Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2

14.10.2013 17:08:19
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Battlefield 2 Jet Guide
by Sn1p3r_3lit3

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Version History
3. Basic Controls / HUD
a. Your HUD ( Heads up Display )
b. Takeoff
c. Flying
i. Pitch up/down
ii. Turning
iii. Using your Rudder
d. The Weapons
i. Machinegun
ii. Heat-Seeking Missiles
iii. Dumb Bombs
iv. Laser-Guided Missiles
e. Evasion
i. Evasion with flares
ii. Evasion without flares
4. Advanced Controls and Maneouvres
a. Landing
b. Useful Moves
i. Immelman Turn
ii. Barrel Rolling
5. The Planes
a. USMC Aircraft
i. F-15E Strike Eagle
ii. F/A-18E Super Hornet
iii. F-35C JSF
b. Chinese Aircraft
i. Jian-10
ii. Su-30MKK
c. MEC Aircraft
i. MiG-29a Fulcrum
ii. Su-34 Strike Flanker
6. Your Rivals
a. Other Planes
b. AA systems
c. M95 Snipers
7. FAQ
8. Credits and other stuff
9. About the Author
1. Introduction
My first guide ever, so please send me comments or suggestions.

This guide is intended tho help players who have trouble keeping their planes
in the air, as well as teach experienced pilots some helpful tips they didn't

2. Version History
v1.0- Finished the guide
v2.0- major update (tips and a typo)
v2.1- Minor update
v2.2- Another minor update
v2.3- Yet another minor update
v2.7- Added FAQ Section
3. Basic controls / HUD
[3a. Your HUD ]
Missile mode
| [14]|___|____| |
| |_______|_________| / \ |
|_____[]______ [9] / \ |
| [1] | [2] | |
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|________[13] [3a] \_____/ |
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| [6] [][][][][] |[7] [][] [8] [][][] |
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|_____[]______ / \ |
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| \ / |Bomb Mode
| [3b] \_____/ |
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1: Status indicator - Who got fragged by who with what
2: Minimap
3a: Missile detection area, your target should be inside the reticle and within
range for you to get a lock on him.
3b: Bomb drop arrow
4a: Machinegun crosshair.
4b: Bomb Drop angle, the v (shown above) should be exactly over line a (also
shown above) for a straight drop.
5: Armor status
6: Afterburner
7: Machinegun ammo
8: Primary weapons ammo
9: Compass
10: L-Guided missile detection area, keep the target inside the box for a few
seconds to get a lock.
11. Speedometer
12. Altitude meter
13. Messages
14. Ticket ratio
3b. Takeoff

1.) Hold the W key down, wait till you start moving
2.) As soon as you gain enough speed, pull up (default: down arrow key / pull
3.) You are now airborne.

*Important Note*
Just because you are still on the ground doesn't mean that you can't fire at
enemies blocking your way ( only the machinegun works for this.), or, you can
run them over.

3c. Flying

i. Pitching up and down

To pitch up, press the down arrow key or pull the mouse.
To pitch down, press the up arrow key or push the mouse slightly.

ii. Turning

Once you've mastered up and down, it's time for left an right.
To turn, simply press your desired direction on the arrow keys or tilt the
mouse left/right, then pull up.
Remember to return to level flight.

iii. Using your rudder

The rudder is used for veeery liittle turns. To do so, press the A for left or
D for right. This useful when you're going to land.

3d. Weapons
i. Machinegun
This is the hardest weapon to aim with if you're flying a USMC plane , BUT ,it
usually kills an enemy plane/chopper with just a few rounds . Attackers usually
have 300 rounds, while Fighters have 600. (The only exception is the MiG29.)
Press and hold the space bar/left mouse button to fire.

ii. Heat-Seeking Missiles
This will be your primary weapon against other air vehicles, so conserve your
shots and fire ONLY after your target's flares are no longer effective.
Attackers carry 4, while fighters have a much larger payload of 6.

To lock on, keep your target inside the detection area ( See 3a. ), and get in
close. Press the numpad 0/right mouse button to fire.

iii. Dumb Bombs
As the name implies, these are unguided bombs that have a big radius of splash
damage, so use it against large groups of enemies. DO NOT use this on open
fields with both groups fighting. It can kill your teammates too.Attackers have
5, Fighters have 2. Press F to access the bombs and press the numpad 0/right
mouse button to release the bombs ONE BY ONE. press it again to stop the drop.

iv. Laser-Guided Missiles
Attackers are the only ones carrying these beasts. Co-pilots control it.
This is a One-Hit-Kill anti vehicle weapon. Aiming is easy. Simply keep your
target on the reticle, wait for a clear tone, then release that missile! Access
it like the bombs.

You can drop bombs while upside-down. It won't kill you.

Heat-Seeking missiles lock onto hot targets including the oil tower things at
Zatar Wetlands/Gulf of Oman.

3e. Evasion

i. Evasion with Flares

There is only one effective way to do this. Do you notice the slight difference
between the missile warning tones?
There are two kinds of the missile warning tone: 1.) The lock-on warning ,and,
2.) The Missile alert tone.
The first one goes like this: BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP.
While the latter goes like : BEEEEEEEP.
Notice the difference now? The trick is to drop your flares 3 seconds after the
missile alert tone. Try practicing this at the singleplayer map Operation Clean
Sweep. But, it is proven that we humans are not perfect, and sometimes we
screw up, so you might want to check the next part.

ii.Evasion without Flares

OK, This might sound like the most difficult part, but it's not. The best
tactic to outrun missiles without the help of flares is to TURN LIKE CRAZY.
Barrel rolling does not work against missiles but is effective against
inaccurate machinegun fire, but that's another story. Your afterburners do work
effectively and your turning abilities increase.
Again, the best way to get better is to practice.
Pitching down will increase your speed.

4. Advanced Controls and Maneouvres

4a. Landing

This is easy once you get the hang of it. When you land, you should be going

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When you touch down, start pounding on S HARD until you come to a complete stop.

4b. Useful Moves

i. Immelman Turn
This is a useful and easy trick to dodge an incoming missile. First, pull up
until you are upside-down, return to your normal state,

From this To This
__________> __/----\____
\____/ ------ \
(plane's nose and
Then keep turning.
I'm sorry if I suck at english. (vv)

ii. Barrel Rolling

The easiest trick ever, just hold the <- or -> key. Use it to avoid machinegun

iii.MG aiming thing (submitted by Pvt.Falcon)
In case your using the machinegun/minigun its best to take some height
and then dive in on the target, but obviously not to steep, and pull up
in time.

5. The Planes

a. USMC Aircraft

i. F-15E Strike Eagle

Machinegun ammo: 300 rounds
Missiles carried: 4
LGMs carried: 16
Bombs carried: 5
Class: Attacker
Seats : 2

ii. F/A-18E Super Hornet

Machinegun ammo: 600 rounds
Missiles carried: 6
LGMs carried: None
Bombs carried: 2
Class: Fighter
Seats : 1

iii. F-35C JSF

Machinegun ammo: 600 rounds
Missiles carried: 6
LGMs carried: None
Bombs carried: 2
Class: Fighter
Seats : 1
Special ....Thing: Hover using the S Key (hold)

b. Chinese Aircraft

i. Jian 10

Machinegun ammo: 600 rounds
Missiles carried: 6
LGMs carried: None
Bombs carried: 2
Class: Fighter
Seats : 1

ii. Su-30MKK

Machinegun ammo: 300 rounds
Missiles carried: 4
LGMs carried: 16
Bombs carried: 5
Class: Attacker
Seats : 2

c. MEC Aircraft

i. MiG-29 Fulcrum

Machinegun ammo: 300 rounds
Missiles carried: 6
LGMs carried: None
Bombs carried: 2
Class: Fighter
Seats : 1

ii. Su-34 Strike Flanker

Machinegun ammo: 300 rounds
Missiles carried: 4
LGMs carried: 16
Bombs carried: 5
Class: Attacker
Seats : 2

6. Your Rivals

i. Other Planes

Basically, other planes are your numero uno rival cause they are almost the
same as you. There are two ways to deal with this, one is to get behind him and
shoot him down, and the second is to make him collide with the
ground/water/tree/whatever. Be patient, look behind often, and remember:
"Lose sight, lose the fight."

ii. AA Systems

This is a real threat to attackers since you hafta fly low to hit your targets
with bombs. Take it out by shoving a bomb into the stinger/IGLA/CIWS while
they're reloading.

iii. M95 Snipers

Due to the fact that their rifles penetrate glass make them a threat to pilots
who just hopped in their planes. But don't worry, they won't be able to shoot
you dead whilst in flight. Take em' out - personally.

8. FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
1.Q: My plane is going wild, and I can't control it! What the heck happened?!
A: Well basically, you've made a BIG screw up that (i think) is called a
stall.This happens when you go too high and fast and you don't descend
S: You can gain control again by releasing the W key for a short while. When
you do that, your plane will descend and you will regain control.

2.Q: Well, how do I prevent this "stall" you speak of?
A: Avoid going high with afterburners on.

3.Q: How can I lock on to ground tgts. with my LGMs?
A: Keep your prey inside the box for a few secs. and fire away. Tell your
pilot over the VOIP ( If you have a headset ) to fly straight to make life
alot more easier.

7. Credits and other stuff
I'd like to thank these people (or things):

CJayC - For updating and hosting Gamefaqs.

FIGlet - For making ASCII art in just a few moments.

DICE - For making such an awesome game.

My Dad - For giving me great ideas.

Darkstorm406 sasso

Kevin Tang

Jeffrey Greeley


If you want to use/ host this guide, please ask first.
Please send me any helpful stuff. I will credit you.

8. About the Author

Real Name: Jzan Lo
Country: Philippines
Age: 12
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Support Kit FAQ
Engl. FAQ

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Megatrainer (für v1.50)

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