you can buy Stars! only through mail order and online over
the World Wide Web. However, as sales grow that may change. For the
latest info on distributors, send e-mail to For
information on the European distributor, see FAQ topic #14.

Phone and Mail Orders
Call 541-451-1635; M - Th: 8am - 7pm, Friday: 8am - 1pm Pacific time
(GMT -8 hours). Star Crossed Software accepts Visa, Mastercard,
check or money order.

The shareware version of Stars! comes with a text file called
order.txt. Simply print this file to get the retail order form. If you
do not have this file, just write down the following info:

* Number of single copies, 4-packs or 8-packs you want.
* Type of shipping desired.
* An e-mail address or phone number where you can be reached in
case there is a problem with the order.

Send it along with a check or money order (be sure to include proper
shipping) to:

Star Crossed Software
38451 Harrington Drive
Lebanon, OR 97355

Web orders
To order and download Stars! directly over the internet:

1. Connect to the Stars! web site:!
2. Follow the instructions for upgrades or original orders.
3. Download the software directly after completing the order process.

* Stars! purchased via this Web site is obtained within 24 hours via
FTP download across the Internet - no disk will be mailed to you.
* Currently, WebMap can only accept Visa and MasterCard for payment.
* There are no additional shipping or handling charges.

These prices only apply to Star Crossed Software and WebMap Internet
Services. All prices are in U.S. dollars.

Single license : 34.00
4-license pack : 80.00
8-license pack : 136.00
Over 8 per order: 17.00 (per license)

Shipping and handling included in first class mail orders (U.S. only).
Other services listed below:
Priority Service (U.S. only) 6.00
Next Day (U.S. only) 16.00
First Class (Canada) 1.00
International AirMail 6.00

Upgrade prices for registered retail versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.1a:

Single copies registered before Oct.1: 15.00 (limited time)
Single copies registered on or after Oct.1: 5.00 (limited time)
8-packs registered before Oct.1: 64.00
8-packs registered on or after Oct.1: 40.00

Please telephone Star Crossed Software or e-mail WebMap at if you need additional information on prices and

(14) Is there a European distributor?

Yes, there is a distributor in Germany:

STC Computerservice
Postfach 910 427
90262 Nuernberg
phone: 49-911-3 937 937
fax: 49-911-3 937 939

Use one of the following options:

1. Use the STC Computerservice Order Form that comes with STARS!
Shareware distributed in Europe. Fill out the form and send it to
the address listed above.
2. Send an e-Mail, FAX or letter to STC Computerservice asking for
the order form. Fill out the form and send it to the address listed
3. Phone and ask at our Voice-Hotline/Mailbox/Answering Machine.
There is the possibility of fax-on-demand for our order forms
and price lists.
4. Any other way you can reach us: just specify product, quantity,
delivery address and your phone-number. The delivery will be sent
with Postal Order to you.

Methods of Payment
STC Computerservice accepts the following forms of payment:

* American Express, VISA and Master-/Eurocard. These orders must
include the card number, card holder's name as it appears on
card, card expiration date and card holder's signature.

* Postal Order (5,-DM added)

* EC-Check (400.-DM max. value per cheque)

* For the countries Germany, Switzerland and Austria, we are
offering the debit of your bank account. A special form is
necessary. Please feel free to ask for this convenient method of

Single license: 59,-DM
8-license pack: 229,- DM

Depends on the quantities of your order! (E.g.: One copy of STARS!
cost 3.- DM within Germany, 15.- DM within Europe).

Please telephone, e-mail or fax STC Computerservice if you need
additional information on prices and ordering.

(15) Who do I contact if I'm having problems with a retail order?

If you are experiencing difficulties ordering a retail copy or
receiving an order from a distributor, please try to contact the
distributor for help. Stars! distributors operate independently and
each maintains their own ordering process. If the problem is not being
resolved to your satisfaction, please send mail to

16) How do I distribute a 4, 8 or 8+ license pack?

If you purchase a multi-licenses pack by mail or phone, you are mailed

one disk and a number of disk labels. Each label is imprinted with a
unique registration serial number. Give each player a copy of the
program and one label.

If you buy a multi-pack over the web, you are allowed to make one copy

of the downloaded original for each license. The registration serial
numbers are sent to you via e-mail. Give one serial number to each
person to which you distribute a copy.

There can be only one registered owner of a multi-pack. All others who
are distributed licenses from that multi-pack must upgrade through the
registered owner. The distributor keeps a record of all the serial
numbers under the name of the registered owner only. The registered
owner of a multi-pack can choose to transfer their registration to
another person. To transfer your registration, contact your

(17) How do I upgrade a license bought from the owner of a multi-pack?

You must upgrade through the registered owner. There can be only one
registered owner of a multi-pack. All others who are distributed
licenses from that multi-pack must upgrade through the registered
owner. If you are having trouble locating that person, contact the
distributor from which they bought the multi-pack. The distributor
will have your registration serial number recorded under the name of
the registered owner of the multi-pack and they can give you the
owner's contact information if it is available. The registered owner
of a multi-pack can ask their distributor to transfer the registration
to another person.

Individual distributor policies may vary in this matter. Contact the
original distributor for additional information. You can determine
which distributor originally sold your license by looking at the first
letter of the serial number:

Letter Distributor
S Star Crossed Software
W WebMap Internet Services
G Firma STC

If the first letter of your serial number is not listed above please
e-mail for assistance.

(18) What's new in version 2?

* Stargates
* Wormholes
* Rail Guns
* Minefields
* Mass Drivers
* Warp 10 engine
* Battle wreckage
* New area weapons
* Renameable fleets
* New starbase hulls
* New scanner technology
* Battle VCR improvements
* Starbases fight in battles
* 50% more tech items than 1.x
* Customizable winning conditions
* Major race creation improvements
* Players can steal from each other
* New planet and fleet report displays
* Torpedo deflectors, shield dissipaters
* New scanner modes such as show idle fleets
* New battle plan tactics and targeting options
* Enemy fleet heading and speed estimates in scanner
* New waypoint tasks such as "merge with fleet" and "Patrol"
* Universe creation options: Public Scores and Unlimited Minerals

* More defaults, more control, more automation...

For more detailed information of all the new features in version 2,
read the file titled readme20.txt that's included with the Stars! zip
file or read the "What's New" section of the online help.

(19) What's new in version 2.0a?

Version 2.0a includes bugfixes, game-balancing improvements, an
updated help file and even some new features which didn't make the
2.0 release.

For all the details, read the file Read20a.txt included in the zip
file or view 2.0a/2.0b release notes at the Stars! website:!

(20) What's new in version 2.0b?

A few minor bugfixes. See the file Read20b.txt included in the zip or
view the 2.0a/2.0b release notes at the Stars! website:!

(21) Which versions are compatible?

Version 1.1a and 2.0:

No. There were too many code modifications made in creating the V2.0
enhancements and new features to ensure compatibility.

Versions 2.0 and 2.0a:

Yes and No. You cannot play with a mix of 2.0 and 2.0a players due to
message format changes. However, you can continue existing version 2.0
games in version 2.0a by following the instructions for installing the
2.0a patch which are in the file read20a.txt and in FAQ topic #22.

Versions 2.0a and 2.0b:

Yes. There are no file format, rules or structure changes at all in
2.0b, just a few bugfixes.

(22) Where do I get the patches and how do I install them?

The patches only work on the full retail version. To upgrade a
shareware copy, simply download the new shareware version. You can
download the patches from the Stars! WWW and FTP sites:

FTP: (v2.0a) (v2.0b)

2.0a Patch

Important Notes:

* Since some message formats have changed, you cannot play with a
mix of 2.0 and 2.0a players. All players must upgrade as soon as
the host has upgraded in order to continue proper play.

* Stars! may ask for the registration serial number again when
you start the 2.0a version. Serial numbers are machine specific
(the copy protection takes a machine fingerprint). If you own
multiple licenses, be sure and re-enter the right number for the
right machine.

To install the 2.0a patch, follow these instructions:

1. Unzip into an empty directory
(for info on unzipping files, see: How do I install Stars!?)
2. Place patch.exe and stars20a.upd in the same directory as
3. Run patch.exe
4. Replace the v2.0 help file with the v2.0a help file. If you have
a v2.0 enhanced help file, you can download an enhanced v2.0a
help file from the Stars! website:!

All 2.0 games in progress may be safely upgraded to V2.0a by following
these steps:

1. All players take their turn with V2.0 and save and submit them.
2. The host file (game.hst) is opened with V2.0a and the new turn
is generated.
3. All players now open their new turns with V2.0a and continue

2.0b Patch

Important Notes:

* Stars! may ask for the registration serial number again when you
start the 2.0b version. Serial numbers are machine specific (the
copy protection takes a machine fingerprint). If you own
multiple licenses, be sure and re-enter the right number for the
right machine.

* If your current version of Stars! is 2.0 you will need to
upgrade it to 2.0a first and then upgrade to 2.0b. This patch
cannot upgrade version 2.0 directly to version 2.0b.

* If you have trouble installing the 2.0b patch please send e-mail

To install the 2.0b patch, follow these instructions:

1. Unzip into an empty directory
(for info on unzipping files, see: How do I install Stars!?)
2. Place patch.exe and stars20b.upd in the same directory as
3. Run patch.exe

There are no file format, rules or structure changes at all in 2.0b so
2.0a and 2.0b players can play in the same game. However, Since there
are a number of good bug fixes, it's recommended that everyone
upgrade. What order the hosts and players upgrade from 2.0a to 2.0b
doesn't matter, however to make things simple in multi-player games,
here is an orderly procedure to follow:

1. The players submit their turns with version 2.0a.
2. The host updates to 2.0b and generates the new turn.
3. The players upgrade to 2.0b before loading their new turns.

(23) Can a game include both the shareware and retail versions?

Yes, but shareware players are limited to tech level 10 and cannot
create their own races. This does give the players using the retail
version an obvious advantage.

(24) Can the host of a multi-player game use a shareware copy?

Yes. However, a host using a shareware copy will be limited in his
choice of universe attributes. Players with the retail version will
have all game features available, while shareware players such as the
host in this case, will be limited to the feature set of the shareware

(25) Can several people play on the same computer using one copy?

Yes. Up to 16 people can play "hot-seat" on the same computer with one
copy of Stars!. Just make sure that all players use the same copy. In
other words make sure that there is only one copy of the game on the

To play one game with several players on one machine:

Method 1
Each player can submit their turn, saves, and then goes back to the
splash screen using the menu command: File > Close. You don't have to
exit Stars! between players.

Method 2
If you have enough memory (about 2-4MB per player depending on the
universe size) you can run multiple instances of the game. An
"instance" is one running session of the game.

1. Start an instance of Stars! for each player and one more for a
dummy host. Open one player's file in each instance and the .hst
file (host mode) in the one remaining.
2. Press the Auto-Generate button in the host dialog. This will
minimize the host instance. It will then wait for all of the
players to turn in their turns and generate the turn as soon as
they are all in.

Each player submits their turn using the menu command: Turn > Wait for
New. Their instance then automatically minimizes and the next player
takes their turn with their own instance. Once the last player has
submitted their turn, the host automatically generates the next turn.
All of the player's instances beep once and blink to announce that a
new turn is available. The first player then opens their instance and
play continues. This is just like playing on a LAN except that you
have to take turns sitting at the same keyboard.

(26) Can two or more people using the same machine, submit turns in
the same e-mail game?

Yes. When your .x# file is created it is marked with both your serial
number and a fingerprint of your machine. The host will only
"penalize" two or more people playing with the same serial number and
DIFFERENT machine fingerprints. Any number of people can submit turns
from the same machine with the same serial number. If however, you had
two machines at home and submitted one .x# file from each, then each
one must have a unique serial number. This allows you to do cool
things like take a friend's turn for them when they're out of town or
have two family members play from the same machine and so on. We have
tried to make sure that our copy protection mechanism is as
non-intrusive as possible.

(27) Which setup do I use for single vs. multi-player games?

Single player games
You can use either the basic or advanced new game dialog.

Multi-player games
You must use the advanced dialog to set up multi-player games.

The advanced dialog gives you additional control over universe
creation parameters such as player starting proximity; the number,
identity and skill level of computer players; winning conditions; and
other special settings for special situations. It also allows you to
create more than one real player in order to play more than one race
(a schizophrenic strategy player's dream!).

(28) Where can I find hosted games and other players?

WWW Host Sites
The following sites currently host or plan to host Stars! games:

Hilton Lange's Stars! Base: (the biggest and oldest)

Jay Teague's Deemon's Lair:

Brian Nelson's Stars! Page:

Alan Beall's Stars! Depot:

Artifical Reality:

If you would like your site added to this list for the next FAQ
update, please send e-mail to

Usenet Newsgroups
----------------------- (most Stars! info) (some but not many)

Stars! Website

There will soon be a page with info on hosting and links to host
sites. If you have something to add to this page, please send e-mail
to or leave author feedback at the website.

(29) When I zip my game files, they don't get any smaller. Why not?

Stars! game files are already compressed.

(30) Is it possible to Host Stars! in DOS?

It depends. If the machine cannot run Windows, then the answer is no.
If the machine can run Windows but usually does not, then the answer
is yes. It is possible to launch Windows and Stars! from a DOS batch
file in such a way that Stars! will generate turns for one or more
games and then exit all the way out of Windows allowing the batch file
to continue where you it left off. See the help file topic Getting
Started - Options for Launching Stars! for more details.

(31) Why is there no way for a host to retrieve a lost password?

Any utility which allowed hosts to remove or change passwords would
remove all security from the game. All an unscrupulous host would have
to do is copy the game files to another directory and remove the
passwords from the player's files in that directory. They could then
look at everybody's data in that copy of the universe and no matter
what Stars! did, the real players would never know. In a network game
ANY player could pull the same trick. Security is an all or nothing
element. If we didn't provide at least the minimal level of security
we do now, multi-player Stars! games would be a joke.

(32) How can I print the online players guide?

You can download both formatted ASCII text and Microsoft Word versions
of the Getting Started, Playing, and Guts sections of the online
player s guide. The text version is ready to print. You ll need to
have access to MS Word 6.x or better to view and print the Word
version, or have a word processor with a filter for importing that
type of document. Both files are free.


files: (printable docs in ASCII format) (printable docs in MS Word format)

(33) I have multiple licenses. How do I restore a turn ruined by
installing the wrong serial number on a machine?

All you have to do is copy the game files from the backup directory to
the game directory, open each affected player's turn and File/Save.
This will save their .x# files with the correct serial numbers and
machine ids.

(34) How do I create and save a custom race?

There are two routes you can use, depending on your preferences and

From the basic setup:

If you are creating a new game using just the basic setup, you can
create a custom race by selecting Custom in the new game dialog and
completing the Custom Race wizard. Without doing anything else, this
race can be played in the current game but will not be saved for use
in another game.

If you create a race you're successful with and wish to save it, use
the View(Race...) command to display the settings for that race. Write
the race settings onto paper. Then run the File (Custom Race Wizard)
command, and duplicate and save the race for use in future games.

From the advanced setup:

If you are creating a new game using the advanced setup, use the
following steps to create and save a custom race:

1. Select Advanced in the New Game dialog.

2. In step 2 of the New Advanced Game dialog, left-click on the
blue diamond next to the player position you wish to play.

3. Select Custom Race>New... from the menu. The Custom Race wizard
will appear.

4. Select Finish when you are finished selecting race preferences.

5. Type in a race name with a .r extension, for example, plasmacs.r1

Alternate method from a basic setup

You may also use the method shown step 1 to create a race for the
current game only. Using view race, jot down the race settings. Then,
while still in that game or later on, use the custom race wizard to
duplicate and save the race for use in future games.

(35) Is there an ultimate race?

Yes and no. It depends on the type of universe and the placement and
experience of the other players. Expert players can make any race an
ultimate race (a few people have proven this). However, the same
"ultimate race" in that game might get stomped into space dust in
another game with a less hospitable mix of variables. Success breeds

(36) Can I edit a race during play?

Once a game is started, you're stuck with the race you entered the
game with. All game files are compressed and encrypted to provide
security for all players. Players cannot read or modify data files.

You can however, at any time, open a saved race file (including the
file for a race currently in play) and make edits. As you are playing
a race, you might discover a weakness you would like to correct for
the next time you play that race.

To edit a race:

1. From the main menu, choose File>Open.
2. Select the race file (racename.r) to be edited.
3. The Custom Race Wizard appears with the chosen race loaded.
4. Make your edits and save the race under the same name to replace
the existing file or under a new name to preserve the existing

(37) Can I design my own ship hulls?

You can design elaborate ship configurations, but you can't design
your own hulls. This is a primary game-balancing restriction.

(38) How can an I print out a star chart of the universe?

In version 2.0a and above you can save the x,y coordinates of every
planet to a file by using the menu command: Report > Dump to Text File
> Universe Definition. You can then import this data into any graphing
program such as Excel to print the map as an xy scatter chart.

(39) Is there diplomacy in Stars!?

Stars! v2 has features that allow you to practice simple diplomacy in
multi-player games.

Use the Message pane to communicate with other players, arranging such
things as alliances, rendezvous, trade agreements and non-aggression

When you re setting up the game, you can specify winning conditions
that encourage diplomacy by allowing for multiple winners. Stars! does
not require one winner.

You can declare neutral and friendly players using the Player
Relations dialog. This prevents you from attacking the wrong people
and allows you to automatically come to a friend s aid if they re
under fire. Friends can also pass through each other s mine fields
without harm. So it s worth while to set up alliances, even if they re

The next major release will include a wide range of features that
integrate diplomacy directly into the game.

(40) Where are the sound effects and music?

There is no sound in space, or cheesy electronic music (and let s face
it, you re going to have to search to find games that don t offer
something you want to turn off after a few minutes of play). So, for
right now, Stars! is as silent as the hum of your hard drives.

This means you have total freedom of choice when you choose a
soundtrack for Stars!. Just pop in your favorite music CD, tape or
(if you re as arcane as we are) drop your favorite album onto the
turn-table when you start the game. That way, you ll hear the tracks
that fit your style of play (that s what we do).

We've spent our time making Stars! the best multi-player, space
conquest strategy game on the market. As we lay out the features for
future releases, we're looking for sounds and music that truly fit a
strategy game of this type.

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