Daggerfall, The

Daggerfall, The

30.09.2013 13:08:10
The Elder Scrolls: Daggerfall General Walkthrough:


Copyright 1996 by Susan Nimm. All Rights Reserved. This document may be
reproduced electronically, provided this notice is included (unmodified),
for any purpose whatsoever. Reproduction onto CD-Rom or floppy disk or
paper for any commercial purpose whatsoever is forbidden without prior
written permission. In any and all reproductions, this paragraph must
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Be forewarned, this walkthrough can completely spoil the game. Do not use
this casually! This walkthough does not document exhaustively the mechanics
of going up levels/summoning daedra/getting guild rank as all of these
things are well documented elsewhere. It does, however, make passing
reference to some of them.

Also, many quests are random in nature; hence, there is no possibly
walkthrough for these. Even quests that are not random -- e.g. to fixed
dungeons --

I did this mainly for myself - if I come back to DF in a few years, I want
to be able to progress if I get stuck - but it will suffice quite nicely
for others, I believe. Please note that there are some specific directions
here and there for what turned out (later) to be random quests.
Accordingly, your mileage may vary. Bug fixes may also subtly alter game
behaviour. (I gather you are no longer asked to retrieve the cursed BLANK,

I "cheated" on several things:

o the way I got a high level character (see below)
o sequence of levers to pull in the Castle Sentinel quest
o Part of Wayrest painting quest
o All of Walk through Castle Daggerfall to treasury (sorry, lazy
and busy!)
o portions of Mantellan Crux.

As of this writing (Nov 96) I recommend playing with the 179 patch if
you're starting the game fresh; otherwise the 177. Of course, if there's a
later patch, play with it! [editor's note: there is a much more recent
patch, #213, available from www.bethsoft.com]


o items in square brackets are plot spoilers; (document ideally
needs some HTML formatting to hide these...)
o 'email' style addresses for people - i.e. princess morgiah@throne
room.castle.wayrest means go to Wayrest city in Wayrest province.
Enter the castle (palace) and head for the throne room. Someone
in there will be named Princess Morgiah.

To start:

1. Privateer's Hold:

This dungeon is to set you up with some equipment and cash. In general,
ignore ingredients and the like (unless they're gems), pick up better
quality armour and weapons, and gold. There are ample good walkthroughs for
this, so I'll simply say: head on up to the room with the archer. Take the
left door (from POV of original entry) to the large throne room; charge up
the stairs, killing the skeleton; press the lever to the left of the throne
(facing the throne) while standing on the throne. Elevator will take you
up; head up the corridor; open the door on your right; kill the rat, imp,
and bat; enter the room and the exit will be in this room.

2. In Town:

Once you get to town (say Daggerfall), I would suggest joining a guild. The
process of quickly gaining levels (you need to be at least 10-15th level to
finish the game) is trivial if you have magic schools as at least some of
your primary, major and minor skills.

As has been well documented, progress in guilds depends primarily upon
successfully completed missions. You'll need to complete (typically) at
least 18-20 successful quests for a guild before reaching the highest level
in the guild, and to do about 1 quest/month for the guild thereafter to
maintain your reputation.

The trivial way to quickly gain rank and become wealthy and very high level

o custom class with 4-6 schools of magic: 1 minor, 1-2 major, 2-3
primary skills.
o create cantrips (cheap spells that cost ~5 points to cast) in
each school of magic
o join the mages guild and do lots of guard quests (say about 20 -
this should take no more than 5-10 days)
o join the fighter's guild (say) and cast lots of cantrips (since
you can stay for free and get trained once/day in fighting skills
to boot), resting to restore your spell points.
o At night, break into stores with a good 'open' spell (custom,
with 100% chance of success). Only rob those that are top
quality; sell the merchandise in the morning at bottom quality

Thus, after doing a number of quests for the guild of your choice and
training/casting massive numbers of spells, you should be up to 25th+ level
and at the top of the guild of your choice within as little as 3 hours
(real-time)/1-8weeks (game time). To boot, if you've broken into stores
you'll have a house, a ship, a cart, a horse and ~1,000,000 gold coins.

Fair warning: this is technically not cheating (i.e. it's not as bad as
having at your savegame with an editor), but it's pretty close. I did this
after I lost two 12th level characters to Bethesda's repair items (and
other assorted) bugs and got quite fed up... Determined not to waste a lot
of time getting my character up levels, I started with a 25th level

Really useful (and not so useful) things to get are:

o horse: allows you to move much faster around town (unless you
have speed 100 J )
o cart: allows you to carry much more, and accessible without
leaving dungeons!
o ship: useful in that you can be in the middle of daggerfall,
being attacked by ghosts and you can just change transport to a
ship and go to sleep. Handy. Very rarely enemies will come aboard
your ship however. Thus, you don't need inns if you have a ship.
Also, you can dump huge piles of treasure all over the ship.
o house: seems useless other than an ego thing. Buy a much handier
ship instead - easier to get to, is in all towns...

Really useful (strategic) things to do on dungeon adventuring:

o Cast recall in town (or at dungeon entrance)
o Always save BEFORE you get the quest.
o Save at the entrance to dungeon
o Save when you've just accomplished the quest
o Regularly back up your save files

Many (of the random) quests are not accomplishable in finite time. So, save
before you get a random quest and reload if you need to.

3. First Plot Quest: Finding Lady Brisienna

Then, while wandering about accomplishing the above, you will receive a
letter from the Lady Brisienna, a representative of the Emperor. Also
affiliated with the Blades, and formerly based in Daggerfall. Meet her, and
she will suggest that the 2 quests from the Emperor centre around Wayrest,
Sentinel and Daggerfall.

Within a little while (keep doing quests and wandering), you will receive
letters from:

o princess morgiah@throne room.castle.wayrest
o prince lhotun@throne room.castle.sentinel

4. Morgiah/King of Worms: Marry me?

Morgiah (The woman in red to the right of the King and Queen at the top of
the platform) wants to marry Son of King (where I don't recall) and wants
you to take a letter to the King of Worms, head of the Necromancer's Guild
(KingWorms@Necromancers.scourge barrow.dragontail mountains). [The deal she
proposes/agrees to is to give her "first" in exchange for the King being
able to speak with his dead son. Go ahead and read her letter and his

Scourge Barrow (in Dragontail mountains): Enter the small, square building.
Click on the middle left coffin, and descend. Head along corridor til
door;open door to see a room with ~8 doors and 2 zombies. After dispatching
the zombies, take the door just to the left of the one you came in. Follow
it, turning left at the intersection and entering the cave passageway. Wipe
out the bats, listen to the bears growl and take the first right. Turn left
at the intersection and go through the door. You're in the throne room.
King is the chap just to the right of coffin on raised dais. Take his
letter and return it to Morgiah.

Do not be unduly alarmed if the quest does not disappear from your log
immediately. [[PLOT SPOILER: She (Morgiah) will tell you that Gortwog has
the emperor's letter; it did reach the Queen, but the thieve's guild stole
it and sold(?) it to Gortwog. She notes that the new king of Daggerfall is
not as loyal, as Lysandus and Queen Aubkhi is na´ve. Suggests you talk to
the Dowager Queen, Mynisera (wife of Lysandus), but first approach through
someone lower in the court of Daggerfall. (Hint: see Cyndassa, below)]]

5. Prince Helseth: I'm sure that you're =completely= innocent.

While in Wayrest, you may wish to talk to Prince Helseth@Conference
room.castle.wayrest. (This is reached by going through the giant doors at
the back of the throne room (either side leads to conference room). He will
give you a letter to take to Lord Castellian, head of the elder council
(Castellian@hearthhouse residence.kirktry.wayrest for me) [This letter may
be a not-so-oblique threat to reveal Castellian's love letters (written to
his sister) to his sister's husband!] Don't read it though, unless you want
to be distrusted. Return with Castellian's response [and Helseth will tell
you that his family may have something to do with the overall situation.
Wayrest dispatched advisors to Daggerfall/Sentinel on eve of Battle of
Cryngaine Field. (Lysandus, loyal to emperor vs. Cameron wanting more
autonomy) Advisors claimed later not to have gotten there, waylaid by
Gortwog's orcs, but Helseth believes they got to Lys's tent and spoke
briefly with him. (interesting if you later look at the painting queen of
sentinel asks you to "liberate" from castle wayrest).]

6. Lhotun's Quest: Brother... what brother?

Journeying to Sentinel, you will find him in the throne room anteroom on
the right - a group of three people sitting on the floor. He wants you to
find out what happened to his older brother (Rhust?). Take this quest, ask
around about the brother in court and on the street of Sentinel and other
nearby towns. Shortly, you will be handed an anonymous letter by a "tall,
gaunt woman" who will slip away. You will go and meet her where it says
(search the upper rooms of the building), and she will, as a representative
of the Underking, indicate that you should search Dungeon BLANK. Go there,
and you're likely on your own here as this (dungeon) seems to change each
time. What doesn't change is what you must find - once at the top of a tall
tower, and once in a tiny cupboard in the bowels of the dungeon for me - a
piece of paper - the Death Certificate. [This is the sad tale of R- who was
kidnapped (probably by agents of his dad, King Cameron) and left to die.
He'd always been a sickly child. He also hints that the underking is a
superpowerful magic-user who took over a powerful body a long time ago. ]

Return to Lhotun and he will tell you [that Lysandus had some kind of
relationship with Medora Direnni the sorceress of his court. Mynisera later
sent her away. Rumor has it that she is in a huge castle (Thanks,
Bethesda!) somewhere on the Isle of Balfiera, and that she is cursed and
can't leave.]

Sometime after (some of) the above, you will receive a missive from
Waycrest, with crest which I was unable to read. May have been an
engagement notice for Morgiah according to net speculation I've seen from
Paul Parkhurst on Daggerweb. Seems a reasonable supposition/bit of

Queen Akorithi@throne room.castle.Sentinel requests your presence (via a
letter) before end of next season. Go there, and she will ask you to
infiltrate Castle Wayrest and take a painting. See walkthrough at
Daggerweb, modified as follows:

7. Castle Wayrest: A Painting, My Kingdom for a Painting...

When you first get in the palace, enter the throne room, go through the
huge doors on either side to the conference room. This has a door on the
left side and one on the right; go through the one on the right. Take the
first left, follow until you come to a room with about 3 large coffins and
a teleporter(TP). Go thru the TP to a room with a TP and a door. Go through
THAT TP to a room with TP, lever and door. Pull lever, go through TP. Exit
room you arrive in (you'll need to kill some orcs), turn right then left;
follow passageway and go to end which leads to a door through which there
is a moat. Enter moat, wander around and you will see a small passageway
under the water; crouch down and go through. Wander around that moat, and
you will see a door on the far side. Go up the stairs; straight ahead will
be a lookthru. Crouch down (shrink if you're pre 179 patch) climb and walk
through. Go up the stairs, taking two rights go through door at the top of
the stairs. (Note that the passageway continues to the right; ignore it).
This room has two doors (left and right); take the left. Turn right then
left into corridor, follow to the end, through a door into the room with
the painting.

8. King of Worms Quest: Bring me the Soul...

By now you should have been contacted by the King of Worms via the simple
expedient of him stitching a note into a zombie's skin and sending said
zombie after you. Go there to Scourg Barrow, and he will ask you to do him
a favour: go to Castle Sentinel, and retrieve the soul of Prince *, an
ancient lich wandering the dungeon whom he wishes to question.

I got to the area of the dungeon the Lich was (after exploring the entire
thing) but did not figure out how to get the final set of bars down on my
own. Forthwith, I suggest you peruse High Elf Stalker Elrin Goareth (aka
George Smith)'s able description from Daggerweb.

[King of Worms then tells me the tale of Tiber Septim, the first Emperor,
who betrayed his battlemage Zurin Arctus just before one of the last
battles in his waves of conquest. The soul Zurin Arctus refused to leave
the body (Thanks to "Numidium" ?), and thus, upon taking over the body of
an ancient lich, Zurin became the Underking! Worms notes that he and the
underking dislike each other, and also that were the underking ever to
regain his mortal body, havoc would result!]

Note that you will be attacked by endless waves of zombies (even in inns,
annoyingly) until you complete this quest!

At around this time, you will then be asked to contact (by a young courier
who leaves immediately) to contact a representative of the underking,
varhtta@khaldten residence.atruhisa.sentinel. She will offer information in
exchange for you returning something the necromancers and blades have to

9. Quest for the Underking: Retrieve the cursed BLANK

Wherein you are requested to retrieve a cursed BLANK from the Blades HQ,
Castle Llugwhych.Ykalon, and learn something from the underking.

Enter into small room, go through door on opposite (West) wall to
conference room.

Go through conference room to room at back. (West wall)

Go up stairs and curve, up stairs, along corridor to shaft at end; pull

Go up shaft and down corridor -- can ignore room on right filled with
unobtainable papers, scrolls etc.

Go through room w/ 2 knight statues to door at back (west wall); pull
lever, go up shaft, turn right.

Go along cobblestone floors, down, then giant clockwise circle through room
w. grey floor, bench, continue along gray floor, going up.

Grey floors: Turn left at cross junction, go straight; through connection
to cobblestone section.

Cblstone sxn: Continue straight through the first junction(4-way); turn
left at the second, which is a T-junction. Follow twists and turns -- do
not take the first right (if you end up in a room with a yellow tapestry --
wrong turn) -- go to end of corridor and turn right (small 1x1 room at end)

Journey to pit Go 1 level up and head west.

Take first right (go through secret door) and go to end -- through 3 sets
of doors. There's an ancient vampire guarding, + 1 vampire + 1 spellsword.
(your mileage may vary)

Now, when you return the BLANK to the representative of the underking, [she
will tell you that Lysandus didn't really die at Cryngaine but was killed
treacherously before that (on the eve of the battle as I recall). Combining
that information with the information from Prince Helseth and the painting
of wayrest (IF you looked at it that is!) this suggests that Wayrest
murdered Lysandus on the eve of the battle. The representative goes on to
tell you where Lyusandus' actual tomb is (The one in hammerfall at
Cryngaine is an empty shell), with his real body: in Menevia. She concludes
by saying that she knows not why Lysandus haunt's daggerfall rather than
the field of battle where he was betrayed.]

Note that (not surprisingly!) your reputation with the Necromancers (and
the King of Worms) will drop when you finish this quest.

10. Cyndassa's quest: Brother... what Brother II

Now, head off to Daggerfall. Go into the room at the left rear of the lower
part of the throne room; talk to Cyndassa, a maid. She will ask you to go
to a (randomly selected) dungeon and kill a werewolf therein. Be sure to
save before this mission (as with all) as many of the dungeons she suggests
aren't on your map! Go do in the werewolf (who was her brother), and she
will tell you [that the letter arrived, and that she gave it to Queen
Aubk-i, who read it, looked surprised, and said she'd pass it on to
Mynisera. She also remarks that the King (Gothyrd), son of Lys&Mynisera, is
not too fond of the emperor.]

11. Queen Aubk-i's first quest: My mother-in law...

When you talk to Aubk-i, if you have done all of the above, she will
comment [on the letter and say that it was stolen (probably true, given
Morgiah's info) before she read it (false if we believe Cyndassa).] She
will then ask you to report on Nulfaga's condition(below).

Talk to Nulfaga(Lys' mother)@throne room.Shedungent.wrothgarian mountains.
Simply enter, move forward to the door, open it (or click on banner, and
type 'shutup' - courtesy of having finished the game!) Walk up the ramp and
talk to Nulfaga. She will make a semi-random comment, typically having to
do with her insanity and her son's death. Return and talk to Queen Aubk-i.

12. Mynisera's Quest: Courier Search

Next, talk to Mynisera in room@castle daggerfall.daggerfall.daggerfall.
This is at back RIGHT of room. She will ask you to find the emperor's
courier (who gave the letter to Queen Aubk-i, instead of Mynisera), one
Ysyssa Buckingwing, a member of the Knights of the Dragon. Mynisera will
give you a signet ring as proof of your bona fides. Go to Gondistair
Moorham@Baelmoth Used Supplies (a pawn shop) in Baelmoth, or wherever
Mynisera tells you to go. He will tell you where YB will be. Note that
there was an interesting bug here - the number of days which he said YB
would take to get to palace.Wildertown.daggerfall (6) were off what your
log says. Wait patiently, go in only after about 10am when all the doors
are open and you should find her on the first floor. I found nine days
worked - despite my log saying 12 and Gondistair saying 6. This was a
simple, but frustrating quest!

[YB will explain that she's a pro: the emperor ordered her to give the
letter to the "Queen of Daggerfall" and she did - to Aubk-i who was Queen
by the time the letter arrived in Daggerfall.]

Upon return to Mynisera she will note the same thing, and say that she
received a letter from Princess Morgiah about where the letter was. If
you've already done Morgiah's quest, then simply click on Mynisera again
(presto!). [She will remark that Gortwog has it and send you with a letter
to Orsinium.orsinium area. The letter indicates that she supports Gortwog's
ambitions to be recognized by the Empire and asking for her letter back.]

13. Orsinium Quest: Not a lover's letter...

Now the fun begins. Go to orsinium.orsinium area and enter the big black
building. (Hard to miss!). Kill the first orc and walk to the end of the
room to talk to Gortwog. Then trundle through the dungeon. Here's how I
found the letter:

There are two doors at the back of the conference room; take the leftermost
(southernmost if you prefer). Meander along this grayfloored area (walls
will change after you pass through a door after a while) going up, up, up.
You will come to a T-junction (ahead, or left).

Turn left and proceed, passing through a room (go out door in west wall)
and proceed down, down down. (everything remains gray floored, though walls
will change as you pass through doors). After passing through doors to
other passages, (no choice available on turns, thankfully), you will come
through a door to a very large room with an opening in the middle. (You may
need to drop down to the large area below and open all four doors in this
area and pull all levers in the rooms thus revealed; then again, you may
not. If you can't complete the walkthrough as I describe, try doing this).

The door you enter this room through will be in the east wall of the room.
Go out the door in the south wall, to cobblestones, take the first right
(4-way intersection). Head straight, passing through a gray floored room to
the door on the opposite (West) wall. Take the first right off this
cobblestoned passage, passing through to gray again. Keep to the left
(You'll only have one spot to turn; ignore it) until you come to a door in
the corridor (West wall) passing through to a cobblestone section.

Go through to a brief cobblestone section, and turn left, passing to a gray
section. Follow this until the end, going down, enter the door at the
right, and presto! The letter room! If you have any difficulties, try
turning RIGHT rather than left in the cobblestone section and pulling the
lever in one of the rooms. You may wish to do this anyway as this is the
way to the vault of Orsinium.

The letter says (naughty, naughty for reading it!)

[The Totem of Tiber Septim has been found. Power behind TS could be
unleashed again (is the UK?) Rumor has it that Lord Woodborne@wayrest has
it and will "lose it" soon. Uriel Septim urges Mynisera (not without
influence @wayrest) to turn it over to Mynisera or Lady Brisienna).]

After returning to Daggerfall to talk to Mynisera, you find she's gone!
Talk to Queen Aubk-i and she will send you on a quest to Castle Necromoghan
to find letters that Mynisera is destroying.

14. Castle Necromoghan; Queen Aubk-i's second Quest: Letters, what letters?

The dungeon isn't random; the position of the letters is semi-random. Every
time I've played though (with a high level 12+ character), they've been in
the same place as indicated below. Note that although you will have
17000-22000 days to accomplish this task (according to the queen) you
actually won't. This is one of the more interesting (in that it's quirky
but doesn't kill you) DF bugs.

Go straight from the entrance; turn left at the fallen timbers, turn to
right and go UP the hole in the ceiling (just before the pit leading DOWN).
Go east, then turn right (south). Turn left and you will see a pit with a
monster in it and a grey skull floating above it. Press the skull, and it
will descend.

Now go back to the fallen timbers. Go DOWN the pit just east of the upward
hole. You will arrive in a room with a ramp in the middle (unconnected to
the gallery around it) and an altar on the ramp. Head out of the door in
the South wall of the lower level of this room (go down the ramp). BTW,
just off this room is an 8-door room that (one of the rooms off of it) MAY
contain the letters. Then again, probably not!

Continue along the gray corridor (giant circular loop), not making any
optional turns (in particular do not go left at the T-junction). You will
arrive in a room with railings and a ramp down to the lower level. Head out
the door in the North wall of the lower level (walk down the ramp) and you
will see the opened trap door. Go down, defeat the two monsters and you may
find the letters.

If you don't find them there, then head west from the gray circular
passageway to the 8-way room. (I know, vague...but it's the best I can do.
If worst comes to worst, reload. You did save, didn't you?)

In any event, the letters are burned but you can decipher the following:

[first 2 pages - love letter, 3rd page (we realize from Medora to Lysandus)
notes that Mysinera suspects Lysandus is cuckolding her; and notes that
Medora does not like his "hollow crown" and "hollow wedding ring" those two
empty circles that entrap him. She wants to be his forever... 4th page
(from L to M??) talks of the wiping out of mare and stallion orcs, and the
insistence of Price Klaius that they be killed. Statement that '"your
father", "my lady", did great evil.' 5th page (L to M) He speaks of
crushing them at Cryngaine and abandoning his responsibilities.]

Return to Daggerfall, and talk to the Queen. She will say [how sad it was,
especially that Mynisera's father killed those orcs - that no one deserved
that.] Then, wait a few days (depending upon how much time you spent in
Necromoghan) and talk to Mynisera when she comes back from Necromoghan.
Mynisera will note that [probably Gortwog has sold umpteen copies of this
letter (the one about the totem) all about the Illiac Bay. Not to worry,
she says, she's sure the Totem will come into your life as you seem to have
a knack for such things. She does say to remember that the only safe hands
the totem can be in are the emperor's...]

You will soon be slipped two notes; one about the Mantellan heart, and one
that's a threat from the man in gray.

[A description of Numidium - a giant as tall as the moon in the sky -
unknown whether good or evil, and controlled by the totem. For the totem to
function, you need the MANTELLAN heart. Numidium lost this in the final
battle with (his creator?) Tiber Septim's battle mage, aka the underking!
The letter also notes that the underking created the totem, and that it can
only be wielded by a descendant of Tiber Septim or someone with connections
to the supernatural.]

15. Direnni Tower: Finding the lover.

Remembering that Medora Direnni is said to be on the Isle of Balfiera,
search the island and note the Auspiciously named Direnni tower. (Here I
had trouble reading my notes so borrowed (after the fact) from Scott
Jenning's Daggerweb walkthrough where mine needed clarification).

Go through the door immediately by the entrance into a huge room, and climb
down the stairs to the bottom. Climb the other set of stairs to the top,
and go through the door into a small room. There's a wheel above a
fireplace - turn it. Go through the now open trapdoor at the bottom of the
large room you first entered.

Go through the west door, and at the very first turn in the passage go
through the secret door to the left (by the corner - check your automap).
Go through the room out the east door, and follow the path until you come
to a T (right after some stairs on your right). Go right at the T, and
follow the path (ignoring openings/passages to your left and right)
straight into a pyramid room. Go around the pyramid to the exit on the west
side, go left, and climb the steep incline.

You are now in a maze. Simply follow the wall on your left. Don't go
through any doors. You will retrace your steps once or twice as you head
down a corridor, turn past a door and back up the other side (your new left
wall). When you start to descend down a slope, you will turn and arrive at
a T marked by a Direnni banner. Go right (down). You are now by a series of
columns, one of which has levers. Pull only the 2 levers that are facing
Direnni banners.

Go south to a Direnni banner next to a door going west. Go through the door
and follow the path through another door and up to Medora. Talk to her. She
will send you off to Shedungent to find a unicorn's horn.

16. Shedungent... Medora's second quest: =You= want a unicorn's horn? Yeah,

With thanks to James McNabb and R. MacPherson: (@Daggerweb)

To find the unicorn horn: Go to straight in to the first door and unlock or
go to the banner and say "shutup". Cross the room and take the passage out
of that room (only way out). At the (first) room on the right pull the
middle lever of 3 and exit the room. Go left up the stairs, then right.
Keep on that path, take NO turns until you come to a 4-way intersection.
turn right. Ignore the subsequent turn to the right; keep going forward
through the twists. The path turns right and the walls change texture. At
that intersection pull the torch. Turn right and take the stairs up. Turn
right and go thru the door. There is a secret door on the south wall. In
that room is a bed with the horn on the bed

At this point, I got really confused. I went back to everyone, getting
useless quests from people. Finally, I went to Gortwog who talked about
where the Dust of Restful death was and seemed to assume that I'd come from
Medora. He sent me to a random dungeon:

17. Gortwog's Second Quest: Dust of Restful Death:

Random. Dust is VERY likely (always?) on the body of a mummy and looks like
lich dust with a green background even when (if) you're only looking at
treasure on the dead body. Just wander - if it takes more than ~1h, reload
and try again!

After heading back to give Medora the dust, come back to her in a month.
[She talks (upon receipt of dust) of how Eadwyre and the court of Wayrest
killed a king (presumably Lysandus) and that this is treason. She will be
revenged. Also, there is some kind of letter she wrote to Gortwog. Gortwog,
incidentally, sent troops to try and stop the assassination of Lysandus.

18. Princess Elysana's Quest: Barbie or the Big Green Guy?

At some point you will get a letter from the bubbly Princess Elysana@throne
room.castle.wayrest, asking you to come visit her - you having been
recommended by Lord Woodborne. Go there, and she will give you an escort
mission to escort her cousin Vannayne Greenhouse to meet Gortwog (not in
Orsinium-chesterleigh.daggerfall). She says you'll get cash and info about
the "totem pole or whatever". [Surprise - it's treachery, though not
difficult to handle.]

19. Lysandus' Tomb: A Dead King

Here we head off to the revealed location of Lysandus' tomb in Menevia.

Make sure that you cast recall at the entrance! Enter the leftermost door,
and follow the passage. Take the first left, and continue until pass
through to grey walls and see a floating skull. Press it and teleport! (NB-
I'm not sure if there is anyway back without teleporting)

You'll teleport into a room with a torture bed and chains hanging from the
ceiling. Pass out of the westernmost door in the north wall (the other one
is a secret door; ignore it). You'll move along a passage, passing a red
brick door on your right (don't try it). Pass through two small
rooms/mini-passages and into another passage.

Turn right at the first opportunity, a T-junction, pass over the
trapdoor/pit, and proceed to door at end of passage. Pass through the door
in the North wall and proceed left immediately. Turn right at the
T-junction and proceed (pass over a rock in the passage). Turn right at the
four-way junction, (pass over a burlap bag) and follow the passageway until
the next junction: a T-junction. Turn left at the T-junction and head east
until the end of the passageway: a door in the east wall.

Pass through the door (heading east), and turn right immediately. Head
south, passing straight through the three way intersection. Follow the
passage, turning to the east. Head up, through the second three way
intersection, keeping straight (east). Follow the passage to the left
(north), pass by the turn on your left, turn tightly from north to south.
Head south, up the ramp and take the doorway in the left (east) wall at the
top of the ramp and pass through to the grey walled passage. (This may be a
secret door; if you turn right (west) to a 4-way intersection you've gone
too far.)

Turn left at the T-junction, right at the four-way junction. Proceed down
this grey-walled passageway, heading east, south and then west. Enter a
small room, heading west; walls change from grey 'brick' to gold and white
cobblestone. Pass through the only other door (on the west wall), head
along the passage, turning North and then east. Pass straight through the
4-way intersection, continuing east, and then follow the turn of the
passage south.

Take the (secret?) door; it's to your left as you move along the
passageway. It's s short distance before the turn right and the dead-end.
Follow this new passageway; ignore the first right; take the second right,
go along and then down to a T-junction; turn left and follow the passageway
to its end: a pit.

Drop down the pit; go down the passageway to the end (east, south, west,
north and finally east to the door to the large room - below). (You may
need to enter the last room room on the right from the passageway into the
large room then descend below and pull the lever if you can't get into the
large room or descend to the Lysandus' coffin. This is the 7th door on the
right; you'll hit is as you're going north and about to turn east.)

Enter a large room through a door in the north wall of the room; cross over
to the door in the column in the south east corner of the room. Pull the
lever, and turn to see much of the central floor descend. Jump down, walk
over to the coffin and click on it to see a cut scene. Lysandus will tell
you what needs to be done to lay his ghost to rest: only the death or
humiliation of he who betrayed him: Lord Woodborne of Wayrest (betrothed to
Princess Elysana; has a castle somewhere in the wilderness of Wayrest).
Hypothesis: is he the man in gray? Very probably, since Elysana set us up
with a bad mission to Gortwog...

So, we head off on Lysandus' quest:

20. Woodborne Hall: Quest for a traitor with drab dress sense to boot.

Two ways to finish this quest, apparently. One: find "papers" of Woodborne;
two, kill Woodborne himself. Here's where I found the papers:

Go up the room to the entrance at the top north west corner of the room. Go
along the corridor, straight along through the two four way intersections
to the door at the end. Go along THAT corridor to the end and through the

Go straight down the corridor. (NB- if you take the only door on your right
it leads to a room with a pit (may need to walk over hidden trapdoor) -
take pit all the way up, go south down the short corridor and drop down the
pit to land on a trapdoor. No idea how to open it; possible this is where
Woodborne is hiding?) Ignore the doors on either side, and go through the
door at the end. Turn right at the three way intersection, go east straight
through the four way intersection and follow the corridor to the stairs.

Turn right at the bottom of the stairs, follow the passage around. Ignore
the secret door on your right and go through the door on the east wall by
the end of the corridor. Go through the door, straight down the corridor.
Turn south at the end, then go over the pit and turn west. Go through the
door at the end and enter a room with the papers.

[The letter talks about how he killed Lysandus, knows that Gothryd will
help him, how he will marry Elysana, and, when Eadwyre dies ("sooner rather
than later") but the 'bitch queen and her brats' annoy him. Barenziah wants
Helseth to be the heir, and Elysana to marry off some far off prince.
Morgiah promised to heir of Firsthold. B not trust him, he will do to B
what he did to Lysandus, noting that Gortwog nearly saved Lysandus. Relies
on Gothyrd to support claim for throne, and Ead maybe if Helseth is heir.
He boasts of a spy network equalling that of Gothyrd, Eadwyre, Akorith-I or
the emperor. Underking and Necromancers may be more substantial, but maybe
not. Notes that he needs physical power - a standing army and gold for

Give the papers to... well take your pick. I chose the Queen of Wayrest.
She arranged for public execution and confiscation of his goods. (for which
I got a measly 15k gp's).

Wander about a bit and you will be asked to meet Lady Brisienna
(Horcart.wayrest). [She will tell you that the blades attacked Woodborne
hall but failed to get the totem before Gothyrd removed it. With heavy
losses, they are unable to mount an assault upon Daggerfall. Go there,
remove the totem from the treasury room (see Daggerweb walkthrough).]

21. The Totem. Say, are you carrying a totem in your pocket, or are you
just happy to see me?

See Daggerweb walkthrough. I made it through about 20% on my own, got bored
and used James Andrew McNabb's version which is NOT copyright by me. If
James Andrew McNabb (the author) would like it removed from this document,
please notify me or whoever has posted it. I enclose it as the original web
site hosting it seems to have gone down.

[JAM's stuff begins]


Walkthrough written by James Andrew McNabb jamcnabb@ix8.ix.netcom.com

Suggested spells : Levitate, Recall, and Waterbreathing

To find the totem: Take the left door beside the King and Queen. Follow
that path to large room. Take the other door out of that room. Go thru the
next smaller room. You are on a ledge looking at a tower with a walkway
connected to a wall with a door. The easiest way to get there is to cast
levitate. Go thru that door and turn left. Follow this ledge around the
sunken room. Pass thru the door. Take the door on the left. This is the
treasure room. Walk down the ramps until you are right above the water. The
actual treasure is hanging from the ceiling. Jump in the water. There are 2
openings on each wall. Look for a door. It should be on the right of the
wall. Take the left opening. follow that underwater and enter the room.
Turn the wheel in that room. Go back out and now go through the door on the
right. In that room there are 3 chains. Pull the one in the middle. You
will be teleported to the top of the room. Look down and you will

see the top of the treasure cage. Levitate down to the top and pull the
lever you find there. That will open two of the blue barred rooms. One of
those will have the totem in it :)


[JAM's stuff ends]

[The totem itself will tell you you have a year and a day to put it into
the hands of someone of Royal birth (i.e., NOT you!). Wander around a while
and you will receive letters from the following:

o The Underking (Letter floats to you and puts itself in your pack
- no one sees). (TS forged an empire and ruled with Great
Numidium - heart of the Mantella - UK's heart. He wants it,
doesn't want to interfere in mortal affairs, and offers
Necromancer's Amulet. Order of the hour.Chargate.wayrest)
o Gortwog (Heavily cloaked figure, green hand shoots out, figure
shuffles away. Offers an artifact; promises not to rule beyond
Orsinium; wants to establish an independent Orcish Kingdom.)
o Queen Akorithi (Page in livery of Sentinel - She says she's the
only one who is loyal - wayrest and daggerfall aren't and offers
100,000 gp's. (whoopee!))
o King of Worms (from behind - skeleton - shoves letter in your
mouth -- He promises to protect Tamriel by leaving this plane,
noting that any mortal is very dangerous holder for totem, and
offers you fame - increased reputation throughout the Kingdom.)
o Eadwyre (Portly man - livery of Wayrest - offers to meet or
exceed Sentinel, Daggerfall - 'enough to buy own ship')
o Brisienna (never did get it - just appeared in my pack: Please
come and meet me.)


Gave totem to Brisienna; was contacted immediately by Nulfaga to go to
Shedungent. She says:

[Only crowned heads will hold the totem true. First is one who killed but
did not kill another. Second is one who is two devoured by its young. Third
is one who made one slave and many free. Fourth and fifth are two who
compete for mud. Sixth is one who brings a home to the homeless. Seventh is
one who Lords all but who does not lord at all. I do not know who of the 7
is best.. you have chosen who will command great Numidium. Sends me now to
Mantellan Crux, to retrieve a green jewel of unusual size.]

22. Mantellan Crux: Now where is that jewel?\

Giant cube room; patrol at low, med, high to get all four walls. Doors in
west and south walls at bottom and top for a total of 4. Make sure you go
'in' each door and press against the force bars. (This allows you to 'see'
the bars later on the automap from afar.) 3 big floating 'rock' (inverted
pyramid) platforms; 1 tiny at top (with lever); 1 big high (where you enter
with statue on top), 1 medium medium(with four doors pointing to 4 compass
points.). Force barred entrances in both the lower rock platforms. Also,
elevator between the two lower platforms. Lever doesn't SEEM to have other

Area 1: Foyer

1. Lever at top tiny platform originally faces WEST. PULL to EAST and the
force door in the lower platform opens.
2. Lever inside lower platform faces SOUTH. Pull to NORTH (you need this
later - it opens up a force door inside first area.)
3. Go to lower platform. Doors at four compass points originally 'point'
NESW - i.e. face north, and the northernmost door looks like a line
not a plane. Open the south door (and the east if you want). Go
through the top south door in the starry wall and up the shaft.
4. Wander along, going straight through the 4-way intersection, turning
right and up the stairs. Proceed to the end of the corridor (noting
the force beams on your right at a T-junction) and pull the lever from
west to east, removing the force beam.
5. Go back to the T-junction, and you will find 3 levers close together.
Pull all three from west to east in the order that you hit them. Pull
the first again (i.e. closest to the T-junction) and you should be
able to proceed all the way down the corridor to another lever. Pull
it. This opens the force door in the middle pyramid.
6. Go back to the first big high land mass (inverted pyramid) and enter
the now deactivated force door. Kill the Daedra Lord and walk onto the
magic carpet to be teleported.

AREA 2: The Benefactor

7. Go down the passage to yet another star room. Turn right, and head
down to the large land mass with tombstones. Click on the white
tombstone and see that here lies the Spirit of Benefactor, although
his body still guards the way... Click on the tombstone furthest to
the West and the one furthest to the south east. You should here
ghostly moans. Head down to the opening in the side of this pyramid
and click on the lever. South east tombstone opens up middle trap door
in pyramid. You may have to fiddle a little to get the force beams in
the land mass with tombstones to disappear
8. Head up to the north (east corner) of the room and go through the
unbarred door. Click on the statue and type "Benefactor". Head back
out to the starry room and down to the pyramid (non-inverted; looks
like a real pyramid!) go down the lift to the room below; go to the
corner of that room (middle trap door in pyramid) and down that lift.
Drop down the lift in the north east corner of the room, covered by an
open trap door. Head south then west to drop down the pit. Move just
north to drop down the trapdoor to a teleporter.

AREA 3: Inverted Temple

9. Turn left at the t-junction. Head to the centre of the starry room, to
see an upside down set of rooms. Four doors; open them all: Blue
Obelisk, Lever in ceiling and statue room. Click on blue obelisk to be
teleported OR Pull lever in ceiling; go to opposite door and pull
newly revealed lever. Go to blue obelisk room and click on obelisk.
10. This teleports you to a room with eight doors. Go through eastern door
in southern wall. Turn left (west ) at the T-junction and keep going
west through the two doors. Enter AREA 4 - fire.
AREA 4: Fire, Talking Heads, Skulls and a Green Gem.
11. Click on the first head above the path at the T-junction. The head
will say "Hear me-the blind God is a jealous god. Let his true
servants lift up their eyes to him and the way will be easy. Hear Me!"
12. So go ahead (right) and click on the first head. It should start by
facing the big head in the centre, when you click it will rotate. Go
back to T-junction and click on the THIRD head, which will also
rotate. Go up to top; talk to Clavicus Vile, kill the fire daedra and
go down the shaft to the dark head.
13. Click on the dark head: "One speaks for me; two serve me; six protect
me. How many defy me?" Answer One.
14. Teleport to a chamber with skulls on shelf. Click on the one two to
the left of the door (i.e. middle one on left shelf) to TP a fair way
along a boring spiral. Head (west) to end and open door. Go way, way
up the stairs and through until you come to a shaft down. Drop down
and teleport to a new area.
15. You're in a nifty star room with a giant sword and a giant crossbow.
Go to the giant crossbow (around the middle) and click on all four of
the axes. Sword will have tilted down. Walk up it to the door in the
top north (near middle) of the room. Turn right and go all the way
down the shaft. Head North into the room, take the west door, north
door, west door, north door, east door, north, north, and west along a
corridor with four pits . Turn south then west to arrive in a large
room. Go to the centre and touch the green gem.

Surprise, you're back at Shedungent, and see a brief cut scene.
Congratulations, you've done it! (Wait, you read this, so actually you
cheated. Congratulations withdrawn and shame on you. J )

Appendix: My incomplete Daedra summoning table:

Daedra Time Artifact Quest Artifact

Malacath 8th of volendrung
frost fall

Mephala 13th of ebony blade
frost fall

Beothiah 2nd of ebony mail
suns' dusk

mehrunes 20th sun's merunes
dragon dusk razor

molag bal 20th mace of
evening molag bal

clavicus 1st masque of
vile morning clavicus
star vile

Meridia 13th of ring of Go kill an mu in Feet of Notorgo;
morning khajiit dungeon; go report invisibility.
star to

Sheogorath 2nd of wabbajack ditto meridia, Staff; polymorph
suns's 'cept 2nd in monster on hit.
dawn dungeon

Sanguine 16th of sanguine ditto; 2nd in town. Summons a lesser
sun's dawn rose Daedra to kill

hermaeus 5th of oghma kill in palace; Raises attribute
mora first seed infinium find in by up to +30!

Azura 21st first azura's star Kill a priest; find Don't know - this
seed in town one's evil.

Peryite 9th of spellbreaker Kill ancient vamp; Dwarven tower
rain's find in town. shield; free
hand act+spell rflct

Namira 9th second ring of kill ancient vamp; any dam bearer
seed namira find in town takes suffered by

Hircine 5th of mid hircine doesn't seem to be
year shield on the 5th???

Vaernima 10th of skull of
suns's corruption

Nocturnal 3rd of skeleton key

Original dates and artifacts courtesy of a response to Silk, by Yama? Quest
and artifact descriptions mine.

Morning Star-31 Sun's Dawn 28 First Seed-31 Rain's Hand -30 Second Seed 31
Mid Year 30

Sun's Height 31 Last Seed 30 Hearth Fire 30 Frost Fall 31 Sun's Dusk 30
Evening Star 31

That's all she wrote!

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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