Herr der Ringe - Schlacht um Mittelerde

Herr der Ringe - Schlacht um Mittelerde

17.10.2013 23:59:34
The Lord of the Rings
The Battle for Middle-Earth
The Rise of the Witch-King


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Legal Stuff ---------------------- (LS)
Contact -------------------------- (Co)
Campaign ------------------------- (Cam)
Heroes --------------------------- (Her)
War of the Ring Army Tactics ----- (WRA)
Powers --------------------------- (Pow)



ATTENTION: This FAQ/Walkthrough is based on Hard Mode Campaign. There may be
differences with the Easy and Normal Mode.

One Ring Power Points Tips:
Get to the Summon Hill Giant power ASAP.
You can spend 25 points if you get the maximum for each level. This way, you
can buy the Avalanche and Summon Wolf power as soon as they are available.
If you follow this the buying-sequence is as follows: ???, ???, Summon Hill
Giants, Summon Orcs, Summon Wights (recommended) OR Freezing Rain.

Mission 1: Foundations of Angmar.

Start out by unmounting the Witch-King. Now move both heroes towards the troll.
Kill the enemy units. A small cutscene takes place. Move your heroes to the
plateau just east of here. You will gain some battalions of monsters. Now, move
your heroes to the north, killing the units there. Proceed by going northward
freeing the trolls. When both hordes are free, move southwest to kill some more
Dark Rangers, free another battalion and get some resources. Move all units to
the north, then proceed east and kill all enemies you locate. A builder will
appear. It will build a fortress. When the fortress is done, move your army
east, and take out all units in the northwest corner. A fortress will rise here
to. Now move your units a bit southeast and free the Den from the attackers.
When they are dead, scout out any remaining enemies but DON'T GO TO THE LAST
INDICATOR! Build up your army and be sure to fully upgrade them. Now move south.
Take out the Drake (or use Untamed Allegiance on the lair (not recommended) and
it's lair. Rebuild any lost troops. Also, upgrade your fortresses with
everything you can. Recommendations are: 4 Arrow Towers in the 'corners', 2
Troll Stone Thrower alongside, and a Wolf Den at the back. Now charge into
the enemy army and dominate the troll with Rogash's power.
When they are dead, the last fortress will be build. Immediately send your army
towards the starting position, and send any troops you needed to rebuild too.
After a short time, the counterattack will arrive. Take them out as quickly as
you can. When they are all dead, you will have victory.

Mission 2: ???.
Take your units to the southeast village to get some extra units if you want.
Then, attack the outpost, take the Signal Fire and free Hwaldar. Then, visit all
other villages to get more units. Build 4 or 5 Troll Stone Throwers and assault
the northern or southern stronghold. Meanwhile, you must upgrade your fortress
with everything you can. This includes the expansion slots around the fortress.
When you assault the first fortress, enemy reinforcements will arrive. Let them
come to your fortress, and when they barely move, fire the Winter's Wrath upon
them. That should take care of them for the largest part. Meanwhile you should
be attacking the northern fortress. You only need to destroy the fortresses
and kill the reinforcements to win the mission.

Mission 3: Amon Sul.
Note 1: If you have the SHG-power, you can destroy the Mallorn that controls the
Sun Flare. This greatly reduces any loss of units.
Note 2: Start building a wall near the northern hill. The Arrow Towers won't
shoot at the wall expansions when a tower already stands.
Build Mills all over the place on the east side of the road. Quickly take the
Outpost for additional resources. When possible, build a fortress in the north,
and build a Wall Hub near it. Build a wall from the north all the way to the
south. If you can't make it, build an additional fortress. When done with this,
build a Hall of the King's Men, and an Iron Forge. Upgrade the Hall to level 3,
and the Forge to level 2. Now start cranking out Dark Rangers and give them Ice
Arrows and the Banner Carrier upgrade. Meanwhile, strike the enemy with the
Winters Wrath from your fortresses. When ready, move your units into the base.
Take out the units. Send about half your force to the Mallorn in the southwest
corner to take out the defenders, then take down the Mallorn with either the
units or siege units. Start taking down the buildings with your siege units.
When you take down the Watchtower of Amon Sul, you have won.

Mission 4: Dark Lord's Eye.
Note: SHG makes the start faster. Summon the Giants a bit before the enemy hero
and start attacking him. Take down the Tower Guards with your given units.
Then let them help the giants.
When the enemy is defeated, he will destroy the Palantîr. You will get some new
units. Use them to attack the nearby site where a fragment landed. Quickly take
out the units and carry the shard back to the fortress. Let your builder build
mills, a few arrow towers and a Hall. Start cranking out Dark Rangers and use
your powers in combination with the rangers to secure 4 shards in total. When
that is done, you have to take down the enemy fortress. This is fairly easy.
Build a few siege units and take down the wall. Protect the Stone Throwers with
everything you have. Let them fire away on the enemy fortress. When it falls,
you have won.

Mission 5: Barrow-Downs.
Take all your units, let your Thrall Masters summon some units, and start
scouting the complete map for enemy rangers, killing them when you see them.
When they are all dead, head for the Mount. Use all your units to defend them.
During the defense reinforcements will arrive, place them on the Mount to.
When the Witch-King arrives, move him AS QUICKLY AS POSSIBLE to the mount. When
the enemies army arrives, start focussing fire on one battalion at a time. When
everyone is defeated you will have victory.

Mission 6: Carn Dûm.
Start with building Mills all over the place. Let someone capture the Signal
Fire, and build a Hall and Forge. Start cranking out Dark Rangers and use them
to fend of the enemy if they enter the base. Keep cranking out your Rangers.
When the last attack comes, Rogash will arrive to. Use him and his forces in
any way to prevent the largest part of the attack to enter the second, and if
possible even the first line of defense. Watch out for any heroes or units that
might come through. Glorfindel can destroy your fortress while you are busy with
fending off the other units. When all are dead, you have won.

Mission 7: Plague Bearer.
Note: You should be able to buy the Avalanche and Shade of the Wolf power now.
Buy them. You can use them to take out the defenses of the burial mounts.

Build an Iron Forge, Hall of King's Men and a Temple. Start cranking out Dark
Rangers. Equip them with Ice Arrows, and start taking out the defenses
one by one. Try to use your powers to minimize enemy reinforcements. When the
defenses are taken out, place a Sorcerer on top of it to start the rituals.
Beware of the enemy forces. Scatter your forces, but be sure that they can
take out enemies that arrive. When you have reached 1000 Corrupted Souls, you
need to take out the enemy hero. Focus all your fire upon him. When he's dead,
a small cutscene will take place, and you will have victory.

Mission 8: Fornost.
Note: Most probably you will have to start over one or multiple times.
Use the siege units you have to destroy the two Arrow Towers and the farms.
Build a few Mills, and send most of your units to the slaughter. Keep any
Rangers you have. Build 2 Halls and a Forge. Start cranking out Rangers once
again. Equip them with Ice Arrows and Banner Carriers. Let them attack the
defenses on the walls. For the remainder, let them fend off any attacks
together with your heroes. When you have all powers, you can use them to get
the Shade of the Wolf in the section with the Keep. Let him use Call the Pack
on the Keep. Also use Avalanche on it. When the Wolf is gone, let the powers
recharge. When all are ready again, repeat the process. Two Avalanches will
do the trick most likely, but using Call the Pack and so on won't hurt.
When the Keep falls, you have beaten the Campaign.

Epilogue: Fall of Angmar.
Note: You cannot revive fallen heroes! Try not to let die any of the three you
have! They cannot come back!
Start by making a few mills in the neighborhood. Move your unites northwest,
attacking the first group of enemies. Morgomir will be there. When they are
defeated, gather your forces. Let them heal and regroup. Then attack to the
northeast. Here there will be wights. Defeat all wights and Krâsh, then the
other units. Repeat the process as before, but build lots of Mallorn Trees and
Farms. Also build all unit producing buildings and upgrade buildings. Reinforce
your army as you see fit (be sure to have 3 Knights of Dol Amroth and 3 Noldor
Warriors). Upgrade them all. Meanwhile you will be attacked by trolls.
When ready, move east to take out the units in the valley. Don't move northward
nor up the plateau. Rebuild your army, then move up the plateau. Rogash will
attack now with a large horde of trolls. You will most likely lose most units
here. Retreat your heroes if you don't want to lose them. Do use their powers
as you see fit. Move to the plateau when the trolls are destroyed to destroy
2 Troll and Wolf Dens. Rebuild your entire army, but be sure to have 4
Trebuchets. Let the Trebuchets take down the defensive buildings on the walls.
Then take down the gates. Move in at the western gate. Take down as many units
as possible, and then retreat to rebuild your army. Attack again, and continue
doing so until most is destroyed. Be sure to destroy as many buildings as
possible. Use your Trebuchets for this. When the enemy is mostly taken down,
attack the Witch-King. Start taking him down, and focus all your fire upon him.
When defeated, you have won.



- His attacks damage multiple enemies, just as he did in Lotr, BfME 2.
Level 1: Mount/Unmount
Level 2: Dread Wrath
- Lowers the enemy's attack and defense.
Level ?: Morgul Blade Thingie
Level ?: Fear or something.
Level 10: Hour of the Witch-King
- Set an enemy's hero powers to 'just used'.

Level 2: Dread Visage
Lowers the enemies attack and defense.
Level ?: ???
Level 8: ???
- Gives a large boost to the Black Numenorèans. Set it on automatic.
Level 10:
- Use this on fortresses or gates to heavily damage them.

Rogash, Troll of the North
- His attacks damage multiple enemies, just like the Witch-King.
Level 2: Dominate Troll
- Usefull if you find enemy trolls you would like to use.
Level 4: Leap
- Use this to take out numbers and scatter the enemy.
Level 8: Rage of the North
- He gains an increasement in Attacking and Defensive Power.

Level 2: ??? Leadership
- Unit support for ??? units.
Level 4: Brigandage
- Rhudaur units do damage -> you gain resources.
Level 5: Summon ??? ???
- Summons 2 battalions of Rhudaur units.

Level 1: ???
- All enemy units take damage when near him.
Level 7: Blink
- You can transport him to any spot on the battlefield.
Level 8: Whisper of Death
- Powerfull attack on a single unit.


War of the Ring Army Tactics.

Witch-King's Army
- Fill it with Dark Rangers
??? Army
- Fill it with ???
??? Army
- Fill it with ???
??? Army
- Fill it with ???


Note: Powers are read from left to right.

Tier 1 Powers (5 points)
??? - Half the enemies resource gathering.
Fell Wind - Sweep the enemy towards a central point.
War Chant - +50 Attach to the units in target area.

Tier 2 Powers (10 points)
Untamed Allegiance - Gives you controll over the targeted Lair.
Frozen Land - +50% Attack and Defense.
Summon Orcs - Summons 3 Gundabad Warrior Hordes under your control.
??? - Stop all construction etc in the target area.

Tier 3 Powers (15 points)
Summon Mountain Giants - Summons 2 Mountain Giants under your control.
Freezing Rain - All enemy leadership bonuses disappear.
Summon Wights - Summons 4 Barrow-Wights under your control.

Tier 4 Powers (25 points)
Avalanche - A powerfull avalanche heavily damages everything in its path.
Summon Shade of Wolf - Summons a wolf which wreaks havoc under your enemies.


Additions to the 6 other Factions.

Men of the West.
Rohan Spearman
Type - Basic Pikemen
Where - Barracks level 1
Cost - Resources, CP
Upgrades - Forged Weapons, Heavy Armor, Banner Carrier

Knights of Dol Amroth
Type - Elite Cavalry
Where - Stables level 2
Cost - 1500 Resources, 100 CP
Upgrades - None
Special Powers:
Level 2: Inspiration - 50% Attack and Defense to surrounding friendly units.
Level 7: ??? - ???

Noldor Warriors
Type - Elite Archers
Where - Elven Barracks level 3
Cost - 1500 Resources, 97 CP.
Upgrades - None
Special Powers:
Level 1: Toggle Weapons - Switch between Sword and Bow & Arrow
Level 1: Bombard - Fires a continues volley of arrows on an area of the map.
Level 7: ??? - Gives 50% Attack and Defense to the units.

Captain Brand - ? - CP
Level ?:
Level ?:
Level ?:


Gothmog - ? - CP
Level ?:
Level ?:
Level ?:

Azog - ? - CP
Level ?:
Level ?:
Level ?:
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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