Blue Shift

Blue Shift

02.10.2013 10:04:10
*Half Life:Blue Shift* FAQ Created by Micheal Clayden.
Copyright 2001 Micheal Clayden. 06/19/2001
You may not distribute this FAQ for profit, nor may you reproduce any
or all of this FAQ, all content in this FAQ is copyright 2001 Micheal

If you wish to put this FAQ up on your webpage, please email me first,
i will probably say yes anyway, but do me the courtesy first ok?

Blue-Shift FAQ:
The beginning -
When you first start the game you will be on the monorail travelling to
work, just like in all the other Half-Life's. You can't go anywhere or
do anything for now, so just sit back and enjoy the view as you travel
on your way to work.
When you reach the stopping position for the train, walk off the
monorail train and try to open the silver door, it will be locked and
you will hear someone behind the door saying that he is trying to let
you in, if you look behind you now you will see Gordon Freeman
travelling on his way to work, just like he did in Half Life. If you
think back you will remember that on the way to work in Half Life, you
saw a guard trying to get into a door ... You are that guard! Once the
guy opens the door step inside...
Go through the second door after the guard lets you in and go left,
carry on down the stairs, through the door and into Personnel
Facilities, go around to the second row of lockers on the right and
grab your helmet and flak jacket. If you open the locker to the left of
your locker, it will reveal some photos of the game developers and two
books, one titled "The Truth About Aliens" and another called
"Government Conspiracies". Also if you walk into the toilets and stand
on the bowl, and jump to look over into the next cubicle, you will see
a picture of Gordon Freeman stuck on the inside of the toilet door.
Leave the Personnel Facilities and go round to the Armoury/Video
Surveillance, enter the lift and go down.
Come out the lift and go right, follow the path round and open the door
by using the keypad to the left of the door. Go through and down the
small set of steps and speak to the guard behind the plexiglass to get
your gun. Walk up and round into the shooting gallery and check all the
stalls for ammo clips.
Go back the way you came, back up the lift and into the main room
Go through the double doors and up the two flights of stairs again,
follow the corridor round to the double doors at the end of the
corridor and the guard will tell you to "Have a good one Calhoun" and
let you through.
Follow the path round and up the stairs, past the working scientists,
round and through the next set of double doors. When you meet the
scientist sitting reading the newspaper, he will tell you the trams are
having problems, so go out to the tram rail and head right and down the
ladder to Maintainence Access, go left from the ladder and through the
door, follow the path round and down and move the barrel away from the
door, then look behind you and open the cage with the power generator
behind it, flip the switch on the big silver box and go through the
other door. Now you will be in a dark tunnel, just flip on your
flashlight and follow the path round, when you come out into the
daylight again, turn right and go up the ladder.Go round the path and
out onto the canal, stand near the railings and keep an eye out, you
will see the administrator travelling to work! Then when the light
above the button goes green, hit the switch and go across the bridge.
Go through the door and up the stairs, through the next set of doors
and right, around to "Sector G Main Access Lift". Go in the lift and
listen to the Scientists bitching at you, use the keypad inside the
lift to go down. The lights will go out and you will get a cut-scene,
get ready for the big drop!

Chapter One: DUTY CALLS.
When you come round, get yourself out the wreckage and grab the
crowbar, go right and kill the two stripey monsters running about. Go
straight ahead, past the stairs and round taking the first left, you
should see a smashed up silver power box on the wall, hit it with your
crowbar and the lights will go out, now come out the room and go down
the stairs and through the door near the green barrel.
Follow the path round to the flooded room and kill the two head crabs
to your right, then jump onto the tables to get across to the door on
the other side, go in the door and kill the head crab and go up the
Talk to the hiding scientist and then look to the left, you will see
some red barrels behind a cage, shoot the barrels from where you are
and it will blow the cage door off its hinges, go back down the ladder
into the flooded room and make your way across into the room where the
red barrels were.
Follow the path round and take a right to come out where the lift is,
hit the green switch and jump on the lift to travel across to the other
side of the chasm. Wander down towards the North Tunnel and go through
the door to the right of the bay door. Hit the South Tunnel Access
switch on your right and run back to the South Tunnel Access door and
crouch and quickly crawl through the gap. (This bit is timed!)
When your through go around all the boxes and kill the stripey things,
break the boxes here for some health and crawl under the next door and
go into the crane control room. Arrange the yellow box and the green
barrel together so that you can use the box to get on the barrel, then
bring down the lift on the left side so that you can stand on the
barrel and jump onto the lift, then jump across from the lift onto the
big boxes ahead. Then when you can do this, drop back down and move the
lift on the right side down enough so that you can leap from the big
boxes onto the lift on the right side, then from here leap across onto
the ladder and go up. Follow this path round and into the Drainage
Canal Access point. Kill the baddies that teleport in and go round the
broken pillar and down the ladder into B-03, go through the small gap
on the right and down to the drainage canal, go through the door on
your right and go round, then jump the gap onto the ladder and climb
up, turn the first valve and continue left past the steam shoots and
into the big room with a switch near the window, hit the switch and
drop through the window, swim back round and up to the drainage tunnel
again and climb up the ladder back to the bridge section, this time go
left, round to a ladder and climb up. Jump across the iron girder and
go right, go down the short corridor and drop down into the water with
two green barrels floating on it. Be careful of the barnacles! Now swim
through the gap where the iron bars are broken and hit the Flow Control
valve. Now quickly swim out to the barrels and jump onto one. Now jump
to the other side of the canal and get the shotgun and the shells from
the dead guard on the floor.
Go through the door and out onto the walkway near the stripey signs
being careful to kill all the baddies that teleport in, a bad guy will
teleport in and break the walkway so this means you will have to jump
onto the pipe leading across the chasm and go round onto the next
catwalk where two hybrids are fighting over who gets to eat a guard,
watch the amusing palava and continue on to get some shells off the
floor, there is a hybrid to your right you must kill then carry on
round killing all the hybrids, you will see a First Aid kit on the wall
so use it to re-top your health and walk to the edge of the drop, near
the pipes, shoot the spitter and drop into the water. Follow the path
round killing the numerous spitters and teleport baddies, then hit the
flip switch on the silver box you come across, go across to the lift
and collect the health and the shells then go up the lift. Go round the
walkway to find a box of explosives and throw them off the edge of the
canal into the water, now wait for the metal mincers to blow up and
drop down and go through the wreckage of the mincers, go up the ladder
and listen to the two military guys talking about how heavy the dead
bodies are getting. Now follow the path round into...

Climb up the ladder into the outside world and shoot the two sentry
turrets near the jeep, then jump in the back of the jeep for some
health, ammo and grenades and bomb packs, go back and follow the sign
to the train yard,use the keypad to open the doors and go through,
collect the revolver off the dead guy on the floor and go to the cage
and bash the lock off with your crowbar. Turn the valve and go down the
steam tunnel access ladder, when the ladder breaks and you fall down,
kill the two head crabs down here and go left, follow the path to the
valve and turn it then carry on down the stairs out into the steam
pipes, run past the pipes and round to the flooded room, swim
underwater over to the door and turn the valve underwater so the door
opens. Go round and up the steps killing the spitters, and into the
room with the two barrels and a lift, if you want you can shoot the
barrels and make them bang, just for fun... Then go up the lift.
When the lift stops, walk out and go to the warehouse basement, be
careful of the teleporting baddies, now go past the step-ladder and go
round to the blue electrical sparks, time your run past these well...
then go round killing the teleporting grunt, then shoot the other
grunt. *Shoot the barrel to the right of him to make an amusing mess*
Then after drag the green boxes near the red shaft over to the vent and
crouch and jump into the vent, then climb up and follow the vent around
killing the head crabs and breaking the bars where necessary. *Its not
that difficult so ill let you do it* When you come out of the vent into
the room with the barrels in move the barrel away from the door and go
left and down the stairs and get all the ammo and armour off the dead
guard, now go back up the stairs and round up the next set of stairs to
see two military guys shooting away, lob em a grenade and grab their
weapons boot the door open and talk to the maimed scientist on the
floor, get the health from the shelf and head towards the door that has
a sign saying "Main Stairwell". A military grunt will boot it open so
get ready to fire! Go through the door and round to the stairs, there
are several military grunts here so use the stairwell as cover and
shoot them all.
Now go through the door on the first floor and go round, through the
other door and listen for military radio signals, when you open the
door here to the outside world there will be several military men and a
sniper in the window to the left of the door you come out, just sneak
round and pop him and then finish his buddies off. Now climb up the
rubble and up into the window you saw the sniper shooting from.
Now go left here and go round through the doors and round to Warehouse
Security, belt the lock off the door get the flak jacket and the shells
on the desk, now nip round into the warehouse and bag the military
grunts with a few mortars and rounds of M16, now open the RED train
carriage door, and talk to the scientist for some healing and some info
then go round to the Storage Room and shoot the military grunt that
boots the door open. Bash up the boxes for ammo and health and go
through the door into the Freight Yard.
In the Freight Yard there are a few guards, take care of them and then
listen out for the scientist yelling in the red car, shoot the wooden
props that are under the big silver barrel things and watch them
tumble, then open the red train carriage door and go over to the big
silver door and get ready for military attack... Blast all the grunts
that you can and use the big gun *Its in a box labeled .50 calibre
machine gun* if you have to, just take em all down! Now go through the
door that the grunts came out of and follow it round to a jeep with a
rocket launcher and some shells in, there may be some more grunts so
pop em and get the launcher, as you get it a tank will blast the end of
the jeep away so be prepared to run for cover. Use the trains and
carriages as a tactical advantage and use the rocket launcer to nuke
the top of the tank *The turret*.
Smash all the boxes here for weapons, ammo and armour. Then go through
the door that says "Maintainence Access". Follow the path round and
onto railway tracks, theres a mounted gun to your right so blast it and
head left to the train with CO2 gas canisters on it. Smash the boxes
and shoot all four canisters to blow a hole in the gate, then crawl
through and sort out the military guards, when all is clear mash up all
the boxes to get ammo and supplies and run over to the small pill box
type thing near where you blew a hole in the gate and hit the turntable
controls, then hit the Bay 5 Door switch and run over to Bay 5, run to
the end of the train on the right side, go up the ladder and hit the
power switch, the train will go along and connect to the other carriage
so then leap off the train and run round and open the red door with the
scientist inside. He will tell you he is Dr Rosenburg, and then after
he tells you his sob story, he will give you a boost up through the
vent in the ceiling, be careful though because there are grunts outside
you will have to kill, so get your M16 ready! Now just simply go
through the door near the blue carriage, the sign says "Freight
Warehouse" make sure Dr Rosenburg is with you and go up the stairs, and
through the door, there are a few grunts here so make sure you PROTECT
Dr. Rosenburg.
Now keep him with you and go through the offices to the other set of
stairs at the end of all the rooms, go all the way down the stairs and
into the Basement. Dr. Rosenburg will show you the hidden lift so break
the panel away and go into the lift, go down with Dr. R, and through
the busted up double doors, *If you climb onto the broken ventilation
shaft and look into the piece at the end you will see another piccie of
Gordon Freeman* Now while Dr. R opens the handprint door, blast out the
security window and and jump through, grabbing the armour and ammo. Now
jump back out and follow Rosenburg through the door. He will find his
friend and talk to him, wait for them to stop chatting and follow
Rosenburg round to the next room. Wait for him to go through his bumph
and follow his instructions. When he is finished, hop into the portal
to get to the border world.

Chapter Three: FOCAL POINT
From the start, kill the stripey things, and run over to the recharging
pool and get your health up if you need it. Then go back to where you
teleport in and climb up the rock formation and jump onto the walkway
that leads round to a cave, in the cave shoot the stripey and then hit
the web like membrane over the hole with your crowbar and crawl inside
being careful not to get hit by the tentacle thing, crawl through the
LONG tunnel to the other side, and bash out the next membrane thing
with the crowbar.
You should now be in a room with a central pillar and several yellow
crystals dotted about, to your left is another hole with a membrane
over it, bash the membrane and crawl in, killng the head crabs you come
across, go left and continue round to find a dead scientist with an
ammo pack next to him then crawl back and go straight ahead, crawl all
the way down to the next membrane hole and get out here, when you come
out head straight across the room and into the next membrane hole,
killing the head crabs and avoiding the tentacles, inside the hole a
headcrab will drop through the roof so be prepared, carry on round the
tunnels and turn right at the end, you should be near the last of the
membrane things so bash it out and climb out the hole, you should be by
a river, there is a recharge pool and headcrabs here so kill them both
and use the pool, then from the recharge pool you should see a hole
straight ahead, when you are charged, head to the hole and enter it,
bash out the membrane and drop down.
Now when you follow the path out into the open you will come across a
series of floating platforms, simply jump from one platform to the next
in order to get across to the cave entrance to your far right, when you
reach halfway baddies will begin teleporting in so kill them, when you
have made your way across to the cave entrance, run through to see a
recharging pool on a large ring shaped rock, use the floating platforms
to get on the rock and use the recharge pool, baddies will teleport in
so shoot them and wait in the pool, blasts of lightning will break down
the large tree trunk thing, so leap onto it and use the broken trunk to
cross the large chasm, avoid the tentacle and drop through the membrane
behind the rock.
You will land in water, follow the tunnel round until you fall down a
waterfall into a room with a spitter and a trampoline, kill the spitter
and use the trampoline to bounce up to where the water is flowing into
the room, *Through a hole in the wall* follow the path through and use
the recharge pool, being careful to avoid the barnacles.
Now slide down the slope next to the pool and into another room with
spitters and stripeys in, go upstream and climb up the waterfalls,
killing the spitters as you go, you will come across a trampoline,
again use the trampoline to bounce up to a platform above the river, go
through the tunnel here and you will see the teleport generating
machine, drop down and turn on the power generator then make your way
over to the two dials and turn them so that the little yellow arrows
are within the red cones, as soon as you do this, loads of baddies will
teleport in so kill as many as you can and make a dash for the hole to
the far left of the dials, in the hole you will come across a
teleporting baddie but he will be squished by a large falling rock,
when hes dead, collect the health and climb up the rocks to reach a
hole in the ceiling, you can open a case near the wreckage to get some
extra ammo and health if you want.
When you get out the hole, kill the headcrab and drop down into the
recharging pool, now when charged, run down the pathway and up onto the
walkway killing the spitters and headcrabs and the teleporting baddies
and the floating brains... PHEW!
Run across the walkway into the next cave and run through here, pop a
headcrab or two and keep running up the incline, you will come across a
drop, so drop down and go outside, you see that big orange ball? Run at
it and jump into it...
You will come out into the real world again, listen to what Dr. R has
to say and take heed, follow Dr R to the elevator and go down...

Chapter four: POWER STRUGGLE
From here, hit the switch on the wall to open the door, kill the
spitter dead ahead and get the ammo and armour off the dead guard, then
go up the lift to the right of the door, go up the stairs and watch the
guard talk to the scientist and then the guard meets his demise, go
back and down to where you entered the level, approach the Reserve
Coolant Basin door and watch as the army guys cut through the door,
when they kick the door down, blast em! Continue about the corridors
here blasting anyone until you come across a bridge over a large chasm,
with a sign near it saying "Level 2 Access Lift". Run across the
bridge, some military guys will surprise you as you get across the
bridge so shoot em, follow this path round killing MORE military men
and get the grenades then climb up the red ladder, shoot the guy using
his radio and go into Auxilary Generator Access, youll come across a
detonator so smash the brown boxes to the far right and push the barrel
so that both ends of the fuse wire on the floor are touching the
barrel, then hit the detonator and enjoy the explosion, go through the
blasted up door and up the ladder, killing the headcrabs, run round and
go right and hit the coolant pump valve, the water will drain, now
continue round and kill the spitter, getting the armour and ammo off
the dead guard, then use the elevator to go down.
When the elevator stops, get off, kill the headcrab and use the First
AID to your right, then go through the coolant basin airlock door and
push the four blue barrels onto the grid in the centre of the floor,
run back and reuse the first aid if you need it and go back up to the
coolant pump valve and turn it back on, the water will refill and you
will be able to use the barrels to get across the gap in the bridge, so
go back through the door you blaster earlier and round to the bridge
that you can now get across by leaping from barrel to barrel, when you
are across kill the teleport baddies and the big armoured guy, now go
into the Coolant Exchange Access door, by hitting the switch and kill
the baddie behind the door, clear out any resistance you might
encounter and go round and use the barrel to climb over the big green
boxes open the door on the other side after killing the armoured guy
and go up the stairs killing the headcrabs, keep following the path
until you come across the Control Room and go inside, kill the spitter
and hit the two switches on the control panel, this will activate the
generator, now leave the control room and jump/crouch through the gap
near the Control Room door, *Hold CTRL and press jump* now go back
across the barrels and back to where you first entered Auxilary
Generator Access, *Where you climbed up the ladder and killed the guy
using his radio* now go up the flight of stairs and hit the switch by
the Level 2 Access Lift sign, when the lift comes up, go across to the
other side, kill the teleport grunts and use the first AID if you need
to, now go into the big room and talk to the injured guard, wait for
him to get up and he will collapse, open the door and put the battery
into the charging station bay and hit the switch, then drag the battery
across to the other side of the room and stick it in the Payload bay
and hit the switch, now go out the door that says "Elevator Access" and
go round, drop down and go back into the big elevator you used to enter
the level.

Chapter five: A LEAP OF FAITH
Listen to Dr. R, and follow him, listen to his instructions and follow
This is a very simple section, but make sure that once you dont get
killed by the two military guards that come in to attack when the last
scientist has gone through the portal, when Dr. R has gone through the
portal, hit the damp switch one last time, kill the two military guys
and jump into the portal...

Once you have leapt through the portal, you will find yourself outside
with a group of scientists, Dr R will congratulate you on coming
through the portal, however all is not well and you will be teleported
about the place and into a cutscene from the original half-life, you
will hear two soldiers talking about what they are going to do with
freemans body and then you will be teleported back outside to the
scientists, then you will get in the jeep and drive off into the
sunset, safe in the knowledge that you will live to fight another day,
and angry with yourself that your brand new copy of Blue Shift has only
taken you two hours to complete!!

*Final Comments On Blue Shift*
Well to start with, i thought that the game was WAY too short, but
considering its only ten quid i suppose that its acceptable, i liked
the M16 and the high definition pack for Half Life and Op Force, it
made me want to play through Half Life again, even though ive finished
it like a million times, there were a few great touches with Blue Shift
and a few HL fan in-jokes which were pretty cool, but i would have much
rather Sierra put 20 quid on the price and released a proper Half Life
chapter than this cut-down DreamCast-esque conversion pack, even though
the game is standalone it feels like a booster pack for HL, even Op
Force felt like a prequel, this is just like installing a MOD for the
game... Overall a good blast for a couple of hours and if you are a HL
fanatic *Like me :)* you will appreciate the game while it lasts, but
theres nothing really new here and its the same old, same old. If you
love HL then by all means get this, if just for the HD pack, but if you
are expecting a completely new game, don't get your hopes up!

Copyright 2001 Micheal Clayden

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