Dark Project 2

Dark Project 2

04.10.2013 13:41:33
Windows PC
By Philip Eve
Version 0.11, released on Wednesday the 27th of August 2003
UPDATED VERSIONS - If you need more help and want to know whether there is a
more recent version available than the one you're now viewing, the two sites I
recommend checking first are www.gamefaqs.com and faqs.ign.com

If you have a comment, query or problem regarding the MOST RECENT VERSION of
this FAQ, then send me an E-mail at the following address (join the two pieces
phileve@lambpasanda [Remove me!] .freeserve.co.uk
This text document is Copyright (C) 2003 Philip Eve. You may download this
document and print copies of it for your own personal use, and you may
distribute it non-commercially, provided that Philip Eve is given full credit
as the author. You may NOT host this document on your web site without first
obtaining my express permission. A list of the sites that are currently
permitted to host this document is provided in the full legal disclaimer at the
end of the document.


SPOILERS: This guide contains spoilers for the game's storyline. I have
attempted to keep each new development contained within the proper part of the
walkthrough, but you should be aware that you could have parts of the game
spoiled for you if you read this document.

SEARCH TAGS: Copy and paste a search tag into your browser's find function, and
you will be taken to the beginning of the section specified. (Note: This will
not work if you are viewing the file on a site such as dlh.net, which splits
the file up and posts segments of it on separate pages.)

Section Search Tag

i) Introduction / Update Prediction ................................ mis001
ii) General Information on Thief II ................................. mis002

1) Mission 1: Running Interference
a) List of Loot Items ................................. mis01a
b) List of Pockets .................................... mis01b
c) List of Secrets .................................... mis01c
f) How to Achieve your Mission Objectives, and Exit ... mis01f
(includes extra notes on Keys)
d) Walkthrough, Part 1: Downstairs .................... mis01d
e) Walkthrough, Part 2: Upstairs ...................... mis01e
f) Walkthrough, Part 3: The Garden .................... mis01f
g) Questions and Answers .............................. mis01g

15) Mission 15: Sabotage at Soulforge
a) List of Secrets ................................... mis15a
b) Preparation: What to Buy .......................... mis15b
c) Walkthrough, Part 1: Plans and Supplies ........... mis15c
d) Walkthrough, Part 2: Making the Guiding Beacon .... mis15d
e) Questions and Answers ............................. mis15e

iii) Thanks .......................................................... mis003
iv) Full legal disclaimer ........................................... mis004


I'm back onto writing this thing, but I don't know for how long – this is
pretty much for my enjoyment only, and once I get bored of it, I'll stop.
Currently this document contains a full walkthrough and guide for Mission One,
and the beginning of a walkthrough for Mission Fifteen. You can E-mail me if
you have any questions on these or other missions, though I don't guarantee
that I'll be able to answer all questions. If you E-mail me, please make sure
you have the most recent version of this document.

The walkthrough for Mission One has been rewritten so that it contains the same
amount of information but is much shorter. I have also restarted the
walkthrough to mission fifteen with that aim in mind.



If you don't want to play through to the end of a mission for whatever reason,
press CTRL, Alt, Shift and End together on your keyboard during play to
automatically finish the mission successfully. This information was taken from
the GameFAQs code list for Thief II; thanks to "Thanos rulzs" for originally
contributing it.



On the "stats" screen, the number of pockets is always listed as one more than
there actually are.



Difficulty | Total | Gold | Gems | Goods
Total loot: Normal | 1185 (1205) | 749 (769) | 175 | 261
Hard | 1275 (1295) | 785 (805) | 250 | 240
Expert | 1265 (1285) | 785 (805) | 250 | 230

Numbers in brackets indicate the amount of loot available in the unpatched
version (v1.07) of Thief II. In the patched version (v1.18), there is 20 less
Gold on all difficulty levels, although the end-of-mission Stats screen still
uses the numbers in brackets.


1. All difficulties. 34 gold. Coin stacks.
Piles of coins, on the table in the far corner of the first room in the
mansion you enter.

2. Normal. 100 gold. Candlesticks.
Two gold candlesticks, standing on the table in the corner of the butler's
second room.

3. All difficulties. 5 gold. Coins in chests.
In a chest to the right of the entrance, in the under-butler's second room.
His rooms are behind a metal door to the left, as you walk down the
basement corridor just after leaving the butler's rooms.

4. All difficulties. 15 gold. Coins in chests.
In the three chests by the bunk beds, in the basement room adjoining the
guard post. This room is accessed through a metal door on the right side of
the basement corridor.

5. All difficulties. 50 gems. Purse [in Secret #1].
In the workshop on the basement floor. The workshop area is between the
butler's rooms and the kitchen. In the furthest room of the workshop area
are two shelves, the top one holding swords, the bottom one holding useful
items. Under this bottom shelf, on its left side, is a little switch; "use"
it to cause the sword display piece to the left to raise a little,
revealing a stash. The gems are inside a purse.

6. All difficulties. 25 gold. Purse [Pocket #1].
In the purse, held by the Archer who stands with his back to you, at the
far end of the first corridor on the basement floor.

7. Hard, Expert. 16 gold. Purse [Pocket #2].
In the purse, held by a civilian who wanders around in the basement

8. All difficulties. 45 goods. Pouch of goods.
A small pouch of goods, at the far end of the table to the left as you
enter the basement kitchen.

9. Normal. 61 goods. Fine wine.
Standing by the pouch of goods on the table – see #8.

10. All difficulties. 20 goods. Fine wine.
A gold-coloured wine bottle in the lower right hand corner of the wine
Rack. The rack is in the storage area, accessed through the doorway on the
east side of the basement kitchen.

11. Hard, Expert. 40 goods. Fine wine.
Two more bottles in the wine rack (see #10); one in the lower left hand
corner, the other in the upper left hand corner.

12. Normal, Hard. 50 gold. Golden plate.
A golden plate on a table in the kitchen, at the entrance to the area
containing the food lift (in the north-east corner).

13. All difficulties. Normal: 125 gold; Hard, Expert: 150 gold. Gold tableware.
On the table directly in front of the food lift, in the ground floor dining
room. The dining room is brightly lit, and the table is closely guarded by
a swordsman; but if you crawl into the food lift in the basement kitchen,
and use the lever to activate it, you can rise up and take the gold
unobserved. (You can also take a Gold Key from the patrolling swordsman.)
On Normal difficulty there are two gold plates and a gold cup; on Hard and
Expert there is a second gold cup.

14. All difficulties. T2 v1.18: 40 gold; v1.07: 60 gold. Loose coins on shelf.
Gold coins lying on a stone shelf, above the stairs up to the reception
hall from the basement floor kitchen. Past the turn, go a couple more steps
up; then turn around and look up and you will see a shelf there, in the
dark. If you jump up and down on the stairs while pressing your "use"
button, you can take all of the coins. There are two coins if your
installation of Thief II is patched to version 1.18, but there are three if
it isn't.

15. All difficulties. 15 gold. Coins in chests.
In chests, in a small room through the second doorway to the right, as you
walk through the servants' quarters on the basement floor. Check your map
to identify the servants' quarters.

16. All difficulties. 100 gold. Gold nugget.
In a darkened room next to the housekeeper's quarters on the basement
floor. These rooms are just south of Jenivere's room. Enter through a metal
door, on the south side of the dark corridor. Move into the room and you
can see light coming from behind a wall of twelve small crates. Take some
of these crates and throw them aside, and you can go through to a small
area behind. The gold nugget is either on the floor or resting on a
sculpture here.

17. All difficulties. 50 gold. Impure gold nugget.
In the same area as #16, and very close by. Move into the right-hand
corner; you will see that there is an alcove in the wall here. Crouch down
here and turn right, and you will find the impure nugget lying on the floor
in the alcove.

18. Hard, Expert. 50 gold. Purse on table.
A purse lying on the table, at the opposite end from the door, in the
second room in the housekeeper's quarters. Check your map to identify the
housekeeper's quarters.

19. All difficulties. 75 gold, 100 gems. Crown [in Secret #3].
In the bedroom on the west wing's upper floor. To the left of the alcove
containing the bed, is a table with a potted plant on; look at the wall
underneath it to see a switch. "Use" the switch, and a little panel moves
aside in the alcove wall, above the head end of the bed. The small
compartment behind the panel holds an ornate crown.

20. All difficulties. 40 gold. Purse [Pocket #4].
In the purse, held by the swordsman who patrols along the corridor between
the west wing and the great hall.

21. All difficulties. 10 gold. Coin stacks.
Two stacks of coins, on a table across the room from the door, inside a
large entertainments room. This room is accessed through the first door to
the right after the cloakroom, in the corridor leading out to the west of
the reception hall.

22. All difficulties. 25 gold, 25 goods. Flute.
A metal flute, in the same room item #21 was in.

23. All difficulties. 50 goods. Grand vase.
An opaque, purple-and-gold vase, which stands on a table at the far end of
a bedroom. The bedroom is the one on the left in the darkened area under
the arches, on the ground floor in the east wing of the building.

24. All difficulties. 50 goods. Grand vase.
This is an identical vase to #24, and is found in the room on the right,
next to the room where #24 is found. The vase is on a thin shelf running
around the top of the wall, and it is situated in the opposite corner of
the room to the door. Enter the room, cross it to stand to the right of the
bed, and look up to the corner where the wall meets the ceiling.

25. All difficulties. 15 gold, 25 gems. Ring.
On the bedside table, in the bedroom on the upper floor of the east wing.

26. Hard, Expert. 45 gold, 75 gems. Tiara.
A bejewelled tiara, on a small corner table in the study on the upper floor
in the east wing.

27. All diff's. Normal, Hard: 25 gold, 10 goods. Expert: 75 gold. On the lawn.
The gold cup and the plate on the tray, lying in the middle of the circular
front lawn. If you want these, I advise that you knock out the two Archers
standing on the dais leading into the great hall, hide their bodies, and
then enter the garden via the front gates to get to the loot.



- If you take an item after knocking out the person who held it, the pocket
does not count as picked!
- On the "stats" screen, the number of pockets is always listed as one more
than there actually are.

Total pockets: 8 (Normal), 9 (Hard, Expert).


1. All difficulties. Purse [25 gold].
Held by an archer who stands with his back to you, at the far end of the
first corridor on the basement floor.

2. Hard, Expert. Purse [16 gold].
Held by a civilian wandering around in the kitchen on the basement floor.

3. All difficulties. Gold Key.
Held by a civilian on the ground floor, in the dining room. Use the food
lift up from the kitchen to pick his pocket while hidden behind the service

4. All difficulties. Purse [40 gold].
Held by a swordsman, patrolling along the corridor between the west wing and
the great hall.

5. All difficulties. Gold Key.
Held by a swordsman moving between the ground floor and the upper floor in
the west wing.

6. All difficulties. Gold Key.
Held by the archer, standing on the west side of the dais overlooking the
mansion's enclosed garden.

7. All difficulties. Gold Key.
Held by the archer, standing on the east side of the dais overlooking the
mansion's enclosed garden.

8. All difficulties. Gold Key.
Held by the archer patrolling around the enclosed garden.

9. All difficulties. 3 Broadhead arrows.
Held in the quiver of the same archer who has pocket #8.



1. In the workshop on the basement floor, accessed via doors to the right, just
before you come to an archer standing in the corridor, who must be knocked
out. In the furthest room of the workshop area are two shelves, the top one
holding swords, the bottom one holding useful items. Under this bottom
shelf, on its left side, is a little switch; "use" it to cause the sword
display piece to the left to rise a little, revealing a stash. Contains:
Bag of loot [50 gems], two flash bombs (just one on Expert), a healing
potion, and a flare.

2. In the kitchen on the basement floor. Go through the doorway on the east
side of the kitchen, and go to the wooden wine rack. Examine the bottom edge
of this; where the tessellating square-shapes end at the base of the rack,
there is a Speed Potion in the second small triangular space from the right.
Taking the Speed Potion "triggers" finding the secret.

3. In the bedroom on the west wing's upper floor. (Take the corridor west out
of the great hall, go through the small grey door which is directly ahead at
the right turn, and go up the stairs at the other end of the room.) To the
left of the alcove containing the bed, is a table with a potted plant on;
look at the wall underneath it to see a switch. "Use" the switch, and a
secret compartment opens in the alcove wall, above the head end of the bed.
This compartment contains a crown [75 gold, 100 gems].


EXTRA SECRET: "Bonus Mission Objective"

This is an extra secret which is not included in the tally of secrets. To find
it, go to the reception hall. Stand on the platform in front of the fire, and
walk around to the rear-right of the platform, to stand beside the chimney.
Face the chimney and jump up here, to pull yourself up onto a ledge. If you
stand on this ledge and look around, you will find a tiny little slot at about
face height, which contains a couple of nice gifts you can give to Basso and
his bride...

Thanks to Tobias Dufentester for initially informing me of this extra secret.



1. After Basso has spoken to you and gone inside the little hut, turn right and
run anticlockwise around the perimeter of the house. You will come to a light
on the wall to your left; go down the ramp and enter through the door here.
Cross to the other side of the room and take some coins from the table [34
gold], and on Normal difficulty, a Silver Key. Go through the door to the next
room. To the left is a table with two gold candlesticks standing on it [100
gold], again only on Normal. Go to the far left corner of the room. Examine the
little wooden platform running around the wall, to the right of the door, and
you will find a Silver Key lying on it. Use this key to open this door. You can
also use it to open the other door in the other corner of the room, but don't
investigate beyond that door for now.

2. Beyond the left door is a dark corridor. Go through and turn left. Walk
along examining the left wall, and go through the first door. Go through the
dark room and through a dark doorway. Turn right to find a chest in the corner
[5 gold], containing coins. Return to the main passage. Carry on left till you
get to the corner where there's a light. Don't go right around; edge slowly
around (use your "Walk Slowly" key) until you can see enough of the burning
torch to get a clean shot at it. Get out a Water Arrow with the 4 key; hold
down the left mouse button to ready one, aim straight at the torch, and release
button to fire. When they're done talking, walk past and go through the first
door on the right. Walk over to the chests that are at the foot of the bunk
beds; there are three of these chests, each containing coins [15 gold in

3. Go through the door in the north corner of the room, and close it behind
you. Take the goodies off the lower shelf, then crouch down and look underneath
it to see a switch. Throw it and a hidden compartment opens on your left
[Secret #1]; more goodies are in there including a purse with loot inside [50
gems]. Turn and go out the door you didn't enter by. Cross the next room and go
out into the corridor. Turn right; walk up the corridor towards the guard with
his back to you. Look to his belt as you approach; when his purse lights up,
"use" it to pick his pocket [25 gold]. Now get out your blackjack with the 2
key and whack him on the head. No need to hide his body - just leave him there.

4. Go on into the large room and go around the right wall until you find a
door. Open it; it's the kitchen. On Hard and Expert difficulty there's a
servant walking around in there. Ready your blackjack again; wait until he
moves nearby and then turns to walk away from you, then run in, pick his pocket
[16 gold] and knock him out. Again, no need to hide his body. One of the tables
has loot on: a pouch of something [45 goods] and on Normal difficulty only, a
bottle of fine wine [61 goods]. Turn and go through the gap in the wall on the
east side of the kitchen, and cross to the wine rack. Look down at the very
bottom of the wine rack and you will find a Speed Potion [Secret #2] in one of
the triangular spaces. Now look in the lower right of the rack for a bottle of
fine wine [20 gold], then only on Hard and Expert difficulties, in the lower
left and upper left for two more such bottles [40 gold].

6. Return to the main kitchen and go sharp right and around the corner. You
pass a table against the wall with a gold plate [50 gold] on it. If you are
playing on Hard difficulty, you just met your loot requirement. Continue on,
over to the food lift. Crouch down and go right in. Operate the switch outside
from within, and the lift rises. Look out the hole and take some golden
tableware [125 gold on Normal, 150 gold on Hard and Expert] from the table.
Also, pick the pocket of the guard who's walking back and forth here to get a
Gold Key. Operate the switch on the left to bring the lift back down. Crawl out
and return to the kitchen.

7. Go up the steps just past the fireplace, and stand roughly at the middle of
them. Face back towards the kitchen and look up. There is a shelf there; it has
coins on it. Jump up and down while continuously pressing your "use" key to get
them; if your installation of Thief II is patched to version 1.18 then there
are only two coins [40 gold], otherwise there are three [60 gold]. Go back down
into the kitchen and go through the door on the west side. Put out the torch in
the next room with a Water Arrow, then open the far door but don't go through.
Wait for the Archer in there to walk over and turn around, then walk up behind
him and blackjack him.

8. Go through the door on the right. In the next passageway, ignore the first
door on the right but go through the second doorway. You are confronted with
three chests, each containing coins [15 gold in total]. Head out again. If you
want to read a letter, then go further on to the end of the corridor, and look
on the bed in the last room. Now, return to the corridor where the Archer was
and go out the south end. Turn right and go along until you reach a door on the
right; as Garrett says, this is Jenivere's door.

9. On Normal and Hard difficulties you have now done all you need to inside the
mansion, so if you want you can get out now. Head back the way you came, via
the kitchen, and get out through the Butler's door. Go over to where Basso is
hiding and use the bird-call. You can accompany him as he goes through the
mansion, but it's not necessary. If you are playing on Expert or you want to
explore upstairs anyway, continue following the walkthrough...



10. Carry on south along the corridor and when you turn a corner, examine the
wall to find two metal doors. Go through the first one. Head over to where you
can see a dim light. Pick up the boxes and throw them aside, and head through
the gap. There is a nugget [100 gold] here for you to pick up; it's either on
the floor or in the middle of a sculpture, depending on whether your
installation of Thief II is patched or not. Squeeze over to the right of the
little room and you find an alcove in the far corner; on the floor in here is
another nugget [50 gold].

11. Head out to the corridor again and go through the next door, to the left.
Walk over to the opposite door in the next room, then go to the opposite side
of that room. You will find a purse on the table [50 gold] on Hard and Expert
difficulty. Go back through the door to the room with the large table, walk
over to the opposite (north-west) corner, and go through the door. Walk up the
stairs and along to the bend in the corridor. Don't go around the corner –
crouch by the wall and wait for a guard to come along. As soon as he turns
around to walk away, stand up and walk after him. First take the purse from his
belt, then smack him over the head with your blackjack.

12. Return to the corner of the corridor and stand to the left of the door so
that you are in the shadows; open the door here (on Expert difficulty, you need
to unlock it with the Gold Key from your inventory). Assuming you see no-one in
the room beyond, go and stand in the doorway, where it is dark. Wait for a
guard to come downstairs. He will approach but then turn and walk back. Walk up
behind him, take the key from his belt if you want, then knock him out too. Go
to the place where he entered the room, at the far wall, and go up the stairs.
At the top, turn right and go through the door in the near corner. Turn right
and head over to the table with the pot-plant, by the bed. Crouch to find a
switch underneath. Throw the switch, then jump on the bed and take a crown [75
gold, 100 gems] from a hidden compartment in the wall [Secret #3]. Now you have
found all the tallied Secrets in the mission.

13. Head out this room, down the stairs, and out the door. Head along the
passageway and take the third door on your left. Across from the door are some
coins on a table [10 gold]; also in this room is a metal flute [25 gold, 25
goods]. Return to the corridor and continue along to reach the reception hall.
(There is a special secret hidden in this hall, but see the List of Secrets
above for details.) Head due east and through a doorway into a corridor similar
to the one you were just in. Walk carefully along the corridor, and go through
the second door on the left. Put out the torch on the opposite wall using a
Water Arrow, and then wait in the darkened doorway. There is a guard stamping
back and forth nearby, but another one will patrol down this corridor at some
point. When he does, walk out behind him and knock him out.

14. Head into the shadows opposite the doorway you were hiding in, and walking
slowly, approach the guard who's walking back and forth. Stand by the final
window on the right, wait for him to come over and turn to go away again, then
step out and bash him over the head. Go through the door at the bend in the
corner, head left under a set of arches and then go through the door on the
left here. On the table by the bed is a vase [50 goods]. Return out the door
and go into the next door along, on the left. Head over to the opposite corner
and look upwards to the ceiling; there is another such vase [50 goods] on a
platform at the top of the wall.

15. Head out of this room and through the arches again, then go left and up the
stairs. At the top, turn left and go through the door in the near corner. Go
through the doorway to the right. Examine the table by the bed for a ring [15
gold, 25 gems]. Go back through the doorway and across to the far right corner
of the room; on the table here is a tiara [45 gold, 75 gems]. If you are
playing on Expert difficulty, you just met your loot requirement. Turn and exit
through the door you originally came in by; go down the stairs and out of the
room with the arches.

16. If you are playing on Expert, you still need to meet your knockouts
requirement. Even if you're not, you have the option of getting the last couple
of loot items from the garden. If you don't want to, turn right here and go
down the stairs; the door down there leads back into the Butler's rooms (you
may need to unlock it using the Silver Key). Exit the house the way you came
in. Go over to where Basso is hiding and use the bird-call. You can accompany
him as he goes through the mansion, but it's not necessary. If you're playing
on Expert or you want to get all the loot, continue following the



17. Head north along the corridor and out into the reception hall again. Go
over to the front doors, which are on the southern side of the room. Dig out
your Gold Key and use it to unlock the doors. You are looking out upon the
garden. The front doors are on a raised dais, opposite the main gate into the
garden; two Archer guards are also standing on this dais, either side of the
front doors. There is a third Archer patrolling anticlockwise around the
garden. The loot you want is slap-bang out in the middle of the lawn, in full
view of the two Archers on the dais.

18. Watch the patrolling guard, and wait until he has passed your dais by and
gone one-quarter of the way around the garden. Crouch-walk out onto the dais;
crouch by the left door, and highlight and "use" the right one to close it. Now
crouch-walk across until you are behind the Archer on the right. You can take
his key if you want. Stand up and knock him out with your blackjack. If you are
playing on Expert difficulty, you just met your knockouts requirement. Crouch
down again, highlight his body and press your "use" key to pick him up – we
can't leave him out here for that patrolling Archer to find... Walk with him
back into the reception hall and press the "use" key again to drop him. Don't
put him too near the front door.

19. Re-open both front doors. Wait for the patrolling Archer to once again pass
the dais by and move one-quarter of the way around the garden, and then do the
same thing to the Archer on the left. Hide his body as well. Now the only
Archer left is the one on patrol; we will approach the loot from the other side
of the garden, though... Head out the corridor on the eastern side of the
reception hall, go along to the corner, and turn left. Go down the stairs, and
open the door (if it's locked, you need to use the Silver Key). You are in the
Butler's rooms again. Go out the way you originally entered the house. Head
clockwise around the building until you are near the stone path that leads to
the front gate into the garden.

20. Approach carefully and look through the fence into the garden; make sure
your Visibility Gem is completely dark. You should be able to see the third
Archer still patrolling around. Wait until he has passed the gate and gone one-
quarter of the way around the garden; then walk over and open the gate with the
Gold Key. Walk across the patio directly towards the lawn; once on the lawn,
wait for the Archer to come alongside the dais opposite the gates, then walk
across to the tray in the middle of the lawn. There are two items of loot here:
the cup and the plate [Normal and Hard: 25 gold, 10 goods in total; Expert: 75
gold in total].

21. Now you have found all the loot in the mission. * Walk across the garden in
the direction of the right-hand ramp up onto the dais; walk up here and through
the front doors and you're safe inside the reception hall once again. Exit the
mansion the same way you did a moment ago, using the Butler's entrance. Go over
to where Basso is hiding and use the bird-call. You can accompany him as he
goes through the mansion, but it's not necessary.

* Note: If you want to get all the pockets, well, that involves taking a key
and some arrows from that patrolling Archer, which is not easy since he only
patrols across the patio and doesn't venture onto the grass. If you decide to
do it, you should know that you will probably need to knock him out as soon as
you have his stuff. Turn off the "Auto-Equip" option in the options screens
while you do it, and get your blackjack and Flash Bombs ready.



Q) How do I open the door at the end of the corridor leading west out of the
reception hall?
A) On Expert difficulty you need a Gold Key to open this door, and initially
there's only one place to get one: from the Archer guard patrolling in the
brightly-lit dining room on the ground floor. The easiest way to get it from
him is to crawl into the food lift in the northeast corner of the kitchen,
have it lift you up to the ground floor, and steal his key from a safe
position hidden behind the service hatch.

Q) How do I open the front door/the front gates?
A) These also require the Gold Key. See answer to the previous question.

Q) Where is the last 20 loot?
A) If your installation of Thief II has been patched to version 1.18, then you
cannot get the last 20 loot. In the unpatched version, there are three coins
on a shelf above the stairs leading up to the reception hall from the
kitchen; in the patched version the third one can't be collected. This was
the accidental result of a tweak in the design of the mission.

Q) Are there any extra secret things in this level I could have missed?
A) Yes, there's one in the reception hall. See the List of Secrets above for











Note #1: Much of the cathedral is patrolled by Robots, but there are some
Mechanists strolling around the place. You can knock out the Mechanists if you
want, when you come across them, but use your Water Arrows and similar tools
sparingly. There are a LOT of Robots about, and you don't want to waste your

Note #2: Soulforge Cathedral has an extra type of Mechanist Robot inside which
you haven't seen before: Spider Robots. These tiptoe around on four tapering
legs (yes, I know a spider has eight...) and attack by firing razor-blades at
you. They can be decommissioned by all the usual means, including by firing two
Water Arrows at the engines on their backs.

1. The mission starts with you being addressed by Karras. (If you cannot hear
him very well, approach the pillar ahead and to the left, where the speaker is
mounted.) After he's finished, run over to the large steel box which is ahead
on the left side of this hall. Around the left is a ladder; climb up, and then
climb up the other ladder too, and run to the end of the walkway. Pick up a
Frogbeast Egg and then return to the floor. Run over to the other end of the
hall, where the giant angel figure stands against the wall. Turn left and run
out the side doorway, then turn right and run around the back of the hall; you
come to a slope leading down into another long hall. Go down the slope, and
then turn left, and head over into the corner between the wall and a steel
support. Crouch here and wait.

2. After exactly two Assault Robots have passed you by, run down the hall to
the lit torches. A bit beyond the one on the left, you will find two Vine
Arrows on the floor among Viktoria's greenery. Look to the back wall of this
hall; you will see a Scouting Orb up on a ledge there. Now look to the ceiling
near the right hand exit; there is a grating up there. Taking care in case a
Mechanist or a Robot comes through one of the side doorways, run over to where
the grate is, and shoot a Vine Arrow right in the centre. Climb up, jump off
and carefully move across the ledge to reach the Scouting Orb. Return to the
vine and climb down.

3. Run out of the further (west) exit, and turn left. Run around this circular
hall until you come to the point where Viktoria's tendril comes to an end.
Search the floor to find three Moss Arrow pickups, which between them grant you
five Moss Arrows. Continue to run clockwise around the hall and go out the
first exit you come to on the left. Go to the right and look through a square
doorway into a high-ceilinged hall. Assuming no Mechanists or Robots are in
there, run to the other end and through the arch into a dark area.

4. Go to the further of the two arches on the right and look out. To the right
here is an entrance into one of the industrial areas of the Cathedral, guarded
by two Assault Robots. If the hall ahead is clear, run down the left side of
the hall. (If you need to hide here, do so by climbing up into one of the tall
windows.) To the right of the door is some more greenery containing another
Moss Arrow. Open the door carefully and run across the left side of the next
hall, and through the arches into a dark area. If you want another Vine Arrow,
you can find one on the floor near the back wall here.

5. Go to the arch on the right. At its left side is the end of a ledge running
around the room ahead. Climb up on it and follow it around to the other end, to
avoid the metal floor. Step down from the other end and walk through the large
doorway ahead into a bronze-walled room. Careful here – this area is well
patrolled by Mechanists and Robots. Head across to the entrance to a very high-
ceilinged, semicircular room; this is the Northern Apse. If there is nothing in
there, run along the near wall to a similar bronze-walled area at the opposite
side. (If you need to hide here, there is a dark alcove in the left wall.)

6. If there is nothing in the room around the corner, walk out, turn to the
right, and check the plant tendrils in the corner to find two Water Arrows.
Now, go and crouch by the double doors on the left hand side of the room, and
pick the lock. Once inside, close the doors behind you. You are now in the
Plans Room. Do not run around noisily in this room – there is a Mechanist in
the darkened room on the right. Head down into the lowered area – avoid the
bronze part of the floor! - and investigate the desk. You will find a Papyrus,
which you must read; this tells you how to use the Guiding Beacon, and it
completes your first objective. You will also find the blueprints for the
Guiding Beacon, giving you directions to make your own, and a Silver Key, which
opens the safes along the back wall.

7. Go up the stairs and walk left around the lowered area. At the metal plate
in the floor, look upwards; there is a grating in the ceiling, like the one
earlier. Fire a Vine Arrow at it – make sure to get it in the far right
corner – then climb up to near the top. Jump off towards the metal ledge that
runs around the back wall of the room. As soon as you land, run around the
metal ledge until you reach the second corner, and crouch there. Your
Visibility Gem should be dark now. The Mechanist who is in the dark side-room
might come out to investigate the noise you made. Once you are sure he's lost
interest, walk around the ledge to the last window. Pull yourself up in there,
and look down and to the left of the window to see a switch. Use it.

8. Carefully drop back down to the ground, and go back down into the lowered
area. You will see that a square hole has opened up in the middle of the bronze
section of floor. Carefully drop into the hole [Secret #1]. Investigate the
desk; pick up a Flare and read some more of Karras' scripture. Look to the
wall, and USE THE SWITCH YOU FIND THERE. This will save you a good bit of
trouble later on! Now run out along the passageway into another room. On the
left wall is a ladder, and beside it is another switch. Throw the switch and
then climb the ladder. Getting off this ladder is a bit difficult – when you
are at the top, turn 180 degrees and jump and you should land safely.

9. Go around the metal barrier to your left to find a Frogbeast Egg in some
more greenery. Turn and go out the large archway and you find yourself back in
the Plans Room. Still walking quietly, turn left and walk around the back wall.
Open all of the safes using the Silver Key that was on the desk. There are
blueprints for making some objects – take them if you want - and also some
writing from a Mechanist. (The last safe requires the key to be used twice, but
is empty anyway.) Go out of the Plans Room via the main doors. Turn left and
carefully open the nearest of the two doors. In the distance, through a large
arch, an Assault Robot may be seen patrolling about; if there is nothing else
there, then make sure the Robot is facing away from you, then run across the
room to the nearest of the two metal doors in the right-hand wall. Crouch and
pick the lock.

10. Walk inside and shut the door. Search the stacks of shelves in here and
take the following items: ONE Gauge, all the Flares (these are to be used for
igniting the Explosives you will obtain later), ONE of the Signal Bolts, all
the bottles of Acidic and Quicklime Mixture, the Bantam Node, both coils of
Spring Wiring, the Flash Mine (on the top shelf of the furthest stack), and all
of the Steel Plates. Cautiously come out the door again; look again down the
hall to check the patrolling Assault Robot is facing away, and run over to the
next door along. Crouch and pick the lock.

11. Walk inside and shut the door. Take everything from the shelves in here,
except the Gauges, because like I said, you only want one of those. You should
get Spring Wiring, one bottle of Flare Mixture, more bottles of Acidic and
Quicklime Mixture, Iron Chassis, Bantam Nodes, Steel Plates, and from one to
three Mines depending on difficulty level. If you are playing on Normal then
there is also a Scouting Orb. Cautiously come out the door again. Look directly
ahead from the door; you see two large stone blocks which are like giant steps
up, in the corner, against the wall.

12. Wait until the Assault Robot comes down the metal slope visible through the
arch and turns to walk down the hallway, then run over and pull yourself up
onto the lower stone block. Now pull yourself up to the higher one, and from
that one up to a window-hole in the wall. Go left out here, follow the ledge
around, and go through the next window-hole. Look up at the ceiling to the
left. There is a grating there. Get out your Vine Arrows and fire one at it.
Climb down the vine. The place at the bottom of the vine is dark, so hide here
if you need to wait for enemies to pass.



13. Be careful as you go now – you might run into something which you'd rather
didn't find you... Run down the hall and go through the square hallway at the
opposite end; turn right and run around the circular hall, and take the first
exit on the right. You've been in this room before; go left, back along the
large hall, and up the slope at the other end. Turn left and go over into the
far left corner. Stand on the lift and press the top button to rise up to a
higher floor.

14. Go to the entrance to the dark area and stand in the shadow. Crouch and
walk along the near wall, looking at the floor, until you reach the edge of a
metal part. Wait until the Spider Robot has turned and is walking directly away
from you, then dig out your Water Arrows and fire a couple into its engine.
Head back into the well-lit room you were just in. Look to the side of the huge
machine and you'll find a ladder. Climb up to the top. Get the Signal Bolt out
from your inventory and drop it in the hole. (Remember, the key for DROPPING is
NOT the USE key – check your key-bindings.)

15. Climb down and go round to the water trough at the front of the machine.
Your Signal Bolt has been turned into a Stage One Piece. Take it. In the
southwest corner of this room is a diary entry by some cowering minion of
Karras, if you're interested; when you're done, head through the dark room to a
second large machine-room. * Go over to the ladder by the machine and look
behind it; there are two holes open here.

* In the dark room, look to the ceiling near the entrance to this second room,
and you'll find a hole. You can fire a Vine Arrow into a grate through this
hole and climb up; all that's up there, though, is a bottle of Flare Mixture.

16. Into the holes, throw an Iron Chassis and a bottle of Flare Mixture. (Press
the "use" key to throw this time.) Climb up the ladder and "use" the switch at
the top TWICE, then come down again and pick up a Flash Mine [Secret #2] from
the mat under the chute at the front of the machine. Now throw



Q) There are supposed to be four Secrets on this level, but I've searched all
over and I've only found one. Where are the other three hidden?

iii) THANKS mis003

In no particular order:

- Tobias Dufentester

For telling me about a secret "bonus mission objective" on mission one. See
section "c" of level one's walkthrough for details.

- "Thanos rulzs"

The guy who contributed the level skip cheat to the GameFAQs code list for
Thief II. I've explained the level skip cheat above in section ii, General


The author of this document is Philip Eve.
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