Star Trek - Birth of the Federation

Star Trek - Birth of the Federation

17.10.2013 13:47:37
Star Trek: The Next Generation(TM)
Birth of the Federation
FAQ Version 1.2
By Jamal Leyba

Star Trek: The Next Generation(TM),(R),(C) 1999 Paramount Pictures. All
Rights Reserved. Microprose is trademark of Hasbro and its affiliates.
All other trademarks are the property of their respective holders. This
FAQ is Copyright 2000 Jamal Leyba. This FAQ is for private use only. It
may not be reproduced, redistributed, or altered in any way without the
author's consent.

Welcome to the Star Trek Universe. This game encompasses all the
various elements of the show that made it popular with only a few
drawbacks. Diplomacy, varied Technology, Shipbuilding, and Combat,
Combat, Combat will eat up all of your free time. If you find yourself
wandering the street thinking of how to stifle the Federation into
insignificance then you have played way too much! The FAQ is intended to
help those people who have either never played a game of incredible
micro-management or who have and want a jump on the competition. In no
way is the FAQ intended to take anything away or in association with
Paramount, Hasbro Interactive/Microprose(TM), or Brady Games(TM) (they
produce the guide book). If I don't answer your question properly then by
all means go buy the strategy guide. This may really sound stupid, but
all the editing was done at 800x600 and would look best at this
To begin you must choose how hard the game is before you play. They
are listed as Simple, Easy, Normal, Hard, and Impossible. Don't think
that Normal isn't so difficult, because the enemy Empires are a lot
smarter that even on easy and their tactical combat is much better, too.
Use the tutorials to learn you way around. You might find that the second
time you play you won't make nearly that amount of mistakes that you did
before, so don't be afraid to fail. The size of your galaxy can mean a
lot. They are Small, Medium, and Large. You have to own about 20 systems
to win for a small galaxy. For a medium it takes about 40 systems. Just
to give you an idea. There two ways to win the game. Either by Domination
or Vendetta. Domination means you have to gain 75% of all systems.
Vendetta means you have to destroy two of your most hated rival empires.
This may be different for each empire. More minor races means more general
power to all empires so beware.

Cardassian Union
Home System: Cardassia
Characteristic: Xenophobic
Conquest: Love it
Break Treaties: Anytime
Trade Route: 150
One of the more underrated races in the Star Trek continuum. The
Cardassians are an efficient, xenophobic race. Their starships
exemplify design and fluidity by being able to fire at any angle at
any target, and Intelligence due to the power of the Obsidian Order
is relentlessly strong. They prefer to rule with an iron fist and
take no prisoners. Their ship names imply death and power. They
enjoy conquering and can control populations easier than any other.
They don't mind breaking treaties with enemies.
Romulan Star Empire
Home System: Romulus
Characteristic: Secretive
Conquest: Don't mind it
Break Treaties: When Necessary
Trade Route: 170
The Romulan have all the logic of their Vulcan cousins, but still
have the strength and ferocity of the their ancient ancestors. They
tend to keep to themselves, but have a hidden eye on everything
anyone does. The intelligence is second only to the Cardassians,
and have exceptional research capabilities. The choose to rule
through quiet allegiance. Their ship names imply stealth, grace,
and beauty.
Klingon Empire
Home System: Qo'noS
Characteristic: Militaristic
Conquest: Live for it
Break Treaties: Dishonorable Practices (Spying and Sabotage)
Trade Route: 180
Fierce and ritualistic, the Klingons are proud and do not make
friends so easily. Their combat and weapon expertise are unrivaled
in the quadrant. They fight with absolute authority and no challenge
with go unheard. The ultimate death is in battle. They really don't
take any prisoners. Their ship names are really in Klingon and more
than half the time they can guess the tactical maneuver the enemy
is about to perform and counter it. They have no problem with any
type of battle, but do not like break treaties with allies.
Ferengi Alliance
Home System: Ferenginar
Characteristic: Unscrupulous
Conquest: More money to be made
Break Treaties: It's only an investment to sell
Trade Route: 120
Who said money couldn't buy anything. The Ferengi surely did not.
They pride themselves on diplomacy through buyouts. Forging trade
route to any place they choose, money is provided for all who live.
With the Rules of Acquisition in hand, no Ferengi can not get what
he needs. The Ferengi ships are not to be underestimated, but they
have no real inspiration to fight. Their ships have names implying
money, greed, and the acquisition of wealth. They can raid a trade
route easier than any other.
United Federation of Planets
Home System: Sol
Characteristic: Diplomatic
Military Conquest: Abhor it
Break Treaties: Planetary Bombardment
Trade Route: 160
The UFP was formed to provide a sharing of thoughts and technology
between willing races. Through this the success of the Federation
was founding. Through diplomacy the Federation has gained resources
and power that other may rival and despise. Expansion is only found
through understanding, or so they say. Their ships are straight out
of the TV shows and the movies.

Each ship is listed in it's equivalent category. Some did not quite
fit like the Ferengi Tokorn which the game considers to be a destroyer,
but is built like a Heavy Cruiser with more speed. Most ships have an
upgraded model except the Federation Defiant-Class Heavy Escort (It's so
fast and powerful that it doesn't really need it). You can't buy
Outposts or Starbases so an industrial cost will not be figured and they
don't move (They say both but they are useless statistics).

Name: Name of ship classification
Race: C = Cardassian, U = Federation, F = Ferengi, K = Klingon,
R = Romulan
Shield = Amount of shield strength, can be regenerated.
HP = Hit Points before ship is destroyed.
Spd = Galactic speed of ship or number of sectors it can move per turn.
Range = How the ship is bounded. Boundary lines on the map show yellow
for short, green for medium, and red for long.
Phasers = Number of phaser banks.
P. Pwr = Phaser power per bank.
Torp = Number of torpedo bays.
T.Pwr = Torpedo strength per bay.
I. Cost = Industrial Cost which is the production points necessary to
build it or the money to buy it.
Maint = Maintenance cost to upkeep the ship per turn. This is
subtracted from the earned credits.

Scout Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Nerok C 80 30 1 Long 2 16 2 28 400 26
Oberth U 110 19 1 Long 2 15 2 28 490 26
Bronta F 95 15 1 Long 2 15 3 28 460 26
B'rel K 80 15 1 Long 3 15 2 28 390 26
D'renet R 80 15 1 Long 2 15 2 30 370 26

Scout II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Nerok C 140 70 2 Long 6 36 3 52 1770 26
Oberth U 230 47 2 Long 4 25 3 44 1990 26
Bronta F 195 30 3 Long 4 25 5 44 2060 26
B'rel K 140 30 3 Long 8 30 3 52 1850 26
D'renet R 80 14 2 Long 4 25 4 50 1550 26

Destroyer Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Netel C 140 100 1 Med 6 23 3 36 1180 59
Miranda U 220 162 1 Med 4 15 3 28 1410 59
Ngort F 190 135 1 Med 3 15 5 28 1280 54
Tokorn F 325 55 3 Med 8 35 9 60 5420 59
May'Duj K 140 45 1 Med 8 20 3 36 1170 59
D'ridren R 160 45 1 Med 4 15 4 30 1070 59
Constellation U 380 102 3 Med 8 35 5 60 5000 65
Defiant U 580 123 4 Med 15 60 9 100 18270 91

Destroyer II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Netel C 220 140 2 Med 10 49 5 68 4730 59
Miranda U 280 76 2 Med 6 25 4 44 2660 59
Ngort F 240 145 2 Med 5 25 7 44 2650 54
Tokorn F 400 70 4 Med 11 50 12 84 12530 59
May'Duj K 220 65 3 Med 15 40 5 68 5120 59
D'ridren R 240 65 3 Med 8 35 5 70 4200 59
Constellation U 440 110 3 Med 10 45 6 76 8140 65

Cruiser Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Neterok C 310 270 1 Med 8 29 5 44 2990 91
Ambassador U 410 153 1 Med 7 25 5 44 3100 85
K'T'Inga K 340 140 1 Med 11 25 6 44 3210 100
Coront F 390 130 1 Med 7 25 10 44 3640 94
R'derex R 330 130 1 Med 7 25 5 50 2830 91

Cruiser II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Neterok C 350 290 1 Med 10 42 6 60 5180 91
Ambassador U 470 167 1 Med 9 35 6 60 5250 85
K'T'Inga K 380 150 2 Med 15 35 7 60 5840 100
Coront F 490 150 2 Med 11 45 14 76 11490 94
R'derex R 370 140 1 Med 9 35 6 70 5120 91

Strike Cruiser Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Keldon C 240 200 1 Short 6 36 10 52 3570 73
Nebula U 390 131 1 Short 6 35 11 60 5400 73
Negh'Var K 260 100 1 Short 10 35 11 60 5040 73
Ooron F 310 95 1 Short 5 30 17 52 4880 73
R'tan R 260 95 1 Short 5 30 10 60 4000 73

Strike Cruiser II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Keldon C 320 240 1 Short 10 62 12 84 11570 73
Nebula U 480 152 1 Short 9 50 12 84 11410 73
Negh'Var K 320 115 1 Short 15 50 13 84 12610 73
Ooron F 410 115 1 Short 9 50 21 84 16590 73
R'tan R 340 115 1 Short 9 50 12 100 14100 73

Command Cruiser Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Galor C 510 460 1 Short 14 49 8 68 9480 128
Galaxy U 600 208 1 Short 9 30 7 52 5320 115
D'Kora F 665 180 1 Short 12 45 17 76 14600 124
Vor'cha K 480 175 1 Short 22 40 10 68 10230 124
D'deridex R 540 175 1 Short 11 40 10 80 9890 128
Sovereign U 840 260 1 Short 14 50 9 84 14620 134

Command Cruiser II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Galor C 590 500 2 Short 19 75 10 100 23610 128
Galaxy U 660 220 1 Short 11 40 8 68 8520 115
D'Kora F 740 195 2 Short 15 60 20 100 29510 124
Vor'cha K 560 195 2 Short 28 60 12 100 26860 124
D'deridex R 620 195 2 Short 15 60 12 120 26730 128
Sovereign U 900 274 2 Short 16 60 10 100 21830 134

Heavy Cruiser Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Telok C 420 330 2 Med 13 55 8 76 9670 100
Galaxy-X U 610 205 2 Med 11 45 8 76 9730 100
K'Vort K 420 160 2 Med 18 45 8 76 10000 100
D'dredar R 440 160 2 Med 11 45 8 90 9930 100

Heavy Cruiser II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Telok C 460 350 2 Med 15 68 9 92 15570 100
Galaxy-X U 670 219 2 Med 13 55 9 92 15090 100
K'Vort K 460 170 3 Med 22 55 9 92 16640 100
D'dredar R 480 170 2 Med 13 55 9 110 16570 100

Colony Ship Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Ranol C 50 90 1 Med - -- - -- 1210 23
Edward U 70 55 1 Med - -- - -- 1210 23
LI'w'I' K 50 35 1 Med 3 15 2 28 1160 26
Tomax F 60 45 1 Med - -- - -- 1010 23
D'retex R 50 45 1 Med - -- - -- 860 23

Colony Ship II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Ranol C 110 130 1 Med - -- - -- 9380 23
Edward U 190 83 1 Med - -- - -- 4680 23
LI'w'I' K 110 50 1 Med 6 25 3 44 4680 26
Tomax F 160 60 1 Med - -- - -- 4160 23
D'retex R 130 60 1 Med - -- - -- 3240 23

Troop Transport Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Toran C 80 70 1 Med - -- - -- 910 26
London U 110 43 1 Med - -- - -- 1030 26
Glantor F 95 35 1 Med - -- - -- 880 26
ChowghwI' K 80 25 1 Med 3 15 2 28 930 28
R'daran R 80 35 1 Med - -- - -- 720 26

Troop Transport II Class
Name Race Shield HP Spd Range Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr I.Cost Maint
Toran C 140 110 1 Med - -- - -- 2450 26
London U 230 71 1 Med - -- - -- 3520 26
Glantor F 195 55 2 Med - -- - -- 3230 26
ChowghwI' K 140 45 2 Med 6 25 3 44 3450 28
R'daran R 160 55 1 Med - -- - -- 2470 26

Race Shield HP Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr Maint
C 270 210 7 16 6 28 12
U 330 127 6 15 6 28 12
K 270 105 10 15 6 28 12
F 300 105 6 15 9 28 12
R 270 105 6 15 6 30 12

Outpost II
Race Shield HP Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr Maint
C 310 230 9 29 7 44 12
U 390 141 7 20 6 36 12
K 310 115 13 25 7 44 12
F 350 115 7 20 10 36 12
R 310 115 7 20 6 40 12

Race Shield HP Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr Maint
C 600 460 19 49 13 68 104
U 780 282 15 35 13 60 104
K 600 230 27 40 14 68 104
F 700 230 15 35 21 60 104
R 620 230 15 35 13 70 104

Starbase II
Race Shield HP Phasers P.Pwr Torp T.Pwr Maint
C 660 480 21 62 14 84 104
U 840 296 17 45 14 76 104
K 660 240 30 50 15 84 104
F 750 240 17 45 23 76 104
R 660 240 17 45 14 90 104

Minor Races
There are 30 minor races and each has a special structure that
provides them with a bonus. These bonuses only become available to you
when they are a member of your empire. Diplomacy is the best way to get
them to join, but force works sometimes.

Acamarians - A clan society that has moderate scientific ability.
Home System: Acamar
Acamarian Clan Hall: +100% Credits, +1 morale
Andorians - An antenna-clad, militaristic race that wishes for peace.
Home System: Andor
Andorian War College: +25 Ship Experience
Angosians - They have a history of war based on genetic warfare.
Home System: Angosia
Super-Soldier Academy: +50% Ground Combat
Antedeans - Ichthyoid races that prefers no to travel in space.
Home System: Antede
Harvesting Complex: +100% food
Anticans -- A mammalian race that hates the Selay.
Home System: Antica
Mustering Base: +50% Ground Defense
Bajorans - Once highly advanced society of very religious people.
Home System: Bajor
Bajoran Jolanda Forum: +1 morale empire-wide
Bandi - A primitive race of great architects.
Home System: Deneb
Architectural Center: +100% Construction Research
Benzites - Advanced race that requires a breathing apparatus to travel.
Home System: Benzar
Industrial Center: +50% Industry
Betazoids - A peaceful race of telepaths.
Home System: Betazed
Counseling Academy: +50% Security
Bolians - Blue-skinned with a ridge they are masters of cosmetics.
Home System: Bolarus
Cosmetology Center: +50% Espionage Total
Bynars - They are a race linked by a central computer.
Home System: Bynaus
Planetary Computer: +100% Computer Research
Caldonians - Very tall humanoids with great research ability.
Home System: Caldonia
Research Think Tank: +25% Research empire-wide
Chalnoth- A brutal warrior race to rival the Klingons.
Home System: Chalna
Gladiatorial Arena: +100% Weapons Research
Edo - Primitive race that worships a being living above their world.
Home System: Rubicun
Palace of Edo: +1 morale empire-wide
Ktarians - A cunning race the builds small electronics devices.
Home System: Ktaria
Ktarian Game Studio: +100% Computer Research
Malcorians - Xenophobic race with near-warp capability.
Home System: Malcor
Kinetics Laboratory: +100% Propulsion Research.
Mintakans- A primitive cousin to the Vulcans.
Home System: Mintaka
Mintakan Farm: +100% Food
Mizarians - A cowardly race that surrenders to any foe.
Home System: Mizar
Monument of Surrender: +5 morale
Nausicaans- Prideful and strong society they have disdain for cowardice.
Home System: Nausicaa
Recruitment Center, +40% Ground Combat
Pakleds - They gain all their technology by taking it from other races.
Home System: Pakled
Collection Facility: +100 Research
Selay -- A reptilian race that hates the Anticans.
Home System: Selay
Selay Mustering Base: +50% Ground Defense
Shelliac - A stone-like humanoid race.
Home System: Shellia
Shelliac Bioengineering Center: +100% Biotech Research
Takarans - They are great scientists with a no internal organs.
Home System: Takara
Physics Institute: +100% Energy Research
Talarians - A warlike race that seems similar to Klingons.
Home System: Talar
Defense Network: +100% Ground Defense
Tamarians - A proud warrior race that speaks in metaphors.
Home System: Tama
Mythological Library: +300 Research
Trill - A symbiotic race with knowledge and wisdom.
Home System: Trill
Research Committee: +30% Research empire-wide
Ullians - Their mental powers too strong to ignore.
Home System: Ullia
Psychohistorical Archive: +25% Intelligence
Vulcans - This highly logical race that made first contact with Earth.
Home System: Vulcan
Vulcan Science Academy: +35% Research empire wide
Yridians - A cousin to the Ferengi, the deal in espionage.
Home System: Yridia
Intelligence Service: +40% Espionage Total
Zakdorn - Arrogant Tactical Geniuses
Home System: Zakdorn
Military Academy: +100 Ship Experience

If you are a warlord then disregard this section. Diplomacy is
probably the easiest part of the game with some empires being better at
it than others. The duties of this can be paying a bribe to keep the
peace, to quelling a warring state with a non-aggression treaty. Best to
worst: Federation, Romulan, Ferengi, Cardassian, and Klingon. This is
mainly due to the types of statements that each empire makes. The effect
of many treaties will be due to the choice of words, territorial
disputes, and amount of money that goes along with it. The Federation has
a wide variety and generally is more cordial in manner. The Romulans are
logical and show that with their words which are generally neutral. The
Ferengi, though respectful often show their want for trade and monetary
goals in their words. Cardassian always have an underlying want to show
superiority for their neighbor and some races will outright hate upon
meeting them. Klingons are honorable, have a decided lack of
friendliness, and there is usually a forcefulness in their words. To
begin with, there are seven types of treaties that can be made. They are
Friendship, Request, Gift, Affiliation, War Pact, Membership, and Declare

Minor Race Acquisition
To get a minor race inside your empire is a slow process. It is
important the right words are chosen. Not that this is too difficult
considering there are three to four ways to say something, but
understanding this will make your money do the best job at softening them
up to you. Always read or listen to the Race Info when the first appear.
Most races are either highly scientific, primitive, or very warrior-like
so appeal to that nature. The scientific races want kindness and truth in
their diplomacy while warrior races want it sweet and to the point.
Primitive races have a little more tolerance, but generally they like
kindness. Mizarians are the only that truly don't care and will offer
membership as soon as you meet them. Once you figure out the right words
just keep using them when you make a treaty. The following list may help.
Some races don't quite fit.

Warrior Races: Acamarians, Andorians, Angosians, Anticans,
Chalnoth, Nausicaans, Selay, Talarians
Scientific Races: Antedeans, Bajorans, Benzites, Betazoids, Bolians,
Bynars, Caldonians, Ktarians, Malcorians,
Mizarians, Shelliac, Takarans, Tamarians, Trill,
Ullians, Vulcans, Yridians, Zakdorn
Primitive Races: Bandi, Edo, Mintakans, Pakleds

The second step is to gain their confidence. There are three level
of friendship treaty with a minor race. Each is only really usable if the
race feels something for you. This list shows when to ask for a treaty
from a minor race.

Receptive - Friendship Treaty
Cordial/Enthusiastic - Affiliation Treaty
Worshipful - Membership.

The only way to get them through diplomacy is to work on each treaty
and acquire more of their respect. Remember that minor races already
affiliated with another empire can not be bought without declaring war on
that empire and getting them to switch sides.

System Management
You have to be a fan of micro-management to win this game. I
recommend and conquest style game going back to the 8-bit Nintendo(TM)
system. At times it is completely overwhelming. If this happens just
stop playing and come up with a plan. This may sound stupid, but it
works because sometimes it seems like the computer is on drugs, like
sending an enemy Troop Transport into a fleet of Cruisers. Each system
has the ability to provide food, industry, energy, intelligence, and
research to an overall effort and each has upgrades as time goes by.
Only intelligence and research are used as an empire wide statistic.

Balance vs. Specificity
There are several ways to look at this systems, either balanced or
specific. Each can work, but you must always put everyone to work as
soon as possible. In the beginning this will not matter, but to defeat
you enemies you have to pick one. Commonly upgrades will require fewer
structures than before. This is most evident with food production.
This frees up labor so that it can be put into the other functioning
areas. It would be wise to put this in both intelligence and research.
A balanced system strategy requires that all systems effectively
operate the same regardless of the population. If a system has 95
million people just thing of it as a microcosm to that giant 400 million
people system. The positive is that if any one system is lost or is in
the process of upgrading, then the others do not suffer as much. This is
a major consideration for construction. The negative is that they
require upgrade for every system. This can be time-consuming and a real
headache. It is important to provide the two necessities to use this
strategy which are food and production. All structure will be less of a
hassle if the production level of the system is high. Even equipment
upgrades are easier.
A specific system strategy says that each system has a vital role
like intelligence, shipbuilding, or research. Since food nor energy is
distributed between systems no solar system can just produce food or
energy. This requires much planning that may require you to actually
write down the plan for each system (Whoa, paper use in a video game?).
If you find a better way then use it, but 20 systems under your control
is time-consuming. I have tried both strategies and they both work fine.
You will find that there are certain hindrances when trying to move
things quickly with this strategy. If there is a lack of industry in
the system to provide for newer structures many will have to bought.
Systems should be broken down into three classes: Shipbuilding,
Intelligence, and Research. Small systems should never be a Shipbuilding
system, while the home planet should always be a production planet. Any
system with Dilithium should be a Shipbuilding system.

New Systems
This is a tricky business. It is vital that for the best growth all
planets are terraformed before colonization occurs. It is useless to
send multiple colony ships to one system every time you want to expand.
The growth per turn percentage is available for the system before anyone
is there. A system with a Class M planet with always grow faster than
most are the ones that you want most next to those systems with
Dilithium. If a system has more than 2.0% growth then structures will
have to be constructed way ahead of time, while those under 1.0% growth
don't have to be looked after so often. The build list can be put to
automatic so that necessary structures are made when they are need.
Usually this doesn't work well for a brand new colony because nothing
can be produced very quickly (who needs a 100 turns to make a farm).
Most of the time, the equipment will have to be bought. Save money for
this if you plan galactic conquest. A farm for a new system should cost
less than 300 credits. If there is a Class P planet and you have Wind
Turbine and Charge Collectors capability then make them a priority for
powering research structures. This means a lot if you have five systems
with +100 research. Don't force the system growth so much rather than
let them grow into their surroundings, this give you time to fight and
manage diplomacy without a headache. Food and industry are an early
priority. If the new system is to become strong then it must be able to
produce its own equipment. A good ratio for larger colonies is one Farm
to one Production facility. After food is taken care of, then manual
upgrades can be done along with powered structures.


Special Structures
All races have the Aquaculture Center and basic or advanced
replicators. They have some kind of general science enhancement which is
either a Theoretical Simulator (+100 Research) or a Subatomic Simulator
(+150 Research). Finally the scanners of each has two upgrades with the
Cardassians getting the best in a Covert Sensor Array (+6 Scan Range),
all other get Isolinear Scanners (+4 Scan Range). Orbital Batteries,
Bunker Networks, and Planetary Shields exist for all races with no

Inquisition: +10 morale
Labor Camp: +25 industry, -1 morale
Re-education Center: +2 morale
Phoenix Facility: +100 Intelligence
Forced Labor Farms: +60 food, -1 morale
Obsidian Order: +30% Espionage and Sabotage, +1 morale
Central Command: +40 ship Experience, +1 morale
Theoretical Simulator: +100 Research
Covert Sensor Array: +6 Scan Range
Basic Replicators: +30 Food

Genesis Research Lab: +100% Biotech Research, +1 morale
Daystrom Institute: +100 Computer Research, +1 morale
Martial Law: +7 morale
Trade Center: +50% Credits
Federation Council: +1 morale empire-wide
Private Farms: +20 food, +1 morale
Utopia Planitia: +200 shipbuilding, build special ships, +1 morale
Starfleet Academy: +50 Ship Experience, +1 morale
Subatomic Simulator: +150 Research
Isolinear Scanner: +4 Scan Range
Federation Replicator: +50 Food

Astrophysics Academy: +100% Energy Research, +1 morale
Tribunal: +9 morale
Imperial Senate: +1 morale empire-wide
Phoenix Facility: +100 Intelligence
Tal Shiar: +25% General Intelligence, +1 morale
Organic Regenerators: +50% food
Singularity Plant: +2 Dilithium
Naval Academy: +35 Ship Experience, +1 morale
Subatomic Simulator: +150 Research
Covert Sensor Array: +6 Scan Range
Advance Replicator: +50 Food

Combat Testing Center: +100% Weapon Research, +1 morale
Police State: +9 morale
Mining Prison: +1 Dilithium, -1 morale
Great Hall: +1 morale empire wide
Forced Labor Farms: +60 food, -1 morale
Tactical College: +45 Ship Experience, +1 morale
Hall of Warriors: +100% Ground Combat, +1 morale
Theoretical Simulators: +100 Research
Isolinear Scanner: +4 Scan Range
Basic Replicator: +30 Food

Festival of Fun: +8 morale
Franchise Office: +5 trade routes, +1 morale
Trade Center: +50% credits
Holo-Cinema: +1 morale
Fantasy Land: +1 morale empire-wide
Private Farms: +20 food, +1 morale
Tower of Commerce: +50% income on trade routes, +1 morale
Commerce Authority: +25% economic intelligence, +1 morale
Theoretical Simulator: +100 Research
Isolinear Scanner: +4 Scan Range
Advanced Replicator: +40 Food

Tactical Combat
The most important part of winning is the choice of maneuver based
on the enemy you are facing. Many start with a full frontal assault that
you may or may not survive, but if you do then this can mean the
difference between wiping you enemies off the face of the sector or just
flying around like some Ensign at the helm. A Cardassian Heavy Cruiser
in the right hands can take out four Galaxy Class Command Cruisers in two
or three volleys. A Starbase can wipe out an entire invasion fleet.
To really test out the variety of moves, you should wait until a
Destroyer Class ship or better can be built. Wait for a battle, even if
you are likely to lose, and test them out. Be sure to save so that you
can come back and retry. You will be surprised at how some moves work out
even if they shouldn't. You can also change the view around with the
arrow keys or using the interface with the mouse. A buggy part about
the game is no native 3D support (Voodoo or RivaTNT) and sometimes you
don't see the battle in the way you want to even if you change the view.

Charge: Torpedoes first, then Phasers attack at close range and
continue to stay near the target.
Assault: Phasers first, then Torpedoes all at long range while
staying a medium range from the target.
Strafe: A pass across the side of an enemy ship firing at close
Flyby: Same as strafe but for larger ships.
Circle: Good for multiple ships, they go in for attack, then flee
while still firing at long range.
Harry: Same as circle, but at short range.
Ram: This is used for last ditch effort and doesn't necessarily
destroy the ship.
Retreat: Overwhelmed or a friendly ship, the just run away. You can
still be killed while attempting this.
Evade: Use this if you have a chance of regrouping and defeating
you enemy. Remember that grouped ships have a better chance
of survival if they evade individually.

Successful Tactics
1. Most ships have the full set of tactics available to them, but some
like a Colony ship or Troop Transport have vastly limited abilities.
2. Command Cruisers always enhance the battle situation for the smaller
ships and Heavy Cruisers by provide better targeting and movement.
It can also be the one thing that helps win a battle. Offensively,
the smaller ship can harass larger targets for more damage.
Defensively, destroying the enemy Command Cruiser tends to disrupt
the attack of your enemy. Sometimes if the enemy Command Cruiser is
under attack the others will scatter.
3. Another Tactic is to give all ships as much experience as possible.
Crews ranked "Green" are no match for a "Legendary" Crew, even in
larger numbers. Acquire a race like the Zakdorn if you want to
improve the rate of training.
4. All maneuvers have their value and must be practiced to understand
their tactical usage.
5. Slower units and injured units should be from the lead group and
provide backup. Ships phaser and torpedo strength never decrease.
6. If evasion is necessary, then split up units to give them a greater
chance of survival. It is hard for an enemy to target multiple ship
going opposite directions.
7. Klingon ships have poor aft defenses so use it to your advantage.
8. Federation Command Cruisers and a Destroyer can be more deadly than
any other races with the same exact configuration because of
increased accuracy.
9. All Romulan ships should cloak before an offensive attack or the
surprise will be lost. It only takes one the prevent this.
10. Cardassian ship should rely on the fact that the can fire at any
angle, so evasion is not as bad.
11. Ferengi ships are great in group attacks and their shields recover
very fast.

Ship Pairings
2+ Heavy Cruisers - Complete killers.
5 Destroyers - System Raid at 100% or more.
Colony Ships and Troop Transports should be escorted to their
destination system when in war.
1 Command Cruiser + Any - enhances present situation.
Outposts and Starbase should have a defending ship in the sector.
To defeat cloaked ships, simply outnumber enemy and hope...

Experience Levels
All abilities Increase as their experience does leaving fewer
vulnerabilities. Even raiding destroyers vastly improve by about 5%
percent per experience level while the start at about 15% each for a
Green crew. Each ship has a defense number and a damage control
percentage. Klingon ships have very high defense number while Ferengi
have relatively low which also increase with battle experience. All
races have structures that help increase the initial ability of the
crew to Regular level and their training is easier.
Green: 0 - 699
Regular: 700 - 1999
Veteran: 2000 - 4999
Elite: 5000 - 7999
Legendary: 8000+

Raid Modifier:
The farther out you are from the sector from which the trade route
originates the harder it is to have a successful raid. Larger ship
can raid, but with very poor results. Destroyers are the best for this.
Grouping ships together enhances the percentage. The percentages below
stand for general rankings.

Intercept Modifier:
To intercept enemy ships you must have ships with at least medium
range capability and still be in a sector that you control. The faster
the ship the greater range it can intercept in a single turn. Destroyers
are best for this. Grouping ships together enhances the percentage. The
percentages below stand for general rankings.

Damage Control Modifier:
All ships begin with no damage control and all ships gain it by
the same amount.
Green: 0%
Regular: -10%
Veteran: -25%
Elite: -40%
Legendary: -75%

Defense Modifier:
Every ship begins with a base modifier. The larger the ship the
lower the defense modifier. This helps during all combat.

Name: Name of ship classification
Race: C = Cardassian, U = Federation, F = Ferengi, K = Klingon,
R = Romulan
Raid: Initial percentage that trade route will be raided.
+Raid: Increase per level of raid percentage.
Intercept: Initial percentage that a invading ship will be intercepted
by specific ship.
+Intercept: Increase per level of intercept percentage.
Defense: Initial ship defense modifier for each level of experience.
All ships gain five defense points per level
An"*" after a number indicates that once this number is reached it
does not increase afterwards.

Scout Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Nerok C 15% +0% 25% +5% 55
Oberth U 10% +0% 25% +5% 50
Bronta F 35% +0% 25% +5% 72
B'rel K 25% +0% 25% +5% 74
D'renet R 20% +0% 25% +5% 55

Destroyer Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Netel C 15% +10% 40% +20% 85
Miranda U 15% +10% 40% +20% 70
Ngort F 35% +10% 40% +20% 84
Tokorn F 35% +10% 40% +20% 108
May'Duj K 25% +10% 40% +20% 126
D'ridren R 20% +10% 40% +20% 95
Constellation U 10% +10% 40% +20% 110
Defiant U 10% +10% 40% +20% 145

Cruiser Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Neterok C 10% +5%* 23% +3% 55
Ambassador U 10% +5%* 23% +3% 55
K'T'Inga K 25% +0% 23% +3% 84
Coront F 35% +0% 23% +3% 96
R'derex R 20% +0% 23% +3% 60

Strike Cruiser Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Keldon C 10% +5%* --- --- 75
Nebula U 10% +0% --- --- 70
Negh'Var K 25% +0% --- --- 112
Ooron F 35% +0% --- --- 96
R'tan R 20% +0% --- --- 75

Command Cruiser Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Galor C 10% +5%* --- --- 100
Galaxy U 10% +0% --- --- 60
D'Kora F 35% --- --- 90
Vor'cha K 25% +0% --- --- 91
D'deridex R 20% +0% --- --- 65
Sovereign U 10% +0% --- --- 80

Heavy Cruiser Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Telok C 15% +0% 23% +3% 95
Galaxy-X U 10% +0% 23% +3% 95
K'Vort K 25% +0% 23% +3% 112
D'dredar R 20% +0% 23% +3% 80

Colony Ship Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Ranol C --- --- --- --- 40
Edward U --- --- --- --- 35
LI'w'I' K --- --- --- --- 63
Tomax F --- --- --- --- 54
D'retex R --- --- --- --- 45

Troop Transport Class
Name Race Raid +Raid Intercept +Intercept Defense
Toran C --- --- --- --- 50
London U --- --- --- --- 50
Glantor F --- --- --- --- 66
ChowghwI' K --- --- --- --- 77
R'daran R --- --- --- --- 50

Research and Technology
Research is measured in teraquads, which you have probably heard all
over Star Trek: The Next Generation(TM). Each research point seems to
represent one teraquad of information and are divided to a percent for
each subject. Even if you have no research points the research progress
still increases. The Research is broken into six basic categories:
Biotech, Energy, Computer, Propulsion, Construction, and Weapons. They
initially start at 16 or 17% and can be changed on the fly.
There are 10 levels of each research subject. The player always
starts with level 1 research in all fields and after level 10 everything
is referred to as Future Energy 1 or Future Construction 2. I have not
noticed an improvement from say Future Energy 1 to Future Energy 2, so
you should move those resources to necessary research.
Biotech helps with food.
Energy supports ship properties, ship upgrades, and planetary power.
Computer affects the intelligence and research upgrades.
Propulsion supports ship properties and new ship design.
Construction only affects the production of items and is a basic
model for how sophisticated the civilization of that system is.
Weapons allows for ship upgrades.

Some areas are easier to research than others. The following is a
list of the areas with their maximum research value and the approximate
percentage to keep them in balance. This should cause the areas to all
reach their new level at the same time.
Energy - 70000 (11%)
Biotech - 81700 (14%)
Computer - 93400 (16%)
Propulsion - 105100 (18%)
Construction - 116800 (20%)
Weapons - 128500 (21%)

If you want to know how long it will take you to get to a specific
level use the equation below. Remember that all info on research points
per subject and the amount to get to certain level are inside the game
under "Tech Level Database".

U-L T = Turns
T = ------------------- U = Upper level research points
[RP + (RP * RM)]*TR L = Lower level research points
RP = Research percentage in
RM = Research modifier
percentage in subject
TR = Total research points
Intelligence is a nifty thing, even for the Ferengi. There is a
balance between Internal and External Intelligence. Using to much
external can make it obvious that you are looking for a way in to another
empires society and can weaken you severely if you get caught
defenseless. It is broken into six categories: Internal Security,
Espionage, Sabotage, Economy, Science, and Military. As the overall
intelligence value becomes larger, incident occur more frequently and
with more drastic consequences.
The Romulan Tal Shiar and the Cardassian Obsidian Order are the most
powerful intelligence the game. They have the strongest espionage and
sabotage and can use mercenaries. Federation intelligence is mainly for
security purposes and has little power outside without acquiring a minor
race like the Yridians. Ferengi Intelligence regularly can obtain data
from every empire. Klingon Intelligence is general in all categories and
is much like the Federation. Unlike the manual, espionage and sabotage
need only a few percentage points to be effective. Consider that 5% - 10%
is the max for any category. The categories for espionage and sabotage
against another empire is broken down into General, Economic, Science,
and Military. Don't spread you external intelligence to thin or you risk
having everything listed below done to your empire.

Espionage: Obtain empire data and current levels of technology.
Sabotage: Destroy buildings, steal starships, assassination
attempts, data theft, poisonings, destroy starships,
cause rioting, steal credits, destroy credits.

Signs of Intelligence Comprising
Intelligence can be compromised in many ways. Sometimes they look
like the agents screwed up or that someone simply died in an accident.
Most likely these are signs that your security had holes in it. The most
obvious is if your buildings start to be destroyed or another empire
tells you.
To solve espionage or sabotage failures, one must stop for a few
turns and return the points to the internal security meter because enemy
empires tend to be vengeful. Espionage is not as serious as sabotage.
Sabotage can make even the most friendly empire declare war on you so
watch out.
To solve slow intelligence from a specific subject just switch for a
while. It is hard to compromise certain races different elements. Ferengi
have stronger economic security and Klingons have strong military
security, but that doesn't mean the can't be compromised.

Random Events
Many of the events that seem to occur are just passing ship in the
night that either attack unprovoked or just like to wander around. Most
are worth a lot of experience to the crew. As much as 7000 experience
points in one attack. Some just keep coming back like the Crystalline
entity, considering I only thought there was one.

Borg Cube - Deadliest thing that can happen. They can kill more than 120
million people in a single strike to a planet. Planetary
Shields and Orbital Batteries are ineffective. Only a fleet
of Cruiser or larger ships can defeat one. It must be killed
in one turn or else. It took 9 Heavy Cruisers to destroy it
in one attack and only 4 survived with heavy damage. Evading,
Ramming, Flyby, Strafe, Harry, and Circle will do little
good. Charging is the most effective way of killing it.
Shields: 6100, HP: 735.
Calamarain - Gaseous lifeform that lurks for waiting ships.
Shields: 1100, HP: 185.
Chodak Dreadnought - Huge Starship that roams around for no reason. Will
not fire unless provoked and sometimes even if
provoked. Shields: 1000, HP: 195.
Combat Drone - It doesn't come back once you kill it, so don't fret about
fighting it again. Shields: 550, HP: 80.
Crystalline Entity - Not the worst after a while. Its graviton beams can
only do around 800 points of damage so any Starbase
can kill this easily. They can wipe out an entire
system. Shields: 300, HP: 1030.
Edo Guardian - Not that this is really much of an enemy. It just stays
in the Edo system and does nothing if provoked. It is
more powerful than a Borg Cube so just stay away.
Shields: 6350, HP: 1035.
Gomtuu - A lonely, suicidal sentient starship that just is looking for a
place to die. If you leave it alone it will go on its way or
stick around doing nothing, but if you attack it will do a 360
move killing or heavily damaging most of your ships after you
have depleted it's shields. Not really worth the attack.
Husnock Raider - Horrible ship from an extinct race that can kills
anything it comes across. Doesn't actually look like the
ship from the show. Shields: 650, HP: 140.
Tarrellian Ship - One of the worst and the easiest to get rid of. Their
ship has no weapons so if you happen upon it just kill
them fast for experience points. Their ships can move
fast, something like three sectors per turn. There is
more than one so watch out for multiple. They tend to
kill more than 30 million people per turn and can
destroy your home system in a matter of minutes.
Shields and Orbital Batteries do nothing to them.
Shields: 600, HP: 130.
Version 1.2 Updates
Added shield and HP info for random events.
Incorrectly named home systems fixed.
The Ferengi troop transport is called Tomax, but is really Glantor.
The Romulan troop transport is called D'retex, but is really R'daran.
Version 1.1 Updates
Minor spelling errors.
More Empire info including home system, treaty breaking and conquest.
Damage Control, Defense, Raid, and Intercept modifier for every ship.

Thanks to Josh Harrison for some info and tactical strategy and general
Thanks to Microprose for making such a fun game!
Thanks for reading this FAQ!
Email: for any errors or corrections.
Copyright 2000 Jamal Leyba

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Tipps für Einsteiger

29.Juli 2014
Savegame-Editor (für v1.02, Bestandteil des Multi-Patcher, Achtung: 2,6 MB)

17.Oktober 2013

16.Oktober 2013
Gamehack Table

14.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

17.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

10.Oktober 2013
Engl. Hinweise

17.Oktober 2013
Hinweise im Winword-Format

13.Oktober 2013

17.Oktober 2013
Einkaufen gehen ohne Geld

16.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
11.Februari 2016
30.December 2013
13.December 2013
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04.Maart 2019