

17.10.2013 00:56:16
Dreamfall: The Longest Journey

Walkthrough for PC v2.0
By: Ivan Christianto
Contact: holy_vink@yahoo.com


This guide contains minor spoiler of people's name, place and the story.
I suggest that you use this guide only when you are stuck in certain point of the
game. Though I try not to tell the story, it still spoils some. Can't be helped.

About Me

Well, my name is Ivan and this is my first FAQ, so don't whining if there are lots
of mistake here and there. I'm living in a small city in Indonesia, where Sam
Fisher visited once in his mission. I like RPG, adventure, strategy-RPG game. I
do like some actions game like Megaman Series and FPS like Doom 3, but I play
RPG and adventure game all the time.
I hope this FAQ will help you very much since I spent more time on it that on the
game itself.
If you want to contact me, sent your e-mail to holy_vink@yahoo.com. Every e-mail
will be read but be warned, though, that I can't reply in a day or two since
I don't have an internet connection. I will try my best to reply it. You can ask me
about the game or about something else.

Legal Disclaimer

This FAQ is property of ME and any redistribution without express permission of ME
is forbidden. You are NOT permitted to put this FAQ on your site, gamezine, or use
it for commercial use without my permission first.
If you want to use it, e-mail me and I will give you the permission. When you get
the permission, you MUST NOT change even ONE word in it.
Please understand, making an FAQ is not as easy as playing the game.

The Sites

You can find this FAQ at:
1. gamefaqs.com
2. neoseeker.com
3. supercheats.com
4. 1up.com
5. gamegtemple.com

Besides the above sites, it's a stolen one then. If there's a change in the FAQ, I
won't take any responsible. That's that.


Dreamfall is the sequel of a great adventure game The Longest Journey. The game
itself is enjoyable though without playing the first series. The game is about
Zoe Castillo who just drop out from her university and lives her boring life in
Casablanca, her hometown. However, her boring life will turn into the longest
journey in her life as soon as she knows about Arcadia.

Personal Opinion
This game is pretty good for an adventure game with astounding graphic, sound
and storyline (though the ending is not quite good). The weakness of this game,
though, is the loading screen. Everytime you move to other area, it will load
and it happens all the time. My RAM is fast enough but it's just annoying to
see the loading screen all the time. The second one is that the ending is not so
cool like what I said before. You will understand what I said once you play it.
The third and the major one, IMHO, is this game is TOO SHORT!!! I finished it in
TWO DAYS!!! Whereas, I really want something like 40 hours gameplay or so, like
Final Fantasy or other games. Hopefully, Funcom will make it longer for the next
series. O yeah, there will be the third game if you see the ending.
Anyway, if you are an adventure freaks, you will like this game.

Special Feature

This section is dedicated to the game basic control. There are 2 important features
in the game, they are Focus Field and Sneak. While sneak is the same with other
game, the Focus Field is something new. You can enter Focus Field mode by pushing
assigned button. When in Focus Field mode, your character won't be able to move and
a long shadow (blue in color) will show up. This shadow will move according to
where your character is facing. You can use mouse (if you are playing on PC) or the
directional key to turn your character. When the shadow hit an interactable object,
it will show the appropriate icon (e.g. open, hear, talk, etc.). So if you are not
sure what to do in a place, try this mode and move around the shadow until it hit
an interactable object. Be warned, though, you can't use the icon if you are too
far from the object. Got it? I hope...
(Thanks for JZ Zaranka to remind me about this feature. I forget to put it in the

PROLOGUE - Tainted


Watch the screen as Brian Whitehouse writes his journal. When the scene is over,
search your room if you want to, but nothing special here - just information on
some objects. When you finished, go out and follow the Chinese-speaking monk
(cool, eh?) to the ceremony room. He will meditating for awhile (just walk around
in the room so you will know when he is finished) and then he will ask you to go
to the dias (the circle). Do what he ask and watch the scene.


The scene now switch to our protagonist, Zoe Castillo. Hear the music? It's really
nice, isn't it? Anyway, watch the scene. When you have control, you can see around
your room. There are some objects that can be checked. Try to use Field Focus, a
new feature of the game to simply know what objects can be checked. However, if
you aren't near enough with the object, sometimes you won't be able to activate
it or interact with it. Anyway, the main objective is to take your ringing mobile
phone, so take it. There's a message from the gym (you can activate your mobile
phone by pressing the mobile button).

You can talk to Wonkers, the Watilla...err, the cute gorilla in your room for more
conversations. When you done, check the closet and get dressed. Though you can go
down using your underwear, but it will take time to go upstairs again when you
have to wear your main clothes. Talk to your father and dig any information you
want. After that, search the room if you want - nothing special again though.
Satisfied, go out through the main door...not the bathroom door, of course. See
the scene and follow the road until you reach Olivia De Marco's store (you might
talk with Carlita too in the way). Oliv will ask you whether you are busy or not.

Busy - You will go straight to the gym and won't be late.
Not Busy - You will enter Olivia's store and be late for the gym...again

Anyway, the difference is just the dialogues. I suggest you choose "not busy" since
we will go to her shop after the gym afterall. It saves time since the game load
all the time. So, enter the store and check around. When you are in the front of
the plasma tv (or whatever it is), Zeo will see the vision again. What is that
exactly? Never mind. Oliv will come and talk. She wants to show you something, a
software for Zoe's mobile but when she is about to install it, an important call
rings. So we will have to go back here later. For now, get out of the store and
head to the gym. Talk to Jama in green and practice the battle system. Lose or win
is the same thing, so do whatever you want. Jama will offer another practice if
you want, after that, just get out from the gym...after another screen with the
vision. Outside, Reza will call you and asks your presence in Moca Loca, so go
there (it's where Karen works).
Reza will be in the waiting room...or sofa...whatever. Talk to him and receive a
task from him. Now go back to where your gym is and take a cab from the cab stop.


You will be in Jiva Building. Go to the elevator capsule and push the button.
When you get to the upper floor, search the room if you want - nothing particular,
and approach the receptionist. It will trigger a conversation. First option in the
conversation is up to you since it only affects the dialogues. After that, you
will have to choose 3 options.

Screen - You will have to fight the receptionist...easy as pie though. Just use
heavy attack since she blocks all the time (in my game).
Get out - Same with above.
Distract - You will try to distract the girl and make her searching the warehouse
in her right. After the scene, push the red button next to the door to
close it and lock up the girl.

I suggest you choose the third one since it's so much fun to lock up a fake
receptionist and it's not wasting your energy and time =). Whatever you choose,
access the console (a thing like computer flat screen) to open the door. Go and
follow the path until another scene. You can try open the door where Helena Chang
is and find out that it can't be opened. She will point to the above. So go up the
box where she is in by the ledge on the left twice and open a loose cover.
Activate the lever and jump down. Now you can open the door. Follow Helena as she
goes to the elevator. It's shut down, but don't worry 'cos Helena will activate it
again. Now push the button and go out. You will receive Reza's package from her
and after that call a cab (through the yellow panel) to go back to your hometown.


Head to Reza's apartment through the path on the other side of Sus Hi-Ya. Enter the
building with brown door and go upstairs. Look for room #8 - there will be a cat
there. Watch the scene and enter Reza's apartment and another scene follows. After
you watch the vision on the tv, you will also see that EYE commandos are going
upstairs to Reza apartment. You can hide behind the bathroom door if you like, but
at the end, the EYE will still notice a living being because of the Sky (a GPS
maybe). Anyway, just let them shoot you and you will be taken to an isolated room
and interogated. Answer whatever you want, it's only result in different dialogues

CHAPTER #2 - Lost


Zoe will be in her house again - in the balcony. So, when you take control, go
inside and talk to modified Wonkers. Listen to him and then go to Olivia store
to install some softwares that will help you in your quest. After that go back to
Reza's apartment and to his room. Use your mobile on the seal. You just need to
find the correct symbol to finish the puzzle...easy as pie. Enter the room and
watch the scene.

Now you will have to sneak toward the console (flat computer screen). DON'T walk
near the spiderbot or it will be activated. Move carefully and watch out for
particles on the floor and the chairs since they make noisy sound that triggers the
spider. Your main destination is the bathroom, so go there. When you are in the
bathroom, push the control panel (outside one) of the shower box to turn on the
music. The spider will be attracted and enter the shower box. Now close the shower
box's door and see the scene. Poor spidey. Btw, you have 1 chance to make wrong
movement, but after that the spider will wake up and bite you...electrocute you...
kill you...whatever.

Go out from the bathroom and check Lucia, Reza's Watilla. You will get 2 parts from
her...from it...whatever but they seem broken. Well, you know where to go right.
Yep, to the Liv's store. When you are there, give the broken parts to her and watch
the scene. Olivia has the power source but not the brain so we have to find an
active Watilla brain. You see ONLY 2 active Watillas in the game, don't you? Yeah,
so go to your house and go upstairs. Interact with Wonkers (open hand icon) to make
him sleep. Zoe will take the crystal brain from him. Poor Wonkers...and when I
start to like him...Well, you have the parts needed so go back to Reza's apartment.
Try to get used to the gameplay AND the loading screen or you'll hate this game.
Hehe. When you get to Reza's apartment, use the 2 parts on Lucia. Watch the scene
and talk to her again to trigger an event. Lucia will understand the password and
open a secret tile that reveals Reza's notebook. So take it and watch another scene.

Finished, get the notebook on the floor (Zoe dropped it in the scene) and go back
to Liv's store. Give the notebook and she will encrypt it a bit revealing Newport,
Venice, The Fringe and Charlie. It's time to go out from Casblanca. Before that,
though, you have to get your backpack so head out to your house and go upstairs.
Take the backpack in the closet and the game will automatically switch to April

Watch the scene and after that you will have to fight 2 Azadi guards. Piece of
cake! There's nothing hard in this game. After the fight and another scene, you
will switch back to Zoe

CHAPTER #3 - 201


Check your mobile and just follow the path you are facing. When you get to a
branch,go to the left side and to the right when you can...just before the sealed
stairs. At the end of the road is the Fringe, so push the buzz and Charlie will
let you in.

Inside, you can check around or speak to the receptionist. Charlie is in the back
of the room, so go there when you finished. Convers with him until he reveals
Victory Hotel. That's our next destination. You may find some information about
Charlie if you like and after that just go out and back to the branch and follow
the path to a Chinese salesman. Talk with him and ask about Victory hotel. He will
give you the direction.

Go up the staircase and to the stone bridge next to him and in the next screen
just follow the old man advice, "right, left, right, left"...and right again.
Save your game here since there's a game bug here. Check the door and you will
find it's locked. The call button will give you no answer so check the right side
of this building for a construction site just like what Charlie said. It's easy to
find since there's a lamp there. So jump down the ledge twice into the sewer and
follow the path. Go up the ladder when you find one and check the gate. It's locked
with a padlock. Call Oliv and she will tell you to find a picklock. Since there's
only one character to interact, go back to Chinese salesman and talk to him.

He is willing to give you the lockpick in exchange of cloacking software for
mobile. Call Oliv again and she will transfer it to your mobile. Talk to the
Chinese salesman again and he will give you the lockpick. Now back to our padlock
again (sigh).

Puzzle time! Use the lockpick on the padlock. When you try to unlock the padlock,
you will have to solve a puzzle. It's not really hard actually, just confusing.
All you have to do is match all the upper and bottom symbols by circling the
symbols.It's a random thing so I can't give you any direction. Just try it
yourself, it's only take few minutes anyway. TIPS: Find symbols that won't be used
and put them in the right and left side. Hope it will help you a bit.

When you are successfull, open the gate and walk in. The scene will show you that
there's a sleeping guard dog. The dog is used to the train sound so it will be our
next clue. Sneak in when the train is passing by. You will know it from the sound
and when the ground a bit shaken. Go to the warehouse behind the dog and open it.
Make sure you do it when the train is passing by since the door creek. Take the
axe and go back to the ladder. You have 1 chance to make wrong movement like the
one with spiderbot. Now go down and to the right where you can find a container
box. Check the wheel for a lever and activate it. It will make the container
slideable. So push it until you can reach a boarded up window. Smash it with your
axe. Zoe will drop the axe accidentally. Anyway, go in through the window.

Victory Hotel

Inside, take the axe handle next to Zoe and push the only red button to turn it on.
It's a lighter. Now check around the brighter side of this room since you can do
nothing in the dark path right now. Check the table for a rag and metal can filled
with petrol. Combine the axe handle with the rag and use it on the red metal can
(petrol). Use the torch on the lighter to lit it up. Now go to the dark path to
reveal a closed door. Open it and go along the path to a brighter room. You will
see a blood track to a door.

Go to the door and enter the room. Another scene with the scary little girl on the
monitor will follow. After that, use your mobile phone on the MONITOR not on the
door. Some people have difficulty in open the door because they try to hack the
door. Just another mobile puzzle to solve (this time the timer goes faster) and
when you succedd, it will open a door. So go out and up to the stairs to a newly
open door. Inside, you will have 3 options.

If you want to finish the guard off, just walk to him and fight him. He is another
easy enemy though. This will make you freely checking everything in the hotel.

If you want to sneak in, just walk to the pizza heater and check it twice to set
the alarm clock. Go and hide (just go back to where you were). When the alarm
activated, the guard will check the pizza. Sneak behind him when he busy with the

Just walk in towards the guard and choose the dialogue so that he will give Zoe
permission to find the manager herself. If you choose this option, you have to move
fast since the guard will realise that you cheat him.

Whatever option you take, make your way to the second floor. Watch the screen as
you pass room 201. That's our destination but, as usual, it's locked. You can check
the room with a...zombie girl...or maybe she just daydreaming. However, none in
this room is special. So go to the bathroom and check the window. Take the handle
and continue to the end of the corridor next to the stairs (don't go up the stairs
- nothing there). Enter the empty room and check the window. Use the handle you
took in the bathroom and open it.

Outside, go up the ladder in your right and enter another window. Go to the
bathroom where the old man from the scene came out and take a towel. Continue
along the path until you come to the old man's room. Approach him and try to take
a dirty sheet below him. He will wake up so run (even though you haven't get the
sheet) and hide. The old man will go to the bathroom and, of course, this is your
chance to take the dirty sheet.
NOTE: There are some variations here. If the old man sees you and the guard is
already knocked out, he (the old man) will fight you...VERY EASY. Two hit will
make him...dreaming again. He, he. If the guard didn't knocked out, then the old
man will call him and you have to fight with him...if you are slow and don't go
out of there immediately.

Run along the path until you find a window and an old radiator. Check the radiator
to see a part to use a rope or whatever. Open the window and combine the dirty
sheet + towel to make a rope. Use it on the radiator. Go down and follow the path
to another window. Enter the room...201. Open the closet pointed by the little
girl. Take the picture and watch a scene. Whatever option is affecting the dialogue
only but I suggest that you punch Marcus. It will trigger a funny conversation.
He, he.

Follow Marcus to the front door after the conversation and go back to The Fringe.
Give the picture...videograph to him watch the scene. You will learn about Arcadia,
the place where April fights those Azadi soldiers back then. Enjoy the story and
when you have control, go to the stairs near the reseptionist and go up. Use the
last room to make a call...use your mobile, of course. Watch the scene and time to
go to Arcadia.

CHAPTER #4 - Winter

Watch the scene and go to the creepy house when you can and watch another scene.
This will wake Zoe up in a strange underground cave.

ARCADIA - Underground Cave

Where are we now? What the he%$ is this place? We'll find out soon. Zoe will be
able to pick up some pebbles, but I never use it anyway. Now, go along the path
while sneaking behind the strange creatures. If you go near them, you will hear
they are humming a strange tune. Try to remember the tune since you will need it
soon enough. Follow the path and climb the ledge. See that shining thing? You have
to take it. So you can sneak from the creature and take it or you can fight it for
an easy fight. I'll take the sneak option coz I just finish one of the Splinter
Cell game...o yeah! Sneaking is great!

Anyway, follow the road until you see stairs to the bellow path. Take it and to
another stone stairs to upper area. When you are in the upper area, check a weird
mechanism with a wheel on it. Check the upper part of this mech too and use that
Glowing Egg. Now turn the wheel to activate the water wheel. After that, take the
Glowing Egg again since you will need it and go downstairs. Check the water wheel
and Zoe will use it to go to the upper platform. When you try to move forward, the
board will fall down. Don't worry, you can still jump to the next ledge and up the

You will arrive in new area with water flowing in your left. Go along the path to
a dead end. If you bring the Glowing Egg, three glowing symbols can be seen. Take
the Glowing Egg if you didn't take it back. Now, when you try one of the symbol, it
will play a tone. This is what I mean previously about the creature humming. If you
listen carefully to the humming or the background music of this underground cave,
you'll be able to solve the puzzle. So push the symbols in the correct order (left,
middle, left, right). A magical (Seems that we aren't in 2219 anymore) tunnel will
open and that's our next destination.

ARCADIA - Marcuria

You will find yourself in an underground cellar. Check the only door here to find
that it's locked. Check it again to make Zoe kick it. Another one and the door
opens (girls power!). Go inside the inn and Benrime will talk with you. Thank God
they speak English, if not, we won't be able to play this game, will we? Anyway,
Benrime tells you to speak with Minstrum Magda but this Magda is mobile. She
suggests that Zoe ask Blind Bob. Well, gotta find that Blind Bob then.

Get out from the Journeyman Inn and see the beautiful winter of Marcuria. Blind Bob
is just next to the inn so you won't miss him. Talk to him and ask for help. Do you
think that he will help you right away? Nah! He asks for mulled wine mixed with
Mrs. Mullin mixed spices...you da#@ blind beggard! Forget him and go back inside
to talk to Benrime. She has the red wine, but not the spices. Zoe don't have any
choice so she helps Benrime to take the late spices delivery.
It's in the South Market and Benrime gives you a hint "east and south". Where is
east and where is south? No compass here! I'll make it simple.

Go out and pass Blind Bob (that's east). You will arrive in the center of this
town...I guess. Follow the road and turn right when you can (that's south). Voila!
You are standing in the South Market now. Our spices vendor is the first stand in
the left. Go there and talk to him. He says that the delivery is delayed...a bit.
You smell another task, don't you? Oh, well, this is an adventure game afterall
(you'll mad when you know where Minstrum Magda is. Trust me!). Accept his offer
and go back to the Journeyman Inn but don't enter it. Follow the road until you
see a bearded man with his cart. Talk to him and take the spices. Now you have 2
choices. You can take the spices to the vendor or just give it directly to Benrime.
I suggest take it right away to Benrime since the vendor already FORGET it and
there's no effect on the options too.

Inside the inn, talk to Benrime and then check the cauldron in the bar. Use the
spices on it and take an empty bottle behind you. Use the bottle on the cauldron
and give it to the old blind beggard. Blind Bob knows Magda very well, but she is
too mobile so he tells us to ask Crazy Clara (not again...sigh) in the Hangman's
Span. If you confused with Blind Bob's direction, just follow mine. Much more
simple and reliable. He, he.

Ready? Ok, now go to the South Market again and take the road next to the spices
vendor. This is Crab. Just follow the road and you will find the only person lives
here. Talk to her and find out that she is...crazy (after that Theoritically Blind
Bob...now Crazy Clara...sigh). There's no way to uncrazy her until the pet is
returned, so go back to the South Market and run towards the big dinosaur-type
creature which turn around grilling something. What we want to do now is to enter
the alley next to the stairs which is guarded by a guard. If we just walk down to
the alley, the guard will stop us. The trick here is to wait that giant animal to
walk near the alley so it will cover us from the guard's sight. Just follow it and
when you can turn right, do so to enter the alley. There you will find the captured
pet. Get it and watch the scene. Go back to Crazy Clara ignoring the loose pet.

You will notice that the pet goes back automatically. Talk again to Clara to reveal
that Magda is a person who sells soup in the South Market. Yep, you got that right.
She is there all along NEXT to the spices vendor! Oh, well, can't be helped. So go
back to South Market and talk to the soup woman and choose "Magda" to ask whether
she is Magda or not. Follow the scene and then follow Brynn, the guy in the
Journey man Inn. Watch another scene. The game will switch to the third character,

You will have to fight 3 men, but they are not to difficult to beat. It doesn't
matter you lose or win, it only affects the dialogue. After that, talk to Garmon -
the man in white. When finish, follow the little children to meet the Six. Enter
the room and watch another scene. Kian will have a new task so go back to Garmon
in the training ground to report this new task. Watch the scene and that's all for

CHAPTER #5 - Alchera

It's Zoe time again. Watch the scene and once you're outside, check your mobile for
a new message from Karen. When you try to leave further, Oliv will call you and
tell your next destination...it's Japan! See a cool scene showing the water
transportation in 2219 and a nice music too. Japan have to wait though since we
have to control April again.

See the scene and do whatever you want to Brynn. Go outside and talk to Benrime.
Our next destination is the tower so go there (just pass where Blind Bob sat if
you forget). Go towards the scaffolding back there. If you approach it from front,
the guard will stop you, so you have to go around and sneak behind the guard. Kill
him and climb the scaffolding. Once in the upper part of the tower, you will see
two persons are having conversation. One of the door is slightly ajar. Check it and
use Focus Field to highlight the man in the black coat and an ear icon will pop up.
Focus Field is a new feature in the game. See the Special Feature section above if
you don't know how to use it.

After the scene, go back down and to the Journeyman Inn again to follow the
prophet. Talk to Benrime and then go to the underground cellar where Zoe came from.
April will follow the prophet to the magic tunnel.

JAPAN - Outside

The game switches back again to Zoe who is already in Japan. Is this really Japan?
Notice the background music? It's GAMELAN sound and it's from Indonesia! But it's
also the same with Tokyo Drift BGM the first time Tokyo is introduced. Oh, well,
Oliv will call you anyway and it's time to check around.

Go to the chewing gum vending machine and purchase a gum using your mobile. Go up
and talk to a man who is waiting someone. Whatever option you choose, the man will
upset, torn his ticket and throw it on the trash can. Take the TWO torn tickets
(check the trash can twice). Now check your gum to find a free sticker inside and
combine the sticker with the torn tickets. Use the sticked ticket in the cable car


Enter the museum and talk to every one if you want to. After that, try to open the
door in the back to make the guard warns you. Now, talk to the boy and give him the
chewing gum. Talk to him again to make him do a favor for you. Watch the funny
scene and then go to the door in the back. Use your mobile to open the door.
Inside, you will see a cleaning bot enters a ventilation duct. If you want to
change your clothes, there's a uniform in the locker room. It's not really
important anyway. Now, wait for a cleaning bot to come out from the ventilation
duct and enter the duct.

Go forward and talk with the lady there. Whatever option you choose will make you
enter the elevator with the lady. Once you get out from the elevator, try to move
forward. A security bot will warn you. Well, we have to becareful with that thing.
Along the corridor there are some objects that can be used to hide. Use it when a
security bot is in your way. If they see you, try to run and return to the waiting
room. Go along the corridor until you see a toilet. Just across the toilet is a
path to a double glass door. That's our door. However, when you try to go there, a
security bot will show up. Go back and hide.
Sneak behind it and run to the door. When you success entering the computer room,
try to find a bright area. That's where Damien is. So go there and talk to him to
get more information on Dreamer, Project Alchera, etc.
After the scene, comes a chain of not-really-complicated-tasks...just annoying.

The first task is to run down to -58 floor. Do so and wait until the lamp on the
door turns green. Enter it and you will be in another corridor with spider bot
patrolling. Be careful since it will shoot you if it sees you...game over. Along
the corridor are ventilation ducts. Use them to hide from the spider. You can go
to the left or right side, it's up to you since the corridor is a circle. I'll
take the left route to make it easier. The second task is to find a hidden panel
on the wall. Go follow the corridor until you reach a door with red circle in its
center. On the wall across this door is the hidden panel. The color is the same
with the wall, but it looks embossed or whatever it is. If you are not sure how to
find it, just stick to the left side wall. When you can check the wall, check it
twice and use your mobile to upload the software given by Damien. That should
unlock every door to the office, except the one with the red circle. Now, the third
task, find the door with blue circle symbol on it and open it. Enter the room and
take a capsule on the left side. Combine it with the worm in your inventory to get
an encapsuled worm. Now continue your way to the next door and open it. There are
two scanner here. Let's use the smaller one - the biometric scanner - to the left.
Use encapsuled worm on it and then enter the bigger scanner on the right side to
scan Zoe. COntinue your way passing two big doors which are elevators. Remember
them since you will need to go here later. For now, just follow the corridor and
you will be back to where you came before. Just pass the door and to the next door
with red hexagonal symbol. Pass it again and go to the next door with emblem &
swords symbol. This is the office where the datacube key is, but the floor is
secured with alarm. We need a spider to disarm the alarm. Back to the cybernatics
room, the one with red hexagonal symbol, and use your mobile on one of the spider.

You will control the spider now. Go back to the key room and look for a spider to
come. If you interact with one of the patroling spider, your spider will
deactivate it and interact once again to get an updated clearance level or
whatever. Now enter the room and to the panel on the floor. Activate it to
deactivate the alarm. You will be in control of Zoe again. Go to the key room and
check the white jacket in the chair to find a datacube key. Run back to the door
with red circle in the middle of it. Use the datacube and enter the room. Check
the right control panel to open the door and enter it. After the sterilization your
next task is to go to the bottom floor. The scene will tell you where the stairs
are. However, you must not be seen by any of the staff. If they see you...game
over. The key here is to wait for a male staff to go up and then try to sneak when
he sees the weird creature tube. Once downstairs, check the tube for a device like
the biometric scanner we use earlier. Use the encapsulated worm on it. Watch the

ARCADIA - Underground Cave

The game switch to April Ryan again who has arrived at the big water wheel in the
underground cave. Go down and follow the path to the broken bridge. You will see
the prophet riding the boat. Now go to that bright platform and you will see a
scene that a door will open when the creature hums its song. What you have to do
now is wait for another creature to come and enter the door. So wait and don't be
seen or the creature will run away. Just timing it and sneak behind the creature to
enter the door. In the next room, hide behind the altar. Try to be as close as
possible with the door so you can check the creature when it opens the door. When
you succeed in seeing the creature enters the secret code, the door will
automatically open when you touch it.

Just follow the path until you see a black statue with 4 symbols in it. Turn the
symbol until a symbol similar to sand watch is pointed by the needle-like thing.
Continue your way and watch a scene. Try not to be seen by this creature or they
will call for a bigger nastier, creature that can't be killed. However, if you are
seen, just try to avoid the big monster...otherwise, just load your game.

After that, go to the left when you can and check another black statue. Turn the
wheel until a symbol similar to envelope is pointed. Run back to the corridor where
the creature in the scene go (there's a symbol like scar on the floor). When you
meet another black statue, turn it until the symbol like a circle is pointed. Go
to the left and hit the wall there 3 times. You will be in another area of this
underground cave. Go straight forward passing a pillar and then turn left. Turn to
the right when you can to find the last black statue. Turn the wheel until the
symbol similar to upside-down triangle is pointed (it's the last symbol that's not
been chosen). A gate will open. See those symbols on the gate? That's actually how
to solve the puzzle and I make it easy for you guys. He, he.

Go back and take the right path. Turn right again to reach that opened gate and
check the sarcophagus. Take the Glowing Egg to the spot where you fell from the
broken wall before. Just before passing the only pillar in this area, turn left
and use the Glowing Egg on the gate. Follow the path and go upstairs to an
automatically opened door. Watch the scene. Now, you have two creatures to worry
about. The first one has noticed your arrival and start chasing you. So go to the
broken stairs in the right side. The stairs will broken as April moves forward and
stop the creature from moving forward. COntinue your way to the upper platform and
go to the right corner of it. Jump down twice and sneak away behind the creature.
Go to the right path when you can to see another scene.


Back to Zoe again. When the scene is over, take Zoe out from the lab. Watch the
scene of the elevator; that's our next destination. Doesn't matter you take the
left or rigt path since the EYE Commandos will split into 2 groups. Just make your
way to the elevator quick. Hide in the ventilation duct when the EYEs are
approaching. When you get into the elevator, more scene will follow.

CHAPTER #6 - Morpheus

You will end up in a jungle-like room with many plants. Just follow the path until
a scene is played again. Convers with the monster and choose whatever you want.
When you finished, quickly run forward follow the path until you see a bridge to
the left. However, don't go to the bridge, instead enter the room in your right
side and enter another door. You are in the rooftop now. Use a broom next to you
to block the door and go to the left where a flying machine is waiting for you.
Climb the ledge and catch the flying machine to go down. Watch the scene.

ARCADIA - Marcuria

Back to April-an again. When April finishes her talking, go out and talk to
Benrime. Watch another scene with Brian. Go out from the inn and head to the right
passing the guarded gate and to the magical ghetto. Talk to a unique man here named
Roper. It used to be April's rival (well, I don't play the first series anyway).
Convers with him and reveals that he is an author now. When you done, go to the
harbour (it's just accross Roper's stand). Talk to the captain here and then to the
man in black cloack standing in the bridge. It's the Shadowguide, one of the Dark
People. He doesn't want to take you with him. So go back to Roper and ask for his
book. He will give it away and you should give it to the man in black. Time to set

The game will play a scene with Zoe again and then it switch to Kian. Just go
inside the tower and watch the scene as Kian talks to the Emissary. Back to April
again now.

CHAPTER #7 - Destiny


Just follow the man in black to the library - nothing to do here anyway.


When you arrive in the library, talk to the man in black. Now just wait until a
crow flies and talk to you. It's Crow, your old buddy...back in the first game I
guess. Talk to him until a beautiful girl is coming. It's the Draic Kin. She's even
more beautiful than our protagonist, isn't she? Anyway, she will help April to open
a magical portal and enter the guardian realm.


Notice a blue-cross shaped thing in the hill? That's the guardian. Run towards him
using the tree bridge and talk to him to understand what happens. When you are
done, go back to the magical portal. Watch the scene of Zoe entering Arcadia again.

CHAPTER #8 - Convergence

MARCURIA - Friar's Keep

It's Kian time. He'll be fighting 2 easy as pie rebels then watch the scene. Now,
we need to go to Friar's Keep. Go through the magical ghetto and watch a scene.
Kian will then be automatically in the Friar's Keep. He will talk with Zoe who has
been caught but he can't let her go from the prison. Anyway, get out of here and
follow the path to where the Crazy Lady was. Kian will meet April and talk a little
bit. When done, you'll be in control of April again. Go to the Friar's Keep and to
the right side of the prison (there will be a small passage there). Crow will come
and help April by looking for Zoe at the prison.

The game will switch between Zoe and April in awhile. When you take control of Zoe,
walk to the door and check it. A guard will come and open the hatch. See through
the hatch and find out how the door is locked. Talk to the Crow and he will fly to
April. Now take April to Roper in the magical ghetto and get 2 crucial items,
Smoke Bomb and Acid. Take those items to Crow and he will give it to Zoe. Use the
Acid first to the locked door and get out from the cell. Now run towards the guard
and sneak behind him. Use the smoke bomb when you can and take a prison key from
the guard. Use that key to open the gate and go downstairs.

You will meet another guard who will then sit so we can't open the next door. Well,
we don't have any choice but to go back to Crow. We need sandwich so with April in
control, go to the Journeyman Inn and talk to Benrime to get a sandwich. Now go
back and talk to the guard inside using a microphone? on the right side of the
front door. Enter and go upstairs.
When you see a room with a big-yellow steam machine, enter it and check the food
elevator handle. Use it to open the food elevator door and use put the sandwich.
Use the handle once again.

Back to Zoe again. Since the guard waiting for his food is sleeping now, Zoe can
sneak and open the door. Continue your way downstairs until you meet April. Now go
to the right and to a door that leads to the kitchen. Enter another door there to
reach the warehouse. Search for a rope on one of the crates. See that big crate in
the center? Push it and climb it. Check a hook near the window and use the rope you
found just now. Use it to go down. Follow April and watch the scene.

Now, we have control on Zoe again. Crow said that they should talk with Brian for
more information and Crow saw him in the South Market. In the way to the South
Market, Zoe will see an Azadi guard is guarding the Journeyman Inn and then the
game will switch to Kian. Go upstairs aftert beating another 2 rebels and talk to
Na'ane about the Scorpion.

When you in control of Zoe again, just continue your way to the South Market. Brian
is near the lumbering dinosaur. Talk to him and Zoe will go with him using an
airship. It's flying time. In the airship, you can talk to Brian and Crow for more
information about themselves. When you are done, just head to the door for the next

CHAPTER #9 - All That We See or Seem


Just follow the man in black to the library and talk to Draic Kin. Watch another
scene and we will be in the next chapter of the game.

CHAPTER #10 - Crossroads


It seems that Zoe isn't sent to Stark, her homeworld, instead she is now being in
a weird swamp. Anyway, follow the path and passing the sunken ship. Follow the path
until you can go no further and watch another scene and the game will switch to
April-an again.

After the conversation, follow the path and up the ladder. Go forward to a hanging
bridge and turn left then down the small stairs when you can. See two persons
talking? Go there. Talk with Kara and when you are done, continue your way forward
and follow the path to left and then right when you can to meet Na'ane. She tells
you that a messanger is waiting in the west pier. So go pass her to the path on the
left. Just follow it to see a strange signal in the sky. Continue until you can go
no further.

Now we are in control of Kian again. Go forward and to the right. Continue
downstairs and make your way to the west pier - the same route as April goes - to
meet April. Watch the scene.

CHAPTER #11 - Faith

We are almost at the end of the game. Trust me, this is the shortest adventure game
I've played. Anyway, Zoe is wake up now. Check the computer for a message from
Damien. After that, check the bathroom for new warm clothes. It's time for an air
transportation in Stark. Cool!


The front gate is locked so we have to go to the right and through to the open
gate. There is a car parked in the left side of this area. If you check the car
carefully, Zoe will find a small panel to control the car (it's near the front
tires). Open it using lockpick and solve the puzzle, of course. When you succeed,
use your mobile to operate the panel. The car will move backwards slamming some
stuffs. What we want to do now is to climb the car and climb further to the ledge

When you are on the upper platform, use the long ladder to go to the roof. You will
see that there's a security bot patroling the area. There will be another ladder
at the end of the roof (in the right side), so go there carefully and use it to go
even further up. Follow the path to a big letter that's almost fall. Check it out
to make Zoe push it. The falling letter will crash one of the skylight. Now go down
and carefully run to the crashed skylight. Enter the building through it.

RUSSIA - Inside

Follow the path to the right until you find a ladder leading down. On the floor, go
around the assembly line and notice a green-glowing wall in the left side. There's
a panel box there. Open it and press the switch to turn the power on. Now go back
around the assembly line and to the control room (a room shown by the scene). There
are two control panels here. The left is to control the winch up and down - the
right one is to control the movement of the winch. Use the right control panel
first all the way up and to the left. Then use the left control panel to lower the

Go to where the winch is now and hook the winch to the grate and go back to the
control room again. Use the left panel to pull the winch along with the grate. Go
to the open shaft and go underground. Check the unlocked drawer in the desk to find
a small key. Use it to open the left locker behind you. Get an access card and
swipe it on the card reader next to the room. Enter the door and push another
button to enter the room. Take a datacube from the doll's house and get out of
here. Check a black box near the computer on the desk.

Use the datacube on that box to see a scene about Faith. After you get a better
idea of what's happening, go to the glass door behind you and use the card in the
card reader. Go upstairs and make your way to the control room. There will be a
door with green neon on top of it. Use the access card in the card reader and get
out using the door.

You'll be in the outside of the building again. Use the card reader to unlock the
main gate and hop into the waiting taxi. Basically, this game is end here since the
re's nothing to do anymore. Anyway, we still have some chapters and scenes to

CHAPTER #12 - The Reversal

From the taxi stop, just go back to Zoe house and watch the scene. A familiar woman
suddenly comes in and tells what happened this whole time. We get a better idea of
what's happening right? Watch the scene as Zoe uses the Dreamer again.

CHAPTER #13 - The Longest Journey

Run towards the creepy house and watch the scene. This is the last time you can
control Zoe, so this is is end actually. Just enjoy the scene and nice BGM.

CONCLUSION - Dreamfall

Enjoy some scenes before the credits roll and if you let the credits roll you will
see another scene showing Brian in Tibet. So there will be the third game and I
hope it will be better and LONGER! Man, I finished the game only in TWO days!!!
And it's name is The LONGEST Journey?

Oh well, I enjoy the game anyway.

Version History

Version 1.0 : Started the walkthrough and finish it.
Version 2.0 : Do a little grammar check, cut some column to make it slimmer,
add special feature section and write the credits section.


1. God Almighty!
2. Gamefaqs for posting my FAQ.
3. JZ Zaranka for letting me know that I don't explain the basic control and the
first one who support me ^_^.
4. Some authors from websites who post my FAQ.
5. My parentz of course!

Copyright © 2006 Ivan Christianto
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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10.Oktober 2013
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17.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

17.Oktober 2013
29 Savegames für Dreamfall. Das Game wurde komplett durchgespielt. Für jedes Kapitel gibt es 1 bis 4 Savegame, je nach Länge des Kapitels.

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