Diner Dash 2

Diner Dash 2

17.10.2013 05:16:05
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After two years had passed, Playfirst decided to release the next installment of
Diner Dash. It is Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue(TM). The MAIN PURPOSE of this
FAQ/Walkthrough is showing all the game technical facts. However, it also covers
some strategy to beat this game that may be of some use to all of you, but I
will reduce this part since it's almost the same with Diner Dash 1.
Lastly, some **** legal notice: This document is protected by copyright law and
international copyright treaties. The old rules still apply, do not post it as
your own, do not sell it for profit, etc...

Ver. 1.00 -- 1/17/2007
Ver. 1.05 -- 05/05/2007


A. Menu
B. Rules
C. General Tips
D. Walkthrough
E. Endless Shift
G. Special Thanks
H. Anti Credit


1. Story Mode
>> This is what the walkthrough is talking about.
2. Endless Shift
>> See endless shift section.
3. Options
>> You can only switch to windowed mode if you set the screen resolution to
4. How to Play
>> If you're new to the series, you may look at this instruction. I'm sure it'll
help a lot.
5. Screensaver
>> This will install Diner Dash 2: Restaurant Rescue screensaver into your OS.
I didn't see this game make an update to the screensaver even though you have
already cleared all the shifts.
6. High Scores
7. Change Player
>> Reset the game from the beginning.


The basic rules of the game can be found by clicking "How To Play" in the main
The customers types has increased! Here are their tipping behavior:
1. Young lady:
- She gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
2. Family:
- They give maximum 145 pts.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
3. Business woman:
- She gives maximum 120 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 20 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
4. Cell addict:
- He gives maximum 120 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 20 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
5. Bookworm:
- He gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
6. Jogger:
- She gives maximum 110 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 10 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.
7. Senior:
- He gives maximum 105 pts. Every one addition to the group will add 5 pts to
the maximum point.
- Losing half heart costs you 10 pts.

1. Picking menu = 20 pts each action.
2. Serving food = 30 pts each action.
3. Giving the cheque = 50 pts each action.
4. Clearing the dishes = 40 pts each action.
5. Matching the color seat = 100 pts per person.
6. Mopping the spill that has been made by some annoying group = 30 pts each
7. Serving desserts = 80 pts each action.
8. Serving snacks = 100 pts each action.


This game is not harder (I mean it is easier) than Diner Dash 1, but it's more
1. Complete Diner Dash 1 first. This will save you A LOT OF stress when playing
this game.
2. The issue has changed from the first game.
From [How fast are you?] into [How do you handle all the tools correctly?]
Many tips from Diner Dash 1 also apply here:
3. After the customers call you to pick their menu up or make out bills, run to
them immediately in order to increase their happiness.
4. You do not need to chain very long now. Furthermore, many things will hinder
you from long chaining.


The expert goal issue has changed. It comes closer to the goal target in this
game. I think attaining the expert goal won't be a problem for you if you had
finished Diner Dash 1. Getting the expert goal will result in unlocking the
third decoration choice.
If you fail to reach a goal, the game will give you a note. But now the note's
different from Diner Dash 1 because it doesn't always give you an advice, but
sometimes it will ask you to try again instead. I will also add some additional
advices for some levels in order to make your game goes even more smoothly.


You begin with a lousy cafe at some street corner. The more you make the
progress, the more attractive your restaurant become.


Goal: 100 pts.
Expert goal: 500 pts.
Difficulty: 0/10.
Decoration change: None.
Total tables: 3.
Note from the game: Let's give it another shot.
Additional advice: Still have trouble for this? Then go to your momma's tit.
Er..well..you can activate the Diner Dash 2 screensaver. Quit to windows and
wait for the screensaver to play. It will teach you how to complete this shift
with the expert goal reached. ^__^


Goal: 1500 pts.
Expert goal: 2500 pts.
Difficulty: 1/10.
Decoration change: Plants in the middle.
Total tables: 8.
Note from the game: Remember: seat the customers, take the order, deliver the
food, drop the check, and clean the table.


Goal: 2000 pts.
Expert goal: 3500 pts.
Difficulty: 2/10.
Decoration change: Wall.
Total tables: 10.
Note from the game: To earn a bonus, seat customers in chairs that match the
color of their outfits.


Goal: 3500 pts.
Expert goal: 5300 pts.
Difficulty: 4/10.
Decoration change: Table and chairs.
Total tables: 12.
Note from the game: Don't forget to bring a highchair over to the Families. And
if the baby cries again, that means the table needs your attention.
Additional advice: This game does not bring easiness to all of us at early
levels because in fact, family is one of the most annoying group in this game.


Goal: 5200 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Side plants.
Total tables: 15.
Note from the game: Remember: when you seat customers, try to arrange them so
that they sit in matching colored chairs.
Additional advice: This game starts to become harder especially to any of you
that are new to the series. The line will be a lil' bit more crowded at the
middle of this shift.


Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert goal: 7200 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Awning.
Total tables: 14.
Note from the game: Remember, if customers start getting upset, give them a shot
of espresso!


Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Velvet ropes.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: Remember you can earn a bonus by chaining your actions, so
try taking a bunch of orders in a row, or serve a couple food trays in a row.


Goal: 6200 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Countertop.
Total tables: 16.
Note from the game: We'll have to move a little quicker to keep those business
women happy!
Additional advice: 3 types of difficult customers at such an early level...
I see that the business women are nicer than those in the first game.


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 9500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Floor.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: I know we can do it!
Additional advice: I said that family is a very annoying group, right? You will
know why...


Goal: 7500 pts.
Expert goal: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Decoration change: Vines.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: Nothing helpful, it is: "Oh so close! If we can just get
through this shift, Darla will be able to send in the rent!"
Additional advice: Don't try to chain for too long, just play it safe and you'll
be fine completing this shift.


I want to make a little comment about the music of this restaurant. It is 100%
the same with one of RE4 music.


Goal: 4500 pts.
Expert goal: 6200 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: None.
Total tables: 13.
Note from the game: Remember, Families don't mind noise so it's safe to seat
them near those talkative Cellphone Addicts.
Additional advice: Cell addicts are not very patient. They're on par with
business women


Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert goal: 6800 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Wall.
Total tables: 14.
Note from the game: Remember, if a table is getting annoyed by noise, cheer them
up with a soda!


Goal: 7800 pts.
Expert goal: 9700 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Fireplace.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: Remember, if a table is getting annoyed by noise, cheer them
up with a soda!
Additional advice: The seat placement is rather tricky. But this game has given
you many enough tips for this.


Goal: 8800 pts.
Expert goal: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Entrance.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: Don't forget to use the podium if customers get impatient in
Additional advice: The podium is a great help. Using the podium will not
obstruct chaining action. I mean the chaining counter will not reset to zero if
you stand at the podium after chaining.


Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Table and chairs.
Total tables: 18.
Note from the game: Don't forget to use the podium if customers get impatient in


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: A pair of authentic Italian marble pillars.
Total tables: 18.
Note from the game: Keep a close eye on the Bookworms to make sure they're not
getting too upset by other noisy tables.
Additional advice: We already have 5(five) kind of customers at such an early
level. I said it already that this game is a complicated one. Never sit the
bookworms next to cell addicts, even the drinks won't help the bookworm leaves
your restaurant mad.


Goal: 8800 pts.
Expert goal: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Decoration over the doorway.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: Remember to use those highchairs and drinks to keep Families
happy so the babies won't cry.
Additional advice: You can lift two high chairs at once as long as there are two
families who need them, but you can not carry two mops in your hands.
Double-clicking the mop will make you carry and then put the mop again. It is
possible to chain this action.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Awning.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: Remember, serving dessert is optional. If we're too busy, we
can just drop the check instead.
Additional advice: You can chain the dessert. Having many customers have at
least 4/5 heart filled after they finish eating will make your pts go sky-high.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Counter.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: Remember, serving dessert is optional. If we need to clear
out a table, just drop the check instead.


Goal: 11000 pts.
Expert goal: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Decoration change: Shelf.
Total tables: 22.
Note from the game: None..

Playfirst programmers seem to have planned on a bonus restaurant at the blimp
after this level. The problem is I dunno how to unlock it. Rumor has it that
some people suddenly come at the blimp after this level when they're playing
the MSN version of this game. But, I have proven this opinion to be wrong.
Okay, since nobody told me about the bonus resturant and I can't find the
CORRECT information everywhere. Then, I assume the bonus restaurant is
inexistent and I remove any information about it. However, I still welcome any
accurate information about the bonus restaurant.


Okay, Margarita's Cantina is a bit harder. Every customer leaves your restaurant
mad will cut your dearest pts by 750. Customers' color is also increased, as
always. And enjoy the fancy music too.


Goal: 4500 pts.
Expert goal: 6000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: None.
Total tables: 14.
Note from the game: Nothing special.


Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert goal: 6500 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Wall.
Total tables: 15.
Note from the game: Remember, Joggers aren't bothered by noise, so they'll
happily sit at any table.
Additional advice: Jogger is a relief. It's recommended that you place them
not at a cornered table.


Goal: 6500 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Table and chairs.
Total tables: 18.
Note from the game: Try calling a different staff member on the phone to get
some more help.
Additional advice: Here is the preview of the staff members. They only help
you temporarily, not until the closing hour:
1. Busser (top) => Clear the dishes for you, but you won't get any scores.
2. Drink server (middle) => Serve unlimited(!) ammount of drinks to unhappy
3. Mariachi band (bottom) => Increase the patience of sitting customers.


Goal: 6200 pts.
Expert goal: 7200 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Counter.
Total tables: 15.
Note from the game: Don't forget to use the phone to call in for help if you
need it.


Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert goal: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 10/10.
Decoration change: Path.
Total tables: 18.
Note from the game: Remember to be careful about where you seat noisy customers.
Additional advice: I think this level is the hardest of the entire game. Here
is some strategy for those who need it, otherwise just don't look at it.

Here is a simple table diagram. I can't post images (yet), for people who are
unsatisfied, please understand: :>
| ------- |
| ------- | | |
| | 1 | | 3 | |
| ------- ------- |
| |
| ------- ------- ------- |
| | | | | | | |
| | 2 | | 4 | | 6 | |
| ------- ------- ------- |
| |
| ------- |
| | 5 | |
| ------- |

| Customer type | Chaining order | Table number | Another thing |
| Family | 1 | 3 | Bench (Optional) |
| 2 Bookworms | 1 | 1/5 | |
| 2 Bookworms | 1 | 1/5 | |
| 4 Cell Addicts | 1 | 6 | |
| 4 Joggers | 1 | 4 | |
| Family | 2 | 3 | Bench (Optional) |
| 4 Cell Addicts | 2 | 6 | |
| 2 Bookworms | 2 | 1/5 | |
| 4 Bookworms | 2 | 2 | |
| 4 Cell Addicts | 3 | 6 | Bench + Drink |
| Family | 2 | 4 | |
| 2 Business Women | 2 | 1/5 | |
| Phone mariachi band after clearing dishes |
| 2 Bookworms | 3 | 1 | |
| 4 Joggers | 3 | 4 | |
| 2 Bookworms | 4 | Anywhere | Bench/Let him leave |
| 2 Cell Addicts | 3 | 5 | |
| 4 Business Women | 3 | 3 | |
| 2 Young Ladies | 3 | 1/5 | |

Doing this successfully (which is reasonably hard) will bring you the shiny
expert score.


Goal: 7500 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Decoration change: Festive wall decoration (Curtain for hard-earned expert
Total tables: 16.
Note from the game: Let's try it again.
Additional advice: Now you can chain the snack request. But you shouldn't place
your hope too high for this issue because snack request won't be often. This
level is also quite difficult, but if you can pass level 25, you should also be
able to pass this one.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 10500 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Handcrafted door.
Total tables: 18.
Note from the game: Let's give it another shot.
Additional advice: Your aid has increased! You can now call the hostess for
her great help to stand at the podium.


Goal: 6400 pts.
Expert goal: 7200 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Decoration change: Plant near the doorway.
Total tables: 10.
Note from the game: No help.
Additional advice:
I add a strategy for this shift eventually because this shift is rather
different from the others. Table diagram:
| ------- ------- |
| | | | | |
| | 1 | | 3 | |
| ------- ------- |
| |
| ------- ------- ------- |
| | | | | | | |
| | 2 | | 4 | | 5 | |
| ------- ------- ------- |

| Customer type | Chaining order | Table number | Another thing |
| Podium |
| 4 Young Ladies | 1 | 1/2/3 | Make all of the |
| Family | 1 | 1/2/3 | customers happy so |
| 4 Young Ladies | 1 | 1/2/3 | that you can execute|
| Family | 1 | 4 | five dessert chain |
| 4 Cell Addicts | 1 | 5 | |
| Phone drink server after clearing dishes |
| 4 Bookworms | 2 | 1/2/3 | |
| Family | 2 | 1/2/3 | |
| 4 Bookworms | 2 | 1/2/3 | |
| Family | 2 | 4 | |
| 4 Cell Addicts | 2 | 5 | |


Goal: 9500 pts.
Expert goal: 12200 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Plant (again).
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: Let's get back out on that floor and try again.
Additional advice: Be ready to mop a lot. Hahaha.


Goal: 12000 pts.
Expert goal: 15000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Banner.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: ...
Additional advice: Seat matching is easier in this level. You can get that
point high. If you like dessert chaining, I tell you that joggers will never
ask for dessert.


Here is final addition to customers color and -1000 for each customers quit
the restaurant mad.


Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: None.
Total tables: 18.
Note from the game: L.


Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert goal: 10000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Japanese Mat.
Total tables: 20.
Note from the game: Too bad all our customers aren't as patient as the Seniors!
We'll have to use the podium a few times to get through this shift!
Additional advice: All seven types of customers have already appeared. No drink
for tables annoyed by cell addicts can become some problem for you.


Goal: 7000 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Counter.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: Don't forget to keep your eye on the line, and use the
podium if people get impatient.
Additional advice: Nope. It's just an ordinary one.


Goal: 8500 pts.
Expert goal: 10800 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Table and chairs.
Total tables: 22.
Note from the game: Don't forget to use the phone to call for help if you
need it.
Additional advice: Many business types will come at this level. There is no
mariachi band at this Japanese restaurant, a Japanese pop star (No, not Ayumi
Hamazaki) will replace them.


Goal: 5000 pts.
Expert goal: 6500 pts.
Difficulty: 4/10.
Decoration change: Fountain.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: Be careful if you seat Cellphone Addicts at the bar, they'll
annoy customers seated one or two seats next to them.
Additional advice: Always sit the cell addicts at the edge of the bar. Place
joggers next to them for optimum result.


Goal: 6000 pts.
Expert goal: 8000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Wall.
Total tables: 17.
Note from the game: O.


Goal: 6800 pts.
Expert goal: 8300 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Paper Lantern.
Total tables: 18.
Note from the game: Great effort, but we didn't earn quite enough this shift


Goal: 7500 pts.
Expert goal: 9000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Path.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: Whew, this is a tough shift and we didn't earn enough. Let's
give it another try.


Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert goal: 12500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Handmade curtain.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: Don't forget to use the phone to call in for help if you
need it.
Additional advice: Hostess is a great choice to handle business types.


Goal: 12000 pts.
Expert goal: 17000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Plant.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: S.
Additional advice: Since many people have trouble with this shift, I decide to
add some strategy to complete it. I, personally, think that this shift is not
hard. So, below is just a light suggestion, no need to follow it carefully.
| ------- ------- |
| 1| | | | ------- |
| 2| | | 1 | | 2 | |
| 3| B | ------- ------- |
| 4| A | |
| 5| R | ------- |
| 6| | | | ------- |
| 7| | | 3 | | | |
| 8| | | | | 4 | |
| ------- ------- ------- |

| Customer type | Chaining order | Table number |
| 3 Business Women | 1 | BAR 6,7,8 |
| 6 Young Ladies | 1 | 3 |
| Family | 1 | 4 |
| 4 Bookworms | 1 | 1 |
| 2 Seniors | 1 | 2 |
| 3 Joggers | 1 | BAR 3,4,5 |
| 2 Cell Addicts | 1 | BAR 1,2 |
| 6 Business Women | 2 | 3 |
| 2 Young Ladies | 2 | 1 |
| 3 Seniors | 2 | 4 |
| 2 Bookworms | 3/4 | 4 |
| 4 Cell Addicts | 2 | BAR 1,2,3,4 |
| 1 Young Lady | 3 | 2 |
| 2 Business Women | 2 | 2 |
| 4 Cell Addicts | 2 | BAR 5,6,7,8 |
| Phone hostess after serving the food |
| 2 Joggers | 3 | BAR 1,2 |
| 6 Seniors | 3 | 3 |
| Family | 3 | BAR 3,4,5 |
| 6 Young Ladies | 4 | 1 |
| 2 Business Women | 3 | 1 |
| Family | 3 | BAR 6,7,8 |


It's rather funny. Do you see them? Anyway, all people will dress formally.
You can recognize their color only by seeing their hair.


Goal: 7500 pts.
Expert goal: 9500 pts.
Difficulty: 8/10.
Decoration change: None.
Total tables: 20.
Note from the game: Remember, we're able to carry 4 things at once now that
Mr. Big is helping us out.
Additional advice: This shift should be somewhat difficult because you don't
have the help of podium and staff members. Don't try to chain for too long,
just try not to lose any tables and be sure to use all your hands and Mr. Big's
hands to handle all the dishes.


Goal: 8000 pts.
Expert goal: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Bar display.
Total tables: 22.
Note from the game: E.
Additional advice: Long chaining is easier since you can carry 4 things at once.


Goal: 10000 pts.
Expert goal: 14000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Fancy display behind the counter.
Total tables: 24.
Note from the game: Don't forget to go for as many color seating bonuses as you


Goal: 9000 pts.
Expert goal: 11000 pts.
Difficulty: 6/10.
Decoration change: Counter.
Total tables: 19.
Note from the game: We'll have to use the podium a few times to keep that long
line of customers happy.
Additional advice: 4x click the dessert or the snack will result in carrying
four of them at once. Better to sit the cell addicts at top right table with
family or joggers near them.


Goal: 9500 pts.
Expert goal: 12000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Lighting fixture.
Total tables: 23.
Note from the game: We'll have to be extra careful about where we seat Cellphone
Additional advice: No jogger or family means no noise reductor for the cell
addicts, but the entertainer (in this restaurant, it is the pianist) will solve
that problem.


Goal: 11500 pts.
Expert goal: 17000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Table and chairs.
Total tables: 25.
Note from the game: Don't forget to call in for help if you need it.


Goal: 11500 pts.
Expert goal: 15000 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Floor lighting.
Total tables: 26.
Note from the game: R.


Goal: 12000 pts.
Expert goal: 17500 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Flooring design.
Total tables: 23.
Note from the game: It might be helpful to call in the hostess.
Additional advice: A diner Dash 2 "trap shift", but it won't be as troublesome
as Diner Dash 1 since you have staff members as your aide and the customers
don't ask a lot of snacks.


Goal: 12500 pts.
Expert goal: 16500 pts.
Difficulty: 5/10.
Decoration change: Elevator.
Total tables: 29.
Note from the game: Let's give it another shot.
Additional advice: Don't get shocked when you know that there are also many
bookworms come at this shift.


Goal: 15000 pts.
Expert goal: 25000 pts.
Difficulty: 7/10.
Decoration change: Staircase.
Total tables: 31.
Note from the game: If you are diligent at seeking the notes, you can begin to
collect its word.. (Someone's idea has been plagiarized?, hahaha..)

Finishing this level will conclude the storyline. Then the credit rolls.


Endless shift offers you endless stream of customers in your already-decorated
restaurant. Easier level have more patient customers, lower goal target, less
customer type, less customer color and more lives.

Easy level:
Level 1 goal: 1000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 2500 pts.
Level 3 goal: 5000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 8500 pts.
Level 5 goal: 14000 pts.
Adds 7500 pts per next level up.

Darla's Cafe starts with 5 tables, Tony's starts with 4 tables, Margarita's
Cantina starts with 4 tables, Toshiro's Grill starts with 4 tables, Flo's
Skylight Lounge starts with 4 tables, and The Blimp starts with ? tables.

Starts with 5 lives.

Medium level:
Level 1 goal: 2000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 5000 pts.
Level 3 goal: 10000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 17500 pts.
Level 5 goal: 27500 pts.
Adds 13000 pts per next level up.

Darla's Cafe starts with 4 tables, Tony's starts with 4 tables, Margarita's
Cantina starts with 4 tables, Toshiro's Grill starts with 4 tables, Flo's
Skylight Lounge starts with 4 tables, and The Blimp starts with ? tables.

Starts with 4 lives.

Hard level:
Level 1 goal: 3000 pts.
Level 2 goal: 8000 pts.
Level 3 goal: 15000 pts.
Level 4 goal: 25000 pts.
Level 5 goal: 37000 pts.
Adds 15000 pts per next level up.

Darla's Cafe starts with 3 tables, Tony's starts with 3 tables, Margarita's
Cantina starts with 3 tables, Toshiro's Grill starts with 3 tables, Flo's
Skylight Lounge starts with 3 tables, and The Blimp starts with ? tables.

Starts with 3 lives.

1. New Table
= Add a new table to the restaurant.
2. Radio, Stereo, Mariachi Band, Japanese Pop Star, Piano Player
= Gives seated customers a mood boost
3. Standard Energy Bars, Super Energy Bars, Super Max Energy Bars
= Makes Flo move faster.
4. Oven Pro
= Food appears fast.
5. Oven Pro Silver
= Food appears faster.
6. Oven Pro Gold
= Food appears fastest.
7. Standard Drink Station
= Serve your customers a drink for a mood boost.
8. Drink Master Ultra
= Makes drinks faster.
9. Ultra Drinkmaster Max Pro
= Makes better drinks for a bigger mood boost.
10. Standard Podium
= Stand at the podium to chat with waiting customers for a mood boost.
11. Podium Deluxe
= Podium can be used sooner and gives more mood boost.
12. Podium Cruiser 2000
= Podium charges up faster.
13. Podium Elite Cruiser
= Podium gives a bigger mood boost.
14. Bench
= Increases customers' patience when waiting in line.
15. Luxury Bench
= Customers will be even more patient.


Here are some noticed questions from Playfirst and Gamefaqs message board.

1. Q: I'm stuck at [some some] level.
A: See walkthrough section.

2. Q: How can I unlock the bonus level at the blimp?
A: People said it's only available at MSN version. But I had tried it and
no bonus level appeared. Maybe there is another MSN version??

3. Q: I want an activation code.
A: .......maybe Gamefaqs will moderate my FAQ/Walkthrough if I post it here.
But if you're serious, I'm sure you will be able to figure it out another

4. Q: I decide to play the Endless Shift. What is your recommendation for the
A: If you want to score as many as possible, podium, radio and energy bars
are very important to upgrade at first. Only if you try the Hard Mode,
the first thing you should upgrade is a new table.


- Gamefaqs community. Human's belief system that destroys evil in imaginary
- Playfirst(TM). For creating this game.
- My friend, Andi. For lending me this game.

If you want to tell me about some errors that I've made in this FAQ or ask any
questions, you may mail me at frengky_wu@hotmail.com.


- Celebrity or Idol or anybody who thinks that him/herself is a social idol.
- Hardware manufacturers. I hope I will change this soon since hardware is
essential for this kind of work.
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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