The ClueFinders 4th Grade Adventures: The Puzzle of the Pyramid

The ClueFinders 4th Grade Adventures: The Puzzle of the Pyramid

15.10.2013 16:44:43

The ClueFinders 4th Grade Adventures: The Puzzle of the Pyramid
Game Script
by RandyPandy

NB: No one is able to hear Socrates


(Socrates runs toward a pyramid and goes inside. He finds the ClueFinders,
Professor Botch, and Loveless.)

Socrates: I still can't understand it. Somehow I managed to oversleep - and on
the big day! Luckily, I arrived right on the money. It was some big deal. They
were opening the tomb of some big shot pharaoh. The kids had given up their
summer vacation to come and help the Professor.

Professor: Just think! This tomb has remained undisturbed for thousands of

Leslie: This is exciting!

LapTrap: I'm all the quivers.

Professor: Who knows what lies behind these doors – untold treasures, perhaps?

LapTrap: Oh, great! Mysteries! I hate mysteries!

Joni: LapTrap, shush!

Loveless: Just open the tomb, you silly little man!

(Loveless looks down at Socrates and growls. Socrates growls back.)

Socrates: Sir Alister Loveless was a big mucky-muck from the London museum. But
he sure smelled like trouble!

(They break the lock and go inside. The Professor dashes toward some
hieroglyphics written on the wall.)

Professor: Peribsen - a king from the Second Dynasty! Wonderful!

Loveless (sinisterly): At last.

Professor (as Joni puts on a ring that looks like a scarab beetle): Oh, what a
find! Who knows how many years of human history we've uncovered here today!

(The ring clamps down on Joni's finger. She tries to take it off, but can't.)

Joni: Um, Professor, I seem to - uh, that is...

(The Professor dashes off. Joni sticks her hand in her pocket, hoping no one

Professor: Hold it! Don't juggle those jars! What do you expect of these ancient

Santiago: Er, maybe we should get of the way for awhile.

Joni: Uh, good idea.

(The Professor drags in a downcast looking Owen from another room. The
ClueFinders leave. The Professor waves at them.)

Professor: You kids can come back tomorrow.

(Night falls. The Professor is writing in a book.)

Professor: This is astounding! Peribsen was believed to be aligned with Seth -
the ancient Egyptian embodiment of chaos!

(Loveless and the Minions come behind him. Professor turns in surprise.)

Loveless: It is even more astounding then your limited perception could ever
imagine, Doctor! Ever since I was a poor child living on the streets of London,
I've dreamed of finding this sort of power. Quickly now! Load everything into
the trucks - including my esteemed colleague.

(The Minions grab the artifacts and carry them out of the room. Loveless walks
over to the mummy.)

Loveless: Soon, my friend, the world will know the power of Seth - and the
genius of me - Alistar Loveless! Ooh, there are so many evil things for us to
do - Mwah haha hahaha ha ha ha!

(Socrates jumps to a window in the apartment and looks out.)

Socrates: Something was up. I had that feeling I'd get right before an
earthquake. The kids had other things to worry about.

(He gestures toward Joni, who is still trying to get the ring off.)

Santiago: Well Joni, I guess this makes you an international jewel thief!

Joni (annoyed): Can you at least pretend you're helping, Santiago?! I cannot get
this thing off! It feels like it's holding onto my finger!

Owen: Maybe it likes you, Joni.

Leslie: It looks like some sort of ceremonial ring. You'd better let Professor
Botch know you have it.

Joni (looking at the ring): Okay, Leslie, I'll tell him tomorrow. But it's so
embarrassing! I never should have touched this ring in the first place.

(She runs off. Socrates lies down by the door and closes his eyes.)

Socrates: We didn't know it then, but Egypt was about to get a lot hotter than


(The ClueFinders are in the empty pyramid, looking confused.)

Socrates: I hate being right all the time, but my instincts told something bad
would happen, and boy, did it ever! We'd all gone back to the dig early, but the
place was deserted.

Leslie: Everything is gone! Where's the Professor?

Santiago: How'd they get all that stuff out of here without being seen?

(Socrates growls at a memory of Loveless.)

Socrates: Probably an inside job. And I had a pretty good idea of who was behind

Owen: I've got a feeling that the Professor is in trouble!

Joni: We've got to help him!

Santiago: How're we gonna do that, Joni?

Socrates: We needed a lucky break. Something left behind, or -

(A spider dashes into a crack in the wall. Socrates searches around for it. Then
a door opens and Socrates jumps back in surprise, shaking.)

Socrates: Yipes!

Santiago (noticing): Hey, Socrates found a hidden door!

Joni: Good boy!

(Santiago and Owen go into the room while Joni and Leslie look in. The boys
notice a skeleton and jump. Santiago pulls a tube with some papyrus away from
the skeleton.)

Joni: I wonder what it is!

(Santiago unfolds the papyrus, revealing a scroll.)

Leslie: Oh! Egyptian kings were always buried with spells of protection and
other important writings. This one was hidden away from the other treasures, so
it must be very important.

Santiago: And it's our only clue!

Owen: How can we read it?

Joni: We need to find someone who can translate the scroll! Let's put it in the
backpack and get back to Cairo.

Socrates: This mystery could spell trouble. If you're in a jam and you need
help, just ask me. I'm here for you!

LapTrap (appearing above Socrates): And if you need to know where you are, or
you want to take a break, use me!

Joni: Come on, ClueFinders, let's roll!


(The ClueFinders reach a tent where three jeeps are. A sign saying Cairo:
100 mi, is also there. The man there smiles.)

Man: Welcome to the desert's hottest jeep dealership! You folks look like you're
on your way to Cairo! Am I right?

Joni: Why, yes.

Man: Well, have I got a deal for you! You can pick anyone of my beautiful jeeps,
but only one can make it to Cairo. Multiply the two numbers on the sign above a
jeep to find out how far that jeep can travel. The sign pointing to Cairo tells
you how far you need to travel. Pick the jeep you want when you are ready to go!

(The ClueFinders decide upon the correct jeep.)

LapTrap: Step aside! Gimme the wheel, LapTrap’s in charge!

(The ClueFinders drive off into the sunset and reach Cairo.)

(The ClueFinders are standing in a hallway. A blue cat with a golden collar
looks at them, and then slowly walks toward them.)

Santiago: Where to now?

Joni: We have to find someone who can translate the scroll!

Cat (in a human voice): Meow.

(Socrates growls at the cat and chases it, barking.)

Joni: Stop!

Leslie: No!

(The cat and Socrates run into an antique store, where the cat disappears.)

Joni: Bad dog!

(The ClueFinders go into the antique store, where Socrates is growling. What
appears to be a man in a sarcophagus is also there.)

Joni: Socrates, come here!

Santiago: Lucky for us the place was empty!

(The man, Ramses, wakes up, startling them. All the ClueFinders jump.)

Ramses: Oh boy! Customers! I didn't here you come in!

(He dashes behind the counter.)

Ramses: Sorry about that! You caught me napping! When you're 5,000 years old,
you need lots of rest!

Owen: 5,000 years old?! Wait a minute...

Joni: Hey! If you're so old, do you recognize this?

(She pulls out the scroll and shows it to Ramses. Ramses frowns and scratches
his chin.)

Ramses: Hmm... Yes... this, as a matter fact, this scroll tells of an ancient

(Joni puts the scroll away.)

Owen: I knew that the professor was in trouble!

Ramses: Whoever took your professor is up to no good! He wants to unleash the
power of Seth, the ancient Egyptian embodiment of chaos!

LapTrap: Oh, great. I hate chaos!

Santiago: How can we stop him?

Ramses: Legend has it that the ancients built a mysterious place of power! Those
worthy enough to enter would be granted the power needed to stop Seth!

(Joni pulls out the scroll again.)

Ramses: This scroll has five clues that will guide towards locating this place
of power. But wait! The clues are written in an ancient code! I can't read this
without... cairoglyphs!

LapTrap: Oh, cairoglyphs! Uh, what are cairoglyphs?

Ramses: Ancient pottery pieces with letters carved upon them. If you bring me
back twelve cairoglyphs, I'm sure I can decipher the first clue!

Leslie: But where can we find these mysterious cairoglyphs?

Ramses: Hey, you're the ClueFinders, not me! But it shouldn't be too hard.
Luckily, this is a cairoglyph district! Everyone around here collects

Joni: You can count on us!

Ramses (chuckling to himself): Heeheehee! Those kids are gonna do fine!

Owen: Guess we'd better go find those cairoglyphs!

(The ClueFinders leave.)


(The ClueFinders enter a goods store. The woman gasps in relief.)

Woman: Thank goodness you are here! Customers all over the world are clamoring
for my goods, and my atlas has vanished! Can you help me get these parcels out?

Joni: We'd be happy to help you, ma'am, especially if you can help us out with a
couple of cairoglyphs!

Woman: Very well, then. For every two packages you help me ship, I will give you
a cairoglyph. Read the directions on the package and tag. Then drag the pin to
the parcel's destination on the map.

Woman (when she runs out of Cairoglyphs): I'm all out of cairoglyphs! But I
could still use your help!

(The ClueFinders leave.)


(Professor Botch is sitting in a cell with a rat. The wall has hieroglyphics on
it. The door opens, and he and the rat look at each other.)

Loveless: Good evening, Professor. I trust your quarters are comfortable?

(Professor points at the wall.)

Professor: You have quite a wonderful dungeon here, Loveless! Tenth Dynasty, I
believe. Look, there's a funny story here involving a king that -

Loveless (impatiently): Yes, yes, I've heard it. Now then, Professor, you must
come with me. It's time we had a little... talk.

(The Professor walks out of the cell.)

Professor: How nice! Shall we talk about Egypt?

Loveless: Don't feign ignorance with me, Professor! You will answer my
questions! You will...


(The ClueFinders go to a Coffee Shop.)

Owen: Excuse me, dude. I mean, uh, sir. We're looking for some cairoglyphs. Do
you know where we might find any?

Man: Today is your lucky day! I've got my own collection right here in the shop!
Help my waiter deliver the right amount of coffee, and I'll give you a glyph.
Read the question on the sign. Then place cups that add up to the correct answer
on the waiter's tray. You can make the correct answer using two or three cups.

Man (when he runs out of Cairoglyphs): Well, that's it! I'm all out of
cairoglyphs for now!

(The ClueFinders leave.)


(The Professor and Loveless are sitting at a table in a stone room.)

Loveless: I've got one question, Professor: where... is... the ring?

Professor: And what ring would that be?

Loveless (annoyed): You know what I'm talking about Professor! The ring!

Both: The ring! The ring!

Loveless: Do not mock me, Professor!

Professor (jovially): Don't mock you!

Loveless: You will tell me where to find the ring; otherwise your students
will – wait... your students. Of course! Mwah ha ha ha ha!


(The ClueFinders enter a fabric shop where the salesgirl is.)

Owen: Dudes! I wonder if there are any cairoglyphs hidden in all this cloth!

Girl: Cloth?! Hel-lo! This is fabric. It's gorgeous! And I've got customers all
over Cairo screaming for it, but they always tell me how much to cut as a
fraction problem. Check out the request on the sign. It's your turn to do the
math - for a cairoglyph, of course. Cut off the right amount of fabric. Pick up
the scissors and when it is exactly the right amount, let go of the scissors to
cut it!

Girl (when she runs out of Cairoglyphs): Aw! That was my last cairoglyph! I am
so bummed!

(The ClueFinders leave.)


(Loveless is talking to the two Minions.)

Loveless: Find the children. Follow them. When the time is right, take the ring!
And bring it to me. Now go!

(The Minions leave.)

Loveless: Mwah ha ha ha ha ha!


(The ClueFinders see a place where a muscle man is carving in stone.)

Muscle-Man: Ho ho ho! What do we have here? Visitors! I hear you're looking for
cairoglyphs! Well, you've come to the right place. Read the question on the
banner. Then drag the stone with the correct answer from the wall onto the sled.
Every time you answer two questions, I'll give you a cairoglyph!

Muscle-Man (when he runs out of Cairoglyphs): I'm sorry, but I'm falling a bit
short on cairoglyphs! Come back later! I may some more.


(Loveless and Professor are sitting at the table again.)

Loveless: The time is fast approaching, Professor! Soon my minions will return
with the ring, and then we can proceed with the ceremony!

Professor: Ooh! Are you getting married? How lovely!

Loveless: I'm not getting married, you twit! I am an evil man, and I'm up to no

Professor (growing worried): Say! What sort of a ceremony is this anyway?

Loveless: Ah, so you're finally beginning to understand! With the ring, I can
unleash chaos upon the world!

Professor: No!

Loveless: Yes!

Professor: No, no!

Loveless: Yes, yes!

Professor: Oh my! This could be a problem!

Loveless: Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha -

(He starts choking and coughing. After awhile, he calms down.)

Loveless: I swallowed my mint.


(The ClueFinders go back to Ramses in the antique store.)

Joni: We're back, mister, and we have twelve cairoglyphs!

Ramses: Great! Give them all to me!

(The ClueFinders take the cairoglyphs out of the backpack as well as the

Ramses: Ah ha! Here are is your first / second / third / fourth clue!

Ramses (last clue): Ah! Here is your final clue!

Clue 1: Out of stone I am made, great secrets under laid. What am I?

Clue 2: An icon carved of ancient stone, missing only my rightful throne. Who am

Clue 3: A lonely vigil, I guard the gate, 5,000 years, and still I wait. Where
am I?

Clue 4: By likeness, I immortalize, and behind me, my treasure lies.

Clue 5: To make the secret door appear, touch knee, beard, then an ear.

Clue 5 (2): To make the secret door appear, touch hand, foot, then an ear.

Clue 5 (3): Tap the beard, then twice the knee, then the secret door you'll see.

Clue 5 (4): Tap the nose, then twice the knee, then the secret door you’ll see.

Owen: Hey now, that sounds like something we can handle!

Santiago: Yeah! These clues are beginning to make sense!

Leslie: Right! It's made of stone, it belongs on a throne, and if we use the
clues properly, it will unlock a door!

Joni: And bring us one step closer to finding the Professor! Let's go,

Leslie: The application of a little brain power should enable us to solve the
riddle of these five clues.

(The ClueFinders leave. They come across a statue outside the antique store
shaped like a pharaoh. They do what Clue 5 said, and the statue moves up,
revealing a doorway.)

Everybody: Whoa!

Owen: Dudes, that rocked!

Santiago: This must be the place of power the antique dealer was talking about.

Joni: Let's go in there and take the next step towards finding the Professor!

(The ClueFinders go in.)


(The ClueFinders enter a room with a lock where Ramses is standing. Their jaws

Leslie: How did he get here before us?!

Ramses: When you get to be 5,000 years old, you learn about a secret passenger

Santiago: So what's the deal? I thought you said that the secret that would lead
us to the place of power would be here!

Ramses: Patience! To unlock the secret, you must solve this ancient puzzle.
Complete the rectangle on the wall behind me. To rotate a piece, move it over
the picture of the worker in the hoop. To flip a piece over, move it over the
picture of the two workers.

(The ClueFinders solve the puzzle. The wall unlocks.)

Owen: Dudes, check it out! It looks like there's another scroll in there!

(A scroll floats out and unravels itself. The words on it are written in

Santiago: Oh, no! I can't read a word of this! Can you help us out?

Ramses: Kids these days! These are simple hieroglyphics! When did they stop
teaching hieroglyphics in school?!

Leslie: So, what does it say?

Ramses: It goes something like this.

(He clears his throat.)

Ramses: The threat to our land is deep and dark, stopping him won't be a walk in
the park! But you have proven worthy and wise, what a, swell bunch of gals and
guys, yeah! But, when the pretender tries to take the throne, you won't, uh, be
able to stop him alone! You'll find allies at a secret place on the Nile, but
gearing there may take you awhile! You can't walk or fly there, you'll have to
float, so get out of here, and go south in a boat!

Everybody: Yuck!

Leslie: That has to be the worst piece of poetry I have ever heard!

Joni: Well, you heard the man! Let's go find a boat!

LapTrap: Oh, joy!


(The ClueFinders dash into a boat shop.)

Leslie: Hello there! We're headed south, and in a hurry! Do you have a boat we
can rent?

Dealer: Sure do! But there's some assembly required. Here's what you gotta do.
Select the parts you want from the sign. You need one hull, one motor, and one
sail. When you're ready to go, launch the boat!

(The ClueFinders decide upon a large hull, a medium sail, and a small motor.
They jump in, and the boat moves south. The boat stops near an island on the

Santiago: The boat's coming to a stop by itself!

Leslie: And look! There appears to be a huge obelisk among those trees!

Owen: I wonder if that's the secret place on the Nile the antique dealer

Joni: Owen's right! ClueFinders, let's dock this boat and check it out!

(They dock the boat.)


(The ClueFinders arrive at the obelisk. The blue cat from before is sitting

Cat: Welcome darlings! I see you have found your way to my palace. The help you
seek lies within.

Joni: Alright! Let's go in.

Cat: I'd love to let you through, but first, there is the small matter of every
palace door. As you can see, they are covered with lovely gems set in beautiful
patterns. But some of the gems were stolen by the vile mice in this area.

Leslie: Why don't you go and get them back?

Cat: Well, darling, these mice are a little... bizarre. They seem to be
convinced that they are ancient Egyptians and spend their days building pyramids
and columns and such. They are a little too... weird for me.

Joni: Aw, don't be such a fraidy-cat.

Cat: Let me propose a bargain. If you get those awful mice to give you back the
stolen gems and use them to complete the pattern on the door, I will open the
doors for you. Once you have repaired all five doors, you can enter the palace.

Santiago: Sounds like a plan to me! Let's go see those mice.

(The ClueFinders leave and go separate ways for once.)


(Santiago encounters a mouse building columns. The mouse grins at him.)

Mouse: Hey hey, you're right on time; I'm Fixnupan, master builder! This palace
is gonna be state of the art. Ten floors, fifty car garage, 250 watt stereo
system, and an ancient Egyptian temple with all the modern amenities!

Santiago: Cool! If... that's how you want it.

Mouse: To build a column, drag the pieces on the ground onto the column base.
You need to build exactly the height shown on the blueprint. Build three columns
and you'll earn a gem! Heh heh, not a bad deal, huh?

Mouse (when he runs out of gems): Okay, you can still help, but I won't be able
to pay you.

(Santiago leaves.)


(The ClueFinders meet up. Suddenly, the Minions block their path.)

Owen: Hey, look out!

(A Minion grabs Joni's hand. Joni struggles.)

Joni: Hey, let go you big bully. Come on, fight fair, I can take you. Stop-

(She keeps yelling things like that. The Minion holds out a small golden box.)

Minion: Ola, tagu, sayam, sing, come to papa, little ring.

(The ring jumps off Joni's finger and goes into the box.)

Owen: Yuck, is that thing alive?

Leslie: Fascinating!

Joni: Hey, you guys feel like giving me a hand here, or what?

Santiago: Oh, sorry.

(They make the Minions let go. The Minions run away as Joni shakes her fist at

LapTrap: Oh, no! They got the ring!

Santiago: Wait a minute, who were those guys?

(The ClueFinders go their separate ways again.)


(Owen sees a mouse wearing a headdress near a track with blocks on it. A
partially-completed building is in the distance.)

Owen: Hey, dude, what'cha building?

Mouse: I'm not a dude, I'm a mouse, see, and we're building a pyramid, one
sentence at a time, and we could use some giants like you, yeah.

Owen: How much does the job pay?

Mouse: Don't worry about that, kid, you'll earn a gem. Now help me fix this
stone sentence. Fit the stone with the correct word into the sentence, yeah.

Mouse (when he runs out of gems): Uh, I've got a problem here. I'm temporarily
out of gems, see. I may have some more later, but if you want to stay and help,
that's okay with me, yeah.


(The Minions hold out the box to Loveless.)

Loveless: Hmm, what do we have here? Hee hee hee!

(He takes the box.)

Loveless: Well done, my Minions; you have returned with the ring. Now quickly!
Return to the tomb and prepare the contraption.

(The Minions leave. Professor gasps.)

Professor: Not the ancient contraption of chaos! I beg you to reconsider,
Loveless! You're making a terrible mistake!

Loveless (grinning evilly): Oh, am I, Professor, am I?! Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!


(Joni encounters a mouse wearing an artist robe standing next to a block with
pictures on it.)

Joni: Hmm, what do we have here?

Artist: Greetings! I am the great artiste of this land. I have just finished a
masterpiece, and you can help me by making a sentence that describes my
paintings. Move the stone blocks on the ground that to the empty space
underneath my drawings. Make sure to pick the ones that best describe my
beautiful pictures. When you're like, done, pick up the block with the period on
it and put it at the end of the sentence. Every time you complete two sentences,
you'll earn a gem! Not a bad deal, huh?

Artist (when he runs out of gems): It is marvelous to have your help, but for
now I'm all out of gems.

(Joni leaves.)


(Loveless is seen wearing the ring.)

Loveless: Now that the ring is mine, I can call the power of chaos!

Professor: Awk, no!

Loveless: Oh, yes! With these ancient pistons and gears in place, this pyramid,
long buried underground will rise to the surface. The world will rue the day
they ever heard of Alistar Loveless!

(Professor gets a worried look on his face.)

Professor: Oh my!

Loveless (wringing his hands): Hee hee hee hee hee! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!


(Leslie sees a well-dressed mouse along with some warrior mice staring at a

Leslie: Greetings. Can I be of any assistance?

(The well-dressed mouse, General, stares at her.)

General: Can you help me?! My dear child, you can have my job! I am Post Master
General, and these are my associates.

Leslie: Uh, hello.

General: You need to direct my associates from the start position on the map all
the way to the cheese. To tell them how to get here, move the pieces with
directions on them from below onto the scroll here.

General (when he runs out of gems): I'm fresh out of gems, but I know you're
wonderful. You'll work for free, right?

(Leslie leaves.)


(The ClueFinders meet at the palace. The Cat is also there.)

Joni: We're back, and we have all twelve gems!

Cat: Just take the gems from your backpack and use them to complete the patterns
on the door. That's all you need to do.

(Using some logic, they find which gems go where and manage to repair all five

Cat: Darlings, you are truly magnificent! You have repaired all five doors. You
may now enter the palace. But what you see may... surprise you.

LapTrap: I hate surprises!

(The ClueFinders go inside the palace.)


(The ClueFinders go through a door and find themselves in a room with a giant
crocodile head and statues of crocodiles.)

Crocodile: The ancients have set forth their challenge! None but the worthy and
wise can cross the river of the crocodiles.

Joni: Got to get across that stretch of river! I guess we couldn't jump it, huh?

Leslie: Hmm... I remember reading about Egyptians using crocodiles to hold their
bridge pieces.

Owen: Yes, that's it! Each of those crocs has a part of the bridge on its head!
If only we could find some way to lower the crocs into the river...

Santiago: Hey, that looks like an ancient mechanical device! Just drop in a ball

Leslie: Point and launch. Are you sure it's as simple as that?

Crocodile: It's not so easy, young ones. First, you have to select the force,
angle, and mass. Pick up a ball and drop it in the launcher. Next, select the
correct angle and starting position for the launcher. Finally, pull the plunger
back to release the ball. If the ball lands on target, that is, the blue part of
the shield, then part of the bridge will fall into place.

(The ClueFinders build a bridge.)

Crocodile: Thou hast proven worthy and wise and may proceed.


(The ClueFinders find themselves in a small, rectangular room with a high
ceiling and hieroglyphics written on the walls. They stare.)

Santiago: Whoa!

Owen: What is this place?

(Socrates looks around nervously.)

Leslie: Remember the obelisk on top of the palace?

Santiago: Yeah...

Leslie: I believe we're now inside it!

Joni: That's crazy; we'd have never been inside that thing!

Horus (echoing, unable to be seen): You know, you would if it was magic!

(Thunder booms. The ClueFinders find themselves standing on a cloud.)

LapTrap: Alright, what is going on here?!

(Horus, Bast, Isis, and Sobek - the Gods and Goddesses of Egypt - appear.)

Horus: Hiya, kids, welcome!

Sobek: We're like, really happy to see you, man!

(All six ClueFinders blink.)

Isis: Ooh, you better tell them, Horus!

Bast: Yes, time is of the essence.

Horus: Okay, okay! We've been checking you kids out. You've got character!

Sobek: I'm telling you man, each of you has got intense gifts within you!

Horus: Yeah, and since you've got a big battle with the forces of chaos coming
up, we're gonna enhance your gifts by giving you special powers.

(The six ClueFinders blink again. Horus points to a chart that says YOU MUST BE

Horus: We'd battle the forces of chaos ourselves, but, uh, we've got a little
height problem... Any way you wacky gooky kids, get ready 'cause here it comes.
Owen, flight!

(Owen sprouts yellow wings and his hair turns yellow.)

Bast: Leslie, intelligence!

(Leslie gets an amulet and a cat crown and her skin turns slightly redder than
it is.)

Sobek: Santiago, strength, man!

(Santiago's skin turns blue and he gets big muscles.)

Isis: Joni, bravery!

(Joni's backpack disappears and she is suddenly wearing a variety of jewelry and
a snake crown. Socrates stares.)

Joni: Wow!

Santiago: Cool!

Leslie: Neat!

Owen (in a human voice): Squawk!

Horus: Hey, nice spendin' time with ya, good luck kids!

(A fireball is shot out from the obelisk and it lands near a rising pyramid. The
fireball evaporates and the ClueFinders are standing there.)

Santiago: Look at the palace!

(They stare at the pyramid until it rose no more.)

Joni: The Professor is somewhere inside that thing! Let's get a move on!


(The ClueFinders go through the front entrance. The door slams shut.)

Santiago: Guess we won't be coming back out that way!

(They travel until they see a Sphinx standing near a door.)

Sphinx: Well, what do we have here? It looks like a bunch of fresh, young,
heroes. Unfortunately, I already had a hero sandwich for breakfast. Who are you
people, anyhow?

Joni: We're the ClueFinders! We're here to stop the forces of chaos!

Sphinx: Ah, get out of here.

Santiago: No, really!

Sphinx: No, really, get out of here! But to get out, you must solve the word
problem by choosing the secret answer. Read the question on the door. Then place
the mock-a-stone in the slot next to the correct answer.

Owen: That sounds simple enough!

Sphinx: Simple he says. I've been sitting for a thousand years and I still can't
understand it!

(They solve the problem and the door opens.)

Sphinx: Great job! I don't think I've ever seen such a brilliant performance.
Now move along, so I can rehearse this speech for the next group of super young
juvenile adventurers.

(They run through the door and encounter a pit. A bird-like statue, Thoth, is
standing there motionless.)

Joni: Hey! Check out that huge pit! HELLO!

Joni's Echo: HELLO! Hello! Hello.

(Thoth turns around.)

Thoth: Hello, young mortals. Welcome to the chasm of Pharaoh. I am Thoth,
embodiment of knowledge.

Leslie: Wow! I remember reading about you in my Ancient Egypt Mythology Book.

Thoth: Hmm. It is good that you are well read, for you will need to use your
whole knowledge of language to overcome this obstacle. When I give you a word,
pick up the letter tiles on the floor and place it on the empty spots on the

(Thoth gives them words, they spell them and build a bridge across. They run
across it and go through another door.)


Professor: I've got to stop this!

Loveless: You will do no such thing. Seize him!

(A Minion grabs Professor by the collar and lifts him off his feet.)

Professor: Oh dear!

Loveless (shaking his fist): Nothing can stop me now, Professor! Not you, and
not your meddling students!

(He stands in front of a statue of Seth, raising the ring to the open sky.)

Loveless: And now, we begin the ceremony. Mwah ha ha ha ha ha ha!


(They see another door and Sphinx again.)

Owen: Oh, man! It's that freaky dude with the head of a lion!

Sphinx: And the heart of a field mouse! Ironic, isn't it?

(They solve the problem. The door opens.)

Sphinx: You kids had better go along and find your Professor friend. I remember
I once poked the Professor in the temple. How he got into my temple I'll never

(The ClueFinders run through the door. They see Thoth again. No one speaks
except Thoth when he says a word. They are soon finished.)

Thoth: Truly, you are wise and worthy.

(They dash through the door.)


(Loveless is still holding the ring to the sky.)

Loveless: This ring gives me the power to command you! Awake, Seth, and grant me
the power of ultimate chaos! I command you!

(The ring jumps off his finger.)

Loveless: Eh, my ring! Come back here!

(The ring fixes itself on the finger of the image of Seth etched on the floor.
Cracks appear. Loveless stares.)

Loveless: Oh, bother!


(The ClueFinders see the Sphinx again.)

Joni: We're getting a little impatient with all of this.

Sphinx: Be glad you're not doctors then! I'm glad I'm not one of your

(They solve the problem. The door opens.)

Sphinx: It's been nice seeing you kids! Perhaps one day you will catch one of my
shows at the palace. The current picture is 'Laugh Yourself Horus', as opposed
to my last picture, 'Horus Feathers'.

(They run through the door and see Thoth again. He gives them words and they
build a bridge.)

Thoth: Truly, you have absorbed the knowledge of the ages.

(The door opens and they run through.)


(The cracks go deeper. Suddenly Seth crashes through the floor. He roars, and
then stares at Loveless.)

Seth: Thanks for the ring, you puny man! Ach! People like you give chaos in that
name! And now, I grow fatigued, for your foolishness.

(Loveless is suddenly sucked into the mummy behind him while screaming.)


(They see the Sphinx again.)

Santiago: We're getting real tired of seeing you around here!

Sphinx: You think this is tiring?! Imagine sitting here staring at the same word
problem for a thousand years!

(They solve the problem. The door opens.)

Sphinx: Well, it's been great working with you! You are now in the inner reaches
of the pyramid, so you won't have to solve any more problems on these doors.
Maybe I'll see you in the next event.

Owen: Not if we see you first, dude!

Sphinx: Hey, I make all the jokes here, kid!

(They run through the door. Thoth, seeing them, turns around.)

Thoth: You are almost at what you seek. Solve this puzzle one more time.

(He gives words and the ClueFinders build a bridge. The door opens, and the
ClueFinders run for it.)


(The ClueFinders burst through the door and stand heroically.)

Joni: Professor Botch!

(Professor stares.)

Professor: Kids!

Seth: What have we here? Even punier humans!

LapTrap: Hey, who're you calling human?!

(Loveless, having been silent the whole time, jumps out of the sarcophagus while
still trapped inside the mummy.)

Loveless: Just a minute! You can't mummify me, Seth! I am your master! I command
you to -

Seth (impatiently): Yes, yes, yes. I grow fatigued.

(He knocks Loveless and the Minions into the pit. Seth turns to the

Seth: And now to you, tiny ones.

Joni: Hey, you big bully. You don't scare us! We're here to stop you!

Santiago: Uh, how're we gonna do that, Joni?

Seth: Yes, how do you propose to do that, my friend? I am, after all, Seth! I am
chaos! And you must do as I say! For I am very big! And you are very, very

(Professor looks worried.)

Professor: Oh, dear. Perhaps we should just run?

Joni: No way, cause we've got a plan! Right, Leslie?

Seth: A plan?!

(He laughs. Leslie suddenly gets a gleam in her eye.)

Leslie: That's right! Joni, you distract him!

(Joni starts jumping up and down on Seth's foot.)

Joni: He-ey! Over here, you over grown aardvark!

Leslie: Owen, you fly Santiago up to those pistons!

(Owen wraps his arms around Santiago's chest.)

Owen: Ready, buddy? Aleeoop!

(He flies Santiago to the pistons and holds him in place.)

Leslie: Santiago, push those pistons back in!

(Santiago grabs the pistons and pushes them up.)

Santiago: Almost... there!

Joni: We did it!

(Seth is knocked into the pit by the statue.)

Seth: How did you-? What?! You distracted me! The pistons are reversing! No,

(Leslie grabs Socrates, Santiago grabs Professor, and Owen grabs LapTrap. The
seven run - and fly - out as the pyramid starts collapsing.)

Santiago: The pyramid's collapsing!

LapTrap: Get me out of here!

Seth (as he falls into the bottom of the pit): Nooooooooooooo!

(The ClueFinders and Professor stand outside.)

Owen: Wow, cool fez!

(The pyramid disappears, and the ClueFinders lose their special powers and go
back to normal. Professor beams.)


(An airplane is seen at an airport.)

Socrates: So that's how it ended. And we all left because it's time to pack up
and head home.

(The six ClueFinders and Professor are seen sitting inside the plane. Socrates
is wearing a hat, coat, moustache, and is sitting up straight, looking like a

Socrates: Me? I was traveling incognito, so I wouldn't have to ride cargo.

Professor: You kids sure saved the day!

Owen: Yeah! We stopped that Seth dude for good!

Leslie: And the artifacts were all recovered, and returned to their rightful

Joni: Including the ring.

Owen: And the scroll!

Santiago: Right! And I'm guessing Sir Alistar Loveless won't be bothering us -
or Egypt - again!

LapTrap: Good riddance! It'll be too soon before I see that man again!

(Socrates barks. A figure sitting a distance from them lifts down the newspaper
he was holding and reveals the face of the mummified version of Loveless. The
plane rises into the air, and Loveless laughs sinisterly.)


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