The ClueFinders 5th Grade Adventures: The Secret of the Living Island

The ClueFinders 5th Grade Adventures: The Secret of the Living Island

16.10.2013 19:46:28

The ClueFinders 5th Grade Adventures: The Secret of the Living Island
Game Script
by RandyPandy


(A searchlight flashes around in the sea, flashing over many of the ships
wrecked there. The sub with the light goes into a boat.)

Santiago: A little to your left, LapTrap.

(LapTrap's light flashes on a rectangular object with symbols on it.)

Santiago: There!

Joni: There's another one, Santiago.

Santiago: Yeah Joni, but what is it?

Joni: Hmm... Don't know. LapTrap, scoop up the artifact, and head on back.

(LapTrap sprouts arms and picks up the object.)

LapTrap: Sigh. Scoop up the artifact, LapTrap. Fix the mini-sub, LapTrap. Blow
dry my hair, LapTrap!

(The submarine is lifted out of the water. The door opens and LapTrap, Santiago,
and Joni come out. Santiago and Joni are holding two of the objects. Leslie and
Captain Clark greet them.)

Joni: Look what we found, Captain Clark. Another one!

Captain: They certainly are peculiar, Joni.

Santiago: Maybe they are our clue as to why so many ships are disappearing
around here. Hey, where's Owen, Leslie?

Leslie: He's up with the cook. Grandpa - I mean the Captain - said it was okay.

(In the kitchen, a loud crashing sound is heard. Owen is standing outside the
kitchen, and pizza dough is dripping from the doorway.)

Owen: Dude, sorry. There must have been too much yeast in that pizza dough.

Crow's Nest: Captain! Island! Dead ahead!

(Captain Clark raises his binoculars and spots and island with a mountain on

Captain: Well ClueFinders, it looks like we have found what we've been searching
for! This island isn't on any of my charts...

Crow's Nest: Captain! A tsunami! Headed right for us!

Owen: Salami?

Leslie: Not salami! Tsunami!

Captain: Hard to port! Our only chance is to steer right into it!

Owen: Dude! Where's my board?

(The tsunami hits the ship and capsizes it.)


(LapTrap flies to the island and finds Joni and Santiago unconscious there.
Owen's surf board is also nearby. He splashes water on them and they wake up

Santiago: Hey, where is everyone?

Joni: Yeah! There's Owen's surfboard, but... where's Owen?

Santiago: Or Leslie?

LapTrap: Oh dear!

Joni: Or the Captain?

LapTrap: Yaahh!

Santiago: Or the crew?

LapTrap (as the ground starts shaking): Yaahaahahahahahhh!

Joni (pale): What... was that?

Santiago: Hmmm. Let's do a little seismic research!

(He picks up the red video phone and sticks it into the ground. He looks at it.)

Santiago: Yup, just as I thought.

(He points to the mountain.)

Santiago: That is an active volcano.

LapTrap: VOLCANO?!?!?!?!?!?!

Santiago: And it's gonna erupt really soon!

LapTrap: You mean it's gonna blow! Let's get out of here!

(He tries to fly away, but a wave hits him and he flies back. Leslie and Owen
appear on the video phone.)

Leslie: Hmm. It would appear that that method of escape will not be effective.

Joni: Leslie! Are you okay? Where are you?

(Owen puts his hand on Leslie's shoulder.)

Owen: She's with me. Saved her life again!

(Leslie kicks him.)

Owen: Ow! Hey...

Leslie: Some lifesaver! From all appearances, Owen and I are sequestered in some
sort of subterranean chamber with no apparent means of egress.

(LapTrap rolls his eyes.)

Owen: She means we're stuck underground somewhere.

Leslie: Aargh! That's what I said!

Santiago: Any clues as to where you are?

(A room full of the objects appear - golden ones.)

LapTrap: Whoa! Look at all those...

Santiago: Artifacts!

Owen: Thousands of them!

Santiago: What does it mean?

(Owen picks up an artifact.)

Owen: Hey, one fell off.

Leslie: Hmm. This is a clue! I'll analyze it and report back.

Joni (as she picks up the phone): Don't worry, you guys. We'll find you!

Leslie: And Grandpa!

Santiago: And the ship's crew!

Owen: Uh, huh. Before the volcano blows?

Leslie: We'll observe you from this end on the red video phone. Call us if you
need help.

Santiago: Check!

Joni: We use my backpack to store any clues - or artifacts - we find.

LapTrap: Oh boy. Here they go again! Well, if you need a break, let me know!

Joni: Alright, Santiago! Where do we start?

Santiago: Uh, you decide.


(The three ClueFinders go down one path and eventually stumble upon a ship.)

Joni: Hey, look! On the other side of this river! There's our ship! What's left
of it, anyway.

Santiago: Whoa, that's deep!

Joni: Do you think we can make it?

Santiago: No way! Too dangerous! But I've got a plan.

Joni: I think I know what you're thinking.

Santiago: We can use these longer pieces of coral -

Joni: To build a bridge across the water to the other side.

Santiago: Hey, do you think these numbers mean anything?

Joni: Probably. Let's find out!

(The two build a bridge.)

Joni: We did it.

Santiago: Now we can cross!

(They cross the bridge.)


(Joni, Santiago, and LapTrap explore the ship.)

Santiago: Boy, our ship is a wreck!

Joni: Hey, look! Our scuba gear!

Santiago: Maybe we can sneak into the water down here!

(They pull on the scuba gear, and all three jump off the ship into the ocean.
They see a bunch of transparent "worms" hanging onto a piece of rock. The worms
have some of the strange objects in them.)

Joni: Look!

(She goes up to a worm and tries to get the object.)

Santiago: Hey, it's one of those -

(The worm wakes up. Joni swims away.)

Head Worm: Cryptiles! I'm trying to digest them, thank you!

Santiago: Cryptiles!

Head Worm: Yes, yes, I do love Cryptiles! But I'm afraid they don't love me.
Though right to be actually.

Worms: Indeed! Yes, yes! Here, here!

(The place starts to shake. The worms shake to.)

LapTrap: Yaaahhhh!!!

(A worm falls loose.)

Falling Worm: Oh no!

Head Worm: Oh, dear me!

Falling Worm: See you on the Insiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Head Worm: Gentleworms, gentleworms!

Worm: Are you one many too many to worm? (Something like that)

Head Worm: Ah, thank you. For worms, as my esteemed colleague has so put it out,
we live in trouble time.

Worms: Indeed! Yes, yes! Here, here!

Head Worm: As clear to Position A, prior to position, we lose another colleague,
in our quest for Inside.

LapTrap: Stop the presses! What, exactly, is Inside?

Worms: Inside, Inside, Inside!

Head Worm: Inside is safe haven from this massive fish, this vicious living

Joni: Fish? Living island? There's no such thing. This island has a secret, and
we're gonna uncover it!

Worms: Perhaps we could call witnesses! Send emissaries!

Head Worm: Yes! You can be our emissaries for Inside! As we are more or less
permanently perched on here.

Santiago: Maybe Inside is where Owen and Leslie are!

Head Worm: The answers lie Inside. Collect Cryptiles and head for the Fish
within the Fish.

Joni: The what?! Listen...

Santiago: Come on, Joni! You heard the man - I mean the worm! It's Cryptiles we
need, so let's get a move on!

(They swim away.)


(The ClueFinders see a yellow submarine. The video phone beeps, and Leslie and
Owen appear.)

Owen: Dudes, the mini-sub! If it's still working, maybe you guys can take her
out and get some help!

LapTrap: Yes! Okay, here we go, back to Honolulu! Aloha hoi, aloha hee!

Leslie: I'm afraid not, LapTrap. The Lab-5 has a range of three nautical miles.
It is good for deep sea diving, but it will not take you very far.

Santiago: But it can take us down to the bottom of the sea floor to scoop up
some of those Cryptiles!

Joni: Right! Come on, Santiago, let's check out that sub!

LapTrap: There goes my luau!

(They go into the submarine and stand in front of the controls.)

Lab-5: Oh, thank goodness, the ClueFinders! At least someone's still in one

Joni: Listen, Lab-5, Owen and Leslie are trapped. We've got to help them!

Santiago: Right! But we need Cryptiles to do it. If you can take us down to the
bottom of the sea floor, we'll scoop some more up!

Lab-5: Oy, that tsunami was no picnic, you know. I'm in bad shape. I don’t know
if I can make it.

Joni: But Lab-5, you're our only hope!

Lab-5: Well, if you can patch my electrical circuits, then I'll make sure you
safely reach the bottom of the sea floor.

Santiago: Electrical circuits are my specialty!

Lab-5: To locate more Cryptiles on the sea floor, you'll have to reconnect the
power to my sonar circuit, robotic arms, and propellers. Place a battery or
batteries on the circuits and then use pieces of copper wire to connect the
batteries to the positive and negative terminals. Be sure to use the battery or
batteries with the correct voltage.

(Santiago repairs the circuits and they scoop up thirteen turquoise Cryptiles
off the sea floor before Lab-5 breaks down. The ClueFinders leave.)


(The ClueFinders come across a wall of gold Cryptiles.)

Joni: Wow!

Santiago: A wall of Cryptiles!

Joni: I wish we could take some. Those Cryptiles look like they're on there
pretty tightly.

Santiago: Uh, you know, it's not like the Cryptiles are under the rocks and

Joni: You're right! It's more like the rocks and seaweed are on top of the

LapTrap: Yeah, and sometimes a house burns up, and sometimes a house burns down.
You guys don't have a clue as to what's going on, do you?

Santiago: We have lots of clues! Just... no answers.

Joni: Yet. But we're working on them. Come on, Santiago, there's no time to

(They swim on.)


(They come across a giant worm - Tube.)

Joni: Oh my! Who... what are you?

Tube: I am Tube. Who are you?

Santiago: We're the ClueFinders!

Tube: Clues? You seek clues?

LapTrap: Actually, we seek Cryptiles!

Tube: Mm hmm.

Joni: You know about Cryptiles?!

Tube: Cryptiles are awfully hard to swallow. I have a Cryptile stuck in my
throat! Now, if the rest of my body were working - that is, my tube segments - I
could cough it up.

LapTrap: Excuse me, that's gross!

Santiago: LapTrap! It's still a Cryptile!

Tube: My tube segments are all mixed up. Rearrange my tube segments to make
three more complete tubes, and I can cough up this Cryptile for you. The
fractions on the tubes must add up to one.

(The ClueFinders make segments, and Tube somehow coughs up thirteen Cryptiles
for them. The ClueFinders leave.)


(The ClueFinders see a giant stone fish with bubbles coming out of it. The
island it is connected to is apparently floating.)

Joni: Whoa!

LapTrap: Look at that! The island has no bottom - I mean it's not a, not a...

Santiago: You mean it's floating.

LapTrap: Right!

Joni: Fish within the Fish, Fish within the Fish. Could this be the place the
worm was talking about?

Santiago: I don't know, let's find out!


(The ClueFinders swim inside the fish and see some smaller stone fish arranged
in a group of five. There are eight slots under the fish, and a hole above the
fish. The fish in the middle's eyes open.)

Fish: Welcome to the jaws of the Fish within the Fish. For ages past, our school
has guarded the entrance to Inside against all trespassers. By what arrogance
makes you think that you will not drown in our mighty jowls?

Joni: Listen. We're the ClueFinders, and when someone takes our friends, we find
them. Period.

Fish: Arrogance indeed! But to get past, you must first unlock our challenge!
Only with a wealth of turquoise and jade Cryptiles can you proceed.

Santiago: Hey Joni, do you have any turquoise and jade Cryptiles in your

Joni: Yup, I see some turquoise and jade Cryptiles!

Santiago: Let's take them out!

(They do so.)

Fish: You are now ready to risk life and limb. Take note of the eight slots
below me. Each of them must be filled by a Cryptile with the word that matches.
Once all eight are filled, the first part of your challenge will be complete.

Joni: But our Cryptiles only have these strange symbols on them! How can we
match them to the word?

Fish: My powers are great! I read all languages of the deep - including this
one. Place any Cryptile into my mouth and I will translate it into your

(They place one of the Cryptiles inside, and see a Cryptile with an English word
come out.)

Fish: I will now explain the true heart of the challenge. After you translate
all of your Cryptiles, you will still need to translate their words. For that,
use the fish to my left and right. Each of them will transform a Cryptile
according to the rule written upon each fish's head. Beware! You can translate
a Cryptile up to four times before it disintegrates.

(The ClueFinders fill all eight slots with a collection of turquoise Cryptiles.
A wall forms above them. Owen and Leslie appear on the video phone.)

Owen: Okay, we've been conducting experiments, and we think we may have got

Leslie: We? My analysis indicates the following. It's as tough as steel and
light as plastic.

Owen: And it bounces!

(Leslie rolls her eyes. Owen drops the Cryptile and it bounces of the floor and
back into his hand.)

Owen: See?

(They disappear. Joni, Santiago, and LapTrap fill in the eight slots again with
jade Cryptiles, and bars appear on the wall. Owen and Leslie appear again.)

Owen: Okay, we're back with more helpful information from Mr. Owen Lam, super

Leslie (rolling her eyes): Yeah, right. Okay, my research indicates that the
mysterious writing on these Cryptiles are not from any known language, ancient
or modern.

Owen: Big deal. Here's something really cool.

(He licks the Cryptile.)

Owen: They taste great!

(They disappear. Joni and Santiago use both Cryptile colors to fill the eight
slots. Owen and Leslie appear.)

Owen: Hey guys! You made it through! That's awesome!

Leslie: Shh, I hear something!

(The sound of unearthly footsteps sound. Owen looks around nervously.)

Owen: Uh, guys? I don't think we're alone in here!

(They disappear.)

Joni: Well, we solved this part of the mystery. Let's head back to the beach to
find more clues!

(They swim away.)


(The ClueFinders encounter the worms again. Head Worm clears his throat.)

Head Worm: Yes, well done! So you made it through the Fish within the Fish! But
that's only half the task! There's more to this island than just this murky
realm below. You'll have to bear with this on land, I'm afraid.

(The ClueFinders swim back to the boat.)


(The ClueFinders step onto the beach. The ground suddenly shakes.)

Santiago: Whoa, volcano's gonna blow!

Joni: Where's the Coast Guard when you need him?!

LapTrap: I don't like volcanoes!

(Owen and Leslie appear on the phone.)

Owen: Dudes! Did you guys feel that?!

Leslie: It appears that this volcano is more active than we first thought.

(They disappear. Joni, Santiago, and LapTrap head for the island.)


(The ClueFinders stop in front of a pit of burning sulfur.)

LapTrap: Oh well, heh heh, there's no crossing here!

Joni: What are you talking about, LapTrap, we can just hop over these rocks!

(She hops across the rocks poking out. LapTrap rolls his eyes.)

LapTrap: Oh boy.

(The sulfur disappears underground.)

Santiago: Hey, look, the water's receding!

(Owen and Leslie appear on the video phone, clutching the gold Cryptiles on the
wall. The sulfur is under them.)

Leslie: HELP!

Owen: Uh, guys? I don't know what you are doing up there, but whatever it is,
it's flooding our chamber with boiling water!

Santiago: Joni, get back here!

(Joni hops back. The sulfur rises up as if it has never left.)

Santiago: Look, the water's coming back!

Leslie: Looks like you guys will have to find another way to cross.

(She and Owen disappear.)

Santiago: Hey, if we can move some of those longer rocks into place -

Joni: We can use them to hop across the water!

Santiago: But look at the markings on these rocks! I wonder if they mean

Joni: Probably. Let's find out!

(They build a bridge.)

Santiago: We did it!

Joni: Now we can cross.

(They cross the bridge.)


(The three are looking through binoculars at the scenery.)

LapTrap: This island is creepy! Or as they say in Paris, creepé!

Santiago: LapTrap, you're afraid of the mechanical sheep you dream about!

Joni: Quit clowning around, you guys, and take a look at this! Let's take a
closer look!

(Still looking through the binoculars, Joni and Santiago walk down the trail.)

LapTrap: Joni, watch where you're going!

(They fall down the path, scattering some chickens. LapTrap comes face to face
with a chicken.)

LapTrap: A monster!

Joni: A chicken.

LapTrap: A chicken!

(He flies away as the chicken pecks at him. A caveman runs up and grabs an axe-
like weapon. The ClueFinders hold up their hands in defense.)

Caveman: Unhand me chickens, you varmints! And that goes for your flying teacup
as well!

(A hole appears underneath him. He falls, yelling. The ClueFinders grab him and
pull him out.)

Caveman: Well, now, whom do I have to thank for me daring rescue from this
dreaded living island?

Santiago: Living island? Islands just aren't alive. It's a scientific
impossibility! It's -

Caveman (standing up): Then explain holes that move, and rocks that breathe.

Santiago: Well...

Caveman: Now, uh, who did you say you were?

Joni: We're the ClueFinders! We're -

Caveman: Clue says you, volcano says I!

LapTrap: Volcano says you, eruption says I!

Caveman: Ai! But surely the volcano is not our true enemy. The secret to this
living island lies below! Nearly all of me fellow castaways have been sucked in,
lost to the ravenous hunger of this living island!

Santiago: Hey, Joni! Take a look at his, er, weapon. It looks like one of those-

Caveman: Cryptiles! Screenshi! Haha! The key to the mystery!

Joni: Cryptiles!

Caveman: Ai! Bring as many as ya can to the Faces within the Face.

Santiago: The Faces within the Face?

Caveman: Ai! Use the Cryptiles wisely! And the chamber will open! Hahahaha!

Santiago: Chamber? I wonder if that's where Owen and Leslie are!

Joni: Either way, it's Cryptiles we need. Let's get going, Santiago!

(They leave.)


(The ClueFinders see a house with a solitary cloud raining over it through the

Joni: Wow! That looks like a village from the Civil War era!

Santiago: But it's in ruins and drenched with rain!

LapTrap: Oh, great. Rust!

Joni: Come on. Let's go.

(They walk closer and see a woman holding an umbrella standing outside the

Woman: Hmph! Well, look here, Mr. Island, it's a good thing I like rain!

(A fish falls on the umbrella and she frowns.)

Woman: And fish!

Santiago: Who's she talking to?

Joni: Sh, the island I think!

Woman (spotting the ClueFinders): But tomorrow is another day. So can you be a
good little island and rain somewhere else for a change?

Santiago: Joni, something's fishy. I mean, rain in only one spot?

Joni: And fish rain?

(Leslie appears on the video phone.)

Leslie: Actually, powerful sea storms sometimes suck seawater - and fish - into
their funnels, then rain, fish and all, hundreds of miles away.

(She disappears.)

Woman: Well Mr. Island, your rain doesn't bother me one little bit, but it's
ruining the stories my ancestors wrote on these Cryptiles!

Santiago: Cryptiles! Ma'am, we could use Cryptiles!

Woman: Well, I'd give you some, but I must read these stories before the rain
ruins them!

Joni: We can help you there!

Woman: I adore the kindness of strangers! Come and I'll show you.

(A fish falls onto her umbrella. She frowns at it.)

Woman: Hmph!

(The woman and the ClueFinders go into the house. Cryptiles are spread in
thirteen groups with two titles for each group. )

Woman: Well you see, I've got all these mixed up Cryptiles with parts of stories
written on them. Some of these were written by my great grandfather, who was
shipwrecked here during the Civil War, and some were written by the other poor
castaways, who have been caught in the snare of this living island. I know I
have the correct Cryptiles for each story, one under each title. But I don't
know which Cryptiles belong in which story, and which order the Cryptiles go in!
If only I could put these Cryptiles in order, perhaps I would have a clue to
help solve the mystery of this living island.

Santiago: Don't worry, we'll figure it out!

Woman: Why, thank you! When you have got them all figured out, hand me my
handkerchief and I'll wrap up a sack of Cryptiles for you.

(They figure out all the stories and the woman wraps up thirteen silver
Cryptiles for them. Then they leave.)


(The ClueFinders spot a village with carnivorous plants, abandoned houses, and a
man in a pillory.)

Joni: Hey, that looks like a village from the Revolutionary War era!

Santiago: But where are all the people?

LapTrap: And where are all the TURTLEs?!

Joni: Come on, let's investigate.

(They stop near the pillory-man and the carnivorous plants. Cryptiles are poking
out in the bunch of plants.)

Santiago: Whoa!

Joni: Look, Santiago. Cryptiles! We'll find our missing friends yet!

(She runs off towards the plants and Cryptiles.)

Santiago: Joni, wait! It could be -

(Two plants grab her.)

Santiago: - dangerous.

Joni: Let go, you overgrown asparagus!

Santiago: Hang on, Joni, I'm on it!

(He finds a slingshot and two rocks on the ground. He slingshots the rocks at
the plants and they let go of Joni. She comes back.)

Joni: Whew! Thanks.

(Santiago gives her a thumbs-up.)

Man: Heh heh heh! I knew you wouldn't get my Cryptiles.

Joni: Who are you?

Man: I'm the Great Cryptile Thief! I stole everybody's Cryptiles and buried them
in this patch of dangerous trees!

Santiago: Why are you locked in the pillory?

Man: I got caught. Look, all my neighbors have disappeared around here, and I'm
ready to fess up, okay? I'll tell you how to get the Cryptiles out if you
promise to help find my fellow villagers. You set them free, they set me free.

Santiago: How will we know who they are?

Man: Well, our ancestors got shipwrecked here around the time of the
Revolutionary War. You can't miss them: bifocals, kites, powdered wigs...

Joni: Okay, deal. Now, how do we get the Cryptiles out without doing a tangle
with one of the ugly trees?

(A tree growls at her.)

Man: I'll show you. Hey Soup-Bowl, how about pulling that map down?

LapTrap: Great. I'm taking orders from a criminal!

Man: A reformed criminal.

(LapTrap hesitates a second then pulls the map down.)

Man: See, I use this old sea map in place of a map of my field, heh heh, pretty
clever huh? Well, maybe a little too clever. I can't seem to remember how this
map works. Uh, wait, it's beginning to come back. Okay, that red dot shows where
we are, and that X marks where a Cryptile is buried. Oh, at the top of the map,
there's and important warning. Be sure to follow what it says. Okay, to get
started, pick up the blocks with directions on them and place them on the chart
next to the map. You need to fill up all the spaces to dig up a Cryptile.

(Joni runs off in the direction that map says and digs up thirteen gold
Cryptiles. The ClueFinders leave.


(The ClueFinders hear a scream. They hurry to the place and see a flower with
its stem inside a hole. A hat is next to the hole. The flower moves its head,
making so to look at the ClueFinders.)

LapTrap: What was that?

Santiago: Hey Joni, look at this!

Joni: It looks like someone fell in!

LapTrap: A hat! Guess they were in a hurry.

Santiago: Hey, what is this thing?

(The flower disappears inside the hole.)

Joni: Hey!

Santiago: Where did it go?

LapTrap: Down there - somewhere.

(Owen and Leslie appear.)

Owen: Yup, I definitely get the feeling someone is watching you guys. Besides

Joni: We'll get to the bottom of this 'living island'. Come on, Santiago.

(They disappear and the ClueFinders move on.)


(The ClueFinders see a face in the volcano that has five faces within it.)

Joni: Wow. Look over there. Those must be the Faces within the Face, Santiago.

Santiago: Right! Let's hope that the Cryptiles will help us unlock this mystery!

LapTrap: This looks dangerous! Why don't I just stay here and -

(He is cut off as a plant makes an attempt to grab him. LapTrap dodges.)

LapTrap: Eh, I'll come, I'll come!

(The ClueFinders walk toward the Faces within the Face. LapTrap hesitates, but
follows when the plant tries to grab him again.)


(The island shakes again.)

LapTrap: Uh, how much longer are we going to be on this unstable island?


(The ClueFinders climb up the wall to the five Faces. The eight slots are
arranged in a pattern below the face. The middle face opens his eyes.)

Face: We are the brethren of the Faces within the Face. The bones of those who
have come before you now lie buried at the bottom of the sea. What arrogance
makes you think that your fate will be any different?

Joni: We're not afraid to try! We're the ClueFinders, and we're here to save our

Face: Well! (Friendlier voice) Look, uh, I'm not really supposed to this, but
it's been so long since the boys and I have had guests over. (Normal voice)
Ahem. Well. Before you proceed, you must present a sack of silver and gold

Santiago: Hey Joni, do you have any silver and gold Cryptiles in your backpack?

Joni: Check!

Santiago: Let's take them out!

(They do so. Now all that is left in the backpack are one Cryptile of each color
they have seen and their scuba gear.)

Santiago: Okay, now what do we do?

Face: You are now ready to begin. Take note of the eight slots below.
(Friendlier voice) Pretty nice, huh? We had a whole decorating team in here.
(Normal voice) Each one must be filled with a Cryptile that matches the number
on the slot. Once all eight are filled, part of your task shall be complete.

Joni: But our Cryptiles only have these strange symbols on them! How can we
match them to the number?

Face: My powers are great! (Friendly voice) Plus I read this language. (Normal
voice) Place a Cryptile into my mouth, and I will translate it into your
language. Once you have translated all your Cryptiles, you will still need to
translate their numbers. For that, use my brothers. Each brother will translate
a number differently according to the rule written upon his head. Place a
Cryptile into his mouth to perform a transformation.

(They fill the slots using eight silver Cryptiles and the water forms into a
wall. Owen and Leslie appear.)

Owen: These Cryptiles seem really solid!

(The Cryptile bends flimsily.)

Leslie: Or not!

(They disappear. The ClueFinders fill the eight slots again with gold Cryptiles,
and bars appear in place of the wall. Owen and Leslie appear again.)

Owen: Leslie! How much do you think these gold Cryptiles are worth?!

Leslie: Owen! Where were you when I said that the Cryptiles were not made from
any known element, and certainly not from real gold?!

Owen: Uh, I must have been in that other dark wet underground chamber!

(They disappear. The ClueFinders fill the eight slots using both Cryptile
colors, and the bars disappear, leaving an empty space. The ClueFinders fall


(Joni, Santiago, and LapTrap scream as they fall through the tube.)

LapTrap: Wait a minute, why am I yelling? I can fly!

(They land in the same chamber Owen and Leslie are in. Owen and Leslie gasp in
surprise. The other three stand up.)

Joni: Hey, we found you!

Owen: Great, now we're all stuck!

(A growling sound occurs. LapTrap curls up in fright.)

LapTrap: Ah! Hurry! Run for your life! Head for the hills! Just run!

(A green arm swipes at the ClueFinders. Owen, Leslie, and LapTrap run toward a
door and Joni and Santiago run for another door.)

Leslie: Hurry up!

(They go through the door and find themselves staring at a huge pit. Mechanical
devices, including Tubor, are everywhere.)

LapTrap: Where are we?

Leslie: Where are Joni and Santiago?

Owen: I can't reach them on the radio! I hope they're okay.

(Meanwhile, Join and Santiago fall through a tube, screaming. They end up in a
room with green pods containing frozen people.)

Joni: What... is this place?

Santiago: It looks like a big old... specimen laboratory.

(Joni pulls Santiago down the tunnel.)

Joni: Hurry! This way!

(They stop in front of a pod holding Captain Clark. Joni gasps.)

Santiago: Captain!

(Unknowingly, they step backwards into an empty pod.)

Santiago: Captain Clark?

(The pod snaps shut. Joni bangs on the wall. Owen and Leslie appear on the video

Owen: Are you dudes alright?

Joni: Get us out of here!

Santiago: We're trapped in one of those... containers!

(They look at Captain again. Next to him are the woman from the island and the
Great Cryptile Thief.)

Joni: Leslie, we found your grandpa. He's...

Santiago (quickly cutting): A little tied-up at the moment. You'd better get
here fast!

Leslie: We're on our way!

(The screeching noise is heard.)

Santiago: What was that?!

Joni: I don't know (softly) but I think we're gonna find out.


Owen: Leslie, I figured it out! I think we're on a spaceship!

LapTrap: You think?!

Leslie: Both of you, stop arguing. We need to get across there before those
aliens, or whatever they are, catch up with us.

Tubor: Access denied.

Leslie: Where... are we?

Tubor: Countdown sequence T-16. Access to Biosphere Containment Tank 1 is

Owen: Who are you?

Tubor: Spell words given by me to make a safe path across.

(A bunch of letter tiles with strange symbols on them appear.)

Owen: Not that crazy language again! Don't you have anything in English? I'm
really good at English!

(The strange letters disappear and English letters take their place. Owen and
Leslie build a bridge and run across. They enter a room with ocean creatures
trapped inside blue pods.)

Leslie: Look, there appear to be many Earth species stored here, like specimens
in a laboratory.

Owen: They're frozen! They're like, zombified.

Leslie: I wonder what the aliens want with all these specimens.

Eco: Access to Biosphere Containment Tank 1 is denied for the purpose of this
experiment. Please step forward and identify.

Owen (whispering): I think it thinks we're aliens! Let's get some information!

Leslie: Ahem. Uh, remind me again why we keep Earthling brains in our biosphere

Eco: Sustenance. Earthling brains are served in the finest restaurants. Step
forward and identify.

Owen: Brains?! They eat human brains?! You'd better watch out, Leslie. They'll
want your big brain for sure.

Leslie: Uh, we're just a couple of, uh, specimen keepers, uh, specimen experts
trying to release the, uh, specimens.

Eco: Specimens will be released by running a simulation that will allow such
species to flourish on our planet. Select one species from each group - a
predator and a prey. If the simulation shows that they can survive together for
four sorlax - approximately 200 Earth years - then all species will be released.

Owen: How will we know which species to select? Everything's written in alien!

Leslie: LapTrap! Interface with this computer.

LapTrap: I'd love to! But, uh, I'm having a bad shell day!

Leslie: LapTrap!

LapTrap: Alright, alright! Kids! They've got no respect for their ‘TURTLES’!

(A strange noise is made, and everything on Eco is now written in English.)

Owen: Whoa! Thanks LapTrap! It looks like we need to choose one predator from
the list on the left, and one prey from the list on the right.

(They pick a predator and a prey.)

Eco: You can change the starting number. When you are ready to begin, press
the start button.

(They change the number to forty and start the simulation. It works.)

Eco: Survival!

(The aliens bang on the door.)

Leslie: I hear something!

Owen: We'd better hit accept and get out of here.

(They hit accept and the blue pods open. The sea animals in the pods quickly get

LapTrap: Yes! We did it!

Owen: Cool, if you don't want brains for the lunch crowd!

(The aliens run in and get stuck on the goo on the floor.)

Leslie: Come on, let's get out of here!


(They enter another room with Tubor. They build yet another bridge and reach a
room full of land creatures trapped in yellow pods.)

Leslie: Astounding! There appear to be hundreds of other Earth species frozen

Owen: Yeah, and if we don't unfreeze them soon, there's gonna be a big ol' brain

LapTrap: And you brainy kids are gonna be at the top of the menu!

Eco: Identify yourselves!

Owen: Here we go again.

(They follow Eco's system and free the land creatures.)

Leslie: We did it!

Owen: Cool, if you don't want brains for the lunch crowd.

(The aliens run in and get stuck on the goo that spills.)

Leslie: Come on, let's get out of here!

(They run through the door.)


(They enter another room with Tubor. They build another bridge and walk across.)

Leslie: I wonder if Joni and Santiago are in this next containment tank.

(They go through the door and see humans trapped in green pods.)

Owen: Leslie! Do you see what I see?

Leslie: These specimens appear to include humans! Do you think Grandpa is among

Eco: Identify yourselves!

Owen: Here we go again.

(They run the simulation.)


(The pods glimmer.)

Owen: Alright!

(The pods containing Captain, the Great Cryptile Thief, and the woman pop open.
They blink.)

Captain: Kids!

(The pods containing Joni and Santiago pop open and they jump out. Captain,
Joni, and Santiago wave to Leslie, Owen and LapTrap.)

Leslie: Grandpa!

LapTrap: Joni! Santiago!

(The aliens rush in, not held by any goo. Leslie looks behind her in fright.
LapTrap curls.)

LapTrap: The aliens are everywhere. Let's get out of here!

(The five ClueFinders run into a red room where everybody else is. They walk
over to a control panel with buttons on it. The aliens bang on the door.)

LapTrap: They’re coming!

Joni: Wow. Look at all these buttons!

Leslie: Don't touch them! We don't know what they'll do!

Owen: Dudes, like, what do we have to lose?

Joni: Owen's right.

(She pushes a button and it blinks.)

Timer: Launch sequence, engage. T-Blorsnortch mitorks and counting. Blorsnotch.
Oogerto ti oonk. Oogerto ti me. Oogerto ti bronch.

(It keeps saying things like that. Santiago presses a button. The storm cloud
above the woman's house disappears and a rainbow appears in its place. Owen
pushes a button. A door in the room opens, revealing the ocean. Leslie shuts her
eyes and pushes a button. Outside, the worms are sucked into 'Inside'. The
Caveman appears on a homemade boat. He starts waving.)

Caveman: There they are, me chickens! Climb on board!

(Everybody starts going on the boat.)

Owen: What's that sound?

Leslie (her voice faltering): I think I pressed the tsunami button!

LapTrap: Gangway!

(The ClueFinders board the boat.)

LapTrap: 'Scuse me, pardon me, coming through!

(A wave carries the boat a distance away. The volcano erupts and the entire
island submerges.)

Owen: Whoa!

Santiago: Where did it... go?

(A spaceship shaped like the island rises from the ocean and disappears into
a warp.)

Joni: No one is going to believe this!

Santiago: Yes they will! We've got proof!

Captain: We do?

Santiago: Yes sir! We've still got four Cryptiles left in Joni's backpack!

(Joni points to her backpack. The entire bottom part is gone.)

Owen: Ulks!

Joni: I thought... it was feeling... kind of light.

Santiago: Oh no!

Leslie: Where are they?

Captain: Out there... somewhere.


This guide is Copyright (c) 2006 by Shree Panda. The only places allowed to use
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