The Secret of Monkey Island

The Secret of Monkey Island

03.10.2013 12:27:02
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Guide Info:
FAQ/Walkthrough for Monkey Island 1 for the PC
Version 1.0
Written by SquidGirl
Started: February 10, 2001
Released: February 11, 2001
Last Updated: ---
Finished: ---

Contact Info:
AIM: chronosquid
ICQ: 91070341

Sites where this guide may be found:

Changes (12/23/00):

First version. Everything here is new.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction
o Quick Copyright Statement
o Notes on the production of this document
o Game information
2. Game Basics
o Characters
. Main Characters
. Other Important Characters
. Useless Characters
. Pirates
o Controls
. Basic Commands
. Other Commands
o Saving and Loading
3. Walkthrough
o Part I: The Three Trials
o Part II: The Journey
o Part III: Under Monkey Island
o Part IV: Guybrush Kicks Butt
4. Sword Fighting Guide
o Fighting
o Insult List
5. FAQs
6. Secrets/Easter Eggs
7. Items
8. Update History
9. Credits/Thanks
o This Guide
o The Game
10. Links
11. Copyright Info

1. Introduction
o Quick Copyright Statement

This document © 2001 SquidGirl. It is forbidden by law for this document
to be reproduced electronically, in print, or in any other form, without
express written permission from the author, whose email address may be
found above. More information can be found below in the detailed
copyright statement.

o Notes on the production of this document

This is my third guide. My first two (which were for Sam n' Max Hit the
Road and Mission Asteroid) were never accepted at GameFAQs. Sam n' Max
was never sent in, because it wasn't in the right format, it was bad,
and I was too lazy to fix it up. So this is my first real guide. It's
probably pretty bad. I'm not much of a critic for my own work, though.
Anyway, enjoy. Or don't. Either way, if you don't like it, don't email
me and flame me about it. Or go ahead and do that, but if you do,
expect an equally vicious reply and an address ban. Cheers.

o Game Information

The Secret of Monkey Island was released way back in the days of old
(a.k.a. 1990) by LucasArts Entertainment Company. It's the beginning of
a series of humorous adventure games that has spawned numerous fan
sites, hopes for a movie, and one of the strangest places on the 'net
that I know of: (AGLAMI).

2. Game Basics
o Characters
. Main Characters
Guybrush Threepwood (Speaks in White):
Guybrush is the protagonist [for those of you out there who don't
know what that means, a protagonist is a main character, or, as my
dictionary puts it: pro-tag'o-nist (prö-tãg'ö-nïst), n. One who
takes the leading part in a drama; hence, one who takes the lead in
any great matter.] of the Monkey Island series. His main goal in
life is to be a mighty pirate, but of course he also wants to get
rich, marry Elaine Marley (the governor of Mêlée Island), and be
captain of his own ship.

Elaine Marley (Speaks in Fuschia):
Governor of Mêlée Island, owner of some rather pissed off poodles,
and Guybrush Threepwood's one true love, Elaine is the 'damsel in
distress', or would be if she wasn't perfectly capable of taking
care of herself. Her plans are usually ruined by Guybrush, but she
loves him nonetheless.

Ghost Pirate LeChuck (Speaks in Light Blue):
He's dead, he's into voodoo, and he's allergic to root beer. He also
happens to be the antagonist [ant-tag'o-nist (ãn-tãg'õ-nïst), n. One
who contends with another, esp. in combat; adversary; opponent. --
Syn. Enemy, foe, rival, competitor.] of the Monkey Island series.

. Other Important Characters

Important-Looking Pirates (Speak in Blue, Yellow, and Fuschia; Located
beyond the curtains in the Scumm Bar):
You need to talk to these guys to progress in the game. They'll
tell you about the three tasks you'll need to complete before you
can become a pirate, give you some advice, and tell you the
ingredients of grog. Yum.

Alfredo Fettucini (Speaks in Fuschia; Located in the circus tent in the
Alfredo and his brother, Bill, will offer Guybrush a job as cannon
stunt tester. There's a hefty reward given, so take him up on his

Bill Fettucini (Speaks in Green; Located in the circus tent in the
Bill and his brother, Alfredo, will offer Guybrush a job as cannon
stunt tester. There's a hefty reward given, so take him up on his

Men of Low Moral Fiber (Speak in Fuschia, Light Blue, and Green;
Located on the street corner in the main part of town on Mêlée island):
If you take a copy of the minutes of the last Mêlée Island PTA
meeting, they'll give you 2 pieces o' eight. They aren't really
important, but they give you money, so they're here.

Voodoo Lady (Speaks in ______; Located in the voodoo shop in the main
part of town on Mêlée Island):
She'll tell you your future. Stop by if you want to. Otherwise,
she's pretty much useless. She'll be back later in the series.

Shopkeeper (Speaks in Fuschia; Located in the general store in the back
part of town on Mêlée Island):
He'll insult you a bit and sell you some super-cool stuff. Well,
maybe not exactly super-cool. But he'll sell you stuff.

Sheriff Fester Shinetop (Speaks in Red; Located in the Alley in the
town on Mêlée island and in the governor's mansion in the same place):
The sheriff will advise you to get off the island, then walk off.
You'll run into him again. He'll toss you into the ocean. What a
nice guy.

Prisoner (Speaks in Yellow; Located in prison in the town on Mêlée
This guy's name is Otis. He'll give you a carrot cake if you can
give him something to get rid of the rats. But first you'll have to
take care of that nasty breath. If you help him escape, he'll join
your crew.

Troll (Speaks in Light Blue; Located on the bridge):
He'll block your path unless you pay him. And if he takes off his
mask, he looks supiciously like George Lucas...

Carla (Speaks in Green; Located in the Sword Master's Hideout, on the
dock, and on the ship):
Also known as the Sword Master, you must defeat Carla to complete
the mastery of the sword trial and progress through the game. She
will then join your crew.
. Useless Characters

Lookout (Speaks in Gray; Located at Lookout Point):
The first NPC (non-player character) you meet in the game, this guy
is in charge of keeping watch on top of the island. He can hardly
see anything, he thinks Threepwood is Thriftweed, and he thinks
Guybrush would make a good flooring inspector. And that's about it.
He's not useful in any way, unless you want to count his information
concerning who you need to talk to if you want to be a pirate.

Mancomb Seepgood (Speaks in Salmon; Located in top left corner of the
Scumm Bar):
This guy will tell you to speak to the important-looking guys in the
next room. He'll also laugh at your name and call it stupid. You can
find out some things about Governor Marley's mansion and her
watch dogs if you ask.

Pirate with Scarred Eye (Speaks in Purple; Located at the center table
in the Scumm Bar):
He'll tell you a bit about LeChuck if you care. His scar came from a
nasty incident with a contact lens. He'll also tell you how to get a
drink and why there isn't a dartboard.

Pirate with LOOM Pin (Speaks in Blue; Located at the back table in the
Scumm Bar):
Another useless guy. This time with a nice hat. He's advertising
LOOM. Ask him about it if you care. Otherwise, don't bother.

Dog (Speaks in Gray; Located by the curtains in the Scumm Bar):
Completely useless unless you're into the whole barking thing. He
says something about Mêlée island and LeChuck, but he says it with
'Arf!' and 'Woof' so unless you find that sort of thing amusing,
don't even bother talking to him.

Cook (Speaks in Light Blue; Located in the Scumm Bar):
All he does it tell you not to go into the kitchen. Ignore him.

Heavily Armed Clown (Speaks in Red; Located in the back rooms of the
Governor's mansion):
Guybrush will give him some confetti. That's about all that happens
with him.

Nick (Speaks in Light Blue; Located on the dock while Guybrush is
Nick will run into another pirate and talk to him about murder
weapon disposal, then walk away.

Nick's Friend (Speaks in Fuschia; Located on the dock while Guybrush is
This guy is toting around a knife he just used to commit a felony.
Rather than tossing it into the water, which was his original plan,
he decides that he might need it later and walks off with it.

. Pirates

(Note: These are the pirates you fight when you're wandering around the
island racking up insults in preparation for the sword mastery trial.)

Bloodthirsty Pirate
Dirty Rotten Pirate
Stinking Pirate
Ugly Pirate

o Controls
. Basic Commands
| [commands and items in use] |
| Give Pick up Use |/\| [item] [item] [item] [item] |
| Open Look at Push |--| |
| Close Talk to Pull |\/| [item] [item] [item] [item] | +--------------------------+-----------------------------------+

As in most of the LucasArts adventure games of the early '90s, the
controls in this game are fairly simple. On the bottom of your screen,
there's a large black area. On the left side, you can see the actions
you can use. A diagram of this is shown above. The commands are as

Use this command to give an item to another person

This is used on doors, boxes, cabinets, et cetera. It's pretty much

The reverse of open. Again, it's pretty easy to grasp the concept of
this command.

Pick up:
Use this command on any objects in the game not currently in your
inventory. Another simple command.

Look at:
This command can be used on pretty much anything in the game.
People, objects, items, animals, plants, and everything else.

Talk to:
Use this one on people to see what they've got to say. Even if you
don't need to, it can often be amusing to engage in conversation
with the people in this game because of the witty remarks and
comments made.

This command will select an item from your inventory, push or pull
things, and do lots of other fun stuff. If you can't figure out what
else to do, try this one.

Push on something. Turn something. Et cetera.

Opposite of pull.

Walk to:
The default command, this one isn't listed in the command window on
the screen. You use it to move around on the screen, or move between
screens, or anything else that involves movement.

You use these commands by moving the cursor over the command you want
to use and clicking it, then moving the cursor over the object, person,
or thing you want to use the command on and clicking on it. You can see
what command or item is in use, and what your cursor is over, by
checking the command line above the items and commands.

. Other Commands

On items or people, this will cause Guybrush to use the 'Look at'
command. On doors, it will be 'Open' or 'Close,' depending on the
current state of the door. On handles, it will be 'Push' or 'Pull.'

Hitting F1 on your keyboard will bring up the menu. From here, you
can save or load your game or quit. To get out of here, just press
the 'Play' button.

Hitting the spacebar while playing will pause your game. Hit it
again to unpause it.

The escape key will skip over cutscenes and credits so you don't
have to watch them every time you want to play the game.

These commands are used just by pressing the key or button necessary to
use them. Quite simple.

o Saving and Loading

To save your game, go into the menu (press F1) and select Save. Choose
which drive you want to save your game on by clicking on the button on
the top right, then click on any of the empty slots on the left side
and type in a file name. Press the OK button to save the game, or the
Cancel to go back to the menu without saving. If you click on a file
that you have already used to save a game, the file will be replaced.
After pressing OK, the menu will close.

To load a game, open the menu and choose the load option by pressing
the button labelled Load. Click on whichever file you want to load by
clicking on it or pressing enter when the cursor is over it. The game
will be loaded and the menu closed. Again, you can select which drive
you want to load from, or go back to the menu by pressing cancel.

3. Walkthrough
o Part I: The Three Trials

Here, you meet Guybrush. He introduces himself to the blind lookout
atop the mountain. They'll talk for a bit. He tells you to go talk to
the pirate leaders in the Scumm Bar. When they finish, you can go two
different ways.

If you want to explore a little bit, head off to the right side of the
screen to the island overview. Most of the locations are shown here in
colored spots, and those that aren't you'll either run into later, or
you can just move your mouse around until you see something. There's
nothing you can do here now, so you might as well head back to the
village or the lookout point, which are in the lower left corner of the
map. Either one will take you to the lookout point, so it doesn't
matter which one you go to.

After exploring, or if you choose not to explore at all, walk to the
stairs on the lookout screen. Guybrush will go down the stairs and down
the mountain path and onto the dock. On the first building you
encounter, you can see a poster. You can look at it if you want to, or
just walk away. You can not pick it up. When you're finished, walk to
the right side of the screen. Doing this twice will get you to the
Scumm Bar, which is where the lookout advised you to go. Open and walk
to the door.

You will be faced with a room full of drunken pirates in blue suits.
You can also see a dog, and occasionally, the cook. Talk to these
pirates if you wish; some of them have interesting things to say. Well,
not really. But talk to them if you're bored. When you're done, head
over to the curtains on the right side of the room.

Seated at a table here are the important-looking pirates. Talk to them,
or wait for the cook to leave the kitchen and go in there.

When you talk to them, they'll tell you how to become a pirate. For
more details, ask them what you need to do to become a pirate. Or just
look here.

The three tasks are as follows:

Mastering the art of the sword: Track down and defeat the Sword Master.

Mastering the art of thievery: Steal an idol from the governor's

Mastering the art of treasure-huntery: Find the Lost Treasure of Mêlée

When you finish talking to the important looking pirates, or if you
choose to do this before talking to them, wait for the chef to come out
of the kitchen. When he passes the curtains, walk to the kitchen door.
If you open it while he's in there, he'll kick you out, and if you try
to go in while he's still on the screen, he'll tell you not to go in
there. Anyway, just wait for him to leave and then you can go in.

Once in there, the first thing you'll want to do is grab the pot under
the counter. Well, maybe not want. But it's the first thing you
_should_ do. Then you can pick up the hunk o' meat on the counter. Toss
it into the soup if you want. Then pick it up again and you'll have
stewed meat. Actually, it doesn't really matter if you do that now or
later, but you should probably get it done now to save any extra trips
to the kitchen. That done, open the door on the right side of the
kitchen and head out to the dock.

Once you are outside, walk to the end of the dock and move around until
you hit the loose board. Walk on the board until the bird flies away,
then run in and pick up the salmon. Walk back into the kitchen, then
back into the bar. Leave the building.

You'll see a little cutscene here. Watch it. Or press the escape key to
skip it.

Walk to the left and back up the mountain to the lookout point. Walk to
the right and go to the overview. Go to the clearing (the colored dot
in the approximate center of the island). Walk to the left then head on
over to the circus tent.

When you enter, you'll see two guys in ridiculous arguing about cannon
testing. These are the Fettucini brothers. When you get a chance, say
something. Any of the options you're given will work. They'll dash over
to Guybrush and offer him a job. Ask how much they'll pay you (the
answer is 478 pieces o' eight), then take the offer. Tell them you have
a helmet. When they ask for it, give them your pot. Watch Guybrush get
smash into the pole. Whee! It doesn't matter what you say here. They'll
go back to their bickering.

Now, move your cursor around until you find the fork. Click on it. Take
the upper left path. Pick up the yellow flowers on the right side of
the screen, then go back out.

Go back to the overview, then back to the lookout point, down the
stairs, and back into town. Or just click on the village and you'll
automatically end up going down the cliff.

Walk to the right until you reach an archway, then head through it.
Guybrush will find himself in the main part of town.

You can talk to the citizen of Mêlée, but you'll only get something out
of him if you tell him that you once had a barber named Dominique (this
will be back later in the MI series). Then he'll offer to sell you a
map, which you should buy.

Across the street, you can see three men and a rat. Talk to the men. If
you insult the rat then move the cursor over it, they'll tell you not
to touch it. If you do this enough, the rat will run away. If you talk
to them about the guy across the street, they'll call his maps cheap
and try to sell you a real map. Then they'll confess that they're
selling the minutes to the last Mêlée Island PTA meeting and ask if you
still want them. Say you'll take one if they give you 2 pieces o'
eight. Easiest money you'll ever earn. In this game, anyway.

Now, head up the street and open the first door on the right. Walk in.
You'll find yourself in a shop full of chickens. The only thing you can
pick up in here is the rubber chicken sitting on the trunk in the
lower-right corner of the room. Grab that, then walk over to the right
side of the room to meet the voodoo lady.

She knows everything you're going to say before you actually say it.
Ask about everything you can, and when she asks if you're sure you want
to know the future, say yes. She'll tell you a bit, then disappear in a
puff of smoke. Leave the shop.

Walk through the archway under the clock to get to the back part of
town. Head into the first building. Once inside, pick up the sword
(it's on the red and blue boxes behind the counter) and the shovel,
which is in the top left corner upstairs. You can try to leave, but the
shopkeeper will yell at you and you'll have to go back and pay. So just
talk to him. Ask him about the sword and shovel and buy both of them.
Then leave.

Ignore the sounds coming from the alley (or go investigate...nothing
changes). Walk past the church and the jail and through the the other
archway. Then walk to Governor's mansion.

If you want to get into the Governor's mansion, you'll have to get past
those deadly piranha poodles firt. Use the yellow petals you picked up
in the forest on the stewed meat. Give the meat with condiment to the
deadly piranha poodles. Open the door to the mansion and walk in.

Open the door at the top of the screen and walk in. LYAO at the next
scene. And pay close attention to the actions Guybrush is using.

When that's over, walk out of the mansion and back down to town. Walk
into the jail (that's the building on the left) and talk to the
prisoner. Guybrush will make a comment or two about poor dental
hygiene, then refuse to talk to the prisoner until his breath improves.
Walk out of the jail and over to the store.

Talk to the storekeeper and tell him that you could really use a breath
mint. He'll give you an entire package of Grog-O-Mints for only one
piece o' eight. Go back to the jail.

Give the breath mints you just bought at the store to the prisoner. Ask
him if he's got a file. He'll offer to give you his only possession,
the carrot cake his Aunt Tillie made him, if you give him something to
get rid of the rats. Give him the gopher repellent you picked up in the
mansion. Use the cake. Walk back to the mansion.

Walk over to the gaping hole in the wall where the painting used to be.
LYAO some more as Guybrush gets the idol.

It doesn't matter what you say here. The sheriff will go away, leaving
Guybrush alone with Elaine. Again, whichever option you choose, there
will be no changes whatsoever in the storyline. Open the door so you
can leave.

Your escape will be cut off by Fester Shinetop, who will tie Guybrush
to the idol and huck him into the ocean.

Remember when Guybrush was talking to the pirate leaders and they asked
if he had any special skills? Guybrush said he could hold his breath
for 10 minutes. And it's true. You've got 10 minutes to get out of the
water. Ignore the sharp objects lying everywhere that you could use to
cut the rope if they were close to you. All you have to do is pick up
the idol. Guybrush will grab the sword and climb out. Or you could stay
for 10 minutes, let Guybrush suffocate, and LYAO at the conversations
going on overhead and the nice colors Guybrush will turn.

When Guybrush reaches the dock, Elaine Marley will show up. They'll
talk for a minute, call each other a few names (Plunder Bunny?), then
make plans to go back to the mansion for some...happy time. But first,
Guybrush has to finish the trials.

Walk to the right, then head up the mountain and over to the path. Go
to the house on the right side of the island.

Halfway there, Guybrush will be stopped by a troll on a bridge. Just
give him the fish you picked up in the kitchen, and walk past. The
troll will make sure nobody is looking, then whip off his mask,
revealing a guy who strongly resembles George Lucas. The guy eats the
fish, then puts the mask back on. Go to the house.

Open the door to the house. Guybrush will knock, and a big guy with a
smoking problem will answer, insult you a bit, and ask what you want.
Ask him to train you. He'll laugh at you some more, but insist that you
do have what it takes until he tells you that he likes your spirit and
say he'll train you if you give him 30 pieces o' eight. Tell him you've
got 30 pieces o' eight show him you sword, and he'll let you in.

Guybrush will wave his sword around a bit, then the trainer will bring
out...THE MACHINE! After a few hours of this, you'll learn the true
secret of sword fighting.

He'll teach you a few insults, then send you out to learn some more at
the hands of the pirates that are wandering around the island. Head out
to the path, stop somewhere on the island (anywhere that isn't an
actual location will do), and wait for an opponent to show up. Check
the sword fighting guide for more information.

Run around fighting until you have all of the insults and their
responses (there are 16 of them), then you're ready to fight the Sword
Master. Or you could just wait until the pirates say, "Wow! You're good
enough to fight the Sword Master!" when you defeat them. You'll still
be missing a few responses when they first start to say that, so you
might want to hold out for a bit and get the others.

When you're ready to fight the Sword Master, head back to the village
and go to the store. Talk to the storekeeper and tell him that you're
looking for the Sword Master, then follow him.

Try to keep up with the storekeeper. If you can't, the correct way to
go is to take the following paths:

(Push Sign)

Guybrush will evesdrop on the conversation between the Sword Master and
the storekeeper. When the storekeeper leaves, walk to the Sword Master
and talk to her. Challenge her to a fight. If you defeat her, you'll
get a 100% Cotton T-shirt. Otherwise, she'll go into her house and
you'll have to walk away then come back before you can challenge her
again. Once you've defeated her, head back out of the forest, then
click on the fork. Look at the map you bought from the citizen of Mêlée
and follow the directions found within. If you can't do that, take the
following paths:


Go right and use the shovel on the X. Guybrush will dig up a T-shirt.
Head back to the village.

Guybrush will see a ghostly ship sail off into the distance. The
lookout will come up behind him and tell him that the Governor has been
kidnapped by LeChuck. Tell him that you'll get a ship and a crew
together, and he'll tell you where they went and give you a note. Walk
to the left or to the right and head into the Scumm Bar.

Pick up the 3 mugs in the first half of the tavern, then grab the 2
beyond the curtain. You can talk to the cook, or you can ignore him and
go into the kitchen. He's too busy mourning the loss of the Governor to
stop you. Fill one of your mugs with grog with the barrel and head out
(you can grab the meat on your way out, but you won't need it, so you
probably shouldn't bother).

Head back to the prison. As you walk, the grog you got from the barrel
will eat it's way through your mug. After your mug has reached 'near
death' stage (move your mouse over it every time its condition
changes), use it on another mug. Do this until you reach the prison,
then use your grog on the lock. It will melt, and you'll free the
prisoner, who will tell you his name is Otis, offer to do anything for
you, refuse to save the Governor, then walk off. Watch the cutscene,
find out Fester's true identity, then head out of town.

4. Sword Fighting Guide
o Fighting

When someone's path is blocked, you'll be taken to the fight screen.
The pirate you stop will say something, then Guybrush will be given a
chance to speak. Choose the challenging option ("My name is Guybrush
Threepwood. Prepare to die!") to initiate a fight.

The basic chart of a fight:

1. Guybrush throws an insult
(a.) The pirate gives the correct response
(b.) The pirate gives the wrong response

If (a.), (d.) or (e.)...
2. The pirate throws an insult
(c.) Guybrush gives the correct response
(d.) Guybrush gives the wrong response

If (b.), (c.), or (f.)...
3. Guybrush throws another insult
(e.) The pirate gives the correct response
(f.) The pirate gives the wrong response

You lose if...
a. You've been insulted 3 times and you can no longer respond
b. You've been insulted 2 times and the pirate gave the correct
response to your insult 1 time
c. You've been insulted 1 time and the pirate have the correct
response to your insult 2 times

The pirate loses if...
a. You insulted him 3 times and he gave no response
b. You insulted him 2 times and he gave the wrong response and you
responded correctly to 1 insult
c. You insulted him 1 time and he gave the wrong response and you
responded correctly to 2 insults

o Insult List

I = Insult
SMI = Sword Master Insult
R = Response

Actual Insults coming Soon!

8. Update History

V1.0, 12/23/00: First release. Added everything.
9. Credits/Thanks
o This Guide


Thanks to:
Dingo Jellybean my main inspiration for writing guides, and one of my
best friends.

George Lucas, for founding LucasArts.

Jeff Veasey, for making GameFAQs and giving me a place to put my
guide where it will actually be put to use.

My parents, for buying me this game, and putting up with my constant
computer usage.

You, for using my guide.

All of my other friends (you know who you are), for putting up with
me, giving me advice, and entertaining me.

o The Game

Ron Gilbert
Tim Shafer
Dave Grossman

CD-ROM Conversion:
Aric Wilmunder
Wallace Pouter
Sean Clark

Background Art:
Steve Purcell
Mark Ferrari
Mike Ebert

Steve Purcell
Mike Ebert
Martin Cameron as "Bucky"

Additional Art:
Tami Borowick
James Dollar
Bill Eaken
Avril Harrison
Iain McKaig
Jim McLeod
Michael Stemmle
Sean Turner

Special Thanks to:
Brad Taylor
Peter Chan
Ron Lussier

Original Music:
Michael Land
Barney Jones and Andy Newell of Earwax Productions
Patrick Mundy

IBM Sounds:
Michael Land
Peter McConnell
J. Anthony White

Lead Testing:
Judith Lucero
Kirk Roulston

CD-ROM Lead Testing:
Chip Hinnenberg

Bret Barrett, Mark Cartwright, Wayne Cline, Jim Current, Dave Dahle,
Justin Graham, Carla Green, James Hampton, Mike Kerry, Kirk Lesser,
Bret Mogilefsky, Aaron Muszalski, Liz Nogy, Ezra Palmer-Person, Barry
Gysbers, Jo Ahburn, Jon Van, and J 'Fretless' Anthony White

IBM CD-ROM Project Lead:
Aric Wilmunder

IMB CD-ROM System:
Aric Wilmunder

Greg Hammond

IBM CD-ROM Project Producer:
Brenna Kruppa-Holden

"SCUMM" Story System:
Ron Gilbert
Aric Wilmunder
Brad Taylor
Vince Lee

10. Links

[bg-world] (
Of course I have to put my site in here. Look here if you want to see
what else I do.

GameFAQs (
One of the best gaming sites out there. If you haven't already, go
there now.

The Scumm Bar (
The best Monkey Island fan site out there, even Ron Gilbert goes

The newsgroup for the Monkey Island series. Full of strange people.

LucasArts (
The official LucasArts site. Go here to order the game if you haven't

FIGlet (
A text generator. Easy to use. Yay.

11. Copyright Info

This document © 2001 SquidGirl

This document was written exclusively for use on the internet. It is
not intended to be used in any way that is profitable for anyone other
than the author. It is not to be reproduced in any way without express
written permission from the author.

The information found within the document is, to the best of the
abilities and knowledge of the author, 100% accurate. However, the
possibility exists that inaccurate information may be found within. Any
errors (human, computer, or otherwise) should be reported to the

If you would like to use this document on/in your web site, magazine,
or other published work, please contact the author and obtain permission
before doing so.

If you have an error to report, please contact the author.

Monkey Island, LucasArts, The Secret of Monkey Island, and all
characters, locations, et cetera, are trademarks of LucasArts
Entertainment Company. The author makes no claim to the creation of

More information on copyright laws can be found at the copyright
section of the official Library of Congress web site.

Currently, you can find this document at the following sites:


If you have found this document anywhere else or are at some other site that
foolishly forgot to remove the copyright information, contact the author.

Contact the author if:
• You want to use this document on your site, in your magazine, or
anywhere else.

• You want to report an error.

• You've seen this document anywhere other than the sites listed

• You want to ask a question that IS NOT FOUND IN THE GUIDE.

• You want to praise the author and/or offer tokens of high
monetary value.

• You want to flame the author for absolutely no reason other than
the sick pleasure it gives you.

If you have reason to contact me for anything other than that, your email
will be read, laughed at, and deleted. Or maybe just deleted. The same
actions will be taken if you ask a question that is answered within the
Thank you!
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This document © 2001 SquidGirl

Je reactie is bewaard !!!
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