Slipstream 5000

Slipstream 5000

08.10.2013 09:44:14
Slipstream 5OOO Hints and Tips

Supplied by Tony Casson from Gremlin Interactive

Cheat Mode

Type REFINERY on the main menu screen.
Lets the user chooses and track.
Lets the user buy any weapons and any turbos.

'Championship' Tips

Difficulty:- 'Hard'

Race 1 - Arizona

First race of the season.

Make sure you have bought a charger and away you go!

After starting the race wait until you are at full speed then use your turbo.
To the right hand side of Coyote Spire there is another turbo icon; pick it
up and use it straight away.

Keep flying as low as possible, this will keep you out of range of the
opponent's targetters.

Start to pull up just before the bridge towards the left hand wall. Straight
after the bridge, high on the wall there is a secret compartment that contains
turbo icons and other goodies. Pick a turbo up and leave the secret
compartment in one move without slowing down. You might have to practice a
little as this is quite tricky to do.

Take the right hand split at full speed, using the turbo as you exit the
tunnel section. Again keep as low as possible, all the way past the dam.

Do not use the pit lane on this level.

After the dam pick up one of the turbo bonuses. If there is more than one,
use the turbo. If not keep it until the last lap when you are approaching
the finish line, for that last push for the line!

Race 2 Chicago

If you have enough money buy the Loader.This track is a lot easier
than it looks!

Again, wait untill full speed before using the turbo. At the first split,
go right and sraight into the pit lane which is on the left, as you exit the
first split. As you enter the blue section of the pit lane, toggle your
turbo and activate it. Using this method you will get a few seconds of extra
turbo while it charges in the pit lane. Use the right split and pit lane
method every lap until the last lap which it is best to save
the turbo until close to the finish line.

Race 3 Amazon

Don't buy anything for this track. Save up for a turbo on the next race.

Probably the easiest track of the season.

Full throttle all the way is possible. Take the right hand side
of Incas Island and away you go.

Race 4 London

If you have enough money buy the 3rd turbo. Do not buy the second
or fourth turbo as the improvement is not good enough to warrant
buying these. If you have any money left buy a disrupter,
but use it sparingly you will need it on the next level too.

Personally this is my favourite track. Shoot off from the line,
but don't use your turbo yet. The first right turn is easy but
beware of the hard left. It is possible at top speed but it
requires a lot of skill to take this properly.

The rest of the track should be taken at full speed.

If you are able to fly low to the ground take the right split
it is slightly faster if not play safe and take the left.
Continue at full speed out onto the Thames then use the turbo
you have been keeping up your sleave.

At the end of the Thames there is a hard left turn, again this
can be taken at full speed but be careful it's very tricky.
In the tunnels again go through the pit lane on every lap, and
save the turbo for the long straight of the Thames,
until the last lap where you should again keep it for the final
push for the line.

Race 5 Norway

If you used all of your disrupter bolts on the last track and
you have enough money buy another. After the start keep as low
as possible, its harder to fly but at least you keep out of reach
of the other ships blaster bolts.
Take the right hand split it's easily the quicker of the 2
and use any turbos you can pick up on the way.
Follow the track round until the pit lane, use this every lap,
but do not use the turbo. Out of the pit lane push down quickly
then top right on the joystick, this should get you round the
corner without hitting anything. On the sraight use your turbo.

Race 6 Egypt

If you can afford it, buy a supply of scamblers,
if not one of the cheaper weapons will do.

After the start and the first couple of corners keep high on
the track or you will hit the moving blast door.
Continue as fast as you can until the split, take the bottom
split but be warned the right hand turn in this split is very hard.
If you are not that good at taking tight corners then take the
top split instead. The rest of the track is straight forward.

Try not to use the pit lane on this track, and save a turbo for
the finish line.

Race 7 France

Use weapons sparingly on this level as the track twists and turns
too quickly for a missile to hit unless from close range.

Very fast and tight corners. Basically stay to the left hand of
all the track except when you enter the cavern
Do not use the pit lane unless you need too.

Race 8 Hawaii

Try and have the top turbo by this stage, but be careful not
to use it on some of the corners, unless of course you want to crash!

The only thing to watch out for is the moving blast doors;
get suck on one of these and you will lose a lot of ground.

Try to avoid using the pit lane, as you'll lose too much time.
Use turbos carefully, the best place to use them is on the
Plantations straight.

Race 9 - Tokyo

The ambler is a good weapon for this level, use it on Fuji climb.

Another level with a secret compartment. When you start fly down
the first tunnel and you will see a Software Refinery poster on
the wall, you can fly in to this for some extra goodies.

Again there isn't really much else to say except that the pit
lane if taken properly and at fully speed can be better
than the other way (if not as pretty).

Race 1O New York

Load up to the hilt with as many weapons as you can, blast the
other ships into submission.
Short but sweet, a nice easy track to finish off the season.
Short easy turns, you must fly at full speed all the way round.

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