

30.09.2013 03:00:56
Date : Wed, 27 December 2000 03:16:00

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for PC
by Stinger 3:16

This FAQ is for private and personal use. It can only be reproduced
electronically, and if placed on a web page or site, may be altered as long as
this disclaimer and the copyright notice appear unaltered and in full. This FAQ
is not to be used for profitable or promotional purposes, etc. Please do not use
this FAQ on your website without asking my permission first. And don't take some
part or whole part of this faq and put your names on it. I don't made this faq
for some damn plagiarist put their names on it. I work hard on making this faq,
so please don't rip-off my work.
Diablo™ © 1996 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved. Diablo is a
trademark and Blizzard Entertainment is a trademark or registered trademark of
Davidson & Associates, Inc. in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Hellfire is © Sierra.

1. For Webmaster
If you want to post my faq in your site, please ask me for permission first.
I guarantee that I will give you that permission. However, I have some terms
that you must fulfill, which is :
- You don't sell it away or give it for some kind of bonus
- You don't change anything inside my faq, that's including my name as the
author and my disclaimer.
- You must check for any new updates from http://www.gamefaqs.com at least
once in a month for a new games, or once in 2-3 months for an old games.
That's all. I'm not asking much and it's not hard to do, so please do that.

2. For Reader
If you want to ask me a question, don't forget to put the game's name in the
subject field. I had told this in author's note, but I keep receiving some
mail without subject. It's not so hard to do that, right?
Oh yeah, never say this in your mail "Sorry to waste your time for reading
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(except those assholes that send me flames and hate mail) and helping you (if
I can).
One last thing, from now on I will not reply any flames and hate mail. It's
only a waste of time.

That's all. I hope you like my faq and can find some useful info.


01. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y

02. S T A R T I N G A T T R I B U T E S

03. M A X I M U M A T T R I B U T E S

04. Q U E S T S

05. N O R M A L I T E M

06. U N I Q U E I T E M

07. M O N S T E R L I S T

08. S H R I N E S A N D F O U N T A I N S

09. L E V E L A N D E X P E R I E N C E

10. B O O K S

11. L I B R A R I E S

12. I T E M S

13. M A G I C

14. S P E L L D E S C R I P T I O N

15. M O N S T E R S

16. G O S S I P A R O U N D T R I S T R A M

17. W H A T D O T H E Y S A Y A B O U T T H E Q U E S T

18. H I N T S A N D T I P S

19. C R E D I T S

20. S P E C I A L T H A N K S

21. L I S T O F T H E D A M N E D

22. I M P O R T A N T N O T E

23. A U T H O R ' S N O T E

01. R E V I S I O N H I S T O R Y

VERSION 0.2 (27 December 2000)
Minor update.

VERSION 0.1 (03 September 2000)
First release.

02. S T A R T I N G A T T R I B U T E S

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Warrior | 30 | 10 | 20 | 25 |
| | | | | |
| Rogue | 20 | 15 | 30 | 20 |
| | | | | |
| Sorcerer | 15 | 35 | 15 | 20 |
| | | | | |
| Monk | | | | |

03. M A X I M U M A T T R I B U T E S

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Warrior | 250 | 50 | 60 | 100 |
| | | | | |
| Rogue | 55 | 70 | 250 | 80 |
| | | | | |
| Sorcerer | 45 | 250 | 85 | 80 |
| | | | | |
| Monk | | | | |

04. Q U E S T S

| | | |
| | | |
| Farmer's Orchard | Town | Auric Amulet |
| | | |
| The Defiler | Hive Level 4 | Cathedral Map |
| | | |
| Na-Krul | Crypt Level 4 | Book of Apocalypse, War Staff, |
| | | Long War Bow, Great Sword |
| | | |
| The Butcher | 02 | Butcher's Cleaver (Unique Axe) |
| | | |
| Poisoned Water Supply | 02 | Ring of Truth (Unique Ring) |
| | | |
| The Curse of King Leoric | 03 | Undead Crown (Unique Helm) |
| | | |
| Odgen's Sign | 04 | Harlequin Crest (Unique Helm) |
| | | |
| Gharbad the Weak | 04 | Random item |
| | | |
| The Magic Rock | 05 | Empyrean Band (Unique Ring) |
| | | |
| Valor | 05 | Arkaine's Valor (Unique Armor) |
| | | |
| The Chamber of Bone | 06 | Guardian spell |
| | | |
| Halls of the Blind | 07 | Optic Amulet (Unique Amulet) |
| | | |
| Zhar the Mad | 08 | Random item |
| | | |
| Black Mushroom | 09 | Spectral Elixir |
| | | |
| Anvil of Fury | 10 | Griswold's Edge (Unique Sword) |
| | | |
| Warlord of Blood | 13 | Random item |
| | | |
| Lachdanan | 14 | Veil of Steel (Unique Helm) |
| | | |
| Archbishop Lazarus | 15 | Random item |
| | | |
| Diablo | 16 | Ending |

05. N O R M A L I T E M

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Cap | 01-03 | 15 | 15 | 3 |
| | | | | |
| Crown | 08-12 | 40 | 200 | 50 |
| | | | | |
| Full Helm | 06-08 | 35 | 90 | 22 |
| | | | | |
| Great Helm | 11-15 | 60 | 400 | 100 |
| | | | | |
| Helm | 04-05 | 30 | 40 | 10 |
| | | | | |
| Skull Cap | 02-03 | 20 | 25 | 6 |

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Breast Plate | 20-24 | 80 | 2800 | 700 |
| | | | | |
| Cape | 01-04 | 12 | 10 | 2 |
| | | | | |
| Chain Mail | 21-22 | 55 | 1300 | 312 |
| | | | | |
| Cloak | 03-07 | 15 | 40 | 10 |
| | | | | |
| Field Plate | 40-44 | 80 | 5800 | 1450 |
| | | | | |
| Full Plate Mail | 64-70 | 90 | 6500 | 1625 |
| | | | | |
| Gothic Plate | 52-59 | 100 | 8000 | 2000 |
| | | | | |
| Hard Leather Armor | 12-13 | 40 | 450 | 112 |
| | | | | |
| Leather Armor | 11-12 | 35 | 300 | 75 |
| | | | | |
| Plate Mail | 44-49 | 75 | 4600 | 1150 |
| | | | | |
| Quilted Armor | 08-10 | 30 | 200 | 50 |
| | | | | |
| Rags | 02-06 | 6 | 5 | 1 |
| | | | | |
| Ring Mail | 18-20 | 50 | 900 | 225 |
| | | | | |
| Robe | 04-07 | 24 | 75 | 18 |
| | | | | |
| Scale Mail | 25-28 | 60 | 2300 | 575 |
| | | | | |
| Splint Mail | 32-35 | 65 | 3250 | 812 |
| | | | | |
| Studded Leather Armor | 15-17 | 45 | 700 | 175 |

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Bastard Sword | 06-15 | 60 | 1000 | 250 |
| | | | | |
| Blade | 03-08 | 30 | 280 | 70 |
| | | | | |
| Broad Sword | 04-12 | 50 | 750 | 187 |
| | | | | |
| Claymore | 01-12 | 36 | 450 | 112 |
| | | | | |
| Dagger | 01-04 | 16 | 60 | 15 |
| | | | | |
| Falchion | 04-08 | 20 | 250 | 62 |
| | | | | |
| Great Sword (two-handed) | 10-20 | 100 | 3000 | 750 |
| | | | | |
| Long Sword | 02-10 | 40 | 350 | 87 |
| | | | | |
| Sabre | 01-08 | 45 | 170 | 42 |
| | | | | |
| Scimitar | 03-07 | 28 | 200 | 50 |
| | | | | |
| Short Sword | 02-06 | 24 | 120 | 30 |
| | | | | |
| Two Handed Sword | 08-16 | 75 | 1800 | 450 |

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Buckler | 01-05 | 10 | 30 | 7 |
| | | | | |
| Gothic Shield | 17-18 | 60 | 2300 | 575 |
| | | | | |
| Kite Shield | 09-14 | 40 | 400 | 100 |
| | | | | |
| Large Shield | 05-08 | 32 | 200 | 50 |
| | | | | |
| Small Shield | 03-08 | 24 | 90 | 22 |
| | | | | |
| Tower Shield | 14-19 | 50 | 850 | 212 |

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Composite Bow | 03-06 | 45 | 600 | 150 |
| | | | | |
| Hunter's Bow | 02-05 | 40 | 350 | 87 |
| | | | | |
| Long Battle Bow | 01-10 | 50 | 1000 | 250 |
| | | | | |
| Long Bow | 01-06 | 35 | 250 | 62 |
| | | | | |
| Long War Bow | 01-14 | 60 | 2000 | 500 |
| | | | | |
| Short Battle Bow | 03-07 | 45 | 750 | 187 |
| | | | | |
| Short Bow | 01-04 | 30 | 100 | 25 |
| | | | | |
| Short War Bow | 04-08 | 55 | 1500 | 375 |

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Axe | 04-12 | 32 | 450 | 112 |
| | | | | |
| Battle Axe | 10-25 | 60 | 1500 | 375 |
| | | | | |
| Broad Axe | 08-20 | 50 | 1000 | 250 |
| | | | | |
| Great Axe | 12-30 | 75 | 2500 | 625 |
| | | | | |
| Large Axe | 06-16 | 40 | 750 | 187 |
| | | | | |
| Small Axe | 02-10 | 24 | 150 | 37 |

| | | | |
| | | | |
| Composite Staff | 05-10 | 45 | 125 |
| | | | |
| Long Staff | 04-08 | 35 | 25 |
| | | | |
| Quarter Staff | 06-12 | 35 | 25 |
| | | | |
| Short Staff | 02-04 | 25 | 7 |
| | | | |
| War Staff | 08-16 | 75 | 375 |

| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| Club | 01-06 | 20 | 20 | 5 |
| | | | | |
| Flail | 02-12 | 36 | 500 | 125 |
| | | | | |
| Mace | 01-08 | 32 | 200 | 50 |
| | | | | |
| Maul (two-handed) | 06-20 | 50 | 900 | 225 |
| | | | | |
| Morning Star | 01-10 | 40 | 300 | 75 |
| | | | | |
| Spiked Club | 03-06 | 20 | 225 | 56 |
| | | | | |
| War Hammer | 05-09 | 50 | 600 | 150 |

06. U N I Q U E I T E M

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Fools Crest | * -4 to All | None | 0 | 30 | |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : +100| | | | |
| | * +5 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gotteramerung | * +20 to All | Strength : 50 | 60 | 60 | 13725 |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * -4 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Resist All = 0 | | | | |
| | * -40% Light Radius| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Harlequin Crest | * +2 to All | None | -3 | 15 | 1000 |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : +7 | | | | |
| | * -1 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Mana : +7 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Helm of Spirits | * Life Stealing 5% | Strength : 25 | 4 | 30 | |
| | | | | | |
| Lightforge | * +8 to All | None | 15 | IND | |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Fire Hit Damage | | | | |
| | 10-20 | | | | |
| | * +40% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * +150% Damage | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +25% | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Overlord's Helm | * +20 to Strength | Strength : 25 | 4 | 15 | 3125 |
| | * -20 to Magic | | | | |
| | * +15 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * +5 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Royal Circlet | * +10 to All | None | 40 | 40 | 6218 |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Mana : +40 | | | | |
| | * Armor Class : 40 | | | | |
| | * +10% Light Radius| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Thinking Cap | * Mana : +30 | None | 3 | 1 | 505 |
| | * Spell Levels : | | | | |
| | +2 | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +20%| | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Undead Crown | * Life Stealing | None | 8 | 50 | 4162 |
| | * -20 to Magic | | | | |
| | * +15 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * +5 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Veil of Steel | * Resist All : +50%| None | 18 | 60 | 15950 |
| | * -20% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * +60% Armor | | | | |
| | * Mana : -30 | | | | |
| | * +15 to Strength | | | | |
| | * +15 to Vitality | | | | |

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Arkaine's Valor | * +10 to Vitality | None | 25 | 40 | 10500 |
| | * -3 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Fastest Hit | | | | |
| | Recovery | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Demonspike Coat | * +10 to Strength | Strength : 90 | 100 | IND | |
| | * -6 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Resist Fire : | | | | |
| | +50% | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gladiator's | * -2 Damage from | Strength : 20 | 25 | 135 | 862 |
| Bane, The | Enemies | | | | |
| | * -3 to All | | | | |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * High Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Leather of Aut | * +5 to Strength | None | 15 | IND | 2637 |
| | * -5 to Magic | | | | |
| | * +5 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Naj's Light | * +5 to Magic | None | 44-48| 75 | 19675 |
| Plate | * Mana : +20 | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +20%| | | | |
| | * Spell Levels : | | | | |
| | +1 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Nightscape | * Faster Hit | None | 15 | 12 | 2900 |
| | Recovery | | | | |
| | * -40% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * Armor Class : 15 | | | | |
| | * +3 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +20%| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Rainbow Cloak, | * +1 to All | None | 10 | 27 | 1225 |
| The | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +10%| | | | |
| | * Hit Points : +5 | | | | |
| | * High Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Scavenger | * +5 to Dexterity | Strength : 40 | -7 | 80 | 3500 |
| Carapace | * Resist Lightning | | | | |
| | : +40% | | | | |
| | * Armor Class : -7 | | | | |
| | * -15 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Sparking Mail | * Lightning Hit | Strength : 30 | 30 | 55 | 3937 |
| | Damage | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Torn Flesh of | * +10 to Vitality | None | 8 | IND | 1206 |
| Souls | * -1 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Wisdom's Wrap | * +5 to Magic | None | 25 | 40 | 10500 |
| | * Resist Lightning | | | | |
| | : +25% | | | | |
| | * -1 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Armor Class : 15 | | | | |
| | * Mana : +10 | | | | |

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Black Razor | * +2 to Vitality | None | 1-4 | 5 | 500 |
| | * +150% Damage | | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Bonesaw, The | * +10 to Strength | Strength : 35 | 1-12 | 36 | 1100 |
| | * -5 to Magic | | | | |
| | * -5 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : +10 | | | | |
| | * Mana : -10 | | | | |
| | * Adds 10 Points | | | | |
| | to Damage | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Defender, The | * +5 to Vitality | Strength : 17 | 1-8 | 45 | 500 |
| | * Armor Class : 5 | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | -5% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Doombringer | * Chance to Hit : | Strength : 50 | 6-15 | 60 | 4562 |
| | +25% | | | | |
| | * +250% Damage | | | | |
| | * -5 to All | | | | |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : -25 | | | | |
| | * -20% Light Radius| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Eater of Souls | * Indestructible | Strength : 65 | 8-16 | IND | |
| | * Hit Points : +50 | | | | |
| | * Hit Steals 5% | | | | |
| | Life | | | | |
| | * Hit Steals 5% | | | | |
| | Mana | | | | |
| | * Constantly Lose | | | | |
| | Hit Points | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Executioner's | * +150% Damage | Strength : 30 | 4-8 | 60 | 1770 |
| Blade, The | * Hit Points : -10 | | | | |
| | * -10% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * High Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Falcon's Talon, | * +10 to Dexterity | Strength : 23 | 3-7 | 28 | 1966 |
| The | * Chance to Hit : | Dexterity : 23 | | | |
| | + 20% | | | | |
| | * -33% Damage | | | | |
| | * Fastest Attack | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gibbous Moon | * +2 to All | Strength : 40 | 4-12 | 50 | 1665 |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * +25% Damage | | | | |
| | * -30% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * Mana : +15 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gonnagal's Dirk | * -5 to Dexterity | None | 1-4 | 15 | |
| | * Adds 4 Points | | | | |
| | to Damage | | | | |
| | * Resist Magic : | | | | |
| | +25% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Grandfather | * One Handed Sword | Strength : 75 | 10-20| 100 | 29950 |
| | * +5 to All | | | | |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +20% | | | | |
| | * +70% Damage | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : +20 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Griswold's Edge | * Fast Attack | Strength : 40 | 4-12 | 50 | 10500 |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +25% | | | | |
| | * Fire Hit Damage | | | | |
| | : 1-10 | | | | |
| | * Knocks Target | | | | |
| | Back | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : -20 | | | | |
| | * Mana : +20 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Grizzly | * +20 to Strength | Strength : 65 | 8-16 | 150 | 12500 |
| | * -5 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * Armor Class : -5 | | | | |
| | * +200% Damage | | | | |
| | * Knocks Target | | | | |
| | Back | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gryphon's Claw | * Fast Attack | Strength : 20 | 4-8 | 30 | |
| | * Knocks Target | | | | |
| | Back | | | | |
| | * +100% Damage | | | | |
| | * +2 to Magic | | | | |
| | * -5 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Ice Shank | * Resist Fire : | Strength : 30 | 2-10 | 15 | 1312 |
| | +40% | Dexterity : 30 | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | * +8 to Strength | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Inferno | * Fire Hit Damage | Strength : 30 | 2-10 | 40 | 8650 |
| | : 2-12 | Dexterity : 30 | | | |
| | * Mana : +20 | | | | |
| | * Resist Fire : | | | | |
| | +75% | | | | |
| | * +30% Light Radius| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Light Sabre | * Lightning Hit : | Strength : 17 | 1-8 | 45 | 4787 |
| | 1-10 | | | | |
| | * +20% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +20% | | | | |
| | * Resist Lightning | | | | |
| | : +50% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Shadowhawk | * Chance to Hit : | Strength : 40 | 4-12 | 50 | 3437 |
| | +15% | | | | |
| | * -20% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * Resist All : +5% | | | | |
| | * Life Stealing 5% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Wizardspike | * +15 to Magic | None | 1-4 | 16 | 3230 |
| | * Mana : +35 | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +25% | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +15%| | | | |

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Blackoak Shield | * +10 to Dexterity | Strength : 25 | 18 | 60 | 1431 |
| | * -10 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * -10% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * High Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Dragon's Breach | * +5 to Strength | Strength : 50 | 20 | IND | 4800 |
| | * -5 to Magic | | | | |
| | * Resist Fire : | | | | |
| | +25% | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Holy Defender | * Fast Block | Strength : 40 | 15 | 96 | 3450 |
| | * Resist Fire : | | | | |
| | +20% | | | | |
| | * -2 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * High Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Split Skull | * Armor Class : 10 | None | 10 | 15 | 506 |
| Shield | * Hit Points : +10 | | | | |
| | * +2 to Strength | | | | |
| | * -10% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Storm Shield | * Armor Class : 40 | Strength : 80 | 40 | IND | 12250 |
| | * +4 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * +10 to Strength | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | * Fast Block | | | | |

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Blackoak Bow | * +10 to Dexterity | Strength : 25 | 1-6 | 35 | 625 |
| | * -10 to Vitality | Dexterity : 30 | | | |
| | * +50% Damage | | | | |
| | * -10% Light Radius| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Blitzen | * Lightning Damage | Strength : 25 | 0-0 | IND | |
| | : 10-15 | Dexterity : 40 | | | |
| | * Unusual Item | | | | |
| | Damage | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Bow of the Dead | * +4 to Dexterity | Strength : 25 | 3-6 | 30 | 625 |
| | * -3 to Vitality | Dexterity : 40 | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +10% | | | | |
| | * -20% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Celestial Bow, | * Armor Class : 5 | Dexterity : 30 | 1-6 | 35 | 300 |
| The | * Adds 2 Points | | | | |
| | to Damage | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Eaglehorn | * +20 to Dexterity | Strength : 30 | 1-10 | IND | 10625 |
| | * Chance to Hit : | Dexterity : 60 | | | |
| | +50% | | | | |
| | * +100% Damage | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Flamedart | * Fire Hit Damage | Strength : 25 | 1-6 | 35 | 625 |
| | : 1-6 | Dexterity : 30 | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +20% | | | | |
| | * Resist Fire : | | | | |
| | +40% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Fleshstinger | * +15 to Dexterity | Strength : 25 | 1-6 | 37 | 4125 |
| | * Chance to Hit : | Dexterity : 30 | | | |
| | +40% | | | | |
| | * +80% Damage | | | | |
| | * High Durability | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gnat Sting | * Multiple Arrows | Strength : 25 | 1-2 | IND | |
| | per Shot | Dexterity : 30 | | | |
| | * Unusual Item | | | | |
| | Damage | | | | |
| | * Quick Attack | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Needler, The | * Chance to Hit : | None | 1-3 | 30 | 2225 |
| | +50% | | | | |
| | * Unusual Item | | | | |
| | Damage | | | | |
| | * Fast Attack | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Rift Bow | * -3 to Dexterity | Strength : 25 | 1-6 | 35 | 625 |
| | * Random Speed | Dexterity : 30 | | | |
| | Arrows | | | | |
| | * Adds 2 Points | | | | |
| | to Damage | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Windforce | * +5 to Strength | Strength : 45 | 1-14 | 60 | 9437 |
| | * +200% Damage | Dexterity : 80 | | | |
| | * Knocks Target | | | | |
| | Back | | | | |

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Aguinara's | * Spell Levels : | None | 2-10 | 24 | 6200 |
| Hatchet | +1 | | | | |
| | * +10 to Magic | | | | |
| | * Resist Magic : | | | | |
| | +75% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Bloodslayer | * -5 to All | Strength : 50 | 8-20 | 50 | 625 |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * +100% Damage | | | | |
| | * +200% Damage vs. | | | | |
| | Demons | | | | |
| | * Spell Levels : -1| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Butcher's | * +10 to Strength | None | 4-24 | 25 | 912 |
| Cleaver | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | * Unusual Item | | | | |
| | Damage | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Celestial Axe, | * -15 to Strength | None | 10-25| 60 | 3525 |
| The | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +15% | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : | | | | |
| | +25 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Hellslayer | * +8 to Strength | Strength : 65 | 10-25| 60 | 6550 |
| | * +8 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * +100% Damage | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : | | | | |
| | +25 | | | | |
| | * Mana : -25 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Mangler | * -5 to Magic | Strength : 25 | 6-16 | 30 | |
| | * -5 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * +200% Damage | | | | |
| | * Mana : -10 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Messerschmidt's | * +200% Damage | Strength : 80 | 12-30| 75 | 14500 |
| Reaver | * Adds 15 Points | | | | |
| | to Damage | | | | |
| | * +5 to All | | | | |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : -50 | | | | |
| | * Fire Hit Damage | | | | |
| | : 2-12 | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Stone Cleaver | * Hit Points : +30 | Strength : 50 | 8-20 | 50 | 5975 |
| | * +50% Damage | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +20% | | | | |
| | * Resist Lightning | | | | |
| | : +40% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Wicked Axe | * +10 to Dexterity | Strength : 30 | 6-16 | IND | 7787 |
| | * -10 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +30% | | | | |
| | * -6 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Baranar's Star | * -4 to Dexterity | Strength : 23 | 1-10 | 60 | 1712 |
| | * +4 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +12% | | | | |
| | * +80% Damage | | | | |
| | * Altered | | | | |
| | Durability | | | | |
| | * Quick Attack | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Celestial Star, | * +20% Light Radius| None | 2-12 | 36 | 1952 |
| The | * Armor Class : -8 | | | | |
| | * Adds 10 Points | | | | |
| | to Damage | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Civerb's Cudgel | * -2 to Magic | Strength : 16 | 1-8 | 32 | 500 |
| | * -5 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * +200% Damage vs. | | | | |
| | Demons | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Crakrust | * +2 to All | Strength : 16 | 1-8 | IND | |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +15%| | | | |
| | * -25% Damage | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Cranium Basher, | * Adds 20 Points | Strength : 55 | 6-20 | IND | 9125 |
| The | to Damage | | | | |
| | * +15 to Strength | | | | |
| | * Indestrctible | | | | |
| | * Mana : -150 | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +5% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Dreamflange | * +30 to Magic | Strength : 16 | 1-8 | 32 | 6612 |
| | * Mana : +50 | | | | |
| | * Resist Magic : | | | | |
| | +50% | | | | |
| | * +20% Light Radius| | | | |
| | * Spell Levels : +1| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gnarled Root | * +5 to Magic | None | 1-6 | 20 | 2455 |
| | * +10 to Dexterity | | 3-6 | | |
| | * +300% Damage | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +20% | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +10%| | | | |
| | * Armor Class : -10| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Hammer of Jholm | * +3 to Strength | Strength : 55 | 6-20 | IND | 2175 |
| | * +10% Damage | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +15% | | | | |
| | * Indestructible | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Schaefer's | * Lightning Hit | Strength : 40 | 5-9 | 50 | 14031 |
| Hammer | Damage : 1-50 | | | | |
| | * -100% Damage | | | | |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +30% | | | | |
| | * Resist Lightning | | | | |
| | : +75% | | | | |
| | * Hit Points : +50 | | | | |
| | * +10% Light Radius| | | | |

| | | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Gleamsong | * -3 to Strength | None | 2-4 | 25 | 1630 |
| | * -3 to Vitality | | | | |
| | * Mana : +25 | | | | |
| | * 76 Phasing | | | | |
| | Charges | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Immolator | * Resist Fire : | None | 4-8 | 35 | 975 |
| | +20% | | | | |
| | * Fire Hit Damage | | | | |
| | : 4 | | | | |
| | * Mana : +10 | | | | |
| | * -5 to Vitality | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Mindcry | * +15 to Magic | Strength : 20 | 6-12 | 55 | 10375 |
| | * Resist All : +15%| | | | |
| | * 69 Guardian | | | | |
| | Charges | | | | |
| | * Spell Levels : +1| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Naj's Puzzler | * +20 to Magic | None | 2-4 | 25 | 1630 |
| | * +10 to Dexterity | | | | |
| | * Resist All : +20%| | | | |
| | * Hit Points : -25 | | | | |
| | * 57 Teleport | | | | |
| | Charges | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Protector, The | * +5 to Vitality | None | 2-4 | 25 | 4310 |
| | * -5 Damage from | | | | |
| | Enemies | | | | |
| | * Armor Class : 40 | | | | |
| | * 86 Healing | | | | |
| | Charges | | | | |
| | * Attacker Takes | | | | |
| | 1-3 Damage | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Rod of Onan | * +5 to All | Strength : 30 | 8-16 | 75 | 11041 |
| | Attributes | | | | |
| | * +100% Damage | | | | |
| | * 50 Golem | | | | |
| | Charges | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Staff of Shadows| * -10 to Magic | None | 3-7 | 35 | 312 |
| | * Chance to Hit : | | | | |
| | +10% | | | | |
| | * +60% Damage | | | | |
| | * -20% Light Radius| | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Storm Spire | * +10 to Strength | Strength : 30 | 8-16 | 75 | 5625 |
| | * -10 to Magic | | | | |
| | * Lightning Hit | | | | |
| | Damage : 2-8 | | | | |
| | * Resist Lightning | | | | |
| | : +50% | | | | |
| | | | | | |
| Thundercall | * Chance to Hit : | None | 5-10 | 45 | 5562 |
| | +35% | | | | |
| | * Lightning Hit | | | | |
| | Damage | | | | |
| | * 76 Lightning | | | | |
| | Charges | | | | |
| | * Resist Lightning | | | | |
| | : +30% | | | | |
| | * +20% Light Radius| | | | |

| | | |
| | | |
| Acolyte's Amulet | * 50% Mana Moved to Health | |
| | | |
| Bleeder | * Resist Magic : +20% | 2125 |
| | * Hit Points : -10 | |
| | * Mana : +30 | |
| | | |
| Constricting Ring | * Resist All : +75% MAX | 15500 |
| | * Constantly Lost Hit Points | |
| | | |
| Empyrean Band | * +2 to All Attributes | 2000 |
| | * +20% Light Radius | |
| | * Fast Hit Recovery | |
| | * Absorbs Half Trap Damage | |
| | | |
| Gladiator's Ring | * 40% Health Moved to Mana | |
| | | |
| Ring of Engagement | * -1/-2 Damage from Enemies | 3119 |
| | * Attacker Takes 1-3 Damage | |
| | * Armor Class : 5 | |
| | * Damages Target's Armor | |
| | | |
| Ring of Regha | * -3 to Strength | 1043 |
| | * +10 to Magic | |
| | * -3 to Dexterity | |
| | * Resist Magic : +10% | |
| | * +10% Light Radius | |
| | | |
| Ring of Truth | * Hit Points : +10 | 2275 |
| | * Resist All : +10% | |
| | * -1 Damage from Enemies | |
| | | |
| Optic Amulet | * +5 to Magic | 2437 |
| | * -1 Damage from Enemies | |
| | * Resist Lightning : +20% | |
| | * +20% Light Radius | |

07. M O N S T E R L I S T

| | | |
| | | |
| Fallen One | 001-002 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Carver | 002-004 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Devil Kin | 008-012 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Dark One | 010-018 | No resistances, No immunities |
| | | |
| Zombie | 002-003 | Immune Magic |
| Rotting Carcass | 007-012 | Immune Magic |
| Ghoul | | |
| Black Death | 012-020 | Immune Magic |
| | | |
| Scavenger | 001-003 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Plague Eater | 006-012 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Shadow Beast | 012-018 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Bone Gasher | 014-020 | Resists Magic |
| | | |
| Fiend | 001-003 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Blink | 006-014 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Familiar | 010-017 | Resist Magic, Immune Lightning |
| | | |
| | | |
| Hidden | 004-012 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Unseen | 017-025 | Resist Magic |
| Stalker | 015-022 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Illusion Weaver | 020-030 | Resist Fire-Magic |
| | | |
| Flesh Clan | 015-022 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Stone Clan | 020-027 | Resist Magic |
| Fire Clan | 025-032 | Resist Fire |
| Night Clan | 027-035 | Resist Magic |
| | | |
| Acid Beast | 020-033 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Poison Spitter | 030-042 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Pit Beast | 040-055 | Resist Magic |
| Lava Maw | 050-075 | Resist Magic, Immune Fire |
| | | |
| Blood Stone | 027-037 | Immune Fire-Magic |
| Lava Lord | 035-042 | Immune Fire-Magic |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| Mud Man | 050-062 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Toad Demon | | |
| Flayed One | 080-100 | Resist Magic, Immune Fire |
| | | |
| | | |
| Gargoyle | | |
| Winged-Demon | 022-030 | Resist Fire, Immune Magic |
| Blood Claw | 037-062 | Immune Fire-Magic |
| | | |
| | | |
| Storm Rider | 030-060 | Resist Magic, Immune Lightning |
| Maelstorm | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| Horned Demon | | |
| Mud Runner | 025-045 | No resistances, No immunities |
| Frost Charger | | |
| Obsidian Lord | 035-055 | Resist Lightning, Immune Magic |
| | | |
| Cave Viper | 050-075 | Immune Fire |
| Fire Drake | 060-085 | Resist Fire, Immune Magic |
| Gold Viper | 070-090 | Resist Lightning, Immune Magic |
| Azure Drake | 080-100 | Resist Fire-Lightning |
| | | |
| Succubus | 060-075 | Resist Magic |
| Snow Witch | 067-087 | Resist Lightning |
| Hellspawn | 075-100 | Resist Magic, Immune Lightning |
| Soul Burner | 100-112 | Resist Lightning-Magic, Immune Fire |
| | | |
| Counselor | 035-035 | Resist Fire-Lightning |
| Magistrate | 042-042 | Resist Lightning-Magic, Immune Fire |
| Cabalist | 060-060 | Resist Fire-Magic, Immune Lightning |
| Advocate | 072-072 | Resist Fire, Immune Lightning-Magic |
| | | |
| Black Knight | 075-075 | Resist Lightning-Magic |
| Doom Guard | 082-082 | Resist Fire-Magic |
| Steel Lord | 090-090 | Resist Lightning-Magic, Immune Fire |
| Blood Knight | 100-100 | Resist Fire, Immune Lightning-Magic |

08. S H R I N E S A N D F O U N T A I N S

| | | |
| | | |
| Abandoned Shrine | The hands of men may be | Dexterity is increased by |
| | guided by fate | 2 |
| | | |
| Cauldron | Random | Random |
| | | |
| Creepy Shrine | Strength is bolstered by | Strength is increased by 2 |
| | heavenly faith | |
| | | |
| Cryptic Shrine | Arcane power brings | Casts one free Nova spell |
| | destruction | |
| | | |
| Divine Shrine | Drink and be refreshed | Gives 2 full potions and |
| | | gets life and full mana |
| | | |
| Eerie Shrine | Knowledge and wisdom at | Magic is increased by 2 |
| | the cost of self | |
| | | |
| Eldritch Shrine | Crimson and Azure becomes | All potions become |
| | as the sun | rejuvenation potions of |
| | | the same type |
| | | |
| Enchanted Shrine | Magic is not always what | Lose one level of a spell |
| | it seems to be | and adds one level to all |
| | | other spells learned so |
| | | far |
| | | |
| Fascinating Shrine | Intensity comes at the | Gain two levels of Firebolt|
| | cost of wisdom | spell, lose up to 10 in |
| | | mana |
| | | |
| Glimmering Shrine | Mysteries are revealed in | Identifies all unidentified|
| | the light of reason | item in inventory |
| | | |
| Glowing Shrine | Knowledge is Power | Magic +5, lose experience |
| | | |
| Goat Shrine | Random | Random |
| | | |
| Gloomy Shrine | Those who defend seldom | Adds 2 to AC for all armor,|
| | attack | reduces damage by 1 for all|
| | | weapons |
| | | |
| Hidden Shrine | New strength is forged | One item loses 10 |
| | through destruction | durability while all others|
| | | gain 10 |
| | | |
| Holy Shrine | Wherever you go, there | Casts one free Phasing |
| | you are | spell |
| | | |
| Magic Shrine | While the spirit is | Casts one free Mana Shield |
| | vigilant, the body thrives| spell |
| | | |
| Mendicant's Shrine | Give and you shall | Gains experience, lose |
| | receive | half your money |
| | | |
| Murphy's Shrine | That which can break will | Lose durability |
| | | |
| Mysterious Shrine | Some are weakened as one | One attributes rises by 5 |
| | grows strong | and all others drop by 1 |
| | | |
| Oily Shrine | That which does not kill | Gains Dexterity points |
| | you... | |
| | | |
| Ornate Shrine | Salvation comes at the | Gain two levels for the |
| | cost of wisdom | Holy Bolt spell, lose up to|
| | | 10 in mana |
| | | |
| Quiet Shrine | The essence of life flows | Vitality is increased by 2 |
| | from within | |
| | | |
| Religious Shrine | Time has no effect on the | All items are fully |
| | strength of steel | repaired |
| | | |
| Sacred Shrine | Energy comes at the cost | Gain two levels for the |
| | of wisdom | Charged Bolt spell, lose up|
| | | to 10 in mana |
| | | |
| Secluded Shrine | The way is made clear when| Fills out the automap of |
| | viewed from above | the current level |
| | | |
| Shimmering Shrine | Spiritual energy is | Gets full mana |
| | restored | |
| | | |
| Solar Shrine | You feel refreshed | Gains Hit Points |
| | | |
| Sparking Shrine | Some experience is gained | Gains experience and lose |
| | by touch | mana |
| | | |
| Spiritual Shrine | Riches abound when least | Each free box in backpack |
| | expected | is filled with a random |
| | | amount of gold |
| | | |
| Stone Shrine | The power of mana | Staffs are recharged |
| | refocused renews | |
| | | |
| Thaumaturgic Shrine | You hear a series of | All chests in the dungeon |
| | creaks and thumps | are refilled and close |
| | | |
| Town Shrine | There's no place like | Cast Town Portal |
| | home | |
| | | |
| Weird Shrine | The sword of justice is | Maximum damage for all |
| | swift and sharp | weapon increases by 1 |
| | | |
| ??? | You feel stronger | Gains Strength points |
| | | |
| ??? | You feel more agile | Gains agility |
| | | |
| ??? | You feel wiser | Gains Magic points |

| | |
| | |
| Blood Fountain | Restores 1 point of life each time you drink |
| | |
| Fountain of Tears | Raises one attribute by one and lowers another by 1 |
| | |
| Murky Pool | Casts one free Infravision spell |
| | |
| Purifying Spring | Restores 1 point of mana each time you drink |

09. L E V E L A N D E X P E R I E N C E

| | | | |
| | | | |
| 1 | 0 | 26 | 5.459.523 |
| 2 | 2.000 | 27 | 7.130.496 |
| 3 | 4.620 | 28 | 9.281.874 |
| 4 | 8.040 | 29 | 12.042.092 |
| 5 | 12.489 | 30 | 15.571.031 |
| 6 | 18.258 | 31 | 20.066.900 |
| 7 | 25.712 | 32 | 25.774.405 |
| 8 | 35.309 | 33 | 32.994.399 |
| 9 | 47.622 | 34 | 42.095.202 |
| 10 | 63.364 | 35 | 53.525.811 |
| 11 | 83.419 | 36 | 67.831.218 |
| 12 | 108.879 | 37 | 85.670.061 |
| 13 | 141.086 | 38 | 107.834.823 |
| 14 | 181.683 | 39 | 135.274.799 |
| 15 | 231.075 | 40 | 169.122.009 |
| 16 | 313.656 | 41 | 210.720.231 |
| 17 | 424.067 | 42 | 261.657.253 |
| 18 | 571.190 | 43 | 323.800.420 |
| 19 | 766.569 | 44 | 399.335.440 |
| 20 | 1.025.154 | 45 | 490.808.349 |
| 21 | 1.366.227 | 46 | 601.170.414 |
| 22 | 1.814.568 | 47 | 733.825.617 |
| 23 | 2.401.895 | 48 | 892.680.222 |
| 24 | 3.168.651 | 49 | 1.082.908.612 |
| 25 | 4.166.200 | 50 | 1.310.707.109 |

10. B O O K S
BOOK OF BLOOD (Quest : Valor)
...and so, locked beyond the Gateway of Blood and past the hall of Fire, Valor
awaits for the hero of light to awaken...

BOOK OF THE BLIND (Quest : Halls of the Blind)
I can see what you see not.
Vision milky then eyes rot.
When you turn they will be gone,
whispering their hidden song.
Then you see what cannot be,
shadows move where light should be.
Out of darkness, out of mind,
cast down into the Halls of the Blind.

MYTHICAL BOOK (Quest : Chamber of the Bone)
Beyond the Hall of Heroes lies the Chamber of Bone.Eternal death awaits any who
would seek to steal the treasures secured within this room. So speaks the
Lord of terror, and so it is written.

STEEL TOME (Quest : Warlord of Blood)
The armories of Hell are home to the Warlord of Blood. In his wake lay the
mutilated bodies of thousands. Angels and man alike have been cut down to
fulfill his endless sacrifices to the dark ones who scream for one thing - blood

Glory and approbation to Diablo - Lord of Terror and leader of the Three. My
lord spoke to me of his two brothers, Mephisto and Baal, who were banished to
this world long ago. My lord wishes to bide time and harness his awesome power
so that he may free his captive brothers from their tombs beneath the sands of
the East. Once my lord releases his brothers, the Sin War will once again know
the fury of the Three.

So it came that the three prime evils were banished in spirit form to the
mortal realm and after sewing chaos across the east for decades, they were
hunted down by the cursed order of the mortal Horadrim. The Horadrim used
artifacts called Soulstones to contain the essence of Mephisto, the Lord of
Hatred and his brother Baal, the Lord of Destruction. The youngest brother -
Diablo, the Lord of Terror - escaped to the west.
Eventually the Horadrim captured Diablo within a Soulstones as well, and
buried him under an ancient, forgotten cathedral. There, the Lord of Terror
sleeps and awaits the time of his rebirth. Know ye that he will seek a body of
youth and power to posses - one that is innocent and easily controlled. He will
then arise to free his brothers and once more fan the flames of the Sin War...

Hail and sacrifice to Diablo - Lord of Terror and destroyer of souls. When I
awoke my master from his sleep, he attempted to possess a mortal's form. Diablo
attempted to claim the body of King Leoric, but my master was too weak from his
imprisonment. My lord required a simple and innocent anchor to this world, and
so found the boy Albrecht to be perfect for the task. While the good King Leoric
was left maddened by Diablo's unsuccessful possession, I kidnapped his son
Albrecht and brought him before my master. I now await Diablo's call and pray
that I will be rewarded when he at last emerged as the lord of this world.

So it came to be that there was a great revolution within the Burning Hells
known as the Dark Exile. The lesser evils overthrew the three prime evils and
banished their spirit forms to the mortal realm. The demons Belial (The Lord of
Lies) and Azmodan (The Lord of Sin) fought to claim rulership of Hell during
the absence of the Three Brothers. All of Hell polarized between the factions of
Belial and Azmodan while the forces of the High Heavens continually battered
upon the very gates of Hell.

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last
legacy of the Horadrim. There is a war that rages on even now, beyond the fields
that we know - between the Utopian Kingdoms of the High Heavens and the chaotic
Pits of the Burning Hells. This war is known as the Great Conflict, and it has
raged and burned longer than any of the stars in the sky.Neither side ever gains
sway for long as the forces of light and darkness constantly vie for control
over all creation.

All praises to Diablo - Lord of Terror and survivor of the Dark Exile.When he
awakened from his long slumber, my lord and master spoke to me of secrets that
few mortals know. He told me the Kingdoms of the High Heavens and the Pits of
the Burning Hells engage in an eternal war. He revealed the powers that have
brought this discord to the realms of man. My lord has named the battle for this
world and all who exist here the Sin War.

Many demons traveled to the mortal realm in search of the Three Brothers.
These demons were followed to the mortal plane by angels who hunted them
throughout the vast cities of the East. The angels allied themselves with a
secretive order of mortal magi named the Horadrim, who quickly became adept at
hunting demons. They also made many dark enemies in the underworlds.

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last
legacy of the Horadrim. Nearly three hundred years ago, it came to be known
that the three prime evils of the Burning Hells had mysteriously come to our
world. The Three Brothers ravaged the lands of the east for decades, while
humanity was left trembling in their wake.Our order - the Horadrim - was founded
by a group of secretive Magi to hunt down and capture the three evils once and
for all.
The original Horadrim captured two of the three within powerful artifacts known
as Soulstones and buried them deep bneath the desolate eastern sands. The third
evil escaped capture and fled to the west with many of the Horadrim in pursuit.
The third evil - known as Diablo, the Lord of Terror - was eventually captured,
his essence set in a Soulstone and buried within this labyrinth.
Be warned that the Soulstone must be kept from discovery by those not of the
faith. If Diablo were to be released, he would seek a body that is easily
controlled as he would be very weak - perhaps that of an old man or a child.

Take heed and bear witness to the truths that lie herein, for they are the last
legacy of the Horadrim. When the eternal conflict between the High Heavens and
the Burning Hells falls upon mortal soil, it is called the Sin War. Angels and
Demons walk amongst humanity in disguise, fighting in secret, away from the
prying eyes of mortals. Some daring, powerful mortal have even allied themselves
with either side, and helped to dictate the course of the Sin War.

11. L I B R A R I E S


Since the beginning, the forces of Light and Darkness have engaged in an
eternal war : The Great Conflict, whose victor will rise from the apocalyptic
ashes to hold sway over all creation. To this end, the Angels of the High
Heavens adhere to strict militaristic disciplines Seraphim warriors strike at
the enemies of Light with swords imbued with righteous wrath and justice. The
Angels believe that only absolute discipline can properly restore order to the
myriad realms, while the demonic denizens of the Burning Hells hold that
absolute chaos is the true nature of all things.
The battles of the Great Conflict rage across both time and space, often
infringing upon the very fabric of reality itself. From the Crystal Arch at the
very heart of the High Heavens to the arcane Hellforge of the Underworld, the
warriors of these eternal realms journey to wherever their timeless conflict
carries them. The legendary deeds of the heroes of the realms beyond elicit both
veneration and insight.
The greatest of these heroes was Izual, lieutenant to the Arch-Angel Tyrael
and bearer of the Angelic Runeblade Azurewrath. He once led a fierce attack
upon the Hellforge as the creation of the dark demonblade Shadowfang was nearing
completion. His quest was to destroy both wielder and weapon - a charge that
he was destined never to complete. Izual was overcome by the legions of chaos
and, tragically, was lost to the Darkness. His fate stands as testament to
the fact that Angels and Demons alike shall fearlessly enter into any domain -
so long as their hated enemies dwell within.
Although the Great Conflict burned hotter and longer than any of the
stars in the sky, neither side could gain dominion over the other for long. Both
factions sought some way to turn the tides of the war to their favor. With the
ascension of Man and his mortal realm, the Great Conflict ground to a mysterious
halt. Both armies paused in a breathless stalemate, waiting to see to whose side
Man would eventually turn.
Mortals had the unique ability to choose between Darkness and Light, and it
was held that this would be the deciding factor in the outcome of the Great
Conflict. Thus, the agents of the nether-realms descended to the mortal realm to
vie for the favor of Man...

The coming of the Great Conflict to the mortal realm is known as the Sin
War. Angels and Demons, disguising themselves while traveling amongst men,
attempted to secretly lure mortals to their respective causes. Over time, the
forces of Darkness discovered that mortals responded much more to brute force
than to subtle coercion, and so began to terrorize Man into submission. The
Angels fought to defend humanity against this demonic oppression, but all too
often their austere methods and severe punishments succeeded only in alienating
those whom they sought to protect.
The violent battles of the Sin War occurred often, but they were seldom
witnessed by the prying eyes of Man. Only a few "enlightened" souls were aware
of the supernatural beings that walked amongst the huddled masses of humanity.
Powerful mortals arose and accepted the challenge of the Sin War, allying
themselves with both sides in the Great Conflict. The legendary deeds of
these great mortal warriors served to earn both the respect and hatred of the
netherworlds. Although lesser demons kneeled before those possessing power and
strength, they also cursed the very existence of mortal man. Many of these
fiends believed that the deadlock brought about by the emergence of Man was a
perverse offense to their "higher" role in the great scheme of things.
This jealousy of Man led to harsh, atrocious acts of violence by the demons
against the mortal realm. Some men learned of this deep hatred and used it
against the denizens of the Underworld. One such mortal, Horazon the Summoner,
delighted in summoning demons and then breaking them to his will. Horazon, along
with his brother Bartuc, were members of the Eastern mage clan known as the
Vizjerei. This mystic clan studied the ways of demons and had catalogued their
lore for generations. Empowered by this knowledge, Horazon was able to take the
work of the Vizjerei and pervert it for his demented purposes. The denizens of
Hell sought revenge against this bold mortal,but Horazon managed to keep himself
well protected within his arcane sanctuary.
Bartuc, the brother of Horazon, was eventually lured to the side of
Darkness. He was granted exceptional strength and longevity, and fought
alongside the legions of Hell against the cursed Vizjerei, and eventually his
own brother during the Sin War. Although Bartuc was renowned amongst the
warriors of many realms, his dominance in battle came with a terrible price.
An insatiable lust for mortal blood pervaded his every thought and deed. Bartuc
soon became as fond of bathing in the blood of his enemies as he did of shedding
it, and in time he came to be known only as the Warlord of Blood.

"Seven is the number of the powers of Hell,
and Seven is the number of the Great Evils."

Duriel, the Lord of Pain

Andariel, the Maiden of Anguish

Belial, the Lord of Lies

Azmodan, the Lord of Sin

These are the true names of the lesser of the Great Evils. For ages
uncounted each have ruled over their own domains within the Burning Hells,
seeking absolute dominion over their infernal brethren. As the Lesser Four
continuously vied for the control of those forces that dwelled within their
realms, the Greater Three held absolute power over the whole of Hell. The Lesser
Four used dark and evil measures in their quest for power, and herein begins the
legend of the Exile.

Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred

Baal, the Lord of Destruction

Diablo, the Lord of Terror

These are the Prime Evils of Hell that wielded their power as a dark,
sovereign triumvirate. The Three Brothers ruled over the Lesser Four by
brutal force and malicious cunning. Being the eldest and strongest of the Evils,
the Three Brothers were responsible for countless victories against the armies
of the Light. Although they never held sway over the High Heavens for long, the
Three were justly feared by enemies and subjects alike.
With the ascension of Man and the subsequent standstill of the Great
Conflict, the Three Brothers began to devote their energies to the perversion of
mortal souls. The Three realized that Man was the key to victory in the war
against Heaven, and thus altered their rigid agendum that they had propagated
since the Beginning. This change caused many of the Lesser Evils to question the
authority of the Three, and so brought about a great rift between the Prime
Evils and their servitors.
In their ignorance, the Lesser Evils began to believe that the Three
were afraid to continue the war with Heaven. Frustrated by the cessation of the
war, Azmodan and Belial saw the situation as their chance to overthrow the
Prime Evils and take control of Hell for themselves. The two demon lords made
a pact with their minor brethren, assuring them that the wretched plague of
humanity would not deter the ultimate victory of the sons of Hell. Azmodan and
Belial devised a plan to end the stalemate, achieve victory in the Sin War and
ultimately ride the bloody crest of the Great Conflict straight into the very
arms of Armageddon. Thus, a great revolution was set into motion as all of Hell
went to war against the Three Brothers...
The Brothers fought with all of the savagery of the Underworld, and to
their credit, annihilated a third of Hell's treacherous legions. In the end,
however, they were overcome by the Horned Death led by the traitors Azmodan and
Belial. The Prime Evils, weakened and bodiless were banished to the mortal realm
where Azmodan hoped that they would remain trapped forever. Azmodan believed
that with the Three set loose upon humanity, the Angels would be forced to turn
their focus upon on the mortal plane - thus leaving the Gates of Heaven
abandoned and defenseless. Those few demons who still pledged allegiance to the
Three Brothers fled the wrath of Azmodan and Belial, escaping to the realm of
Man to seek out their lost Masters.
As the warfires died out upon the battlefields of Hell, Azmodan and Belial
began to argue over which of them held the higher authority. The pact that they
had made quickly fell to ashes as the two demon lords took up arms against each
other. The legions of Hell that remained were polarized behind either warlord,
launching themselves into a bloody civil war that has lasted to this day...

In the ancient days, before the rise of the Western Empires, the dark
and terrible entities known as the Three Evils were exiled to the world of Man.
These eternal entities wandered throughout the waking world and fed upon the
lusts of men, leaving chaos and attrition in their wake. The Evils turned
father against son and prompted many great nation into brutal and petty wars.
Their Exile from Hell left them with an insatiable hunger to bring suffering
and pain to all who would not kneel before them, and so the Three Brothers
ravaged the lands of the Far East for countless centuries.
Eventually, a secretive order of mortal magi was gathered together by the
enigmatic Arch-Angel Tyrael. These sorcerers were to hunt the Three Evils and
put an end to their vicious rampage. The order, known as the Horadrim, consisted
of wizards from the diverse and numerous mage-clans of the East. Employing
disparate magical practices and disciplines, this unlikely Brotherhood
succeeded in capturing two of the Brothers within a powerful artifacts called
Soulstones. Mephisto and Baal, trapped within the swirling, spiritual
constraints of the Soulstones, were then buried beneath the dunes of the
desolate Eastern Sands.
The powers of Hatred and wanton Destruction seemed to diminish in the East
as a nervous peace began to settle over the land. Yet, for many decades the
Horadrim continued their grim search for the third Brother, Diablo. They knew
that if the Lord of Terror was left untamed there could never be any lasting
peace within the realm of humanity.
The Horadrim followed in the wake of terror and anarchy that spread
throughout the Western lands. After a great battle which claimed the lives of
many brave souls, the Lord of Terror was captured and imprisoned within the last
of the Soulstones by a group of Horadrim monks led by the Initiate Jered Cain.
These monks carried the cursed stone to the land of Khanduras and buried it
within a secluded cave near the river Talsande. Above this cave the Horadrim
constructed a great Monastery from which they could continue to safeguard the
Soulstone. As ages passed, the Horadrim constructed a network of catacombs
beneath the Monastery to house the earthly remains of the martyrs of their
Generation passed in Khanduras, and the numbers of the Horadrim slowly
dwindled. With no quests left to undertake, and too few sons to sustain their
guardianship, the once powerful Order faded into obscurity. Eventually, the
great Monastery that they had built fell to ruins as well. Although villages
grew and thrived around the shell of the old Monastery, no one knew of the dark,
secret passageways that stretched into the cold earth beneath it. None could
have dreamed of the burning red gem that pulsed within the labyrinth's heart...


Years after the last of the Horadrim had died, a great and prosperous
society grew in the lands of the West. As time wore on, many Eastern pilgrims
settled in the lands surrounding Khanduras and soon establish small, self
contained kingdoms. A few of these kingdoms bickered with Khanduras over
holdings of property or routes of trade. These squabbles did little to upset
the lasting peace of the West,and the great Northern kingdom of Westmarch proved
to be a strong ally of Khanduras as the two lands steadily engaged in ventures
of barter and commerce.
During this time, a bold, new religion of the Light known as Zakarum
began to spread throughout the kingdom of Westmarch and into many of its
northern principalities. Zakarum, founded in the Far East, implored followers
to enter into the Light and forsake the darkness that lurked within their souls.
The people of Westmarch adopted the statues of Zakarum as their sacred mission
in the world. Westmarch began to turn towards its neighbors, expecting them to
embrace this "New Beginning" as well. Tensions rose between the kingdoms of
Westmarch and Khanduras as the priests of Zakarum began to preach their
foreign dogma whether they were welcomed or not.
It was then that the great northern lord Leoric came unto the lands of
Khanduras and, in the name of Zakarum, declared himself King, Leoric was a
deeply religious man and had brought many Knights and Priests with him that
comprised his Order of the Light.Leoric and his trusted advisor, the Arch Bishop
Lazarus, made their way to the city of Tristram.Leoric appropriated the ancient,
decrepit Monastery on the outskirts of the town for his seat of power and
renovated it to match its time-lost glory. Although the free people of
Khanduras were not pleased with being placed under the sudden rule of a
foreign King, Leoric served them with justice and might. Eventually, the people
of Khanduras grew to respect the kind Leoric,sensing that he sough only to guide
and protect them against the oppression of Darkness.

Not long after Leoric took possession of Khanduras, a power long asleep
awakened within the dark recesses beneath the Monastery. Sensing that freedom
was within his grasp, Diablo entered the nightmares of the Arch Bishop and lured
him into the dark, subterranean labyrinth. In his terror, Lazarus raced
throughout the abandoned hallways until he at last came to the chamber of the
burning Soulstone. No longer in command of his body or spirit, he raised the
stone above his head and uttered words long forgotten in the realms of
mortals. His will destroyed, Lazarus shattered the Soulstone upon the ground.
Diablo once again came into the world of Man. Although he was released from his
imprisonment within the Soulstone, the Lord of Terror was still greatly weakened
from his long sleep and required an anchor to the world. Once he had found a
mortal form to wear, he could begin to reclaim his vastly depleted power. The
great demon weighed the souls residing in the town above, and chose to take the
strongest of them - that of King Leoric.
For many months King Leoric secretly fought the evil presence that twisted
his thoughts and emotions. Sensing that he had been possessed by some unknown
evil. Leoric hid his dark secret from his Priests, hoping that somehow his
own devout righteousness would be enough to exorcise that corruption growing
inside him - he was sorely mistaken. Diablo stripped away the core of Leoric's
being, burning away all honor and virtue from his soul. Lazarus too, had fallen
under the sway of the Demon, keeping close to Leoric at all times. Lazarus
worked to conceal the plans of his new Master from the Order of Light, hoping
that the demon's power would grow, well concealed amongst the servants of
The priests of Zakarum and the citizenry of Khanduras recognized the
disturbing change within their liege. His once proud and rugged form became
distorted and deformed. King Leoric became increasingly deranged and ordered
immediate executions of any who dared to question his methods or authority.
Leoric began to send his Knights to other villages to bully their townspeople
into submission. The people of Khanduras who had once grown to see great honor
in their ruler began to call Leoric the Black King.
Driven to the brink of madness by the Lord of Terror, King Leoric slowly
alienated his closest friends and advisors, Lachdanan, Captain of the Knight
of the Order of Light and honored Champion of Zakarum, tried to discern the
nature of his King's deteriorating spirit. Yet at every turn the Arch-Bishop
Lazarus would waylay Lachdanan and admonish him from questioning the
actions of the King. As tensions grew between the two, Lazarus charged
Lachdanan with treason against the Kingdom. To the Priests and Knights of
Leoric's court, the prospect of Lachdanan committing treason was ridiculous.
Lachdanan's motives were honorable and just, and soon many began question the
reason of their once beloved King.
Leoric's madness was growing more obvious with each passing day. Sensing
that the advisors of the court were becoming increasingly suspicious of foul
treachery, Lazarus desperately sought to contain the eroding situation. The
Arch-Bishop masterfully convinced the delusional Leoric that the kingdom of
Westmarch was plotting against him, secretly planning to dethrone him and annex
Khanduras into its own lands. Leoric flew into a rage and summoned his advisors
to his side. Manipulated by the Arch-Bishop, the paranoid King declared a state
of war between the kingdoms of Khanduras and Westmarch.
Leoric ignored the warnings and admonishments of his advisors and the
royal army of Khanduras was ordered to the North to engage in a war that they
did not believe in. Lachdanan was appointed by Lazarus to lead the armies of
Khanduras into Westmarch. Although Lachdanan argued the against the necessity of
the coming conflict, he was honor-bound to uphold the will of his King. Many of
the high-priests and officials were forced to travel to the North as
emissaries on errands of diplomatic urgency, as well. The desperate ploy of
Lazarus had succeeded in sending many of the King's more 'troublesome' advisors
to their certain deaths...

The absence of prying advisors and inquisitive Priests left Diablo free
to assume total control over the King's battered soul. As the Lord of Terror
attempted to strengthen his hold upon the maddened King, he found that the
lingering spirit of Leoric fought with him still. Although the control over
Leoric that Diablo held was formidable, the Demon knew that in his weakened
state he could never take complete possession of his soul as long as a glimmer
of his will remained. The demonlord sought a fresh and innocent host upon which
to build his Terror.
The demon relinquished his control over Leoric, but the King's soul was
left corrupted and his mind crazed. Diablo began to search throughout Khanduras
for the perfect vessel to act as his focus, and found such a soul easily within
his reach. Enjoined by his dark master, Lazarus kidnapped Albrecht - the only
son of Leoric - and dragged the terrified youth down into the blackness of the
labyrinth. Flooding the boy's defenseless mind with the essence of pure
Terror, Diablo easily took possession of the young Albrecht.
Pain and fire raced through the child's soul. Hideous laughter filled his
head and clouded his thoughts. Paralyzed with fear, Albrecht felt the presence
of Diablo within his mind as it seemed to push him down, deeper and deeper into
darkness and oblivion. Diablo gazed upon his surroundings through the eyes of
the young prince.A lustful hunger still tortured the demon after his frustrating
bout for control over Leoric, but the nightmares of the boy provided ample
substance to sate him. Reaching deep into Albrecht's subconscious, Diablo ripped
the greatest fears of the child from their hiding places and gave them breath.
Albrecht watched, as if out of a dream, twisted and disfigured forms
appeared all around him. Unholy, writhing visages of terror danced about him
chanting choruses of obscenities. All of the 'monsters' that he had ever
imagined or believed that he had seen in his life became flesh and were given
life before him. Large bodies comprised of living rock erupted from the walls
and bowed to their dark master. The ancient, skeletal corpses of the Horadrim
arose from archaic crypts and lumbered off into the red washed corridors
beyond. As the cacophony of madness and nightmares hammered its final blow
against Albrecht's scattered and scrambled maniacally into the lengthening
passageways of his waking Nightmare.
The ancient catacombs of the Horadrim had become a twisted labyrinth of
raw, focused Terror. Empowered by Diablo's possession of young Albrecht, the
creatures of the boy's own imagination had gained corporeal form. So strong
was the terror that grew inside of Albrecht, that the borders of the Mortal
realm began to warp and tear. The Burning Hell began to seep into the world of
Man and take root within the labyrinth. Beings and occurrences displaced by
time and space, and long lost to the history of Man were pulled s creaming
into the ever-expanding domain.
The body of Albrecht, fully possessed by Diablo, began to distort and
change. The small boy grew and his eyes blazed as tendril-like spines ripped
through his flesh. Great, arched horns erupted from Albrecht's skull as Diablo
altered the form of a child to match that of his demonic body. Deep within the
recesses of the labyrinth, a growing power was being harnessed. When the moment
was right, Diablo would venture once more into the mortal world and free his
captive Brothers Mephisto and Baal. The Prime Evils would be reunited, and
together they would reclaim their rightful place in Hell.

The war against the zealous armies of Westmarch ended with a horrible
slaughter. With the army of Khanduras ripped to shreds by the superior
numbers and defensive positions of Westmarch, Lachdanan quickly gathered
together those who were not captured or killed and ordered a retreat back to
the safety of Khanduras. They returned to find the town of Tristram in shambles.
King Leoric, deep within the throes of madness, went into a rage when he
learned that his son was missing. After scouring the village with the few
guards that remained within at the monastery, Leoric had decided that the
townsfolk had abducted his son and hidden him somewhere. Although the townsfolk
denied any knowledge of Prince Albrecht's whereabouts, Leoric insisted that they
had crafted a conspiracy against him, and that they would pay the price for
such treachery.
The mysterious disappearance of the Arch-Bishop Lazarus left no one in
Tristram with whom the King would take council. Overcome by grief and dementia,
Leoric had many of the townsfolk executed for the crime of high treason.
As Lachdanan and his fellow survivors returned to confront their King,
Leoric sent his few remaining guards against them. Believing that Lachdanan was
somehow part of the townsfolk's conspiracy. Leoric decreed that he and his party
were to die. Lachdanan, finally realizing that Leoric was beyond salvation,
ordered his men to defend themselves. The ensuing battle carried them down into
the very halls of the darkened Monastery, bringing a final desecration to the
once holy sanctum of the Horadrim. Lachdanan won a bittersweet victory as his
men were forced to kill all of Leoric's deceived protectors. They cornered the
ravenous King within his own sanctuary and begged him to explain the atrocities
he had committed. Leoric only spat at them and cursed them for traitors against
both his crown and the Light.
Lachdanan walked slowly towards his King and sorrowfully drew his sword.
Full of grief and rage, all honor having been cast to the winds, Lachdanan ran
his blade through Leoric's shriveled, blackened heart. The once noble King
screamed an unearthly death-cry, and as his madness finally overtook him, he
brought down a curse upon those who had so betrayed him. Calling upon the
forces of Darkness that he had spent his entire life combating, Leoric
condemned Lachdanan and the others to eternal damnation. In that last, fleeting
moment within the heart of the Monastery, all that was ever virtuous or
honorable about the stewards of Khanduras was shattered forever.

The Black King lay dead, slain at the hands of his own Priests and
Knights. The young Prince Albrecht was still missing, and the proud defenders
of Khanduras were no more. The people of Tristram looked about their lifeless
town and were greatly dismayed. Awash in feelings of both relief and remorse,
they soon realize that their troubles had merely begun. Strange, eerie lights
appeared in the darkened windows of the Monastery. Misshapen, leathery-skinned
creatures were seen venturing forth from the shadows of the church. Horrible,
wounded cries seemed to linger on the wind, emanating from deep underground. It
became apparent that something quite unnatural had infested the once holy
Travelers on the roads surrounding Tristram were accosted by cloaked riders
that seemed to now constantly roam the deserted countryside. Many villagers fled
Tristram, making their way to other towns or kingdoms, fearing some unnamed
evil that seemed to wait in the shadows all around them. Those few chose to
remain seldom ventured out at night,and never tread foot upon the grounds of the
cursed Monastery. Whispered rumors of poor, innocent people being abducted in
the night by wicked, nightmarish creatures filled the halls of the local inn.
With no King, no law, and no army left to defend them, many of the townsfolk
began to fear an attack from the things that now dwelt beneath their town.
The Arch-Bishop Lazarus, frayed and disheveled, returned from his absence
and assured the townsfolk that he too had been ravaged by the growing evil of
the Monastery. With their desperate need for reassurance clouding their good
judgement, Lazarus whipped the townspeople into a frenzied mob. Reminding them
that Prince Albrecht was still unaccounted for, he persuaded many of the men
to follow him into the depths of the Monastery to search for the boy. They
gathered torches and soon the night air glowed with the flickering light of
hope. They armed themselves with shovels, picks and scythes and so prepared,
they boldly followed the treacherous Arch-Bishop straight into the fiery maw of
Hell itself...
The few who survived the horrible fate that awaited them returned to
Tristram and recounted what they could of the ordeal.Their wounds were terrible,
and even the skills of the healer could not save some of them. As the stories
of demons and devils spread, a stifling, primal Terror began to consume the
hearts of all the town's inhabitants. It was a Terror that none of them had ever
Deep beneath the foundations of the ruined Monastery, Diablo gorged himself
upon the fears of the mortals above him. He slowly sank back into the welcoming
shadows and began to harness his depleted power.
He smiled to himself in the sheltering darkness, for he knew that the time
of his final victory was fast approaching...

12. I T E M S

The sword is the epitome of the warrior's weapon. Forged in fire and tempered to
a fine edge, a good blade can cut through armor or a demon's thick hide with
equal case. Some warrior clans of Khanduras go so far as to forsake any other
weapon besides a sword, and abandon the use of a shield in favor of greatswords
that stand the full height of a man.

Axes are favored by those who are willing to sacrifice defense for power. In
addition to being slower than other weapons, even the smallest combat axe
requires two hands be free to wield properly, precluding the use of a shield.
However, no other mundane item can match the damage of a good axe. Legends speak
of enchanted axes capable of slicing through flesh and steel as if through

Sometimes the simplest tools are the best. Whether it be a stout piece of wood
or a spiked mace a good clubbing weapon can be deadly in the hands of a strong
warrior. The minions of Mephisto -the undead- are said to have an especially
difficult time resisting the effects of broken bones and shattered limbs.

The art of staff fighting has never gained much acceptance in Khanduras, but
long ago the Brotherhood of Vizjerei discovered ways to use a simple wooden
staff as a container for focused magical energy. The process of creating
a spell staff is very time consuming, but even an apprentice Vizjerei can
recharge a stafff by channeling magical energy into it. Spell staves may be used
to cast spells that the wielder does not yet know, and that do no require the
expenditure of mana. The staff must be wielded in order to use the spell it
contains. Oddly enough, the act of infusing a staff with sorceries seems to
grant the staff a will of its own. Only those skilled in the arts of magic can
hope to control very powerful spell staves. It is also possible to find staves
that have been further enchanted to make them more effective in combat or to
grant other abilities to the wielder.

Bows are excellent weapons for those who to prefer to strike at their foes from
a distance. The greatest archers in the world are the Sisters of the Sightless
Eye. They are trained in the use of every instrument of archery, from the short
bows used by the Horsemen of the Kataan Steppes to the great war bows of the
Northern Tribes. Even the most skilled of the Sisters, however, knows that a bow
is no match for a sword or other weapon if the fighting should come to close

Light armor ranges from simple clothing, such as robes and cloaks, to hardened
leather armor. Even tossed aside rags will provide some protection. Although
armor of this type offers minimal protection from most attacks, it is very
lightweight and inexpensive to repair.

This category includes basic metal armor, such as chainmail and ring mail. In
general, armors of this type provide good protection from physical attacks, but
are heavy enough that only athletic characters can wear them comfortably.

Most heavy armor consists of solid metal plates over a chain mesh. The extent
of the plate coverage determines the exact type of armor. Field plate, for
instance, covers only the torso and arms with solid plates to provide maximum
mobility. Only the strongest heroes can wear heavy armor, and it is very
expensive to repair. Plate armor does provide the highest protection possible
from physical attacks, and enchanted plate armor can make a warrior nearly

Even a simple leather cap can spell the difference between life and death, and
it is a good idea to use the best helmet that you can afford. Many members of
the Horadrim wore crowns of unearthly metals to reflect their status, and
often these crowns were enchanted for superior protection.

Shields are extremely popular as both a means of defense and decoration. Your
character will automatically attempt to block any incoming blows with his or
her shield, and in times of desperation it can even be used as a bashing
weapon. Bows, axes, staves, and other two-handed weapons cannot be used in
conjunction with a shield.

One form of magic that is still strong in the West is the brewing of elixirs
that can have a variety of beneficial effect s on the imbiber. By far the most
common of these draughts are healing potions,which can instantly mend torn flesh
and knit broken bone back together. Mana potions are infused with raw magical
energy to restore the abilities of spell casters that have expended their
power. The old church is sure to have a strong supply of both types of potions,
as the clergy used them to care for the sick and wounded. Locals skilled in
herbcraft may also be able to supply your character with potions, for the right
price. It's known that the greatest of the Horadrim alchemists created strange
concoctions that permanently affected the drinker.

By carefully preparing special parchment with magical inks, a focus for spells
can be created. Such magical scrolls provide the reader with the ability to cast
a spell that they normally may not know, without expending any mana. Very
powerful spells cannot be used by the untrained,however, for the cryptic symbols
upon them are difficult to comprehend. The act of casting the spell drains the
scroll of all magical power and causes the parchment to crumble to dust

More valuable than gold to any sorcerer, books may contain clues to quests,
spell formulas, or other pieces of knowledge. The time of the Horadrim is
considered to be the greatest age of magic, when untold discoveries in the
arcane arts were made. These powerful mystics used every ounce of power at their
command to preserve humanity. Although the Eastern mage-clans keep watch over
vast libraries of magical tomes, it is suspected that a great part of this
knowledge was lost when the last of the Horadrim died. There may be lost works
beneath the church that could bring some of these ancient magics to light...

During the long reign of peace that existed in Khanduras most towns and cities
agreed upon a standard gold coin to use in trade. The Church of Zakarum has
tried to have its own currency accepted as the new standard, but so far it has
gained little acceptance. Although it would seem that the minions of the Three
would have no use for gold coins, many demons hoard all the wealth that they can

13. M A G I C

The true essence of Fire lies at the edge of Energy and Matter. It is therefore,
a fairly simple matter to shape Mana into a magical flame. Controlling a bolt
of this fire as it flies towards its target is another matter entirely. As
experience and knowledge with this spell grows, both the intensity of the
flame and the speed of the bolt can be increased with the caster feeling less

Inferno sacrifices the mobility of a Firebolt for pure damaging power. Rather
than attempting to control the path and cohesiveness of a single bolt,the caster
conjures forth an individual, focused stream of flame. Although it dissipates
beyond more than a few paces, with a greater understanding of the forces at work
the stream of fire can not only be extended a significant amount, but also can
be maintained for a few moments more. The heat of an Inferno is more intense
than that of a Firebolt as more Mana is being converted into essential energy.

Magical fire feeds upon no earthly souce, being fueled instead by the mystic
energies known as Mana.While the heat of conjured flames may cause normal matter
to combust and burn on its own,the flames themselves will burn as long they have
Mana to draw upon. By carefully controlling the flow of Mana to a magical fire,
its life-span can be extended well beyond that of a Firebolt or an Inferno.
The Horadrim were skilled enough to create torches that burn with an eternal
flame, but those abilities have been long lost. With this spell, the caster
creates a wall of eldritch flame that will burn until the Mana in that area has
been exhausted. As the knowledge of this spell increases, the rate at which
Mana must be consumed can be better controlled and the Wall of Fire can be made
to burn longer.

The true essence of Electromagnetism exists on the threshold of the Ethereal
and the Physical Realms. While it is very efficient to transform Mana into
electrical energy, it is extremely difficult to control. This spell calls into
being multiple pockets of lightning which seem to have a will of their own. The
caster is able to shield himself from the effects of these charges, but any
creature - friend or foe - may be struck. Greater understanding of this spell
allows more of these Charged Bolts to be formed, and their existence will be
maintained for a longer period of time.The physical toll on the caster, however,
increases as well, requiring more Mana to be spent.

The caster of this spell seeks to control the discharge of electrical energy by
focusing it in single stream of lightning. The effects of channeling this
powerful force of nature onto an unprotected creature are awesome indeed.
With experience, these bolts of lightning may be maintained for a longer
period ot time while requiring less Mana to be used.

The Flash spell was created to fight the servants of Baal, whose minions
prefer to surround their enemies and attack from all sides silmutaneously. To
properly form most incantations, the caster must be able to concentrate long
enough to complete the necessary invocations and gestures. With this spell,
the caster draws in as much Mana as possible as quickly as possible from the
surrounding area and concentrates it into single point within his own body. This
Mana is then released in a single burst of raw energy that dissipates very
rapidly - and very violently. While this spell is usable only in close combat,
it is extremely potent and will strike creatures on all sides of the caster.

While the Horadrim were the greatest mortal spell casters ever known, not all of
the followers of the Light were as proficient in magic as they were. During the
quest to bind Mephisto, common soldiers were hard pressed to combat the
seemingly endless tides of the undead that guarded the First Brother. During
this time, Cathan, a devout priest who was also a fierce warrior, found that
by invoking the powers of the High Heavens and then infusing them with the
essence of Fire, a bolt of great speed and intensity could be created and
used by those otherwise untrained in the use of magic. This Holy Bolt harms
only the undead, making it far safer to use while on a chaotic battlefield.

The art of self healing is an invaluable ability, and it is for this reason that
this spell has been preserved throughout the ages. When cast, Mana courses
through the body, instantly knitting broken bone, replacing torn tissue and
reducing the effects of shock and fatigue. With time,this spell can be developed
to the point that it can instantly restore even those on the brink of death. The
ability to heal others is much rarer, and those that can do so are greatly

During the assault upon Mephisto's Fortress of Bone, the army led by the
Horadrim was nearly overwhelmed by the legions of the damned. As soon as one of
the crusaders was slain in combat, his body would rise again as an undead
warrior to fight against his former companions. On the eve of what was to be the
final attack upon the Fortress, a mysterious figure in white appeared before
the Council of the Horadrim. This apparition revealed to them the secret of
piercing the barrier between Life and Death. By Resurrecting te slain soldiers,
they could be saved from eternal corruption. Those present at the Council swore
an oath never to use this ability once the battle was over, but somehow the
secret escaped. This spell has the power to bring a dead soul back to the
physical world, but it must be performed at the site of the person's death.

Any object imbued with magic exhibits an aura that is easily noticed. To
determine the exact nature of this enchantment, however, requires intense study
and an extensive knowledge of arcane materials and symbols. While none have
mastered the ability to memorize a spell of this magnitude, the Vizjerei have
developed a means for the untrained to discover the secrets of an ensorcelled
object by using a rare crystal that is extremely sensitive to magical auras.
This sensitivity makes it very fragile, however and the crystal will shatter
if it is brought too close to an enchanted item. The very act of identifying
such an object also destroys the crystal. Scroll and staves have been crafted
that can be used to identify magical auras. By using special inks and dyes that
contain tiny grains of these crystals, the stability of the crystal is
maintained until it is used to examine the enchanted object.

The Horadrim constructed numerous magical gateways between the mighty
fortresses so that they could quickly concentrate their defenses against any
incursion by the Demons. With but a thought, the Crusaders of the Light could
transport themselves to predetermined destinations many leagues apart. Although
the secret of creating these gateways has been long lost, it is still possible
to use the pathways that are already in place. A Portal opened by means of this
spell will always take the caster to the location of the nearest gate and
remain open long enough to bring the caster back to his point of origin. The
Church of Tristram is built upon the remains of a Horadrim monastery, and it is
quite probable that a gateway lies nearby.

This versatile spell is derived from a training exercise that was used by the
Horadrim. Once they reached a certain point in their training, acolytes were
bound and locked in a cell, with the key to the door lying on the floor in front
of them. The student had to unlock and open the door without being able to
physically move. Through intense concentration and fine control, the acolyte
could manipulate the key as if it was held by an invisible hand. Those that were
able to open the cell door were allowed to proceed to the next level of
training. There is some speculation as to the fate of those unfortunates
that lacked the magical prowess to escape. Today, this spell serves are a
reminder that what was once a simple mental exercise for the Horadrim is now a
difficult spell known by few sorcerers. Telekinesis could prove very useful in
the labyrinth, as there are many trapped doors and chests that could be safely
opened from a distance. By exerting greater force, at a cost in fine control,
creatures can also be pushed away from the caster.

14. S P E L L D E S C R I P T I O N

You can discover the true nature of any object with this spell. But there are
no books about this spell, only scrolls, so use it wisely.

A spell that will shots a bolt of fire into a single enemy. The damage it does
is very little, but it can be very useful in your early adventure. Both books
and scrolls are available.

This spell can be useful to kill enemy that attack you in groups since this
spell will diverse while they chase their target. Both books and scrolls are

Since only useful against an undead enemy this spell will do a lot of damage
when it connect to its target. Don't use it against non-undead enemy because
it will do no damage at all. Both books and scrolls are available.

This spell will heal your character's hit points, but as your character's
level grow up, the mana require to cast this spell also increase. Both books and
scrolls are available.

Unlike the Healing spell, this spell will heal your ally's hit points. Both
books and scrolls are available.

This is a less useful spell because it can only attack an enemy near you.
Both books and scrolls are available.

Useful to resurrect only your ally, so you cannot resurrect yourself. Only
scrolls available.

Another not-so-useful spell which allow you to see all the enemies in the
surrounding area, even enemies behind the wall or door. Only scrolls available.

This spell will set a wall of fire. Anyone, including you, who pass through this
fire wall will take a serious damage unless he's immune to fire. Both books and
scrolls are available.

A spell that can be use to open a door or chest from a distance and also can be
use to push an enemy back. Both books and scrolls are available.

When you cast this spell, bolt of lightning will struck your enemy. And
because of its wide range, it even can hit several enemies before this spell
gone. Both books and scrolls are available.

One of the useful spell, it can open a portal which will take you back to the
town. Both books and scrolls are available.

A spell that only useful if you are surrounded by monsters. It will damage
only the enemies that near to you when you cast this spell. Both books and
scrolls are available.

This spell will turn your enemies into stone. But it will not last forever,
after some time, according to your spell level, your enemies will turn back
to flesh. Both books and scrolls are available.

This is the very useless spell in the game. It will teleport you into somewhere
place randomly. Both books and scrolls are available.

A spell that will protect your hit points using your mana points. If you
are getting hit, instead your hit points, your mana points will decrease. Both
books and scrolls are available.

When you cast this spell, a fire elemental in a shape of human will come and
chase your target. Its damage is pretty good. Both books and scrolls are

Fireball is the most powerful fire-based spell in this game. Its damage is
devastating and it can hit several enemies when they are close. Both books and
scrolls are available.

This spell looks like the Fire Wall spell, except this spell will move towards
the enemies and will stop at nothing until it hit a wall. Both books and scrolls
are avilable.

The most powerful lightning-based spell. This spell looks like the Lightning
spell, but the amount of lightning depends on two things. One is the number of
enemies on the surrounding area and two is your spell level. If there are
many enemies in the area and your spell level is pretty high you will cast many
lightning to all direction,possibly kill all the enemies. Both books and scrolls
are available.

This spell will cast a three-headed dragon from the floor and shots Firebolt
to the enemies near this dragon. Both books and scrolls are available.

Another powerful lightning-based spell. This spell will cast a circle of
lightning around yourself towards your enemy. The closer your enemy to you when
you cast this spell, the higher damage it takes. Both books and scrolls are

When you cast this spell, a golem (stone creature) will arise from the floor and
walking around the dungeon and attack the enemy it saw. Golem isn't
indestructible and if you cast another Golem while the previous one is still
alive, both of them will die. Both books and scrolls are available.

This spell will teleport you to a place where you pointed the cursor. Both books
and scrolls are available.

The best spell in the game. This spell will attack all enemy (including enemies
behind a door or inside a room) on your surrounding area. Most of the monsters
usually will die after getting hit by one Apocalypse spell. This is definitely
the most powerful spell. Even a monster with immune with all elements will still
hurts by this spell. Both books and scrolls are available.

A spell that will reduce your target's hit point by 1/3. But when you cast it,
your mana and life will reduce. Only books are available.

A not so useful spell. It takes both mana and life to cast this spell.
Only books are available.

15. M O N S T E R S

The Minion of Darkness fall into three categories, and are divided according to
their masters.

MEPHISTO, the Lord of Hatred (Odium)
The legions of Mephisto are driven by a hatred of all living things - especially
those who are pure of heart. He counts as minions both the walking dead, who
forever seek vengeance upon the living, as well as a host of demonically
corrupted creatures whose twisted limbs and misshapen bodies leave them in
eternal agony and rage.
SKELETONS (Ossium Animatum)
These are the skeletal remains of warriors who either died as soldiers
in some dark campaign, or were betrayed by those they most trusted. Now
animated by unnatural forces, these troops of the Damned forever seek new
recruits to join their ranks. If our greatest fears do prove to be true, the
skeletal warriors that are rumored to haunt the town of Tristram might well
be the corrupted remains of the valiant Horadrim monks laid to rest in the
catacombs beneath the church. Only an incredibly potent evil could have
disturbed the peaceful slumber of these eremites.
Skeletons are usually found in places where the dead are laid to rest or at
the sites of great battles. While physically fragile, they are neverlacking
in numbers, for those that fall to them in combat are damned to an eternal
lust for living blood. Coupled with their unthinking rage, this makes them a
dangerous opponent.
ZOMBIES (Cibus Animatus)
Worm-ridden and reeking of foul decay, Zombies are formed from the corpses
of menexecuted for comitting the most depraved and degenerate crimes against
the innocent. They are driven by both the hatred that consumed them in life
and an insatiable hunger for the flesh of the living.
Tenacious and possessing stamina of infernal origin, Zombies and their ilk
make for a difficult encounter. Fortunately, these undead minions are
lacking in both will and mobility which can be used to great affect against
OVERLORDS (Tyrannus Pinguis)
Even the Seraphim are not immune to the corruption of the Dark Lords. One
such angels, Inarius, was proud of his beauty and boasted loudly of his
purity and worth. His thoughts became so clouded that he believed himself
to be above both Angel and Demon, and he left the High Heavens to form his
own dominion. He constructed a great cathedral of mirrored glass and
crystal, and followers flocked to him, drawn by his numinous charm and
Once Inarius had gathered a sizable army, he decided to prove his power.
Inarius first laid siege to an infernal temple devoted to the worship of
Mephisto, but made the foolish mistake of overestimating his prowess. The
armies of Inarius laid waste to the temple and killed the dark monks that
dwelled within. The Three Evils had considered the vain warrior a mere
nuisance and amusement until this time, but this was an insult that they
could not bear.
Mephisto himself is said to have appeared at the cathedral of Inarius. He
laid waste to the church and the surrounding countryside. The Lord of Hatred
took the proud archangel and his followers captive. He bound Inarius with
tremendous chains and slowly tore the wings from the back of the angel.
Great barbed hooks were then used to stretch out the once glowing skin
and his features were distorted by vile powers. Many of the followers of
Inarius were given as gifts to Baal and Diablo, but the rest were molded
to match the bloated image of the now crippled angel.To this day, Inarius is
said to be trapped in Hell within a chamber of mirrors, his eyelids torn
from his face as he is forced to gaze upon his misshapen form for all
eternity. His misguided followers now serve as Hell's taskmaster taking the
anguish of their lost glory out upon the bodies of others.
These grotesque demons have considerable brawn hidden beneath their layers
of greasy flab. Do not underestimate their strength or their intelligence
for crossing swords with them is ill advised. You will be far better served
to combat them with ranged weapons or magic.
MAGMA DEMONS (Dominus Ardor)
During the Great Conflict tremendous battles were fought in both the High
Heavens and the Burning Hells. Both sides often carried the conflict deep
within the realms of their enemies. During one epic battle into the very
heart of Mephisto's fiery lair, a group of brave Seraphim warriors fronted
an assault against the Lord of Hatred himself. One of these angelic soldiers
made a bold attack and struck a fierce blow that caused the foul blood of
Mephisto to rain upon the ground. Each drop that fell seared through the
crust of Hell itself and formed powerful demons shaped from molten rock.
These demons quickly rose to the aid of their master, and drove back the
forces of Light by striking them with thrown masses of lava that seared both
flesh and bone with the intensity of the Burning Hells. The losses dealt by
these Magma Demons were tremendous.

BAAL, the Lord of Destruction (Excidium)
The soldiers of Baal seek the undoing of the universe. They strive for ultimate
disorder and destruction, and to this end covet the destruction of all they
behold. Order is an abhorrence to them and these creatures are the manifestation
of the forces of chaos.
FALLEN ONES (Nanus Improbus)
Swarms of these impish terrors have been known to come out the night and
tear apart a sleeping village in minutes. Small of stature and simian in
appearance, these creatures possess surprising strength and unnatural
agility. Other than killing, the only act which gives them pleasure is
breeding, so expect to encounter them in large packs. The small size of
these devils does fill them with cowardice, however, and this fear can be
used against them. They prefer to attack under the guise of darkness and in
large numbers whenever possible. If they are shown great strength,preferably
by killing one of their kind, they will retreat and regroup. Do not turn
your back on them, though,for their appetite for destruction will eventually
overcome their caution and they will attempt to strike again.
GOAT MEN (Aries Vehemens)
The lieutenants of Baal are bred for strength, endurance, and cunning.
These demons constantly train themselves in the art of war, for battle is
their bread and the blood of innocents, their water. There are several known
"clans" of Goat Men, each given a different gift from their Dark Master. It
is believed that to earn their powers they once held mock wars in Hell for
the entertainment of the Three Brothers. Do not expect them to fight amongst
themselves on the mortal realm, however, for they much prefer to slaughter
the innocent.
Like most of Baal's spawn, the bestial Aries are incredibly strong and
agile. Be especially wary of their archers, for they are renowned for the
accuracy and power of their Great Bows. Fleet of foot, they may try to
evade an unwary foe and then attack from a different angle.
After an especially violent battle, Baal enjoyed celebrating with his
Brothers by holding a disgusting feast of blood, human flesh, and other
Hellish delights. The Bestis Acerbus are the descendants of doglike
creatures that lived by feeding upon the remains of Baal's nightmarish
feasts. The variety of vile substances that the creatures consumed, along
with their close proximility to the Lord of Destruction, twisted and warped
the viscera of these Hounds of Hell. This diabolic species is capable of
spitting up a variety of caustic fluids and projecting them at considerable
distance. Packs of these terrors are especially devastating, as their bile
has been known to eat through the strongest of armor and poison the most
hearty men.
Great care must be taken when within the lair of these Bestia. Their venom
retains its potency for a considerable amount of time and puddles of it may
be found everywhere. When killed, the beast's inner toxins eat through the
now-dead flesh, leaving a dangerous trap for those foolish enough to tread
upon the corpse.
HORNED DEMONS (Impetum Cornuta)
Used as living siege engines, there are numerous accounts of these
juggernauts smashing into the lines of the Seraphim and leaving only death
and ruin in their wake. The skull and the single large horn in the snout of
the demon are unnaturally durable. The Horned Demon prefer to wait until a
clear path is available and then they charge towards their victims at
incredible speeds. Be wary of this initial charge! It is far better to deal
with these creatures in close quarters or with magic.

DIABLO, the Lord of Terror (Metus)
Using illusion and fear as their greatest weapons, the attendants to Diablo
are formidable adversaries. They prefer to wait for their opponent to display
a moment of weakness before they attack. Equally dangerous in the dark or in
your dreams, they are the fears of man made flesh by Diablo's will. These
nightmaries lurk at the edges of mortal perception from the moment that you take
your first breath - and they long to be with you when you take your last.
WINGED FIENDS (Alae Nefastus)
Some people are so hungry for power and knowledge that they are willing to
sacrifice their humanity to the Lords of Hell in exchange for gifts that
inevitably turn against them. One such group, a dark cabal of wizards,
decided to take the power of creation into their own hands and magically
created a race of creatures to act as servants and messengers. Using
infernal abilities granted to them through their arcane pact, they formed
small bat-winged imps that they believed would prove useful in carrying out
deeds that were too trivial for their own efforts. Each of the sorcerers
created an entity that reflected his magical specialization. The creatures
thus created were small, nimble and possessed an unnatural cunning.
At first the corrupt sorcerers were overjoyed at the success of their
experiment, but they soon began to notice that the Alae did not serve them
as loyalty as they had hoped. The creatures had taken to secretly feeding
from the very essence of their masters, weakening them and eventually
killing them. The sorcerers tried to destroy their creations, but the fiends
banded together to combat them. The winged fiends has been secretly breeding
outside of the sorcerer's domains, and swarms of them attacked,killing their
former masters. To this day,the descendants of these creations terrorize the
Do not underestimate this foul demons. They are physically weak, but posses
great speed. Many of them possess unearthly abilities reflecting the powers
of their creators and they also enjoy using their razor sharp claws and
hooked wings to tear the flesh from the faces of their victims.
SCAVENGERS (Maleficus Vorax)
Maleficus Vorax are the smallest of a related group of demonic creatures
that feed upon carrion, mostly the remains of victims killed by their large
cousins. Unlike most scavenger however, they are extremely aggressive and
will not hesitate to attack anyone hapless enough to encounter them. They
have powerful legs which they use to swift springing attacks striking at
vulnerable faces and throats. Their primary weakness is their voracious
appetite; the smell of death may drive them into a feeding frenzy where
they will stop their attacks to feast upon remains that are nearby.
THE HIDDEN (Metus Occultus)
The Hidden are the bogeymen that haunt our dreams and live in the
nightmares of children. Although they dwell at the edge of the Physical
and Ethereal Realms where they remain unseen by mortal sight, they can
quickly manifest and strike those that appear vulnerable. Metus Occultus and
others of their ilk feed on the essence of fear. When wounded,they will seek
to retreat back into the Ether to heal themselves. It is important to note
that even while invisible the creature exists partially on the Physical
Realm, and can be affected by spells and weapons.
GARGOYLE (Signum Vitiosum)
In ages past, it was customary to decorate buildings with stone statues of
demons that were enchanted to serve as guardians and protectors of those
within. The misshapen figures of the statues were designed to taunt and
anger any demons that attempted to gain entrance.
Diablo worked to unlock the wards that protected these granites images, and
eventually was able to gift them with a Hadean life. The Gargoyle arose
from their captive sleep and swooped down to prey upon those whom they were
created to protect. Naturally, the remaining statues were immediately
destoyed, but there are Signum that escaped and continue to terrorize the
innocent to this day.
The act of transforming from flesh to stone allows the creature to heal any
wounds that it has suffered, so it is best to either avoid these demons
entirely or to hunt them down until they are dead. Do not allow them to
flee, for they will soon return in full force.

16. G O S S I P A R O U N D T R I S T R A M

01. Sometimes I think that Cain talks too much, but I guess that is his calling
in life. If I could bend steel as well as he can bend your ear, I could make
a suit of court plate good enough for an emperor!
02. A good man who puts the needs of others above his own. You won't find
anyone left in Tristram - or anywhere else for that matter - who has a bad
thing to say about the healer.
03. While I have to prectically smuggle in the metals and tools I need from
caravans that skirt the edges of our damned town, that witch, Adria, always
seems to get whatever she needs. If I knew even the smallest bit about how
to harness magic as she did, I could make some trully incredible things.
04. The inkeeper has little business and no real way of turning a profit. He
manages to make ends meet by providing food and lodging for those who
occasionally drift through the village, but they are a likely to sneak off
into the night as they are to pay him.If it weren't for the stores of grains
and dried meats he kept in his cellar, why, most of us would have starved
during that first year when the entire countryside was overrun by demons.
05. Gillian is a nice lass. Shame that her gammer is in such poor health or I
would arrange to get both of them outof here on one of the trading caravans.
06. I was with Farnham that night that Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. I
never saw the Archbishop again, and I may not have survived if Farnham was
not at my side. I fear that the attack left his soul as crippled as, well,
another did my leg. I cannot fight this battle for him now, but I would if
I could.
07. That lad is going to get himself into serious trouble... or I guess I
should say, again. I've tried to interest him in working here and
learning about an honest trade, but he prefers the high profits of dealing
in goods of dubious origin. I cannot hold that against him after what
happened to him, but I do wish he would at least be careful.
08. The axe? Aye, that's a good weapon, balanced against any foe. Look how it
cleaves the air, and then imagine a nice fat demon head in its path. Keep in
mind, however, that it is slow to swing - but talk about dealing a heavy
09. Your weapons and armor will show the signs of your struggles against the
darkness. If you bring them to me, with a bit of work and a hot forge, I
can restore them to top fighting form.
10. If you're looking for a good weapon, let me show this to you. Take your
basic blunt weapon, such as mace. Works like a charm against most of
those undying horors down there, and there's nothing better to shatter
skinny little skeletons!
11. Look at that edge, that balance. A sword in the right hands, and against the
right foe, is the master of all weapons. Its keen blade finds little to hack
or pierce on the undead, but against a living, breathin enemy, a sword will
better slice their flesh!

01. Griswold - a man of great action and great courage. I bet he never told you
about the time he went into the labyrinth to save Wirt, did he? He knows his
fair share of the dangers to be found there, but then again - so do you. He
is a skilled craftsman, and if he claims to be able to help you in any way,
you can count on his honesty and his skill.
02. Ah, Pepin. I count him as a true friend - perhaps the closest I have
here. He is a bit addled at times, but never a more caring or considerate
soul has existed. His knowledge and skills are equaled by few, and his door
is always open.
03. The witch, Adria, is an anomaly here in Tristram. She arrived shortly after
the cathedral was desecrated while most everyone else was fleeing. She had
a small hut constructed at the edge of town, seemingly overnight, and has
access to many strange and arcane artifacts and tomes of knowledge that even
I have never seen before.
04. Odgen has owned and run the rising sun inn and tavern for almost four
years now. He purchased it just a few short months before everything here
went to hell. He and his wife Garda do not have the money to leave as they
invested all they had in making a life for themselves here. He is a good
man with a deep sense of responsibility.
05. Gillian is a fine woman. Much afored for her high spirits and her quick
laugh, she holds a special place in my heart. She stays on at the tavern to
support her elderly grandmother who is too sick to travel. I sometimes fear
for her safety, but I know that any man in the village would rather die than
see her harmed.
06. Poor Farnham. He is a disqueting reminder of the doomed assembly that
entered into the cathedral with Lazarus on that dark day.He escaped with his
life, but his courage and much of his sanity were left in some dark pit. He
finds comfort only at the bottom of his tankard nowadays, but there are
occasional bits of truth buries within his constant ramblings.
07. The story of Wirt is a frightening and tragic one.He was taken from the arms
of his mother and dragged into the labyrinth by the small, foul demons that
wield wicked spears.There were many other children taken that day, including
the son of King Leoric. The knights of the palace went below, but never
returned. The blacksmith found the boy, but only after the foul beasts had
begun to torture him for their sadistic pleasures.
08. I know of many myths and legends that may contain answers to questions that
may arise in your journeys into the labyrinth. If you come across challenges
and questions to which you seek knowledge, seek me out and I will tell you
what I can.
09. While you are venturing deeper into the labyrinth you may find tomes of
great knowledge hidden there. Read them carefully for they can tell you
things that even I cannot.

01. Griswold knows as much about the art of war as I do about the art of
healing. He is a shrewd merchant, but his work is second to none. Oh, I
suppose that may because he is the only blacksmith left here.
02. Cain is a true friend and a wise sage. He maintains a vast library and
has an innate ability to discern the true nature of many things. If you ever
have any questions, he is the person to go to.
03. While I use some limited forms of magic to create the potions and elixirs
I store here, Adria is a true sorceress. She never seems to sleep, and
she always has access to many mystic tomes and artifacts. I believed her
hut may be much more than the hovel it appears to be, but I can never seem
to get inside the place.
04. I really don't understand why Odgen stays here in Tristram. He suffers
from a slight nervous condition, but he is an intelligent and industrious
man who would do very well wherever he went. I suppose it may be the fear
of the many murders that happen in the surrounding countryside, or perhaps
the wishes of his wife that keep him and his family where they are.
05. Odgen's barmaid is a sweet girl. Her grandmother is quite ill, and suffers
from delusions.She claims that they are visions, but I have no proof of that
one way or the other.
06. Even my skills have been unable to fully heal Farnham. Oh, I have been
able to mend his body, but his mind and spirit are beyond anything I can do.
07. Poor Wirt. I did all that was possible for the child, but I know he
despises that wooden peg that I was forced to attach to his leg. His
wounds were hideous. No one - and especially such a young child - should
have to suffer the way he did.
08. Before it was taken over by, well, whatever lurks below, the cathedral was a
place of great learning. There are many books to be found there. If you
find any, you should read them all,for some may hold secrets to the workings
of the labyrinth.
09. I have made a very interesting discovery. Unlike us, the creatures in the
labyrinth can heal themselves without the aid of potions or magic. If you
hurt one of the monsters, make sure it is dead or it very well may
regenerate itself.

01. To a man who only knows iron, there is no greater magic than steel. The
blacksmith Griswold is more of a sorcerer than he knows. His ability to meld
fire and metal is unequaled in this land.
02. A chest opened in darknss holds no greater treasure than when it is opened
in the light. The storyteller Cain is an enigma,but only to those who do not
look. His knowledge of what lies beneath the cathedral is far greater than
even he allows himself to realize.
03. The hand, the heart and the mind can preform miracles when they are in
perfect harmony. The healer Pepin sees into the body in a way even I cannot.
His ability to restore the sick and injured is magnified by his
understanding of the creation of elixirs and potions. He is as great an ally
as you have in Tristram.
04. Earthen walls and thatched canopy do not a home create. The innkeeper Odgen
serves more of a purpose in this town than many understand. He provides
shelter for Gillian and her matriarch, maintains what life Farnham has left
to him, and provides an anchor for all who are left in the town to what
Tristram once was. His tavern, and the simple pleasures that can still be
found there, provide a glimpse of a life that the people here remember.It is
that memory that continues to feed their hopes for your success.
05. Corruption has the strength of deceit, but inocence holds the power of
purity. The young woman Gillian has a pure heart, placing the needs of her
matriarch over her own. She fears me, but it is only because she does not
understand me.
06. The higher you place your faith in one man, the farther it has to fall.
Farnham has lost his soul, but not to any demon. It was lost when he saw
his fellow townspeople betrayed by the Archbishop Lazarus. He has knowledge
to be gleaned, but you must separate fact from fantasy.
07. There is much about the future we cannot see, but when it comes it will be
the children who wield it.The boy Wirt has a blackness upon his soul, but he
poses no threat to the town or its people. His secretive dealings with the
urchins and unspoken guilds of nearby towns gain him access to many devices
that cannot be easily found in Tristram.While his methods may be reproachful
Wirt can provide assistance for your battle against the encroaching
08. The sum of our knowledge is in the sum of its people. Should you find a book
or scroll that you cannot decipher, do not hesitate to bring it to me. If
I can make sense of it I will share what I find.
09. The greatest power is often the shortest lived.You may find ancient words of
power written upon scrolls of parchment. The strength of these scrolls
lies in the ability to either apprentice or adept to cast them with equal
ability. Their weakness is that whey must first be read aloud and can never
be kept at the ready of your mind. Know also that these scrolls can be read
but once, so use them with care.

01. Griswold the blacksmith is extremely knowledgeable about weapons and
armor. If you ever need work done on your gear, he is definitely the man
to see.
02. If you want to know more about the history of our village, the storyteller
Cain knows quite a bit about the past.
03. Pepin is a good man - and certainly the most generous in the village. He
is always attending to the needs of others, but trouble of some sort or
another does seem to follow him wherever he goes...
04. Adria is wise beyond her years, but I must admit - she frightens me a
little. Well, no matter. If you ever have need to trade in items of sorcery,
she maintains a strangely well-stocked hut just across the river.
05. Gillian, my barmaid? If it were not for her sense of duty to her grand-dam,
she would have fled from here long ago. Goodness knows I begged her to
leave, telling her that I would watch after the old woman, but she is too
sweet and caring to have done so.
06. Farnham spends far too much time here, drowning his sorrows in cheap ale. I
would make him leave, but he did suffer so during his time in the labyrinth.
07. Wirt is rapscallion and a little scoundrel. He was always getting into
trouble, and it's no surprise what happened to him. He probably went
fooling about someplace that he shouldn't have been. I feel sorry for the
boy, but I don't abide the company that he keeps.
08. Many adventurers have graced the tables of my tavern, and ten times as
many stories have been told over as much ale. The only thing that I ever
heard any of them agree on was this old axiom. Perhaps it will help you.
You can cut the flesh, but you must crush the bone.

01. Our blacksmith is a point of pride to the people of Tristram. Not only
is he a master craftsman who has won many contests within his guild, but he
received praises from our King Leoric himself - may his soul rest in peace.
Griswold is also a great hero; just ask Cain.
02. Cain has been the storyteller of Tristram for as long as I can remember. He
knows so much, and can tell you just about anything about almost everything.
03. Pepin saved my grandmother's life, and I know that I can never repay him
for that. His ability to heal any sickness is more powerful than the
mightiest sword and more mysterious than any spell you can name. If you ever
are in need of healing, Pepin can help you.
04. The woman at the edge of town is a witch! She seems nice enough, and her
name, Adria, is very pleasing to the ear, but I am very afraid of her. It
would take someone quite brave,like you, to see what she is doing out there.
05. Odgen and his wife have taken me and my grandmother into their home and
have even let me earn a few gold pieces by working at the inn. I owe so
much to them, and hope one day to leave this place and help them start a
grand hotel in the east.

07. I grew up with Wirt's mother, Canace. Although she was only slightly hurt
when those hideous creatures stole him, she never recovered. I think she
died of a broken heart. Wirt has become a mean-spirited youngster, looking
only to profit from the sweat of others. I know that he suffered and has
seen horrors that I cannot even imagine,but some of that darkness hangs over
him still.
08. My grandmother had a dream that you would come and talk to me. She has
visions, you know and can see into the future.

01. Griswold? Good old Griswold. I love him like a brother! We fought together,
you know, back when... we... Lazarus... Lazarus... Lazarus!!!

03. Hehehe, I like Pepin. He really tries, you know. Listen here, you should
make sure you get to know him. Good fella like that with people always
wantin' help. Hey, I guess that would be kinda like you, huh hero? I was a
hero too...
04. Why don't that old crone do somethin' for a change. Sure, sure, she's got
stuff, but you listen to me... she's unnatural. I ain't never seen her eat
or drink - and you can't trust somebody who desn't drink at least a little.
05. Odgen is the best man in town. I don't think his wife likes me much, but
as long as she keeps tappin' kegs, I'll like her just fine. Seems like
I been spendin' more time with Odgen than most, but he's so good to me...
06. The gal who brings the drinks? Oh, yeah, what a pretty lady. So nice, too.
07. Wirt is a kid with more problems than even me, and I know all about
problems. Listen here - that kid is gotta sweet deal, but he's been there,
you know? Lost a leg! Gotta walk around on a piece of wood. So sad, so
08. No one ever lis... listens to me. Somewhere - I ain't too sure - but
somewhere under the church is a shole pile o' gold. Gleamin' and shinin'
and just waitin' for someone to get it.
09. I wanna tell ya sumthin', 'cause I know all about this stuff. It's my
specialty. This here is the best... Theeeee best! That other ale ain't no
good since those stupid dogs...
10. If I was you... and I ain't... but if I was, I'd sell all that stuff you got
and get out of here. That boy out there... he's always got somethin good,
but you gotta give him some gold or he won't even show you what he's got.

01. I guess I owe the blacksmith my life - what there is of it. Sure,
Griswold offered me an apprenticeship at the smithy, and he is a nice enough
guy, but I'll never get enough money to... well, let's just say that I have
definite plans that require a large amount of gold.
02. Cain knows too much. He scares the life out of me - even more than that
woman across the river. He keeps telling me about how lucky I am to be
alive, and how my story is foretold in legend. I think he's off his crock.
03. As long as you don't need anything reattached, old Pepin is as good as
they come.If I'd have had some of those potions he brews, I might still have
my leg...
04. Adria truly bothers me. Sure, Cain is creepy in what he can tell you about
the past, but that witch can see into your past. She always has some way to
get whatever she needs, too. Adria gets her hands on more morchandise than
I've seen pass through the gates of the king's bazaar during high festival.
05. Odgen is a fool for staying here. I could get him out of town for a very
reasonable price, but he insists on trying to make a go of it with that
stupid tavern. I guess at least he gives Gillian a place to work, and his
wife Garda does make a superb shepherd's pie...
06. If I were a few years older, I would shower her with whatever riches
I could muster, and let me assure you I can get my hands on some very nice
stuff. Gillian is a beautiful girl who should get out of Tristram as soon
as it is safe. Hmmm... maybe I'll take her with me when I go...
07. Don't trust everything the drunk says. Too many ales have fogged his
vision and his good sense.
08. In case you haven't noticed, I don't buy anything from Tristram. I am
an importer of quality goods. If you want to peddle junk, you'll have to
see Griswold, Pepin or that witch, Adria. I'm sure that they will snap up
whatever you can bring them...

17. W H A T D O T H E Y S A Y A B O U T T H E Q U E S T

Griswold : I saw what Farnham calls the Butcher as it swathed a path through
the bodies of my friends. He swung a cleaver as large as an axe,
hewing limbs and cutting down brave men where they stood. I was
separated from the fray by a host of small screeching demons and
somehow found the stairway leading out. I never saw that hideous
beast again, but his blood-stained visage haunts me to this day.
Cain : It seems that the Archbishop Lazarus goaded many of the townsmen into
venturing into the labyrinth to find the king's missing son. He
played upon their fears and whipped them into a frenzied mob. None
of them were prepared for what lay within the cold earth... Lazarus
abandoned them down there - left in the clutches of unspeakable
horrors - to die.
Pepin : By the light, I know of this vile demon. There were many that bore
the scars of his wrath upon their bodies when the few survivors of
the charge led by Lazarus crawled from the cathedral. I don't know
what he used to slice open his victims, but it could not have been
of this world. It left wounds festering with disease and even I
found them almost impossible to treat. Beware if you plan to battle
this fiend...
Adria : The Butcher is a sadistic creature that delights in the torture and
pain of others. You have seen his handiwork in the drunkard Farnham.
His destruction will do much to ensure the safety of this village.
Odgen : Yes, Farnham has mumbled something about a hulking brute who
wielded a fierce weapon. I believe he called him a butcher.
Gillian : When Farnham said something about a Butcher killing people, I
immediately discounted it. But since you brought it up, maybe it
is true.
Farnham : Big! Big cleaver killing all my friends. Couldn't stop him, had
to run away, couldn't save them. Trapped in a room with so many
bodies... so many friends... noooooooooo!
Wirt : I know more than you'd think about that grisly fiend. His little
friends got a hold of me and managed to get my leg before Griswold
pulled me out of that hole. I'll put it bluntly - kill him before he
kills you and adds your corpse to his collection.

Griswold : Pepin has told you the truth. We will need fresh water badly, and
soon. I have tried to clear one of the smaller wells, but it reeks
of stagnant filth. It must be getting clogged at the source.
Cain : Hmm, I don't know what I can really tell you about this that will be
of any help. The water that fills our wells comes from an underground
spring. I have heard of a tunnel that leads to a great lake -
perhaps they are one and the same. Unfortunately, I do not know
what would cause our water supply to be tainted.
Pepin : Please, you must hurry. Every hour that passes brings us closer to
having no water to drink. We cannot survive for long without your
Adria : The people of Tristram will die if you cannot restore fresh water
to their wells. Know this - demons are at the heart of this matter,
but they remain ignorant of what they have spawned.
Odgen : I have always tried to keep a large supply of foodstuffs and drink
in our storage cellar, but with the entire town having no source of
fresh water, even our stores will soon run dry. Please, do what you
can or I don't know what we will do.
Gillian : My grandmother is very weak, and Garda says that we cannot drink the
water from the wells. Please, can you do something to help us?
Farnham : You drink water?
Wirt : For once, I'm with you. My business runs dry - so to speak - if I
have no market to sell to. You better find out what is going on, and

Griswold : I made many of the weapons and most of the armor that King Leoric
used to outfit his knights. I even crafted a huge two-handed sword
of the finest mithril for him, as well as a field crown to match. I
still cannot believe how he died, but it must have been some sinister
force that drove him insane!
Cain : Ahh, the story of our king, is it? The tragic fall of Leoric was a
harsh blow to this land. The people always loved the king, and now
they live in mortal fear of him. The question that I keep asking
myself is how he could have fallen so far from the light, as Leoric
had always been the holiest of men. Only the vilest powers of hell
could so utterly destroy a man from within...
Pepin : The loss of his son was too much for King Leoric. I did what I could
to ease his madness, but in the end it overcame him. A black curse
has hung over this kingdom from that day forward, but perhaps if you
were to free his spirit from his earthly prison, the curse would be
Adria : The dead who walk among the living follow the cursed king. He holds
the power to raise yet more warriors for an ever growing army of the
undead. If you do not stop his reign, he will surely march across
this land and slay all who still live here.
Odgen : As I told you, good master, the king was entombed three levels
below. He's down there, waiting in the putrid darkness for his chance
to destroy this land...
Gillian : I don't like to think about how the king died. I like to remember
him for the kind and just ruler that he was. His death was so sad and
seemed very wrong, somehow.
Farnham : I don't care about that. Listen, no skeleton is gonna be my king.
Leoric is king. King, so you hear me? Hail to the king!
Wirt : Look, I'm running a business here. I don't sell information, and
I don't care about some king that's been dead longer than I've been
alive. If you need something to use against this king of the undead,
then I can help you out...

Griswold : Demons stole Odgen's sign, you say? That doesn't sound much like the
atrocities I've heard of - or seen. Demons are concerned with ripping
out your heart, not your signpost.
Cain : I see that this strange behaviour puzzler you as well. I would
surmise that since many demons fear the light of the sun and believe
that it holds great power, it may be that the rising sun depicted on
the sign you speak of has led them to believe that it too holds some
arcane powers. Hmm, perhaps they are not all as smart as we had
Pepin : My goodness, demons running about the village at night, pillaging
our homes - is nothing sacred? I hope that Odgen and Garda are all
right. I suppose that they would come to see me if they were hurt...
Adria : No mortal can truly understand the mind of the demon. Never let
their erratic actions confuse you, as that too may be their plan.
Odgen : Master, I have a strange experience to relate. I know that you
have a great knowledge of those monstrasities that inhabit the
labyrinth, and this is something that I cannot understand for the
very life of me... I was awakened during the night by a scraping
sound just outside of my tavern. When I looked out from my bedroom, I
saw the shapes of small demon-like creatures in the inn yard. After
a short time, they ran off, but not before stealing the sign to my
inn. I don't know why the demons would steal my sign but leave my
family in peace... 'tis strange,no?
Gillian : Oh my! Is that where the sign went? My grandmother and I must have
slept right through the whole thing. Thank the light that those
monsters didn't attack the inn.
Farnham : You know what I think? Somebody took that sign, and they gonna want
lots of money for it. If I was Odgen... and I'm not, but if I was...
I'd just buy a new sign with some pretty drawing on it. Maybe a nice
mug of ale or a piece of cheese...
Wirt : What - is he saying I took that? I suppose that Griswold is on his
side,too. Look, I got over simple sign stealing month ago. You can't
turn a profit on a piece of wood.

Griswold : -
Cain : -
Pepin : -
Adria : -
Odgen : -
Gillian : -
Farnham : -
Wirt : -

Griswold : I am still waiting for you to bring me that stone from the Heavens.
I know that I can make something powerful out of it.
Cain : Griswold speaks of the Heaven stone that was destined for the enclave
located in the east. It was being taken there for further study. This
stone glowed with an energy that somehow granted vision beyond that
which a normal man could possess.I do not know what secrets it holds,
my friend,but finding this stone would certainly prove most valuable.
Pepin : I don't know what it is that they thought they could see with that
rock, but I will say this. If rocks are falling from the sky, you had
better be careful!
Adria : The heaven stone is very powerful, and were it any but Griswold who
bid you fint it, I would prevent it. He will harness its powers and
its use will be for the good of us all.
Odgen : The caravan stopped here to take on some supplies for their journey
to the east. I sold them quite an array of fresh fruits and some
excellent sweetbreads that Garda has just finished baking. Shame what
happened to them...
Gillian : Well, a caravan of some very important people did stop here, but that
was quite a while ago. They had strange accents and were starting
on a long journey, as I recall. I don't see how you could hope to
find anything that they would have carrying.
Farnham : I used to have a nice ring; it was a really expensive one, with
blue and green and red and silver. Don't remember what happened to
it, though. I really miss that ring...
Wirt : If anyone can make something out of that rock, Griswold can. He
knows what he is doing, and as much as I try to steal his customers,
I respect the quality of his work.

Griswold : The armor known as Valor could be what tips the scale in your
favor. I will tell you that many have looked for it - including
myself. Arkaine hid it well, my friend, and it will take more than a
bit of luck to unlock the secrets that have kept it concealed oh,
lo these many years.
Cain : The gateway of blood and the halls of fire are landmarks of mystic
origin. Wherever this book you read from resides it is surely a
place of great power. Legends speak of a pedestal that is carved from
obsidianstone and has a pool of boiling blood atop its bone encrusted
surface. There are also allusions to stones of blood that will open
a door that guards an ancient treasure... The nature of this treasure
is shrouded in speculation, my friend,but it is said that the ancient
hero Arkaine placed the holy armor Valor in a secret vault. Arkaine
was the first mortal to turn the tide of the Sin War and chase the
legions of darkness back to the burning hells. Just before Arkaine
died, his armor was hidden away in a secret vault. It is said that
when this holy armor is again needed, a hero will arise to don valor
once more. Perhaps you are that hero...
Pepin : Hmm... it sounds like something I should remember, but I've been
so busy learning new cures and creating better elixirs that I must
have forgotten. Sorry...
Adria : Should you find these stones of blood, use them carefully. The way
is fraught with danger and your only hope rests within your self
Odgen : Every child hears the story of the warrior Arkaine and his mystic
armor known as Valor. If you could find its resting place, you would
be well protected against the evil in the labyrinth.
Gillian : The story of the magic armor called Valor is something I often
heard the boys talk about. You had better ask one of the men in the
Farnham : Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Wirt : You intend to find the armor known as Valor? No one has ever
figured out where Arkaine stashed the stuff, and if my contacts
couldn't find it, I seriously doubt you ever will either.

Griswold : I know nothing of this place, but you may try asking Cain. He talks
about many things, and it would not surprise me if he had some
answers to your question.
Cain : A book that speaks of a chamber of human bones? Well, a chamber of
bone is mentioned in certain archaic writings that I studied in the
libraries of the east. These tomes inferred that when the lords of
the underworld desired to protect great treasures, they would create
domains where those who died in the attempt to steal that treasure
would be forever bound to defend it.A twisted, but strangely fitting,
Pepin : This sounds like a very dangerous place. If you venture there, please
take great care.
Adria : You will become an eternal servant of the dark lords should you
perish within this cursed domain. Enter the Chamber of Bone at your
own peril.
Odgen : I am afraid that I don't know anything about that, good master. Cain
has many books that may be of some help.
Gillian : I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about that. Perhaps Cain
the storyteller could be of some help.
Farnham : Okay, so listen. There's the chamber of wood, see. And his wife, you
know - her - tells the tree... cause you gotta wait. Then I says,that
might work against him, but if you think I'm gonna pay for this...
you... uh... yeah.
Wirt : A vast and mysterious treasure, you say? Maybe I could be interested
in picking up a few things from you... or better yet, don't you
need some rare and expensive supplies to get you through this ordeal?

Griswold : I am afraid that I have neither heard nor seen a place that matches
your vivid description, my friend. Perhaps Cain the storyteller could
be of some help.
Cain : You recite an interesting rhyme written in a style that reminds me of
other works. Let me think now - what was it? Darkness shrouds the
hidden. Eyes glowing unseen with only the sounds of razor claws
briefly scraping to torment those poor souls who have been made
sightless for all eternity. The prison for those so damned is named
the Halls of the Blind...
Pepin : This does seem familiar, somehow. I seem to recall reading something
very much like that poem while researching the history of demonic
afflictions. It spoke of a place of great evil that... wait - you're
not going there are you?
Adria : This is a place of great anguish and terror, and so serves its
master well. Tread carefully or you may yourself be staying much
longer than you had anticipated.
Odgen : I never much cared for poetry. Occasionally, I had cause to hire
minstrels when the inn was doing well,but that seems like such a long
time ago now. What? Oh, yes... uh, well, I suppose you could see what
someone else knows.
Gillian : If you have questions about blindness, you should talk to Pepin. I
know that he gave my grandmother a potion that helped clear her
vision, so maybe he can help you, too.
Farnham : Look here... that's pretty funny, huh? Get it? Blind - look here?
Wirt : Lets see, am I selling you something? No. Are you giving me money to
tell you about this? No. Are you now leaving and going to talk to
the storyteller who lives for this kind of thing? Yes.

Griswold : -
Cain : -
Pepin : -
Adria : -
Odgen : -
Gillian : -
Farnham : -
Wirt : -

Griswold : If Adria doesn't have one of these, you can bet that's a rare thing
indeed. I can offer you no more help than that, but it sounds like...
a huge, gargantuan, swollen, bloated mushroom! Well, good hunting, I
Cain : The witch Adria seeks a black mushroom? I know as much about black
mushrooms as I do about red herrings. Perhaps Pepin the healer could
tell you more, but this is something that cannot be found in any of
my stories or books.
Pepin : Thw witch told me that you were searching for the brain of a demon to
assist me in creating my elixir. It should be of great value to the
many who are injured by those foul beasts, if I can just unlock the
secrets I suspect that its alchemy holds. If you can remove the brain
of a demon when you kill it, I would be grateful if you could bring
it to me.
Adria : It's a big, black mushroom that I need. Now run off and get it for me
so that I can use it for a special concoction that I am working on.
Odgen : Let me just say this. Both Garda and I would never, ever serve black
mushrooms to our honored guests. If Adria wants some mushrooms in
her stew, then that is her business, but I can't help you find any.
Black mushrooms... disgusting!
Gillian : I think Odgen might have some mushrooms in the storage cellar. Why
don't you ask him?
Farnham : Odgen mixes a mean black mushroom, but I get sick if I drink that.
Listen, listen... here's the secret - moderation is the key!
Wirt : I don't have any mushrooms of any size or color for sale. How about
something a bit more useful?

Griswold : Nothing yet, eh? Well, keep searching. A weapon forged upon the anvil
could be your best hope, and I am sure that I can make you one of the
legendary proportions.
Cain : Griswold speaks of the Anvil of Fury - a legendary artifact long
searched for, but never found. Crafted from the metallic bones of the
razor pit demons, the Anvil of Fury was smelt around the skulls of
the five most powerful magi of the underworld.
Carved with runes of power and chaos, any weapon or armor forged upon
this anvil will be immersed into the realm of chaos,imbedding it with
magical properties. It is said that the unpredictable nature of chaos
makes it difficult to know what the outcome of this smithing will
Pepin : If you had been looking for information on the pestle of curing
or the silver chalice of purification, I could have assisted you,
my friend. However, in this matter, you would be better served to
speak to either Griswold or Cain.
Adria : There are many aftifacts within the labyrinth that hold powers
beyond the comprehension of mortals. Some of these hold fantastic
power that can be used by either the light or the darkness. Securing
the anvil from below could shift the course of the Sin War towards
the light.
Odgen : Don't you think that Griswold would be a better person to ask about
this? He's quite handy, you know.
Gillian : Griswold's father used to tell some of use when we were growing up
about a giant anvil that was used to make mighty weapons. He said
that when a hammer was struck upon this anvil, the ground would shake
with a great fury. Whenever the earth moves, I always remember that
Farnham : Griswold can't sell his anvil. What will he do then? And I'd be angry
too if someone took my anvil!
Wirt : If you were to find this artifact for Griswold, it could put a
serious damper on my business here. Awwww, you'll never find it.

Griswold : Dark and wicked legends surrounds the one Warlord of Blood. Be well
prepared, my friend, for he shows no mercy or quarter.
Cain : I know of only one legend that speaks of such a warrior as you
describe. His story is found within the ancient chronicles of the Sin
War... Stained by a thousand years of war, blood and death, the
Warlord of Blood stands upon a mountain of his tattered victims. His
dark blade screams a black curse to the living; a tortured invitation
to any who whould stand before this executioner of hell. It is also
written that although he was once a mortal who fought beside the
legion of darkness during the Sin War, he lost his humanity to his
insatiable hunger for blood.
Pepin : Cain would be able to tell you much more about something like this
than I would ever wish to know.
Adria : His prowess with the blade is awesome, and he has lived for
thousands of years knowing only warfare. I am sorry... I can not see
if you will defeat him.
Odgen : I am afraid that I haven't heard anything about such a vicious
warrior, good master. I hope that you do not have to fight him, for
he sounds extremely dangerous.
Gillian : If you are to battle such a fierce opponent, may light be your
guide and your defender. I will keep you on my thoughts.
Farnham : Always you gotta talk about blood? What about flowers, and sunshine,
and that pretty girl that brings the drinks. Listen here, friend
- you're obsessive, you know that?
Wirt : I haven't ever dealt with this warlord you speak of, but he sounds
like he's going through a lot of swords. Wouldn't mind supplying his

Griswold : If it is actually Lachdanan that you have met, then I would advise
that you aid him. I dealt with him on several occasions and found
him to be honest and loyal in nature. The curse that fell upon the
followers of King Leoric would fall especially hard upon him.
Cain : You claim to have spoken with Lachdanan? He was a great hero during
his life. Lachdanan was an honorable and just man who served his king
faithfully for years. But of course, you already know that. Of those
who were caught within the grasp of the king's curse, Lachdanan
would be the least likely to submit to the darkness without a fight,
so I suppose that your story could be true. If I were in your
place, my friend, I would find a way to release him from his torture.
Pepin : A golden elixir, you say. I have never concocted a potion of that
color before, so I can't tell you how it would effect you if you
were to try to drink it. As your healer, I strongly advise that
should you find such an elixir, do as Lachdanan asks and do not try
to use it.
Adria : You may meet people who are trapped within the labyrinth, such as
Lachdanan. I sense in him honor and great guilt. Aid him, and you aid
all of Tristram.
Odgen : You speak of a brave warrior long dead! I'll have no such talk of
speaking with departed souls in my inn yard, thank you very much.
Gillian : I've never heard of a Lachdanan before. I'm sorry, but I don't think
that I can be of much help to you.
Farnham : Lachdanan is dead. Everybody knows that, and you can't fool me into
thinking any other way. You can't talk to the dead. I know!
Wirt : Wait, let me guess. Cain was swallowed up in a gigantic fissure that
opened beneath him. He was incinerated in a ball of hellfire, and
can't answer your questions anymore. Oh, that isn't what happened?
Then I guess you'll be buying something or you'll be on your way.

Griswold : I was there when Lazarus led us into the labyrinth. He spoke of holy
retribution, but when we started fighting those hellspawn, he did
not so much as lift his mace against them. He just ran deper into the
dim, endless chambers that were filled with the servants of darkness!
Cain : You must hurry and rescue Albrecht from the hands of Lazarus. The
prince and the people of this kingdom are counting on you!
Pepin : I was shocked when I heard of what the townspeople were planning
to do that night. I thought that of all people,Lazarus would have had
more sense than that. He was an archbishop, and always seemed to care
so much for the townsfolk of Tristram. So many were injured, I could
not save them all...
Adria : I did not know this Lazarus of whom you speak, but I do sense a
great conflict within his being. He poses a great danger, and will
stop at nothing to serve the powers of darkness which have claimed
him as theirs.
Odgen : Lazarus was the archbishop who led many of the townspeople into the
labyrinth. I lost many good friends that day, and Lazarus never
returned. I suppose he was killed along with most of the others. If
you would do me a favor, good master - please do not talk to Farnham
about that day.
Gillian : I remember Lazarus as being a very kind and giving man. He spoke at
my mother's funeral, and was supportive of my grandmother and myself
in a very troubled time. I pray every night that somehow, he is still
alive and safe.
Farnham : They stab, then bite, then they're all around you.Liar! Liar! They're
all dead! Dead! Do you hear me? They just keep falling and falling...
their blood spilling out all over the floor... all his fault...
Wirt : Yes, the righteous Lazarus, who was sooo effective against those
monsters down there. Didn't help save my leg, did it? Look, I'll give
you a free piece of advice. Ask Farnham, he was there.

Griswold : -
Cain : Your story is quite grim, my friend. Lazarus will surely burn in
hell for his horrific deed. The boy that you describe is not our
prince, but I believe that Albrecht may yet be in danger. The symbol
of power that you speak must be a portal in the very heart of the
labyrinth. Know this, my friend - the evil that you move against is
the dark Lord of Terror. He is known to mortal men as Diablo. It was
he who was imprisoned within the labyrinth many centuries ago and
I fear that he seeks to once again sow chaos in the realm of mankind.
You must venture through the portal and destroy Diablo before it is
too late!
Pepin : -
Adria : -
Odgen : -
Gillian : -
Farnham : -
Wirt : -

18. H I N T S A N D T I P S

1. If you have a magic item or unique item that decrease your spell levels
by 1 or 2 don't sell it or throw it away because it's a very useful item
(specially for the warrior). Here's the trick, when you wear those item your
spell levels will decrease by one and the magic requirement also decrease,so
you can level up your spell, then put-off that item. Your spell level will
Example, you have a Charged Bolt on Level 2. If you want to read a Charged
Bolt Book it requires 36 magic. Put on that item and your Charged Bolt Level
will decrease 1. So now you have a Charged Bolt Level 1 and if you want
to read the book it only requires 30 magic. Read the book, and your level
will increase 1. Put off that item and your Charged Bolt now on Level 3.

2. The best way to kill a skeleton is using a 'Holy Bolt' spell.

3. Every level-up, your character will gained 5 level-up points. Distribute it
wisely, because it will help your character through the 16 levels of Diablo.
And remember that you can't buy an Elixir of Vitality.

4. Don't forget to repair your item, because when their durability reach zero,
the item will disappear.

5. Pepin the Healer will give you a free healing every time you visit him.

6. You can only cast one Golem at a time. If you cast another Golem, both of
them will destroyed.

7. In Gharbad Quest, you will receive an item. If you don't like that item, do
this trick to get another item. First take the first item he give you. Then
load your game. With this trick you can get many various item. If you have
patience, do this a lot and sometimes he will give you a unique item.

8. When you get a level up, go to your inventory and pick up an item, then put
it back down. Your damage will increase by one every time you get a level
and do that.

9. There are many unique items in Diablo, but only few that really unique.
a. The Protector (Unique Staff) : When you throw it to the ground it looks
like a mace, not a staff.
b. Arkaine's Valor (Unique Armor) : When you pick it up, you character will
says 'May the spirit of Arkaine protect
me'. Very very cool.
c. Butcher's Cleaver (Unique Axe) : When you throw it to the ground it looks
exactly like the picture in your
inventory (a cleaver).

19. C R E D I T S

| | | |
| | | |
| Blizzard Entertainment | http://www.blizzard.com/ | For some infos |
| | | in this faq about |
| | | many things |
| | | |
| Joe Laib | laib@juno.com | For inspiring me |
| | | to write the Spell |
| | | description section|
| | | |
| Marvin@Softcom.net | Marvin@Softcom.net | Tip #8 in Hints |
| | | and Tips section |

20. S P E C I A L T H A N K S

1. GOD for everything
2. My family and my dogs
3. Game FAQs for publishing my faqs
4. Blizzard & Sierra for making this GREAT game
6. My computer
7. You for reading my FAQ

21. L I S T O F T H E D A M N E D

I remove all the names inside my List of the Damned except the first two. From
now on I will focused this Damned List only for those damn plagiarist.

1. Name : VEGA
E-mail : vdirect@bdg.centrin.net.id
Website : http://www.vegindo.com
He plagiarized my Dino Crisis walkthrough and sell it in his store.He sold it
for Rp. 12.500,-. Although he has translate my walkthrough into Indonesian
language, I can still recognize it. That stupid son of a bitch translate it
words-by-words. The book's title is GAME GUIDE Volume 9. All the previous
volume of that book is also ripping someone else's faq (especially from
GameFAQs) and translate it into Indonesian.
For HS, the animal that I suspect responsible for that, I got few words for
you :
For any of the reader that want to do me any favor, please send flames, hate
mail, viruses, bomb, nuclear, or anything to his address.

2. Name : Game Station
E-mail : gameguys@bdg.centrin.net.id
Website : http://www.vegindo.com/gamestation
Address : Jl. Pungkur 155 Lt. 2, Bandung 40251.
He plagiarized my friend's walkthrough (also from GameFAQs), so I think that
this animal is worthy enough to enter my Damned List. They publish it in Game
Station, October 1999, 3rd week, volume 21, Rp. 3.500,-
For KSH, Sir Maul, Tik Tan, Ratu Bedak, Blue Beo, and anybody that I forgot
to mention, I just want to say this : SCREW YOU ALL!!!!! Someday I will visit
your office carrying a BIG Shotgun, ready for blowing your f***ing brains out
from your f***ing head.
Reader, please send this asshole some 'nice' stuff.

3. Name : X-Boy a.k.a Pansy-Boy a.k.a X-Gay
E-mail : x-boy@gundam.com
This son of a bitch is the webmaster of that fucking site (www.vegindo.com).
He's the world's dumbest son of a bitch that I have ever met. In their
fucking messageboard, it says that we (faq author) are the same as the
plagiarist, cause all we do is just finished the game and then write it down.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, what a good reason. Now you know why I said that he's the
world's dumbest son of a bitch.
If you said that we just finished the game and then write it down, why don't
you do that by yourself, motherfucker?!?!?! Why you have to ripp my faqs?!?!

For Pansy-Boy, Miss Maul, and the rest of your fucking crew :


Dein Vater ist ein Schweineficker, darum hat er deine Mutter gefickt und ich in
die Welt gesetzt!

Tu padre es un follador de cerdos, por eso follo a tu madre y hizo possible
tu nacimiento!

tu padre es un cerdo, que se cogio a tu mama y naciste tu pendejo

hijo de toda tu puta madre te voy a matar y vas a sentir mi verga en la
garganta hasta que te salga por el culo,,solo asi sentiras lo mismo que le
hice a tu madre hijo mio bastardo.

jigoku eiku no wa.. omaega saki da. te vas a ir al infierno antes que yo pendejo

Bapaklu tukang ngawinin babi, maka ia kawin sama babi terus tuh babi
ngelahirin elu. Dasar anak babi.

My last note for Damned #1, #2, and Damned #3
All of you will surely burn in hell for what you did, so enjoy that blood
money while you can....

22. I M P O R T A N T N O T E

Hey, faq-makers, you should read this section. I just receive an e-mail and he
told me that he has asking everybody who made a walkthrough (including myself)
and I'm the ONLY one that answered. Have you all forgot the manner that your
father and mother taught you when you were kids? If someone asking for your help
and you can help him, then do so. If you don't want people to send you an e-mail
then said so on your faq. Don't let people disappointed. I also have the same
experience. I asked someone and he didn't answered me. I don't know if he's a
busy man or not, but he didn't answered me. I'm very disappointed. Just because
you have made a great faq, and a lot of people e-mail you, it don't make you a
great man. What makes you a great man is your attitude.

And for myself, I guarantee that I will answer your questions, even if I can't
answer it. And if I haven't answered your mail within a week , please mail me
back, because maybe I don't read your faq, or something like that.

23. A U T H O R ' S N O T E

For those of you who want to send comments, questions, or information regarding
this FAQ, don't hesitate to mail me.

Feel free to e-mail me about any mistakes or additions concerning this FAQ,
but don't forget to mention the game's name in the "Subject" field.

If you read this FAQ not on these sites :
01) GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com/)
02) Console Gamer (http://www.console-gamer.com/)
03) Absolute Playstation International (http://www.absolute-playstation.com/)
04) Playstation Network (http://www.caratworld.com/psnetwork/)
05) Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com/)
06) Video Games Strategies (http://www.vgstrategies.about.com/)
07) Planet Web (http://www.planetweb.purespace.de/)
08) Hype.Se (http://cheats.hype.se/)
09) Game Revolution (http://www.game-revolution.com/)
10) Game Core (http://www.videogamecore.com/)
11) Xcheater (http://www.xcheater.com/)
12) PhatGames (http://www.phatgames.com/)
13) Spoiler Centre (http://www.the-spoiler.com/)
14) The Cheat Empire (http://home.planetinternet.be/twuyts)
15) Cheat Code Central (http://www.cheatcc.com/)
16) Survival Horror (http://survivalhorror.com/)
17) Games Blaster (http://www.gamesblaster.com/)
18) Gaming Addiction (http://www.games.prohosting.com/)
19) Diablo Page (http://www2.50megs.com/neo667/diablo.html)
20) Resident Evil Extreme (http://rextreme.evilgaming.net)
21) PsxGamer (http://www.psxgamer.com)
22) SuperCheats (http://www.supercheats.com)
23) All Anime (http://www.allanime.com)
24) Adrenaline Vault (http://www.avault.com/cheats)
25) Blue Crescent's Page (http://members.xoom.com/bluecrescent/credits.html)
26) RPG Classics (http://www.rpgclassics.com)
27) Happy Puppy (http://www.happypuppy.com/)
28) Chi Phan's Page (http://homepages.go.com/~chphan/Rpgdreamersindex.html)
29) Bob Santos' Page (http://www.geocities.com/charmin_guy_011285)
30) Alternative Reality (http://www.alternative-reality.com)
31) DLH (http://DLH.Net)
32) Firesoft (http://www.firesoft.net)
33) Beyond Evil (http://beyondevil.cjb.net/)
34) Random Page of Crap (http://www.geocities.com/frozen4lyfe/index.html)
35) Nemesis' Page (http://www.geocities.com/i_am_nemesis_99/)
36) Boschamp's Page (http://www.angelfire.com/games2/boschamp)
37) Lugia12's Page (http://www.geocities.com/lugia12/index.htm)
38) Our Turf (http://www.ourturf.com)
39) Randar 83's Page (http://www.geocities.com/randar84)
40) Total Video Games (http://www.totalvideogames.com)
41) Cheating.De (http://www.cheating.de)
42) Cheat City (http://www.cheatcity.com)
43) Fei Yuki's Page (http://feiyenkn.homepage.com)
44) Web Spot (http://silverqueen.cjb.net)
45) Tim's Vault (http://www.timsvault.com)
46) Andrea Busia's Page (http://www.ludus.it)
47) Think Evil (http://www.thinkevil.com)
48) Gaming Planet (http://www.gamingplanet.com)
49) Games Angel (http://www.gamesangel.homestead.com)
50) Crosswinds (http://www.crosswinds.net/~hugegameplayer/www_smackdown/index.htm)
51) RPG Classics (http://www.rpgclassics.com)
52) GameCastle
53) RPG Legerdemain (rwartow.tripod.com)
54) Webcheats (http://www.webcheats.de)
55) XCheater (http://www.xcheater.com/)
56) Neoseeker (http://www.neoseeker.com/)
57) GameThrust (http://www.gamethrust.com/)
58) PC Game Revieew (http://www.pcgamereview.com/)
59) DC Guide (http://www.dcguide.co.uk/)
60) RPG DREAMERS (http://www.crosswinds.net/~rpgdreamer)
61) RPG-Vortex (http://www.rpg-vortex.com)
62) CheatPage (http://www.cheatpage.com/)
63) Wrestling Games (http://www.wrestling-games.com/)
64) Resident Evil Mania (http://www.geocities.com/residentevilmania/index.html)
65) GameSpot (http://www.gamespot.com/)
66) RPG Temple (http://come.to/sashy)
67) The Horror Is Alive (http://go.to/TheHorror/)
68) PSXCodez (http://www.psxcodez.com/)
69) RPGamer (http://www.RPGamer.com/)
70) RPGClassics (http://www.rpgclassics.com/)
71) Cheat Store (http://www.cheatstore.de/)
72) Games Domain (http://www.gamesdomain.co.uk/)
73) CHEATS CITY (http://www.online1701.com/)
74) CNET Gamecenter (http://www.gamecenter.com/Faqs/)
75) WarStoke (http://www.WarStoke.com/)
76) Mark Anido's Page (http://www.geocities.com/webzage2/webmaster.html)
77) Joe Chandler's (http://www.angelfire.com/oh/residentevilishome/walkthru.html)
78) Cheatmaster's Gamecheats (http://www.angelfire.com/games/cheats48)
79) Paladins of Light Guild (http://www.pofl.org)
80) Tipsncheats (http://www.tipsncheats.com)
81) RPG Informer (http://www.rpginformer.com)
82) The Gamer (http://www.thegamer.com/)
83) Totally RE (http://www.totallyre.com/)
84) Game United (http://www.gameunited.com/)
85) Stoneages RE (http://angelfire.com/games2/rek)
86) FaQ Headquaters (http://tngh.staticzone.net/)
87) GamePower (http://www.gamepower.com/)
88) United Gamers (http://unitedgamers.staticzone.net/)
89) Fresh Baked Games (http://www.freshbakedgames.com/)
90) DH Gaming (http://dhgaming.freeservers.com/)
91) ResidentFear (http://www.residentfear.cjb.net/)
92) PlayzoneWorld (http://www.playzoneworld.com/)
93) GamersWeb (http://www.the-gamersweb.com/)
94) BDGames (http://www.bdgames.net/)
95) http://www.nonsologiochi.com
96) Sjel's walktrough page (http://www.sjel.org/)
Please tell me where you read it. And if you know someone who has rip-off my
work, please tell me his e-mail address and where you read it, we will take
care the rest.

Thanks for reading my FAQ and please send in any comments, questions, or

This document copyright (c) 2000 Stinger 3:16

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