Star Control 2

Star Control 2

17.10.2013 17:16:21
¦ Star Control II Solve ¦


The objective to solve Star Control II is the destruction of the Sa Matra,
a Precursor battle platform that is being fought over by the Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah.
This must be done before September 2160.

At the current time you begin, The Alliance has been crushed and all races
involved have either been destroyed or subjugated. The forces of the
Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah are meeting for a ritual battle for the Sa Matra. The two
Ur-Quan cousins have different objectives for how the galaxy should be
controlled. The Ur-Quan want subjugation and slave control. The Khor-Ah want
complete elimination of all races. Eventually the Khor-Ah will win and begin
a death march through the galaxy. You have until the above deadline before
they reach Earth.

Overview of Races:

Race: Androsyn
Homeworld: Eta Vulpeculae II 358.7, 256.6
Overview: These enemies of the Alliance disappeared. Consumed by the Orz they
discovered from an alternate dimension while testing new space
travel methods. The exact story can be found by going through the
ruins of their homeworld. This is a dead race.

Race: Arilou
Homeworld: Quasispace 613.4, 590
Overview: These allies of Earth are only around to do just that. This race
strangely cares only about Earth and it's safety. They could care
less about the other races. When Earth was placed under the slave
shield the Arilou disappeared back to their secluded home in
Quasispace, knowing Earth was protected. The Arilou have been
visiting Earth for many years, modifying it to protect Earthlings
from the same fate as the Androsyn. The Arilou will construct you
a Portal Spawner to enter Quasispace from anywhere if you bring
them the Ur-Quan Drive. They will join the new alliance.

Race: Buvixese
Homeworld: Arcturus I 964.5, 579.1
Overview: This race was destroyed by the Khor-Ah. The Druuge, fearing the
Khor-Ah would find them, placed a high powered Caster on the moon
of Arcturus I. This lead the Khor-Ah to this race resulting in their

Race: Chenjesu/Mmrnmhrn/Chmmr
Homeworld: Procyon II 24.2, 226.8
Overview: When the Ur-Quan defeated the Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrn they choose to
be slave shielded. Once inside, they began a 'process' on merging
their races into one, the Chmmr. You can talk to the Chmmr once
you have the Burvix caster. If you use the Sun Device on them,
the 'process' will be increased and the Chmmr will break through
the shield and modify your ship if you have the Utwig Bomb. They
will also supply you with unlimited RU and their Avatar ship
design once they are released.

Race: Druuge
Homeword: Zeta Persei I 946.9, 280.6
Overview: This race is the Crimson Corporation. An evil race that spends it
time running a dirty slave business. They will trade you the Ruby
Sphere, some useless junk, and cheap fuel for your crew. The only
thing you need from these people is the Ruby Sphere which you will
have to trade 100 of your precious crew for, I have found no other
way to obtain the Ruby Sphere. Note that if you do this more than
once the Earth station will become aware of your activities and
become very upset, raising the price of crew.

Race: Dynarri
Homeworld: None
Overview: This evil race of psychic beings took over the Ur-Quan long ago.
The Ur-Quan were enslaved and used for their evil purposes. They
modified the Ur-Quan genetically and created the green Ur-Quan,
an administrative part, and the black Khor-Ah, the workhorses.
The Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah discovered they could break the link while
under great pain. Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah began hurting themselves horribly
and were able to break the psychic control over them long enough
to kill every Dynarri in sight. In revenge the Ur-Quan converted
the Dynarri genetically into low intelligence 'Talking Pets'
which they use as translators aboard their ships. The Ur-Quan/
Khor-Ah swore they would never be enslaved again, and so to insure
this, they ste forth to enslave all the other races.

Race: Ilwrath
Homeworld: Alpha Tauri I 22.9, 366.6
Overview: These spider beings are one of the Ur-Quan's largest subjugated
fighting slave race. The Umgah have played a trick on them, using
a fancy Caster they broadcast at the homeworld the voices of two
gods, Dogar and Kazon. The Ilwrath's entire race is now
concentrated on carrying out the worship of these bogus gods and
they go forth killing all those in their path to appease the false
gods. There is nothing of importance you need from these beings
other then having them stay out of your way. They are almost
insane and will not help you in any way. If you get the Umgah
Caster you can broadcast at the homeworld system and they will
leave. Strangely, the Ilwrath homeworld is not within their sphere
of influence. You will need to use the Umgah Caster after you get
the Sun Device in order to reach the Chmmr. Currently the Ilwrath
are attacking the Pkunk to please their gods.

Race: Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah
Homeworld: Unknown - Not of Importance
Overview: The Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah were originally a single, brown colored,
peaceful race. They were part of an ancient alliance with the Taalo
and some other ancient races. Then they were taken over by the
Dynarri and changed. (See Dynarri). The Dynarri ordered them to
destroy all the other races in the ancient alliance. When the
Dynarri were finnaly defeated, the Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah were unable to
agree on what to do next. The Ur-Quan wanted to subjugate and
enslave the other races, preserving them, but controlling them.
The Khor-Ah wanted all other races eliminated. The Ur-Quan and
Khor-Ah began fighting. They eventually agreed on the 'Path of
now and forever' which stated that who ever wins in battle would
get control of the Sa Matra and whatever say in dealing with the
other races of the galaxy. The Ur-Quan won, and according to the
'Path of now and forever', the Khor-Ah had to leave in the galaxy
until the next time of the ritual battle. With the Khor-Ah gone,
the Ur-Quan took over and enslaved the races and defeated the
Alliance. Now the ritual battle is being fought again. The Khor-Ah
have returned and are now more powerful. They are in a sort of
insane state completely dedicated with the removal of all other
race. They will win control of the Sa Matra around Jan. 2159. At
which point the two races will sort of 'party' for a couple months.
During this time you will not be chased by any ships while going
through Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah space except around the Sa Matra. The
Ur-Quan will not even attack you but instead tell you to run for
your life. After about 2 months of this, the Khor-Ah death march
will begin. Starting with the Druuge, the Mycon, the VUX, the
Arilou, the Utwig, the Spathi (if they are still around), the
supox, the Utwig, the Yehat, the Ilwrath, and then they will hit
Earth. You should complete the game well before this death march
starts. You can watch it's progress on the Starmap. You should avoid
contact with these races until time comes to destroy the Sa Matra.

Race: Melnorme
Homeword: Unknown
Overview: This race roams the galaxy trading biological elements from planets
and locations of Precursor rainbow planets in exchange for 'credits'
which you can then use to purchase information and technological
advancements for your ship. You should buy the advancements
first. Most of their information is not as important as they
might have you think. They will also help you if you should become
stranded without fuel. If this happens and you have no credits
they will give you fuel in exchange for parts of your ship at a
great monetary loss to you. This race is insensitive to events
around them and think only 'business'. They are aware of the
happenings of the Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah and will leave the galaxy in
2159. Normally the Melnorme hang around all the large systems
throughout the galaxy, like Alpha Centauri and Alpha Illumnati.
After 2159 you can only reach them if you have a Caster which you
simply use in Hyperspace, then wait and the Melnorme will arrive.

Race: Mycon
Homeworld: Epsilon Scorpii I 629.1, 220.8
Overview: This race of fungus 'seed' people is very unusual. They are the
only race that willingly submitted to the Ur-Quan as fighting
slaves. They expand their race by converting worlds like Earth into
'shattered worlds' which are suitable enrichment for the Mycon.
They have no concern for other races, and are responsible for the
destruction of the Syreen homeworld at Beta Copernicus I. They
also guard the Sun Device. You can obtain the Sun Device from them
by having the Syreen launch an attack against them as described
in the paragraph below on getting the Sun Device.

Race: Orz
Homeworld: Gamma Vulpeculae I 371.3, 253.7
Overview: This strange race mysteriously appeared replacing the Androsyn.
They guard the Taalo planet on which lies the Taalo Shield which
you need to protect your self from the Talking Pet. The Orz use
the planet to have what they call *picnics* on. In order to go
down on the planet you must become *campers*, to do so, simply
go to their homeworld and form an alliance. You will then become
a happy *camper*. The Orz will give you the design for their
ships and make an interesting visit to the Earth Station. Do not
discuss anything concerning the Androsyn, if you continue to do
this they will become hostile.

Race: Pkunk
Homeworld: Gamma Krueger I 52.2, 52.5
Overview: The Pkunk are cousins of the Yehat separated long ago. Their race
is highly 'enlightened' and happy. They are being destroyed by the
Ilwrath and eventually will go to re-join the Yehat. You can make
an alliance easily by visiting the homeworld, they will also give
you the Clear Spindle. When you see them move towards the Yehat
you can stop them from going by simply bullshitting with them,
don't let them reach the Yehat until after the Yehat civil war
begins otherwise they will be destroyed. This is not necessary
to win the game, but can help. (See Yehat)

Race: Precursors
Homeworld: None
Overview: This ancient race of high advanced beings is still never to be
seen. The only remains are various artifacts, your ship, 10
rainbow planets, and the Sa Matra.

Race: Shofixti
Homeworld: Formerly around Delta Gorno 290.8 26.9
Overview: After the defeat of the Chenjesu and Mmrnmhrn forces, the Yehat,
Shofixti, and Syreen retreated towards Delta Gorno. They ordered
the Syreen back to their homeworld, and set up a defensive front.
Then the Yehat queen switched sides and the Yehat left them. (See
Yehat). Unable to construct a force of significant strength the
Shofixti rigged their sun to explode, and when the Ur-Quan arrived
they blew up their system, destroying 30% of the Ur-Quan fleet.
There are some Shofixti still alive however, you can find them by
poking around the Delta Gorno system. If you run into one, DO NOT
ATTACK it, just keep insulting him and using ESC to get out of
battle. Eventually the Shofixti will realize who you are. You can
revive their race by bringing them the Shofixti maidens which are
currently in the possession of Captain Rex (See VUX). After this
happens the Shofixti will supply you with enormous crew at the
Earth station bring the price for crew down to 1 RU. They will
also supply you with their ship design. The Yehat have guided
the Shofixti out of the stone age and are very close. The
destruction and abandonment of the Shofixti by the Yehat has
brought great hidden shame on the Yehat. So shameful that if you
bring a Shofixti before the Yehat (the Yehat think all the
Shofixti are dead), proving they are still alive, the Yehat will
begin a civil war to overthrow the queen. (See Yehat)

Race: Slylandro
Homeworld: Beta Corvi IV 33.3, 981.2
Overview: This race of gas bags lives in a gas giant. They have been around
for thousands of years, back to the time of the Precursors. They
have some information of use. They primary need to visit them is
to stop the Red Probes which become increasing more annoying. If
you've talked to a probe at least once, and then talk to the
Slylandro, discuss the program with them in great length the mistake
in the programming of the probe becomes apparent and they will give
you a destruct code.

Race: Spathi
Homeworld: Epsilon Gruis I 241.6, 368.7
Overview: This pathetic coward race was the first alliance race to fall to
the Ur-Quan. When choosing their type of enslavement, either
fighting slaves or shielded, they choose shielded. However, the
Umgah who was responsible for transmitting the decision switched
the response deliberately and so the Spathi and now fighting slaves.
You can easily make them YOUR slaves by going to the moon of their
homeworld. The Spathi will join you if you agree to clean up the
alien beings off their home planet which they are too chicken shit
to deal with. After about 1 year, the Spathi will disappear off
the map. The bastards end up shielding themselves on their home
planet so they can hide safely (But not from the Khor-Ah, hehehe).
They will leave you the Umgah Caster which they took from the Umgah
on the moon. Other than that, the Spathi offer nothing other than
their ship design.

Race: Supox
Homeworld: Beta Librae I 741, 912.4
Overview: This race of plant beings is busy gearing up to defend themselves
against the Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah since they are not currently enslaved.
They will happily become allies, and will give you the Ultron
which you need to repair and return to the Utwig.

Race: Syreen
Homeworld: Formerly Beta Copernicus I 600.8, 263.1
Currently Betelgeuse I 412, 377
Overview: This race of alien women is currently subjugated in the same manner
as Earth. You will need them to launch a surprise attack against
the Mycon so you can get the Sun Device. (See paragraphs below).
Other than that there is nothing more you can do but fuck Talana,
the station commander.

Race: Taalo
Homeworld: None
Overview: An ancient race that has dissappeared long ago. Probably destroyed
by the Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah when the Dynarri took them over. Their
technology allowed them to construct devices to protect themselves
from the Drynarri psychic attacks. The only thing remaining of
this race is the Taalo Shield, which you need to protect yourself
from the Talking Pet.

Race: Thraddash
Homeworld: Delta Draconis I 253.5, 835.8
Overview: This hostile, but stupid warrior race was of the first races to be
subjugated into fighting slaves. Their society consists of building
up their technology and then destroying themselves back to the
stone age, repeatedly. Each time a change occurs they name their
race a higher 'culture' number. Currently they are Culture 19.
You can become allies by proving that you are stronger than they
are. To do this simply destroy most of the ships floating around
the homeworld system (do not attack the homeworld itself otherwise
you will fight forever). They will then submit and tell you
some information and give you their ship design. The currently
possess the Aqua Helix which you need and can only get to by
becoming allies. Once you have the Aqua Helix you can leave. They
will become very upset that you have taken the Aqua Helix and
become hostile.

Race: Umgah
Homeworld: Beta Orionis I 197.8, 596.8
Overview: This race of blobbies were the first race to be subjugated by the
Ur-Quan. This set off the creation of the Alliance. The Umgah have
a habit of playing nasty jokes on their neighbors, such as using
a Caster to imitate 'Dogar and Kazon' which the Ilwrath follow
madly. When they tried to use it on the Spathi, the Caster was
taken away with some force. The Umgah are masters at biological
engineering, and will have the Talking Pet in their possession
(or rather the Talking Pet has them). They are loyal to the Ur-Quan
and can be made allies somewhat by removing the Talking Pet from
their homeworld.

Race: Utwig
Homeworld: Beta Aquarii I 863, 869
Overview: This mysterious race consists of beings that wear masks based on
their current posture. Right now they are all severely depressed
because they broke their Ultron. The Ultron was sold to them as
part of a dirty deal by the Druuge who thought the device was
useless. Then when the Utwig tried the device and it's purpose
revealed itself they gladly took it. The Druuge looking very dumb,
left quietly. The Ultron gave the Utwig guidance, enlightenment,
and a sense of purpose and direction. Now they are contemplating
mass suicide. They will become allies if you repair the Ultron and
return it to them. With their Ultron back, they will no longer need
to commit mass suicide, so they will let you have the Utwig Bomb,
which is really a Precursor planetary destruction device.

Race: VUX
Homeworld: Beta Luyten I 433.3, 168.7
Overview: This race became enemies with humans when a human captain accidently
insulted a VUX when first met. Since diplomacy was delayed by this,
the Ur-Quan had enough time to subjugate them. They are solid
enemies and I could not get them to turn regardless of how many
apologies I made. The exception is Captain Rex. A VUX war hero, he
was given Alpha Cenrekov I 422.1, 198.6. He will trade you Shofixti
maidens for the VUX beast. After you give him the beast he will try
to dick you over, but the beast will escape and kill him. Then you
can just land and grab the maidens.

Race: Yehat
Homeworld: Gamma Serpentis I 492.3, 29.4
Overview: This race of bird clans was originally a good member of the
Alliance until their queen switched sides to the Ur-Quan suddenly
fearing that they would be defeated and break the old traditional
oath that they will never be defeated in battle. The Yehat
abandoned the Shofixti, leaving them to die. The Yehat are not
proud of this, especially since the Yehat have helped guide the
Shofixti over many years. If you bring them a Shofixti, they will
revolt against the queen and a war will break out. If you run
into the revolutionaries they will give you ships. The revolution
will eventually be won and a Pkunk queen will take the throne.

Race: ZoqFot
Homeworld: Alpha Tucanae I 400, 543.7
Overview: This helpless and humorous race of beings consists of 3 races
banded together. They are located inside Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah space and
constantly fear attack. They will become easy allies by simply
promising to protect them. You may be called once of twice to
remove an annoying Khor-Ah from their planet's orbit. They will
provide you with information on the status of the war between the
Ur-Quan and Khor-Ah.

Overview of Objects

Object: Aqua Helix
Location: Zeta Draconis I 277.7, 867.3
Overview: This is one of the 3 objects needed to repair the Ultron. It is
a treasured relic of the Thraddash and you will need to become
allies as decribed in the paragraphs below. One that is established
you can land on this planet and steal it. Note that the Thraddash
will become hostile once you do this.

Object: Burvix Caster
Location: Arcturus I-A 964.5, 579.1
Overview: This is the device the Druuge used to lead the Khor-Ah away from them
to the Burvixese. It is extremely powerful and you can reach
through the slave shield and talk to the Chmmr with it. It is not
necessary to have this device to win the game.

Object: Clear Spindle
Location: Gamma Krueger I 52.2, 52.5
Overview: This is one of the 3 objects needed to repair the Ultron and the
most easy to obtain. Simple become allies with the Pkunk and they
will give it to you. If the Pkunk have left their homeworld simple
land on the planet and search the buildings.

Object: Egg Case Fragment
Location: Beta Copernicus I 600.8, 263.1
Overview: This is the egg that Mycon 'Deep Children' travel in to convert a
world for colonization, with little regard for what race may already
be on the planet. This fragment lies on the former homeworld of the
Syreen and is part of the proof you will need to show the Syreen
that the Mycon destroyed their homeworld.

Object: Portal Spawner
Location: Quasispace 613.4, 590
Overview: This device will be constructed for you by the Arilou. It allows
you to enter Quasispace from any location in Hyperspace at the
cost of only 10 fuel units. This device is very important and makes
space travel much more efficient. (See paragraphs below).

Object: Ruby Sphere
Location: Zeta Persei I 946.9, 280.6
Overview: This is one of the 3 objects needed to repair the Ultron. You will
unfortunately have to trade 100 crew to the Druuge to get this.

Object: Sa Matra
Location: Delta Crateris V-A 620, 593.5
Overview: This is a giant Precursor battle platform, the symbol of Ur-Quan/
Khor-Ah supremacy. This ship is many times bigger than yours and
is highly guarded. You should not approach it until you have the
Talking Pet and you ship has been modified by the Chmmr.

Object: Sun Device
Location: Beta Brahe I 639.5, 231.2
Overview: This is a Precursor device that omits powerful light energy in the
close proximity of planets. It is used to speed up the process of
integration of the Chenjesu/Mnnrnrnrm on Procryn II. They will
then come forth from the slave shield as Chmmr.

Object: Taalo Shield
Location: Delta Vulpeculae II-C 422.1, 198.6
Overview: This device was constructed by the Taalo, an ancient race, to
protect themselves from the Dynarri's psychic attacks. It is not
exactly known what happened to the Taalo. You will need this device
to get the Talking Pet.

Object: Talking Pet
Location: Beta Orionis I 197.8, 596.8
Overview: The Talking Pet you obtain here is the only living Dynarri, and
ancient and evil race. Having been converted to Talking Pets by the
Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah this particular pet has been restored to it's
original state by the Umgah. The Talking Pet will take over the
Umgah homeworld and you will need the Taalo Shield in order to
retrieve it. You will need the Talking Pet to distract the Ur-Quan/
Khor-Ah for the final confrontation with the Sa Matra. If you
go here with the Taalo Shield, you will suddenly find yourself
talking to an Ur-Quan in the middle of their space. The Ur-Quan will
panic and rush to win the war faster. I do not know what effect
this has since I didn't let this happen.

Object: Umgah Caster
Location: Epsilon Gruis I-A 241.6, 368.7
Overview: This is the device the Umgah used to play their jokes on the Spathi
and Ilwrath. You will need it to order the Ilwrath away from the
Chmmr homeworld. You can get this device on the Spathi homeworld
moon after the Spathi seal themselves and disappear from the
starmap. You must have the Spathi as allies for this to happen.

Object: Ur-Quan Drive
Location: Alpha Pavonis VII 56.2, 800
Overview: This device can be found in the wreckage of an Ur-Quan ship that
crashed and failed to self-destruct. You will need to bring this
device to the Arilou to have them build you a Portal Spawner.

Object: Ur-Quan Vault
Location: Epsilon Camelopardalis I-A 593.7, 393.7
Overview: This is where the Ur-Quan stored the Syreen's ships after their
subjugation. You will need to go here after you are requested to
by the Syreen. Only the Syreen can open it and you have no need to
go here until such time.

Object: Utwig Bomb
Location: Zeta Hyades VI-B 850, 937.2
Overview: This is really a Precursor planetary destruction device. You will
need to bring this to the Chmmr to have it's power amplified for
the final confrontation with the Sa Matra. The Utwig will give you
access to retrieve this device if you return the repaired Ultron to
them. You will have to fight about 6-7 Druuge ships to get this
device. The Druuge are trying to take it as part of another dirty
business deal.

Rainbow Worlds:

Here are a few of the 10 Rainbow planet locations that are worth 500
credits from the Melnorme. They also have quantities of exotic minerals worth
tons of RU.

Groombridge I 996, 904.2
Epsilon Draconis I 283.6, 785.7
Gamma Aquarii I 853.7, 879.7


You should first go directly to the Earth space station (Earth is the second
planet, remember). Then after assist the station with some radioactive
elements from Mercury and checking out the moon, and destroying a small
Ilwrath fighter. (use your Earth ship to do this, two shots and it's gone).
Talk with the Earth station commander, he was tons of information on the
current events and situation. Then proceed to mine the system, you will find
a lone Spathi on Pluto. After a long talk, you can convince him to join your
fleet. He will tell you the code to talk with the Spathi at their homeworld,
and it's location.

For the first year or two you should concentrate and getting as many minerals
and biological stuff as possible. Watch out for planets with hot spots (the
fire trails), or high weather/tectonics classes above 3. If you see hot spots
as you land on a planet and don't yet have the shield, hit the secondary
(backup/special weapon) key and get out of there right away. You can make quick
trips down to planets with classes of weather/tectonics above 3, but you can
lose allot of crew and landers which can become expensive, especially since the
Earth stations supply of crew is somewhat limited at first. When you meet with
the Melnorme always trade the biological elements for new technologies, all of
which will help. You can always buy the information from them later, must of
which is redundant and can be found elsewhere. Mine the surrounding systems,
like Centauri. Avoid going west or you'll run into the Ilwrath which are too
strong to for you fight right now. You can run into their space, mine and run
out if you want. One way to earn credits fast is to find the Rainbow planets,
they are worth 500 credits each. The locations of a few are listed in the
overview of objects below.

Once have a good ship with plenty of fuel, you can begin meeting other races
and make alliances. The Pkunk, Spathi. The first thing you might want to do
is head up to Alpha Pavoris and get the Ur-Quan Drive and visit the Slylandro.
You need to talk to the Slylandro to deal with the annoying Red Probes. Be
sure you talk to a probe at least once. (See Overview of Races). Then go get
the Ur-Quan Drive, and go to the "space hole" at (43.8, 637.2) on the 17th of
the month (see overview of "Space Hole") and go in to Quasispace. Go to the
Arilou and they will give you the Portal Spawner. With the Portal Spawner you
can go into Quasispace from any location in Hyperspace. This will allow you to
travel all over the galaxy faster and using less fuel. Inside Quasispace are a
bunch of "holes", they lead to various locations throughout Hyperspace. So now
when you want to go someplace you just go into Quasispace, go through the
appropriate "hole" and you're almost there.

Where the "Holes" in Quasispace come out in Hyperspace at:
(Some coordinates are approximate - Don't forget that you can use the
Insert and Delete keys to zoom in/out on the starmap)

500.0, 500.0 - This is where the "Space Hole" appears from the 17th to the
20th of every month. it is also where you enter Quasispace when
using the portal Spawner
512.6, 541.6 - 574.9, 621.3 (Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah Space)
488.0, 538.0 - 973.5, 315.3 (Druuge Space)
466.0, 514.0 - 230.1, 398.8 (Spathi Space)
474.0, 497.0 - 611.0, 413.0 (Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah Space)
530.0, 528.0 - 775.0, 890.0 (Supox/Utwig Space)
544.0, 532.0 - 36.8, 633.2 (Arilou Space)
520.0, 514.0 - 11.0, 940.0 (Near Slylandro/Alpha Pavoris)
492.0, 492.0 - 5.0, 164.7 (Ilwrath Space)
447.0, 504.0 - 565.0, 971.0 (Top/Middle of map Near Delta Lyncis)
458.0, 492.0 - 860.7, 15.0 (Bottom/Right map area)
506.0, 475.0 - 189.0, 92.0 (Near Earth)
516.0, 466.0 - 567.0, 120.0 (Near Mycon/VUX/Yehat)
501.0, 460.0 - 381.0, 490.0 (Near ZoqFot)
478.0, 458.0 - 409.0, 774.0 (Top/Left Area Ur-Quan/Khor-Ah Space)
468.0, 464.0 - 921.0, 610.0 (Middle/Right area of map)

The next step is making alliances and getting the objects you need to solve
the game. All of the objects help in a way. Making alliances will allow use
to build ships from other races to help you through treacherous space. Getting
some objects require an alliance with a particular race.

You should first concentrate on repairing the Ultron for the Utwig. You will
need three objects, the Ruby Sphere, the Aqua Helix, and the Clear Spindle.
Once you have all these simply "select" them on the ships device menu and they
will each repair a part of the Ultron. Take the Ultron to the Utwig and they
will give you the Utwig Bomb. You will need to defeat approx. 6-7 Druuge ships
to get this necessary object. (See overview of objects/races on the above

The next object you need is the Talking Pet that the Arilou got from
the wreckage of the Ur-Quan at Alpha Pavoris VII 56.2, 593.5. It will be at
the Umgah homeworld causing trouble. To get the Pet you will need the Taalo
Device to protect youself from psychic attacks. You will need to defeat 10
Umgah ships to get the Talking Pet. (See overview of objects/races on the above

Next, you will need the Sun Device from Beta Brahe 639.5, 231.2. You will
need to have the Syreen forces launch an attack against the Mycon. To do this
you will need the evidence showing how the Mycon destroyed the Syreen homeworld
at Beta Copernicus I in Mycon Space. There you will find the Mycon Egg Case
Fragment. Go to the Mycon homeworld and ask the Mycon about the 'shattered
worlds'. They will tell you about the 'Deep Child' process. Then go to the
Syreen homeworld and show them your evidence. Then you will need to get the
Syreen their ships for the Ur-Quan vault on Epsilon Camelopadalis I-A
593.7, 393.7. They will then ask you to go back and make the Mycon aware of a
new planet suitable for colonization, the Mycon will then move toward it, the
Syreen will attack them by surprise and the Mycon forces will be significantly
reduced. While the Mycon are on the move, you can go to Beta Brahe and get the
Sun Device. You will need to defeat some Mycon forces to get this.

Once you have the Sun Device you will be unable to reach the Chmmr because the
Ilwrath will have their full forces blocking the planet. You will need the Umgah
Caster that the Spathi stole. Go to the Ilwrath homeworld system and use the Umgah
Caster to imitate their gods and order them away. They will then go attack the
Thraddash. (In case you are wondering they do manage to kill the Thraddash
but the Ilwrath sphere of influence is reduced to a circle smaller than the
Arilou, hahaha). Then you can go to the Procyon system and use the Sun Device
on the Chmmr slave planet. They will come forth and modify your ship, give you
unlimited RU, and the plans for their kick ass Avatar ships. You will be
transported back to base automatically and there you can dump all the weak
ships in your fleet for Chmmr Avatars. (See overview of objects/races on above

You are now ready for the final step, the destruction of the Sa Matra. Go to
Delta Crateris in Ur-Qua/Khor-Ah space. Inside the system you will see a huge
fleet of ships making a barrier circling the planet the Sa Matra orbits. Now
use the Talking Pet to distract them, them will instantly fly right out of the
system, leave only 6 ships guarding the Sa Matra, you can fight your way through
if you want for fun, but you will still need to use the talking pet before you
go to the Sa Matra. At the Sa Matra you will need to kill the 3 Ur-Quan and 3
Khor-Ah ships there. You may find it easier to use your own ship rather than
Chmmr Avatars, to save them for the battle with the Sa Matra. Once through
you will have to confront the Sa Matra itself. If you have started the Yehat
revolution, you will be notified by the Yehat that they have overthrown
their queen and they now have a Pkunk queen. They will give you Yehat/Pkunk
ships to replace any empty space in your fleet that you may have lost. The
Talking Pet will tell you how to fight the Sa Matra. The fight itself is not
terribly difficult. One tip that helps is when you have a bunch of green
bombs coming at you is to stand still, do not thrust, when they explode they
will give you a fast push away from the Sa Matra. You will float across the
edge of the battle area and come out the other side straight at the Sa Matra's
other side with good speed, usually enough to get hits on it before the green
things blast you away again or the fireballs reach you. Once you have destroyed
all 8 eight shield generators as the Talking Pet described, you can clear the
space of any remaining green things. Hit the ESC key to warp out and bring in
your big Precursor ship, just fly it into the hole in the asteroid belt where
the shield was and that's it. Sit back and watch the thing blow. The ending
scene at base is a little corny, watch for the races during the credits, it's a
good laugh. Now wait for Star Control III.

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