

27.09.2013 02:47:04

ver 2.0 3-11-98

The Unofficial Guide To The Legend Of Zelda


Matt McGrath


guide (c)1998 mtm game (c)1987 nintendo

WHAT'S NEW [page 1]

Version 2.0

I apologize for releasing this game guide with the PCX version of
the Overworld map. This map is 1MB, which caused the ZIP file
to be around 700KB; who wants to download a file of that size?

This time around the map is in the GIF format. I have no idea why
I didn't do this in the first place.

Also, I've changed email addresses.

CONTENTS [page 2]

Introduction...............Why I created this guide. 5
Story......................What's this game about? 6

Link And Friends...........The good guys. 8
Overworld Enemies..........Above ground enemies. 9
Underworld Enemies.........Labyrinth enemies. 12
Bosses.....................Labyrinth masters. 16

Items......................Link's booty. 18
Extra Heart Containers.....Where they're located. 25
Shops......................Price guide and location of each shop. 26
Water of Life Saleswomen...Where to find them. 28
Generous Molblins..........Does Ganon know about this? 29
Door Repair Men............How to avoid these guys. 31
Gaming Centers.............You have to know when to walk away. 32
CONTENTS(continued) [page 3]

Information Women..........Some knowledge for some rupees. 33
Free Information...........What did you expect for free? 34
Underground Passages.......The Power Bracelet really is useful. 35
Fairy Fountains............The best kept secret in Hyrule. 36
Special Entrances..........How to solve the Lost Woods, etc. 37

Part 1.....................Equip Link and head to Level 1. 38
Part 2.....................Level 2 45
Part 3.....................Level 3 49
Part 4.....................Level 4 53
Part 5.....................Level 5 58
Part 6.....................Level 6 64
Part 7.....................Level 7 69
Part 8.....................Level 8 74
Death Mountain.............Get ready for the Final Battle! 79

CONTENTS(continued) [page 4]

Closing Notes..............Random musings after defeating the game. 85
Credits....................Who helped out. 86
Copyright Information......That really boring legal part. 87


Rarely will a conversation between two NES buffs about classic games go by
without the Legend of Zelda being mentioned. This cart was pretty much a
definition of a true NES game; it offered everything that made the NES
superior to earlier gaming machines. The largeness of the quest, the
bounty of items to be found, the varied enemies, and the ability to save
your progress were just a few of the features of this excellent game. To a
new gamer these things are taken for granted, but back in 1987 this was

A game of such nature would most certainly need a strategy guide. When
it was released Nintendo of America published a Tips and Tricks book
but you'll be hard pressed to find that. NOA also published a strategy
guide called the NES Atlas, but since that had information for a lot of
NES carts not much detail could be spent on each game. Finally, a
guide is floating around on the net. It has way too many errors
(grammatical and game related) and I found it's layout to be really
unreadable. So this is where I step in.

STORY [page 6]

A long, long time ago the World was in an age of Chaos. In the middle
of this chaos, in a little kingdom in the land of Hyrule, a legend was
being handed down from generation to generation, the legend of the
"Triforce"; golden triangles possessing mystical powers.

One day, an evil army attacked this peaceful little kingdom and stole
the Triforce of Power. This army was led by Ganon, the powerful
Prince of Darkness who sought to plunge the World into fear and
darkness under his rule. Fearing his wicked rule, Zelda, the princess
of this kingdom, split up the Triforce of Wisdom into eight fragments
and hid them throughout the realm to save the last remaining Triforce
from the clutches of the evil Ganon. At the same time, she commanded
her most trustworthy nursemaid, Impa, to secretly escape into the land
and go find a man with enough courage to destroy the evil Ganon.
Upon hearing this, Ganon grew angry, imprisoned the princess, and sent
out a party in search of Impa.

STORY(continued) [page 7]

Braving forests and mountains, Impa fled for her life from her
pursuers. As she reached the very limit of her energy she found
herself surrounded by Ganon's evil henchmen. Cornered! What could
she do? ... But wait!

All was not lost. A young lad appeared. He skillfully drove off
Ganon's henchmen, and saved Impa from a fate worse than death.
His name was Link. During his travels he had come across Impa and
Ganon's henchmen. Impa told Link the whole story of the princess Zelda
and the evil Ganon. Burning with a sense of justice, Link resolved to
save Zelda, but Ganon was a powerful opponent. He held the Triforce of
Power. And so, in order to fight off Ganon, Link had to bring the
scattered eight fragments of the Triforce of Wisdom together to
rebuild the mystical Triangle.


Link: The courageous boy who will fight to save Hyrule and Zelda.

Impa: Zelda's nursemaid who has been sent out to find a hero.

Zelda: Hyrule's Princess, she has been imprisoned by Ganon.

Old Woman: This woman will help Link out with information and her own
special brew, The Water of Life.

Old Man: He'll give Link his first sword and many hints throughout his

Merchant: These guys are Hyrule's only salesmen, and have a knack for
butchering the english language. Go to them for all of your
shopping needs.


Tektite: These spider creatures are easy to beat. Just club them with
the boomerang and finish them off with your sword.

Octorok: A walking, above ground octopus. Use the same strategy as above
but watch out for the rocks they spit at you.

Leever: Leever's use defense as their strategy: they'll move underground
when you get close. A few strikes of your sword should bring
them down before they get a chance to hide.

Peahat: Peahats are ghosts of flowers that fly around aimlessly. Avoid
the Peahats when they're moving and wait for them to stand
still. When they stop fluttering around slash them with the

Molblin: These guys are a cross between a bulldog and a goblin. They
act like the Octoroks except they'll throw spears, so use
the same strategy for both.
OVERWORLD ENEMIES(continued) [page 10]

Armos: Armos are soldiers turned into to stone(probably by Bowser).
They'll remain motionless until you touch them, at which point
they start running around. Avoid the Armos unless there's a
passage or item underneath them.

Ghini: These ghosts live in Hyrule's graveyard. Each graveyard has one
leader who you must defeat in order to destroy the other Ghinis.
The other Ghinis come from the tombstones you touch.

Lynel: The toughest enemy in the Overworld, Lynels are centaur-like
creatures who guard Death Mountain. Make sure you have the
Magic Shield because your regular shield can't block their

Zola: Zola is a cross between a woman and a fish who lives in Hyrule's
lakes. She'll stick her head out of the water and shoot a
magic ball that your regular shield can't block.

OVERWORLD ENEMIES(continued) [page 11]

Rocks: Small pieces of Death Mountain tumble down towards Link when he
gets close. Avoid these because they're invincible.


Zol: These blobs of jelly just slide around without much attack power.
When you strike a Zol, he splits into two smaller blobs called
Gels. Not much strategy needed; just hack away.

Rope: This poisonous snake is pretty weak. Use the same strategy as for
the Zols.

Keese: Keese are bats who live in the labyrinths. They follow the same
flying pattern as Peahats, except you can hit them any time.

Vire: A devil like creature who controls the Keese. When you strike
him he'll split into two red Keese.

Stalfos: This skeletal warrior is super weak. He doesn't even use his
swords to attack, so beating him is a breeze.

UNDERWORLD ENEMIES(continued) [page 13]

Wall Master: A large hand that hangs around the boss room in the
labyrinths. Make sure he doesn't catch you because he'll
carry you back to the entrance.

Goriya: A mousey creature who attacks with his boomerang. Goryia's most
vulnerable when attacking because he stands still, so strike him

Wizzrobe: These magicians are really strong. They disappear and then
suddenly reappear and attack with a magic spell. Wait until
they appear and attack from the side so you don't get hit
by their shots.

Darknut: A heavily armored knight and one of the most feared enemies in
Hyrule. Don't believe the hype, just attack them from the side
or back while avoiding contact.

UNDERWORLD ENEMIES(continued) [page 14]

Pols Voice: This creature is a ghost with big ears. Shooting them with
one arrow is your best strategy, because it takes three hits
from the most powerful sword to bring Pols down.

Lanmola: Just an overgrown centipede. You'll have the Magic Wand by
the time you run into him so it should be real easy to get
rid of Lanmola.

Like-Like: The most retched creature in the land of Hyrule. He loves
the taste of Magic Shields so avoid contact at all costs.
Stun him with the boomerang and then quickly slash him
with your sword.

Gibdo: Your everyday mummy with very weak attack power.

Moldorm: This worm is made up of little fireballs linked together. Just
hack away with your sword to bring him down.

UNDERWORLD ENEMIES(continued) [page 15]

Patra: You'll encounter this flying eyeball in Level 9. Attack the outside
ring of Patras to get to the main man inside. He's not so tough
now without his guardians.

Bubble: This spirit of the dead is unstoppable, so make sure you avoid it.
If you get hit you won't be able to use your sword for a few

Traps: These are easy to avoid. Move close so that they'll activate, and
when they're moving back to their original positions walk on

Stone Statues: Some of these actually shoot magic balls at you, but most
just sit motionless.

BOSSES [page 16]

Aquamentus: This weak dragon guards the Triforce in Level 1 and Level 7.
Strike him in the head while blocking his magic beams with
your shield.

Dodongo: A rhinoceros with a very thick hide. The only way to defeat
this creature is to place two bombs in his mouth.

Manhandla: A four-handed man eating flower. It's only weak spot is in
it's hands, so aim your attacks towards there. A well placed
bomb in the center of it's body can take it out in one blast.

Gleeok: This multiple-headed dragon spits beams at Link. As you attack
it, the decapitated heads will float around and try to collide
into you. The best strategy is to hack away with no defense.

Digdogger: Digdogger's are large sea urchins who shrivel up when they
hear high pitched tones. After using the whistle, attack
the small Digdogger with your sword.
BOSSES(continued) [page 17]

Gohma: A large crab who's weak spot is it's eye. A perfectly aimed
arrow will take him out in one shot.

Ganon: The main man himself. Strike him when he's invisible to make
him appear, and then shoot him with a silver arrow when he
turns red.

ITEMS [page 18]

Hearts: These replace one missing heart from Link's total. Link's
total number of hearts is how much damage he can take
before dying.

Rupees: The currency of Hyrule. A yellow rupee is worth $1 and a
blue rupee is worth $5.

Bombs: Bombs have two uses. They can act as a weapon for
defeating enemies and open secret passages in the
labyrinths and Overworld.

Fairys: These creatures have been captured by Ganon's minions. If
you happen to rescue one she'll refill some of your
missing hearts.

Keys: In the Underworld labyrinths, these open locked doors.

ITEMS(continued) [page 19]

Magical Clock: If you defeat an enemy who holds this item, it will freeze
the actions of all the other enemies. You can now defeat
them without worrying about being attacked.

Map and Compass: These are found only in the labyrinths; The map shows
you what the dungeon looks like and the compass shows
you where the triforce is located.

ITEMS(continued) [page 20]

Blue Candle | $60 | B7 | You can light up the dark dungeons
| | | or find hidden passages in the
| | | Overworld by burning bushes.
Blue Ring | $250 | E5 | This ring reduces enemy damage by
| | | 1/2.
| | |
Bow | xxxx | Level 1 | Link can shoot arrows with this item.
| | |
Enemy Bait | $60 | E5 | Some hungry enemies won't let you
| | | pass until you give them this meat.

ITEMS(continued) [page 21]

Ladder | xxxx | Level 4 | You can now pass rivers in the
| | | labyrinths and Overworld with this.
Letter | xxxx | H15 | Show this to the old woman and she
| | | will let you buy the Water of Life.
Magic Book | xxxx | Level 8 | Used in conjunction with the Magic
| | | Wand, it allows Link to shoot
| | | flames.
Magical | xxxx | Level 2 | This boomerang flies farther than the
Boomerang | | | wooden one.
Magic Key | xxxx | Level 8 | This item acts like a skeleton key,
| | | allowing Link to open all doors.

ITEMS(continued) [page 22]

Magic Shield | $90 | D7 | This is larger than Link's regular
| | | shield, and can block some shots
| | | by stronger enemies.
Magical Sword | 12 | F2 | This is Link's strongest weapon; it
| Hearts | | has four times the strength of
| | | the regular sword.
Magic Wand | xxxx | Level 6 | Link can cast spells at enemies with
| | | this weapon.
Power Bracelet | xxxx | F5 | With this item Link can move certain
| | | rocks to reveal secret passages.
Raft | xxxx | Level 3 | Link can set sail across the seas
| | | from docks with the raft.
ITEMS(continued) [page 23]

Red Candle | xxxx | Level 7 | The Blue Candle can only be used once
| | | per screen, but the Red one can be
| | | used multiple times.
Red Ring | xxxx | Level 9 | This cuts the amount of damage taken
| | | by 1/4.
Silver Arrow | xxxx | Level 9 | This item is needed to defeat Ganon.
| | |
Whistle | xxxx | Level 5 | When Link plays a melody on this
| | | recorder a whirlwind appears and
| | | takes him to another part of the
| | | Overworld.

ITEMS(continued) [page 24]

White Sword | 5 | H11 | This sword is twice as powerful as
| Hearts | | Link's regular sword.
Wooden Arrows | $80 | D11 | When Link has the bow he can shoot
| | | these arrows at enemies.


These items add one extra heart to Link's total. There are five in all, and
can be found scattered all across the Overworld.

1 A12 Bomb the second block to the left of the top path.
2 C16 Use the ladder to reach the plank with the heart container.
3 D8 Burn the 4th bush from the right.
4 F13 Bomb right most block on the boulder in the center of the
5 F16 Use the raft to sail across to the island.

SHOPS [page 26]

These merchants are more than happy to provide Link with the items he
needs(as long as he has enough rupees...)

There are four types of shops, each with different items and prices:

(A) Magic Shield $160 (C) Magic Shield $80
Key $100 Blue Ring $250
Blue Candle $60 Bait $60

(B) Magic Shield $130 (D) Magic Shield $90
Bomb $20 Bait $100
Arrow $80 Heart $10

SHOPS(continued) [page 27]

1 B7 A none
2 B16 B none
3 C15 A none
4 D5 B none
5 D7 D Burn the first bush to the left
6 D12 B none
7 D14 D Burn the bottom bush closest to the right path

8 E5 C Push the top middle Armos
9 F6 B none
10 F7 D Bomb the block straight up from the bottom path
11 G3 D Bomb the 8th block from the right
12 H13 A none


The Water of Life is one of the most sought after items in Hyrule. These
old women are the only place you'll find it.

1 A9 Burn bottom right bush in the patch of 4 near the left path
2 B5 none
3 D12 Burn the 3rd bush on the left of the top path
4 E4 Bomb the 3rd block from the right most ladder
5 F8 Bomb the 2nd block from the right
6 H5 none
7 H14 Bomb the 8th block from the right side of the screen.


Usually these monsters are Link's sworn enemies, but a few actually are
there to help him out. They'll give you a few rupees as long as
you don't tell anyone.

1 A2 $30 Bomb the 4th block from the right
2 B3 $100 Burn 3rd bush from the top in the middle column of
3 B8 $100 Bomb the 6th block from the left
4 B12 $100 Burn the bottom right bush in the patch of 4
5 C2 $10 Burn the bottom right most bush in the middle 2 rows
of bushes
6 C7 $10 Burn bottom bush in the patch of two.
7 C12 $10 Burn bottom bush in the patch of 2
8 D9 $30 Burn the top bush the column of bushes on the right
9 D15 $10 Push right Armos
10 E14 $30 Push right Armos
11 F9 $30 Burn bottom right hand green bush
GENEROUS MOLBLINS(continued) [page 30]

12 F14 $30 Bomb 2nd block to the right of the ladder
13 G4 $30 Bomb 3rd block from the left
14 H16 $100 At G16, walk through the 8th block from the right


Whatever you do, definitely skip these hidden rooms. The men living down
here charge you for ruining their door when you burn the bush or bomb
the block. Which is strange considering there really wasn't a door
there in the first place...

1 A14 Bomb the 7th block from the left
2 B4 Burn the bottom right bush in the patch of 5
3 B9 Burn the bottom bush straight across from the left path
4 B11 Burn the bottom bush in the patch of 2 bushes
5 G5 Bomb the 4th block from the right
6 G15 Bomb the 4th block from the right
7 H2 Bomb the 1st square(full) block from the right
8 H4 Bomb the 4th block to the left of the ladder
9 H8 Burn the 6th block from the right.


You can gamble your money away with these dealers, but I wouldn't recommend
it. He'll lay out three rupees on the ground. One of them is correct
one to pick and the other two are wrong. Choose the right rupee and you'll
win some, pick either wrong one and you'll lose some.

A7 Bomb the 5th block from the right
A13 Bomb the 7th block from the left
G1 Bomb the second block to the right of the ladder
G7 Bomb the left most block of the two together
G16 none


These women will help Link out with some hints...for a price.

A1 none
G11 Walk into the waterfall


The information here isn't very helpful, but at least it's free.

A6 none
G13 Push the 2nd top Armos from the right.


After finding the Power Bracelet, Link can warp around the Overworld by
pushing certain blocks. These blocks are found in the following
locations: 1 A10
2 G14
3 F4
4 D10

When Link reveals the passage and descends, there will be 3 paths he can
take. The first path will warp him ahead 1 passage, the second 2 passages,
and the third 3 passages. For example, if Link is at A10 and goes down
the second passage, he will end up at F4.


Link can refill all of his heart containers if he finds these fairys. Just
walk towards the pond and the fairy will do her magic. The two locations
are D4 and E10.


There are some areas in the Land of Hyrule that aren't passable...that is
unless you know how to navigate them.

The Lost Woods are located in the west at B2. If you find yourself here
and want to exit, there are two choices. The west exit, which leads to
the graveyard, is only passable if you go north, west, south, west.
The east exit is much easier: Just take the east path.

The Lost Hills have similar properties. If you want to go north to Level
5, then just take the north path five times. If want to exit the Lost
Hills, take the west path.

The Secret Pond is located at D3 and hides the entrance to Level 7. To
Freeze this water over, just blow the Whistle. Some stairs will appear
to the left which lead down to the Labyrinth.

[page 38]

P A R T 1



We'll do most of our item gathering in Part 1, so if this list looks large
don't worry. Equipping Link with the strongest sword and shield plus
the most life will make the rest of the quest much easier.

1. Get The Sword
There will be a cave in the section you start out at. Enter to see the
Old Man who has your first sword.

2. Find The Letter
Battle your way up to H15(upper right portion of the map) and enter the
cave. The Old Man here will give you the Letter. Make sure you fight
every enemy along the way so you can make some money.

3. Buy The Blue Candle
After acquiring the letter, travel back to B7. By this time you should
have at least 60 rupees to buy the Blue Candle.

PRE-LEVEL ACTIVITIES(continued) [page 40]

4. Get The First Heart Container
Go to D8 and burn the fourth bush from the right to uncover a hidden
passage. Down here an Old Man will give you your first Heart Container.

5. Get The Second Heart Container
Now head off to A12 and bomb the second block to the left of the top path.
This will uncover another secret passage.

6. Get The Third Heart Container
F13 holds the final Heart Container for Part 1. Bomb right most block on
the boulder in the center of the screen.

7. Acquire The White Sword
Now that we have 6 hearts the Old Man will give us the White Sword.
Battle all the way up to H11 and watch out for the Lynel when you get
there. After defeating him walk into the cave and grab the sword.

PRE-LEVEL ACTIVITIES(continued) [page 41]

8. The Power Bracelet
Work your way to F5(this requires going through the Lost Woods). There
should be a bunch of Armos standing around, and you'll want to push
the top right most one. He'll change from stone into human form and
leave behind the Power Bracelet.

9. Magic Shield
Make sure you have 90 rupees and then go to D7. Here you'll need to burn
the first bush on the left to uncover the Shop.

10. Blue Ring
The final item for Part 1. The Blue Ring is the most expensive item in
Hyrule at 250 rupees, so you might want to visit some Generous
Molblins. Go to E5 and push the top middle Armos to reveal the Shop.

11. Head To Level 1
Level 1 is located at E8, just across the bridge.

LEVEL 1 [page 42]

BOW: 5, 1

MAP: 3, 2


1. Get The First Key
Go to the room right of the entrance(0, 3) and defeat the Stalfos for a

2. Get Another Key
Go left twice(0, 1) and destroy all the Keese for your second key.

LEVEL 1(continued) [page 43]

3. The Third Key
Go right and then up(1, 2) to defeat some Stalfos. Go up again(2,2) and
defeat some more Stalfos for the third key.

4. The Compass
Go right(2,3) to find it(amongst the Keese).

5. The Map
Go left twice(2,1) and defeat the Keese to open the door. Now go up
(3,1) and then go right(3,2) to grab the Map.

6. Get Fourth Key
Go up(4,2) and kill the Stalfos for another key.

7. The Bow
Go up(5,2) and then left(5,1). Push the left most stone up to get to the
underground passage. Here will be your first treasure, the Bow.

LEVEL 1(continued) [page 44]

8. The Boomerang
Go left and then down twice(3,2). Now go left again(3,3) and kill all
the Goriyas to get the Wooden Boomerang.

9. The Final Key
Go right(3,4) and get the key while avoiding the Wall Masters.

10. Battle Aquamentus
Go up(4,4) to face the first boss, Aquamentus. Stab him in the head
three times and he'll go down real smooth. Now go right and get
the first piece of the Triforce!

[page 45]

P A R T 2



There isn't much to do now that we have all of the available items. However
now that we have the Bow, why not buy some arrows?

1. The Wooden Arrow
The cheapest Shop to house the Wooden Arrow is at D11. The Arrows will
cost 80 rupees which you'll probably have by now.

2. Level 2
This labyrinth is located at E13, in the eastern woods.

LEVEL 2 [page 47]


MAP: 2, 3


1. The First Key
Go right(0, 2) and defeat the Ropes for a key.

2. The Compass
Go up(1, 2) and then right(1, 3) to get the Compass from the Gels.

3. The Second Key
Go left three times(1, 0) to get the next key.

LEVEL 2(continued) [page 48]

4. The Map
Go right twice and then up(2, 2). Now go right(2, 3) and kill the Gels
for the Map.

5. Magical Boomerang
Bomb the top wall and go up(3, 3). Defeat the Goriyas to receive the
Magical Boomerang.

6. The Third Key
Go left(3, 2) and defeat the Ropes for another key.

7. The Fourth Key
Go up(4, 2) and defeat the Moldorms for the fourth key.

8. Fight The Dodongos
Go up three times(7,2) to face two Dodongos. Place two bombs in their
mouths to destroy them and recover the second piece of the Triforce.

[page 49]

P A R T 3



There isn't much to do in the Overworld.

1. Level 3
This labyrinth is at A5.

LEVEL 3 [page 51]

RAFT: 1, 0

MAP: 3, 3


1. Key Number 1
Go left(0, 2) and kill the Zols for a key.

2. Key Number 2
Go up(1, 2) and get the second key from some more Zols.

3. The Compass
Go up and then left(2, 1) to get the Compass.

LEVEL 3(continued) [page 52]

4. The Raft
Go left and then down(1, 0). Avoid the Darknuts in this room and run for
the stairs. Go down to get the raft.

5. Key Number 3
Go up twice(3, 0) and grab the key.

6. Key Number 4
Go right twice(3, 2) and kill the Zols for another key.

7. The Map
Go right(3, 3) and get the Map from the Zols.

8. The Road to Manhandla
Go down(2, 3), right(2, 4) and then up(3, 4) to find the Manhandla.
Either stab it's hands with your sword or place a bomb in the center
of it's body to destroy Manhandla. Go up and get the third piece of
the Triforce.
[page 53]

P A R T 4



Now we can get that fourth Heart Container with the newly acquired raft.

1. Heart Container Number Four
Go to F16 and use the raft to cross over to the distant island. There
will be a cave housing an Old Man; talk him into giving you a Heart

2. Level 4
Sail across to the island at D6 from C6's dock.

LEVEL 4 [page 55]

LADDER: 4, 2

MAP: 5, 1

GLEEOK: 6, 3

1. First Key
Go left(0, 0) and destroy the Keese for a key.

2. The Compass
Go right(0, 1), up(1, 1), and then right(1, 2). Kill the Vire to get
the Compass.

3. Second Key
Go left, and then up(2, 1) to get the next key.

LEVEL 4(continued) [page 56]

4. Third Key
Go left and then up(3, 0) to get another key.

5. The Ladder
Go up(4, 0), right(4, 1), and then right again(4, 2). After defeating
the Like-Likes push the stone and go down the stairs. Here you'll
find the Ladder.

6. The Map
Go left twice(4, 0) and the go up(5, 0). Go right(5, 1) to find the Map.

7. Last Key
Go left(5, 0), up twice(7, 0) and then right(7, 1). You'll find the
fourth key here among some Keese.

LEVEL 4(continued) [page 57]

8. Gleeok
Go right(7, 2) and then down(6, 2). Kill the Vire here and push the
stone to open the door. Go right(6, 3) to battle Gleeok. Rapidly
stab it's heads until both are gone to defeat this dragon. Now go
up and get Triforce piece number 4.

[page 58]

P A R T 5



Now that we have the Ladder the last Heart Container can be acquired. We can
also get the most powerful weapon in Hyrule: the Magical Sword.

1. The Fifth Extra Heart Container
At C16, you'll see a plank with the Heart Container on it. Walk out using
the Ladder to grab it.

2. The Magical Sword
The Old Man who lives in the graveyard at F2 will give you this great
weapon. Just push the second tombstone from the right in the middle
row to find the passage.

LEVEL 5 [page 60]


MAP: 3, 2


1. The First Key
Go right(0, 3) and beat the Pols Voice for a key.

2. The Second Key
Go left and then up(1, 2) and battle the Gibdos for the next key.

3. Find The Secret Passage
Go left twice(1, 0) and beat the Darknuts. Now move the stone to find
the passage.

LEVEL 5(continued) [page 61]

4. The Whistle
After taking the passage you'll end up at (7, 2). Go left(7, 1) and
battle the Darknuts to open up the passage. After that walk down to
get the Whistle.

5. The Next Key
Go right and then down(6, 2). Grab the key from amongst the Keese.

6. Visit The Old Man
Bomb the right wall and then go right(6, 3). For 100 rupees the Old Man
will increase your bomb capacity to 12.

7. Go Back To The Secret Passage
Go left and then up(7, 2). Enter the passage to get back to (1, 0).

8. Battle the Dodongos
Go right twice(1, 2) and then up(2, 2) to kill the Dodongos.

LEVEL 5(continued) [page 62]

9. The Fourth Key
Go left(2, 1) to defeat the Zols for another key.

10. The Map
Go right and then up(3, 2) to get the Map.

11. The Fifth Key
Go down and then right(2, 3). Now go up(3, 3) and kill the Gibdos for
the fifth key.

12. The Compass
Go up(4, 3) and kill the Darknuts for the Compass.

13. The Sixth Key
Go up(5, 3) and get the key.

LEVEL 5(continued) [page 63]

14. The Final Key
Go left(5, 2) and kill the Gibdos for the seventh key.

15. Fight With Digdogger
Go left twice(5, 0) to encounter Digdogger. Blow the Whistle once to
make it shrink down and then attack it with your sword. After getting
the Heart Container, go up and retrieve Triforce piece number 5.

[page 64]

P A R T 6



We have everything we need for now, so head to Level 6.

1. Level 6
You'll locate this level at F3.

LEVEL 6 [page 66]

MAGIC WAND: (7, 1)

COMPASS: (1, 0)
MAP: (6, 1)

GOHMA: (5, 4)

1. The First Key
Go right and battle some Wizzrobes for the first key.

2. The Compass
Go left twice(0, 0) and then up(1, 0). Defeat the Zols for the Compass.

3. The Second Key
Go up(2, 0) and kill the Keese for another key.

LEVEL 6(continued) [page 67]

4. Battle Gleeok
Go up four times(6, 0) and you'll encounter Gleeok. Defeat him by
rapidly stabbing his heads from the side.

5. The Map
Go right(6, 1) and grab the Map.

6. The Magic Wand
Go up(7, 1) and battle the Wizzrobes. After defeating them, push the
stone and go downstairs to get the Wand.

7. The Third Key
Go down twice(5, 0) and grab the key while avoiding the Wizzrobes.

8. The Secret Passage
Go down and then right(4, 2) to battle some Wizzrobes and Like-Likes.
After defeating them, push the stone to reveal some stairs.

LEVEL 6(continued) [page 68]

9. The Last Key
After taking the stairs you'll appear at (6, 5). Go down to grab the
fourth key.

10. Fighting Gohma
Go left(5, 4) to meet Gohma. One single Wooden Arrow fired from your
Bow will bring it down. Now go up and get the sixth piece of the

[page 69]

P A R T 7



All we need now is some Bait for Level 7.

1. The Bait
Go to E5(where you bought the Blue Ring) and push the top middle Armos
to reveal the Shop's entrance.

2. Level 7
This level is located in the Secret Pond at D3. Just blow the Whistle
to make the entrance appear.

LEVEL 7 [page 71]

RED CANDLE: (6, 2)

COMPASS: (2, 2)
MAP: (6, 0)


1. Visit The Old Man
Go up(1, 1). Bomb the top wall and go up again(2, 1). Now go left
(2, 0) and up(3, 0). Here you'll meet the Old Man who'll allow you to
carry more bombs for 100 rupees.

2. The First Key
Go down three times(0, 0) and defeat the Ropes for the first key.

LEVEL 7(continued) [page 72]

3. The Second Key
Go up twice(2, 0) and then right(2, 1). Go up twice(4, 1). Now bomb
the right wall and go right(4, 2). In this room you'll find the next

4. The Hungry Goriya
Go left twice(4, 0) and then up(5, 0). Here you'll find a Goriya who
won't let you pass until you give him some food. Hand over the Bait
to get through.

5. The Map
Go up(6, 0) to get the Map.

6. The Red Candle
Go right(6, 1). In this room bomb the right wall and go right(6, 2).
Defeat all the monsters and move the stone. Go down the steps and
retrieve the Red Candle.

LEVEL 7(continued) [page 73]

7. The Secret Passage
Bomb the right wall and go right(6, 3). Go right again and then go up
(7, 4). Bomb the right wall in this room then head right(7, 5). Watch
out for the Wall Monsters here. You'll see a column of blocks to the
right; push the middle one to reveal the stairs.

8. Aquamentus
After taking the steps you'll emerge at (5, 1); just bomb the right wall
and enter. Stab Aquamentus about two times and the head to defeat it
and get the seventh Triforce piece.

[page 74]

P A R T 8



There's not much left in the Overworld.

1. Level 8
Go to B14 to find this level. You'll see a tree sitting by itself in the
middle of the path; burn it to find Level 8's entrance.

LEVEL 8 [page 76]

MAGIC BOOK: (0, 1)
MAGIC KEY: (6, 4)

COMPASS: (2, 4)
MAP: (5, 3)

GLEEOK: (4, 1)

1. The First Key
Go right(0, 4) and grab the key.

2. The Magic Book
Go left three times(0, 1). Kill the Gibdos and Darknuts; then push the
stone to reveal the stairs. Down the steps will be the Magic Book.

LEVEL 8(continued) [page 77]

3. The Second Key
Go right twice(0, 3) and then up(1, 3). Bomb the top wall and go up
again(2, 3). Kill the Darknuts for a key.

4. The Third Key
Go left(2, 2) and defeat some more enemies for another key.

5. The Fourth Key
Go left(2, 1) and kill the Darknuts for the fourth key.

6. The Map
Go right twice(2, 3) and then up twice(4, 3). Bomb the top wall and go
up(5, 3) to grab the map from the Manhandlas.

7. The Magic Key
Go up(6, 3) and then right(6, 4). After killing the enemies here, move
the stone to get to the stairs.

LEVEL 8(continued) [page 78]

8. The Secret Passage
Go left and then down twice(4, 3). Go right(4, 4) and head down the

9. Gleeok
You end up at (3, 1) after taking the stairs. Go left and then up(4, 0);
bomb the right wall to find Gleeok. Stab it in the head rapidly with
your sword and the Triforce is yours.

[page 79]




Ahhh...We've finally reached Ganon's lair. We'll need some Water of Life
before arriving, however.

1. Water of Life
Go to the Old Woman at B5 and buy the Red Water of Life.

2. Level 9
H6 is sometimes called Spectacle Rock; you'll want to bomb the left most
block on the left eye.

LEVEL 9 [page 81]

RED RING: (7, 7)

MAP: (5, 7)

GANON: (3, 2)

1. Secret Passage A
Go up twice(2, 6). Bomb the left wall and then go left(2, 5). Defeat
the Moldorm to get to the stairs.

2. The Map
You'll emerge at (6, 4); go right twice(6, 6) and then down twice(4, 6).
Bomb the right wall and go right(4, 7) and then bomb the top wall and
go up(5, 7). You'll find the Map in this room.

LEVEL 9(continued) [page 82]

3. The Red Ring
Bomb the top wall and go up(6, 7); bomb the top wall here and go up again
(7, 7). Defeat the Wizzrobes in this room and push the stone to reveal
the stairs. Down there you'll find the Red Ring.

4. Secret Passage B
Go down 3 times(4, 7), left(4, 6), and then up three times(7, 6). Go
left(7, 5) and defeat the Wizzrobes. Now push the block to reveal
the passage.

5. Secret Passage D
After taking passage B you'll emerge at (1, 3). Go left twice(1, 1) and
move the block.

6. The Silver Arrows
Secret Passage D take you to (5, 0). Bomb the top wall and go up(6, 0);
kill the Wizzrobes here to get to the stairs.

LEVEL 9(continued) [page 83]

7. Secret Passage E
Go back to (1, 1) and then go up three times(4, 1). Bomb the left wall
and go left(4, 0); avoid the traps and go down the steps.

8. Secret Passage F
Passage E takes you to (7, 4); go left(7, 3) and use the stairs here.

9. The Final Battle
Upon emerging at (2, 2) you'll have to battle a Patra; after killing it
go up to face Ganon! He's pretty easy to destroy if you know his
weak spot. He'll come on the screen and then immediately disappear.
Stab him and he'll reappear; do this a couple of times and then he
turns red. Fire a single Silver Arrow into his skull belt to return
peace to Hyrule...at least until The Adventure of Link.

[page 84]




In the last game guide I wrote(Milon's Secret Castle), I complained that
the ending was really dull. Remembering back nine years ago when I first
beat the Legend Of Zelda, I recall this super extended closing scene with
all of these great pictures...but that isn't the case at all. Zelda tells
you that you're the hero, you get to see the team credits(which puts it
one notch above Milon), and that there's another quest to be had. So my
point is this: Don't be so adamant about finishing every game you come
across. Have fun PLAYING the game instead. The reason I was so happy nine
years ago is because it was so neat to figure out all of Hyrule's secrets,
not because I rushed through to watch the ending. I'll leave that to the
PlayStation crowd.

CREDITS [page 86]

None really.


All characters are copyright (c) 1987 Nintendo.

The Unofficial Guide to The Legend of Zelda is copyright (c) 1998 Matt

I want you to distribute this freely. All I ask is proper credit.
Don't change my name to yours and go tell your friends about a cool new
guide you've just created. That's pretty lame...
Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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engl. Anleitung

02.Oktober 2013
engl. FAQ

29.September 2013

01.Oktober 2013
2. engl. FAQ

27.September 2013
Bilder zur zweiten FAQ (Englisch)

02.Oktober 2013

03.Oktober 2013
GameGenie Code

04.Oktober 2013