Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion

Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos - Joey the Passion

17.10.2013 13:37:53

Power of Chaos:
Joey The Passion


by Lunion

Version 1.20

starts Oct 26 2005
finish Oct 28 2005
last update Mar 18 2007

Copyright 2005-2007 Lunion

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,
private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed
publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web
site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation
of copyright.

If you have any interest in this FAQ please feel free to send me an e-mail at
SS_Lunion@Yahoo.com. And that's the only way to contact me.

If you want to post this FAQ somewhere, or you want to use it other than for
your personal, private use, you will need my permission to do so. Please
contact me at the e-mail address stated above.

Any contribution to the FAQ will be credited and none of your e-mail address
will be stated unless requested. Please feel free to correct any mistake and
add anything missing from the FAQ. Please note that I might modify your e-mail
with my own expression.

These websites have received my permission to post this FAQ. You will also find
the most updated version in:
> http://www.gamefaqs.com
> http://www.neoseeker.com
> http://dlh.net
> http://www.honestgamers.com

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Table of Contents

1. Introduction.............................................lun1
1.1 The Purpose of This FAQ.............................lun11
1.2 Copyright Notice....................................lun12
1.3 Overview of The FAQ.................................lun13

2. The Game.................................................lun2
2.1 Starting the duel...................................lun21
2.2 Rock, Paper, Scissors...............................lun22
2.3 The Field...........................................lun23
2.4 The Cards...........................................lun24
2.5 Summoning a Monster.................................lun25
2.6 Set.................................................lun26
2.7 The Turn............................................lun27

3. The Duel.................................................lun3
3.1 Basic Control.......................................lun31
3.2 Objective...........................................lun32
3.3 Monster Position....................................lun33
3.4 Damage Calculation..................................lun34
3.5 When to Activate a Card.............................lun35
3.6 Deck Swap After Battle..............................lun36
3.7 Winning The Duel....................................lun37

4. Deck Construction........................................lun4

5. End Credits..............................................lunthx

>>[Note]: lunxxx is for the purpose of easy and simple navigation using the
find function in your notepad (by pressing ctrl + F). For example,
just press ctrl + F, input lunthx, and press enter, will make you
jump directly to the [end credits] section. In case you're wondering
lun stand for my name [Lunion].

1. Introduction lun1
"Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos" series is a battle-card game. The latest installment
in this series is entitled Joey The Passion. Although the game itself is good
and enjoyable, it is not so easy to play, especially for begginers. Why?
Because people do not know HOW to play it. There's neither manual nor tutorial
included in the game.
1.1 The Purpose of This FAQ lun11
The main and sole purpose of this FAQ is to help everyone to understand HOW to
play the game. At, first I write it for my friends who seem to be having a lot
of trouble playing this game (even just to start). But it comes to my attention
that everyone is having the same trouble. Therefore I give you : The solution
to your problem! I present this FAQ to my friends and especially all the people
out there who are dying to play the game but don't know how to play it.

I will not include the list of cards here because it will stray from my purpose
of making this FAQ. My purpose is to help you getting it. Once you know HOW to
play, you will enjoy collecting cards. Not to mention that the card is listed
in the game itself (very detail, with description and all). And because
someone else has do it for you. Try looking for it *somewhere*. I'm trying to
keep this FAQ SSS (Short, Simple, and Straight) so I won't add any unnecessary
1.2 Copyright Notice lun12
I have heard about an official version of the game manual somewhere at Vivendi
Universal Website. Either it's to complicated or too hard to find, my friends
(and maybe you who're reading this FAQ) still don't understand the game. I,
myself have never seen the manual before, and I have never read somewhere else
an unofficial manual of the game (like the one you're reading now). Therefore,
if there is any similarity to the "real" manual, it was unintended.

I do NOT copy, I do NOT plagiate, and I do NOT violate someone else work. What
you're reading now is MY personal ideas of the game and HOW to play the game.
I write what I know and I write it myself.
1.3 Overview of The FAQ lun13
The FAQ is written in 79 character standard format (for best viewing). The FAQ
will be straight and simple. Not any overly unnecessary detail, but point right
to what you want (and need) to know. I'll cover every part of the game, step by
step, from the start to the finish. If there is any misspell or grammar error,
please forgive me. You know, English is my second language. I will however,
explain the game in the simplest and most understandable manners possible. By
the way, this is my first FAQ. Yay! \^-^.

2. The Game lun2
One day, you install "Yu-Gi-Oh! Power of Chaos: Joey The Passion."
You click the shortcut, you enter the game, and you see that all is good.
Except for one thing.
You don't know HOW to play it!
Well, here we go!!
2.1 Starting the duel lun21
First, you click on the Duel panel (the uppermost). You will see four
selection panel. Since you're reading my FAQ, I assume you're a begginer.

1. Single Duel
Win a single match. Won 1 card.

2. Match Duel
Win 2 out of 3 match. Won 3 cards.

3. Duelist Level
Show your level now. Level up as you won matches.

4. 2 Player Duel
Just like it says.

5. Replay Duel
Re-play a previously saved duel.

Click on Single duel first.
2.2 Rock, Paper, Scissors lun22
Now you'll have to play a game of RPS to decide which of you and Joey get the
chance to choose your turn. In case you didn't know:

Fist : Rock
Palm : Paper
V : Scissors
Rock > Scissors > Paper > Rock

You got it? OK. Let's assume you win, you'll have the chance to choose your
turn. Generally, it is best to have the first turn (cause you will have the
upper hand). Anyway it's your choice. But for now, let's assume you pick the
first turn.
2.3 The Field lun23
After picking your turn, you'll come up a new screen. Let me explain 1 by 1.

-The grey cement area : Field (4 x 5) square
-The brown wood area : Players corner

-White brick area bottom : Your's Hand
-White brick area upper : Joey's Hand

-8000 bottomleft corner : Your's Battle Point (BP)
-8000 upperleft corner : Joey's BP

-Face down card bottom right corner : Your's Deck
-Face down card upper left corner : Joey's Deck

-Brown sewer-top just above your deck : Your's Graveyard
-Brown sewer-top just below Joey deck : Joey's Graveyard

-Face down card bottom left corner : Your's Fusion Deck (maybe empty)
-Face down card upper right corner : Joey's Fusion Deck (maybe empty)

-4 Bricks just right above your Fusion Deck : Your's Field Spell square
-4 Bricks just right under Joey Fusion Deck : His Field Spell Square

-First row of square (bottom most) : Your's Spell Square
-The row above it : Your's Monster Square
-The row above it : Joey's Monster Square
-The uppermost row : Joey's Spell Square

Well, that's all. Getting confused?
Don't worry, you'll get it in time. For now just try to understand (not
remember) your part of the field (the bottom part). Just remember that Joey's
is in the same place, just reverse it diagonally.

>>[Note]: The game will place your card automaticly in their pre-defined
position. You don't have to set it manually. The Squares may be empty
if there is no card in it.
2.4 The Cards lun24
Before we go to turn section, we will have to have the knowledge and
understanding of the cards use throuhout the game.

Cards are colored to differ them. They consist of (from up to bottom): Name,
Artwork, and description of the card.

There are various card in the game, but I will divide them into 3 main section:

1. Monster card
Monster card have stars on them. The stars state their level. It ranges from
1 - 9. Monster card are divided into 3 section:

1) Brown colored monster card
-Ordinary or common monster card-
Monster that have 1-4 stars can be summoned normaly.
Monster that have 5-6 stars need 1 tribute (will be explain later).
Monster that have more than 6 stars need 2 tribute.

2) Purple colored monster card
-Fusion monster card-
Can only be summoned by combining 2 monster card (that are stated on the
fusion card). This will be explained later.

3) Blue colored monster card
-Special ritual monster card-
Can only be summoned with special "ritual" spell card (will be explain

Monster cards have attack and defense power. The number on the left state
their attack power while the number on the right state their defense power.
Attack power is use when your monster card is in attack position (stand),
while defense power is use when your monster card is in defense position

2. Spell Card
All spell cards are green in color. All spell cards can be played/activated
right from your hand, but you have to have some free spell cards square
the (bottommost row) in order to play them. They can also be "set".

They are divided into 4 section:

1) Ordinary spell card
Doesn't have any sign under it name. (It only say "spell card")
Once played, gone in one use.

2) Quick play spell card
Have a lightning symbol under it name.
This card can be activated during your opponent turn. You don't need to
set it. It can be played right from your hand.
Once played, gone in one use.

3) Equip spell card
Have a circle-with-cross-in-it symbol under it name.
This card is use to "equip" monster card. That's is what we call pairing
a monster card with a spell card. One equip spell card can equip one
monster. But also note that one monster card can be equipped with many
spell card.
Once activated stay on the field until destroyed or the monster it is
equipped with is destroyed.

4) Continous Spell Card
Have a continous symbol (horizontal 8) under it name.
This card once activated have a continous effect. It stayed in the field
until it is destroyed.

An exception is for a special type of spell card called the "Field Spell"
card. When played, this card go directly to the field spell square (the 4
bricks) and is a continous spell card. Only 1 field spell card can be played
in the field at a time. It stays there until it is destroyed or someone play
another field spell card. When played, Field Spell card will paint the field
with a different background (not grey anymore).

3. Trap Card
All trap cards are reddish-purple in color. The main difference between trap
and spell cards is that you MUST "set" a trap card first in order to
activate it. You can't play it directly from your hand. Just like spell
cards, there are ordinary, equip, and continous trap card, but no quick play
and field trap card.

That's all about the cards. Not hard to understand huh? Well, the only thing
you must remember is that you can only have up to 11 cards in the field at a
time. 5 monster cards + 5 spell/trap cards + 1 field spell card.
2.5 Summoning a Monster lun25
Another thing to learn before we go to turn is HOW to summon a monster.

There are 4 ways of summoning a monster:

1. Normal Summon
Summon monster directly from your hand.
Only 1 summon per turn is normally allowed, unless you have set a trap card
that grants you unlimited summon. You can either summon a monster in face up
attack position (the card stand) or in face down "set" defense position (the
card sleep). Yes, you CAN'T summon a monster in face down attack position or
in face up defense position.

2. Flip Summon
Flip a previously summoned monster from face down defense position to face
up attack position (but not vice versa). If you summon a monster in face
down defense position (set), and it's still set in your next turn, you can
"flip" summon it. Flip summon is not limited. You can flip summon all 5
monster together. If a monster has a FLIP effect, than that effect is active
the moment you flip summon it.

3. Special Summon
Summon monster by the effect of card.
In short, everything that you don't summon from your hand during your main
phase and everything that you don't flip summon. Special summon is unlimited
through the effect of monster, spell, or trap card.

4. Tribute Summon
Summon high level monster with a "tribute"
A monster with 5 stars or more need to be tribute summon. What's a tribute?
What you call a tribute is offering monster/monsters in the field (destroy
that monster you're offering).
Tribute summon is a normal summon and allowed only once during a turn.
For example, you now summon a 4 stars monster to the field. In the next turn
you want to summon a 6 stars monster. You offer that 4 stars monster you
have in the field right now (by clicking on it). The 4 stars monster is
destroyed (go to the graveyard) and the 6 stars monster is summoned to the

Remember that once you summon a monster (any way) you can't change it's
position in the same turn. You will have to wait till your next turn in order
to change it's position (except for some monster card with special effect).
2.6 Set lun26
Last thing you need to know before we go to turn. The rules of SET-ting card.
Generally, "setting" a card means you're placing a card in the field in face
down position. Here is an explanation for each type of card.

Monster card
-Setting a card in your hand means you're summoning it in face down defense
-You can flip that monster in the next turn, but that doesn't mean you have to.
You can wait till next-next-next turn until you want to flip it.

Spell card
-Setting a spell card means you're PLACING it in the field WITHOUT activating
-You can set up many card in 1 turn.
-You can activate it in YOUR next turn (unless it is a quick play spell card).
-But that doesn't mean you have to activate it. You can wait.

Trap card
-Setting a trap card is a MUST in order to activate it in the next turn.
-You can but you don't have to activate it in the next turn.
-Some trap card can only be activated when the conditions (for that trap card
to be activated) is met, even if you have set it in the field for a very long
2.7 The Turn lun27
Finally, we come to this. You have learn everything you need to know about the
game. Now we will learn the turn and after this we will go straight to the

First, let me explain. There are 6 phase in a turn. They are:

1. Draw phase
Draw 1 card from your deck. This is the first phase in a turn. You (or Joey)
can activate a trap card if you (or Joey) have set it before. Draw is a must
and automaticly. If you can't draw any card (meaning you run out of card),
you lose the duel.

2. Standby phase
Or ready phase. You can't do anything in this phase. Just sit back and relax
Some trap and spell card take effect during this phase, and there is nothing
you can do about it.

3. Main phase 1
You're given control starting from this phase. you can do everything in this
phase. Summoning a monster, setting a trap card/activating it, set/activate
a spell card. You can also surrender (heh heh) by clicking at your deck.
Remember, only 1 normal summon a turn, but unlimited flip and special summon
but doesn't mean you HAVE TO summon a monster.

4. Battle Phase
If you have a monster in attack position, you can attack Joey or his monster
An exception is when you get the very first turn, you can't attack because
Joey hasn't got a turn yet (this will be explain later).
You can also activate some trap cards (which you have set at least a turn
before) and some quick play spell cards.
If you have no monster in attack position, you will skip this phase.

5. Main phase 2
Just like main phase 2, you can normal summon a monster (if you haven't do
so in main phase 1), activate/set spells/traps card, unlimited flip and
special summon. And of course... surrender.

6. End phase
The last phase of your turn. After this is Joey's turn. For the last time
you will be asked if you want to activate a trap card (if you have set it at
least a turn before). During this phase, if you have more than 6 card in
your hand, you will be asked to discard the cards in your hand until the
number of cards in your hand is 6.

The turn is shown by the "turn bar" in the left side of the field. Your turn is
blue and Joey's turn is red. It starts from the top to the bottom. The phase
you're at will be flashing.

Well, that's it. Now you're ready for the duel.

3. The Duel lun3
I will tell you everything you need to know about the duel. Yes, EVERYTHING.
I will start from the very basic and ascending to a more complex gameplay.
Don't worry, it's not that hard. If you follow it right, you will master it in
no time.
3.1 Basic Control lun31
First I need you to learn the basic control for the game:

-left click for selecting cards, choosing option, attacking, and answer yes
-right click for setting card, and answer no or canceling option
-right click in a free space anywhere to bring in game menu

-directional arrow or numpad (8,4,2,6) to move around
-enter for the same effect as left mouse click
-tab for setting a card
-escape for in-game menu, and answering no or canceling option

You actually just need a mouse to play the whole game. You don't need to
remember this completely since all you need to do is just hover the hand (with
your mouse to a card or anything) and there will be a balloon explanation of
what you can do with that object, such as SUMMON, SET, ACTIVATE, etc.
3.2 Objective lun32
The objective : Finishing your rival by reducing his battle point (BP) to 0 or
by making him out of cards.

You lose the game if:
-Your BP is reduce to 0
-You have no more cards to draw from your deck
3.3 Monster Position lun33
FUAP : Face Up Attack Position
FDDP : Face Down Defense Position
FUDP : Face Up Defense Position

>>[Note]: This is an example of what happen when monster collide with each
other NORMALLY. Special effect is excluded.

-the monster with lower ATK is destroyed
-the difference of ATK power is calculated and reduce the destroyed player BP
-if both ATK equal (same) than both is destroyed. Damage is not calculated.

-if FUAP ATK > FUDP DEF than FUDP is destroyed. Damage is not calculated
-if FUAP ATK < FUDP DEF than FUAP takes damage from the difference of FUAP ATK
and FUDP DEF but FUAP is not destroyed.
-if FUAP ATK = FUDP DEF than both takes no damage and none are destroyed

-same as above
-in addition, the FDDP is "flip" to FUDP and any flip or special effect that
card has will be activated

-NO WAY. Defending monster CANNOT attack!
3.4 Damage Calculation lun34
Let's try for an example:

You have a GEMINI ELF card (ATK 1900/DEF 900) Your BP : 8000
Joey have a CYBER ALLIGATOR card (ATK 2500/DEF 1600) Joey BP : 8000
It is now Joey turn. He attack yours with his card.

-If both is in FUAP
The GEMINI ELF card is destroyed and you take (2500-1900=)600 damage.
Your BP : 8000 - 600 = 7400
Joey BP : 8000

The GEMINI ELF card is destroyed but you take no damage
Your BP : 8000
Joey BP : 8000
3.5 When to Activate a Card lun35
Now I know how to set spell and trap cards, and how to set a monster in FDDP.
But how do I know when to activate the cards?
Actually, this is quite simple. You will be asked in certain phase of the turn
if you have any card that can be activated at once.

-For spell card : You can activate it anytime, at once. But not in your rival
turn unless it is a quick play spell card.

-For trap card : You need to set it at least a turn before. Some trap card have
certain condition that must be met before you can play it. You
can (and most likely will) play trap cards in your rival turn.

-For FDDP : If that monster have a special attack, you can "flip" it in YOUR
next turn. If Joey attack your monster in his turn, it will be flip
and the effect will be activated at once. Flip or special effect
will not be activated if that card is destroyed by effect of cards.
3.6 Deck Swap After Battle lun36
If you enter match duel (winning 2 battle out of 3) than you're given the
chance to "swap" your deck after each duel. This is very useful because Joey
uses random deck and you will (most likely) not know what deck (or tactic) he
will use before you fight him first. You can change your tactic and your card
to counter Joey's.

The rules in deck swap is :
-You can only "swap" card from your side deck. (will be explained later)
-You must have exactly the same number of cards in your deck and in your side
deck before and after the swap. This simply means that if you take 3 cards
from your side deck, you must give 3 cards from your main deck.
3.7 Winning The Duel lun37
After you win a duel/duels, you will be given 1 (in single duel) or 3 (in match
duel) cards. After sometime, you will keep getting the same cards. Sometimes
you will get the option to draw another set of cards if you don't draw any new

I can't be too sure about this, but I think you can draw again if:
-You don't draw any new cards.
-You don't draw any forbidden card in your first draw.
-You don't draw any ritual (blue) monster card in your first draw.
-You don't draw any limited card in your first draw.

Please note that you will be given the options to draw again only once. And
if you draw again that means you throw away your first draw. In short, you
don't get 2 or 6 cards but only 1 or 3 cards.

Well, that's all you need to know about duel. Now, now. You may have the
knowledge, but you lack experience. Come on. Go out there and start winning!!

4. Deck Construction lun4
This is a short guide on how to construct a deck and the rules you need to know
about constructing one.

The one thing you need to know about constructing a deck is that "There is no
strongest deck, only stronger deck". No strongest deck? Yes, you heard me right
pal. Throuhout the game, Joey will use many kinds of deck. The only way you're
going to beat him is by constructing a stronger deck than his. Remember, every
deck has weakness.

First let me explain, the big space up top is the main deck. It is the deck you
will really use in the battle. It has a minimum space of 40 and a maximum of 80
number of cards.

The space below it is the side deck. It is use to swap card after battle in
match duel (like explained before). So make sure you put some valuable or much
needed card to come in handy later. Just in case, you know. Side deck can't
hold more than 15 cards. Spend it well.

The bottommost space is the Fusion deck. It is use to place special fusion
monster. It doesn't take space in your main deck so feel free to load the
fusion monster in. Just in case you will need them. It can hold up to 15 cards.

Now let's take a look on the left side of the screen. There you will see a list
of cards you have collect. Let me explain the symbol for you:
-There is a picture of the card but no card in it : Simply means that you have
put it in your main, side, or fusion deck and you have no more of that card.
-There is a circle with a line in it : That card is forbidden.
-There is a number 1 : It is a limited card. You can only have 1 of it in your
-There is a number 2 : It is a limited card. You can only have 2 of it in your

If you uncheck "Forbidden Cards" in the option menu, you (and Joey) won't be
able to play any forbidden card in the duel. Generally it makes the game a lot

>>[Note]: There is a rumor if you uncheck the "Forbidden Cards" option, you
won't be able to get any forbidden cards after you won duels. This is
not right. I have proven it wrong.

Since you're a beginner, I will give you some pointer on how to build a
beginner deck. They are:
-You can only have a maximum of 3 same cards in the deck. Remember that.
-Always have the main deck at its minimum number of cards (40), that way, you
can get the card you want faster in the game.
-Put only strong monster. Either high ATK or high DEF as high as posibble.
Don't put balanced monster (Well, quite high ATK, rather good DEF kind).
-Put about 15 1-4 stars card. That way you will be sure to have 1 monster card
ready to be summoned.
-Put 3 5+ stars monster in the deck. Not any will make your life difficult. Too
much will just bring you down.
-Fill up the empty spaces with spell and trap cards.
-Generally, it's a good idea to include forbidden and limited cards. They have
some pretty good effects. That's why they are forbidden!
-Fill your side deck with the cards you need, or you think you will need.
-Always fill your fusion deck, even if you don't need it. Just in case.

As you progress through the game, you will be developing your gameplay ability
and tactics, as well as getting new cards. Along time you will soon discover
your way of playing. Will be it straight attack? Full of tactic? Hurt your
enemies little by little? Or defense all the way? Only time will tell.

We have reach the end of the guide. With this knowledge I'm sure you will have
no trouble playing the game. Good luck! ^-^

5. End Credits lunthx
If there is any mistake about crediting you, please inform me at

-[insert your information here] for posting this FAQ
-Kaichern tee for inspiring me to start writing FAQ
-Konami for making the game
-Rudvich for being a good and supporting friend
-Lunion for making this FAQ

Thanks for all my friends and families that help me and support me all the way
from start to finish.

Ultimately I thanks everyone that contribute FAQS to help other people in need.

See ya! ^-^/

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