Kana Little Sister

Kana Little Sister

18.10.2013 01:37:39

Endings Follow-up

By YuSaKu

This is a companion guide to my Kana y Little Sister~ FAQ.
It details all of the ending sequences, plus I have added my own
thoughts about each ending. It is not Necessary to read this guide
to play the game, on the contrary I'd prefer if you would not
read it at all until you have gotten a 100% completion rating,
as it ruins the game completely.


All opinions expressed in the FAQ are the views of myself, and do
not reflect the views of any other entity, including the game
creators. In other words, these are not definitive answers, it's
just me rambling (And in some instances, bitching) about a game
that I really enjoy.
If you really enjoy this guide, please visit the Gamefaqs Contribution rating
page (http://www.gamefaqs.com/contribute/contrib_ratings.php) and give
me a few good reviews. I appreciate it in advance.

Table of Contents

I. Ending #2 - Recollection (Normal Ending)
II. Ending #3 - Out of the Maze (Yumi Ending)
III. Ending #1 - The First Farewell (True Ending)
IV. Ending #4 - Snow (Intellectual Ending #1)
V. Ending #5 - Memories (Intellectual Ending #2)
VI. Ending #6 - Live Now (Intellectual Ending #3)
VII. "I had a little sister..." - The Side Story
VIII. CRI - Chronic Renal Insuffeciency: The story behind the real disease
IX. Locations
X. Contact Information
XI. Other Works

I. Ending #2 - Recollection (Normal Ending) - **/*****

This is the regular default ending. It’s not a "bad" ending, per se, but it is
far from the result which we all hoped to achieve when we started playing
the game. Isn't that right? *Shakes a menacing fist*.

Anyway, after the operation, Taka blacks out and has a dream about Kana
enjoying her college life. After he wakes up, we find out that six
months have passed since the operation took place.

Taka climbs a steep mountain every day. His purpose? To visit a grave.
That's right, the operation was a failure. Kana died shortly afterwards,
but not before regaining consciousness. She uses the recorder pendant
that Taka gave to her to record her dying wishes. One of these is her
confession that she loves Taka. This gives Taka the strength to move
on with his life...and with his relationship with Yumi (Bleck).

This is slightly better than most "Normal" endings that you see
in H-Games, but I just feel that it could have been much better.
Why not allow Taka to say goodbye to Kana in person? Why include
Yumi when she has her own ending? More importantly, why tease
us with the prospect of Taka and Kana's flowering relationship
only to say "Fooled you, She died!"

II. Ending #3 - Out of the Maze (Yumi Ending) - */*****

Okay, fuck this ending is long. This is the ending reserved for everyone's
favorite incest-wrecking floozy, Yumi.

After the operation, Taka blacks out and has a dream about Kana
enjoying her college life. After he wakes up, we find out that four
weeks have passed since the operation took place.

The operation was a success, but Kana hasn't woken up. Worse, she's
not breathing on her own, and is hooked up to a machine. Out of fear
that Kana may become infected by bacteria, her doctor has placed
her in quarantine.

A few more weeks go by, with no change. Taka becomes restless, anxiously
awaiting the phone call that says everything is going to be all right.
The phone call he receives is not what he was expecting.

Taka goes to the hospital only to find a deceased Kana lying in her bed.
The sight of her causes him to disconnect from reality. He becomes
convinced that this is not Kana, and that the real Kana is hiding from

As the weeks go by, Taka's parents become more worried. Taka refuses
to allow anyone to enter Kana's room, and he insists that Kana have
a chair at the dinner table, for when she comes home.

Yumi has been coming by to help out, but nothing she does has any
effect on Taka.

Finally, Taka's parents can take it no longer. They tell Yumi that
they have decided to commit Taka to the "Hospital". Taka overhears
this and decides to escape. He doesn't get very far.

Yumi finds Taka and drags him back home. She then proceeds to
beat the shit out of him. Afterwards, she tells Taka that
she's giving up on him. He tries to snap out of it, even
asking Yumi for help, but she leaves, and Taka is
powerless to stop her.

Fast-forward to March. Taka is alone in the house, when suddenly
he hears a noise from upstairs. He rushes to Kana's room...where
he finds her waiting for him. He begins to confess his love to
her, when he realizes that it isn't Kana...but Yumi, dressed in
Kana's clothes and wearing a wig.

She explains to Taka that, even though she never liked Kana,
she respected her strength. She then makes Taka understand
that Kana died. Taka recovers from his disassociative state
and decides to preserve the memories he has of Kana instead
of regretting not being able to say goodbye.

Yumi makes me sick. I dated a girl like her once, full-on
in your face, didn't give a damn what anyone thought, when
she was determined to have something, not even the forces
of hell would stand in her way. I know I'm being harsh, but
anyone can see how Yumi uses Taka's pain to achieve her
ultimate goal. She even uses Taka's parents to an extent.
Taka deserves better, and after sitting through this 30-minute
ending, so do we. Boo, boo, boo.

III. Ending #1 - The First Farewell (True Ending) - ****/*****

This is one of two special endings (I'll talk about the other one in a bit).

To get this ending, you first must get the "Normal" and "Yumi" endings.

This ending is a variant on the Yumi ending.

After the operation, Taka blacks out and has a dream about Kana
enjoying her college life. After he wakes up, we find out that one
week has passed since the operation took place.

Kana wakes up to the news that the operation was a success. Taka tells
her about the breathing tube, and the germ-free environment (From the
Yumi ending). Kana can't believe any of it. Taka leaves Kana at the
hospital and goes home.

It's not until he comes home one day and finds Kana's shoes at the
front door that he realizes that she's alive, and she has come home
to him. He rushes upstairs and sweeps an unsuspecting Kana into his
arms, where he proceeds to confess his undying love for her.

Thankfully, Kana returns the favor, telling Taka that she has loved
him as a man and not as a brother, ever since the day he saved her
from being lost in the forest. Then, we FINALLY get to see our
hard work paid off.

Kana kisses Taka, Taka kisses Kana, they hold each other for five
minutes, and then Kana hits Taka up for sex. Taka tries to get
out of it, only because he doesn't wish to rush Kana into this
whole thing too quickly, but Kana isn't about to let him leave.
She wants him NOW, and she means to have him inside her.

After the luscious sex, we are treated to a sampling of what
domestic life is like between Taka and Kana now that she is
home for good. Then Taka's parents return. They want to talk
to Kana about something important.

Taka's dad tells Kana everything, about how they hid the fact
that she was dying, how they opposed the transplant, how they
gave up on Kana without giving her a chance to prove that she
was strong enough and had will enough to survive. They bow
down before Kana and beg for her forgiveness. Kana forgives
them easily, and they are left in total disbelief.

So it seems that this is a true storybook "Happily ever after",
at least until Kana leaves...

A year or so later, Kana decides that it is time to move out.
She finds a job at a small bookstore, and she will begin working
there as soon as she graduates. The owners of the store offer to
let her stay in the small apartment above it for free, so Kana

Taka's parents are convinced that Kana is leaving because she
hates them for what they did, but that isn't the case. Taka
tries to talk to Kana and find out the real reason, but
Kana's explanation is confusing. She tells Taka that she
has to move out because they can't do anything as brother
and sister.

Kana claims that she won't be able to become stronger if
Taka is around her, and that they need to search for a way
that their relationship can be open and honest instead
of an incestuous secret affair.

On moving day, we're treated to some more domestic scenes,
and a tearful goodbye.

Of course this is the best ending you can get, but I found
quite a few things wrong with it. Throughout the game, I never
viewed Taka's relationship with Kana as a sacrifice. I mean
yeah, he never knew that they weren't blood-related until
the very end, but the time and effort he put into nurturing
her life would not have been wasted even if it had turned
out that they were. The chance to meet a perfect soul like
Kana beats the hell out of college clubs and Yumi's rank
fish any day. Taka risked his life to save the woman that
he loved, but in the end it almost seems that his sacrifice
was in vein. He lost Kana to the world. No matter how much
you do for someone, if given a chance, they will leave you
behind. After all Taka did, Kana still chose to leave him
behind. I would like to think that after she got situated
in her new apartment and her new career, that she and Taka
still dated (And eventually got married), but that is not
the story that the ending is telling us. What the ending
is telling us, in a nutshell, is "Okay, we confessed our
love, kissed, and had sex, now it's time to move on (.org)".
If I were to put myself in Taka's shoes, I would not be
able to stop seeing Kana. I would be paranoid that she
would meet someone else (Yuta) and possibly forget
about our wonderful love. Don't give me that "If you
love something, set it free" shit either, we all know
that when you do that, it never comes back. Okay, yes,
I had a bad experience in high school, sue me.

Bottom line, the sex scene was very gratifying, but
I wanted them to get married and have a little Taka
(Or Kana).

IV. Ending #4 - Snow (Intellectual Ending #1) - **/*****

This is the first of three "Intellectual" endings. What does that mean?
Well, have you ever seen those "What if?" comics? You know, the ones that
pose thought-provoking questions like "What if Spider-man had never found
the Symbiote suit?". These are like that. I know that the whole decision-tree
gaming system is like that, but these endings go a lot further towards
proving that making different decisions in just a few places can cause
you to end up at the complete opposite end of the spectrum.

Of course I could be reading too much into this. I say that because
I've had a few people tell me that the "Intellectual" is there because
of all the "book" choices. I can see how stimulating Kana's Intelligence
would make her an intellectual being. Anyway...

I call this the Bi-Polar ending, because it starts out like the Yumi
ending, but at the very end, you choose Kana instead, but then you
don't follow through (No sex).

In this version of reality, Kana realizes early on that she is
living on borrowed time. Taka goes out of his way to make sure
that she gets to experience life right to the very end.

Kana's one wish is to see it snow. Taka and his family know that
she will die before winter sets in, so there is almost no chance.

Kana's doctor lets Kana come home for the last time. Taka takes
her to the beach, so that Kana can die knowing that she saw the
sea. Later that night, Kana almost dies when she douses herself
with cold water in the shower. Taka rescues her, and they are
afforded an opportunity to talk. They both openly confess their
love for each other, and the silent realization that they are
not blood-related. Kana wants Taka to make love to her, but
Taka feels that he has too much respect for Kana to overcome
that final boundary.

Kana returns to the hospital for the last time, and she gets
a cold. Kana asks Taka to take her plant home with him when
he leaves, but Taka knows that Kana has been anxiously waiting
for it to bloom, so he refuses. Then he starts to notice that
most of Kana's belongings have already been removed from her
room, so he finally agrees. Taka continues to visit with her
every day. Things are winding down slowly, when Kana suddenly
develops a dangerously high fever.

Taka rushes to the hospital, where he is confronted by Yuta
and Yumi at the same time. When Taka tells them both that he
and Kana are not blood, and that he loves Kana as a woman,
Yuta loses it. Yuta attacks Taka with ferocity, and Taka
doesn't try to defend himself. That is, until Yuta says
that Taka disgraced Kana with his Incestuous intentions.

Taka explodes, and he beats Yuta very badly. He then retreats
to a bench, where he and Yumi have their final discussion. Yumi
is convinced that she can persuade Taka to give up on Kana
and rekindle his romance with her. But Taka tells her that
he is finished with her for good. Finally defeated, Yumi

It's finally here. The time for Kana to die has arrived.
To Taka's surprise, everyone gathers in Kana's room to
say their final goodbyes. Kana and Taka discuss many things.
Taka asks if Kana has any final wishes. Kana proclaims
that when she dies, she will make it snow. She then asks
Taka to give her her diary. She tells him to make sure
that he reads it once she is gone. She asks Taka if she
can go, and Taka nods. The doctor gives her a large dose
of painkiller, and she goes to sleep.

Taka sits with Kana. Sometime around 1:00 AM, Taka falls
asleep. He dreams that he and Kana are sitting on the grass.
Kana is reading a book. Taka asks her if it is good, and Kana
nods. They talk about many things, then Kana tells Taka that
it is time for her to go. After Kana leaves, Taka picks up
the book and starts to read it, only to discover that all of
the pages are blank. Taka remains on the grass until
he realizes that he is asleep, and that he is missing
Kana's final moments.

Taka shakes himself awake. It's 3:00 AM. He checks Kana.
She is still alive. It's cold. Someone put a sweater around
his shoulders while he was asleep. He sees Miki asleep in
a nearby chair. He gets up to investigate why it is so cold
in the room only to discover that the snow has come early.
Hurriedly, he tries to awaken Kana so that she can see the
snow before she goes, but while his attention was diverted,
Kana passed away.

Taka takes Kana's Parnassus plant home, where it
finally blooms shortly after the snow melts.

Not the worst ending you can get, but close. Yes, the
Parnassus plant is a strong symbolic symbol, but we
already had the miracle snowfall, plus the plant
is better utilized in the side-story.

V. Ending #5 - Memories (Intellectual Ending #2) - ***/*****

In this version of reality, Kana realizes early on that she is
living on borrowed time. Taka goes out of his way to make sure
that she gets to experience life right to the very end.

Kana's one wish is to see it snow. Taka and his family know that
she will die before winter sets in, so there is almost no chance.

Kana's doctor lets Kana come home for the last time. Taka takes
her to the beach, so that Kana can die knowing that she saw the
sea. Later that night, Kana almost dies when she douses herself
with cold water in the shower. Taka rescues her, and they are
afforded an opportunity to talk. They both openly confess their
love for each other, and the silent realization that they are
not blood-related. Kana wants Taka to make love to her, and the
final boundary for Taka is cleared. After Taka ejaculates inside
of Kana, they both lie there talking.

Kana returns to the hospital for the last time, and she gets
a cold. Kana asks Taka to take her plant home with him when
he leaves, but Taka knows that Kana has been anxiously waiting
for it to bloom, so he refuses. Then he starts to notice that
most of Kana's belongings have already been removed from her
room, so he finally agrees. Taka continues to visit with her
every day. Things are winding down slowly, when Kana suddenly
develops a dangerously high fever.

Taka rushes to the hospital, where he is confronted by Yuta
and Yumi at the same time. When Taka tells them both that he
and Kana are not blood, and that he loves Kana as a woman,
Yuta loses it. Yuta attacks Taka with ferocity, and Taka
doesn't try to defend himself. That is, until Yuta says
that Taka disgraced Kana with his Incestuous intentions.

Taka explodes, and he beats Yuta very badly. He then retreats
to a bench, where he and Yumi have their final discussion. Yumi
is convinced that she can persuade Taka to give up on Kana
and rekindle his romance with her. Taka tells her that
he was having sex with Kana when she called that night.
He then begins telling her every memory he has of the time
he has spent with Kana. When he's finished, he glances over.
Yumi has left. The spot where she was sitting is cold. She
never heard a word of it. Finally defeated, Yumi is gone
for good.

It's finally here. The time for Kana to die has arrived.
To Taka's surprise, everyone gathers in Kana's room to
say their final goodbyes. Kana and Taka discuss many things.
Taka asks if Kana has any final wishes. Kana proclaims
that when she dies, she will make it snow. She then asks
Taka to give her her diary. She tells him to make sure
that he reads it once she is gone. She asks Taka if she
can go, and Taka nods. The doctor gives her a large dose
of painkiller, and she goes to sleep.

Taka sits with Kana. Sometime around 1:00 AM, Taka falls
asleep. He dreams that he and Kana are sitting on the grass.
Kana is reading a book. Taka asks her if it is good, and Kana
nods. They talk about many things, then Kana tells Taka that
it is time for her to go. After Kana leaves, Taka picks up
the book and starts to read it, only to discover that all of
the pages are blank. Taka remains on the grass until
he realizes that he is asleep, and that he is missing
Kana's final moments.

Taka shakes himself awake. It's 3:00 AM. He checks Kana.
She is still alive. It's cold. Someone put a sweater around
his shoulders while he was asleep. He sees Miki asleep in
a nearby chair. He gets up to investigate why it is so cold
in the room only to discover that the snow has come early.
Hurriedly, he tries to awaken Kana so that she can see the
snow before she goes, but while his attention was diverted,
Kana passed away.

10 minutes after Kana's Death.

The hospital got really busy because of the snow. Kana's body
was removed to its final resting place. Taka and his family
sit with Kana's body. Eventually, they are introduced to a
woman named Ogasa. She works with Organ Transplant services.
Taka doesn't understand immediately, but once Ogasa starts
reading off a checklist of the organs they plan to remove from
Kana's body, Taka stands up.

Ogasa explains that Kana filled out an organ donor card, but
she still needs permission from all of the family members.
Taka is horrified. He wants to mourn in peace, but reality
isn't letting him do that.

Ogasa tries to explain that Kana already had a recipient
in mind for her organs when Taka finally explodes. He
begins screaming at Ogasa to let Kana rest in peace.
Taka's father tries to explain, but Taka cuts him off

Taka and Ogasa are at the climax of their standoff when
Ogasa reveals the name of the recipient Kana chose.
It's little Cana, Taka's cousin. Ogasa says that not
only was Kana's choice taken into account for this
transplant, but also the fact that Cana was a relative.

Taka is confused. He wonders why Kana didn't tell him
about her decision. He thinks of little Cana as his
other sister, and the thought that her life may be
spared is finally enough to convince him to change
his mind.

Several months have passed. It has been a long road
to recovery for Taka, but he's almost there. The final
step for him is to type up Kana's had-written diary
in his computer. He wants to have a clean record
of Kana's struggle against the death that she knew
was coming for her. We are treated to many excerpts
from Kana's diary as Taka struggles to finish before
he returns to school. When Taka reaches the final
page, his brain finally lets go, and he is able
to grieve for Kana at last.

Cana's surgery was a success. Taka goes to visit her
after she is discharged, but little Cana is sad. She
realizes who's organs saved her life, and even though
she was strong enough to accept her own mother's death,
she is at a loss as for how to cope with this.

Taka returns to college in April. Once Taka reorients
himself with the campus, he suddenly decides what he
wants to do with the rest of his life.

2 months pass. Taka has really changed. He's taking
difficult courses, he reads more, and has started
doing things that he used to hate doing. He has
become a scholar.

2 more months pass. It is the middle of summer.
Taka decides to begin working for the moving company
again. He is trying to make money so that he can
keep a promise he made to Cana. She wants to visit
a carnival.

2 more months pass

The year is coming to a close. Taka is walking around
outside on the campus. A maple leaf falls and lands on
his books, and he remembers that Cana wants to go Maple
Leaf Hunting. Taka hears Kana's voice calling to him,
and he thinks to himself about how the winter is
approaching, and the snow...

This is the "Almost...please try again" version of ending 6.
I guess they made this for the Yumi haters (Like me), but
somehow this ending seems to be lacking something without

VI. Ending #6 - Live Now (Intellectual Ending #3) - ****/*****

In this version of reality, Kana realizes early on that she is
living on borrowed time. Taka goes out of his way to make sure
that she gets to experience life right to the very end.

Kana's one wish is to see it snow. Taka and his family know that
she will die before winter sets in, so there is almost no chance.

Kana's doctor lets Kana come home for the last time. Taka takes
her to the beach, so that Kana can die knowing that she saw the
sea. Later that night, Kana almost dies when she douses herself
with cold water in the shower. Taka rescues her, and they are
afforded an opportunity to talk. They both openly confess their
love for each other, and the silent realization that they are
not blood-related. Kana wants Taka to make love to her, and the
final boundary for Taka is cleared. After Taka ejaculates inside
of Kana, they both lie there talking.

Kana returns to the hospital for the last time, and she gets
a cold. Kana asks Taka to take her plant home with him when
he leaves, but Taka knows that Kana has been anxiously waiting
for it to bloom, so he refuses. Then he starts to notice that
most of Kana's belongings have already been removed from her
room, so he finally agrees. Taka continues to visit with her
every day. Things are winding down slowly, when Kana suddenly
develops a dangerously high fever.

Taka rushes to the hospital, where he is confronted by Yuta
and Yumi at the same time. When Taka tells them both that he
and Kana are not blood, and that he loves Kana as a woman,
Yuta loses it. Yuta attacks Taka with ferocity, and Taka
doesn't try to defend himself. That is, until Yuta says
that Taka disgraced Kana with his Incestuous intentions.

Taka explodes, and he beats Yuta very badly. He then retreats
to a bench, where he and Yumi have their final discussion. Yumi
is convinced that she can persuade Taka to give up on Kana
and rekindle his romance with her. Taka tells her that
he was having sex with Kana when she called that night.
He then begins telling her every memory he has of the time
he has spent with Kana. When he's finished, he glances over.
Yumi has left. The spot where she was sitting is cold. She
never heard a word of it. Finally defeated, Yumi is gone
for good.

It's finally here. The time for Kana to die has arrived.
To Taka's surprise, everyone gathers in Kana's room to
say their final goodbyes. Kana and Taka discuss many things.
Taka asks if Kana has any final wishes. Kana proclaims
that when she dies, she will make it snow. She then asks
Taka to give her her diary. She tells him to make sure
that he reads it once she is gone. She asks Taka if she
can go, and Taka nods. The doctor gives her a large dose
of painkiller, and she goes to sleep.

Taka sits with Kana. Sometime around 1:00 AM, Taka falls
asleep. He dreams that he and Kana are sitting on the grass.
Kana is reading a book. Taka asks her if it is good, and Kana
nods. They talk about many things, then Kana tells Taka that
it is time for her to go. After Kana leaves, Taka picks up
the book and starts to read it, only to discover that all of
the pages are blank. Taka remains on the grass until
he realizes that he is asleep, and that he is missing
Kana's final moments.

Taka shakes himself awake. It's 3:00 AM. He checks Kana.
She is still alive. It's cold. Someone put a sweater around
his shoulders while he was asleep. He sees Miki asleep in
a nearby chair. He gets up to investigate why it is so cold
in the room only to discover that the snow has come early.
Hurriedly, he tries to awaken Kana so that she can see the
snow before she goes, but while his attention was diverted,
Kana passed away.

10 minutes after Kana's Death.

The hospital got really busy because of the snow. Kana's body
was removed to its final resting place. Taka and his family
sit with Kana's body. Eventually, they are introduced to a
woman named Ogasa. She works with Organ Transplant services.
Taka doesn't understand immediately, but once Ogasa starts
reading off a checklist of the organs they plan to remove from
Kana's body, Taka stands up.

Ogasa explains that Kana filled out an organ donor card, but
she still needs permission from all of the family members.
Taka is horrified. He wants to mourn in peace, but reality
isn't letting him do that.

Ogasa tries to explain that Kana already had a recipient
in mind for her organs when Taka finally explodes. He
begins screaming at Ogasa to let Kana rest in peace.
Taka's father tries to explain, but Taka cuts him off

Taka and Ogasa are at the climax of their standoff when
Ogasa reveals the name of the recipient Kana chose.
It's little Cana, Taka's cousin. Ogasa says that not
only was Kana's choice taken into account for this
transplant, but also the fact that Cana was a relative.

Taka is confused. He wonders why Kana didn't tell him
about her decision. He thinks of little Cana as his
other sister, and the thought that her life may be
spared is finally enough to convince him to change
his mind.

Several months have passed. It has been a long road
to recovery for Taka, but he's almost there. The final
step for him is to type up Kana's had-written diary
in his computer. He wants to have a clean record
of Kana's struggle against the death that she knew
was coming for her. We are treated to many excerpts
from Kana's diary as Taka struggles to finish before
he returns to school. When Taka reaches the final
page, his brain finally lets go, and he is able
to grieve for Kana at last.

Cana's surgery was a success. Taka goes to visit her
after she is discharged, but little Cana is sad. She
realizes who's organs saved her life, and even though
she was strong enough to accept her own mother's death,
she is at a loss as for how to cope with this.

Taka returns to college in April. Once Taka reorients
himself with the campus, he suddenly decides what he
wants to do with the rest of his life.

2 months pass. Taka has really changed. He's taking
difficult courses, he reads more, and has started
doing things that he used to hate doing. He has
become a scholar.

2 more months pass. It is the middle of summer.
Taka decides to begin working for the moving company
again. He is trying to make money so that he can
keep a promise he made to Cana. She wants to visit
a carnival.

2 more months pass

The year is coming to a close. Taka is walking outside
on the campus when he spots a familiar girl. It's Yumi.
Taka considers avoiding her, but then he decides that
he's only running away from his problems. He walks up
to her and addresses her. She is reading a book entitled
"Look at Life". It's a book Taka wrote based on Kana's
diaries. It's also about everything Taka went through
during Kana's last years. Yumi is surprised at how
much Taka went through. They talk for a bit longer
about school and life. Yumi explains to Taka that
she has forgiven him for what he did to her, but
she still felt that Taka should be the one to talk
to her first.

Taka starts to leave for home when Yumi offers to
drive him. Before he can answer, Yumi begins to
pull on his arm. But it isn't like before. Yumi
pulls gently, to give Taka the chance to pull
away, to make a choice. He decides to go with her.

Taka asks after Yumi's dad, who was Kana's doctor.
Yumi tells Taka that the hospital is holding a
special memorial service for patients who have
died at the hospital today. Taka already knew
about it. he wasn't planning to attend, but he
really wants to see Yumi's dad, and of course Miki.

I really liked this ending. True, I absolutely did
not want Kana to die, and I loathe Yumi, but if Kana
had to die, this is a true way to end the game.

VII. "I had a little sister..." - The Side Story

This is a side-story that you get once you have unlocked Ending 6.
Click "Start from the beginning" and then choose "I had a little sister"
to play.

Taka takes a day out to remember Kana. In this memory, we begin outside
the hospital. It's so cold you can see your breath. Taka and Kana are
planting some seeds. Kana chooses a spot, and Taka digs the hole for
her. In the process, Taka finds a worm. Kana is grossed out, so Taka
plays with her a bit. After the seeds are buried, they water them. Miki
shows up, and the three agree to keep the planting of the seeds a
secret from the doctor.

On another day, Cana approaches while Taka is tending to the seeds.
At first she acts like she isn't curious, but then she begins to
talk to Taka about Kana's rapid deterioration. Taka is shocked,
but he speaks honestly to Cana.

Little Cana begins to cry. Taka tries to soothe her, but he only
makes it worse. Finally, he decides to promise Cana that he will
bring her a present the next time he comes. That finally works.

Too late. Kana was watching. She approaches Taka and admonishes
him for making Cana cry. She asks Cana what is wrong, but Cana
won't tell her. Kana keeps trying, and finally Cana says that
she had a restroom accident and runs away, leaving behind a
very confused Kana.

One week later. The plant has started to sprout. The demonstration
of life leads Taka and Kana to a philosophical conversation.
Eventually, Taka gets around to asking Kana what kind of plant
it is going to be. Kana says it's a secret, so he'll just have
to wait and see. Taka then hears Cana yelling.

The flowers haven't bloomed yet. Kana was not able to see it
before she died. Taka is writing the story down in a journal.
He plans to publish it so that everyone can see what a wonderful,
albeit, short life Kana had. The telephone rings. Taka goes
downstairs and answers it. It's Miki. She asks Taka to come
to the hospital the next day. He agrees.

The next day. Miki leads Taka to the garden spot where Kana
planted the seeds. Cana is there. At first, Taka is confused
as to why little Cana is there after her successful transplant
surgery, but then he sees...It was a Parnassus flower.

Taka is suddenly overcome by the memory from his childhood,
of making the flower necklace for Kana, from this very same
plant. Little Cana tries to pick the flower, but Taka stops
her. Miki is overcome with emotion and cries. She confesses
that she can't stop thinking about Kana, and Taka encourages
her to never stop. He also tells little Cana to always think
of Kana.

Thinking about Cana's surgery, that Kana is now a part of
little Cana, Taka is left with a wonderful peace of mind.

I thought that this was a great addition to the game, as
it gives us a look at Taka's life post-Kana. Great use
of symbolism, and the tie-in with little Cana makes this
something really special. Not quite as good as having
Kana alive, but it makes us feel better knowing that
Taka has already come this far, and we know what he
goes on to do from Ending 6.

VIII. CRI - Chronic Renal Insuffeciency: The story behind the real disease

Chronic renal insufficiency (CRI) is a condition in which the kidneys
gradually lose their ability to perform their normal functions, such
as the removal of wastes and extra fluids from the body.

Another important function of the kidneys is to regulate the
amounts of nutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D, involved
in the growth process. Children with CRI may have difficulty
attaining normal height and weight for several reasons,
including slow bone growth, malnutrition, and problems
using protein.

One of the main reasons for this growth failure centers on vitamin D.
Vitamin D is an oddball nutrient in the fact that it must be activated
by the kidneys in order for it to work. Once activated, vitamin D
helps the body to absorb calcium from foods, and also helps the
bones absorb the right amount of calcium to enable them to grow.

When the kidneys are impaired, they are unable to activate vitamin D,
therefor bones cannot get enough calcium, and the growth process is

Often, the signs and symptoms of CRI aren't evident until after the most
serious damage has already occurred. As CRI progresses, the kidneys
may fail to the point where either kidney dialysis or a kidney transplant
become necessary just to keep the patient alive.

Although a kidney transplant can return a child's growth process to
normal, by that time any growth potential may have already been lost.
That is why therapy with human growth hormone (HGH) prior to kidney
transplantation is an important component of the treatment strategy for

Although ARI, the Acute version of CRI, is curable, there is NO CURE
for CRI other than transplantation. The odds of a CRI patient surviving
a transplant surgery, much less finding a matching donor, are extremely

IX. Locations Authorized to Display This FAQ

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AIM: Yusakuchan3, ToxicPuffyLips, MuunDreamerJem
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XI. Other Works

Look for my other H-Game FAQs:

3 Sister's Story
Come See Me Tonight
Come See Me Tonight 2
Do You Like Horny Bunnies?
Do You Like Horny Bunnies? 2
Fatal Relations
Heart De Roommate
Hitomi - My Stepsister
I'm Gonna Serve You! 4
Kana ~Little Sister~
Let's Meow Meow!
Nocturnal Illusion
Runaway City
Seasons of the Sakura
Snow Drop
Sweet Apricot*
The Sagara Family
Tokimeki Check-in!
Virgin Roster
X-Change 2
X-Change 3
Yin-Yang! X-Change Alternative

and of course my other FAQs:

The Adventures of Willy Beamish - Sega CD
Chrono Cross - PSX*
Earthbound - SNES*
Final Fantasy VII Dissertation
Gundam Battle Online - DC
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town - GBA*
Persona 2: Eternal Punishment - PSX*
Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire - GBA*
Pokemon XD - GCN
Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom - NES*
Tecmo Secret of the Stars - SNES*
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition - Xbox
WWE Smackdown!: Here Comes the Pain - PS2
WWE Smackdown!: Shut Your Mouth - PS2*
Xenosaga Perfect Works*

* = Only available on my personal FAQ website

©2006-Present YuSaKu
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