Command and Conquer Generals - Stunde Null

Command and Conquer Generals - Stunde Null

01.10.2013 20:03:07
You thought the war was over.
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Z E R O : H O U R
You thought wrong.

Copyright 2006 - Staley, Deuce ex Defcon. Any site that wishes to host any of
my guides is free to do so, provided you contact me prior to posting the
guide(s), as I like to know where they're being used.

I cannot guarantee any site other than GameFAQs will always have the most
current form of my guides, so if there's ever any doubt, always check GameFAQs.
If you find an outdated form of any of my guides on any site, please contact
me, and I will contact the site to get it updated.

All questions, comments, and so forth concerning this guide can be posted on my
site here:

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon).

| ========================= |
| | CONTENTS | |
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0.00) General Notes

1.00) Walkthrough

1.10) USA Campaign
1.11) Operation: Global Security
1.12) USA Mission 2
1.13) Operation: Snow Fall
1.14) Operation: Black Gold
1.15) USA Mission 5

1.20) GLA Campaign
1.21) GLA Mission 1
1.22) Hidden Agenda
1.23) On the Waterfront
1.24) Jarmen Kell and the Forty Thieves
1.25) Sneak Attack

1.30) China Campaign
1.31) The Dragon Unleashed
1.32) Defending the Fire
1.33) Liberation
1.34) Burning Skies
1.35) The Dragon's Destiny

2.00) Units
2.10) USA Units
2.20) GLA Units
2.30) China Units

3.00) Structures
3.10) USA Structures
3.20) GLA Structures
3.30) China Structures

4.00) Upgrades
4.10) USA Upgrades
4.20) GLA Upgrades
4.30) China Upgrades

5.00) General's Powers
5.10) USA General's Powers
5.20) GLA General's Powers
5.30) China General's Powers

6.00) Generals
6.10) General Granger (Air Force)
6.20) General Alexander (Super Weapon)
6.30) General Townes (Laser)
6.40) General Fai (Infantry)
6.50) General Tao (Nuke)
6.60) General Kwai (Tank)
6.70) Dr. Thrax (Toxin)
6.80) General Juhziz (Demolition)
6.90) Prince Kassad (Stealth)

7.00) End
7.01) Version History
7.02) Closing

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 0.00) General Notes | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

NOTE: The walkthrough is written on Hard mode, which is the hardest difficulty
setting the game has. It's important to note that there are more enemy
units in each mission during a Hard campaign compared to a lower level
campaign. Some defensive structures are also missing in lower
difficulty levels, so if you read about something in the guide but don't
see it during your game, that's probably why. Also, your starting units
and starting money can be different.

| ----------------------------------- |
| | 1.00) Walkthrough | |
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| | 1.10) USA Campaign | |
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| | 1.11) Operation: Global Security | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Baikonur Cosmodrome, Southern Kazakhstan

1) Secure the train depot and destroy surrounding GLA base.

- Destroy or capture all of the GLA structures around the train depot to
accomplish this goal. When you approach the depot, you'll receive some Rangers
and some Missile Defenders from a paratroop plane. While these aren't exactly
an overpowering addition to your force, they'll likely help you in your next

2) Move units into the train cars.

- The train has two cars, both of which must be completely full before the
train will start moving. Load all of your tanks and other vehicles into the
cars, then fill any empty slots with the troops that just paradropped in.

3) Destroy the GLA base.

- The train cars will unload north of the GLA base, and more paratroop
reinforcements will arrive. Clear out every GLA structure in the area, and a
bomber will end the mission for you with a nice little MOAB.


Start by getting the Capture Building upgrade from your barracks, then use two
Rangers to occupy the Oil Derrick and Oil Refinery slightly above and to the
left of your base. Get the Paladin ability from your General's point, then
crank out as many Paladins as you can afford.

When they're done building, arm them with Hellfire Drones and move north,
killing anything you encounter along the way. Halfway up, you'll discover an
abandoned group of buildings with some empty Chinese vehicles nearby. Send a
Ranger into the Overlord, then get the Speaker Tower upgrade on it. (Also note
that there're some crates of money north of the Overlord if you'd like to go
get them, though you likely won't need the money.)

Move your entire group north-west towards the train station, making sure your
Paladins stay in the front (so their lasers will stop rockets). Crush any
enemy units and buildings you see, and when they're all gone, you'll have
control of the train station. Both train cars need to be completely filled
with your units before the train will move, so stick all of your vehicles in
there, then fill the rest with the paratroopers you just received.

The train will empty slightly north of the GLA base. Target the Stinger Sites
first, then destroy anything and everything else. When every GLA structure is
gone, a bomber will fly in and finish the mission for you.

| ----------------------------------------- |
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| | 1.12) USA Mission 2 | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Coast of Somalia

1) Defend the docks.

- The main GLA pressure will come from the east, with only minor infantry
groups and a few Scorpions coming from the north. Fill the buildings on the
east side with Missile Defenders and a Pathfinder, but be warned - rocket
buggies can easily destroy it from out of your range.

2) Protect the incoming supply trucks.

- They'll land one at a time on the beach, then wait in the fenced area until
the rest of them arrive. Prevent GLA units from destroying them, both during
the landing and during the move to the warehouse.

3) Secure the warehouse.

- The supply trucks will move north, then take the upper bridge on their way
east to the warehouse, which is shown on your map. Move your units through
that area and clear out the bunkers, then cross the bridge and destroy the GLA
forces guarding the warehouse.

4) Find and Destroy the GLA structures in the mountains.

- You'll be given a Construction Dozer, so this won't be hard. Get a Command
Center up, then use your General's points to get the Paladin and the spy drone
abilities. With the spy drone and your regular satellite ability, you can
easily reveal the entire map slowly. Use your battleship and carrier to blast
every GLA structure on the map, or use a Paladin pile if you think that method
is too cheap for you.


Send a Pathfinger and a Ranger to the Oil Derrick and the Repair Bay. Capture
them both with the Ranger, and leave the Pathfinder above the Repair Bay to
defend it from GLA soldiers. Meanwhile, load the rest of your soldiers into
your Humvees or send them to a building on the east side of your landing area.
The majority of the GLA attack force will come from this side, so stay alert.

Reinforcements will continue to arrive along with the supply trucks. Gather
everything together (except the Comanches, leave them there for safety) when
the eighth or so truck arrives, and move north. Clear out the bunkers and
Stinger Sites on the way to the northern bridge, then cross it and eliminate
the GLA forces gathered at the warehouse. The trucks will follow this path
when they're all on the beach, so make sure it stays clear until they reach the

Once the trucks have made it to the warehouse, a Construction Dozer will arrive
on your beach. Bring your forces back to the east side for protection, then
start building your base. Get the Paladin and spy drone upgrades, and use the
spy drone and your standard satellite scan to reveal sections of the GLA
encampments along the northern edge of the map. Your battleship and carrier
attacks can literally end the mission for you from here on. Just keep finding
targets with your spy drone and satellite, and destroy them.

If you want to use a ground force, knock yourself out. Just watch out for Demo
Traps - they're spread all around the city and the hills. Bring a Sentry Drone
or a few scout drones with you so you can see stealth, then destroy the traps
before they wipe you out.

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| | 1.13) Operation: Snow Fall | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Mount Elbrus, Russia

1) Destroy the GLA POW camp and rescue the POWs.

- There're two sections to the POW camp, both of which will be revealed on
your map. Eliminate the GLA forces around each half of the camp to free some

2) Colonel Burton must survive.

- If he dies, you fail. Luckilly, he's nearly invincible unless you attack a
Tunnel Network directly from the front or something...

3) Move Colonel Burton to the rally point.

- The rally point is marked with a flare on the mountains in the far north.
Burton just needs to reach the base of that mountain, and a cutscene will take
care of the rest.


Select Colonel Burton and start moving north towards the first POW camp.
Infantry, Technicals, bikes, and even Scorpions are no match for Burton, so
simply blast the crap out of them if they get in range. The Tunnel Network in
front of the camp isn't even really that much of a threat, but you should be
careful with it. If necessary, attack if for a few seconds, then run, wait for
Burton to heal, and attack again. The Stinger Site in the back of the camp is
no problem, since Burton's machine gun will slaughter the rocket troops inside
it in no time.

When the camp's completely clear, some Rangers (and other troops) will come out
of the barracks. The Rangers are armed with Flash Bangs, so select them all
and switch them over to that ability. Head south and then east to clear out
the town there, using the Flash Bangs to wipe out the garrisoned houses. When
you reach the church on the far eastern side, send Burton towards it to rescue
some more friendly soldiers.

Time to raid the second part of the POW camp. Send Burton north-west towards
the mountains. He'll comment on the camp when you get close enough, as will
the computer (about the oil derricks). Burton suggests climbing over the rocks
to attack the camp from the south, which is fine, but it isn't really
necessary. If you'd prefer, you can simply get right up next to the mountains
and attack the western Tunnel Network with Burton. He'll usually destroy it
without getting himself killed if you attack from the side, but pay very close
attention to him just to be careful. If it looks like he's not going to make
it, retreat and attack again after he's healed.

Destroy the Arms Dealer structure after that, then run in and take care of the
Radar Van and Rebel. The building on the west side is garrisoned, so send
Burton into the building next to it for protection while he destroys it. Once
it's gone, take him out and send him into the identical building on the other
side of the camp, where he can easily take out the garrisoned guard tower and
the Stinger Site.

When all GLA forces are gone, more Rangers will come out of the camp barracks.
Use four of them to take the three Paladins and the Microwave Tank, then make
your way north into the mountains. The Microwave tank can paralyze base
defenses from a distance, so use it to shut down Stinger Sites and Tunnel
Networks, then send in the Paladins to finish the job. Be careful though - the
first tunnel network you attack will have vehicles and units in it.

When you clear out the defenses at the foot of the mountain, send Burton to the
area near the flare, and a cutscene will finish the mission for you.

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| | 1.14) Operation: Black Gold | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Amisbad Oil Fields, Iran

1) Destroy the GLA base.

- You'll need to destroy every non-defensive structure to complete this
objective. The only part that's even remotely hard is the Scud Storm. You'll
be spending most of your effort trying to defend your base.


Speed is definitely the most important part of this mission. You'll need to
move fast, or you won't have a chance. Build a power plant with one dozer
while the second dozer removes the demo trap and booby trap from the eastern
oil derrick. Use Burton to destroy the other two demo traps, then have the
dozer remove the other derrick's booby trap when it's done with the first.

Start building a supply depot near the supplies as soon as the power plant is
finished, and send a Humvee full of Rangers down the the derricks. Capture
them both, then send the Humvee, a dozer, Burton, and a Pathfinder over the
bridge to the west (slowly, there's a demo trap on the other side).

Keep two of the remaining pathfinders near the pair of derricks in your base,
but send the other three towards your Humvee pile. Terrorists are going to
constantly attack your base from the north and north-west, so keep the
Pathfinders positioned accordingly. Start building a ring of Patriots when you
can, but don't neglect your power in the process. Use your Avenger to cover
the Patriots on the north-west of your base, since Scuds and rocket buggies
will attack from the bridge there.

Meanwhile, you need to constantly keep your group on the west side of the
bridge moving. Use the Pathfinder to find demo traps, and have the dozer
remove them as well as the booby traps on the first five oil derricks you
reach. Send Burton south under the mountain range, where you'll find a group
of money crates ripe for the taking. Continue moving him west, and he'll free
a CIA agent, which you'll be able to use. Send them both back to your base
when you're done gathering the money crates.

Capture the five derricks you cleared, then retreat your forces to your base.
Concentrate on defending your base now. Patriots combined with a few Avengers
and some Pathfinders is the ultimate defense, so build a Command Center, War
Factory, and Strategy Center, then start defending. Don't spend any of your
General's points, though - you'll want the level three A-10 strike as soon as
you can possibly get it.

Once you make it to level three, get the level three A-10 ability, then use
your satellite to scan north of the mountains above the lake. You'll find a
Scud Storm, so send the A-10s at it. They'll recharge before the Scud Storm
does, so send them a second time to completely remove that threat.

With the Scud Storm gone, you're free to concentrate on defending your base.
When you're comfortable that nothing can penatrate it, start building a group
of Paladins (with an Avenger or two). Send them north over the bridge, always
leading with the Pathfinder to find demo traps. Watch out for the towers in
the town - the rocket troops inside them can shred your tanks if you're not
careful. (Pick them off with some Tomahawks if you'd like.)

Clear a path to the entrance of the GLA base with your group, then sit back and
level the place with Tomahawks while the Paladins and Avengers defend. If you
ever get your Pathfinder killed, make sure to replace him quickly - terrorists
can cause serious problems without the cover of a pathfinder.

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| | 1.15) USA Mission 5 | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Dr. Thrax's Toxin Facilities

1) Capture the 4 Toxin Missile Silos before they launch.

- Two are on the right side along the top of the map, the other two are on the
left side. Note that as soon as the GLA finds a ground unit of yours in their
base, you'll only have half an hour to take the silos. Avoid getting ground
units near their base if you'd like more time.


Start by building a pair or power plants, then get a supply depot going near
the supply pile. A barracks and a few Patriots/Firebases should be your next
priority, followed by the capture building upgrade and at least one Ranger.
Send him east to the GLA base and have him capture both oil derricks. When he
gets close enough to the GLA base, you'll be given control of it.

Two more oil derricks are on the west side of your base. When you have an
airfield built, start building Comanches and use them to defend the west side
of your base (and the oil derricks). Crank out four or five Quad Cannons from
a GLA Arms Dealer, then send them to the top of your American base with your
Patriots/Firebases. These will help destroy the plane that drops the toxin

Build a particle cannon when you get the chance, and a Scud Storm if you have
the money. A few Aurora bombers on your airfield won't hurt either. Get the
level three A-10 strike with your General's points as well - you'll likely want
it to help destroy the enemy Scud Storm.

Once the enemy Scud Storm is revealed on your map, wait until you have at least
two powerful attacks to send at it (A-10s, particle cannon, scud storm, or some
Auroras if necessary), then send them both at the same time to ensure its
destruction. With it out of the way, you're free to sit back in your base and
plot the destruction of the entire GLA base.

Mass particle cannons or Scud Storms work well, or you can take the ground
approach and send a wave of Paladins, Avengers, and Quad Cannons up there.
That's not the best of ideas, though, since you'll only have half an hour to
capture the silos as soon as the enemy spots one of your ground units in their
base. The better option is to use your super weapons and Auroras to knock out
as many GLA structures as possible, then send in the ground force when you're

Make sure you bring something that can see stealth when you approach the silos,
since there'll be some demo traps on the ground. Eliminate everything from
around them, then use your rebel ambush ability from the GLA Command Center to
get some infantry, which you can use to capture the silos. (Or you can just
send some Rangers up there somehow, I just find it a tad easier to use the
rebel ambush.)

Capture all four silos, and the mission will be over regardless of any
surviving GLA structures.

| ----------------------------------------- |
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| | 1.21) GLA Mission 1 | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Outside the city...

1) Escort GLA leader to airstrip.

- The limo needs to reach the plane on the airfield in the north-west corner.
Clear a path using your vehicles, then send the limo when it's safe.

2) GLA leader must survive.

- If the limo gets destroyed, you lose. Keep it safely behind your vehicles.


Leave the limo where it starts, then grab your vehicles and move south-east
along the path. Only light enemy resistance is waiting for you, so simply
push through. More bikes will join you when you cross the bridge, and you'll
be advised to find an alternate route past the enemy camp, though it's not
really necessary. Just crush the camp with your vehicles to reach the other
side, then send the limo up to your position in the GLA base.

Repair the base, then crank out a small group of Scorpions (with the Scorpion
Rocket upgrade, of course). Continue west when you have six or so of them, and
bring your remaining light vehicles too. A small base stands between you and
the airfield, but only two Firebases defend it. Level the place, making sure
there aren't any surviving units around. Send the limo to the plane on the
airfield, and this simple mission is complete.

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| | 1.22) Hidden Agenda | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Somewhere near Cairo, Egypt

1) Capture the Command Center in the city.

- You'll find this command center in the very north-east corner of the map.
Capturing it will give you the GPS scrambler ability. Be careful when you
clear out the enemy units and structures from around it - you don't want to
accidentally blow it up.

2) Capture the Command Center across the river.

- Crossing the bridge might prove a tad difficult, since the other side is
covered in demo traps, soldiers, vehicles, and Hijackers. A group of Scud
Launchers armed with toxin missiles works wonders for clearing the place out,
especially when combined with several radar vans so you can reveal any stealth
units and buildings.

3) Destroy or capture Kassad's main Command Center.

- Capturing the second command center will give you the sneak attack ability,
and it'll also trigger Kassad's Scud Storm countdowns. Use your radar van
scout ability to reveal stealthed units and structures on the clearing above
the second command center, then use your Scuds to clear the place out. Deploy
the sneak attack in the cleared area, then send a group of Scorpions through
the tunnel along with your Scuds. Use them to destroy the command center in
the middle of the water, and the mission's over.


Start building a supply depot as close to the supply pile as possible, then
build a barracks and an arms dealer. Try to build to the west, not to the
north - it's much easier to defend if you stay as far south as possible. Two
Tunnel Networks should be your first priority, since terrorists and stealthed
units will be the biggest threats. Leave room for a Palace between them,
though, since that'll be your main defense. Load the Palace with four rocket
soldiers and a Jarmen Kell as soon as you can build one, then get the fortified
structures upgrade along with the capture building upgrade.

Several Scorpions with the Scorpion Rocket ability should be enough to defend
the south entrance to your base. Take the oil derrick as soon as possible, but
watch out for the sniper in the building on the edge of the small town closest
to your base. Protect the derrick at all cost - it's a vital source of income.

Once your base is secure, your next goal should be to completely seal the GLA
on the other side of the river, which you can accomplish by defending the
bridge on the top part of the map. Thankfully, only the river bank is lined
with demo traps, but the city does have quite a few snipers. You'll want to
seek them out and slaughter them all, or your infantry will meet an unfortunate
end. I suggest mass Scorpions to get a foothold on the bridge, then send a few
Technicals loaded with rocket soldiers and your Jarmen Kell. Stick them in
the civilian buildings closest to the bridge, then stick a few workers behind
the buildings to keep them repaired.

When you have a strong hold on the bridge, use your radar van search feature in
conjunction with some Scud Launchers to clear the area around the GLA Command
Center in the north-east corner of the map. Don't destroy the command center,
though, since you'll need to take control of it to complete the first mission
objective. Once you capture it, you'll have the GPS scrambler ability, which
you can use to turn some of your units into stealth units.

Next up is the command center on the other side of the river. The approach to
it can be a little rough, since the place is laced with demo traps, vehicles,
soldiers, and worst of all, Hijackers. Personally, I armed my Scuds with toxin
missiles, then force-fired on the ground to slaughter the infantry. It works
wonders, but remember that the toxin will also hurt your Scorpions and other

You'll find the command center on the western edge of the clearing, where it
turns to hills. Capturing it will give you the sneak attack ability, but it
also starts a Scud Storm countdown. Before you capture the command center, use
your radar van search feature to scout the hills to the north. There's no
direct land route, so you'll be forced to use the sneak attack. First, though,
you'll want to use your Scuds to destroy the enemy units and structures, since
they'll decimate your sneak attack tunnel if you don't destroy them before you
launch the attack.

When you've cleared a suitable deploy zone, stick a group of Scorpions and your
Scuds into a tunnel network structure, then use the sneak attack tunnel to
reach the clearing you just made. All you need to do to finish the mission is
destroy the final command center in the middle of the water, which you can do
from a distance with your Scuds.

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| | 1.23) On the Waterfront | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Malta, Crete

1) Capture the USA Particle Cannon to the East.

- Your troops start with the capture building upgrade. Use the Quad Cannon to
clear the Rangers on the path, then send two Hijackers to capture the Paladin.
Continue to the east with the Paladin and the Quad Cannon, using the Paladin's
point defense laser to defend the Quad Cannon from enemy rocket soldiers.
Once all of the Rangers around the Particle Cannon are dealt with, take it.

2) Capture the USA Power Plants.

- Once you have the Particle Cannon, you'll be shown a new tunnel network on
the next island. Send your forces through your other tunnel and pop out on the
other side, then assault the base to the west. Use Jarmen Kell and the other
forces in that base to attack the US base north-east of there, and capture a
few power plants from it.

3) Locate the Aircraft Carrier in the Southeast.

- You'll have to island-hop your way around the map, eventually ending up on
continent farthest to the east. You'll be able to see the carrier from the
southern edge of that island. Hit it with the particle cannon to end the


Four Rangers are on patrol to the north-east, so use your Quad Cannon to kill
them from a distance. Grab a pair of Hijackers and have them take the Paladin,
then send the Paladin and the Quad Cannon towards the Particle Cannon. The
Paladin's point defense laser should help defend you against missile defenders,
but you'll still want to target them first. Once all enemy infantry are
eliminated, have a Rebel capture the particle cannon. Send all other units
back to the tunnel network.

When you capture the particle cannon, a second tunnel network will appear on
the next island to the north. Send your units through and head north to take
out the Tomahawk before it escapes, then head west and eliminate the trio of
Crusaders (capture them with any Hijackers you have left if possible). Take
control of this small base, then send Rebels into the abandoned vehicles in
the area (make sure to pick up the upgrade crates with your Quad Cannons, too).
Move Jarmen Kell and all of your other units away from the structures as fast
as possible, or you risk losing them to an A-10 strike.

Your next target is the small base to the north. Another group of Crusaders
is guarding the front, so pick them off with Jarmen Kell. For some reason,
Jarmen will only need two shots to destroy each of the Firebases, so take care
of those while you're there. Take the sniped Crusaders with some Rebels, then
send Jarmen back down to the Particle Cannon. You'll need him to defend
against paratroopers.

Capture several power plants from the base, then take a look at the north end
of the large island north-west of the power plants. Use your first Particle
Cannon blast to wipe out the two highest Patriots, then use your tunnel network
to send any surviving tanks you have up there. Don't send the Quad Cannons,
though - you'll want those to stay on the east side of the power plants so they
can defend against enemy planes.

Protect your new base structures from the tanks and infantry in the area, most
of which will come from the east side of the island. Start constructing a base
near the two supply piles, but stay far enough away from the third Patriot to
prevent it from firing at you. As soon as you have an Arms Dealer, start
cranking out mass amounts of Quad Cannons. Send a group down to the particle
cannon to defend it, and send another group to reinforce the ones guarding
your power plants. Keep a group on the east coast of this new island, too,
since planes will try to attack from there.

The islands to your west aren't really all that interesting, so concentrate on
the final island to the east instead. A group of about twenty Scorpions with
some Quad Cannons should be plenty to make it down to the carrier, especially
if you used the particle cannon to clear out the base before you deployed your
next tunnel network.

Make your way to the very south end of this island, where you'll find a
decently sized enemy base. Destroy it, then get as close to the south end of
the island as possible to find the carrier. Hit any part of it with a particle
cannon blast to end the mission.

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| | 1.24) Jarmen Kell and the Forty Thieves | |
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Mission Objectives Location: Western USA Coastal Toxic Facility

1) Team 1: Take the ferry to the beach.

- The ferry's mechanics are a little odd, so be patient when you tell units to
board it. Once you've got something loaded, highlight the ferry and use the
button on the bottom-right to make it move to the other side of the water.

2) Team 2: Obtain a Radar Van.

- There's a trio of abandoned Technicals near your starting location, so take
control of them. Grab two of the nearby upgrade piles with each of them, then
use them to destroy the three patrolling Humvees in the city. The Radar Van is
just slightly south of the bridge.

3) Team 2: Garrison the Valve Station.

- After using the radar van to clear the mine field and advance Team 1 to the
north, you'll be prompted to use the valve station to drain the water from the
secret route. Use Jarmen Kell to approach the bridge from the north, where
you'll find a pair of Tomahawks as well as a group of GLA prisoners. Snipe the
Tomahawks with Jarmen, then free the prisoners. Take the Tomahawks and use
them to destroy the forces defending the bridge. Stick an infantry unit from
Team 2 into the flashing valve station to complete the objective.

4) Team 1: Destroy the Airfield.

- You'll want to move fast with this. Perhaps the best option is to load two
Terrorists into some of the abandoned cars in the area, then send them to the

5) Team 2: Destroy the Power Plants.

- Before you do this, you'll want to wipe out the line of bunkers guarding the
route. Capture some of the abandoned Toxin Tractors using Team 1, then use
them to kill the garrisoned units in the bunkers. Move slowly, one bunker at a
time, and you should be able to clear them all out with a single tractor. Move
Team 2 to the power plants when the bunkers are dealt with, and CAPTURE them
all. Sell them to get a little money, which you can use later.

6) Capture the Toxin Facility.

- Using Jarmen and some Toxin Tractors, clear the garrisoned buildings in the
city on the way to the facility. Clear the bunkers with the tractors, then
approach the facility.

7) Transport the Toxins to the Airport.

- Three transport trucks will appear. You'll need to send them to the toxin
facility to gather toxins, which they'll take to the transport plane.


Use Jarmen Kell to snipe the three vehicles near your starting position, then
take them and move all of your units towards the ferry. The ferry's mechanics
are a tad odd - select your units and tell them to board the ferry, but be
patient. They all enter one by one using a set path, and it takes a while.
Once it's fully loaded, select it and use the button in the bottom-right corner
of its menu to move it to the other side of the water.

Use the disembarck button to eject your units. Send the ferry back to the
other side of the water, grab your other units, and send them to the east side.
By now you're well aware of the minefield in front of you, so switch to Team 2
in the south. Take the three Technicals to the east, then have each one grab
two of the upgrade crates a little farther to the east. (Also, have a Rebel
take the hospital.)

Use the three upgraded Technicals to wipe out the three patrolling Humvees in
the city (and free the infantry forces on the east side in the process). The
Radar Van is waiting for you on the south side of the bridge, so take control
of it.

Thankfully, it doesn't have the usual thirty second delay on it, so you'll be
able to search constantly with it. Use it in conjunction with your stolen
Humvees and Crusader to wipe out the minefield, then move north to the other
side. Send Jarmen Kell east, sniping the Paladin and infantry there. Send him
down the path to snipe the Ambulance and the two Tomahawks, then free the
imprisoned GLA soldiers. Take both Tomahawks and use them to blast the
Patriots above the bridge.

Use Hijackers from Team 2 to take the Crusaders, then send an infantry unit
into the flashing valve station to drain the water near Team 1. Send two
Terrorists from Team 1 into nearby abandoned cars, then send them towards the
airfield to destroy it. Cross the drained area with Team 1 now, and then take
control of all of the abandoned Toxin Tractors on the other side. Use them to
carefully wipe out the row of garrisoned bunkers by the bridge. If you attack
from the west side and hit them one by one, you shouldn't even lose a single
tractor (assuming you let it repair between strikes, of course).

With the bunkers gone, Team 2 is free to move east towards the power plants.
Capture them all with Rebels, then sell them - you can use the cash later.
Move Team 2 north through the narrow road, then stop at the abandoned Battle
Buses. Meanwhile, move Team 1 north-west through the city, using the tractors
to wipe out the garrisoned civilian buildings as well as the bunkers. Free the
group of trapped GLA soldiers on the west side, then move north and deal with
any remaining bunkers.

Approach the toxin facility and capture the Barracks on the west side. Build
as many rocket troops as you can, then concentrate on clearing the bunkers
south of the facility with your tractors. Use the trucks you're given to
transport toxin samples from the facility to the plane on the airfield.

Enemy forces will try to stop you. Stick some rocket soldiers in the bunker
south of the artillery platform, and keep the rest of your forces next to the
toxin facility. Jarmen Kell can snipe quite a few vehicles, so be ready to
take them with Rebels whenever possible. Don't take your eye off of the plane,
either, as enemy units will sometimes sneak over there.

Once the trucks have loaded fifteen samples onto the plane, the mission's over.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.25) Sneak Attack | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objectives Location: US Central Command
------------------ Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany

1) Eliminate the southern US Support base.

- Ignore the prisoners in the support base. If they die, their friends will
join your fight anyway. Just level the place with a pair of SCUD Storms, then
deal with what survived later in the mission.

2) Eliminate the main US base to the north-east.

- Once you have a firm hold on your corner of the map, mass Scud Storms are by
far the easiest way to deal with the main base. Use Radar Van scans to reveal
the base, then pick good targets. The huge pile of power plants in the north
west corner of the base is good, as are any of the three particle cannons (one
in the bottom-right corner, one in the middle near the top, and one slightly
east of the bridge on the west side).

[NOTE: This mission's objectives aren't really as well-done as previous
missions... they're not even really stated on the screen like usual.
I've just decided to list those two parts, since that's all you really
need to do.]


If you're playing this mission on the hardest difficultly setting, it'll
actually be one of the most challenging missions in the game. You'll need to
be extremely fast, and you'll need to do a fair deal of multi-tasking.

Start by building a supply depot with one of your two GLA workers next to the
small pile west of their starting position. Have the second one build a
Barracks above your Chinese Command Center (sell both bunkers first, they won't
be necessary). For this strategy to work, you're going to need to conserve
space in your base, so keep things tight.

As soon as the supply depot finishes, build two more Workers with it and make
sure the one you built it with is collecting supplies. Build an Arms Dealer
west of the Barracks when it's finished, then build a Palace directly south of
the tower in the north-east corner of your base (make sure the Palace is facing
due east). Man it with five rocket guys, and get the Capture Building upgrade.

Build a Combat Cycle from your Arms dealer, then send it north along the west
side of the map. You'll find an oil derrick and an oil refinery, so eject the
driver and capture both structures. Continue north with the Rebel to find
another derrick with some money on the ground next to it.

Keep a close eye on your money. As soon as it reaches five thousand, start
building a SCUD Storm on the left side of your base, and remember to conserve
as much space as possible. Meanwhile, take one of the combat cycles you start
with and head slightly north, then due east. You'll pass another derrick, but
ignore it for now. Instead, grab the money crates east of it, then drive
through the GLA base in the middle of the map and keep heading east.

Make your way all the way to the east, then move south to find a group of hills
in the corner. Follow the path in the hills to collect even more money crates,
but do it fast - US forces will likely be right on your tail. Use this money
to build more SCUD Storms. You'll want six or so of them.

By now you likely have enough General's points to get the level three cash
bounty, so do so. Use your fourth point to get the level one rebel ambush,
then drop Rebels onto the island in the north-west corner of the map, which you
should be able to see thanks to the oil derrick you captured near it. Use the
Rebels to capture the four oil derricks here.

By now you should've noticed the enemy particle cannons, so if you don't
already have a Black Market, build one (along with some Radar Vans). Get the
radar scan ability from the black market, then use the scans to reveal sections
of the US base in the north. The first particle cannon they complete will be
near the center of their base, close to the top of the screen (the satellite
hack ability from the Chinese Internet Center will show this one to you). The
second one that gets completed is in the very south-east corner of their base,
and the third is slightly east of the bridge on the west side of their base.

The particle cannons should be your primary concern, but don't neglect the US
base closest to yours. If you're fast enough, your first two SCUD storms
should be ready way before the US has time to get their Particle Cannons ready,
and you'll be able to use them to obliterate the support base. If the GLA
POWs get killed, it doesn't matter - the town to the north will still join you.

With your SCUD storms secured and the particle cannon threat under control,
your new primary concern is to defend your base against aircraft. Mass produce
Quad Cannons, building a second Arms Dealer if necessary. (You should have
plenty of money thanks to the derricks and the Cash Bounty ability.) Continue
mass-producing Quad Cannons and Scorpions until you've pretty much wiped out
the main base with your Scud Storms, then send a large group of Scorpions and
Quads to the bridge on the west side of the US base.

Despite the warning, it's not necessary to use a sneak attack. Just cross the
bridge with overwhelming numbers, preferably after taking out their power with
your Scud Storms. Destroy every non-defensive US structure to end the mission
(making note of the smaller base south of the water on the east side).

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.31) The Dragon Unleashed | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objectives Location: Stuttgart-Vaihingen, Germany

1) Eliminate all GLA forces in this region.

- As usual, this means all non-defensive structures. The paths leading to the
base in the north are lined with demo traps, so be careful. You'll also want
to use your artillery and carpet bomber to take care of the Stinger Sites along
the bottom of the base before you send your tanks in.


Build a power plant, barracks, and supply depot, then a War Factory and a
Propaganda Center. Build a Propaganda Tower on the top of the Overlord, then
send it to the east with the two Listening Outposts and a Troop Crawler. Move
slowly, detonating demo traps whenever you see them. Turn south on the other
side of the gap and capture the US buildings there. Get the Flash Bang upgrade
from the Barracks, then train a few Rangers.

Continue moving east along the bottom of the map, then turn north on the far
eastern side of the map. Capture the GLA vehicles below the town if you'd
like, and definitely take control of the oil derrick and the oil refinery.
Assault the town between you and the bridge next, using your Rangers to Flash
Bang the garrisoned buildings. Continue moving west now, all the way to the
main section of town.

Clear out the town, making sure to capture the oil derrick and the repair bay.
If your base is being attacks, build a group of Battlemasters and get the
Nationalism upgrade from your Propaganda Center. Set the Battlemasters on
guard mode, then build a Propaganda Tower or two near them to keep them
repaired. Concentrate on building as many Battlemasters (and some Gattling
Tanks) as possible now.

Meanwhile, use your General's points to get the carpet bomber and the artillery
barrage as soon as possible. Move your tank pile north along the west side of
the map (avoiding demo traps when necessary). When you reach the path leading
to the GLA-occupied base, make sure it's free of demo traps, then cross it to
get a look at its defenses. As soon as you see a Stinger Site, launch your
carpet bomber and retreat your tanks.

The goal is to take out the Stingers before you assault the base. Use your
artillery as well, and drop cluster mines to thin out the vehicles (as well as
scout further into the base). Once the Stingers are gone, move your pile in
and wipe the place out. If your first wave gets decimated, consider bringing
some Inferno Cannons with you in your second rush. Their long-range attack can
help weed out enemy units before they reach your tanks, and they work wonders
against infantry.

Destroy every non-defensive GLA-controlled structure to end the mission.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.32) Defending the Fire | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objectives Location: Weapons Production Facility, China

1) Defend the Reactor and Storage Bunkers. They must not be captured or

- The timer in the lower-right part of your screen represents the time before
your reinforcements arrive. Build several more Supply Trucks and have two
collect supplies from each of the two supply piles. Since all you can build
right now is infantry, crank out Tank Hunters like crazy. The enemy will
attack all four corners of your base, so make sure defend them all.

2) Destroy all GLA forces in the region.

- When your reinforcements arrive, you'll be given a dozer. Use it to finish
building a full base, then assault the four GLA bases in the corners of the
map. (Watch out for demo traps on the paths.)


Your first objective should be to get two supply trucks running from each
supply pile. Crank out Tank Hunters after that, and make sure all of your
bunkers are completely filled with them. You'll need to defend all four
corners of your base from constant GLA attacks until the timer runs out, so
you'll want plenty of Tank Hunters.

You'll be told about the neutron shells your Nuke Cannons are armed with, and
you should definitely try to make use of them. When you see a group of GLA
forces approaching your base, select the closest Nuke Cannon and try to force
fire a neutron shell so it lands in the path of the attack. It'll kill
infantry instantly, and you'll be able to steal the vehicles with your own
troops. Just remember to stop force-firing with the cannon, or you'll kill
your own guy with the next shell.

When the timer runs out, you'll be given some reinforcements, including a
dozer. Use it to build a War Factory, then crank out a group of Battlemasters
to strengthen your defenses. Get a Propaganda Center, then put Propaganda
Towers near your defensive zones to keep your troops and vehicles healthy.
Make sure you get both upgrades from the Propaganda Center, too.

Get the carpet bomber, artillery barrage, and cluster mines from your General's
points, then use a Helix to scout any of the four corners of the map. Use
your new abilities to weaken one of the GLA bases while you build even more
Battlemasters and some Gattling Tanks to go with them. (Note that you'll need
to build a Command Center before you can use your General's powers.)

The paths to the GLA bases are lined with demo traps, so use a Helix armed with
a Gattling Cannon to scout ahead and destroy them. After that, send in a mixed
wave of Battlemasters and Gattling Tanks to destroy the four bases one by one.
A Helix with a Propaganda Tower on it will help keep your vehicles healthy
during the assault, but watch out for Quad Cannons.

Repeat this same process for all four GLA bases. If you start to run low on
money, move a dozer to one of the destroyed GLA bases and collect supplies from
one of their supply piles. You can also capture their oil derricks.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.33) Liberation | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objectives Location: Coburg, Germany

1) Destroy the GLA statues to liberate the city. Our International Opinion
will fall until we succeed.

- There are six scattered through the city, one of which is all the way up in
the northern part of the map. Destroying one will boost your international
support rating - let your rating fall to zero, and you lose.


If you're playing this on the Hard difficulty setting, you're in for one hell
of a mission. With a strict limitation on what units you can build and an
even more strict monetary limit, you'll need to move as fast as possible to win
this one.

Start by dropping a power plant and barracks, and blow up the demo trap near
your base while you're waiting. Make the hackers start their hacking, then
build a supply depot below the lower supply pile and a War Factory above your
Command Center. Spread your Gattling Tanks around your base, one in the lower
left, lower right, and upper left. GLA Rebel Ambushes will try to steal your
buildings, so you'll want to be ready. It's not a bad idea to put a Gattling
Cannon a little to the right of your supply depot, either, since Technicals
like to try and hit your supply depot from there.

Get a second supply depot running under the second supply pile as fast as you
can, and have the five Battlemasters guard the area a little above the pile.
By now, Scorpions are probably attacking you in one or more places, so take
care of them without getting in range of the Stinger Sites on the edge of the
city. Watch out for the demo trap closer to the city, too.

A second War Factory between your first one and the upper supply pile will
enable you to build vehicles faster, so I recommend you build one. Start
cranking out about fifteen Listenning Outposts after that, then solid
Battlemasters. Take seven or so Battlemasters along with a Listenning Outpost
towards the city now, and take care of the three Stinger Sites around the
closest statue to your base. Watch out for demo traps while you're doing it,
there're all over the place in the city. Take down the statue once the area's
clean, then retreat the tanks to your base and repair any that got damaged.

The key to this mission is your Listenning Outposts, and if you failed to build
any, you'll soon discover why they're so important. The GLA's going to send
rocket buggies and SCUD Launchers galore at your base, and they'll hit you from
out of your range. Due to their lack of Radar Vans, though, they won't be able
to see your Listenning Outposts. Line the edge of the city with Listenning
Outposts, and they'll pick off those nasty buggies and SCUDs before they get
the chance to reduce your Battlemasters to a pile of toxic goo.

But lining the edge closest to your base isn't good enough - you'll want to
line the entire left side of the city, as well as the left side of the top.
Why? The assault on the northern-most statue is by far the hardest part of the
mission, and if you don't block the GLA from reaching the left side of the map
while your tanks are moving up there, they'll hit you with SCUDs and rocket
buggies constantly, wiping out literally thirty or more Battlemasters before
they even reach the top of the city. Line the city with Listenning Outposts,
though, and they'll pick them off before they get the chance to slaughter you.

With your Listenning Outposts set up properly, you should make sure you've been
building Battlemasters this whole time. When your approval counter reachs five
or so, gather your Battlemasters and head east underneath the city. Your
target is the southern-most statue, so turn up when you reach it. Ignore any
and all GLA forces that try to stop you, since your tanks will fire at them
automatically. Destroy the statue, then take out any holes left over from
Stinger Sites, since your tanks won't automatically fire at those.

The worst part about this assault are the demo traps and SCUDs. If you see a
SCUD, don't stop moving. If you're close enough, destroy it. If not, ignore
it for now and head north instead. Your target now is the statue directly
above the one you just destroyed. Stay as far away from the edge of the city
as possible, since it's heavilly mined. Take out the stingers and the statue,
then run south-east and deal with any SCUDs that might be hitting you.

Take out the next statue here, then move north past the supply pile and then
back down through the small section of town from above it. You need to take
out that statue, but if you fail, don't give up hope. It's still quite
possible to win the mission later (though you're MUCH better off if you can get
all five of the city ones gone in a single rush).

The final statue is by far the worst one to destroy, since it's surrounded by
garrisoned buildings in a very tight area. You'll want to build five or six
Dragon Tanks to accompany your last Battlemaster rush. Make them team two and
the Battlemasters team one. Continue buidling as many Battlemasters as
possible until your counter reaches five again, then rush all of your
Battlemasters north along the west side of the map. The tunnel network above
your base usually spouts a bunch of crap, so deal with it as fast as possible.
As your Battlemasters move north, follow them closely with your Dragon Tanks at
all times. At least one needs to survive to make it into the final statue's
area to clear the garrisoned buildings.

If your Listenning Outposts are still in place, you'll be able to reach the
right turn with little or no resistance. Once you turn right though, a wave of
GLA vehicles will try to stop you from entering the final statue's area. Use
your Frenzy ability now, and blast your way through. Keep the Dragon Tanks in
the back of the pile until you're ready to move east towards the statue, then
move them north along the top of the buildings. Use them to torch the
two garrisoned buildings on this side of the statue, then rush your tanks
through the gap and destroy the statue. It doesn't matter if you lose all of
your vehicles in the process, since this is either your last or second to last

The mission's over if it was your last statue. If not, you'll need to make a
final rush towards the eastern-most statue. Hopefully you've been building
more Battlemasters with what little money you have left... Sell your supply
depots, barracks, and one of the war factories, since none of them will really
be useful at this point. Every dollar helps. Wait until the timer reaches
five again so you have as many tanks as possible, then take the exact same
route you used last time to reach the statue and destroy it.

Note: The level three emergency repair General's power can be a life saver in
this mission, since it'll completely heal quite a few Battlemasters at
once. I suggest getting level one Frenzy with your fourth point, which
will make a huge section of your tanks more powerful for a while.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.34) Burning Skies | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objectives Location: Halberstadt, Germany

1) Prevent all GLA forces from leaving the area.

- If a single unit makes it to the edge of the map, you lose. They'll come in
six waves, and you'll be shown where they're headed for the first five. The
sixth wave will come from two areas, but it won't really matter since you
should already have all three exits covered.


This mission's a cakewalk compared to the previous mission. GLA forces will
appear in six waves, and your objective is to make sure not a single unit makes
it off the map. You'll need to cover three exits - the one on top of the
screen and both of the ones on the right side.

Start by buildinga a second supply truck and sending your troop crawlers north
to the oil derrick (and capture it). Build bunkers on all three of your
Helixes, then start building fifteen Tank Hunters. Get Gattling Cannons on
both Overlords, then send them along with your gattling tanks and battlemasters
east to the gap in the hills south of the outpost. Have your nuke cannons
force-fire on the intersection of the road to the south-east.

As soon as you have five Tank Hunters, load them into a Helix and park it just
south of where your nuke cannon shells are landing. Send both of the other
choppers once they're full, too. Those units will handle the entire first
wave, most likely without even taking a single hit in the process.

Meanwhile, send both troop crawlers east and find the two oil derricks and the
oil refinery (and capture all three). Build two dozers and send them to the
far eastern side of the screen as well. Use one of them to construct a wall of
bunkers and gattling cannons along the gap in the mountains that leads to the
upper-right, and have the other one construct bunkers and gattling cannons near
the south-eastern exit. Build a barracks at each defensive spot as well, so
you'll be able to crank out Tank Hunters for the bunkers (and civilian
buildings, in the case of the south-east one).

As soon as the upper dozer is done with its area, send it to the northern exit
and build similar defenses there. These will serve as your secondary defensive
line - if anything makes it past your Helix pile, the bunkers and cannons will
take care of it, or at least slow it down enough to let your choppers catch up.
Spend the rest of your money on Helixes throughout the rest of the mission,
upgrading them with Gattling Cannons and a few Propaganda Towers.

The first wave will try to escape through the top exit. The second wave will
try to escape through the north-east exit. Wave three will attempt to escape
through the south-east exit. Waves four and five will attempt to escape
through the north-eastern exit again, and the final wave will come from two

Park your Helix pile behind which ever defensive wall is being attacked. The
only real threat to you are the Quad Cannons, which can shred Helixes in no
time. Move your tank pile over from your base to cover the area around the oil
refinery, and use them to destroy the Quad Cannons before they reach the
choppers whenever possible. Once the Quads are gone, move the chopper pile
towards the threat and wipe it out. Repeat the process until the sixth wave
is destroyed, and the mission's over.

Remember to always be building more Helixes throughout the mission, and upgrade
them with Gattling Cannons. If your Helix pile gets too thin, the Quads can
knock you out, and your defensive lines won't last long against uncontested
SCUD launchers.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 1.35) The Dragon's Destiny | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Mission Objectives Location: Near Hamburg, Germany

1) Destroy the American and GLA bases.

- The American base is in the north-west, the GLA base is in the south-west.
You'll need to obliterate them both to finish the mission. The buildings in
the south-east are fake, but you should still consider going down there early
in the mission with your Helixes. You can blast the oil derricks and other
tech buildings, which limits the enemy right from the start.


Build a second supply truck, then place three Gattling Cannons south-west of
your barracks to defend against choppers. Get the Capture Building upgrade and
use your loose Red Guards to capture the oil derricks to the north-east. You
start with three Helixes, and Helixes will be the pivotal part of this mission.
Build a Propaganda Tower on one, a Gattling Cannon on one, and a Bunker on the
third, then load the five Tank Hunters you start with into the bunker one.

Take this group of three straight down the right side of the screen into the
fake GLA base. Slaughter everything, but be careful with the tunnel network.
Stuff will pop out of it when you attack it, including Quad Cannons. Make sure
you get the derricks, refinery, and the hospital, then send these three Helixes
into the central part of the map, near the supply pile. Have them defend this
area for the remainder of the mission.

Meanwhile, you should focus on constructing an airfield, then forming at least
three more groups of three choppers just like the first group. Have one defend
the lower-right corner of your base, one defend the upper-left corner of your
base, and the third defend your bottom-left corner. You'll be hit by particle
cannon blasts repeatedly, but they don't really matter. Concentrate on getting
a solid defense first, then worry about the particle cannon.

Once you've got the choppers set up, wait until the particle cannon fires, then
build a pair of Nuclear Missiles. The particle cannon is in the upper-left
part of the American base, so use your various general's abilities to scout up
there (or suicide a few empty choppers/Migs). Once you can see it, drop your
first two nukes in the area to eliminate the threat (along with a bunch of
other buildings in the area).

With that out of the way, you're free to concentrate on mass-producing chopper
groups until the SCUD Storm appears. It's in the bottom-left of the GLA base,
so find it using the same methods I mentioned before. Note that two nukes
won't destroy the entire thing, they'll just take it down to the hole. Instead
of two nukes, hit it with one nuke, then follow up with your artillery barrage.

With both super weapons under control, you can end the mission however you'd
like. Mass nukes will work, though it takes a while. I suggest a huge chopper
wave. A ground assault gets messy, since there're an aweful lot of demo traps
all over the map, including inside the actual bases.

| --------------------------------- |
| | 2.00) Units | |
| --------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.10) USA Units | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ambulance |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | War Factory |
|Ambulance units can carry three infantry units inside, which will be able to |
|fire out of it like a Humvee. The big difference is that Ambulances can also|
|be used to clean up toxins and nuclear radiation. Ambulances can also deploy|
|Battle Drones (300), Scout Drones (100), or Hellfire Drones (500). Battle |
|Drones will repair the Crusader slowly and are armed with a light machine |
|gun, Scout Drones will increase the visual range and detect stealth units, |
|and Hellfire Drones are armed with a rocket attack. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Aurora Bomber |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Strategy Center | Air Field |
|Aurora Bombers execute their attack at super-sonic speed, which makes them |
|completely invincible until after they've dropped their bomb. This makes |
|them ideal for destroying heavilly guarded targets, though they're almost |
|certain to be destroyed on the return trip. Their bombs are extremely |
|powerful, which is also a huge plus. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Avenger |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | War Factory |
|Avengers are armed with two laser systems. The first is a means of making |
|targets more visible for the rest of your units, making it easier for them to|
|destroy their targets. The second is a powerful point defense system, |
|capable of destroying rockets incredibly fast, and even capable of shooting |
|down enemy aircraft. Avengers can also deploy Battle Drones (300), Scout |
|Drones (100), or Hellfire Drones (500). Battle Drones will repair the |
|Crusader slowly and are armed with a light machine gun, Scout Drones will |
|increase the visual range and detect stealth units, and Hellfire Drones are |
|armed with a rocket attack. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Chinook |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Supply Center |
|Chinooks are primarilly used to collect supplies, but they can also be used |
|to drop Rangers into garrisoned buildings, which will clear out the enemy |
|troops. They can hold eight infantry units, and they can also be used to |
|transport vehicles. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Colonel Burton |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | Strategy Center | Barracks |
|Colonel Burton is an elite soldier with a few unique abilities. He's stealth|
|unless he's firing a weapon or planting an explosive. His Knife Attack will |
|make him pull out a knife, which he'll use to kill soldiers silently, without|
|revealing himself. He can also plant timed or remote demo charges, which are|
|useful for destroying buildings. Burton also has the ability to scale cliffs|
|and ledges that normal infantry and vehicles usually can't cross. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Comanche |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | None | Air Field |
|Commanches are attack choppers armed with a machine gun. The Rocket Pods |
|upgrade from the Air Field will add a rocket attack to them, making them a |
|definite threat to any ground target, especially in large numbers. Gattling |
|weapons will take them down in no time, though. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Construction Dozer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Command Center |
|Construction Dozers are used to construct and repair buildings, and they can |
|also be used to clear enemy mines from the ground. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Crusader |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 900 | None | War Factory |
|Crusaders are medium tanks with the ability to build Battle Drones (300), |
|Scout Drones (100), or Hellfire Drones (500). Battle Drones will repair the |
|Crusader slowly and are armed with a light machine gun, Scout Drones will |
|increase the visual range and detect stealth units, and Hellfire Drones are |
|armed with a rocket attack. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Humvee |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | None | War Factory |
|Humvees are troops transports capable of holding five infantry units (which |
|will be able to fire from inside it). Armed with a very light machine gun, |
|Humvees are much more potent when upgraded with the TOW Missile upgrade from |
|the War Factory. Humvees can also deploy Battle Drones (300), Scout Drones |
|(100), or Hellfire Drones (500). Battle Drones will repair the Crusader |
|slowly and are armed with a light machine gun, Scout Drones will increase the|
|visual range and detect stealth units, and Hellfire Drones are armed with a |
|rocket attack. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Microwave Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Strategy Center | War Factory |
|Microwave tanks are capable of shutting down enemy defensive structures from |
|a large distance. They're microwave field is also lethal to infantry units, |
|so proximity will slaughter troops with little effort. Microwave Tanks can |
|also deploy Battle Drones (300), Scout Drones (100), or Hellfire Drones |
|(500). Battle Drones will repair the Crusader slowly and are armed with a |
|light machine gun, Scout Drones will increase the visual range and detect |
|stealth units, and Hellfire Drones are armed with a rocket attack. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Missile Defender |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|Missile Defenders are the USA rocket soldier. They can fire at ground and |
|air targets, and they're most effective from inside a vehicle or structure. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Paladin |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 1100 |Level 1 General's Power| War Factory |
|Paladins are a more potent version of the Crusader tank. Armed with a point |
|defense laser, Paladins can shoot down rockets and missiles as well as kill |
|infantry at close distance, making them a powerful offensive and defensive |
|unit. Paladins can also deploy Battle Drones (300), Scout Drones (100), or |
|Hellfire Drones (500). Battle Drones will repair the Crusader slowly and are|
|armed with a light machine gun, Scout Drones will increase the visual range |
|and detect stealth units, and Hellfire Drones are armed with a rocket attack.|

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Pathfinder |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 600 |Level 3 General's Power| Barracks |
|Pathfinders are sniper units that are stealthed when standing still. They're|
|absolutely devastating against infantry targets, especially from inside a |
|vehicle or building. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Ranger |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 225 | None | Barracks |
|Rangers are the basic USA infantry unit. They can take control of enemy and |
|civilian buildings with the Capture Building upgrade from the Barracks, and |
|they can use Flash-Bangs with the Flash-Bang Grenades upgrade from the |
|Barracks. Flash-Bangs will clear out a garrisoned building in a single hit, |
|and they're also devastating to infantry out in the open. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Raptor |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1400 | None | Air Field |
|Raptors are basic fighters that can be used to attack ground or air targets. |
|They're not very well armored, so don't expect them to live through much. |
|The Laser Missiles upgrade from the Air Field will increase their attack |
|power by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Sentry Drone |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|Sentry Drones are small unarmed vehicles that can detect stealth. They're |
|stealth while stationary, and they can be armed with a machine gun with the |
|Sentry Drone Gun upgrade from the War Factory. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Stealth Fighter |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 1600 |Level 1 General's Power| Air Field |
|Stealth Fighters are stealthed until they fire their units, which can be a |
|big advantage. The Laser Missiles upgrade from the Air Field will increase |
|their attack power by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Tomahawk |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | Strategy Center | War Factory |
|Tomahawks are mobile missile launchers capable of hitting targets from a fair|
|distance. Unlike SCUD Launchers, Tomahawk missiles home in on their target, |
|making them even more devastating. Tomahawks can also deploy Battle Drones |
|(300), Scout Drones (100), or Hellfire Drones (500). Battle Drones will |
|repair the Crusader slowly and are armed with a light machine gun, Scout |
|Drones will increase the visual range and detect stealth units, and Hellfire |
|Drones are armed with a rocket attack. |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.20) GLA Units | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Angry Mob |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Barracks |
|Ah, the Angry Mob, my favorite Command and Conquer unit of all time. It |
|delivers exactly what its name implies - it's a group of angry GLA citizens |
|armed with guns and molotovs. When armed with the Arm the Mob upgrade from |
|the Palace, they become insanely devastating. A single mob can easily handle|
|tanks and vehicles as well as wipe out buildings in no time. The down sides?|
|They're helpless against toxins, snipers, and heavy gattling weapons, and |
|they can't enter Tunnel Networks. It's a shame, too, 'cause mobs out of a |
|Tunnel Network would be hilarious. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Battle Bus |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | Palace | Arms Dealer |
|As the name suggests, this is a regular old bus, which works as a mobile |
|bunker. Eight soldiers can be garrisoned in it, and they can fire from its |
|windows to create a devastating weapon. When the bus is destroyed, it turns |
|into a stationary version of itself until it's "destroyed" again. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Bomb Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | Palace | Arms Dealer |
|Classic demo trucks, only not armed with a nuclear warhead like usual. These|
|can be disguised as any vehicle, both friend or foe. Anything that can |
|detect stealth will blow their cover, though. For an extra five hundred |
|credits, you can arm the truck with either a High Explosive bomb (double the |
|damage as usual) or a Bio Bomb (armed with anthrax). |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Combat Cycle |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Arms Dealer |
|In their default state, these are just fast motorcycles with a very light |
|machine gun on them. They have severl interesting abilities, though, the |
|first of which is the ability to drive over cliffs that are usually |
|unpassable (making for excellent surprise attacks). The second great ability|
|is that you can replace the driver with any infantry unit, and then later |
|eject it. While the bike will be destroyed, it serves as a great way to move|
|Saboteurs quickly and over mountains. Oh, and did I mention the bike becomes|
|stealth once the Saboteur's on it? Replace the drive with a rocket soldier, |
|and you'll have a bike that fires rockets. A terrorist on one turns the bike|
|into a fast suicide vehicle, and Jarmen Kell can even snipe from it. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Hijacker |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 400 | Palace | Barracks |
| | |Level 3 General's Power| |
|Hijackers can take control of an enemy vehicle. Since they're stealth, you |
|can often catch unprepared tanks or Dozers off guard. A great unit, but hard|
|to use against an intelligent opponent. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Jarmen Kell |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | Palace | Barracks |
|Jarmen Kell is a stealthed sniper with a nice ability that lets him snipe the|
|driver out of a vehicle. If you can get him near an enemy Dozer, you can |
|snipe the driver and possibly steal it, allowing you to build Chinese or USA |
|structures. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Marauder Tank |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 800 |Level 1 General's Power| Arms Dealer |
|A heavier GLA tank. These things can gather parts from other destroyed |
|vehicles to become stronger, even eventually gaining a second barrel. They |
|lack the Scorpion's rocket ability, but the Toxin Shells upgrade from the |
|Palace will still give them some anti-infantry ability. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Quad Cannon |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 700 | None | Arms Dealer |
|These are the GLA version of Gattling Tanks. They can upgrade their guns |
|with parts found on the ground where other vehicles were destroyed, and the |
|AP Bullets upgrade from the Black Market will increase their firepower by |
|25%. Highly effective against infantry and air targets. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Radar Van |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Arms Dealer |
|Radar Vans are the GLA source of Radar, obviously. They can also be used to |
|reveal chunks of the map if you get the Radar Scan upgrade from the Black |
|Market. Those also stack, so if you have five Radar Vans, you'll be able to |
|scan five chunks of the map at once. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rebel |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 150 | None | Barracks |
|Rebels are the basic GLA infantry unit. Armed with a light machine gun, they|
|are only effective against infantry unless you have overwhelming numbers of |
|them. The Capture Building upgrade from the Barracks will allow them to take|
|control of enemy and civilian buildings. The Camouflage upgrade from the |
|Palace will make Rebels stealth. The AP Bullets upgrade from the Black |
|Market will increase their attack power by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rocket Buggy |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 900 | Palace | Arms Dealer |
|These are very fast (and very lightly armored) buggies with rocket launchers |
|mounted on the back. They have great range, and their firepower can be |
|increased by 25% with the AP Rockets upgrade from the Black Market. The |
|Buggy Ammo upgrade from the Black Market will increase the number of rockets |
|fired with each barrage, making these even more deadly. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| RPG Trooper |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|RPG Troopers are GLA rocket soldiers. They're very effective against hard |
|targets, and they can fire at ground and air targets. They're most effective|
|from inside buildings, but they can definitely cause plenty of damage out in |
|the open as well. The AP Rockets upgrade from the Black Market will increase|
|their attack power by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Saboteur |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Barracks |
|Saboteurs are stealth even while moving, and have the ability to temporarily |
|disable enemy buildings. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Scorpion |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | Arms Dealer |
|The GLA light tank. Armed with the Scorpion Rocket upgrade from the Arms |
|Dealer, these things can be horribly destructive, even against infantry. The|
|Toxin Shells upgrade from the Palace will make things even worse, since it'll|
|cause each shell to leave a toxic cloud on the ground. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Scud Launcher |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 1200 | Palace | Arms Dealer |
| | |Level 1 General's Power| |
|Scuds are mobile missile launchers. They can fire from a good distance, and |
|the missiles cause a great deal of damage. The down side is that they're |
|fairly slow, and they can be shot down fairly easily. They can be loaded |
|with anthrax missiles though, which will make short work of infantry and |
|Stinger Sites. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Technical |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Arms Dealer |
|These are simple trucks mounted with a machine gun on the back. They have |
|very weak armor, and the weapon isn't very effective. They can carry five |
|infantry units inside, but those units won't be able to fire while inside. |
|Technicals can also upgrade themselves by collecting parts left on the ground|
|by other destroyed vehicles. The AP Bullets upgrade from the Black Market |
|will increase their machine gun's damage by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Terrorist |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 200 | None | Barracks |
|Terrorists are suicide infantry. When you target something with them, the |
|Terrorist will rush at it until it makes contact, then detonate. You can |
|also detonate them on command, and they can also enter civilian vehicles to |
|make a|weaker version of the Bomb Truck. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Toxin Tractor |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | Arms Dealer |
|These are like Dragon Tanks, only they shoot toxin rather than flames. The |
|toxin is devastating to infantry units and light vehicles, but it's next to |
|useless against heavy vehicles and structures. A single shot of toxin will |
|instantly kill troops inside a garrisoned building. The Tractors also have |
|the Contaminate ability, which is just like the Dragon Tank's Fire Wall. It |
|sprays a puddle of toxin out in a semicircle, which will slaughter any |
|infantry stupid enough to walk through it. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Worker |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 200 | None | Command Center |
| | | | Supply Stash |
|Workers are the GLA version of a Dozer. They're used to build and repair |
|buildings, clear mines, and collect supplies. Since they only bring back 75 |
|credits with each trip to a supply pile, it's a good idea to have several of |
|them operating at eash Supply Stash whenever possible and practical. While |
|Workers are less expensive than their Dozer counterparts, they're also much |
|easier to kill. The good news is that they can be trained from both the |
|Command Center and the Supply Stash and that unlike Dozers, they can't be |
|captured and used against you. |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 2.30) Chinese Units | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Battlemaster |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|Battlemaster tanks are the basic Chinese tank unit. They're good speed and |
|rate of fire can be increased even more by the Horde Bonus, especially if you|
|have the Nationalism upgrade from the Propaganda Center. The Nuclear Tanks |
|upgrade from the Nuclear Missile will increase their speed by 25%, and the |
|Uranium Shells upgrade from the Nuclear Missile will increase their firepower|
|by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Black Lotus |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | Propaganda Center | Barracks |
|Black Lotus is basically an elite Hacker, though she has slightly different |
|abilities. She has the Capture Building ability, which will allow her to |
|take control of enemy buildings (in less time than it takes Red Guard men to |
|do it, and she can move while doing it). She also has the ability to disable|
|enemy vehicles for a short period, though she has to be fairly close to them.|
|Finally, she has the ability to steal money from an enemy Supply Depot, which|
|can prove valuable and hilarious if your oponent fails to notice it in time. |
|Black Lotus is also stealthed unless she's executing one of her abilities. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Construction Dozer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Command Center |
|Dozers are used to construct and repair buildings and structures, and they |
|also have the ability to clear landmines and demo traps from the ground. |
|The drivers can be sniped by Jarmen Kell just like any other ground vehicle, |
|so watch out. If you're playing as the GLA, sniping and capturing a Dozer |
|can prove invaluable. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Dragon Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|Dragon Tanks are armed with a flame cannon that can be used to torch infantry|
|from inside garrisoned structures. They also have a special Fire Wall |
|ability that enables them to spray fire out in a semicircle, frying anything |
|stupid enough to drive through it. The Black Napalm upgrade from the War |
|Factory will increase the strength of the flames by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| ECM |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Propaganda Center | War Factory |
|ECM tanks can disable enemy vehicles from a distance, making them quite an |
|annoying defensive and offensive weapon. More importantly, they're |
|electronic field disrupts the flight paths of rockets, enabling them to |
|protect anything nearby. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Gattling Tank |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|Gattling Tanks are armed with a chain gun. They're very effective against |
|infantry and aircraft, and their firepower can be increased by 25% if you |
|have the Chain Guns upgrade from the War Factory. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Hacker |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 625 | Propaganda Center | Barracks |
|Hackers can be used to steal money from the internet. When deployed, they'll|
|sit and collect money every few seconds (five, six, eight, and ten, depending|
|on their experience level). In large groups, they can generate tons of money|
|in a short period of time, but they are defenseless and easy to kill. They |
|also have the ability to disable enemy buildings with a virus if they get |
|close enough to the target. Eight Hackers can be garrisoned inside an |
|Internet Center, which will increase their hacking speed. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Helix |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | None | Air Field |
|Helixes are "the Overlord of the skies." Similar to Overlord tanks, a Helix |
|can have a Bunker (400), a Propaganda Tower (500), or a Gattling Cannon |
|built on them. They can also be armed with Napalm Bombs (800), which will |
|allow them to drop fire bombs on the ground. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Inferno Cannon |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 900 | Propaganda Center | War Factory |
|Inferno Cannons lob napalm shells from a distance. When used in groups, the |
|shells cause a firestorm, which can be devastating to just about anything. |
|The Black Napalm upgrade will increase the strength of the flames by 25%. |
|Note that Inferno Cannons will not defend themselves if attacked. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Listenning Outpost |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|Listenning Outposts come with two Tank Hunters inside them, which is their |
|maximum carrying capacity. They can see stealth, and while stationary, they |
|are stealth. If they move or the infantry inside fire, they are visible. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mig |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Air Field |
|Migs are Chinese aircraft armed with napalm missiles. In groups, these |
|missiles can cause a firestorm, which can be devastating to units and |
|structures. The Black Napalm upgrade from the War Factory will increase the |
|strength of the flames by 25%, and the Mig Armor upgrade from the Air Field |
|will increase their health by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Nuke Cannon |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 1600 | Propaganda Center | Command Center |
| | |Level 1 General's Power| |
|Nuke Cannons lob small nuclear shells at targets from a distance. They're |
|painfully slow and must spend a great deal of time deploying, so they aren't |
|very practical unless used with other forces. You'll need a level one |
|General's Power before you can build these. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Overlord |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | Propaganda Center | War Factory |
|Overlords are heavy tanks. They're armed with dual cannons, and can have a |
|bunker (400), gattling cannon (1200), or propaganda tower (500) mounted on |
|them. They can receive a 25% speed increase from the Nuclear Tanks upgrade |
|from the Nuclear Missile as well as a 25% firepower upgrade from the Uranium |
|shells upgrade from the Nuclear Missile. It should also be noted that these |
|tanks are so big they can literally run over smaller vehicles, completely |
|destroying them instantly. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Red Guard |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|Red Guard units are the basic Chinese infantry unit. Two Red Guard soldiers |
|will be trained for every one you purchase, which gives China an obvious |
|infantry advantage early on. Chinese infantry also benefit from the Horde |
|Bonus, which will increase the strength of some units when they're gathered |
|in groups of five or more. The Nationalism upgrade from the Propaganda |
|Center will make the Horde Bonus even more effective. The Capture Building |
|upgrade from the Barracks will enable Red Guard units to capture enemy and |
|civilian buildings. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Supply Truck |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | Supply Depot |
|Every Supply Depot comes with a single Supply Truck. They'll collect three |
|hundred credits with each trip to a supply pile, so make sure you have at |
|least two trucks running for each Supply Depot whenever possible. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Tank Hunter |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 300 | None | Barracks |
|Tank Hunters are Chinese rocket soldiers. They can fire at ground and air |
|targets, and are most effective from inside bunkers or civilian buildings. |
|Like the Red Guard, Tank Hunters can get a Horde Bonus if there are five or |
|more of them in a group, and the Horde Bonus can be increased by the |
|Nationalism upgrade from the Propaganda Center. Tank Hunters also have a |
|special TNT attack. When used, the Tank Hunter will plant an explosive on a |
|structure, which will detonate after ten seconds. These can be devastating |
|when used in groups, since it will take several to destroy a building. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Troop Crawler |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1400 | None | War Factory |
|Troop Crawlers are transports that come with eight Red Guard units inside. |
|They can reveal stealthed units, which makes them ideal for scouting. |

| --------------------------------- |
| | 3.00) Structures | |
| --------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.10) USA Structures | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Air Field |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | Supply Center | 1 |
|Air Fields can produce aircraft as | |
|well as some upgrades for them. |Produces: Cost: |
|Damaged aircraft can be completely | |
|repaired while on the airfield. | Rocket Pods 800 |
| | Countermeasures 1000 |
| | Raptor 1400 |
| | Laser Missiles 1500 |
| | Bunker Busters 1500 |
| | Comanche 1500 |
| | Stealth Fighter 1600 |
| | Aurora Bomber 2500 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Barracks |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | 0 |
|The Barracks is your source of | |
|infantry units. Injured infantry |Produces: Cost: |
|will be fully healed if they're | |
|sent back to the Barracks. | Ranger 225 |
| | Missile Defender 300 |
| | Pathfinder 600 |
| | Flash-Bang Grenades 800 |
| | Capture Building 1000 |
| | Colonel Burton 1500 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Supplied |
| Cold Fusion Reactor |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | 5 |
|Cold Fusion Reactors provide power | |
|for your base to function. Without|Produces: Cost: |
|sufficient power, many structures | |
|won't work, and your radar will be | Control Rods 500 |
|non-functional. The Control Rods | |
|upgrade will double the amount of | |
|power provided by the reactor. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Command Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | 0 |
|These structures are your only | |
|source of Construction Dozers, so |Produces: Cost: |
|you'll want to make sure you have | |
|one at all times if possible. It's| Construction Dozer 1000 |
|also your source of Radar, and many| |
|special General's abilities are | |
|deployed from it. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Fire Base |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | Cold Fusion Reacter | 0 |
|These are a new type of base | |
|defense structure. Instead of |Produces: Cost: |
|missiles, it fires a large cannon, | |
|and it can also be garrisoned by up| Nothing Nothing |
|to four infantry. The infantry are| |
|very exposed, though, so they can | |
|be killed by just about everything.| |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Particle Cannon |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 5000 | Strategy Center | 10 |
|This building uses a lot of power, | |
|and with good reason - it generates|Produces: Cost: |
|a massive bolt of power that slices| |
|through anything in its way. You | Nothing Nothing |
|can use it once every four minutes,| |
|provided you're not low on power. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Patriot Missile System |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | Cold Fusion Reactor | 3 |
|Patriots are the USA's base defense| |
|structure. They fire missiles at |Produces: Cost: |
|ground and air targets, and are | |
|very effective against vehicles. | Nothing Nothing |
|They're almost completely worthless| |
|against moving infantry, though. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Strategy Center |--------|------------------------|----------------|
| | 2500 |War Factory or Air Field| 2 |
|The Strategy Center is primarilly | |
|used to purchase upgrades, but it |Produces: Cost: |
|can also initiate a few battle | |
|plans. Bombardment will increase | Drone Armor 500 |
|the firepower of your units and | Supply Lines 800 |
|deploy a cannon from the building, | Chemical Suits 1000 |
|Hold the Line will increase the | Advanced Training 1500 |
|armor rating of your units and add | Composite Armor 2000 |
|armor to the building, and Search | Mother Of All Bombs 4000 |
|and Destroy will increase the | |
|visual range of your units as well | |
|as enable the building to see | |
|stealthed enemies. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Supply Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | Cold Fusion Reactor | 1 |
|Supply Centers are used to collect | |
|resources for you to fund your |Produces: Cost: |
|operations. They come with one | |
|Chinook and can build more. It's | Chinook 1200 |
|best to build the center as close | |
|to a supply pile as possible, and | |
|it's usually best to have two | |
|Chinooks operating for each center.| |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Supply Drop Zone |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Strategy Center | 4 |
|Each Supply Drop Zone will call in | |
|a paradrop of supplies every two |Produces: Cost: |
|minutes that will drop 1500. With| |
|a large number of these, you can | Nothing Nothing |
|make a ton of money very fast. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| War Factory |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | Supply Center | 1 |
|The USA War Factory is used to | |
|produce USA vehicles and upgrades. |Produces: Cost: |
|Damaged vehicles can be completely | |
|repaired by sending them back to | Ambulance 600 |
|the War Factory. | Humvee 700 |
| | Sentry Drone 800 |
| | Microwave Tank 800 |
| | TOW Missile 800 |
| | Crusader 900 |
| | Sentry Drone Gun 1000 |
| | Paladin 1100 |
| | Tomahawk 1200 |
| | Avenger 2000 |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.20) GLA Structures | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Arms Dealer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Supply Stash | 0 |
|The Arms Dealer structure is the | |
|GLA version of the War Factory. |Produces: Cost: |
|Vehicles and several upgrades are | |
|purchased from it, and damaged | Technical 500 |
|vehicles can be repaired when sent | Radar Van 500 |
|back to the Arms Dealer. | Combat Cycle 500 |
| | Scorpion 600 |
| | Toxin Tractor 600 |
| | Quad Cannon 700 |
| | Marauder 800 |
| | Rocket Buggy 900 |
| | Scorpion Rockets 1000 |
| | Battle Bus 1000 |
| | SCUD Launcher 1200 |
| | Bomb Truck 1200 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Barracks |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | 0 |
|The Barracks is used to train GLA | |
|infantry units. It's also required|Produces: Cost: |
|before you can construct base | |
|defenses such as Stinger Sites and | Rebel 150 |
|Tunnel Networks. You can heal | Terrorist 200 |
|injured infantry by sending them | RPG Trooper 300 |
|back to the Barracks. | Hijacker 400 |
| | Angry Mob 800 |
| | Saboteur 800 |
| | Booby Trap 1000 |
| | Capture Building 1000 |
| | Jarmen Kell 1500 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Black Market |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Palace | 0 |
|Black Markets are the source of | |
|several GLA upgrades, and they also|Produces: Cost: |
|produce 20 credits every few | |
|seconds. Due to their high cost, | Radar Scan 500 |
|they're generally not too practical| Worker Shoes 1000 |
|as far as a source of income goes. | Buggy Ammo 1200 |
| | Junk Repair 2000 |
| | AP Bullets 2000 |
| | AP Rockets 2000 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Command Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | 0 |
|The Command Center is where many | |
|of the GLA General's Powers are |Produces: Cost: |
|deployed from. You can also train | |
|Worker units from it. | Worker 200 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Demo Trap |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 400 | Arms Dealer | 0 |
|Demo Traps are powerful explosives | |
|that can be detonated by proximity |Produces: Cost: |
|or manually. They're also stealth.| |
|The blast will kill infantry and | Nothing Nothing |
|light vehicles and severely damage | |
|heavy vehicles. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Fake Arms Dealer |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 625 | Supply Stash | 0 |
|Fake buildings are meant to be a | |
|distraction for your enemies. They|Produces: Cost: |
|can only do one of two things - | |
|detonate or upgrade to a real | Become Real Arms Dealer 1875 |
|structure. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Fake Barracks |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 125 | None | 0 |
|Fake buildings are meant to be a | |
|distraction for your enemies. They|Produces: Cost: |
|can only do one of two things - | |
|detonate or upgrade to a real | Become Real Barracks 375 |
|structure. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Fake Black Market |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 625 | Palace | 0 |
|Fake buildings are meant to be a | |
|distraction for your enemies. They|Produces: Cost: |
|can only do one of two things - | |
|detonate or upgrade to a real | Become Real Black Market 1875 |
|structure. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Fake Command Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | 0 |
|Fake buildings are meant to be a | |
|distraction for your enemies. They|Produces: Cost: |
|can only do one of two things - | |
|detonate or upgrade to a real | Become Real Command Center 1500 |
|structure. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Fake Supply Stash |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 375 | None | 0 |
|Fake buildings are meant to be a | |
|distraction for your enemies. They|Produces: Cost: |
|can only do one of two things - | |
|detonate or upgrade to a real | Become Real Supply Stash 1125 |
|structure. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Palace |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | Arms Dealer | 0 |
|Palaces are the source of several | |
|upgrades, though arguably their |Produces: Cost: |
|most important use is defense. | |
|They can hold five infantry units, | Arm the Mob 1000 |
|which can fire out of the windows | Toxin Shells 1000 |
|just like any garrisoned building. | Fortified Structures 1000 |
|Note, however, that they can't see | Camouflage 2000 |
|stealth like most base defenses, | Anthrax Beta 2500 |
|and they're easily stolen by a | |
|Black Lotus if you're not paying | |
|attention. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| SCUD Storm |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 5000 | Palace | 0 |
|Allows you to launch a series of | |
|highly destructive missiles every |Produces: Cost: |
|five minutes. These things are | |
|extremely devastating, especially | Nothing Nothing |
|if you have more than one of them | |
|at once. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Stinger Site |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 900 | Barracks | 0 |
|Stinger Sites are small sandbag | |
|bunkers supplied with rocket troops|Produces: Cost: |
|that will fire at ground and air | |
|targets. While generally effective| Nothing Nothing |
|against vehicles, they're helpless | |
|against infantry and anything that | |
|can pick off the men inside it. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Supply Stash |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | None | 0 |
|The Supply Stash is the primary | |
|source of funds for the GLA. Since|Produces: Cost: |
|each Worker only collects 75 units | |
|of money with each trip, you'll | Worker 200 |
|want to keep several of them at | |
|each Stash to collect money faster.| |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Tunnel Network |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | Barracks | 0 |
|Tunnel Networks come with two | |
|rocket men and are armed with a |Produces: Cost: |
|light machine gun. Most units can | |
|enter a tunnel network and exit it | Nothing Nothing |
|at any other tunnel network, and | |
|while inside, they will be healed. | |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 3.30) Chinese Structures | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Air Field |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | Supply center | 1 |
|Air Fields are used to produce Mig | |
|fighters, which can be used to |Produces: Cost: |
|cause firestorms when used in large| |
|enough numbers. The Mig Armor | Mig Armor 500 |
|upgrade will help Migs survive more| Mig 1000 |
|damage, but they still die easily. | Helix 1500 |
|Damaged planes will be repaired | Landmines 600 |
|while on the Air Field. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Barracks |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | 0 |
|The Barracks is used to train | |
|infantry units. The Capture |Produces: Cost: |
|Building upgade will enable Red | |
|Guard units to capture enemy and | Red Guard 300 |
|neutral structures. Injured | Tank Hunter 300 |
|infantry units will be healed when | Hacker 625 |
|they're sent back to the Barracks. | Black Lotus 1500 |
| | Capture Building 1000 |
| | Landmines 600 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Bunker |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 400 | Barracks | 0 |
|Bunkers are defensive structures | |
|that can house five infantry units.|Produces: Cost: |
|Combined with Gattling Cannons, | |
|Bunkers make excellent defenses. | Landmines 600 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Command Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | 0 |
|These structures are your only | |
|source of Construction Dozers, so |Produces: Cost: |
|you'll want to make sure you have | |
|one at all times if possible. It's| Construction Dozer 1000 |
|also your source of Radar, and many| Landmines 600 |
|special General's abilities are | Radar 500 |
|deployed from it. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Gattling Cannon |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | Nuclear Reactor | 3 |
|Gattling Cannons are defensive | |
|structures armed with a chain gun. |Produces: Cost: |
|They're most effective against | |
|infantry and light vehicles, but in| Landmines 600 |
|large quantities, they can threaten| |
|just about everything. The Chain | |
|Guns upgrade from the War Factory | |
|will make them even more effective.| |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Internet Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | War Factory | 0 |
|Internet Centers can hold eight | |
|Hackers, and the Hackers will make |Produces: Cost: |
|money faster while inside the | |
|center. You can also get two | Landmines 600 |
|satellite hack abilities from it, | Satellite Hack I 1000 |
|which will allow you to see through| Satellite Hack II 2500 |
|the shroud. Level 1 will reveal | |
|the area around enemy Command | |
|Centers, Level 2 will reveal the | |
|entire map every few minutes. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Nuclear Missile |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 5000 | Propaganda Center | 10 |
|Nuclear Missile silos produce a | |
|nuclear missile every six minutes. |Produces: Cost: |
|Nukes are devastating, especially | |
|with more than one at a time. You | Nuclear Tanks 2000 |
|can also build two upgrades for | Uranium Shells 2500 |
|your tanks from the silo. | Neutron Shells 2500 |
| | Landmines 600 |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Supplied |
| Nuclear Reactor |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | 10 |
|These structures provide your base | |
|with the power it needs to operate |Produces: Cost: |
|effeciently. If your base doesn't | |
|have sufficient power, some | Landmines 600 |
|structures will fail to operate, | |
|especially base defenses. Nuclear |Features: |
|Reactors have an Overcharge feature| |
|that will allow them to produce | Overcharge Free |
|more power, but it will slowly | |
|destroy the structure until you | |
|turn the feature back off. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Propaganda Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | War Factory | 2 |
|The Propaganda Center is necessary | |
|before you can build some of the |Produces: Cost: |
|higher-tech units and structures. | |
|It can also be used to purchase two| Subliminal Messaging 500 |
|upgrades. | Nationalism 2000 |
| | Landmines 600 |
| | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Speaker Tower |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | Propaganda Center | 1 |
|Speaker Towers emit a red glow in | |
|a radius that will heal your units |Produces: Cost: |
|and increase their rate of fire. | Nothing Nothing |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| Supply Center |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | Nuclear Reactor | 1 |
|Supply Centers are used to collect | |
|funds to finance your operations. |Produces: Cost: |
|Build them as close to a supply | |
|pile as possible to be efficient, | Supply Truck 600 |
|and keep two Supply Trucks running | Landmines 600 |
|at each center whenever possible. | |

| | Cost | Requirements | Power Required |
| War Factory |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | Nuclear Reactor | 1 |
| | | Supply Center | |
|The War Factory is used to build | |
|ground vehicles as well as a few |Produces: Cost: |
|upgrades. Depending on your style | |
|of combat, this could be the most | Battlemaster 800 |
|important structure in your base. | Dragon Tank 800 |
|Damaged vehicles can be repaired by| Gattling Tank 800 |
|sending them back to the War | Listenning Outpost 800 |
|Factory. | ECM 800 |
| | Inferno Cannon 900 |
| | Troop Crawler 1400 |
| | Chain Guns 1500 |
| | Nuke Cannon 1600 |
| | Overlord 2000 |
| | Black Napalm 2000 |
| | Landmines 600 |

| --------------------------------- |
| | 4.00) Upgrades | |
| --------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 4.10) USA Upgrades | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Advanced Training |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | None | Strategy Center |
|Advanced Training will give make your units gain experience levels much |
|faster than usual. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Bunker Busters |--------|---------------------|-------------------|
| | 1500 | None | Airfield |
|Bunker Busters allow Stealth Fighters to kill garrisoned troops. Very useful|
|against fortified defenses. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Capture Building |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Barracks |
|The Capture Building upgrade will allow Rangers to take control of enemy and |
|Civilian buildings. This is especially valuable on maps with oil derricks. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Chemical Suits |--------|---------------------|-------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Strategy Center |
|This will make your infantry units more resistant to toxins and nuclear |
|radiation. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Composite Armor |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | Strategy Center |
|Composite Armor adds 25% more armor to your Crusader and Paladin tanks. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Control Rods |--------|---------------------|-------------------|
| | 500 | None |Cold Fusion Reactor|
|This upgrade will double the power output of a Cold Fusion Reactor. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Countermeasures |--------|---------------------|-------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Airfield |
|This will enable your aircraft to drop countermeasures when attacked, which |
|will result in dodging fifty percent of missiles. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Drone Armor |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Strategy Center |
|Battle Drones and Scout Drones will receive a 25% armor boost when you get |
|this upgrade. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Flash-Bang Grenades |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Barracks |
|The Flash-Bang upgrade gives Ranger units the ability to use Flash-Bangs. |
|These grenades will instantly kill all enemy soldiers in a garrisoned |
|building, and they're also quite effective against infantry in the open. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Laser Missiles |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | None | Air Field |
|Laser Missiles will increase the firepower of Raptors and Stealth Fighters by|
|25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mother Of All Bombs |--------|-----------------------|-----------------|
| | 4000 |Level 5 General's Power| Strategy Center |
|The MOAB upgrade turns your Fuel Air Bomb into a much more devastating weapon|
|capable of destroying just about anything in its radius. Since the plane |
|that delivers it is fast, it can usually hit its target, but you'll still |
|want to take enemy defenses into consideration when selecting a target. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Rocket Pods |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | Air Field |
|Rocket Pods give Comanches a strong rocket barrage attack that makes them |
|much more effective against hard targets. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Sentry Drone Guns |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | War Factory |
|This arms your Sentry Drones with a light machine gun. Note that they'll be |
|visible while firing. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Supply Lines |--------|---------------------|-------------------|
| | 800 | None | Strategy Center |
|Make sure you get this upgrade as early as possible - it increase the funds |
|gathered by your Chinooks by ten percent, and it also increases the funds |
|dropped by your supply drop zones by ten percent. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| TOW Missile |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 800 | None | War Factory |
|This will add a powerful missile to the top of Humvees, making them much more|
|potent. They can target ground and air targets. |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 4.20) GLA Upgrades | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Anthrax Beta |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | None | Palace |
|This increases the strength of all anthrax attacks by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| AP Bullets |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | Black Market |
|Rebels, Technicals, Quad Cannons, and Jarmen Kell will receive a 25% attack |
|power increase when you get this upgrade. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| AP Rockets |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | Black Market |
|All rockets will receive a 25% damage boost once you have this. Definitely |
|well worth the price. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Arm the Mob |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Palace |
|This gives Angry Mobs a huge attack power boost that will make them a serious|
|force to be dealt with. Tanks and buildings have no chance against a few |
|armed mobs. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Buggy Ammo |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1200 | None | Black Market |
|Your Rocket Buggies will fire 25% more rockets with each barrage once you get|
|this upgrade. Combined with the AP Rockets ability from the Black Market, |
|this can have devastating results. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Camouflage |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | Palace |
|Rebels will be stealthed when they're not firing once you have this upgrade. |
|This is ideal when combined with the Ambush General's Power. Note that using|
|the Capture Building ability counts as firing, so you won't be able to steal |
|buildings while stealthed. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Capture Building |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Barracks |
|This upgrade will grant your Rebel units the ability to take control of enemy|
|and civilian buildings. Ideal when oil derricks are present on a map, and |
|even more ideal when combined with the Ambush General's Power. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Fortified Structure |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Palace |
|This increases the strength of your buildings. A fully garrisoned, fortified|
|Palace is one hell of a defensive structure. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Junk Repair |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | Black Market |
|All of your vehicles will automatically repair themselves slowly once you get|
|this upgrade. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Radar Scan |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Black Market |
|Deployed from the Radar Van, this will allow you to reveal the map in a small|
|area, including revealing any stealthed units inside the searched area. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Scorpion Rocket |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Arms Dealer |
|This mounts a strong rocket on the tops of your Scorpion tanks, giving them a|
|huge attack power boost. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Toxin Shells |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Palace |
|This will cause your Scorpions and Marauders to have toxin-tipped shells, |
|which will leave behind a toxic cloud when they hit a target. This makes |
|them much more effective against infantry. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Worker Shoes |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Black Market |
|Finally, you can give the Workers those shoes they've been asking for. The |
|benefit? They move faster, which is a huge plus. |

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 4.30) Chinese Upgrades | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Black Napalm |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | War Factory |
|The Black Napalm upgrade will increase the strength of all flame weapons by |
|25%. This includes Dragon Tanks, Inferno Cannons, and Migs. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Capture Building |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Barracks |
|The Capture Building upgrade gives Red Guard units the ability to capture |
|enemy and civilian buildings. This is especially beneficial when there're |
|oil derricks on a map. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Chain Guns |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1500 | None | War Factory |
|The Chain Guns upgrade will increase the strength of all gattling weapons by |
|25%. This includes Gattling Cannons and Gattling Tanks. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Landmines |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 600 | None | Most Structures |
|Most Chinese buildings have the ability to deploy Landmines. When deployed, |
|the building will be surrounded by small anti-personnel mines, though they're|
|also effective on light vehicles and tanks in high quantities. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Mig Armor |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Air Field |
|This upgrade will increase the health of your Mig fighters by 25%. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Nationalism |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None |Propaganda Center |
|This gives a 25% bonus to the Horde Bonus ability of Red Guard, Tank Hunters,|
|and Battlemasters. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Neutron Shells |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | None | Nuclear Missile |
|Neutron Shells will kill infantry instantly, both inside and outside of |
|vehicles and structures. (Abandoned vehicles can them be taken by your own |
|infantry units.) This upgrade will enable both your Landmines and your Nuke |
|Cannons to be armed with Neutron Shells. While your Nuke Cannons will be |
|able to toggle between regular and Neutron shells, your Landmines must be |
|upgraded to Neutron Mines for a cost of 500. Once upgraded, your building |
|will not be able to go back to regular landmines. Note that structures do |
|regenerate new mines after existing ones are destroyed. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Nuclear Tanks |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2000 | None | Nuclear Missile |
|This increases the speed of Battlemaster and Overlord tanks. It will also |
|cause them to leave nuclear radiation when they're destroyed, though. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Radar |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None | Command Center |
|The Radar upgrade will enable the box in the lower-left of the screen, which |
|will display a small version of the map with enemy and allied units displayed|
|in corresponding colors. This is quite valuable to new players and veterans |
|alike. Note that Radar will stop functioning if your base is low on power. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Satellite Hack I |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 1000 | None | Internet Center |
|This upgrade will reveal the map in the area surrounding all enemy Command |
|Centers. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Satellite Hack II |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | None | Internet Center |
|This upgrade will reveal the entire map every few minutes. Very useful, |
|though it'd be much more valuable if you could control it like the US |
|satellite ability. |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Subliminal Messaging |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 500 | None |Propaganda Center |
|This will give your Speaker Towers a 25% increase (both stationary ones and |
|ones mounted on Overlords and Troop Crawlers). |

| | Cost | Requirements | Built From |
| Uranium Shells |--------|----------------------|------------------|
| | 2500 | None | Nuclear Missile |
|This increases the attack power of Battlemaster and Overlord tanks by 25%. |
|It also makes the shells leave nuclear radiation on the ground, making them |
|more effective against infantry. |

| --------------------------------- |
| | 5.00) General's Powers | |
| --------------------------------- |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 5.10) USA General's Powers | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Paladin Tank Level 1

- This enables you to build Paladin tanks from the War Factory. Armed with a
point defense laser, Paladins can shoot down missiles and rockets as well as
tag infantry units from close distances. Very effective as an offensive and
defensive weapon.

Stealth Fighter Level 1

- This enables you to build Stealth Fighters from the Air Field. Stealth
Fighters are stealthed until they fire their missiles, which can be a nice
feature to have.

Spy Drone Level 1

- You'll be able to deploy a stationary Scout Drone anywhere on the map once
every minute and a half with this ability. The drone is also stealthed, which
will keep many enemy units from seeing it.

Pathfinder Level 3

- This enables you to train Pathfinder units from the Barracks. Pathfinders
are snipers that are camouflaged unless they're moving, and are an invaluable
addition to the USA's defenses. They can also cause havoc with Stinger Sites.

Para Drop 1 Level 3

- Lets you drop five Rangers from an airplane every four minutes. The plane
can be shot down fairly easily, though, so you'll want to watch out for enemy
defenses when you pick your target.

Para Drop 2 Level 3

- This functions exactly like Para Drop 1, except you'll drop ten Rangers
each time instead of five. Note that you must have Para Drop 1 before you
can get this ability.

Para Drop 3 Level 3

- This functions exactly like Para Drop 1 and 2, except you'll drop
twenty Rangers each time instead of five or ten. Note that you must have
Para Drop 1 and 2 before you can get this ability.

A10 Strike 1 Level 3

- Calls in a single A10 Thunderbolt to strike a target once every four
minutes. A single A10 is enough to take out a powerplant, but it won't take
out larger buildings. A10s can take a fair amount of damage before they go
down, but they're not invincible. Pick your target wisely.

A10 Strike 2 Level 3

- Calls in two A10 Thunderbolts to strike a target once every four
minutes. Two A10s is enough to take out medium structures, but you'll
still want to pick your targets with caution - they can still be shot
down by enemy defenses. Note that you must have A10 Strike 1 before you
can get this ability.

A10 Strike 3 Level 3

- Calls in three A10 Thunderbolts to strike a target once every four
minutes. Three A10s is enough to destroy almost all structures, but they
can still be shot down. Pick your targets carefully. Note that you must
have A10 Strike 1 and 2 before you can get this ability.

Emergency Repair 1 Level 3

- Allows you to make repairs on damage vehicles within a small radius every
four minutes. Level one doesn't repair much.

Emergency Repair 2 Level 3

- This works exactly like Emergency Repair 1, except it will repair a
greater amount of damage. Note that you must have Emergency Repair 1
before you can get this ability.

Emergency Repair 3 Level 3

- This works exactly like Emergency Repair 2, except it will repair a
greater amount of damage. Note that you must have Emergency Repair 1 & 2
before you can get this ability.

Fuel Air Bomb Level 5

- Calls in an aircraft to drop a highly destructive bomb on a target area once
every six minutes. Extremely destructive, but you have to make sure to target
something where the plane won't get shot down before it can drop its bomb.

Leaflet Drop

- Deployed from your Command Center, this will call in a plane to drop paper
leaflets on your enemies, encouraging them to surrender. They'll be paralyzed
for a few seconds while they consider their options.

Spectre Gunship

- Deployed from your Command Center, this summons a Spectre to hover over the
battlefield, blasting any targets you choose within its target zone. It'll
stay until it's destroyed or until its time runs out, whichever comes first.
Note that you can select it while it's in the air and change its target, but
you can't move it.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 5.20) GLA General's Powers | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

SCUD Launcher Level 1

- This will grant you the ability to build SCUD Launchers from the Arms Dealer
structure. SCUD Launchers can be extremely valuable when used by a competent
player (or if your opponent is new or just blatantly stupid).

Marauder Tank Level 1

- This will grant you the ability to build Marauder Tanks, which are slightly
stronger than Scorpions. They can gather parts from other destroyed vehicles,
but since they don't have the luxury of Scorpion Rockets, they aren't really
that big of an improvement.

Technical Training Level 1

- This will cause your Technicals to be built with Veteran experience status.
Woo... not worth the General's Point in my opinion.

Hijacker Level 3

- This will allow you to train Hijackers from the Barracks. Hijackers are
stealthed units that can take control of enemy vehicles. Quite effective if
you manage to catch your enemy by surprise, but a tad useless against an
intelligent player.

Rebel Ambush 1 Level 3

- Allows you to make four Rebels appear anywhere on the map every four minutes
(anywhere you can already see, anyway). Combined with the Camouflage upgrade
from the Palace and the Capture Building upgrade from the Barracks, this can
make for some highly effective and hilarious sneak attacks.

Rebel Ambush 2 Level 3

- This functions exactly like Rebel Ambush 1, except eight Rebels will
appear each time rather than four. Note that you must have Rebel Ambush 1
before you can get this ability.

Rebel Ambush 3 Level 3

- This functions exactly like Rebel Ambush 1 and 2, except sixteen Rebels
will appear each time rather than four or eight. Note that you must have
Rebel Ambush 1 and 2 before you can get this ability.

Cash Bounty 1 Level 3

- When you have this ability, you'll gain five percent of the cost of each
unit you destroy. For example, if you destroy a unit that costs five hundred
credits to build, you'll receive 25 credits for destroying it.

Cash Bounty 2 Level 3

- This functions exactly like Cash Bounty 1, except you'll earn ten
percent of the value of every unit you destroy rather than five percent.
Note that you must have Cash Bounty 1 before you can get this ability.

Cash Bounty 3 Level 3

- This functions exactly like Cash Bounty 1 and 2, except you'll earn
twenty percent of the value of every unit you destroy rather than five
percent. Note that you must have Cash Bounty 1 and 2 before you can get
this ability. Once you have it, though, it's a great source of income
that the GLA sorely needs.

Emergency Repair 1 Level 3

- Allows you to make repairs on damage vehicles within a small radius every
four minutes. Level one doesn't repair much.

Emergency Repair 2 Level 3

- This works exactly like Emergency Repair 1, except it will repair a
greater amount of damage. Note that you must have Emergency Repair 1
before you can get this ability.

Emergency Repair 3 Level 3

- This works exactly like Emergency Repair 2, except it will repair a
greater amount of damage. Note that you must have Emergency Repair 1 & 2
before you can get this ability.

Anthrax Bomb Level 5

- This allows you to summon a plane to drop an anthrax bomb every six minutes.
The anthrax will slaughter infantry and can even destroy vehicles, though the
plane can be easily shot down. You'll have to pick your targets carefully.

Sneak Attack Level 5

- Deployed from your Command Center, this allows you to make a tunnel exit
appear anywhere on the map (provided there's no shroud there). This can be a
huge time saver if you're trying to move troops, and it can also be a
devastating surprise if your opponent's not very bright.

GPS Scrambler

- Deployed from your Command Center, this lets you grant stealth abilities to
any units within its radius. This is extremely useful, especially if you
stealth a few Battle Buses. They make excellent surprise defenses if your
opponent doesn't know what you're doing.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 5.30) Chinese General's Powers | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Red Guard Training Level 1

- All Red Guard units will start with Veteran experience.

Artillery Training Level 1

- Inferno Cannons and Nuke Cannons will start with Veteran experience.

Nuke Cannon Level 1

- This will enable you to build Nuke Cannons from the War Factory.

Cluster Mines Level 3

- Deployed from your Command Center, this will give you the ability to drop
Landmines from a plane every four minutes. This can be valuable and amusing,
but it should be noted that the plane that drops the mines is easily destroyed,
so it can be difficult to drop the mines where they'll be the most effective.

Carpet Bomb Level 3

- Deployed from your Command Center, this will allow you to call in a bomber
to drop powerful carpet bombs in a line. If the bomber reaches its target
intact, this can be devastating. Plan your attack routes carefully.

Artillery Barrage 1 Level 3

- Enables you to call in an artillery strike every five minutes. Level one is
fairly light, not even strong enough to completely destroy a building. You
should also note that a delay of several seconds exists between when you launch
the artillery barrage and when it actually hits the ground, making it effective
against stationary targets only (unless you're exceptionally good at predicting
the delay). A Level 1 barrage is ideal for destroying Supply Trucks, Workers,
or other infantry piles.

Artillery Barrage 2 Level 3

- A stronger artillery strike. You'll need Artillery Barrage 1 before
you can get this ability. Level 2 barrages are ideal for destroying light
structures such as power plants.

Artillery Barrage 3 Level 3

- The strongest artillery strike available. You'll need both previous
artillery abilities before you can get this one. Level 3 barrages can
completely destroy many buildings, and they work best when combined with
other things to destroy Command Centers or superweapons.

Cash Hack 1 Level 3

- This will allow you to steal 1000 credits from an enemy supply depot. It
has a four minute timer, and you should note that you can't steal more money
than your target actually has.

Cash Hack 2 Level 3

- This works exactly the same as Cash Hack 1, but you can steal a
maximum of 2000 credits with it instead of 1000. Note that you must have
Cash Hack 1 before you can get this ability.

Cash Hack 3 Level 3

- This works exactly the same as Cash Hack 1, but you can steal a
maximum of 4000 credits with it instead of 1000. Note that you must have
both previous Cash Hack abilities before you can get this one.

Emergency Repair 1 Level 3

- Allows you to make repairs on damage vehicles within a small radius every
four minutes. Level one doesn't repair much.

Emergency Repair 2 Level 3

- This works exactly like Emergency Repair 1, except it will repair a
greater amount of damage. Note that you must have Emergency Repair 1
before you can get this ability.

Emergency Repair 3 Level 3

- This works exactly like Emergency Repair 2, except it will repair a
greater amount of damage. Note that you must have Emergency Repair 1 & 2
before you can get this ability.

Frenzy 1 Level 3

- When you use this ability on your units within the target area, they become
more powerful. Level 1 will raise your units' damage by ten percent for ten

Frenzy 2 Level 3

- When you use this ability on your units within the target area, they
become more powerful. Level 2 will raise your units' damage by twenty
percent for twenty seconds. Note that you must have Frenzy 1 before you
can get this ability.

Frenzy 3 Level 3

- When you use this ability on your units within the target area, they
become more powerful. Level 3 will raise your units' damage by thirty
percent for thirty seconds. Note that you must have Frenzy 1 and Frenzy 2
before you can get this ability.

EMP Pulse Level 5

- Allows you to call in a bomber to drop an EMP Pulse every six minutes. The
pulse will disable vehicles and some structures within a pretty large radius.
The downside is that the plane is destroyed fairly easily, so it can be
difficult to hit prime targets, especially if they're not stationary.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | 6.00) Generals | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Zero Hour not only has three playable sides, but each of the three sides also
has three distinctly different commanders. Each one has their own special
abilities, including some special vehicles and structures. Those details will
ne outlined in the following sections.

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.10) General Granger (Air Force) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Thanks to his advanced aircraft, General Granger is the undisputed king of the
air. When you select General Granger, your screen will list the following
details, which I'll explain individually:

King Raptors

- The standard Raptor is replaced by the King Raptor, which can be built at
the airfield for a cost of 1100. These carry a larger payload than standard
Raptors. They can attack air or ground targets, and they're equipped with
point defense lasers. Unbelievably, they can also detect stealth.

Combat Chinooks

- Once you have a War Factory, you can build Combat Chinooks from a Supply
Depot for a cost of 1200. These have every ability that regular chinooks have,
but they have a built-in bunker that allows infantry to fire from it as it
flies. They're also armed with a point defense laser.

Laser Point Defenses

- Every single aircraft you build, including Chinooks, comes with point
defense lasers. This is an insanely huge advantage against anything with

Stealth Comanche Upgrade

- This upgrade can be built from the Airfield at any time. It grants your
Comanches stealth ability as long as they're not firing.

Cost reduction to aircraft

- Aurora Bombers cost 2000, Comanches cost 1200, Stealth Fighters cost 1250,
and Chinooks cost 950. As previously mentioned, King Raptors cost 1100 and
Combat Chinooks cost

Spectre Gunship at lower rank

- General Granger can access Level 1 and Level 2 Spectre Gunship abilities
from his 3 Star General's Powers. Level 1 results in a ten second firing
spree, level two results in a fifteen second firing spree. Note that you must
have Level 1 before you can access Level 2.

Starts with Stealth Fighter

- You won't need to spend a General's point to get the Stealth Fighter ability
anymore, you just start with it.

No tanks

- That's right, no Crusaders and no Paladins. A shame, yeah, but not that big
of a deal.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of General Granger's General's Powers compared to the standard USA.
Note that the Carpet Bomb ability functions exactly like the Chinese ability.

Level 1:
Spy Drone
Carpet Bomb
Emergency Repair 1
Level 3:
Para Drop 1
Para Drop 2
Para Drop 3
Spectre Gunship (Level 1)
Spectre Gunship (Level 2)
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
A10 Strike 1
A10 Strike 2
A10 Strike 3
Level 5:
Fuel Air Bomb
Leaflet Drop
Spectre Gunship (Level 3)

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.20) General Alexander (Super Weapon) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

General Alexander's tactics rely on attacking enemies from a distance without
engaging them, if at all possible. Aurora Alphas and mass particle cannons can
reduce anything to rubble in a matter of seconds. When you select General
Alexander, your screen will list the following details, which I'll explain

Aurora Alpha

- Instead of standard Auroras, General Alexander can build Aurora Alphas.
These drop small fuel air bombs rather than the old standard Aurora bomb,
making them even more devastating. You can build them from the Airfield for a
cost of 2000 once you have a Strategy Center.

EMP Patriot System

- Instead of standard Patriot Missiles, your Patriot missile batteries are now
EMP Patriots, which launch rockets that will disable enemy vehicles for a short
period of time (and friendly vehicles, if they're too close). These make it a
little hard to attack General Alexander with vehicles, and aircraft will be
destroyed instantly if hit by a rocket. They can be built by a dozer for a
cost of 900.

Advanced Rods

- Cold Fusion Reactors will now cost 900 instead of 800, but they can be
upgraded with Advanced Control Rods now instead of the standard Control Rods.
For a cost of 500, you'll receive a 300% power boost, meaning each power plant
will produce twenty units of power once upgraded.

Particle Cannons cost less

- Particle Cannons only cost 2500 each now instead of 5000. Quite useful for
getting multiple cannons built early on in a game.

Vehicles cost more

- Humvees cost 850, Avengers cost 2000, Tomahawks cost 1400, Ambulances cost
700, Sentry Drones cost 1000, and Microwave Tanks cost 800.

No tanks

- That's right, no Crusaders or Paladins. Shucks.


I've also noted that Colonel Burton only costs 1200.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of General Alexanders's General's Powers compared to the standard

Level 1:
Spy Drone
Stealth Fighter
Level 3:
Leaflet Drop
Para Drop 1
Para Drop 2
Para Drop 3
A10 Strike 1
A10 Strike 2
A10 Strike 3
Emergency Repair 1
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Spectre Gunship (Level 1)
Spectre Gunship (Level 2)
Level 5:
Fuel Air Bomb
Spectre Gunship (Level 3)

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.30) General Townes (Laser) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

General Townes is the master of laser weaponry, making his base defenses quite
powerful. When you select General Townes, your screen will list the following
details, which I'll explain individually:

Laser Tank

- Laser Tanks are armed with a laser turret that can only hit ground targets.
They're fairly well armored, and their lasers are pretty powerful. They can be
equipped with either a Battle Drone, Hellfire Drone, or Scout Drone just like
most other US vehicles. Note, however, that your base must have sufficient
power, or the Laser Tanks will cease to function. It's also important to note
that they start to increase the power demand on your base if you build too many
of them.

Laser Defense Turret

- Similar to a Patriot, these are small turrets that fire a laser blast at air
or ground targets. Used in large numbers, their range and incredible power can
prove unpassable. They can be built by dozers for a cost of 1000, but note
that they draw five units of power instead of the Patriot's three.

Avengers cost less

- Avengers only cost 1500.

Advanced Cold Fusion Reactors

- They only cost 700, and they produce eight units of power instead of the
standard five. Note that this also means the 100% boost provided by Control
Rods will result in a total yield of sixteen units of power instead of the
standard ten.

No Tomahawk Missile Launchers

- What a shame, you won't be able to build Tomahawks.


You should also note that the Crusader and Paladin tanks will be unavailable.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of General Townes's General's Powers compared to the standard USA.

Level 1:
Spy Drone
Stealth Fighter
Level 3:
Para Drop 1
Para Drop 2
Para Drop 3
A10 Strike 1
A10 Strike 2
A10 Strike 3
Emergency Repair 1
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Level 5:
Fuel Air Bomb
Leaflet Drop
Spectre Gunship (Level 1)

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.40) General Fai (Infantry) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

General Fai's advanced infantry divisions can be devastating when used by a
competent player. When you select General Fai, your screen will list the
following details, which I'll explain individually:

Assault Troop Transport

- Assault Troop Transports can be built from the War Factory for a cost of
2400, and function close to the way a Troop Crawler functions. Assualt Troop
Transports come with eight Mini-Gunners in them, though, making them much more
powerful - especially since infantry can actually fire from inside these unlike
Troop Crawlers.

Assault Helix

- Assault Helixes can hold eight units, and you can build a bunker on them
(but not a Propaganda Tower or Gattling Cannon). They can still be upgraded
with Napalm Bombs.

Attack Outpost

- Attack Outposts can be built from the War Factory at a cost of 1000. They
function close to the way a Listenning Outpost functions, except they can hold
eight soldiers instead of two. (Note that they only start with three Tank
Hunters in them, not eight.)

Fortified Bunkers

- Fortified Bunkers are just like regular bunkers, only stronger and with the
ability to hold ten instead of five infantry units. They also come with
Landmines already deployed.


- Mini-Gunners can be trained from the Barracks at a cost of 350. Unlike Red
Guard units, only one will be built at a time, but it's worth it - each one is
armed with a small gattling weapon, making them much stronger than regular
infantry. Note that these can fire at air targets, making them incredibly
potent as an anti-aircraft defense.

Black Lotus hacks faster

- Yup, it's true. Try it.

Hackers hack faster

- Indeed they do, and they start as Veterans, which also helps.

Mini-Gunner Paradrop

- This is a set of three General's Powers in your 3 Star abilities. They work
just like the US Paradrop ability, dropping five, ten, and fifteen Mini-Gunners
at each respective level.

All infantry start as veterans

- Every infantry unit, including Hackers, start with the first veterancy


You should also note that the Battlemaster, Overlord, and Gattling Tank units
are unavailable.

You should also note that your units start with the Nationalism upgrade, and
you can further upgrade their Horde Bonus with the Patriotism upgrade from the
Propaganda Center for a cost of 2000, which will add another 25%.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of General Fai's General's Powers compared to the standard China.

Level 1:
Mini-Gunner Training
Artillery Training
Nuke Cannon
Frenzy 1
Level 3:
Cluster Mines
Carpet Bomb
Artillery Barrage 1
Artillery Barrage 2
Artillery Barrage 3
Emergency Repair 1
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Frenzy 2
Frenzy 3
Infantry Paradrop 1
Infantry Paradrop 2
Infantry Paradrop 3
Level 5:
EMP Pulse

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.50) General Tao (Nuke) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

General Tao's advanced nuclear weaponry gives his units a potent edge. When
you select General Tao, your screen will list the following details, which I'll
explain individually:

Tanks start with Uranium Shells

- Your Battlemasters and Overlords start with the Uranium Shells ability, so
you won't need to purchase it. They also start with the Nuclear Tank upgrade.

Tactical Nuke Mig

- This upgrade can be purchased from the Nuclear Missile for a cost of 2000.
It arms your Migs with a small nuclear missile, making them devastating against
just about anything.

Isotope Stability upgrade

- This upgrade can be purchased from the Propaganda Center for a cost of 2000.
It prevents your nuclear radiation from damaging friendly units.

Advanced Nuclear Reactor

- These function just like regular Chinese reactors, except they cost 1200 and
provide eighteen units of power instead of the usual ten.

Nuke Bomber

- This is a 3 Star General's Power. It functions exactly like the Carpet Bomb
ability, except the bombs are small nuclear bombs. Quite devastating.

Starts with Nuke Cannons

- You'll be able to build Nuke Cannons as soon as you have a Propaganda
Center, you don't need to spend a General's point on it.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of General Tao's General's Powers compared to the standard China.

Level 1:
Red Guard Training
Artillery Training
Emergency Repair 1
Level 3:
Cluster Mines
Nuke Bomber
Artillery Barrage 1
Artillery Barrage 2
Artillery Barrage 3
Cash Hack 1
Cash Hack 2
Cash Hack 3
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Frenzy 1
Frenzy 2
Frenzy 3
Level 5:
EMP Pulse

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.60) General Kwai (Tank) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

General Kwai's superior tank forces are ideal for ground assaults. When you
select General Kwai, your screen will list the following details, which I'll
explain individually:

Emperor Tank

- For a cost of 1900, you can build an Emperor Overlord tank from the War
Factory. These beasts come equipped with a Propaganda Tower, and you can still
build a Gattling Cannon on top of them. The Uranium Shells and Nuclear Tank
upgrades can still be purchased from the Nuclear Missile to make these even
more ridiculously powerful.

Tank Drop

- Tank Drop 1, 2, and 3 are all 3 Star General's powers. They work just like
paratrooper abilities, except Battlemasters are dropped instead. Level 1 will
drop a single Battlemaster, level 2 drops two, and level 2 drops four.

All tanks start as veterans

- Battlemasters, Gattling Tanks, Dragon Tanks, ECMs, and Emperors all start
with their first veterancy level.

Tanks cost less

- Battlemasters cost 700, Gattling Tanks cost 700, Dragon Tanks cost 700, ECMs
cost 800, and Emperors cost 1900.

Aircraft cost more

- Migs cost 1600 and Helixes cost 2000.

No Nuke or Inferno Cannons

- You can't build them, which most likely won't be an issue for you anyway.


You should also note the Autoloader upgrade from the Propaganda Center, which
can be purchased for a cost of 2500. It will increase the rate of fire on the
Battlemaster tank.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of General Kwai's General's Powers compared to the standard China.
Battlemaster Training will result in all Battlemasters being constructed with
their first two veterancy levels.

Level 1:
Red Guard Training
Battlemaster Training
Emergency Repair 1
Level 3:
Cluster Mines
Artillery Barrage 1
Artillery Barrage 2
Artillery Barrage 3
Tank Drop 1
Tank Drop 2
Tank Drop 3
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Frenzy 1
Frenzy 2
Frenzy 3
Level 5:
EMP Pulse
Carpet Bomb

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.70) Dr. Thrax (Toxin) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

Dr. Thrax's love for toxic warefare can be extremely devastating and
frustrating. When you select Dr. Thrax, your screen will list the following
details, which I'll explain individually:

Toxin Rebels

- These are the exact same as standard Rebels, except they carry a tank of
toxin instead of their normal weapon. The tank of toxin works like a
flamethrower, tossing out a stream of toxic goo that slaughters any infantry in
its path.

Toxin Networks

- Functions exactly like a regular Tunnel Network, except it's armed with a
toxin turret rather than a machine gun. The toxic spray it fires can slaughter
infantry much faster than the old machine gun could.

Toxin Terrorists

- Same old terrorists, only they also cause a spray of toxin when they

Anthrax Gamma

- Since you start with the Anthrax Beta upgrade, you now have the Anthrax
Gamma upgrade available from the Palace for a cost of 1500. This will increase
the damage of your toxins by fifty percent.

Tanks start with Toxin Shells

- Scorpions and Marauders start with the Toxin Shells ability, so you won't
need to purchase it from the Palace like usual.

Toxins begin as Anthrax Beta

- As previously mentioned, you start with the Anthrax Beta upgrade, and you
can now get the Anthrax Gamme upgrade from the Palace for a cost of 1500.


You should also note that your rocket soldiers and the soldiers inside Stinger
Sites are armed with toxin tipped rockets, making them more effective against
infantry. Rocket Buggies and Combat Cycles with a rocket soldier on them still
use regular rockets, though.

You won't be able to purchase Saboteurs or Hijackers, either, nor will you have
the Camouflage ability. No GPS Scrambler either.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of Dr. Thrax's General's Powers compared to the standard GLA.

Level 1:
SCUD Launcher
Marauder Tank
Technical Training
Level 3:
Rebel Ambush 1
Rebel Ambush 2
Rebel Ambush 3
Cash Bounty 1
Cash Bounty 2
Cash Bounty 3
Emergency Repair 1
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Level 5:
Antrax Bomb
Sneak Attack

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.80) General Juhziz (Demolition) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

General Juhziz's love of explosives makes for some rather interesting games.
When you select General Juhziz, your screen will list the following details,
which I'll explain individually:

Advanced Demo Trap

- For a cost of 200, you can build a much more potent version of the standard
Demo Trap.

Suicide Bomb upgrade

- I think this refers to the Demolitions Ability, but I'm not sure... anyway,
for a cost of 2000, you can get teh Demolitions Ability upgrade from the
Palace. It allows pretty much all of your units to detonate like a bomb truck.

Terrorists do more damage

- Indeed, they do.

Starts with Booby Trap

- Your Rebels start with the ability to Booby Trap buildings, so you won't
need to spend money to get that upgrade.

Combat Cycles begin with Terrorist

- For a cost of 550, you get the standard Combat Cycle, but with a Terrorist
already driving it rather than a Rebel.

No Camouflaged units

- No Hijackers or Saboteurs, nor can you camouflage your structures. No GPS
Scrambler, either.

Bomb Trucks cost less

- 1000, to be exact. Very potent, too. They lack the toxin ability, though.


You should note that you have no toxin abilities at all. SCUD Launchers can't
have toxin missiles, Bomb Trucks can't have toxic payloads, and your SCUD
Storms will drop more powerful rockets without the toxin. (Powerful enough to
destroy a superweapon in a single hit, too.) The only toxin attack you have at
your disposal is the Anthrax Bomb upgrade from your General's powers.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of General Juhziz's General's Powers compared to the standard GLA.

Level 1:
SCUD Launcher
Marauder Tank
Technical Training
Level 3:
Rebel Ambush 1
Rebel Ambush 2
Rebel Ambush 3
Cash Bounty 1
Cash Bounty 2
Cash Bounty 3
Emergency Repair 1
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Level 5:
Antrax Bomb
Sneak Attack

| ----------------------------------------- |
| | | |
| | 6.90) Prince Kassad (Stealth) | |
| | | |
| ----------------------------------------- |

When you select Prince Kassad, your screen will list the following details,
which I'll explain individually:

All Structures can be Camo-Netted

- For a cost of 500, each GLA structure can become stealthed. Quite handy.

Camouflaged Rebels

- The standard Rebel area on your Barracks will be replaced with the Stealth
Rebel, which is exactly the same as a standard Rebel, but... stealthed. Go

Defenses start with Camo-Netting

- Stinger Sites and Tunnel Networks already have Camo-Netting when you build
them, so you won't need to shell out 500 each to make them stealth.

Starts with Hijacker

- You won't need to spend a General's point to get the ability to train
Hijackers from your barracks.

Hijacker is always cloaked

- Normal Hijackers are visible while moving. These aren't, which makes them
that much more dangerous.

Gains GPS Scrambler Sooner

- The GPS Scrambler ability will be a 3 Star General's power now instead of a
5 Star one.

Gains GPS Scrambler More Often

- The timer only takes four minutes now.


You should also note that Prince Kassad can't build Scorpions, Marauders, or
SCUD Launchers.

Workers deployed from a Supply Depot will be stealthed while collecting
supplies, but not during other tasks or while idle.


Aside from those differences, you should also note the differences in the
structure of Prince Kassad's General's Powers compared to the standard GLA.

Level 1:
Technical Training
Emergency Repair 1
Level 3:
GPS Scrambler
Rebel Ambush 1
Rebel Ambush 2
Rebel Ambush 3
Cash Bounty 1
Cash Bounty 2
Cash Bounty 3
Emergency Repair 2
Emergency Repair 3
Level 5:
Antrax Bomb
Sneak Attack

| -------------------------- |
| | 7.00) End | |
| -------------------------- |
| | 7.01) Version History | |

January 18th, 2006

- Posted all of the walkthrough, unit lists, structures list, upgrades list,
and General's Powers list. Detailed information about the differences between
the nine generals will be coming shortly, though I'm not sure how I'll format
it yet.

January 19th, 2006

- Added a section about the specific Generals.

| | 7.02) Closing | |

As always, any comments are more than welcome. If you need more specific help,
feel free to contact me on my site, and I'll see if I can't hook you up with a
quick screenshot or two to help out.

Or if you're not fond of message boards, please feel free to email at or try me on AIM (Deuce ex Defcon). Thanks for checking
out the guide, and enjoy the game.

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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Trainer für Geld, Ränge und Energie

04.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld, Power und Promotion Points (für v1.04, läuft auch unter Vista / Win7)

04.Oktober 2013

04.Oktober 2013
Alle Challenge-Savegames auf Stufe "Schwer"

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

01.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld, Energie und einen 7-Sterne-General

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013
Megatrainer (für v1.4 deutsch)

04.Oktober 2013
Dt. Trainer für Geld, Energie und General-Punkte (für v1.04)

03.Oktober 2013

03.Oktober 2013

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Leitfaden

04.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld, Power, Punkte und Raketen (für v1.02)

04.Oktober 2013
Engl. FAQ

03.Oktober 2013
Kontostand im Skirmischmodus verändern

04.Oktober 2013
Cheatanleitung im HTML-Format

03.Oktober 2013
Engl. Lösung

02.Oktober 2013

30.September 2013
Trainer für Geld, Ränge und Energie (für v1.2)

03.Oktober 2013
"Boss General" für Skirmish oder Multiplayer

03.Oktober 2013
Multiplayer/Single Player Guide to Winning FAQ
Engl. FAQ

04.Oktober 2013
Alle Missionen freigeschaltet

03.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld und Energie

04.Oktober 2013
Trainer für Geld, Power und Ehrenpunkte

04.Oktober 2013
Meest populair
30.December 2013
07.Maart 2014
19.Februari 2014
04.Maart 2019
28.Februari 2016
25.September 2015
11.Juni 2014
25.Juni 2019